
HazRPGI've got an interesting question for you guys; about encryption.02:08
HazRPGI've been looking at this: http://shop.kernelconcepts.de/product_info.php?products_id=11902:08
HazRPGwhich is essentially a SIM card type reader02:08
HazRPGsupposedly for encryption02:09
HazRPGand I recall MartijnVdS linking me to this: http://www.g10code.com/p-card.html02:09
HazRPGI was wondering, how would these two together work to store and retrieve PGP keys02:10
HazRPGwould I have to write my own set of applications, or can I use existing ones... and if so which existing ones would word02:10
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hazrpg-irssithought i'd see what the fuss with irssi was about :P03:45
ali1234you can run it in screen03:50
ali1234that's the only reason to use it03:50
hazrpg-irssiI have installed screen too, but unsure how to use it03:51
ali1234(run some program)03:52
ali1234ctrl-a d03:52
ali1234screen -r03:52
hazrpg-irssiso for example screen irssi03:52
ali1234you don't need to supply arguments, it gives you a shell03:53
hazrpg-testhmm this is rather cool03:58
HazRPGhi hazrpg-test03:58
hazrpg-testwow, session is kept in tack, that is pretty wicked :D03:59
hazrpg-testI'm guessing there's a way to name screens03:59
HazRPGLunchie: oh hey dude :D04:03
HazRPGLunchie: your up late dude04:03
LunchieHazRpg heya dude04:04
Lunchiewas working tilll 1104:05
Lunchieand was on the phone to rach till 3 lol04:05
HazRPGah lol :P04:05
HazRPGbeen looking into OpenPGP and storing the keys onto either a SIM or chip-embedded card04:06
HazRPGthese are the cards http://www.g10code.com/p-card.html04:06
HazRPGand if your pc/laptop doesn't have a reader you can use this for the SIM version: http://shop.kernelconcepts.de/product_info.php?cPath=1_26&products_id=11904:07
HazRPGapparently it works with the GnuPG tools (which is what the keyring in ubuntu uses if I recall)04:09
HazRPGLunchie: I just cracked open my Duff beer ;)04:14
HazRPGLunchie: what you up to anyways?04:15
HazRPGman I love hak5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vaac19G2p8A&t=1m18s04:50
lazarus_ i set up a virtual network ok05:54
lazarus_<lazarus_> now to implement it tomorrow05:54
phonex01how can i open .vce file used by " Visual Certexam" in ubuntu without using wine to install the Visual certexam ?06:23
AlanBellmorning all o/07:25
* AlanBell has beerex tickets07:30
AlanBellfor popey and czajkowski and TheOpenSourcerer and others07:31
popeyyay AlanBell07:51
AlanBellthe alarm didn't go off at 3:30 as it was supposed to (set to weekdays only)08:08
AlanBellwoke up at 06:00, got down there at 06:0508:08
AlanBellthe only thing they were sold out of by the time I got in was saturday lunchtime08:09
popeywow, lucky!08:15
AlanBellso Friday evening for Beer + Curry \o/08:16
hcfdAlanBell, you get up at 3.30am on weekdays?08:23
HazRPGis this for next year?08:23
AlanBellhcfd: nope! I just changed the time of the alarm, but forgot the day scope thing08:25
AlanBellHazRPG: this year, April 15th08:25
hcfdAlanBell, ohh! I thought for a moment that you'd cottoned onto an optimal sleep routine the rest of us were missing out on :)08:26
HazRPGAlanBell: thought beerex was an annual thing, hasn't this years already been on the 4/6th ?08:26
HazRPGAlanBell: ah, I thought you meant this: http://www.beerex.co.uk/08:28
popeyLooking forward to it!08:47
alexcockellDo you guys try to turn up for the CAMRA beer fest in Reading?08:51
popeyI havent ever08:55
HazRPGwow, this is immense (if your interesting in time & space): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OFThORmR-s&feature=channel09:01
AlanBellmorning TheOpenSourcerer09:26
TheOpenSourcererMorning AlanBell09:26
TheOpenSourcererI see you got the tickets.09:26
AlanBella successful recovery from an alarm clock fail09:27
TheOpenSourcererBig queue?09:27
AlanBellover the bridge and halfway to the road09:27
TheOpenSourcererWhat time did you get there?09:27
AlanBell06:05 ish09:28
AlanBellfrom waking up at 06:00 ish09:28
TheOpenSourcererthat was quite late.09:28
AlanBellthey had only sold out of saturday lunch by the time I got to the desk09:28
alexcockellPeople ACTUALLY wake up or more.. get up at 6 on SUNDAYS?09:29
AlanBellI was intending to be up at 04:0009:29
TheOpenSourcereralexcockell: I didn't.09:29
TheOpenSourcererIn fact I have been up for about 15mins09:29
alexcockellI may have come round and whipped the APAP mask off around that time..09:29
AlanBellI was going to take a frying pan, burner and sausages to cook in the queue09:29
TheOpenSourcererOooh. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-1250534409:30
TheOpenSourcerer"It was all a bit worrying. The burn on my tongue lasted half an hour  and the effects went on and on. At one point I was doubled over in pain  and thinking about ringing the hospital."09:32
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dveIf I create a file in a symlink'ed folder, does that file get created in the target folder only?09:57
daubers\o/ New bluetooth kit in car means I can listen to the new UUPC while driving10:07
daubersIs there anyway to edit an icon for an app in the Unity task bar thing?10:10
czajkowskiAlanBell: awwww you rock, thought it was boys only :p10:15
AlanBellczajkowski: yeah, I think I may have missunderstood the "boys night out" concept slightly10:17
AlanBellthere is a whole room of cider and perry barrels10:18
czajkowskishall lock myself away!10:18
czajkowskiand it's on a Friday ?10:19
bigcalmMorning peeps11:28
bigcalmAnybody with experience of editing PDFs in linux?11:28
bigcalmEditing existing PDFs that is11:28
directhexbigcalm, editing how far?11:29
bigcalmdirecthex: deleting and editing existing text11:29
HazRPGwow, found this link on my blog that someone posted... Stephen Fry saying happy birthday to GNU (unsure of date): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dcxtEKShXA11:34
dutchieoh no, not that again11:34
directhexbigcalm, that's nontrivial11:37
HazRPGdutchie: heh, I've not see it before11:38
bigcalmIf I can find Acrobat Writer at home, I'll use that11:38
bigcalmCurrently visiting my parents and my dad needs to edit things11:38
czajkowskibigcalm: the ide of a pdf is to stop folks editing things:)11:39
bigcalmczajkowski: one of, not completely though :)11:39
czajkowskiit's the reson why in my 2nd last job docs were sent in pdf to stop people adding stuff to them11:40
czajkowskias they found when .docs were sent if they checked the history in them , small minor edits were made.11:40
HazRPGczajkowski: actually the whole point of pdf originally was so that documents would look the same on all platforms it was viewed on - that way it can be printed & viewed in its entirety as the designed/writer intended.11:41
czajkowskiHazRPG: one reason yes11:41
HazRPGit might have changed over the years... but that was the main reason for its creation11:41
HazRPGczajkowski: heh .doc is the worst file format on the planet11:42
HazRPGsome of you may already know this, but .doc can sometimes store other things hidden in the document - however this might have been fixed since then, but it was a long standing bug for a while11:43
* HazRPG doesn't really keep up to date with microsoft based formats/software very often11:43
HazRPGsorry for pointing out the obvious, I'm sure some of you already knew that11:44
HazRPGcan pdf's actually be locked out completely? As far as I can tell you can convert the pdf to something else and then save it back as a pdf11:46
dogmatic69what is a good way to setup wifi to manage all computers connecting to it12:14
dogmatic69i was thinking of running my ubuntu box as a dhcp server or something12:14
HazRPGthere are thousands of ways of doing it, but it just depends on why your doing it, and how many will be connecting to it.12:15
HazRPGIf its just for internet access, and only a few are going to be connected at any one time, then a regular router configured correctly should suffice.12:16
HazRPGHowever if your concerned with privacy and security, then setting up a server with dhcp, proxy, etc might be a better solution.12:17
directhexHazRPG, storig extra innfo in a .doc is a feature, not a bug - but one many don't expect12:19
dogmatic69HazRPG: id like to set it up like airport wifi maybe12:20
HazRPGdirecthex: Hmm, if you mean extra descriptions about the .doc, who created it etc, then yes that's a feature. However I was talking about what I read a few years back about .doc files storing previously opened documents into newly created ones - which may, or may not, contain sensitive information12:20
HazRPGdogmatic69: how'd ya mean?12:21
dogmatic69mostly for fun, some for pissing off the person sponging of my internet12:21
dogmatic69HazRPG: like when you connect it only will load a custom page12:21
dogmatic69and then you would normally pay / enter a pw to access anything else12:21
HazRPGdogmatic69: if I recall that's what the use of a proxy server is for12:22
HazRPGbut I might be wrong12:22
dogmatic69HazRPG: sounds about right12:22
HazRPGfor it to work like that, then yes you will have to setup a dhcp server12:23
HazRPGdogmatic69: don't forget, if you are going to setup a dhcp, that you'll need to turn off the dhcp feature on your router12:27
jacobwAm I right in thinking that with Apache vHosts I can run two websites from the same VPS ?12:27
dogmatic69HazRPG: would it work if my pc is connected on wifi?12:28
dogmatic69HazRPG: ye i will12:28
HazRPGdogmatic69: what do you mean?12:28
dogmatic69would it be ok setting up a dhcp server that is only connected via wifi12:28
HazRPGoh you mean setting up the dhcp and stuff like that?12:28
HazRPGoh, is it a machine that's going to act as the dhcp server?12:29
HazRPGa machine connected via wifi*12:29
HazRPGits usually best to have a dhcp server as wired12:30
HazRPGI'm unsure how it'd work if you had it over wifi12:31
jacobwSo you want to restrict access to all hosts except your PC, and you want your PC to act as a DHCP server?12:31
HazRPGsounds like he wants to setup a gateway of sorts to the internet12:32
HazRPGmore than anything else12:32
HazRPGso that when browsers try to use the internet, it forces them to login first12:33
jacobwYou'd have to assign a pool of addresses to your PC, it'd be complicated12:33
dogmatic69HazRPG: ye that is it, dont have wired for my pc :/ (which would be the dhcp server)12:36
jacobwIs there a reason why the obvious solution of encrypting the wireless traffic wouldn't work in this scenario?12:37
dogmatic69jacobw: loads of reasons, mostly no good ones.. but they should not be on my wifi :D12:38
jacobwThat's my point, if you encrypted your wifi traffic then they can't establish a connection with the AP without the encryption key in the first place12:39
HazRPGdogmatic69: ah, best solution for you would be to block all except MAC addresses you explicitly set - if you want it to be really secure12:39
MadLeomonI think the real question is why someone wouldn't encrypt their wifi12:39
HazRPGI have my wireless setup in this manner :)12:40
directhexso they can run an upside-down-ternet12:40
dogmatic69but if they can establish a connection and i piped it though a packet sniffer...12:40
HazRPGdogmatic69: dude, if you limit the wifi connects to only a set number of MAC addresses in your house, you shouldn't have any problems12:41
HazRPGMAC is a unique code imprinted inside the chips of each network device (network cards, wifi, routers, etc)12:41
dogmatic69ye, limiting the connections is easy12:41
directhexmac spoofing is trivial12:41
jacobwMAC address spoofing isn't particulary difficult, but they would have to know your MAC address, which is easy to learn if your wifi traffic is unencrypted12:42
dogmatic69directhex: that is not the point12:42
HazRPGdogmatic69: also, using WPA2 or better is a pretty decent security-wise12:42
HazRPGspecially if you use a nice long access key for it12:43
dogmatic69i would like to have more control than just disabling it... like maybe limiting the connection to 10kb/s and other painfull things12:43
dogmatic69making 4000 ads show on every webpage12:43
jacobwEncrypt your wifi traffic AND set up MAC address filtering AND limit the pool of addresses available to DHCP IF you need to support a variable number of hosts12:43
dogmatic69also the other problem is that they are in the house, so its easy for them to reset the router12:44
jacobwWhy would you want to go to that effort when is easy to prevent unauthorised access12:44
jacobwWell, relatively easy compared to other things12:45
MadLeomonthat's what I've been wondering12:45
HazRPGdogmatic69: what he means by set a pool of addresses, he means limit the router to only allow say 3 wifi connections max (e.g. PC, laptop, phone)12:45
jacobwThis sounds like a social problem rather than a technical problem12:45
dogmatic69jacobw: because its more fun12:45
dogmatic69jacobw: exactly12:45
HazRPGdogmatic69: you do realise if they're able to reset the router, then all settings would die with it too...12:46
HazRPGmeaning the internet connection settings would die with it also (assuming its not hard coded into the device)12:46
dogmatic69HazRPG: even if dhcp is running of a server?12:47
HazRPGdogmatic69: yes12:47
dogmatic69well that is assuming they know how12:47
dogmatic69talking your average windows user that has problems accessing facebook12:47
HazRPGdogmatic69: if they can reset it manually, the dhcp would re-enable on the router and since it is the first point of connection for the wifi devices would adopt the IP's from that. Worse case would be that both DHCP's would conflict with each other and would make each computer connected constantly get a different IP address (or even assigned the same IP address)12:48
HazRPGso it would cause havoc on the network12:49
dogmatic69ill just hide the network and change the logins for now12:49
HazRPGsetting up encryption would be a good start too12:50
HazRPGby having it the way you wanted the first time round, you'd be allowing ANYONE to sniff your data12:50
HazRPGregardless of whether they could use the internet or not12:50
jacobwWhat router+switch+ap device have you got?12:50
HazRPGits scary to think someone would want to have no encryption on their network12:52
jacobwHow long does it take to break WEP now?12:53
HazRPGjacobw: I've done it in less than a minute before using my house router and laptop12:54
HazRPGfurther away you go it takes longer then12:54
HazRPGdogmatic69: WPA2 or WPA-PSK is probably the best encryption you can put on it at the moment (depending on your router though, there might be better)12:56
* jacobw wonders if there's an Android application for cracking WEP yet12:56
jacobwWPA2-PSK is the standard as far as I'm aware12:56
HazRPGalso, turn off SSID broadcasting if your really paranoid (however this means when your trying to set up the wireless on other devices, you need to put the name of the SSID manually instead of selecting from a list)12:57
jacobwRemembering your SSID is easy though12:58
HazRPGset wireless isolation on too (might be called MAC address white list, or wireless station access list, etc)12:59
jacobwI haven't thought about disabling SSID broadcasting12:59
HazRPGjacobw: really, I always do :)12:59
HazRPGjust out of pure paranoia12:59
HazRPG... I know way too many people who experiment with rainbow tables12:59
jacobwIs there a router+switch+ap avaible that can spoof the MAC addresses of the packets it forwards to the outside world13:00
HazRPGjacobw: hmm interesting... not sure if you can do that router side, but I'm pretty sure that the mac address in the packets are usually the thing sending out the information - which in this case would be the router13:03
jacobwOh yeah, of course they would be :s13:04
HazRPGmy router has mac spoofing, in the sense that you can assign the router to use any mac address you want - I had to do that for my current ISP because I was given a static IP address and was limited to the MAC address of the router they gave me.13:04
jacobwI was trying to think of a way to circumvent port security limiting the number of hosts per port13:04
HazRPGbut I wanted to use my own router13:04
HazRPGthankfully when you set it to static, it asks if you want to use the computer's MAC address, the default MAC address, or type in your own.13:05
HazRPGjacobw: how so?13:06
HazRPGwhat does that stand for?13:08
HazRPGjacobw: hmm, I'm not sure about that one13:11
HazRPGI'm really liking the dkpg-reconfigure command13:30
HazRPGjust been using it to configure murmur13:30
HazRPGor mumble-server rather13:31
HazRPGwow configuring apache on linux is so different!13:43
HazRPGor maybe I've just been using an old version of it13:43
jacobwI need to learn to configure Apache13:47
jacobwwrt vHosts mainly13:48
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brobostigonafternoonings everyone.14:21
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jacobwafternoon brobostigon14:25
brobostigonafternoonings jacobw14:26
HazRPGhey brobostigon :)14:39
brobostigonhey HazRPG :)14:39
HazRPGjacobw: apache is easy when your using a gui and a gui text-editor as I'm use to14:39
* jacobw uses vim over ssh :p14:40
jacobwvim for the win14:40
HazRPGI use to setup a shared folder on win2003 which was where the site was hosted and mount it on my machines so that I could drag and drop files and the site would get updated14:40
HazRPGbut I'm trying to get into the habit of terminal14:41
jacobwi think yuo can do that with gnome-vfs14:41
* HazRPG learned so many commands recently my brain might exploded xD14:41
HazRPGoh to mount network drives?14:41
HazRPGsee that's what I'm looking into at the moment14:42
HazRPGim not sure whether it would be best to install samba/samba-server and do it that way, or to install ftp server of some sort and do it that way14:42
brobostigonor maybe sshfs?14:42
HazRPGbecause I'm sure ubuntu doesn't mind where drive is that its mounting if I recall14:42
HazRPGbrobostigon: sshfs?14:43
jacobwyeah, i was going to say, samba seems superfluous and ftp seems insecure, so sshfs seems like the best opinion14:43
brobostigonHazRPG: filesystem mounting over ssh.14:43
brobostigon!info sshfs14:43
lubotu3sshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (maverick), package size 39 kB, installed size 140 kB14:43
HazRPGbrobostigon: ah, but would it would in windows?14:43
brobostigonHazRPG: not a clue.14:43
jacobwi feel your pain, i have to use Windows at work :(14:44
HazRPGjacobw: heh, at the moment I'm trying to transition myself completely away from windows - but man I can't help the gamer side of me14:44
HazRPGalso, this darned keyboard hates anything that isn't windows :/14:45
HazRPGstupid proprietary drivers and non-standard hardware!14:45
* brobostigon has been window free, on his machines, for just around a decade.14:45
brobostigonms windows*14:45
HazRPGbrobostigon: guessing you don't game though?14:45
brobostigonHazRPG: i certainly do, yes, no as  much as iused to though,14:46
HazRPGbrobostigon: oh, shoot... not fair :( I can barely get anything to work properly under wine14:46
brobostigonHazRPG: native games dowork better.14:47
HazRPGdepends on your setup :/14:47
HazRPGI hate two monitors and it plays wild with twinview14:47
brobostigoni see, not tried multi-monitor yet.14:48
HazRPGI was playing an ultimate game of tux typing the other day because of it14:48
HazRPGwords kept flashing up on both screens!14:48
brobostigonlol :(14:48
jacobwget a console14:48
HazRPGfirst few levels I could cope... but after that it was insane!14:48
HazRPGjacobw: can't play most strat games on a console sadly :(14:49
HazRPGspecially not starcraft14:49
HazRPG(despite it being ported over to a few things before)14:49
HazRPGSC2 is PC/OSX only :(14:49
brobostigonhowever, my biggest frustration here, is trying to get an uptodate gnome3/gnome-shell on 10.10 without having to run natty. :(14:50
brobostigonand natty pretty much died as soon as i installed it, yesterday, despite running fine from liveusb.14:50
jacobwah, i'm more in to the GT/MGS/COD type of games14:51
HazRPGI originally went and got a x360 second-hand from someone who was moving away (£50 for 2 controllers, console boxed, cables, the works + 4 games) and then a wii and ps3 new... just so I could stay away from gaming on the PC - but sadly I'm not a massive war-shooter kind of guy which seems to be the trend at the moment :/14:51
jacobwi just can't be bothered with strategy games, except Fallout, but i wouldn't say thats a strategy game14:52
jacobw£50 is a cool price for all that14:52
HazRPGbrobostigon: hmm, that's odd can you not run into a terminal and remove unity because that might be the issue14:52
HazRPGjacobw: fallout is more of an RPG/Shooter - which I like, great mix of shooter and RPG rolled in one14:53
brobostigonHazRPG: i ran it without unity, as it still majorly broke, most of gnome, and a few otherthings were seriously broke.14:53
HazRPGjacobw: I was hooked over xmas on borderlands which I got gifted via steam - sadly would have been better for it to have it on my ps3 though - because it means another thing that's tying me to windows :/14:54
HazRPGbrobostigon: latest version of natty?14:54
brobostigonHazRPG: yesterday mornings daily,14:54
HazRPGjacobw: £50 was just for the 360 though, I still bought the wii and ps3 out-right14:55
HazRPGI got the 360 before either of those existed though, so it wasn't all bought at the same time14:55
brobostigonHazRPG: so i might just use the alternate install, put onto usb, and install cli only, andbuild from there.14:55
HazRPGmainly got the ps3 for linux support and media stuff14:55
HazRPGwhich saddens me that they removed the linux support :(14:56
HazRPGbrobostigon: might be worth just grabbing that last stable version, do your config from there, remove unity, etc then upgrade all your packages14:56
brobostigoni did see a ps3 natty build yesterday.14:57
HazRPGI say stable, I mean last /working/ version14:57
HazRPGbrobostigon: yeah kind of useless unless I put the geohotz cfm though14:57
brobostigonHazRPG: i would be happier starting with cli only, as its so basic, i have more control.14:58
HazRPGand since he's still in the process of being sued, he hasn't updated it in a while14:58
HazRPGbrobostigon: true...14:58
HazRPGI mean grab that last /working/ alternative version and work your way from there14:58
HazRPGthat way at least you know it won't be heavily broken14:59
HazRPGif that makes sense at all14:59
brobostigonthe alternate i tried yesterday, just plain didnt work.15:00
HazRPGbrobostigon: heh was doing a bit of googling one night for a discussion I had with someone once and your blog popped up... you put me in your blog :)15:00
HazRPGbrobostigon: yeah but the alt you tried was the daily wasn't it?15:01
brobostigonHazRPG: let me check?15:01
brobostigoncool, yes i did, :)15:02
HazRPGit might be more work, but if you go to the last working copy, and then install gnome-shell, then just update packages one by one until you find one that's broken then just roll it back15:02
brobostigontrue, yes.15:02
brobostigonHazRPG: how did i mention you, and i what context?15:03
HazRPGit was when we were doing the audrino thing :P15:03
HazRPGtrying to get it to sync the time properly15:03
brobostigonah, thats a while ago now.15:03
HazRPGit was!15:03
brobostigonHazRPG: and i figured out how to do it, :)15:04
HazRPGthe annoying thing was, after reading it I thought... one thing we hadn't tried was sending a timestamp and storing it into a variable and having it increment as you'd expect time to, however that would be more processing for the board and I don't know how much resources that would eat up15:05
HazRPGbrobostigon: oh did you?15:06
brobostigonHazRPG: the solution, was eventually, getting a gps module, and pulling the time each processing cycle.15:06
HazRPGheh, nice little hack :)15:07
brobostigonafter all, gps has a very accurate time signal, i though well, we cantake avantege of that, and then maybe also use gps for other things later.15:08
HazRPGI suppose the other way round would be to see if there was a chip that could be placed onto the board for processing time15:08
HazRPGbrobostigon: this is very true15:08
brobostigonthat would still require said chip,toget the time from somewhere to work from.15:09
HazRPGbrobostigon: well I have a feeling that the include files we were working on should have done the trick, I think the main problem was that the board wasn't processing the time at all15:10
brobostigonHazRPG: i still have that code backed up, somewhere,15:10
brobostigoni willgo find it, inabit.15:11
HazRPGI don't think the code was the problem, I mean we both looked at it and it /should/ have worked, I think the problem was that the board isn't/wasn't configured to operate time (I might be wrong)15:13
brobostigoni think you might be right, let me find the code again,15:13
HazRPGbrobostigon: heh, it might have been our execution though ...15:14
HazRPGbrobostigon: just found this: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/Time15:14
brobostigonithink we looked atthat lasttime.15:15
HazRPGseems someone has made a library for doing time without the need for an external timekeeping hardware15:15
HazRPGdid we?15:15
brobostigoni think so,yes, iremember something like it.15:15
HazRPGI don't recall us doing this though: "this sketch by sending T1262347200 using the serial monitor (this sets the time to noon on Jan 1 2010"15:17
brobostigoniwould agree, however it needs to work independently  from any device,only itself.15:18
HazRPGdoes the arduino have an internal battery?15:19
HazRPGah, that might be the problem15:19
Baikonurinfernal battery, charges from the fires of hell15:19
brobostigonit gets power from the main car battery, atthe moment,15:19
HazRPGBaikonur: ^^<15:19
HazRPGbrobostigon: what did we keep doing originally?15:20
brobostigonHazRPG: in which aspect?15:20
HazRPGbrobostigon: were you sending the code off, and then unplugging it and testing it? or was it always kept plugged into the PC?15:20
HazRPGbecause that might be why it was always showing up as if there was no time15:21
brobostigonHazRPG: it was kept plugged into pc, now its seperatly powered, in alittle box in the car,and only has a pc connected todebug and upload newcode.15:22
suprengrhi u-uk peeps o/15:23
HazRPGsuprengr: hey dude15:23
HazRPGbrobostigon: ok the code on that site doesn't show how the time is uploaded to the device, is that were we were going wrong maybe?15:24
suprengrjust downloaded from Banshee [from 10.04 standard reo] to see what all the fuss is about... first impression... hmm, not that different from Rhythmbox...15:25
brobostigonHazRPG: maybe, yes.15:25
suprengr... but then I thought: "wot, no  'visualisations', & went back to RB?" Am I missing a trick here or is there a use other people are finding which I am not?15:25
HazRPGbrobostigon: would make sense, the code does process the time, however if we weren't sending it any time information then it would be constantly waiting for time15:25
HazRPGsuprengr: heh, I haven't tried banshee so I wouldn't know15:26
HazRPGI always just use Rhythmbox15:26
brobostigonHazRPG: this is why i think the gps idea, was asolution, for it to get the time,from.15:27
* HazRPG opens up his vm15:27
* HazRPG installs banshee15:29
HazRPGooo banshee does look nicer15:30
HazRPGsuprengr: huh, you might be right15:34
HazRPGsuprengr: there is an extension made by the community to add visualisation support btw :)15:36
HazRPGsuprengr: try this out: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/enable-visualisations-in-banshee-ubuntu/15:40
HazRPGit adds in support for Jamendo and a few other things that Rhythmbox use to be able to do too :)15:41
HazRPGthey're all extensions so you can tick/untick whichever one you want15:41
pr0ph3thi all15:59
brobostigonthe net, e4. fairly  good film.16:00
pr0ph3tcan I limit the bandwidth usage for each user from my ubuntu machine?16:01
Azelphurpr0ph3t: each Linux user, or each user on your network?16:02
pr0ph3twell the other one is a mac user16:02
pr0ph3tso each user on the network Azelphur16:02
Azelphurpr0ph3t: not unless your Ubuntu machine is the router :P16:03
pr0ph3tso I should distribute the internet through my ubuntu box?16:03
Azelphurnot unless you want to play most complicated setup ever :p16:04
brobostigoncouldnt you do the bandwidth  limiting directly on the router, dpeneding on if its capable or not.16:04
Azelphurbrobostigon: never seen one that is16:05
brobostigonAzelphur: i am sure  my router here with openwrt could. forexample.16:05
pr0ph3tbrobostigon, that would be great if it was possible16:05
Azelphurbrobostigon: yea, openwrt or dd-wrt was about to be my suggestion16:05
brobostigonAzelphur: :)16:06
Azelphurpr0ph3t: what router do you have?16:06
pr0ph3tnetgear with incorporated modem, latest virgin one16:08
Azelphurpr0ph3t: model number :P16:09
brobostigonor a cheap wrt54* ,and connect that to existing router,?16:10
pr0ph3tI'll have a look, thanks guys16:11
HazRPGbrobostigon: cool, might have to watch that - is it on now?16:14
brobostigonHazRPG: yes.16:15
* HazRPG wishes he had a tv in here16:18
brobostigonHazRPG: you could see if ch4 do a live stream,online thingie,like the bbc and itv.16:18
brobostigonafternoonings daubers16:19
brobostigonmore coffee needed.16:20
Azelphurhttp://www.imgzzz.com/i/image_1287658212.jpg haha :D16:24
=== YaManicK1ll is now known as YaManicKill
ThingymebobAnyone ever used synfig?16:41
brobostigonHazRPG: amgoing to try todays daily, but no install, and see if i can make it persistant.16:50
jacobwdoes anybody do 'the cycle' from 'time management for system administrators' using an android phone as the PDA?17:01
Paul2I would like to install wireshark >1.4 on lucid. It's in natty repos. Whats the best way to do this?19:02
alexcockellUmm- request backport?19:03
alexcockellFile a request... wait until devs tell you it's in -backports?19:04
popey10:10:18 < daubers> Is there anyway to edit an icon for an app in the Unity task bar thing?19:08
popeyedit the .desktop file apparently19:08
Paul2oh you need a ubuntu account/login file a bug19:09
Paul2sounds like a lot of effort.19:09
ali1234backport it yourself19:11
* mgdm can never be bothered rebuilding packages so compiles them an installs them in /opt19:12
mgdmI don't recommend that course of action, I just find it *much* easier19:12
ali1234i find it easier to build from the source deb these days19:12
MartijnVdSmgdm: xstow - An extended replacement of GNU Stow19:12
MartijnVdSmgdm: and/or stow - Organizer for /usr/local software packages19:13
mgdmI'm aware of those19:13
mgdmwasn't a fan as I recall :)19:13
ali1234Paul2: https://launchpad.net/~dreibh/+archive/ppa19:13
MartijnVdSmgdm: http://www.gentoo.org/ then :P19:13
mgdmMartijnVdS: err - I'm talking abou tthe odd package, not the entire distro :)19:14
MartijnVdSmgdm: j/k :)19:15
daubersWhat if it doesn't have a .desktop file?19:19
* czajkowski yawns and waves hi 19:22
MartijnVdSdaubers: what if what doesn't have a .desktop file?19:22
daubersMartijnVdS: A thing in the unity dock19:22
MartijnVdSDon't use unity, can't stand it19:25
MartijnVdS(global menus and left-hand unconfigurable dock)19:25
popeydaubers: what doesnt have one?19:25
* czajkowski hugs popey 19:26
ali1234MartijnVdS: i think unity will turn out to be the new wubi, where nobody uses it because you can't get support because nobody uses it...19:27
MartijnVdSali1234: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWoobie19:28
dauberspopey: Eclipse19:28
MartijnVdSdaubers: eclipse is in the menu, so it has a desktop file19:28
daubersMartijnVdS: Mine isn't. I installed it from source to fix a few annoying cocmpatibility issues19:29
daubersProbably end up making it a .Desktop file19:29
mgdmI can send you the one for the built-in Eclipse if you like :)19:32
daubersmgdm: Ooooh, ta19:38
mgdmI have a very difficult decision to make right now19:40
mgdmCoffee, or Earl Grey...19:40
gordrather bemused as to why amazon is suddenly recommending to me dressese and baby stuff...19:41
MartijnVdSgord: it knows :)19:41
daubersgord: Best person to ask about that is your missus....19:42
MartijnVdSdaubers: she'll have to tell him eventually, I guess19:42
brobostigonnoswaith dda everyone.19:43
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: evening19:43
brobostigonMartijnVdS: good evening, :)19:43
* brobostigon has been kicked out of the living room to watch top gear, my dad has his friends from banbury operatic round, :(19:44
MartijnVdSsounds like... time to get your own place ;)19:45
brobostigonso flash here we come, :(19:45
brobostigonMartijnVdS: very, inthe process of that, i am on the housing list,19:45
* brobostigon doesnt like installing flash.19:46
brobostigonatleast i have a beer supply up here.19:47
* MartijnVdS has some home-brewed "Belgian-style" beer his brothers made19:50
brobostigonsounds yummy.19:50
brobostigona pilsner or a weizen ?19:50
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubbel ish19:51
brobostigonMartijnVdS: sounds like an style weizen, to be truthful.19:53
brobostigonan old*19:53
MartijnVdSit's very yeasty19:53
* MartijnVdS moves to the TV19:54
MartijnVdSooh, Doctor19:56
suprengrwatch out, watch out - there's a Top Gear about [to start]19:58
MartijnVdSsuprengr: hence my move to the couch :)19:58
brobostigonno spolilers,19:58
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Top Gear is full of spoilers 8-)19:59
brobostigonMartijnVdS: good point, :)19:59
ali1234jeremy clarkson is going to blow something up and offend foreigners19:59
* popey hugs tvcatchup.com19:59
Paul2ali1234: cheers, I'm building from source now. meh.19:59
* brobostigon hugs get_iplayer19:59
popeyPaul2: its the linux way, you know that19:59
popeyugh, flash on nouveau is awful20:00
ali1234Paul2: why not just use the PPA i linked?20:00
* brobostigon keeps his fingers crossed, flash doesnt play up.20:03
daftykinshey all :) long time no visit20:07
MartijnVdShey daftyman20:07
daftykinswhat's the situation with flash 10.2 on Linux then? can it with with Lucid?20:07
daftykinssorry, i mean can GPU offload work with Lucid?20:08
ali1234sure, if you install nvidia driver20:08
daftykinsthis is for on my XBMC nettop, with Ion20:08
daftykinshmm, must be an issue then20:08
ali1234the issue is that flash developers have a whitelist of drivers that work, just like firefox20:09
daftykinsbecause it couldn't handle scaling a video to fullscreen :D20:09
brobostigonflash i hammering my cpu here, in 10.10 on my eeepc.20:09
ali1234and that whitelist currently contains nvidia driver and nothing else20:09
daftykinsthat's quite bias isn't it20:09
ali1234it's not bias - the other drivers actually don't work20:09
ali1234especially nouveau20:09
daftykinsi suppose i need to look for that info when right clicking on say, youtube videos to see if it's accelerating or not20:10
daftykinsanywho, i was trying to watch the engadget show last on my nettop and it couldn't handle the scaling :D20:16
Paul2ali1234: saw it after I stared it20:21
Paul2but thanks anyway :)20:21
brobostigonwow, my eeepc is heating up under flash strain,20:23
brobostigoni hope not.20:24
daftykinsbrobostigon \o/20:24
daftykinsis that flash gordon's brother?20:24
brobostigonsome floyd might chill it out inabit.20:24
daftykinsmy parents are debating throwing away one of my earliest computers20:27
daftykinsthe dan 120MHz Pentium 1 :O20:27
daftykinsi fired it up, it still works but i'm lacking the location of a DIN keyboard and serial mouse :)20:28
MartijnVdSdaftykins: the old big plug?20:28
* brobostigon hugs his bebox, 20:28
daftykins9-pin serial Microsoft ball-mouse :D20:29
* brobostigon will look after top gear.20:29
* brobostigon is preferring ubuntu's notifications to debian sid's.20:30
popeyhi bobobex !21:04
popeyjust the person!21:04
popeybobobex: don't suppose you know the name of the script that gets run when you first login to a new crunchbang install?21:04
bobobexHi popey, hang on, I'll check21:05
bigcalmEvening popey, power back on then?21:05
popeyyeah :)21:05
popeyspent the whole day out21:05
czajkowskipopey: not having much luck with natty are yiu21:09
* brobostigon neither.21:09
brobostigonit hasnt liked me eeepc the lastfew days,21:10
brobostigonsudo apt-get remove adobe-flash21:12
* czajkowski goes back to writing her blog post 21:12
popey[sudo] password for ptaylor:21:13
czajkowskiannoying having an idea to write one and then trying to work out what to say so it doesnt offend or piss folks off21:13
brobostigonpopey: you might be interested to know, its popey, :)21:14
* popey hopes bobobex is okay :()21:15
popeyI always think :() (which was a typo) looks like a monkey face21:16
bobobexpopey, Got there in the end - it's called cb-welcome21:17
* popey hugs bobobex 21:17
popeyplease pass that on to his nibs :)21:17
bobobexpopey, you're welcome & will do (when I see him next)21:18
gordi am still bemused and have no idea what to do when i start doing a smiley whilst inside of ( )21:29
mgdmsomewhat related :)21:30
brobostigoni see,21:31
brobostigoni missed that, :(21:31
popeylove the alt tag21:37
* brobostigon notices popey's eeepc 900 natty dent,21:38
gordnot being able to find your screw drivers when you need to screw driver something is llike torture =\21:41
popeycrunchbang working verynicelyindeed on the eee 90021:46
brobostigonok, crunchbang is based on debian testing isnt it.21:47
gordhrm, hard to find space for laptop and two monitors on this desk, i may need to invest in multiple desks21:48
gordand maybe hire an engineer to figure out a system where i can spin the desks around me to choose my workstation21:49
penguin42gord: You know those things in is it Korean restaurants ....21:50
mgdma "lazy Susan"21:50
penguin42well, there's the obscure fact of the day21:50
penguin42cool, didn't know that21:50
popeybrobostigon: based on debian 621:53
popeyaccording to /etc/debian_version on this eee21:53
brobostigonpopey: oh, stable, ok.21:53
popeythats what lsb_release reports anyway21:54
brobostigonisnt that stable now, ?21:54
popeyi have no idea21:55
brobostigonyes, squeese is stable now,21:56
popeythis seems to work quite nicely21:56
mgdmit was released over the FOSDEM weekend, IIRC21:56
popeyand has a neat script that runs when you first login21:56
popeyto install lots of extra stuff you might want/need21:57
d3ngarhey there21:57
brobostigoni think i need to try it,21:57
brobostigonnoswaith dda d3ngar21:57
mgdmCrunchbang was tremendous back when I first got my Aspire One21:57
d3ngarI have a problem playing DVDs with pretty much any programme21:57
mgdmas it has a dead HD and I need to reinstall anyway, I might try it again21:57
d3ngarTried MPLayer, Totem, VLC21:57
popeyi do like the feature to install dropbox from a menu item21:57
popeythats quite neat21:57
popeyd3ngar: what problem? do you get an error message of some kind?21:58
d3ngarTotem tells me that there is an error reading from the disc21:58
d3ngarBut the disc is fine, I tried others21:58
d3ngarThe menu loads okay21:58
brobostigonits going to be either debian sid/experimental here, and or natty, to run gnome3/gnome-shell,21:58
popeyd3ngar: have you done all the silly bits to do with decss?21:59
d3ngardecss has got no meaning to me21:59
brobostigon!info libdvdcss222:00
lubotu3Package libdvdcss2 does not exist in maverick22:00
lubotu3Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:00
popeyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs specifically22:00
popeythere is a little script you need to run which does the stuff to make DVDs play22:01
d3ngarpopey: Yeah done that22:01
popeyno idea then, sorry22:01
d3ngarany idea where I could ask?22:01
popeytried running vlc in a terminal and see what it says?22:01
popeyget the specific error message22:02
d3ngarknow the command?22:02
brobostigonvlc, and then do as normal, and look for errors.22:02
d3ngaryeah, will try22:03
d3ngar-v gives verbose output22:03
d3ngarIt says libdvdcss is not available22:04
d3ngarI installed this package22:04
ikoniaok ubuntu uk'ers lets talk SSD's I need a minimum of 12GB, MLC to keep the cost down, SLC is over kill, what's my best band for buck options,22:04
brobostigond3ngar: do you have libdvdcss from medibuntu ?22:04
ikoniaI can see an OCZ 120GB  drive that seems to be the best option, but I'm out of the loop22:04
brobostigonlibdvdcss is the part of vlc that does dvd decoding.22:05
d3ngarshould be fine to install it from the script?22:05
d3ngarbrobostigon: there is a script that gets it for you: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh22:05
brobostigond3ngar: i always justadded medibuntu repo manually, and that installed manually, but i am sure there is a better way now.22:05
brobostigond3ngar: oh,  i see. i didnt know about that. sorry.22:06
popeyikonia: how much do you want to spend?22:06
popeyikonia: I just got an Intel X25-M 120GB and love it22:06
bigcalmGah, I hate webkit right now22:06
popey150 quid22:07
ikoniapopey: that's pretty reasonable22:07
ikoniapopey: the OCZ I was looking at was 167 including VAT22:07
ikoniaI'd like a little bigger if possible but the price jumps massive over 12022:07
d3ngarbrobostigon: do you know where libdvdcss should be located?22:07
brobostigond3ngar: in medibuntu.22:07
popey173.34 inc vat, sorry, I dont pay vat22:07
ikoniaand my SLC drive was something stupid like £400 for a 600GB drive22:08
ikoniapopey: well, I don't as it goes through the business22:08
lubotu3medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:08
ikoniabut it's still "there"22:08
popeyikonia: exactly22:08
popeywell, yes22:08
d3ngarThat's not a location22:08
popeyd3ngar: just follow the instructions at the link provided22:08
brobostigonthanks popey22:08
d3ngarbut it's already installed, no?22:08
d3ngarSo where would the file normally be located?22:08
popeywhat file?22:08
popeyhave you run /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ?22:09
ikoniapopey: our of interest what device is the SSD in ?22:10
popeyikonia: a toshiba laptop22:10
* d3ngar reads: "Rebooting may be necessary."22:11
* d3ngar curses22:11
d3ngarI'll try to reboot22:11
d3ngarI'll let you guys know if that did anything22:11
popeyhang on22:11
popeydo you have /usr/lib/libdvdcss.so.* ?22:12
exobuzzpopey, great to see the podcast is coming back. nice one!22:12
d3ngarpopey: how can I search for a file?22:13
popeyjust open a terminal and type:-22:13
popeyls -l /usr/lib/libdvdcss.so.*22:13
d3ngaryep, I have it22:13
popeylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    18 2011-02-20 22:10 /usr/lib/libdvdcss.so.2 -> libdvdcss.so.2.1.022:13
popey-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34808 2008-09-15 16:19 /usr/lib/libdvdcss.so.2.1.022:13
popeylike that?22:13
d3ngarthese two22:14
exobuzzi prefer ls -l /usr/lib/libdvdcss.so.* | cowsay ;-)22:14
popeyd3ngar: no idea why it doesnt work then, you have the libs22:15
d3ngarI certainly do22:15
popeyi would do as previously suggested, run vlc on the command line and see what it does22:15
d3ngarMaybe restart is necessary22:15
d3ngarVLC told me that I don't have the files to read sestricted22:15
d3ngarbut I do???22:15
popeyhow odd22:15
d3ngarI shall reboot22:15
d3ngarAnd return!22:15
d3ngarMaybe it has problems with 64-bit?22:16
brobostigonshould be needed,22:16
* popey shrugs22:16
popeyI'd get the log22:16
brobostigonvlc's, yes.22:16
brobostigonbe careful with /exec boys and girls.22:19
brobostigonpopey: as it allows output from normal terminal into irssi.22:20
popeyit does22:22
popeyif you call it right22:22
popey /exec -o figlet MOO22:22
popey /exec figlet MOO22:22
ikoniaok, SSD purchased22:23
d3ngarWell, good new22:23
d3ngarnews even:22:23
d3ngarIt works once I restarted22:23
d3ngarHow retarted22:23
d3ngarI feel like it's 1995 again :D22:23
brobostigonpopey: i agree.22:24
ikoniapopey: appreciate the input22:24
ikonianow I need a "cool" desk positioned powered USB hub22:25
popeynp ikonia22:26
popeyikonia: seen the ones that clamp on the side of the desk?22:27
popeyso cables drop to the floor rather than go all over the desk22:27
ikoniapopey: got a link, that looks different22:27
* brobostigon goes all old fashioned and puts jethro tull on.22:27
ikoniascan.co.uk are silly they have some offers on SSD drives, you click to buy them and they are on "pre-order"22:28
ikoniabut it's a today only offer22:28
popeynot what i was thinking but equally neat22:28
popeyi have 3 such holes in my machine22:28
ikoniathat's quite cool, I could use just one more port though as a buffer, 5 - 6 ports would be perfect22:29
ikoniaactually, 4 will be fine22:29
ikoniapopey: you are genius today22:30
popeyjust today22:30
popeyOne day only! Special offer!22:30
daftykinshey popey, hope you're well22:30
popey1.5 hours left, make the most of it!22:30
popeydaftykins: hey ho daftykins !22:30
Azelphuranyone know how much it costs / how to get a second telephone line?22:53
brobostigondepends of the telephone operator, i suspect.22:53
bigcalmCost me 50 quid when I got a 2nd line in 200222:54
Azelphurah I see, so you need to talk to your TSP about it?22:54
bigcalmOr was it 1999?22:54
popeymost houses have two lines already22:55
popeygord: if i repeatedly ALT_Tab between two apps in unity, the windows creep cross the screen to the right22:55
popeyis this known bug?22:55
popeyInstallation is only £30 (subject to survey) and will appear on your next bill. No paper-free discount is available on an additional line and a minimum term of 12 month applies.22:56
popeyAzelphur: from the faq on that site22:56
Azelphurpopey: but that's clamped to BT22:57
popeywell, thats bt prices, sure22:57
AzelphurI'm interested in not being clamped to BT22:57
popey"Other providers may vary"22:57
Azelphurah I see22:57
Azelphurso yea it's as I said gotta ask my provider22:57
* brobostigon gets everyone a panderyn, :)22:58
brobostigonwelsh whisky*22:59
Azelphuralso, since I'm getting a second line23:00
Azelphurwhat's the deal with line bonding? ;)23:00
popey"the deal"?23:00
popeynot all ISPs do line bonding do they?23:01
popeyAAISP do iirc23:01
Azelphurah, so it has to be supported on the ISPs side23:01
popeyi think so23:01
popeyAAISP provide a special box at your end too23:01
Azelphurpopey: haha, only problem is their data prices are ridiculous23:02
brobostigonnative ipv6.23:02
Azelphurpopey: based on my current usage, £235.40/mo :D23:02
popeycheaper to get a leased line I'd imagine :)23:02
popeyunless you're in the middle of nowhere23:03
AzelphurI was just thinking, Sky do 24mbit for £10/mo, and as I'm getting a second line anyway23:03
popeysymmetric too23:03
AzelphurI'm probably in the middle of nowhere23:04
pr0ph3thi all23:57
pr0ph3tto install virtualbox on natty, is the contrib version on the repositories?23:57

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