
holsteinlive from zambra00:48
holsteinhere in 15 minutes or so00:48
jack_When is the next ubuntu being released? im going to plan ahead for the release party this time05:21
jack_we had 4 people show up tot he last one haha05:21
_marx_dude, six months, when was the last one?05:21
jack_eeeeeeeeh iunno05:23
jack_october? heh05:23
jack_but i think that date was off because they wanted to release it on 4205:23
_marx_what letter is this now...naughty nag05:25
=== jack_ is now known as thelinuxitjustdo
=== thelinuxitjustdo is now known as jack_
jack_42. its the answer. right? heh05:27
jack_10.10 was released on 10.10.10, which is binary for 4205:28
_marx_meh, i don't speak binary as i am the one05:30
_marx_there is no zero05:30
jack_thats deep05:32
_marx_pff, think about how negative one feels now05:34
jack_gawd. gnome takes forever to compile05:44
_marx_jack_: #ubuntu remains an amazingly fast channel06:10
* _marx_ can't help but wonder what you said to get banned06:10
holsteinjack_: you still banned?06:11
holsteinfrom #ubuntu?06:11
_marx_he was there earlier dispensing wisdom06:11
holstein_marx_: o/06:11
_marx_it's down to 1395 in channel now06:13
_marx_apt-cache show cowsay06:16
lubotu1python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python06:17
_marx_man dd07:25
jack_yeah i got unbanned but i had to argue my case twise15:39
jack_and the ops are real douchebags. argueing with me on my ban. all i said was 'i wanna be unbanned' and they were like 'yeah did all this stuff' and im like yeah i know, i was there15:40
jack_and they were like 'and then you joined from another server, which is ban evading'. i was like 'eeeh no. i was idling in the channel on my work machine. as you can see, it says @redhat.15:40
jack_omfg gnome is STILL compiling15:41
jack_oh. its compiling the dependencies too. only 120 more to go -_-15:41
jack_hour 15 of my gentoo compiling17:53

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