
techMilesorias: nah. ended up with other things to do01:42
techMileshey wrst02:20
wrsthey techMiles how are you doing?02:20
techMilesam doing alright, thanks. Yourself?02:20
wrstdoing good just putting my feet up for the rest of the night02:21
wrstyes and looking for glider/rockers02:26
techMileswat? lol02:26
wrstrocking chair02:28
wrstha ha, yeah that could be funny :)02:28
* cyberanger smells the morning air15:04
* cyberanger runs back inside, papermill, ugh15:05
=== excid3|derp is now known as excid3|mbp
cyberangerhow's everyones day going18:18
techMilesgoing alright, here, cyberanger. thanks.18:18
cyberangeryeah, well, adjusting the applications for myself and the team18:25
cyberangerdeadlines today18:25
cyberangerfor the team, I might have tommorow for my own application18:26
cyberangerso a little more hetic18:28
techMilesO_o what stuffs? and what team?18:34
cyberangerthe tennessee team (loco approval) and myself (ubuntu membership)18:34
techMilesonce the technology org is back going at my college, i'd like to try and get an ubuntu (or general linux) and Firefox group there.18:37
cyberangerdunno how firefox will work, but a lug in your area should take off18:38
techMilesI hope so.18:43
techMilesand yeah idk about firefox either18:44
techMilesmost people know 'it's better'.18:44
techMilesand that's all18:44
cyberangerwell, actually, now they "know" chrome is better, ugh18:46
* cyberanger dabbles with firefox addons, kinda keeps me loyal18:46
techMilesI like me some Ff addons18:52
cyberangertechMiles: I'm quite fond of Foxyproxy, it's the main one I try to debug19:00
cyberangerbut I've been trying to better understand some simplier ones to actually code for firefox19:00
techMilesI actually worked on their LiveChat team for awhile.19:01
techMileswas great fun. Learned a lot, too.19:05
techMilesI'm working on having a single focus at a time, so when I'm working on something, it gets done more thoroughly. as opposed to what i do now, which is have many things going at once.19:06
cyberangereh, I miss those days19:07
cyberangerjust not that simple anymore (and I made it worse, unfortunately)19:07
techMileswhich days? the days of focus? or the days of having many things going at once?19:08
cyberangerone task, and only one task19:11
cyberangerthe focus is there, but more of a wide angle lenses now, gotta capture all at once19:12
techMilesmost of mine is distraction.19:26
techMilesbecause I always have a lot open, IM's, and IRC. esp IRC as a distraction.19:26
techMilesthen there's the various internet research on IT stuff that's significantly more interesting than speech homework19:27
techMileswhich reminds me I have to do that. crap.19:27
chibihogoshinodoes anyone watch tv ?20:28
wrstchibihogoshino:  what is this tv you refer to?20:36
chibihogoshinoa thing people non interactively stare at20:36
techMileswrst: you know of a good tut/article for enabling an ubuntu server to email?20:40
wrsttechMiles: sorry i don't i have never done anything in therealm before, but cyberanger migh20:43
techMileschibihogoshino: how about yourself?20:45
chibihogoshinotechMiles: no..20:46
chibihogoshinoi dont see the point anymore20:46
techMileswell cyberanger ping to the above question.20:46
chibihogoshinoif the commercials were relevant to my interests and not full of shit it would be a little different20:47
* cyberanger is back20:59
cyberangerchibihogoshino: hulu count?20:59
cyberangerwrst: depends, would a local mail work20:59
cyberangeror are you trying to reach gmail and such21:00
cyberangerand for an automated script, or....21:00
cyberangerchibihogoshino: then pretty rare21:00
chibihogoshinoits not the same when you only have one thing and then it stops21:00
cyberangermaybe a hockey game, that's about it21:00
cyberangerand again, rare21:00
chibihogoshinoi dont use hulu since they blocked google tv21:00
chibihogoshinoand android21:00
techMilescyberanger: I asked the question. :D21:00
cyberangeroh, that's the trouble of catchup21:01
techMilesI just want to be able to send mail from my server to say, someone else's gmail account.21:01
cyberangerok, are we talking cronjob output, or your actually hosting your own mailserver21:02
cyberangerand use it for your email21:02
cyberangersend and recieve21:02
cyberangeras that shifts the answer a little21:03
techMilesUhh. I installed a wiki and want it to be able to send registration verification emails21:03
techMileswould be nice for more, but the poor thing isn't as reliable as i'd like it for full mailserver21:03
cyberangerhrm, ok, that's not as clearcut for either option, what wiki21:04
cyberangermediawiki, or wikiwiki, or another...nvr mind that21:04
techMilesI wouldn't bother, but the mail verification is required for administrative moderation over registration.21:05
cyberangeryeah, unfortunately21:05
techMilesif it wasn't going to be publicly accessible I'd just leave registration open.21:06
cyberangerhow are you connecting the wiki to the mail server21:06
techMilesthought about using either htaccess or requiring a code to be put in for registration to work.21:06
cyberangerthat's a little vauge21:07
techMilesthe wiki is installed on a server I host out of my home. and I'd want that same server to be able to send the mail.21:07
cyberangerI mean, is tiki gonna use your smtp server21:07
cyberangerfifo pipe21:08
cyberangerthe interaction21:08
techMilesehh yeah i'd probably have it send via google apps ? is that what we're meaning here21:08
cyberangerthen that'd sidestep the email server, hrm21:08
cyberangerbut not sure how the wiki will listen then21:09
techMilesif it can be sent from the same server without having to go through gmail then that's fine.21:09
cyberangerdoesn't sound that simple21:09
cyberangerhome isp, ugh21:09
techMilesalright. Well what would you recommend?21:10
techMilesJust use the code to be entered to complete registration? lol21:10
cyberangerodds of port 25 meddling are so high, mail servers will not like that, kinda a critical failure21:10
cyberangernot sure what to recommend for you, given I'm not aware of tiki21:11
techMilesI'll disable the mail, and enable the code.21:11
techMilesand make it something stupidly simple. I'm not prevalent enough to attract much of a bruteforce effort21:11
cyberangertechMiles: and capcha too I'd recommend21:19
cyberangerif you can21:19
techMilesAlright, thanks.21:19
cyberangerjust not sure what really should be done21:19
cyberangeryou've got limits on a home connection, and you can allways upgrade21:20
cyberangerbut I do think this is the first path to try21:20
techMilesit'd be on a VPS if I had the money for one.21:22
techMilescyberanger: thanks. but yay now I do get to go on a crapload of adventures finding these settings again. LOL21:25
techMilesalso, mediawiki wikicode is ridonkculous.21:33
chibihogoshinocan i reset the stats for ifconfig ?21:48
cyberangerchibihogoshino: yes21:51
cyberangerifconfig eth0 down21:52
cyberangerifconfig eth0 up21:52
cyberangerthat should reset it21:52
chibihogoshinoeh yeah ..21:52
chibihogoshinoim trying to avoid that21:52
chibihogoshinoi want to know why i rd is 600 meg and tx is 2 gig21:56
cyberangercause your transmitting more than you recieve, is this a server or desktop22:02
chibihogoshinoi think i know why now tho..22:02
cyberangerintresting, care to share22:09
chibihogoshinoi copied two iso over and forgot about it22:20

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