
karni__lucio__: beuno: somethins with the servers. my PC doing auth dance a longer moment and now "waiting before try connecting again"17:50
karnisimilarily, my application tries to reconnect17:50
karniah, PC doing server rescan. false alarms.17:51
karniserver rescan taking even longer. I'll asume servers are loaded atm.17:52
karniPC still doing server rescan. at least I can test out U1F's auto-reconnect hehe17:54
beunokarni, are you on 10.10?17:58
* karni chuckles17:58
karni10.04 ;)17:58
karniI do have 10.10 installed, but didn't have time to move.17:59
beunokarni, right, so 10.04 does the expesive server rescan17:59
beunoyou could use nightlies: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies18:00
beunoit's a bazillion times faster18:00
karnibeuno: I see. it has finished. the worst part is that fetching meta by U1F behaves similarily..18:00
karnibeuno: will it work on 10.04 ?18:00
karniI think rye tolde me nightlies are good for maverick+18:00
beunoI'd listen to him then18:01
beunoit seems to have been built for lucid18:01
beunonot sure what the consequences of using it are, thought18:01
karnibeuno: one potentially slow moment for U1F is getDelta/getDeltaFromScratch in U1F. for few days it has been really fast (like <15-20 secs in my accounts case)18:02
karniand now it's.. it fetched the root (/Ubuntu One), but still awaits for UDFs and Shares18:03
karniI'm thinking if theres anything I can do about that on the application level.18:03
karniLike, suggest trying in a moment or something (it wouldn't look very good, though)18:03
beunokarni, right, so lets wait out the slowness for a few weeks while we finish moving our API servers into the datacenter from amazon18:03
karnibeuno: sounds good18:04
karnibeuno: You'll see yourself anyway. Sometimes it's nice and fast, sometimes it's just sluggish.18:04
* beuno nods18:04
beunokarni, and this is for the first time you open the app, or every time?18:05
karnicrap.. I've done this some many times (both from scratch, and just sync) that I'm not 100%. what I can say is that today util 6PM regular sync was really fast.18:05
beunokarni, I mean, do people see a cached version of their files while it updates?18:06
karniIn general, it happens only in the evenings I believe. (in my timezone)18:06
karniyes, sure! if it's not the initial, first sync.18:06
karnisorry, I didn't understand the question right ;)18:07
karnibeuno: since we'll be probably talking much more in following days, you may consider auto-joining #ubuntuone-mobile which aquarius has been keeping for a while. the rest who's interested will be able to follow the discussions easily.18:08
beunokarni, more channels to join!18:22
beunoI'll think about it  :)18:22
beunoI kinda wish we kept it confined in here18:22
karnibeuno: oh, that's fine with me! I just thought we'd procude to much traffic18:23
karni*produce, that is18:23
beunobandwidth is cheap!18:23
karnibut I talk much! (that doesn't make easy for others to chat O_o)18:24
karni(like I said, if that's the case, let it me #ubuntuone :) )18:24
* karni realigns fingers18:24
beunokarni, talking makes the channel interesting!18:26
karnibeuno: I'm wondering, does the user *have* to open the link from the e-mail in new registration API to start using U1 ?18:53
karniI should probably ask nessita about that.18:54
karniOh wait.. there's a code in the e-mail, not a link IIRC. That's even less comfortable on the phone o_O18:55
beunokarni, well, if there's a code I'm sure we can provide a URL19:01
beunothey need to confirm their email address when they sign up for the first time19:01
karnibeuno: So instead of going to the browser to register, you'll go to your favourite mail app, click the link, launch the browser, and redirect to U1F, is that correct?19:01
beunokarni, that is indeed a nessita question  :)19:03
karniI'll have to look into that. Uhm :)19:03
karnibeuno: I feel bad for talking to you on Sunday! I should let you get rest.19:04
beunokarni, well, I can voluntarily leave my computer at any time...19:04
karniyes you can :D19:04
karnilunch time19:54
mongywhen do you think delta sync's will be available ?21:45
mongycurrently, if I install a fresh ubuntu, and then copy over all my data (because its quicker than letting U1 handle it) and then setup U1, U1 then wants to upload everything all over again.21:46
beunomongy, there's going to be something called magic uploads soon21:51
beunoit'll make it very quick to re-upload a file that has been uploaded before21:51
beunoso as long as the files' content hasn't changed, it will upload any amount of data very quickly21:51
mongymagic oooo, sounds, magic21:51
mongyI thought actually it would already ignore files that already exist21:52
mongyis this a checksum thing?21:52
mongyor lack of21:52
beunono, it needs to be much more complicated than checksum to ensure people aren't stealing files21:53
mongyI mean, the files arent different, checksum or otherwise, but U1 wants them all in full regardless21:53
beunoright, for natty, that'll be fixed21:53
karnibeuno: 'strealing files' ?21:53
karnicrap.. what's wrong with my fingers ;d21:54
mongyone more Q.  if I buy a 20gig pack (its a stupid question) do I get 22gig?21:54
karnimongy: 2 are free, yes21:54
mongythought so.21:54
beunokarni, yeah, people may hack the client to pretend they ahv files they don't21:54
beunomongy, yes, 22gb21:54
mongyI am waiting on this natty fix before I buy 20gig, because, I dont wanna re-upload 20gig of stuff21:54
karnibeuno: interesting. I thought it still depends on some credentials bundled-in.21:55
beunomongy, it should be in the nightly builds the following weeks21:56
beunokarni, well, if a different user has already uploaded that same file, we could do the same and save you some bandwidth21:56
karnibeuno: talking about 're-uploading' present content - I was also thinking about that today :) (but it'll not be easy, as computing hashes of many files can be cpu intensive/battery consuming - user choice ;) )21:56
karnibeuno: ah :D haha sounds cool21:56
mongythis delta, so I sync a file called test.txt with the number 1 in it, I then edit it to say 2, it only sends changes, not the whole file?21:57
beunomongy, no, still no file deltas21:57
karnimongy: not really (from what I know). delta is used to quickly ask the server "what has changed since x" without telling it what files you have.21:57
mongyfor a large file, it would be nice.21:58
intrader_Anyone, I don't quite understand; I have two laptops connected to Ubuntu-One. On one I update a file on computer one, I use the applet on the computer one, and I do a restart. On computer two, I open the file; I don't see the changes. On computer two the ubuntu-one applet is hangin on Synchornization in progress...21:58
mongyQ, renaming a file would cause it to reupload the whole file still?21:58
karnimongy: so instead of getting, say, whole file list, you say "give me the files 'changed' since x"21:58
karnimongy: no, just a rename.21:58
karnimongy: the file contents don't change. filename is just meta data.21:58
beunomongy, not sure, but either way, with magic uploads it won't matter  :)21:59
mongygood, I dont wanna upload more than once on my crappy crapola connection21:59
karniI feel I'm starting to know quite much about U1 ^^21:59
* karni goes back to add a Toast 'Incoming changes' :D22:00
beunokarni, https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/send-magic-hash/+merge/4987222:00
karnibeuno: uuuu, cool!22:01
* karni saves the link22:01
intrader_Anyone, when I click on restart on computer two, finally I get synchronization complete.  The date of the file has not changed, either here, on on th web site for ubuntu-one.22:16
mongyrye's indicator is the most useful indicator that ever was.22:18
mongycurrently uploading/downloading, recently published! cool22:19
karnisometimes I wonder why there was so much fuss around the indicator and deciding to remove it..22:19
karniI haven't used it, but I've seen screenshots, and rye's indicator is really neat.22:19
mongyand its not -in-your-face-22:19
karniintrader_: did you want to ask a question perhaps?22:20
mongycanonical need to see it, and use it22:20
karnimongy: rye works for Canonical if I'm not mistaken ;)22:20
mongykarni, well, its odd his own work hasnt made it into a release22:20
mongywell I at least hope its in the standard repos when natty hits.22:21
mongyit deserves it.22:21
karnimongy: it's not a one person decision you know.22:21
mongyput me in charge for 5 minutes, it is a done deal22:22
mongywell anyway, I'd like it in the official repo and not a ppa in natty.  kk thx22:22
karnihahah :)22:22
karniI agree, it should be in official repos as well.22:23
karniI'm back to work.22:23
mongyI missed the notifications for U1, but then I got this and now I know there is a better way.22:24
mongyseems canonical are missing it completely if they wanna reintroduce the nagging notifications22:24
intrader_karni, yes, how does synchronization of files work. I update file on cone computer but do not see change on another computer also connected to ubuntuone.22:25
karniintrader_: that's weird..22:26
karniintrader_: you can check what $ u1sdtool -s command says on both computers22:27
karniintrader_: but basically, if you used the same account, it should sync automagically between them..22:27
karniintrader_: I can't help right now, I'm sorry. But please come back tomorrow few hours earlier than now, there should be more ppl to help you :)22:28
intrader_karni, that's what I thought, but it does not work for me. The tool ulsdtool is not in computer one or two.22:28
intrader_karni, no problem. Thanks22:29
karniintrader_: you can try in terminal (say, gnome-terminal): u1sdtool --status (u-ONE-sdtool not l like L) U1SDTOOL :)22:29
karniintrader_: or install magicicada! that'll let you know what's going on with the sync daemon22:30
intrader_Looks ok, but yet the file is not updated - description ---> processing queues whatever that means22:38
beunomongy, FWIW, there hasn't been indicator work because of Unity22:38
beunomongy, Unity will have a place where to show that type of information, and already has notifications22:38
intrader_karni, both computers have same results for u1sdtool -s22:43
karniintrader_: processing queues means it's working. don't restart, give it some time maybe :)22:44
karniintrader_: you can check u1sdtool --help (u1sdtool --waiting-meta, u1sdtool --waiting-content, etc)22:44
intrader_karni, that is a lot of stuff. Can't make out what it means.22:50
karniintrader_: sorry, I'm in a rush ^ ^ so basically,22:50
karniintrader_: if it says processing queues, it means that it's preparing for sync in general.22:50
intrader_karni, np -22:50
karniintrader_: you can check how much content there is waiting for upload with: u1sdtool --waiting-content22:50
karniintrader_: you can check how much "information" there is being processed, you can check with: u1sdtool --waiting-meta22:51
karniinformation about your files, not the file content themselve.22:51
intrader_karni, --waiting-content ---> no response.22:52
karniintrader_: yea.. :( you should come back tomorrow for better guys at this than me ;)22:52
intrader_karni, I will do that. In the meantime I'll walk the stuff over.22:53

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