
ailo_paultag: Im trying to figure out how to set a checkbutton checked without having that button send a signal. Is it possible?01:45
ailo_I'm reading the gtk reference, but I can't find anything that would do that.01:46
paultagailo_: I think you can set it to checked with a call, what are you trying to do?01:48
paultagailo_: to check stuff that should be checked or something?01:48
ailo_paultag: Yeah, but I don't want the button to send a signal after it was checked.01:48
ailo_Just set in checked mode so to speak01:49
paultagailo_: I'm pretty sure you can do that01:49
paultagailo_: let me fire up some man pages01:49
ailo_paultag: Maybe I'm just going about it in the wrong way. I want to read settings and set the buttons accordingly.01:49
paultagailo_: yuppers01:50
paultagailo_: looks like it forces it's state01:57
paultagailo_: why not set button states before you hook up callbacks?01:57
paultagthe more I think about it, that's how I'd do it, I think01:57
ailo_Did you do any coding yet? My work today feels very hacky then anything.01:58
paultagailo_: yeah I started prototyping some of where I thought it will go, and I feel like it's hacky as well01:58
paultagailo_: I feel like most of this is becoming wrapped shell calls01:58
paultagailo_: so I'm thinking about it right now, I've got the code up01:58
ailo_Are you using subprocess?01:58
paultagailo_: I'm just going to wrap system(), screw it :)01:59
paultagailo_: anyway, it's ok02:00
paultagailo_: I think I have a good way to do most of this (in my head)02:00
ailo_paultag: Yeah, most of it is just installing/removing so far. Don't think there will be a realtime kernel.02:02
paultagailo_: damn.02:02
paultagailo_: anyway, yeah, we can just "batch" up actions in a queue, then push them all out and process them at once when we hit ok / apply02:02
ailo_I mean -realtime. -lowlatency I'm hoping will be in the repos, though02:02
ailo_That's what I figured, why I create a list of packages to be installed/removed02:03
ailo_I've been trying to figure out how to edit the audio.conf file. Still not piecing it together fully.02:04
ailo_And what is missing is check if user is in audio group02:04
paultagailo_: it's going to be a hack, for sure. Let's not kid ourselfs, it's going to be a hack! :)02:04
paultagailo_: we'll just find a way to get it done and do it, we've got 9 days till we *need* to be done02:05
paultagI think doing a line-by-line read and replace might be the way to go02:05
paultagwe need only put a warning up on top that it might be upgefucked02:05
ailo_Yeah, we need to add some warnings here and there. First I thought we get the all the functions working, and that's why I think it would be nice if we have a working program within a few days02:07
paultagwe're honestly not that far02:07
ailo_I've been working on the packages thing. Memlock/audio.conf needs to be done, adding user to audio group, and finally running all commands in one single shell command.02:08
ailo_We need to ask for password, but only once02:09
ailo_paultag: If we drop the combobox for choosing a user we'll make it easier on ourself. Also, if no one know how to set what kernel to boot by default (-generic, -lowlatency) we can drop that too for now.02:31
ailo_What is left is just installing packages, adding the current user to audio group, adding audio.conf or reading memlock value from it(and editing it).02:32
ailo_I'm pretty close at finishing up the package install lists as well as syncing the buttons to that.02:33
ailo_paultag: We'll need to redesign the glade file a bit, by just copy/paste the controls a bit.02:35
ailo_paultag: I think I want to finish the program today, just that it will probably be ugly and in the worst case buggy. I thought if I do that, you can use that code if you want to or not. Also, since we won't have all the features present in the current glade file it makes more sence to have a one window app, so I will redesign the glade file today as well. What do you think?12:48
ailo_ScottL_: persia: Let's get the -lowlatency in. What's missing, guys?12:51
ScottL_i think that is between abogannia and persia at this time ailo_ 13:43
ScottL_perhaps alessio is waiting for me to build the -lowlatency kernel myself as well, dunno?13:44
ailo_ScottL_: paultag: Again, a version with everything on one page. Do we need more features than this for this release? http://imagebin.org/13886714:03
ailo_ScottL_: paultag: Will this do? http://imagebin.org/13887014:27
ailo_Made it a little prettier14:27
ScottL_ailo_, the second one certainly looks prettier :)15:00
ScottL_ailo_, an explanation for "set ubuntu studio defaults" might be helpful to users15:00
ailo_Scott_: I will add popups for those. Also hitting accept or Ok will popup an explanation as to what is going to happen, and let the user decide to accept or not.15:01
ailo_After the app is done, I will create a wiki page for the controls15:01
ailo_So, hitting help will open a browser to that page15:01
ScottL_ailo_, there is a page for the controls, you might want to update that one15:01
ScottL_but that is a very cool idea :)15:02
ailo_ScottL_: Ok, good.15:02
ScottL_ailo_, this is the page:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioControls15:11
ScottL_notice that i deprecated the old stuff, can you please do that for this as well?15:11
ScottL_if someone is running the LTS version then they would probably appreciate "current" information for their -controls15:11
ailo_ScottL: I'll have a look. I'll focus more on the wiki as soon as the -controls are out of the way.15:33
paultagailo_: that will do for sure16:17
paultagailo_: feeling good?16:18
ailo_paultag: I'm fine. You?16:18
paultagailo_: quite well, thanks. Feeling good about the code?16:19
ailo_paultag: It's ok. A little messy right now, but that's just because I'm not used to coding.16:20
ailo_I'll try to finish what I can and clean it up16:20
ailo_I was using tabs all the time. Seems to work, but isn't Python-like16:21
paultagailo_: I use tabs16:21
paultagNow, time to see if this package rocks or not :)16:24
paultagfluxbox is looking fly as all hell16:24

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