Sysi | newest (yesterday 19.) daily is missing nm-applet | 10:44 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: yeah, pidgin is really unusable in natty | 13:19 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: installing xfce4-indicator-plugin and adding it to the panel doesn't make pidgin show up | 13:20 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: it doesn't seem to have any extra dependencies and only one recommend (messages) | 13:20 |
mr_pouit | yeah, then you probably need indicator-messages | 13:21 |
ochosi | crap, then we always have the stupid "email"-icon in the systray-region... | 13:21 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: yeah, with indicator-messages it works | 13:22 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: does thunderbird at least integrate with that? | 13:22 |
mr_pouit | micahg might know that | 13:23 |
ochosi | seems that by default it's not in the message-menu | 13:24 |
mr_pouit | ochosi: is there an option in pidgin to use the systray? | 13:24 |
ochosi | good question, i'll have a look | 13:24 |
mr_pouit | then we could ship a default config in xubuntu-default-settings for that | 13:24 |
ochosi | hah, yeah there is | 13:25 |
ochosi | and it still works | 13:25 |
ochosi | it's just deactivated by default | 13:25 |
ochosi | wondering whether there are any other apps (transmission?) that use indicators by default | 13:26 |
ochosi | also xchat is a possible candidate | 13:26 |
ochosi | oh dear, transmission also doesn't show up in the systray | 13:27 |
ochosi | i mean it still works as an application since its systray-icon is deactivated by default, so closing the window exits the app | 13:28 |
ochosi | but it's still a loss of functionality, and the systray-option in transmission simply doesn't work (even with the indicator-plugin) | 13:28 |
mr_pouit | now you understand the "I don't care, I'm THE ubuntu gtk desktop" attitude ;> | 13:29 |
ochosi | yuck | 13:29 |
ochosi | well good catch on your side though, at least we still have some (even if little) time | 13:30 |
ochosi | xchat still works btw | 13:31 |
ochosi | i mean: as expected | 13:31 |
Sysi | side note: we still have gigolo in natty default installation, shouldn't be needed anymore | 13:32 |
mr_pouit | Sysi: no, it's still useful | 13:32 |
mr_pouit | because you can't bookmark remote locations in thunar | 13:32 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: the resize-grip overlays the account-image in pidgin's right lower corner :) | 13:33 |
Sysi | alright | 13:33 |
ochosi | hm, we also still have vinagre installed even though i have no clue why | 13:34 |
mr_pouit | remote desktop thing | 13:34 |
ochosi | yep | 13:34 |
ochosi | but: why? | 13:34 |
mr_pouit | maybe we can remove it, i've no idea if someone actually uses it | 13:34 |
knome | remote desktop viewer? vinagre? | 13:34 |
ochosi | charlie-tca: could you make that a point of discussion in the next meeting: discussion whether to keep/remove vinagre by default? | 13:35 |
knome | i do use that :) | 13:35 |
knome | though, i don't see much need to install it by default | 13:36 |
ochosi | yep | 13:37 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: is there anything we can do to make thunar start up faster? | 13:37 |
ochosi | i know we discussed this a few times already but the issue is still there | 13:37 |
mr_pouit | I don't think so =[ | 13:37 |
ochosi | awwhh... | 13:37 |
ochosi | that's really bad, because everyone will notice that | 13:38 |
mr_pouit | it depends on something gvfs related | 13:38 |
mr_pouit | it starts fast in a vm for me, but is very slow on my normal system | 13:38 |
Sysi | deleting files is also slower now | 13:38 |
Sysi | i haven't noticed that startup lag badly | 13:39 |
Sysi | is slow, at least some times | 13:39 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: do you think it makes sense to contact jannis about it? (or have you already?) | 13:39 |
mr_pouit | he's already aware of that afaik | 13:41 |
ochosi | k | 13:42 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: not sure what we should do, either add xfce4-indicator-plugin by default or set pidgin to use the trayicon | 13:48 |
ochosi | (the fact that transmission's trayicon is gone really sucks independantly of that) | 13:48 |
ochosi | mr_pouit: exo-default menu-items and launchers work and look great so far, just tested them again with a clean user | 13:58 |
mr_pouit | nice, thanks for testing | 13:58 |
ochosi | np | 13:59 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: added to agenda | 14:59 |
ochosi | charlie-tca: thanks | 15:00 |
charlie-tca | mr_pouit, ochosi : I thought I read that Xfce 4.10 will use xfce4-indicator-plugin by default. If so, shouldn't we look at switching to it and get people used to that thing? | 15:01 |
charlie-tca | Could be failing to remember too, though | 15:01 |
ochosi | hm, if that's true then that could be a good argument to add it to the panel | 15:01 |
ochosi | but i don't remember hearing anything like that | 15:01 |
charlie-tca | maybe mr_pouit knows for sure. I don't want to do it if it isn't going to there. | 15:02 |
mr_pouit | it's not in the 4.10 roadmap so I wouldn't count on indicator support to be added to the panel | 15:05 |
charlie-tca | oh, then it is failing memory :-) | 15:06 |
mr_pouit | xfce4-indicator-plugin is available anyway, and improvements/bugfixes are probably welcome | 15:06 |
Sysi | we still use system-config printer gnome instead of xfprint4? | 15:21 |
mr_pouit | xfprint4 is deprecated and unmaintained | 15:21 |
mr_pouit | only mousepad still uses it I think | 15:21 |
Sysi | ah | 15:22 |
Sysi | it's pretty hard to eep track on things when distroes do everything differently | 15:22 |
knome | eep eep eep! | 15:28 |
knome | EEP! | 15:29 |
ochosi | :) | 15:32 |
micahg | ochosi: I think chrisccoulson will be working on messaging integration, but idr if that's this cycle or next cycle | 16:46 |
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ochosi | micahg: right, atm there doesn't seem to be ootb integration for thunderbird | 19:03 |
ochosi | in fact for me that would be an argument not to integrate the indicator-plugin | 19:03 |
ochosi | but we can discuss that thursday | 19:03 |
charlie-tca | If we are not going to see the indicator pluin in 4.10, we are spinning our wheels debating it at all. | 19:05 |
ochosi | well the plugin will be there, just (maybe) no native support in the panel | 19:05 |
ochosi | tbh i prefer the plugin solution to native panel support | 19:06 |
charlie-tca | Then the user can install it, right? | 19:06 |
ochosi | not all distros have/use the indicators | 19:06 |
ochosi | yep | 19:06 |
ochosi | we can even decide to install it by default but not add it to the panel by default (much like verve or dict) | 19:07 |
ochosi | that would make it easier for users who decide they want/need the indicators | 19:07 |
micahg | indicator support should come next cycle as we consider moving Ubuntu to Thunderbird as a default | 19:08 |
mr_pouit | charlie-tca: I don't understand what you mean. We already have several panel plugins in the default install | 19:08 |
mr_pouit | and they are not part of the panel | 19:08 |
charlie-tca | I am thinking way ahead, will the plugin be maintained by the time 4.10 hits? If we put it in the panel, and it doesn't keep up, what happens? | 19:09 |
ochosi | that could theoretically happen to any plugin | 19:10 |
charlie-tca | true | 19:10 |
charlie-tca | kind of like "places", I guess | 19:10 |
ochosi | yeah, much like that | 19:11 |
charlie-tca | okay, if it needs discussion, add it to the agenda, otherwise, let mr_pouit decide | 19:12 |
ochosi | hm, the main thing that bugs me about the indicator-plugin is that it seemingly doesn't work for stuff like transmission | 19:15 |
ochosi | that suggests that other apps might just as well not work | 19:15 |
ochosi | and with transmission it's really a pity, that they patched away the systray-support | 19:15 |
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* surreal7z is away: rolling a joint | 23:21 |
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