
stewycinstallation is complete!!!! woohooo00:46
stewycwin xp is dead long live xubuntu00:46
stewycok now i have xubuntu installed i still need to install drivers for a realtek usb wifi dongle00:54
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:19
aladoinsacan anyone tell me why i can write to this disk, from fstab: UUID=234e7c21-a19c-4e78-8c48-e79ae0d4d39b /media/100gb    ext4    rw,user          0       102:26
charlie-tcaaladoinsa: because of the rw, user gives any user read-write access to the partition02:31
lightawell yeah remove w option if you don't want user to be able to write there02:33
aladoinsacharlie-tca: sorry, i meant can't, why i can't write to it02:33
lightaare you the good user ?02:34
aladoinsalighta,  what do you mean with "good"?02:35
aladoinsai though all users could write to it with the "user" option02:36
charlie-tcaMight need to belong to the "user" group02:36
charlie-tcaand if it is usb, the "usb" group, too02:36
lightaisn't a easier way if he put default ? to deal with this ?02:37
aladoinsayes i had it at default first, then when i couldnt write to it i changed it to rw,user, but that didnt help obviously02:38
lightahmm ok so do like charlie-tca said add yourself into those group02:39
aladoinsaas far as i know there is no "user" group, the two options are "nouser" which means only for root, and "user" which means all other users02:42
charlie-tcago to Applications -> System -> Users and Groups, manage groups, towards the bottom is "users"02:44
aladoinsayes i know, but i dont understand why i have to be a member of that group, this has never happened to me before02:45
charlie-tcaor give us more information about that drive... Is it an external drive, is it a windows owned drive? What is the file system?02:45
aladoinsabut i'll give it a go then02:45
aladoinsaits just a second partition of my drive02:46
lightato know your group02:46
lightacat /etc/group | awk -F: '{print $1" ---> "$4}'02:46
charlie-tcamaybe it doesn't like the mount point - /media/100gb is owned by root. Did you try accessing it with sudo?02:47
charlie-tcaUnless you change owner to yourself, root owns all the rights to that partition02:47
charlie-tcaI missed that earlier02:47
charlie-tcasorry for not reading it right02:47
aladoinsayes maybe thats it, but i have always mounted my drives there, and as far as i remeber i never had this problem02:47
lightatry ls -l02:48
lightayou see wich own the file02:48
charlie-tcamight have been a security leak that got fixed, too.02:50
charlie-tcaDoes the user ID of the files in the partition match the current user ID? that will also cause you to not be able to access them now.02:53
* charlie-tca got burned by that once a while ago.02:54
aladoinsacharlie-tca, now i mounted it in my home folder, still couldnt write to it. then i exchanged rw,user for "deafaults" and still no luck...this is very strange02:56
charlie-tcadid you do     ls -l to see who owns the files?02:57
aladoinsaBut yes, i can access it as root02:57
charlie-tcaso user ID of the files is different than current user ID.02:58
aladoinsayes, root is the owner02:58
aladoinsawhich i do not get..02:59
charlie-tcathen it is correct and you, as the user, can not access them02:59
aladoinsayes, but doesnt the "user" option in fstab give me those rights?03:00
charlie-tcaYou have two choices, use sudo, or chown the files to yourself03:00
charlie-tcanot for files owned by root. You can not access the files in /etc either as a user, because root owns them.03:00
aladoinsai dont have any files on it, and i of course do not want to sudo every time i want to write to it03:00
charlie-tcaA user is only allowed access to files owned by the user or to files with 77703:01
aladoinsaim sure there must be a way to give me the rights to write to it03:01
charlie-tcawhich is wide open to anyone for read write execute03:01
aladoinsai think im missing something in fstab03:02
aladoinsaanyone else want to weigh in on this one?03:05
aladoinsacharlie-tca, ok i solved it with an ugly hack, i changed the owner of the mointpoint to my own group03:11
aladoinsabut im sure there must be another way03:11
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swapicrashwhat is the terminal command to adjust swapiness?07:43
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XubuntuNoobdoes anybody know what to install to get the Places->connect to server option?10:31
Sysi11.04 alpha. If you need to mount remote filesystems, use gigolo10:33
XubuntuNoobis that install by default?10:33
XubuntuNoobk, found it10:34
XubuntuNoobwhy does the 10.10 manual say about the connect feature if it is only in (x)ubuntu 11+?10:35
Sysihum, i've never read manual or saw that kinda option, where is it mentioned?10:36
XubuntuNoobi always try to look in the manual first10:37
Sysiubuntu and xubuntu have different places-thing10:37
XubuntuNoobbut here its not correct it seems10:37
XubuntuNoobthanks for the tip10:37
XubuntuNoobbtw, the gigollo things seems to work10:37
XubuntuNoobI already tried yesterday all day to get samba/cifs working but this is it10:38
XubuntuNoobso now I can get to my mp3s, now its just a matter of getting sound out of my computer :-)10:39
balsaqgood morning technicians11:13
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xubuntu694neat.  i'm installing xubuntu, and the installer gave an option to chat while it loads.  that's really cool!13:03
mikubuntuhelp!! trying to install mypaint from the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MyPaint , but i think there must be something missing after the instruction for line 4 -- would someone be able to have a look for me?  it gets to a point where the prompt reads: mikubuntu@mikubuntu-laptop:~/mypaint-0.7.1$   and i don't know what to do next.13:21
knomemikubuntu, are you running 9.04?13:28
psycho_oreoshe asked the exact same question in #ubuntu13:30
knomeand got help?13:34
knomemikubuntu, please do not cross-post questions13:37
psycho_oreosminimec from #ubuntu is helping from what I can see13:38
mikubuntusorry guys13:38
lithprhi, i just installed xfce 4.8- does anyone know how to configure the "launcher bar" style panel that is installed by default at the bottom of the screen?14:41
Sysilike any panel14:41
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seanlaptophi all anyone wanna gimme a lil help? lol17:00
knome!ask | seanlaptop17:01
ubottuseanlaptop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:01
seanlaptopsorry.. anyone have issues with the seagate Expansion 500 gig drives being recognized by your computer under Xubuntu?17:06
Sysiis it formatted?17:07
rethushow can i reset all te Desktop-settings back to default?17:31
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surreal7zhey guys.. how to upgrade xubuntu 10.10 to xubuntu 11.04 alpha 2... because I want xfce 4.8 because it is able to use Menu Editors, thx!20:08
Sysiupdate-manager -d20:08
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, update-manger -d20:08
Sysiremember it's still alpha20:08
TheSheepmenu editors are for the weak20:08
charlie-tcabe aware that natty is still subject to breaking bad20:08
* charlie-tca feels like an echo today20:09
surreal7zhmm... thx! :D   so, subject to breaking bad.... maybe I could give it a shot with editing menu myself20:10
surreal7zso... the stuff I don't want to be displayed.. i will just put # before it? :p20:11
surreal7zthx my friend20:12
Sysii use aptitude to clean up my menus20:12
surreal7zi'm getting there... i'm using NoDisplay=true  ... works great..20:44
lithprsurreal7z, you can update to 4.8 w/o going to natty using  a ppa20:49
lithprif you want it, i'll look it up for you20:49
surreal7zno problem... right now I fixed menu by hand and that was a reason I wanted 4.8.. so, fixed.. thx :)20:53
lithprokay, nm then :)20:54
surreal7zbut.. maybe you can help me with some other problem I am having... when using synaptic manager it's easy to install packages but when you install something more packages are being installed.. and when you want to remove one package, other packages that have been installed are not listed and then I don't know what packages were installed... to uninstall them20:56
surreal7zif you know what I mean :p20:57
lithprsurreal7z, first response: that's the biggest benefit of using aptitude vs apt-get20:57
surreal7zok, thx :)20:58
Unit193sudo apt-get autoremove <-- that would do the trick21:00
Sysinot as well21:00
lithprUnit193, nice!21:01
Unit193Sysi: How does aptitude do it better?21:03
SysiUnit193: it actually removes unneeded does, for my experience that actually doesn't21:03
Sysibut i'm not exactly sure21:04
peter-l-nhello everyone.21:04
peter-l-nI'm having a bit of a problem with my xubuntu installation, which i think is related to my eCryptfs home directory, but I'm not sure ... is this a proper place to ask for help for that?21:05
peter-l-n(i've already spend awhile searching for similar-seeming problems on the forums, but i can't find anything that seems to exactly match what's happening)21:06
knomeyeah, this is a good place21:08
Unit193Sysi: What's the command for that in aptitude? (I never use aptitude)21:09
peter-l-nBasically it won't let me login. It's not a password problem, that gives a different error. It flashes black for a second, can't see wha tthe message is there, then returns to login screen. Same result with xfce login instead of xubuntu...21:10
peter-l-ni then used the recovery console login option instead, and did sudo xfce-session, and that's what i'm logged into right now...21:11
peter-l-n(been using this xubuntu install for a few weeks; before that was using ubuntu for 2 years or so; first time this happened)21:11
peter-l-nI was thinking that maybe I have a problem with the encrypted home directory, since some ecryptfs-related errors show up in syslog, but i have no idea, really. =[21:15
TheSheeppeter-l-n: change the xfwm theme21:16
TheSheeppeter-l-n: xubuntu had a bug where one of the themes crashed it21:17
peter-l-noh. hrm. okay.21:17
peter-l-nhow do i switch my user's theme, from within this root session?21:17
SysiUnit193: there isn't, that's the point. Aptitude removes dependencies with package, autoremove removes dependencies marked unnneeded but afaik it doesn't work as well21:18
TheSheeppeter-l-n: you can edit /home/yourusername/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml with a text editor21:19
peter-l-nproperty 'theme' is empty - what's should i set it to?21:20
TheSheephmm... then that's not it, sorry21:22
peter-l-ndoh. hm.21:22
TheSheepyou might want to check /home/yourusername/.xsessionerrors to see what is wrong21:22
Unit193Sysi: Thanks, I'll remember that...21:22
SysiUnit193: though i've never managed to use over 5GB for my system, not really big matter21:23
peter-l-nok there are a few there21:24
peter-l-nmight this be it? "xfce4-session: Unable to access file /home/pln/.ICEauthority: Input/output error"21:24
peter-l-nthat's the last one21:24
Sysiyou could try removing iceauthority file21:25
TheSheephmm... what are the permissions for your home directory?21:26
peter-l-nlooking through thunar, owner (pln) has r&w, group pln has none, others none21:28
peter-l-nit's an encrypted home directory, which might be somehow related to this...21:28
TheSheeptry giving x to others and group21:29
peter-l-nthe .ICEauthority file is 0 bytes incidentally21:29
peter-l-nwhich doesn't seem right, no?21:30
peter-l-nokay. thanks - i'll try this ICEthing first, then the permissions...21:34
peter-l-nyay! deleting the .ICEauthority file worked21:36
surreal7zhere guys... maybe this will be helpful for someone http://files.fosswire.com/2007/08/fwunixref.pdf   http://files.fosswire.com/2008/04/ubunturef.pdf21:38
peter-l-nthanks guys21:38
peter-l-nany idea why that file might have been created / how i can avoid it happening again?21:38
xubuntu772does anyone know how to access files on a network attached storage device using xubuntu?21:40
TheSheep!info gigolo | xubuntu77221:43
ubottuxubuntu772: gigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-1 (maverick), package size 132 kB, installed size 836 kB21:43
surreal7zthis is insane, 5 programs running and google chrome... and only 35% of memory used.. sweeeeet ^^21:49
surreal7z1g ram21:49
=== surreal7z_ is now known as surreal7z
surreal7zwhen I close Rhythmbox it continues to play songs?23:12
charlie-tcaIt should still be in the notification area23:14
surreal7zfound this.... thank you for your bug report but no, if you close the dialog while playing it goes to the sound indicator as a service and keep doing its work, you need to either stop the music and close it or use the quit menu entry23:14
charlie-tcaYou have to close the icon in the panel23:14
surreal7zyeah.. but no icon, weird23:15
* surreal7z is away: rolling a joint23:21
rotskyHow to change Ubuntu to Xubuntu without reinstalling?23:23
rotskyHow to replace Gnome with Xfce23:23
charlie-tca!away > surreal7z23:24
ubottusurreal7z, please see my private message23:24
rotskyHow to replace Gnome with Xfce on ubuntu23:25
charlie-tcarotsky: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop23:26
rotskyHi! I have installed xubuntu-desktop packages over ubuntu, but session of Xubuntu dont works, causing just showing me a logging screen. What should it be?23:44
charlie-tcaat the login screen, after selecting your user, you need to select the session at the bottom. Choose Xubuntu session23:53
rotskyI told, that after selecting it kicks me back to login screen23:54
charlie-tcaYou can login, but it just cycles back?23:55
charlie-tcaTry switching to a tty using Ctrl+Alt+F2, login, and delete the .ICEauthority file then23:57
charlie-tcause this             rm ~/home/USER_NAME/.ICEauthority23:57

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