
pooliehi all01:28
poolie Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jameinel01:28
pooliedo you see any problem with https://code.launchpad.net/~bialix/bzr/2.2-configobj/+merge/50507 spiv02:06
poolienm, i don't think there is one02:09
spivIf it's the same as a patch from upstream, I don't see a problem.02:11
pooliei just asked because there seemed to be some worry on the bug02:11
pooliebut i think it's spurious02:11
spivExcept perhaps that it leaves the version of configobj in the tree vs. upstream a bit hard to describe?02:11
poolieperhaps we should delete it for 2.402:11
pooliethere was a mail thread02:12
pooliei think it's only needed on hardy?02:12
poolieanyhow, not urgent today02:12
spivIt'd be nice; we do currently have startup speed improvements in our copy that upstream probably doesn't have.02:12
spivBecause we simply comment out some functionality we don't use that requires some expensive imports, but presumably upstream cares about those features...02:13
pooliemm i see02:15
vilahi all06:58
vilalet's try again: HI ALL12:35
vila. o O (Resounding silence...)12:35
beunoOH HAI vila!12:36
vilabialix: ping, yeah, I know, you're not there, but may be you grep the logs ;)12:43
maxbHmm, no PP - anyone fancy looking at a pretty trivial review in a rather dusty plugin? :-)   https://code.launchpad.net/~maxb/bzr-cvsps-import/fix-test/+merge/5042113:08
vilaHUH ? no PP ? wtf ? poolie updated it and I see no trace of further updates... :(13:09
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jameinel | 2.3.0 is officially out ! (RM: vila)
vilamaxb: this is fix looks and feels correct, yet... I should miss something. Why did it fail ?13:12
jelmerit also looks good here, but my CVS foo is weak.13:12
maxbBecause of paths containing /./ which were not expected13:12
maxbI don't think the test can ever have been run successfully13:12
vilamaxb: approved13:13
maxbElsewhere I might have been tempted to apply normpath liberally, but since this test was already testing an _underscore method, it felt right to test the internals13:13
jelmermaxb: did r64 break the testsuite?13:14
maxbyes it probably did13:17
maxbPerhaps this deserves further examination then13:18
jmlfwiw, the _LockWarner error I talked about the other day isn't going away of its own accord.14:29
jmlI've had it come up in numerous other test runs.14:29
nordinHello guys, I'm a bit new here. Normally on Linux, I work with Git, but on Windows I want to try Bazaar because I want to introduce it at our company (we're using the old M$'s SourceSafe).14:35
beunohiya nordin14:37
nordinSo I started a Windows project using Visual Studio and initialized the project from Bazaar desktop GUI tool. I made from VS some canges and want to see if changes are shown with the bazar tool. But it doesn't show any changes. Can someone guide me a bit?14:38
nordinhello beuno :)14:38
nordinthe changes can only be shown, if I add a file using the bazaar tool.14:39
rubbsnordin: have you tried the refresh button at all? IIRC it only auto refreshes every 10 mins, but it's been a while for me.14:39
nordinYes I refreshed it too, forgot to mention that.14:40
rubbswait, so you haven't added the files to bzr yet? if that's the case Bzr can't tell any changes unless they've been added to the repository14:40
rubbsor are you saying it won't even recognize new files?14:40
nordinI also created an empty file and want to see if bazaar can see that a file has created, but also nothing. So I deleted the .bzr map and the trunk, re-initialized it, because I thought I might initialized it in the wrong directory.14:41
nordinSame result.14:41
nordinrubbs: no it won't recognise.14:41
nordinMaybe you can provide me a good link?14:42
nordinI used bazaar's documents for windows system based tutorials, but that's where I ended up now.14:43
rubbsnordin: sorry it's been over a year since I've use bzr on windows now. I wish I could help more, but there are others on the chan who may be able to help more14:44
Pengerk, sorry14:44
nordinrubbs: no problem, I do see red marked text saying I haven't defined parent location yet...14:45
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
vilanew p-i running on package-import.local \o/17:58
fullermdbzr seems to get confused sometimes with its relative paths   :|17:59
vilafullermd: it depends...18:00
vila. o O (You just asked for that one ;)18:00
mgzthere are some interesting bugs filed recently.18:01
fullermdWell, lots of things depend, but I think 'crashing' qualifies as confusion   :p18:06
mgzbug 720853 is particularly fun.18:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 720853 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with RuntimeError in normpath(): maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72085318:24
montywiDoes anyone have a clue for what to do when you get in bzr gcommit "on bzr gcommit I get "unknown error 'sp1f-makefile.am-20010411110351-k5iezflkcrh2r5dzkgl3zuhr3cxtnsa7'"21:35
montywiI got the same error in two different source trees (sharing a common .bzr directory)21:36
pooliehi montywi21:37
montywipoolie: hi!21:37
* mneptok hugs poolie 21:37
montywiAny clue of what to do?21:37
poolieuh, i guess look for more information about the error in .bzr.log21:37
pooliewith just that it's hard to tell what it means21:37
montywiI have a really big merge just done and would hate to have to do it again....21:37
montywi.bzr.log has nothing about this21:37
mneptokmontywi: hopefully that disk issue is not to blame in any way.21:38
montywiit says 'All changes applied successfully"21:38
montywithis happend before disk crashed21:38
mneptokah, OK21:38
maxbIs it possible you could try "bzr commit" on the commandline to establish whether we are talking about a core or bzr-gtk problem?21:38
pooliehm, perhaps then try the commit from the command line? see if it can be reproduced?21:38
montywiThe only clue I have is that the above is an old modified file, but in another branch21:38
pooliedo you know what version of bzr you're using?21:38
montywiif I do 'bzr update' and then bzr gcommit, I get the message 'nothing to commit'21:39
montywiTesting by modifing one file and doing bzr commit21:41
montywiwhen testing by doing a small modification, it worked21:42
montywihow to test if the tree is correct?  is bzr check enough?21:43
pooliechecking you can make another checkout of it would be a way to get external validation21:45
montywiok, will try21:46
montywii was able to do a bzr pull from another machine for the library21:48
montywinow doing bzr check21:49
montywiwhich of course takes a VERY long time21:53
poolieit could be tuned, or usefully check just the tree21:54
montywistill working21:58
montywichecking commit contents:inventories 0/222:01
montywithis has not changed for the last 10 min22:01
montywithere is a \ before the checking commit contents22:05
montywiis this supposed to 'rotate' to show that something is happening?22:05
montywiit's not changing, which is confusing as it's impossible to see bzr check is doing anything...22:05
poolieit is supposed to spin22:10
pooliei would try an strace on it22:10
poolietbh if you want to see if your tree is ok, rather than checking all history, i'd just try branching from it22:10
montywii did manage to do a branch from it22:11
montywistrace shows a lot of seek_set calls22:11
fullermdFWIW, my experience with significant check's is that the spinner is stalled _way_ more often than not.22:12
montywibut it's hard to say if this is in a loop or not22:12
montywithis is happening millions of times:22:13
montywiopen("/home/my/.bzr/repository/packs/95bf270064open("/home/my/.bzr/repository/packs/95bf270064246246a06e2f3d9639ceb5.pack", O_RDONLY) = 2622:13
montywifstat(26, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=144334478, ...}) = 022:13
montywifstat(26, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=144334478, ...}) = 022:13
montywimmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7ffe228c200022:13
montywilseek(26, 0, SEEK_SET)                  = 022:13
montywiread(26, "Bazaar pack format 1 (introduced"..., 4096) = 409622:13
montywilseek(26, 52871168, SEEK_SET)           = 5287116822:14
montywiread(26, "\325\214H\"!\r(\243e}\252\273(\10\205\340\223\321f<j\316\271\243\1\"\3246246a06e2f3d9639ceb5.pack", O_RDONLY) = 2622:14
montywifstat(26, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=144334478, ...}) = 022:14
montywifstat(26, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=144334478, ...}) = 022:14
montywimmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7ffe228c200022:14
montywilseek(26, 0, SEEK_SET)                  = 022:14
montywiread(26, "Bazaar pack format 1 (introduced"..., 4096) = 409622:14
montywilseek(26, 52871168, SEEK_SET)           = 5287116822:14
montywiread(26, "\325\214H\"!\r(\243e}\252\273(\10\205\340\223\321f<j\316\271\243\1\"\322:14
montywisorry, a bit more than I intended....22:14
montywistill it does the above over and over again, with slightly different addresses22:14
poolieok, so i think it is actually checking history22:14
montywistill, adding a simple cache for the above should speed up things 100x22:14
montywipoolie: I am just worried that I got the error message twice (in different directories) when doing merges22:20
montywilooks like it takes 'forever'22:29
montywiI will go to sleep and see what it says in the morning...22:29
mtayloris there a ui for getting at revision properties yet?23:09
sorenmtaylor: Sure!23:15
sorenmtaylor: "bzr cat-revision"23:16
jelmermtaylor: I'm not sure if displaying raw revision properties has much use; you can add formatters for revision properties though, and there are a few standard formatters (such as for the "bugs", "authors" and "nick" revision properties)23:17
pooliehi jelmer23:20
jelmer'morning poolie23:26

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