
trudellhi james00:00
trudellsomebody knows if have kubuntu for armel processors?00:02
james147trudell: kubuntu only supports amd64 and i686 compatable processors00:02
james147trudell: you might want to look at debian... that has support for just about everything ever :s00:03
trudelli was, but i cant download squeeze for amel! :(00:06
trudell404 not found00:07
trudelljames147: i found only snapshot versions00:08
trudelldebian-testing-armel-kde-CD-1.iso       14-Feb-2011 08:53  648M   <-- soooooo big00:09
trudelljames147: Is netinstall a simplified version with optional internet installation of packages?00:11
trudelljames147: do you know something about it?00:12
james147trudell: a netinstall tends to be a minimal collection of software toget the installer running and then the installer downloads the packages from the internet00:14
trudelljames147: ya! thx james00:15
trudelljames147: Another question: Is business card version a good choice for minimal installation for little tablets?00:16
james147trudell: i do not know what a business card version is00:18
trudelljames147: another question: have some environment to develop and compiling armel architecture on kubuntu with i686 processor?00:20
trudellor its impossible?00:21
james147trudell: it is possible to crosscompile... but is not a trivial thing to do00:21
trudelljames147: why not?00:21
trudelljames147: what tools i will need to do crosscompilation from i686 to armel?00:23
trudelljames147: do you know which version of kde debian squeeze uses?00:47
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
RaskQuick question - for a new system running Kubuntu, ATI or nVidia?01:12
RaskGiven that my luck is absolutely horrendous, which is the safest choice?01:13
SentynelI'm running KDE4.6 on 10.10, and it won't save my GTK theme settings; it resets to QtCurve on each boot. anybody know how to fix that?01:14
Sentynelmelodie_: ask your question, if somebody knows the answer they'll reply01:27
melodie_oh...sorry im sort of new to this, thank you...first off, this is a personal thing so its not that important, but how, if there is anyway do i send a sms message from either the internet or my email adress....i heard you could but i really have no idea how, and since I don't have a phone, it sort of sucks.... :/01:30
peteteusually you can send SMSs from the phone company webpage01:32
peteteat least you can here01:32
melodie_For that you have to have a account, we stopped paying for it so we don't have that acsess anymore.01:33
Sentynelmelodie_: google "send sms", there are loads of results01:34
SentynelI've no idea how reliable any of them are, though01:34
melodie_Ok, I shall try01:35
melodie_Ok thats not working so... next question. Dose anyone know any programs I can download from my KpackageKit that will help me edit either sound or video/both...01:45
Sentynelmelodie_: audacity is a good audio editor01:46
Sentynelmelodie_: there are a few video editors around; I think kdenlive is quite good01:49
melodie_Sentynel: when it bring up audacity in the KpackageKit, it brings up three things. One that says "A fast, cross -platform audio editor" the next that says "A fast, cross -platform audio editor (debug)" and the one after that says "A fast, cross -platform audio editor (data)"01:53
melodie_which one do i download01:53
melodie_im guessing the first01:53
Sentynelmelodie_: yup01:53
Sentynelit'll automatically grab any other packages it depends on, so you just select the main one01:54
melodie_just making sure then01:54
melodie_didn't want to mess it up haha01:54
rackITI want to know how to expand an existing virtual drive02:44
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ecinx3is it possible to use a gui app from my laptop on this computer? with all the settings and plugins from the laptop? in this case gvim06:16
amasonecinx3: can you give us a bit more information....06:21
amasonwhat is this computer ? a kubuntu machine ?06:22
amasonand what is your laptop ?06:22
amasonif it's two gnu/linux boxes you can just copy the .files over06:22
amasonor you can do Xforwarding over ssh06:22
amasonand use the application on your laptop06:22
amasonif your current machine is freebsd or opensolaris you can probably do the same06:23
amasonif you have a windows  or osx machine YMMV06:23
ecinx3i found a faq and it works06:27
ecinx3it told me to download openssh-server06:27
ecinx3then i did ssh -X -l<user> <ip>06:28
ecinx3they are both kubuntu btw, i'm on gnome right now with the desktop06:29
valoriessh is magick06:29
rackITdoes anyone know where I can find information on expanding an existing virtual hard disk image? using qemu - if that matters06:33
valorielet's see if the bot knows anything06:33
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo06:34
valoriehave you checked there, rackIT?06:34
rackITvalorie: yes. nothing obvious, but you do remind me to RTFM :)06:47
valorienever in language like that06:53
valorieI could have glared, and said MAN QEMU06:54
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valorieI have the same question10:42
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jimkeyi need help with mic and sound12:22
jimkeycan anyone help?12:22
shadeslayerjimkey: um .. i have to rush, but i'll leave you with this12:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:23
shadeslayeralso ...12:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:23
shadeslayerok bye :)12:23
jimkeywhy is pc sound is captured by mic ... even if it is muted?12:23
admin1james147: got all the files copied over-- thanks for help12:31
admin1can someone recomment firewall and AV12:32
james147!firewall | admin112:35
ubottuadmin1: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.12:35
james147!virus | admin112:36
ubottuadmin1: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:36
* james147 notes that a firewall isent needed either if your on a trusted network behind a router12:36
admin1I am  on my home network and this is my only linux box (set up as a file server).  There are typically 5-6 WIN XP/Vista/WIN7 boxes connected to network that us the are mapped to various folders on file server.  What do you recommend12:42
omkarcan anyone please help me to configure apache2 for running php512:45
omkarI have everything installed properly but for something its not running12:46
james147omkar: this might be of intrest:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:47
admin1bazhang:  I am downloading clamav with freshclam  anything else I need to get it going12:47
bazhangadmin1, that should pull in what you need12:48
omkarI had mysql installed earlier n also apache212:48
omkarI then installed php512:48
omkarn tried moving the php test script to the alias path which was mentioned in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache2.conf12:49
omkar /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf12:49
omkarAlso I have included the same in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf12:50
omkarlets see now i m running the tasksel for installing lamp-server onto my kubuntu 10.0412:50
hannoHi there. I've got a problem with the run App on KDE. If i press ALT+F2 and then type it hangs for a few seconds before the keystrokes are accepted. Has anyone had this problem, too? I found two people in the forum sharing the problem, but no solution.12:53
james147hanno: what version of kde?12:54
omkarI am pasting the output to pastebin n will post the link here12:54
omkarwould appreciate if anyone could help me a bit12:54
hannojames147: The Version is 4.4.5 (KDE 4.4.5)12:55
james147hanno: i suggest you upgrade to maverick (kubuntu 10.10) which has kde 4.5.... i remember some peoblems with krunner in 4.4.... but its been a while since I have used that version12:56
* james147 recalls that it might have been the nepomuk plugin for krunner....and suggests to hanno to try disabling that is he dosennt wish to upgrade13:00
* james147 still recommends upgrading however ^^13:01
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lei_Fedora 的源更新快吗?13:56
lei_kde Widget 是用什么语言开发的啊14:03
nitin22 m india plz chat wid me14:03
nlsthznoh noes not again14:03
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* nlsthzn thinks he needs to learn the bot commands for languages and how to attract mods attention when the ban hammer is needed :/14:04
Pici!in | nitin14:05
ubottunitin: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India14:05
Pici!zh | lei_14:05
ubottulei_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:05
* nlsthzn bows down before Pici's skills14:06
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BluesKajHiyas all14:21
* nlsthzn lurks and waves at BluesKaj...14:22
* BluesKaj waves back to nlsthzn14:22
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* ct529 waves at BluesKaj from a distance14:39
BluesKajhi ct52914:39
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* nlsthzn decided to shift away from Kubuntu and KDE and try Unity... that experience lasted as long as it took me to re-install Kubuntu and get KDE 4.6 back up ... phew...14:42
BluesKajnlsthzn, yeah I tried Unity as well , it lasted a few days in my case :) Even gnome lovers are disenchanted with it.14:46
BluesKajI see over at #ubuntu , a lot of ppl are regressing to classic gnome14:47
nlsthznthe reason I was so quick to change back was because I couldn't get it to work... not one of the pre-releases booted up after installation... (the same with openSUSE 11.4 ... I am worried :/)14:47
BluesKajnlsthzn, well, kubuntu 10.10 is very stable and IMO handles application repos much better then suse or the "Hats"14:49
BluesKajnlsthzn, the apt package management system is superior in other words14:50
nlsthznBluesKaj: If it wasn't for some of the ways *buntu makes it easier I would gladly be using openSUSE... it is solid (well, 11.3 was for me)14:51
* BluesKaj nods14:54
afinkanyone else on 64 bit having flash problems after an update about a week and half ago?15:06
foormeafor some strange reason, my eth0 is not automatically configured when i plug a cable in, actually to enable dhcp i have to manually do a dhclient eth015:31
BluesKajfoormea, does the ethernet icon say unmanaged ?15:32
foormeaBluesKaj: correct!15:32
BluesKajfoormea, you seem to have some networking skills so this is what several ppl are doing nowadays , maybe you would want to try it as well , there are 2 tutorials one for dhcp and th other for static IP on your LAN15:33
sre-su!pm > Nitin15:34
ubottuNitin, please see my private message15:34
BluesKajfoormea, for dhcp :http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:34
foormeabut mh i'm just confused over the fact that "it worked" and "it doesn't anymore" with *i think* no obvious reason...15:34
foormeabut thanks BluesKaj for the link, let me take a look15:35
BluesKajfoormea, for static : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html15:35
foormeaor maybe i'll just use wired and not use the network manager15:36
foormeai'm very very lazy these days :D15:36
BluesKajfoormea, it has to do with you /etc/network/interfaces settings and dhclient , the sttings have to be more specific about the gateway , network and broadcast IPs15:37
BluesKajfoormea, anyway that's been my experiejne15:38
foormeaBluesKaj: AH! thanks a lot, pppoeconf messed up my /etc/network/interfaces15:38
foormeathanks a lot :)15:38
BluesKajok foormea15:38
foormeaalso BluesKaj15:39
foormeai'm coming back to buntu from some time on gentoo. i was familiar with debian/ubuntu before, but many things seem to have changed in the past 1-1.5 years. many services are managed by upstart now, right? is there an interface like sysv-rc-conf for upstart services?15:40
foormeai've looked but haven't found anything yet, maybe you'd know :)15:40
BluesKajfoormea, ubuntu or kubuntu , on kubuntu look in system settings / startup&shutdown /service manager15:42
foormeathanks a lot BluesKaj15:44
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BluesKajGuest75821, hi16:02
BluesKajoops sry wrong guest16:02
nitini m new to ubuntu16:03
nitinsuggest me some new col apps for ubuntu16:03
foormeaBluesKaj: got disconnected, sorry. unfortunately restoring my /etc/network/interfaces file as such http://pastebin.com/5dtjfVPe does not help the network manager to automatically configure my eth0... do you have any idea?16:04
foormeait just still says 'unmanaged'16:05
foormeafor eth016:05
foormeai'm currently connected with wlan0 and since wlan0 is not in the interfaces file16:05
foormeashould i just try to remove altogether stuff relevant to eth0 too? would that let the network manager handle it?16:06
foormeai guess i'll try.16:06
BluesKajusing /etc/network/interfaces as your network  manangement requires network manager to be either disabled or removed because it changes the interface settings at boot16:08
foormeaah BluesKaj took me a while haha but anywayc, commenting out the 2 lines relevant to eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces did the trick16:10
BluesKajfoormea, using /etc/network/interfaces as your network  manangement requires network manager to be either disabled or removed because it changes the interface settings at boot16:11
foormeaand :( i'll have to read up about upstart, as silly as it sounds i did not manage to stop/restart the networking services...16:11
BluesKajfoormea, the static setting makes your connections slightly fasterbut the dhcp option is easier for most16:12
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foormeaBluesKaj: i'd normally use static, but right now on this computer i just want something that works with as little custom configuration as possible :)16:12
BluesKajfoormea , sudo service networking restart16:13
BluesKajusing /etc/init.d/networking restart also may work , but it's being replaced by services,conf16:14
foormeaBluesKaj: i did, it wouldn't restart. then "service ... stop" doesn't work, "stop eth0" or "stop wlan0" or "stop eth0=eth0" etc.. did not work. well true, i have not read the man for upstart/networking yet16:14
BluesKajfoormea, it service stop or start , stop or start servce16:15
BluesKajnot stop service16:15
foormeaBluesKaj: i'll give it a try and i'll check some doc for networking on recent ubuntus16:16
BluesKajsudo service networking start or stop etc16:16
foormeathanks a lot for your help tonight (at least here's it's night :D)16:16
foormeaare you a dev for ubuntu/kubuntu?16:16
BluesKajfoormea, no just a user likeyou :)16:18
BluesKajfoormea, Canada here , so it's still morning :)16:19
foormeahehe. there's a lot of new stuff in maverick compared with 9.10. i was really impressed to see nouveau used by default with my nvidia card16:19
foormeahong kong here, time to go sleep16:19
=== chrischi is now known as natschil
foormeabye bye, thanks again for your input16:20
BluesKajfoormea, there's a hardware driver for nvidia in the kmenu that you should check out16:20
foormeaoh yeah i'm now using the proprietary driver16:20
foormeabut it's cool to see that nouveau is starting to get shipped by default on distros16:21
foormeai better go16:21
FloodBotK2foormea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
BluesKajit's the recommended one , it may not be activated , you need to activate it , nouveau is merely a stopgap til you install the proper nvidia driver16:22
=== chrischi is now known as natschil_
ct529BluesKaj: which nvidia driver you mean?16:42
BluesKajct529, the recommended driver in kmenu/applications/system/ additional hardware16:45
gnomefreakBluesKaj: are you on Natty and use Konsole?16:46
ct529BluesKaj: I installed the nvidia one from the website16:47
BluesKajgnomefreak, nope,on maverick16:48
gnomefreakk thanks16:48
BluesKajct529, i tried the proprietary driver from the nvidia website as well, it was listed as the driver for my 8400gs , but it couldn't run X16:51
BluesKajct529, which nvidia do you use ?16:57
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computer_I need help installing17:53
computer_I need help installing 8.1017:53
computer_the apt-get upgrade is not working17:54
natacomputer_: please list out the error17:54
computer_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/main/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:59
computer_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:59
computer_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:59
computer_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/universe/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:59
computer_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:59
FloodBotK2computer_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
computer_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:59
natacomputer_: what version of linux you use? kubuntu 8.10?18:05
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
ristohow to remove from kopete annoying notification ?18:38
ristoanyone knows how to remove kopete notifications ?18:42
=== Aranel_ is now known as Aranel
aaditya_hey how to make iso file of my current running ubuntu system?18:51
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline18:52
aaditya_can i make iso file from this tool18:55
BluesKajAPT removable repository creator and package backup tool for Debian based systems.18:58
BluesKajThis tool will allow you to create a media (CD or DVD) to use to install software via APT in a non-connected machine, as well upgrade and install the same set of softwares in several machines with no need to re-download the packages again.18:58
FloodBotK2BluesKaj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
FloodBotK2aaditya_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
BluesKajaaditya_, now now18:58
computer_need help installing19:00
BluesKajcomputer_, installing ?19:01
computer_need help installing 8.1019:01
BluesKajyeah computer_ it's no longer supported, you19:01
BluesKajyou're better off installing a newer OS19:02
BluesKaj!lts | computer_19:03
ubottucomputer_: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:03
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:03
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:03
BluesKaj!pm | computer_19:04
ubottucomputer_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:04
BluesKajaaditya_, we prefer not to pm'd here with being asked first19:05
ubuntu_I cannot enter the system with my credentials after shotting down the system by  bottom19:17
BluesKajubuntu , bottom button ?19:25
davutopera acık kaynak mıdır?19:40
davutıs opera open source?19:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:53
__-osh-__Hi guys. For some reason I won't X working when booting off kubuntu10.10-live-cd. Is there some option that I can turn on/off to get it to work?20:10
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avihay__-osh-__: yes, you can disable the display driver and VESA20:13
avihaythat's usually the number one reason20:13
__-osh-__avihay: Can I do that from the live-cd?20:13
__-osh-__"Safe graphics mode" seems to be the option to set... =)20:19
__-osh-__Let's reboot...20:19
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__-osh-__...except that there isn't a "Safe graphics mode" on kubuntu10.10 live cd. *sigh*20:50
__-osh-__is there some way to boot into vesa-mode?20:51
__-osh-__ah... the -xforcevesa option is nice to have...20:53
__-osh-__too bad I didn't read that earlier.20:54
__-osh-__back to reboot...20:54
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melodie_Are there any downloads of a sound machine or something of that nature that I can find online or on KpackageKit??21:37
=== angel is now known as Venom
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melodie_Are there any downloads of a sound machine or something of that nature that I can find online anywhere else??21:39
Snowhogmelodie_: 'sound machine' as in synthisizers? Search on 'midi' in KpackageKit.21:42
melodie_I was just looking for a drum machine or something of that nature but a synthisizer would be awesome21:43
melodie_Snowhog: thanks, i'll look it up :D21:43
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