ule | :) | 00:20 |
houpiti | hi, je cherche soit un canal IRC GRUB soit personnes connaissant bien GRUB pour programmer une ouverture par défaut spécifique. Merci | 10:54 |
ule | Hi | 11:47 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas | 14:21 |
Amgine | BobJonkman: Are there any ubuntu-on-a-netbook experts here? | 16:13 |
BobJonkman | Hi Amgine - There are a lot of ubuntu-on-a-netbook *users* in here. But sadly, I'm not (yet) one of them | 16:15 |
Amgine | <grin> | 16:15 |
BobJonkman | Some of them might be experts -- what problems are you experiencing? | 16:15 |
Amgine | Well, I'm doing some quick research for a client who is interested in possibly doing research using netbooks - possibly leading to a hundred or so units. | 16:16 |
Amgine | The question is: could we set up a ubuntu netbook to only allow use of a browser, and that so it would only go to a specific, pre-set url? | 16:17 |
Amgine | (doing surveys in secondary schools) | 16:17 |
BobJonkman | So you need a "what works, what doesn't, what's good, what's bad" list? | 16:17 |
BobJonkman | Ah. | 16:17 |
BobJonkman | That's probably more of a browser feature | 16:18 |
Amgine | Right, but is it possible to create a user which only has access to [browser that does this]? | 16:18 |
BobJonkman | Does the browser "kiosk" feature meet your needs? "kiosk" full-screens the browser, and supposedly disables many of the keystrokes that provide access to the OS | 16:19 |
Amgine | Yes, it would. I don | 16:19 |
Amgine | 't think there's anything in the survey that even requires a keyboard - all mouse/trackpad and click. | 16:20 |
BobJonkman | Without having tried it myself, I would suggest creating a user account with almost no access at all, having it auto-login, launch the browser at startup in kiosk mode | 16:20 |
Amgine | <nods> Excellent! looks exactly like what is needed. | 16:21 |
Amgine | Great! thanks Bob! <continues mtg w/client, I love IRC> | 16:21 |
BobJonkman | There's probably a way to start the browser as a system daemon, preventing user-level access to "Close", &c. | 16:22 |
Amgine | <ndos> | 16:26 |
* BluesKaj wonders about google OS ...I thoyght it was being dev'd for netbook computing in the so called "cloud" | 16:29 |
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