
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
hemanthkim0, hello [ i had few queries on cloud, on of the developers from canonical referred you ]05:54
kim0hemanth: hey07:20
hemanthkim0, hey wanted your views on FOSS in cloud07:23
flaccidthats a broad question; i'm keen to hear the response :)07:23
hemanthRMS says, "It's worse than stupidity: it's a marketing hype campaign".07:26
flaccidthe ignorant usually say incorrect things07:26
hemanthRMS is referring to private enterprise moneymaking cloud vendors07:27
flaccidwell i don't even know what RMS is..07:27
hemanthflaccid, "I respect Richard Stallman for the same reason I respect gravity. The man is a force of nature. He is like the iron core of the Earth: fixed, central, essential."07:28
flaccidand i work for a private enterprise cloud management platform heh07:28
* hemanth waits for kim0 07:28
hemanthflaccid, are there any cloud env which has the principals of free software?07:29
flaccidisn't that what UEC is/ubuntu cloud?07:29
flaccidstill the company i work for has mostly free and open software07:30
hemanthflaccid, eucalyptus is one such; any other?07:30
flaccidwell no such thing as a 'cloud env' to begin with07:31
flaccidyou can look at xen, cloudstack, euca etc. for clouds07:31
hemanthflaccid, more over, most of the cloud vendors wont have the free-software philosophy07:31
flaccidstill pretty broad07:31
flacciddefine a cloud vendor?07:31
hemanththose who provide space on there servers, saying they have cloud hosting07:32
flaccidoh that could be any number of companies in the world thinking they do the cloud07:32
hemanthyup, if we give our data to them, we are locked in the proprietary cage07:34
flaccidi guess you might like to avoid that and choose a real public cloud07:35
kim0hemanth: oh sorry .. was grabbing some coffee .. reading and replying07:36
hemanthkim0, ok :)07:36
hemanthflaccid, 'real public cloud', as in?07:37
flaccide.g. amazon ec207:37
hemanthPublic cloud services may be free or offered on a pay-per-usage model...hmm07:38
kim0hmm hard question :)07:39
kim0Personally I do respect RMS a lot and I can understand where he's coming from07:39
kim0basically GNU has been fighting for so many years making sure, users have full control over their data and the programs to process their data07:40
kim0now all of that is being taken away by cloud07:40
hemanthyup if RMS says something, there will be some strong reason behind it!07:40
flaccidhow so?07:40
hemanth<hemanth> yup, if we give our data to them, we are locked in the proprietary cage07:41
flaccidcan you explain how on a technical level?07:41
kim0basically .. clou dto RMS I suppose means something like your data on facebook07:41
kim0you have no control over your data there and not even the programs to process them07:41
flaccidthats incorrect. you have 100% control07:42
flaccidand you can choose whatever programs you want to access your data07:42
flaccidthat sounds more like google apps or something..07:42
kim0was just gonna mention that07:43
kim0google docs comes to mind as well07:43
hemanthyup, they backup all over data07:43
hemanththey have our data basically07:43
erichammondflaccid: Amazon/Facebook/Google can disable your access to your data at any time.  Therefor you do not control it.07:43
hemantheven if we delete our account!07:43
kim0and they can shows everything to the feds if they choose to07:43
kim0same for FB07:44
hemanththey steal our data and sell it to someone else07:44
flacciderichammond: sure. you can take it offsite as regular as you want. this is nothing new for a hosting provider. its actually in most of their ToS.07:44
erichammondPersonally, I trust Amazon and Google with much of my personal and company data (with backups).  RMS does not based on his statements.07:44
flaccidwherever you outsource your hosting of any kind, of course that provider is going to have control, nothing new there07:44
hemantherichammond, i don't trust them either07:45
kim0hemanth: with regards to UEC, it's a great way to run a EC2 compatble cloud using pure open source. Assuming you run it locally (private) RMS has nothing to fear07:46
erichammondhemanth: You don't use Amazon or Google?07:46
hemanthflaccid, yes, unless and until it's hosted by you, with your own machine, that data is not yours07:46
kim0I for one use them and don't trust them07:46
kim0I'm quite confident FB sells info on your online activity to governments07:46
flaccidhemanth: and you do realise you don't need cloud for that situation right? its always existed. you need to fork out for co-location which costs money..07:47
kim0twitters did the same during the Egyptian revolution days ago07:47
kim0people rely on such closed systems and they fail them07:47
erichammondI treat what I put on Facebook as public information.07:47
kim0erichammond: even private one to one communication07:48
hemantherichammond, have you read about : "Nick Saber one day "came back from lunch to find out that he couldn't get into his Gmail account..."07:48
erichammondkim0: I don't use Facebook for private conversation.  I move any contacts to email immediately.07:48
flaccidso hemanth you could just do co location hosting in a decent centre with your own private cloud07:48
flaccidand you would have no issues and zomg you are using the cloud!07:48
erichammondI host my own email.07:48
kim0erichammond: well, so you're so careful, most people won't be :)07:48
erichammondbut recommend Gmail for the rest of my family because they are so good at filtering spam :)07:49
flaccidi host my own email in the cloud and if they cancel my account, well i have regular off site backups which is a best practice for any situation07:49
hemanthkim0, yes most people are not bothered!07:49
kim0and it's a compromise07:49
flaccidso the choice is there. you'll just pay more if you choose to do your own infrastructure which of course is not public cloud07:50
flaccidi hope that clears up some misconceptions07:50
kim0so my take is UEC and others are great at the IaaS level. And I'm awaiting more free software equivalents to things like Facebook ..etc07:50
kim0the freedom box discussion is actually quite interesting07:50
hemanthpeople who respect other data, must come up and make such cloud services, like freedombox07:51
hemanthkim0, :) wow! thought match, diaspora++ ?07:51
kim0yeah, I just hope they take off07:51
flaccidif you want full PCI/DSS compliance, the public cloud is not for you yet.07:52
hemanthkim0, its better now07:52
kim0it's always hard moving mountains like Microsoft and FB07:52
flaccidand i'm not sure how freedombox is different to any other..07:52
hemanthya monopoly :(07:52
hemanth^ M$ and FB07:52
uvirtbothemanth: Error: "M$" is not a valid command.07:52
uvirtbothemanth: My source is at http://supybot.com/07:53
flaccidactually i'm not really sure how it is even relevent07:53
flaccidhttp://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox is not a cloud service.07:53
hemanthflaccid, we were taking about 'data freedom'07:53
kim0no reason why you can't be part of a cloud service from your home07:54
flaccidi'm not sure how that is relevent to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreedomBox either07:54
flaccidit really depends how you define 'cloud service'. that is a term not really well defined if at all in the de facto industry07:55
hemanthkim0, so RMS is not against private clouds, he is only warning us to not to use public clouds and give all our data to them, right?07:55
flaccidits incredibly broad and also abused07:55
hemanth'could' is the new name for the old 'game'07:55
kim0hemanth: I wouldn't know what he means, that's my interpretation however07:55
flaccidi think the point is simple. you want to secure your data fully, you do co-location whether you run a cloud or not.07:55
kim0hemanth: it still all depends on the confidentiality of your data07:56
kim0whether or not you care07:56
hemanthkim0, yup even i feel the same, as he is always against data stealer07:56
kim0non techies in many cases, just dont give a dime about their personal data07:57
kim0nice discussion to start the morning ;)07:57
hemanththat is making those buggers to monopolize faster07:57
hemanthyup, it had been long time, happy to talk to such a decent crowd :)07:58
hemanthreminds me of http://capitalismisover.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/JAvsMZ.jpg08:01
flaccidany proof on claims fb distributes non aggregate info?08:02
flaccidcurious on that..08:02
hemanthMark's treading secrets..hmm08:07
flaccidgood ol speculation heh08:07
flaccidthats not distributing your information to 3rd parties.08:09
hemanthits very obvious that they are distributing it! Come on!08:10
flaccidi'll restrain from commenting there08:10
hemanth:) god for them08:11
flaccidmany people have been sentenced to death or life inprisonment from such assumptions08:11
flaccidwhich is ironic considering the basis of your point is rights08:11
hemanthpeople who speak truth have always been facing the same08:12
flaccidi choose to base conclusions on facts, sorry08:12
hemanthsome things they are real, need no facts08:13
kim0hemanth: don't go trying to convince the world of your beliefs08:16
hemanthya :( convincing right stuff to people is always tough08:17
flaccidso is getting your facts straight08:18
hemanthaxioms need no proofs!08:19
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