
* mhall119 has a new website: http://mhall119.com/02:52
nigelbmhall119: congrats02:56
cjohnstondoesnt + '''Teams''': My Teams | Approved Teams | All Teams | Join a Team | Create a Team (first 3 views (from less  to much) and then 2 informative pages about changing team membership)  link to external pages?03:31
cjohnstonI also think that 'my teams' should be available from every page03:35
cjohnstonmhall119: YoBoY ^03:37
YoBoYcjohnston: the infomative pages should be on the LD. They have for me to be static pages, with simple steps to follow and links to the external pages.06:28
YoBoYcjohnston: you are right, with the mokup done by Ronnie, all the teams+events+meetings are shown on the same view, we should place for that the same link on the sub menus for all these fields. To put this link also on About LoCo and Loco Council... not really necessary, but can be also06:31
YoBoYgood morning06:32
dholbachgood morning07:11
cjohnstonRonnie: ping11:03
Ronniecjohnston: pong11:04
cjohnstonto me the my teams link needs to be on every page11:04
cjohnstonIMO it should be in the top bar: My Teams username Log Out11:05
Ronniecjohnston: the top bar is a good idea11:06
Ronniei was first thinking of the main-nav but that was a bad idea, the main-nav should be static in each app11:06
Ronniecjohnston: http://ubuntuone.com/p/eGI/ 11:11
Ronnieim still thinking if the login should be left and the "offsite pages" should be right11:11
Ronniewhats your opinion about that?11:11
cjohnstonI like what you just showed me..11:11
cjohnstonI'm not sure what you mean11:11
Ronnieswap the "logged in as ...."  with the "ubuntu.com Support Documentation"11:12
cjohnstonDirectory needs to be capitilized on that screenshot and a space between mailing and list11:13
cjohnstonand remove loged in from the main nav11:13
cjohnstonother than that i do like it very much11:14
Ronniecjohnston: where do you see mailing list11:15
Ronnieoh there, i was searching in the topnav and main nav11:19
Ronniecjohnston: http://ubuntuone.com/p/eGI/  (not sure how to emphatize "Loco directory" in the top nav, any ideas?11:22
cjohnstonI don't know that we need that link11:22
YoBoYRonnie: it's not really important to emphatiza that link, let it like the others11:48
cjohnstondaker: !11:49
cjohnstonI don't even know that the link needs to exist11:49
dakerwoot :)11:49
YoBoYcjohnston: consistency with the other sites (if some of them use this quick link toolbar)11:50
cjohnstondaker: have you seen http://ubuntuone.com/p/eGI/11:50
cjohnstonYoBoY: this isnt an approved quick link toolbar11:50
YoBoYyes, that's the main problem :D11:50
cjohnstonthe only thing approved is whats on planet, and i dont like it11:50
cjohnstondpm: good morning11:51
cjohnstonwhen you get a moment, i have a question for you.11:52
dakercjohnston, nice!!11:52
cjohnstonprops Ronnie, daker 11:53
dakerRonnie, good work :)11:53
cjohnstonYoBoY: i thought you were going to get your team to do translations11:56
YoBoYThey are done, just not validated :]11:57
cjohnstononly half are translated11:57
cjohnstonaccording to lp11:57
YoBoYnot easy11:57
cjohnstonI dont understand11:59
YoBoYthe "untranslated" strings need to be validated, you see only half translated because there is only half of the strings who already have a valid translation11:59
YoBoYI already wrote to them last week to validate the new translations because you are ready to release new version, I can't do the work for them (I already have enought work)12:03
dpmhi cjohnston, sure, just ask :)12:03
cjohnstondpm: do you know if its possible to export translations on a regular basis from LP straight to the loco directory website (atleast from the LP end)12:04
dpmcjohnston, they can only be exported regularly to a bzr branch12:05
cjohnstonOk.. so there would have to be a cron setup to pull the branch12:05
cjohnstonYoBoY, and maybe dpm can clarify for me.. I see untranslated and needs review.. I would think (dont know) that untranslated means that it isnt translated, and needs review would be what needs to be validated12:06
dpmcjohnston, or you can have translations get committed on the main branch. Then you wouldn't have to merge. But some people don't like to have such automatic commits on the main branch12:06
cjohnstonRonnie: can you paste a link to the mock up of the team page please12:07
YoBoYseems the needs review stands for a new translation on an already translated string12:07
cjohnstondpm: but it would still need a cron pull to make it show up on the website without further effort12:07
YoBoYyes thats it the "needs review" are the items with new suggestion12:08
YoBoYbut that's all the items with new suggestion (untranslated and translated), you can see there is a lot of them 234 ^^12:10
Ronniecjohnston: http://ubuntuone.com/p/eF8/12:11
YoBoYcjohnston: Give me an "import langage" final date and a release date and I ping them again12:13
cjohnstonumm unless they do it in the next two hours, it has already been sent to the sysadmins for release12:14
YoBoYnext time, give me the dates, it's help to know when to have the work ready12:15
cjohnstoni mean, if they get a bunch of work done prior to the actual push by the sysadmins, we can push the translations12:15
YoBoYI can try... :p12:15
cjohnstonif you notice a big change, ping us (i may be in the air, depending on when) and we can try to get a new translations put into prod prior to the release12:16
YoBoYI sent the mail12:17
YoBoYlook at the needs revie counter, it's droping :D12:22
Ronnieczajkowski: i just saw you comment on the "my teams page bug" there is now a mockup for this page: http://ubuntuone.com/p/eGI/ . I think in this concept the main activities of the teams are shown without clutter and even if you are member of a lot of teams (what is a lot?) i think this page stays very usefull. If not, mabe we can add a  collapse button for team you do not want to have in the list. Whats your opinion?12:27
cjohnstonRonnie: How would you split "request.user.message_set.create(message=_('You can not remove this team meeting. You are not admin/owner of the Launchpad team or on the LoCo Council.'))" into two different text strings for translations12:31
cjohnstonjust do the first sentence in one message and the second in another?12:31
Ronnierequest.user.message_set.create(message='%s %s' % (_('You can not remove this team meeting.'), _('You are not admin/owner of the Launchpad team or on the LoCo Council.')))12:33
cjohnstonok.. thanks12:33
YoBoYcjohnston: I think you can import the translations now, the counter are not moving anymore, lunch time is over, but we are now at 70% :)13:38
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mhall119woot! More open source code from Moffitt: https://bitbucket.org/mhall119/dynamo/overview16:17
Ronniemhall119: is that the code of the dynamic fields?16:57
mhall119Ronnie: dynamic models, yes16:57
mhall119not the UI though16:58
Ronniemhall119: great, i think i can use the concept for another project :)16:58
mhall119this is still in early development16:59
mhall119I'm not sure how much is going to change16:59
mhall119most of my focus is on the UI part now though16:59
mhall119so hopefully not too much16:59

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