
boxybrowntwb: after initial installation00:00
azizLIGHTSssh keys question: can i just download the server's public key and use that with putty on windows to connect to the server without password?00:26
azizLIGHTSor i have to put the client (putty computer)'s public key onto the server00:26
azizLIGHTSwhich way is it00:26
twbazizLIGHTS: even if you CAN do that, you shouldn't.00:27
azizLIGHTSwhats the difference00:28
twbazizLIGHTS: each host has a keypair, and each USER has a keypair.00:28
azizLIGHTSi dont quite understand i think..00:28
twbazizLIGHTS: if you reuse the same keypair for both a host and a user, the system ends up less secure00:28
azizLIGHTS:S i cannot undrestand that stuff twb00:28
azizLIGHTScan u use words like server and client00:29
azizLIGHTSin that sentence00:29
twbthe server and client are both hosts00:29
twbthe person sitting at a keyboard is a user00:29
azizLIGHTSso if i got the server's public key, im giving access to whole server for one user on the clieint?00:31
azizLIGHTSbut u want me to do : put user@client's pub key onto server, so only the user@client can get onto server?00:31
azizLIGHTSam i understanding00:31
azizLIGHTSany thing like ssh keys for dummies exists?00:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #722386 in openssh (main) "sshd buffer overflow detected crash from certain ip addresses" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72238600:32
twbSorry, I'm dealing with paying customers at the same time00:35
twbazizLIGHTS: you don't have to do anything with the server keypair.  It's exchanged automatically during an ssh login.00:36
twbazizLIGHTS: if you want someone to be able to log in with a keypair, you install *their* (the user) public key in server:~/.ssh/authorized_keys00:36
twbazizLIGHTS: you can also edit /etc/ssh/ssd_config with "AllowUsers user@client" to restrict access to ONLY that username from that client machine (actually, IP address).00:37
azizLIGHTSok so the "client" (the one who want to login) has t always put their public key onto the machine they want to access00:38
azizLIGHTSand there is no reverse of this?00:38
twbazizLIGHTS: correct.00:38
twbTechnically you could SSH into their machine and then set up some kind of port forward for a crappy unencrypted RPC, like say telnet or rsh.  It wouldn't be very good, security-wise.00:39
azizLIGHTSif the revese happens, it would be the same process00:39
twbRight, they would need to add your public key to their .ssh/authorized_keys00:40
azizLIGHTSok i see it now00:40
azizLIGHTSmuch better00:40
twbPublic key cryptography always works this way -- you publish the public key (i.e. the "lock" part), and keep the private key (the "key" part) secret.00:40
twbThen, OTHER people can choose to lock up their stuff with your public key, allowing YOU to unlock it with the secret key.00:41
twbSome public crypto frameworks (e.g. GPG) have a de facto mechanism to upload public keys and key revocation (burn) notices, but unfortunately SSH doesn't.00:42
twbYou can, of course, always just email your key to people as an attachment, or put it on a public web server and have them wget it00:42
azizLIGHTSwhat actually happens after you do ssh-copy-id user@host, and then do ssh user@host again, what is passed to the host00:43
twbNote that the MOST IMPORTANT part of this is that you keep your private key secret.  That is the weakest link in any assymetric cryptography design.00:43
azizLIGHTShow does the host know you are user@client and that it maches the entry in its .ssh/authorized_keys00:45
twbazizLIGHTS: it knows because when you do "ssh twb@example.net", user is "twb" and sshd can see that I'm coming from, which resolves to "client".00:46
twbTHEN, it checks the key that I send against the key in ~twb/.ssh/authorized_keys00:47
twb(Technically I don't send the key, but some data transformed by the key.)00:47
azizLIGHTSk so if i do "ssh aziz@server.com" from workdesktop@client.com, server will see i am workdesktop@client.com, go check on /home/aziz/.ssh/authorized_keys for a key for workdesktop@client.com00:50
azizLIGHTSif that makes any sense00:50
azizLIGHTSso theres no machine wide key basically, on either side00:51
twbazizLIGHTS: no, the server will see "aziz@client.com"00:54
twbIt's not a very intuitive way for the server to say it00:55
twbi.e. from <client user>@<client host>, ssh <server user>@<server host>, sshd will see you as <server user>@<client host>.00:55
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marshallhey ubuntu-server02:41
marshallI'm trying to setup ldap02:41
marshallusing this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html02:41
marshallI got to the part where I ldapadd backend.example[...]02:42
marshalland I'm trying to add frontend.example[...] but it's asking for LDAP admin password02:42
marshallI put 'durf' as the password in the backend[...].ldif02:43
marshallbut it's failing authentication when I try to use it at the prompt02:43
marshallany idea what might be wrong?02:43
nigelbIt happened to me too.  I think you may want to hash the backend password using slappasswd02:44
marshallthen what?02:44
nigelbThis is the guide that I used though http://tuxnetworks.blogspot.com/2010/06/howto-ldap-server-on-1004-lucid-lynx.html02:44
nigelbWhen I didn't hash the passwords, it didn't work :|02:44
marshallso for olcRootPw I need to use the output from slappasswd?02:46
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marshallit should look like this? "olcRootPw: {SSHA}i8HWx5MRe4wW8e3NzhMvxC6SUrYS3jtx"02:47
Guest60662okay, I have a server up and running and When lets say one user moves a file to the everyone folder, another file can access it but not be able to delete or change it. I just learned of thei create mask = 0765 will that help any?02:48
Guest60662and if not how may I fix this?02:48
nigelbmarshall: yeah02:54
nigelbmarshall: (sorry, stepped away for a moment)02:54
marshallnigelb: ok, so what can I do now to reset the admin pw?02:55
nigelbwel, um, the last the time I messed up I did a apt-get remove --purge and redid the instructions02:55
nigelbbut that's becasue I'm new to ldap too02:55
marshallok, I'll do that, thanks :D02:56
electrofreakmy server 10.04.1 isn't booting... I need help critically03:56
electrofreakeven the Recovery Boot option in grub isn't working03:57
electrofreakand all I get is a blank screen with a blinking cursor03:57
electrofreakI feel like the output of the boot isn't being echo'd to the screen properly03:58
electrofreakcan anyone help me diagnose this?03:58
jmarsdenelectrofreak: Can you boot the from a CDROM (livecd) and then examine the hard drive(s) and filesystem(s) on the server from that?04:04
electrofreakI did an fsck already04:04
electrofreakI'm booting a livecd again... wonder if initramfs is messed up... and needs updating04:04
electrofreakI don't like that ubuntu server gives nearly no output at boot04:07
electrofreakI've spent many an hour debugging the simplest crap because I got no output from the boot process04:07
electrofreakI have a scary feeling I'm going to have to reinstall :-(04:18
Error404NotFoundI can sftp just fine, but i can't ssh, it just stops there, have waiting for upto half an hour: http://pastebin.com/HxM0yYsk04:18
electrofreakok, figured it out.04:27
electrofreakit was trying to mount FS's that weren't there. I just commented out the lines in fstab...04:27
electrofreakbut I have a MAJOR issue with that fact that it doesn'04:28
electrofreakt echo anything to the screen to tell me that04:28
electrofreakcan someone offer suggestions on how to fix that? I've removed splash and quiet from the grub options.04:28
jmarsdenelectrofreak: Are/were your missing filesystems NFS mounted?05:26
electrofreakjmarsden: no... it was a USB drive that wasn't there anymore05:26
jmarsdenOK.  Then I don't know what to suggest, there are special issues for NFS mounts, the intr option and soft mounting, etc... but they are NFS-specific.05:28
sybHas anyone else run "virt-install" in Maverick to boot an ISO (kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso)  and seen it run *extremely* slowly?05:55
syb...using 100% cpu too?05:55
sybI must be doing something wrong to cause KVM to take _30_ minutes to boot an ISO! :-(05:58
sybI'll go try --sdl instead of --vnc05:58
twbsyb: you probably don't have hardware acceleration06:04
twbsyb: try -nographic or -curses if you really want it to be fast06:04
twbNot that I think it's the UI that's slowing it down...06:05
sybkvm-ok reports "KVM acceleration can be used"06:05
syb/dev/kvm is root:root with crw-rw----+06:05
sybfwiw, I ran the virt-install command as root anyways (and root is in both kvm and libvirtd groups)06:06
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sybNOTE: never name a machine 'console' and expect LVM to work when /dev/console already exists! ;-)07:18
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sybactually, just the automated 'Guided - user entire disk and set up LVM' won't work in the installer.07:19
yellabs-r2when installing ubuntu server and after that apt-get install wordpress, should i not end up with an working wordpress install ?07:20
twbsyb: read RFC117807:26
twbyellabs-r2: if by "working" you mean "secure" -- wordpress doesn't support that07:27
yellabs-r2i mean, up and running..07:27
yellabs-r2that is , after the install i can login to wordpress with the web frontend07:27
sybtwb: *nice* article. Now I feel there are many more RFC's I should read.07:28
twbThe one about terminology for RFCs and FRs is good.07:29
twbRFC 211907:30
twbMost of the are more technical, e.g. defining how SMTP and HTTP work.07:30
yellabs-r2maybe there is some need for ' how to ' , for example turnkey is a very easy way to setup , user friendly, bitnami tries to do something simular , but that too does not end up with an working setup, and yes, for beginners its difficult, ubuntu server could fill the bill, but its complicated ..07:31
twbI am not interested in making things easy for the ignorant.07:40
sybtwb: a global company i've worked for uses '-' to name machines with <clientID>-<purpose><number>07:45
sybeg: canonical-web0107:45
yellabs-r2i can understand that07:45
yellabs-r2but easy can also mean better, now if you see easy as better, then you would agree i think .. :)07:46
sybso the 1st (test) install of UEC I'm doing in a 2 node topology, I might name "syb-euc01"; Then "syb-node01" for the first Node Controller07:47
twbsyb: that's a role name, and it's not appropriate for the hostname.07:50
twbsyb: i.e. it should be a CNAME not an A07:50
shaggy2need help, had a blackout today while I was out (UPS also failed), servers bios is set to remain in power off after loss of power server is now running again and is shown on the network, but can not access the websites via the domain name, nore can I get access to the mail server part of it08:08
shaggy2what could be causing this problem?08:08
twbshaggy2: maybe log into it and find out?08:14
twbStupid dumb bot :-/08:14
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BlinkizHi. I have a 3ware raid card that I would like to check S.M.A.R.T status one each individual harddrive. 3ware output S.M.A.R.T info as hex values. What program can I use to decode this?08:17
twbsmartctl is used to read/write SMART data08:18
twbWhether it can deal with random shitty fakeraid cards, I don't know.08:19
twbIME it usually can't08:19
sorenBlinkiz: Look at smartctl's man page.08:21
sorenBlinkiz: Search for 3ware.08:21
shaggy2I have logged into the server but I am not sure what I am looking for, everything seems to be ok08:23
Blinkizsoren, Thanks for the tip. Searching on the Internet, it seems I need some kind of 3w-xxxx driver loaded into kernel first.08:24
Blinkizsoren, Nice.. I got it to work know. Thanks!08:26
lephistogood morning08:31
shaggy2is there a command that will start all services, or show me what servers are running and what is not?08:34
shaggy2I ment, or show me what services are running and what is not?08:35
lifelessservices service --status-all08:35
sybAnyone else here currently have an AMD cpu running some VM's booted via libvirt?08:44
sybOn Maverick?08:44
twbDo you mean amd64?08:45
sybtwb: This box I'm on is booted to i386 running an Athlon 64 X2 CPU08:46
twbWhy do you care what vendor?08:46
sybI'm reading on the www.linux-kvm.org/page/FAQ that if hardware virtualisation is being used then the usage count of  kvm_amd kernel module will be >008:47
sybI was complaining earlier that my VMs booted via libvirt are running very slowly. Looks like they aren't using KVM.08:47
twbHum, OK08:49
sybThe cause is obvious, from this log file entry: "open /dev/kvm: Permission denied". However I fail to see the permissions problem08:49
twbls -l /dev/kvm08:50
sybcrw-rw----+ 1 root root 10, 232 2011-02-20 13:45 /dev/kvm08:50
twbWho does virtd run as?08:50
twbps auxf | pastebinit08:50
sybroot is running "/usr/sbin/libvirtd -d"08:51
sybbut user '114' is running /usr/bin/kvm08:52
sybgrep 114 /etc/passwd tells me "libvirt-qemu"08:52
sybtwb: I'm doing this testing of building VMs today using a Maverick i386 LiveDVD to boot this host machine.08:53
twbPerhaps you need to wangle that, then08:53
syb...so my fail might be just the occasional weirdness of permissions/ownerships of software installed into a LiveCD session.08:54
sybtwb: *thankyou* for your input. I reckon I best do my experimentation with VMs from a real install of Ubuntu instead of a LiveCD boot.08:57
twbWhatever man08:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #722505 in openssh (main) "openssh (1:4.7p1-8ubuntu2) hardy-proposed MISSES UPDATES FROM openssh (1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2) hardy-security" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72250509:12
shaggy2need help, had a blackout today while I was out (UPS also failed), servers bios is set to remain in power off after loss of power server is now running again and is shown on the network, but can not access the websites via the domain name, nore can I get access to the mail server part of it. everything that is ment to be running is running, but I can't acces the sites or mail help???09:27
twb19:14 <twb> shaggy2: maybe log into it and find out?09:27
twbAh, you asked about that.09:27
twbI imagine you would be looking at /var/log/apache2/err.log or similar, and your process tree to see if it's running, etc.09:28
shaggy2I have logged in I have done service --status-all and checked that everything in running09:28
twbI know nothing of service(8); that's a RHism09:28
shaggy2how do I check process tree?09:28
twbps auxf09:28
shaggy2wait I think I know what happened09:31
shaggy2I moved house recently, got my ISP to transfer my connection to the new place, and got an e-mail stating a new IP address. I called them about it they said that my old ip address will be transfered to the new account at the time of the new account getting activated09:32
shaggy2I bet the didn't change it09:32
twbshaggy2: how are you getting in if it's using the wrong IP?09:37
shaggy2cause the server is on my local network09:40
twbFair enough09:41
twbIn that case you can easily test if the IP is buggered09:41
shaggy2yeah I have, it's the new IP witch I didn't want, but then again maybe I should keep it, might stop the DoS attacks09:41
vagyi have a severe problem on a production 8.04 server after performing a regular update through aptitude...it updated the kerberos libraries and after rebooting the system cant find libkrb* (ls libkrb* gives a no such file or directory when resolving the symlinks to the actual versions) ... any idea how to recover?09:42
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twbnope, sorry09:47
vagyi would say that i need to identify the exact package the contains kerberos libraries and try to update again, in case something went wrong while updating.... can someone point to a direction about finding this package?09:47
twbshaggy2: just find out, "ip address"09:47
twbshaggy2: that is, run the command ip with the argument address09:48
jmarsdenvagy: libkrb53.  rmadison -s hardy-updates libkrb53 outputs:      libkrb53 | 1.6.dfsg.3~beta1-2ubuntu1.8 | hardy-updates | amd64, i38609:49
vagyjmarsden: thanx man, i am on it09:51
jmarsdenvagy: You're welcome09:52
vagyjmarsden: hm do you think this error (while running apt-get) is related to a filesystem crash? EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_free_blocks: freeing blocks not in datazone09:55
vagyand the last error: EXT3-fs error (device sda1) ... : Journal has aborted ... oh my09:56
floownI have a locale prob with some � instead to have a correct caracter, what shloud I enter please?09:57
jmarsdenvagy: I don't know, but that doesn't sound good to me... at all... but it is 2am here, I need to get some sleep, hopefully someone else can help you troubleshoot that.09:57
vagyjmarsden: ok, thanx a bunch!09:57
jmarsdenvagy: No problem.09:57
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vagyhi again10:53
vagyfor some filesystem crash reasons, i have trouble executing apt-get or aptitude (for instance /var/lib/dpkg/status cant be parsed, coz its damaged) .. is there a way to re-install apt-get and its dependencies for ubuntu 8.04 server?10:54
lephistoubuntu dev's here?11:02
lephistolasst chance to comment on that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/71933311:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 719333 in lvm2 "CLVM not locking LV's properly even when set to "exclusive"" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:02
lephistootherwise ubuntu is no server OS anymore11:02
lephistoand i have to switch to RHEL or sth11:02
vagyupdate: /var/lib/dpkg/status is backed up in /var/backups so using that resolves the broken status file problem (pheww)11:16
marcrierahello. I wonder why ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 have different hash functions to store same password on /etc/shadow .  And still I can move users from one OS to the other without problemes, or I'll find in trouble one of this days?11:18
vagyupdate: my /var/lib/dpkg is severly f*ed up, now i have a missing available file .. which is repaired using this: sudo dpkg --clear-avail && sudo apt-get update11:25
MTecknologyWhat would be the best way to block an IP?11:34
MTecknologynvm... ufw works11:37
BlinkizHi. I would like to put in a Deny rule in ufw before my allow lines. Currently my new "deny" line is last in the chain and do nothing. Is it a way to put a rule line at the beginning of rule sets without deleting the pre existing ones?11:43
marcrieraMTecknology, put that ip on /etc/hosts.deny11:52
MTecknologymarcriera: turns out that doesn't work; the binary isn't using libwrap.sop11:52
MTecknologyBlinkiz: i made a nice little one liner for this :)11:53
marcrieraMTecknology, which binary?11:53
MTecknologywhile read ip; do ufw insert 1 deny from $ip to any; done < /etc/nginx/ips11:53
MTecknologymarcriera: nginx11:53
marcrieraMTecknology,  I do not use nginx myself, but this can be useful for you => http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-nginx-access-control-howto/11:55
shaggy2TWB: if you are still there just thought I would let you know that my ISP has corrected the issue and given me the IP Subnet mask I bought 2 years ago. bloody idiots11:55
MTecknologymarcriera: i had been doing that; but i'm looking for higher than nginx level now - and i think ufw will work for this11:56
marcrieraI have a remote server with 10.04, is there any way to snapshot the HD before I do an upgrade ,  to be able to rollback in case some package like mysql does not upgrade well?11:57
marcrieraMTecknology, I can share my iptables management script with you if you want11:58
MTecknologymy list of blocked ip's it getting a bit long... http://mteck.pastebin.com/ZJnF6YW011:58
marcrieraMTecknology, i never like 'Uncomplicated' stuff. It's like dreamweaver, is easy but you'll never know what its doing11:58
MTecknologymarcriera: sure11:58
MTecknologycould be fun11:58
MTecknologyI used to do the iptables rules myself but just got kidna sick of it11:58
marcrieralet me 2 secs11:58
Klaus_Dieterhello world11:59
Klaus_Dieteris it posisble to set up ubuntu server using a network install?11:59
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:00
marcrieraMTecknology, I just opened a private session to send the files.12:07
Klaus_Dieterlovely - the installation from knoppix page was what I Was looking for12:07
MTecknologymarcriera: I can't accept dcc connections12:07
marcrieraMTecknology, then, let me clean the script. ;)12:21
marcrieraMTecknology, http://paste.ubuntu.com/570021/  here it goes12:24
nathanaeldoes anyone know how to configure wireless net on a ubuntu headless server. i have the card installed but thats it12:27
kdeNatCodedoes anyone here know how to configure wireless on a headless ubuntu server12:32
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basasi have one problem with ltsp, ubuntu server and AD13:20
basaswhen i try to log in on the thin client and do mistake in password or user name (using AD user) the login screen show me something like that13:21
basasbasas@'s password:13:21
basasit looks like the server searching a local account13:22
basas_can someone help me with this ?13:24
basas_i think that it can be done in pam.d but i dont know how13:26
pmatulis_basas_: you see user@address onscreen only when you make a mistake in password?  it's not clear13:27
basas_no i see this on every time when i put wrong user name or password13:28
basas_for example13:28
basas_good user name nad password everything works fine13:28
basas_good user name and wrong password i see basas@'s password:13:29
basas_and then if i put right password i can log in but system hang up on black screen (i think because i dont have this account localy)13:29
pmatulis_basas_: so, yes, i believe you need to change PAM file(s)13:30
basas_i want to log in only with AD users13:31
pmatulis_basas_: you should also look in /var/log/auth.log for guidance13:31
basas_can you help me what i should change in pam.d ?13:31
pmatulis_basas_: it seems common, did you google 'pam active directory'13:32
basas_yes i google for two days and dont find answer13:32
pmatulis_basas_: strange13:33
basas_here is solution but13:33
basas_i use likewise to connect to domain13:33
basas_not winbind13:33
pmatulis_basas_: likewise is supposed to work13:34
basas_yes and it work but i dont want see this line basas@'s password13:36
basas_when student do mistake in username or password i want to back to login screen without this check of local user13:37
pmatulis_basas_: but it doesn't work, you get a black screen when you put in correct credentials13:38
basas_yes but only if i put good user name next first time wrong password and second time good password13:40
basas_because i dont have this account locally13:41
basas_and then i have black screen13:41
basas_but when i put good user name and good password for first time everything works fine13:41
basas_ok i must go thank you for your help and i will be continue with pam and i've hope that i figure out this :)13:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #722594 in puppet (main) "tlsv1 alert decrypt error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72259413:46
pmatulis_basas_: like i said, i would do another test and check the logs to see what is happening, then look at pam13:46
basas_ty you again13:47
pmatulis_basas_: np, come back and let me know13:47
jamespagesmoser: around?13:48
rawlerhi.. attempting to run Ubuntu under lxc, but are having problems with udev not being removable due to upstart depending on it.. (through mountall)13:54
rawlerare there any workaround?13:54
hallynrawler: if you're on maverick or natty, you can leave udev in13:59
hallynrawler: if lucid, then the workaround is to install an upstart job which fakes the udev signals14:00
rawlernew distro under lxc is maverick, upgraded from lucid.. (host is lucid)14:00
hallynif host is lucid, then you need the workaround14:00
hallynbut look at /usr/lib/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu14:00
hallynit does the workaround you need14:00
rawlerproblem is that the apt-upgrade to maverick failed since udev is not allowed to create it's devices..14:00
hallynapart from pinning the udev package, i don't know the best solution14:01
rawlerso ATM, I can't finish the upgrade due to "mknod: `/lib/udev/devices/ppp': Operation not permitted"14:01
rawlercrap.. :S14:01
rawlerwell, well.. the container was pretty vanilla so I guess I can try to reinit it from Maverick..14:01
hallynlook up how to pin package versions, that should let you skip udev14:01
hallynrawler: yes, the reason it's not a big deal to ppl is that continers are usually somewhat throwaway, just xfer your data14:02
rawlerbut, it isn't possible to remove it? it seems superfluous to have udev and plymouth installed, when its never, ever used?14:02
hallyni don't know how to do it14:02
hallynyou might ask on #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel (or keep asking here, someone else might know)14:03
hallynrawler: (but it is a holiday in the US)14:03
hallynrawler: btw, there is a #lxcontainers channel you might join too14:03
rawleryes.. I'll hold here, I think.. seems like mostly a server question..14:03
rawleroh? on FreeNode? I did search for such group earlier when troubleshooting a different question..14:04
hggdhsoren: ping14:05
rawlerstrange.. I search for *lxc* in all channels.. well, well.. :)14:05
raubvogelAnyone using openipmi?14:12
Davieyraubvogel, many people use openipmi.14:15
raubvogelDaviey, I would expect so. I wanted to know how to enable it. What I am finding is that you have to manually do modprobe the required stuff even though it is officially supported by canonical14:16
raubvogelAlso, it seems that openpmi has its own gui and command line interface and yet all examples I find through google show people using ipmitool14:17
Davieyraubvogel, yes - that seems to be the case for me aswell. :/14:18
raubvogelMakes me feel something is missing here14:18
raubvogelOr I am doing something wrong14:20
sorenhggdh: You rang, sir?14:21
raubvogelDaviey, which modules do you load?14:23
* Daviey checks14:24
Davieyraubvogel, hmm, something looks broken on mine... http://pb.daviey.com/WZzk/14:26
Davieyhmm, might be correct14:26
raubvogelYou know more than I do ;)14:26
Davieyi'll try another server in a bit.14:26
Davieyhallyn, Are you working on the libvirt and multipath-tools merge?14:27
jdstrandlinuxtech: re mailman> should be today14:29
Davieyttx, Are you still tracking tomcat?14:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #722619 in ethtool (main) "Sync ethtool 1:2.6.37-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72261914:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #722621 in mailman (main) "Sync mailman 1:2.1.14-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72262114:31
SlybootsAh, I've just been reading netstat, Noticed that "Privoxy" is making a LOT of loopback connections on my server (all Time_wait)14:32
SlybootsLike.. 50-60+14:32
SlybootsThis seems to be new and.. kind of weird behavior14:33
SlybootsPerhaps some kind of configuration error ro..?14:33
Davieyjdstrand, RE: mailman, is that a security update for lucid to close CVE-2011-0707 ?14:37
uvirtbotDaviey: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-0707)14:37
jdstrandDaviey: hardy - maverick, yes. mdeslaur is working on it if you need more details14:39
jdstrandDaviey: oops. dapper - maverick14:40
Davieyjdstrand, Oh no.. just wanted to check that one was in safe hands. :)14:40
mdeslaurDaviey: yes, and CVE-2010-3089 also14:40
uvirtbotmdeslaur: Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in GNU Mailman before 2.1.14rc1 allow remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors involving (1) the list information field or (2) the list description field. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3089)14:40
hggdhsoren: you are the admin for the server-qa team, and my membership is expiring... would you mind?14:48
ttxDaviey: a bit. But James does too.14:50
ttxDaviey: why?14:51
Davieyttx, I wondered if you were still active in debian maintainership.14:52
DavieyNoticed a new upstream release in Debian, and wondered if you knew if it was 'risky'14:53
Davieyjamespage, ^^ same question to you.14:53
* jamespage takes a look at the detail14:54
raubvogelDaviey, is there a way in openipmi/ipmitool to identify a power supply if you have more than one?14:57
compdocredundant psus? thats always nice14:57
raubvogelcompdoc, agreed. It took me a while to convince the powers-to-be that was a nice thing to have14:58
compdocI have a server I need to sell that has the ability, but I dont have a 2nd psu15:00
compdocits a monster sized box15:01
jamespageDaviey: having trouble seeing *.apache.org at the moment for detail of upstream change logs15:01
Davieyraubvogel, good question... I've never needed to do that... TBH, my ipmi usage is normally limited to power control and serial console.. I could look into it, currently really busy tho :(15:01
Davieyjamespage, I struggle to see upstream changelogs for all apache projects.. that is nothing new :(15:02
Davieyjamespage,  axis2c is another good example :)15:03
hallynDaviey: no, holiday15:04
hallynDaviey: jdstrand gave me some feedback on the changelog.  I'll hand it back to him after I integrate those15:04
hallynDaviey: he'll upload it hopefully tomorrow15:04
hallynas for multipath-tools, I have a package merged from unstable but would like it tested first15:05
jdstrandhallyn: I'm here today, so if you give it to me, I should be ablt to provide feedback, testing, etc15:05
hallynjdstrand: won't have it today, sorry15:06
jdstrandhallyn: but being it is a holiday, if it isn't ready, I'll still do it tomorrow like I said15:06
hallyn(but hopefully I"ll get my *&%( laptop doing ad-hoc networks)15:06
hallynDaviey: then again, maybe we should just uplaod the multipath-tools merge, and fix up bugs as they come...15:06
hallynDaviey: if you have time to review the merge, that'd be great15:06
hallynDaviey: it's at people.canonical.com/~serge/mp-sources.tgz (and mp-merge-sid.tgz for some built .debs)15:07
Davieyhallyn, Totally forgot it was a holiday, sorry!15:08
Davieyhallyn, If you have it in bzr, fancy pushing it there if you have a few moments?15:09
Klaus_Dietercan I use debootstrap to install ubuntu server?15:11
Klaus_Dieterwhat is the current code name then?15:11
hallynDaviey: it's at lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/natty/multipath-tools/merge-sid/15:18
sorenhggdh: Oh, sure.15:20
Davieyhallyn, you are a rock star15:22
Davieyhallyn, will have a look shortly... now get back to holidaying :)15:22
Davieyjamespage, I was just looking at jython, were you planning a merge of this?15:22
jamespageDaviey: jython -> antlr3.2 -> maven (MIR 70+) so not this cycle - see Java Library Housekeeping blueprint15:24
Davieyjamespage, ahh, i think you did mention that one previously.15:24
jamespagemaybe once :-)15:24
Davieyor thrice15:24
jamespageDaviey: re tomcat6 - there is quite alot of upstream change between .28 and .32 (especially .30).15:27
Davieyjamespage, sounds a little risky... did you find a changelog?15:28
jamespageDaviey: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/changelog.html15:28
Davieyoo, thanks15:28
jamespageDaviey: there are a couple of minor version upgrades on dependencies in .30 which make me a little uncomfortable.15:31
Davieyjamespage, many bug fixes, but are you as scared by the size of it as i am?15:31
jamespageDaviey: yep - its all good stuff but I'm not sure that its the right time in the release cycle to include the upgrade15:31
Davieyjamespage, sounds good to me... (stay with current)15:32
* jamespage notes that Debian have only just uploaded to unstable 15:32
jamespagesync early next cycle would be better me thinks15:33
Davieyjamespage, agreed.. super, thanks for looking at it15:33
MTecknologymarcriera: neat16:05
usseldridgecan some one tray to help me with openvpn?16:07
marcrieraMTecknology, if you make improvements, remember to send them back :)16:08
MTecknologymarcriera: sure thing16:09
usseldridgei'm using 8.04.3 server version since '0616:10
usseldridgeand i can connect without problem until maverick (client)16:10
Piciusseldridge: Impossible.  8.04 didn't come out until 2008.16:10
PiciDo you mean 6.06 instead?16:11
usseldridgebefore i use 6.0416:11
PiciOkay :)16:11
usseldridgenow, with nm i can connect but no ping (destination host unreacheble)16:12
usseldridgesyslog on client report this:16:13
usseldridgeand openvpn.log on the server report this:16:19
jamespageDaviey: hows you cloud-init?16:25
Davieyjamespage, acceptable.. i've toyed with it, but i don't claim to be an expert16:26
Davieyjamespage, Whyda ask?16:26
jamespageDaviey: so I just need a guide on how todo something with it (have been looking at the ec2 automated testing today)16:26
Daviey(as you probably guess, smoser is probably on a beach somewhere)16:27
jamespageyep - no pong from him earlier - then I remembered....16:27
Davieyjamespage, We have some cloud-init recipies in awstrial.. perhaps that would be a good start?16:27
jamespageYep - started there - really helpful16:27
Davieyjamespage, are you using boto or txAWS?16:28
jamespageDaviey: boto - I really like it :-)16:28
Davieyjamespage, yeah, boto is REALLY easy to get started with... the proof of concept for awstrial was really quick to hack together against my local Euca cloud16:29
Davieyapparently txAWS is better, but boto i found easier to get started16:29
jamespageBasically I want to run x python unit tests once the required packages have been installed; I can't figure out which option lets me drop a file into the instance without actually running it!16:29
Davieyseems to do the job.16:29
Klaus_Dieterhi again - can anyone walk me through a grub installation? in the past I have tried it numerous times but it never worked. However now I want to have a system as close as possible to standard ubuntu and I am stuck on the knoppix install where setting up grub is in order. grub-install says "/dev/hda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive" so I ran grub-install --recheck /dev/hda1 which gave me a "no drive found, is /dev mo16:29
Klaus_Dieterso I am out of ideas. any help is appreciated16:29
Davieyjamespage, hmm.. one moment16:30
Davieyjamespage, can't you just cat it?16:31
Davieyjamespage, ie, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awstrial-dev/awstrial/trunk/view/head:/awstrial/templates/cloud-init/personal-hello16:31
jamespageWell I could.... - just looking for a neater way to drop this payload onto the server16:31
Davieyjamespage, wget ?16:32
Davieyjamespage, you could grab the file from the hudson server?16:33
jamespageDaviey: I could also stick them in a bzr branch I guess16:33
Davieythat is potentially cleaner, actually16:33
Davieyespecially if multiple files16:33
jamespagetrying not to tie it to much into Hudson - means you can run the test standalone before full automation16:33
Davieyeasier to track changes etc16:33
* Daviey +1's a bzr branch16:34
jamespagewell its the way I want to take the iso testing - tests in a separate branch to the codebase.16:34
jamespageOK - I'll take that approach then.16:34
Davieyjamespage, hmm, pushing results back to hudson - how are you going to control credentials?16:35
jamespageI'm gonna pull them - I generate a new key-pair for each test run so I can access the server over SSH.16:36
jamespageI guess I could push the python, execute and then collate resilts.16:36
Davieyjamespage, ahh, the tests publish their results in a YAML file or something - and you scp them?16:37
DavieyThat sounds secure and clean.16:37
jamespagexml - so Hudson can parse it.16:37
Davieyoh aye.16:37
DavieySounds good to me!16:38
jamespageso any recommendations for using SSH with python? I could drop to direct execution of commands but...16:38
PiciParamiko is nice.16:39
Pici!info python-paramiko16:40
ubottupython-paramiko (source: paramiko): Make ssh v2 connections with Python. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.6-2 (maverick), package size 800 kB, installed size 7804 kB16:40
Davieyjamespage, if you are just scp'ing one file - i'd probably shell out tbh16:40
Davieybut otherwise, as Pici said - paramiko16:41
jamespagecool - thanks for the advice; I need to monitor for the presence of the /tmp/done file  as well so I'll take a look and see16:41
Davieyjamespage, actually, seems there is a scp python module16:42
Davieyhmm.. but not installed by default.16:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #722698 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.6.4-1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72269816:51
hggdhDaviey: how's usage on the test rig?16:52
Davieyhggdh, would you be angry if i said i hadn't got to using it yet?16:56
hggdhDaviey: not at all :-)16:56
Davieyhggdh, oh good...  well, i have to admit, i haven't got to it yet.16:57
hggdhDaviey: no prob. Can I have one of the machines?16:57
hggdh(I put the five of them for you)16:57
Davieyhggdh, oh feel free - if two are still remaining that is enough for me.16:58
Davieyhggdh, i don't want to block you, with my experimentations :)16:58
hggdhDaviey: OK, I will take over sapodilla and soncoya; you can have (at least for now) mabolo, marula, and santol16:58
Davieyhggdh, super, thanks16:59
hggdhanybody tried today's ISO?17:30
hggdhHudson shows them all as failures, and -- trying manually -- I get "no kernel modules found" on start of d-i17:31
Davieyhggdh, That can indicate the kernel is newer than the modules, which means that the iso was rolled before the modules were published in the archive17:37
Davieyhggdh, I wouldn't worry too much, use the previous build; if the same happens with the build tomorrow - start worrying :)17:37
hggdhDaviey: indeed, this seems to be it. I will wait for tomorrow before I yell17:38
intel352hey guys, are there any backports from Natty to Maverick, for php5?18:26
intel352looking for the compiled-in pcntl support that natty has for it's PHP5 deb18:26
raubvogelis /var/log/subsys a redhat thing or does ubuntu also have it?18:58
thesheff17|AFKraubvogel: never seen that on ubuntu19:17
=== thesheff17|AFK is now known as thesheff17
raubvogelthesheff17, that's what I was thinking19:18
intel352how can I check to see if there are any backports from natty to maverick, for php5?19:28
patdk-wkcheck the backports maverick depo19:29
intel352bah, the updated natty php hasn't been backported (checked using packages.ubuntu.com)19:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #722770 in openipmi (main) "openipmi: change lock file path since /var/lock/subsys/ does not exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72277019:51
raubvogelDaviey, could I take a look at (a defanged version of) your ipmitool config file?20:04
realmattis there a program or script that will monitor the memory usage and display it as a line graph for a remote server?20:17
realmattI would like to store this info for a few days20:18
thesheff17realmatt: I have used zabbix.org for this.  It is a huge monitoring tool but does work for what you are asking.20:19
zulrealmatt: munin, mrtg take your pit20:25
JasonMSPI'm trying to configure our Postfix/Dovecot mail server for an SSL connection on the outgoing and incoming.  I have a working configuration in the clear.20:28
JasonMSPgethostbyname failure20:28
JasonMSPI get the above error when trying to openssl the mailserver:99520:28
patdk-wkcan't lookup the dns name mailserver20:29
JasonMSPit works if I use localhost20:29
patdk-wkyou really called your computer mailserver?20:29
JasonMSPit works if i use the domain but not the subdomain mail.us.com20:30
JasonMSPno.. i abbreviated!  hahah20:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #722815 in ntp (main) "apparmor prevents ntp from reading gpsd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72281521:17
raubvogelIf I am running ipmitool locally, do I need to specify username and password?21:45
dustghow do I choose the fastest package mirror from the command line?22:01
probrobhelp im trying to setup l2tp over ipsec vpn server on ubuntu 10.04 with http://riobard.com/blog/2010-04-30-l2tp-over-ipsec-ubuntu/ can someone tell me that no [OK] for NAT/masquerading means FAIL? http://pastebin.com/d0kbNhZH22:08
dustgalso, after installing sshd, I keep having ssh switch between providing two different ssh keys... does the system use a different key depending on the hostname used to access it or something?22:11
SlybootsAnyone know any good guides for setting up Cups?22:14
SlybootsI've got one of those Epson Photosmart MFD's and I would love to get network SCanning/printing going22:14
SlybootsKind of a SOB thoug.. cant find much of anthing on the printer22:18
adamruffoloI have a work network without domains.  Just pcs with work groups.  Working with a Windows 2003 Server. The server is old and I'm disliking windows.  I want to upgrade the server.  I'm looking at Ubuntu Server.  Any thoughts?23:28

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