
r2d2rogersnjoin #ruboto02:19
Robdgreatr2d2rogers: wb21:54
r2d2rogersI dusted my server21:57
r2d2rogerstrying to decide how to rearrange that setup, expecting to take it down again sometime soon21:57
RobdgreatI got my windows-unsupported old tv card moved to my ubuntu box and got my c64 plugged into it and the audio out routed to my guitar amp21:58
* Robdgreat was busy yesterday21:58
r2d2rogersCool, I got my TV card into my newest desktop, but it isn't fast enough to decode HDTV21:58
RobdgreatI don't need HD. This card my father-in-law gave me is perfect for this application21:59
Robdgreatnow if I could only get it to stream the video to the network I could watch the c64 from anywhere on it21:59
r2d2rogersthat would be cool22:00
r2d2rogersI need to work on converting VHS taps to DVD22:00
r2d2rogersor Digital video anyhow22:01
RobdgreatI need to do that, too22:01
RobdgreatI haven't had a vcr in a few years, though22:01
r2d2rogersyeah our latest VHS player is at Raleigh's classroom22:02
r2d2rogersdone anything with ruboto?22:03
r2d2rogersI have the itch to work on a podcatcher for my phone22:03

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