
Obsidian1723I'm going to replace my Cisco 1924 (10Gbps limit on it) with something else, but not sure if I want another managed switch or not. Ideally, if I go managed, I'd like to console into it, but also manage it via a GUI if possible instead. I may go unmanaged, not sure. Needs to be 24 port, 10/100, GB uplinks. Right now I'm 2u/12d cable, but fiber ma be an option down the road. Any suggestions anyone?18:26
tonyyarussoObsidian1723: Well, I may be looking to sell a 24 port full gigabit 1U unmanaged switch ;)18:57
Obsidian1723make / model?18:58
tonyyarussoD-Link DGS-1024D18:59
Obsidian1723why ya selling it?19:00
tonyyarussoLooking to upgrade to managed.  (I now work for a network monitoring company, so I'd like to have something that supports monitoring at home.)19:00
tonyyarussowell, managed or "smart".19:01
Obsidian1723ah you got the gig at Nagios?19:01
Obsidian1723right on...19:01
Obsidian1723I interviewed for that, but I think I'm a bit costly.19:01
tonyyarussocould be19:01
Obsidian1723Well, I'd have needed 75k a year at least.,19:02
tonyyarussohaha, yeah no19:02
Obsidian1723IIt's a good company, love their product, Ethan is a nice guy, I'd have loved to work there...19:02
Obsidian1723Is there a web gui for the switch?19:03
tonyyarussoNope.  Unmanaged.19:04
Obsidian1723hmmm what are you looking to get for it?19:05
tonyyarussoHadn't really thought about it yet.19:05
tonyyarusso"make an offer" I guess.19:06
Obsidian1723well, newegg has them for 139 right now...19:06
tonyyarussowell, with the MIR that nobody remembers to do :P19:07
Obsidian1723I'm going to shop around, I think I need to go to Micro-Center, check out some stuff. You in a hurry to sell it?19:07
tonyyarussonot really, no19:07
Obsidian1723when it comes to money, I always remember.19:07
Obsidian1723So are you going to work on incrporating Nagios with Ubuntu better?19:09
tonyyarussoHard to say.  Also, depends on what you mean.19:10
Obsidian1723Well, seems like support is better for RH-based distros vs Debian-based ones. I think the nagios availabe in the Ubuntu repos is an older version too. Maybe update it and / or setup a nagios PPA?19:13
tonyyarussoRe: support - yes, the documentation and whatnot is generally RH-centric, although the software runs perfectly fine on both.19:17
tonyyarussoRe: Ubuntu repos version: Ubuntu uses a time-based release model.19:17
tonyyarussoRe: PPA: See ~nagiosinc19:17
tonyyarussoI am planning to update the "quickstart" documentation so Ubuntu users aren't told to install from source anymore.19:19
* tonyyarusso should go eat19:20
Obsidian1723so launchpad.net/nagiosinc ?19:35
Obsidian1723cool will look at that. thanks19:41
ColinHarrington(wrong window :-)20:17
* Obsidian1723 night all.23:58

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