
chibihogoshinohow do i show join parts ?01:52
vychunehow doing02:11
chibihogoshinomeah ..02:11
chibihogoshinono anime to watch02:11
chibihogoshinowaiting for nest weeks releases02:12
vychuneconan for me02:12
chibihogoshinoconan ?02:13
chibihogoshinothe barbarian ?02:13
chibihogoshinois that still going ?02:13
vychuneyep since 199402:14
chibihogoshinoanything over 50 eps is to much02:15
chibihogoshinoyeah.. its true..02:19
chibihogoshinolook at all the good anime and how long the series is02:19
chibihogoshinothats not that good02:19
chibihogoshinopopular dosnt = good02:19
vychunei like it02:21
chibihogoshinoef a tale of memories, air, clannad, bastard, cowboy bebop, elfin lied ..02:21
vychunebut yu yu was good02:21
chibihogoshinoi couldnt get into it02:23
EricGhey everyone02:23
chibihogoshinohey EricG02:23
chibihogoshinowhat is o/ ?02:24
EricGanyone seen netritious lately? had something to ask him, was hoping he would be in02:28
vychuneanyone seen linuxman02:28
chibihogoshinoi haven't02:29
chibihogoshinowith both people02:29
wrstanyone seen santa claus lately i need to talk with him too :)02:36
chibihogoshinoi shot him when he tried to brake into my house02:36
wrstdarn chibihogoshino ;)02:40
chibihogoshinoi didnt know it was him. he a a ninja suit on02:41
wrsthate it when he does that02:48
chibihogoshinoto bad the damn elves have his dna and just clone him02:49
wrstha ha02:50
cyberangerWOAH, ericG stopped by and I missed it09:28
cyberangerchibihogoshino: what's up?09:28
wrstmorning everyone13:17
* cyberanger wonders if wrst is off or at work13:18
wrstoh no i'm at work cyberanger13:18
cyberangerthis isn't a holiday for you?13:18
cyberangerthat's a little suprising13:20
cyberangerbut not really a day off here13:21
wrstno pretty much we just get the big ones,13:21
wrstsadly i'm not a govt employee, or is that happily that I'm not :)13:21
cyberangerwell, banks are closed too13:22
cyberangerand I thought the schools, but I might be off on that one13:22
wrstyeah they are about like the govt13:22
wrstthey were scheduled to be off here but its a makeup day since we ran through all 13 snow days13:22
cyberangerah, kinda fits what I thought here13:24
cyberangerkinda a ripoff for the kids here, some of the snow days were wasted on poor calls13:26
cyberangeronly to rob them of a day they were promised off13:27
wrstwell kinda appeared that in this county but we have part that's lower eleveated and part on the plateau13:27
cyberangerand it's not a split school district is it13:37
cyberangeraround here, there is similarites, and some differences13:37
wrstno all the same just the county13:38
cyberangerbut I can see if they really had a snow day, doing what they did13:38
cyberangerto some extent13:38
cyberangerbut when they call it wrong, it's just worse13:38
cyberangerevery year they call one, apply salt, just to wash it off the road13:39
cyberangerhey vychune and orias16:33
cyberangerugh, more network issues today16:41
cyberangerI think the cable modem has bit the dust16:41
cyberangerthe issue is so intermittent, hard to see where the issue is17:04
cyberanger3 routers, 3 cat5 cables, 1 cable modem17:04
vychunethat sucks17:04
cyberangerissue isn't the lan17:04
cyberangerour cable modem, or somewhere in the isp's system17:05
vychunebad cable from the router?17:05
cyberangerfrom the router out possible17:06
Svpernova09cyberanger: what's the intermittent issue? Latency spikes to DC? or just latency?17:06
cyberangerbut I'd see the odds against it17:06
cyberangerwithout a trigger, root cause17:06
cyberangervs an aging modem or outdoor cable17:06
cyberangerSvpernova09: not latency, but bandwidth17:07
cyberangerreduced so low their dhcp server isn't getting through17:07
Svpernova09So you're getting disconnected and you can't get dhcp from them?17:07
Svpernova09dhcp or t3 timeouts in the modem log?17:08
cyberangerwell, it's not a clear disconnect17:08
cyberangerand the modem is too dumb for any real log17:08
cyberangeror at least their limit17:08
Svpernova09Any cable modem in use these days should have at least an error log.17:08
Svpernova09But the reason I ask is I had a similar issue17:08
Svpernova09Only got it resolved by hassling comcast everyday for 2 weeks, 3 techs17:08
Svpernova09They finally sent a maint. crew to hte node in my area.17:09
cyberangerthese days go back to 04 or 0517:09
Svpernova09I got a call the next day, was an issue at the node.17:09
cyberangeryeah, I suspect something along those results17:09
Svpernova09Have htem come out and test from modem -> wall, then wall -> outside like, then outside -> pole if they haven't already.17:09
Svpernova09That'll eliminate bad cable.17:09
cyberangerbut the cable modem has taken abuse too17:09
Svpernova09I actually ran a fresh cable just to be sure.17:10
cyberangerand it's to the pole, or others would also complain further up the street17:10
vychunewell looks like you got this nova so im leaving for work17:11
cyberangerlol, enjoy the commute vychune17:11
cyberangerSvpernova09: I've narrowed it enough to know it's an isp matter from here17:12
cyberangerbut that's between my folks and them17:12
Svpernova09Yeah, hte trouble is usually getting the ISP to recognize that.17:12
cyberangerhey pace_t_zulu17:16
cyberangerSvpernova09: between my backup options, and the bits of bandwidth I have, IRC is fine at least17:17
pace_t_zuluhey cyberanger17:17
cyberangerhey pace_t_zulu, sorry about the meeting, a few things happened, none of which was helpful17:19
pace_t_zulucyberanger: its ok17:19
cyberangerI'm glad one person was on it17:20
pace_t_zulucyberanger: in the future, would there be a way for you to pass word along?17:20
cyberangerso thank you for that17:20
cyberangerideally, yes, but granted one part of the mess was an ISP issue, not alot of options17:20
cyberangerwhat'd you have in mind?17:20
pace_t_zuluemail or text just to pass word along17:21
cyberangermore likely, I'd try to pass an email so the meeting can run with or without me, since it did need to happen, if I was in Cleveland, I'd have just gone to a hotspot to run it17:23
cyberangerno cell phone here, or email17:23
cyberangerjust landline and the isp (with issues)17:23
cyberangersince I'm at my folks17:23
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: I'll figure out some better options17:24
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: the main thing the meeting was about is I noticed that memphis aside, the other regions have no plans, and it'd be nice to have some long term plans17:27
cyberangerand that's unfortunate since it's a criteria for our application17:27
cyberangerI know middle tennessee has more members now, not sure what east tennessee has, I'm southeast and not really mobile for evening events in knoxville like I was17:28
pace_t_zuluyea, we can try to pick things up in middle tn17:29
pace_t_zulueast tn is still an issue17:29
cyberangerwe have two members in knoxville, and linuxman410 can't really travel beyond morristown17:29
cyberangernot sure how to fix that issue, since to  some extent it's a low membership issue17:30
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: btw, middle tennessee has some mailing list intrest, and a nlug affilated member requests planning in advance to notify them17:31
cyberangerso I'd like to hope middle and west tn can take off17:31
cyberangerand east tn too, just not sure of how17:33
cyberangercable modem actually seems a little smarter than expected, gave out a class c address, in rfc1918 space18:26
cyberangerand the modem has some login page, not documented18:27
cyberangerwent outside (cell coverage isn't ideal for this, but a homeade antenna quickly fasioned, and line of sight, it is working for this)18:28
cyberangerand logged on, gonna look for any ambit info I can find, ugh18:28
cyberangermaybe I'll find log details18:29
cyberangerI know it's an isp issue, not sure what level of proof I can show, unfortunately18:29
cyberangerthis isn't an ideal week, but with my dad out of the house, haiti mission trip, leaving my mom and me, it could be worse for her, least technical in the house18:32
cyberangerand my dad is more ham radio than networking, but he'd understand the issue too, at least enough to where I could explain the remaining bits18:33
techMilesmy cousin is like that. He doesn't have too much detailed knowledge on certain things, but enough to where I can explain and he gets the fill-in bits18:33
cyberangerand I grabbed alot of my gear (it's small enough, important peices are a netbook repurposed as a router, with the rest being usb devices, like the celluar data card, 56k dial up modem, and 2nd ethernet card (left that, but the cable modem has that covered, ethernet over usb)18:35
cyberangernot really overpacking, just force of habit, proves useful too damn much, just like it is again this trip)18:35
techMilesI know the feeling18:36
cyberangerunfortunately I also left my switches power supply, but enough here is wifi, the remaining bits can be overlooked for a week18:36
cyberangerbut without the intent to run the home network here, I've got all the peices to keep it running with cable failing here18:37
cyberangerin june, I was travelling with family, had a boost mobile phone, iden (nextel) model, tethered at 20kbps max, enough for IRC18:39
techMileshardcore. :P18:39
cyberangerat that time, I didn't have enough on my custom install for the network at RIT, used a Radius server on the wifi18:40
cyberangerand what's funny, I could have done a few things to get it working (the simpliest would have been grabbing a livecd, and this was a Foss Convention, didn't have to look hard)18:41
cyberangerbut idk why I just let it be18:41
cyberangerso my whole trip in Rochester, NY was on 20kbps celluar18:41
cyberangerbefore that, I was in Manchester, CT (outside hardford)18:42
cyberangerand they had an AT&T Uverse supplied router, with wep18:42
cyberangerdidn't know the password, or where they may have put it18:42
cyberangerunder 5 minutes, I handed them THEIR password, and was connected18:43
cyberangerit was an odd trip, reminded me, there's no place like
techMilescyberanger: yeah that's what happens. why in hell did they use WEP?18:47
cyberangerbeats being open18:47
cyberangerthey used stock settings18:47
cyberangerAT&T was giving them some nice stock settings18:48
cyberangerconsidering they weren't putting a sign up saying, "Free WiFI Here, All welcome"18:49
cyberangerbut yeah, my Aunt had wep, and I had 5 minutes (and consent)18:53
cyberangerand my Grandma had no connection, but I did18:53
cyberangerSvpernova09: found the logs19:03
cyberangermanaged to login19:03
cyberangerdidn't forsee some of the login combos19:03
cyberangerT2 T3 and T4 Timeout, DHCP WARNING,19:06
cyberangerdefinately a mess19:06
cyberangerSvpernova09: I'm unaware of the T2, T3 and T4 timeout errors, understand the majority of the others, appears to be upstream for sure19:08
cyberangerany of that helpful, helpful how?19:08
Svpernova09My issue was with comcast,so the t3 errors were likely unique to them, but what it may indicate is an internal routing issue of their dhcp19:10
cyberangerwell, it's logged in my modem19:28
cyberangerappears seperate from the DHCP errors19:29
cyberangerand the T2 & T4 Timeout errors19:29
cyberangerlet alone other errors I understand as errors for charter19:29
cyberangeror your case comcast19:29
cyberangermodulation errors19:29
cyberangerall point to a physical issue19:30
cyberangermaybe a quality bit19:37
cyberangersuccumbed to it's wounds, it seems22:58
cyberangerand some say Redundancy is a bad ;-)22:59

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