
karniI added an awfully ugly splash screen hahahah ;D A stretched launcher icon, how clever is that!00:52
karniI would seriously jump into Gimp if I didn't know there was a Design team working on it :D00:52
DjoefHi, Anyone here knows if you can ask for a backup of you Ubuntu One account ? (eg can I have the status of last month)08:32
DjoefAnd a second question, is the storage on your ubuntu one account safe ? in the sense that only the user can read (/write) what is in there ?08:32
DjoefI am about to store a SVN repo on ubuntu one containing code (that may not yet be released)08:33
DjoefAnd I wonder if that would be a safe place..08:33
Djoefanyone alive in here ?08:42
baphometoshy there08:46
baphometosis rye there?08:46
baphometos...sry.. here?08:46
baphometosor any real pro?08:47
mandelbaphometos: ping08:53
baphometosthank you09:00
baphometosgot a real big problem with ubuntu one09:00
baphometosin the settings box, the options "bookmarks, history, contacts" are greyed out09:01
baphometosi cant sync @ evolution09:01
baphometoscouch db pairing tool is installed09:01
baphometosbut in shell there's in error-message that the tool can't be found09:01
JamesTaitGreetings, fellow Mondaymorningites! Best wishes for your journey!09:04
duanedesignbaphometos: can you try the steps listed under Killing and Restarting Desktopcouch http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/Troubleshooting09:14
zygasigh, reboot09:16
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ killall beam - beam: Kein Prozess gefunden - lenny@linuxdose:~$09:17
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ killall beam.smp09:17
baphometosbeam.smp: Kein Prozess gefunden09:17
baphometoshave to go for short, be right back 5 minutes09:19
baphometoskk back09:24
duanedesignwb baphometos09:28
duanedesignbaphometos: did you make it through all 4 steps09:28
duanedesignwell really the first three are the most important. The last one is just to verify that it restarted09:29
baphometosno cant09:31
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ killall beam09:31
baphometosbeam: Kein Prozess gefunden09:31
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ killall beam.smp09:31
baphometosbeam.smp: Kein Prozess gefunden09:31
duanedesignbaphometos: thats of09:31
duanedesignthats ok09:31
baphometosah ok09:31
duanedesignthe problem is probably that desktopcouch is not running and that is why those options are greyed out09:32
baphometosopen the bookmark file, which should then correctly take you to your desktopcouch web interface  <--- doesnt09:33
baphometosdone the 4 steps as described09:33
baphometoseverything seemed ok, bookmarked the page09:34
duanedesignok, so you were able to get to the Futon interface?09:37
baphometosconnection error09:38
baphometosi already tried another repository of ubuntu-one but i didnt work either09:41
baphometosso couchdb is the point of failure indeed09:41
baphometossorry for my bad english09:42
duanedesignno worries, your english is fine :)09:43
duanedesignlets see if rye is available09:44
ryeduanedesign, i am available, but i can't get the logs for this chat yet, could you please paste your discussion with baphometos to me?09:44
duanedesignI think the log we want is ~/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stdout09:45
duanedesignrye: yep09:45
baphometosthere's a desktop-couchdb.stdout.1 and a desktop-couchdb.stdout.209:47
duanedesignrye: ^09:47
baphometosso its pastin right now ^^09:50
ryebaphometos, ok, could you please try starting /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service and see what it outputs?09:51
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service09:52
baphometosTraceback (most recent call last):09:52
baphometos  File "/usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service", line 51, in <module>09:52
baphometos    import desktopcouch09:52
baphometosImportError: No module named desktopcouch09:52
ryebaphometos, well, looks like installation is incomplete, could you please check whether python-desktopcouch is installed - apt-cache policy python-desktopcouch09:56
ryeand i should have asked about ubuntu version09:57
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ sudo apt-cache policy python-desktopcouch09:57
baphometos[sudo] password for lenny:09:57
baphometos  Installiert: (keine)09:57
baphometos  Kandidat:    0.6.9b-0ubuntu109:57
baphometos  Versionstabelle:09:57
baphometos     0.6.9b-0ubuntu1 009:57
baphometos        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/universe i386 Packages09:57
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~/.cache/desktop-couch$ uname -a09:58
baphometosLinux linuxdose 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux09:58
baphometosubuntu 10.1009:58
ryebaphometos, could you please try installing python-desktopcouch - sudo apt-get install python-desktopcouch ?09:59
ryebaphometos, could you please re-try running /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service ?10:00
baphometosyes done10:00
baphometosnow... second10:00
baphometoslooks better10:00
baphometosDEBUG:replication:finished replicating10:00
baphometosDEBUG:root:starting replicator main loop10:00
ryei wonder how that could possibly become uninstalled10:00
baphometosWARNING:root:shutting down personal couchdb.10:01
baphometosdbus 2011-02-21 11:01:23,289 - shutting down personal couchdb.10:01
baphometosApache CouchDB has been shutdown.10:01
baphometoscanceled and now...10:01
baphometoslooks gooood10:01
baphometosstarting again10:02
baphometoshm... how to continue now?10:02
baphometosshould i leave the shell open for first and try @ evolution?10:03
baphometostook a look @ the bookmark and still it said connection error10:03
ryebaphometos, connection error where?10:04
baphometosmaybe i have to do the 4 steps again?10:04
baphometosdo i?10:04
ryebaphometos, aha, well, you should reopen the bookmark file since it gets updated with port number every time couchdb is starting, since it starts at random ports10:05
baphometosah ok10:05
baphometossecond :)10:05
baphometosthank you very much10:05
baphometosyou're king10:05
baphometosif that works....10:05
baphometosit's my 2nd christmas10:06
baphometosdamn..... i'm at the web-interface :D :D :D10:07
baphometoshello couchdb i missed u very much10:07
baphometoscan i support you in any way rye?10:07
ryebaphometos, well, supporting #ubuntuone is my job10:08
baphometoscuz now everything works :) :)10:08
baphometosso i'll buy some @ ubuntu-one10:09
baphometosthank you man10:09
baphometoshave a good day10:09
ryebaphometos, while we are at it, there is one issue with evolution couchdb which i've been poking around, bug #67356810:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 673568 in evolution-couchdb (and 1 other project) "Error modifying contact, other error when saving contacts (affects: 38) (dups: 4) (heat: 190)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67356810:09
ryebaphometos, ah, ok10:09
ryeah, rodrigo_ switched to In Progress10:10
* rye sits waiging for a fix10:10
baphometos #67356810:10
baphometoshow could i help you?10:10
baphometosah ok10:10
ryebaphometos, at the moment evolution couchdb does not work properly with editing and deleting the contacts, so the functionality of desktopcouch for contacts is limited now10:11
ryeseverely limited10:11
ryeping rodrigo_, is there any progress on in-progress part of couchdb-glib?10:11
baphometosah ok.... for me the most important part is to sync my contacts to the database once in a while, not to edit them (for first)10:12
baphometosi'll be back - if i've got any questions ;910:13
baphometostill then... all the best 4 ya10:14
karniouch. back to code.10:22
karniok, testing10:55
duanedesigntesting, testing, one, two.11:01
karnian ANR is an insult, I feel terrible.11:06
beunokarni, don't, this is work in progress11:14
karniI feel like I let you down o_O :S11:14
beunoit's expected to fail, that's exactly why I sent it around!11:14
karniI'm already on it. Fixed one bug.11:14
karniThe second is hard to replicate, tried on Hero and Android 2.2 and 2.311:14
karniWe may have to descrese the database writes per transaction11:15
beunokarni, please don't feel rushed to fix things, this is just meant for you to get feedback and know what needs work11:15
karniProbably that's what caused the TouchEventDispatch timeout (db was writing, and files activity wanted to load)11:15
karnibeuno: Uhm :) It's good it's finally out.11:15
karnibeuno: I have an important design question12:35
beunokarni, shoot12:35
karnibeuno: hah, I just found the solution :D12:36
beunoYOU'RE WELCOME12:36
karnibeuno: the thing was that the service could 90-sec timeout when user poked around preferences12:36
karnibeuno: but now I see I can fix that the same way the rest of UI keeps the service on-going12:36
* beuno nods12:36
karnibeuno: once I fix that, I'll send the apk to you and aq. I fixed the log reporting -- and once aq sends me back the reproduction of the ANR, I think we should update all the testers with that12:37
karnias sendin the logs is pretty important right now, and.. how could I have even screwed this up :d12:37
beunokarni, sure. And again, don't stress about bugs, it's what we're lookng for at this stage!12:38
karnibeuno: I'll remember that. I was sure it would work nicely, and there you go, again Aq catches a terrible failure ;< heheheh.12:39
karnibeuno: the send logs feature is something like Chad once posted. "please report the crash with crashing report tool"12:39
karni(crash of the crashing report tool :P)12:40
beunokarni, release early, release often comes with a lot of "d'oh" moments12:41
beunobetter early than late  ;)12:41
karniyou're right!12:41
ryekarni, for some months the "Microsoft windows malicious software removal utility" was distributed in russian-speaking countries under a name that roughtly translated to "Utility for removal of malicious Microsoft Windows software"13:03
karnibeuno: sent the u1f-rev34 to you and Stuart. if you'd like to test, please use that one.13:03
karnirye: hahahah13:03
beunokarni, sure, although it worked for me previously13:04
beunoyou've done a *fantastic* job implementing auto-sync13:04
karnibeuno: by the way! how.. oh :)13:04
karnibeuno: did you try uploads as well?13:05
karni(thank you!)13:05
beunokarni, not yet, no13:05
beunobut will soon!13:05
karniI was so preoccupied with Stuarts report I didn't even ask for feedback. ok!13:05
ryeyesterday I found an awesome piece of code, how do you throw an exception in c?13:05
ryein order to exit the code block13:05
ryeyou can't and you don't want to use goto and labels so you do...13:05
ryedo { something; if (error) break; } while(0);... it was so simple I thought it was an error13:06
beunorye, you're a strange person13:07
ryebeuno, why?13:08
karnibeuno: I've been hardcore coding lately and haven't seen the gym for ~week. I'll take a break and be back a bit later, ok?13:08
beunokarni, enjoy13:08
beunorye, you enjoy strange things  :)13:09
karnibeuno: cool, I received an update from verterok they'll be releasing new server software - that should enable me to implement directory size check before it starts syncing.13:33
beunokarni, perfect13:35
nessitamandel: can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/use-new-syncademon-get-udf-fict/+merge/50594 ? control panel tests broke because what I think is a branch that landed from you13:46
nessitamandel: (our tests monky path syncdaemon in some private areas, so I fixed it)13:47
nessitabeuno: would you trivial review https://code.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-715879/+merge/50500 ?13:47
beunonessita, sure13:47
beunonessita, +1ed13:49
nessitabeuno: thanks!13:49
ralsinahello alecu mandel nessita thisfred, standup in 8' ;-)13:53
nessitahi ralsina13:53
nessitaralsina: could you please review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/use-new-syncademon-get-udf-fict/+merge/50594 tests broke after a syncdaemon update13:54
mandelnessita: ok, looking13:54
mandelnessita: what is the sd_dbus_iface object? is that theDBusInterface object from sd?13:58
nessitamandel: is the dbus_interface module13:59
alecuhello all!13:59
alecusorry I'm late...13:59
mandelnessita: the module and not the class, right?14:00
nessitamandel: yes, the module14:00
mandelnessita: when continue after the stand up14:01
ralsinanot me today (no notes)14:01
nessitamandel: do you have some other question? the tests are not passing right now, and I think tarmac is not landing branches because of that14:02
nessitaalecu, me?14:02
mandelnessita: i know the issues, I'll add it in a comment14:02
nessitaah, do-bey and thatfred are on national holiday today14:03
mandelnessita: those tests pas, right?14:03
nessitamandel: the one in that branch, yes. The one in trunk, no.14:03
ralsinaright, forgot *fred was on holiday too14:03
ralsinaok, nessita?14:03
nessitaDONE: file storage project creation and setup, first branches.14:04
nessitaTODO: community reviews, file storage api, bug triage, fix U1CP to have tests running (and passing) again14:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:04
nessitaNEXT: mandel14:04
mandelDONE: Increased test coverage of dbus module in linux and windows. Added networ manager implementaiton for windows. Made ipc use a random port and expose it over named pipes.14:04
mandelTODO: beg for reviews, finish ipc client code.14:04
mandelBLOCKED: reviews, pleeeease14:04
mandelalecu: please...14:04
alecuDONE: a branch to use libunity to show/update/hide progressbar and show/hide disconnection emblem, needs review, but fixed libunity not yet packaged (as of friday) | a branch to use desktopcouch to save hiscores in quickly pygame template: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-encouraging-game-development | DroidCouch OAuth untangling14:04
alecuTODO: back to DroidCouch14:04
alecuBLOCKED: fixed libunity not yet packaged14:04
ralsinamandel: are those reviews I can help with?14:04
mandelralsina: yes, they are simply more tests for the linux code, so everyone can help :)14:05
nessitamandel: I'll help14:05
nessitamandel: shoot the links14:05
ralsinamandel: me too14:06
nessitaralsina: go!14:06
ralsinaDONE: bashed my head against rhythmbox and nautilus (but finally they are breaking)14:06
ralsinaTODO: actually fix 4 or 5 bugs, reviews, send the sprint documents14:06
mandelnessita: approved and added a small explanation of the reason why those methods were moved14:06
ralsinaDONE TOO ;-) wrote the sprint stuff14:06
ralsinaBLOCKED: no, but head hurts14:07
nessitaralsina: yey! so, sprint is closer? :-)14:07
mandelralsina: too much thinking?14:07
ralsinanessita: yes14:07
ralsinanessita: both sprints14:07
ralsinanessita: but the only one that's going to be in both sprints is me, I think14:07
nessitaralsina: makes sense14:08
mandelralsina, nessita: here is one merge https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_events_signal_tests/+merge/5034214:08
nessitaralsina: you'll enjoy your time with mandel ;-) (be prepared for tons of dirty stories)14:08
ralsinaYes, my divorce will make lots of sense (I am apparently going to be away 3 of 7 weeks.14:08
nessitamandel: the branch has as a prerequisite the same branch...14:09
ralsinaplus one week of sprint in BA.14:09
ralsinaBut we'll live. Anyway, eom?14:09
nessitaralsina: who needs wives?14:09
mandelnessita: he, wrong copy paste :P14:09
ralsinanessita: husbands!14:09
nessitaeom here14:10
ralsinamandel: post all the branches you want reviewed, I will try to code for an hour or so, then do reviews.14:10
mandelnessita: is not the same, is a branch with a very similar name :)14:10
nessitaah! you're right14:10
nessitamandel: so, is https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_events_signal_tests/+merge/50342 the proper branch to review?14:11
ralsinaAnd BTW: this means today we are at the exact minumum required to get anything done, since one proposes a branch and the other two have to approve it ;-)14:11
nessitaralsina: it depends, I personally think we  should have people from other teams doing reviews. But reviews policy is not yet stablished14:11
ralsinanessita: and won't be for a month, I think14:12
ralsinaAlso, it means we could speak spanish all day long14:12
mandelnessita: yes14:12
mandelde puta madre!! ahora a por la reconquista de las americas!14:13
ralsinaThe only part of the proposed policy that I am already enforcing is "managers review everything they are asked to review" ;-)14:13
* mandel goes to get his conquistador outfit14:13
ralsinamandel: pero, pero ... aquí es verano! El traje de conquistador quema :-D14:13
mandelralsina: I have to be a professional, if it has to be done, it has to be done right :)14:14
mandeland we are smelly anyways14:14
ralsinamandel: como diría un USAense: "you looked like a 50s buick, and smelled like one, too!"14:15
nessitaalecu: can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/use-new-syncademon-get-udf-fict/+merge/50594? we're having a broken test suite in u1cop trunk14:15
alecunessita, sure!14:16
ralsinaok, I'm off to coding.14:17
verterokkarni: hi14:23
verterokkarni: if you have access to staging, you can test the size attribute fix14:23
alecunessita, approved.14:29
nessitaalecu: thanks!14:29
nessitamandel: this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_events_signal_tests/+merge/50342 is already approved14:39
nessitamandel: what other review you need? :-)14:40
nessitaralsina: I have some spare time while waiting for a review from aquarius. I'll install natty on my desktop box, if is ok with you14:42
ralsinasure go ahead14:42
mandelnessita: cool, thx, let me find the next one :)14:48
nessitamandel: right, send me the link, though I'll be installing natty right now14:48
mandelnessita: is that to explain recursion to your students… hehe what a terrible joke14:49
mandelnessita: there yo go: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_syndaemon_signal_tests/+merge/5034514:50
gordhey all, i'm getting the message "You have reached the download limit for this song, please purchase it again from the store" for some of my tracks - do i really have to? seems insane15:04
nessitarebooting for natty install!15:06
ralsinastupid new guy question: am I supposed to buy the tickets for canonical events and get a refund, or how is it done?15:09
popeyralsina: ubuntu events like UDS?15:11
ralsinapopey: right15:11
popeyralsina: do you work for canonical?15:11
ralsinapopey: yeah15:11
ralsinapopey: but it's my first one15:11
popeyI'd ask in a non-public canonical irc channel then :)15:12
ralsinapopey: good idea15:12
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mandelralsina: ping16:04
ralsinamandel: pong16:05
ralsinamandel: while I have you here: yes, the proposed installer is not practical16:05
ralsinathe thing with the icons that get bigger at the bottom is a pain in the arse16:06
mandelralsina: uh, one sec, and we talk about that16:06
ralsinamandel: ok16:06
mandelralsina: I'm not good at context switch :P16:06
mandelralsina: here goes my question, in which machine is tarmac runnin for lp:ubuntuone-client?16:06
mandelralsina: branches canot land due to a missing module https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_events_signal_tests/+merge/5034216:07
ralsinamandel: dobey's16:07
ralsinaand of course, it's holiday in the US16:07
mandelralsina: ok, then eod for me :P16:07
ralsinamandel: ouch16:07
mandelralsina: just joking16:07
mandelI can work, but a I cannot land anything, take a look at the merge proposal16:08
ralsinamandel: sadly dobey won't be around until.... 14 UTC tomorrow16:08
ralsinaI have seen nessita run tarmac before, though16:08
mandelralsina: si, una putada….16:08
ralsinamandel: I have a few rather serious problems in my plate, but I will16:08
mandelralsina: well, I'll ask in #chicharra how to solve this16:09
ralsinamandel: cool16:09
mandelralsina: so, about the installer, tell me16:09
ralsinaI spent a couple of hours on sunday trying to make a mockup in designer16:09
ralsinaThe buttons: piece of cake16:09
ralsinaThe font for the labels is not doable because it's the ubuntu font, and the system will not have it installed16:10
ralsinaThe progressbar is doable with some effort16:10
ralsinaThe "thing with icons that get larger like OSX's dock". I can do it by using Webkit, or by bringing QML or QGraphicsView into the installer, but that's not really a good idea16:11
alecuralsina, plus having the ubuntu font on a windows app would look way out of place... right?16:11
ralsinaSo that should be replaced with something more reasonable.16:11
ralsinaalecu: yes16:11
ralsinaalecu: but well, that's branding, it can be defended. What I can't do is use a font that's not there :-)16:11
alecuralsina, "thing with icons that get larger like OSX's dock" wtf?16:11
mandelralsina: all that assuming we know how to do embed everything in an exe, right?16:12
alecuralsina, what about including it in the installer? a few windows installer have a previous "unpack" stage where they "install" the installer in /tmp16:12
alecu(or \windows\temp or whatever)16:12
mandelalecu: but which type of installers, .exe or .msi16:13
ralsinamandel: well, we can embed all the images in the exe, no problem16:13
alecumandel, right .exe installers usually do that.16:13
mandelalecu: by the way can you give me a hand with the following error; https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_events_signal_tests/+merge/5034216:13
ralsinawe could do one of those two-stage installers, where you get one, it downloads the bigger one.16:13
mandelralsina: we have to  be smart about this...16:14
ralsinapyqt has support for embedding arbitrary things in the exe. So we can even put the whole msi there and unpack it.16:14
alecumandel, what hand do you want? the left or the right one?16:14
ralsinadobey: tarmac! mandel! ;-)16:14
mandelalecu: atm the right, is the broken one16:14
dobeyralsina: seriously. if tarmac is broken, and i'm away, send me a text message or something :)16:15
mandeldobey: tarmac for ubuntuone-client is in your machine, rigth?16:15
ralsinadobey: I tried calling you on your phone, I got a girl telling me something in german16:15
mandeldobey: I think it has a missing package or something whenstupidly wrong with my branch….16:15
mandeldobey: this is the one https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_events_signal_tests/+merge/5034216:16
mandelexceptions.ImportError: No module named indicate16:16
dobeyralsina: weird16:16
dobeyyeah i see, installing now16:17
ralsinadobey: my exact word16:17
mandeldobey: sweet thx!16:17
mandelralsina: next time you get a german girl on the phone, fwd to me16:17
ralsinamandel: I think she was a robot, sorry16:17
dobeyralsina: maybe you called germany16:18
ralsinadobey: could be, I copy/pasted your phone from directory into skype16:18
mandelMeine Mutter ist ein Toaster16:18
dobeyoh, skype16:18
dobeymaybe it was an estonian girl16:18
alecumandel, hahaahahah16:18
alecumandel, your jokes are a lot better when there are no dirty references!16:19
dobeyah, skype probably didn't like the format or something16:19
dobeyanyway, python-indicate is installed16:19
mandelalecu: hehe my jokes are good, the problem is that I just type the dirty ones :)16:20
mandeldobey: thx!16:20
mandelralsina: so, we have to be smart of how to embed the installer, a 2 step process could be possible, get the at stuff, and execute it16:22
dobeyalright, i'm back out :)16:32
mandelalecu: ping16:43
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
ralsinamandel: yeah16:43
alecumandel, pong16:44
mandelralsina: we  can try and write a poc for that, but for me, it will have to wait til the weekend16:44
mandelralsina: in the mean time… let me know when you can review some branches (on linux)16:45
ralsinamandel: yes, if we don't finish the program, what is it going to install? ;-)16:45
ralsinamandel: in about 20 minutes16:45
mandelralsina: hehe exactyly :)16:46
alecuralsina, I have another lovely branch for you after you finish with mandel's: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/use-libunity/+merge/5063216:46
ralsinaalecu: ok, how am I supposed to test that?16:46
mandelalecu: I'll exchange yours with mine :)16:47
mandelthat wasy we do not need ralsina :)16:47
alecuralsina, you are not running unity3d, right?16:47
ralsinaalecu: yes I am16:47
alecuralsina, then we'll try to see if the unity updates from today allow you to run it16:47
ralsinaalecu: cool16:48
alecuralsina, both my installations are botched, because I did a sudo make install from libunity :P16:48
alecumandel, cool. What branch do you want me to review?16:48
ralsinaalecu: ha, so I have the only unity now?16:49
mandelralsina, alecu: my unity works too16:49
mandelalecu: this is the one https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_dbus_folders_tests/+merge/5056416:49
alecuralsina, no! my unity3d is working fine, but my test env is misleading, because I have stuff installed that I'm not sure if it is packaged.16:50
mandelalecu: what do I have to do with your branch?16:50
alecumandel, will take a look right now.16:50
alecumandel, first, review and criticize the absence of platform independent code16:51
alecumandel, then run the syncdaemon in that branch, and let it show/update/hide a progressbar when it's active16:51
alecumandel, and do "u1sdtool -d" to see it showing an emblem16:52
alecu(both on the Unity u1 launcher icon)16:52
alecuthat's it.16:52
* mandel looks16:53
alecumandel, if you tell me how it breaks on windows, I'll try and fix it.16:53
mandelalecu: sure16:55
alecumandel, all the stuff that's on interaction_interfaces, you moved it from the dbus code, right?17:00
alecumandel, or is it new code?17:00
mandelalecu: it was moved from the dbus code17:01
mandelalecu: the idea is to use it in all platforms and just add the ipc code for each of them17:02
alecumandel, approved.17:15
mandelalecu: cool, thx, I might take a litlle longer with yours.. unity is having fun17:16
alecumandel, how much fun? is it giving some error message?17:16
alecumandel, because my branch relies on some fixes to libunity that might no be packaged yet.17:16
mandelalecu: I've gpot a message error, i'm trying on my gf machine :P17:18
mandelmaybe my system is the problem… is a bloody macbook17:18
alecumandel, I'm having some trouble parsing "gpot"...17:19
alecumandel, did you get an error message or not?17:19
mandelyes.I did17:19
alecucan you please paste it?!17:19
mandelthe machine crashed, that why I dont think is your branch, let me try again with other one17:20
alecuAH, ok.17:20
alecuif the machine crashes, it's probably not my branch. I'm not into gl vodoo yet.17:20
alecuvodoo += o17:21
alecuIn fact, I'm off gl voodoo for the time being.17:21
alecu(though I'll probably go back to it when I try porting my latest minigame to android) :-)17:22
alecusearching "voodoo" ads me with "Authentic Voodoo Dolls, Spells, Curses, and a whole lot more!". Thanks, google!17:24
karniverterok: I was away for some time. Thanks for the hint. I'll have to figure out staging sooner or later (I never managed to work with it :< ). Maybe you could test if your client works with staging.. ? I would appreciate that very much. I'll re-check that soon and let you know.17:24
karnialecu: btw you can pull lp:ubuntuone-android-files, although oauth hasn't changed at all, there have been many changes in the software itself.17:25
karnialecu: did you manage to sort it out for your needs? (I mean couchdroid)17:26
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verterokkarni: np, yes it works with staging17:27
karniverterok: oh, thank you very much! could you PM the ip you used so I can confirm if I was doing it right?17:27
mandelalecu: I;m trying to build from my gf machine, but i forgot how to install the dev dependencies, was i with nightlies?17:35
alecumandel, I'm not sure if you need the nightlies to build u1-client... I think "apt-get build-dep ubuntuone-client" should suffice.17:37
* mandel tries17:38
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mandelalecu: from a fresh install of the devel tools i get and import error17:49
mandelfrom gir.repository import Unity17:49
mandelthis is from my gf machine after using apt-get build-dep ubuntuone-client17:50
alecumandel, try installing the package gir1.2-unity-3.017:53
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mandelalecu: that fixed it, got issues when running tests, I'll added then in the merge proposal17:56
mandelalecu: I need to go know I'll update the merge proposal asap17:56
alecumandel, please paste them when you come back.18:25
* alecu will get some food18:25
ralsinanessita: +118:44
ralsinaBUT it has 2 lint notices18:44
ralsinabeuno: gloating is unecoming :-D18:46
beunoI've burnt that bridge18:46
ralsinamandel: ping18:50
* nessita fixes18:56
ralsinamandel: mail me the merge proposals you want looked at tonight18:57
ralsinaOhhhh the unity launcher autohides when guake unfolds... nice!18:58
nessitaralsina: you need to install python-distutils-extra for [F0401] Unable to import 'DistUtilsExtra.auto'18:59
ralsinanessita: ok18:59
ralsinanessita: yes, that fixed that one19:00
nessitaralsina: the other missing docstring is now fixed and pushed19:00
nessitaPushed up to revision 6.19:00
karnibeuno: Hi :) I'd like to get an oauth token to staging, as I don't have an old token that would do the job. However, changing the auth URL wasn't enough: http://paste.ubuntu.com/570208/ Ideas how can I proceed?19:48
intrader_Anyone, I tried yesterday to get help, I have two laptops configured with ubuntuone. On first laptop I update a file that exists in its Ubuntu One folder. The time of update is shown in the file manager.On second laptop, I see the in the Ubuntu One folder but its date is Feb 3. When  I go to "Manage Account"'s File entry the date is Feb 3, wame as on second laptop. Sync does not seem to work19:48
karniduanedesign: rye: maybe you could help ↑19:48
beunokarni, no idea, rye or nessita may know19:48
karnibeuno: ok thanks :)19:48
karnirye: nessita: I'd like to get an oauth token to staging (I don't have an old one), what's the easiest way do to that? Changing the auth URL didn't do the trick: http://paste.ubuntu.com/570208/19:49
karni(changing the URL to staging)19:50
karnithat looks to me like CommonsHttpOAuthProvider bug :/ I'll google that.19:51
ryekarni, hm, staging tokens are synced from production one19:52
karnirye: oh, are they?19:52
nessitakarni: what rye says :-)19:52
karniso my tokens should work with staging? great19:52
ryekarni, not CommonsHttpOAuthProvider bug, it's our system rejects our other system19:53
karnirye: aha :)19:53
ryekarni, just visit https://staging.one.ubuntu.com/account/machines and see whether you have anything there19:53
karnirye: very cool, thanks19:53
karnirye: indeed, quite a few, high 5 \o19:54
ryeMy last identi.ca post was about 22 hours ago from web at Dongjiao, Tianjin Shi, China, ralsina, has BurstNet moved a bit east? :)20:00
ralsinarye: miracles of virtualization? :-D20:00
ralsinarye: of geoip hiccup ;-)20:00
ryeGeoIP is so nice... Even Google presents me with a google.com.hk page... And looks like that's Chinese too20:01
karnirye: sometimes google latitute show's I'm somewhere in North America.. thankfully, it happens rarely. (and I'm in Poland ;))20:01
ryeidenti.ca post map is soo interesting now20:02
alecunessita, ping20:16
alecunessita, I'm looking at Bug #67446220:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 674462 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Display notice when merging an UDF with a existent folder (affects: 1) (heat: 34)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67446220:17
karniverterok: what's a sensible ping interval for the android app to keep the connection alive and _not_ cause a DDoS ?20:17
verterokkarni: ping to keep the connection alive?20:18
alecunessita, and I'm trying to figure out how we should approach that.20:18
ralsinaalecu: any news on how I can test that branch of yours?20:18
karniverterok: AFAIK the desktop client pings the server from time to time (wasn't that 10 minutes or something?)20:18
karniI may be mistaken. I do know keepAlive() is set20:19
verterokkarni: that isn't to keep the connection alive :)20:19
* karni hides20:19
karniverterok: what's that for then?20:20
alecuralsina, run the syncdaemon in that branch, and it will show/update/hide a progressbar when it's doing stuff20:20
verterokkarni: long story short, it's a hack to know when the connection is stalled and twisted didn't realized about it20:20
nessitaalecu: what are you wondering, in particular?20:20
alecu and do "u1sdtool -d" to see it showing an emblem (both things will happen on the Unity u1 launcher icon)20:20
verterokkarni: twisted only realize the connection is dead when it tries to use it20:21
ralsinaalecu: ok20:21
alecunessita, where should we put the checks for the existing udf20:21
ralsinaalecu: is the progressbar stuff in unity nightlies?20:21
verterokkarni: not sure about how the java/android  net io stuff works in that area :)20:21
karniverterok: great. I think I'd like to have that in my app then. So the question is, how often can I ping?20:21
alecuralsina, not sure about that. Never tried unity nightlies.20:21
verterokkarni: no idea, longer the better :)20:21
karniverterok: I think I've timed-out few times, so a ping from time to time may be neccessary. I'd test test that beforehand.20:22
ralsinaalecu: ok, let' s see20:22
alecuralsina, mandel tried testing it quite a few lines above ^^^^^^^^20:22
alecuralsina, and found some issues, but he had to run.20:22
ralsinaalecu: "cannot import Unity" so I guess not20:23
alecuralsina, apt-get install gir1.2-unity-3.020:23
alecuralsina, those are the gobject-introspection definitions for unity20:24
nessitaalecu: what do you mean 'put the check for the existing UDF'?20:24
alecuralsina, you have everything else up-to date, right?20:24
nessitaalecu: exisiting folder, perhaps?20:25
alecunessita, right20:25
nessitaalecu: so, we have 2 scenarios20:25
nessitaalecu: either the udf was created in the same device, in which case you should not notify anything, or the udf was created in another device20:25
nessitaalecu: in the second case, we should check if the directory already existed. We would have to do this at volume_manager level20:26
nessitaalecu: to push VM_UDF_CREATED with an extra param20:26
nessitaalecu: what do you think?20:26
karnibeuno: http://karni.tk/canonical/pics/connect-failed.png that's how "connect failed" after 3 retries looks like.20:27
ralsinaalecu: https://pastebin.canonical.com/43686/20:27
beunokarni, I like the sad face20:28
beunothat's good enough for now20:28
alecunessita, that part sounds right. But how should we display that notice?20:29
nessitaalecu: specific legend should be validated by cristian, but I was thinking on a new messaging entry (as per what we talked in dallas)20:29
alecuralsina, "TypeError: must be an interface" means that the gir for libunity packaged is not yet what's on trunk.20:29
ralsinaalecu: That' s how far as I went then :-(20:30
ralsinaalecu: but we really should merge this today since tomorrow is FF20:30
ralsinaalecu: so, do you give me your word that you have seen this working? ;-)20:31
alecuralsina, bzr branch lp:libunity; cd libunity; ./autogen.sh ; sudo make install (???)20:31
ralsinaalecu: isn' t that how you broke your unity yesterday? :-D20:31
alecuralsina, I can give you a small video if you want20:31
ralsinaalecu: ok, I trust you :-D20:31
alecuralsina, no! I didn't broke it! I just meant that it's not pristine, since I did the "make install" above.20:32
ralsinaalecu: oh, ok, anyway +120:32
ralsinanow hunt the second review :-)20:32
alecuralsina, the thing is that if we let this into trunk, it will break for everybody who has not make installed libunity.20:32
alecunessita, this udf thing... is a bug or a feature?20:33
ralsinaalecu: well, I am not sure what to do about that. If we don' t merge it, we need to ask for a freeze exception. The unity ppl should be trying to merge this before tomorrow too.20:33
nessitaalecu: what thing?20:33
ralsinaalecu: so, can you ask them how their timing is?20:33
alecunessita, bug #67446220:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 674462 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Display notice when merging an UDF with a existent folder (affects: 1) (heat: 34)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67446220:34
alecuralsina, nobody seems to be around today20:34
ralsinaalecu: holiday20:35
alecuralsina, I know :-)20:35
ralsinaalecu: FF the day after a long weekend seems like an exceptionally bad idea now, doesn' tit?20:35
alecuralsina, anyway, fixing that is a "bug" for them.20:35
alecuralsina, they can do it after feature freeze.20:35
ralsinaIf you commit it and it doesn' t work it' s a bug for us too :-(20:36
alecuralsina, what I can do is add a check that let's us work if libunity gir bindings are not installed.20:36
ralsinaThat' swhy FF sucks20:36
ralsinaalecu: that would be awesome20:36
ralsinaIf you do that we can merge with no problems. It's a good idea for whenever we do a backport anyway.20:36
alecunessita, so: "Display notice when merging an UDF"... is a bug or a feature?20:36
ralsinaIf we ever do a backport, that is.20:36
nessitaalecu: that is not a bug, that is a feature.20:37
nessitaalecu: you ask in reality or in the FF scenario?20:37
alecunessita, in the FF scenario20:37
alecunessita, since I won't be doing it *right now*, I want to know if we need to ask for a FF except20:37
nessitaalecu: if we absolutely must it can be a bug20:38
nessitaI don't think a FF is needed20:38
karnibeuno: I forgot to add. Using any 'task killing' software (with U1F not on the ignore list) will not only kill the app, but the scheduled sync alarms as well. They will re-register upon next application launch.20:38
nessitaalecu: a FF exception, I mean20:38
alecuok, I'm assuming the same can go for #71817120:38
alecuI mean20:38
nessitakenvandine: hi there! is there any chance to sponsor a new package? merge proposal is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-control-panel/trunk20:38
alecubug #71817120:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 718171 in ubuntuone-client "Untranslatable strings in ubuntuone/status/aggregator.py (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71817120:38
nessitaalecu: the second is much more importnat20:39
alecunessita, kenvandine is on holiday today.20:39
nessitaalecu: since translations need to enter as soon as possible. I mentioned this when I did the first review, remember?20:39
nessitaalecu: all you need is to mark the strings as translatable20:39
alecunessita, yes, and that seems a lot more easier to fix, so I'll work on it after fixing the problem that ralsina is having with the libunity branch.20:40
ralsinaFF means no feature merges tomorrow, or tomorrow is the last day for them?20:40
alecu"a lot more easier" -> "a lot easier"20:40
nessitaalecu: awesome. Let me know if you I can help20:40
alecuralsina, they should be merged by end of tomorrow, I think.20:40
nessitaralsina: I never got that right, since offically FF is this Thrusday20:40
nessitaralsina: but we should land all our changes before they decide to freeze the repo20:41
ralsinaoh, tricky :-)20:41
nessitawhich happens tue, o wed, usually eurpean time20:41
nessitaso I would say merged by the end of today, and packaged tomorrow first time20:42
intrader_Anyone, I tried yesterday to get help, I have two laptops configured with ubuntuone. On first laptop I update a file that exists in its Ubuntu One folder. The time of update is shown in the file manager.On second laptop, I see the in the Ubuntu One folder but its date is Feb 3. When  I go to "Manage Account"'s File entry the date is Feb 3, wame as on second laptop. Sync does not seem to work21:12
nessitaintrader_: I'm not sure I understand your issue. What's the file name?21:24
karninessita: i'm helping out on PM.21:25
nessitakarni: awesome, let me know if you need help21:27
karninessita: tnx21:28
karnibeuno: I'd like to reply to Stuarts and Lucio e-mails, but I'm not sure if I should contain all the recipients that you've addressed. I'd like them all to know about u1f-rev34.apk - is that ok?22:05
beunokarni, yeah, reply to all at will22:21
karnibeuno: ok. doing that right now.22:21
intrader_karni, I got to go, thanks a lot.22:50
karninp intrader_22:50

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