
gp5st1i added a upstart script, but i can't see it with service02:32
gp5st1i added the script to /etc/init02:33
gp5st1is the script02:38
gp5st1it's at /etc/init/xvfb.conf02:38
gp5st1644 perms root:root like the rest of the scripts02:39
ionIs there an error message in syslog?02:48
gp5st1not that i can find02:48
gp5st1is there anything specific i can grep for? I tried service and ubuntu02:49
gp5st1err upstart02:49
gp5st1ion: also tried grepping for init and the name of the file02:53
gp5st1ok, so now i'm getting the processes respawning too fast and always dieing with a status of 127; is that upstart or me? (e.g.: syntax error?)03:14
ion  exec >/tmp/xvfb.log 2>&103:16
ion  set -x03:16
ion  exec Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1600x1200x1603:16
ionend script03:16
gp5st1thanks ion03:16
gp5st1why would i get permission denied when i try to source (.) a file? 03:27
gp5st1i removed the exec before the . now it just complains that [[ isn't valid03:38
gp5st1so i take it you can't source anything in upstart?03:39
ion[[ is a bashism.03:39
gp5st1i'm trying to get rvm to work fwiw03:39
gp5st1that comes from the rvm init script03:40
gp5st1let me just read it so you don't have to repeat yourself:-p03:41
gp5st1io your suggestion worked:)03:48
djszapimmh, I always thought upstart is the parent of each processes, but seems not.15:28
benccI need to run a daemon as someuser22:05
benccdo I need to run it with 'exec sudo su someuser -c "/some/script" '22:05
benccor 'exec sudo -u someuser -i /some/script' ?22:05
SeveredCrossI think there's a configuration stanza that'll automatically take care of the user change for you.22:08
DrScotti run daily backups started via anacron. Once a backup job has been started, i want to prevent the system going down. Prior to upstart i use runnlevel scripts which blocked as long as a certain lock file exists. How do i achieve this on a upstart system? Network must stay enabled as i rsync(ssh) to another machine. After backup completes, the lockfile is removed.22:09
benccSeveredCross: what do you mean by 'configuration stanza' ?22:10
benccSeveredCross: right now I need to export the user's home folder and run the script with this user22:11
SeveredCrossNever mind, I thought there was a line you could put in the job's .conf file, but there isn't.22:11
SeveredCrossSince the jobs are all started by init, which runs as root, you don't need exec sudo su.22:12
SeveredCrossexec su someuser -c "/some/script" should be good enough.22:12
benccSeveredCross: ok22:12
benccwhat about "exec -u someuser -i /script"22:12
benccmake sense?22:12
SeveredCrossEr, you mean exec sudo -u someuser -i /script?22:15
SeveredCrossThat'd work too.22:15
benccyou said I don't need the sudo22:17
SeveredCrossexec -u someuser -i /script won't work, unless upstart's exec supports -u.22:18
SeveredCrossWhich it doesn't, and it's not likely that your shell does either.22:19
sorenNever heard of "exec -u"22:19
SeveredCrossNor have I.22:19
benccok. thanks22:20
DrScottis it possible to block upstart?22:25

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