
ResQuethanks guys downloading some of them now00:00
bc81gmg: if you're using network manager, right-click the applet, edit connections, choose your connection, edit, enter password when prompted, check "connect automatically"00:00
sacarlsongmg: I'm not sure about network manager but I think you could do it by modifying /etc/network/interfaces file,  I wonder if wicd will do it?00:00
JeffCBRThanks. I read that shred doesn't work right with ext3. Is that true for ext4?00:00
ResQueJeffCBR, what are you looking todo secure delete files?00:01
JeffCBRResQue: I was just reading man shread.00:02
gmgI did that but it doesn't automaticly recreate the Ad-Hoc network. But it automatic connect to a other access point00:02
JeffCBRman shread00:02
JeffCBRman shred!00:02
JeffCBRIs journaling enable by default with ext4 in Ubuntu?00:02
ResQueJeffCBR, i see, secure-delete is very useful00:03
gmgI need to recreate a wireless internet sharing network automaticly when a pc restarts00:03
nRyohsix: how are you sure that the controller will work00:03
rwwJeffCBR: yes00:03
nRyOCZ said it will not work without the special drivers they made00:03
almoxarifeI have cron.daily jobs starting at 15.30 my time, I rather they start between 00-03 my time, how do I make that happen?00:03
gmgIn Ad-Hoc mode00:03
ActionParsnipJeffCBR: may help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tools-to-delete-files-securely-in-ubuntu-linux.html00:03
ActionParsnipJeffCBR: yes ext4 is journalized00:03
ActionParsnipJeffCBR: ext2 is not, ext3 is just ext2 with a journal00:04
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: change the cron. If it's cron'd as your user run: crontab -e   if its as root use: sudo crontab -e00:04
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: or you can use gnome-schedule for a gui (run with gksudo for root crons)00:05
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almoxarifeActionParsnip: gnome-schedule changes cron ? or is an added process?00:07
dandamanquick question00:07
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: its a gui to cron afaik00:07
dandamani want to know what folder bzr is installed in00:07
gmgcan anyone else help me how to wake a pc with bluetooth while in suspend mode?00:07
dandamanis there a command i can use?00:07
rwwdandaman: whereis bzr00:07
dandamani need to change my authentication.conf file00:07
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: Gnome-schedule is a graphical user interface that leverages the power of vixie-cron, dcron and at to manage your crontab file and provide an easy way to schedule tasks on your computer00:07
rwwdandaman: if you're running a bzr server, it's probably somewhere in /etc/bzr/. If you're running a bzr client, I think ~/.bzr/00:09
gmgisn't their a command I can put in startup to auto-recreate a wireless Ad-Hoc network?00:09
almoxarifeActionParsnip: thnks00:09
sacarlsongmg: you did what?  modify /etc/network/interfaces?  pastebinit lets see what you have00:12
ActionParsnipsacarlson: i thin s/he went00:12
cyphasewhat's an easy way to decode gzip content on a captured http stream?00:15
SliMMhello guys00:16
teddybok im trying to setup my internet connection, on campus i have to go through various proxies, one for anything on port 80 and 443, another for every other port, and then at home i dont have to go through any of this, the proxy for port 80 and 4400:16
teddyb3 is a http proxy00:16
SliMMI was wondering, will the nVidia graphics card work on the latest dell xps 15 with ubuntu?00:16
SliMMI mean, beacause of all that optimus thing00:17
teddybSliMM so far for me its been a nightmare00:17
john___hi, does anybody has to suggest me a cover-flow or grid-flow pluggin for rrhythmbox? Thanks in advance!00:17
Sub_ZeroI'm trying to format my SD card to ntfs but in the format menu via right clicking the desktop icon I can only see fat00:18
ActionParsnipSliMM: its a GT435M, so yes. The proprietary driver will run it00:18
ActionParsnipSub_Zero: install ntfsprogs00:18
SliMMActionParsnip: the problem is nvidia optimus00:18
DiamondciteSub_Zero: Won't gparted be more suitable for that?00:18
ActionParsnipSliMM: what's that?00:18
john___hi, does anybody has to suggest me a working cover-flow or grid-flow pluggin for rrhythmbox? Thanks in advance!00:18
Sub_ZeroActionParsnip Already installed, still no show00:19
SliMMActionParsnip: core i5 has an integrated gpu that generally gets priority00:19
SliMMActionParsnip: and nvidia doesn't have proper drivers for linux00:19
Sub_ZeroDiamondcite The format selection is greyed out00:19
SliMMteddyb: why?00:19
ActionParsnipSliMM: oh one of those dual vga card things00:19
DiamondciteSub_Zero: For just ntfs?00:19
kironide`what does this error mean? thunar-volman: Must specify the new HAL device UDI with --device-added.00:19
ActionParsnipSliMM: nvidia have been supporting linux for AGES00:19
=== Silence is now known as Guest43275
kevin_Anyone know a good drag bar gui for ALSA audio?00:19
Sub_ZeroDiamondcite No the entire 'format to' is00:20
SliMMActionParsnip: not optimus00:20
kironidewhat does this error mean? thunar-volman: Must specify the new HAL device UDI with --device-added.00:20
ActionParsnipSliMM: they MAKE linux drivers00:20
SliMMActionParsnip: they don't include their optimus technology00:20
teddybi have a 310m :(00:20
ActionParsnipSliMM: that looks like some switch where you can change video adapters, right?00:20
DiamondciteSub_Zero: If Maybe you card is unformated and a partition table needs to be created first?00:20
SliMMActionParsnip: software switch00:20
SliMMteddyb: and does it not work at all?00:21
SliMMteddyb: or is there an option in the bios for enabling it00:21
ActionParsnipSliMM: i've seen people write scripts and guis for it, personally I advise staying away from stuff like that00:21
th0rSub_Zero: you may need superuser priv to format removeable media00:22
ActionParsnipSliMM: http://www.netbooknews.com/5133/linux-ubuntu-gets-gpu-switching/00:22
SliMMActionParsnip: i don't want that thing, i just want to make sure i can disable it without disabling the nvidia card as well00:22
teddybin the bios i have the option for just the intel one or the two of them00:22
teddybslimm ^00:22
ActionParsnipSliMM: http://www.laptops-drivers.com/video-cards-drivers/how-to-fix-nvidia-optimus-disabled-to-switch-to-discrete-graphics-in-asus-u35jc.html00:23
Guest43275join red00:23
ActionParsnipSliMM: seems possible, thats for an asus but there may be similar for dell00:23
Guest43275okie, i got bodhi linux, how do i get this xchat to server for ICQ?00:24
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, still here?00:24
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, yep00:24
DiamondciteGuest43275: .. ICQ can do IRC? For that matter.. ICQ has a linux client?00:25
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, it seems to be working now :)00:25
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, excellent00:25
teddybim trying to setup my internet connection, on campus i have to go through various proxies, one for anything on port 80 and 443, another for every other port, and then at home i dont have to go through any of this, the proxy for port 80 and 443 is a http proxy, while the proxy for the other ports is a socks proxy, i have looked at preferences >  network proxy but can only seem to add the http proxy properly00:25
teddybsorry for the repost, just wanted to consolodate it all00:25
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, you may also be able to reduce the sleep time, you could try sleep 10 and see how it goes00:25
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, what is that sleep command?00:26
g_0_0ShapeShifter499,  check man sleep, it explains it00:26
Mon_Colonel_do you know how to run 'compizconfig-settings-manager' with a command line please ?00:26
ActionParsnipMon_Colonel_: ccsm00:26
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, does it delay the time the other commands are executed?00:26
Mon_Colonel_ActionParsnip, great ! Thank you00:27
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, it delays yes00:27
ohsixhrm too bad slimm left00:27
eijutobican anyone help me with installing ubuntu netbook?00:27
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, just looked at its man file00:27
ActionParsnipeijutobi: in what sense, can you expand the question please00:27
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, basically we said wait 20 seconds and then execute the other command00:27
immyi'm trying to add the google repository to software sources. I've added the key already and it is listed but I'm not sure what the actual repository URI is00:28
scarfaceI'm trying to install 10.10 alongside Win 7 in a dual-boot scenario.  But there are already 4 primary partitions on the laptop (HP).  Is there a way to create an extended partition without deleting any of the existing primaries?  Or convert one of the primaries to be an extended, without losing the data?00:28
eijutobii put in the disc and there's no installation menu, just something that looks awfully like a terminal00:28
immyhas anybody here added the google repository?00:28
ActionParsnipimmy: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/use-google-linux-repositories-in-ubuntu.html00:28
_vladtI'm trying to use synaptics for my mouse so that I can use syndaemon to turn off my track pad while I type on my laptop; however, /proc/bus/input/devices doesn't list my mouse as having synaptics enabled and though I've turned it on in X11/xorg.conf it still doesn't work. Does anyone have any recommendations on what to look at? I'm on 10.1000:28
ActionParsnipeijutobi: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?00:29
eijutobishould i re-download it?00:29
kironidedoes anyone know how to fix this error? thunar-volman: Must specify the new HAL device UDI with --device-added.00:29
ActionParsnipeijutobi: good and are you using a CD?00:29
ActionParsnipeijutobi: no if it passed MD5 then its fine :)00:29
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I modified it a bit also http://pastebin.com/gX6qxB6w00:29
Aikarim finding the default video drivers for 10.10 sufficient for my nvidia GTS 250, however fan speed is still maxed out w/o nividia drivers, anything i can do besides installing nvidia?00:29
ActionParsnipeijutobi: ok then when the CD starts to boot, press SPACE and select to test the CD for defects, you can also test RAM from the same page00:30
Mon_Colonel_ActionParsnip, thank again00:30
Mon_Colonel_bye everybody00:30
ActionParsnipMon_Colonel_: np man00:30
eijutobialright i'll try it. thanks00:30
deadlinehay all00:30
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, looks fine00:30
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I'm going to reboot once more and check it...00:31
kevin_10.04 has multitouch touchpad function enabled by default.. however the system/mouse doesnt show any settings for it.. any ideas?00:31
immythanks actionparsnip - i have found that and another webpage with the same URI but it gives me an error - unable to find expected entry00:32
ActionParsnipimmy: so you added: deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free       to /etc/apt/sources.list?00:33
ohsixActionParsnip: that repo doesn't exist anymore00:34
ActionParsnipohsix: yeah just noticed00:35
meLonAnybody have a multi-touch solution for laptop that they like?00:35
immynvm actionparsnip - i was getting an error - software sources adds an extra entry for source code - i just deleted it and it looks like everything is ok now00:35
immythank you00:35
ActionParsnipimmy: are you after picasa?00:35
immygoogle chrome00:36
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ActionParsnipimmy: chrome is in the ubuntu repo00:36
kironideDoes anyone know how to fix this? thunar-volman: Must specify the new HAL device UDI with --device-added.00:36
immythat's chromium - should i just go with chromium?00:37
g_0_0immy, http://www.google.com/chrome?platform=linux00:37
xtbgodi'm i able to formatan NTFS partition from ubuntu so i can use it for files storage?00:37
ActionParsnipimmy: you can get daily chromium buils using: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install chromium-browser00:37
erUSULxtbgod: yes; install ntfsprogs and use gparted00:37
immybut will it be stable?00:37
ActionParsnipimmy: or chrome: http://blog.sudobits.com/2010/10/22/how-to-install-google-chrome-on-ubuntu-10-10/00:37
ActionParsnipimmy: yes it's stable, its all I use00:38
g_0_0immy, chrome available here -> http://www.google.com/chrome?platform=linux00:38
meLonYou can get Chromium, as well immy00:38
immythx guys :)00:38
cyphaselol, what the.. is being resolved as tracker.thepiratebay.org in wireshark00:39
immyi had ubuntu running over the weekend but gnome crashed after i installed chromium and had it running...00:39
immyi thought it might be chromium00:39
kironidewhat does this error mean? thunar-volman: Must specify the new HAL device UDI with --device-added.00:40
immyso i reinstalled ubuntu this morning00:40
xtbgoderUSUL, my package manager says i got it .. i just don't know how to use it.. i started today00:40
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erUSULxtbgod: use it via gparted. System>Admin>Partition editor00:40
punditwhat program or ps-viewer does the system use to display manpages, after they are formatted with groff and before they are diplayed with the pager (less)?00:44
xtbgoderUSUL, and to which type do you recommend me to change de partition?00:45
immyi'm studying psyc and some humanities courses - i usually use MS Word and looking for an alternative - i'd like a very good citation/bib tool (preferably integrated) and a word processing programme that allows me to write essays and research reports with appropriate styles and citation formats (APA, Harvard...)00:45
immyis OO sufficient?00:45
ActionParsnipimmy: that or libreoffice00:45
punditimmy LaTeX00:45
Aikarhmm, i just reinstalled ubuntu and i cant remember how to get Chrome Unstable added to sources, anyone know? using ubuntu tweak00:46
erUSULxtbgod: type? primary vs logical?00:47
erUSULpundit: none they go from froff to less directly00:47
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immyi better read up about latex... i'm thinking of trying out lyx. it may be useful for psyc research papers particularly with quantitative statistical data00:48
erUSULimmy: LyX00:48
erUSUL!info lyx | immy00:48
ubottuimmy: lyx (source: lyx): Document Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.7-1 (maverick), package size 3177 kB, installed size 8204 kB00:48
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rwwpundit: Don't crosspost between #ubuntu and #debian, please.00:48
erUSUL!info texmacs00:48
ubottutexmacs (source: texmacs): WYSIWYG mathematical text editor using TeX fonts. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (maverick), package size 1693 kB, installed size 5056 kB00:48
punditerUSUL thats what i thought, too. but i ran a manpage manually through groff -mandoc and it produced a postscript file, which cant be read with "less"00:48
punditrww ok00:48
xtbgoderUSUL, i mean FAT16, N95 Fat32?00:49
erUSULxtbgod: you said you wanted ntfs ...00:49
kironidewhat does this error mean? thunar-volman: Must specify the new HAL device UDI with --device-added.00:50
ActionParsnippundit: can you give the output of: lsb_release -a | pastebinit     Thanks00:50
chrislu5ticHI there, I am trying to install     gem install rubydns....  but it says "You don't have write permissions into the /var/lib/gems/1.8 directory."00:50
ActionParsnippundit: run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit    if you don't have it installed00:50
_vladt_chrislu5tic: Run as root?00:50
ActionParsnipchrislu5tic: prefix with sudo00:51
chrislu5ticthank you00:51
immythx and bye00:51
ActionParsnipchrislu5tic: without sudo, the command will run as user, which doesn't have write access00:51
chrislu5tici have now achieved my gaol00:52
ActionParsnipgood times :)00:52
erUSULpundit: groff -Tascii -mandoc | less00:52
punditerSUL hm, that option  -T is not in the /etc/manpath.config00:53
punditerUSUL hm, that option  -T is not in the /etc/manpath.config00:53
=== canon is now known as Acid190
chrislu5ticmy next command wont work00:55
nsgnhello. i need to run a script each time a network cable is connected or disconnected so i can alert virtualbox  to this condition. the script needs to be specific to each NIC, and whether or not it has gone up or down. any pointers for the right way to approach this?00:55
chrislu5ticsudo ./fuckPSN.rb00:55
ActionParsnipchrislu5tic: what is the error?00:56
punditActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/DzfqpyuM00:56
chrislu5ticno command found...00:56
ActionParsnippundit: Jaunty is no longer supported00:56
chrislu5ticits suppost to start  "fuck psn"00:56
ActionParsnipchrislu5tic: i suggest you search yur filesystem and re-read the guide you are using00:57
plaastikanyone know a way to get network security alerts thru gnome notify?00:57
ActionParsnip!jaunty | pundit00:57
ubottupundit: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.00:57
chrislu5tictake a look at this.... and ignore the rainbow part    http://gitorious.org/fuckpsn/pages/Home00:57
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, its not working again :/00:57
ActionParsnipplaastik: you can use: notify-send   to make notify-osd show the text you want00:57
ActionParsnip!eol | pundit00:58
ubottupundit: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:58
chrislu5ticjust the linux part00:58
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, pastebin your rc.local. Was there a reason you edited it to add the other channels00:58
punditActionParsnip well, this is a very general linux question from me; and, is this an official support channel here? Actually i want to use troff for the mapages, this is about 30 years old... i doubt i will find a "support channel" for that  (LOL)00:58
g_0_0ShapeShifter499,  did you reduce the sleep time, you may need to increase it again.00:59
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, not really00:59
plaastikActionParsnip: thanks00:59
ActionParsnippundit: your release isn't suppored in any way00:59
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, no    http://pastebin.com/3jg5w0xA00:59
arnoldheya, i'm trying to install adobe air. i see in most tutorials to download the .bin instead. but i also see a .deb. should i download the .bin anyway?00:59
=== arnold is now known as dsdeiz-
punditActionParsnip please read my last post, maybe then my question will become clearer to you01:00
ActionParsnipplaastik: not sure man, sorry01:00
chrislu5ticLaunch fuckPsn: sudo ./fuckPsn.rb01:00
alisalaahsorry..i got disconnected01:00
alisalaahUBUNTU 10.10 :: how do i put the Clock all the way to the right, it wont allow me to go paste the wifi icon and such in the top panel?01:01
dsdeiz-ahh nvm. it maybe the .deb01:01
RoastedAre there any media players that compare to Banshee and Rhythmbox? I'm having an issue with both of them, so I'm trying to find one that uh. works.01:01
tripelbabyroasted vlc plays media01:02
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I left the values alone in alsamixer and when I run the whole command as it is in rc.local  in the terminal, it works01:02
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, sound01:02
alisalaahRoasted, all i could suggest is http://alternativeto.net/software/rhythmbox/ which you may have already looked at01:02
adamruffolo Roasted: what about vlc?01:03
DaGeek247Roasted totem (Movie Player) does01:03
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, it should work01:03
g_0_0you could split the command over several lines01:03
Roastedguys, I'm not trying to PLAY media. I'm trying to find an itunes style program, that can set up playlists on my mp3 player, etc.01:03
punditerUSUL truely with the option -T ascii instead of the default ps the output of groff -mandoc is readable. but i cant see why the system should use this option, as the /etc/manpath.config explicitly says it uses "groff -mandoc"01:04
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, so if I put the commands on different lines in rc.local, they will run separately?01:04
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, yeah01:04
alisalaahRoasted, you could use Spotify.. or WINE the WIndows version of iTunes01:04
adamruffoloRoasted: gtkpod?01:04
alisalaahRythmbox and Banshee are the best ones I know of01:05
Roastedalisalaah, well, I want a program that works, so no - I won't use itunes :P01:05
RoastedI'm having issues with both of them that's raging me at the moment.01:05
RoastedI'm not sure if it's my player or the programs or what.01:05
Stormx2alisalaah, right click the items which won't move and uncheck "lock to panel"01:05
adamruffoloRoasted: what about gtkpod?01:05
Roastedlet me look that one up01:05
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ah I did not know that01:06
Roasteddo I need an ipod for gtkpod?01:06
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, and no need for  &   between them?01:06
alisalaahStormx2, i tried and the clock wont go right of wifi.. and wifi doesnt move01:06
ActionParsnipRoasted: wine + spotify is decent01:06
adamruffoloRoasted: Don't think so.  I have it installed.  Haven't played around with it much but it works without an iPod as far as i can tell.01:06
M4A1everyone here01:07
adamruffoloRoasted: scratch that.  Never mind.  I think you are right about the ipod tpart01:07
Macstheyjustsuckbc81_: It worked on the USB port it was on, then I took it off like I usually do when it's charged, came back, plugged it back in, it says it's in USB mode and it shows up in Computer, and it just didn't work right after that01:07
MacstheyjustsuckOh whoops01:07
Macstheyjustsuckwrong preset01:07
Macstheyjustsuckma bad01:07
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, no no need f0r &&01:08
Roastedif only rhythmbox would work01:08
adamruffoloRoasted: did you try to remove it and reinstall?01:08
immyi removed the empathy icon from the panel but the power button is also gone now01:08
immyhow do i get it back?01:08
Roastedadamruffolo, many times01:08
DaGeek247immy reset the tasbars?01:09
pareliis it possible to disable the capabilities to use a mouse in a terminal via some config file?01:09
adamruffoloRoasted: try gmusicbrowser01:10
immyhow do i reset?01:10
adamruffoloroasted: or Amarok01:10
strav`he. I'm currently using vlc as my main media player for I found it's pretty much the best at handling latency over my lan (I'm actually accessing a small samba share on nas over wifi)... Only problem is it kinda sucks for music management. Any good alternatives? (mainly I'm looking for: good buffering (latency handling), decent music/collection management, low on ressources)01:11
DaGeek247immy hold on. you might wanna back up your links while i hand type in the command01:11
agreimannHello. Had a quick question for everyone. Can hyperlinks be written into zenity dialogs?01:11
spark_hi all I got like  problem   first my keyboard on my laptop is not totaly working the numpad do not work   and  my nvidia gc is not used ( it is using myhd intel instead -_-)  the 2 cards are detected but  when I install the nedded nvidia drivers I end up to the consol is there a way that I can fix this ?01:12
Nicolas_Leonidashow do you know what apt-get has installed on your ubuntu before?01:14
chrislu5ticI cant seem to run a file in the terminal from my desktop that I need.01:14
Nicolas_Leonidasor is there a way to find out what apps are installed01:15
DaGeek247immy this will do it: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel01:15
parelispark_: what kind of nvidia gc do you have?01:15
immythx :)01:15
spark_pareli I have an 310m01:15
agreimannNicolas_Leonidas: You're trying to find previously installed programs?01:15
mnainesWhat's the solution to a kernel panic caused by a bad kernel update or memory allocation error?01:15
Nicolas_Leonidasagreimann: yes01:15
strav`Nicolas_Leonidas: synaptic has a filter to show you installed packages01:16
Nicolas_Leonidasstrav`: only for packages that synaptic has installed or everything?01:16
agreimannOK. In the shell, go ahead and type in "ls /var/cache/apt/archives" with no quotes.01:16
agreimannThis will list all packages you have previously installed.01:16
chrislu5ticDownload source code01:17
agreimannYou might want to add the | less flag if the list is long.01:17
chrislu5ticInstall required gems with gem install rubydns01:17
chrislu5ticLaunch fuckPsn: sudo ./fuckPsn.rb01:17
FloodBot1chrislu5tic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
chrislu5ticsudo ./fuckPsn.rb  wont work.. andy ideas?01:17
parelispark_: tried startx when you end up in console?01:17
Nicolas_Leonidasagreimann: thanks01:17
lahwranI recently updated my system. apparently this included a nm-applet update. since then, the tooltip that tells me wireless strength on nm-applet has stopped working (it just doesn't show up). anyone have any ideas how I would troubleshoot this?01:17
mnainesagreiman, how do you do a complete uninstall through the command line?01:17
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agreimannA complete uninstall?01:17
agreimannFrom which operating system?01:18
mnainesagreiman, like completely remove an app and all its components from Ubuntu01:18
strav`Nicolas_Leonidas: everything you installed with apt01:18
agreimannapt-get remove program_name, where program_name is the program you want to uninstall.01:18
bc81strav`: i'm currently using rhythmbox with a similar setup as you, and have no latency problems, tried it out yet?01:18
spark_pareli I do not whant to mess up my system :/01:18
strav`Nicolas_Leonidas: you can also try dpkg-query which is neat on the cmd line.01:18
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
mnainesagreiman, next question:  What's the solution to a kernel panic caused by a bad kernel update or a memory allocation error?01:19
zzingIs there such thing as a 'mini' cd instead of the 700mb variety?01:19
agreimannOr, you can open Synaptic, Quick Find the program you want to remove, right-click it, and click "Completely remove package."01:19
strav`bc81: nope, I tried audacious with different buffer settings and can't seem to get rid of glitches now and then.01:19
Nicolas_Leonidasstrav`: thanks01:19
agreimannmnaines: Can you revert to the last kernel from grub?01:19
immyworked like a charm01:19
immythx dageek01:19
mnainesagreiman, yes.01:19
strav`bc81: I'll give rythmbox a try.01:19
lahwrananyone on the nm-applet tooltip problem?01:20
spark_pareli I did not tryed because it try to boot on both card01:20
bc81strav`: then again, i'm relatively close to my router, so that may be why i experience no latency problems.  only with 720p video streaming over samba01:20
agreimannlahwran: You might need to reinstall the notification service with the shell.01:20
strav`bc81: ok01:20
agreimannAnyone how if hyperlinks can be used in a zenity dialog?01:21
lahwranagreimann: well the notification daemon works fine with it, shows me popups just fine, it just doesn't show me the status *tooltip* that indicates signal strength01:21
bc81strav`: also, gconf-editor apps >> ryhthmbox >> player, there is a network_buffer_size setting.  i think you'll be quite happy with rythmbox :)01:21
strav`bc81: kinda odd, I don't seem to have any latency for 720p videos.01:21
jigynetanyone here play dark orbit?01:21
induzwhy I can not change my display monitor's resolution?? on KuBuntu Lucid01:22
agreimannlahwran: Ah. What desktop environment do you use?01:22
induzit is set to too high01:22
parelispark_: oh, well then i'm not sure. installed ubuntu about a week ago for my first time, and i only know so much.. post your problem on ubuntuforums and search your query on google.01:22
bc81strav`: i should probably look into vlc settings to increase buffer size..forgot aobut that one01:22
agreimannlahwran: If it's a fresh Ubuntu install, it'd be GNOME.01:22
strav`bc81: although it would have been nice to have this option in rythmbox itself. Have you tried mpd btw?01:22
lahwranagreimann: gnome. I use the standard applets01:22
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, going to try it now, I got distracted by watching the earthquake reports on tv01:22
bc81strav`: never heard of it until now01:23
agreimannlahwran: OK. Can you try to delete your top panel, rebuild it, and explain what happens then?01:23
jigynetyea i know01:23
jigynetwill there be more tho?01:23
lahwranagreimann: purpose being? i've heavily customized my panels and would prefer not to delete them. it'd actually be the bottom panel with the indicators.01:23
agreimanninduz: Edit the xorg.conf file. Check /etc/X11 and Ubuntu support for options with this.01:24
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, should I add a sleep command before each one?01:24
agreimannlahwran: Your applets are on the bottom of the screen?01:24
xtbgodRecommend me a p2p client?01:24
agreimannlahwran: Resetting the panel should assist in fixing the tooltip problem.01:25
lahwranagreimann: the indicator applet is.01:25
aeon-ltdxtbgod: p2p like bittorrent?01:25
lahwranI see :/01:25
jigynetwants to /join ubuntuofftopic01:25
twitch!torrent | xtbgod01:25
ubottuxtbgod: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P01:25
aeon-ltdxtbgod: rtorrent if you like cli, transmission for gui01:25
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, you shouldn't need a sleep command before each one01:26
xtbgodThank you01:26
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, just put one at the beginning01:26
strav`bc81: it's really a good thing. mpd is a music deamon that allows you to control it via tons of clients. So basically, my nas is connected to a sound system and I'm controlling what plays using an mpd client. I never tried to use it on a remote file source.01:26
SolmHey, is it possible to run Ubuntu without restart? And then exit ubuntu without restart via having it on a usb drive?01:26
aeon-ltdSolm: no, but you can run ubuntu inside other oses01:27
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, begging of the whole thing like this ?     http://pastebin.com/5daDA2jS01:27
QationHey does anyone know how I can get the sound device name I'm using? I'm trying to use gtk-recordmydesktop and I'm not sure what to put for the device area..01:27
bc81strav`: sounds interesting, i'll look into it. hey do you know where the vlc buffer settings are?  i can't find them for the life of me01:27
Solm@Aeon-Itd, how would I go about doing that?01:28
aeon-ltdSolm: virtual machines01:28
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, *begining01:28
aeon-ltd!vm | Solm01:28
ubottuSolm: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:28
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, *beginning01:28
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, that should work01:28
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ok trying now brb01:29
bc81strav`: is it the default caching policy under input/codecs?01:29
jigynetme have 64bit atom netbook with xubuntu xD01:30
strav`bc81: tools/settings... show Settings set to all, then input/codecs01:30
SolmUbottu, No, I'm asking if I, for example, could go to another computer, for example one at school (I'm in college), and put a USB drive in and start up ubuntu, without restarting the entire computer.01:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:30
bc81strav`: thanks :)01:30
rwwSolm: no01:30
strav`bc81: it's in the input/codecs I just don't remember exactly what setting, let me check.01:30
ExplodingPigletshow do I wipe my hard drive?01:30
jigynetopen it..01:31
bc81strav`: think i got it, default caching policy?  probably want that high as it can go01:31
rwwExplodingPiglets: download http://www.dban.org/ , write it to a CD, boot from it, follow instructions.01:31
aeon-ltdSolm: this is kinda close http://lifehacker.com/#!5195999/portable-ubuntu-runs-ubuntu-inside-windows01:31
jigynetshoot it from a cannon?01:31
hypatiaExplodingPiglets: i use the shred command with the flags -n 1 -z01:31
QationDoes anyone know how I can find my sound devices's name if I'm using alsa?01:31
hypatiaExplodingPiglets: which writes random data to the drive once, then zeroes01:32
strav`bc81: heh. I just don't see that default caching policy01:32
jigynetif your really harry about your data being gone, try to recovver it xD01:32
Solm@Aeon-itd, Ah, that's awesome, is there any Mac-compatible ones?01:32
ActionParsnipExplodingPiglets: you can zero it01:32
bc81strav`: tools >> settings >> input & codecs >> network >> default caching policy01:33
strav`bc81: ok, It's in the simple settings01:33
strav`bc81: you have some interesting network related stuff in advanced if you wish to take a look.01:33
Secret1222 is there a program to allow to use exe files?01:33
rww!wine | Secret122201:33
ubottuSecret1222: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:33
LamoLike the jacknutts I am I accidentally botched my /var permissions. Anyonbe have a link where i can find the defaults?01:34
bc81strav`: i set it to highest, restarted vlc, tried a 720p video stream, but it still hangs.  might be because it's pulling the file off a usb external drive over samba through wifi lol.  i'll check out some of those advanced settings though01:34
jigyneti play dark orbit in xubuntu... the games resolutions are not takeing..01:34
mattmattehi am trying to update 10.04 to 10.10, ran the update manager, and i get a window that pops up saying "Could not calculate the upgrade" .... "01:34
mattmattehThis is most likely a transient problem, please try again later."01:34
strav`bc81: ah there, in input/codecs in the advanced settings, if you expand access modules you can select alsa and then enter a numeric value in ms for the cache.01:35
jigynetbc81, try 1500 mtu and turn off traffic controls..max any cache available..enable media mode?01:35
strav`bc81: this of course is for audio... for video I don't remember if I tweaked anything.01:35
Nicolas_LeonidasI don't know why this file is being created every time I restart /etc/init.d/.svnserve.swo01:36
bc81strav`: , jigynet i'll tweak around with those, thanks :)01:36
Nicolas_LeonidasI'm trying to get rid of all traits of svn01:36
aeon-ltdSolm:  i don't think so01:37
strav`bc81: something nice too... in the access modules you have an smb module which has a cache value to be set too. (mine is at 1500)01:37
iszakso I've got a bunch of JPEG's that kind of in a non-standard format and I want to batch resave them via the CLI, anyone know of a CLI tool that'll read and resave jpeg's accordingly.01:37
bosyakhow to use second desktop? I enabled "single display desktop" (Multi-desktop)" but can't find how to drag to it something?!01:38
Secret1222im not playing around with perl because i stuffed it up01:38
mickster04iszak: do you want to change bits or something else?01:38
Solm@Aeon-Itd, Ah well thanks anyways01:38
mattmattehanyone familiar with updating problems that could help?01:38
iszakmickster04, It will change the format or so yeah.01:38
jigynetso who should i contact? adobe? game devs? or os support?01:38
Secret1222i mean i stuffed ubuntu by installing proxysitelist01:38
iszakbosyak, what graphics drivers do you have ATI or Nvidia?01:39
bosyakiszak: Ati 545001:39
Xeon06Hey folks. If I precede a script with "#!/bin/bash" and call it foo, and I just run "foo" from the same directory, it should work, right?01:39
iszakbosyak, you've installed catalyst control center?01:40
bosyakit's seems to work... yes01:40
bosyakmouse is working01:40
Jordan_UXeon06: No.01:40
Xeon06Jordan_U: What am I doing wrong?01:40
iszakso you went into the catalyst control center -> display manager -> select the monitor -> multi display taba nd set it to multi-display desktop with display(s) x01:40
iszakbosyak, ^01:40
Cpudan80Xeon06: If you chmod it so it's executable and do ./foo01:40
Cpudan80Xeon06: then it will execute the stuff in the bash script01:41
mickster04iszak: so you need a cli tool that can edit files byte by byte so wait around seeif anyone knows of one, otherwise googling that may also help?01:41
jigynetsoo, hmm01:41
Jordan_UXeon06: It needs to be executable and you need to run "./foo". You can only use the program name alone for programs in $PATH.01:41
ActionParsnipXeon06: you will need to chmod +x filename    for it to work, but yes01:41
Xeon06Jordan_U: Cpudan80: ActionParsnip Thanks!01:41
Jordan_UXeon06: You're welcome.01:41
induzwhy I can not change my display/monitor settings on Kubuntu/lucid KDE?01:41
iszakmickster04, well I just need to resave them all in a common format.01:41
ActionParsnipinduz: what video chip?01:42
induzI tried to change the dpi from highest to lower and the monitor goes black...01:42
bosyakiszak: I don't want share my desktop on two monitors. I want two separate desktops... is it possible?01:42
mickster04iszak: are they in a proer format now? like png? and you want to change then to jpg? cos that's again slightly different?01:42
induzits integrated intel chip01:42
induzit works fine on Gnome01:42
induznow with the highest dpi set the dispaly is fudgy01:43
strav`bosyak: it's possible but a little more involved.01:43
Jordan_Uiszak: You can use the "convert" command from imagemagic.01:43
bc81strav`: thanks again, no more 720p laggage!  not sure which setting fixed it (i set all cache possiblities to 5000).  now i don't have to copy the files here to watch them01:43
iszakJordan_U, yeah just found that01:43
bc81strav`: any luck with rhythmbox?01:43
strav`bosyak: there are some good tutorials about this but the last time I did this, you could play with xorg.conf now things have changed.01:43
tensorpuddingcan one use application indicators with vala?01:44
iszakbosyak, then change the multi-display setting to single display desktop (multi-desktop) in the same area in catalyst control panel.01:44
iszakbosyak, but that said you won't be able to drag between them IIRC.01:44
tensorpuddingand if so, what library do you need01:44
bosyakiszak: how to run something on second monitor? or how to use it?01:44
iszakbosyak, you move your mouse into the second monitor and thus desktop and run something.. simple01:45
iszakand it shouldn't conflict with the other one.01:45
bosyakstrav`: are Ati card good? or Nvidia have better support?01:45
strav`bc81: my nas is currently down (gotta buy new hds), but I'll try it later - meanwhile perhaps I'll see if I cannot get more juice out of vlc. I really like using one good application for all my media.01:45
induzI go to k--computer..system settings--display/monitor, it ios set to 1280x1024[auto], i want it to change it to1152x86401:45
iszakbosyak, I heard Nvidia have better support01:45
induzhow can i achieve that01:45
strav`bosyak: you should be able to do it with both. Of course nvidia is always less a pain.01:46
mickster04induz: you can do that in gnome?01:46
bc81strav`: theres also a ton of plugins in vlc, never messed with them myself.  you might find something of use in there01:46
jigynethow do i tell darkorbit/flash to use one resolution?01:46
induzmickster04, yes01:46
steve__where is the natty chat?01:47
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.01:47
bosyakiszak: second monitor is absolutly bold... no context meny. no menu... suppose it's bug?01:47
induzyes i can do that on Gnome01:47
iszakbosyak, you probably haven't created the menus and stuff yet.01:47
induzI am stuck01:47
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, rebooted 4 times and the commands only worked once01:47
induznow the fonts are bleeding01:48
strav`bosyak: the term you're looking for in google is: xorg multiseat conf01:48
bosyakiszak: mean for secon desktop? But context menu should work?01:48
bosyakstrav`: ok01:48
Nach0zum. i've got a question... i'm looking at a bunch of ubuntu scripts that have rc.d in them but my Ubuntu install (10.10) has no rc.d folder. it's got rc1.d through rc6.d but no actual rc.d ....  will the "update-rc.d" command still work with that?01:48
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:48
iszakbosyak, ah yeah, you're right.01:49
Nach0zah. thank you.01:49
bosyakhow to disable compiz at all?01:52
ActionParsnipbosyak: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace01:52
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
strav`bosyak: you can also try to install compiz-fusion that lets you manage this from a try icon.01:53
strav`bosyak: I'm sorry, I meant: fusion-icon01:54
strav`and I meant tray01:54
dazonicHi I'm trying to get the latest sqlite3, I've run apt-get update && apt-get install sqlite3 but it's only getting 3.4.2 not 3.701:54
dazonicwhat am I forgetting?01:54
rwwdazonic: which version of Ubuntu are you on?01:55
hescoI'd like to add zabbix-agent to an ubuntu box where /etc/debian-version reads: '4.0'.  Which version of this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=zabbix-agent do I need, please?01:55
induzis it a chip problem??01:55
induzI dont have any extra video card01:56
bosyak_iszak: strav` I disable compiz and now I have two desktops :)01:56
dazonicrww hardy I believe... is that the problem?01:56
induzis there some solution to that?01:56
rwwdazonic: Yes. Ubuntu doesn't update to new major versions of software after release, so the current version in hardy repositories is
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.01:57
xanguadazonic: upgrade to lucid if ypu want to have newer software01:57
ActionParsnip!ppa | dazonic01:57
ubottudazonic: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.01:57
danubhey all, i have 3.6 gigs used in /var/cache/apt/archives. Can i safely delete stuff in that directory?01:57
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I give up01:57
ActionParsnipdanub: run:   sudo apt-get clean    it will happen for you01:57
iszakbosyak_, will have to remember that.01:57
danubActionParsnip: ty, ill do that :)01:58
coz_danub,   or autoclean01:58
strav`bosyak_: I somehow doubt that you'll be able to plug two keyboards and have one assigned to a screen and vice-versa (for that would really be two desktops).01:58
dazonicrww, xanga, ubottu thanks heaps! there's no one-liner to upgrade is there? sorry i'm just a drop kick web dev with a vps01:58
coz_dazonic,   upgrade the current system or upgrade to next version?01:59
ActionParsnipbosyak_: you can have a dualseater, but you will need another monitor and mouse :)01:59
ahaziah77need some help with my taskbar, doesnt give me the option to shutdown, reboot etc.....is there any way to fix this glitch?    http://imagebin.org/13919702:00
dazoniccoz_ the current system, from hardy to lucid02:00
hescoI generally work in debian and am unfamiliar with how ubuntu lables its versions or what relation the /etc/debian-version file (which reads '4.0') might have to the version of ubuntu installed on this box.  Can anyone please advise?02:00
coz_software or hardware kvm02:00
rwwdazonic: "sudo do-release-upgrade"02:00
eskpados-insanesomebody know how use the arpspoof?02:00
danubActionParsnip: you seem to be a pretty knowledgable guy, what do you use to track down disk space?02:00
rww!upgrade | dazonic02:00
ubottudazonic: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:00
coz_dazonic,   which version do you have now   in terminal    lsb_release -a02:00
ActionParsnipdanub: there is disk space analyser but I keep my OS trim. You can remove old kernels to regain 120Mb per kernel02:00
bc81ahaziah77: right-click panel, add, Shutdown02:00
danubim using du with the max-depth flag, but i need to exclude a few directories under root (windows partitions that are mounted and take forever to du)02:01
hescotap, tap, tap.  is this mic on?02:01
dazoniccoz_ no good, zsh: command not found: lsb_release02:01
=== QuBit is now known as Guest82607
coz_hesco,   in terminal     lsb_release -a02:01
danubActionParsnip: yeah, im trying to cut back... its at 14 gigs right now and I have no idea where it's hiding all this extra data ;)02:01
coz_dazonic, mm02:01
hescocoz_ thanks, will try that02:01
bc81ahaziah77: sorry, not Shutdown but "Indicator Applet Session"02:01
rwwdanub: If you only want du to traverse the current filesystem, use du -x02:01
ahaziah77bc81, k, is there anyway to actually fix where it is supposed to be though, that adds additional icon02:01
ActionParsnipdanub: run:  uname -a   this is the current kernel02:02
coz_dazonic,  sorry I apparently gave that command to the wrong person02:02
ahaziah77bc81, k, lemme give that a try02:02
bc81ahaziah77: right-click the applets > move02:02
coz_dazonic,  I believe it would be   sudo update-manager -d02:02
ActionParsnipdanub: run:  dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2    those are the installed kernels02:02
coz_dazonic,  but check  !upgrade02:02
rwwdazonic, coz_: it's sudo do-release-upgrade for command-line VPSes.02:02
hescothanks coz_, it says feisty, 7.04.02:02
coz_!upgrade | dazonic02:02
ubottudazonic: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:02
Twiggy2centsI finished my apt-get upgrade and I have packages held back. linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic mythtv-frontend  mythvideo02:02
rwwcoz_: the -d switch to update-manager and do-release-upgrade is for upgrading to development releases, and should not be recommended in here.02:02
danubActionParsnip: yeah right now i have 2 (plus their recovery). want to make sure this update went good before i remove them02:02
coz_rww,   ah old habits :)02:03
Twiggy2centsAny idea why they were held back?02:03
bc81!panels | ahaziah77 also you can reset the to default with a single command02:03
ubottuahaziah77 also you can reset the to default with a single command: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:03
dazonicokay sweet hey thanks everyone for your help, incredible community here02:03
Twiggy2centsI am on mythbuntu 10.0402:03
hescomy choices of zabbix-agent packages include: hardy, karmic, lucid, maverick, and natty02:03
ahaziah77bc81, where do i locate the applets, cant find02:03
coz_dazonic,  good luck on that :)02:03
hescowhich might be closest to an old hardy installation?02:03
marcagioHi everyone, here is my problem. I have a PC with an ATI video card, it's connected to a TV via S-Video, I don't have a monitor 'cause all my other pcs are laptops... I boot up with the live CD but as soon as the OS starts the refreshing rate is too fast and I have no clue how I could change it, since everything is fuzzy on my screen02:03
bc81ahaziah77: try that command, it will reset your panels02:04
mattmattehmarcagio: using any computer with s video will be painful02:04
mattmattehmarcagio: no computer display at all ?02:04
MindWarper_UNITY !02:04
mattmattehmarcagio: what is your intended use of this once you install gentoo ?02:04
ahaziah77bc81, k02:04
rwwhesco: If you're using 7.04 as lsb_release says, your system reached end-of-life status in October 2008. It is no longer receiving security updates, and is not supported here. See the following message from ubottu for upgrade information.02:05
rww!eol | hesco02:05
ubottuhesco: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:05
mattmattehmarcagio: doh, i forgot i was not in #gentoo, no matter, what is your intended use after you install ubuntu :P02:05
J697This is a stupid question but, how can I make my computer not turn off if I leave it alone for like a day?02:05
drexlhello, long question here about wi-fi driver and lubuntu  http://paste.ubuntu.com/570347/02:05
ahaziah77bc81, cool deal, command worked02:05
coz_marcagio,  I have never tried this but  when the cd boots to the keyboard logo at the bottom hit "enter" to get to grub menu  then hit "e"  and edit the kernal stanza  with   nomodeset  just before quiet splash   then boot from there   ,,, I have no idea if that will help though02:05
=== MindWarper_ is now known as MindWarper
bc81J697: System >> Preferences >> Power Management02:06
marcagiomattmatteh, I have the display, it's showing... but the screen is scrolling fast I can't see what i'm doing, but i do see the mouse and everything... I want to watch movies that are stored on another pc on my TV02:06
mattmattehcoz_: console is hardly useable with s video02:06
J697bc81, I already tried that02:06
hescorww: thanks, understandable.  But I have not been asked to upgrade this machine, only to ascertain if it is still running.  WOuld any of these zabbix-agents work on that old box?02:06
coz_mattmatteh,  ah   ok   as I said I have no experience with it02:06
J697bc81, I pressed don't sleep or whatever after 15 minutes, and it still does02:07
send_from_shellI want to send files from shell to another website02:07
send_from_shellhow can I do it02:07
mattmattehcoz_: kinda readable, way better than composite02:07
coz_mattmatteh,  ok .. I will try to keep that in mind02:07
marcagiocoz_ will try02:07
mattmattehmarcagio: i would suggest fidning a computer display to do the install02:07
bc81J697: also check your screensaver settings02:07
rwwhesco: If there's a zabbix-agent package in feisty's repositories, ubottu's EOLUpgrades link says how to get access to those repositories (which have been moved to an archive server). If not, we don't support mixing different versions' packages here.02:08
J697bc81, where are those at?02:08
bc81J697: System >> Preferences >> Screensaver02:08
mattmattehmarcagio: i think ubuntu only has a gui installer.  all i can think of is using ssh and installing from another computer, like gentoo, but not sure thats what you want02:08
recoil_hi everyone. if i use conky, and i want him to display the artist name from rythmbox wich variable do i have to call?02:08
hescothanks, will pursue that then02:08
mattmattehcoz_: i only used s video once on a computer, and mostly from ps2 linux days02:08
danubok, time to clean up the /usr/ dir. there is 8.9 gigs in it. what can safely be deleted here?02:08
strav`I'm going. See ya all.02:08
mattmattehdanub: shouldnt you be using the package manager to remove old packages ?02:09
bc81recoil_: i've never tried this, so good luck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=584329702:09
xtbgodhow can i type ascii characters using Alt + NumPad and type symbols using AltGr + Letter?02:10
=== Cain is now known as Guest73764
=== Guest73764 is now known as crlcan81
danubmattmatteh: probably, but I dont know how to see the list of the 2200 packages that got downloaded with the upgrade in a terminal.02:10
danubguess ill reboot to runlevel 5 and use the gui :(02:10
rwwubottu: tell send_from_shell about crossposting02:10
ubottusend_from_shell, please see my private message02:10
mattmattehdanub: you dont want to go deleting files without understanding how the system works02:10
danubmattmatteh: well i was hoping it was all manpages02:11
mattmattehdanub: take a look at filelight02:11
send_from_shellrww ?02:11
crlcan81especially hidden files with the .*filename*02:11
danubmattmatteh: but its all in /usr/lib/ and /usr/share, which gets rid of my "just delete the manuals" theory02:11
* send_from_shell ignores ubottu02:11
bc81xtbgod: you mean you want to type special charcters like ©※℞⊙ ?02:11
hescorww: thanks for that.  Its a beautiful thing.  I've never even been able to apt-get update this box since assuming some responsibility for it nearly two years ago.02:12
rwwsend_from_shell: Crossposting support questions in multiple IRC channels is rude and against our IRC guidelines. Asking support questions in #ubuntu-offtopic is also rude.02:12
xtbgodbc81, but by pressing AltGr + Letter or Alt + NumPad ..02:12
mattmattehdanub: is that really using that much space ?02:12
send_from_shellrww: ok you are rude02:12
mattmattehdanub: do you have games installed ?02:12
danub3.8 gigs in /usr/lib, and 4.8 in /usr/share/02:12
mattmattehdanub: that what i noticed taking up alot02:12
danubmattmatteh: just what was installed by default02:13
rwwsend_from_shell: No, I'm just pointing out things you should have read when you joined here and there.02:13
mattmattehdanub: 8 GB seems high, mine is about 5 here02:13
mattmattehwith addition apps installed02:13
danubmattmatteh: yeah, thats why im doing some housecleaning ;)02:13
rwwhesco: You're welcome. Bear in mind that those repositories are frozen in the state they were in when feisty went EOL, so as I said, you're missing security updates.02:13
mattmattehdanub: thats not the correct way to clean02:13
recoil_bc81: thanks02:13
crlcan81Is there any way of expanding your mounted drive's swap space/filesystem space to empty space right beside it without loading liveCD and running gparted?02:14
mattmattehcrlcan81: how much ram do you have ?02:14
crlcan814 gigs.02:14
danubyeah, looks like ill have to go thru synaptic to clean some stuff up02:14
mattmattehcrlcan81: and thats not enough that you need swap ?02:15
crlcan81If you can learn terminal commands, use sudo apt-get ubuntu-tweak02:15
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: as long as the partition is unmounted, you can manipulate it02:15
bc81recoil_: i just press and hold ctrl+shift, then type u2299 then let go of ctrl+shift and get ⊙02:15
crlcan81It's not that, I have free space on the drive I want to recover.02:15
crlcan81the only way of doing it is via livecd then, so the drive isn't mounted.02:16
crlcan81Because this is the drive currently being ran.02:16
recoil_bc81 so???02:16
mattmattehcrlcan81: oh.  i am not a fan or resizeing, i usually back up, repartition, restore.  infact i am doing that now.  if i could only update ubuntu02:16
crlcan81Well this is from an old install that wasn't properly finished.02:17
gogudaHey... could I have some help identifying why I am getting the error: Failed to build newlib (stage: newlib_build) in the terminal? Here's the log of the build: http://pastebin.com/5hYeg2nk It doesn't start from the very top, but I don't think that part is important.02:17
crlcan81So I finally was able to fix it.02:17
recoil_bc81: uhm no1 asked that me neither.. xD02:17
bc81recoil_: so there are some settings in System >> Preferences >> Keyboard >> Layouts >> Options >> Alt/Win Key Behavior02:17
recoil_i dont want this to know i never aked that02:18
bc81recoil_: sorry, got your name mixed up with xtbgod02:18
crlcan81In fact I'm about to run live CD now to resize.02:19
clarkrenteboa noite, amigos!02:20
crlcan81So you can, in fact, expand your filesystem's partition once the freespace has been moved between swap and filesystem? Or can it be incorporated with other keystrokes?02:20
gogudaNevermind. Stupid me. I think it might be because I don't have some newlib files installed.02:20
crlcan81I don't know all of gparted's commands, or any other program that does that.02:20
xtbgodbc81, i read what u said lemme check02:20
ShapeShifter499what are some ways of running commands at boot as root?02:21
jukeloxSo I just upgraded from Hardy to Lucid and the one thing I cannot get installed is libmtp8. dpkg -d=2000 isn't giving me any information at all and none of the bug reports on this topic seem to be resolved.02:22
LoshkiShapeShifter499: you can put commands into /etc/rc.local and they will be run at boot as root, automatically....02:23
recoil_bc81: works perfectly thank you :D02:23
jukeloxDoes anyone have any experience getting libmtp8 installed on Lucid? Amarok and rhythmbox depend on it.02:23
ShapeShifter499Loshki, rc.local isn't reliable for me, doesn't run commands most of the time02:23
LoshkiShapeShifter499: then you're doing something wrong. I don't know of any bugs in this area that would prevent running commands. Wanna pastebin the commands so we can see them?02:25
ActionParsnip!info libmtp802:26
ubottulibmtp8 (source: libmtp): Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.3-4 (maverick), package size 139 kB, installed size 924 kB02:26
ActionParsnip!info libmtp8 lucid02:26
ubottulibmtp8 (source: libmtp): Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 136 kB, installed size 872 kB02:27
theperfecttacodoes anyone else have trouble with fullscreen streaming video in maverick?02:27
ShapeShifter499Loshki http://pastebin.com/ukXRiNx502:27
Frenkas in yes, i have problems with fullscreen streaming02:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:27
itaylor57theperfecttaco: no02:27
theperfecttacoi've tried several fixes listed on various message boards, no luck02:27
ActionParsniptheperfecttaco: do you mean like youtube?02:28
Frenk!theperfecttaco   as soon as i fullscreen the vid pauses02:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:28
jukeloxActionParsnip: Doesn't appear to be any warnings about libmtp in that info02:28
theperfecttacoyoutube and every other site with streaming video02:28
ActionParsnipjukelox: it says libmtp is at version 1.0.2-1 in lucid in the main repo02:29
jordan_i dont suppose anyone is on who happens to be pretty efficient with Ubuntu02:30
jukeloxActionParsnip: libmtp8 is at version 1.0.2-1 in lucid, yes02:30
ShapeShifter499Loshki still there?02:30
hypatiajordan_: just ask your question :)02:31
ActionParsnipjukelox: thats what ubottu said02:31
jordan_Anybody mind helping me for a minute??02:31
recoil_dont ask meta questions02:31
jukeloxActionParsnip: yet it won't install02:31
gunndawgjordan_, just ask ur question02:31
jordan_whos Meta02:31
jukelox!ask jordan_02:32
ActionParsnipjukelox: ok run: sudo apt-get install libmtp8    and pastebin the output]02:32
jordan_everything so far has gone good for this Unbuntu that was just installed today, everything minus my usb wireless dongle02:32
recoil_metaquestions are obsolete like "can somebody help me" or "does anyone know about X)02:32
bc81jukelox: does this help you? http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/LLXmLQPyZq4ggnmMbyDZ#luyevnGcshO7TLB02:32
recoil_just aks02:32
jukeloxActionParsnip: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:33
induzwhy i was not able to set my monitor display on KDE02:33
induzi can change on Gnome02:33
jordan_ah, yeh , i dont like asking them but i hadnt seen anybody typing at the moment so wasnt sure if it was a dead chatroom02:33
mickster04recoil_: use !ask or !anybody02:33
hypatiajordan_: open a terminal, type lsusb - that will tell you wht kind of wifi chipset you have02:33
induz is there any problem on Lucid with KDE02:33
induzall the display looks like bleeding02:33
ActionParsnipjukelox: can you pastebin the output please02:33
recoil_!ask recoil_02:33
jukeloxbc81: that only helps me hold the package, doesn't help me install it02:33
hypatiajordan_: let me know what wireless chipset you have; if you're not sure which line is the wifi stick, paste the whole thing into pastebin.com02:33
theperfecttacois there an option in XChat to not show joins/quits in the channel window?02:34
rww!ask | recoil_02:34
ubotturecoil_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:34
rwwrecoil_: note the |02:34
jordan_hey hypatia, how do i do that02:34
recoil_ahh ok02:34
mickster04recoil_: yeah you need a pipe02:34
moszerhello, need help, been trying to upgrade Blender 2.4 to 2.5,ive tried to run the package thru terminal,an error telling me that "the folder isn't empty", can anyone help me please,i am trying to use openshot video that required blender 2.502:34
jukeloxActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/570355/02:34
recoil_!anybody | recoil_02:34
ubotturecoil_, please see my private message02:34
LoshkiShapeShifter499: Your file looks ok, though I don't like the 'sleep 20' in rc.local, as it will cause the entire boot to pause for 20 seconds. I assume the unreliability comes from the same timing issues that caused you to add the sleep in the first place...02:34
hypatiajordan_: do you know how to open a terminal window?02:35
hypatiajordan_: applications -> accessories --> terminal02:35
jordan_Hypatia , yes02:35
hypatiajordan_: ok now type lsusb02:35
green_Hello every one, having trouble with my Drivers, I can only get wireless on Ubuntu 10.4 32bit not in 10.10 or any other Linux mint distro, or arch based o.s. for that matter.02:35
hypatiagreen_: what wireless chipset is it?02:35
ShapeShifter499Loshki well idk, someone else suggested it after rc.local STILL wouldn't run the commands02:35
ActionParsnipjukelox: is there a bug report for it?02:35
mickster04moszer: what package?02:36
jordan_Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:8172 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8191S WLAN Adapter02:36
theperfecttacogreen_ i had a similar problem in 10.10 - is your wireless option disabled completely?02:36
jukeloxActionParsnip: 573444 and 58707202:36
ShapeShifter499Loshki after some googling.....  couldn't I just add this to the crontab?02:36
induzmaybe my comp can not handle KDE02:36
theperfecttacoand greyed out02:36
bc81theperfecttaco:  /SET irc_conf_mode 102:36
induzshould i download some s/w02:36
jukeloxActionParsnip: neither have resolutions, neither have any attention from the maintenance team02:37
theperfecttacobc81: thanks02:37
hypatiaok jordan_ now search google or wherever for RTL8191S and ubuntu02:37
linogeinduz: what's your problem?02:37
induzi need to set my display on KDE with  LUcid02:37
coz_preinstallation script errors can be PITA   sometimes purging the package can hel p   ..yes?02:37
mickster04moszer: you can double click .deb's to install them02:37
induzlinoge, I can not change my dispaly/monitor setting to lower from 1284x02:37
moszerhold on mickster0402:37
LoshkiShapeShifter499: do the commands not run, or do they run too soon to take effect?. Add some echo "running amixer" >> /tmp/local.log statements to the file to see if they show up in /tmp/local.log....02:37
induzlinoge,  i can change it on Gnome but not on KDE02:38
LoshkiShapeShifter499: you could use crontab instead, but until you know why it isn't working, you could just end up with the same problem..02:38
nowimprovedI'm trying to install ubuntu with vsphere and am having no luck. It says that it can't find the mirror and just stops at 0 percent when installing?02:38
green_theperfecttaco: yes its totally disabled02:38
ActionParsnipjukelox: if there is a bug logged then its a known issue. You'll just have to watch the bugs02:38
moszermickster04~its a tar.bz2, should i run it on terminal?02:39
hypatiajordan_: http://alexsleat.co.uk/2011/02/15/realtek-rtl8191s-in-ubuntu-10-10/ looks to be your answer02:39
induz1280x1024[5:4] is set on Gnome but I can not change that on KDE02:39
mickster04moszer: that is probably best02:39
ShapeShifter499Loshki ok so add it to rc.local and reboot?   --> echo "running amixer" >> /tmp/local.log s02:39
induzlinoge, 1280x1024[5:4] is set on Gnome but I can not change that on KDE02:39
mickster04moszer: there will be instructions how to install it02:39
ShapeShifter499Loshki /s02:39
green_theperfecttaco: "wifi is disabled by hardware button"02:39
njerohey all, I am trying to get dvbstream to work for my AverMediaVolorMAX usb card. I can scan channels with w_scan and I can view with "mplayer dvb://ChannelName". When I try to dvbstream though it won't lock02:39
hypatiajordan_: please keep it in the channel02:39
induzis some driver missing?02:39
hypatiagreen_: you need to flip your wifi switch02:39
hypatiaon your laptop somewhere02:40
jukeloxActionParsnip: But it's not an issue for everyone, it's a limited scope issue, so I'm asking if anyone here has experience with it.02:40
ActionParsnipinduz: no the drivers is the same02:40
jordan_ah, sorry, just getting confusing whos comments are going where02:40
hypatiajordan_: see the link i posted a bit ago02:40
jordan_i got it02:40
green_hypatia: yea it doesnt respond its a big flashing button next to my power button02:40
ActionParsnipinduz: the settings on the driver in the DE may be different02:40
RedXIIIhey. I'm having a problem with gnome-power-management not detecting that its in a discharge state on my laptop02:40
theperfecttacogreen_: what type of system do you use?02:40
jordan_so dl that02:40
induzActionParsnip, i liked KDE as i want to work on KDEnlive but now caz of this dsplay problem i can not02:40
RedXIIII run upower --dump and it says its AC-line in02:40
ShapeShifter499Loshki ok rebooting.... brb02:40
hypatiajordan_: yup... you'll also need to install the "build-essential" package02:40
RedXIIIAny insight?02:40
moszermickster04: thanks,but i did follow the instructions,lastly i copy & paste the code02:41
ActionParsnipinduz: try a clean install of kubuntu02:41
hypatiain order for those instructions to work, jordan_02:41
green_theperfecttaco: ubuntu 10.4? or what do you mean?02:41
FuseOnFireis anyone able to have mental pictures or images in your mind?02:41
jordan_k, how do i dl it02:41
induzActionParsnip, Iupgraded this from karmic?02:41
hypatiajordan_: use synaptic or apt-get02:41
theperfecttacogreen_: hardware - desktop/laptop? manufacturer?02:41
LoshkiShapeShifter499: yes, add it then reboot, then look in /tmp/local.log. Maybe add a 2nd line at the end (before the exit 0) like: echo "ran amixer" >> /tmp/local.log so you can make sure the script executes all the way to the end...02:41
induznow i am on Lucid KDE with Gnome02:41
jordan_do i need to type a cmd in the terminal02:41
bc81green_: you have any blocks?  type the command >> rfkill list02:41
hypatiahowever you usually install software, jordan_02:41
jordan_haha, i just migrated from windows this week02:41
mickster04moszer: well it sounds like you have already unziped the package, you just need to go do the next thing02:41
jordan_so im an absolute noob with linux right now02:42
green_theperfecttaco: Laptop 64 bit, compaq presario CQ6002:42
ActionParsnipinduz: from karmic kubuntu?02:42
hypatiajordan_: at a terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:42
coz_jordan_,  this is the place to be then...02:42
hypatiajordan_: also, welcoem :)02:42
bc81!ot | FuseOnFire02:42
ubottuFuseOnFire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:42
green_bc81: no no blocks02:42
jordan_k, its doing some stuff02:42
theperfecttacogreen_: do you know the maker of your wireless card?02:42
jordan_thank you btw02:42
mickster04bc81: in general you can just ignore one off's like that02:43
hypatiajordan_: if you prefer a graphical interface for installing software, you can use applications --> ubuntu software center02:43
jordan_microsoft wanted over $600 to put an os on two htpc's, well not from me,lol02:43
bc81mickster04: will do xD02:43
hypatiajordan_: i run ubuntu on my htpc, it's lovely :)02:43
jordan_ah ok, seen that a bit already02:43
hypatia(and my tablet, and my netbook....)02:43
hypatia(and my servers...)02:43
green_theperfecttaco: no but let me check I just had it02:43
hypatiajordan_: the build-essential package includes some compilers and other tools for building software02:44
jordan_yeh i will do the same if i can get everything worked out, laptop, server, two htpc's02:44
induzfrom karmic ubuntu ActionParsnip02:44
hypatiawhich is what you're doing for that wifi card02:44
jordan_ah, cool02:44
induzActionParsnip, Then downloaded KDE desktop plasma02:44
moszermickster04: next thing i guess is to :cd" it in the terminal, correct me if i am wrong02:44
canthus13Any idea why maverick would just randomly go blindingly white for a second and then back to normal?02:44
jordan_so normally when i need to install something, i compile the driver and stuff myself02:44
* canthus13 has the intel 4500MHD chipset.02:44
hypatiajordan_: for the htpc make sure you run the vdpau builds of mplayer to do graphics card accelleration for video playback02:44
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd02:44
mickster04moszer: yeahg02:45
jordan_ah ok, maybe u can walk me throught that in a second02:45
shareWhat is your favorite ftp client?02:45
hypatiajordan_: normally the drivers are just in the kernel, but for some wifi cards and a few other thigns, you end up needing to build them yourself02:45
theperfecttacogreen_ i think compaq uses atheros02:45
jordan_back in the terminal the process has finished02:45
hypatiajordan_: also, plese try mentioning my name (hit tab to complete it) so your messages stick out for me02:45
mickster04share: a favourite is off topic02:45
canthus13compaq/hp uses a lot of different chipsets.02:45
=== canon is now known as Acid190
sharemickster04: ...02:45
njeroif anyone has a suggestion for a better channel on dvbstream questions too, that would be great02:45
shareWhich FTP client do you recommend?02:46
jordan_Hypatia, gotcha02:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:46
green_theperfecttaco: yup that one is it02:46
nowimprovedsomeone give me some proxy information02:46
bc81share: filezilla02:46
nowimprovedso i can install this please02:46
green_theperfecttaco: dont have the info on me but that sounds correct02:46
infoxCan someone help me install ubuntu 10.10?  I have a system with 5hdds and I want to install it on /dev/sdc since its the fastest of them all.  After I finish the install and reboot nothing happens, grub doesnt even attempt to load.  I booted into a live disc and reinstalled grub on /dev/sdc, rebooted and still nothing????02:46
sharebc81: k tks02:46
jordan_how do i get them to stick to u02:46
mickster04infox: you probably don't wanto install grub there, unless your pc boots to it first?02:46
hypatiainfox: try picking the third drive to boot first in the bios02:47
theperfecttacogreen_: my problem was that there was a miscommunication between the wireless card and the system - the card was telling the system that it was hard disabled when it actually wasn't02:47
coz_njero,  try  # dbox202:47
Jordan_Uinfox: Are you sure that you're booting from /dev/sdc? What exactly does happen when you try to boot?02:47
BlueProtomanI'm leaning more and more towards switching to Ubuntu...02:47
infoxIt is already selected to boot from that drive02:47
BlueProtomanWhat's the difference between the netbook and desktop versions?02:47
infoxno messages02:47
theperfecttacogreen_: this is a long shot, but try "sudo rmmod -f "compaq_laptop"02:47
infoxit finishes the post and does nothing02:47
njerocoz_: thanks will do02:47
jordan_Hypatia, how do i get my comments to stick to u again02:47
mickster04infox: well try the different drives and see if one of them works02:47
hypatiajordan_: you just did :)02:48
jordan_lol, i wish, i typed it02:48
hypatiajordan_: oh hit tab02:48
hypatiathat completes the name02:48
hypatiajordan_: so like hyp<tab>02:48
rwwBlueProtoman: The netbook edition has a user interface tailored to netbooks and different default programs. Apart from that, they're the same.02:48
IdleOnejordan_: type hyp and hit the tab key one time02:48
jordan_hypatia, ahhhhhhhh02:48
jordan_got it02:48
green_theperfecttaco: had no response from terminal02:48
jordan_hypatia,  got it02:48
nowimprovedHey. I need a proxy to download ubuntu, anyone please help.02:48
BlueProtomanWould Ubuntu work on a Dell Inspiron Mini?  I think it's designed to work on a lot of things, but...02:49
hypatiajordan_: did you get build-essential working?02:49
jordan_hypatia,  so my terminal has finsihed doing whatever it does02:49
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:49
hypatiaBlueProtoman: dell sells minis with ubuntu preloaded, i expect it'll work pretty well02:49
rwwBlueProtoman: It works fine on my Mini 10v.02:49
green_theperfecttaco: nvm now it works02:49
jordan_hypatia,  dunno, i installed like u mentioned02:49
dazonicI just upgraded a VPS to 10.04 and lost ssh access but I do have access via linode's lish.... where should i start02:49
nowimprovedHey. I need a proxy to download ubuntu, anyone please help.02:49
theperfecttacogreen_: write down that command - i have to use it periodically to re-enable my wireless02:49
hypatiajordan_: gonna take this to pm as it's a bit complex from here02:50
green_theperfecttaco: and it says no such file or directory02:50
njerocoz_: was dbox2 a channel name or a tool?02:50
jordan_hypatia, k02:50
Jordan_Unowimproved: What do you mean?02:50
theperfecttacogreen_: oh. balls.02:50
coz_njero,  channel name    type   /join #dbox202:50
theperfecttacogreen_: it could be that your wireless card has a proprietary driver. check System>Administration>Hardware drivers02:50
nowimprovedJordan_U, i'm going through vsphere if asks for a proxy or when i'm going to download it just stalls at 0 percent02:50
njerocoz_: yeah I joined, it is empty02:50
green_theperfecttaco: but im in 10.4 right now, were the wifi works02:50
rwwdazonic: run "sudo service ssh start" and see if you get errors02:50
coz_njero,  o002:50
nowimprovedthe specified ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not exist.02:51
coz_njero,   al darn ,,, then google the name of the app +  irc channel   example    gimp irc channel02:51
mieli am trying to update the crontab file but i don't know how to save the command i am using is "sudo crontab -e -u root"02:51
nateddgghi, is there a channel for portable ubuntu02:51
andjest tu ktos z polski02:51
theperfecttacogreen_: same system? in that case, i don't know..02:51
BlueProtomanIs Ubuntu for netbooks designed for really, really weak netbooks?02:51
bc81!pl | and02:51
ubottuand: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.02:51
green_theperfecttaco: same system02:51
BlueProtomanOr is my Inspiron Mini good enough for the desktop version?02:51
rwwBlueProtoman: I prefer Desktop on mine.02:52
dazonicrww:      init: ssh pre-start process (845) terminated with status 102:52
dazonicstart: Job failed to start02:52
green_theperfecttaco: I do check the "hardware drivers" but none show, the drivers are installed but there is no comunication in the activate wifi BUTTON.02:52
=== th0r is now known as Guest24804
rwwdazonic: well, that would be why. I'd recommend looking in /var/log and seeing if you can find a more specific error message.02:53
green_theperfecttaco: I have linux mint (all of them) archbang, frugalware, slax, and many other live CD/DVD but wireless doesnt work with them... well just the activate wireless button02:54
alakhiawhat is a good channel to discuss video editing?02:55
theperfecttacogreen_: have you tried "sudo lshw enable <interface>"02:55
green_theperfecttaco: *well just the activate wireless button" is the one that is stupid02:55
ShapeShifter499Loshki, I rebooted 4 times and the commands on;y worked 2 times02:55
semitonesis "checkinstall" still the thing to use when compiling from source? or is that soo 200902:55
recoil_bc81: thank you very much i managed showing the artist , track, and a cover art thank you very much for your help02:56
bc81recoil_: welcome :-)02:56
green_theperfecttaco: no I have not, im writing them all down and going to try them in the other O.S. in a bit02:56
medberrysemitones, I don't know of another tool that accomplishes the same thing02:56
semitonesok cool :)02:57
RedXIIIIs there a way to get ubuntu to turn off some features automatically when switching from AC power to battery power on mobile devices?02:57
njerocoz_: lol, first hit on google for dvbstream irc help is this channel :)02:57
coz_njero,   ooo lol02:57
RedXIIILike instead of using quality compiz, it switches to performance compiz02:57
green_theperfecttaco: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'02:58
njeroI'll figure this out.. slowly but surely02:58
theperfecttacogreen_: <interface> will be wlan0 or 1 or eth0 or 1 or something of the sort.02:58
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, still there?02:58
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ya02:58
green_oooo hahaha02:58
=== Patrick is now known as Guest68507
alakhiai basically have mp4 files that i wish to trim and replace the entire audio track with another one02:59
swazzyanyone know's any website's where i can get icons from?02:59
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, I think you're going to need the sleep commands, try putting sleep 10 at the beginning and sleep 5 after each command it's not ideal but I think you should be able to get it to work02:59
=== Guest68507 is now known as PatSter21
green_theperfecttaco: what is somthing (command) you would do if your wireless activation button was to break?02:59
alakhiai would like to avoid re-encoding the video to do this. Suggestions?02:59
recoil_swazzy: gnome-look.org02:59
theperfecttacogreen_: if you have a disable/enable radio button on your keyboard - type "rfkill list" in terminal, hit your radio button and type the command again and see if there's a change in the output02:59
theperfecttacogreen_: do you mean hardware button or a software button?03:00
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I've been google-ing  and I'm wondering... why not use crontab03:00
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, what's the advantage?03:01
g_0_0have you got the correct driver for your soundcard?03:01
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, yes03:01
green_theperfecttaco: the physical button03:01
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, is it an old soundcard, I've only come across this problem with old machines?03:01
theperfecttacogreen_: sudo lshw -enable <wireless interface> is the terminal command equivalent to the physical button03:02
alakhia!video editing03:02
mickster04alakhia: why not use audacity?03:02
alakhiamickster04: hmm, isn't that just for audio?03:03
mjnhi all...new to this..03:03
green_theperfecttaco: thank you, just something I would want to try, in the rfkill list nothing would show up03:03
mickster04alakhia: oh of course :/ my bad03:03
green_neather before or after the button03:03
miketomdoolavidemux is good for video editing...03:03
ramonhi all03:03
mickster04alakhia: pitivi is included by default03:03
ohsixalakhia: pitivi comes with ubuntu03:03
miketomdoolgo to getdeb.com to get it03:03
PrinlerAnyone think a AIW 9800 would work well with ubuntu? How about XBMC03:03
alakhiamiketomdool: can i trim a video without reencoding? that is what i'm looking for03:04
theperfecttacogreen_: good luck. msg me later if you need any more help, i'll do what i can03:04
mjnjust tried to install cinepaint from source archive....got what looks like some unmet dependencies....good resource for learning how to figure out what they are and resolve?03:04
green_theperfecttaco: the rfkill list" wouldnt do anything... just would get the same wifi is disabled by hardware button.03:04
ramonim having problems with wifi: whenever the laptop goes on battery power, the wifi gets really really slow.03:04
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, this problem had showed up a few months back when I used pulseaudio to do something, I accidentally muted something and ever since my computer allways booted with the Speaker channel muted03:04
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, and prior to that you had no problem?03:05
green_theperfecttaco: for sure man thank you for all your help btw you got the best Nick name i've seen03:05
ohsixramon: tha'ts the wifi going into power saving mode; what chipset? you need to use iwpriv to disable power saving on broadcoam chips with the wl driver, iw should work for all the open source drivers03:05
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, yep03:05
theperfecttacogreen_: hahaha, thanks. it's a tom robbins reference :p03:05
miketomdoolalakhia: what video format is it currently in?03:05
ActionParsnipramon: are there any bugs logged?03:06
alakhiamiketomdool: i think the canon videocam uses h264 compression03:06
mickster04alakhia: i don't think that is at all possible? you still have to stitch the sound and video back together again?03:06
ramonohsix: how do i do that?03:07
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, ok do -> alsactl init   - if the system is correct, try alsactl store and reboot03:07
mufasiscan someone point me in the right direction for how to manage ubuntu server03:07
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server03:07
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, iirc I switched the output to headphone only in pulseaudio, and then this issue arose03:07
ramonActionParsnip:how do i check for bugs?03:07
alakhiamickster04: i was hoping i could at least trim without reencoding03:07
mickster04alakhia: I assume you could mute it?03:07
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, for a reason?03:07
alakhiamickster04: perhaps replacing the audio would not be that easy ... and i could do that last03:07
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, can you change it back again?03:07
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I did change it back03:08
alakhiamickster04: right, or just drop the audio without re-encoding03:08
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, and I did it so sound wouldn't play durring a remote control session03:08
mickster04alakhia: try it03:08
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, sound wouldn't play at home03:08
g_0_0ok do as I described above, comment out  the lines in rc.local by placing a # at the beginning of each line03:08
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, obviously not the exit line03:09
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, just the lines you added03:09
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ok03:09
alakhiathanks ohsix, miketomdool and mickster0403:09
nowimproveddude seriously i need a mirror for 8.1003:10
xanguanowimproved: 8.10 is no longer supported03:10
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ok now what?03:10
wangxiyuewhat is mirror  i'am a new man  :)03:10
alakhiai'll check out pitivi and avidemux03:11
jukeloxActionParsnip: The maverick .deb for libmtp8 installed just fine on my lucid box. I think there may be an issue with the package. Is there any way to get the maintainers to put the deb in the old repository?03:11
mickster04wangxiyue: if you don't know you don't have to say anything03:11
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I've all ready tried  alsactl init and alsactl store03:11
mielwhen running "sudo crontab -e" how do i save and break out?03:11
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, the system just isn't saving any of my audio settings03:11
nowimprovedxangua, not asking for suppport, asking for a mirror03:12
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.03:12
itaylor57miel: <esc>:w<cr>03:12
mickster04xangua: looks like you lucked out03:12
zlatanhi to all...where to find that fancy aquarium wallpaper :)03:13
mickster04nowimproved: looks like you lucked out03:13
mickster04xangua: sorry :p03:13
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, do it with sudo and see what it does03:13
ramonhow do i permanently disable wifi power management, as "sudo iwconfig eth1 power off" is only temporary03:13
mickster04zlatan: ubuntu softawre centre and search in their03:14
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I have03:14
fabianalguien me puede ayudar con empathy03:14
nowimprovedmickster04, how so?03:14
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I never tried it without sudo though03:14
mickster04!8.10 > nowimproved03:14
ubottunowimproved, please see my private message03:14
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList03:14
nowimprovedoh sorry03:15
nowimprovedplease explain to me how that is lucking out?03:15
fabiani need help with the epathy03:15
mickster04nowimproved: well if ubottu doesn't have a link...try the download list?03:15
mickster04!details | fabian03:15
ubottufabian: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:15
rwwnowimproved: see the old-release server information in the link ubottu is about to send you03:16
rww!eol > nowimproved03:16
ubottunowimproved, please see my private message03:16
zlatanmickster04, nope,not in there03:16
nowimprovedubottu, what the hell03:16
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:16
nowimprovedi haven't even mentioned it again03:16
nowimprovedshut up03:16
fabianempathy not log in msn03:16
nowimproveddamn freaking bots03:16
FloodBot1nowimproved: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:16
ramonhow do i permanently disable wifi power management? because "sudo iwconfig eth1 power off" only temporarily disables it.03:16
xanguafabian: sudo apt-get install msn-pecan03:17
xanguaand change your account from MSN to WLM, it also works on pidgin03:17
rootsecurityhow to  the install Add printer On Linux03:17
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, do it without sudo then :)03:17
ActionParsnipramon: what module does the interface use?03:18
ramonActionParsnip:what you mean by module?...im using the STA driver, if thats what you mean.03:19
drexlrootsecurity: http://localhost:631/03:19
ActionParsnipramon: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   you'll see the driver listed03:19
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, everything works till      alsactl: save_state:1532: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied03:19
mickster04zlatan: ?03:19
ActionParsnipramon: you may be able to add a module option to disable power management03:20
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I'm going to sudo rm this file and start over03:20
zlatanmickster04, what?03:20
ramonActionParsnip:PCI (sysfs)03:20
ActionParsnipramon: wait a while, pci bus is slo03:20
mickster0403:16 < zlatan> mickster04, nope,not in there03:21
zlatanmickster04, zlatan: ubuntu softawre centre and search in their03:21
zlatanmickster04, not in there means it isn't there :)03:22
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, still getting this error after removing the file03:22
mickster04zlatan: oh inwhich case you can't get it from there, go to the website for the screen saver see if they have a deb version03:22
rootsecurityThank Much03:22
ramonActionParsnip:oh i hadnt waited for the command to finish. but i dont see anything about module when i run that command03:22
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, one second03:22
mickster04zlatan: i said that a while ago, i forgot what your question was03:22
scottnycwhat are some must have system software installs for ubuntu 1003:22
zlatanmickster04, what is the name of that screensaver03:23
hipkatHate to barge in, but I have probably an easy question....03:23
coz_scottnyc,  that is a real "loaded"  question03:23
drexlscottnyc: vlc03:23
coz_scottnyc,   what do you like to do?  graphics...music composition... writing  ???03:23
ramonActionParsnip: BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY...is that what you meant?03:24
rootsecuritythank much03:24
ubuntunoobhow do i hide recovery mode in grub2?03:24
hipkatanyone here familiar with adb in Ubuntu?03:25
Da|Mummyanyone have any idea why my wifi keeps dropping?03:25
drexlrootsecurity: cool I'm guessing you got your printer installed.03:25
coz_scottnyc,  if you give some idea of your interests  that would helpful :)03:25
Da|Mummyeven if its for a mere 10seconds03:25
Secret1222E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:25
rootsecurityi want to the link for add printer no linux03:25
ActionParsnipramon: read the rest. There will be a bit saying: driver=03:25
Secret1222whats this mean03:25
ActionParsnipDa|Mummy: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail   and pastebin the output03:25
coz_Secret1222,  you probably have synaptic opened03:25
Secret1222and theres no progress  running03:26
Jordan_Uubuntunoob: Uncomment GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY=true in /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub".03:26
mickster04zlatan: i dunno,google it03:26
Secret1222execpt a folder03:26
Secret1222firefox and chatzilla03:26
rootsecurity<drexl>  i want to the link for add printer on linux03:26
=== Cain is now known as Guest75341
coz_Secret1222,  something is still accessing apt03:26
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, ok in light of the fact we have found an easy solution and it was working before try this -->  sudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound203:26
rishavHey, I wanted to know how to increase the level of RGBA transparency. I have enabled it, but its almost negligible. I'm on Lucid.03:26
Secret1222like what03:26
ramonActionParsnip:oh! its wl003:26
Secret1222how do i find out what?03:26
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, haven't*03:27
drexlrootsecurity: please re-phrase the question..03:27
Secret1222how do i find out what is useing apt03:27
coz_rishav,  I believe  gnome-color-chooser can help ...but... I have only used it a few times and not sure of all of its settings   you will have to google for that03:27
ActionParsnipramon: ok then hunt around to see if there is a module option on wl0 to see if you can turn of power management03:27
xanguaSecret1222: do you have software centre/synaptic running¿03:28
coz_Secret1222,  well first see if synaptic is opened  if not  you could just restart x   with   ctrl+alt+F1   log in   then    sudo   restart gdm03:28
ohsixActionParsnip: you can do it with iw or iwpriv03:28
rishavcoz_: I tried it, but there's only an option to enable/disable. I'v googled this issue too, but only found some unanswered threads. thanks anyways, I'll check it out again in case I missed on something.03:28
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ok03:28
Secret1222how do i find out if synaptic is running03:28
ActionParsnipohsix: 2 prongs of attack then03:29
ActionParsnipSecret1222: ps -ef | grep -i syna03:29
coz_rishav,  I know gnome-color-chooser has a metacity  tab I believe it was...that is where the rgba can be adjusted03:29
Guest75341Yay, the filesystem and swap are expanded.03:29
rishavcoz_: okayy thnx :)03:29
coz_rishav,  or look in   gconf-editor03:29
Secret1222harley@Harley:~$ ps -ef | grep -i syna03:30
Secret1222harley    4072  4040  0 14:29 pts/3    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i syna03:30
=== Guest75341 is now known as crlcan81
Secret1222whats that03:30
rishavcoz_: ok I'll do that too.03:30
datavirusetsomeone here good at NUT (ups monitoring software)? i'm trying to attach my working driver ("blazer_usb") to it (which i know works)03:30
FloodBot1Secret1222: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
ramonActionParsnip:i dont know what you mean. where would i "hunt" for such an option?03:30
drexlrootsecurity: enter http://localhost:631/ into your browser address bar03:31
jordan_hypatia,  the wirelss is there03:31
jordan_hypatia, now i havent tested it fully yet03:31
billnet usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share documents. Error was Operation not permitted03:31
hypatiahigh-five, jordan_03:31
billplease help03:31
jordan_hive five me03:31
hypatiajordan_: keep the files around - if you upgrade to a new kernel, you'll need to do the make/sudo make install part again03:31
jordan_i will test in  a minute which will require me to unplug but just wantedt to let u know03:31
jordan_ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dangit03:32
hypatiajust the last two, and a reboot03:32
hypatianot that big a deal :)03:32
jordan_hey ima im u my email03:32
billhow do i allow a user to share files in ubuntu03:32
jordan_if u dont mind03:32
billi have set privledges03:32
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ok thats done03:32
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, rebooting03:32
hypatiajordan_: only if you start typing "you" not "u" :p03:32
macohypatia: this is the second time i've seen you say that here03:34
hypatiamaco: i know it'ssomething we always mention in #u-o, dunno if it's the rules here :)03:35
macohypatia: it is03:35
rootsecurityHow to the Install Syslog_ng03:35
billsomeone help me with fileshar‌ing03:36
drexlbill: add your user to the group which you would like to share with03:36
chikokishiI just installed ubuntu 10.10 again, i am afraid to update it because everytime i do i get internet errors, sound problems, and two ubuntu loaders.  Help?03:36
ActionParsnipbill: install samba and you can use nautilus to share folders03:37
ohsixActionParsnip: if you attempt to enable shared folders it will offer to install all the right parts03:37
ActionParsnipchikokishi: 2 ubuntu loaders? Don't you mean 2 kernels?03:37
ActionParsnipohsix: I don't trust stuff like that, I advise the ways I know it will work03:37
ohsixActionParsnip: heh03:38
chikokishiActionParship, sure.  The menu that comes up when you turn the computer on and you decide between windows and ubuntu03:38
billi have samba installed but its not working03:38
chikokishii have 2 ubuntu options.  But right now i only have one (before updating)03:38
Roastedabout to punch rhythmbox in the face03:38
ActionParsnipchikokishi: yes, one is an updated kernel. If the new kernel is ok (test it a few days) then you can remove the older kernel if you want to save ~120Mb space03:38
billsays the packages are not installed that i need03:38
ActionParsnipbill: in nautilus you can right click folders and share them03:39
billbut the package manager says that samba is installed03:39
Secret1222so how come that error is comeing up03:39
billi get a 255 error03:39
Secret1222how do i fix it03:39
chikokishiActionParsnip what exactly is a kernel?  Also. as i said my errors dont start till after the update.  I lose internet in one, and sound in the other03:39
chikokishiMy computer just froze, i cant click anywhere but in this dialog =(03:40
Secret1222whats  syna03:40
Secret1222thats what it said03:40
Jordan_U!sysrq | chikokishi03:40
ubottuchikokishi: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:40
Jordan_Uchikokishi: Hopefully it won't be needed, but keep that information handy in case it is.03:41
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
kj6lxuy is it when i start a torrent it starts downloading at 1.2 mbps but then slows to 600 kbps ??03:41
g_0_0Roasted, have you still not got rhythmbox and your sansa to work?03:41
Roastedits a piece of garbage03:42
RoastedI got it to work on about 3 occasions03:42
g_0_0which sansa is it?03:42
Roastedbut it's been the most inconsistent piece of garbage ever03:42
Roastedrhythmbox is like that part time punk employee at burger king who only shows up to work half of the time03:42
Roastedoh hi, I see your music03:42
Jordan_Ukj6lxu: Does it only happen with bittorrent or does it also happen with other downloads (like http)?03:42
FloodBot1Roasted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
Roastedshut up03:42
g_0_0have you got the mtp plugin enabled in rhythmbox?03:42
Roastedyes, but I'm not even using MTP03:42
chikokishiThanks jordan, i pagemarked it03:43
madmni have samba installed and i am still getting errors when i try and share a folder help please03:43
Roastedit wont mount as MTP. It says something about a camera being locked. Yet this thing doesn't have a camera?????????03:43
kj6lxujordan_U : with all downloads03:43
g_0_0Roasted, disable the plugin and use msc03:43
ohsixRoasted: cammeras are MTP devices too; something else might have it open if it says that03:43
ohsix(like banshee, if you have rb and banshee running at the same time)03:44
chikokishiIF i update my system is there a way to go back to the un updated version?03:44
hypatiachikokishi: there is, but it's annoying03:44
hypatiachikokishi: it's easy for individual packages, though03:44
Roastedohsix, banshee isn't open from what I see. sys monitor says nothing abou ti.03:44
=== jay is now known as Guest27960
Roastedits refreshing now, I disabled ipod and MTP and I'm going to try it again.03:44
Jordan_Ukj6lxu: It sounds like your ISP is trying to make it appear that you are getting the full speed you payed for by allowing bursts of high bandwidth then throttling if you try to sustain that speed. Read your contract carefully / contact your ISP to confirm what service you are really getting.03:44
ubuntunoobcan someone help me with a weird problem? for some reason I can connect to MSN with Pidgin and amsn but I get an error in Empathy03:45
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, still not working03:45
kj6lxuJordan_U: tnx for the help03:45
Jordan_Ukj6lxu: You're welcome.03:45
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, it is still muted upon reboot03:45
xanguaubuntunoob: sudo apt-get install msn-pecan03:45
xanguaworks for pidgin & empathy, restart them and change your MSN accout to WLM03:45
rwwJordan_U: good call. Comcast does do that.03:46
ubuntunoobthank you xangua03:46
Roastedbig surprise. didn't work.03:46
Roastedimporting 0/0, except theres 1100 songs on it. awesome.03:46
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, ok try unmuting now and reboot again, see if it sticks this time03:46
xanguaubuntunoob: latest pidgin also works but it has some issues currently with msn03:46
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, should I run aslactl store?03:47
ShapeShifter499no I'm just going to reboot now brb03:47
g_0_0Roasted, you have got the latest firmware on your fuze?03:48
Roastednot only do I have the latest firmware, but I dual boot it with rockbox firmware too03:48
bc81question, is it possible to increase the overall bluetooth buffer size?  i have bluetooth headphones, and when i walk more than 10 feet away from the computer, the audio starts dropping out.03:48
Roastedg_0_0, I can put music on it, don't get me wrong. But I want to set up PLAYLISTS, and rhythmbox does that. Tha's why I want to use it.03:48
RoastedI have no clue why rhythmbox is being like this.03:48
Stevezauwhy is gdm still startin??03:49
Stevezaui told it to not load on startup03:49
ActionParsnipbc81: if its a class 3 device then that's its effective range: http://www.blueunplugged.com/What-is-Bluetooth.aspx03:49
DiamondciteRoasted: I've been wondering.. Does a playlist actually physically COPY the files?03:50
DiamondciteRoasted: I've seen people move their itunes playlist to their ipod.. as in just the playlist... without the files...03:50
RoastedDiamondcite, no03:50
Roastedit doesnt duplicate the file space03:50
ActionParsnipDiamondcite: no, its just a list of the media to play and sometimes where it is03:50
RoastedDiamondcite, it just creates a file the gizmo references03:50
=== K4k_ is now known as K4k
DiamondciteRoasted: Have you ever compared one of your sansa's playlist files with your own creations?03:51
RoastedDiamondcite, I've only made playlists in rhythmbox cause it was the only program that worked, until rhythmbox decided to stop working all together03:52
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, it still muted03:52
=== bilios is now known as mr_mojo_risin
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, well not muted but it comes up with the sound turned all the way down in alsamixer03:52
DiamondciteRoasted: Do you still have one of those working playlists around to compare them with to see what is different? (it doens't help that I don't use rythmbox...)03:52
RoastedDiamondcite, yes, theres 2 playlists on the device itself.03:52
RoastedDiamondcite, whats the point tho? I dont want to create playlists ON the device. I want to create them in a program because its much more efficient03:53
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, was the sound down when you rebooted, you could try adjusting the sound to the required volume and rebooting03:53
g_0_0Roasted, have you seen this -> http://wiki.birth-online.de/know-how/hardware/sandisk-sansa-fuze/rhythmbox03:53
RiobeHello all. :) I'm looking to switch to Linux and my main time waster will be some Java programming. Is Ubuntu a distro that's well suited for this goal?03:53
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, yes, and I have03:53
NitrohaxRiobe, yes03:53
Roastedg_0_0, I saw that I should create an EMPTY file named that, but never with the contens like that03:53
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, it won't save my changes03:53
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, ok let me think about that03:54
DiamondciteRoasted: Well I'm curious as to how it's writting the file link.. maybe it is now writting /home/roasted/Desktop/music/01-Hello_World.mp3 instead of 01-Hello_World.mp3 ?03:54
* Sifo Hello all03:54
NitrohaxRiobe, how are you going to install it?03:54
RiobeNitrohax: Probably do a live boot for a day or so to get the feel of it then reformat my machine and make it the only OS.03:55
ActionParsnipDiamondcite: you can make playlists of folder contents using ls, as well as the dir command in windows03:55
DiamondciteActionParsnip: I am mainly trying to figure out why Roasted's playlist is no longer working as desired.03:55
NitrohaxRiobe, that will work but you can do a WUBI install and have a perm. and not change the file structure of your partition03:56
ActionParsnipDiamondcite: depends how the device reads and/or makes playlists03:56
RoastedDiamondcite, the playlist works. rhythmbox just doesnt detect any music on the device.03:56
whitefireHelp me about Hybrid Graphics with switcheroo. I'm using acer aspire 5745G03:56
RoastedDiamondcite, once I can get rhythmbox working as, you know, a normal music program, I can carry on with my playlist creations03:56
ActionParsnipRoasted: try this:  cd /folder/of/songs; ls *.mp3 > ./playlist.m3u03:56
DiamondciteRoasted: And the only requirement is to have to look else where for music?03:56
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, have you tried alsactl store again?03:56
MrDetaildoes anyone know why   grep [A-Z]   would return lines without caps even if there is no match?03:57
crlcan81Can someone help me with properly installing burg? I've got the first necessary sudo commands, adding the ppa, updating repositories, then installing from the new repository, but I don't know for sure where the master boot record is located so burg can install.03:57
RiobeNitrohax: I broke my filesystem into two partitions when I installed Windows, and I'd like to get back down to 1. I haven't heard of WIBI install yet, so I'm not sure if I can change partitioning with that kind of install.03:57
ActionParsnipRoasted: copy /folder/of/songs to the device then see if playlist.m3u exists/works03:57
RoastedDiamondcite, if I can have a program that *works* and can make and create playlists, I'd be happy. But besides banshee, there are none I have found on linux. But! Banshee, when I create playulists, it doesnt "save" to the device. If I go to the sansa, banshee playlists come up empty. only rhythmbox playlists work.03:57
NitrohaxRiobe, you wouldn't need to change it03:57
RoastedHence my insane frustration.03:57
RoastedActionParsnip, the playlist works...03:57
RoastedActionParsnip, my issue is getting rhythmbox to detect the music.03:57
RoastedIt says importing 0/0, when there are over a thousand songs on the thing.03:58
RiobeNitrohax: Methinks I should figure out what a WUBI install is. To scholar Gugle!03:58
ActionParsnipRoasted: i dont use rhythmnbox so I'm not much help here. I always manually make them using ls03:58
whitefireI haven't folder call /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch03:58
RiobeThanks for giving me something to look up. :)03:58
whitefireI haven't folder call /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch can I create?03:58
NitrohaxRiobe, it's on the live cd already. if you put the live cd in it's on there. it's a way where ig you don't like it add/remove programs and it come off03:59
MiladKhajaviHELP: How can I set pidgin to notify new message with gnome notification? any plugin ?03:59
DiamondciteRoasted: Can you open the Sansa with a file manager and actually see the music?04:00
mickster04MiladKhajavi: have you looked at the included plug ins?04:00
adamruffolowhitefire: did you try "mkdir"?04:00
RoastedDiamondcite, sure can.04:00
mickster04MiladKhajavi: also don't sound so dramatic04:00
pinoyoragonCan somebody recommend a web-based/console download manager so I can manage download from remote?04:00
NitrohaxRiobe, let me know what you find04:00
DiamondciteRoasted: And Inside rythmbox, right click music, Import Folder, Navigating to the same place with the graphical navigation and then clicking import.. doesn't work?04:00
MiladKhajavimickster04: Yes, but dont like sound notification, I like gnome notification04:01
RiobeNitrohax: Thanks. Will do. :)04:01
juabnhow work ubuntu wubi?04:01
ActionParsnipMiladKhajavi: there is the notify plugin which is enabled by default04:01
mickster04MiladKhajavi: yeah I think there will be one include, if it isn;t on already04:01
RoastedDiamondcite, nope. It doesnt even show anything in my device within rhythmbox04:01
xanguaMiladKhajavi: activate libnotify plugin04:01
juabnwork slow04:01
juabni don't know why04:01
ActionParsnippidgin rocks04:01
juabnwubi is simil  virtualbox04:02
MiladKhajavixangua: Oh yes yes I forgotten the name of this plugin. thanks thanks alottttttt04:02
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, oh.... sorry didn't see your post till now04:02
DiamondciteRoasted: Can you please type the path you are using to reach it with in rythmbox here?04:02
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, no I haven't04:02
whitefireadamruffolo: mkdir: cannot create directory `/sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo': Operation not permitted04:02
Stupendousstevejuabn: No, wubi doesn't run in a virtual machine, you have to reboot into Ubuntu04:02
mickster04whitefire: sudo it04:02
adamruffolowhitefire: are you running as root?04:02
YohaI'm having a problem with this network install; I've got an old machine booting with pxe; The installer wont download files off of my lan server (I have the iso mounted in /ubuntu) ... in the install debug its because it can't access the md5 sums from a release site.  Anyone have any suggestions on how I can complete this install?  (Btw, no cd drive, won't boot off of USB)04:02
rwwjuabn: no. Virtualbox guests run inside a virtualized environment. Wubi installs run on the actual hardware, without a VM between them, but installs to a loopback filesystem instead of a normal partition.04:02
RoastedDiamondcite, there is one thing that strikes me as odd.04:02
mickster04whitefire: sudo !! to run the last ocmmand as sudo04:02
Nitrohaxjuabn, kinda, wubi installs ubuntu on the windows partition. it has a boot loader and if you don't like it go to add/remove programs and remove it04:03
Aikaranyone recommend a panel applet for managing volume that works with the base audio drivers and not pulseaudio? had to uninstall pulseaudio cause it distorts sound04:03
whitefiremickster04: yes04:03
RoastedDiamondcite, my sansa used to come up labeled as "SANSA FUZE". I formatted it within the sandisk interface, and now it comes mounted as 1234-5678. it creates a folder with those numbers.04:03
RoastedDiamondcite, that's around the time my issues started.04:03
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, you could give it a go, see what happens, make sure you have the parameters set as you want them first04:03
whitefiremickster04: bonsai@Aspire-5745G:~$ sudo mkdir /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo04:03
halaszvarigI just created a simple Xubuntu bluebird like chrome theme (only the frame color was changed to match the color from the theme): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hedddjdackneeciinimepakidindpgdd04:03
whitefiremkdir: cannot create directory `/sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo': Operation not permitted04:03
* Nitrohax is going to party with the amish04:03
Aikarand is there a site to find more applets (ie a site specific to applets in general)04:03
Nitrohaxstupid file transfer vbox @#$%^&*(&^%$#@!%#$%^&*(&^%$#@04:03
RoastedDiamondcite, but if I go to gparted to try to rename the label of it, it says the disk is unallocated. Someone told me its sandisk's way of "protecting" the device.04:03
ActionParsnipAikar: if you use a dock like avant window navigator, there are volume managers for that04:03
mickster04whitefire: dod you tab complete that?04:03
RiobeNitrohax That makes more sense now. Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm looking to get out of using Windows at home.04:03
RiobeNitrohax, So I'm sure that I want Windows nuked.04:04
DiamondciteRoasted: Now why would you want to use a sandisk tool on something working to begin with >.>04:04
scottnyci wanna install apache, php and mysql will this work? correctly ? sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-xsl php5-gd php-pear libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql04:04
MichaelDeatonHello does anyone here know how to install FlightGear on Ubuntu 10.10?04:04
ActionParsnip!lamp | scottnyc04:04
ubottuscottnyc: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:04
NitrohaxRiobe, just incase you don't like it. but you want it nuked full install it, why partition. back your music and videos up thouhg. LOL04:04
RoastedDiamondcite, I used the format tool because of another issue I was having with it.04:04
RoastedDiamondcite, but then rhythmbox took a bomb after tha.04:04
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: its in the playdeb ppa04:04
RoastedDiamondcite, I flahsed the thing to the latest firmware, etc. I just have no clue. I'm so close to buying a new one, but that's a ridiculous answer.04:04
MichaelDeatonI tried installing it and it said, "flightgear:  Depends: libalut0 (>=1.1.0-1) but it is not installable  Depends: libopenscenegraph65 (>=2.8.3) but it is not installable  Depends: libopenthreads13 (>=2.8.3) but it is not installable  Depends: libplib1 (>=1.8.5-1) but it is not installable  Depends: simgear2.0.0 but it is not going to be installed  "04:05
DiamondciteRoasted: Maybe that numbered partition is a ghost? Have you tried doing "ls /media/1234-5678" while it's mounted?04:05
RiobeNitrohax: Heheh, yeah, that I will be doing. I have a spare tower I can move stuff over to temporarily.04:05
RoastedDiamondcite, when the thing is plugged in MCP mode or whatever it is, yes it has a directory there.04:06
NitrohaxRiobe, use one of those all in one hd readers for usb. I have a ide and a sata hot swap port. But i fix to many computers04:06
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: then you need deb files or a reop with those files to satisfy deps04:06
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, ok rebooting04:06
MichaelDeatonBut I dunno how to get them.04:06
Hellz_Bellzdo the ubuntu source repos contain unmodified source code or is it optimised for ubuntu spicifically?04:06
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: if you can pastebin all the text I can try and find deps for you04:06
DiamondciteRoasted: Could you try various modes of access until one of them actually yields a fully listed direction inside a terminal?04:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:06
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: yes, copy all the text and use http://pastie.org to store them04:07
RoastedDiamondcite, I'm not sure I understand what you just said.04:07
MichaelDeatonsorry I just started using ubuntu about two days ago.04:07
MichaelDeatonstill getting use to it.04:07
MichaelDeatonI like it a lot better than windows.04:07
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: pastebin isnt ubuntu specific04:07
Aikarif SMART detects an hdd has a few bad sectors, it shouldnt ever try to write to them right? i just reinstalled my OS yesterday to fix my hard system freeze issue, now it just happened again :/ i noticed hdd i got ubuntu installed on has 17 bad sectors04:08
ActionParsnipAikar: I'd get a new drive PDQ04:08
Aikarwell i got other drives i can put ubuntu on, but yeah dont wanna lose data04:08
ohsixAikar: if they aren't being reallocated then it's at the end of its useful life04:08
adamruffolowhitefire: you may need to change the permissions on the /debug/ folder04:08
ActionParsnipAikar: then you should have backups in place04:08
RiobeDoes anyone here know how ubuntu compares to Fedora as far as being suited for programming? The community seems to be a hell of a lot more active judging by IRC channels, but I don't know about the distro.04:09
Aikarit says "reallocated sector count, value 17 sectors, threshold 36", smart is still listed as passed.04:09
Nitrohaxaikar, you have open sata ports? install on the new drive and then place in the old drive with a sata and move files that way04:09
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ActionParsnipRiobe: its fine, there is the build-essential which will install c and c++ compiling environments04:09
macoRiobe: if you're not doing ruby, i dont think it really matters.  the ruby community hates debs though04:09
cfeddeRiobe: linux is pretty much linux.  the diffrences will mostly be minor.04:09
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Hellz_Bellzi love ubuntu and i program in truby04:10
RiobeI see.04:10
Aikari got enough room to get the files off really, but ANY bad sector = sign of disk failing?04:10
scottnychow do i check the version of something in terminal again? verion --python right?04:10
Hellz_Bellzits a matter of "does it work with little fuss?"04:10
macoHellz_Bellz: i think its the directory into which gems get installed that annoys other rubyists04:10
Hellz_Bellzof yes use it04:10
ohsixAikar: ok if they are reallocated then it's fine04:10
RiobeI don't mind a bit of fuss as long as it's manageable.04:10
Hellz_Bellz:/ should it matter so long as its in the path?04:10
Nitrohaxlinux is linux, unix is linux with out the L and windows i sbs04:10
macoHellz_Bellz: i went with just adding that directory to my path, and then everything was happy and i thought they were silly04:10
ohsixAikar: if that 17 keeps growing while you use the disk part of it could be damaged,  it might stabilize though04:11
MichaelDeatonThis? http://pastie.org/159219904:11
scottnycwhats the terminal command for checking the verssion of something?04:11
Hellz_Bellzmaco i didnt even need to add it to the path actually it just gives the error somehow04:11
Hellz_Bellzeverything just works04:12
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: cool, gimme a sec04:12
ohsixscottnyc: apt-cache show, or apt-cache policy04:12
NitrohaxAikar, spinrite will move them for you if it can04:12
macoHellz_Bellz: ok then :)04:12
Aikarwell im having a weird damn issue. flash kept hard freezing system where REISUB couldnt even reboot the system, soi thougt maybe its cause i moved hdd with ubuntu on it to a new system entirely, although it mostly worked fine i reinstalled, and flash no longer crashes, but i just got a random freeze out of nowhere no flash this time04:12
Hellz_Bellzis the source code in the ubuntu repos ubuntu specific or can i use the repos for a different source based distro?04:12
macoHellz_Bellz: im not really a rubyist. i was installing diaspora on my server, which is not running the latest ubuntu04:12
scottnycohsix whats the one that looks like this version --python304:12
ohsixAikar: nvidia blob?04:12
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d   please04:12
Aikaronly real diff is that i uninstalled pulseaudio and rebooted then it happened04:12
c1truzassalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh04:13
Aikarohsix: blob? was nvidia drivers before, i havent installed nvidia now, running on default.04:13
macoHellz_Bellz: you can run "dpkg -x foo.dsc" if you have a source package to break it back out into the tarballs it came from04:13
=== QuBit is now known as Guest41248
scottnycassuming i was checking the version of python 3 ohsix04:13
MichaelDeatonDescription:Ubuntu 10.1004:13
maco!sa | c1truz04:13
ubottuc1truz: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية04:13
MichaelDeatonDescription:Ubuntu 10.1004:13
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: do you have the universe repo enabled?04:14
MichaelDeatonUhhh How do I know?04:14
ActionParsnip!info libalut0 maverick04:14
ubottulibalut0 (source: freealut): OpenAL Utility Toolkit. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-2 (maverick), package size 31 kB, installed size 100 kB04:14
Hellz_Bellzmaco im not on linux atm, does it download the dependencies too?04:14
macoHellz_Bellz: no04:14
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, not working STILL04:14
Hellz_Bellznot much use04:14
macoHellz_Bellz: "apt-get source foo" just gets the foo source package04:14
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: use software centre, click edit ->software sources and tick the universe reo to enable it04:14
Hellz_Bellzi want something that will track dependencies for source code04:14
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, are you running 10.10?04:14
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: may just fix you up04:14
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, yes04:14
Hellz_Bellzi dont wanna have to go all over the internet to get my code04:15
satyhello all, i just installed moovida in maverick. the screen is kinda thinned in the middle doesnt occupy the whole screen...any ideas ?04:16
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: simgear2.0.0 is available on the playdeb repo04:16
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, are you using a laptop?04:16
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, yep04:16
bc81when i turn on these bluetooth headphones, the volume icon does not control the headphone volume until i go to sound preferences, and select the headphones in the output tab.  so how i can i force ubuntu to control the headphone volume as soon as it's detected?04:16
ohsixsaty: try hitting alt enter04:17
ActionParsnipMichaelDeaton: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/getdeb_games?dist=maverick    shows how to add it04:17
madmnby default what port does ssh and ftp use in ubuntu04:17
MichaelDeatontrying that now04:17
ohsixmadmn: the same ones used everywhere, 22 and 2104:17
satyohsix: it goes full screen, however the gui is kinda slimmed in the middle04:17
ohsixsaty: weird04:18
madmnokay i can't ftp into ubuntu using 2104:18
Aikarmadmn: neither are installed by default, sudo apt-get install openssh-server, and dont use FTP, use SFTP04:18
madmnbut i can using 2204:18
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, Acer Aspire 7540-1284, AMD Athlon II X2 M300 Processor, ATI Radeon HD 4200 Graphics Card, 320 gigs or storage, 3 gigs ram04:18
ohsixmadmn: ports being blocked by your isp?04:18
AikarSFTP uses SSH port, port 21 is "please hack me" standard FTP port04:18
satyohsix: ya and the fonts are overlapping vertically04:18
madmnthey could be04:18
madmnbut i did forward like port 1234 to port 2204:19
madmnand tried it that way04:19
g_0_0ShapeShifter499, it may be an idea to search for you laptop model and this problem, it may be a bug04:19
EnigmaticCodermadmn: Did you give ssh the -p 1234 option?04:20
=== adamruffolo is now known as ruffdog
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madmnhow else can i do it if they are blocking the port04:20
ActionParsnipAikar: you can change ports used easily04:20
joobieguys im trying to rebuild a RAID1+0 within a livecd and i get "ERROR: disk /dev/sda cannot be used to rebuilding"04:20
joobiecant get any more detailed info as to why.. have tryed setting -v with 'dmraid' but not seeinga nymore detail as to why04:21
joobieany ideas how to see this?04:21
esirihii, first need say to  accept my apologize for bad english, i used ubuntu 10.04, have shutdown issues , i did read some from topic about power off, i did add acpi=off in  /etc/default/grub  and that "noacpi nolapic acpi=off"  after i did update grub but dont be shut down never normalize, i can turn off with power off button , someone can help me about that. thanks.04:21
michaelxqhow do i install a program from the terminal?04:21
=== Rusty1 is now known as Rusty1_
crlcan81How do you figure out what repository is being used to download your updates and installs?04:21
rwwmichaelxq: sudo apt-get install packagenamehere04:21
* Nitrohax has moved to floater kentucky04:21
bastidraZorcrlcan81: apt-cache policy packagename04:21
michaelxqrww, thanks04:22
thesheff17crlcan81: /etc/apt/source.list shows the mirrors it will update against.04:22
EnigmaticCodermadmn: What is your Port set to in /etc/ssh/sshd_config?04:22
madmni am using putty and it asks for the port i can ssh fine its ftp that is not working right04:22
EnigmaticCodermadmn: Are you using ftp or sftp?04:22
ActionParsnipmadmn: you can connect to FTP servers using firefox etc04:22
crlcan81Any specific package, or does it matter?04:23
ActionParsnipmadmn: you can use filezilla in windows to connect to SFTP04:23
Aikarmadmn: ensure your using the SFTP function of your client and not FTP04:23
ActionParsnipmadmn: if you have SFTP then you don't need FTP04:23
madmnport 2204:23
bastidraZormadmn: you can use winscp to transfer files via port 2204:24
madmni have filezilla runnign04:24
esirihii, first need say to  accept my apologize for bad english, i used ubuntu 10.04, have shutdown issues , i did read some from topic about power off, i did add acpi=off in  /etc/default/grub  and that "noacpi nolapic acpi=off"  after i did update grub but dont be shut down never normalize, i can turn off only with04:26
ActionParsnipcan connect to sftp with andftp in Android too ;)04:27
frankbroAnyone good with pthread I can PM about questions more related to multithreading ?04:27
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ShadowServerWelcome to #ubuntu , ShadowServer04:28
ShadowServerWelcome to #ubuntu , Bug123r04:28
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ShadowServerShadowServer has left #ubuntu04:28
ruffdogesiri: it seems you left part of your message out at the end04:29
jimlovell777why is dvd burning so slow (1.1x)? We're talking 40 minutes. With this same drive and discs it's under 4 minutes. I would just use Windows for burning but it's since been demoted to a VM. What's the deal?04:30
Nitrohaxjimlovell777, nice flight on apollo 13 but dvd drives are dual layer and more info04:30
esiriruffdog i dont understand you ?? i sent my isuues msg again cause i get disconnected i tougth maybe your dont see my msg04:31
ruffdogesiri: you are having troubles shutting down?04:31
DiamondciteFor those curious the solution to Roasted's problem where a Sandisk Sansa's music wasn't showing in Rhythmbox, the playlist.xml and rhythmdb.xml had to be removed from ~/.local/share/rhythmbox04:31
rwwesiri: freenode has a message length limit. Yours ended with "i can turn off only with"04:31
Riobeesiri: The msg I saw you send stopped in the middle of a sentence.04:32
esiriruffdog yes04:32
dorin_does anyone know anything about using "curl"?04:32
esirirww understand04:32
RoastedAnd for those curious about my issue I didn't just remove the playlist and rhythmdb file but I just cut and pasted the entire folder on my desktop. I hate deleting stuff without being positive, but nonetheless, Diamondcite nailed it on the head. :)04:32
jimlovell777Nitrohax: I cut myself off. The same discs (literally - DVD+R 4.7GB) burn completely in 4 minutes when I used Windows7 on this computer but take 40+ under Ubuntu. Why?04:32
dorin_I'm trying to find out where curl downloads everything to.04:32
dorin_Any ideas?04:32
rwwdorin_: the current directory04:32
Nitrohaxmaybe a driver issue or something?04:33
ruffdogesiri: did you try typing "shutdown"04:33
dorin_I've looked in there, and it hasn't put anything in there04:33
esiriruffdog yes04:33
strigoi66dorin_: try opening console and typing (whereis curl) without braces04:33
Nitrohaxjimlovell777, I'm thinking maybe a dirver issue. what are you using to burn?04:33
ruffdogesiri: okay.  Is there a specific error message you get?  Or do you click "shutdown" and nothing happens?04:34
dorin_ah /usr/bin/curl04:34
dorin_Going to look in there.04:34
jimlovell777Nitrohax: Whatever comes with a plain Ubuntu 10.10 install. I put in a blank disc and drag a file over and click Burn04:34
michaelxqanyone knows LBRC program?04:34
esiriruffdog please let me explain , u cant read my msg04:34
dorin_Nothing in there.04:35
michaelxqanyone knows LBRC program? LBRC = Linux Bluetooth Remote Control04:35
ruffdogmichaelxq: not me.04:35
Nitrohaxjimlovell777, I've had goo dluck with basero I think that's what you might be using. There are couple others that you can try too.04:35
esiriruffdog i cant shut down my comp with shutdown botton , sudo halt or shutdown now command, said powerdown now but my fan working04:36
dorin_curl http://yeeeeee.com/imagebank/BlackBerry_Bold_9000_Wallpapers/BlackBerry%20Bold%209000%20Wallpaper%[201-400].jpg04:36
dorin_is that the right way of using curl?04:36
dorin_I'm trying to download all the pictures ranging from 201-400 with curl.04:37
michaelxqruffdog, can you tell me the process to install a program .tar.gz04:37
ruffdogesiri: try "sudo shutdown -h now" without the ""04:38
esiriruffdog i did change in /etc/default/grub with that  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="noacpi nolapic acpi=off" and acp=off same issues04:38
esiriruffdog i did used that comand same :(04:38
ruffdogmichaelxq: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24609204:39
MacstheyjustsuckI can't live without Dreamweaver CS5 to code websites, what is the closest equivalent to that?04:39
michaelxqruffdog, thanks04:40
NitrohaxMacstheyjustsuck, html04:40
ruffdogesiri: okay.  Check out this site http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=1859  see if that helps.04:40
DiamondciteMacstheyjustsuck: What's dreamweaver? I just open up a text editor and type...04:40
MacstheyjustsuckNitrohax: Not just HTML XD04:40
MacstheyjustsuckJavascript, PHP04:40
Macstheyjustsuckand would like to start working with mySQL for some things04:40
DiamondciteMacstheyjustsuck: Programs like kwrite can do syntax highlighting in different languages to make it easier?04:41
NitrohaxMacstheyjustsuck, I haven't done a page in forever. I'm so out of the loop04:41
PerfMif this is the support channel, where is the real channel?04:41
DiamondcitePerfM: If you done being exited, how about tell us about your support question?04:41
dorin_haha, figured out the curl command.04:41
rwwPerfM: /join #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat04:41
ruffdogesiri: if that doesn't work (website I directed you to) can you paste your grub file in www.pastebin.ubuntu.com04:42
esirirufdog  http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Herunterfahren#HDA-High-Definition-Audio-abschalten  i did that before :)04:42
esiriruffdog okey04:42
strigoi66dorin_: try this page for info! http://curl.haxx.se/docs/httpscripting.html04:43
Nitrohaxack a haxx!04:43
esiriruffdog http://paste.ubuntu.com/570386/04:44
crlcan81the list of deb/deb src repositories that ailurus is listing?04:44
ruffdogesiri: did the problem start when you changed the grub? or did you change the grub because of the problem?04:46
esiriruffdog i did change grub for problem04:47
ruffdogesiri: okay.  You are running on a laptop or desktop?  You are running 10.10?04:48
esiriruffdog i am used 10.04 lts and desktop04:48
ruffdogesiri: okay.  Do you use wifi on the desktop?04:49
esiriruffdog no i am dont04:50
esiridont use wifi04:50
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
KREDOapt-get 100% cpu, help me04:52
c1truzsholat dulu saudara2ku ...04:53
ActionParsnip!aptfix | KREDO04:53
ubottuKREDO: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:53
=== root is now known as Guest3219
=== adamruffolo is now known as ruffdog
ruffdogesiri: I accidentally shut down.  Are we still having the shutdown issue?04:56
esiriruffdog yes have shutdown issues04:57
JeffCBRCan I check the version of a package with apt-get?04:58
rwwapt-cache policy packagenamehere04:58
nroy1hi! my / on ubuntu 10.10 needs more space, but only disk utility is able to see the partitions on sdb. is there a stand alone bootable version of the disk utility?05:01
nroy1my ubuntu is on sdb105:02
=== adamruffolo is now known as ruffdog
ActionParsnipnroy1: try: sudo apt-get clean05:03
nroy1ActionParsnip: what is clean?05:03
ActionParsnipnroy1: also uninstall old unused kernels you no longer use. You can also free space by using bleachbit but watch the browser options or it will remove stuff you want to keep05:03
ActionParsnipnroy1: clean removes the debs used to install stuff was, they are held until you tell the OS to remove them05:04
nroy1ActionParsnip: i want to reinstall ubuntu, which has run into some problems because of me removing stuff to gain space.05:04
nroy1but i want to fix the partion table first, otherwise i won't be able to install ubuntu05:05
ActionParsnipnroy1: the reinstall will create a new table (unless you dual boot)05:06
nroy1ActionParsnip:  i have xp and solaris11 on sda, ubuntu on sdb05:07
=== beachbraf is now known as beachbrake
nroy1there are some important drives on sdb, otherwise there wouldn't be much problem... :(05:08
nroy1gparted is unable to see ANY partition on sdb. i have tried it from ubuntu, solaris and parted magic05:09
nroy1the gnome disk util is seeing them fine, but i cant resize / from ubuntu itself05:09
esiriruffdog i cant with comand  stoped acpi sudo /etc/init.d/acpid stop05:11
navini wana help about webkit...so hw can i?05:11
here4thegearUsing ubuntu server. php mail and sendmail both are sending mail out to yahoo accounts but for some reason not to my hosted gmail account. It isn't even showing up in my spam folder.05:11
esiriruffdog u can check , here have a issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/570399/05:12
lnxg33khow to switch between keyboard layouts on xubuntu 10.04?05:13
juabni need change the root partition privilege  to user05:13
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels05:13
Jordan_Unroy1: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?05:14
gnewbnavin: Maybe here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebKit05:15
lnxg33kthanks guys :)05:15
immyhi again05:15
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.05:16
immyis there a way i can make alt+tab work across workspaces and alt+ctrl+tab within workspaces?05:16
nroy1Jordan_U:  i am currently on xp. ubuntu is having some serious problems, cause i messed up some stuff. the thing is, the extended partition on sdb is showing insanely huge space even on windows. i just want to remove the linux partition now, and readjust the partitions05:16
JeffCBRWill I break everything if I sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?05:16
gmachine_24I want to clone a 160GB HD to a 20GB HD and I can't use Clonezilla bc of the drive size difference (there is <10GB of data on the 160GB drive so it will all fit). Anyone know of other good options? Thanks.05:17
Jordan_Unroy1: Can you boot from a liveCD?05:17
nroy1Jordan_U: yes i can, but gparted isn't helping05:17
JeffCBRgmachine_24: Can you shrink your partition down to be smaller than the destination drive?05:18
Jordan_Ugmachine_24: What is your end goal (why do you want to "clone" the drive)?05:18
gmachine_24JeffCBR, good point. I can probably use a live distro and gparted and that should do it.05:18
Jordan_Unroy1: parted itself gives descriptive error messages which should tell you exactly what is wrong with the partition table.05:18
gmachine_24I mean I can shrink the partion(s)05:19
JeffCBRWe're talking about a Linux FS, right?05:19
gmachine_24Jordan_U, I want to clone the drive so I can replace the 160GB drive with the 20GB drive.05:19
ActionParsnipJeffCBR: no, its a hollow metapackage. if you remove it it will change nothing05:20
gmachine_24JeffCBR, if that is directed at me, yes, it is Ubuntu05:20
nroy1Jordan_U: the entire sdb swows up as unpopulated in gparted05:20
gmachine_24Ok then, nm.05:20
Jordan_Unroy1: I understand.05:20
ruffdogesiri: okay.  I'm stumped.  You tried sudo /sbin/init 0 and that didn't work?05:20
JeffCBROne time, I shrank the partition of an undefragmented Windows 98 install...05:20
gmachine_24... and you never did that again05:21
JeffCBRActionParsnip: So, I'd still have Gnome installed, then?05:21
JeffCBRgmachine_24: No. No, I did not.05:21
angus-vaiohola.. tengo un problema alguien seria tan amable de darme una mano??05:21
LibraratSo x server is broken - I was trying to set up dual displays, and now I can't even get the failsafe to boot -> no vesa driver found.  How do I resolve this? :s05:21
LancelotQuestion: is there a way for me to see how much hard drive space individual packages are taking up?05:21
gmachine_24A friend of mine says the hardest lessons to learn in life are the ones we learn again and again05:21
gmachine_24Lancelot, yes.05:22
abhinav_singhwhat does "ii" means here http://pastebin.com/hhgMc8WJ05:22
esiriruffdog stumbed mean ? i did used sudo init 005:22
Lancelotgmachine_24, how do I go about doing that?05:22
gmachine_24Lancelot, do you mean packages or install packages?05:22
esiriruffdog let me try  sudo /sbin/init 0 :)05:22
ruffdogesiri: When I say "stumped" I mean I'm uncertain of what to do.  All of the things I mentioned should have worked.  You tried to type "sudo /sbin/init 0" into your terminal and it didn't shut down?05:22
Lancelotgmachine_24, just packages in general...what's the difference?05:23
andy_question: I got too ambitious trying to strip away extraneous applications after installing the xfce desktop environment. now all I have is a command line when I boot into ubuntu. how do I get xfce back?05:23
ruffdogalbert: what's your question?  You only typed "startx"05:24
here4thegearK, I'm using joomla and require the use of sendmail on a server who's email is actually hosted on gmail. some emails sent go to spam, some just don't get sent at all. is there perhaps a DNS record that I need to set up?05:24
Lancelotstartx isn't a question05:24
albertI have no question05:24
Lancelotit's the answer to andy_ 's problem05:24
gmachine_24Lancelot, well a package is typically a *.deb file05:24
I_wanna_learnHi I am new to Linux world, I am a hardcore Window user, is ubuntu good to start with ?05:24
Jordan_U!who | albert05:25
ubottualbert: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:25
bastidraZorandy_: xubuntu-desktop should get you back to where you need to be.05:25
gmachine_24Lancelot, you know, something you dl and install05:25
Lancelotgmachine_24, okay, makes sense, how about stuff I got through repositories?05:25
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, still here?05:25
albertI see05:25
andy_bastidraZor: many thanks. I'll try it.05:25
gmachine_24After that, finding out how much an installed program occupies usually involves scoping out how big the install folder(s) is are.05:25
LibraratI was trying to set up dual displays earlier and have managed to botch my ubuntu install entirely -- x will no longer start at all, and I can't get failsafe to load either (it crashes with an error saying no suitable driver found, and no vesa either).  The best I get is a command prompt.. how do I get X back?05:25
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:25
gmachine_24Lancelot, are you saying you've not done a sudo apt-get clean install command? ;)05:26
JeffCBRubottu: I was hoping for the soda.05:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:26
nroy1Jordan_U:  any ideas? is there a boot-cd version of the gnome disk utility?05:26
Lancelotgmachine_24, no.... what's that for?05:26
gmachine_24Lancelot, to clean up the dl .deb files05:26
ruffdogesiri: did it work?05:26
esirihi again05:26
Lancelotgmachine_24, you'll have to forgive me. I'm not too familiar with unix systems. I'm planning to spend time on it later05:26
Lancelotgmachine_24, isn't that what the computer janitor application does?05:26
esiriruffdog did not work05:26
andy_bastidraZor: what command do I run to get the desktop to start? Sorry, I'm a noob at the command line.05:27
Murphantwhen I press ctrl-alt-f6, it should bring me to a new command line session login, right?05:27
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, I seemed to have fixed my problem by putting the following command into startup applications ---->  "alsactl init"05:27
bastidraZorandy_: install the package then reboot05:27
StarminnMurphant: "CTRL+ALT+F1 -> F6" are command lines. CTRL+ALT+F7 is the GUI.05:27
gmachine_24Lancelot, packages dl via apt-get are placed in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory05:27
Jordan_Unroy1: Palimpsest is included in recent Ubuntu LiveCDs, but I highly recommend figuring out what is wrong with your partition table before trying to modify it further.05:27
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, this way it automatically sets up my sound and everything and I don't have to do anything05:27
StarminnMurphant: That is, F1 through F605:27
Jordan_Unroy1: If you don't you risk serious data loss.05:28
ruffdogesiri: Okay.  I'm out of ideas.  Poss another user here can help with your shutdown problems.  Maybe ActionParsnip.  You should repost your question.05:28
rtzwhere is the network channel?05:28
rtzI have couple of network questions05:28
gmachine_24Lancelot, and you must forgive me, I've been using Linux for more than a decade and there was no such thing as a computer janitor - although I have seen the icon in my system :D05:28
Jordan_Urtz: #freenode05:28
=== rtz is now known as Guest78293
ActionParsniprtz: ##networking if memory serves05:28
* unreturned hello world05:29
Guest78293it says i'm banned05:29
esiriruffdog thanks a lot for try help me :)05:29
Jason1Hi all. I've been having trouble with an intermittent connection after configuring opendns. Any advice on how to diagnose the issues?05:29
Lancelotgmachine_24, I've been using ubuntu for a little over a year and a half now. I just haven't had the time to read up on the background stuff yet05:29
ActionParsnipGuest78293: ask in #freenode about bans05:29
gmachine_24Lancelot, it's constant learning.05:29
ruffdogGuest78293: for ubuntu network I think "#ubuntu-network"05:30
=== Guest78293 is now known as rtz1
JeffCBRConstant learning forever.05:30
crlcan81I'm trying to get sudo burg-install to run and any designations for my drive that gparted list, as well as any of the alternate designations, like hd1, or hd0, give me /usr/sbin/burg-probe: error: cannot stat 'drivename#'.05:30
Lancelotgmachine_24, well that works, I'm trying to figure out how I managed to fill up my drive05:30
ruffdogesiri: Yes.  Sorry I couldn't resolve it with you :( :(05:30
Lancelotgmachine_24, well almost05:30
Murphantok for the command line, but when I press it I just get pixelated colors at the top of the screen05:30
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, idk why it won't save my audio setup, but if alsa all ready knows my system, it *should* for future references, and alsactl init  *should* therefor work always05:30
gmachine_24Lancelot, yes, that is one way.05:30
ruffdogGuest78293: scratch that.  I was wrong.05:30
Librarat I was trying to set up dual displays earlier and have managed to botch my ubuntu install entirely -- x will no longer start at all, and I can't get failsafe to load either (it crashes with an error saying no suitable driver found, and no vesa either).  The best I get is a command prompt.. how do I get X back?  I was googling for a fix and ruan an apt-get purge xserver-xorg and then apt-get install xserver-xorg ... which now lead05:30
Librarats me to the no driver found... :s05:30
Lancelotgmachine_24, so sudo apt-get clean install will delete these archived packages?05:30
gmachine_24Lancelot, the ones in that archive, yes.05:31
andy_bastidraZor: thanks. I try this (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop), and I get a long list of "Failed to fetch" all kinds of things. The final message is: "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?" (that response shows up without quote marks).05:31
esiriruffdog i did ask many forum my shutdown issue but cant correct yet, i will sent a report thanks again :)05:31
gmachine_24Lancelot, these are debian packages05:31
MurphantI'm thinking it's not a video driver issue since I'm working in CLI, could it be a monitor problem?05:31
nroy1Jordan_U: honestly, there ARE some bad sectors in both the disks, but i have managed to keep those areas in the free (unpartitioned) zone. And it seems some drives have wrong info on start/end of sectors/cyllinders. I hope manually adjusting them via a good partition manager like disk-uti will fix it. but CAN i use disk utility via boot cd... it is not available on solaris.05:31
bastidraZorandy_: what version of xubuntu are you using?05:31
gmachine_24Lancelot, you probably have other packages or software dl that could still be in the compressed version if you did not delete the dl file after installation.05:32
ShapeShifter499g_0_0, thanks for your help anyways05:32
Checkmatehi, I recently installed ubuntu server and I want to install an irc bot. I notice an user group called 'irc' in Ubuntu, what does it do may I ask?05:32
Lancelotgmachine_24, okay, so how do I deal with those then?05:32
gmachine_24There is a program or utility that will list major files for you............ but it escapes me at the moment.05:32
Jordan_Ucrlcan81: GRUB2 has theming capability as well. I highly recommend using that instead of BURG (which doesn't appear to be maintained anymore and when it was was a one man fork).05:32
gmachine_24Lancelot, if you know where you dl them, you just rm them05:32
crlcan81ahh would have been nice for the websites to say that :(05:33
Lancelotgmachine_24, the disk usage analyzer?05:33
gmachine_24you go to the directory and do sudo apt-get rm <filenametoremove>05:33
andy_bastidraZor. Good question. Checking...05:33
gmachine_24Lancelot, I think that might be more of a global shapshot but give it a try.05:33
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: why is apt-get needed for folder removal??05:33
Jordan_Unroy1: Yes you can use palimpsest from an Ubuntu 10.10 liveCD. But please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" before you do so.05:33
Lancelotgmachine_24, it gave me a pretty pie chart05:33
gmachine_24Lancelot, yeah, that's what I thought.05:34
gmachine_24Lancelot, give me a second and I will look up the name of that utility.05:34
Lancelotgmachine_24, there's also a very detailed listing here05:34
BVBrandom question.. anyone know where i can get cheap office space.. Like $100/month? can be anywhere in the US05:34
Lancelotevery single directory05:34
albertesiri :/05:34
esirialbert ? :)05:34
LancelotBVB, you could try a cardboard box, but the rent is outrageous!05:34
Roastedoh boy. rhythmbox acting up again.05:35
=== cardamon is now known as cardamon{mobile}
RoastedI give up.05:35
gmachine_24ActionParsnip, good question. It all depends really on the permissions the dl program/pgk has.05:35
albertyou can  sudo gedit /etc/modules05:35
gmachine_24Lancelot, does it list space occupied?05:35
nroy1Jordan_U:  ok, i"ll see you from the live cd in a min05:35
Jordan_U!gksudo | Lancelot albert05:35
albertadd  apm power_off=105:35
ubottuLancelot albert: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:35
Librarat I was trying to set up dual displays earlier and have managed to botch my ubuntu install entirely -- x will no longer start at all, and I can't get failsafe to load either (it crashes with an error saying no suitable driver found, and no vesa either).  The best I get is a command prompt.. how do I get X back?  I was googling for a fix and ruan an apt-get purge xserver-xorg and then apt-get install xserver-xorg ... which now lead05:35
Librarats me to the no driver found... :s  What do I need to do to get Xserver back?05:35
esiriActionParsnip i am used ubuntu 10.04 i have shutdown about that05:35
rtz1 i have two ISP ie (first gateway) ( second gateway) and i have dhcp  for my clients... i want half of my clients ( to go out thru 1st gateway and my second half (192.168.128/25) to go thru second gateway05:35
Lancelotgmachine_24, it lists each directory, and then a breakdown of the percentage of the current directory space, and it's actual size05:35
esirialbert u wanna see /etc/modules/?05:35
rtz1ubuntu 10,.10 sry05:35
lightadoes someone here can link me to a good usbcreator for windows ? (base os linux, target win2k)05:36
albertthis can help you shutdown05:36
gmachine_24ActionParsnip, when you dl a debian package I believe it comes with permissions that only allow the su to ex, read, write, etc.05:36
LancelotJordan_U, let me give this a try05:36
gmachine_24ActionParsnip, if you change the permissions to give users free reign, then you can probably remove the original file/package without using sudo05:36
andy_bastidraZor: "uname -r" returns "2.6.35-25 generic," but I don't think that's the xubuntu version, is it?05:37
rtz1 i have two ISP ie (first gateway) ( second gateway) and i have dhcp  for my clients... i want half of my clients ( to go out thru 1st gateway and my second half (192.168.128/25) to go thru second gateway05:37
Starminnlighta: So you want to install Windows? Have you tried the folks over at ##windows?05:37
rtz1can someone help me ?05:37
MurphantMy question got drowned, sorry for the repost: When I press ctrl-alt-f1, I get a bunch of pixelated colors at the top of my screen instead of a readable, black-and-white prompt, any ideas why it is the case?05:37
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: yes, but apt-get isn't needed to rm a directory.05:37
bastidraZorandy_: close enough, that would indicate you're using 10.10 .. did you try sudo apt-get update?05:37
albertesiri you can  try my way05:38
lightayep i'm there also Starminn, reading some tutorial but if you had a good link I'd be pleased if you share it =)05:38
crlcan81thank you. for some reason ubuntu's repositories listed burg as newer then grub2 and better.05:38
gmachine_24ActionParship, I was talking about removing a program file that had been downloaded and was then installed. If that was unclear, I apologize.05:38
Jordan_Ucrlcan81: You're welcome.05:38
esirialbert http://paste.ubuntu.com/570401/05:38
LancelotJordan_U, this is turning up much more stuff, thanks05:38
Librarat Sorry for the repost, but I keep drowing :\    I was trying to set up dual displays earlier and have managed to botch my ubuntu install entirely -- x will no longer start at all, and I can't get failsafe to load either (it crashes with an error saying no suitable driver found, and no vesa either).  The best I get is a command prompt.. how do I get X back?  I was googling for a fix and ruan an apt-get purge xserver-xorg and then05:38
Libraratapt-get install xserver-xorg ... which now leads me to the no driver found... :s  What do I need to do to get Xserver back?05:38
crlcan81now gonna add my personal desktop walkpaper choices and a few other things.05:39
Starminnlighta: No, unfortunately I have nothing to shed on the situation. Just making sure you asked in a Windows channel too as they'd likely know better than us. :)05:39
esirialbert i can try why not,05:39
gmachine_24This is what I wrote: you go to the directory and do sudo apt-get rm <filenametoremove> ... the directory being where you dl the program file05:39
gmachine_24Librarat, someone give Librarat the pastbin addy05:40
andy_bastidraZor: I did. It gives me a list of things it "failed to lock," then asks me if I'm root. Then I enter "sudo bash" to become root. But when I run apt-get update, I get another long list of "W: Failed to fetch etc." and ending with "W: some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."05:40
albertesiri  add this line at the end of  modules   apm power_off=105:40
Libraratgmachine_24, not sure what you're asking me for .. :s05:40
=== dbland is now known as Forge
rtz1does anyone have an answer to my q?05:41
albertesiri good lucky to you05:41
=== Forge is now known as Guest72345
esirialbert i did try before add    apm power_off=1 but stil same :)05:41
gmachine_24Lancelot, I think you're on your way, right?05:41
Jordan_Ugmachine_24: apt-get has no "rm" option, nor does it perform a function like what you are explaining.05:41
Starminnlighta: You have the .iso?05:41
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: so why not just: rm -r folder-or-filname-here05:41
albertesiri I am sorry05:42
=== Guest72345 is now known as dbland
lightajust need to know wich file to put to make it bootable05:42
albertesiri  I will go to school05:42
Starminnlighta: Why not go to System->Administration->Startup Disk Creator and make it? I've never done it myself but try it out?05:42
esirialbert seems havent luck :)05:42
gmachine_24Jordan_u, god, of course you're right. I'm sorry - my mind is trying doing too many things at once.05:42
gmachine_24leave off the apt-get05:42
Jordan_Ugmachine_24: np :)05:42
rtz1who has a lil knowledge about nat here ?05:43
Starminnlighta: What do you mean "Which file to make it bootable"?05:43
lightaisn't this create only linux distri ? I never tryed but, yeah let's give a try =)05:43
gmachine_24devine a little05:43
Jordan_U!anyone | rtz105:43
ubotturtz1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:43
esirialbert thanks good luck too :)05:43
rtz1 i have two ISP ie (first gateway) ( second gateway) and i have dhcp  for my clients... i want half of my clients ( to go out thru 1st gateway and my second half (192.168.128/25) to go thru second gateway05:43
rtz1I keep posting it lol :P05:43
rtz1do u see my question?05:43
lightawell for usb you often need BOOT.ini folder and lots of thing like that, I wish I'd as easy as cd, but cd is dead.. and I don't have any lector so05:44
Libraratgmachine_24, how can I suppliment my hep request? I know what pastebin is, but I'm not sure how it applies in my current situation. the vesa module cannot be found, and xorg is failing to start, even after dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:44
Jordan_Urtz1: Yes. And if anyone is around that can answer it they will.05:44
gmachine_24ok, I meant DEFINE a little.... not 'devine a little'05:44
bastidraZorandy_: have you made any changes to your /etc/apt/sources.list? it sounds as if you've borked them in some way.05:44
Starminnlighta: I've always made my Linux CDs by just right-clicking on the .iso and hitting "Write to disc..." so I'd imagine you could (maybe) set the "disc" to your thumb drive?05:44
Lancelotgmachine_24, yup, that helped. thanks05:45
Starminnlighta: I've never succeeding in botting from a USB, and I'm not sure if it's me or my somewhat-old system. *shrug*05:45
rtz1Jordan_U, ty05:45
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:45
andy_bastidraZor: I think that must be exactly what I (unintentionally) did. Any suggestions as to how to fix this?05:45
gmachine_24I was at the ER yesterday morning at 3:30 because I couldn't breathe and so I'm kind of whacked out on meds.... perhaps I should give a big "caveat emptor"05:45
lightayeah but linux usb are easier to create then windows in my opinion05:45
bastidraZorandy_: paste your sources.list05:45
gmachine_24If you spend enough time to really learn Linux - and I am not nearly there but am working on it - you will find it is truly amazing.05:46
gmachine_24so.... many..... options05:46
Lancelotgmachine_24, I've heard. Well, thanks for the help. Cya05:46
andy_bastidraZor: how to generate that list? (Sorry, like I said: noob.) Also, key fact I didn't mention: it's on a different computer.05:46
gmachine_24Has anyone had a go at setting up Android on a Ubuntu/Linux PC?05:47
cybertekanyone know how to fix bind9 "update_resolv: not found"  errors?05:47
gmachine_24Lancelot, you're welcome05:47
Andrew___Hi I am new to Linux, a hardcore windows user, but wanna shift, which flavour is best ?05:47
Starminnlighta: Well, all the links I can find are about creating a Windows-bootable USB *from* Windows (i.e. downloading programs, etc., etc. in typical Windows fashion). I'd just guess around. I can't help you much more (obviously) but I think you might be asking the wrong questions. ;) Try asking in this channel what Ubuntu programs can make a bootable USB and then ask the Windows channel what files it needs/what it should look like after 05:47
gmachine_24Learn the command line, Luke05:47
Andrew___Hi I am new to Linux, a hardcore windows user, but wanna shift, which flavour is best ?05:48
ActionParsnipJordan_U: that's what I thought..05:48
Jordan_U!best | Andrew___05:48
ubottuAndrew___: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:48
gmachine_24Andrew_, chocolate05:48
andy_bastidraZor: maybe the simplest thing is to start over with my bootable Ubuntu 9.10 usb?05:48
ActionParsniprtz1: I know how it works, if its specifically networking you want then there is ##networking which may help05:48
bastidraZorandy_: http://pastebin.com/eNi1AMJ9   ..instead of 'lucid' yours should say 'maverick'   compare your list05:49
rtz1ActionParsnip: thnx buddy but they seem to be sleeping :)05:49
ActionParsniprtz1: thats not about NAT, that's about DHCP05:49
gmachine_24is lighta still there?05:49
rtz1ActionParsnip: dhcp server is easy to setup .. i just need this nat rule05:49
rtz1ActionParsnip: FYI it's mangle .. I need to mark packets as they go out so they know where to go out05:50
Starminngmachine_24: He hasn't parted the channel yet, it seems. He probably just hasn't checked back. He hasn't parted though.05:50
gmachine_24Starminn, he just wants to make a bootable jump drive?05:50
ActionParsniprtz1: you will need to setup 2 logical networks, one where one half of the network connects and one where the other half connects. Setup the dhcp service to distribute the right gateway to each then set the subnetworks to go through the single nat point to the web05:50
feg_mxhi all05:50
esiriI have a problem with shutdown  , I'm running Ubuntu version  10.04 lts desktop ,When I try for shut down , all process done and last said power down but dont power off.05:50
lightayeah, just 2s guys05:51
gmachine_24esiri, are you using a shutdown command i.e. cli? or what05:51
rtz1ActionParsnip: i wish u could explain it in cli :P05:51
sacarlsonrtz1: I used mangle for shaping some time back05:51
baegleIs there a way to do a fresh ubuntu net install from the command line of an existing system?05:51
ActionParsnipesiri: try adding the boot option:   acpi=force05:51
baegleOr am I required to burn a CD?05:51
rtz1sacarlson: i used it with other things like routers OS MIkrotik or CISCO05:52
feg_mxsomebody can helpme?   I installed Elastix, but I don0t know which is the extension number to check voicemail05:52
andy_bastidraZor: I get "no such file or directory"05:52
esirigmachine_24 i did used many comand about that  sudo shutdown now  power off init 0 ,,05:52
bastidraZorandy_: when you do what?05:52
ActionParsniprtz1: if you have 2 networks, one network can be routed through a different gateway to another, thereby splitting the network as you desire05:52
Jordan_Ubaegle: There are multiple ways. All of them relatively advanced.05:52
andy_sorry - misunderstood your directions. Trying.05:52
Starminngmachine_24: He wants to make a bootable USB, but he wants to make it Windows-bootable. Problem is, he's using Ubuntu to make the USB and all the tutorials call for using Windows to make it, so he's trying to figure out how to do it from Ubuntu. (P.S. I think he's back now)05:52
lightaok, yeah Starminn =( sound long maybe I'll ask a friend to make one for me instead. gmachine_24 you had something for me ?05:53
rtz1ActionParsnip: I know but how can I do that from ubuntu ? i have two of my isps connected to my ubuntu box and 1 LAN for my clients and i want to split them thru different gateways05:53
baegleJordan_U: I live in the CLI, but I'm not looking to recreate what the installer does. I'm looking to run the installer from the CLI05:53
rtz1ActionParsnip: wat do i exactly do05:53
=== tyler is now known as Guest7896
gnewbbeagle: Yes, but is easier to just repair it from boot, hen again I do not know why or the purpose for a net install on your setup.05:53
gmachine_24esiri, yeah, sometimes when I use sudo shutdown -h now I end up with a screen where it says system has been halted... usually I just hit the off button at that point.05:53
ActionParsnipesiri: also make sure you have the latest bios for your system, there may be acpi fixes in the newer versions (if one exists)05:53
esiriActionParsnip i did but stil same , and also i try  adding acp=off noacpi nolapic acpi=off but stil same05:53
ActionParsniprtz1: what I said, I have no idea what network hardware you have so cannot advise further05:54
Secret1222any time i type anything to do cpan this keeps coming up05:54
gmachine_24lighta, I have windows systems. if you tell me what you need I might be able to do it - the problem is transmitting the result...??05:54
Secret1222how do i stop it05:54
FloodBot1Secret1222: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:54
nroy1Jordan_U: here's the info you wanted: http://pastebin.com/M1bz2PEA05:54
gmachine_24Starminn, thanks. :)05:54
rtz1ActionParsnip: i don't see where u said it but .. i let u know I have everything connected .. i just need that firewall rule05:54
Jordan_Ubaegle: Then you'll want to setup grub to boot the netinstaller.05:54
baeglegnewb: I'm just trying to save the DL and burn time05:54
sacarlsonrtz1: oh i've done that too but using dhcp to tell 1/2 of my clients to use this gateway and the other 1/2 to use the other05:55
baegleJordan_U: sweet, thanks05:55
rtz1ActionParsnip: so it doesn't matter what kinnda hardware i have05:55
Secret1222i did05:55
Secret1222use pastebin.com05:55
andy_bastidraZor: I see the page to which you've directed me. How do I generate a source list from the terminal for comparison?05:55
rtz1sacarlson: how'd u do that?05:55
johnson81385Hi all05:55
bastidraZorandy_: nano /etc/apt/sources.list   ..this will open it without the ability to change it.05:55
johnson81385 I am trying to setup a Samba Domain controller with LDAP backend. The version of Ubuntu is 10.04 and openldap version is 2.4.21. And i followed the document from the URL  https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-ldap.html. The problem with my setup is I am not able to Join windows machines to the domain.05:56
Secret1222can someone tell me how to stop it05:56
rtz1sacarlson: they idea is that they are clients and i want them to be able to ping each other or share files while goin out to the internet thru different isps05:56
gnewbbeagle: Here it is:> http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu05:56
Jordan_Ubaegle: You're welcome. If you need more guidence than that feel free to ask.05:56
johnson81385any help would be really great05:56
bastidraZorandy_: unless you're in the 'sudo bash' terminal.05:56
rtz1sacarlson: i'll just use cisco to do thsi for me but i so wanted it to be on ubuntu05:56
sacarlsonrtz1: I'll take it pm since it's not ubuntu related05:56
esiriActionParsnip i dont check that yet but after upgrade with new kernel 2.6.32-28-generic or after installing s2-liplianin-dkms driver i have issues power off , i did back old kernel and remove s2-liplianin but stil same cant shut down05:56
rtz1sacarlson: thnx05:56
lightayeah gmachine_24, I sure have an ftp for storing file but I know usb need to be in fat32 to be recognize and idk what else it need. Otherwise i'm looking for an win2k usblive05:56
immyis it possible to make alt+tab tab across workspaces? so can I switch functionality between alt+tab and ctrl+alt+tab?05:56
Secret1222how do i install cpan module from  apt-get05:56
kwchow to i change listening port onskype05:57
ActionParsnipesiri: is the system a branded PC or laptop05:57
raido Secret1222 thts what cpan is for, not apt05:57
DaGeek247johnson81385 #samba might be able to help.05:57
gmachine_24you still here boy?05:58
esiriActionParsnip desktop not branded05:58
andy_bastidraZor: thanks. Looks like the list starts "deb cdrom: [Ubuntu0netbook-Remix 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release i386..."05:58
=== adamruffolo is now known as ruffdog
Jordan_Unroy1: Ok, so it was just the fact that your hard drive has hardware problems that was creating issues for GParted. So while you should not trust this drive with any important data, it's probably no more dangerous to use palimpsest to modify partitions than it is to use the drive at all.05:58
gmachine_24lights, sorry, should have put in the comma05:58
andy_bastidraZor: no, I have "no write permission" at the bottom of the screen05:59
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:59
gmachine_24lighta, since I am a bit uncertain what you want, check this page http://bootdisk.com/pendrive.htm05:59
lightaok gmachine_24 , hmm05:59
gmachine_24and everything else at that web site05:59
koolhead11hello all05:59
mickster04SO, I have ubuntu installed on sda5, and windows on sda1. grub2 is also on sda1, ubuntu10.10, clean install. grub2 will not boot into windows anymore, it just loads itself up every time05:59
koolhead11any ldap guru here :P05:59
koolhead11we have some issue with it05:59
bastidraZorandy_: it appears you have messed up your /etc/apt/sources.list  :|  mixing two versions of ubuntu.06:00
Jordan_Umickster04: You accidentily installed grub to your windows partition.06:00
nroy1Jordan_U:  ok, but i'm still gonna need help adjusting the partitions.06:00
mickster04Jordan_U: clearly06:00
esiriActionParsnip sorry my english not well i mean i didnt buy present desktop .06:00
baegleJordan_U: Not finding many up-to-date posts on the topic06:00
andy_bastidraZor: that makes sense, as I was using 10.10 before I screwed this up. Any suggestions for a fix?06:00
mickster04Jordan_U: can I fix it without reinstalling windows06:00
andy_bastidraZor: and thanks for your generous help, btw.06:01
DaGeek247mickster04 the !grub command can tell you how to restore grub06:01
nroy1disk utility is seeing the primary partitions and the ext. part, but is not seeing the logical partitions inside the extended.06:01
Jordan_Umickster04: In the future, never install grub to a partition, always to the mbr. To restore the windows bootloader follow this guide: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector06:01
mickster04DaGeek247: yeah, this is a aspecial case06:01
gmachine_24Also, MS has image DLs available of its OSes - Apple heads use these along with VMWare to install Windows Apps on their precious MacBooks06:01
bastidraZorandy_: what version did you install, did you upgrade your installed version to a new version, if so, how?06:01
gnewbbeagle: And here>: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryInstallation06:01
DaGeek247mickster04 special case?06:02
gaelfxhere come the fireworks06:02
mickster04DaGeek247: yeah, !grub won't help me06:02
DaGeek247hai RaNa!06:03
andy_bastidraZor: I started w/9.10, then installed upgrades as they became available through the software center. I ended up at 10.10. Then the other day, I thought I'd try xfce...06:03
kibayaevilbug is your cdrom visible in bios06:04
andy_bastidraZor: and thus began my tale of woe.06:04
raidoSecret1222: do you know how to use the cpan shell?06:04
* WhiteCrow1 hi all06:04
gnewbmickster84: There is a System Rescue CD from a few places, I saw it on distro watch that could maybe help you.06:04
Starminnandy_ So what is wrong, what do you expect to accomplish, and what is happening instead? (Just trying to make it easier for others to help)06:05
mickster04!tyab | gnewb:06:06
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:06
evilbugkibaya: why do you ask?06:06
Starminnandy_ Oh sorry you are already being helped. Disregard that. :)06:06
andy_Starminn: thanks - bastidraZor is on the case here. Thanks for your willingness to help out, though.06:06
Jordan_Ubaegle: Dowload the netinstall kernel and initrd then add an entry like this: http://pastebin.com/wrugrf7r to /etc/grub.d/40_custom then run "sudo update-grub". Then if you reboot you should see the "Ubuntu netinstaller" entry in your grub menu and you can select it and install normally.06:07
kibayaevilbug: may be it is visible set as the first boot devise but it is not active for booting06:07
kibayaevilbug: which type of machine is it06:07
evilbugkibaya: you must be confusing me, i haven't spoken about any problems.06:08
bastidraZorandy_: the pastebin i gave you, your sources.list should mirror that .. 'lucid' in the pastebin should be 'maverick' in yours. after you confirm this do a: sudo apt-get update  .. exit out of sudo bash and just use sudo .. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:08
baegleJordan_U: thank you06:08
StarminnI tried setting up a PAE kernel -- upon GRUB boot it lists it as PAE, but it my machine still does not recognize the RAM it should be seeing. Any pointers?06:08
gnewbmickster04: I saw a System Rescue CD on distro watch , but then again, there is nothing like a good backup routine.06:08
Jordan_Ubaegle: You're welcome.06:08
nroy1 :'(06:08
kibayaevilbug:sorry mistaken identity06:08
Secret1222harley@Harley:~$ wine /home/harley/GNAAender.exe06:08
Secret1222wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables06:08
Secret1222how do i install it06:08
FloodBot2Secret1222: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:08
evilbugkibaya: not a problem.06:08
Secret1222for wine06:08
c_nickMy Desktop folder says 2.7GB free while GParted says 6.3GB Free how much exactly is the free space?06:09
andy_bastidraZor: I think I'm following you. So I should generate that sources list as root, alter the first line to read "maverick," then run sudo-apt-get update, then exit out of sudo bash and use sudo nano etc to see the new sources list?06:10
gaelfxc_nick: gparted says 6.3GB free for what partition?06:10
ActionParsnipc_nick: what does: df -h   say?06:11
gaelfxc_nick: if your '/' and your '/home' folders are on different partitions, then the free space will be different06:11
* ActionParsnip doesn't trust gui apps for stuff like that06:11
bastidraZorandy_: sudo will make you do things as root. the first line does not matter since it is looking for a CD.. add a # before that line. the rest of the file is the concern06:12
StarminnI tried setting up a PAE kernel -- upon GRUB boot it lists it as PAE (and boots successfully), but my machine still does not recognize the RAM it should be seeing. Any pointers?06:12
nroy1i could really use some help regarding the readjusting of the partitions... :(06:13
Starminnnroy1: Ask it again and see if anybody can help. Just say what you said earlier.06:14
gmachine_24nroy1, you've been here before?06:14
ActionParsnipc_nick: does the df-h command make things clearer?06:15
gmachine_24nroy1, I imagine everyone has already suggested gparted from a live boot disk?06:15
gmachine_24oops. sorry.06:15
nroy1Starminn:  ok06:15
d03boyI'm dumb. I am installing ubuntu server right now and I accidentally didn't install openssh. How do I go back and install it from CD?06:15
nroy1gmachine_24:  gparted is unable to seee the partitions on sdb. disk utility does06:16
gmachine_24which disk utility?06:16
nroy1i just want more space for a new ubuntu install.06:17
nroy1gmachine_24:  gnome disk utility06:17
andy_bastidraZor: I am very sorry, but I think that I misled you accidentally. The first line in the source list has a # mark in front of it, which I guess marks it as a comment? The fifth line is: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted"06:17
gmachine_24nroy1, and what does gnome tell you?06:17
andy_bastidraZor: the first line preceded by a # is the one which mentions 9.1006:18
nroy1it is a gui partition manager, which shows all the primary partitions and the extended partition, but fails to see the logical partitions inside the extended partition.06:18
c_nickgaelfx: ActionParsnip: sorry for not getting back to you earlier.. whats df -h ? gparted says 6.3 GB free for my main disk (disk of my concern)06:19
ActionParsnipc_nick: it's a terminal command06:20
c_nickok wait i will try that06:20
ActionParsnipc_nick: don't confuse disks with partitions06:20
c_nickActionParsnip: ok df -h gives /dev/sda1 as 2.7GB free06:21
fudoghas anyone tried gparted boot off usb and found that it hangs on start up?06:22
c_nickActionParsnip:  Gparted says for the same partition /dev/sad1 as 6.33GB free06:22
gmachine_24nroy1 and you have tried the !df -h command?06:22
gmachine_24nm I see that someone suggested that.06:23
nroy1gmachine_24: bash: !df: event not found06:23
fudogis gparted iso and unetbootin not working?06:23
babaiI have manually installed the nvidia binary drivers from the .run file, how do I uninstall it now?06:24
ActionParsnipc_nick: i'd trust df personally, but thats me06:25
mobius2ckserv identify cobalts06:25
Flannelmobius2: You'll want to change that06:26
mobius2if someone really wants to vandalize my tech supprt chat box they can have it  :P06:26
mobius2greetings channel06:26
mobius2is there an alt for libopenal0a that anyone knows about?06:26
mobius2i seem to get broken and garbled sound when playing my video games :)06:26
gmachine_24nroy1, ok you need to leave the ! out of it06:27
mobius2namely a game called astromenace06:27
gmachine_24nroy1 but try this one fdisk -l /dev/xxx  where xxx is your hd as in sda and you might have to be sudo to run it06:27
c_nickActionParsnip: ok I will go with that :) 2.7 worst case 6.33 best case :)06:27
mobius2anyway it uses libopenal0a06:28
mobius2just wondering about any alternatives06:28
gmachine_24libopenal sounds dirty06:28
nroy1gmachine_24: no response to the fdisk06:28
mobius2yea it really does06:28
gmachine_24nroy1, did you try to run it prefaced by "sudo"06:29
mobius2gmachine_24,  is there anything better that I could use for sound on games with spatial 3d sound?06:29
gmachine_24mobius2, dude, no idea.06:29
nroy1gmachine_24:  YES06:29
gmachine_24nroy1 and you got no response?06:29
gmachine_24as in none?06:29
nroy1gmachine_24:  yes. and sorry for caps06:30
gmachine_24nroy1, np06:30
gmachine_24nroy1, is your drive @ /dev/sda or what?06:30
nroy1gmachine_24:  sdb06:30
gmachine_24nroy1, so sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb yields what?06:31
nroy1gmachine_24:  nothing. another prompt06:32
nroy1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb06:32
gmachine_24it should give you info on your sda drive06:32
gmachine_24sorry, sdb06:32
nroy1well, it doesn't. :(06:33
gmachine_24this is what I get: erikm-desktop:/home/erikm# fdisk -l /dev/sda06:33
gmachine_24Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes06:33
gmachine_24255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders06:33
gmachine_24Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:33
gmachine_24plus another couple of lines06:34
FloodBot1gmachine_24: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:34
nroy1but the gnome diisk utility can see the partitions, and all the partitions are accessible from windows, and my ubuntu iis on sdb1, which is bootable06:34
gmachine_24I didn't use enter as punct... on never mind06:34
gmachine_24ok so don't get mad here............06:34
glitchdanyone know how to add an entry to grub2 to boot a cd?06:35
glitchdinstead of setting the bios to boot cd06:35
gmachine_24but.......... you've checked your /dev/sda under filesystem/dev/sdXX ?06:35
nroy1gmachine_24: my sda is fine. i just need more space for my ubuntu on /dev/sdb106:36
gmachine_24nroy1, ok06:36
gmachine_24nroy1, omg.......... you sdb partitions.... are windows partitions?06:37
glitchdcan someone answer a question for me?06:37
glitchdActionParsnip, i need to steal some knowledge from u06:37
nroy1gmachine_24: i have some ntfs primary partitions on sdb. but ubuntu is on ext406:37
suprscottdoes 10.4 have exFAT mount capabilites?06:38
tripelbabyhello is there a linux that can run on 48M of RAM????06:39
rwwtripelbaby: http://www.tinycorelinux.com/faq.html#req06:40
andy_bastidraZor: thanks for your help. I will try a few more things before giving up: "Jump off bridge (Y/n)?"06:40
andy_night all - thanks for the hospitality and good luck.06:40
gmachine_24nroy1 and when you do a live boot from Puppy Linux or something you can see sdb and the partitions?06:40
gmachine_24night andy06:40
theoshi! i need some help to auto-mount a partition at startup. i am using storage device manager. but it sets root as the owner. so i cant execute file :/ halp06:40
glitchdanyone know how to add boot cd into grub2??06:40
sacarlsonglitchd: I've added grub2 entry to just boot an iso file wouldn't that be better,  then you don't need to burn a cd06:40
tripelbabyrww the guy who's taking the win-98 compaq laptop thanks you!06:41
Blou_Aapi use ubuntu at work right, but i go home,  next morning im back at office and it seems my pc is in sleep mode, but no mouse clicking keyboard tapping would bring it back. Ubuntu crashes every ight for some reason, how can i stop this, im also getting tired of having to set up the correct resoltuion for my other monitor too when i restart06:41
glitchdsacarlson, well honestly that was gonna be my next question, id like to add both if possible. im not always gonna have the option to use an iso.06:41
theosumask and dmask must be the key? or how to edit the fstab?06:42
theosBlou_Aap, did you try ctrl+alt+f1 then ctrl+alt+f7. it should bring it back?06:42
Blou_Aapeven tried 1-706:43
theosdidnt work?06:43
Blou_Aapinope :(06:43
glitchdsacarlson, well how did u add the option to boot an iso to grub?06:43
Blou_Aapits like a sleep mode that fails06:43
nroy1gmachine_24: I AM on a live cd now. ubuntu has gparted and disk utility. du sees them , gparted doesn not.06:43
mickster04Jordan_U: it is now fixed :D you legend :D06:44
sacarlsonglitchd:  this is a start http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860406:45
mickster04Jordan_U: i am now booting back into iwndows, thanks tfor the link06:45
Jordan_Umickster04: You're welcome.06:45
=== robin is now known as Guest32166
mickster04!cookie | Jordan_U06:45
ubottuJordan_U: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:45
glitchdsacarlson, thats just adding a boot from usb to the grub06:45
theosanyone plz halp me with fstab? :)06:45
glitchdsacarlson, i was looking for more specifically boot cd or boot file on machine currently06:46
nroy1Jordan_U: can you help me with the resizing of the partitions please?06:47
sacarlsonglitchd: it's simply a manter of editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom  with your entry06:47
ActionParsnipglitchd: the xpud site shows how you can add an ISO to grub206:47
JeffCBRDoes Ubuntu include anything to check my CPU temp?06:47
glitchdsacarlson, ActionParsnip ok thx guys06:48
gmachine_24can someone pastebin theos  so he can post his fstab file please?06:48
Jordan_Unroy1: No, I don't know how to resize partitions on failing drives.06:49
gmachine_24nroy1, yes, I'm wondering the same thing - if you drive is failing.06:49
* c1truz istirahat06:49
nroy1Jordan_U: just for the time being... until i get a new drive06:49
Blou_AapIf i restart my machine i have to re-setup my ati under System>Pref>Ati Catalyst center to setup the resolution, EVERY time i restart. Kind of getting tired of this why can't it just stay on the resolution i set.06:49
gmachine_24nroy1, I would spend my time making sure I had everything backed up. Which I'm sure you do. :)06:50
twitchJeffCBR: acpi -t06:50
josefigwhat kind of hardware would work on ubuntu for controlling 12 LCD Monitors as multimonitor ?06:50
nroy1gmachine_24: i will, when i have a new large-enough drive06:51
ActionParsnipjosefig: a motherboard with a tonne of pci express slots06:51
mickster04Jordan_U: nope06:51
gmachine_24nroy1, yeah, I know. it's a pain.06:51
mickster04Jordan_U: sorry wrong nick06:51
josefigActionParsnip: haha06:51
gmachine_24I bought a slew of 1T drives a month or two ago and now they are small06:51
josefigI was reading this article: http://www.junauza.com/2010/12/50-monitor-setup-powered-by-25-node.html06:52
nroy1so, no way to move, resize partitions?06:53
Geoffrey2can anyone tell me what file I need to install to provide a Synchronize on Ubuntu One option?  I have the application installed and an account set up....06:53
gmachine_24I saw a computer a guy built to back up all his TIVO recordings ... and it was a special case with like 8 hard drives stacked.... one atop the other... this guy seriously needed a life06:53
JeffCBRtwitch: Thanks. :D06:53
twitchjosefig: wow .. that would get a bit warm though06:53
gmachine_24nroy1, not on a failing drive.06:53
Geoffrey2I'm using Ubuntu 10.10, by the way06:53
twitchJeffCBR: nps06:53
gmachine_24nroy1, do what I do. Take a hammer and electric drill to it.06:54
josefigtwitch: yes, I want to do something like that :)06:54
nroy1well, my disk actually has some important stuff, otherwise i would not be wasting my time here.06:55
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sacarlsongmachine_24: I think gparted might have also worked in nroy1's case06:57
twitchor livecd06:57
gmachine_24sacarlson, he tried gparted06:57
cbilljonesWhats the best way to convert .ape to .flac?06:57
sacarlsongmachine_24: oh didn't read back that far06:58
gmachine_24nroy1, I suppose you don't have access to ontrack tools06:58
gmachine_24sacarlson, yeah, some disk utilities won't read the partitions, etc. on his drive06:58
sacarlsongmachine_24: s/he left06:58
gmachine_24sacarlson ok thanks06:58
dubeyI am suing ubuntu 10.10 on my Acer Laptops. I am noticeing since last 15 days that, In a single day at 4-5 times my wifi connection goes down and system hangs, then i have to hard reboot. What would be the problem ?06:59
gmachine_24I've had to use Ontrack in the past. It takes FOR freakin ever ... but it does pull off your data06:59
gmachine_24you're suing them?06:59
gmachine_24oh. using. nm.06:59
baegleJordan_U: Net Install is failing on disk partition. It's failing on handling the swap partition for some reason06:59
kyosth wrong with my iptux,i can't open it for the 2nd time.is there somebody can fix it.06:59
ActionParsnipdubey: instead, restart the x server, if you are able07:00
Jordan_Ubaegle: Can you get to a terminal and run "swapoff -a"?07:00
ActionParsnipdubey: also test your ram using memtest in your grub menu07:00
twitch!info shntool | cbilljones07:00
ubottucbilljones: shntool (source: shntool): multi-purpose tool for manipulating and analyzing WAV files. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.7-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 66 kB, installed size 264 kB07:00
dubeyActionParsnip: No, even keyboard hangs, totally dead07:00
baegleJordan_U: yup07:00
ActionParsnipdubey: does ALT+K+PrintScreen make the X server restart?07:01
twitchcbilljones: install it then use shnconv -h07:01
cbilljonestwitch ok thanks07:01
scottnychow can install xemacs on ubuntu07:01
dubeyActionParsnip: I haven't tried that07:01
sacarlsondubey: I've only seen that when  ndiswraper is used07:01
ActionParsnipdubey: didn't think so07:01
baegleJordan_U: Didn't seem to help, though. the attempt to mount failed07:01
dubeyActionParsnip: I have to try this next time07:02
Jordan_Ubaegle: When are you seeing an error about mount failing?07:02
ActionParsnipdubey: i'd test your ram too07:02
baegleJordan_U: During the disk partition step during install07:02
JeffCBRscreen is flipping out...07:02
mickster04scottnyc: sudo apt-get install?07:02
JeffCBRor putty is...07:02
dubeyActionParsnip: Using memtest ? Can i test mem during running system ?07:02
whitefirehow to boot with modeset=1?07:03
ActionParsnipdubey: no, hold shift at boot, before grub shows. You will then see the grub menu and you can choose memtest07:03
cbilljonestwitch would "shnconv -o flac *.ape" do all files?07:03
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mickster04scottnyc: or software centre, or go to the wbsite and look for instructions07:04
twitch!info xemacs21 | scottnyc07:04
ubottuscottnyc: xemacs21 (source: xemacs21): highly customizable text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 21.4.22-3.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 52 kB07:04
ActionParsnipdubey: you cannot memtest a running system as the ram changes may make false positives be detected07:04
mickster04!nick | THEBRODOZER|WORK07:04
ubottuTHEBRODOZER|WORK: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.07:04
dubeyActionParsnip: Ok, thanks i will try both next time when system hang, and update you07:04
ActionParsnipdubey: enjoy :)07:05
twitchcbilljones: don't know mate, give it a go but make sure you have back ups .. it might compile it all into one output07:05
cbilljonestwitch ok will do thanks07:05
scottnycok thx gor it07:05
NinjaJeffI killed screen somehow.07:06
=== NinjaJeff is now known as JeffCBR
Jordan_Ubaegle: Can you take a picture of the error as well as the partition setup screen?07:07
Geoffrey2ok, once again, I set up the Ubuntu One service in Ubuntu 10.10, and am even paying for the streaming service...problem being, there's nothing to stream, because I've never been able to discover the secret to UPLOADING anything to the cloud.....07:08
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone07:08
mickster04Geoffrey2: see above...does that help?07:09
baegleJordan_U: not really, I'm going to try from the top and see what happens07:09
NinjaJeffI tried to enable CPU Temp in byobu, and it broke.07:09
baegleJordan_U: taking it from the top appears to have resolved the issue for some reason07:10
baegleJordan_U: Thanks for being available to assist07:10
Jordan_Ubaegle: You're welcome.07:10
gmachine_24ok everyone. have a good night.07:10
Geoffrey2not really, because the site assumes it just works....if it doesn't, you're left scratching your head as to why it isn't....07:10
Blou_AapIf i restart my machine i have to re-setup my ati under System>Pref>Ati Catalyst center to setup the resolution, EVERY time i restart. Kind of getting tired of this why can't it just stay on the resolution i set.07:11
ohsixBlou_Aap: because the driver probably doesn't do xrandre07:12
mickster04Geoffrey2: what's not working? and how do you know it isn't07:12
twitchNinjaJeff: hurm check logs i guess and check if there is a current bug on it07:12
mickster04Geoffrey2: also /join #ubuntuone07:12
Blou_Aapohsix, xrandre ?07:12
Geoffrey2mickster04, is someone actually alive in there tonight?  the several times I've been in there, it's been a room of lurkers, period....07:13
ohsixBlou_Aap: xrandr, type xrandr --query in a console and see if you get any output07:13
mickster04Geoffrey2: iunno07:13
mickster04Geoffrey2: have you actually asked a question with an appropriate amount of detail, "it doesn't work" isn't really detail, what have you tried, what didn't work etc07:14
Geoffrey2mickster04, supposedly when I right click on the Music folder, I should get an option to synchronize the folder, I get no such option...07:14
Blou_Aapohsix, http://openetherpad.org/dhmj6ngilM07:15
mickster04Geoffrey2: i assume you have rebooted?07:15
mickster04Geoffrey2: is the service started?07:15
Geoffrey2hundreds of times.....trust me, this has been ongoing for...months07:15
ohsixBlou_Aap: try the Monitors applet in the preferences to set the resolution07:15
mickster04Geoffrey2: are there right-click options on the ubuntuone logo that give clues away etc?07:15
mickster04Geoffrey2: alternatively dropbox07:16
ActionParsnipdefinately dropbox :)07:16
Blou_Aapin gksudo mode ?07:16
ohsixBlou_Aap: no ... it's a user setting07:16
Blou_Aapit gives me the correct resolutions atm07:17
Blou_Aapbut you say i must try next time it's not set correctly ?07:17
Blou_Aapxorg.conf the resolution is also set correctly thats why I don't understand why I have to set the resolution after every restart07:18
ilonhow can i mount a ext3 filesystem as rw for a user?07:18
garcia_Any had any luck in synching iPod Touch 4.1 in Ubuntu? I can see the iPod within Rythmbox, and apparently I can drag/drop mp3s, but they do not sppear o nmy iPod07:18
twitchBlou_Aap: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8146023&postcount=207:18
twitchBlou_Aap: wrong person sry07:19
ohsixBlou_Aap: because if you're not using the regular applet that actually purports to do that, you're doing something else07:19
twitchGeoffrey2: give this a try http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8146023&postcount=207:19
Blou_Aapi was like what had that to do with the price of eggs ^_^07:19
Eryn_1983_FLallright peeps  i need to remove the  enrypted  disk stuff from my /home its  broen and its  cauing auisance07:19
gaelfxEryn_1983_FL: indeed, it seems to be blocking different keys on your keyboard at different times07:20
Eryn_1983_FLfunny funny07:20
Blou_Aapohsix, it's 2 monitors with different resolutions07:20
FuchsBlou_Aap: have a look at your ~/.config/monitors.xml07:20
Blou_AapI never had this problem with nvidia card before only with ati it seems07:20
ohsixBlou_Aap: you're not hearing me, use the monitor applet and it will be restored at log on07:21
ohsixBlou_Aap: nvidia's driver doesn't use xrandr07:21
Blou_Aapwow Fuchs ur on to something ^_^. it says both my monitors are on 1280x102407:21
FuchsBlou_Aap: then change it to the resolution you would like to have07:22
twitchEryn_1983_FL: follow this mate .. it's not an easy "do" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113412107:22
Blou_Aap4 settings for 2 monitors :/07:22
gaelfxBlou_Aap: just wait til 3-d becomes common, then you have at least 9 per screen07:23
Blou_Aapgoing to try a restart and see if that did the trick07:23
twitchlol ^07:23
aminhelp for seting up a pptp vpn server plz07:24
Eryn_1983_FLi am not  esaily discouraged07:24
twitch!vpn | amin07:24
ubottuamin: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN07:24
_skplcan someone tell me how to get last-exit to play music?07:25
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Blou_AapFuchs, that worked thanks07:26
Fuchsno problem07:26
Blou_Aapwas grasting my tits07:26
* gaelfx wonders if he wants to know what that means07:27
aminno how to setup VPN server07:27
twitch_skpl: you just want to play last.fm?07:27
gaelfxamin: did you read what twitch sent you?07:27
aminyes it is to set up vpn connection not vpn server07:28
twitch!caps | amin07:28
ubottuamin: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:28
navinany one help me for solve the error coming in cross compilation07:28
navini am cross compiling for arm07:28
navin with host x8607:28
ohsixBlou_Aap: use the desktop settings before other applets, cuz people have put a lot of work in making the desktop settings work as they should, where those other applets need manual setup to apply your preferences when you want to, that includes at login time07:28
aminooh caps = shout excuse07:29
Fuchsohsix: the desktop settings do not work well with several proprietary drivers07:29
gaelfxamin: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html is this what you wanted?07:29
ohsixFuchs: those proprietary drivers (nvidia) are broken, ask them to support xrandr07:30
navinamin: do u hav any idea about cross compile07:30
twitch!openvpn | amin07:30
ubottuamin: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!07:30
Fuchsohsix: they work far better than any "free" drivers here, but I guess this is offtopic07:30
ohsixFuchs: anecdotes are really offtopic07:30
inasheenhi, anyone knows how to add menu entries completely from terminal07:31
aminhelp  PPTP vpn server and how to add account after for unti-filtering07:31
ohsixinasheen: you need to add .desktop files to .local/share/applications07:31
gaelfxsometimes I feel like I have no idea what anyone in here is talking about :(07:32
ohsixFuchs: but if you consider "working", like, working, supporting xrandr; they're broken on their face07:32
twitchamin: man openvpn07:32
aminopenvpn is great if Your local Isp Ban Openvpn port07:33
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Geoffrey2twitch, thanks, I ran through the steps, no Ubuntu One folder was even created when everything was reinstalled, and I still have no options to synchronize anything...I suspect I'll have to file a bug report, and see what they can come up with...07:34
Fuchsohsix: we can discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like.07:34
ohsixnot much to discuss07:34
gaelfxamin: pretty sure if you check the man pages, you'll see how to change the port07:34
twitchamin: configure it to run on a different port ..07:34
Guest37553I have installed ubuntu netbook 10.10 on my asus netbook and when i want to change the appearance effects it does not allow me to shows mutter is running cannot change effects07:35
Guest37553please help07:35
twitchGeoffrey2: wow really ... yeah i guess yo will have too mate :(07:35
amintwitch: is it possible to install pptp and open vpn on one server07:35
twitchamin: pptp is an auth method07:36
aminopenvpn is also too isn't it?07:36
ChuI'm having problems upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to Maverick07:37
vadimkiselevWhats episode of the it crowd is the best?07:37
ChuCould someone help me?07:37
twitch!ask | Chu07:38
ubottuChu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:38
KB1JWQ!ot | vadimkiselev07:38
ubottuvadimkiselev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:38
vadimkiselev<ubottu> thanks07:38
ChuOkay. Hello, I'm having problems upgrading from Lucid to Maverick. I've copied the required files and compressed them for analyses. Could someone help me?07:39
KB1JWQChu: Define problems.07:39
gaelfxChu: What method are you using for upgrading?07:40
ChuI'm using the same method: update manager. I'm unable to Upgrade07:40
ChuIf you'd like, I could send in the files07:40
gaelfxChu what does it say when you try to upgrade?07:40
Chu"An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."07:41
ChuI've even tried removing every package not provided by Ubuntu, and yet no luck07:42
lanksis it possible to use the hash symbol '#' inside a config file as part of a value rather than the start of a comment?07:42
Jordan_Ulanks: It depends on the syntax of the config file.07:42
cdbslanks: for that, use \#07:43
raidolanks: yes, it depends what program is parsing the config file07:43
cdbslanks: that escapes the hash and you can use it as part of a value/key07:43
ChuWould you like to see the log files? The error asked me to copy them just in case07:43
lanksok thanks07:43
ActionParsnipLanks: I'd say not. The guys in #bash may know different07:43
gaelfxChu: if you pastebin them, sure07:43
ChuUm, I have no idea what pastebin is07:44
Jordan_UActionParsnip: It's certainly possible in bash.07:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:44
ActionParsnipJordan_U: apparently so. Personally I wouldn't and stick to the KISS ideology07:45
ChuHere you go07:45
ChuThat's from Main.log07:46
ohsixlanks: they're preserved in here documents, and they're documented in the man page07:46
gaelfxChu: well, I'll tell you how I upgraded. I just used a LiveUSB and installed over my old '/' partition and mounted the same '/home' without formating it07:49
gaelfxChu: of course, with that method, you have to reinstall anything special you might have had, but that probably won't be an issue for you07:50
Chugaelfx: I see. I don't mind reinstalling the software, but unfortunately It'll take ages for me to redownload the ISO. I was hoping for an upgrade method.07:50
ohsixChu: you can make sure nothing is pinned, purge any ppa's then look for conflicts in what's left07:51
crlcan81I don't know what I did to my GPG signatures, but whenever I try to reload to check for updated packages, or when I add new package sources and reload for them, I get a GPG error: http://mirrors.cavecreek.net maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2GPG as well as six or eight other GPG errors.07:51
gaelfxChu: even with bittorrent?07:51
Jordan_UChu: It usually takes more bandwidth to upgrade than to download the latest iso and re-install.07:52
ohsixthat message is what you get when the upgrader can't find a solution with the dependencies07:52
ChuAh, how do I do that? I have disabled Ubuntu Tweak from the software center, but I don't know what else07:52
crlcan81in synaptic it gives me those errors via gui, in terminal it just says there's errors you may need to update your..07:52
ChuSoftware sources*07:52
crlcan81how do I fix that though? it didn't happen until after I added a more learning focused Ubuntu tweaker.07:53
crlcan81Didn't actually change any of the gpgs or software sources other then adding to.07:53
Chugaelfx: Even Torrents wouldn't help. It says it'll take over 2 hours. I'm downloading via direct method, since it'd be faster.07:53
gaelfxI guess we have different ideas about what "ages" means07:54
crlcan81Hate when I screw things up.07:54
Tweakyhi everyone. bought a new pc, came with windows 7................ trying to get to the bios screen (hp laptop) to enable the cd drive to boot first so i can install ubuntu, it doesnt even give me text saying press f10 or anything to enter bios mode just goes straight to loading windows. any idea how i can get around this so i can install ubuntu already :/07:54
gaelfxcrlcan81: have you tried disabling all the ppa's or whatever? Maybe if you write them down and re-add them, things will be ok07:55
crlcan81you know how many of those I have..?07:55
twitchTweaky: from boot keep spaming f12 or del07:55
ohsixTweaky: if theres no bios you can try holding C, or pressing f9; it depends on the bios what brings up the menu, hitting escape just after it boots might show the actual boot screen and key combos too07:56
gaelfxTweaky: if you google for your particular model, you should be able to find out which key to press to get into the BIOS on startup, then make sure you change the settings to display the POST screen in the future07:56
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gaelfxcrlcan81: you know how easy it is for those to screw up your GPG signatures?07:56
ActionParsnipChu: if your packages are weird, try the large command block I suggested here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/14634807:56
ActionParsnipTweaky: try F1107:57
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: please see above07:58
ActionParsnipChu: sorry bad tab07:58
suprscottDoes 10.4 have the ability to mount USB drives formatted as exFAT?07:58
gaelfxI hate how Windows 7 notebooks are all preconfigured to keep you from knowing the BIOS exists. I want UEFI dagnabits07:58
crlcan81which part of above?07:58
crlcan81your command block part?07:58
gaelfxcrlcan81: he was talking to someone else07:59
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: yes07:59
Tweakyi have tried every key i cannot get to the bios.... question: if i format the hard drive will this give me access?07:59
ChuTweaky: Try ESC key07:59
gaelfxTweaky: no. What model is your computer?07:59
Tweakyhp pavillion dv5-2129wm08:00
Jordan_Ugaelfx: UEFI can be just as bad, in fact in my experience [U]EFI implementations have been more annoying than BIOS ones far more often than not. <3 OpenFirmware though.08:00
Tweakyi have tried escape, all f keys, and del, during startup08:00
Jason1Hey all. Can someone give me some advice about a network connectivity issue?08:00
ActionParsnipTweaky: as long as Cd is a boot option, yes. I suggest you find your manual to see which button you need08:00
ActionParsnipJason1: ask away08:01
ohsixTweaky: that machine should have the insyde uefi bios, f9 for boot menu, f10 for bios; hitting escape at first splash will show the boot messages08:01
gaelfxJordan_U: this is probably true, but at least with UEFI, there is some hope of it growing in any way08:01
osmosis_paulMorning, somebody know where is the error or this query??08:01
osmosis_paulssh -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/booster_aws.pem ubuntu@REMOTE_MACHINE mysql -uweb -pweb -e "PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE  '2011-02-18 13:23';"08:01
crlcan81what's bin/bzip2/ returned 'Error Code 2' mean?08:02
Jason1ActionParsnip: thanks man. Someone else on another channel just jumped in.08:02
osmosis_paulif i execute that query local in the machine works\08:02
crlcan81well, returned an error code (2) actually08:02
Tweakyohsix : i just want to access the bios screen so i can change to cd drive as first boot to install ubuntu ><08:02
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: surely aski08:02
osmosis_paulbut when i try remotely does not works08:02
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, what?08:03
ActionParsnipNg in #sql would be wiser, osmosis_paul08:03
crlcan81because I did what was listed in the text block, and still got the same error.08:03
osmosis_paulthe mysql sentence works if i use in the local machine08:03
osmosis_paulbut if i use as a ssh command dont, so the problem is ssh08:03
crlcan81It's not that the GPG key isn't available, it's that it doesn't exist, anymore.08:04
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: do you have ssh keys setup?08:04
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, yes, i can connect by ssh, the most funny thing is that the response is the command option of mysql like if i dont execute correctly the command08:05
osmosis_paulbut as i told you if execute that command without the ssh stuffs in the local machine works08:05
osmosis_paulis wierd08:05
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: have you asked in #ssh too (or a channel for ssh)08:06
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, dont know that exist thanks!08:07
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: its worth a try08:07
=== eugene is now known as Guest6983
gaelfxTweaky: There should eb a manual here that tells you how to get into BIOS: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/DocumentIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&contentType=SupportManual&docIndexId=64255&prodSeriesId=4210545&prodTypeId=321957#408:09
gaelfxapologies about the spammy link folks08:09
Tweakythank you08:09
gaelfxplease lodge any complaints with the good folks at HP08:09
Tweakylol yeah08:10
ActionParsnipYeah hp don't make pretty urls08:10
_skplrww: hi08:10
rww_skpl: hi08:11
_skplwhat's up?08:11
Jason1Hey there. Can someone give me some advice about a network connectivity issue?08:11
rww_skpl: not the size of #ubuntu's ban list ;P08:11
gaelfxJason1: describe your issue and we'll give it a shot ;)08:11
Jason1configured opendns this morning and now a connection doesn't last longer than about 20 minutes. Have to restart or at least put the computer to sleep.08:13
gaelfxTweaky: looks like you need to hold the ESC key as you turn the laptop on08:13
Tweakygaelfx : ok, will try08:13
kisukeok is any one else having trouble with nividia-current?08:15
Tweakyi guess the issue is that its totally skipping the post screen08:16
mickster04!details | kisuke08:16
ubottukisuke: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:17
crlcan81Well it's corrected on the 'can't recognize' part, but now software sources and the rest says I have duplicate entries. How do I remove copies of the same software sources?08:17
nallideHi guys08:18
gaelfxTweaky: well, there really ought to be a way around that though, I had a lot of trouble with my netbook at first, but eventually I got it08:18
gaelfxcrlcan81: 'Software Sources' under Administration08:18
kisukemickster04: im tring to be, its not cooperating.08:18
gaelfxcrlcan81: oops, or in Synaptic Package Manager08:18
nallideIs it possible to extract XML from PDF, like Adobe08:19
gaelfxcrlcan81: in Synaptic, it's Settings -> Repositories08:19
gaelfxI have no idea why they chose to hide Software Sources in 10.1008:20
Tweakygaelfx: yeah i need to figure out how to get the post screen up so i can edit the bios since it doesnt try to auto boot from cd.. i cant stand this windows garbage! lol08:20
crlcan81Witch part though? in Ubuntu software tab, other software, updates?08:20
kisukeok let me phrase that, has any one tried to install nvidia-current and gotten a dmesg full of "NVRM:rm_init_adapter(0) failed"?08:21
mickster04kisuke: you didn't tell us anything about your problem08:21
mickster04kisuke: better08:21
gaelfxcrlcan81: "Other"08:21
kisukemickster04: i had to dig out a keyboard to drop to a shell08:21
theoshi all! i am not able to connect to my wireless modem after i restarted my system. can i get some help? :)08:22
crlcan81all the extra ppas are disabled, only things active are conical and independent third party.08:22
mickster04theos: have you turned it on?08:22
theosmickster04, yes its turned on08:23
gaelfxcrlcan81: you might also check under "Authentication" to see if it has any keys duped08:23
mickster04theos: my point is we need more details, what have you tried doing08:23
crlcan81once I let sudo apt-get update run.08:23
crlcan81to double check08:23
theosmickster04, ok. dmesg shows "[  890.920773] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready"08:24
mickster04theos: good , now see if anyone can help08:24
mickster04wait and see*08:25
gaelfxtheos: could you pastebin 'ifconfig' or 'iwconfig'08:25
theosthe network manager applet is not searching for wireless networks this time :/08:25
theosgaelfx, do you need the wlan0 part of both? or whole?08:25
twitchtheos: pastebin "lspci -v"08:25
gaelfxtheos: just wlan is fine, but whatever's easiest08:26
crlcan81as far as I can tell, no, no duped keys.08:26
theosok i will pastbin it . just a moment :)08:26
gaelfxcrlcan81: then I have no idea what it's talking about when it says you have dupes :P08:27
gaelfxsorry, wish I were more helpful08:27
crlcan81that's alright, I think I DO know what it is, but no clue HOW it happened.08:27
* gaelfx lulls08:31
mickster04wow, did i just fall off the end of the planet08:32
EvilPhoenixmickster04:  ?08:32
gaelfxif you did, you'd probably end up where I am08:32
mickster04it just went really quiet08:32
EvilPhoenixmickster04:  that sometimes happens08:32
theostwitch, gaelfx http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=FwruN3Ts08:33
twitchtheos: what ubuntu are you running?08:34
theosthe network manager applet is also missing most of the time. i have to put my laptop to sleep to get it back08:34
Tweakythank you everyone who tried to help me, i think i will just take the pc into a shop and pay them to install it then it will be fine. thank you all very much for trying08:34
Lintwhich program work with .in files?08:35
theostwitch, its lucid (10.04)08:35
gaelfxtheos: did you try just adding it back to the panel by right-click and Add to panel...?08:35
theosgaelfx, i couldnt find it there. so cant add :(08:35
gaelfxTweaky: apologies about not figuring it out!08:35
navinany one help me in cross compile of webkit for arm08:35
Tweakygaelfx : thank you!08:36
gaelfxtheos: oh, that's my bad :P08:36
navinmoritz:will you solve the error of cross compile08:36
gaelfxI didn't check that before I said it08:36
twitchtheos: uname -a08:36
theostwitch, Linux illusionist 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 19:48:22 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux08:37
theosdoes it show that i messed up with the kernel before restarting? :D08:37
gaelfxtheos: you said it worked before, right?08:38
theosyes. perfectly well :)08:38
twitchtheos: i have the same chipset as you in a lappy i dont use ... either get maverick or update kernel though external drives etc usb etc08:38
denayviawutmihi, is there anyway someone can create interference on wifi bands? 2.4 GHZ08:38
gaelfxtheos: you could try installing backports-compat-wireless package?08:38
theosok thanks twitch . i just wanted to find the reason why it doesnt work just after 1 restart. i didnt change anything08:39
gaelfxdenayviawutmi: really big magnets?08:39
sacarlsontheos: I suspect it's a network manager thing.  maybe try wicd08:39
theosoh lemme try thanks :)08:39
kisukedenayviawutmi: some wireless telephones, and some ham equiptment08:39
denayviawutmigaelfx: will it affect 5GHZ bands too? i have came to the conclusion that my connection was due to the band08:40
navinmake: Leaving directory `/home/navin/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Release/WebCore'08:40
navinFailed to generate WebCore's derived sources!08:40
navin get the error when cross compile for arm08:40
navinany sol plz?08:40
gaelfxdenayviawutmi: sorry, that was meant as something of a joke. I don't really know08:40
sacarlsontheos: also is your network encrypted? from this it would apear not08:40
boota2hello, guys08:40
boota2anyone understatnds bind9 and dns?08:40
theossacarlson, no. its not encrypted. it used to work 30 mins ago. i restarted the system and it cant find any wireless devices now :(08:41
navinboota2:what u want to ask about dns?08:41
denayviawutmikisuke: i have replace an old router 2.4GHZ with a new dualband one.. when it was 2.4 same problems arose... when i use 5GHZ no slow network.. even if 5GHZ signals suck alot..08:41
theosthe network manager applet says "device not managed" does that help?08:41
mickster04!ot | boota208:42
ubottuboota2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:42
sacarlsontheos: well as we see in iwconfig and ifconfig they are seen,  I assume you mean wlan008:42
gaelfxwhat's the command to scan wireless in terminal?08:42
boota2navin: i want you to ask me about it. i've got job interview about it today08:42
mickster04!ot | boota208:42
denayviawutmikisuke: thats why i say someone might be messing w/my wifi 2.4GHZ connection and would like to know how can one do it.. i have googled and googled with not much luck08:43
sacarlsontheos: the other funny thing is that wlan0 already has an ip address maybe you configured static or manualy in /etc/network/interfaces ?08:43
navinboota2:for that google is always for u08:43
boota2navin: it's not the same, and you do understand it. anyways, already google in parallel08:43
theossacarlson, hehe. yeah i only did "ifconfig wlan0 up" :D08:44
boota2*i already08:44
navinBelea:do u hav any idea about cross compile08:44
Lintnavin, try #gcc08:44
mickster04navin: i am not sure that is entirely ubuntu related either08:44
navinmickster64: i am doing cross compilation...do u hav any idea about it08:45
twitchtheos: u pastebin it yet?08:46
twitchtheos: sry u did .. ok gimme a min08:46
theostwitch, sorry. what should i pastebin?08:46
theosit used to show "default" before in the network connections. then connected to default. pppoeconf would find the modem then and connection was easy08:47
twitchtheos: sry doing a few atm :P .. like i said prolly install maverick instead of lucid08:47
lone_wolfIIcould someone please tell me how I can attempt to reinstall the folder sharing program and service on ubuntu 10.10?08:48
lone_wolfIII'm currently getting the following error:08:48
lone_wolfII 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot create tmp file /var/lib/samba/usershares/:tmpX907JI08:48
mickster04navin: i'm pretty sure thats not ubuntu support08:49
theostwitch, i wanted to stick to the lts. maveric must be good too. i just found it funny that just 1 restart can mess with the system :)08:49
mickster04navin: like Lint suggesteded #gcc or find an arm dev channe;l08:49
crlcan81Finally figured out the problem.  At least it was a learning experience.08:50
haagaHello. I have a machine with 2 NICs with UFW enabled. When i look in kern.log my logs is full with Feb 22 08:41:19 www kernel: [1804669.103704] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=XX:XX:XX:XX SRC=XX.XXX.XXX.XX DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=59 ID=19534 PROTO=TCP SPT=35564 DPT=80 WINDOW=1032 RES=0x00 ACK FIN URGP=0. This is my UFW status: http://pastebin.com/fkxXbd4408:50
haagaIs there a reason for this be blocked?08:50
twitchtheos: imho marerick is better than lucid but each to their own .. whats "dmesg |grep -i wlan" say?08:51
theostwitch, 3 events with --> [  890.920773] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready08:52
sacarlsonhaaga: from what I see there,  you don't need a ufw running at all,  all you need do is turn off applications that listen on ports you don't need08:52
haagasacarlson: Well, turning it of a always an option08:53
navinmickster04:i got the following error when i build webkit for arm as cross compile...mickster04>08:54
someonelikemehello: when i connect my cellphone sony ericsson w300i networkmanager does not respond. i am on 10.10 64bit. it worked fine on 8.04 32bit... how can i fix this08:54
twitchtheos: to get it working there posts advising how to fix intel 5100/5300 AGN cards but like i said goto maverick it will fix it .. btw 11.04 will be out in 2 months :P08:54
navin'import site' failed; use -v for traceback08:54
navinTraceback (most recent call last):08:54
navin  File "/home/navin/WebKit/Source/WebCore/html/parser/create-html-entity-table", line 30, in <module>08:54
navin    import csv08:54
navinImportError: No module named csv08:54
FloodBot2navin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
navinmake: *** [generated/HTMLEntityTable.cpp] Error 108:54
PriyankHi I am new to linux, and want to install it, but need help ?08:55
gaelfxare you asking or telling?08:55
PriyankI am unable to figure out drives?08:55
theostwitch, oh thanks :)08:55
farciarz84hi, how many parallel sftp connections the ssh server can handle?08:56
PriyankI have to drives of same size D: / and G:/08:56
navinFloodBot2:what is your problem08:56
PriyankBut i want to install on G:/ , but linux setup dont show like it08:56
NinjaJeff'night, all.08:56
theosPriyank, you want to install ubuntu? we call them partitions in linux. different names like sda1 etc08:56
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lone_wolfIIcan someone tell me how to reinstall the samba client?08:57
Priyanktheos:  so how do i figure out my partision08:57
someonelikemewhen i connect my cellphone sony ericsson w300i networkmanager does not respond. i am on 10.10 64bit. it worked fine on 8.04 32bit... how can i fix this08:57
theosPriyank, use the ubuntu livecd. open gparted. it will show all your drives/partitions. you can find out which is D: or G: by looking at their sizes etc08:58
Priyanksizes are exactly same08:58
gaelfxon a side note, is there a reason that the default install doesn't put '/' and '/home' on separate partitions?08:59
theosPriyank, then open the folders/partitions in ubuntu and match the data. you know which drive has which data.08:59
syn-ackgaelfx, It's not that "common" of an option, though it ought to be09:00
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: via wifi or bluetooth?09:00
Priyanktheos:  So you mean to say that , While setup I will be able to view contents09:00
someonelikemegaelfx: ?09:00
theosnavin, dont paste so many lines. use pastebin.com :)09:01
someonelikemegaelfx: i want to use the phone a a modem09:01
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: are you connecting to the phone using bluetooth or wifi?09:01
sacarlsonPriyank: you can mount each partition and look inside at the files to determine what might be your g: disk09:01
someonelikemegaelfx: a sorry USB it is09:02
theosPriyank, no. you can use the livecd before installing ubuntu. its like using ubuntu and enjoying it without installing.09:02
PriyankThats what i am doing right now09:02
PriyankI am try Ubuntu09:02
sacarlsonPriyank: oh yes as theos: said you will have to boot a cd first to look inside your disks09:02
PriyankI am on try Ubuntu09:02
theosPriyank, great then. go to menu>places>home09:02
Priyankwait i check !!09:03
someonelikemegaelfx: in ubuntu 8.04 i just connected the phone throug usb and a was on net.. now NM does not see the phone'09:03
theosPriyank, you can see a list of mounted and unmounted partitions on the left side panel. they are your drives09:03
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: hang on09:04
gaelfx!cn | xinxin09:04
ubottuxinxin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk09:04
PriyankIts is not showing the new empty partition I had created09:04
PriyankIt was 10 gb blank one09:04
someonelikemegaelfx: ok, tnx09:04
navintheos:thanks for your kind information09:04
xinxinthis is my first time use unbutu09:05
sacarlsontheos: did you try this for your wlan0  device  sudo iwlist wlan0 scan  to see if it see's your access point?09:05
Priyanktheos:  It is not showing me the partition I had created esp. for UBUNTU , It was a NTFS 10 gb09:06
navinPriynka:where u get problem?09:06
theosxinxin, ni hao ma :)  您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn (i hope thats correct)09:06
PriyankIts Priyank dear09:06
sacarlsonPriyank: can you pastebin us what you see with sudo fdisk -l ?09:06
Priyanknavin:  I am unable to figure out my drive09:07
twitch!torrent > amin09:07
ubottuamin, please see my private message09:07
twitch!p2p > amin09:07
naiveuserhey guys i need help with maverick..........09:07
Priyanksacarlson:  how to do that, I am a Newbie09:07
naiveuserhey help me too.... please... syslog has error09:07
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: can you pastebin 'lsusb'?09:07
vega-!ask |naiveuser09:08
sacarlson!paste | Priyank09:08
ubottunaiveuser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:08
ubottuPriyank: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:08
navinPriyank:use magicdrive for this09:08
naiveuserinstall is failed several times... i dont understand the error09:08
twitch!p2p > amin09:08
ubottuamin, please see my private message09:08
gaelfxnaiveuser: pastebin the error please09:08
Priyanknavin:  magidisk on UBUNTU09:09
theosPriyank, you can open menu>system>administrator>gparted it shows you your all partitions. :)09:09
Priyanktheos:  wait , btw thanks09:09
twitchtheos: use "!cn | username"09:10
naiveuserguys help me out here.. i cant boot........09:11
navinPriyanka:yes dear this will work for Ubuntu also with the help of wine09:11
hagiorπαιδιά ξέρει κανείς πώς μπορώ να κατεβάσω το  ITunes?09:11
theosPriyank, alternatively you can go to menu>places>computer it shows you your mounted partitions09:11
gaelfxnaiveuser: how did you try to install?09:11
Priyanktheos:  yes it is there, its /dev/sda609:11
theostwitch, thanks09:11
naiveusergael i am trying it through usb loader09:11
PriyankBut it is nested in other partition, so is there any problem09:11
theosPriyank, ok good. so you can open it and verify. remember the name /dev/sda6. you have to use it while installing ubuntu.09:12
gaelfxnaiveuser: and what does the error say?09:12
shal3rClient is telling me that his server is configured to mirror data on both hard drives. Am i right that it's using only SDA drive? http://pastebin.com/eJ6gtYD809:12
shal3r# cat /proc/mdstat \ Personalities : \ unused devices: <none>09:12
Priyanktheos:  thanks a lot dear:))09:12
hagiorhello do you know how to download and install iTunes for Ubuntu?09:12
theosPriyank, you can assign a small partition as swap too if you like :)09:12
gaelfx!rs | hagior09:13
ubottuhagior: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.09:13
naiveuseri dint understand.. it installed almost and then one error window popped up...09:13
jess_I want to change my netbook visual effects but it does not let me09:13
DJones!itunes | hagior09:13
ubottuhagior: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee09:13
jess_it says09:13
Priyanktheos:  How09:13
jess_mutter is running cannot switch to other visual effects09:13
vega-naiveuser: nobody is going to be able to help you if you don't give the error. it has been asked for several times now09:13
gaelfxhagior: you should check out wine09:13
hagiorI have wine09:13
theosPriyank, use gparted. you can make new partitions, delete them. increase or decrease their size , label them etc using gparted09:13
naiveusercan i check out the error again through some log files..??09:13
vega-naiveuser: "help, error, fix my problem" is NOT very informative09:13
gaelfxhagior: I'm not sure about how well iTunes works with it, but you can check the appdb on their site09:14
naiveuservega can i use syslog?09:14
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hagiorooo ok09:14
hagiorthank you09:14
theosPriyank, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq09:14
jess_hello can i get some help?09:15
blagis there an easy way with grep to output the rest of a file after a matched line?09:15
gaelfxjess_: with what preciesly?09:15
jess_with monitor visual effects09:15
anonimcan somebody help me with a little script please09:15
arupjoin #csp cention09:15
anonimhow can i detect a sd card if it is ro or rw?09:15
gaelfxjess_: go on...09:15
anonimhow can i detect a sd card if it is ro or rw sau i can mounted manualy?09:15
jess_I cannot switch from normal effects to other effects it says mutter is running09:16
jess_and the visual effects now is set to none09:16
naiveuserI had a different error then.. but now when i am trying to install it gies this: ubi-partman failed with exit code 1009:16
theossacarlson, "iwlist wlan0 scan" gives http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gF7rg6uv09:16
Priyanktheos:  When i selected /dev/sda6 to install it says   "No root file system is defined.Please correct this from the partitioning menu."09:16
jess_and I cannot change it i'm running ubuntu netbook10.1009:16
jess_pls help09:17
someonelikemegaelfx: http://pastebin.com/TTNqFUkr09:17
theosPriyank, you should format the partition to fat32 or ext3 or 4. ubuntu doesnt like ntfs much :)09:17
someonelikemegaelfx: seems phone not present09:17
gaelfxjess_: well, I don't think you can use desktop effects with mutter running, so you either should 'stop' mutter or uninstall it09:17
naiveuserpriyank:you should select a free space for that..09:17
twitch!info vnc | amin09:17
ubottuamin: Package vnc does not exist in maverick09:17
Priyanktheos:  i try it09:18
twitch!vnc > amin09:18
ubottuamin, please see my private message09:18
Bipul`HOw can i know which kernel  source i am  using now ?09:18
jess_gaelfx: and if i do so will i be able to use the effects?09:18
naiveuserguys help me too error:ubi partman failed code 1009:18
pguhi whatz new with ubuntu, i happen to installed ubuntu  10.10 meravick around 6-8 months back ever since then im left chasing with ubuntu news, is there any new ?09:19
gaelfxjess_: I'm not too sure, but it seems there's only one way to find out09:19
jess_gaelfx: how?09:19
naiveuserERror:ubi partman failed code 1009:19
gaelfxnaiveuser: you are trying to install using wubi?09:19
twitchnaiveuser: you got windows still bootable .. if so scan your hdd for badsectors etc09:19
Priyanktheos:  I try it, i will be back later, btw thanks a lot09:19
pgui was using virtualbox 3.2 , now 4.04 has come up .............using virtualbox 4.04  but its over all new to me now09:19
theosPriyank, np :)09:19
naiveuserI just got a new HDD09:19
gaelfxjess_: stop mutter and try again, or uninstall it, restart and then try again09:20
naiveuserno errors...09:20
gaelfxok, fine two ways :P09:20
jess_ok thanks let me try09:20
jess_thank you09:20
naiveuserI am installing in dual boot mode by usb stick09:20
theossomeone got pissed off? :D09:20
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: is the phone set up to be a modem right now? have you tried connecting it in mass storage mode?09:21
cyclobshey guys, need a bit of help installing a nic onto my server09:21
naiveuserubi partman failed code 1009:21
theossacarlson, you there? :)09:21
someonelikemegaelfx: i did not try that yet09:21
twitchnaiveuser: more fool you ... "new hard drive i have no bad sectors" ... hurm ?09:21
naiveusertwitch:what do u mean by that09:22
twitchnaiveuser: how do you know it doesn't ?09:22
twitchnaiveuser: becuase it's new .. giggle09:22
naiveuseri checked it in vista before installing09:22
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: if it recognizes it in storage mode, then it's a driver issue, if not, it's probably hardware09:22
shutznew hdd's can have bad sectors as well...09:22
someonelikemegaelfx: now i tried and it still does not appear in lsmod or in browser09:23
twitchnaiveuser: ohhh vista ... ohh ok ... lolzr09:23
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: have you tried putting it in a different socket?09:23
naiveusertwitch: whattt is it... i am totally a beginner.. help09:23
Bipul`Any one tell me which kernel version i am using now ? is there any command to know about it09:23
glitchddoes anyone know how to modify grub2/burg to add an entry to boot from cdrom??09:23
gaelfx(I might be going to hell for saying that)09:23
someonelikemegaelfx: yes09:23
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: have you tried it in a different computer?09:24
twitchnaiveuser: are you using a livecd to install ... if so .. use disk chek09:24
someonelikemegaelfx: yes, but not recently09:24
cyclobsokay need help installing this http://dusted.dk/?view=Sundance-Technology-Inc-IC-Plus-IP1000-Family-Gigabit-Ethernet-driver onto a server kernal for ubuntu 10,1009:24
naiveuserI downloaded super os 10.10 x64 version ... booting it through USB stick09:24
gaelfxsomeonelikeme: well, you should try that again sometime soon09:24
=== Anthraxium|Detac is now known as Anthraxium
naiveuserhow can I check errors on HDD by ubuntu??09:25
someonelikemegaelfx: ok thanks09:25
twitchnaiveuser: when the boot menu comes up ... check disk09:25
amitany adventerious game in ubuntu s/w centre like alien arena ?09:25
Bipul`amit Try IGI -2 ;)09:25
gaelfxnaiveuser: System -> Administration -> Disk Utility09:25
amitis it in ubuntu s/w centre09:25
naiveusertwitch:i just get usuntu install menu09:25
glitchdno one knows how to add boot cd to grub??09:26
naiveusertwitch:how to go about this disk utility??09:26
amitBipul: i think igi is not in s/w centre?09:26
gaelfxamit: search for it and see09:26
amithave searched09:26
twitchnaiveuser: so on boot you dont get a menu for 5-10 sec's?09:27
amitbut it is not in s/w centre09:27
naiveusergael:cant understand this utility09:27
theoshmm how can i make the system search for wireless devices?09:27
naiveusertwitch:no it doesnot boot to any.. so i use ubuntu usb installer stick09:27
gaelfxtheos: iwconfig09:28
amitgaelfx:IGI-2 is not in s/w centre09:28
theosgaelfx, wlan0     IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:off/any09:28
twitchnaiveuser: yeah and when it goes to the USB it doesnt give you a menu to boot from memtest etc etc09:28
gaelfxamit: there is a whole section in s/w center for games, I would imagine any that are available would be there09:28
amitgalefx: ubuntu is not providing more good games09:29
naiveusertwitch:no i just see ubuntu options.09:29
gaelfxamit: tried nexuiz? it's pretty decent I think09:29
naiveusergael:disk utility benchmark error: deamon inhibited09:29
twitchnaiveuser: what ubuntu options09:29
naiveusertwitch:for trying or installing09:30
amitnexuiz: ok i will09:30
twitchnaiveuser: did u buy or self install the usb stick09:30
sogeking99hey guys, will ubuntu work ok with this laptop? http://www.ebuyer.com/product/23773909:30
naiveuseri did a self install by using unetbootin.09:31
duncan_amit: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/10.10 stumbled across it today might be worth flicking thru09:32
naiveuserdisk utility gave up error... what to do now???09:32
dante2hey guys, will ubuntu will ever become a rolling release09:33
gaelfxsogeking99: sheesh, the longest list in there is the software! Looks fine though, usually Asus laptops work pretty well with ubuntu09:33
twitchnaiveuser: did you see what errors or just GUI errors09:33
gaelfxamit: no prob09:33
naiveuserit said deamon inhibited09:33
twitchon boot or install?09:33
naiveuseri tried benchmarking test again.. same error:deamon inhibited09:33
kevin_naiveuser: sudo killall udisk09:34
dante2does anybody know if ubuntu will become a rolling release ?09:34
naiveusertwitch: I tried disk utility in "trying" menu09:34
sogeking99thanks gaelfx, yeah it will all be uninstalled when it gets to me, postal force better come!09:34
twitchdante2: reallyhave you looked at release dates09:34
Priyanktheos:  hi, are u their09:34
naiveuserkevin: what is that?09:34
kevin_run it in terminal09:34
theosPriyank, yes :)09:34
kevin_what are u trying to do?09:35
=== Corey is now known as Corey-NeedHelp
dante2twitch: I mean I dont want to wait every 6 month for updates, I am using arch and gentoo which have rolling release09:35
naiveuserkevin:udisk: no process found09:35
Priyanktheos:  I am still getting same error even on fat3209:35
gaelfxdante2: it sure seems like it won't, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. If you want the latest of a certain program, chances are there's a PPA that has it09:35
theosPriyank, which error?09:36
Corey-NeedHelpHello i need some help, Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?09:36
Corey-NeedHelpim trying to get my touchpad scroll gesture thing to work09:36
twitch!release | dante209:36
ubottudante2: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:36
twitchdante2: updates come out all the time depending on performance / security / sys resc09:37
naiveuserno help :(09:37
twitchdante2: per release .. as long as it is supported09:37
dante2gaelfx: sure but I want an os that keeps it self online, not like windows where you have to update every singel program09:37
naiveuserinstaller gives error:ubi partman code 1009:37
YankDownUnderCorey-NeedHelp, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160365709:38
twitchnaiveuser: so u r sitting in boot menu usb drive and cannot proceed?09:38
kevin_does anyone know where to find touchpad settings...? they're not found in mouse09:38
naiveuseri am in "trying ubuntu mode" tahts how i can use this chat09:38
YankDownUnderkevin_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160365709:38
naiveusertwitch: i did the benchmark read test on hard disk. nothing strange.09:39
Corey-NeedHelpthanks YankDownUnder09:39
dante2where can you read the reason why its good that ubuntu is not a rolling release ?09:39
YankDownUnderCorey-NeedHelp, Coolbeans09:39
theosanybody knows where the network connections files are stored?09:39
YankDownUnderdante2, http://www.ubuntu.com09:39
dante2even opensuse has it09:39
YankDownUnderUbuntu is Ubuntu. OpenSuSE is OpenSuSE.09:40
joaopintoand opensuse is not a rolling release either :)09:40
joaopintoyou can use ppa's or getdeb to make ubuntu "rolling"09:40
dante2YankDownUnder: do you have an exact link where you can read why its good not to be a rolling release ?09:40
Secret1222As you did not allow me to connect to the internet you need to supply a valid CPAN URL now.09:40
twitchnaiveuser: ohhh you benchmarking sry .. i cna only help with getting you to install/fix :P09:41
YankDownUnderjoaopinto, Yes - just have to read up on it.09:41
sogeking99if i make 3 partitions ('/' 'swap' 'home') can i change to another linux OS without affecting my data?09:41
dante2joaopinto: do you have a link with a tutorial ?09:41
Secret1222what do i put down for that09:41
YankDownUnderdante2, If you're not able to dig through the Ubuntu site, mate, I really can't help ya.09:41
jattsogeking99: yes09:41
Secret1222As you did not allow me to connect to the internet you need to supply a valid CPAN URL now.09:41
Secret1222what do i use for the url?09:41
Lintsogeking99, if you'll be careful09:41
sogeking99careful of what?09:42
naiveusertwitch: help in that... I got error ubi-partman failed code exit 1009:42
joaopintoYankDownUnder, dante2 , there is no such statement about rolling releases, there are common sense problems related to rolling releases, you should be able to find some information about it on forums, etc09:42
=== Corey is now known as Corey-needhelp
overcluckersogeking99: as long as you don't have an encrypted home, you can use it dirty. . .09:43
Corey-needhelpYankDownUnder, the pointing device's program wouldn't work, and for the comment by Slyon "And setting desktop->gnome->peripherals->touchpad->scroll_method to 2 in gconf-editor did the magic for me!09:43
Corey-needhelp" what does he mean09:43
joaopintodante2, not a tutorial, learn about ppa's and getdeb, there are plenty of resources on the web for that :)09:43
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:43
twitchnaiveuser: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1498417 .. have a read and try .. i'm off bro09:44
depeszit seems I can't uninstall java. when I remove sun-java6 - openjdk is installed. and when I remove openjdk - sun-java is installed. how can I check why is that, and get rid of java altogether?09:44
kevin_sogeking99: you shouldnt have much problems.. except home stores more than just data09:45
theoslooks like wicd foind it. brb. thanks everyone :)09:46
twitchnaiveuser: sounds like parts ain't going right wrong space/location/format09:46
twitch!es | ALEJANDRO09:47
ubottuALEJANDRO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:47
pc07Hola grego09:48
pc07eseee gregooo09:48
twitchsuddup dora's :P09:48
alumno_tu vieja09:49
pc12la del niñoooo09:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:49
pc12placa placa09:49
pc12el niño09:49
pc12es un pupitaaaa09:50
eubeyi have an install of ispconfig 3 on an ubuntu operating system that in the systemlog says that is making a new connectio  to pure-ftpd every 5 minutes then immediately logging out, is that a sign of some sort of security hole or is that normal?09:51
twitcheubey: shouldn't it be .. localhost09:52
recoil_I want to have different wallpapers for my workspaces, i already searched a lot but the only solutions seems to let compiz draw the wallpapers and disabling that for nautilus, but conky would gat disabled to, any other workarounds?09:52
eubeyyeah sry typo, twiitch09:52
eubeyi have an install of ispconfig 3 on an ubuntu operating system that in the systemlog says that is making a new connectio  to pure-ftpd every 5 minutes then immediately logging out, is that a sign of some sort of security hole or is that normal?09:53
twitch!ot | recoil_09:53
ubotturecoil_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:53
aphrekhi all09:53
recoil_why is this ot?09:53
theoswicd works. it scans my modem. i dont know what happened to network manager applet :/09:53
ZykoticK9_recoil_, i don't think conky would be disabled (if it's transparent, it might not show the right background)09:54
twitcheubey: error .. not secruity .. you main secruity hole is running an "app" that trys to control your deamons .... install them direct and config them direct09:54
sacarlsontheos: cool deal09:54
theosthanks :)09:54
theosdonno what borked network manager though :D09:55
recoil_well then i have a different problem compiz doesnt draw the background for some reason and i see all the windows and animations in it as i move them around09:55
twitchwicd ... aint that kde .. ? ..09:55
jussiHow do I format/partition a usb hd from the command line?'09:55
theosit works :D09:55
recoil_jussi: man format09:56
tdhfox21Hi everyone - got a some questions regarding setting up a 2 node HA virtual server environment09:56
tdhfox21anyone up to the job of assisting?09:57
eubeytwitch, first server I've configured via SSH, basically just glad it can run PHP/sql and host several domains without fucking up. Just making sure that error wasn't someone just messing with my files or something09:57
recoil_!ask | tdhfox2109:57
ubottutdhfox21: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:57
Priyanktheos:  Sorry for long disconnection09:57
jussirecoil_: jussi@warhawk:~$ man format09:58
jussiNo manual entry for format09:58
theosPriyank, its ok :) did you manage to install ubuntu? what was the error09:58
twitchjussi: you cant do it from gui?09:58
theosgparted for gui :)09:58
jussitheos: no09:58
llutzjussi: man mkfs09:58
jussitwitch: no09:58
Priyanktheos:  No still unable....09:58
silverlightningI gave up on Ubuntu for my laptop, it was to large and resource taking,09:58
Ademandoes anyone know how I can write raw bytes to a CD-R ? everything, including the sector information is already in my data, I'd dd it if I could, but I've been told that doesn't work for CD writers09:58
twitch!fdisk | jussi09:58
silverlightningI have installed lubuntu and it seems to work better09:59
tdhfox21anyone here have enterprise cloud setup experience?09:59
=== sinim is now known as troyan
recoil_!ask | tdhfox2109:59
ubottutdhfox21: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:59
silverlightningdoes anyone know if the Cerelon M processor just doesn't go well with Ubuntu at all, and a duo core 2 would have better drivers in ubuntu?10:00
twitchjussi: are u in ubuntu or windows wtc10:01
silverlightningI notice that package manager and update manger runs much lighter in lubuntu10:01
sacarlson1Priyank: you should just delete that 10gb partition you planed to use and let ubuntu pick the format that will default to ext410:01
tdhfox21I am looking for assistance with enterprise cloud configs10:01
jussitwitch: given this is a ubuntu support channel, Im in ubuntu.10:01
mikebeechamjust did a update-manager -d and notice that 11.04 is available.  Is it adviseable to download yet?10:02
tdhfox21In particular HA for virtual machines10:02
recoil_jussi: why is format missing??? its installed by default10:02
twitchjussi: u wouldn't believe other questions that's all10:02
DJonesmikebeecham: I wouldn't yet unless you're willing to test bugs, its still in Alpha, you'd be better asking in #ubuntu+1 though if you can test it10:02
mikebeechamDJones, ahhh didnt realise that10:03
mikebeechamthanks dude10:03
sacarlson1mikebeecham: It's not really ready full of bugs,  but it also depends on what you plan to do with it.  also you might be lucky with your hardware with it10:03
mikebeechamsacarlson1, Ubuntu is my day-to-day machine, and have now managed to transition my kids onto it...so I better not mess with it until it's ready10:03
mikebeechamit'll ruin their homework life, etc10:04
twitch!msg | jussi10:05
ubottujussi: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:05
jussitwitch: ?10:05
Priyanktheos:  It says http://img818.imageshack.us/i/screenshotgj.png/10:05
twitchsry ... was for another10:05
twitchtabbed wrong10:05
Priyanktheos:  It says http://img818.imageshack.us/i/screenshotgj.png/10:06
twitch!msg | recoil_10:06
ubotturecoil_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:06
sacarlson1Priyank: for one thing you can't run ubuntu from fat32,  just delete that partition and let ubuntu default to ext410:07
sacarlson1Priyank: with the partition deleted ubuntu will assume you want to install it there and just let the defaults guide you10:08
Priyanksacarlson1: Can I delete it using GParted10:08
sacarlson1Priyank: yes10:08
PriyankOkay I try It10:09
Tito0096Anyone know why gparded adds letters to my lable change?10:09
theosPriyank, use manual install. dont go for automatic10:09
Priyanktheos:  how10:10
Tito0096I try and name something "Titos SD" and it adds random letters10:10
sacarlson1theos: Priyank: if you choose manual partition then use ext4 and setup a swap partition the size of your ram size10:11
theosPriyank, oh you are already there. format the partition to ext3 or 4. and choose "/" as mount point10:11
PriyankI have 4gb10:11
sacarlson1Priyank: you will also be required to manualy select the root partiton location10:11
theosyou had 10gb partition?10:11
theosPriyank, you can add more space to your partitions. decrease the size of unwanted partitions. eg. windows partitions :P10:12
PriyankOkay I try using manual method :D:D10:13
Tito0096theos, is there a manual way to change partition labels via the terminal?10:13
theosyou should make partitions before installing. use gparted10:13
Tito0096I am getting really frustrated with gparted adding random letterings after the labe i want10:14
mevvis  I am human and have read and agree to the terms of service.10:14
sacarlson1Tito0096: if you need to use a terminal you can use fdisk of cfdisk but be warned you would probly loose all data in the partition if you do10:15
Tito0096not worried about data10:15
Tito0096what would be the command?10:16
theosTito0096, or you can try fstab. there are many utilities. whats your filesystem?10:16
Tito0096hmm the filesystem i am on is nfts and the one i want to format the sd to is fat3210:16
Tito0096and the mount point is /dev/sdg110:16
theosTito0096, try out e2label or tune2fs10:17
Tito0096what would i enter in the terminal?10:17
Tito0096(its a 16gb card space avaliable 14.93gb)10:17
theosTito0096, sudo mlabel -i <device> ::<label>10:18
allooshHello, does anybody know how to fix the php problem (not being parsed)? this really need to be patched.10:19
Tito0096theos this is what returns10:19
Tito0096tito@Tito-MintBox ~ $ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdg1 ::Titos SD10:19
Tito0096[sudo] password for tito:10:19
Tito0096Mtools version 4.0.12, dated November 3rd, 200910:19
Tito0096Usage: mlabel [-vscVn] [-N serial] drive:10:19
FloodBot2Tito0096: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:19
theosTito0096, first format the partition to the desired filesystem.10:20
Tito0096its at fat3210:20
Zeu5hi there, i was told that there is a pdf GUI editor called pdfedit10:20
Tito0096already, and formatted10:21
Zeu5i installed it via synaptic but i cannot find the GUI version of it in the Menus10:21
Zeu5please advise10:21
=== WHiZ is now known as NayanShah
dnivraZeu5: try pressing "Alt+F2" and type in "pdfedit" in there.10:21
theosTito0096, what does this give "sudo mlabel -i <device> -s ::"10:22
=== NayanShah is now known as Nayan_Shah
Tito0096tito@Tito-MintBox ~ $ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdg1 -s ::10:22
Tito0096 Volume label is TITOS SDú10:22
Tito0096gparted added an extra character10:22
Zeu5dnivra: it works10:22
Zeu5but how do i get it to show up in the menus10:22
theosTito0096, so it worked :)10:23
Tito0096no that was what gparted did10:23
AxlinZeu5: look under the "graphics" menu10:23
Tito0096gparted kept adding extra characters10:23
Axlinshould be called "PDF Editor"10:23
Zeu5Axlin: oops. its there. i thought its under Office10:24
Zeu5thanks Axlin and dnivra10:24
Tito0096theos I couldnt get the label to apply with the terminal command it just kept showing the fuctions mlabel did10:24
Tito0096tito@Tito-MintBox ~ $ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdg1 :: Titos SD10:24
Tito0096Mtools version 4.0.12, dated November 3rd, 200910:24
Tito0096Usage: mlabel [-vscVn] [-N serial] drive:10:24
theosTito0096, try sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdg1 ::"Titos SD" if that works10:24
Tito0096that seemed to work10:25
Tito0096leme mount10:25
theosuse blkid10:25
sacarlson1Tito0096: what even will see the label of your disk?  everything I see on my screen is just directory names10:25
Tito0096nope. . it named it as "TITOS SD4"10:25
Tito0096why does it add extra characters!!10:25
theosTito0096, it doesnt take spaces. use titos_sd10:26
Tito0096leme try that10:26
sacarlson1Tito0096: I think your right I see names in Places so I think I'm wrong10:26
Tito0096the under score trick worked10:26
Tito0096its good enough10:26
Tito0096but i would like a space lol10:26
theossacarlson1, yeah you see labels instead of boring sda123 :)10:26
Tito0096sacarlson1 I checked gparted to make sure it was /dev/sdg1 that was being labeld and not my HDD10:27
Tito0096the thing i dont understand though is that using a drive that was previously formatted in windows with the name "Media Drive" has no problems10:28
Tito0096why wouldn't it accept spaces now?10:28
Ademandoes anyone know how I can write raw bytes to a CD-R ? everything, including the sector information is already in my data, I'd dd it if I could, but I've been told that doesn't work for CD writers10:31
lone_wolfIIhey guys, i'm attempting to set up a samba server on my ubuntu 10.10 machine. i've installed samba but there's no configuration files in /etc/samba. what do i need to do in order to get a configuration file in there?10:32
erUSULAdeman: see if cdrdao can do what you want. but i doubt it10:32
lone_wolfIIapt-get suggested that i install the following packages10:33
lone_wolfIIopenbsd-inetd inet-superserver smbldap-tools ldb-tools10:33
lone_wolfIIshould i do it?10:33
llutzAdeman: maybe "readcd" (which also can write cds) from cdrtools10:34
Miri28fHello, I've installed Ubuntu on my new laptop "HP 620" and for some reason the wireless not working, any idea?10:35
boreksiema. co tam?10:36
erUSULMiri28f: what wireless chip does the mchine have?10:36
erUSULMiri28f: lspci | grep -i inet10:36
erUSULMiri28f: lspci | grep -i net10:36
erUSULMiri28f: sorry first one has a typo10:37
WamPIRe__Miri28f: and check hardware button for wireless if you have it10:37
theosturn on your wireless modem too10:37
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: it might just work if you try nautilus and right click on the dir you want to share and select share10:38
AxlinMiri28f:  here's a forum thread for you. at the end, somebody posts a link which they say solved their problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158452510:38
Miri28ferUSUL:RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe10:39
lone_wolfIIyeah i have no idea why, but that option isn't on the context menu when i select a folder10:39
lone_wolfIIi tried reinstalling samba, i got this error:10:40
lone_wolfIIsmbd start/running, process 308010:40
lone_wolfIIstart: Job failed to start10:40
theoslone_wolfII, right click folder > properties>share tab10:40
sacarlson1Miri28f: most ralink work out of the box,  try sudo iwconfig  and see if it can be seen10:40
lone_wolfIIlol there's no share tab either10:40
lone_wolfIIany ideas?10:41
lone_wolfIIdo i need to reinstall some package?10:41
kholis1hi, how ubuntu automount usb storage? where can i get the udev rules?10:41
theoslone_wolfII, menu>system>preferences>personal file sharing10:41
lone_wolfIIhaha, nothing called personal file sharing in preferences10:42
theosMiri28f, try "ifconfig wlan0 up" it worked for me. donno about you10:42
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: make sure you have install  sudo apt-get install nautilus-share10:43
lone_wolfIIwill try that, thanks10:43
Miri28ftheos:SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy10:43
lone_wolfIIlooks like i didn't have nautilus-share10:43
sacarlson1Miri28f: it looks good so best install wicd10:44
lone_wolfIIwill i need to log out, log in?10:44
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: I'm not sure10:44
theosMiri28f, hmm install wicd. "apt-get install wicd-daemon"10:44
insanity99hey guys how do i make it so windows is default boot option instead10:44
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: i'll give it a go, i assume it adds the context menu item?10:45
theosMiri28f, i had the same issues. wicd solved them :)10:45
insanity99of ubuntu, like after 5 seconds just boots to windows10:45
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: can't hurt to try10:45
llutzinsanity99: edit /etc/default/grub10:45
=== denny- is now known as denny
llutzinsanity99: sudo nano /etc/default/grub    change line "GRUB_DEFAULT=0" to whatever entry your win is10:46
theosinsanity99, terminal> type sudo gedit  /etc/default/grub10:46
llutzinsanity99: sudo update-grub after it10:46
=== root is now known as Netw0rkBug
insanity99not certain what number windows is, is last one on list10:47
lone_wolfIIokay so partial success, i have the context menu item but when i select "Create Share" it gives the error:10:48
lone_wolfIISamba's testparm returned error 1: Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf10:48
llutzinsanity99: grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg        count the results starting with 010:48
lone_wolfIIrlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)10:48
lone_wolfIIparams.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf":10:48
lone_wolfIINo such file or directory10:48
FloodBot2lone_wolfII: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:48
lone_wolfIImy /etc/samba contains no files10:49
lone_wolfIIso how can i get pristine samba config files?10:49
llutzinsanity99: or:         grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg  |wc -l      and let GRUB_DEFAULT=  the given number-110:49
insanity99neil@neil-P5Q:~$ grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:49
insanity99menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {10:49
insanity99menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {10:49
insanity99menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+)" {10:49
insanity99menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)" {10:49
FloodBot2insanity99: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
mix22891hello, how do i change my login password ?10:49
llutzmix22891: login, "passwd"10:50
insanity99so i want default value 4?10:50
lone_wolfIImix22891: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups10:50
llutzinsanity99: if there are 5 lines, yes10:50
lone_wolfIImix22891: Then select the third change... button10:51
Netw0rkBughow can i add10:51
Netw0rkBugnetwork manager10:51
Netw0rkBugto panel :S10:51
insanity99ok thanks, if this is wrong will it course boot issues?10:51
theosNetw0rkBug, you cant. use wicd10:51
Netw0rkBugwhat is wicd10:51
llutzinsanity99: it shouldn't10:51
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: is everything intalled? sudo apt-get install samba samba-common 10:51
Netw0rkBugi removed panel with network manager10:51
theosNetw0rkBug, "apt-get install wicd-daemon"10:52
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: i'll try it10:52
insanity99sorry how do i save from ternimal?10:52
mix22891<lone_wolfII> thank you10:52
Netw0rkBugbtw i have mint :)10:52
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: both are installed :(10:52
orbitNetw0rkBug nm-applet10:52
lone_wolfIImix22891: nps10:52
insanity99i entered 4 but dont know how to save10:53
Netw0rkBugwhere is nm-applet10:53
Netw0rkBugthere is no at add to panel10:53
orbitjust hit alt+F2 and type in nm-applet10:53
orbitshould start it in your panel10:54
lone_wolfIIsurely there must be some way to reset a particular package so that it redownloads a pristine copy of the config files, bin files etc.10:54
Pumpkin-I think you want apt-get purge <package>10:54
insanity99llutz how do i save those changes?10:55
lone_wolfIIPumpkin-: thanks :D10:55
Netw0rkBugorbit no :(10:55
Netw0rkBugthere is no10:55
llutzinsanity99: ctrl-x10:55
brachiosaurushaving an issue with new install of maverick meerkat (netbook), don't know what on earth to search for, but basically the computer won't do anything unless i'm either holding the spacebar (or any other key) or moving the mouse... soon as i stop doing either of those it pretty much freezes... any ideas?10:55
orbitNetwo0rkBug: i apologize then because that is how i start it in LXDE.10:56
Netw0rkBugnever mind10:56
llutzinsanity99: sudo update-grub      then10:57
theosbrachiosaurus, boot ubuntu without startup screen. and see the errors10:57
theosbrachiosaurus, maybe your keyboard and mouse freeze? you can do ctrl+alt+f1 then ctrl+alt+f7 if it works10:59
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: yes there is you can --purge11:00
lone_wolfIIguys, i just want to say thanks a lot. purging and reinstalling samba and samba-common along with nautilus-share did the trick11:00
lone_wolfIIthanks for your patience :D11:00
Pumpkin-cool :)11:00
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: apt-get remove --purge samba samba-common; apt-get install samba samba-common11:00
brachiosaurusok, thanks. i'll give it a go. it was a problem the whole way through the install...11:01
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: yeah that one worked :D11:01
ray_I wanted to learn how to remove ubuntu from a hard drive that has 2 versions of ubuntu installed on it. So I decided to try it out and learn how to do it. How is it done?11:01
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: now the only issue is that i can only access the top level of the folder11:01
ray_I have no worry of losing data, as all my info is backed up11:01
lone_wolfIIany ideas on what i need to do in order to allow the permissions to all folders in the hierarchy?11:02
ray_What's the name of the folder?11:02
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: you may also have more problems if you try to share files in an ntfs file system11:02
ray_I know some commands that can help him out maybe11:03
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: it's on my ubuntu partition which is set up to whatever the default is (ie not ntfs)11:04
ray_sudo chown -R username /the/path/to/thefolder  sudo chgrp -R username /the/path/to/thefolder   sudo chgrp -R username /the/path/to/thefolder  find /the/path/to/thefolder -type f -exec chmod 640 \{} \; find /the/path/to/thefolder -type d -exec chmod 750 \{} \;11:04
ray_oops sorry11:05
ray_I will be back11:05
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: nautilus>properties>permision>apply permisions to enclosed files or ...11:05
llutzray_: shorter "sudo chown -R username:groupname /the/path/to/thefolder "  no extra chgrp needed11:06
brachiosaurustheos: naw that didn't really do anything11:06
brachiosaurusno errors on boot either11:06
ray_ha ha, ya, I was pasting from a text file I haven't used in a little11:07
ray_I modified it first though11:07
immyim tinkering around with netstat but can't figure out how to lookup the hostname of
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: worked like a charm, so the permissions don't propagate when selecting "share folder" which is a shame :(11:08
sacarlson1ray_: I'm not sure what you are atempting to do, but can't you just use gparted and reformat the disk that has the now uneeded install of ubuntu?11:08
Pumpkin-host <ip> (for the DNS reverse entry for it)11:08
llutzimmy: host
Pumpkin-whois <ip> (for what might be more useful information that you actually want) :)11:08
immywhat does nxdomain mean?11:09
sacarlson1lone_wolfII: cool11:09
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
llutzimmy: not-existing-domain11:09
lone_wolfIIsacarlson1: thanks again for helping me out :D11:09
immywell i know it is google11:09
llutzimmy: google, but not assigned to an official hostname11:10
ray_I am just trying to learn. I can just as easily re-install Ubuntu 10.04 instead, but for fun I wanted to learn how to remove one and leave the other which I just set up to do. I don't know what the proper way is so I can't argue whether what you are suggesting is the best way. I should just Google it for a while. There are so many answers on Google it's crazy11:11
immywhen i do dig google.com it comes up in the answer section...11:11
immyi think i understand11:11
sacarlson1ray_: well for one I would need to see like sudo fdisk -l ; to get an idea of the locations of each;  then just to delete all in the root of the disk should be as easy as sudo rm -r /path/to/delete/11:13
immyactually i don't... if i run 'host google.com' that ip address pops up among others... so why doesn't 'host ip' resolve back to google.com?11:13
sacarlson1immy: google.com might be a bad example to play with in this case since google will redirect you depending on your location on the planet11:17
MOTOPtuka is be11:19
MOTOP :D11:19
FloodBot2MOTOP: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
Jonii^So, I have my hd partition table all messed up11:19
ray_What about opening the other half by the gui by going to place, and right below where it says computer it is there just like when a flash drive is there. Then open, then the mounted part of the hard drive with pop up on the desktop then I can right click it and format it?11:19
ray_Just something I thought of11:20
Jordan_UJonii^: Messed up how?11:20
AdemanerUSUL: thanks (sorry for the lag)11:20
=== NukleOs is now known as poupi
=== poupi is now known as Nukleos
ray_I have nothing to worry about if things go wrong. I have everything backed up on another hard drive11:21
ray_And I have DBAN on a disc11:22
sacarlson1ray_: well to format a disk I think it can't be mounted11:22
ray_OK, so the Disk Utility then11:22
sacarlson1ray_: there are also other ways to test ideas like this by doing them in a virtualbox so you don't damage a working system11:23
ray_OK, now I see how that thing is layed out11:23
ray_I didn't see it before.11:23
sacarlson1ray_:  to see what you are now using you can see with the command mount  that will show what drives are mounted to what directory11:24
ray_I haven't tried a virtual system yet. It's something someone suggested for doing something else I asked abou recently11:24
ray_OK, but how do I see this by size also in the terminal in GB? I made the installed Ubuntu Hardy Heron have 20 GB and the rest for this install.11:26
sacarlson1ray_: virtualbox is cool you can play with toys you don't even have yet,  like raid systems that need 6 hard disk to try,  even though you don't have the disks yet you can setup a virtual system to test it11:26
mix22891hello. how do i enter as a root in terminal ?11:27
erUSUL!rootshell | mix2289111:27
ubottumix22891: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)11:27
erUSUL!sudo | mix2289111:27
ubottumix22891: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo11:27
ray_When I want to move files I do gksudo nautilus11:28
=== deseert is now known as DesertFox
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sacarlson1ray_: you should take a look at gparted,  it will display what is mounted and the size of each partition and enable you to format if needed11:28
=== DesertFox is now known as DesertFox1
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mix22891<erUSUL> thank you11:29
ray_OK, so GPart needs to be installed I am guessing?, which is no problem to me.11:29
brachiosaurusman... not liking Maverick11:29
brachiosaurusnothing seems to want to work :/11:29
DesertFox1You can download a   live disk and use it11:29
sacarlson1ray_: it was default installed but maybe needs install in later versions,  there is also a disk utility that might have replaced it11:30
YankDownUndersodapanda, /join #ubuntu-cn11:30
bazhang!cn | sodapanda11:30
ubottusodapanda: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk11:30
DesertFox1gparted I believe is installed on all ubuntu distros but like carlson  not sure about later   modeeels11:31
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: want to add some detail to your problems?11:31
brachiosaurusat the moment: computer stops doing anything if i stop using the mouse or keyboard11:32
BrokerHi Everyone11:32
Jordan_U!cn | Guest1880811:32
ubottuGuest18808: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk11:32
brachiosaurusit won't boot unless i'm holding spacebar (tried booting without the splash screen, no errors, just nothing happens until i do stuff on the keyboard)11:32
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: well that sounds normal if I don't move my mouse or keybourd my system seems to stay the same11:33
immyi'm running dm-crypt with full disk encryption and I'd like to backup my data - can you recommend a programme? if i need to restore will encryption pose a problem?11:33
Broker Hi11:33
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: you sure your just not waiting long enuf?  try reset go take a leak and come back and see what you see11:35
brachiosaurusyes. hours.11:35
sodapandahate Cn?11:35
brachiosaurusbut then the second i press the spacebar it continues to boot11:35
brachiosauruslet it go, it stops11:35
DesertFox1When I installed backtrack on my system I was unable to use the  mouse with the gui, and my keyboard double types characters as well on occasion but never had any issue with the  keyboard while using the gui. I would probably try to find the device drivers and install them  using the  CLI11:35
bazhangsodapanda, no, it's english only here. chinese in #ubuntu-cn11:36
=== timmillwood_ is now known as timmillwood
bazhangDesertFox1, check the backtrack support channel then11:36
bazhang!backtrack > DesertFox111:36
ubottuDesertFox1, please see my private message11:36
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: strange,  must be a usb keyboard?11:36
DesertFox1no I dont have the issue any longer11:36
brachiosaurussacarlson1: nope, on my netbook11:36
DesertFox1just stating I had a  issue like the other  ussser11:37
brachiosaurusit's super weird. don't have a clue how to search for the issue. feeling like it's too much hassle11:37
DesertFox1The funny thing is  I had no issue using it in Virtual Box11:37
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: sounds like you have text on at boot can't you see at what points it stops?11:38
DesertFox1You could use VM ware and troubleshoot the issue11:38
DesertFox1hit f211:38
brachiosaurussacarlson1: naw. i booted without the splash, it stops on just about every line, but isn't prompting for anything11:38
DesertFox1what fails11:39
brachiosaurusDesertFox1: me?11:39
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: I'm sure you didn't setup encryption,  I'm clueless11:39
brachiosaurusnothing fails, it just doesn't do anything unless i'm holding the spacebar down. it's mental11:39
brachiosaurussacarlson1: it was doing it during installation as well, would stop doing anything if i stopped moving the mouse...11:40
=== ITXpande1 is now known as ITXpander
DesertFox1Try hitting F2 when it boots and see what fails11:40
brachiosaurusDesertFox1: booted without splash. nothing fails.11:40
Gunnii have this laptop running ubuntu 10.10, how can i make it remember i want the screen brightness always to be 100%, the battery is broken so it never can run without being plugged in. So i want it to kind of "think" it's a pc. :P11:41
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: so does it finally boot up and work normal then?11:41
brachiosaurussacarlson1: kind of. boots up but still stops doing stuff if i'm not moving the mouse.11:41
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: sounds like some custom kernel with added debug or something11:41
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: try another kernel if posible11:41
brachiosaurusthere's nothing custom? it's a straight Maverick netbook edition install11:42
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psycho_oreos!cn| Guest5496611:42
ubottuGuest54966: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk11:42
Sinisteranyone know why when i open a program its not on top it goes to the bar on the bottom anyone know how to fix ?11:42
DesertFox1Are you using the ubuntu 10.10? A buddy of mine had a   similar issue11:42
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: oh take a look at /var/log/system and see what can be found there also11:42
DesertFox1He has a dell netbook11:42
brachiosaurusDesertFox1: yes, 10.10 - this is a toshiba nb200 if it makes a difference to you11:43
=== fernando is now known as Guest28534
brachiosaurussacarlson1: /var/log/system doesn't exist11:44
brachiosaurusmaybe /var/log/syslog?11:44
ariwighi, after installing the ttf-mscorefonts i cant find any arial, or other microsoft core fonts? im using ubuntu lucid lynx11:44
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: yes syslog11:44
jukhow to pull package plus it's deps from /var/cache/apt/archives *properly*11:46
jukso called *common* way11:46
Gunniusing aptitude?11:47
bazhangjuk, for aptoncd?11:47
brachiosaurussacarlson1: nothing noteworthy there...11:47
jukbazhang: no, lets say in a lesser scale11:48
bazhangjuk, could you clarify please11:48
jukbazhang: like in 20M range11:49
bazhangjuk, wanting to install some package offline?11:49
jukbazhang: yes, i thought there's some wheel aleady been made, for this purpose11:50
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: well there are a few other logs to check like Xorg.0.log but if nothing seen in syslog I'm not sure you will see much else11:51
bazhanghttp://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ juk11:51
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: what kernel are you running?  uname -a  to find out11:52
NET||abusehey there folks, i'm in desperate need of help, I need to to work on a macro in OpenOffice (3.2 on ubuntu 10.04) that connects to mysql to do some queries. but the mysql connector for openoffice won't work :(11:53
bazhangNET||abuse, try #openoffice.org11:53
brachiosaurussacarlson1: doesn't look like anything weird in the Xorg log, although my webcam is being registered as a keyboard apparently... lol11:54
jukbazhang: yes, download will download whole list?11:54
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: oh wow that sounds like a problem try disable the webcam in your bios11:54
etfbSometimes, when I click on a menu and open a submenu, the menu doesn't come up, or the shadow around the menu appears but the text doesn't.  Sometimes the shadow stays there until I xkill it.  Does anyone else get this behaviour?11:55
FACCIADICAZZOtihs is a blul shitt11:56
bazhangFACCIADICAZZO, no cursing11:56
jukbazhang: is it perl or python where's the script, so i can do it from my apt archives11:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:56
sodapanda2what's wrong?11:56
FACCIADICAZZOexscuse me but i'm really neurvous becous my linux doesn't work well11:57
jukbazhang: ah, nevermind, looks like php11:57
brachiosaurussacarlson1: can't :/11:57
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: why not?11:57
brachiosaurussacarlson1: no option :P stupid laptop11:57
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: it's built in isn't it?11:57
ray_I now have 20 GB of allocated free space11:58
brachiosaurussacarlson1: yup. just a not helpfup bios ftw11:58
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: never heard of a device that's built in that can't be disabled from bios but ok must be a way to do it in xorg.conf then11:58
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: I don't even recall how to auto create a xorg.conf file11:59
sodapandaI think I have been stuck11:59
brachiosaurussacarlson1: where is xorg.conf in 10.10? it's not in /etc/X11 ?12:00
brachiosaurusi tried it about 15 mins ago... can't remember what i used but it wasn't terribly effective (nothing happened :P)12:00
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: well to start this isn't one but yes that's were you will put it /etc/X11/xorg.conf  with this http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html12:01
=== adrian is now known as Guest59332
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: but after it creates it you will have to figure out how to modify it so that webcam won't become a keyboard12:01
LogicallyDashingI made a custom install CD out of the 10.04.2 i386 desktop CD. I booted the CD in a virtual machine (kvm) and it seemed to work. Then I used that disc image to make a USB bootdisk... and instead of booting it says: "vesamenu.c32: Not a COM32R image". What?12:02
brachiosaurussacarlson1: ty. i'm not sure the issue is in X though, seeing it happens during boot before X is loaded :/12:02
sacarlson1LogicallyDashing: well what did you use to install the image to a usb disk?12:03
LogicallyDashingsacarlson1: Startup Disk Creator, in Kubuntu12:03
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: ya sounds like the keyboard problem starts early on12:04
LogicallyDashingsacarlson1: The startup disk creator was on a different machine than what I used to make the image so I guess that might be a thing, the Kubuntu machine is 64 bit...12:04
cutiyarJordan_U, hello did u fix the undelflv script?12:04
sacarlson1LogicallyDashing: well that sounds like it should have worked as long as it's a ubuntu destro iso file12:05
jukany idea how i pull pack + deps from apt archives?12:05
LogicallyDashingjuk: by installing like normal?12:05
LogicallyDashingjuk: if you want to download the packages and NOT install them, Synaptic has a checkbox for that, the packages will end up in /var/cache/apt/archives12:06
jukLogicallyDashing: aren't you smart, you think i didn't think of that in the first place12:06
jribjuk: what do you want to accomplish, i.e. once you have these packages, what do you want to do with them?12:06
sacarlson1LogicallyDashing: I think I found your problem http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-mint-84/trying-to-boot-linux-mint-9-from-usb-flash-drive-vesamenu-c32-not-a-com32r-image-829397/12:06
jukjrib: move to offline machine and install in deps order12:07
jribjuk: have you explored your options in the !offline factoid?12:08
LjLjuk: why doesn't what LogicallyDashing said work?12:08
jukjrib: doing :/12:08
jukLjL: because like you php script it generates list, which is no use, when hell lot of deps12:09
brachiosaurussacarlson1: naw no help... i don't think i'm going to resolve this one...12:09
brachiosaurusthanks though12:09
surialHow do I figure out with (aptitutde) why something has been auto-installed? I'm trying to remove all signs of the GUI (currently xfce) and neither apt-get remove xfce4 nor xubuntu-desktop is doing the trick (neither is installed).12:10
LjLjuk: why? just do "dpkg -i *.deb" and it'll sort things out automatically, always did for me...12:10
jukjrib: it says will generate download list, but it's offline machine i need to move on, and if it would online i would bother doing...12:11
jribjuk: right, so you download on a machine that is online, then copy to the offline machine and do what LjL said12:11
dnivrahello. I would like to know is the file /etc/lsb-release created by installing of some application or is it existent by default?12:11
jukLjL: ah, i didn't know :/12:11
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: well find out what driver it uses for the cam and just delete it from the kernel,  then it can't even try to use it as a keyboard12:12
jribdnivra: base-files seems to own it12:12
jribdnivra: (installed by default)12:12
jukjrib: fare enough, thanks12:12
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: you might see with sudo lshw12:12
surialOkay, looking at the sheer number of packages explicitly installed (no A in aptitude search), I don't think apt-get remove (anything) is the appropriate way to turn an ubuntu install back to a command-line only version. WHat is the right way?12:12
brachiosaurussacarlson1: it's not the problem i think. just tested and the cam works fine anyway.12:12
jribsurial: apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop (for example) and then apt-get autoremove12:12
sacarlson1brachiosaurus: oh ok, ya could be something totaly different cuasing the problem12:13
surialjrib: ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, xfce4 all not installed.12:13
jribsurial: but they were at some point?12:13
dnivrajrib: installed by default good-that's what I wanted to know. but something else too-is it dynamically created? cos I extracted the file lsb-base.deb and i didn't find the file in the /etc folder inside it.12:13
surialjrib: No. And yet when this machine boots, I see a gdm login and if I do, xfce.12:13
cutiyarJordan_U, the script will work in firefox?12:13
surialgdm also is installed according to aptitude.12:13
jribsurial: so how did you install xfce, what packages did you install?12:13
brachiosaurussacarlson1: i think so. anyway, bedtime. thanks for the help. bye12:14
surialjrib: Fairly sure xubuntu-desktop, but I guess not.12:14
jribsurial: why do you guess not?12:14
surialBecause apt-get -s remove xubuntu-desktop says: Package not installed.12:14
jribsurial: sure you didn't remove it earlier?12:14
surialPossibly. But the system still boots into a gdm login screen. and most GUI related packagesa re still installed.12:14
jribdnivra: it's in base-files package12:15
jribsurial: so do the second step (apt-get autoremove)12:15
surialjrib: Did it. Didn't do much.12:15
surialjrib: I see xfdesktop4 is installed with the A flag. How do I check why it's on A?12:15
surialperhaps that'll lead me to the package.12:15
arvind_khadrisurial, did you remove gdm ? A is for automatic12:15
surialarvind_khadri: I know - how do I figure out which package is dependent on it?12:16
jukjrib: one more moment apt-get says i have pack installed so wont download, what now :|12:16
jribsurial: probably xfce4?12:16
arvind_khadrisurial, apt-cache rdepends <packagename>12:16
dnivrajrib: oh okay got the package name wrong :). thanks a lot!12:16
surialjrib: xfce4, xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop are all not installed.12:16
arvind_khadrisurial, first of all xubuntu and ubuntu-desktop are meta packages.12:17
jukjrib: is there way to point it to look in cache first12:17
jkgtry to remove xfdesktop4 and see what else it wants to get rid of? (this may not be the "right" method, but it's what I'd try)12:17
jribjuk: which method are you trying?12:17
surialsigh. removing xfdesktop4 just removes that.12:17
jribsurial: what ubuntu version is this?12:17
surialkarmic koala.12:17
surialI think. hold on.12:18
jukjrib: apt-get -d (do NOT install)12:18
surialYeah. 9.1.12:18
jribsurial: are you an aptitude or apt-get user?12:18
surialusually apt-get.12:18
surialI thought they amounted to the same thing.12:18
khussein78is there application under ubuntu work like cd roller in window ( recover multiple disks )12:18
arvind_khadrisurial, no12:18
jkgaptitude remembers what got installed automatically, so you can ... uh, yeah :-)12:19
indeedam i connected ?12:19
jribsurial: not with the auto-removal stuff.  I think if you use one to install and the other to remove, they don't "know" what the other knows as far as auto-removal goes12:19
surialarvind_khadri: It's our home server and various people have been playing around with it. I usually use apt-get. I believe a roommate usually uses aptitude. Did we screw this system up beyond repair?12:19
* juk wanna see super cow powers in action12:20
arvind_khadrisurial, no you haven't . Are you getting any errors when you run apt-get/aptitude ? And here is why to use aptitude "aptitude has more advanced conflict/dependency resolution and will often find a solution where apt-get gives up. It can be used from the command line like apt-get plus an interactive resolver makes it much easier to recover from broken dependencies."12:20
surialNo errors.12:20
surialand autoremove doesn't remove anything (I did that before).12:21
arvind_khadrisurial, do you get a GUI when you login through GDM ?12:21
jribjuk: doesn't that mean you already have the packages in archives?12:21
surialWell, let me try.12:21
jrib!who | surial12:21
ubottusurial: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:21
jukjrib: right, what i was saying prevously12:22
jukjrib: is there way to point it to look in cache first12:22
jribjuk: apt-get -d will download to archives, won't it?12:22
surialI see xfce.12:22
surialIt doesn't look what it used to, and I get an error that it can't talk to the wastebasket service... so I guess it's about half of an xfce.12:23
jukjrib: right unless i have it installed already12:23
surialjrib, arvind_khadri: It doesn't look what it used to, and I get an error that it can't talk to the wastebasket service... so I guess it's about half of an xfce.12:23
kwci have a school i want a software to generate results for students12:23
jribjuk: so it's already in archives, why not just copy your archives over to the other computer and then use apt-get to install.  If the computers are the same ubuntu version, should be fine12:24
kwcany ideas guys12:24
surialjrib, arvind_khadri: Hey, 'xinit' is installed.. what if I remove that?12:24
kwci have five subjects12:24
indeedI have installed  new kernel on Ubuntu 10.4.. How can i disable old kernel menu from boot please?12:24
jrib!enter | kwc12:24
ubottukwc: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:24
erUSULkwc: maybe more ideas in #edubuntu ?12:24
kwcif it could be web based it would be fine12:24
erUSULindeed: remove the old kernels12:24
arvind_khadri!puregnome | surial12:24
ubottusurial: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome12:24
erUSULindeed: i use synaptic for that12:24
sodapandayes that's a good idea12:25
jukjrib: here we go again, we came to point i aked about wheel to generate list of deps...12:26
SmokeyDhey everyone. I installed the ntp package to sync the date/time of my ubuntu server machine with the internet pool.ntp.org servers12:26
jukjrib: no from LjL's database12:26
SmokeyDbut how do I force a sync right now12:26
jribjuk: why?  You shouldn't need to.  Just copy everything and use apt-get.  Why would that not work?12:26
Pumpkin-SmokeyD: you want ntpdate12:26
SmokeyDbecause after installing, the date/time of my ubuntu server machine is still off by 10-15 minutes12:27
jukjrib: *everything* how you know all the deps, do you remember everything12:27
jribjuk: copy everything in your archives folder12:27
SmokeyDPumpkin-, on https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/NTP.html I read ntpd is better since it checks it more frequently12:27
Pumpkin-SmokeyD: yeah, ntp sets the time slowly by lengthening/shortening a second slightly. If your clock is off by miles, stop ntpd, run ntpdate, then start ntpd again.12:27
SmokeyDPumpkin-, ah, ok, now I understand12:28
Pumpkin-ntpdate gets the time right, ntpd keeps it right (if that makes sense)12:28
SmokeyDPumpkin-, thanks12:28
jukjrib: ah, ok, yeah why not just take the hard to hook to offline machine, no problem, nevermind12:28
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SmokeyDPumpkin-, cool. That worked.12:28
indeederUSUL, yeah .... But i need help12:29
indeederUSUL, How?12:29
indeederUSUL, man explain it please12:29
erUSULindeed: search for linux-image ( the packages are named linux-image-version-foo )12:29
erUSULindeed: right click the old ones you do not want and mark for removal right click12:29
sacarlson1juk: I create a list of package after I have installed what I wanted with dpkg --get-selections > installed-software  then to recover with a new install dpkg --set-selections < installed-software ; dselect12:30
sacarlson1juk: I'm not sure this is related http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/  to put the packages on a cd or other media before install12:32
bazhangsacarlson1, thats in repos as well12:32
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline12:32
juksacarlson1: it's on the repo, not exactly what i need, you talking about system backup12:33
surialHow do I check what runlevel the machine would boot to?12:33
sacarlson1juk: no offline repository12:33
juksacarlson1: that's basically, how we just solved this with jrib12:33
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juk!info aptoncd | sacarlson112:34
ubottusacarlson1: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1 (maverick), package size 260 kB, installed size 1944 kB12:34
ajayanyone free for clarifying a doubt12:34
cak054ajay extensial angnsts have there place, u have a question please ask12:38
Jonii^Ok, so how do I fix partition table of my system disk?12:39
gaelfxJonii^: probably the best way is with a livecd and gparted12:40
gaelfxer, I shouldn't have said best, I should have said easiest12:40
Jonii^I have my Windows C: drive end on the same block as D: drive begins, plus my system drive partition table has some unknown, starts-out-of-nowhere -partition12:40
fruitwerksnew / up to date lucid install and php / pdo_pgsql.so12:41
fruitwerkswill not load12:41
Paddy_NIsacarlson1: Hey man cheers for your help last night... it's always something obvious aint it :)12:41
Jonii^gaelfx, gparted does think my entire disk is unallocated12:43
gaelfxJonii^: what does fdisk say?12:43
Jonii^It lists five different partitions, 4 of which windows shows, and one that is totally weird and should not exist12:44
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surialOkay guys, xfce is gone. But, the boot procedure still goes through a splash screen of sorts with the xfce mouse. Now, turns out, linux hard-crashes if there's no display connected... which is _really_ annoying. I'm hoping its that mouse splash screen. How do I get rid of that?12:44
Paddy_NIsurial: You will probably have to remove plymouth.. from what I hear it is not a pleasant experience12:46
surialPaddy_NI: plymouth?12:47
Paddy_NII am yet to find a simple way of disabling the splash screen or just having verbouse/text boot12:47
surialPaddy_NI: Whatever it is, it's not xsplash.12:47
Paddy_NIsurial: plymouth is responsible for the mouse :)12:47
surialPaddy_NI: Do you know which apt package this is?12:47
surialNo such package.12:48
Paddy_NIwhich version of ubuntu are you running?12:48
RamonMirandaHi all12:48
surialPaddy_NI: 9.1 (karmic koala).12:48
surialI'm pretty close to just reinstalling this whole thing from scratch.12:48
Paddy_NIthere is no 9.112:48
RamonMirandaWhich is the size needed to make a partition for ubuntu?12:48
surial9.10, sorry.12:48
Paddy_NIsurial: I dont think that uses plymouth12:48
RamonMirandai am using Vista but i want to test the ubuntu 10.1012:49
surialPaddy_NI: Evidently not - no such package around.12:49
surialRamonMiranda: I assume you want a graphical shell?12:49
Paddy_NIsurial: I think its usplash although I might be wrong12:49
Klaus_Dieterhello world.12:49
Paddy_NIsurial: you should opt for a recent release of ubuntu anyway12:49
gaelfxRamonMiranda: best way is either make a LiveCD or LiveUSB12:49
surialPaddy_NI: Yeah.12:49
Klaus_Dieterthere is this great software called miniupnp and there is no ubuntu package for it. How can I create one?12:49
surialPaddy_NI: I'll guess I'll have to find the time to put meerkat on this thing.12:49
RamonMirandasurial: i want to make a "real" space for my ubuntu 10.1012:50
Paddy_NIsurial: Yeah that is always a problem.. time12:50
Klaus_Dieterthis is not about installing it on my system, it is about creating a package for ubuntu to be used in the repositories12:50
jrib!packaging | Klaus_Dieter12:50
ubottuKlaus_Dieter: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:50
RamonMirandagaelfx: i have tried the live release , but i want a better performance installing on my computer12:50
surialWhoa. I'm running remove usplash and it's writing a new kernel. That sounds interesting.12:50
Klaus_Dieterthanks jrib  ubottu  :)12:51
gaelfxRamonMiranda: fair enough, then use the installer that should be on the desktop when you are running ubuntu12:51
toniadminkaj si12:51
rlp10How do you update a package beyond the version that's in the official repos?12:51
gaelfxrlp10: best way is to find a PPA for it, which package are you wanting to update?12:51
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: you can also share it in ppa with the world12:52
RamonMirandagaelfx: but which is the best size without giving too much hard disk?  :S12:52
llutz_rlp10: build yourself, find a repo with newer version, prepare to break your system12:52
rlp10newsbeuter - the never version (2.4) syncs with google reader12:52
gaelfxRamonMiranda: a typical install shouldn't need more than 15-20GB I would say12:52
rlp10llutz_: were they alternatives? or a to do list?12:52
Klaus_Dieter! ppa12:53
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:53
llutz_rlp10: not really, all stuff not in the official repos will possibly break something. thats the risk12:53
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: is anyone actually using those?12:53
llutz_rlp10: ppa is the best way to try12:53
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: ya me12:53
Ghostlyhas any one used Lrzip, i recently installed it and now i tried to compress a folder but i only got the error: Failed to map buffer in rzip_fd12:54
rlp10gaelfx: i'm looking to update newsbeuter to v2.4 so i can use google reader syncing12:54
tr43ndanyone tell me command to look my firs time install ?12:54
rlp10llutz_: thanks, do you mean find someone else's PPA, or make one myself?12:54
RamonMirandagaelfx: that is for the OS and the Swap file?12:54
Paddy_NIsacarlson: Hey man cheers for the help yesterday night.. my head was fried.. :)12:54
llutz_rlp10: 1st try to find a ppa offering the stuff you want12:54
rlp10llutz_: just google?12:54
gaelfxrlp10: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/newsbeuter see if it's there12:55
sacarlsonPaddy_NI: no problem,  I don't even recall what I did,  glad it worked whatever it was12:55
Paddy_NIsacarlson: 2 hdds dual boot12:55
llutz_rlp10: launchpad or google12:55
Paddy_NIsacarlson: was the drive order in the end up as you originally thought :P12:55
sacarlsonPaddy_NI: oh very good12:55
gaelfxRamonMiranda: well, for swap, they usually say twice the size of your physical RAM, for system, 15GB should be plenty, if you're just trying it out12:56
tr43ndhow I can see how long time I have ubuntu in computer ?12:57
AttivismSalve a tutti12:57
pcperson1I have installed Ubuntu, but the GRUB bootloader says Grub Rescue> Out of disk. I am not sure what to do.12:57
rlp10gaelfx, llutz_: i'm using lucid and the natty package is the right version. can i cross install?12:58
gaelfxrlp10: not suggested12:58
gaelfxreally really really not suggested12:58
Paddy_NIyou mean recommended12:58
gaelfxI'm not in a position to recommend anything to anyone12:59
Paddy_NIpcperson1: what is the package?12:59
gaelfxbesides, haven't you heard of the power of suggestion?12:59
pcperson1ubuntu 10.1012:59
rlp10gaelfx: there's an untrusted PPA with v2.3, which does include the functionality I want. could i try that?12:59
pcperson1I have tried the Live CD install and the alternative install and I get the same problem12:59
Paddy_NIpcperson1: no the natty package you are trying to install on lucid12:59
tr43ndhow I can see how long I use ubuntu on my comp ?12:59
gaelfxrlp10: of course13:00
netechtr43nd: uptime?13:00
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: so how does that work. to use the package in the archive I create you have to subscribe to my archive? or is there a meta ppa?13:00
tr43ndhi, yes, uptime all13:00
ankurny1 have ny idea how to use AIRCRACK-ng  ......... ??13:01
gaelfxtr43nd: system monitor should show you how long you've been up13:01
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: you just add the ppa of the desired package to you repository list13:01
tr43ndI need to knov my time install,13:01
Paddy_NIankur: If your wifi card capable of scanning?13:01
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: until at some point in time an ubuntu package  has the pity to include it in universe?13:02
Klaus_Dieter! universe13:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:02
Klaus_Dieter! multiverse13:02
Klaus_Dieterforgive my probably stupid questions, I am kinda new to ubuntu land13:02
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: example  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily13:02
rlp10gaelfx: ah, the PPA package is for maverick not lucid :(13:02
Ghostlypcperson1, i had a similar problem, i fixed it using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20213:02
gaelfxtr43nd: scratch that, I was disillusionating13:02
tr43ndI knov command uptime in terminal, but I wanna knov my first time install13:02
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: ah cool there is acommand to do the editing of the apt sources file :)13:03
rlp10gaelfx: is there anything I can do to help upgrade the package in lucid?13:03
pcperson1okay, thanks Ghostly13:03
pcperson1I will try that13:03
gaelfxrlp10: you could contact the guy who's running the ppa13:03
Ghostlypcperson1, more spesifically chroot13:03
Faustus2When using the arrowkeys to jump from file to file, and when reaching the end of a row of files, nautilus used to jump one row down. It does not do this anymore. Is there an option for this?13:03
gaelfxrlp10: alternatively, you could just install it by hand right now13:03
Klaus_Dieter! ppa13:03
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: you can also add it within synaptic13:03
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.13:03
Morltr43nd: stat /*  (the earliest date listed)13:03
aminhow knows NginX13:04
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: no cli is perfect, I just installed a natty box without X on an old p213:04
rlp10gaelfx: download, make, make install?13:04
gaelfxrlp10: or if they have a .deb that might be a little safer/easier13:05
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: rather than upgrade I use backports and ppa to get my new stuf that I need or want13:05
dr_sporkDhcp has stopped working for me, and I can't connect to my wireless network. Any ideas on how I might troubleshoot this?13:05
Klaus_Dieterdr_spork: most integrated route boxes are plain pieces of shit that need to be rebooted regularily13:06
gaelfxdr_spork: my first thought would be with an ethernet cable, do you actualy have access to the router or not?13:06
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: with this method you can backout if something doesn't work easier13:06
rlp10gaelfx: is the website pkgs.org well known? considered vaguely trustworthy?13:06
Klaus_Dieterdr_spork: try this first13:06
rlp10gaelfx: i've found a package on there13:06
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: that is a good idea - ok so I will have to register to create an own ppa?13:06
=== Guest63800 is now known as CrystalLinux
jukwhatsup with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/570562/ i enabled disable execute bit, in bios protection13:07
sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: yes to create one,  or you can become a part of a team that modifies a group or one package13:07
gaelfxrlp10: um, I think that one's ok, but might wanna ask some other folks13:07
Klaus_Dietersacarlson: so if there is no miniupnp ppa already I better create one?13:07
dr_sporkI tried rebooting the router but it's working for other machines just not one.13:08
jukand i have that 'pae' flag in cpuinfo13:08
dr_sporkNo ethernet cable here unfortunately13:08
ryan_nick comeback8913:08
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sacarlsonKlaus_Dieter: yes if none exist you would just create one,  or if yours is much different than what someone else has already you can still create one13:08
aminany one knows Nginx plz help13:09
Ubuntu_JSwhat is the command to updte all of the security and patches when i first log into my ubuntu server?13:09
comeback89hey guys13:09
jrib!apt | Ubuntu_JS13:09
ubottuUbuntu_JS: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)13:09
surialUbuntu_JS: apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade13:09
surialUbuntu_JS: with sudo in front, of course.13:09
aminnginx help needed13:10
comeback89anyone know how to set up remote access to a ubuntu server from a laptop? to access mysql, preferrably from terminal??13:10
juk!openssh | comeback8913:10
ubottucomeback89: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:10
sacarlsondr_spork: so wifi?  maybe show us sudo iwconfig  and add sudo lshw if nothing shows there13:10
gaelfxcomeback89: ssh13:10
surialYES! Finally, it worked. Updated grub scripts to not request a splash screen and finally this damn machine will boot without a monitor plugged into the back.13:10
Paddy_NIsurial: :D13:10
comeback89anyone know how to set up remote access to a ubuntu server from a laptop? to access mysql, preferrably from terminal??domain?13:11
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:11
comeback89gaelfx: ssh then domain?13:11
dr_sporkIwconfig shows access point: not associated. But the rest of the interface looks healthy13:12
jigynethow do i adjust settings on the intel gma in xubuntu?13:12
dr_sporkIt sees the networks but can't associate13:12
Ubuntu_JSsurial: thank you13:12
Ubuntu_JSjrib: thank you13:12
sacarlsondr_spork:  maybe try sudo iwlist wlan0 scan  ; change wlan0 to your device name13:13
dr_sporkSyslog says "activation (eth1) failed"13:13
ruanis there a way i can completely remove the trash feature?13:13
Ubuntu_JSsurial: does the dist-upgrade upgrade my version? I only want to only update my 10.04 and not go to the next version13:14
ruanand just delete permanently13:14
jukruan: what it did to you?13:14
aminHow is familiar with NginX13:14
ruanjuk: i prefer things to delete instantly13:14
jukruan: ah, nice13:14
comeback89gaelfx: sorted it, thanks for your help13:14
dr_sporkI don't have sudo privileges on this machine but wiliest eth1 scan returns "interface doesn't support scanning"13:14
jukruan: you set it think in nautilus to force remove13:15
strigoi66admin: Try this site for info wiki.nginx.org13:15
ruanjuk: how? i only got the command that bypasses trash13:15
ruanjuk: and that command isn't used when i press del on the keyboard13:15
jukruan: you talking trash from nautilus?13:15
ruanjuk: yes13:16
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sacarlsondr_spork: well I'm not sure how you can scan then without having some sudo priv13:16
Ubuntu_JSdoes the 'apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade' upgrade my version? I only want to only update my 10.04 and not go to the next version13:16
jigynetno one answered my question =c13:16
r1tzIt updates your apt-get repos13:16
dr_sporkNetworkmanager sees networks fine though just doesn't get an ip address properly13:17
strigoi66ubuntu_JS: apt-get update is what you want to use13:17
ruanupdate updates the repos, and upgrade does an upgrade13:17
aminNginx helppppppp13:17
jukruan: :/ i dont see it in nautlus prefs either13:17
Ubuntu_JSstrigoi66: damn it.. so what does the second command do?13:17
gaelfxcomeback89: np, sorry about afk13:17
ruanhmm i did a google13:18
Jonii^Ok, so how do I fix partition table of my system disk?13:18
Jonii^It lists five different partitions, 4 of which windows shows, and one that is totally weird and should not exist13:18
Ubuntu_JSstrigoi66: I typed it in just like that as someone suggetsed and now it seems to be doing a lot more than just update13:18
ruanalright google helped13:18
sacarlsondr_spork: oh ok so is your network encrypted?  try install and use wicd package13:18
jukruan: you can install nautilus scripts though and write script for you puropse13:18
Jonii^fdisk, I mean. Also, Ubuntu installer and gparted think my entire disk is unallocated13:18
ruangconf-editor apps/nautilus/preferences/enable_delete13:18
Ubuntu_JSstrigoi66: did i screw my ubuntu 10.04 os?13:19
Jonii^So, what do I do?13:19
ruanwait nvm13:19
strigoi66ubuntu_js: no you should be ok13:19
dr_sporkYep it's wpa. Can't install any packages without wifi though. Interestingly I was able to connect by manually setting an ip address but couldn't access the Internet13:19
cryptops1how can i get 1920x1080 console resolution? can vesa do it?13:19
ruanAdmin > sys > shortcuts > delete.. hmm i'll try that13:20
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Ubuntu_JSstrigoi66: ok whew thank you13:20
dr_sporkAnyone know what the stock numbers are for "netmask" and "gateway"?13:20
Ubuntu_JSstrigoi66: i just got my new server and they gave me some wierd pasword how do i change my root pass?13:21
sacarlsondr_spork: do you have another system that does have access to the net?  maybe aptoncd could be used to install what you need offline13:21
dr_sporkJust my phone which I don't think can run apt13:21
LjLdr_spork: there isn't really a stock number, but try and (or or other simple numbers), and and (or .100 etc) respectively13:21
Paddy_NIsacarlson: I highly recommend Keryx over aptoncd13:21
strigoi66ubuntu_js: sorry man im still new give me a sec ill try to search for the info!13:22
=== Guest14507 is now known as Kramer__
overcluckerUbuntu_JS: do you wanto change your password or root's password?13:22
sacarlsonPaddy_NI: seems nether of those options will work without another system13:22
Paddy_NIsacarlson: oh... gah13:22
Ubuntu_JSoverclucker: both13:23
jukwhatsup with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/570562/ i enabled disable execute bit, in bios protection13:23
sacarlsondr_spork: oh can you just turn the encryption off on the router long enuf to install wicd ?13:23
overcluckerUbuntu_JS: it's recommended that you not change root password,13:23
sacarlsondr_spork:  that's was stupid of me without another system how could you13:23
Ubuntu_JSoverclucker: they gave me some strange root pass13:23
overcluckerUbuntu_JS: but if you feel you must, run: passwd13:24
Ubuntu_JSoverclucker: thank you.  Is there an easy command to use for createing a user id for my admin to come in using his own password? so I dont have to share my root pas with him?13:25
sacarlsondr_spork: you must be thinking if  you setup a static address it will work but I don't think it will13:25
jukis there any tools i can use to play with bios, like patching etc.?13:25
Paddy_NIjuk: dosbox i guess13:26
dr_sporkYup it's connecting to the router that way but still not Internet13:26
ruanhow do i make the delete key delete a file permanently without going to trash?13:26
sacarlsondr_spork: can you ping the router?13:26
ruani dont feel like pressing shift every single time.13:26
=== mixntrix is now known as Laif
Paddy_NIruan: hold shift when you press it13:27
overcluckerUbuntu_JS: sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash username13:27
ruanPaddy_NI: i want to press one key.. windows could do this13:27
juk!info dosbox13:27
ubottudosbox (source: dosbox): A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.74-1 (maverick), package size 787 kB, installed size 2340 kB13:27
Paddy_NIruan: there is an option for it on kde not sure about gnome13:27
jukPaddy_NI: sure?13:28
sacarlsondr_spork:  I think all you have is a wifi access point Associated connection,  that's before encryption13:28
Paddy_NIruan: look in gconf-editor under apps>nautilus13:28
jribUbuntu_JS: just use: adduser USERNAME13:28
Ubuntu_JSoverclucker: thank you, so where you have 'username' i put his user name correct? and what password do i set for him? or i should say where?13:28
overcluckerUbuntu_JS: if you wn;t them to be able to login, you should set a password for them with sudo passwd username13:28
Paddy_NIjuk: yes as most bios flashing tools are for use with windows13:28
Paddy_NIjuk: well dos13:28
Ubuntu_JSoverclucker: ok got yea13:29
sacarlsondr_spork: otherwise you could use something like dhclient wlan0  to create a full connection13:29
jukPaddy_NI: that doesnt looks good, dosbox is a dos games emulator, not particulary related to what i asked13:29
Paddy_NIjuk: woops I meant freedos13:30
mer_gestupid question, but can I change my password as usual, when I choose to encrypt my home (during install)?13:30
Petfroggi have a hard time figure why i can not "Enable wireless"13:30
strigoi66mer_ge: yes13:31
Ubuntu_JSin order to use x11vnc, do i have to also install ubuntu desktop into my ubuntu server? I already have ubuntu server 10.04 on it already13:31
sacarlsonmer_ge: your encrypted password can be different than your login password,  if you change one it will cause problems13:31
Pici!fishing | juk13:31
ubottujuk: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:31
jukPici: thanks, he doesnt know anything about these13:32
sacarlsonPetfrogg: it might be an rfkill thing13:32
ruanwow, i accidently pressed ctrl alt f213:32
ruanwent into some console..13:33
Paddy_NI!info freedos | juk13:33
ubottujuk: Package freedos does not exist in maverick13:33
mer_gesacarlson so when I encrypt my /home during install, I can't change my password later on without problems?13:33
Petfrogggonna google it13:33
AbhijiTruan, you can come back using ctrl alt f7 or f813:33
Klaus_Dieteris webmin available for ubuntu?13:33
jukPaddy_NI: yeah already checked13:33
ruanAbhijiT: thanks13:33
Petfroggjust that on ubuntu 9 it came up by itself13:33
ruanis there a way i can disable ctrl alt f2?13:33
Petfrogggonna google rfkill13:33
jukPaddy_NI: you confusing with dos games mate13:33
Paddy_NIjuk: nope13:33
overcluckerraun, haha, think xserver is on c-a-f7 of f813:33
sacarlsonmer_ge: I have seen people here that have changed later and found that changing there login password broke the encryption setup in there home dir13:34
AbhijiTruan, there are 6 ttys you can acces them via ctrl alt f1/2/3/4/5/613:34
AbhijiTruan, i dunno how to disable them13:34
ruanAbhijiT: ok13:34
researcher1Is it possible to avoid  displaying usernames on welcome screen of ubuntu?13:34
ardchoilleresearcher1: yes13:34
researcher1ardchoille: how can I do that?13:35
sacarlsonmer_ge: you should create a nonencyrpted user just in case13:35
ardchoilleresearcher1: System > Administration > Login screen13:35
ardchoilleresearcher1: uncheck "show list of users"13:35
researcher1ardchoille: thanks13:35
mer_gesacarlson okay good to know13:36
sacarlsonmer_ge: I mean to add a spare user that isn't encrypted in the event of failure of your normal account13:36
Petfroggsacarlson: Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: yes13:36
Petfroggi suppose that is a problem13:36
Klaus_DieterAbhijiT: man inittab - there you will find that the thing is configured the ubuntu way in /Etc/init13:37
sacarlsonPetfrogg: ya that's bad13:37
sogeking99hey guys, i made a bootable usb with ubuntu on it for my asus laptop(http://www.ebuyer.com/product/237739) switched boot priority to usb but i just get a messege 'boot error'13:37
Klaus_Dietercheck the tty files there13:37
overcluckerruan: you should be able to rename them in /etc/event.d/ and they sill stop working13:37
andreamorimalguem consegue configurar o Kismet13:37
ruanoverclucker: ok13:37
=== WamPIRe__|2 is now known as wampire__
sacarlsonPetfrogg: there must be a botton the changes a light someplace to fix the hard block part,  the other soft block can be fixed with rfkill13:38
ardchoille!br | andreamorim13:38
ubottuandreamorim: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:38
jukPaddy_NI: i meant smthing like http://www.coreboot.org/Welcome_to_coreboot13:38
ruanis there a way i can recover files from ntfs > ext?13:38
Petfroggsacarlson: this is a Thinkpad Z61p so suppose there is something that it does not start as default13:39
ruanif it has been converted13:39
overcluckerruan: i meant /etc/init.d13:39
Petfroggmaybe i can fix it in bios13:39
sogeking99anyone know what i can do?13:39
Ubuntu_JShow do i ad someone to the sudoer file?13:39
andreamorimalguem fala portugues13:39
jribUbuntu_JS: just add the user to the admin group (sudo adduser USERNAME admin)13:39
overcluckerruan: gr again, it;s /etc/init/13:39
sacarlsonruan: yes cp -a /path/to/ntfs/  /path/to/extX/13:39
ruansacarlson: i mean on a drive that converted to ext13:40
Ubuntu_JSjrib: does that add the user to the sudoer file so they can use sudo access?13:40
strigoi66sogeking99: what did u use to create the usb disk13:40
ardchoilleandreamorim: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:40
jribUbuntu_JS: it adds the user to the admin group.  In a default ubuntu install the admin group is in sudoers13:40
sacarlsonruan: what is ext?  external usb drive?13:41
ruansacarlson: ext is the filesystem13:41
neofangubuntu_js what is your problem13:41
strigoi66sogeking99: maybe try a different source or try to re-create the boot disk13:41
Paddy_NIjuk: Yeah the free linux bios... nice if you can get it to work on your hardware :)13:41
madjoehow can I check available disk space on disk? df -1 ?13:42
ruanlinux bios...?13:42
jigynetis there nm10 fan control for ubuntu?13:42
sacarlsonruan: you can copy files from ntfs to ext4 the only difference is that when they become ext4 files they will now have user names and priv13:42
sogeking99it worked when i dested it on my pc, though i added a folder to it by mistake, i have deleted it. would that affect it?13:42
Ubuntu_JSneofang: i am new and trying to set up so that my admin can come in and work on my server to get me set up13:42
jukPaddy_NI: yeah, but my chances not much13:42
billmaniaAnyone have an external USB webcam working with Skype beta with ubuntu 10.10? My camera works fine with xawtv and Skype sees the /dev/video0 device, but Skype can't read the video stream from it.13:42
neofangUbuntu_JS,  you must set up x server13:43
elisa87is anyone familiar with disk tracing?13:43
Paddy_NIjuk: well providing it does not brick your motherboard I would say give it a go... and remember it is not supported by canonical13:43
strigoi66sogeking99: it may have I have not tested one yet due to the pc I use is pre 2k13:43
ruansacarlson: i mean, my ntfs was formatted into ext4, can i recover the files that were on the old ntfs before they were formatted?13:43
jribneofang: why do you say Ubuntu_JS needs an x server?13:43
Ubuntu_JSneofang: set up x server? is this same as x11vnc?13:44
sogeking99ok thanks i will redo it13:44
jukPaddy_NI: hope so, i'll give it a shot13:44
neofangUbuntu_JS,  yes13:44
neofangUbuntu_JS,  desktop13:44
sacarlsonruan: oh IC sounds like a job for the FBI foresic lab,  I sure couldn't do it13:44
ruansacarlson: lol13:44
researcher1how to identify IP address of thje netowrk printer13:44
khrmruan: Try testdisk13:44
ruankhrm: where is that available13:45
Ubuntu_JSneofang: so in order to do that do I need to install ubuntu desktop when i type 'tasksel'13:45
khrmruan: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download13:45
ruankhrm: ah found it13:45
ruankhrm: ubuntu soft center13:45
jribUbuntu_JS: you only need to do that if you actually want ubuntu-desktop13:45
ruani hope the files still exist on there13:46
neofangUbuntu_JS,  yes13:46
Ubuntu_JSjrib: ? i dont know. I want to install x11vnc on my server so i can use vnc to admin my server13:46
jrib!vnc | Ubuntu_JS13:46
ubottuUbuntu_JS: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:46
sacarlsonruan: you could try dd the disk and if you have a txt file with a book you wrote you might do a string search for a phrase to find a point to start a data grab13:46
jribUbuntu_JS: well you can install ubuntu-desktop if you want, but you could also install some lighter window manager along with X13:46
Ubuntu_JSneofang: so I need to install ubuntu desktop even though I have ubuntu server already loaded? this will allow me to use x11vnc to have gui interface to it?13:46
sacarlsonruan: other than text I would say hopeless13:47
DarkSectorI'd like to instally python-webkitgtk on 10.04 but its not present in the repository. Its available in 10.10 though. How can I find this package/repository for 10.04. Google doesn't show this, except a tarball to compile from source13:47
neofangUbuntu_JS, yes13:47
andreamorimcomo se configura o kismet13:47
andreamorimplease kismet13:47
jrib!pt | andreamorim13:47
ubottuandreamorim: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:47
sogeking99whats the best usb creator?13:47
juk!info kismet13:47
ubottukismet (source: kismet): Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2008-05-R1-4.1build1 (maverick), package size 938 kB, installed size 2324 kB13:47
jribDarkSector: python-webkit is in lucid13:48
jrib!info python-webkit lucid | DarkSector13:48
ubottuDarkSector: python-webkit (source: pywebkitgtk): WebKit/Gtk Python bindings. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.7-1 (lucid), package size 42 kB, installed size 188 kB13:48
Ubuntu_JSneofang: ic, yes my admin insist that i have x11vnc loaded for adminstring the server ... so i should then load ubuntu desktop and then install x11vnc on the server correct?13:48
DarkSectorjrib: oh shit, thanks13:49
ruanwhat does "write partition structure to disk" do?13:49
Paddy_NIUbuntu_JS: all you need on the server is X and a window manager13:49
gsfaiIs there a way to setup my computer so when i start it up, it will automatically log in my account, start up startup programs, then lock screen ?13:49
Paddy_NIUbuntu_JS: installing ubuntu-desktop for that would be overkill13:49
ruanit sounds as if it is overwriting my partition with ntfs13:50
ruanbut it probably isnt13:50
sacarlsonraun: sounds like something that will do a dd of about 512 bytes of a disk to preserve to allow for a recover if needed13:50
gsfaiI probably have to put the "gnome-screensaver" thingy in the startup applications, but it will run everytime i login, not only when i start the PC up13:50
deuteriumdoes anybody know a good replacement for gnome's virtual pager? one like that we used in the old days with fvwm2 that supported moving windows on the same virtual page too?13:50
ruanwrite partition table?13:50
Ubuntu_JSpaddy_ni: IC.. but will the X-server give all the rich interface as the Ubuntu desktop with similar look and feel?13:50
Klaus_Dietergsfai:  configure your display manager to autologin, then setup your .xinitrc13:50
Klaus_Dietergsfai: in your xinitrc you want to run xlock or something like that13:51
Paddy_NIUbuntu_JS: if you choose to install gnome13:51
Ubuntu_JSpaddy_ni: yes I think gnome was installed on my old server as well13:51
Paddy_NIUbuntu_JS: then fire ahead let us know how you get on13:52
Ubuntu_JSpaddy_ni: in fact he tar balled my entrire old server that was 10.04 lts ubuntu and said that I can down load the tarball to my new server and just creconfig it13:52
sacarlsonruan: oh or it could be the reverse taking a prestored or created structure and writing to the partition sectors of a disk13:52
Paddy_NIUbuntu_JS: who?13:52
jukPaddy_NI: also fyi http://www.openfirmware.info/Open_Firmware13:53
Ubuntu_JSpaddy_ni: the guy who administered my old server13:53
jribgsfai: well a kludgy way would be to create some file when your computer boots then have a script run when you login that checks for that file, if it exists: lock screen and delete file.  You can use gnome-screensaver-command --lock by the way to lock the screen.13:53
Paddy_NIjuk: ah yeah nice :)13:53
gsfaijrib: yea i was thinking of a lock file too13:53
andreamorimalguem aqui fala portugues13:53
Paddy_NIUbuntu_JS: then you should really ask him13:53
Ubuntu_JSpaddy_ni: he stated he wrote a lot of custom scripts so to save all that i needed to tarball my entire server and i can replicate it on the new server13:53
khrmruan: It will write the original partition table and delete the existing one. Backup everything before proceeding with that step else if you want to just recover some files use photorec or foremost13:54
jribandreamorim: aqui nao.  faz « /join #ubuntu-br » para ajuda em portugues13:54
dtcrshr!pt andreamorim13:54
AzizLighthi everybody13:54
dtcrshr!portuguese andreamorim13:54
gsfaidtcrshr: its !br :P13:55
dtcrshr!portuguese | andreamorim13:55
ubottuandreamorim: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:55
dtcrshroh, sorry13:55
AzizLightI read somewhere about a notational velocity clone for linux, but I forgot the name, could someone please remind me of the name please?13:55
dtcrshrill quit, flooded enought :D13:55
Petfroggsacarlson: yes the button for activating the wireless does not work13:55
andreylosevthis channel is for casual conversation, you might have more luck in #linuxmint-help13:56
dtcrshrwhereas portuguese and br goes the same way13:56
andreylosevoops sorry13:56
Piciandreylosev: No, this channel is for Ubuntu Support.13:56
andreylosevI know pici13:56
Piciandreylosev: okay :)13:56
sacarlsonPetfrogg: does it work in windows?13:56
andreylosevbut since #linuxmint-help doesn't have a bot I've set up a text replacement system.13:56
andreylosevand right now it's working against me. ok no more offtopic13:57
gsfaijrib: well i concluded, ill place a script in init.d, to place a file somewhere, a startup bash script will search for it each time i login, and if it finds it, it will delete it, and lock screen.13:57
sacarlsonPetfrogg: can you turn the soft switch on with rfkill?13:57
Petfroggsacarlson: havent used windows on it on ages. gonna first try to get it on with rfkill13:57
Petfrogghold on13:57
overcluckergsfai: why not just search for it, if it's not there, run a script, and then touch the file(/tmp or /dev/shm would be a nice place for it)13:58
hemu_can someone help me, am newbie with linux13:59
Paddy_NI!ask | hemu_13:59
ubottuhemu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:59
hemu_!ask help13:59
hemu_!ask problem while installing on laptop14:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:00
miketomdoollol hemu dont put !ask infornt of your questions xD14:00
hemu_problem while installing on laptop14:01
miketomdoolwhats your problem while instaliing?14:01
hemu_miketomdool i don't get display while installing14:01
danubim trying to install vmware tools on 10.10 but its complaining about linux header files. I googled and see this issue didn't have a fix on the ubuntu forums. can i remove the current linux-headers and then reget them? maybe there was an issue with the install14:02
jrib!vmware | danub14:02
ubottudanub: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware14:02
Petfroggsacarlson: yes i can unblock the softblock using rfkill14:02
miketomdoolhemu_ is it a graphic problem youre saying?14:03
danubjrib: its installed on a windows system. im just trying to get the vmware tools on the ubuntu vmware14:03
gsfaioverclucker: and have init.d delete it every time, its kinda the same thing14:03
jribdanub: read the link14:03
sacarlsonPetfrogg: so maybe the hard switch works only when soft is unblocked?14:03
Petfroggseems like the button for wifi is connected to the bluetoot  button14:03
sacarlsonPetfrogg: start pushing some bottons and looking at events14:03
overcluckergsfai: use /dev/shm14:03
andreamorimI need help to configure Kismet14:03
danubyeah, that takes me to the same article i was reading14:04
gsfainever heard of shm, what is it?14:04
overcluckergsfai: dev/shm is tmpfs14:04
danubjrib: can i downgrade back to 10.04?14:04
jribdanub: what step exactly are you on and what exactly is happening?14:04
Petfroggtried som different stuff and some works great . 8 )14:04
gsfaiwell, init scripts run with root, so ill just touch /home/gsfai/.firstlogin14:04
Petfroggnow where is that wireless14:04
sacarlsonPetfrogg: wow cool14:04
danubthe very bottom of the vmware server page where it talks about the /usr/src/linux/include directory14:04
jribgsfai: use su to create the file as your user or chown the file (so your user can delete it later)14:05
Petfroggaccidential hit the sleep button14:05
jribdanub: didn't you ask about vmware tools?14:05
gsfaijrib: the startup file will be like "touch blah, chown blah gsfai"14:05
jribgsfai: ok14:05
danubjrib, yeah. and at the bottom of that page, it talks about the vmware tools not installing and no one has a fix yet14:05
neofangylmf 你是哪里的14:06
overcluckergsfai: so . . .: [ -e /dev/shm/booted ] && ./script && touch /dev/shm/booted14:06
Jinxed--I need to copy a backup image of my systsem from an external harddrive to a internal harddrive but im out of usb ports. I only have the ennough for usb thumbdrive which im using to boot a live version of ubuntu. Is it possibly to somehow set up a network where I could copy from an external drive connected to a different laptop to an internal drive from my live usb?14:06
Petfroggsacarlson, can i just turn it on in bios?14:06
theoswhy do i get bash: ./configure: Permission denied when i use ./configure ?? i tried chmod +x too but doesnt work even as root :(14:06
jribtheos: what are you compiling?14:07
erUSULtheos: what filesystem?14:07
compdocJinxed--, sure14:07
andreamorimI need help to configure Kismet14:07
cak054One! Two! Five!14:07
Jinxed--compdoc, how would I got about setting that up?14:07
theosjrib, i am compiling eggdrop bot for irc14:07
theoserUSUL, filesystem is fat3214:07
jribtheos: eggdrop is in the repositories.  Don't compile it, use apt instead14:07
ikoniathat's not a compiled software product is it ?14:07
AndrewMC!chinese | neofang14:08
ubottuneofang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:08
erUSULtheos: probably is mounted noexec14:08
compdocJinxed--, attach the drive, share it with samba, or whatever you like, then copy. I would suggest using rsync14:08
compdocto copy14:08
sacarlsonPetfrogg: sometimes yes it can be turned on in bios14:08
theosjrib, yes its already installed. i wanted to add some modules to it. dont know other methods to install new modules without compiling it again14:08
histoJinxed--: clonezilla can do that14:08
Petfroggok cause somehow on upgrading from ubuntu 9 to 10 this happens14:09
histoJinxed--: it can do networked backups etc...14:09
theoserUSUL, can you tell me how to mount it without noexec? or check if its mounted with that?14:09
brincej'ais une consommation cpu tros eleves dans mon serveur14:10
erUSULtheos: check the apropiate line in « cat /proc/mounts  » output14:10
erUSUL!fr | brince14:10
ubottubrince: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:10
brinceje ne sais pas les causes14:10
jribdanub: so why doesn't https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Tools work for you.  Can you say *exactly* what you are doing?  Not point to some vague location in a wiki page that someone else wrote?14:10
brincea connaitre que j'ais un application qui tourne de dans14:10
jrib!fr | brince14:10
ubottubrince: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:10
brinceapplication web14:10
theoserUSUL, yes you were right. it has noexec. how to remove that? fstab?14:11
danubjrib: at the very bottom of that page, it's exactly what my problem is and there doesn't appear to be a solution. vmware tools cant find the linux header files to build vmware tools. I point it to the right directory, and it says its the wrong version14:12
erUSULtheos: do not think so; probably it was mounted via udisks or something like that. try « sudo mount -o remount,exec  /mount/point/ » but i do not see the point of all this; just copy the sources to your home14:12
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jribdanub: it's not clear to me why you are not installing the tools from the repositories, it's the first thing the link I gave you suggests14:13
theoserUSUL, any idea what should be the umask for file and directory permisions in octal? so that i can exec on that partition?14:15
erUSULtheos: noexec has nothing to do with permissions. if a partition is noexec you can not execute anything in it no matter the permissions14:15
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
spaceninjahi, Im trying to run a java program with java program.jar but I get this error http://dpaste.com/437827/14:19
spaceninjawhat might be the problem?14:19
[4-tea-2]spaceninja: I think the correct way is "java -jar program.jar"14:19
kjellein my "who" list, what does this strange hostname mean: xxxxx      pts/16       2011-02-15 19:42 (ip-151:S.0)14:20
spaceninja[4-tea-2], ah, it works, thanks14:20
[4-tea-2]kjelle: try "who --ips", perhaps that helps.14:21
kjellesame =)14:22
theoserUSUL, thanks a lot :)i now know the problem atleast14:22
erUSULtheos: no problem14:22
[4-tea-2]kjelle: there goes my theory about your router returning phantasy hostnames when receiving a DNS lookup for an RFC1918 address.14:23
kjellemust be some wicked stuff from my server provider14:23
kjelleI just had some network problems, and a lot of ssh clients disconnected. Now, some are back with login time like in januar. They might be dead or something. Tho, wicked, all got thrown out a few hours ago :-)14:25
[4-tea-2]Hmmm. I would probably panic and suspect foul play.14:25
kjellenah, buddies of mine14:25
[4-tea-2]...not by your buddies, but by a third party.14:26
kjelleah, hmm14:26
ruancant boot now14:26
kjelleidle times seems ok14:26
shal3rClient is telling me that his server is configured to mirror data on both hard drives. Am i right that it's using only SDA drive? http://pastebin.com/eJ6gtYD814:26
shal3r# cat /proc/mdstat \ Personalities : \ unused devices: <none>14:26
ruangrub says can't find device [device-name-long-string]14:27
jpdsshal3r: Erm, did you ask this yesterday?14:27
[4-tea-2]kjelle: well, there are probably bugs that can corrupt wtmp.14:27
shal3rjpds, yes and nobody answered14:27
ruani tried to recover files from boot drive and it messed up my boot14:27
jpdsshal3r: Try #ubuntu-server14:27
ruanhow can i change my drive back to ext without messing up the files?14:28
nerdy_kidwhen I run ls in a folder of mine, one of the files shows red.  What does that mean exactly?  thanks14:28
kjelle[4-tea-2]: mm. no illegal traffic to/from past day, no suspect processes etc. I guess the box got some issues as the network was a bit fubar. Okey, thank you :-)14:28
historuan: you can't unless you move hte files and put them back on there14:28
historuan: you can't just change file systems and keep the files there14:28
shal3rjpds, ok, thanks14:28
lglAre there any Macbook Air users in here?14:28
[4-tea-2]ruan: long strings are usually UUIDs. Sometimes it helps to use device names instead (if the UUID has changed for some reason).14:28
zero-hellhi..newbie here.14:29
jribnerdy_kid: broken symlink14:29
histo!anyone | lgl14:29
ubottulgl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:29
jribnerdy_kid: (probably)14:29
llutz_ruan: if UUIDs changed, use a live-cd to fix grub and/or /etc/fstab14:29
_Alex__lgl: No, bit still, wha's the problem14:29
ruanllutz_: is it possible to boot off ntfs?14:29
shal3rafaik, no14:29
nerdy_kidjrib I dont think thats it, it is a perl script and both it and it's simlink work14:29
llutz_ruan: you'llneed writeaccess to your linux-system. so:  unlikely14:30
lglI have followed the installation instructions for a MacBook Air 3,2, and everything is working except that none of the drivers in the mactel packages work14:30
historuan: yeah14:30
sssIs there a program I can use to log all packets I send/recieve?14:30
lglSo, no multitouch touchpad, no brightness, no special keys and no bluetooth14:30
Pumpkin-sss: tcpdump / wireshark14:30
_Alex__Too bad14:30
ruanlgl: how is this related to ubuntu?14:30
jribnerdy_kid: well check your $LS_COLORS then14:30
sssPumpkin-, thanks14:30
lglruan: Um well I'm running Meerkat on it14:30
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
nerdy_kidjrib ok thanks :)  I thought there was an environment var somewhere that i could check.14:31
jribnerdy_kid: apparently archives or compressed also show up in red14:31
lglApparently nobody else in the forums have the same problem but I just can't figure out what's wrong, so I was hoping to find someone else on an Air14:32
Dr_Williswee need to get a ls colors in ubuntu wiki page setup someday :)14:32
jribdanub: did the repositories work?14:32
adamthehackhai all14:33
dehumanubuntu comes with compiz but not ccsm, is there a reason? like some type of 'enforced' defaults or some type of design goal?14:33
jribdehuman: probably just not to overwhelm with options14:34
dehumanmakes sense, i am overwhelmed presently ;)14:34
jribdehuman: there should also be simple-ccsm14:34
ruanheres the story: i tried to recover files on my boot drive, and it changed the partition table to ntfs. couldnt boot after, but i can access the drive14:35
sinisterstufI installed mpd in ubuntu and did the configuration but when I run mpc or Ario there are no files to play, what do I do?14:35
ruanhow do i change the partition table back to its original content?14:36
_Alex__ruan: You did a stupid thing going form EXT* (Where * is a number) to NTFS, and you cant change it back!14:36
historuan: do you have your files off the drive now?14:36
ruanhisto: havent got anything to store the files on.14:36
jribsinisterstuf: default location for music is /var/lib/mpd/music14:37
ruan_Alex__: i didnt know it'd mess up the boot14:37
_Alex__ruan: how about a USB datastick?14:37
historuan: So what do you want to do exactly? I'm confused14:37
Dr_Willisruan:  how many gb of data is it?14:37
ruanDr_Willis: 11 gb14:37
AbhijiTis it possible now to boot from usb? slitaz is installed in my usb. and my guest is super os and my host is ubuntu. in virtual box that is.14:37
historuan: how big is the drive?14:37
ruanhisto: 80 gb14:37
Dr_WillisIf its really imporntant.. its worth finding a usb hard drive to back it up to.14:38
histoAbhijiT: the non ose edition has usb suport not sure if you can boot from it though14:38
historuan: okay why not move it to a seperate parition, then fix the problem one, and move it back14:38
ruani only have a 4gb and a 2gb usb14:38
Dr_Willisif its REALLY REALLY imporntant. get a usb HD and 'dd' an image of the currupted hard drive to the usb. then try to recover from that image also.14:38
AbhijiThisto, its nothing to do with 'usb support' its to do wiht 'usb boot'14:38
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:38
histoAbhijiT: I know that's what I said.14:38
ruanhow come a drive can change to ntfs but it cant change back to ext without removing the files?14:39
histoAbhijiT: ose wouldnt' be able to do it. Wouldn't even be remotely possible is all I was trying to hint at.14:39
Dr_Willisruan:  it proberly can.. but do you want to risk it...14:39
Dr_Willisruan:  you could use gpart5ed and just change the fs type and hit apply. and hope it works...14:39
llutz_AbhijiT: virtualbox cannot boot from usb, their BIOS doesn't support that14:39
ruanDr_Willis: will it boot though?14:39
gcristianhello guys, does anybody remember the linux command, to change dinamically where my Java Home points to ?14:40
histoAbhijiT: also there is #vbox14:40
AbhijiTllutz_, okay14:40
AbhijiThisto, i know14:40
gcristiannot with update-alternatives, not changing manually the JAVA_HOME14:40
sinisterstufjrib, I changed my music location to ~/Music yet there is nothing to play14:40
jribsinisterstuf: don't use ~, use the absolute path from /.  Also, initiate a database update (mpc update)14:41
clainthow do i see the kernel messages in Ubuntu installation cd while it is booting?14:41
histoAbhijiT: yeah i'm running the newest vbox and no option for usb boot14:41
sinisterstufjrib, that didn't work either14:41
AbhijiThisto, ok14:41
histoAbhijiT: why not just make an image of the usb drive and boot that14:41
jribsinisterstuf: I suggested two things.  What didn't work?14:41
sinisterstufjrib, the first one. I'll try the database update, thanks14:42
ruangparted says..14:43
hoangnnhello everyone14:43
bonjoyeeclaint: with upstart the boot messages are too fast to pick up something...unless you are stuck at something..is that the case?14:43
khrmruan: No that will not boot. As I think ext? was your /14:43
claintbonjoyee: I am stuck, and there is nothing in ttyS0 to S514:44
bonjoyeeclaint: you could try the F6 option on the boot cd...and then edit the ubuquity command line14:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:44
bonjoyeeclaint: ubiquity*14:45
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claintbonjoyee: as in adding boot options: nosplash console=ttyS0 ?14:46
bonjoyeeclaint: just removing the "splash" option should do it..14:46
ruangparted says it can't open my drive as NTFS14:47
claintbonjoyee: thanks. I'll go try that.14:47
compdocruan, open the drive? gparted should be able to do everything gparted does no matter what partition14:48
brinceubottu merci :-)14:48
brinceubottu: merci :-)14:49
HowlerI am trying to set my domainname, so that sendmail will stop complaining. Do I need to set it to anything specific (like my ISPs' domain or anything)?14:49
ruancompdoc: i can access the drive, but gparted cant access it as NTFS14:50
compdocwhat is gparted saying?14:50
tomblehow can I see what ipv6 dns server is being used if I connect with aiccu? iptables -j log, tcpdump?14:51
compdocgparted is for creating and deleting partitions14:51
ruani'll post it14:51
ruani need to change the partition table to its original content14:52
ruanjust note that i can access the drive14:53
erUSULtomble: dig aaaa ipv6.google.com ?14:54
AnAntHello, I have a problem on some machine: if RAID mode is enabled in BIOS (machine default), I get an oops in Ubuntu when it attempts to load ahci module, and it cannot find any drives (neither HDD nor DVD), if I switch the mode to ATA, Ubuntu runs fine, but this results that Windows (windows is pre-installed on that machine) does not boot14:54
tombleerUSUL: I only see :/14:55
erUSULtomble: you use a caching dns server in your machine...14:56
erUSULtomble: when i do it i see my ipv4 dns servers. i use freent6 tunnel if that helps14:56
erUSULtomble: this could be usefull too http://test-ipv6.com/14:57
r1tzAnAnt, what raid card? does it support ubuntu?14:57
erUSUL!fakeraid | AnAnt14:57
ubottuAnAnt: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:57
AnAnthow can I know the RAID card ?14:57
erUSULAnAnt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:57
b0otI have setup a samba share on one laptop that has an external harddrive with an ubuntu image on it that I want to copy accross the network via a samba share to another computers 2nd harddrive. How would I do this?14:58
r1tzerUSUL, that won't really help because it will confilct with windows.14:58
histob0ot: drag and drop or you can mount it and cp14:58
tombleerUSUL: thx, I know that test but I want to know how to see the IPv6 dns server I use with sixxs on my machine14:59
histod03boy: or dd etc...14:59
erUSULr1tz: what will conflict with windows?14:59
histob0ot: basically browse from the destination to the share and copy the file over14:59
tombleerUSUL: If you say you see your ipv4 servers then dig aaaa is not the right option for me14:59
erUSULtomble: probably you are not using one. you are using the old one ipv4 only. they have the ipv6 records anyway15:00
ruani really hope i dont have to reinstall ubuntu :(15:00
b0othisto, wouldn't i need to use dd?15:00
tombleerUSUL: yep, just stopped the dns cache and I only see the ipv4 dns server15:00
histob0ot: well yeah from the destination browse to the share and then use dd > external hd15:00
r1tzThe fake raid and the hardware raid can not/should not be used on the same drives.15:01
histob0ot: I would copy the file locally then write it to the second drive just so It didn't take ages but thats me.15:01
histob0ot: i guess either way it would take the same amount of time.15:01
tombleerUSUL: that's what I want to know exactly :)15:01
erUSULr1tz: fakeraid == hardware raid in most motherboards machines15:01
b0othisto, the image is 115 gigs15:01
CaBawhat permissions / group memberships are required to shut down a ubuntu machine from the KDE menu?15:01
histob0ot: okay, so whats the problem?15:02
b0othisto, how do I browse to the samba share in ubuntu15:02
histob0ot: Places > Network15:02
erUSULr1tz: note when the ubuntu wiki, this channel and myself say fakeraid we are talking about bios raid like intels, amd and many other15:02
histob0ot: but you probably want to mount it15:02
b0otSo I did a backup of my system using dd to an external hardrive using the entire drive. I now want to copy that image onto my internal hardrive of a networked computer and boot to the image.15:02
histob0ot: sudo mkdir /media/share && sudo mount -t cifs //network/location /media/share15:02
ruanfinished in 26 seconds..15:02
histob0ot: then you could dd /media/share/nameofimage /dev/whatever15:03
histob0ot: sorry with the dd if=/media/share/nameofimage of=/dev/seconddrivename15:03
AnAnterUSUL: by the way, I already installed Ubuntu (after setting BIOS to ATA mode), will I have to reinstall ?15:03
ruan1.4 gb free?15:03
b0othisto, alright but first I need to do this? sudo mkdir /media/share && sudo mount -t cifs //network/location /media/share15:04
b0otbecause I don't see it in media15:04
erUSULAnAnt: if windows is using the bios raid and you want to keep raid and install ubuntu. yes you will have to reinstall afaics15:04
ruanwhy is there 1.4 gb free?15:04
histob0ot: you have to mount the share.  Either by browsing there with Places > Network and click on it. It will be mounted in /home/username/.gvfs/nameofshare   or on your desktop15:04
mutantei noticed that my syslog is full of DHCPREQUEST and DHCPACK for eth1, every few minutes, then i changed /etc/network/interfaces, so everything is static, nothing mentions dhcp anymore. But now syslog is still full of them...   and i did networking restart and ifdown / ifup ....15:04
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r1tzerUSUL: ok, that makes sense then.15:05
histo!samba | b0ot15:05
ubottub0ot: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:05
ruani just formatted ntfs to ext4 and it says 1.4 gb free15:05
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ruandoes it require a reboot?15:05
historuan: who are you talking to and what are you trying to do?15:05
historuan: there is no way you changed the partition type and still had access to your files. So i'm not sure what your problem is15:06
ruani still do have access to my files15:06
AnAnterUSUL: but those instructions won't work for me15:06
ruanthey were ext4, but the header was ntfs15:06
historuan: then you didn't change the format of the partition you just maybe changed the type code15:06
AnAnterUSUL: I am using alternate CD image15:06
llutz_histo: changing partition-type (id) won't affect the data/filesystem15:06
ruanor something like that15:06
histollutz_: I know he is confused15:06
ruanbut what i am wondering is why does it have 1.4 gb left15:07
AnAnterUSUL: and it can't even detect the CDROM15:07
ruanit had 60 gb left15:07
erUSULAnAnt: well bad news is you can only intall in a fake/bios raid using the livecd15:07
historuan: can you please paste the output of sudo fdisk -l15:07
peakoneCan you speak Chinese?15:07
historuan: and why are you trying to change the partition type?15:07
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:07
Pici!zh | peakone15:07
ubottupeakone: please see above15:07
ruanhisto: some data recovery program messed up my ext415:08
historuan: what program?15:08
ruancant remember the name15:08
mutantewhich other place besides /etc/network/interfaces could cause DHCPREQUESTS on an interface15:08
historuan: what is your ultimate goal here?15:08
AnAnterUSUL: thanks15:08
ruanhisto: i need to get back to ubuntu15:09
historuan: okay is windows on /dev/sda1 ???15:09
ruanhisto: nope, no windows at all15:09
ruansdb1 is my main hdd15:09
ruanwith ubuntu15:09
historuan: then what is on /dev/sdb1?15:09
historuan: sry /dev/sda1?15:09
ruansda1 is my documents/music drive15:09
historuan: okay well both drives are marked as bootable for some reason. Which drive is grub installed on?15:10
llutz_ruan: "sudo blkid |grep sda1"15:10
ruanhisto: sda115:10
ruangrub installed itself randomly15:10
b0othisto, I found the share under /home/username/.gvfs but when I tried the dd command it said permission denied15:11
historuan: no your drives are backwards but whatever.15:11
ruani struggled to install ubuntu at first15:11
histob0ot: use sudo   and becarefull with dd you can destroy the data on a drive if you get your if and of mixed up15:11
ruanhad to reinstall it 4 times before i realised grub put itself on the other drive15:11
historuan: what are you booted off of now?15:11
ruanllutz_: what will that do?15:11
b0otsudo dd if=/home/comm/.gvgs/share\ on \tom-laptop of=/dev/sda bs=1M15:11
ruanhisto: im on my livecd15:11
zachlrTrying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, I'm getting a "Could not calculate the upgrade" dialog.  It asks me to run the package manager "Error marking the upgrade ... this may be caused by held packages.  This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies."  How might I identify which package is causing the problem?15:11
llutz_ruan: print the filesystem used on sda115:12
histob0ot: no15:12
Hans_Henrikis there some support channel for gparted? or partimage?15:12
b0othisto, ?15:12
histob0ot: you need to specify the path to the image not just the share folder.15:12
ruan /dev/sda1: LABEL="Local disk" UUID="1A1433381433166B" TYPE="ntfs"15:12
historuan: Okay can you mount /dev/sdb1 ?15:12
b0othisto, well the shared folder is the image15:12
ruanhisto: it is mounted atm15:12
histob0ot: how'd you make the image?15:13
b0othisto, dd15:13
historuan: and are your files there?15:13
ruanhisto: yes15:13
histob0ot: okay whats the name of the image file?15:13
ruanim really confused15:13
historuan: alright sudo cfdisk /dev/sda1  and remove the boot flag.15:13
b0othisto, it's not one file... it's an exact copy of a harddrive so it has lots of files and folders15:13
historuan: then reinstall grub to the mbr of /dev/sdb15:14
lazukarsI'm trying to run Eclipse via the command line by typing in eclipse /home/user/eclipse/.  But that errors out saying that eclipse is not installed.  However if i navigate to that folder via nautilus and click on eclipse, then it luanches fine.  Any Ideas?15:14
LikesFruitWhen i boot my ubuntu partition it goes strigh to BusyBox any ideas what i can do to fix the problem15:14
histob0ot: then you didn't use dd15:14
llutz_histo: ruan you don't want to run cfdisk on partitions15:14
ruanhisto: how do i install grub to the other drive?15:14
b0othisto, I definitally 100% for sure used dd... that is the only way I know how to back things up15:14
histollutz_: ruan yeah sorry cfdisk /dev/sda  not /dev/sda115:14
historuan: grub-install /dev/sdb15:14
histo!grub | ruan15:14
ubotturuan: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:14
Raydiationdisk utility is beyond awesome15:15
histo!grub2 | ruan15:15
ubotturuan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:15
histob0ot: what commadn did you use to back it up?15:15
ruancp: cannot create regular file `/boot/grub/915resolution.mod': Permission denied15:15
b0othisto, the share has bin, boot, cdrom, dev, etc, home, lib, lost+found, media.mnt... etc folders and initrd.img, initrd.img.old, vmlinuz, vmlinuz.old files15:15
aguitelanyway to check and fix divx video in ubuntu ?15:15
ruanim probably going to have to reinstall ubuntu at this rate15:16
b0othisto, sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdc bs=1M15:16
mikelietzDoes anybody else have trouble even seeing particular DVD movies in Nautilus? I have three movie DVDs - only one even shows up. Inserting either of the two other discs doesn't show anything in the browser.15:16
b0otbecause that partition has a 115 gig file system in it15:16
histob0ot: well you didn't backup the partition just the files15:16
b0otand I also used  sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc bs=1M for 1 to 1 copy of entire harddrive15:16
histob0ot: usually you do something like dd if=/dev/sda1 of=backupimage.img    or something similiar15:17
ruanwell bye.. im going to reinstall ubuntu15:17
evelyettehi, what ubuntu version still uses glibc 2.23 or lower ?15:17
histob0ot: well you overwrote you first copy then15:17
geekbriis 1M always the right value to use for bs?15:18
b0othisto, different harddrives15:18
histob0ot: not if the destination is still /dev/sdc   sdc will just have hte last command you wrote15:18
b0otwhen i swap externals they are always sdc15:18
llutz_ruan: http://tinyurl.com/grub2chroot   read and follow the steps. if you don't have any other OS running, /dev/sda is where you want to write grub15:18
histob0ot: ohh15:18
histob0ot: gotcha15:18
MC8Hey there; how would I go about remapping my keyboard?15:19
Dr_Willis_b0ot:  dont trust exteranl usb hd's always being the same letter...15:19
b0otDr_Willis_, I always check with disk utility before I do anything with dd15:19
histob0ot: so just sudo dd if=/path/to/share of=/dev/where/ever/you/want/it15:19
b0othisto, I tried that with sudo and it said permission denied15:19
Dr_Willis_b0ot:  you have a image FILE of the drive at /path/to/share ? or  what exactly?15:20
histob0ot: can you paste the command and the error you are getting?15:20
histoDr_Willis_: no he doesn't have an image file15:20
histoDr_Willis_: he writing with dd to the drive root15:20
Dr_Willis_he should be making a filesystem on the target then and just use cp. (is how im reading this)15:20
histoDr_Willis_: yeah he could15:21
Dr_Willis_histo:  i cant think of any other way :)15:21
histoDr_Willis_: actually thats probably why since there isn't an image15:21
b0otsudo dd if=/home/comm/.gvfs/share\ on\ tom-laptop/ of=/dev/sda bs=1M15:21
histob0ot: look at what Dr_Willis_ is saying^^^^^^15:21
histob0ot: yeah you can't do that15:21
b0otdd: opening `home/comm/.gvfs/share on tom-laptop/`: Permission denied15:21
Dr_Willis_You dont 'dd' a directory of files...  you dd a image, or device..15:21
histob0ot: you have to create a file system on /dev/sda and cp the files from the share there now. You aren't using dd properly15:22
b0othisto, how do I do that then?15:22
llutz_histo: this is no job for dd at all15:22
b0otcan I make my share act as a device?15:22
Dr_Willis_b0ot:  no you cant make a share work as a device15:23
Dr_Willis_using cp would possibelly be faster also...15:23
Luis_Hello, I'd like some help please, i've been trying to install ubuntu on my home file server (i'm not v good with terminal so i've been trying to install the desktop version) but every time i log in the screen just goes fuzzy/pixelated and it resets back to the login screen, i was advised here yesterday by somebody to reinstall unbutu, which i just did, well it looked good to start with as at first it loged in no problem, but15:23
Luis_upon updating ubuntu and restarting as required it's gone back to doing the same, some help would be very much appreciated.15:23
b0otDr_Willis_, how do I copy 115 gigs to an empty drive?15:23
Dr_Willis_Luis_:  whats your video card for starters...15:23
b0otempty being has nothing on it15:24
Dr_Willis_b0ot:  you make a filesystem on the drive and use cp like you would copy from one cirectory to another...15:24
llutz_b0ot: create a partition/filesystem on the empty drive, cp the stuff you need15:24
histob0ot: thats why normally you should have created the backup wtih dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/usb/drive/imagename.img   then you could mount the share that has the usb drive plugged in and dd if=/share/location/imagename.img of=/dev/sda15:24
Luis_Dr_Willis_, I dont know exactly as its a built in one (old pentium III board)15:24
Dr_Willis_Luis_:  start with the 'lspci' command  and look for a line mentioning 'vga'  (lspci | grep -e vga)  might show the lines.15:25
Dr_Willis_using dd to make a backup image also can waste space.  but it all depends on how you want to do things. :)15:25
b0otwhile I'm at it... are there better tools for backing up systems then dd? the problem I have is when I copy back to my internal drives they always have the same UUID which causes issues on which drive is selected at boot despite what the bios says... the other issue is that I'm only using like 15 gigs of space and each backup takes 115 gigs of space since it copies blank space. would something like fsarchiver be better suited for my needs?15:26
eMyllerhey. has anyone tried a multiseat setup on ubuntu? i need some guiding to start. thanks in advance.15:26
llutz_b0ot: backing up linux-systems? use tar or rsync15:26
eMyllerthere is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX and http://kahuna.clayton.edu/byron/multiseat-kdm.html . i want to try it, but it must be fail safe, as my main machine is in production right now.15:26
Luis_Dr_Willis_, ok give me a minute, i'll have to restart into terminal15:26
b0otllutz will those allow my to copy back and forth from harddrives of different sizes?15:26
jribb0ot: partimage if you want to image the whole thing, rsnpashot or rdiff-backup if you want to backup certain files15:26
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 :: I am noticing about 1/2 or even 1/3 of the battery life on Ubuntu compared to when I was using Windows 7 just a few days ago.  Is there any fix for this? (note: I also notice that when I change brightness level the graphical bar moves but my screen doesn't dim or brighten) - I am using an Asus UL50VT which can get up to 9-10 hours life and only getting about 3.15:27
llutz_b0ot: sure15:27
llutz_b0ot: it backups filewise15:27
llutz_b0ot: that just won't work with windows15:27
Dr_Willis_Luis_:  you can also IRC from  the console with weechat or irssi15:29
Dr_Willis_alisalaah:  often laptops have special drivers/tricks in windows  that are tweaked :( hard to do that in linux.15:29
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b0otjrib doesn't partimage just do 1 partition, and doesn't ubuntu have multiple paritions?15:29
Dr_Willis_alisalaah:  my laptop gets more life in windows also.. it has a 'eco' mode that really throttles stuff down.15:29
mikelietznobody else has dvd problems where only some movie DVDs show up in the file manager? (even after installing libdvdcss2?)15:30
saatanaperkeleIs there a good way to control my computer usage in Ubuntu? I clearly lack self dicipline and I need to prepare myself for an exam. I mean could I schedule some annoying popup alert + annoying sound to pop every ten seconds or so when the clock hits 23:59 for example? :)15:30
Dr_Willis_b0ot:  you  can easially backup/restore  partitions. you dont have to do the whold drive at once.. in fact its often easier to do it one partition at a time15:30
alisalaahDr_Willis_, there was a lot of Asus branded "junk" that came a long with it, especially performance and graphics tweaks.. is there an easy way to import and emulate them? such things like WINE may not do it but something similar15:30
Dr_Willis_b0ot:  theres no real need to  'backup' your swap partition thats on a hard drive. for example.15:30
jribb0ot: well sure partimage works on partitions, but you can use it more than once.  Also, a default ubuntu install will only have 1 partition unless you set it up differently (which doesn't matter anyway in light of the first point)15:30
ikoniasaatanaperkele: you just need to control yourself, there is no real other method, ubuntu can't help you with that15:31
Dr_Willis_alisalaah: i doubt if wine is going to do it.. for a great many reasons..15:31
b0othmm interesting15:31
Pumpkin-saatanaperkele: Put "shutdown" in cron15:31
adamthehackis there any one experience use Gnacktrack15:31
Dr_Willis_!info gnacktrack15:31
ubottuPackage gnacktrack does not exist in maverick15:31
Dr_Willis_whats gnacktrack?15:31
ikoniaadamthehack: we don't support that distro here15:31
saatanaperkeleikonia I actually disagree with that, in Windows I got good results from "at shutdown -s 23:59" or something similar15:31
lazukarsCan anyone help?15:31
saatanaperkelePumpkin-: okay, I'll check this cron thing out15:32
ikoniasaatanaperkele: ok, you can set up a cronjob to shutdown at midnight, but there is nothing to stop you disabling that, so it's back to self control15:32
adamthehackany one can solve the problem with ISO Gnacktrack?15:32
b0otDr_Willis_, but for my current problem... basically I am going to have to format my blank drive and create a swap partition and then copy all my files from my network share into the main parition I create?15:32
ikoniaadamthehack: stop asking, we don't support that distro here15:32
llutz_saatanaperkele: use at in linux too if you liek15:32
alisalaahDr_Willis_, that's why i said "or something similar"15:32
Luis_Dr_Willis_, thank you for the tip, luckly i have a KVM hooked up =) so thegfx card line says " Intel Corp 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller (CGC) (rev02)15:32
r1tzsaatanaperkele: You can use cron15:32
ikoniaadamthehack: because we only support ubuntu here15:32
ikoniaadamthehack: not derivitives15:33
saatanaperkeleikonia yea but I find even those kinds of little aids helpful :)15:33
Dr_Willis_Luis_:  ive seen KVM switches cause so many issues in the past...15:33
ikoniasaatanaperkele: ok, then schdule a cron shutdown at midnight15:33
saatanaperkelehow do I access this cron?15:33
ikoniasaatanaperkele: crontab -l or crontab -e to edit15:33
adamthehackbut it similiar OS with Ubuntu but newest version15:33
llutz_saatanaperkele: sudo apt-get install atd && man at15:33
ikoniasaatanaperkele: you would be well advised to read up on cron15:33
ikoniaadamthehack: it's not ubuntu, we don't support it, sorry15:33
gharzguys, i've been trying to copy disc my ubuntu 8.10 (desktop right click cd->Copy Disc then select copy) but nothing happens... it closes and does not copy the CD. i used Brasero as well but it's the same story. nothing happens.15:33
Dr_Willis_adamthehack:  they proberly have their own support forums/channels and web site.15:33
gharzany idea?15:33
saatanaperkeleikonia allright, I'll find some kind of howto. thanks15:33
Jason1I configured opendns this morning and now my connection keeps dropping after 10 or 20 minutes of use. Any tips on how to diagnose the issue?15:34
Dr_Willis_adamthehack:  if they dont.. then thats a good reason to not use it.15:34
ikoniagharz: 8.10 is dead, you need to move to a supported distro15:34
Luis_Dr_Willis_, surely shouldn't be the cause of this problem as i consistantly use it with my other computer (currently not hooked up) also running ubuntu?15:34
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Dr_Willis_gharz:  you could use dd..15:34
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Dr_Willis_Luis_:  i dont even rember the original problem. :) im running around after a 3 yr old kid...15:34
gharzikonia: i find it easier and faster in recovering files from my window$ pc.15:35
Guest90630why does my start menu button not work in Win7 them for JULinux8 ??15:35
alisalaahDr_Willis_,  Will NDISWrapper work for Asus specialty tweaked drivers if i can find them?15:35
ikoniagharz: ok, use windows then15:35
Dr_Willis_alisalaah:  i doubt it.15:35
Dr_Willis_alisalaah:  check the forums for that exact make/model - could be theres some tweaks out you can do.15:35
Luis_Dr_Willis_, oh dear, thank you for lightening up my day that made me chuckle, i can't help you with that one but if you can still help me i'll be very greatfull15:36
gharzikonia: i'm currently using ubuntu15:36
Dr_Willis_Guest90630:  you mean the windows KEY on the keyboard?15:36
gharzi don't have window$15:36
ikoniagharz: ok, but the version you are using is not supported15:36
b0othisto, I created master boot record, then I created a 115 gigs (of 120 gigs) main parition and now how do I create the 5 gig swap partion?15:36
adamthehackikonia: i already have Ubuntu too version 10 but I wonder that OS can bootable too with ISO seems like booting with FD or ROM not to installed it15:36
ikoniagharz: so you need to upgrade to a supported version15:36
Dr_Willis_brb.. hes in the fish tank now.....15:36
ikoniaadamthehack: what part of "we do not support it"15:36
ikoniaadamthehack: please stop asking15:36
Guest90630i click on the start button and nothing happens15:36
gharzikonia: i'm using it to recover files... i have the latest version but it doesn't run on my PC15:36
ikoniagharz: define doesn't run on your PC15:36
gharzikonia: that's the problem. my only concern is i can't copy the CD15:36
r1tzdd t15:36
Guest90630help please15:37
gharzikonia: on the latest ubuntu, it gets stuck after asking if i wanna try ubuntu or install... then that's it. doesn't work.15:37
ikoniagharz: does it just hang, can you move the menu at all,15:37
Luis_Dr_Willis_, right original problem is that ubuntu wont log in to the "desktop screen", after i enter my details to log in the screen goes all pixelated & fuzzy and then it just resets back to the log in screen15:38
alisalaahDr_Willis_, thank you sir15:38
b0otDr_Willis_, how would I copy my files to a device?15:38
adamthehacki got from my friend Ubuntu version 10.10 is there any support of that15:38
ikoniaadamthehack: full support yet15:38
Guest90630nothing happens when i click on the start orb15:38
b0otsudo cp /home/comm/.gvfs/share\ on\ tom-laptop/* of=/dev/sda?15:39
gharzikonia: i can't move the menu. i'm getting this hour cursor.15:39
ikoniagharz: there isn't a cursour on the boot screen, or do you mean the desktop it loads after it's booted15:39
gharzikonia: i'm using 8.1 just to copy files from a window$ partition15:39
ikoniagharz: 8.10 is not supported15:39
gharzikonia: mouse pointer.15:39
sllidewindow$ >.<15:39
adamthehackthat kind of version must installed too boot it or just i can create ISO to FD or ROM to bootable with dual OS Seven and Ubuntu?15:40
ikoniagharz: mount pointer ? there is no mounse point on the boot screen, do you mean the desktop it displays after ubuntu boots ?15:40
gharzikonia... anyway thanks15:40
gharzappreciate it15:40
ikoniaadamthehack: we don't support custom ISO builds,15:40
gharzit just doesn't help me15:40
ikoniaadamthehack: you can boot from it and run it as a live CD15:40
ikoniagharz: if you answer the question we can see if we can get a supported version running15:40
ikoniaadamthehack: or you can install it15:41
Johnmrename u435607 jan_pomni_fb15:41
dehumannow thats much better, compiz is pretty nifty15:41
Guest90630what is the fix for the start button in Win7 theme?15:41
ikoniaGuest90630: contact the theme maker15:41
aminhow to correct missing dependencies in comand line15:41
adamthehackif I installed it can I make a duall booting with seven or just Ubuntu OS with Live CD15:41
gharzikonia... i'm currently using 10.10... and now i am trying to copy a 8.10 disc to another disc ... copying doesn't work even with brasero... brasero just closes after selecting copy from the option15:42
ikoniaadamthehack: what is Seven ?15:42
ikoniaamin: what are you trying to install15:42
alisalaahIs there a way to replace Evolution within the Indicator Applet 0.4.6 with GMail Prism or such?15:42
gharzi use 8.10 live cd to recover files from a windows partition15:42
ikoniagharz: you said you where using 8.10 a minute ago15:42
Guest90630well i installed it from JULinux15:42
gharzikonia... please check my previous messages... i said i am trying to copy a 8.10 disc15:42
venomhi can anyone help me with kubuntu15:42
Guest90630anyways, i thought someone might know whats going on15:43
Klaus_Dietercan I transparently compress a tmpfs?15:43
Dr_Willis_gharz:  make an image file with dd. then burn the image file to the  disk.15:43
gharzi didn't even mention the version which i'm using15:43
gharzDr_Willis_: thanks so much!~15:43
Dr_Willis_gharz:  i think i mentioned that earlier. :)15:43
adamthehackI means window 7 for OS make a primary and Ubuntu with Live CD to Boot15:43
Dr_Willis_gharz:  brasero has been problematic for a long time  i rarely use it.15:43
ikoniagharz: ah, I see, my apologies15:43
dehumanhow do i make it so compiz desktop cube doesn't 'snap' or flip so fast, i want to actually see the windows on the cylinder before selecting15:44
ikoniagharz: if you open brasero does it see you have a blank CD in the drive ?15:44
ikoniaadamthehack: ubuntu supports dual boot with windows 7 just fine15:44
aminwebmin which need apt-show-versions which is not install because libapt-pkg-perl which is not install because apt-show-versions  is not install15:45
silverlightningI have a critical problem with package manager in lubuntu, it is stuck in installation process of restriced packages.15:45
ikoniaamin: webmin is not supported, you must be getting it from a 3rd party repo15:45
ikoniaamin: webmin is not in the ubuntu repos15:45
llutz_!webmin | amin its not a bug its a feature, forget webmin crap15:45
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox15:46
adamthehackis there any groups Ubuntu at Facebook that I can Join it?15:46
ikoniaadamthehack: have a look15:46
erxyzHi, is there any type of NAS that can run any type of Ubuntu so I can use a NAS as a small server and run ruby scripts???15:46
andreylosevI killed my notify-osd, how do I start it again?15:46
ikoniaerxyz: any x86 based box would be a good contender15:46
Dr_Willis_erxyz:  theres a great many NAS's that run Linux..15:46
aminhow get around missing dependencies in shell15:46
Dr_Willis_erxyz:  even some of my Media-player box's are running linux. :)15:47
erxyzyes, ikonia, but i cant have a "box" running in my doorm, it has to be silent15:47
ikoniaamin: ubuntu does not package webmin, it must be from an external resource15:47
Dr_Willis_erxyz:  customizeing teh OS on them will be the bigger issue.15:47
adamthehackIs there any groups that I can join it may I know the link15:47
ikoniaerxyz: so buy a silent nas box that is x86 based15:47
erxyzyes, example of such??15:47
ikoniaerxyz: google and ##hardware15:47
aminyes I know but its dependencies is in repo15:47
saatanaperkele"47 17 * * * root echo "test test"" okay I don't see where it got echoed, any ideas?15:47
ikoniaamin: what repo ?15:47
ikoniasaatanaperkele: that's not a valid cron entry15:47
Dr_Willis_erxyz:  many of the NAS's are using ARM cpu.15:48
saatanaperkeleikonia how come?15:48
Hans_Henrikwith GParted, i wanted to transfer a 40 gb ntfs partition to the end of the drive. it started moving, and about 6 GB done, power failed... and i'd like to preserve as much of the data as possible... any idea what i should do now?15:48
ikoniasaatanaperkele: because it means nothing to cron beyond the timing15:48
aminthe main point is how to install libapt-pkg-perl and  apt-show-versions15:48
ikoniasaatanaperkele: the timing bit is spot on, the rest means nothing15:48
AelingilI'm having a problem logging into ubuntu. I start the computer up and it does not load the "sign in" screen. It drops me into (initramfs). Can anyone help me get back into Ubuntu?15:48
ikoniaamin: what repo did it come from ? answer the questions15:48
erxyzDr_Willis_, yep, but aren't it possible to use some linux on ARM?15:49
Luis_Dr_Willis_, right original problem is that ubuntu wont log in to the "desktop screen", after i enter my details to log in the screen goes all pixelated & fuzzy and then it just resets back to the log in screen15:49
Piciamin: sudo apt-get install libapt-pkg-perl apt-show-versions15:49
ikonia!info webmin15:49
ubottuPackage webmin does not exist in maverick15:49
stevecammy display is behaving weirdly, part of my screen seems to be shaded and it seems to be related to what windows are open in the background, what is going on?15:49
Luis_Dr_Willis_, sorry wrong key, are you avaliable now?15:49
ikoniaamin: it can't be in main as webmin is not packaged by ubuntu15:49
ikoniaamin: therefore where did it come from ?15:49
saatanaperkeleikonia can I schedule a command to lock the screen?15:49
saatanaperkelethat should get my attention that its time to shut down the computer :D15:50
ikoniasaatanaperkele: I'm sure you would be able to, something like "xlock"15:50
ikoniasaatanaperkele: not sure how you'd call the gnome interface to lock the screen though15:50
silverlightningwhat to do when package manager is frozen during installation process ?15:50
ikoniasilverlightning: that's a worry, are you sure it's froze and not just doing a long task15:50
silverlightningwell, if it is a very long task then it might be15:50
Colonel_PanicHaving trouble with pureftpd15:51
ikoniasilverlightning: there are some big jobs to do sometimes15:51
Colonel_Panic"421 Unable to read the indexed puredb file (or old format detected) - Try pure-pw mkdb"15:51
aminmy dear fellow libapt-pkg-perl is not related to webmin forget webmin15:51
stevecamsilverlightning, where is it stuck? you shouold see some information in its details15:51
ikoniaamin: no, you said you where installing webmin and wanted to know how to resolve deps15:51
Colonel_Panicno other ftp services running15:51
silverlightningthe information details show a confirmation page, something with microsoft end user agreement,15:51
ValayaHello everyone15:52
silverlightningthere is no way to press "OK" or agree?15:52
amini know its dependencies15:52
ikoniasilverlightning: what are you installing ?15:52
Luis_can any one help please? i can't see the desktop on a brand new installation of ubuntu 10.04.215:52
ikoniaamin: so what are you actually asking ?15:52
Colonel_Panicis this the right place to ask such a question?15:52
silverlightningikonia, restricted packages15:52
ValayaAnyone has experience with compiliing drivers for Ubuntu ? need some help :/15:52
aminthe main point is how to install libapt-pkg-perl and  apt-show-versions which non of these two install becuse of each other15:53
ikoniasilverlightning: move the windows around make sure it's not behind it (you may need to use the arrows and enter key to select "accept")15:53
ikoniasilverlightning: it's normally an ncurses based interface that doesn't support the mouse15:53
ikoniaamin: as pici said, you can do it on one line15:53
aminone line solve it?15:53
silverlightningit says preparing tff-mscorefonts installer15:53
ikoniaamin: yup15:54
aminyes of course thanks dear hooora15:54
silverlightningikonia, I have I cant find any way to agree or confirm, weird15:54
ikoniathanks Pici he got what you where asking, not me15:54
ikoniasilverlightning: I wonder if you closed the window15:54
ikoniasilverlightning: I don't have a box to test on15:54
silverlightningno, i can't close the window15:55
Luis_ikonia, Hi, you were helping me yesterday is there any chance you could help me out further today please?15:55
silverlightningwell, at least I don't know how15:55
ikoniaLuis_: I'm about to leave, sorry15:55
Dr_Willis_silverlightning:  use tab key to highlight ok and hit enter perhaps...15:55
adamthehackcan I share my Facebook link in here to make a friend with all of you15:56
ikoniaadamthehack: no thanks15:56
ikoniaadamthehack: this is a support channel only,15:56
triptecjava6-sdk vs sun-java6-sdk?15:56
Luis_ikonia, thank you anyway.15:56
Valayaanyone has experience with compiling drivers for Ubuntu ? I can't seem to figure out how to compile wireless card drivers (yes, I've searched the net before asking >< )15:56
Dr_Willis_Valaya:  the drivers dont have some sort of readme?15:57
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Luis_Dr_Willis_, are you still able to help me please?15:57
BluesKajValaya, which wifi chipset ?15:57
Valayawell, they do, but I can't understand shit to be honest, just came from Windows15:57
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Colonel_PanicHaving trouble with pureftpd15:57
N1k0shey everyone, noob here. Just wondering what desktop environment ubuntu uses, KDE or GNOME?15:58
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silverlightningDr_Willis, it doesn't work either, but thanks for the tip15:58
Colonel_Panicn1k0s Gnome15:58
Dr_Willis_N1k0s:  kubuntu = kde, ubuntu = gnome15:58
Colonel_Panicby default15:58
Dr_Willis_N1k0s:  you can install both if you wanted on the same install.15:58
silverlightningI really don't have luck with ubuntu15:58
Colonel_Panicbut you can use whatever you want15:58
N1k0sGotcha, thx all15:58
ValayaI've heard that official Realtek drivers would help increase the signal strength, since mine is uber low and im like 10 meters from router :S15:58
silverlightninghowever, lubuntu runs much more lightly15:58
Dr_Willis_lubuntu is nifty. very good. lacking in some areas.. but thats to be expected  for a 'light' desktop15:59
silverlightningikonia, dr_willis, this means full reinstallation ?15:59
triptecwhat's the difference between suns version of the jre and the one that shows up in the rep?15:59
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Dr_Willis_silverlightning:  i dont know what your origianl problem is.. i do see lots of people fail to realize to hit 'tab' to accept the eula/other things the pacakge manager can piopup.16:00
Colonel_PanicHaving trouble with pure-ftpd16:00
Dr_Willis_triptec:  one is the iced-tea oss version.. suns is in the partenres repo if you want it.16:00
triptecDr_Willis_, is it faster or something?16:00
silverlightningDr_willis, I have tried the usual procedure, but package manager seem stuck in the agreement face16:00
Luis_Can anyone please help?16:01
Luis_I can't see the desktop after a brand new installation of ubuntu 10.0416:01
compdocLuis_, did you install a 3rd party driver for the vid card?16:02
Luis_compdoc, no i haven't just the standard install16:02
soreauI was trying something with python2.7 and kinda had to reinstall a lot of packages but now that the system is back to normal, I can't play dvd's with totem anymore even though I reinstalled libdvdread css16:02
Colonel_Panicdoes anybody have any experience with pure-ftp?16:03
Luis_compdoc, the video card is an onboard Intel Corp 82815 chipset graphics controller (SGS) (rev02)16:03
llutz_Colonel_Panic: just state your problem. if someone can help he possibly will do16:03
zixelexLuis_ nay ext video card16:04
compdocLuis_, Ive seen options in the bios for the vid card that dont work well with some OSes16:04
Colonel_Paniclogging into the ftp server, I'm getting: "421 Unable to read the indexed puredb file (or old format detected) - Try pure-pw mkdb"16:04
gimpy5612I'm trying to get Java into FireFox 3.6 on Ubuntu 9.10. I've gone as far as to wipe out ALL java and firefox packages then kill ~/.mozilla, then install FF, install sun-java6 and the plugin package for sun java, but it tstill claims I have no java in FF. If I try to install the plugin within FF, it claims I need it, but already have it so it won't install.16:04
compdocLuis_, is there a manual online somewhere?16:04
ValayaCan anyone help me out ? just need some guidelines on what to punch into the terminal ><16:04
Colonel_Panicgimpy5612: try asking in #mozilla16:05
Luis_compdoc, not that i managed to find, its an old pentium III board with no make written on it16:05
silverlightningDr_Willis, maybe I made it stuck it's self not hitting the correct confirmation keys right away?16:05
Colonel_Panicthey're really helpful with issues like that16:05
Luis_compdoc, it has always worked reliably under windows as a file server and print server at home, i just wanted to make the move to ubuntu - finally16:05
compdocLuis_, then reboot it and enter the bios, and tell me what you see for video options16:06
Colonel_PanicI'm trying to give myself FTP access to the /var/www/ directory, and I can't log in16:06
Luis_zixelex, sorry i didn't understand your comment?!16:06
Luis_compdoc, will do, just a sec16:06
AelingilI'm having a problem logging into ubuntu. I start the computer up and it does not load the "sign in" screen. It drops me into (initramfs). Can anyone help me get back into Ubuntu?16:06
compdocLuis_, a modern OS on an old board - occasionally it just doesnt work out16:06
zixelexLuis_get some cheap video card16:08
Citizenwarriorneed a bit of help. eth0 and eth1 of my duel 10/100/1000 NIC vanished over night when no one was even using the box... have tried both ports with different cables on different port on my switch and even different networks.  multiple reboots and the output of ifconfig -a is always the same just 'lo' and 'vboxnet0'  where do I start?16:09
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adil_hi sorry my english isn't very well16:09
adil_I need Ubuntu's default text fonts (sequentially or mixed).I'm looking for on the Internet.16:09
Luis_compdoc, well there's settings all over the place, should i go through them? i just wish this worked because i only have to set my file and print shares, once they're done it just sits in a cupboard with no monitor mouse or keyboard16:10
AelingilI'm having a problem logging into ubuntu. I start the computer up and it does not load the "sign in" screen. It drops me into (initramfs). Can anyone help me get back into Ubuntu?16:10
dehumancitizenwa: try ifconfig eth0 up and then look at dmesg16:10
dehumanfor the clues16:10
compdocLuis_, how much ram is assigned the video, and what size is the aperature?16:10
BluesKajAelingil, can you get to a tty prompt?16:11
Citizenwarriordehuman, the output is this 'eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found'16:11
AelingilBluesKaj, by typing tty at the prompt?16:11
AelingilBluesKaj, when i type it in, i get  /dev/console and then pushed back into (initramfs)16:12
saatanaperkeledoes anyone have any idea why this does not work in crontab? "10 18 * * * virtanen DISPLAY=:0 && xlock -mode rain"16:12
dehumancitizenwa: check further up in dmesg, around last boot16:12
haroldhey guys... how to install a manually downloaded driver???16:12
crlcan81What is it you call what goes on between grub and splash? where it shows your distro and a loading bar of some sort?16:12
dehumansee if you see the card or any errors16:12
crlcan81or IS that splash?16:12
saatanaperkelecrlcan81: yes16:12
raidosaatanaperkele: crontab requires full path to command16:13
Luis_compdoc, Video BIOS cashable - diable, AGP Graphics aperture size - 64MB, On-chip video Window Size - 64MB16:13
crlcan81Was thinking it was but I kept having it changed by Ubuntu itself.16:13
aminhow to establish a ssh tunnel between my pc and a dedicated server for untifiltering16:13
saatanaperkeleraido oh okay, so /etc/xlock.... right?16:13
voglsterdo we have any openvpn experts here? im having a strange problem where openvpn connects, i can ssh, scp, and ping everything on my remote lan but i cannot rdp or access http resources...16:13
raidosaatanaperkele: indeed16:13
saatanaperkeleraido thank you, ill test that16:13
compdocthey used to say to make the aperture size twice the size of the vid cards ram16:13
haroldi downloaded nvidia drivers but when i opened it to install it wont decode.16:13
xorg62_ / /quit16:14
haroldhelp me installing this *.run file16:14
compdochow about palette snoop? that should be disabled16:14
Citizenwarriordehuman, stand by will read... btw I am losing you in the room sorry it took so long to reply16:14
AbhijiThi guys16:15
Luis_compdoc, was that last comment for me? sorry.16:15
LicuadoraI remember I could download youtube videos from the tmp folder, but I cant no more, where are they stored now?16:15
AbhijiTi am running lucid. and i run one video on youtube but that file is not either in /tmp nor in /home/<username>/tmp16:15
saatanaperkeleraido didn't work :S16:15
compdocLuis_, yes:  they used to say to make the aperture size twice the size of the vid cards ram, and, how about palette snoop? that should be disabled16:15
haroldi tried by terminal but it says cant open the file. file is intact then why is it not installing??16:15
jrib!nvidia | harold16:16
ubottuharold: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:16
Luis_compdoc, yes indeed it is16:16
compdocLuis_, there should be a setting for the ram assigned. how much ram does the system have?16:16
jribharold: don't install the nvidia driver manually, use System → Administration → Additional Drivers16:16
aminhow to establish a ssh tunnel between my pc and a dedicated server for untifiltering16:16
haroldthx jrib16:16
Luis_compdoc, the system has 512 of ram16:16
haroldjrib: is there no way to install manually??16:16
crlcan81Ohhk.. this is fun.16:16
adil_anywhere don't have a list16:16
compdocLuis_, and the vid card is using 32 megs?16:17
adil_please help me..16:17
haroldi dont want to download again n again16:17
raidosaatanaperkele: try making file with that command in it and then have cron execute the script16:17
jribharold: there is (and the wiki link tells you how), but it's recommended you use APT16:17
llutz_amin: man ssh (look for -D or  -L)16:17
Luis_compdoc, well according to the settings i posted a minute ago, it has 64 assigned to it16:17
haroldalright. will it work with maverick release?16:17
BluesKajharold, make sure the file is in your /home dir , otherwise you have cd to the dir where the file is loacated and do : ./nvidiafile.run16:17
compdocLuis_, Ive seen vid cards freak out when they access bad ram. have you ever run memtest86+ on the system?16:17
haroldits in download folder in root.16:18
silverlightningUbuntu puts people in an impossible pickle !!!!!16:18
silverlightningLinux in general16:18
haroldso in terminal I tried opening that file but it says cant open file16:18
aminyou mean ssh -D 8080 user@
AelingilI'm having a problem logging into ubuntu. I start the computer up and it does not load the "sign in" screen. It drops me into (initramfs). Can anyone help me get back into Ubuntu?16:18
BluesKajharold, whatn is the exact file name ?16:18
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crlcan81Well at least I know why the splash screen's being overridden16:19
gauravscI have a question16:19
Luis_compdoc, no i haven't however forgive my ignorance but why would the video card only go crazy when i try to log into the desktop yet the login screen is displayed properly16:19
crlcan81the multiple GDMs16:19
gauravscI am running lampp on my ubuntu16:19
Licuadoraharold, Are you trying to install an nvidia driver?16:19
saatanaperkeleraido I'm afraid I don't have the sufficient skills to do that :D16:20
compdocLuis_, make the aperture size twice the size of the ram assigned to the card. do you think 'On-chip video Window Size' means the ram?16:20
BluesKajharold, move the file to your /home16:20
raidosaatanaperkele: no skills required16:20
gauravscI am running lampp on my ubuntu at port no 80(default). I have made the port(sudo ufw enable 80 ) .. But its still not visible to my friend remotely while it works fine for me on localhost.?? what is wrong ??16:21
Luis_compdoc, i would imagine so, however when i enter that "setting" i only have the option for 32 or 64 and its already on 64 so if i wanted to change it i could only half it anway16:21
raidosaatanaperkele: make a text file that looks like this..16:21
compdocLuis_, when the vid card starts to access ram is when you'll see it fail if the ram is bad - doesnt matter if its a seperate vid card or an onboard vid card. Ive seen it happen16:21
djindyI have a non-journaled hfs+ external hard drive that I use to transfer data from my ubuntu machine to a iMac for work. Recently, it hasn't been mounting as writeable in Ubuntu, and I have confirmed it is still non-journaled. How can I get this to mount as writeable?16:21
haroldBluesKaj moved to home folder. now?16:21
BluesKajLicuadora, he says file is in his root folder , starnge normally they're in /home downloads if ff was used16:21
aminllutz: you mean ssh -D 8080 user@
saatanaperkeleraido wait before that, are you sure xlock is in /etc/xlock?16:21
llutz_amin: if a socks-proxy connection is what you want, yes16:22
raidosaatanaperkele: do "which xclock"16:22
Luis_compdoc, all makes sence now, do you think that'd be logical step now? to run a mem test?16:22
saatanaperkeleraido its in /usr/bin16:22
BluesKajharold, is it in /home downloads?16:22
saatanaperkeleokay let me try the old method again16:22
gauravscI am running lampp on my ubuntu at port no 80(default). I have made the port(sudo ufw enable 80 ) .. But its still not visible to my friend remotely while it works fine for me on localhost.?? what is wrong ??16:22
sacarlsongauravsc: well did you setup port forwarding on your adsl router to your ubuntu box ip and served ports?16:22
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raidosaatanaperkele: I assumed you knew where it was16:22
haroldBluesKaj: yeah...16:22
raidosaatanaperkele: lol16:22
gauravscno diddidn't16:22
gauravscplease tell me how to do it16:22
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compdocLuis_, its always a hardware or software problem. you have to start somewhere to troubleshoot. A driver would be something to look at next, but thats harder to troubleshoot than testing the hardware16:23
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sacarlsongauravsc: and I'll bet there is really no need for a firewall in your case16:23
saatanaperkeleraido nah, I'm a newbie :D16:23
aminllutz_: I want to pass the filter in another words chang my pc ip to server ip16:23
Citizenwarriordehuman, I have read my dmesg now and although I am no expert at decoding it all, nothing jumps out as an error of any type... It is worth noting for clear communication that the 'output' i quoted you last time wasn't from dmesg it was the return of running ifconfig eth0 at the command line. just wanted to tell you that in case I was unclear16:23
soreauI am getting '** Message: Error: No URI handler implemented for "dvd".' and tried installing libdvdcss, libdvdread, totem-gstreamer, totem-xine but nothing works. When I install gstreamer plugins it crashes with "totem: /build/buildd/libdvdnav-4.1.3/src/vm/vm.c:1485: process_command: Assertion `0' failed." Googling around points to a codecs issue but I have u-r-e and everything I know to install so far16:24
llutz_amin:what filter?16:24
Luis_compdoc, saying that i just restarted the computer and it quickly goes through that memory check that the BIOS on older systems usually shows and it says RAM 524*** + 1024 OK16:24
LicuadoraBkuesKaj It doesent matter where it is, as long as it is somewhere, eh?16:24
saatanaperkele25 18 * * * virtanen /usr/bin/xlock -mode rain16:24
saatanaperkele25 18 * * * virtanen DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/xlock -mode rain16:24
saatanaperkeleneither works :S16:24
BluesKajharold, ok copy and paste this to the terminal : sudo ~/Downloads/./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.36.run16:25
soreaumplayer can play dvd's fine but I have no way to navigate the videos. totem just complains about not having a codec or crashes when it gets one installed. Can someone help me get totem working to play a dvd?16:25
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  X has some security features that may be stopping it. you might need to use the xhost command as part of your X startup.16:25
aminfirewall proxy specially configured to ban access to especial domains and etc16:25
raidosaatanaperkele: what is virtanen16:25
compdocLuis_, so it has more ram? thats bios test doesnt actaully test the ram - its just counts it16:25
saatanaperkelemy username16:25
aminllutz_: firewall proxy specially configured to ban access to especial domains and etc16:25
saatanaperkeleand when I type xlock or /usr/bin/xlock it works fine on the command line16:25
Luis_compdoc, only reason i was quite quick at ruleing out hardware is because the system didn't go wrong or anything i pulled it out for a reinstall, i wanted to get rid of the last ubuntu system in my house.16:25
raidosaatanaperkele: are you using your own crontab16:25
haroldHey command not found16:26
Licuadora$sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop16:26
saatanaperkeleraido gedit /etc/crontab16:26
llutz_amin: ok, socks-proxy should do. configure your local apps to use it (socks5, localhost, 8080)16:26
Licuadoraharold and then install it16:26
Dr_Willis_Licuadora:  its better to use 'sudo service gdm stop' these days16:26
Luis_compdoc, ahh fare enough,. well it has 2 x 256 sticks and i just assumed that the extra bit was the video memory16:26
raidosaatanaperkele: no, you have to "crontab -e" and your user16:26
aminllutz_: just socket or all ex in firefox16:26
haroldLicuadora the given command was wrong16:26
haroldcan u give it again?16:27
llutz_amin: no idea about firefo16:27
raidosaatanaperkele: i meant "as" your user16:27
BluesKajharold, ok,  cd ~/Downloads, then  : sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.36.run16:27
raidosaatanaperkele: so "virtanen$crontab -e16:27
compdocLuis_, its possible theres seperate memory onboard that is for the video, but it wasnt common16:27
aminllutz_: so in network proxy in ubuntu in my pc?16:28
llutz_amin: if it supports socks-proxy...16:28
raidosaatanaperkele: and you should consult the crontab man page,16:28
harold"no such directory found"16:28
jribharold: do you understand the consequences of not using APT for the nvidia drivers?  You'll have to maintain the drivers yourself instead of update-manager automatically handling that for you16:28
BluesKajjrib, good point16:29
Aidar-Nagatohi, i used gnome, but now i moved to openbox. i'd like to use gnome-screenshot, but it has got sound when i run it in openbox without gnome. how can i turn its sound off?16:29
saatanaperkeleraido: 29 18 * * * virtanen DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/xlock -mode rain16:29
aminllutz_: i did but my browser open no page nothing16:29
saatanaperkeleno effect, fffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-16:29
haroldjrib:why? wont it update DB every restart??16:29
compdocLuis_, I meant it wasnt common for computers back then16:29
raidosaatanaperkele: you did crontab -e ?16:29
Luis_compdoc, i'm going to rule out hardware (faults wise anyway) while we've been chatting i've restarted the system about 10 times and it consistantly logs in now (no pixelation or screen fuzzyness) however it wont show me the top/bottom applications bars but when i right click the options menu comes up and i can change the desktop background and what-not16:29
raidosaatanaperkele: take that username out, you dont need it16:30
saatanaperkelereplace it with * ?16:30
llutz_amin: then you'll have to configure that browser to use the socks-localhost-808016:30
compdocLuis_, set the desktop resolution16:30
saatanaperkeleraido replace with * or just remove?16:30
BluesKajharold, not the driver from the nvidia website, it's not the same driver as in the repos16:30
jribharold: update-manager will only manage things installed through APT16:30
aminllutz_: it is exactly what am i doing16:30
raidosaatanaperkele:  and why the DISPLAY entry16:31
raidosaatanaperkele: just remove16:31
sogeking99i cant get my ubuntu live usb to boot on my laptop, it just says boot error, but it works on my pc.16:31
saatanaperkeleraido okay, one minute16:31
llutz_amin: and the ssh-connection is established?16:31
BluesKajharold, which nvidia card is it?16:31
jribsaatanaperkele: get rid of &&16:31
saatanaperkeleraido I copied the display thingy from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35026416:31
haroldohkay... well then tell me the recommended way.. but it will install the latest drivers right??16:31
jrib!nvidia | harold16:31
haroldnvidia 840016:31
harold@jrib: what does that mean?16:32
saatanaperkele32 18 * * * /usr/bin/xlock -mode rain16:32
Dr_Willis_sogeking99:  ive had some usb flash drives not work on some machines but not others also.. also had a differnt flash drive work on pc #2 but not the first.. i havent seen the issue with my newer machines and newer flash drives however.16:32
Luis_compdoc, how do i do that without access to the "system" menu? is there a key combination to bring it up?16:32
saatanaperkelethis is getting really frustrating to be honest16:32
jribharold: ubottu should shortly chime in with information...16:32
aminllutz_: yes and the cerser in shell is blinking16:32
sacarlsonsogeking99: you might try change the bios settings in your laptop for boot on usb if it has boot from usb disk pick that16:32
jribubottu: test16:32
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  does that same command work from the console?16:32
ResQueHey guys, i am having real trobble with live CD, if i install a package either by software center or apt-get install it get about 80% done then just freeze, the app still works but the progress bar does not go any further. can anyone help.16:32
BluesKajharold, 8400 is the same card as I have , the recommended driver in admin hardware is the on to install16:32
saatanaperkeleDr_Willis_: yup16:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:32
jribharold: see that link16:33
llutz_amin: no idea then16:33
haroldjrib:watching dat16:33
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  thats odd.. it really shouldent. unless you usesd  'xhost' to disable some of the securty features. (or thats how it used to work)16:33
saatanaperkelenope, just sudo apt-get install xlock16:33
saatanaperkelethen xlock16:33
saatanaperkeleworks like a charm16:33
sogeking99yeah i tried making usb boot priority but it just gived me 'boot error'16:33
saatanaperkelebut this cron doesn't want to work at all16:33
Dr_Willis_could be xlock is calling some system/service.16:33
aminllutz_: any other methods like this to do this job?16:33
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  try the same trick with somthing like 'xterm'16:34
Luis_compdoc, can i remote desktop into the computer? ie is it possible on a standard installation without setting it up on the computer itself first?16:34
sacarlsonsogeking99: well if you tried every option of devices in bios you can look at installing plop boot manager16:34
raidosaatanaperkele: you are missing the "export" in the DISPLAY variable16:35
Dr_Willis_Luis_:  thers no services setup on a live cd that ive noticed.16:35
haroldguys i downloaded x64 version of maverick. how to make sure its x64 architecture working on system now??16:35
Dr_Willis_raido:  i was just thinking that also. :)16:35
saatanaperkeleraido isn't that export just the guys username?16:35
jribharold: uname -m16:35
sogeking99whats that16:35
llutz_amin: vpn/ssh are the only things i use for that purpose16:35
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  No.. export is imporntatn.16:35
raidosaatanaperkele: no16:35
saatanaperkelegod damnit16:35
nrosvallhaha I can see at least one finn in here :DD16:35
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  without export the child processes dont get the settings16:35
nrosvallnice nickname :D16:35
saatanaperkelenrosvall o716:35
Luis_compdoc, changing resolution is a good idea if i can access the menu but without the "system" bar is dificult to say the least16:35
sacarlsonsogeking99: I'm not sure what you presently have installed but plop has many ways to install http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html16:35
haroldjrib:it said x86_64 ..??16:35
jribharold: that's 64bit16:36
guess_whoWould anyone here know how to sync iphone with ubuntu?16:36
sogeking99i just been using bios boot options16:36
saatanaperkeleraido okay so half an hour of troubleshooting and I failed at ctrl+c ctrl+v16:36
haroldjrib i thought then it would say k716:36
saatanaperkelethanks anyways guys :D now it works16:36
JeffJasskyhey, guys. I'm having an issue configuring PHP and Sendmail. Sendmail itself seems to be working but when I try to send mail using PHP it doesn't seem to send.16:36
compdocLuis_, gnome-display-properties is the app. if you right-click the desktop, you could create a launcher16:36
Dr_Willis_saatanaperkele:  if you were running both commands from a script. you wouldent need the export command. but the && is a seperate process.. so i would think 'foo=100 && echo foo' may return nothing for foo. :)16:36
aminllutz_: any tricks in ssh -D 8080 method both server or client side?16:36
raidosaatanaperkele: the best way to learn16:36
llutz_amin: nope16:36
JeffJasskyi'm not an experienced server admin so I'm hoping someone can maybe point me in the right direction16:36
Luis_Dr_Willis, no i meant because i can't do much on the desktop as the top and bottom bars are missing i wonder if i could remote desktop into the PC with the problem but because its a new installation and i havent set remote desktop on that system yet i wondered wether it'd be blocked on a fresh install16:37
Luis_compdoc, can i remote desktop into the computer? ie is it possible on a standard installation without setting it up on the computer itself first16:37
haroldjrib:i cant understand this. can you give me a lucid version??16:37
Luis_sorry wrong key16:37
jribharold: System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers in your menu16:37
haroldi just want the latest nvidia drivers on system so that i can have all the juice from maverick16:37
lolzeris there a way to control the fan speed16:38
Dr_Willis_Luis_:   does alt-f2 get you a run command? if so try running gnome-panel perhaps.16:38
sogeking99not sure i understand what im ment to do with it, am i ment to put it on the same usb as ubuntu?16:38
compdocLuis_, its worth a shot16:38
llutz_amin: ssh -2 -N -l user -D8080 host      is what i use16:38
haroldjrib:that system utility says i have the current version activated. how to know which is it?16:38
Dr_Willis_Luis_:  are the panels crashing? or are they juyst hidden ? is another thing to check out.16:38
jribharold: then you're fine, use your system16:38
saatanaperkeleraido true true, learning is painful sometimes though16:39
saatanaperkelebut yea bye bye, sauna waiting!16:39
haroldjrib: but nvidia panel says i dont have that driver.16:39
raidoJeffJassky: ??16:39
aminllutz_:could you write a command  for user@
JeffJasskyraido: I feel like there's something wrong in my configuration.16:40
haroldjrib:nvidia x server says : "you do not appear to be using nvidia X driver16:40
llutz_amin: ssh -2 -N -l user -D8080
jribharold: pastebin the output of: jockey-text -l16:40
aminluttz_:no space betweend and 808016:40
llutz_amin: doesnt matter16:40
astra05what is the gnome applet called that display evolution, empathy, and pidgin messages?16:41
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raidoxorgouney: gwibber?16:41
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raidoastra05: gribber?16:41
haroldjrib: xorg:nvidia_173 - NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (Proprietary, Disabled, Not in use)16:42
haroldxorg:nvidia_current - NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (Proprietary, Enabled, In use)16:42
haroldpkg:sl-modem-daemon - Software modem (Proprietary, Disabled, Not in use)16:42
astra-xraido is that the default one?16:42
Luis_compdoc, Dr_Willis, Well i've tryed changing resolution up and down and the bottom task bar magicly appeared but not the top one16:42
freetzanyone using awesome with 10.10? i can't seem to get it to actually use rc.lua16:42
Starminnraido No it's the Indicator Applet16:42
raidoastra-x: pretty sure16:42
Starminnastra-x: Indicator Applet.16:42
astra-xraido: it is indicator,16:42
raidoStarminn: Yes indeed16:42
astra-xStarminn: thanks :)16:43
Starminnastra-x: Yep.16:43
sogeking99can anyone help me?16:43
Dr_WillisLuis_:  weird.   You using some odd monitor/video card setup?16:43
Starminnsogeking99: Depends. Ask and we'll see. :)16:43
ruffydoes any1 know why im getting permission denied error 13 on mounting a windows share folder to my ubuntu16:44
sacarlsonharold: well you can see what is running now with sudo lshw  and you should be able to see what will run after the next gdm restart in /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:44
AelingilI'm having a problem logging into ubuntu. I start the computer up and it does not load the "sign in" screen. It drops me into (initramfs). Can anyone help me get back into Ubuntu?16:44
jribharold: pastebin (use http://paste.ubuntu.com) your /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:44
haroldsacarlson:so i should just reboot and new drivers will be up and running?16:44
Luis_compdoc, Dr_Willis, the video card is as i mentioned earlier an onboard card on an old PIII mobo (intel corp 82815) and the monitor is a newish but fairly standard LG W1946S16:44
Dr_WillisLuis_:  crt or lcd?16:45
StarminnAelingil: I can't help, but just for your reference, the loading screen that says "Ubuntu" with the loading bar -- the 'program' is called Plymouth.16:45
RoastedThis may be a dumb question, but is the Banshee media player open source?16:45
sacarlsonharold: well that's one option yes, but you might want to take a look first16:45
Luis_compdoc, 19" little widescreen LCD16:45
StarminnAelingil: If you're Googling for help, add that to your query and see if it helps any16:45
sogeking99i cant boot my live usb on my laptop, which i got just to install linux on. the usb works fine on my pc and the laptop does let me set the usb to top boot priority on bios, but all im getting is 'boot error'16:45
erUSULRoasted: yes16:45
Luis_compdoc, Dr_Willis, 19 " LCD16:46
RoastederUSUL, do you know if Banshee has an official support channel? The freenode #banshee is empty16:46
haroldjrib:I ahve pasted under "harold" poster16:46
Dr_WillisLuis_:  well either the panel is there.. and for some reason the system has the wrong res and is not showing it.. or its crashing. i would guess the first..16:46
AelingilStarminn, I can get that far, it does not mount the system..16:46
Dr_WillisLuis_:  this was not using a KVM switch was it?16:46
jribharold: need link16:46
erUSULRoasted: maybe it is in gimpnet where gtk gimp and many gnome projects have channels16:47
haroldjrib: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/570656/16:47
erUSULRoasted: check banshee website16:47
compdocLuis_, widescreen is prolly the problem - doubt an old board like that can support those odd resolutions. As you wont use the montior, and only use vnc, dont worry about it16:47
RoastederUSUL, I have. I haven't noticed anything regarding IRC on it.16:47
raidosogeking99: You likely have  mistake in building the bootable usb. You shoule redo that process16:47
jribharold: did you just use Additional Drivers now to install the nvidia drivers?  If that's the case, then yes, you need to restart16:47
StarminnLuis_ If it's not a laptop just move the whole screen down using the buttons on the monitor. Re-position it.16:47
sogeking99but i booted it fine on my pc16:47
raidosogeking99: oh16:47
haroldwell as u say. brb16:48
Luis_good idea starminn, i'll try that see if it works16:48
sacarlsonharold: looks like your still on nouveau_drv.so16:48
StarminnLuis_: :) But if that works, once you know how to do it you'll probably end up like me. I dual-boot Windows/Ubuntu and Ubuntu needs (out of 100) to be at 54 and Windows at 46. Neither of them are actually center.16:48
sogeking99asus does let me install other OS' doesn't it? i bought this just for linux16:48
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andreylosevis your hdd is mounted as read-only when you're on a livecd?16:48
raidosogeking99: yes of course16:49
Starminnsogeking99: Brand has nothing to do with it. The vendor can't really control what you do with your hard drive.16:49
sogeking99ok so this should definitly be fixerble, some how16:50
guigouzwasn't unity the default desktop manager for 11.04 ?16:50
Tri-Edgelooking to buy a new laptop that is 14" and under and it will be using ubuntu only.  any suggestions on brand?  I know not to use anything with optimus16:50
Luis_well didn't work16:50
Dr_Willisguigouz:  its supposed to be i have read.16:50
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Starminnguigouz: The default Desktop Environment, yes. It is also the default for Ubuntu Netbook Remix.16:51
jamesgeckoTri-Edge, I've had decent luck with Dell16:51
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StarminnTri-Edge: Also ood luck with Dell here.16:51
raidoTri-Edge: Im a ThinkPad fan, have owned many and all have been great16:51
Luis_even if i resize the screen to 640x480 the only thing that i get is the bottom bar back (it goes away once i restart the system)16:51
RoastedI'm curious if anybody can shed some light on an issue I'm seeing with Banshee. If I create a playlist on my mp3 player, I've noticed I have to "export" it to the device in order to save it, otherwise the device playlist comes up empty. Okay, fine. But when I plug the device back in, the playlist is gone, but I want to see the playlist so I can add more music to it. Mind you, it doesn't delete from the portable player, just from the Banshee interface when I16:51
Roasted fire it back up.16:51
guigouzStarminn: I just installed the alpha 2 here, but it's still running gnome.16:51
andreylosevis your hdd is mounted as read-only when you're on a livecd?16:51
Luis_the card does support the monitor's rezolution, at least it displays it correctly16:51
Tri-Edgejamesgecko, don't like dell customer service but hardware is nice.16:51
StarminnTri-Edge: You can get them pre-shipped with Ubuntu from Dell (and a few others) I'm sure. http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Dell16:52
guigouzStarminn: any idea ?16:52
ruanim back..reinstalled ubuntu16:52
StarminnLuis_: Run in a terminal "killall gnome-panel" and it will restart. FI the bar is truly gone, that'll bring it back.16:52
jamesgeckoTri-Edge, Ah. I've never called them. Just make sure the graphics card and network hardware have open source drivers, and you'll usually be fine.16:52
sacarlsonruan: you ruaned it16:53
ruanyeah its ruaned16:53
Luis_Starminn, how do i access terminal without the top menu bar again?16:53
Starminnguigouz: Nope. I'm going to ubottu you more info though for a place who WILL know.16:53
Starminn!natty > guigouz16:53
ubottuguigouz, please see my private message16:53
StarminnLuis_: CTRL+ALT+T16:53
JeffJasskyhey, guys. My server is remote. how do I view /usr/share/doc in my browser? i tried making a symlink to it in one of my document roots but it showed as forbidden.16:53
Luis_Starminn, thank you16:53
xorgouneyraido: wat16:53
YBinnenwegHi guys16:53
raidoxorgouney: typo, no worries16:54
Tri-Edgejamesgecko, yeah using a gateway right now its just not great anymore and too large to carry16:54
triptechi, libssl-dev doesn't want to install  "libssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8o-1ubuntu4) but 0.9.8o-1ubuntu4.1 is installed."16:54
guigouzStarminn: thanks16:54
YBinnenwegI have problems installing ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop16:54
nm5tfDell "customer service" is all in India-at times it is VERY hard to understand their version of English-I once spent 4 hrs on telephone with them-glad it was a toll free number!!!16:54
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, By default, apache won't follow system-links.16:54
YBinnenwegIt just loops at the purplr screen16:55
raidoTri-Edge: I have a X201s in front of me now, 4GB RAM and a Core I7. LED backlight... its a sweet machine16:55
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Luis_Starminn, flippin genious, and then as if by magic it came back! - let's restart and see what happens16:55
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: Thanks for the info - however it seemed to have followed it. it was just forbidden. does that make sense?16:55
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sacarlsonjamesgecko: I've used symlink in apache before they work fine  ln -s16:55
YBinnenwegAnd when i go to the command line thing while booting the livecd it gives me pretty much errors :S16:55
StarminnLuis_: Lol, Super awesome! ;)16:56
jamesgeckosacarlson, Dunno; I've had issues with them in the past.16:56
YBinnenwegDo i need internet to install ubuntu??16:56
* Starminn Has had a similar problem as Luis_ before. (Since running that command it fixed it though)16:56
compdocYBinnenweg, only to update it, I think16:56
YBinnenwegHmm weird :S16:57
StarminnYBinnenweg: No, but it is highly suggested so you get the most up-to-date of everything and can install some codecs such as mp3, etc. (though you can do that later)\16:57
sacarlsonjamesgecko: remind you that the priv is dependent on what you link to not what you set the link to16:57
YBinnenwegYes i did16:57
YBinnenwegI downloaded the image from the site16:57
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, if it's following the links, you'll need to make sure that www-data has read access to the docs16:57
YBinnenwegBurned it16:57
sogeking99how else could i install it without a usb? i have no blank cd's16:57
YBinnenwegAnd it just wont boot16:57
Luis_Starminn, is that a permanent fix or just something i'm gonna have to do all the time? also what exactly was the problem to start with - why wouldn't it sort itself after a restart?16:58
ruanYBinnenweg: how many hard drives do you have?16:58
haroldguys.. any command to check the driver version of graphics??16:58
jamesgeckosacarlson, just as I was typing that out. =)16:58
compdocYBinnenweg, which image?16:58
aminluttz_: could you do me a favor ?16:58
Dr_Willisharold:  what driver/video card you using?16:58
ruanharold: which vendor graphics card?16:58
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: how would i go about doing that?16:58
YBinnenwegUbuntu 10.10 x6416:58
YBinnenweg3 harddisks16:58
Dr_Willisharold:  the nvidia-settings tools tells you  i think16:58
ruanYBinnenweg: try set boot priority to different ones16:58
sacarlsonharold: well sudo lshw is one,  ya nvidia you set dude16:58
ruanYBinnenweg: ubuntu can sometimes install grub on the wrong hdd16:59
YBinnenwegWell it boots16:59
AelingilStarminn, I can get that far, it does not mount the system..16:59
AelingilI'm having a problem logging into ubuntu. I start the computer up and it does not load the "sign in" screen. It drops me into (initramfs). Can anyone help me get back into Ubuntu?16:59
YBinnenwegBut it gets stuck after a while16:59
YBinnenwegAt the purplr screen16:59
StarminnLuis_ Honestly I don't know. You'd have to ask somebody more knowledgable than I for that information. What happened to me though (and other people) is upon restart --- every restart the panel stuff would get moved around and I had to rearrange them how I like. That fixed it though. Is it a permanent fix? I don't know, but at least you CAN get it to work now.16:59
haroldit gives me a driver version which is older...but hardware utility says i have the latest one... but site says tehy have newer releases.. help16:59
StarminnLuis_ I remember some other command ubottu has. Lemme find it...16:59
llutz_amin: which is?16:59
Dr_Willisharold:  the 'latest one' is the latest one thats in the default repos....16:59
Dr_Willisharold:  so that makes sence..17:00
ruanubottu knows everything17:00
haroldDr_Willis: ohkay...17:00
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Dr_Willisharold:  ubuntu dosent keep up to date with every new version of  things like that.. every 6 mo it nbasicaly updates everything17:00
Starminn!resetpanel | Luis_17:00
ubottuLuis_: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:00
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, I'm not sure it's a permissions issue anymore. by default /usr/share/doc is owned by root and readable by everyone.17:00
StarminnLuis_: The bot has more arguments than I gave you (or care to remember) so ti might do a better job. *shrug*17:00
haroldDr_willis: then any option that i can add it??17:01
Dr_Willisharold:  depending on how things get relaased.. the day a new ubuntu version comes out it could in theory allready have 'old' nvidia drivers.17:01
Dr_Willisharold:  i would use the ones in the repos.. unless you have some real need for the updated ones17:01
Luis_Starminn, doesnt seem permanent, i just restarted and the panel was gone again but the same command seemed to fix it alright though17:01
StarminnAelingil: I said I didn't know what ot tell you, but was ust letting you know that. Sorry I can't help more.17:01
YBinnenwegI dismounted 2 hdds17:01
YBinnenwegLets see17:01
ruani just go system > admin > additional drivers and then use current.17:01
aminllutz_; go to http://code.google.com/p/webmin-theme-stressfree/downloads/list and give me direct dl link plz thanks17:01
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: any idea what it might be? i've been working on this for 3 hours now.17:02
BluesKajharold, lspci -v | less, look for this :02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 10c3 (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) then the last line will show which driver you are running mine is ,Kernel modules: nvidia-current, nouveau, nvidiafb . the first one listed is the driver in use , nvidia-current in my case17:02
haroldDr_Willis:no need as such but i just installed maverick x64... wanted to see how different it claims and really is.. but seems quite as the older were...17:02
Dr_Willisharold:  differnt then what?17:02
AelingilStarminn, yeah i know, sorry i hit the up arrow to re-post my question and hit the last message to you. Sorry about that.17:02
Dr_Willisharold:  what sort of major changes were you expecting? :)17:02
llutz_ and give me direct dl link17:02
llutz_               plz thanks17:02
haroldDr_Willis: visual for firsts17:03
haroldBleusKaj:i lost u ..17:03
Dr_Willisharold:  compiz is compiz... No idwa why you would expect major changes in the eyecandy.17:03
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, Have you tried the "Files Outside the DocumentRoot" section here? http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/urlmapping.html17:03
calum_just to clarify, if I have run "sudo ufw enable", by default are all 65535 ports blocked from inbound traffic?17:03
Luis_Starminn, i'll try the more complex command now and see what happens17:03
haroldDr_Willis: I meant in the benchmarking also..17:03
Dr_Williscalum_:  if theres no service running on the ports.. they are basically closed.17:04
llutz_ http://code.google.com/p/webmin-theme-stressfree/downloads/detail?name=theme-stressfree-2.09.tar.gz&can=2&q=017:04
StarminnLuis_: Alright. Ubottu knows her (I say it's a she) stuff. Cross our fingers.17:04
llutz_amin: ^^17:04
StarminnAelingil: That's alright.17:04
Dr_Willis!firewall | calum_17:04
ubottucalum_: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.17:04
YBinnenwegIt starts nagging aboutvmaverick stuff?17:04
vonvonhow to install driver WiFi Ubuntu17:04
Dr_Willisvonvon:  depends on your wireless chipset17:04
calum_I plan on putting a web server in a DMZ but I want to make sure all other ports are blocked, nothing is running right now17:05
ruanyou could run a portscan17:05
llutz_amin: but still, using webmin is a real bad idea17:05
Dr_Williswhy put it in a dmz?17:05
ikoniacalum_: then use the firewall to block all ports apart from port 8017:05
aminllutz_; excuse me i didn't want to offend you I am hopeless tunell is not working17:05
ikoniaamin: you've been told webmin is not supported here17:05
Dr_Willisshields up web site befor and after setting up ufw. :)17:05
sacarlsoncalum_: we have more than enuf security on ubuntu you don't need firewalls in my opinion17:05
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: yeah.. i don't really understand how to do it, though.17:06
llutz_amin: odd, works here fine for ages17:06
aminllutz_; do u know any thing else open source?17:06
calum_I'm just funny about activating DMZ on my hardware firewall, in terms of outside attacks17:06
haroldBluesKaj: tried that command but it wont scroll..duhh... damn..17:06
llutz_amin: ssh + vim is all you need to configure servers, imho17:06
ikoniacalum_: it's a reasonable worry, use the ubuntu firewall to block everything but port 80 and that will be quite tight17:07
llutz_!ebox | amin17:07
ubottuamin: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:07
sacarlsoncalum_: they will still come in on the ports you have open, apparmor and setup other owners of the files than who runs them17:07
haroldBluesKaj: tried find.... but it seems nothing like that in there17:07
calum_I havent got any ports open at the moment I checked with netstat17:07
BluesKajharold,  lspci -v | less17:08
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, You understand that it goes in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , right?17:08
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: i put it in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf17:08
ubuntu_I like cheese17:08
sacarlsoncalum_: all the more reason you don't need a firewall17:08
ikoniaubuntu_: ok, then take it to a cheese loving channel, this one is for ubuntu support only17:08
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: Alias /usr/share/doc /var/www/vhosts/guruz.us/subdomains/www17:08
YBinnenwegGuys wht does the install fail?17:08
AelingilCan anyone help me log into Ubuntu from Initramfs?17:08
Luis_Starminn, nop =( loooks like its not permanent, oh well its a nuisance but once its set up the computer tends to sit there for months without doing nothing17:09
calum_but don't I need one in case someone scans my box for vulnerable services on port 80?17:09
ubuntu_theres a cheese loving channel?17:09
ikoniaAelingil: initramfs is not something you log into, ubuntu has failed to boot17:09
Dr_WillisAelingil:  the system is proberly having some big issues if its stoping at the initramfs. when was the last time it actually worked?17:09
ikoniaubuntu_: not here17:09
sacarlsoncalum_: you just said that you don't have a listiner on port 80 they will see nothing17:09
ikoniacalum_: I don't understand the problem, you want to block ports, block them, block all port apart from 80 if you are just running a web server17:09
haroldBlueskaj: there is one but in 01:00.0 vga compatible controller17:09
ruana...cheese..loving..channel?..what is this?17:09
markskilbecklol ubuntu_17:10
macoubuntu_: please stop17:10
StarminnLuis_: Ah, alright. Well, I'd suggest coming back on here and asking about it in about...oh.... 6 to 8 hours. Some really knowledgable people are on around then -- they should be able to set up a permanent fix if you wish. But for now, just remember the command you ran and it'll work -- albeit only 'sort of' lol17:10
BluesKajharold, and is it nvidia-current ?17:10
calum_OK, I'm only going to open port 80. But I will have to keep watch for Apache updates?17:10
AelingilDr_Willis, It was working yesterday. This morning i went to wake up the computer and it did not come out of "screen saver mode". did Ctrl + Alt + f1 to restart the GDM and it told me it could not do it.17:10
YBinnenwegGuuys comeon can anyone help me?17:10
ikoniaAelingil: just reboot, see if the problem returns17:10
StarminnLuis_: ikonix and maco are pretty good to. See if they can help. ;)17:10
Aelingilikonia, done that, even went to a previous version. still no luck both kick me to this17:11
haroldBlueskaj:dunno... how to check that... sorry I am pretty naive at this17:11
sacarlsoncalum_: it's the applications you run that are vunerable not apache in most cases17:11
YBinnenwegI only get errors17:11
ikoniaAelingil: ok, that sounds like a serious issue then, do you get any warnings/errors before it drops to initramfs ?17:11
YBinnenwegPlz helpme17:11
aminebox bettrer than webmin?17:11
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, It looks like you've already got something in that directory. Try mapping it  somewhere that doesn't already have php files in it.17:11
sacarlsoncalum_: I've been hacked before I should know17:11
Pici!helpme | YBinnenweg17:11
ubottuYBinnenweg: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:11
ikoniaamin: just differnt,17:11
YBinnenwegIt wonteven freakin go past thd purple screen!17:12
Aelingilikonia, I can read some of the errors, they are saying "Mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory"17:12
calum_I don't want someone finding a buffer overflow in Apache. Thats all I'm concerned about really17:12
YBinnenwegAll i get are buffer I/O errors17:12
ikoniaAelingil: ok, make a note of them and get a livecd and lets have a look17:12
ikoniacalum_: a firewall won't help that17:12
PiciYBinnenweg: Please re-ask your question on ONE line with as much information as you think is necessary. We can't follow otherwise.17:12
ikoniacalum_: if there is a bug in apache, you can't stop it being hit beyond firewalling it off17:12
ikoniacalum_: if you firewall it off, no-one can use it17:12
aminwhy every body against webmin sth is any thing happened in history/17:12
haroldBlueskaj:hey can u check this out: I ahve pasted the result here http://paste.ubuntu.com/570667/17:12
sacarlsoncalum_: I think most of that should be fixed but they will always be finding new ways with different apps in php and other17:13
Aelingilikonia, I've got a thumbdrive w/ the installer on it. Should i boot w/ that?17:13
ikoniaamin: massive security holes, not compatible with distros configs, etc17:13
ikoniaAelingil: will it support a live non-install boot ?17:13
calum_so would running CGI scripts decrease my server security?17:13
Aelingilyeah, it boots up and if i want to install i click i icon on the desktop and then it will install.17:13
ikoniacalum_: depends on the scripts17:13
amincould ebox and webmin install at the same time?17:13
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ikoniaamin: no17:14
ikoniathat would be very unwise17:14
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, But anyway, I use lighttpd, so I'm a bit out of my depth here. If you've spent 3 hours on it, I'd just give up and copy the entire docs folder to a subdirectory of your site and run chmod on it to give www-data full ownership. ;-)17:14
sacarlsoncalum_: I asume you don't write all your own code that will run in apache,  it maters not what it is writen in17:14
Aelingilikonia, yeah, it boots up and if i want to install i click i icon on the desktop and then it will install.17:14
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: Thanks for the help.. but i'm giving up for now.. i see no end in sight.17:14
ikoniaAelingil: ok, lets look at some stuff, but it up17:14
calum_I do write some html17:14
aminthanks all  thing shell is better but how prepare myself ?17:15
Luis_Starminn, thank you for your help and sugestions, i will ask ikonia in a minute17:15
calum_I don't write my own server scripts like CGI though17:15
ikoniaamin: read and learn17:15
ikoniacalum_: this channel will help you with ubuntu issues, we are getting a bit beyond that now17:15
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: That's what I ended up doing. I spent 3 hours trying to get sendmail to work with PHP.. and every step along the way is like a 30 minute detour that dead-ends.17:15
aminmean google?17:15
StarminnLuis_: Yep. At least it works now, lol. Good luck. :)17:15
ikoniaamin: any credible resource17:15
haroldBlueskaj:yeah it says current, nvidiafb, nouveau17:15
calum_ok thanks for the advice17:15
jamesgeckoJeffJassky, server stuff is hard. I feel your pain.17:15
Aelingilikonia, K, ran Ubuntu from USB. It is loaded into Ubuntu17:16
JeffJasskyjamesgecko: yeah it's a fairly new thing for me17:16
calum_I'm going to go ahead and put the server in the DMZ and hope for the best17:16
ikoniaAelingil: first question, are you using anything fancy like raid ?17:16
Aelingilikonia, Nope, I've taken an older computer that had windows on it, formated it, installed Ubuntu on a Fat32.17:17
ikoniaAelingil: installed ubuntu on fat32 !!! that is really unsupported17:17
BluesKajharold, did you install the recommended driver in System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers ? because the latest driver on the nvidia site doesn't work on your graphics card, believe me , I already tried it.17:17
protiHello there. I need some help for natty boot problem, is this the right channel or ubuntu-devel is more appropriate ?17:17
sipiorikonia: also, perverse :-)17:17
ikoniaproti: try #ubuntu+117:17
YBinnenwegI'm trying to install ubuntu on my desktop computer. Rightnow only 1 harddisk is mounted. When i use a usb disk to run the live ubuntu version first of all i get this error "glib-warning ** getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" after that it gives me buffer I/O errors. When i try to use a livecd i get the same glib warning and after that i get some stuff about maverick meerkat amd64 restricted which cannot be loaded. Sorry for17:17
YBinnenwegtypemistakes but im on my iphone.17:17
haroldBlueskaj:yeah..i did like u said..17:17
BluesKajpothos, goto #ubuntu+117:18
Dr_WillisAelingil:  you mean you installed to a live-cd on a flash drive type setup?17:18
protiikonia: thanks, will try.17:18
BluesKajoops proti , #ubuntu+117:18
Luis_ikonia, when you have a minute if you could give me a hand, i've narrowed my problem/fault down to how to actually fix it, although its not permanent, whenever i restart the computer it goes back to how it was17:18
AelingilDr_Willis, Yeah i downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 onto a Flash Drive. I plug that into the computer and install the OS from that (onto the Hard drive)17:19
BluesKajharold, then you should be good to go, didyou reboot?17:19
ikoniaLuis_: one moment, phone17:19
Dr_WillisAelingil:  thats not quiet the same as 'installing on fat32'17:19
Luis_ikonia, no worries, when you have a minute!17:19
=== campee_ is now known as campee
Aelingilno, i formated the hard drive to fat32 then installed ubuntu?17:19
haroldBlueskaj:yeah i did. I had to manually cause it got stuck dunno why... I am afraid there are still vulnerabilities... is there anyway to check and solve any??17:19
Dr_WillisAelingil: installed using what tool?17:19
angelkillerI got a question to answer but i dont know what they want to know...17:19
angelkillerthe question is Find the log files created during the installation and login. Which files and where are they stored? What do you find in these files (you have to google to find info about17:20
angelkillerthese log files).17:20
angelkillerI think all the logfiles is in /var/log/ and you can view that with logviewer application in system menu. Or do they ask for boot loog and installer directory?17:20
FloodBot2angelkiller: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:20
stianhjYBinnenweg, tried x86 version?17:20
sacarlsonYBinnenweg: I wonder if your cpu is 32 bit or 64 bit?17:20
Dwade09what do i type in the terminal to check my video driver see what one i have?17:20
YBinnenwegI run wjndows 7 x6417:20
BluesKajharold, what vulnerabilities are you referring to ?17:20
YBinnenwegNo prlblems17:20
AelingilDr_Willis, Downloaded the Ubuntu 10.10 ISO to my Flash Drive (Thumb Drive). Re-booted the computer and Ubuntu loaded off the flash drive.. I formated my hard drive to fat32, then installed off the Thumb Drive onto the Hard Drive17:20
YBinnenwegI alsoran ubuntu x64 a while ago, no prlbmens17:20
StarminnDwade09: lspci is all your cards -- I think "lspci | grep VGA" might find video. LEmme try real quick.17:20
sacarlsonYBinnenweg: that's software what is your hardware?17:20
haroldBlueskaj:I am referring to unknown ones.. is there any commands or like to see my system is intact and good to go..??17:21
haroldlike windows got scannow utility and else ..17:21
angelkilleranyone know what they are ment with that question?17:21
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YBinnenwegIm really installing ubuntu not in vmware or something17:21
StarminnDwade09: Yeah. "lspci" lists pretty much everything, and "lspci | grep VGA" gives you your video card.17:21
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Dwade09thanks Starminn17:22
Dr_WillisAelingil:  i would double check the filesystem of your hard drive. Either you got some things confused.. or you are using a feature i thouight got taken out of most disrtos 8+ yrs ago.17:22
ikoniaLuis_: back, what's up17:22
sacarlsonYBinnenweg: well did you do an md6sum of the iso file you downloaded?17:22
sacarlsonYBinnenweg: sorry md5sum17:22
YBinnenwegUhmm no?17:22
YBinnenwegBut i downloaded twice17:22
YBinnenwegDifferent burns17:23
ilan_il y a des francais ?17:23
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:23
RoastedCan Exaile make playlists in m3u format for use with my Sansa portable media player?17:23
Pici!fr | ilan_17:23
guntbert!fr | ilan_17:23
Dwade09Starminn,  what i type in to see what vid driver i have?17:23
ubottuilan_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:23
sacarlsonYBinnenweg: well you could have just downloaded once and checked the md5sum17:23
AelingilDr_Willis, I could easilly be saying something wrong. it may not have been fat32 format. I'm still crash courseing my self through Linux17:23
ilan_i can speak english17:23
ikoniaAelingil: ok, lets get back on track17:23
Luis_ikonia, so with the help of some other users, we've got my desktop working but not task bars i have to use the following (killall gnome-panel) command to get them working but when i restart they're gone again is there a more permanent solution?17:24
Aelingilikonia, I could not access the hard drive that had ubuntu on it before. I'm restarting to see if i can access the hard drive from my other os (on a different Hard drive)17:24
StarminnDwade09: Something more like this? http://www.ehow.com/how_6893832_do-check-driver-versions-linux_.html17:24
Dr_WillisLuis_:  are they starting off screen, or crashing would be a good thing to figure out. YOu could start x with nothing but  a terminal and try 'gnome-session' and see if any error mesages show up.17:25
BluesKajharold, open a terminal install mesa-utils , then do glxgears and check the fps at full screen , should be over 60 fps17:25
Dr_WillisLuis_:  when they do show up. try (as a test) draging them (alt click, and drag) to the sides of the monitor. that way you can see if they are in fact not running when you login17:25
Dwade09thanks Starminn  again17:25
tuzlowhat do I need to add to have a fully emulated Windows system in ubuntu?17:25
haroldBlueskaj, how to do taht?? i dunno commands..17:26
RoastedCan Exaile make playlists in m3u format for use with my Sansa portable media player?17:26
StarminnDwade09: Sorry I gave you the wrong thing first time. ;) You're welcome17:26
tuzloAfter I install Wine, do I need to install an OS?17:26
Dr_WillisLuis_:  also do they fail when you log out/backin? or do they just fail the first time you 'reboot/boot' to the system,17:26
Dr_Willistuzlo:  no.17:26
Dr_Willis!wine | tuzlo17:26
ubottutuzlo: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:26
BluesKajharold, sudo apt-get install mesa-utils17:26
Starminn!vm | tuzlo17:26
ubottutuzlo: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:26
Luis_Dr_Willis, funny you should  mention error messages because 2 flash up quickly before the login screen appears, one says error - no suitable mode found and the other one i haven't manage to see properly but says something along the lines of error - no such comman "terminal"17:27
ikoniaLuis_: when you load gnome for the first time after it boots do you have the bars ?17:27
xrdodrx!info aptitude17:27
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager (terminal interface only). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 2217 kB, installed size 6612 kB17:27
tuzloOK, whats the best solution, I only need to run one piece of software but will require IE as well17:27
Dr_WillisLuis_:  sounds liek thy MAY be starting but off the screen..17:27
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:27
StarminnDr_Willis: He tried that already. ;)17:27
Dr_WillisLuis_:  but its hard to tell. You could try  disabling gdm. and using 'startx' from the console.17:27
haroldBlueskaj:damn some updates are on...17:28
Dr_WillisLuis_:  then there may be some messages in the console17:28
Starminntuzlo: What piece of software do you wish to run?17:28
haroldwont unlock17:28
xrdodrxcan you install windows 7 in virtualbox-ose? :o17:28
Luis_Dr_Willis, ikonia, no i dont ikonia, and i will get on with doing the tests you sugested Dr_Willis17:29
ruannot sure but i know vmware can run anything17:29
Dr_Willisxrdodrx:  I belive so17:29
Aelingilikonia, I cannot access the hard drive that had ubuntu installed. I'm going to try and get access to that hard drive before i continue.17:30
BluesKajharold, do sudo dpkg --configure -a . let the updates finish , then run the other command17:30
mongyxrdodrx, yes you can, but you're better off using the new vbox 4.0 which is ose until you install the usb2 extension pack17:30
Starminnxridrx: OSE is limited in some aspects. To be safe you could grab the non-OSE from their site.17:30
ikoniaAelingil: that's the problem then, if you can't access that hard disk, that explains why it's not booting17:30
Dr_Willisvbox has been improveing  all the time. :)17:30
Starminnxrodrx: I think it should be fine though. I can't ay either way (also see whan I typo'd your name)17:30
xrdodrxmongy, Dr_Willis, Starminn thanks :D17:30
sacarlsonruan: can I boot my usb flash drive with my virtualbox?17:30
haroldBlueskaj:can wine run games and Matlab etc??17:31
Dr_Willissacarlson:  with the non-ose version and it setup right. i belive you can.17:31
Dr_Willis!appdb | harold17:31
ubottuharold: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:31
mongyyou can use usb stick, but you cant boot from them, yet..17:31
ruani havent got any experience with virtualbox as of yet. only wine and vmware17:31
sacarlsonDr_Willis: I'd like to try that17:31
* Starminn Man, we're just ubottu'ing it out over here.17:31
BluesKajharold, some games i guess , I'm not a gamer17:31
sacarlsonDr_Willis: I have the non-ose version installed17:31
Dr_Willissacarlson:  i know ive made usb flash drive/disrtos from vbox.. but i dont recall trying to boot from one. :) you could dd it to a image file and boot from that.17:31
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Brockquick question...when running ubuntu when im playing a game like after about five minutes my computer just turns off...running dual boot with windows doesnt happen on windows17:32
BluesKaj!games | harold17:32
ubottuharold: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/17:32
ikoniaBrock: probably overheating17:32
ChuSorry, back again17:32
Dr_WillisBrock:  sounds like classic overheating.17:32
haroldDr_Willis...app db not found17:32
Dr_Willisharold:  that bot factoid gave a web url to the app database..17:32
Dr_Willis!appdb | harold17:32
ubottuharold: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:32
ruani ran a game on wine recently, so yeah17:32
Brockhaha but i can run games on windows all day...kind of what i was thinking just seemed weird17:32
ikoniaBrock: windows may control your fans/psu better17:33
Dr_WillisBrock:  could be some fans/controls are not working right.17:33
jimcooncatgthumb keeps dying on me doing a mass rescale. How would I do this with another tool? Use imagemajick from the command line?17:33
ruanbut i know good games with linux support17:33
ChuI couldn't install 10.10 on EEE PC, so thought I'd install 10.04 and upgrade. Unfortunately despite the clean install, and no other software in, I'm still getting the error when upgrading. Any help, please?17:33
haroldDr_Willis:ur command gave : event not found17:33
Brockohhhhh ok....any way to change fan settings in ubuntu17:33
ikoniaBrock: not if your hardware isn't as well supported as windows17:33
BluesKaj!alternate | Chu17:33
ubottuChu: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal17:33
Piciharold: Its not a command for your terminal. You need to READ what ubottu said to you here.17:33
izinucswith the default theme on 10.10 the Firefox menu items (File, Edit, View, History etc) are black on slightly light black making them almost invisible.  I have not noticed that on other programs or windows.  Is there a fix for FF?17:33
Brockok so just kind of sol17:34
Luis_Dr_Willis, ikonia, no the bars aren't sarting "off the screen" they just dont start up at all but after using that command killall gnome-panel they show back up where i left them17:34
ruanizinucs: did you hover the mouse over the menu entry?17:34
haroldPici: I am on the page. ohkayyy... gotcha...am just in learning mode17:34
izinucsruan: yes.. no change17:34
ruanizinucs: oh ok17:34
ikoniaDr_Willis: do you know the name of the process for the bars ?17:34
Dr_Willisizinucs:  theres always selecting a differnt ff theme.. or ubuntu theme. i never noticed the issue.. but i always pick my fave themes first.17:34
Citizenwarriorneed a bit of help. eth0 and eth1 of my duel 10/100/1000 NIC vanished over night when no one was even using the box... have tried both ports with different cables on different port on my switch and even different networks.  multiple reboots and the output of ifconfig -a is always the same just 'lo' and 'vboxnet0'  where do I start?17:35
haroldSo does Wine run like a virtual sys inside ubuntu?? wont it hog over resources then??17:35
Dr_Willisikonia:  gnome-panel17:35
ruani use lavafox blue17:35
izinucsDr_Willis: hadden't thought of the FF theme .. I'll check that out.. thanks.17:35
ikoniaLuis_: when you log in open a terminal and do "ps -ef | grep gnome-panel" does anything come back17:35
Starminnikonia: Pretty sure the panel is called "gnome-panel". I told him to run "killall gnome-panel" which is what fixed them but they're still ggoing awya at startup17:35
AelingilDr_Willis, How about Ext4.. instead of Fat32?17:35
Dr_WillisLuis_:  could be they are trying to start to 'fast' befor gnome is ready for them. but that would be weird..17:35
sipiorCitizenwarrior: have you confirmed that the card is not dead?17:35
ChuHmm, alternate... Okay, thank you for the help! But is there no way to fix the upgrade problem?17:35
ikoniaAelingil: that is the correct file system, can you see you're disk yet ?17:35
Dr_WillisAelingil:  ext3/4 are the normal filesystmes used for a Linux install these days17:35
Aelingilikonia, i can see it, but i cannot access anything on it.17:36
ruanasking ubottu the difference between ext3 and ext4.17:36
Dr_WillisAelingil:  mount it with the proper options, or use root privalages to access it.17:36
guntbertharold: wine is no virtual OS, its a collection of libraries17:36
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org17:36
Citizenwarriorsipior, no I have not, what i have done is boot from a Backtrack live disk and it didn't see the NIC either, so I am starting to think it is dead, but wanted a more knowledgeable opinion17:36
Luis_Dr_Willis, ikonia, should i get the output of that command before or after running killall gnome-panel or does it not matter?17:36
Dr_Willisruan:  check the ext4 wiki page. theres good info on it.17:36
Starminn!botabuse | ruan17:36
ubotturuan: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:36
Dr_WillisLuis_:  if you want to be lazy. :) you could make a gnome startup item that sleeps for 10 sec. then runs killall gnome-panel.17:37
Aelingilikonia, I am in the Disk Utility from Ubuntu. Anything i try to do w/ accessing that hard drive i get the error: "Devise is busy. There is already a job running"17:37
ChuAh, I guess I'm out of time. Anywhos, I'll try the Alternate CD. Thank you again for the tip.17:37
sipiortizenwarrior: might simply be a bad connection; easy thing to check. are the link lights on at all?17:37
haroldguntbert:so will it install or run directly through memory?17:37
ikoniaAelingil: it's probably already mounted, do you see it on your desktop ?17:37
sipiorCitizenwarrior: check that the card is properly seated first.17:38
Luis_Dr_Willis, lets have a go at sorting it out properly but that did cross my mind, if no luck in a min i'll ask you for some directions on that one ;)17:38
Aelingilikonia, nope, when i click on it, it does not send it to the desktop like the other hard drives.17:38
guntbertharold: sorry, I didn't follow your problem, did you ask in #winehq already?17:38
Citizenwarriorsipior no lights on the box, on either port, have tried multiple cables, have tried two networks (one restricted and one that will give an IP to anyone), no joy on any of these trys... also maybe worth noting is I have also tried different ports on my switch17:39
Aelingilikonia, When i view SMART data: it shows the self test failed. and there are 50 bad sectors on the hard drive.17:39
Citizenwarriorsipior, it is an integrated card17:39
sipiorCitizenwarrior: i guess the good news is that ethernet cards are one of the cheapest components to replace :-)17:41
sipiorCitizenwarrior: assuming you have a spare slot, of course.17:42
Luis_Dr_Willis, ikonia, the silly computer wont recognize the straight "/" in your command ikonia, i thought the key combo to use it was ctrl+alt+ key before "1" right ?17:42
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haroldcan i override the constant authorization popups..??17:43
BitWraithwhat programs need to be running for package update notices to appear?17:43
Citizenwarriorsipior yes I have a free slot, just wanted to make sure I have covered all the bases before I spend any money17:43
BitWraithI'v replaced my WM/DE, and I don't think the right programs are running yet.17:43
sipiorCitizenwarrior: sure, of course.17:43
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sipiorCitizenwarrior: might be worth having a look at the board to see if there's any obvious damage.17:44
alfredo_come faccio a vedere la lista dei miei device audio???17:44
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Pici!it | alfredo_17:44
ubottualfredo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:44
daveguyI have a question about sound on an Intel Classmate machine. Could anyone help me?17:45
sacarlsonharold: you mean for sudo?  you can add no password for a user in sudo17:45
alfredo_sorry... how can i see the list of my audio devices?17:45
Citizenwarriorsipior yea will do that now...17:45
Dr_WillisLuis_:  the | is above my enter key....17:45
Starminn!details | daveguy17:45
ubottudaveguy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:45
haroldwell yeah i am on maverick so it means sudo right?? sacarlson17:45
corsten/j wanskgh2417:46
daveguyubottu: Running UNE 10.10 on an Intel Classmate. Sound works fine, but when headphones are plugged in, the main speakers do not cut out. I have teachers having fits because of this.17:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:47
Luis_Dr_Willis, ikonia, i've worked it out, i've used pate bin to paste the output, i hope this is how you're supposed to use it, paste stuff on there and then give the link to people, anyway the output is on this link http:/paste.ubuntu.com/57068217:47
kryceki have problems instaling The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0, has any one manage to install it?17:47
Dr_Willisdaveguy:  ive seen variants of the 'speakers do or dont work when headphones plugged in' or the reverse. - You may want to check the forums. Ive never seen a definitive 'quick' fix.17:48
Dr_WillisLuis_:  i dont even rember the original problem. :)17:48
daveguyDr_Willis: Thanks, I'll have a look there. Dang, I was hoping for a quick fix!17:48
Luis_Dr_Willis, top/bottom task bars dont show up when the system starts17:49
alfredo_how to list audio devices  devices? does anyone have the command for this?17:49
CoreWarIs there a way to open files on different workspaces ? For instance "gvim f1; gvim f2" with f1 opening in workspace 1, and f2 in workspace 2 ?17:49
Luis_Dr_Willis, i have to run killall gnome-panel everytime i start up17:49
sacarlsonharold: you can add:   yourusername    ALL=(ALL) ALL   in the sudoer file using visudo17:49
kryceki used winetricks and tried too install The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 on ubuntu 10.10, it give me a typical windows error where u send or not send...17:49
haroldProcesses ask for authorization every now and then. its annoying as i am the only user. is there any way to overcome this?17:49
Dr_WillisLuis_:  i would havge made a startup script to automate that.. and moved on by now. :)17:49
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* kirilos_AwAy is away: Gone away for now17:50
daveguyLuis: I have to do that too at home! Not every time, but at least half!17:50
haroldsacarlson:i dont know how17:50
haroldwhats visiudo17:50
sacarlsonharold: it's the command that enables you to edit the /etc/sudoer file17:50
sacarlsonharold: try man visudo17:51
rockman125hi guys do u know what happened to my server? all files i try to execuse says not a binary executable?17:51
haroldsacarlson:ohkay.. tell me again17:51
macorockman125: partition mounted read-only?17:51
rockman125i can create files no issue17:51
haroldi entered man visudo. now what to override authorization popups??17:52
Luis_Dr_Willis, i'm up for that, how do i go about it please?17:52
daveguyDr_Willis: seems like kind of an inelegant solution, write a script to kill gnome-panel every time?17:52
sipiorrockman125: what does "/bin/mount" show for flags on the filesystem in question. and what does "file /usr/bin/<program>" return for the things that won't run?17:53
sacarlsonharold: is your screen so small you can't see the line 10 lines up? (12:49:36 AM) sacarlson: harold: you can add:   yourusername    ALL=(ALL) ALL   in the sudoer file using visudo17:53
Luis_it is, but i spent 3 hours here last night and its on the way to 4 today i just need it done =/17:53
StarminnLuis_: (Yeah, I've been Googling for a while now and everybody seems to do the same thing -- startup script.)17:53
SirVendettaalguien que hable espanol?17:53
haroldsacarlson:its not that man. i souldnt understand the lines...17:53
WalterBishopIs it unsecure to use an ssh public key without entering a password on it?17:54
sacarlsonharold: man it the manual to any command you need to learn17:54
Luis_Starminn, how do i easly create a script to automate it?17:54
sipiorWalterBishop: generally, yes, although it's a surprisingly common practise17:54
rockman125hi sipior , it says rw17:54
haroldsacarlson:ohkay..thanks.. but where do i add those lines??17:54
daveguyStarminn: I changed themes once and it helped for a while, but now it's doing the same thing again. Could it have something to do with the theme?17:54
macoWalterBishop: no password means if someone gets access to your hard drive they can use the key. if your hard drive or your home directory are encrypted though, its not so bad17:54
Starminndaveguy: Change the theme and try to replicate. Try different themes. :)17:55
sipiorrockman125: and file?17:55
sacarlsonharold: I guess near the top as seen here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150544717:55
StarminnLuis_: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/17:56
Dr_Willisdaveguy:  if it works...17:56
Luis_Starminn, i'll go through that thank you again17:56
Dr_Willisdaveguy:  altenratively perhaps delaying  gnome-panels starttup till a few sec later.. may work. but ive no idea how to do that.17:57
rockman125sipior: its behaving real confused, when i try to run ls it says unrecognised option `human` try ls --help17:57
mix22891how do i uninstall program?17:57
daveguyDr_Willis: Okay, thanks again for your help!17:58
sipiorrockman125: does "ls --help" return normally?17:58
Starminnmix22891: Applications->Ubuntu Software Centre-> Find the program -> Remove17:58
sipiorrockman125: also, what does "alias ls" say?17:58
ruanmix22891: depends where you installed it from, but ubuntu software centre should work17:58
mix22891<Starminn> ty17:58
rockman125sipior: no it returns same error17:58
StarminnLuis_: Yep. SO you're really just writing a bash script and telling it to run on startup. Never done it before though, personally, and I've always wanted to know how so it's fun for the both of us. :)17:58
sipiorrockman125: and the output from alias?17:59
rockman125alias ls=`ls --human --color=always`17:59
sipiorrockman125: well there's your problem...17:59
rockman125how come this all happened itself17:59
sipiorrockman125: what does "file $(which ls)" report?18:00
Starminnmix22891: You're welcome.18:00
BajKI want to upgrade to the 2.6.38-4 kernel in the ubuntu kernel ppa, do I need to take any precautions for upgrading? especially because I use the nvidia proprietary driver on my machine. it worked flawlessly on my notebook with intel graphics but what do I need to watch for here?18:00
simon__actualize de 10.10 a 11.04, pero por alguna razon tengo unity 2d(tengo una tarjeta de video integrada de 128mb que corre perfectamente compiz)18:00
Dr_Willisalias ls='ls --color=auto'18:00
Starminn!es | simon__18:00
ubottusimon__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:00
Dr_Willisis the default ls alias here.18:00
sacarlsonrockman125: it might be what it's get set to in your ~./bashrc file18:00
Luis_Starminn, i wouldn't exactly call it fun i'm about pulling my hair out, why something so easy ends up being so complicated!18:00
Dr_Willis color=always can cause issues18:00
simon__sorry, i made a mistake18:01
simon__i updated to 11.04  from 10.10, but i have unity 2d(i have a video card of 128mb)18:01
Dr_WillisLuis_:  at least there are work arounds.. just a question.. you have updated/upgraded your system recently? its possible its a known bug that will/has been fixed.18:01
StarminnLuis_: Well when it happened to me I fixed it then shortly after I tried to change my mouse cursor. Ha!! Not doing that again. WOund up doing a full reinstall after it screwed over my entire graphics rendering abilities. (Err... my machine's graphics rendering abilities.)18:02
StarminnLuis_: Anyway, point being it seems completely random. It's not happened even once on this install.18:02
sacarlsonStarminn: maybe you should create a spare user you can login to next time if you break another one18:03
mix22891i can't understand how can i .zip file18:03
rockman125it says unrecognised option `--human` again, bear with me mny connection to server is slow18:03
Starminnmix22891: .tar .gz. tar.gz .bz2 .tar.bz218:03
zambahow can i get mp3 support in vlc?18:03
=== Guest42348 is now known as riboflavin
Starminnmix22891: Windows has .zip and .rar. Linux has all the oens I mentioned.18:03
mix22891i see18:03
Starminnzamba: Installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?18:03
Luis_i see, well thank you very much for all your help this afteroon i'll give up for today18:03
vladikoffis there a way to change these: http://gyazo.com/e88f755c677aeb4804e79ef8e12be644.png to a normal path view?18:04
rockman125even ssh and other basic services not running on server due to this issue :(18:04
sipiorrockman125: you included the "which" command, right?18:04
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mix22891so how do i .tar file?18:04
StarminnLuis_: Good. Take a breather. Linux can be bad for your health when something bad happens. ;)18:04
rockman125i typed like this18:04
rockman125file $(which ls)18:04
sipiorrockman125: and what does "which ls" say?18:04
Starminnmix22891: right-click the file(s)/folder(s) and hit "Compress..."18:04
zambaStarminn: ok, but i definitely will now :)18:04
riboflavindo i need to partision my hard drive to install ubuntu?18:04
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
vladikoffmix22891, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-268887.html18:05
Lasse1hey guys18:05
Aikarriboflavin: yes but ubuntu will do it for you, just drag a block to change how much space to give to ubuntu, and itll do it all for you18:05
rockman125sipior: it says >> alias ls='ls --human --color=always' /bin/ls18:05
Starminn!codecs > zamba18:05
ubottuzamba, please see my private message18:05
Lasse1do u know some cool apps??? :D18:05
sacarlsonmix22891: you might be able to just right click in nautilus and select compress18:05
sipiorrockman125: do "unalias ls" to get rid of this garbage. or just, "file /bin/ls"18:06
Lasse1do u know some cool apps??? :D18:06
Starminn!ot > Lasse118:06
ubottuLasse1, please see my private message18:06
riboflavinis ther a way to install without  partision?18:06
sacarlsonmix22891: if compress isn't seen in the list with right click then you will need to install fileroller or something like that18:06
Starminn!wubi | riboflavin18:07
ubotturiboflavin: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe18:07
riboflavinif i dual boot will it slow down my performance  ?18:07
Aikaronly 1 os is loaded at a time18:07
Starminnriboflavin: Nope, not in the slightest bit.18:07
Aikardual boot just lets you select which os to boot18:07
Aikarw/o dual boot your bios still "selects an os" but you only have 1 so it immediately selects it for you18:07
Starminnriboflavin: Dual-booting is more efficient by quite a bit than not dual-booting. ;)18:07
Lasse1plz can u say some cool apps for me??18:07
Starminn!ot | Lasse118:08
ubottuLasse1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:08
riboflavinahh i see18:08
stianhjLasse1, photostory18:08
Aikarand i was warned to not use wubi heh, it was painless to install dualboot anyways18:08
sipiorLasse1: "man" is a pretty cool app.18:08
riboflavinso wth is compriz fusion?18:08
Lasse1what is man?18:08
StarminnAikair riboflavin: Right, Wubi *really* isn't preferred.18:08
StarminnLasse1: In Terminal, type "man <command>"18:08
Lasse1!sipior: what is "man"18:08
sacarlsonAikar: if you install with wubi don't try to upgrade,  good chance it will break18:09
Pici!man | Lasse118:09
ubottuLasse1: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/18:09
puzooposite of 'woman'18:09
rockman125sipior ls worked now, what about ssh httpd and mysql etc?18:09
Starminnpuzo: :)18:09
Aikarsacarlson: im not using wubi, someone said it to riboflavin above so i was saying prolly shouldnt use wubi lol18:09
sacarlsonAikar: I should say don't try to update18:09
sipiorrockman125: are each of these aliased as well? has someone been playing a prank on you?18:09
Lasse1ubottu? are u from ubuntu?18:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:09
AikarLasse1: thats not a person18:09
Starminn!ubottu | Lasse118:10
ubottuLasse1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:10
sipiorrockman125: what does "file /usr/bin/ssh" say?18:10
mix22891<sacarlson> thanks alot for your help18:10
sacarlsonAikar: oh I agree I wouldn't use it, not sure who it was18:10
rockman125how somone can do this when the server is not with anyone18:10
Picirockman125: What?18:10
mix22891linux more fun then windows18:10
CoreWarIs there a way to open files on different workspaces ? For instance "gvim f1; gvim f2" with f1 opening in workspace 1, and f2 in workspace 2 ?18:10
Aikarim excited to see what 11.4 is bringing with Gnome 318:10
rockman125sipior also after typing, i get a message "Display all 1927 possiblities? *y or n)18:10
mix22891bye all18:11
StarminnAikar: I thought Natty was using Unity. That, and it's not called GNOME 3 -- it's called GNOME Shell if I am correct.18:11
ikoniarockman125: type "uname -a" and show me the output18:11
kayleighI have a question re: Ubuntu 10.10 installed side by side with Windows7...18:11
ugmghi. i installed u desktop 10.04 but i try to apt-get update give error  connection timed out unable to connect ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main packages and the last one is index files failed to download18:11
ikoniakayleigh: ask it then18:11
sipiorrockman125: that probably just means you hit "tab" by mistake. what is the output of the file command i mentioned?18:11
ikoniaugmg: you are using a 3rd party PPA that it can't get to, remove it18:11
Aikarlol, so dropping the ver # for the word shell? seems odd, but i was seeing it referenced as gnome 3 still in some things and i see "GNOME 3 Stack" in my sources list too18:11
brontosaurusrexubottu: Mod-H264-Streaming18:12
ikoniaAikar: 11.04 is discussed in the channel #ubuntu+1 please, not here18:12
rockman125it says ELF 64-bit LSB shared object18:12
PiciAikar, Starminn: Natty discussion is offtopic for this channel, please use #ubuntu+118:12
ugmgikonia, ok18:12
Lasse1what's "photostory"18:12
rockman125sipior : and in end it says stripped18:12
ikoniaLasse1: in what respect18:12
kayleighthank you. I installed Ubuntu last night and today when I went to boot it up it came up with a BIOS-type screen, not the GUI interface I expected. I don't know why it's doing this18:12
sipiorrockman125: that's encouraging. you're running a 64-bit system, i hope? what is the output of "uname -a"?18:12
Lasse1i asked for some cool apps and some1 sayed "photostory"18:12
ikoniaLasse1: ask them18:13
sipiorLasse1: look, this is a help channel. and you're not helping.18:13
StarminnLasse1: Again, it's off-topic. Go to #ubuntu-offtopic18:13
sipiorLasse1: if you have a question about ubuntu, now's the time for it.18:13
rockman125sipior: -bash: /bin/uname: cannot execute binary file18:13
izinucskayleigh: bios type screen? but not the actual bios screen? Did it say Grub> so something?18:13
kayleighyes, the word Grub was involved18:14
ShishKababWhen trying to do 'cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1', I'm getting the error 'device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument'. dmesg says http://www.pastie.org/1594788 and Google doesn't tell me anything useful. Does anyone have an idea what's happening? (Using Ubuntu 10.10 by the way).18:14
kayleighI dont know the difference between the18:14
sipiorrockman125: interesting. and "file /bin/uname"?18:14
izinucskayleigh: do you have multiple harddrives installed?18:14
kayleigh"actual" bios screen18:14
kayleighyes I do18:14
kayleighone external and the internal18:14
ugmgikonia, now it say  failed to fetch form archive.ubunut .com18:14
ikoniaugmg: ok, then either your network is down or your dns resolution is not working18:14
elfrannei am looking for someone that can give me a hand for configuring samba, because i am apparently too stupid to figure out how to make it works18:15
izinucskayleigh: ok.. what happened is the boot loader (grub) was installed on the wrong drive.  Should be a fairly easy fix.. I'll have ubottu send you a link/how to.  ubottu is a bot.18:15
ugmgit's WIFI 45MBS18:15
ikoniaugmg: that doesn't change what I just said18:15
izinucs!grub2 | kayleigh18:15
ubottukayleigh: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:15
sacarlsonShishKabab: is this for a full root encryption?  I just setup one in virtualbox 2 days ago18:15
ugmgok itry diff conn18:15
kayleighhow do I know if I need the first or the second one? I'm sorry I don't know how to direct a message directly at you18:16
izinucskayleigh: read even the link for redoing grub after windows.18:16
ShishKababsacarlson: It is an external usb drive.18:16
rockman125sipior: corrupted section header size :-<18:16
ShishKababsacarlson: I want to have a backup there.18:16
brontosaurusrexany recent/valid guides on how to setup lighttpd or apache with h264 streaming mod?18:16
izinucskayleigh: read both.. it's ok to install grub to *all* your drives if needed.. doesn't take up space and ensures that you get it in the right spot.18:16
sipiorrockman125: starting to look like filesystem damage...what were you doing right before the problems started? is this a new install?18:16
sacarlsonShishKabab: but you used lvm?18:16
izinucskayleigh: ah.. another easy fix is to change the drive boot order in bios.. try that first.18:17
elfrannei am looking for someone that can give me a hand for configuring samba, because i am apparently too stupid to figure out how to make it works18:17
kayleighI have no idea how to do that or what that means.18:17
rockman125sipior: nothing, i just logged into ssh and found that commands were not executing, so i just rebooted it properly from there18:17
sipiorrockman125: but how long has the machine been running this install of ubuntu?18:18
ikoniarockman125: does "ls" work on the system18:18
Aikarelfranne: server or desktop?18:18
rockman125sipior: no its 2+ years old install and everything seems in good condition though, its a server on 1gbps line18:18
Aikarelfranne: if using desktop, just right click/properties on said folder in Nautilus and go to Share tab. itll do it all for you18:18
kayleighsweet heavens I have no idea what I've gotten myself into. I feel like I can do some damage if I go messing around with things I dont understand!18:18
sipiorrockman125: first thing i would do now is verify the status of your backups.18:18
sipiorrockman125: just in case.18:19
ShishKababsacarlson: No. It's just one big primary partition. Could it matter that it's formatted as NTFS?18:19
Aikarkayleigh: long as your command doesnt start with sudo you likely wont do damage ;)18:19
izinucskayleigh: when your computer first starts there is a beep at one point.. hit the Delete or F12 or F2 key (computer depending) and it will take you to the bios screen .. in there will be menus and an option to list the "order" the machine uses to look for a boot device.. typically the cdrom/dvd is first then a harddrive then sometimes your secondary harddrive. swap the positions of the harddrives.18:19
rockman125sipior: i have backup18:19
sipiorrockman125: is the machine easily accessible to you, physically?18:19
sipiorrockman125: ah good, that was the right answer :-)18:19
reidarHi people. Im trying to get this oldpc to work and ubuntu is doing fine aparte from 1 problem. The wificard is not working. its a sitecom WL-140 and i followed this instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-945299.html but its not working. Ive googled but i cant find more guides to workon. Anyone here has experience with this?18:20
sacarlsonShishKabab: well I'm not sure but I wouldn't use ntfs in linux18:20
rockman125sipior: no, i am on lara consolve, machine is in germany, i am in india18:20
elfranneAikar : server18:20
Aikarelfranne: lol maybe cheat and install nautilus on server and use X11 Forwarding? :P18:21
kayleighAikar, I dont know what sudo is so I guess thats good?18:21
sipiorrockman125: you might ask the hosting company to have a look. also, check your log files for disk errors of one stripe or another. 18:21
elfranneAikar :  i just want 2 simple things but apperently no one can tell me what is did wrong with my conf files18:21
ShishKababsacarlson: No, that's why I'm trying to format the partition with LUKS and will then create an ext3 partition on top of it.18:21
rockman125sipior is it done by some rootkit or so? why its like that see ls was aliased when i didn't do anything and these executables?18:21
Aikarelfranne: sorry i dunno how to manually config it myself, havent had need for samba on my server,18:21
kayleighok Im going to try this boot order thing, brb18:21
elfranneAikir : no i want to know how to do it18:22
AzizLightis there a way to hide the titlebar in urxvt?18:22
sipiorrockman125: a rootkit doesn't seem too likely, but i suppose it's a possibility. the ls alias is a bit weird, and i would definitely ask the hosting company to look into it.18:22
sacarlsonShishKabab: well I'm not sure this will help but it might at least show you what you might need to have http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-encrypted-partitions-over-lvm-with-luks18:22
Dr_WillisAzizLight:  if using compiz. i think you can on a per window type setting.18:22
izinucs!samba | elfranne18:22
ubottuelfranne: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:22
rockman125sipior also, httpd, ssh and everything was running before reboot18:22
Dr_Williselfranne:  the samba-doc package has several books on samba included in it.  if you want to learn all about it in detail18:23
rockman125sipior, ok, do you think they might be able to fix this?18:23
reidari people. Im trying to get this oldpc to work and ubuntu is doing fine aparte from 1 problem. The wificard is not working. its a sitecom WL-140 and i followed this instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-945299.html but its not working. Ive googled but i cant find more guides to workon. Anyone here has experience with this? lspci gives me this -> http://pastebin.com/HYtZr0mZ18:23
sipiorrockman125: can't hurt to ask.18:23
AikarSimath: that ls alias looked common, i have alias ls="/bin/js --color=tty -F -a -b -T 0 -H" to default ls to have colors and -a18:23
sipiorrockman125: if nothing else, they can restore from backups and get you running again.18:24
sacarlsonShishKabab: or maybe this would be closer http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/17/7-steps-to-an-encrypted-partition-local-or-removable-disk/18:24
rockman125surething, i will ask them and will report you soon, ty bro :-)18:24
rockman125sipior: yes but i don't like hassle of new install and then restore backups, its pain to setup webserver etc again :(18:24
carl-"fel hittades vid kontroll av diskenheten" .... "m för ... s för att hoppa över montering ... i för att ignorera ... och sen "för att försöka korrigera felen"  detta kommer upp på min mors uppstart av ubuntu18:25
carl-hon kan inte se vad som står att man ska trycka för att korrigera ..18:25
carl-och jag kan bara hjälpa henne över telefon ..18:25
jrib!se | carl-18:25
ubottucarl-: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se18:25
carl-någon som kan assistera mig och ta reda på vilken bokstav man ska trycka :)18:26
BajKhow can I send a broadcast message similar to the one that shutdown triggers? the message is shjown in kde as well and everytwhere18:26
carl-oooh sory18:26
usergeia sas18:26
kayleighok I tried the boot load order thing and pressed f12 and del and I got nothing18:26
kayleighwhen I tried to start Ubuntu it asked for my login, then password and at the top it said Ubuntu 10.10 tty1 and then kayleigh@ubuntu :-$ or something18:26
nroy1Hi! I'm currently installing ubuntu 10.10 from live cd, and I specifically told it NOT to download updates while installing, but it seems that the installer is downloading anyway. So, is this a known bug or something?18:27
Aelingilikonia, Thank you for your help previously, i'm going to have to wait till this self test is finished before i can access the hard drive. If i can i'm going to format it and re-install Ubuntu.18:27
AelingilDr_Willis, Thank you for your help previously, i'm going to have to wait till this self test is finished before i can access the hard drive. If i can i'm going to format it and re-install Ubuntu.18:27
jribnroy1: check bugs.ubuntu.com to see if it's a known bug18:27
izinucskayleigh: so the drive switched worked sort of?18:27
=== atoi|laptop is now known as atoi
ShishKababsacarlson: That's what I normally do. Is it normal that dm-crypt doesn't show up in lsmod?18:27
andreylosevhow do I restart my notify-osd after killing it?18:27
kayleighno, I was unable to bring up any kind of change to switch the drives18:28
reidarHi people. Im trying to get this oldpc to work and ubuntu is doing fine aparte from 1 problem. The wificard is not working. its a sitecom WL-140 and i followed this instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-945299.html but its not working. Ive googled but i cant find more guides to workon. Anyone here has experience with this? lspci gives me this -> http://pastebin.com/HYtZr0mZ18:28
BluesKajBajK, do you want to shutdown from thje terminal?18:28
kayleighthat's the info I got when I FIRST tried to boot Ubuntu this morning18:28
nroy1jrib: ok ;)18:28
izinucskayleigh: but the prompt you get is what you just mentioned? not a blank screen with Grub> showing?18:28
th0rreidar: have you looked into ndiswrapper?18:28
izinucskayleigh: use my nick at the beginning of the line by typing the first few characters then hit TAB to autocomplete.. that will highlight on my end so I can see that you responded.18:29
reidarth0r: the first link is a guide to use ndiswrapper, so. yes ive tried that18:29
reidarth0r: i might have done it wrong though ;)18:29
sacarlsonShishKabab: I'm not sure but can't hurt to sudo  modprobe dm-crypt to be sure18:30
kayleighizinucs: I remember seeing the word Grub somewhere but I dont remember exactly in what context I saw it or when. I started my computer, it asked if I wanted to boot win7 or Ubuntu, I chose Ubuntu and then a screen came up asking if I wanted to start either of two Ubuntu (one was recovery mode) or win7 again. I think thats where I saw the grub screen. I chose the first non-recovery mode Ubuntu and that is when it asked for my login a18:30
BluesKajreidar, looks like this is your wifi chip Network controller: SiteCom Europe BV Device 9780 (rev 01)18:30
th0rreidar: there is a gui for it...gtkndis or some such....search for ndiswrapper in synaptic18:31
Netw0rkBugcan i install freebsd from windows or linux without cd or usb stick or anyhing ?18:31
izinucskayleigh: ok.. that answered the question.. did you install server or desktop version of ubuntu?18:31
ShishKababsacarlson: I already did that and it doesn't work.18:31
jribNetw0rkBug: this is #ubuntu, try #freebsd18:31
kayleighizinucs: sorry, desktop18:31
BluesKajNetw0rkBug, nope18:32
Netw0rkBug13:31 -!- #freebsd Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited18:32
jribNetw0rkBug: ##freebsd18:32
Netw0rkBug13:32 [477 (ErrorNoChannelModes) ##freebsd] Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services18:32
PiciNetw0rkBug: you need to be registered/identified to join18:32
Pici!register > Netw0rkBug18:32
ubottuNetw0rkBug, please see my private message18:32
Netw0rkBugim registred18:32
jribNetw0rkBug: you aren't identified18:32
izinucskayleigh: ok the following command will/should fully update your system and hopefully allow the gui to run on reboot.. it must be typed exactly including the "case" of the letters... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:32
sacarlsonShishKabab: well what are you using as a reference to setup by,  any web link?18:32
th0rreidar: is this a usb wifi?18:33
Netw0rkBug13:32 -NickServ (NickServ@services.)- You are now identified for Netw0rkBug.18:33
PiciNetw0rkBug: That was just now.18:33
kayleighizinucs:  where do I type that command?18:33
jribNetw0rkBug: now you are...18:33
izinucskayleigh: when you boot the machine you'll get the black screen with a prompt..18:33
ShishKababsacarlson: I did exactly the same as your last link.18:33
Aikaris there any way to make pulseaudio not sound like crap instead of just uninstalling it?18:33
reidarth0r: no, one of those old bigass cards18:33
Lasse1how do i change the "menu" buttom?18:34
izinucskayleigh: the prompt will have your user name in it.18:34
reidariminstalling the ndiswrapper gui thing,18:34
kayleighizinucs: ah ok. is this happening because it was installed on the wrong drive or what?18:34
Aikari dunno how i have this sound issue on pulseaudio of it making sound staticy on 2 diff pcs, is this a common issue? uninstalling pulse fixes the audio18:34
Dr_WillisAikar:  determind the chipsets used. check the forums. there may be some twak18:35
Dr_Willistweak :)18:35
blackxoredhello guys, i'm about to do a clean install and I want to keep my encryption setup which is luks/cryptsetup, I've done this in the past, but I'm currently unable to remember what I did for sure, so there are any pointers on how to go on that?18:35
izinucskayleigh: no.. it just happens sometimes on certain hardware configuations or possibly because windows 7 is also there.. this might not fix it though.. but it's the first step.. next would be to examine what component might be hanging things up.. most likely your video card.18:35
macoAikar: yeah, its a fairly common way of sound drivers being broken that makes them interact with pulse wrong like that. please file bugs:   ubuntu-bug -s audio18:35
AikarDr_Willis: im using dell lattitude core i5 laptop at work, AMD x4 Phenom at home with XFi Gamer card18:35
Aikarso 2 very diff setups18:35
kayleighizinucs: ok I am going to try the sudo command and report back!18:36
izinucskayleigh: ok.18:36
th0rreidar: make sure you are using the windows xp drivers and not windows 7....don't think they will work18:36
RoastedCan Exaile make playlists in m3u format for use with my Sansa portable media player?18:36
reidarth0r, how can i se what i got?18:37
blackxoredanyone? clean install while preserving cryptsetup luks?18:37
Dr_WillisAikar:  x-fi only recently got linux support.  creative really dropped the ball with it and linux.18:37
BluesKajAikar, PA is just another layer of aidiomprocessing unless you're using a pci soundcard with several inputs such as digital from other devices , a regular soundcard doesn't benefit much from PA in my experience18:37
th0rreidar: I usually go to the manufacturers website and download the latest drivers from there18:37
Braber01Hi, I just found out a magnet was really, really close to my laptop, is my screen ruined?18:37
irong33ki am having a hardtime running vmware and virtualbox on kernel 2.6.37 ubuntu , are there patches ?18:38
Dr_WillisBraber01:  does it look funny now?18:38
Braber01and it was a really,really strong one as well18:38
BluesKajAikar, aidiomprocessing=audio processing18:38
=== root____3 is now known as Gryphon4200
ikoniaBraber01: that's a hardware issue, not ubuntu18:38
ikoniaBraber01: nothing to do with this channel18:38
AikarDr_Willis: i havent installed any drivers for my card18:38
sacarlsonShishKabab: well as an experiment I'm trying it in virtualbox with ubuntu 10.1018:38
Braber01ikonia: is there a channel for that?18:38
th0rBraber01: it probably won't hurt the screen, but might scramble the hard drive18:38
ikoniaBraber01: ##hardware maybe ?18:38
Dr_WillisAikar:  they are proberly built into alsa. not seperate droivers18:38
RoastedCan anybody think of a reason why Rhythmbox randomly picks up different amounts of songs on my mp3 player? It'll say it found 830, then 779, then 650, then 665, then 0, then 700 again, all when the exact amount NEVER changed.18:38
Aikarbut both experience a crackling sound on IM in pidgin18:38
Aikarremove pulseaudio and its fine18:38
Dr_WillisAikar:  and its only pidgin they have issues with?18:39
irong33ki am having a hardtime running vmware and virtualbox on kernel 2.6.37 ubuntu , are there patches ? or tutorials ?18:39
Aikarmusic and video sounds ok though, pidgins the one app ive noticed crackle18:39
ikoniairong33k: #vmware for vmware support18:39
Dr_Willisirong33k:  theres wiki/guides for both.18:39
sacarlsonShishKabab: as I see what it's doing in install I think you should reboot and try again18:39
ikoniairong33k: what is the issue running virtual box ?18:39
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | irong33k18:39
ubottuirong33k: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:39
izinucsirong33k: I have no issues with vbox.. what exactly is the issue you're having.18:39
ShishKababsacarlson: It works on my Debian (Lenny) machine and normally on my Kubuntu 10.10 PC, but now I'm stuck to this laptop.18:39
ShishKababsacarlson: Ok, interesting.18:40
Linda_91Hello, I was here few weeks ago, I tried to install ubuntu instead of fedora on my PC had a problem with my wireless PCI adapter (TP-LINK TL-WN353G), I installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper with help from one the guys here.. but still have problems connecting to internet using it :( anyone can help please ?18:40
sacarlsonShishKabab: it's created an image that will need to be booted18:40
irong33kikonia: i can't be able to compile the modules.....like vmmon for instance18:40
ikoniairong33k: you don't need to do that for virtual box18:40
izinucsirong33k: install build-essential and dkms18:40
kubancwhere do i put settings for remote desktop viewer in ubuntu?18:41
ShishKababsacarlson: The notebook is now rebooting.18:41
irong33kikonia: you cant run virtualbox 4 without first compiling vmmon and vmnet18:41
ikoniairong33k: they are already packaged though are they not ?18:42
irong33kizinucs: i hadn't install dkms ....will it fix the trick..18:42
reidarth0r, you mind helping me to uninstall the vista driver i used first and replace it with the xp driver?18:43
induzsince my monitor display shows some kind of errors when i am in KDE at 1252x864 dpi, i have to re-install Lucid so what is the good backup[reliable] application18:43
reidarth0r, seems that is the problem18:43
izinucsirong33k: no.. it only helps when upgrading versions of vbox and maybe vmware after a kernel upgrade..18:43
irong33kikonia: i downloaded the virtualbox deb package and installed it...when running it, it tried to compile the modules...then gave out a few errors18:43
Starminn!backup | induz18:43
ubottuinduz: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:43
th0rreidar: is it working now?18:43
Gryphon4200How do I see what my hdd configuration is from the command line?18:43
Linda_91Can anybody assist me please? I am new to ubuntu and have problems with my wireless... I read the dcoumentation and still can't get the driver to work :(18:44
raidoGryphon4200: sudo fdisk -l18:44
BlueProtomanYeah, I can't set up my Wi-Fi, either.18:44
reidarth0r, no. and when i try to install the xp driver it says the driver already is installed, wich is true, so i need to uninstall de vistadriver first18:44
reidarth0r, and for that i need help :)18:44
kayleighizinucs:  that did not work. it said the Apt has Super Cow Powers...????18:44
Gryphon4200awesome... thanks18:45
mix22891linux more fun then windows18:45
th0rreidar: the gtk thing should allow you to uninstall18:45
BlueProtomanCan anyone help me?  I can't use Wi-Fi on my new Ubuntu install.18:45
BlueProtomanI'm here through Windows.18:45
izinucskayleigh: LOL.. never see that one.. you didn't use any capital letters did you?18:45
FloodBot3hedufh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
kayleighizinucs:  nope I typed it exactly as you said!18:45
Starminn!wifi | BlueProtoman -- does this help?18:45
ubottuBlueProtoman -- does this help?: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:45
chonchblueprotoman: you probably need proprietary drivers18:46
BlueProtomanHow can I get those?18:46
Gryphon4200How do I quickly see my mount points?18:46
irong33kizinucs: i think dkms was the missing piece18:46
chonchlspci from your linux18:46
raidoGryphon4200: mount18:46
izinucskayleigh: ok.. I'll draft a call for help for you as I'm stuck at this point.. hang on and someone will answer hopefully.18:46
hedufhfuck ubuntu18:46
mix22891ubuntu one buggy18:46
induzI am looking for GUI backup application18:46
Linda_91anybody? :(18:46
ghee22hi, in ubuntu 10.10, does anybody have lxml installed on python 2.7?18:47
irong33kizinucs: alll fixed.....thanks a million ...18:47
LoRezhedufh: knock it off.18:47
hedufhfuck u LoRez18:47
BlueProtomanCan anyone help me with my Wi-Fi?18:48
izinucsCall to Action.. kayleigh has a fresh install, dual boot with win 7 and multi-drive setup.  The install left him at a command prompt and apt reports having *super cow powers" when attempting to update fully (upgrade & dist-upgrade).. any help for him would be appriciated.. he's new at this so please walk him though what you can.18:48
izinucsirong33k: glad it worked !!18:48
BlueProtomanI am using a Dell Inspiron Mini 1011.18:48
irong33kBlueProtoman: whats your problem...18:48
th0rreidar: 'ndiswrapper -l' will list the installed drivers, and 'ndiswrapper -d <name>' will remove the installed drivers18:48
chonchblueprotoman: you need to find out the chipset of your wifi18:48
irong33kizinucs: :)18:48
induzthere are so mnay backup programs but i have not used one so far so please suggest me the tested one18:48
kayleighizinucs: thank you!18:48
induzas i have to backup my data on this system and reload[re-install] Lucid18:49
ShishKababsacarlson: It worked. After rebooting I got another error after which I repartitioned the disk. Then it worked...18:49
irong33kBlueProtoman: broadcom ?18:49
ShishKababsacarlson: Thanks!18:49
Linda_91I was here few weeks ago, I tried to install ubuntu instead of fedora on my PC had a problem with my wireless PCI adapter (TP-LINK TL-WN353G), I installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper.. but still have problems connecting to internet using it..18:49
BlueProtomanI can't connect.  Is Ubuntu supposed to list available Wi-Fi connections automatically?18:49
chonchblueprotoman:and download the proprietary debs that match18:49
reidarth0r,  reidar@reidar-Presario-R3200-PA473EA-ABN:~/Nedlastinger/WL-140v2$ ndiswrapper -lwl54cfg : driver installed18:49
izinucskayleigh: sure thing.. easier I tried that 'cause I think I got all the pertinent info there :)18:49
reidarth0r,  but no wifi :(18:49
sacarlsonShishKabab: cool so you needed ext4 or anything other than ntfs?18:49
irong33kBlueProtoman: whats your wireless device name ?18:50
BlueProtomanWhere can I find that?  I'm using Windows XP.18:50
ShishKababsacarlson: No, that's the next step. I just wiped the partition table with fdisk.18:50
Linda_91I was here few weeks ago, I tried to install ubuntu instead of fedora on my PC had a problem with my wireless PCI adapter (TP-LINK TL-WN353G), I installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper with help from one the guys here.. but still have problems connecting to internet using it. does anyone have any experience in that area here?18:50
th0rreidar: does the wifi show up in either ifconfig or iwconfig?18:50
irong33kBlueProtoman: you  using a laptop ?18:50
mix22891lets take over the world!!!!!!!!! muaahahaaa18:50
reidarth0r, those are files i should have?18:50
mix22891linux users!18:50
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
BlueProtomanYes.  A Dell Inspiron Mini 1011.18:50
Odaymwhen i download a binary, it's as if i have the "setup.exe" of the program?18:51
chonchblueprotoman: it's windows, right click on anything and your eventually find out18:51
th0rreidar: no...commands. Open a terminal and type each one (one at a time) and look through the resulting information to see if the wifi card is even mentioned18:51
blackstarhi, i'm running lucid Desktop AM64, and i notice that it does not empthy my temp folder, how can i fix this ?18:51
jribOdaym: not really.  Ideally, you should be installing your applications through APT18:51
irong33kBlueProtoman: go to the dell website and download the appropriate drivers18:51
Odaymi didn't18:51
Odaymi downloaded the binary from the website18:51
OdaymPacket Tracer18:52
jribOdaym: what does it do?  Isn't there an alternative in the repositories?18:52
Linda_91heloo, I tried to install ubuntu instead of fedora on my PC had a problem with my wireless PCI adapter (TP-LINK TL-WN353G), I installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper with help from one the guys here.. but still have problems connecting to internet using it.. can anybody assit me please?18:52
reidarth0r, no mention ---> http://pastebin.com/N9K35CeD18:52
chonchblueprotoman: Dell = broadcom chipset, no free drivers18:53
kayleighizinucs: am I just waiting around for a response now, then?18:53
irong33kBlueProtoman: try running "echo del -F -r %%system32%% it will fix or your problems :)18:53
Odaympacket tracer is ....packet tracer, simulator for Cisco, for routing and whatnot18:53
JoeyJoeJoIs there a tablet edition of ubuntu?18:53
BlueProtomanNice try.18:53
BlueProtomanchonch: So how can I get them, then?18:53
jrib!who | Odaym18:53
ubottuOdaym: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:53
Odaymyou knew it was for you, jrib18:54
Odaymbut alright :)18:54
webdevbyjoss<JoeyJoeJo> no18:54
jribOdaym: I don't get highlighted otherwise18:54
jribOdaym: anyway, you have to read the documentation from cisco then on how to install it18:54
JoeyJoeJowebdevbyjoss: Darn, guess I'll just have to try the netbook edition then18:54
Linda_91anybody can help?18:55
th0rreidar: I would check lshw and see if the card is even recognized. But I am not a wizard at desktop hw....maybe someone else can help.18:55
chonchblueprotoman: dl the deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/b43-fwcutter18:55
Dr_WillisLinda_91:  some chipsets just have flakey support. You have checked the forums for that exact chipset?18:55
BlueProtomanThank you.18:55
chonchput it at the root of your cd/usb18:56
blackstarhi, i'm running lucid Desktop AM64, and i notice that it does not empthy my temp folder at startup or shutdown, can anyone tell me how i can enable this ?18:57
ymonirany body can tell me how can i get some Videos from Youtube ?18:57
werhfuck ubuntu18:57
Linda_91Dr_Willis: Yes I checked for it.. I was adviced to use ndiswrapper.. now it does show in interfaces but I can not get it to work.. I am new to ubuntu so it might be something easy I am missing...18:57
werhfuck u18:57
FloodBot3werh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:57
immyi want to backup my files... i have an external usb drive - should i do a full disk encryption on it and then just schedule rdiff to run daily?18:57
BlueProtomanWhich should I download?  i386 or amd64?18:57
Dr_Willisymonir:  theres video downloader plugins for firefox18:57
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Dr_WillisBlueProtoman:  deopends on your cpu.18:58
ymonirDr_Willis , how can i activate it or make it  work ?18:58
BlueProtomanIntel Atom N28018:58
BlueProtomanDual core, 1.66Ghz18:58
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Dr_Willisymonir:   go to the firefox extensions page.. download one.. use it...18:58
Dr_Willisymonir:  see whats popular there.18:58
StarminnBlueProtoman: AMD64=64-bit. Anything else=32-bit18:58
BlueProtomani386 it is.18:58
BlueProtomanThanks, guys!18:58
Dr_Willisatoms are 32bit i think18:59
Dr_Willisor are there 64bit atomns out now?18:59
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blackstarhi guys , i'm running lucid desktop am64, and i notice that it does not empthy my temp folder at startup or shutdown, can anyone tell me how i can enable this ?19:00
StarminnDr_Willis: Only the N4, D4, and D5 (just Googled)19:01
frixusCo mozna ciekawego na linuxie zrobic ;pp ?19:01
Dr_WillisStarminn:  its hard to keep up with all these new things. :)19:01
induzany one can suggest me a reliable application to save by data on Lucid19:01
Libraratafter trying to reinstall xorg, xserver and nvidia drivers, at bootup I am getting "Coul not update ICEauthority file". I have only a close button, then another popup comes up: "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited wtih stats 256)."  After that, I just get a background image and nothing else happens.  How can I resolve this?19:01
Dr_Willisinduz:  clarify that a bit more.19:01
marienzDr_Willis: I'm talking to you from a 64-bit dual-core atom :)19:02
Linda_91Dr_Willis: can you advice what could be the problem?19:02
jribinduz: you mean for backups?19:02
Dr_Willismarienz:  isent that special :)19:02
StarminnDr_Willis: Oh, I'm sorry. And the N3 and 2. But not N2 which is what he had19:02
StarminnAnd yeah I agree19:02
Dr_Willismarienz:  we live in interesting times from a cpu point of view. So many new things.19:02
marienztechnology marches on, et19:02
marienzetc, too19:02
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induzDr_Willis, i have to re-install my Lucid on the system, i have some files/folder mostly doc/mp3/video files , i need to backup19:02
cellishow can i get my sound to play? it plays a drum sound on startup but after that no more sounds. Is there something i need to enable?19:03
Dr_Willisinduz:  so ... copy them, to a flash drive. or your ubuntu one account.19:03
induzDr_Willis, they will not fit on 2Gb flashdrive they r about 6Gb19:03
induzI am sad that i have to re-install this lucid19:04
Linda_91ermm.. I give up.. two weeks trying to get a wireless card working.. it worked with freebsd and fedora like charm.. going back to fedora.. thanks to all =)19:04
induzI have to again go one by one to all the applications to reinstall them19:04
cellismy wireless card doesn't work either.19:04
pipegeeksince switching from lucid to maverick, gnome-keyring-daemon no longer prompts graphically for ssh private key passwords, nor does it automatically ssh-add when using an identity for the first time.  What has changed?19:05
Dr_Willis!clone | induz19:05
ubottuinduz: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:05
cellisbut i think my sound card works. if the gnome startup sound plays, how can i make sure sound works after i login?19:05
pipegeekIt's still acting as ssh-agent (lsof $SSH_AUTH_SOCK shows that gnome-keyring-daemon has the socket open)19:05
Linda_91cellis: use fedora or pc-bsd.. ubuntu seems to be not very good in that area..19:05
ymonirDr_Willis . i went to my Firefox extension and i didnt fine any there19:06
Dr_Williscellis:  you tried just playing a video or somthing?19:06
induzDr_Willis, Thanks19:06
Dr_Willisymonir:  go to the firefox extensions web site.. and use the search feature.19:06
cellisDr_Wills: no other sound works. not testing, not youtube, nothing19:06
Dr_Williscellis:  now thats interesting...19:07
cellisi tried that whole "lookup your sound card driver" routine installed alsa mixers etc19:07
Dr_Williscellis:  run a media player from a terminal. try to play solthing look for error messages.19:07
Dr_Williscellis:  if you have 'tried' everything.. well.. its going to be hard for us to suggest somthing new. :)19:07
apparlesomeone reply to this as soon as you see this. I am checking whether network speed is usable19:07
geegeegeedf wont finish, it just carrys on forever, if i do df -h it doesnt bring back the command prompt19:07
celliswell i didn't say everything19:07
cellisi just tried the top two searches for "fix ubuntu sound"19:08
cellisand I think i have it working19:08
Dr_Williscellis:  i would be curious if a media player would work when ran as root.. (not a good thing to do.. but a test to try)19:08
celliswhat is a common system file sound i can play19:08
WeThePeoplehow do i select to run Lubuntu19:08
WeThePeoplefrom Gnome19:09
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  how did you install Lubuntu?19:09
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  the GDM login screen should have a menu item for it.19:09
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, it never takes me to that screen (rarely ever)19:09
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  err.. just log out...19:10
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop19:10
Dr_Willisthen at the login screen select your name,. and theres a menu/button Somewhere.. for it.19:10
Odaymhow do I deal with a bin file?19:10
geegeegeeOdaym, what do you mean?19:11
Odaymsays here that i should set executable permission on it and run it, but when i do, it prompts me to choose an application to run it with19:11
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, when i log out all that shows up is a black screen with>    -     <blinking19:11
jribOdaym: it depends on the file.  Did you find the documentation for your program yet?19:11
Odaymthe file is .bin, it says unrecognized file type19:11
Klaus_Dieteris there still a public tracker that noone needs to register on like openbittorrent these days?19:11
pipegeeksince installing maverick (fresh install), the "askpass" part of gnome-keyring-daemon doesn't work.  What would cause this?19:11
geegeegeeOdaym, chmod +x <file> && ./<file>19:11
jribOdaym: run it in a terminal19:11
geegeegeedf wont finish, it just carrys on forever, if i do df -h it doesnt bring back the command prompt19:11
Odaymthank you ]19:12
Odaymdamn gui19:12
lobo_negro_desieI have the same problem two days ago...19:12
phiroxHello, I'm using ubuntu 10.10 and sometimes while using gnome-terminal the window doesn't update correctly, and I have to press a key to make it work. Is this a known issue?19:12
Netw0rkBughow can i connect to dail up network with terminal console ?19:12
jrib!dialup | Netw0rkBug19:12
ubottuNetw0rkBug: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:12
lobo_negro_desieI just clean the carpet .gnome219:12
apparleNetw0rkBug: i think you can use ppp19:13
b0otWhat is the easiest/best way to create backups of your entire ubuntu system that 1.) Doesn't save unused space (like dd) and 2.) supports ext4 file systems19:13
macob0ot: rsync?19:13
Dr_Willisb0ot:  fsarchiver, or mondo/mindi. or perhaps otehr tools.. depending on how you want to restore things19:13
lobo_negro_desieand reset and after the computer ask again just not write nothing and the problem solve19:13
OsmodivsHello. I want to download an Ubuntu ISO using wget -d --retry-connection http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download But it only saves the page and does not download the ISO19:13
jribb0ot: I like rsnapshot.  If you prefer to image partitions, partimage doesn't support ext4 but their faq recommends programs that do19:13
Netw0rkBugbut gow to connec with terminal apprle19:13
jribOsmodivs: http://releases.ubuntu.com19:13
macoNetw0rkBug: pppoeconf19:14
jrib!backup > b0ot19:14
ubottub0ot, please see my private message19:14
Osmodivsjrib, will it download the 64bit version?19:14
jribOsmodivs: it will download nothing, I just gave you a web page.  Visit the web page and find the version you want :)19:14
calumTrying to compile a program in codeblocks and getting "conio.h - no such file or directory" . conio.h is a valid header...19:15
OsmodivsSo there is no way to download it via wget?19:16
erUSULOsmodivs: get a proper link19:16
jribcalum: erm isn't that some dos thing19:16
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, it does not take me to the login screen when i logout19:16
calumis there a linux equivalent?19:16
calumyeh it is19:16
jribcalum: try ##c if you're programming in C19:16
apparlecalum: conio.h is specific to turbo C I think19:17
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:   when you boot up the first time it goes to  the gdm login screen?19:17
apparlecalum: what exactly are you using in conio.h?19:17
calumI only want to use cout<<19:17
ohsixcalum: you'll have to replace its use with ncurses19:17
erUSULcalum: conio.h is a dos thing ... most of it is in stdio.h19:17
* jrib is confused19:17
erUSULcalum: cout is c++19:17
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, when i boot it will take me to the dual boot section but not the gdm login screen19:17
calumstdio.h includes cout as well then?19:18
apparlecalum: remove conio.h.19:18
calumit is a c++ program19:18
apparlecalum: #include<iostream>19:18
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, it boots right into Gnome19:18
YerushalmiHey folks. The unity-style desktop used in Ubuntu Netbook Edition disappeared on me last week, and all I have aside from the upper bar and keyboard commands is my background picture, which keeps blinking grey epileptically. Can anyone help?19:18
calumI have iostream19:18
calumit just doesnt like conio19:18
jribcalum: that's what you need for cout then.  For more c++ help, use ##c++19:18
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, after i boot into ubuntu 10.0419:18
calumok cheers, I will try to compile again19:19
apparlecalum: and also add this line before the program. "using namespace std;"19:19
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apparlecalum: next time ask questions in ##c++19:19
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  disable the autologin feature then. in the system menus19:19
calumI have that line too. and yeh sorry. I thought it would be some codeblocks issue19:20
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calumthanks all, it compiles now!19:21
kl0xhi people19:21
WeThePeopleDr_Willis, thankyou19:21
jesse__How come when I try to ping I always get unknown host?19:21
erUSULjesse__: you do not have dns properly set up19:22
erUSULjesse__: can you ping an ip ?19:22
_jesse_erUSUL: what?19:22
_jesse_ah nvm19:22
_jesse_it was highlighting me too :p19:22
erUSULjesse__: for example --> ping
Chaini`m updateing to 10.0419:23
erUSUL_jesse_: ;P19:23
skrapsCan someone please explain the ubuntu login system? the guts of it. Iv been reading about sha-2 hashing and its confusing me on how to set it up , everybody gives instructions for non-ubuntu based distros19:23
jesse__Yeah it lets me ping the ip19:23
deepinthewoodsHello. I want to assign one of the extra buttons on my 5-button mouse to left-click 64 times. Is this possible?19:23
jribskraps: how to set what up?19:24
ohsixskraps: it uses pam, you shouldn't have to set anything up; but if you want to read all about it, look at pam19:24
skrapsjrib: sha-2 hashing with pam thru gdm on a laptop19:24
kl0xdoes anybody know how to set up max volume to a specific user?19:24
erUSULjesse__: can you paste your /etc/resolv.conf file ina pastebin ?19:24
skrapslook at pam, thnx19:24
raidoMexican coffee is da best19:24
kl0xI mean, that user won't be able to put +70% volume19:24
raidosorry, wrong channel19:25
jribdeepinthewoods: heh, that sounds funny.  I guess you can use xdotool19:25
deepinthewoodsjrib It's for minecraft! will try that19:26
kl0xok I gtg, c ya19:26
jribdeepinthewoods: just train your cat!19:27
skrapsthis line in common-passwd: (password        [success=1 default=ignore]      pam_unix.so obscure sha51219:27
skraps) so this means sha512 is already being used by GDM?19:27
ActionParsnipjrib: s/train/kill  ;)19:27
may_psuGoodnight every body19:28
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BlueProtomanI still can't get my Wi-Fi working.  I figured out what to do, but now I get an error; http://img211.imageshack.us/i/screenshottr.png/19:32
BlueProtomanI am running it from a flash drive until I decide to make my decision final.19:32
BlueProtomanI'm merely trying Ubuntu at the moment.19:32
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, you aren't the center of the universe :) there are people here, please wait for a response19:33
BajKBluesKaj: nope, I just want to send a broadcast message similar to the one shutdown triggers19:33
BlueProtomanI know, but I see that it takes about ten seconds for a wall of text to form.19:33
BlueProtomanThe only wall I see here is "person X has connected/disconnected"19:34
Logan_WPBlueProtoman: there seems to be a related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/62632019:34
StarminnLunch shift ended? :)19:34
YerushalmiHey folks. The unity-style desktop used in Ubuntu Netbook Edition disappeared on me last week, and all I have aside from the upper bar and keyboard commands is my background picture, which keeps blinking grey epileptically. Can anyone help?19:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 626320 in jockey (Ubuntu) "SystemError: installArchives() failed whenever broadcom sta driver is attempted to be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:34
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, can you please upload that image to imgur? Imageshack seems down from here...19:34
BlueProtomanOne sec.19:34
BlueProtomanThere you go, xrdodrx.19:35
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, what type of wireless card do you have?19:35
BlueProtomanI'm not entirely sure.  My laptop is a Dell Inspiron Mini 1011, if that helps.19:36
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, Open a terminal and type the following: "lspci" and hit enter. Then paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:36
ActionParsnipBlueProtoman: ok if you run:  sudo lshw -C network    what wireless chip are you using?19:36
BacktrackerAnyone else here?19:37
Logan_WP!anyone | Backtracker19:37
ubottuBacktracker: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:37
BlueProtomanxrdodrx: I will.19:37
BlueProtomanActionParsnip: How can I check?19:37
BlueProtomanWindows XP here.19:37
ActionParsnipBlueProtoman: run the command I gave19:37
StarminnBacktracker: 1,624 off the top of my head.19:37
BlueProtomanOK, then.19:37
BlueProtomanI'll be back with both bits of info, then.19:37
BacktrackerWho else here uses Backtrack?19:37
xrdodrxActionParsnip, lspci would work just as well, right?19:38
ikoniaBacktracker: the people in #backtrack-linux do19:38
BacktrackerI will join that instead I guess19:39
ActionParsnipxrdodrx: lshw shows the driver used too :), both are fine19:39
xrdodrxah, ok thanks :)19:39
Gryphon4200Does anyone here have any experince putting together an Unreal Tournament 2004 server?19:39
Logan_WP!anyone | Gryphon420019:39
ubottuGryphon4200: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:39
zanberdoI've recently upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 10.04. I have a samba mount I've added to my fstab which under 9.04 would mount with the correct user privileges, but under 10.04 fails to mount on boot and will only mount with root privileges thereby preventing me from writing. The following is my fstab: http://pastebin.com/JcdjyRS9. No difference between what I used with 9.04 and what I'm using with 10.04. I would like to know how19:39
zanberdoto configure it such that this mounts as it did with 9.04 (with my account privileges)19:39
Gryphon4200ubottu: huh?19:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:40
sirtophatis there a way to completely uninstall something19:40
sirtophatto make it as if that thing was never installed in the first place19:41
Logan_WP!uninstall | sirtophat19:41
ubottusirtophat: To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/19:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:41
sirtophatnothing I've ever seen apt-get uninstall or similar do has actually removed files19:41
ActionParsnipsirtophat: try removing firefox then try launching it, it won't work.19:42
ActionParsnipsirtophat: if you add the --purge option to the remove command, it will remove the residual configs too19:42
BlueProtomanBack.  Here's my PasteBin.  This is for that first command; for some reason, I lost the second.  http://pastebin.com/yySD007K19:44
michaelxqi need help installing LBRC (linux bluetooth remote control)19:46
MrMintanetWhat is the best program to record 3D Compiz stuff?  I am trying to use both Istanbul and Desktop Recorder, but I get a flicker when I use the 3D Cube.  I have a very powerful computer, so I am not thinking hardware is a factor... but perhaps it is?  Can someone help me out.  I have looked at the "Proper Screencasting on Linux" message board, but that seems hellaciously involved to simply record the screen to a video file.19:46
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, the relevant line is "03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)"19:46
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: there is no sinle best ap for anyting19:46
MrMintanetActionParsnip, Thanks...  You're more than helpful as usual...19:46
BlueProtomanSo that's the hardware I have, apparently.19:46
BlueProtomanSo what do I do next?19:46
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: it's like asking "which is the best colour?"19:47
Logan_WP!poll | MrMintanet19:47
ubottuMrMintanet: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:47
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: try recordmydesktop19:47
michaelxqi need help installing LBRC (linux bluetooth remote control)19:47
Logan_WP!needhelp | michaelxq19:47
ubottumichaelxq: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude19:47
MrMintanetActionParsnip, I have you on ignore from this point on.  Thanks for "trying" to help me all the time...19:47
slackinHello, I just upgraded from 8.04 to 10.10 and I run virtualadmin and i got everything working, except bind. bind wont start and is not giving me any errors other than "Failed" I looked in syslog but it doesn't have any fail information there... any ideas?19:47
michaelxqLogan_WP, ok sorry19:47
izinucsMrMintanet: it may be a video driver thing.. if it's Nvidia and you're using the "stock" driver you might switch to the nvidia prop. driver.. look in System>Admin>Hardware Drivers to see if there's one there waiting for you.19:48
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, I'm searching, and it doesn't look like good news :<19:48
BlueProtomanSo what does this mean?19:48
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: you are more than welcome this time and all the other times too :D19:48
BlueProtomanDoes this mean I can't install Ubuntu on my laptop?19:48
xrdodrxIt's not impossible, but looks quite difficult to pull off19:48
YerushalmiHey folks. The unity-style desktop used in Ubuntu Netbook Edition disappeared on me last week, and all I have aside from the upper bar and keyboard commands is my background picture, which keeps blinking grey epileptically. Can anyone help?19:48
BlueProtomanSo what do I do, then?19:48
ymonirany one can help me how to download Videos from online like youtube or any other similar sites ?19:48
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, I would say so :<19:48
xrdodrxtry some of the guides in this topic, BlueProtoman http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=924428819:49
ActionParsnipymonir: you can use youtube-dl19:49
xrdodrxBlueProtoman, correction, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103708419:49
MrMintanetizinucs, Thanks.  Yea, I have a Quadro video card installed, and I am using the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver [Recommended].  Is there a way to tell if the driver actually supports the Quadro architecture?19:49
eXpLoDhow can I get aptitude;s interface only in the terminal?i dont want it as a gui19:49
xyzpi can copy install_flash_player_10_linux.deb  but i can not  past it in the user-map, why?19:49
michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC (Linux Bluetooth Remote Control)19:49
ActionParsnipxyzp: what is the "user-map"?19:50
ymonirActionParsnip : this will be only for youtube ?   plus i already installed this program and i cant open it as i dont see where is it19:50
ActionParsnipymonir: its for sites using the same sort of technology as far as I know19:50
ActionParsnipymonir: there are addons and extensions for web browsers if you like too19:51
xrdodrxymonir, I like HTTP Ripper: http://29a.ch/httpripper/19:51
xyzpusr-directory ActionParsnip19:51
ymonirActionParsnip : i added alll the plugins which can make me download - the point is i was easily copying the files before from the temp Folder = but this was on older version of ubuntu - now iam using 10,10 and its not working this way19:52
ActionParsnipxyzp: if you install flashplugin-nonfree  you will get flash19:52
ActionParsnipymonir: give youtube-dl a try, see how you like it19:52
sinistradlove love love youtube-dl19:53
MrMintanetizinucs, Thanks.  Yea, I have a Quadro video card installed, and I am using the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver [Recommended].  Is there a way to tell if the driver actually supports the Quadro architecture?19:53
xyzpok ActionParship19:53
majasticmooseHey guys. Do any of you know about compiling kernels?19:53
ymonirActionParsnip : i try to open youtube-dl and its not opening even19:53
ymonirActionParsnip : i used alt+F2 and its not working as well19:54
ActionParsnipymonir: its a commad line app, just copy the web page URL and run:   youtube-dl url19:54
michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC (Linux Bluetooth Remote Control)19:54
coz_majasticmoose,  did you look here?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile19:54
alex__c2022anyone run into issue with delayed_job where job keep failing because of undefined method foobar_without_delay? (where foobar is the name of the aschync method).19:55
ymonirActionParsnip - nothing working with it too19:55
moesWhat command do I run from terminal to list my optical devices19:55
majasticmooseyes i did. is the kernel that is part of the live cd (for booting) the same as the normal one?19:55
jay__try firefox youtube downloader plugin19:55
izinucsMrMintanet: that driver supplied by ubuntu is older.. there is a PPA called x-swat that will have a more uptodate driver that may work better.. google.. easy to implement19:55
MrMintanetizinucs, What is a PPA?19:55
xrdodrx!ppa | MrMintanet19:56
ubottuMrMintanet: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:56
sirtophateven after I ran the apt-get --purge remove19:56
sirtophatthere's still a /etc/mysql19:56
sirtophatand files within it19:56
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michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC (Linux Bluetooth Remote Control)19:57
ActionParsnipmichaelxq: try: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas  to see if there is a ppa19:58
ActionParsnipymonir: so:    youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA      doesn't work?19:58
BiPolahIs it possible to run rdesktop from a script? Every time I try and run it it simply comes up with "autoselecting keyboard en-gb" and then does nothing else19:58
ymonirActionParsnip = yes doesnt work19:59
MrMintanetizinucs, I went to the website that produces this PPA, but I can not figure out how the heck to get it to actually install.  The site is extremely cryptic for a novice user...19:59
ActionParsnipymonir: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-download-videos-from-youtube-in-ubuntu.html20:00
moesWhat command do I run from terminal to list my optical devices20:01
Logan_WPmoes: xinput list20:02
michaelxqActionParsnip, how do i install it? i've download it but i don't know how to install it20:03
Citizenwarriorso get this, I spend most of the morning on here with everyone trying to figure out why my NIC stopped working, WE determent that it just died... So $29.99 latter I have a new NIC, now because my old NIC is integrated can't remove it so i just drop in my new card and boot the box... BINGO now all three of my NICs show up???   BUT!!!! now the system is all buggy, it takes forever for desktop to load, and when it does lots of stuf20:03
Citizenwarriorf isn't right...   Any ideas?20:03
DelemasI've got a broken package installed on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Can anyone tell me the equivalent of a rpm -e --noscripts? dpkg --purge --force-all packagename isn't doing the trick...20:04
moesLogan_WP, This command only list my mouse and keyboard20:04
MrMintanetizinucs, I went to the website that produces this PPA, but I can not figure out how the heck to get it to actually install.  The site is extremely cryptic for a novice user...20:04
ActionParsnipymonir: i replaced /usr/bin/youtube-dl  with https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/raw/2010.12.09/youtube-dl20:04
mickster04Citizenwarrior: try and disable the inbuilt one in bios20:04
ActionParsnipmichaelxq: depends what file you have downloaded?20:05
Logan_WPmoes: lspci20:05
Logan_WPmoes: I think I misunderstood your question20:05
michaelxqActionParsnip, i've downloaded the latest version lbrc 0.6.4.tar.gz20:05
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aeon-ltdits not really a problem besides it clogging up one of my VTs, but why is vdpau always trying to call the nvidia driver whilst running flash?20:06
ActionParsnipmichaelxq: ok then extract the file with:  tar zxvf ./lbrc-0.6.4.tar.gz     (replace the filenme if its wrong)20:06
moesLogan_WP, That list the controllers I want to see thecd/dvd etc20:07
MrMintanetizinucs, I went to the website that produces this PPA, but I can not figure out how the heck to get it to actually install.  The site is extremely cryptic for a novice user...20:08
Citizenwarriormickster04 i could but my OLD NIC is working just fine now, it is GNOME that is crazy.... errors like "The panel encountered a problem while loading 'OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet'." and "The panel encountered a problem while loading ;OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet'."20:08
michaelxqActionParsnip, done it...no what?20:08
mickster04Citizenwarrior: so you have taken the new one out?20:09
Citizenwarriormickster04 I'm not at high speed as some in here on this stuff but that doesn't sound like a NIC or Hardware of any type problem to me20:09
Citizenwarriormickster04    nope, thinking about it though20:09
detrateany idea why the behavior of rename in nautilus has changed? In order to rename, without selecting the file extension, you now must be in an "icon view"20:09
ActionParsnipmichaelxq: in the folder you will see files, there will be a readme file20:09
xapelIs there a ppa for the new Unity for 10.10?20:10
leshastehow do I tell if I am running 32 bit of 64 bit ubuntu?20:10
ActionParsnipleshaste: uname -m20:10
serializeuname -a20:10
serialize-m it is lol20:10
mickster04Citizenwarrior: well my thinking is that one is broken, and that the ia is getting confused between the working one an the borken one?20:10
bastidraZordetrate: you're too lazy to type 4 more characters?20:10
michaelxqActionParsnip, i've read it but it doesn't work20:10
detratebastidraZor: don't be dumb, thanks20:10
histodetrate: what about hitting f220:11
ActionParsnipxapel: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/unity-2d-gets-a-ppa/20:11
detrateit's a bug, I just found the report20:11
nullset1having a conky problem.  wifi info not displayed.  seems to be permissions problem as can only get essid (example) via iwconfig if use sudo.  suggestions?20:11
Citizenwarriormickster04 even though the old one is the only one with a cable in it right now and it is working just fine?20:11
leshasteActionParsnip: Linux lesshaste-desktop 2.6.32-28-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 10 21:21:01 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux20:11
leshastelooks uninformative to me20:11
xapelActionParsnip: thanx20:11
ActionParsnipmichaelxq: thats all I know dude, read and study what  you have and you can move from there20:11
mickster04Citizenwarrior: oh, how odd, well remove the new one and restart?20:11
histonullset1: add your user to the network group maybe?20:11
detratebastidraZor: to elaborate, I'm not going to RETYPE 4 existing characters20:11
ActionParsnipleshaste: i686 == 32bit    x86_64 == 64bit20:11
canthus13how would I add an IP address to an interface via command line? Specifically, a wireless interface that is controlled by network manager.20:11
nullset1histo: worth a try20:11
histonullset1: I think you should be already but I could be wrong.20:12
leshasteActionParsnip: oh! I seem to be running the wrong version :(20:12
canthus13(or just change the IP address altogether and restart the interface.20:12
Citizenwarriormickster04, ok will do, hang on just a sec... have to power down from terminal due to those applets not loading my GNOME right....20:12
ActionParsnipleshaste: then you will need a reinstall to change arch20:12
michaelxqActionParsnip, ok thank you20:12
leshasteActionParsnip: hang on.. I don't see i686 or x86_64 in that line20:13
leshasteoh I see20:13
leshastemy mistake :(20:13
ActionParsnipleshaste:  Jan 10 21:21:01 UTC 2011 _i686_ GNU/Linux20:14
leshasteActionParsnip: thanks20:14
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Citizenwarriormickster04, ok new NIC out system boots and loads as it should, and old NIC doesn't work at all, back to original problem20:25
mickster04Citizenwarrior: i think you should install the new nic, disable the old one in bios, see what happens20:25
DelemasNevermind I managed to bypass the script...20:25
Citizenwarriormickster04, no GNOME problems at all, smooth as a babies ass, however eth0 and eth1 aren't anywhere to be found20:25
serializeare the drivers installed?20:25
mickster04Citizenwarrior: yeah, i think the new one was doing something for the OS, not sure what, but try without the old one enabled20:25
Citizenwarriormickster04, i guess it can't hurt???  brb20:25
serializehow busy does this channel get?  ive been on for about a month now and i have seen it grow to 1600+20:25
histoserialize: pretty busy20:25
serializeim not complaining or out; just good to see ubuntu getting so much attention20:25
serializedoes anyone know if mint 11 will be using gnome or unity?20:25
jrib!mintsupport | serialize20:25
ubottuserialize: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:25
psusiserialize: probably should ask that in #mint20:25
serializei did but not many peeps there20:25
Bizzehhi, if i create a chroot environment within my main environment, and then run sshd on a non-standard port within that chroot, but then exit the chroot... will any clients connecting to the non-standard port sshd still be chrooted?20:25
DP_Prophetafaik it will be gnome20:25
jribserialize: that's the right place for your question, be patient20:25
psusiBizzeh: yes20:26
serializewhat do you guys think of unity ?20:26
histoBizzeh: I would think the clients would get terminated20:26
DP_Prophetlooks promising20:26
histoBizzeh: but maybe not20:26
jribserialize: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chat please20:26
DP_Prophetlooking forward to try it20:26
serializeah ok, thank you20:26
rcmaehlUmmm? <guest_62> i unplugged my kettle lead, and when i put it back in my keyboard and mouse will not work? i am running linux <- this means?20:26
wolfricis sudoreplay a feature of sudo or was it a command simply left out of the sudo package.20:26
serializedoes sudo give full access to the system?20:26
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:26
serializejust that once you know my login password sudo would make my system less secure right?20:26
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guntbertserialize: as would knowing the root password20:26
Bizzehjust gives full access to the app you run it with20:26
njeroI asked yesterday, but I am having a problem locking onto channels using dvbstream. It works with mplayer... anyone seen something similar. I can share the output if anyone knows20:27
Citizenwarriormickster04, ok I'm in BIOS and as crazy as it may sound I don't see anything about LAN or NIC or Eithernet... anywhere but the one option to enable boot from LAN... thoughts?20:28
serializeagreed, just wondered if sudo was a subset of superuser privileges20:28
rcmaehllol floodbot troubles?20:28
mickster04Citizenwarrior: there should be some part about onboard devices20:28
serializethanks for clearing that up for me :)20:28
njeroserialize: in general it is not a subset, but the way permissions in sudo are granted you can make it a subset20:28
Citizenwarriormickster04, you would think20:28
rcmaehlserialize: yep20:28
serializeyeah i was reading about that last night20:28
mickster04Citizenwarrior: hum....well go thru, usually a bios lets you turn off on baord audio etc too....maybe update your bios?20:28
njinhello, following full circle tutorial,   # !/usr/bin/env python   print  'Hello. I am a python program.'  .'ve got Warning: unknown mime-type for "Hello. I am a python program." -- using "application/octet-stream"20:29
njinError: no such file "Hello. I am a python program.". what's wrong ?20:29
sogeking99hey guys i got my ubuntu usb working and am on ubuntu 10.10 now on my asus laptop(through live usb) but i have no sound20:29
Picinjin: Those two things need to be on different lines.20:29
serializeyou have to type the script name before python binary20:29
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njeroserialize: additionally you can grant sudo abilities to other users, in which case they would not need access to your password. But you would need su access to grant those privileges initially20:29
njinPici, they are on different lines20:30
serializeuse """ multi line comment """20:30
iflemaserialize: sudo can be configured for different users giving them access to different things instead of giving away one root password that does all20:30
Picinjin: How are you trying to execute the program?20:30
guntbertnjero: s/su /sudo /20:30
njinPici ./20:30
njeroguntbert: right, su or sudo...20:31
Citizenwarriormickster04, nope none of that, you know this is the most useless BIOS screen I have ever gone through... nothing here at all20:31
serializepython yourscriptname.py yourparamters go here20:31
mickster04Citizenwarrior: sorry for you, alls i can suggest is that you investigate if there is an update available for it....20:31
Piciserialize: Thats really related to what njin is trying to do.20:31
Picinjin: And the file is set as executable?20:31
Citizenwarriormickster04, I guess I can let it boot with the new NIC and then run every update I can find...20:31
guntbertnjero: as the root account is disabled bx default noone has su access20:31
mickster04Citizenwarrior: yeah i guess20:32
Citizenwarriormickster04, good minds on same track.... lol20:32
serializeeven if you sudo su and enter your password?20:32
njinPici, yes executable20:32
sogeking99any one know how i might fix my sound issues?20:32
njeroguntbert: ah, I must be thinking of debian on that, thanks20:32
Logan_WP!sound | sogeking9920:32
ubottusogeking99: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:32
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BiPolahCould anyone help me set up a script to automatically connect to a server via rdesktop?20:32
Picinjin: Does it run if you do: python yourscriptname20:32
guntbertserialize: don't use sudo su , use sudo -i instead20:33
dandamanmiddle scrolling in chrome...does it exist?20:38
ohsixsudo -s ftw20:39
njinPici, ok now it works20:39
njinwith ./ not work20:39
Picinjin: Is the #!/usr/bin/env python   on the first line of the file?20:39
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kv102tgame hedgewars dosn't load into game. But does say in game...20:39
kv102tany idea's?20:39
serializethanks for that guntbert20:39
njinpici, yes # !/usr/bin/env python20:39
rcmaehlWhat is a kettle lid or something?20:39
gansbresthi. I'm trying to use network manage to setup a vpn connection20:40
gansbrestbut for some reason I cant find how to connect once setup20:40
njinPici yes with space between ° and !20:40
gansbrestthat's driving me nuts!!20:40
PerceptronHey guys,20:40
Picinjin: remove the space.20:40
StraveXDoes any one here also has a problem with Pidgin Re-enable message ?20:40
guntbertserialize: you're welcome :-)20:40
njinPici, ok thanks, i copied the full circle, but is wrong20:40
njinPici. thanks, now it works from ./ too20:40
tylerwordenis there a fix for using ubuntu 10.10 with Nvidia graphics cards? Specifically 330m?20:40
histotylerworden: use the binary driver from nvidia is about as best as it gets20:40
sogeking99oh no, i did sudo aplay -l and it said no sound card found, am i screwed20:40
* StraveX StraveX20:40
CitizenwarriorAnyone know where to start fixing errors like "The panel encountered a problem while loading 'OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet'." and "The panel encountered a problem while loading ;OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet'."20:40
Perceptronhey guys, I have instaleed Ubuntu Linux 10.10 Maverick Meerkar (server) with apache, and have set it up to run fastcgi with php. I have followed following tutorialhttp://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-apache2-with-mod_fcgid-and-php5-on-ubuntu-8.10 and it works but when i put the phpinfo.php in /var/www/ when i go url.com/phpinfo.php it downloads the file instead of running the php file...20:40
Perceptron...anyone have any ideas? the stuff i found on web and forums didnt help20:40
serializehave you install php5?20:41
DagmeshPerceptron eu entendo de php, só não entendo 100% a sua língua, foda20:41
serializeyou have set .php to execute with php?20:41
Perceptronserialize: when i go to url.com/web1/web/phpinfo.php it works20:41
gsfaiwhoever had irssi won, everyone else lost20:43
gsfaithats how the netsplit game is played20:43
gsfaithank you for playing, :D20:46
gsfaimake sure to subscribe to the reunion20:46
gsfaisince its coming in like a few seconds20:46
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Thirtysixwayi wish i could see everyone join/part. i disabled join/part messages for this channel20:47
gsfaibaw :(20:47
Thirtysixwayi dont remember theirssi command20:47
gsfaiyou can still catch up the reunion20:47
gsfaiah, irssi20:47
gsfaiit sucks20:47
gsfaiirssi shows netsplits in one line20:47
tulli have lost the folder Downloads in the home, how can i find it?20:51
tylerwordenserialize, after reading about nouveau install, I did not. It looks too complicated for me to just go for ti. I am new at this20:58
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brontoeeeMarkB, your chances will be slightly higher if you increase the info with every repeat20:58
Sammi16ChogyDan, yes. and i dont remember making any significant changes before the crash.20:58
PiciMarkB: Just ask and if we don't know, we won't answer.20:58
Roman34I have been in all forums and tried everything20:58
nyarl-tepanyone use temadrive in ubuntu?20:58
StraveX!Roman34 Have you checked your privileges for your profile ?20:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
ChogyDanSammi16: do you get any error messages?20:58
Roman34How do I do that StraveX?20:58
guntbertStraveX: don't start regular messages with a !20:58
Roman34I'm supposed to be admin20:58
PiciStraveX: Please don't start your replies with an exclamation point, you're confusing our channel bot (ubottu)20:58
Sammi16ChogyDan, yes. and i dont remember making any significant changes before the crash.20:58
MarkBI was messing around the with Sessions and I went into the Xfce Session to see what it was, I noticed I gained 2 workspaces and the "headers" there the x, minimize, maximize where changed.  I switched back to Xubuntu and they were now on my Xubuntu session.  I used to have 2 workspaces, but now 4.  Also, my "headers" don't match my old ones or my windows.20:58
StraveXsorry guys new here >_<20:58
OsmodivsI have a problem with Blender... I am running Ubuntu version 10.10 64bits, When I try to open Blender I get the following output http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/D0bnk0Xj , bt I expected to run Blender as like yesterday20:58
MarkBHow can I change my worksapces and headers back.20:58
acethanks for the help people and bots. i will try making a server with ubuntu software center not the terminal20:58
Sammi16Chogydan, Yes, i see text, but it goes away too fast to read it.20:58
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littlepenguinOsmodivs: have you tried reseting blender (rename .blender in profilepath)?21:00
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brontoeeeace, same thing21:00
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MarkBGuess not.21:00
=== AndrewMC` is now known as Guest49807
SleazyCrissHy guys, I've a problem with an amd radeon HD 6450, the open source driver won't load and the closed catalyst driver says that my card isn't supported by the driver what should I do?21:00
Osmodivslittlepenguin, Reset Blender!? hm... The thing is, I get the same message trying to open Ubuntu's blender and a build I got from GraphicAll.org21:01
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ikoniaSleazyCriss: does it say the open source driver should support it21:01
littlepenguinOsmodivs: ah with that builds sometimes problems occur..i also use them but you need to look in the build if something needs to be done21:02
SleazyCrissno it doesn't, that is the reason why I switched to the closed driver  but also that one  doesn't seems to work21:03
Osmodivslittlepenguin,  What about Ubuntu's Blender? they are supposed to be stable, I think it has to do something about my GPU, but I dont know how to fix it21:03
littlepenguinOsmodivs: have you tried other builds?21:04
littlepenguinbut you should always ecure your .blender folder21:04
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Osmodivslittlepenguin, I am using nVidia's drivers, and sometimes they dont match Linux Kernels21:04
ikoniaSleazyCriss: ok, so then your card may not be supported21:04
Osmodivslittlepenguin,  Yeah, even older ones, but for some reason every 3d app does not work today and get the same terminal output21:05
StarminnMassive fail.21:06
SleazyCrisswell but that is strange because on windows the catalyst   11.2 driver support  my card21:06
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OsmodivsIt's like a quitting overflow app made with a mix of Python & C++ with a touch of Ruby21:07
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MrMintanetCan anyone tell me if Teamviewer's website is loading for them?21:08
jribMrMintanet: downforeveryoneorjustme.com21:09
Sammi16Ok, so my computer says the checks are ok and then says Sammi tty but then flashes very quickly, so i cant even type anything.21:09
Citizenwarrioris anyone who is knowledgeable about the differences between Ubuntu 32 and 64 bit willing to join me in a privet chat, I have Dell on another chat and I am trying to work out some hardware configurations on a system I am trying to order21:09
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Col_IngusI need a new diaper21:09
KrisDouglasHi everyone21:10
jribCitizenwarrior: just ask your actual question21:10
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uplinkedhi, i have my local laptop with a development server (:8000) behind a firewall and i want to be able to access it (temporarily) from myhost.com:8000 -- do i want "local" tunneling or "remote" tunneling?21:10
jribCol_Ingus: do you have an ubuntu support question?21:10
KrisDouglasI have a rather unusual request for some information. I was wondering if it would be possible to bond 2 3G modems through ubuntu?21:10
erkan^what Martinp23 ?21:10
Osmodivs!diaper COl_Ingus21:10
Citizenwarriorubuntu 64 the .iso is something something 'amd64' does that denote that it is AMD processors only and not any intel?21:11
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, no21:11
Logan_WP!ot | Col_Ingus21:11
ubottuCol_Ingus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:11
StarminnCitizenwarrior: AMD64 = 64-bit whether it's Intel or not.21:11
jribCitizenwarrior: amd64 is just the name of the architecture and is for both intel and amd21:11
brontoeeeerkan^, martinp23 = martinp23@freenode/staff21:11
OsmodivsDo you know any good program to overclock in Ubuntu?21:12
insanity99hey guys i am trying to install ubuntu 10.10, i have set up a 20gb '/' partition, how do  ichoose swap? i dint see a option in the mount point dropdown that says swap21:12
Citizenwarriorso a duel Intel xeon E5405 system should handle Ubuntu 64 just fine?21:12
Logan_WPCitizenwarrior: yes, definitely21:12
erkan^what is staff, brontoeee ?21:12
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Col_IngusThis is about Ubuntu, we're all hip and cool and stuff because we stick it to the man and run free stuff... we should get together and party.. and talk about all the chicks we've sudo'd.21:12
Col_IngusI'm gonna get banned21:12
Roman34Hi  ... I have Maverick 10.10 and 2.36.35-27. Sound was always working OK before and since let's say december I have an issue with sound. It goes mute automatically. I uncheck mute and put sound level up, it works for a minute and then goes back to mute. It's mute when I start a session... Sounds always work ok with headphones plugged. Can somebody help me out? Thanks in advance21:13
sevenseekerhowdy, I've been having problems with audio on my Dell Studio 1747 since 9.10 (I rebuild each release, fyi).  Ironically, I started out with no sound through headphones only (iow, built in speakers worked) then added some conf lines to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and that worked...21:13
histoRoman34: try adjusting the level and sudo alsactl store in a terminal21:13
jribuplinked: here: http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-use-ssh-local-and-remote-port-forwarding.html21:13
sevenseekerwith 10.10 it is the opposite (headphones work but no built in speakers).  I added the same and then later some other lines after googling for days, but nothing changed... relevant info next21:14
soreau! netsplit | WB (-21:14
sevenseeker/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf http://paste.pocoo.org/show/342993/21:14
ubottuWB (-: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:14
sevenseekersnd card info via lspci -vvv http://paste.pocoo.org/show/342995/21:14
CitizenwarriorWith that then does anyone no if running Ubuntu 64bit as my base system, then running Oracle VirtualBox, what architecture VB is going to present to guest OSs?21:14
Logan_WP!please | insanity9921:14
ubottuinsanity99: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:14
sevenseekeronly lines I found in dmesg http://paste.pocoo.org/show/342996/21:15
Citizenwarriormy apologizes for the typo21:15
joaopintoCitizenwarrior, using a 64  bits host you can run both 32 and 64 bits VMs21:16
OsmodivsDoes anyone here knows a good preogram for overclocking a CPU in Ubuntu?21:16
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, i dont recall any problems with 64 bit ubuntu host and various vms21:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:16
Citizenwarriorgreat, thanks... I am sure I will be back let me relay that info21:16
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, you should check the gpu and audio card first really, that can problems you later on21:17
insanity99what is 'swap' listed as in mount point select?21:17
Roman34histo I adjusted level and then sudo alsactl store but after one minute came back to mute21:17
brontoeeeinsanity99, you can certainly dedicate a partition to swap via installer, so whats your question?21:18
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee, I know I have had issues in the past, we are going through the option right now.... when i hit a wall I will post the question here if google doesn't save the day21:19
histoRoman34: Do you have a keybound for volume down that is stuck or something?21:19
insanity99well, i have made a / partition and allowed 20gb(is this enough?) now i need to make a swap partition which should be 2gb i believe(half my ram). how do i designate the partition as swap?21:20
lucasHi! I have a problem when going to Help-Contents. There are many windows popping up and I can't stop it. Running ubuntu Maverick 64 bit21:20
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, also, some nvidia cards offers nice vdpau decoding support, so if you are interested in hd video with 3% cpu usage, i'd check that as well21:20
tsimpsoninsanity99: choose the "swap" type21:21
=== hev is now known as heavy_bullets
Roman34histo: no... everything is OK with headphones. If I pulse the mute key on keyboard it changes and after 1 minute it goes mute again21:21
spidlainsanity99, 20gb is ok for root partition of ubuntu installation21:21
brontoeeeinsanity99, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HLTTALqHF4Q/TGY-DZv24LI/AAAAAAAAIxQ/h7T5zKZK-c4/s640/ubuntu-net.install.partition.swap.jpg21:22
insanity99ok thanks guys21:22
spidlainsanity99, and I think swap partition should be at least as big as your RAM21:22
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee, if you don't mind me picking your brain, given I haven't done my own homework and I normally try not to waste peoples time with un-researched questions... But could you recommended kind of the top of the line of linux supported video and sound cards21:22
Datzhi, I'm wondering what happens to ideas on ubuntu brainstorm after a month and they dissapear.21:23
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linxehCitizenwarrior: do you want a card with decent free drivers or not ?21:23
macoDatz: disappear?21:23
Roman34I went in a ubuntu forum and they told me to had "options snd-card-0 enable=1 index=0 model=basic " + "options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=basic" at the end of alsa-base.conf21:23
lucasHi! I have a problem when going to Help-Contents of a program. There are many windows popping up and I can't stop it. Running ubuntu Maverick 64 bit21:23
Datzmaco: I believe they are only held on ubuntu brainstorm for amonth21:23
mickster04Datz: they are gone? what more is expected to happen?21:23
Roman34but didn't help21:23
histoRoman34: no idea21:23
macoDatz: if ideas are disappearing, youve found a bug in the software21:23
littlepenguincanonical list of hardware http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog21:24
Datzmickster04: maco well I'll check but I think an idea is gone21:24
Roman34thanks histo.... it looks like a demon is running every minute and changes the status.... would that be possible?21:24
Citizenwarriorlinxeh, if GREAT linux drivers for a GREAT card cost a little money but work without me investing tons of hours hacking the system together then I am willing to bite the bullet, but I like open and free for stuff like that21:25
insanity99does this look ok? kinda nervous first time trying http://img153.imageshack.us/i/screenshotmum.png/21:25
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
linxehCitizenwarrior: by free I mean libre/free/oss, not free as in beer21:25
JoniiHey, I downloaded a tool called gpart ( http://www.brzitwa.de/mb/gpart/index.html ) to fix my partition table, and I'm trying to run it from livecd ubuntu21:25
JoniiI am not succeeding21:26
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, how about using dell support, let them install ubuntu 10.10, check the drivers, check the sound, check the vdpau support, otherwise they are wasting your time anyway.21:26
macoDatz: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24575/ april 201021:26
mickster04Jonii: gparted is included by default21:26
Starminninsanity99: Yeah, looks alright to me.21:26
macoDatz: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/25197/ june 201021:26
JoniiI downloaded the file, opened terminal, cd'd my path to where the file is, and then tried to run "gpart /dev/sda" but it failed21:26
Joniimickster04, gpart, not gparted21:27
Starminnmickster04: Only on the LiveCD. Not on the full install.21:27
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee just have a chat session up with dell, thats a no go, they won't do stuff like that for ubuntu on the R54oo system I am looking at21:27
spidlaJonii, if you are trying to rescue your system from livecd , try SystemRescueCD21:27
Joniispidla, nope, I'm not21:27
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, and her name is Michele? ok then, as you wish :)21:27
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee that is unless you know of a part of dell support that even dell support doesn't know about21:28
mickster04Jonii: Starminn well jonii is using a live cd? so use gpparted instead?>21:28
Joniispidla, my Windows works just about as fine as I can expect it to work, and I'm trying to install linux21:28
Starminnmickster04: Aha! Makes sense now. ;)21:28
erUSULJonii: sudo apt-get install gpart21:28
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee sorry don't get the joke21:28
spidlaJonii, sorry then, my mistake21:28
erUSULJonii: an alternative to gpart is testdisk « sudo apt-get install testdisk »21:28
JoniiBut, since partition table is broken, I'm having difficult time trying to not wipe out my windows while installing ubuntu. Ubuntu installer thinks my entire disk is unallocated21:28
Roman34how can i check if something is running every minute?21:28
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, last time i used a chat 'feature' to get dell support, the staff name was 'michele'21:29
mickster04Jonii: then windows is probably gone :/21:29
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee, Got it21:29
StarminnRoman34: System->Administrion->System Monitor->Processes or "top" will show you everything that's running.21:29
Logan_WP!msgthebot | Ubuntu_fedora21:29
ubottuUbuntu_fedora: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:29
Ubuntu_fedora!gpart FloodBot121:29
Joniimickster04, well, then I don't install ubuntu21:29
Datzmaco: humm, well this one idea disappeared, not sure where it went21:30
silverrockerhi, I have a question about configering static ip address from the commandline. I would also like to set my DNS. I have tried to change the values in /etc/network/interfaces without effect, even after ifconfig down/up of eth021:30
erUSULRoman34: quick and dirty; while pgrep programname; do sleep 60; done && echo "No running"21:30
AginorJonii: I offer hope, give me a moment to find the links21:30
Logan_WP 21:30
Citizenwarriorlinxeh yes my preference is OOS for all the drivers and such21:30
Datzmaco: maybe it was implemented21:30
macoDatz: did you try teh search? the "popular" tab just shows what's been popular for the month21:30
mickster04Jonii: you probably wanna try system rescue, it sounds like windows has been gone21:30
erUSULRoman34: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ProcessManagement21:31
Datzmaco: yea, I tried21:31
Odaymwhat does the file "issue" in /etc/ do?21:31
JoniiIf it makes me lose my Windows, I'm not doing it. But anyway, I don't think the situation is that bad. Windows(and ubuntu fdisk -l and ubuntu file browser all find my system drives and such21:31
hihihi100i copy dvds with k9copy, but im not able to copy JUST the subtitles? is there any dvdripper ubuntu based that copies the subtitles alone?21:31
AginorJonii: I used http://www.sysresccd.org/ recently, it comes with a tool called test-disk that can scan your harddrive and recreate partitions for the filesystems it finds21:31
Joniimickster04, no, it's still there21:31
Citizenwarriorlinxeh however if such a great item of hardware were to be supported by proprietary drivers that worked out of the box in ubuntu then I would look at using them21:31
jribOdaym: « man issue »21:31
mickster04Jonii: are you sure? you can boot into it?21:31
Odaymit's a command?21:31
jribOdaym: read and find out!21:31
Joniimickster04, sure. I've been switching between livecd and windows all day21:31
Odaymof course, yes jrib, but i can man a file?21:31
Datzmaco: I bet it was implemented. there are no ideas in that section21:32
Odaymdidnt know21:32
mickster04\joare you sure that the hdd is unallocated??21:32
jribOdaym: section 5: File formats and conventions21:32
brontoeeehihihi100, subs from videoDVDs? you do know that those are actually bitmaps right?21:32
Joniimickster04, anyway, gparted thinks the entire disk is unallocated, but it is not. It has my windows(and all the programs I have in windows) in it21:33
Citizenwarriorbrontoeee, if a video card is supported with RedHat linux will it also be supported by Ubuntu?  Because all the systems I am looking at have shipping with RH as an option...21:33
mickster04Jonii: ok21:34
pizzamanoqualcuno mi da una mano con ubuntu?21:34
erUSUL!it | pizzamano21:34
ubottupizzamano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:34
JoniiAnd since Ubuntu installer uses gparted(i hear?), Ubuntu installer kinda fails21:34
brontoeeeCitizenwarrior, no idea21:34
Datzmaco: I guess I'll find out in 11.0421:34
hihihi100to whoever answered me21:34
pizzamanothanks :D21:34
hihihi100no i didnt know subtitles where bit maps21:34
pizzamanojoin #ubuntu-it21:34
hihihi100im a noob, how does that affect the ability to copy just the subtitles?21:35
oraclewhat package am i missing: make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.32-26-generic-pae/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.21:35
Kyle__UEC question: shoudl WALRUS_IP_ADDR by defined in all the nodes, or just the walrus server?21:35
erUSULoracle: kernel headers « sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) »21:35
oraclethanks erusul21:35
hihihi100in pirate bay ppl can download movies with the subtitles as an independent file, the user can the choose to see or not to see them21:35
oracledid you type that all out or was it a script ;)21:36
brontoeeehihihi100, depends on your final usage, i don't know any tools for linux that will do OCR ripping21:36
JoniiAginor, do you know if I could get livecd ubuntu run that program?21:36
brontoeeehihihi100, warez is not supported21:36
Citizenwarrioranyone have any idea if a video card is supported with RedHat linux will it also be supported by Ubuntu?  Because all the systems I am looking at have shipping with RH as an option...21:36
Cyberhothi everyone21:36
linxehbrontoeee: subs on dvds are text, not bitmaps I thought ?21:37
CyberhotWho wants a cool ready .kth backtrack theme???21:37
=== JeffJassky_ is now known as JeffJassky
brontoeeelinxeh, nope, they are bitmaps21:37
AginorJonii: I think you will be able to install the testdisk package when you have the live-cd booted, then you can run the tool21:38
brontoeeelinxeh, let me find some nice link....21:38
JoniiI don't really have any more cd's21:38
AginorJonii: installing the package should not touch your harddrive either, it will al just be in memory21:38
Kyle__brontoeee: there are some, I've used them, give me a sec to remember the names.21:38
Kyle__tesseract, that's the one I've used.21:38
Joniihttp://pastebin.com/CMy9nX4H <- This shows what fdisk -l thinks about my disk21:38
luquihi.  my computer thinks the battery is low when it's not.  can i tell it not to take any action when it detects the power is critically low?21:38
erUSULoracle: i have an alias. headers --> « sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) »21:38
Kyle__Citizenwarrior: RedHat as in RedHat EnterpriseLinux?  Yes21:38
hihihi100this may work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27363521:39
brontoeeelinxeh, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-Video#Subtitles21:39
Kyle__Citizenwarrior: RedHat is a slow moving distro (in terms of package updates, not processing speed ;).  If it's supported in RHEL, it should work fine in any modern linux.21:39
Kyle__hihihi100: brontoeee: you guys know that subtitles in DVD are a layered video track, not actual text, right?21:40
linxehbrontoeee: I was reading http://sam.zoy.org/writings/dvd/subtitles/ - interesting. I assumed they were text and the dvd player controlled the rendering completely. thanks for clearing that up21:40
hihihi100kyle__ no, im a nob21:40
cobas_Installing Ubuntu. Attempt #2.21:40
brontoeeeKyle__, i know that :)21:40
JoniiAlso, I have first 512 bytes of my HDD on my friends USB stick. This, I suppose, means that my partition table is backup'ed?21:40
Kyle__hihihi100: NP.  But yea, it's video, which is why it's such a PITA to incorperate when ripping.21:40
Klaus_DieterJonii: correct21:40
cobas_I think I should just give up trying to use the desktop CD and always use the alternative CD, somehow the desktop one never works for me21:40
BiPolahhihihi100: Depending on what format it is, you could try a Demuxer to enable or disable subtitles. If you have no subtitles at all, get something like Media Player Classic and look for a subtitle file for that video21:41
brontoeeeKyle__, not really video, a series of bitmaps21:41
JoniiGreat. Now, how do I install this testdisk, what does that software do, how do I use it to fix my partition table, and what are the risks?21:42
Kyle__brontoeee: I always interpreted it as a video with 1 frame per "page" of text, with keyframes matching the frame it's switched to...but yea bitmaps is probably a better description .21:42
Klaus_DieterJonii: ???21:43
Klaus_Dieterit is only a table with offsets where the partitions start and end21:43
Klaus_Dieterit will not do you any good unless your partition table itself is broken21:43
erUSULJonii: as i said before. « sudo apt-get install testdisk »21:44
erUSULJonii: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step21:44
BiPolahKyle, it's not bitmaps. It's just text overlaying the video.21:44
JoniiKlaus_Dieter, well, yeah, as far as I know, my partition table is itself broken21:44
Klaus_Dieteryou can copy it to your harddrive but if you have to ask this kind of question it is porbably not what you want21:44
geekbridoes anybody know if sun-java still hangs an ec2 micro instance if you are installling it in a 32bit one?21:44
brontoeeeBiPolah, nope, they could be ubuntu logo jumping around, its not text, its: pictures of text21:45
ResQuei have a real problem here guys, i am running from the live cd, but when ever i try todo apt-get install. it freeze half way through. i have tryed burning a new cd but i get the same problem everytime. any ideas?21:45
Klaus_DieterJonii:  then you copy it over by dd if=/mnt/fileofthefirst512bytefromthehd of=/dev/hdd-device bs=51221:45
ejvhello, how do I disable the KVM module when my ubuntu server starts up? it's interfering with virtualbox virtualization.21:46
BiPolahHmm, I guess that would allow usage of unavailable fonts, if I'm not mistaken21:46
brontoeeeBiPolah, thats how they solved unicode problem in those days, all languages are magically supported21:47
brontoeeeBiPolah, check http://www.mpeg.org/MPEG/DVD/Book_B/Subpic.html21:48
BiPolahBrontoeee, I mean various symbols and things that may be in one font but not another. Not languages21:48
Logan_WPmmm, netsplit21:49
OsmodivsI think My system is about to crash, It does not open Celestia, Blender, Not even show info in SysInfo app, this is the latest out put for SysInfo  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/6yXKYGZA   What exactly is hapening to my system??21:49
grendal_primegrrrr. i just had an id_rsa file dissapear..if that makes any sence21:50
shane_anyone runnin ubuntu on a netbook?21:50
Kyle__BiPolah: No, in DVDs it's not text. In some ripped formats it's text, but not on actual DVDs.21:50
grendal_primeis this some sort of security enhancemtn21:50
JoniiKlaus_Dieter, http://pastebin.com/CMy9nX4H <- See this21:50
JoniiUbuntu installation doesn't recognize existing partitions on my disk, so I can't install ubuntu without wiping out my entire disk if I don't fix the partition table. So, in case this attempt backfires, I wanted to backup my existing partition table, which I think I did21:50
JoniiThe idea is that if something goes wrong, I can just use that backup and my windows is still usable21:50
JoniiIt seems my connection is acting funny21:50
JoniiOr not.21:50
Kyle__Anyway, is there a UEC specific channel?21:50
Kyle__UEC==Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud.21:50
* Kyle__ hasn't found one.21:50
NixGeekTruecrypt is not giving me a format options page like the once shown here, http://tinyurl.com/tcformatoptions, that was on this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrueCrypt  Also, truecrypt sits at 100% and does give me an outer volujme contents screen.21:50
Kyle__Fack... this netsplitting is bugging me.21:51
Logan_WPKyle__: #ubuntu-cloud21:51
Kyle__shang: Yes, I"ve run it on several netbooks.  But not the netbook edition (I hate that remix)21:51
Kyle__Logan_WP: Thank you!21:51
Logan_WPKyle__: np21:51
=== adamruffolo is now known as ruffdog
Lorizeananybody here know which packages I gotta get to have the opengl c++ headers?21:53
erUSULLorizean: mesa dev libs and probably glut21:53
erUSUL!find mesa21:53
ubottuFound: libegl1-mesa, libegl1-mesa-dbg, libegl1-mesa-dev, libegl1-mesa-drivers, libegl1-mesa-drivers-dbg, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mesa&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all21:53
Lorizeangot mesa, still gives me an error when including GL/glu.h21:53
Lorizeangl.h seems to work though21:54
Lorizeanso, glut?21:54
JoniiNone of the scenarios test-disk-step-by-step has seem to fit21:54
=== ruben is now known as Guest99812
j3d3when installing ubuntu 64bit on a raid 6 (w/controller and custom bios), with its best to boot from a non raid partition?21:54
j3d3is it*21:55
erUSUL!find glut21:55
ubottuFound: freeglut3, freeglut3-dbg, freeglut3-dev, celestia-glut, glut-doc, glutg3, glutg3-dev, libghc6-glut-dev, libghc6-glut-doc, libghc6-glut-prof (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=glut&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all21:55
erUSULLorizean: install freeglut3-dev then ?21:55
Lorizeanon it21:55
erUSULLorizean: or glutg3-dev or both :P21:56
tzaeruuh, does anyone happen to have any clue on why keeping buttons down suddenly stops working?21:57
JoniiAhem, sorry, due to netsplit, my backlog doesn't have that command which installs disktest21:57
LorizeanerUSUL: got it working now, thanks!21:57
erUSULLorizean: no problem21:58
tzaeruI'm not sure what I've done, but usually after having the comp on for a while held down button counts as pressed only once >_>21:58
blocktreehow do I set my drive with removable flag?21:58
rwwJonii: sudo apt-get install testdisk21:58
erUSULJonii: as i said before. « sudo apt-get install testdisk »21:58
erUSULJonii: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step21:58
Lorizeanso, now if anybody could help me with this - since maverick, my netbook won't shut down properly, i.e. it hangs during the shutdown and I have to hard-shutdown it.21:59
LorizeanI disabled the wireless once (before booting, switch on the netbook) and it worked fine, so I guess it has to do with the wireless22:00
Lorizeananybody got an idea what could be wrong? or tell me what info I should post... it worked fine with lucid too.22:00
StarminnHow do I enter Unicode on Linux (not Character Mapping)22:01
AginorJonii: in a console, do sudo aptitude isntall tesdisk22:01
AginorJonii: or like rww said, sudo apt-get install testdisk22:01
gnomefreakLorizean: can you shutdown from command ok or does it also hang22:02
Joniirww, erUSUL : "package testdisk not found"22:02
JoniiAginor, "packet testdisk not found"22:02
Klaus_DieterJonii: do not touch the partition table22:03
Klaus_Dietermake a backup first22:03
Klaus_Dieterchances are if you change something you will screw up your windows installation22:03
j3d3Loriz--- what kind of netbook22:03
JoniiKlaus_Dieter, like I said, I have 512 first bytes of my HDD safe on a USB stick22:03
gnomefreakLorizean: it could be network-manager hanging?22:03
j3d3Lorizean > >   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159432622:03
LorizeanSony vaio VPCM12M1E22:04
ThinkT510!info testdisk | Jonii22:04
ubottuJonii: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (maverick), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB22:04
Lorizeanj3d3, how to find out?22:04
erossis there a comparable database editor w/forms similar to MS access that's not tied to openoffice or libreoffice? eg a little more dedicated, maybe produce html too?22:04
AginorJonii: you need to have the universe repo enabled22:04
Lorizeanyeah, i found that thread before. last time i checked, they didn't have a real solution there and it all seemed to have different causes anyways?22:04
JoniiAginor, how do I do that, and should I do that? Is there any danger?22:04
Lorizeanand sudo halt doesn't work for me either22:04
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
Aginorjonii: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu22:05
AginorJonii: no danger at that part22:05
jgvoxalguem de brasilia  ae?????22:06
JoniiLike, I only have 3gb of RAM. After that runs out, what happens?22:06
AginorJonii: you will face difficulties, but you don't need to worry about running out of ram until you add quite some stuff22:07
ner0xAnyone familiar with nullmailers/22:08
cobas_Jonii: if you run out of ram, you start using hard disk (swap area) as though it was ram22:08
Aginorcobas_: on a live cd?22:08
Joniicobas_, swap area?22:08
cobas_oh, on a live CD?22:09
cobas_then I have no clue22:09
AginorJonii: it won't touch the hard drive unless you tell it to, so it won't swap22:09
erUSUL!info testdisk22:09
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (maverick), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB22:09
cobas_sorry, didn't see the top half of the conv, just got back to my computer22:09
JosephKerr001has anyone here tried to dual boot22:09
* Starminn Raises hand as a successful dual-booter22:10
cobas_yeah, I have too22:10
JosephKerr001i'm looking into it but i'm running an older version of ubuntu, not sure if that makes any kind of difference22:11
JosephKerr001the guide i was looking at was for newest version22:12
JeruvyJosephKerr001: ppl have been successfully dual-booting for a long time, do you have a support question?  If you're just looking for advise I might suggest #ubuntu-offtopic.22:12
AginorJosephKerr001: some of the guides might be too new, but for the obvious things using grub it should be pretty much the same22:12
JosephKerr001thought so. and if i have any more questions i'll check there. thanks both22:12
erUSULJonii: what version of ubuntu are you using ?22:14
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erUSUL!info glom | eross22:14
rww!br | jgvox22:14
neil_dI have ssh access to a remote compute :) .... but xrdp has stopped working again!  :( .... I was wondering if its possible to setup Xnest via a ssh login? ... I seem to be having trouble.22:14
* erUSUL cries for ubottu22:14
rwwerUSUL: indeed >.>22:14
erUSULeross: glom or kexi ?22:14
rwwLiveCDs use your hard disk's swap partition if it has one.22:14
erUSULner0x: just ask the question and find out22:14
neil_dJosephKerr001: my laptop does between windows7 and ubuntu.22:14
erUSULeross: http://www.glom.org/wiki/index.php?title=Glom http://kexi-project.org/22:14
* erUSUL used to dualboot his linux in the last millenium22:14
neil_dJosephKerr001:  Are going to be adding Windows to a Linux install, or Linux to a Windows install?22:14
ubottueross: glom (source: glom): database designer and user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13.2-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1536 kB, installed size 5468 kB22:14
ubottujgvox: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:14
JoniierUSUL, I'm trying to install 10.422:14
=== train is now known as Melia
rkerrhmm .. 10.4 upgrade stuck at configuring grub-pc ..22:18
neil_dI have ssh access to a remote compute :) .... but xrdp has stopped working again!  :( .... I was wondering if its possible to setup Xnest via a ssh login? ... I seem to be having trouble.22:18
Athenonneil_d:  i use freenx22:19
SgrAMy friend used WUBI to install Xubuntu but after that was done and he rebooted, X server couldn't be started and some frequency error was reported.22:20
JoniiI'm struggling to find how to run testdisk :/22:20
JoniiThe suggested command to run it doesn't work22:21
Joniithat sudo testdisk-6.9/linux/testdisk_static22:22
mgolischJonii: sudo testdisk?22:22
arandJonii: Have you succeded in installing it? You enable the universe repo though "software sources" in the admin menu.22:22
ThinkT510Jonii: try typing "man testdisk" and it should show you a manpage with what options you have to run it22:22
zichoi think ubuntu is saving files to my harddrives without me knowing... because i hade like 800mv free space earlier, now i have only 123mb, and i have not downloaded anything to my harddrive, what could cause this?22:23
neil_dAthenon: freenx isn't in the repostiores.22:23
Athenonneil_d:  you have to add the repo22:23
evilsushiis anyone using full disk encryption?22:23
evilsushidoes it use dm-crypt or truecrypt?22:23
erUSULzicho: log spamming?22:24
ciaranzicho: flash vids in temp folder?22:24
zichoerUSUL some of the logs are awfully big, yes... can i erase them without it causing a problem?22:25
zichociaran how can i tell?22:25
rwwevilsushi: I know it isn't truecrypt. Dunno what it is exactly.22:25
erUSULzicho: check the isze of /var/log/ and ~/.xsession-errors22:25
Targeternormally logs should rotate on their own22:25
ciaranzicho tmp directory in \22:26
zicho/var/log is 2,1 gig22:26
JoniiOh, found22:26
Sakuyahey all22:26
SgrAMy friend used WUBI to install Xubuntu but after that was done and he rebooted, X server couldn't be started and some frequency error was reported.22:26
JoniiBut, what do I do with testdisk now that it's up and running?22:26
Targeteryeaaaaa something in your /var/log is chugging space down22:27
Sakuyaanyone run into errors with windows 7 sp1?  apparently having grub or other bootloaders installed makes it fail, and I really don't want to nuke GRUB over this crap :/22:27
zichoerUSUL /var/log is 2,1 gb and xsession errors only 1,1m22:27
arandJonii: Select the disk, and scan it, then select which partitions (out of the ones it finds) you want to keep and which to not.22:27
Joniitest logical: Partition sector does not have the endmark 0xAA5522:27
Targeteryou could try grub2, its much better at finding stuff. is SP1 win7 even out officially?22:27
JoniiIs this bad?22:28
erUSULzicho: better take a look at them to find out what is spamming them. find out the root problem22:28
zichoerUSUL probably yes22:28
Targetercan use the du command to see the size of each directory22:28
erUSULzicho: then zero them « echo "" | sudo tee /var/log/whatever »22:28
Targeternot to spam, but du -h /var/log will output the size of each directory :)22:29
arandzicho: I would beforehand take a look at WHAT it is that is making them so big22:29
erUSULzicho: again find out what is spamming the log22:29
voglsterok routing issue... network A network B just a basic linux box routing between the 2 subnets  i can view a http server from a machine in network A to a machine in network B.. but i cannot from netwrok B to network A, pinging works fine22:29
zichoim checking on of the big logs now, its syslog22:30
WXZis it possible to stream music22:31
WXZstream your output, into your input I mean22:31
mkanyicyWXZ, gstreamer?22:32
zichoshit's gone crazy22:33
JoniiNow, well, what do I do?22:33
mkanyicy!lang | zicho22:33
mkanyicy!language | zicho22:33
ubottuzicho: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:33
mkanyicyJonii, about what?22:34
JoniiLike, I have testdisk up and running, but I like step-by-step guide for my sort of problem, that is, I haven't lost any partitions, the table is just broken22:34
WXZthere's this flash based chat, where you can use cam and mic22:34
WXZI have neither, but I still want people to be able to hear my music22:34
WXZwould gstreamer be useful for that?22:34
mkanyicyJonii, why did it break?22:34
Joniimkanyicy, no idea22:35
JoniiI've been doing bad stuff to it, I guess22:35
chris__PINGUY OS22:35
caundyGood afternoon.22:35
rwwchris__: is supported in #pinguyos, not here.22:35
shmupi was really excited to install ubuntu netbook, on a laptop i just picked up today22:35
shmupalready formatting and installing ubuntu desktop ~22:36
Sakuyaman, Microsoft fails, first time a SP install will not work because of a bootloader22:36
chris__Hey now, it's based of ubuntu is it not?22:36
* serard is away: Occupé22:36
Sakuyatheir devs must be a gaggle of untrained monkeys22:36
caundyI just converted from Windows 7 to Ubuntu and am happier now.  :)22:36
daniel_treecan anyone help me with this issue http://pastie.org/159573322:39
switchmancan anyone tell me how to find the ALSA driver for my sound card?22:39
mer_gehi! can't I just create an additional user with encrypted /home in 10.04?22:39
daniel_treeI get this acpi exception repeatedly ...22:40
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tripelbabyHelp explain: do we defrag Ubuntu and if not why not?22:41
switchmanDoes anyone know how I can find out which ALSA driver to install for my soundcard?22:42
tripelbabyI want to partition my sisk22:42
rwwtripelbaby: 1) no, 2) because ext* filesystems are a lot less susceptible to fragmentation than NTFS ones.22:42
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:42
tripelbabyrww (hi) I want to make the max uninturrupted space22:42
daniel_treecan anyone help me with this issue http://pastie.org/159573322:43
tripelbabymickster04,  oh thanks22:43
mickster04tripelbaby: tis ok :D22:43
EastDallasI know this is OT, but was hoping someone here could point me to a channel, or website.  Can anyone recommend web-based FOSS accounting software for a small shop?  I basically just need billing/receiving and client management.22:44
Dj_DeutschiHi all, I'm havin a strange problem (running Ubuntu 10.04 with nVidia graphics) I have fixed the plyumouth logo problems long time ago, but today I tried to use tty1-6 and on all I got messy characters22:44
Ub3r-N00bcould anyone tell me how to check the bit rate on the processor in ubuntu 10.04 ? ...x32, x64 etc ?22:44
zichoerUSUL syslog is full of messages like Feb 22 13:35:30 hostname kernel: [10621.310485] evbug.c: Event. Dev: input5, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 022:44
Dj_DeutschiFirst start everything was good, but after typing some commands then all the characters started looking like wrong encoding22:44
daniel_treeto get rid of this all I can do is to restart...and If I do I get the system shadowed bios shadowed...error ..and the system cand boot...the only workaround is to remove the battery and intert it again and restart...but this bug happens almost every time ....it's so annoing22:44
erUSULzicho: so is the kernel ...22:45
erUSULzicho: #24055322:45
JoniiWhat's going on22:45
rwwJonii: freenode's having technical difficulties22:46
erUSULzicho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/module-init-tools/+bug/24055322:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 240553 in module-init-tools (Ubuntu) "evbug.c spams logs and causes high system loads" [Medium,Invalid]22:46
JoniiAnalyze listed my partitions just right, but now that I pressed backup, it tries to merge empty space and both my drives into one22:46
erUSULzicho: solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1162100 <<<22:46
Joniitestdisk is trying to ruin my computer!22:46
JoniiWhat does "list files" do?22:47
WXZis there any way to feed the stereo output into the mic input?22:48
JoniiTHis just doesn't work22:49
FLJohnI want to pass some good info on gang22:49
Jonii"Analyze" finds the drives just fine, but when I try to proceed, it breaks everything up22:49
zichoerUSUL thx i will look into it22:49
JoniiAnd there is no tool to fix that22:49
JoniiLike, what's the deal22:49
janohi all. i think my x11 is pretty b0rk3d. is there a magic dpkg-reconfigure call that can reset gdm, gnome, x11, everything?22:49
FLJohnAs of Today Amazon is streaming movies over the internet.  If you have a prime account, (less then 80 bucks a year you have unlimited streaming.  I just streamed it through Google Chrome on my Ubuntu 10.04 computer and it works fine.22:50
rww!ot | FLJohn22:50
ubottuFLJohn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:50
FLJohnOk well let me help you out with something else then22:51
heavy_bulletsguys i have a question.. what's the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?22:51
mickster04heavy_bullets: kde?22:51
rwwheavy_bullets: kubuntu uses the KDE desktop environment by default. ubuntu uses GNOME.22:51
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde22:51
StarminnUbuntu uses GNOME and Kubuntu uses KDE heavy_bullets22:51
FLJohnIf you are running 64 bit Ubuntu and want to watch Hulu and can not, download the Seamonky browser from the repository and Hulu will work perfectly22:52
zichoerUSUL i didnt quite understand that solution... i added "blacklist evbug" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, this should solve it?22:52
rwwFLJohn: This channel is for Ubuntu technical support, not unsolicited advice, thanks.22:52
heavy_bulletsso can you switch betwen the desktop and override that difference?22:52
erUSULJonii: according to this http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step#Save_the_partition_table_or_search_for_more_partitions.3F <<< you choose writte on the menu not proceed22:52
erUSULzicho: yes; do « modprobe -r evbug » too22:53
zichoerUSUL thx, should i erase the huge logs now, or does that cause problems?22:53
Joniiersul, there is no "write" until you try to proceed or search, and that messes the table up entirely22:53
erUSULzicho: better 0 them22:54
JoniiBut, I try to fight fire with fire. I search more!22:54
zichoerUSUL how do i do that?22:54
FirefisheI'm running 10.04 LTS.  Everything is running reasonably smoothly, with little difficulty.  Considering this is a laptop circa 2008, is there any major reason to upgrade to meerkat?22:54
erUSULzicho:  « echo "" | sudo tee /var/log/whatever »22:54
rwwFirefishe: not really, no22:54
jribFirefishe: nope, if lucid works, stick with it22:54
Firefisherww, jrib:  thank you, I thought as much22:54
rwwFirefishe: if you stay on 10.04, you have the benefit of it being an LTS, so it's supported for 3 years (instead of 18 months) and can be upgraded directly to the next LTS when it comes out.22:54
JoniiI'm a bit worried that Windows RE(store) changes name to "PQSERVICE", but whatever22:55
erUSULzicho: i.e « echo "" | sudo tee /var/log/{syslog,messages} »22:55
arandzicho: Or you could use "logrotate"22:55
Firefisherww:  really?  I did not know that about the LTS releases.  I have no problems with lucid, in fact, it's been the most stable u(k)(x)ubuntu I've used.22:55
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)22:55
erUSULarand: well a 2,1 Gib log will compress quite a bit but still...22:56
drexlI have on old hard drive which is reported in lubuntu as having many bad sectors how do I repair them, it's ntfs22:56
IsmAvatardrexl: send to manufacturer, ask for replacement22:56
erUSULdrexl: you can not repair them... you can mark them so they are not used check ntfs utils in windows-22:56
Firefisherww:  backports keeps kde up to date, so I'm good there.  Haven't had a chance to try the new gnome yet...is there a way to try it out in a stand-alone fashion, perhaps?22:57
zichoerUSUL thank you :)22:57
rwwFirefishe: put it on a USB stick and try it in Live USB?22:57
erUSULno problem22:57
olimones_Hello, I have a problem installing asterisk-GUI 2.0 on a ubuntu server. Does any one can help?. I see the Web interface but when i try to log on it cycles looking to verify rights to write on gui folder.22:57
drexlI ran chkdsk \r it took all night and there are still bad sectors22:57
Firefisherww:  I guess that'd work.  usb images are on the main site, correct?22:57
sheantdrexl: Disks with errors, throw them away. New disks are much cheaper than the pain from losing data.22:58
rwwFirefishe: you use the normal ISO image with Startup Disk Creator (found under System -> Administration, I think)22:58
drexlsheant: that's what I'm going to do22:58
sheantdrexl: Good choice. :)22:58
drexlwhat's a good linux disk cloning tool?22:59
olimones_I have search on google and so far have had no solution even though it seems i am not the only one with this problem22:59
Tamagotchi-0P0Prgparted drexl22:59
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drexlTamagotchi-0P0Pr: I was unaware gparted did cloning23:00
Tamagotchi-0P0Pror i am being mixed up.. sorry bout that better dc23:00
JoniiDoes empty space on a disk need to be partitioned somehow?23:01
YankDownUnderDefine empty23:01
WXZhow can I record desktop audio23:01
WXZand stream it directly into the mic input?23:01
neil_dAthenon: I got the freenx installed... but I can't seem to find a client (viewer) what do I use?23:02
Logan_WPYankDownUnder: containing nothing <empty shelves>23:02
JoniiLike, if I just use testdisk to partition C: and D:, which leaves last 14GB on my disk totally unallocated, and then run Ubuntu installation and install Ubuntu to the last 14GB, is there a problem?23:02
YankDownUnderLogan_WP, Ah...23:02
YankDownUnderUnallocated - grow already used partitions to use that space, or create a completely new partition...?23:02
daniel_treeis it safe to turn of the acpi ?23:03
JoniiYankDownUnder, Ubuntu installation should create a new partition for itself at the end of the disk23:03
YankDownUnderJonii, "should" being the operative word...23:03
JoniiYankDownUnder, Ubuntu installation should know how to do that, right? Or not?23:04
tobiermy network manager is no longer visible, however it evidently starts up because I got automatically connected23:04
mickster04Jonii: yeah, you can manually specificy partitions in the installer23:04
tobierwhy? :P23:04
YankDownUnderJonii, Rarely do allow for "automatic" partitioning on either my own machines or client machines - I have a preference to enforce my own partition scheme (and filesystem) - therefore, I do it manually.23:05
denwerkotobier, try alt+f2 nm-applet23:05
tobierif I kill nm-applet and restarts, it shows up in my notification area, but not when logging in23:05
tobier*restart the applet23:05
daniel_treedoes anyone see what I write ???23:05
JoniiYankDownUnder, naturally I'd do it manually23:05
JoniiThe question was if it was possible to do it using installation program23:06
serardoh guys I'm sorry about the away msg :/23:06
denwerkodaniel_tree, yes, we do. about acpi, it should depend on your hw (if it is safe or not)23:06
YankDownUnderJonii, During the installation - you're allowed to check the partitioning scheme.23:06
daniel_treedenwerko, I have an annoing bug..that happens every time23:07
denwerkodaniel_tree, why dont you try booting without acpi from liveCD or liveUSB ?23:07
tobierso, any ideas why the network manager starts doesn't show up in the notification bar until I kill it and restart it?23:07
theborgeranyone give me a hand on getting apt-get to work? i need to install x23:07
IsmAvatarHey, when upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, during "Setting new software channels", it fails with the following error: http://pastebin.com/bqGjs8LZ looking at apt.log it looks like it might be a problem with my proprietary graphics driver.23:08
geekbritheborger: whats broken about it?23:08
theborgersudo apt-get install xinit aduser@syslog:~$ sudo apt-get install xinit Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package xinit23:08
daniel_treedenwerko, http://pastie.org/1595823 pls take a look23:08
WXZdoes anyone know how I can record my desktop sound, and input it into the mic?23:09
theborgergeekbri: see that post?23:09
daniel_treethis bug is around since 10.04 I hoped it will get fixed in time ..but it didnt :(23:09
theborgerwhen i run sudo apt-get install xinit it just errors out23:09
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daniel_treedenwerko, and it keep sending this message over and over ...infinite loop23:10
geekbritheborger: what does it error out with23:10
mickster04theborger: what with?23:10
denwerkodaniel_tree, reading bug reports about something that should look like your problem... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi/+bug/53564323:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 535643 in acpi (Ubuntu) "ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed (dup-of: 578506)" [Undecided,New]23:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 578506 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Kernel] ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction" [Undecided,New]23:11
bowentwocould anyone by chance help me on where to learn if i can install two xfx 6850's and if so which driver to use and how to install said driver :)23:11
theborgergeekbri, mickster04, sudo apt-get install xinit Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package xinit23:11
geekbrioh right23:11
mickster04theborger: tab complete the package name23:11
theborgermickster04, tab does not work23:12
drexltheborger: xserver-xorg also23:12
mickster04theborger: ? have you tried installuing using synaptics package manager then?23:12
theborgerif i run start x, it says i am missing xinit, and to run sudo apt-get install xinit23:12
NoxesHello, I'd like some help with a wireless card problem.23:13
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:13
kaushalCan someone please guide me about setting P2P link ?23:13
daniel_treedenwerko, yes..those guys have the same problem :( I have an acer 5930g too like one of those guys...23:13
theborgermickster04, i cant get into X how  can i run synaptics?23:14
mickster04theborger: a valid point23:14
magicianlordtheborger: from terminal, you run apt-get23:14
daniel_treedenwerko, but no solution :(23:14
mickster04theborger: if tab complete doesn't find it, have you run apt-get update23:14
kaushalis there a ubuntu networking channel ?23:14
denwerkodaniel_tree, yep. Have you tried new kernel ?23:14
magicianlordapt-get is easy23:14
drexlNoxes: what wireless card are you using, I use ndiswrapper for all my cards23:14
NoxesI was running ubuntu 10.10 before, and I had my RT3090pci wireless card working perfectly. I decided to reinstall Ubuntu, but everytime I restarted after installing the drivers, it wouldn't work at all.. I checked "lspci" and instead of displaying the Ralink 3090 info, it just says "Device d8dc:f8d8" and lshw said it's "unclaimed".23:14
mickster04magicianlord: pay attention, he has done, it doesn't work23:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:15
daniel_treedenwerko, 2.6.35-25 I have now...is there a newer version ?23:15
NoxesI've searched google along with the ubuntu forums to no avail.23:15
=== russell is now known as RussticBob
bowentwook i am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 i can do it on the live cd and i have 1 monitor/1vidcard i don't think the other video card/monitor is being seen. I want to do a real install but am nervous of driver to use for 2 xfx 6850's i'm completely new to this so i apologize now if this is a simple task.\23:16
mickster04Noxes: update ungrade?23:16
NoxesExcuse me?23:16
mickster04Noxes: have you run update on your system recently?23:17
ikoniabowentwo: the nvidia propritary drivers are not happy with 2 graphics cards, twinview likes to use one video card23:17
magicianlordis there an ubuntu networking channel?23:17
ikoniabowentwo: if two monitors share one video card then twinview is happy23:17
ikoniamagicianlord: just ask the question23:17
syn-ackmagicianlord, you're kinda in it23:17
NoxesYes, multiple times, but since I reinstalled ubuntu, it's just been sitting as Ubuntu 10.10 normally, without upgrades.23:18
kaushalikonia: Can someone please guide me about setting P2P link ?23:18
bowentwoikonia: sadly the 6850's are ati/amd cards23:18
daniel_treedenwerko, Linux version 2.6.35-25-generic (buildd@palmer) (gcc version 4.4.5 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5) ) #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 201123:18
rwwmagicianlord: please don't repeat questions from other users23:18
ikoniakaushal: in what respect23:18
rwwubottu: tell kaushal about crossposting23:18
denwerkodaniel_tree, yes, sure. i am running 2.6.38-rc6. if you have time, you could try compiling (how to is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild). If it is kernel problem, this could help23:18
ubottukaushal, please see my private message23:18
ikoniabowentwo: same is true of the ati cards, only in my experience worse23:18
bowentwoikonia: lol thank you for the help23:18
WXZis it possible to record your desktop sound and stream it as your mic23:18
WXZlike for skype and other chat stuff23:19
kaushalikonia: not sure how to proceed23:19
ikoniabowentwo: I'm sorry it's not a positive response23:19
daniel_treedenwerko, I think is a kernel issue ..cause in 9.10 it wasnt this bug23:19
ikoniakaushal: you've not asked a question yet23:19
quentusrexAnyone know if iit is possible to start the download of all the packages needed to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04?23:19
mickster04WXZ: you can get male to male 3.5 jack cables23:19
IsmAvatarHey guys, when upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, during "Setting new software channels", it fails with the following error: http://pastebin.com/bqGjs8LZ looking at apt.log it looks like it might be a problem with my proprietary graphics driver.23:19
denwerkodaniel_tree, btw, does it affect system performance, suspending or something else ?23:19
NoxesIt's currently set as a Mint install though, I wanted to see if another distro would help.. I plan to install back to ubuntu.. But either way it still displays a weird device name in lspci, and drivers will not work.23:19
magicianlorddenwerko: what bug23:19
mickster04quentusrex: it's called the live disk iso?23:19
ikoniaquentusrex: it downloads it during the upgrade process23:19
quentusrexIt will take hours for the packages to download, but I will not be ready to start the upgrade until tomorrow.23:19
kaushalikonia: I have a P2P link between Data Center and our office23:19
ikoniaNoxes: if it's mint we can't help23:19
ikoniakaushal: ok ?23:19
mickster04quentusrex: just download and burn the ISO23:19
kaushalso how do i set it up23:20
denwerkomagicianlord, ask daniel_tree23:20
daniel_treedenwerko, the keyboard is not responding...when I type the writing lags23:20
WXZmickster04: and then attach the mic input to the stereo output?23:20
bowentwoso ikonia: should i just stick with windows 7, till support can be found?23:20
kaushallike networking diagram23:20
WXZI don't think it works that way23:20
NoxesThen I'll just install back to ubuntu on it.. It'll still display the same problem though.23:20
ikoniakaushal: it should just be a network connection to your ubuntu machine23:20
mickster04WXZ: yes23:20
ikoniaNoxes: ok23:20
WXZI think the mic input is a lot more sensitive then the mic output23:20
kaushalikonia: can i pvt message you ?23:20
WXZand it'll fry it23:20
ikoniakaushal: I'd rather you didn't,23:20
WXZI'm pretty sure I heard that23:20
ikoniakaushal: better to speak in the hcannel23:20
NoxesOther than that, what do you think would be a good possible fix for this?23:20
mickster04WXZ: stick the ends in your ears if you want but mic to audio in will work best23:20
kaushalsince its high volume23:20
ikoniakaushal: just speak in the channel23:20
mickster04WXZ: unlikely23:21
syn-ackikonia! ikonia! I wanna pvt message you too! :P23:21
daniel_treedenwerko,  so it's impossible to continue working after the error occurs23:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:21
denwerkodaniel_tree, something like this ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146644223:21
kaushalso i need to 10 PCs the P2P connection via gateway or switch23:21
ikoniakaushal: ok, that will be done at the network device level, not the ubuntu level23:21
mickster04kaushal: you are mixing different layers of the OSI diagram23:22
kaushalmickster04: ok23:22
IsmAvatar10.10 upgrade help please? http://pastebin.com/bqGjs8LZ23:22
kaushalmickster04: how do i proceed23:22
ikoniakaushal: do you have a networking team where you work ?23:22
WXZmickster04: hmmm... ehow agrees with you23:22
WXZI'll try it I guess23:23
JoniiAbout partitions23:23
mickster04kaushal: well p2p is nothing to do with how the network is physially connected23:23
JoniiI need help23:23
ikoniakaushal: the p2p link should be set up between networking infrastructure, not the ubuntu machine23:23
mickster04WXZ: yeah, turn the volumes down at first if you're cautious23:23
Godslasteringabout how much ram (estimated) does a ubuntu 10.10 install use, right out of the box?23:23
ikoniaGodslastering: as much as you have23:23
mickster04Godslastering: it should say on the website23:23
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu23:23
daniel_treedenwerko, when I log in I can type normally ...only after a while...this error occurs from nowhere and then all the magic happens :) I cant type correctly..and the infinite messeges in the bus23:24
Joniitestdisk found all my drives, finally, but now I'm having trouble understanding what does "deleted" "extended" "primary partition" "primary bootable" and such mean?23:24
ikoniaJonii: ask in ##hardware that's not an ubuntu issue or lesson23:24
StarminnGodslastering: Mine ran like a dream (compared to Windows XP) on 512MB so it doesn't need much. Now that I have 4 and a half GB, I've never caught it using anything about 800MB.23:24
Godslasteringikonia: let me rephrase. i'm not talking about requirements, nor am i talking about caching. if i open "system monitor" with 24 gigs of ram, about how much should it be using, by default? (obviously if i open htop and look, it's using a lot much in the kernel for caching).. then again, if i have less than a gig of ram, it runs fine also23:24
GodslasteringStarminn: yes i'm noticing about 800MB, didn't know if that is about what it should be or not23:24
IsmAvatarWould it be wise to uninstall my proprietary graphics driver to hopefully make the upgrade to 10.10 work?23:25
NoxesIkonia, I'm installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu 10.10 now.23:25
ikoniaGodslastering: I know you're not talking about requirements, thats why I said it will use "as much as you have"23:25
denwerkodaniel_tree, googling it with Aspire-5930 and doenst look like somebody solved it...23:25
mickster04IsmAvatar: it depends what is causing the update to break?23:25
ikoniaIsmAvatar: do you have any 3rd party or external repos enabled ?23:25
denwerkodaniel_tree, sorry, going off. good luck, bye23:25
theborgermickster04, so i ran sudo apt-get update,  still nuffin23:25
WXZmickster04: Speaker output power can be many Watts. That energy has to go somewhere; a resistor burns it as heat. To bring the signal down to microphone levels a lot of Watts may need to be burned.23:25
Godslasteringikonia: nevermind then, Starminn pretty much answered me.23:25
StarminnGodslastering: Yeah, I think mine sits at around 300-800 while I'm using it (I multi-task a lot). Even now I'm running a VM and it's using 1004MB. So yeah you're good.23:25
daniel_treedenwerko, thanks bye23:25
WXZmickster04: http://www.electro-tech-online.com/general-electronics-chat/42602-how-do-i-get-microphone-input-speaker-output.html23:25
theborgerE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.23:25
mickster04theborger: have you enabled the appropriate sources?23:25
IsmAvatarmickster04: it seems like the graphics driver is23:26
theborgermickster04, where do you do that at?23:26
IsmAvatarikonia: not that I know of?23:26
theborgermickster04, and what ones?23:26
GodslasteringStarminn: yeah when i run VMs i get to almost 20 out of 24gb used at times, and the host os still runs decently, so that's good23:26
mickster04theborger: iunno do /msg ubottu !info xinit23:26
StarminnGodslastering. Awesome. Glad to help.23:26
mickster04WXZ: well you seem to have found your own help, welld one23:27
NoxesIkonia: I'm installing Ubuntu 10.10 now. Lspci on the liveCD also displays the wrong device name for my wireless card.23:27
IsmAvatarPackage xserver-xorg-video-nouveau has broken Depends on xorg-video-abi-8.023:28
IsmAvatar  Holding Back xserver-xorg-video-nouveau rather than change xorg-video-abi-8.023:28
WXZmickster04: I know there's a way to mix them in windows, I'm going to see if I can find a non-hardware solution23:28
jfeis there any program available that would allow me to pipe data to the clipboard?23:28
ikoniaNoxes: ok , lspci is just based on psci-id's so that's not something to worry about23:28
mickster04WXZ: very good23:28
WXZbut plugging your output into your mic input would blow your soundcard out (according to that site)23:28
regeyaI have an internal machine where I have phpldapadmin and redmine set up on apache2.  Right now avahi handles dns, so if I point a browser to foo.local dnssd is what handles it.  How would I go about setting it up so that redmine is available at redmine.foo.local and phpldapadmin at ldapadmin.foo.local?23:28
mickster04WXZ: fine23:28
IsmAvatarjfe: pastebinit will pipe output to pastebin23:28
Logan_WP!pastebinit | jfe23:29
ubottujfe: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:29
ikoniaregeya: just cheat it and put an entry in localhost23:29
NoxesIkonia: Well before the wireless card worked, and Lspci always displayed it as something like "Network Controller: Ralink 3090.. etc" now it's just "Network controller: device [d8dc:f8d8]" and the drivers will not work the same anymore.. Soo.. Idk.23:29
ikoniaregeya: in /etc/hosts23:29
milkmirukuwondering if anyone can help - i uninstalled the avahi-common or somesuch and now 10.10 won't boot. /var/log/syslog mentiones that cups prestart, gdm main and avahi-daemon get terminated, though avahi-daemon tries to respawn again right after. can i somehow reinstall any missing dependancies, or totally remove avahi from the system?23:29
ikoniaNoxes: possibly the livecd's pci-id's are out of date23:29
jfeIsmAvatar: thanks23:30
=== QuBit is now known as Guest98423
NoxesIkonia: It does this after install aswell.. It used to work using this livecd all the time. I just hope someone in this channel can guide me to a possible fix.. I wouldn't care what lspci was saying, aslong as the drivers worked.23:30
theborgeranyone point me to a web page, that says what servers to use for apt-get?23:31
ThRiXHi at all23:31
ikoniaNoxes: are the drivers normally supplied from the aditional drivers tool or a manual install ?23:31
ikoniatheborger: ubuntu selects the best servers for you at install time23:31
ikoniatheborger: they should already be setup23:31
JoniiDear god thank you everyone! I can now install Ubuntu!23:31
NoxesIkonia: manual install.. I've followed the steps the exact same as I have before, when it worked properly.. And I've done it about 100 times in the past day.. Yet they won't work.23:32
theborgerErr http://security.ubuntu.com maverick-security/multiverse i386 Packages   Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]23:32
syn-ackikonia! ikonia! I wanna pvt message you too! :P23:32
syn-acksorry about that23:32
ikoniasyn-ack: stop it, you've done that gag23:32
ikoniaNoxes: define doesn't work23:32
syn-ackikonia hit the wrong key and nuked my response. It was unintentional.23:32
ikoniasyn-ack: not a problem23:32
syn-ackI was going to say, ikonia: That doesn't mean that the server that were the best at install time are still the best.23:33
NoxesIkonia: After install, adding things to blacklist and modules, I reboot.. Nothing has changed.. Clicking on the wireless icon doesn't display any wireless routers, or possible wireless connection. Ifconfig doesn't even display wlan0 or whatever anymore.23:33
ThRiXI try to configure hylafax server, but when try to send the mail from command line (mail 12345678@fax.mydomain.it) i get this error Command died with status 255: "/usr/bin/faxmail". Command output: Password:faxmail: unable to process message:  Login failed: 500 'PASS ': Syntax error, expecting password..23:33
theborgerapt-get update just errors out23:33
ThRiXcan anyone help me?23:33
ikoniasyn-ack: no but if you have to ask what to use...it's best for you to trust ubuntu23:33
ikoniatheborger: explain errors out ?23:33
theborgerikonia Err http://security.ubuntu.com maverick-security/multiverse i386 Packages   Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]23:33
ikoniaNoxes: do the modules you installed/built get loaded ?23:33
mickster04theborger: apparently xinit is in the main repo, but if you are getting errors, then it seems your seem is more boerked than originally thought, what happened?23:33
ikoniatheborger: can you ping that host ?23:33
=== puzo- is now known as puzo
NoxesIkonia: I don't quite know.. How could I see?23:34
ikoniaNoxes: what is the name of the modules you built/installed23:34
theborgerikonia ping http://security.ubuntu.com ping: unknown host http://security.ubuntu.com23:35
NoxesIkonia: rt3390sta is what I've always added to /etc/modules after install..23:35
theborgerikonia ping www.google.com PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from yi-in-f104.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=18.1 ms23:35
ThRiXAnyone know to resove my problem on hylafax password?23:35
ikoniatheborger: the host is security.ubuntu.com not http://security.ubuntu.com23:35
ikoniatheborger: you don't ping "http" you ping the host name23:35
ikoniaNoxes: ok, so lsmod should list that module if it's getting loaded23:35
daniel_treecan I upgrade the kernel to 2.6.38 rc6 using http://ubuntuguide.net/install-latest-kernel-2-6-37-2-6-38-in-ubuntu-10-04-from-ppa ?23:35
NoxesIkonia: And if it's not loaded properly?23:36
gsfaiWhy am i not able to choose my user from the "Auto login" function?23:36
GI_Jacksweet shit I cant login23:36
theborgerikonia, sorry yes i can  ping security.ubuntu.com PING security.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from bignay.canonical.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=50 time=116 ms23:36
ikoniaGI_Jack: control the language23:36
GI_Jackgdm is messing up23:36
gsfai(Where can i find the configuration file or something)23:36
ikoniaNoxes: manually load it23:36
GI_JackI log in screen goes blank and I am back at the gdm login screen23:36
NoxesIkonia: command?23:36
ikoniatheborger: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and "ls -la /etc/apt/source.d23:36
d03boyAnyone know how I can install mono on my ubuntu server (only cli) so I can host asp.net 3.5+ pages?23:36
ikoniaNoxes: is it getting loaded first ?23:37
GI_JackI can login as root23:37
ThRiXbye... :(23:37
ikoniaGI_Jack: then you have changed your system as you should not be able to login as root23:37
NoxesIkonia: I only just finished the Ubuntu 10.10 install.. Let me install them first.23:37
ikoniaThRiX: bye23:37
GI_JackI am typing this on xchat on my cell phone plz help23:37
ikoniaNoxes: I find it prudent to test it before saying it doesn't work, you've just told me "they don't work" yet you've not even installed ubuntu yet23:37
GI_Jackikonia: I enabled root login because I needed it for a prog that does work with gksu23:38
functorrt2860 eeepc still isnt working23:38
ikoniaGI_Jack: you've changed your system a lot to allow root to login to gdm23:38
functorralink drivers page is 40423:38
functor10.10 and loads of problems23:38
JoniiErr, sorry, I need help figuring out the Ubuntu installer23:38
Okleywhere is xchat help channel23:38
mickster04GI_Jack: you never need a root login, certainly not thru gdm...23:38
ikoniaJonii: just ask23:38
rwwOkley: /join #xchat23:38
ikoniaOkley: #xchat23:38
olimones_ I have a problem installing asterisk 2.0 GUI on ubuntu server. It keeps looking for rights to write on gui folder. does any one can help?23:39
Okleyk thnx23:39
JoniiUbuntu now realizes that I do have Windows installed, and suggests I install Ubuntu parallel to it23:39
ikoniaOkley: writes to right23:39
pradeep_-_how best to configure quad-core application and database servers to manage 6millions records in 10 terabytes of disk-space23:39
theborgerikonia http://pastebin.com/Q3XerCnq  ls -la /etc/apt/source.d ls: cannot access /etc/apt/source.d: No such file or directory23:39
ikoniaOkley: not you sorry23:39
mickster04Jonii: you can manually specify where to put it23:39
functordoes anyone know the status of this known issue > Poor connectivity when using WPA2 encrypted access points.23:39
mickster04!ot | pradeep_-_23:40
ubottupradeep_-_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:40
JoniiBut all the graphs seem a bit counter-intuitive23:40
YankDownUnderd03boy, You should be able to just use: apt-get install mono-apache-server (and all the other bits)23:40
ikoniatheborger: what happens if you do "sudo apt-get update"23:40
mickster04Jonii: they are quite easy to read, can you screen shot and explain what you don't understand about them?23:40
theborgerikonia, it erros out23:40
ikoniathe show me the error please.23:40
mickster04theborger: again that will be a different error so give the example23:41
immyive used the disk utility to setup an encrypted partition on an external hard drive for backup. can i find out what settings the encrypted partition was setup with?23:41
theborgerits the same error over and over, one sec23:41
Joniimickster04, if I try "Install in parallel", lower graph has this draggable thing that paints the whole thing green if I want to, and color explanations below say orange is the color for Ubuntu partition, and there is no orange :/23:41
mickster04Jonii: use the manual option23:41
Noxes42Ikonia: lsmod does not display "rt3390sta" at all.. How do I manually load it?23:42
gsfaiWhere can i do a manual configuration of auto-login23:42
theborgerikonia Err http://security.ubuntu.com maverick-security/multiverse i386 Packages   Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]23:42
ikoniaNoxes42: modprobe $module name"23:42
ikoniatheborger: that server is responding23:42
Noxes42Ikonia: "FATAL: Module rt3390sta not found."23:42
theborgerikonia, yes i can pink it23:43
Joniimickster04, I tried, but "create a new partition" is a bit difficult to understand. What's that option about conjunction point(dunno if I translated that correctly), where you can select /, /tmp, /home etc23:43
ikoniaNoxes42: is the module in the kernel tree ?23:43
ikoniatheborger: so some networking (routing/firewalling) is blocking it on your machine, that's what you need to resolve23:43
neyhayCan someone tell me how to repair an ext4 file system?  Testdisk results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/569912/23:43
ikoniatheborger: do any other package hosts error, or just security23:43
mickster04!mountpoint | Jonii23:43
JoniiShould I make the new partition "primary" or "logical"?23:43
Noxes42Ikonia: I don't quite know.. I tried "sudo modprobe rt3090sta" and no error came up.. Although it still won't connect.23:43
theborgerikonia, all of them error23:43
PerfMiight kids23:44
YankDownUnderneyhay, fsck.ext4 /dev/sdXX23:44
GI_Jackok I created a new user and the new user works just my main account doesnt23:44
mickster04!partition | Jonii23:44
ubottuJonii: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap23:44
ikoniatheborger: ok, so there is something wrong with your networking23:44
ikoniaNoxes42: is the module loaded after you modprobed ?23:44
mickster04Jonii: better?23:44
Noxes42Ikonia: Yes.23:45
WXZdoes anyone know how to get stereomix23:45
WXZwith pavucontrol?23:45
ikoniaNoxes42: ok, so the module is loaded, how are you now trying to configure it23:45
mickster04basically if i understand right, you want to set the mount point as / and the rest should be fine as they are23:45
mickster04jano: ^^^^23:45
Noxes42Ikonia: I don't know..23:45
ikoniaNoxes42: you must know how your setting up as you're telling me it fails when you try to connect23:46
bc81WXZ: i just go to configuration tab and choose analog stereo duplex23:46
WXZbc81: configuration tab?23:46
Noxes42Ikonia: Oh I mean nothing comes up in ifconfig, or when I click the wireless icon..23:46
WXZbc81: I think you're like 3 steps ahead of me23:47
Noxes42Ikonia: It's like there isn't even a wireless driver/card installed..23:47
ikoniaNoxes42: show me the output of "sudo ifconfig -a" please in a pastebin23:47
neyhayYankDownUnder: output gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/570829/23:47
bc81WXZ: oh, well run pavucontrol, go to configuration tab, choose stereo23:47
=== lou_ is now known as mmka
JoniiSo, basically, I need to create three different partitions23:48
Noxes42Ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/570830/23:49
WXZbc81: yeah, I've got stereo duplex on as well23:49
WXZbut it's not recording the output23:49
mickster04Jonii: optimally, but you may not need a swap drive, and you can keep the rest in / anyway23:49
YankDownUnderneyhay, Um...and you've tried also running (as root) fsck.ext4 -p -y -f /dev/sdb123:49
PhoenixSTFHi guys, i goota a problem with VT6421 controler board taht gives me trouble with WD HDD and Samsung, strangedly i got another one with the same chip that doesnt give me any kind of trouble, I already tried modprobe sata_via, but no luck errors keep coming, is there any fix for the kernel?23:49
ikoniaNoxes42: is the wirless card actually enabled on the kill switch, does the syslog show anything on it ?23:49
bc81WXZ: what are you recording with23:49
mmkahi, after mounting the root file system I have got a problem "udev failed to create queue file", then the system stops there23:49
Noxes42ikonia: What do you mean?23:49
WXZI'm not recording right now, just in puvacontrol23:49
Joniimickster04, err, now I'm confused23:49
WXZthe bar which shows intensity isn't moving23:50
ikoniaNoxes42: exactly what I've just said23:50
mickster04Jonii: well what three partitions do you think you need?23:50
Noxes42ikonia: What do you mean23:50
ikoniaNoxes42: exactly what I've just said23:50
Noxes42ikonia: Sorry, uhmm.23:50
JoniiSwap, root, home?23:50
Noxes42ikonia: There's no "killswitch" for the wireless card on this pc.23:50
Geothere is a channel for c++ issues23:50
ikoniaNoxes42: 1.) is the wirless card physically enable, most laptops have a kill switch 2.) does the syslog show anything on the card23:50
ikoniaGeo: yes23:51
JoniiBut I don't know how large I should make these partitions23:51
bc81WXZ: what program is making sound at the moment?23:51
Noxes42ikonia: It's a desktop.23:51
JoniiSwap should be double my RAM, right? But I don't know how much RAM I have23:51
Geo@ikonia can u tell me the name?23:51
WXZbc81: vlc23:51
ikoniaNoxes42: that doesn't change what I've just said23:51
mickster04Jonii: how much ram do you have, you may not need swap, root and home can be just made into one, if you don't specifiy a home partition, it goes under root23:51
YankDownUnderFinding RAM: free -m23:51
JoniiRoot should be 8GB, but is there a reason to make it larger?23:51
Noxes42ikonia: There's no "killswitch" on it, what so ever.23:51
mickster04Jonii: run system monitor, it tells you in there23:52
ikoniaNoxes42: ok, so move onto the next thing I said23:52
Noxes42ikonia: Idk how to view the syslog. o.e23:52
neyhayYankDownUnder: not yet, reading fsck man pages23:52
=== dave is now known as Guest93163
mickster04Jonii: if you just make one partition with the whole space you have set aside for ubuntu, make it root, everything comes under there (except swap, but you might not need it)_23:52
YankDownUnderneyhay, You're sure the partition is ext4, ya?23:52
bc81WXZ: so , you hear sound but don't see the meter moving?  i just joined, so you'll need to give more details if possible23:53
ikoniaNoxes42: it's /var/log/messages23:53
Joniimickster04, how do I know if I need it?23:53
WXZbc81: I hear sound, and I see the output meter moving, but I don't see the input meter moving23:53
Guest93163hello, can anybody help me with regard to openssh behind a NAT enabled router23:53
WXZbc81: nvm, there is no input meter23:53
bc81WXZ: thats for microphones and whatnot23:53
Noxes42ikonia: What do i search for?23:53
JoniiI have 3,6GB of RAM23:54
mickster04Jonii: well how much ram do you have? if it's great than 1GB I would argue you don't need it, UNLESS you want to be able to hybernate23:54
ikoniaNoxes42: read through it, see if it mentions your card, networking issues, your cards device, the kernel modules23:54
mickster04Jonii: in which case you should get by fine without swap23:54
mickster04!swap > Jonii23:54
ubottuJonii, please see my private message23:54
WXZbc81: I know, I'm trying to get what I'm hearing on the desktop be sent to the mic input23:54
g_0_0Guest93163, what is the problem?23:54
WXZbc81: kind of mimic like I have a mic, and I'm putting it up to my stereo23:54
Guest93163i set up port triggering on 5900 to this machine, ive set up and are running openssh, i try to connect from my phone through androidvnc (it worked once) but now it says authentication failed23:55
Noxes42ikonia: Nothing.23:55
mickster04Jonii: so just set the one partition as root (/) and just press next?23:55
ikoniaNoxes42: can you confirm the hardwares working within windows (I thought you said you where dual booting earlier, I could be wrong)23:56
ikoniaGuest93163: androidvnc is not ssh23:56
g_0_0Guest93163, you're trying to connect to a home server?23:56
Noxes42ikonia: I am not dual booting, no.23:56
drcJonii: personally, I do swap = ram (depends on the space available) and everything else to / (no separate / and home). I think this is what mickster04 is trying to tell you also (not to put words in his mouth)23:56
Guest93163that explains that... i also tried connectbot via ssh protocol i got client terminated connection23:56
WXZbc81: ??23:57
mickster04drc: yup23:57
ikoniaNoxes42: Hmmm, there may actually be a hardware error there if it's not being detected correctly any more23:57
ikoniaNoxes42: and it's not being mentioned in the syslog23:57
Joniimickster04, and I should use ext3, not ext4?23:57
mickster04Jonii: uhm i think ext4 is safe by now?23:57
Guest93163im trying to get commandline access to the machine to remote run scripts and to scp files to my phone23:57
mickster04Jonii: i use ext423:57
neyhayYankDownUnder: fairly positive it was ext4.  slight possibility it was ext 323:57
ikoniaGuest93163: so ssh in on port 2223:58
GI_Jackfixed one corrupted file23:58
geekbriGuest93163: i use connectbot on my phone... if youre using SSH keys make sure on the key screen you have the one you want to use set to unlocked23:58
Guest93163you know... i think i just realised my problem23:58
Noxes42ikonia: After a few hours of the annoying errors, I just popped open the box, carefully removed the card, used a dust cleaner can thing, and replaced it.. And it still displayed the wrong device, along with not working.23:58
JoniiAnd not make root primary but logical? I have no idea what difference do these changes make23:58
Guest93163im triggering 5900 for vnc not 22 for ssh23:58
ikoniaNoxes42: a clean doesn't mean it's working23:58
Noxes42ikonia: More than likely it is a hardware issue, sadly.23:58
mickster04Jonii: just leave those settings as they are23:58
Guest93163let me just check if i forward to 2223:58
mickster04it'll most likely work as it is23:58
ikoniaNoxes42: if it used to display the correct info, and not now, it's not autoloading the moudle, and it doesn't see the card once the module is loaded and there is no mention in the syslog, it looks bad23:58
YankDownUnderneyhay, What ya get when ya "cat /etc/fstab" => view the FS used for sdb1 ?23:59
JoniiBut, I guess I want to make swap partition. Like, it could be useful, and it doesn't cause me any harm to have it, right?23:59
mickster04Jonii: correct23:59

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