
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
coz_hey guys.. just how and when will people be notified about this "america's got wallpaper"  contest?12:17
thorwilcoz_: notified about what? the final selection? canonical design blog12:18
coz_thorwil,  ah ok  so they are not going to contact the individuals they have selected?12:18
thorwilcoz_: maybe. iainfarrell knows12:20
coz_just curious12:20
iainfarrellcoz_: are you referring to the selection process for Natty?12:58
coz_iainfarrell,  yes12:59
iainfarrellI've already contacted the people who were nominated last time and they're aware when they'll need to be ready to choose the best ones12:59
coz_iainfarrell,  so I can leave the group then13:00
iainfarrellcoz_: any particular reason you're asking or are you just excited?13:00
iainfarrellwhich group?13:00
coz_iainfarrell,   ubuntu artwork  group13:03
coz_wrong button :)13:06
=== daker_ is now known as daker
vishodd, the ubuntu wiki looks so different in chrome when compared to firefox16:38
darkmatterlol. chrome16:39
vishyea, chromium sucks ;p16:39
visheitherway i use Firefox ;)16:39
vishFF4 is quite an improvement IMO..16:40
darkmatterindeed. still has a lot of useless crap and "lolwut?" ui decisions, but overall is much improved16:41
vish and i dont have a top panel, so i knock out the window deco for FF4 and the tabs are at the top of the screen to the edge..16:42
vishyou know fitts..16:43
vish(yea i said it ;p)16:43
darkmatteryou know that studies have shown half of fitts needs a fitts to the face? ;)16:44
AustinDangerHey guys, out of personal interest, I've been messing with the (apparently) stagnant DIY idea for Studio. Does anybody know if that's still the direction we're going?16:47
vishAustinDanger: you mean Ubuntu studio?16:49
vishAustinDanger: you can ask doctormo or scottl about Ubuntu Studio16:49
vishpretty sure no one else here knows about it16:50
AustinDangerOkay, I sent responded to Scott's email a few days ago, but I haven't heard back.16:50
vishAustinDanger: oh! ok, i spoke to scott a couple of days ago, afaik, he is still looking for help with the studio16:55
AustinDangerCool. I'm still going to work on this icon set, just because I like the idea, but I was wondering if I should be posting stuff for input/suggestions.16:56
vishAustinDanger: scott hangs out in #ubuntu-community-team as   scott-work and ScottL17:02
vishAustinDanger: incase you want to ping him directly..17:02
AustinDangerRight, I'm not especially far on the icon set, so it isn't really urgent. But if I haven't heard from him in a few days, that's probably what I'll do.17:04
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train
=== darkmatter1 is now known as darkmatter
konaya__Who made the current Ubuntu log-in tune?22:03
konaya__How is it licensed?22:03
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
konaya__Who made the current Ubuntu log-in tune?22:44
cozziemotokonaya__,  that one that been around for a while?22:50
cozziemotokonaya__, I dont recall the creator of that22:52
cozziemotokonaya__,  are you wanting to offer a new one or are you involved in the search for one put out by the design team?22:52
cozziemotoI believe last october was the previous deadline for submitting new sounds for natty,.,, however I have not heard anything since then22:54
konaya__cozziemoto, I'm just curious, really. And I wonder what license it's under. If it's open sourced, where's the sheet music, for example.22:55
konaya__It would be sweet to be able to mod it a bit.22:55
cozziemotokonaya__,  its either gpl or cc22:56
cozziemotokonaya__,  either way its permitted to modify it22:56
cozziemotokonaya__,  I did,,, and submitted my version of it22:56
konaya__cozziemoto, yes, but if it's gpl, then the "source" needs to be made available, right?22:57
konaya__I can only find the "compiled binary", that is, the sound file shipped with ubuntu.22:57
cozziemotokonaya__,  yes ,, you should  state who the origianl author was  ifpossible22:58
konaya__I wish I knew. I was hoping to find the author here to be honest.22:58
cozziemotokonaya__,  if not possible you can probably reference it indirectly but saying it is the log in sound  etc22:58
cozziemotokonaya__,  is this just a modification or was your creation inspired by it?22:59
konaya__cozziemoto, there is no creation yet. I wish to modify it, but I can't do that without the source.22:59
cozziemotokonaya__,  ah23:00
cozziemotommm let me check hold on23:00
konaya__Source in music terms would be sheet music or similar. So I just wondered if anyone knows where I could find it.23:00
konaya__cozziemoto, thanks, but I already checked that. It only contains compiled sound files. No source.23:02
cozziemotokonaya__,   I am at my other system and reinstalling on my main system,  if you are around in about an hour or so I probably could help find it better23:03
cozziemotothis system is awkward for me :)23:03
konaya__I just might be. I'll try, although I might leave since I have to get up early tomorrow.23:04
cozziemotokonaya__,  it should be ,, the source package ,, already on the system under /var somewhere23:06
konaya__Actually, technically that package is incorrectly labeled as a source package since it doesn't contain the source :P23:06
konaya__A source package for sounds would contain sheet music, or perhaps midi files and the appropriate soundfonts for generating sounds identical to the sounds shipped in the binary package. :P23:08
konaya__That would be source AND binary for a song, as an example.23:11
konaya__Or, technically, part of the source, since I couldn't be bothered to notate the drums.23:14
konaya__http://musescore.com/node/935 <--- Better example23:18
cozziemotokonaya__,  I dont know who here is actually on the design team and if they would have more information about this23:27
cozziemotoI have to go reinstall on my other system...be back a bit later23:27
konaya__Alright, have fun.23:27
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== konaya__ is now known as konaya

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