
=== RedW is now known as RedM
JackyAlcineHey Sir.02:09
SirOk so I have a problem with connecting to my wireless access point, I have no idea what's wrong02:10
SirI am on Ubuntu 10.10 btw. But currently on me other PC since I can't get on the internet via my Ubuntu PC02:11
JackyAlcineThe Network Manager in GNOME should be handle to connect to your wireless connection; what kind of encryption does it use?02:12
SirUh it's currently open for easy access purposes02:15
JackyAlcineDoes it show up in the list when you click on the icon in the notification area?02:16
SirYes it does.02:16
JackyAlcineAnd clicking on it doesn't permit connection?02:18
JackyAlcineWhat's broadcasting the network signal?02:18
JackyAlcineLike what device?02:18
SirWell I click on it and then it just has the animation of the wireless symbol panning up and down and then I get and "!" and nothing.02:19
SirIt's a router, not 100% sure what kind since we switched like 4 times and this one is missing the case02:19
JackyAlcineHm. And this router's connected to some sort of network?02:20
SirWorks with my XP laptop just fine02:20
SirAs I'm on it now02:20
JackyAlcineWell, I'm not too sure what could be causing the problem; sorry.02:22
SirAh. This is so frutrating02:22
aveilleuxI apologize for that, my brother's friend enjoys stealing my keyboard.02:27
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ray_Hello all reading this.10:58
* bioterror comes in peace10:58
ray_ha ha10:58
ray_Hmm, so I have GMAMEUI installed on another hard drive and I wanted to take the list I have for favorites and locate where it is stored so I can put it on this computer, then I want to re-install Ubuntu on that computer, so that's why I want to be able to do that.11:00
ray_I just grabbed where GMAMEUI is installed and I am going to try that.11:01
ray_From the list of places GMAMEUI is said to be installed by Synaptic Package Manager that is11:02
ray_Where should I go to ask this question?11:05
bioterrorI have not seen any questions ;)11:06
bioterrorjust you wondering things by yourself :--)11:06
ray_ha ha, ya. Sorry.11:07
ray_In GMAMEUI which is for running MAME roms it has a neat feature for marking what roms are my favorite roms on a list. And I meant where is that list stored?11:08
ray_Sorry, replace the and with so, English is not my strong point11:11
bioterrorI havent played mame games for ages11:12
bioterrorbut I just yesterday ordered a new motherboard for my coming HTPC project and I was playing with idea of playing mame, nes, snes, amiga and c64 games with it then11:12
ray_O, then I will be back with a link11:14
bioterroryou can do dpkg -L gmameui11:14
bioterrormaybe it tells something11:14
ray_There are other frontends though that can be used11:15
ray_I have yet to test more out11:15
ray_Nice command, I have to add that to my text files for future reference11:16
ray_I wonder what these are, I am going to have to look:11:18
ray_"/usr/share/locale/en_AU/LC_MESSAGES" "/usr/share/locale/en_AU/LC_MESSAGES/gmameui.mo"11:19
ray_Oops, I forgot to put quotes.11:19
ray_Well those didn't help me.11:22
ray_I just don't know the answer to this. Maybe I should look at GMAMEUI itself now. Maybe it has a feature for exporting and it doesn't then I think it should11:23
ray_Sorry, I keep not typing all the words I am thinking.11:26
ray_It doesn't have an exporting feature for importing and exporting favorites11:31
ray_O well.11:31
bioterrorinside your11:32
bioterrorstarting with .11:32
ray_OK, OK, I got a question that may help. I've always wanted to know this11:32
bioterrorjust popped in my mind11:32
ray_How can I search all text files on a filesystem for a certain word that is within it and also in the title?11:33
bioterrorthat's called indexed search11:33
ray_Right, under home. I looked but that doesn't mean I didn't miss something11:33
ray_I looked under ".config", ".cache" and some other places. I should look some more11:34
ray_So how do index search?11:38
ray_I meant how do I do an index search?, that sounds more like proper English I would guess.11:39
ray_I am looking11:39
ray_I will try Beagle, I am installing through Ubuntu Software Center right now.11:41
ray_Mean while I am looking for the file11:42
duanedesignray_: you could use this command to search the home directory for searchTerm   grep -i -R -l  searchWord  home/USERNAME/*11:46
duanedesignray_: of course replace USERNAME and searchWord :)11:46
ray_With the "*"?11:47
duanedesignthat will search all files in that direcotry11:47
duanedesignif you wanted to search a single file you would replace the * with the file name11:47
ray_I may have already found it before you posted that command, but still I love learning11:48
ray_I will try it anyways11:48
duanedesignthat is   rep -i -R -l import  /home/duanedesign/*11:49
duanedesignthat is   grep -i -R -l import  /home/duanedesign/*11:49
duanedesignwith a / infront of home11:49
ray_uh, import?11:50
ray_Right forward slash before home11:50
ray_but import?11:51
ray_Here's the command I will try soon:11:52
ray_"grep -i -R -l asura /home/ray/*"11:52
ray_I will also try Beagle as well11:52
ray_I was right I found where it was:11:53
ray_I didn't try the commands you suggested though11:53
ray_I am going to right now11:54
ray_But first I want to look at something to make sure it will be there.11:54
ray_If this is case sensitive then it should all be in lower case like I have it.11:55
ray_I just entered it11:56
ray_This may take a while, so instead I will try a different command11:58
ray_Nice, I am loving that command12:00
ray_Now I will try Beagle12:00
duanedesignray_: you have it right12:04
ray_It didn't seem to find it, so I am trying something called Trackers Search Tool which might be the same thing linked earlier but I am unsure12:05
ray_Thank you for the help12:06
ray_Both of you12:06
duanedesignyour welcome12:06
duanedesignbioterror: did most the work. I just jumped in at the end to steal his thinder :)12:06
* duanedesign should stay away from using local sayings that might not translate to an international audience12:07
duanedesignray_: i have an application called CLI Companion that lets you store commands in your terminal12:08
duanedesignor you can use a tomboy note.12:08
duanedesignnice for storing commands like that grep command that you might not use enough to have memorized12:08
ray_OK, but I like have text files. The first one you mentioned would be cool12:09
ray_I might try tomboy for kick though12:10
ray_I meant kicks12:10
duanedesignhttps://launchpad.net/clicompanion <--FWIW12:10
ray_I replaced the file that had my favorites on it, and it works.12:11
ray_I am trying to load the link12:12
ray_It still hasn't loaded the webpage.12:15
duanedesignthe launchpad link?12:17
ray_I'll start it over12:18
cprofitthello ray12:50
ray_My Internet disconnected12:59
ray_I am trying the launchpad link for CLI Companaion13:00
ray_Which loaded13:01
ray_To install the deb: "dpkg -i clicompanion_1.0-3.1_all.deb"13:02
ray_Is that all then?13:02
ray_OK, I switch to my nick then13:02
=== ray_ is now known as r4y
r4yOK, do you feel better IRC channel, now that I am identified?, LOL13:04
r4yNeat so duanedesign took part in CLI Companion then.13:06
r4yOK, never mind13:07
duanedesignr4y: did you get cli companion to run?13:09
r4yI am still in the process13:09
cprofittsorry got called away r4y13:09
cprofittthanks for picking up the convo duanedesign13:09
r4yWow, nice and simple13:14
r4yI am going to start gathering, but there are some commands in there I will have to look into13:15
r4yDoes anyone here know a or the command for clearing out dns?13:15
r4yI was looking into how to fix the internet connection like Windows XP has, of coarse it's not really fixing the internet connection but I wouldn't know the words for it13:16
r4yI remember reading someone say it's not fixing but something else13:17
r4yAny commands for troubleshooting an Internet connection?13:18
r4yI should buy into better antannas on both ends.13:19
r4yA bigger antanna for each computer and 2 antannas for my Linksys router13:19
r4yAnyhow, I thought I found a command for clearing out a DNS cache13:20
zidLinux over radio? :)13:20
zidCitizens Band ?13:21
r4yLinux over radio?13:21
r4yCan you add more detail?13:21
r4ySorry, I have a hard time trying to ask questions and understand people a lot.13:22
r4yAre you asking how to listen to a local radio station?13:23
r4yFrom Linux?13:23
duanedesignr4y: ifconfig13:25
r4yWhat a minute, is this the command:13:25
r4ysudo /etc/init.d/networking restart13:25
duanedesignthat will restart your network13:26
duanedesignthat is a good command for troubleshooting network13:26
r4yRight,  thought I read somewhere that it also clear out a DNS cache13:26
r4yhold up, I will do the 2 commands you just said13:27
r4yI remember the ifconfig command it's kind of like ipconfig for Windows but has more detail13:28
r4yI can't help but wonder13:28
r4yWhat the name of that Internet connection program in Ubuntu13:29
r4yWhat the, LOL13:29
duanedesignnetwork manager ?13:31
r4yAnyways it has a fields that can be filled in with a mac address and BSSIS. BSSID being the networks MAC I am guessing.13:31
r4yDoes filling those in help at all?13:31
r4yI have it set to DHCP13:31
r4yI have never used a static IP address setup13:32
r4yI have wpa personal security up and running13:32
duanedesignyeah, the only thing i fill in is the DNS servers. But that is optional13:33
duanedesignthere is an application, namebench, that will test several DNS servers and tell you which are the fastest for your connection13:33
duanedesignthough for most the speed difference is not much13:34
r4yI found that when my Internet disappears but I now is there, I have to click it and go to Connect to hidden wireless networks and click the drop down box and choose my SSID name13:34
r4yI am reading what you wrote13:35
r4yOK, so all people are using DNS servers?13:37
r4yYou must be laughing, lol13:37
r4yI am new to most of this13:37
duanedesignno not at all.13:38
duanedesignwe are here because we like to help13:38
r4yO, I miss understood you.13:39
duanedesignr4y: you can use your ISPs DNS server or a third party like Google or13:39
duanedesignOPen DNS, i think it is13:39
r4yWhat about when using Deluge? and so forth13:40
MrChrisDruifr4y: In regards to OpenDNS use with Deluge?13:40
r4yNo, I mean, uh, I don't get this completely13:41
r4yI would be using Google's DNS now or using when using Google?, or only when using Google?, or?13:41
MrChrisDruifI didn't get the complete q&a r4y :)13:42
r4yAm I using my ISPs DNS when?13:42
duanedesignmost likely13:42
r4yI don't care, I am just wondering13:43
r4ySo, I can be using more then one DNS server in one window for one purpose?13:43
MrChrisDruifHold your horses r4y, what is your precise question?13:44
r4yIf we go to a webpage or what ever then we might be using more then one DNS server?13:45
r4yThere are so many possible questions for what I am asking13:47
MrChrisDruifYou only use 1 DNS server at a time...13:48
MrChrisDruifYou can set preferred DNS servers, like the OpenDNS servers....13:49
r4ySo then we a getting transfered from one DNS server to another?13:49
r4yI think I sort of get it13:50
MrChrisDruifIf a DNS server doesn't know what IP adres a certain name has, he'll ask one of his buddies13:50
r4yI just don't think I would completely get this without it being on paper, but you have helped me understand it better13:51
MrChrisDruifAlright :)13:51
r4yI think I understand that last comment. It took me a second13:52
r4ybuddies being servers then, right?13:52
MrChrisDruifYeah, they ain't gonna ask some human :)13:53
r4yhe he he, yep13:53
MrChrisDruifThis might also help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System13:53
r4yI am going to put this info into a text file13:55
r4yHay, someone named zid asked about Radio?13:56
r4yHe asked: Linux over radio? :) Citizens Band ?13:57
r4yOK, so namebench and OpenDNS14:00
r4yThank you guys. You have opened a new door to me.14:04
r4yI wonder if there is a Firefox add-on for finding the fastest DNS server. I will go look14:09
r4yThere's this also:14:10
MrChrisDruifAhh...namebench is like opendns14:13
r4yI found this:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/speed-dns/?src=api14:14
r4yI also found this but I am not sure what it does:14:16
MrChrisDruifr4y: I'm no FF user...and you don't need to spam unless you want some thoughts about the addons you share here :)14:17
r4yWhat ever is cool. Thank you guys for the help. I will go and try things out.14:18
r4yThank you14:18
szczurhi Jomik17:04
JomikHeya mate :D17:04
JomikI think I'll put that script in my if-down.d, the one you sent me, that'd probably work, wouldn't it? And tyvm btw!17:05
szczurJoeb454, just put it in autostart17:05
JomikGot a question though - how would I print some text from a bash script to my screen, if it's run with the run-parts method. As a mean of debugging XD17:06
JomikActually, I just located the problem I have szczur XD I think that it's because it's running the scripts as root, and teamviewer can't be started if the user is root (userid = 0)... How do I make it run the script as non-root?17:08
Jomikchown changes owner right?17:11
szczurJomik, yes17:12
JomikDuh, I could've just checked lol17:12
szczurbut scripts in if-down.d and if-up.d17:12
szczurare run with root proviledges\17:12
Jomikcan't I change that?17:12
szczurat least i think so17:12
JomikI need it to be run as "jomik"17:13
szczuryou can put this script in autostart with gnome-session-properties17:13
szczurand it will run as jomik17:13
JomikYeah, but I need it to run everytime we gain connection17:13
Jomiknot just on startup17:13
JomikCan't I make the "if-up.d/connect" script run some other script with jomik privileges?17:14
szczurJomik, you xcan try this17:15
szczurcreate a script that runs my script as jomik17:16
Jomiksu - jomik ?17:16
Jomikbut it needs to enter a password then, doesn't it?17:17
JomikTesting XD17:18
JomikDoesn't seem to work...17:18
JomikCan you tell me how I make it write out debug info?17:19
Jomikecho "something" doesn't cooperate XD17:19
Jomiksince there's no terminal I guess17:19
szczurhmm, you can try creating a log file17:21
Jomik<- bash noob XD17:22
Jomiksomething like echo "something" > file?17:22
szczurecho "something" > /tmp/connect.log17:22
szczurdon't know if it would work :)17:22
JomikGonna try XD17:22
szczurlemme find something17:22
szczur5 sec17:22
JomikOkay :)17:23
JomikMy script is being run, but it just fails at running it with the right permissions17:25
szczurand you'r script just runs connection script as a jomik, right?17:30
geirhaJomik: What should the script do? And can you pastebin it?17:30
Jomikszczur, it runs as root, and I need it to run as jomik. it runs from if-up.d17:30
Jomikgeirha, it should just execute "teamviewer". And teamviewer can't be run as root.17:31
geirhaJomik: Ah, well there's several problems with that.17:31
geirhaor ... teamviewer is a GUI program, right?17:32
JomikBut there's no problem if I run it from the terminal normally17:32
geirhaYes, so it needs to know what display to use, and that's hard.17:33
JomikI'm on ubuntu 10.1017:33
JomikThere's a teamviewer script included17:33
Jomikand when I write teamviewer in the terminal17:33
Jomikit executes /usr/bin/teamviewer17:33
geirhaIf you are the only user, then the display number will typically be 0, so you might get away with assuming 0.17:33
Jomikwhich runs TeamViewer.exe through wine17:33
holsteinteamviewer is nice :)17:34
JomikIt checks if the usrid = 0, if it is, then it wont run teamviewer, otherwise it runs it17:34
Jomik0 = root17:34
geirhaJomik: in your terminal emulator, the DISPLAY environment variable is set. (echo "$DISPLAY")17:34
geirhaIt won't be set for the process that runs the ifup/ifdown scripts.17:35
Jomikmy echo $DISPLAY shows :0.017:35
szczurhmmm, gerisha is right17:35
szczurAdd "DISPLAY=:0.0" line before the teamviewer line17:35
Jomikand why wouldn't it be set for the if-up.d and if-down.d?17:35
JomikBut it'll still be run as root?17:36
JomikMy userid is 1000 btw, I just checked it with id -u17:36
geirhasudo -u myusername env DISPLAY=:0 teamviewer17:36
geirhaMight work, but only if you are logged in graphically of course.17:36
JomikI am logged in graphically :D17:37
Jomikwhat does sudo -u do?17:37
geirhaA saner option would be to run a startup script that queries network manager about the state of the network connection, then starts teamviewer.17:37
geirha*gnome startup script17:37
JomikYeah, but I need it to start teamviewer every time we have a connection17:37
JomikNot just once17:37
geirhasudo -u username foo  runs foo as user username17:37
JomikI'm killing the teamviewer processes at if-down.d17:38
geirhaJomik: Well, then you keep your script continuasly polling network manager, and start and stop as necessary.17:38
JomikAnd that wont really create lag?17:39
geirhaWell, you'd poll once every X seconds, not every millisecond17:40
Jomikand then I check if teamviewer is running and if we're connected, if we're connected and running, do nothing, else.. etc?17:40
geirhaMight be network manager has a way to run commands on certain events already. I haven't checked.17:41
Jomikit has17:41
Jomikin the if-up.d and if-down.d folders17:41
Jomikbut they're run as root17:41
Jomikwhich is my problem17:42
JomikI need the teamviewer to be run as a normal user / as user id 100017:42
geirhaThose are probably run by the daemon though, which has no knowledge of whether you're logged in or not ... etc. which is why you'd have to set DISPLAY17:42
geirhaJomik: sudo -u yourusername env DISPLAY=:0 teamviewer17:43
JomikI tried that17:43
Jomikin the if-up.d17:43
Jomikdidn't work17:43
geirhaWhat's the error message?17:43
Jomiknothing happens :D17:43
geirhaJomik: sudo -u yourusername env DISPLAY=:0 teamviewer > /tmp/output 2>&117:43
geirhaThen see what /tmp/output contains afterwards17:43
JomikThe teamviewer script will do echo TeamViewer must not be executed as root!17:44
Jomikbut there's no terminal for it to echo into XD17:44
geirhacorrect, the script will not be run in a terminal if it's invoked by the network manager daemon17:44
Jomikso, I make a script with that line?17:45
geirhaTry with the above, which will redirect all output, inlucding errors, to the file /tmp/output17:45
Jomikit's trying to access some /root/.teamviewer dirs, but it gets permission denied17:46
geirhaAh, add -H to sudo17:46
Jomikit's also trying to do mkdir /root17:47
Jomikwhat does that do? XD17:47
geirhaJomik: sudo -H -u yourusername env DISPLAY=:0 teamviewer > /tmp/output 2>&117:47
geirhaFrom the man-page:  -H  The -H (HOME) option sets the HOME environment variable to the homedir of the target user (root by default) as specified in passwd(5).  By default, sudo does not modify HOME (see set_home and always_set_home in sudoers(5)).17:47
JomikSo -H would set it to jomik17:48
Jomikthat worked17:48
geirhato /home/jomik ... whatever the homedir is set to in /etc/passwd17:48
JomikI can remove everything behind the > right?17:49
geirhaincluding removing the >, yes.17:49
geirhaIf the program outputs anything though, it'll probably end up in some logfile17:49
JomikTrying them then17:49
JomikMaybe XD17:50
geirhain /var/log/daemon.log probably17:50
JomikWhy doesn't killall -9 TeamViewer.exe in the if-down.d work now -.-17:51
geirhaOh dear, don't do kill -917:51
JomikWhat then?17:52
JomikI need to kill all processes named TeamViewer.exe17:52
Jomikwithout the -9?17:53
geirhaNo, you want to kill a specific process, and that's not possibly to do 100% coorectly with this approach.17:53
JomikWhy a specific? I just need all teamviewer processes destroyed? :D17:53
geirhaThat may get you in trouble later17:53
JomikWhy? :o17:53
geirhakillall TeamViewer.exe will not kill teamviewer processes, it will kill all processes that has TeamViewer.exe in its name.17:54
JomikAnd that's what the teamviewer process has17:55
Jomikteamviewer starts TeamViewer.exe17:55
geirhaBut anyway, as long as you are the only user on the system, I suppose you don't mind if you accidentally kill a different process17:56
geirhaWhile it is running, does:  pgrep -l TeamViewer.exe   output anything?17:56
Jomikprobably not17:56
Jomik4958 TeamViewer.exe17:57
JomikWhich is the process I started, I guess? :D17:57
geirhaThen:  pkill '^TeamViewer\.exe$'  should kill it.17:58
ddecatoryou can also kill a specific process using top17:59
geirhaddecator: in a script?17:59
ddecatorin a script? this is to kill a script that is running?17:59
geirhaNo, this is to kill a process from a script18:01
ddecatoroh. not sure why you need to do that, but no, i don't think top can be used in a script to kill a process18:01
Jomikgonna try that18:02
ddecatorjust read the backlog and i have no idea what you're trying to do, haha, so i'll leave you two to figure things out18:03
Jomikpkill isn't recognized by bash?18:03
geirhaIt's an external command18:04
Jomiktyvm man!18:04
JomikOwe you losts18:04
Jomikgeirha, do you know how I'd be able to reboot it over teamviewer and be able to log on again after? I mean, I can just reboot it like always, with sudo reboot or through the GUI. But then it's stuck at the login screen18:05
geirhaJomik: System -> Administration -> Login screen (or something like that)18:06
JomikYeah, then I can disable it, but I have to write in a keyring when it starts up?18:07
Jomikbefore it can connect to the itnernet, I think18:07
geirhaAh, not sure how to get around that. Other than putting the password for the internet in a keyring without a password.18:08
JomikOh, how can I do that?18:08
geirha(which means the password for the internet would be stored in plain text in your homedir)18:09
JomikI don't mind having it do that XD18:09
JomikHow would I do that then? XD18:09
JomikWireless WPA btw18:10
geirhaI don't remember off hand. You'd do it in seahorse.  System -> Preferences -> Passwords and encryption keys  (or something like that)18:10
JomikRight on18:10
szczurJomik, rightclick on your network manager18:11
szczurselect ed8it connectionss, select your connection, click edit18:11
JomikI got 2 things for both of my thingys :o18:11
szczurand tick "Available to all users"18:11
Jomikty XD18:11
JomikWhy do I have 2 encrypted passwords for my wlan?18:11
JomikExactly the same18:12
Jomikexcept for Key id 1 and 218:12
Jomikw/e XD18:12
JomikTyvm :D18:14
JomikI gotta run18:14
JomikYou guys rock XD18:14
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=== I_Am_IronMan is now known as JackyAlcine
UndiFineD!cookie | szczur18:52
ubot2szczur: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:52
szczurUndiFineD, thanks for the testimonial :)18:57
iinamecan some one help me with making a touch screen work19:59
=== Puck`_ is now known as go
=== go is now known as Puck`
maheanuuIaOra everyone, I am a newbie and the more I know the loster I get20:31
maheanuuI have about a half dozen probs with Ubuntu 10.10 at present and really need some TLC if possible20:32
aveilleux!ask | maheanuu20:33
maheanuuI am using a Toshiba notebook 64 bit system and my 10.10 is 64 bit...  I have a very low audio output and cannot seem to raise it at all  All the GUI's are maxed out on the vol controls20:33
ubot2maheanuu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
maheanuuThanks, I don't know the protocol as of yet20:34
bioterrormaheanuu, open terminal and say "lspci |grep Audio" without ""20:35
maheanuubioterror, do I add the quotes, I tried a cut and paste without the first set of quotes but no joy20:39
bioterrorwithout ""20:40
maheanuuI am pretty sure the first ones were only a quote from you20:40
maheanuuThat is without all?20:40
maheanuuI am getting No Such File or Directory20:42
maheanuuI didn't include the "without" and here's what I got "00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) 02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]"20:49
maheanuuIs that the information you wanted?20:50
maheanuubioterror, is that the information you wanted????20:55
bioterrormaheanuu, seems so20:55
aveilleuxmaheanuu: Try running the command: alsamixer20:55
aveilleuxmaheanuu: See if the PCM is really low; it should be around 7720:55
bioterrorfront could be low20:55
maheanuuOK, brb20:55
aveilleuxhello iiname20:56
iinamei have 10.04 installed and updated in a touch tablet, how do I make touch work please? Should I install mutlitouch or do i follow instructions from http://www.touchswipe.com/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=700&sid=5700d74cf62babf6a17170cbd861a82d20:57
iinameaveilleux,  hello20:57
maheanuuaveilleux, it is maxed out at 10020:58
bioterrormaheanuu, how about front?20:58
seidosiiname: i don't know.  never set up a touch tablet.20:58
bioterrorwe are so poor, we dont have that kind of gadgets ;)20:59
maheanuuFront MI is 6020:59
iinameseidos,  but you must be technically sound, can you please take a look at http://www.touchswipe.com/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=700&sid=5700d74cf62babf6a17170cbd861a82d and guess if it would make sense for any tablet ?20:59
bioterrormaheanuu, you dont have just plain "Front"?20:59
seidosiiname: i'll take a look21:00
iinameseidos, thanks, will wait21:00
maheanuuI have Front MI twice and the right side one is nothing21:00
aveilleuxiiname: That board requires registration :/21:00
seidosiiname: the link you pasted requires a username and password.  the implication here is, i won't register on some strange site for you.  paste what you want me to read in a pastebin.21:01
iinameseidos,  use omname  pass:  Z0abcdef21:01
iinameseidos,  will do a paste as well21:02
bioterrormaheanuu, and master is maxed out too?21:02
iinameseidos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/571364/21:03
maheanuuNo the master is at 70 and I can't seem to raise it21:03
bioterrormaheanuu, can you lower it?21:03
seidosiiname: okay, read it.  did you try it?21:04
bioterrormaheanuu, what's the "Chip: something" in your alsamixer on the top left corner21:05
iinameseidos,  should I?  Did  you log in and read the thread or just saw the top post pasted on the bin?21:05
maheanuuRealTek ALC27221:05
seidosiiname: i read the site.  i personally didn't like it.21:06
iinameseidos,  what are the other conventional options?21:07
seidosiiname: as for the command you pasted, i don't know.  never heard of linuxfans21:07
iinameseidos,  it is a touch tablet from fic  called tycoon21:07
seidosiiname: like i said, i don't know.  i never tried getting the hardware you're using to work.  your best bet is the ubuntu forums.  you gotta' find other users of your hardware.  or check in #linux for anyone that is familiar with the device.21:07
iinameseidos,  this forum thread includes three or four posts of junk, so you are right about your fears21:08
iinameseidos, I don't think anyone would have tried this computer, my best bet is to see if it works by installing what is now part of 10.1021:09
seidosiiname: yeah, i noticed :|21:09
seidosiiname: ah, it's a touch screen interface on a computer?  i thought it was a tablet or something.21:09
maheanuuI am loving Ubuntu, but finding it a little difficult as I am the only user on my island and those on Tahiti are over 150 miles away and they only speak French so I do have a prob communicationg techwise21:09
iinameseidos,  i installed 10.10 while installing - during the installation process it worked, but not afterwards, 10.10 had problems, so I got back to 10.04 now21:10
iinameseidos,  it is a tablet21:10
seidosmaheanuu: i can't feel sorry for you.  you live on an island.  joke!21:10
seidosiiname: ah, a tablet.  i had a friend that bought a previously owned tablet21:11
seidoslet me see if he's online21:11
bioterrormaheanuu, googling about your chipset21:11
iinameseidos, http://www.fic.com.tw/product/tvb00.aspx21:11
maheanuuI know, I live only 17 miles from Bora Bora and I see it out my back window off in the distance...  But as far as Linux goes I am in a desert21:11
seidosiiname: he's not online :(21:11
seidosmaheanuu: well, if you get too lonely, just go outside and enjoy the beautiful tropical weather.  it's cool and dry here today.21:12
maheanuuI would much rather have this machine working....   i am an OLD retired usn Chief, and retired in Polynesia...  great place to live but we suffer for information...  I study constantly21:13
seidosiiname: it looks spiffy.  does everything else work on it?  can you use it with ubuntu w/ a keyboard and mouse?21:14
seidosmaheanuu: ah, so you want your audio level to be higher so you can watch youtube or something21:15
seidosor the daily show21:15
maheanuuI am having other probs at the same time, I cant do upgrades as it keeps telling me that the files I need are unauthorized and I am caught in a round robin that will not let me upgrade anything21:15
maheanuuNo I use it for Skype and my audio edits21:15
seidosmaheanuu: did you say 10.10?21:15
seidosah, Skype.  not sure about audio editing.21:15
maheanuuI am an old Univac Field engineer so I can follow directions21:16
seidosmaheanuu: did you try 10.10 because 10.04 wasn't working?21:16
seidosmaheanuu: i am not a developer, it may be an issue with the driver.  :|21:16
maheanuuI just like to be able to hear people and things at present I run the audio thru a Ghetto Blaster21:16
maheanuuNo I upgraded about 6 months ago and have loved it21:17
seidosdid you have the problem in 10.04?21:17
bioterroraveilleux, are you familiar with pulseaudio?21:17
bioterroraveilleux, as I'm a lubunteer, I'm familiar only with alsa21:17
maheanuuI didn't have any problems till I tried to upgrade and the sound went south along with a lot of other things and now I am having this round robin prob that is straight out of Hades21:18
seidosmaheanuu: if you didn't have a problem in 10.04 it maybe a bug in 10.10.  which may take time to get fixed (perhaps even the next release).  if you can't wait, you should install 10.04 again.21:19
bioterrorseidos, you're not really helping with this21:19
seidosbioterror: go on21:20
maheanuuMan, you asking that I dump all these files I have accumulated and reinstall 10.04?21:20
bioterrormaheanuu, exactly :D21:20
seidosmaheanuu: no, i didn't say to "dump your files"21:20
seidosbioterror: an installation always means erasing one's data?21:21
maheanuuI am a Photographer (or I think I am) and I have almost a TB of photos and music on this machine21:21
iinameseidos, what should I do?21:22
seidosiiname: can you get it working with keyboard and mouse?21:22
seidosmaheanuu: if they are in /home/$USER they shouldn't get affected during install.21:23
bioterrormaheanuu, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/119052 this is not much help, I think :D21:23
iinameseidos,  I am on that tablet, just installed updated, mobile brandband connected with wvdial it works wonderfully21:23
seidosiiname: so it works great, except for the touchpad?21:23
iinameseidos,  kboard and mouse are external21:23
maheanuugoing there now21:23
iinameseidos,  yes21:23
iinameseidos,  i have not tested audio21:24
seidosiiname: i don't know.  try to find a driver for the touchpad, and try to load it.21:24
iinameseidos, wimax is not tested either21:24
iinameseidos,  but i am now on 10.04 touch does not work by default21:24
seidosiiname: yeah, i read.  2x usb ports21:25
iinameseidos,  i think 10.04 does not have the packages so I need to install the packages to find if it works21:25
seidosiiname: i am not sure if there is a kernel module that needs to be loaded.21:25
maheanuuOk, I have tried that about 20 times and it tells me it is looking for the Sound but never finds it21:25
bioterrormaheanuu, what?21:26
maheanuuhere's the ans I get "Waiting for sound system to respond"21:26
bioterrormaheanuu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149506121:27
seidosiiname: i don't know.  maybe netbook remix enables the touchscreen?21:27
maheanuuThat is what I get and I sit there and nothing and I mean NOTHING happens for hours21:27
iinameseidos, http://mt-dev.blogspot.com/2010/08/getting-ps3-eye-to-work.html   shoudl i follow this?21:27
seidosiiname: er ps3 eye?  i don't see the connection.21:28
bioterrormaheanuu, you have to delete .pulse -folder in your home directory21:28
iinameseidos,  I don't know, it appeared to be instructions for installing multitouch ???21:28
seidosiiname: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch :|21:31
seidosthis is the first time i've heard of "multitouch"21:31
bioterrormaheanuu, after deleting .pulse folder, you have to run command /usr/bin/pulseaudio21:31
seidosiiname: sudo apt-get install utouch ?21:33
seidosgotta' check the wiki before google21:35
seidossince google doesn't always make the wiki a hit21:35
maheanuubak,  Bioterror I will look for it now...21:36
seidoswell, if you search for "multitouch ubuntu support" the wiki isn't a hit21:36
seidos"testing" yes...but not support21:36
seidosi'll create a page for it on help.ubuntu.com/community/multitouch with the word "support" and the command to install the utouch package21:39
maheanuuI did and here is what I got back... "W: ratelimit.c: 4 events suppressed W: ratelimit.c: 1 events suppressed W: ratelimit.c: 1 events suppressed W: ratelimit.c: 1 events suppressed "21:41
bioterrormaheanuu, can you now adjust volume?21:42
maheanuuI don't know will try brb21:42
maheanuuBio, you da one....   Maruru roa....   I wurking again21:44
bioterrorno need for reinstallation, seidos21:44
bioterrormaheanuu, hope you use Nikon cameras when you do photographing ;)21:45
maheanuuI really like what you did......   I appreciate it very much...     I do...   I have 2 Nikons a D70 and a D200 And presently am saving my pennies to buy a D300i21:46
bioterrorgood ;)21:46
bioterrorD1x and D80 here21:46
maheanuuMy photo site is http://mah.smugmug.com/other/anoceanapart/  Feel free to browse and take anything that suits your fancy I am not a pro but when I grow up I hope to be21:47
maheanuuKnew that there was a reason I liked you <grin>21:47
maheanuuWhere you located?21:48
maheanuuNice place....  And superb living standards...  I left the USA as things were falling apart and I wanted to be free21:49
maheanuuI am now a French National, best thing I ever did21:49
seidosbioterror: i don't believe it21:50
maheanuubio, care to try on my biggie, the non update problem???21:50
seidosi also didn't know the problem was a "volume adjustment problem", but a volume level problem.21:50
seidosi should probably stick to writing21:51
maheanuuBio, I thought that I explained that to seidos21:52
maheanuuAt least you understood it was a level thingey.....   I had everything maxed out and said so and still the level was inaudible21:53
maheanuuOk seiuno, would you like to work on my biggie with me?21:54
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seiunomaheanuu: i just got out of the shower.  i don't think i can help you though.  not enough knowledge :(22:20
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JomikHeya guys! New question of the day XD Is it possible to password protect folders/directories in linux? XD22:40
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JackyAlcineHm, I don't think with directories, but 'tis possible with cryptfs, no?23:10

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