
czajkowskiTechnoviking: ping06:03
kim0Morning folks07:43
dpmhey kim0, good morning!08:35
dholbachgood morning08:45
duanedesignerr, good morning08:45
dpmhey dholbach09:04
dpmhey duanedesign09:04
dholbachhola dpm09:04
dpmis it only me, or wiki.ubuntu.com is all over the place in Firefox?09:09
dholbachdpm, it looks good to me?09:11
dpmhm, I'm trying to upload a screen capture, but it's taking ages...09:12
duanedesigndholbach: /811:39
duanedesignoops ;)11:39
Technovikingczajkowski: pong15:34
czajkowskihmm now what di dI want you for.15:34
czajkowskiohh yes moderate my mail please :)15:34
czajkowskiThank you15:35
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Technovikingmorning jono, do you have time today for a phone/skype call?15:56
jonoTechnoviking, this afternoon I can, but I am on the phone all morning16:00
jonojcastro, dpm, kim0, dholbach about to fire up Skype16:01
Technovikingjono: anytime betwen 2pm and 4:30pm MST would work for me16:03
Technovikingand if todays suck, its all cool16:04
dholbachjono, sorry, something with pulse/indicators just exploded - I couldn't hear you16:04
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* vish wonders if dholbach's audio problem is cause of a bad jono! ;p https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=635698 16:21
ubot2Gnome bug 635698 in GStreamer "Jono Bacon breaks GStreamer (missing audioresample in transcoding pipeline)" [Normal,New]16:21
vishj/k ;p16:21
jcastrokim0: don't ask, make them do it16:25
jcastro"congrats, you're giving a session for cloud week, what slot do you want?"16:25
kim0lol :)16:26
Technovikingjcastro: is elmo still head of Canonical IS?16:26
kim0jcastro: you're da man16:26
jcastroTechnoviking: dunno, everything's reorganized16:26
vishdpm: hey, you mentioned wiki.ubuntu breakage, are you using FF4?  (the header is broken and oddly displaced for me here in FF4..)16:27
dpmvish, yeah, that's exactly it. It's broken on FF4, but looks ok in Chromium16:27
dpmvish, I've just mentioned it on #ubuntu-website16:30
vish neat! :)16:30
dpmlet's see if someone answers first, though :)16:30
* vish glares at the wiki till then.. 16:31
vishdpm: we can change the theme to anything other than light and all seems fine..16:31
* vish mentions it on #u-website too..16:32
dholbachalright my friends16:50
dholbachI'm going to call it a day16:50
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:50
cjohnstonjono: can we schedule about 15 minutes tomorrow please? Anytime between 0900 and 1800 EST works for me17:44
jonocjohnston, what do you need to discuss?17:44
jcastroakgraner: hey I had a plumbing accident and there's a dude here working and making a ton of noise18:11
jcastroakgraner: how's tomorrow for you?18:11
doctormojcastro: What did you do?18:12
jcastrosink's clogged18:12
jcastroprobably food18:12
doctormoFlame thrower, that'll sort it.18:12
cjohnstonjcastro: you may be interested in the meeting im trying to schedule with jono as well18:14
jonocjohnston, what specifically about it?18:14
cjohnstonThe theming of it.. Trying to get sorted out how to fix it18:15
jonocjohnston, I can do tomorrow at 10am Pac18:15
cjohnstonThere are a couple bugs filed against the theme.18:15
jonowould that work?18:15
jonocjohnston, ok it is in18:16
jonolet's do it on Skype18:16
cjohnstonthanks jono18:16
jonocheers :-)18:17
Technovikingjcastro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1693711 :)18:26
jcastroTechnoviking: I found a better one yesterday18:27
akgranerjcastro, I'm traveling tomorrow to LA for SCaLE looks like we'll have to schedule it for next week :-)18:28
jcastroakgraner: is that ok with you?18:28
cjohnstonakgraner: take me with you18:28
jcastroI don't want to screw up a deadline or something18:28
akgranerjcastro, yep - I'll make it work :-)18:29
akgranercjohnston, how was Vegas?18:29
cjohnstonVery nice18:29
cjohnstonPreferred NC better tho18:29
jcastroTechnoviking: it was one about "why don't you post on the forums" or something18:29
jcastroand one guy was like "it's too strict here, all I was doing was posting serial numbers to Windows"18:29
TechnovikingI'm asking to create a sub-forum for natty, for livly Natty and Unity discussion to keep it out of the CC. Sound good?18:30
jcastrowhy not just push them into the natty forum?18:31
Technovikingjcastro: some people want to keep it separate.18:34
Technovikingoff to class, bbl18:34
jcastrowell whatever, I kind of lost hope after my attempts to deblingify it18:35
czajkowskiis that a new word18:36
Technovikingjcastro: some of the mods feel the most of the natty related threads are usually moans and groans not tech discussion.18:51
Technovikingirc in the class room rocks:)18:51
jcastrook so like the tech threads on natty I can count in one hand18:52
jcastrowhy not just recurring?18:52
Technovikingthat has been suggested also18:54
czajkowskiTechnoviking: on the forums18:59
czajkowskiis there anything there now about UGJ ?18:59
czajkowskiTechnoviking: I want to post http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/02/23/ubuntu-global-jam-coming-soon/  if there isn't but don't know where18:59
jcastroif anything you'd think we'd be reducing the amount of subforums19:02
jcastroakgraner: good news, he finished early19:03
jcastroI am all set!19:03
akgranerjcastro, cool...can you give me 15 mins or so19:03
czajkowskiwhy is it before vacation/holiday time off one works three times as hard to make sure the work is done anyways19:03
akgranergotta finish something :-)19:03
* czajkowski is still at work 19:03
jcastroakgraner: no worries, I am gree from now until EOD, so whatever's best for you.19:04
akgranerjcastro, thanks a million and one!19:04
jcastrobless my heart!19:05
Technovikingczajkowski: don't think so19:05
czajkowskiTechnoviking: can you tell me where it should go19:05
* czajkowski is very blind in the forums 19:05
Technovikingpost to the Community Cafe, and I will link a forum wide announement to it19:06
czajkowskiTechnoviking: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=11  <-- there?19:06
czajkowskithanks Technoviking19:08
czajkowskilogging offf19:09
czajkowskijono: see meeting in -meeting now19:10
czajkowskifor edubuntu and bug jam taking place19:10
Technovikingczajkowski: stuck thread and gave you member badge:)19:12
doctormopleia2: Could you review for me before I post to my blog? http://blip.tv/file/480486919:56
pleia2doctormo: sure, hopefully won't get interrupted by phone :)19:58
doctormopleia2: thanks! *hugs*19:58
pleia2doctormo: I think it's good20:09
* pleia2 hugs20:09
pleia2now I want to respond to it :)20:09
doctormopleia2: http://doctormo.org/2011/02/23/ubuntu-inspiration/20:10
doctormopleia2: great reply, thanks! :-)20:19
Technovikingczajkowski: ok, the UGJ is all set on the forums20:22
czajkowskitechnoviking thank uou20:23
TechnovikingFuduntu? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163710420:53
czajkowskiFinally home21:12
czajkowskiTechnoviking: what do you mean all set?21:16
Technovikingczajkowski: put an announcement on the front page. sp everyone who visits the forums should see it.21:21
Technovikingjono: still have time for a call later?21:22
jonoTechnoviking, sure, I need to finish some things up first, can I ping you in a bit?21:23
Technovikingjono: sounds good21:23
czajkowskiTechnoviking: ahh ok. Thanks21:24
jono_pleia2, hey22:18
jono_pleia2, http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/02/23/ubuntu-developer-summit-sponsorship-now-open/22:18
jono_would you happy to blog about the Ubuntu Women campaign?22:18
Technovikingjcastro_: ping22:27
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AlanBelljcastro_: can you remove my sponsorship application please (it is a silly one from some time ago, probably with dinosaur meat as a special dietary requirement or something)22:42
pleia2jono_: yeah, I'll work on a post tonight22:44
jcastroAlanBell: sure.22:55
jcastroAlanBell: just ack me one more time before I clicky22:55
AlanBellnuke it from orbit, it is the only way to be sure22:57
AlanBelldon't think I am actually going to apply for this one, just don't want it going round Canonical with me looking like a prat22:58
jcastrook done22:59
AlanBellgreat, thanks23:00
jcastroscored Adele tickets.23:01
Technovikingit seems like you would fill out this form after you know if you got sponsorship? https://forms.canonical.com/udsreg/23:09
Technovikingheading out in a few minute, have a good night23:39
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