
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !1337 is <alias> leet04:09
IdleOne !1337 is <alias> leet04:59
ubottu1337 has been forgotten, use '!unforget 1337' to edit it again04:59
IdleOne!unforget 133704:59
ubottuI suddenly remember 1337 again, IdleOne04:59
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.04:59
IdleOne!1337 > AtomicSpark05:00
ubottuIn ubottu, Senjai|AFK said: nickchange is Because users refer to you by name when providing a solution, it is best to use a nickname that is easy to type and avoid characters like _, [, or ] in your nickname. Type /nick newnickname to change your nickname or see !nick for more info.05:55
ikonia /join #puppylinux08:51
* topyli calls osnews08:51
ikoniaha ha, I've joined #gentoo too,08:51
ikoniadoes that mean I am a gentoo user ?08:52
topylia #gentoo user :)08:53
ikoniatrue, I follow some of the patches they user, some good work there08:55
Jordan_UCan someone who speaks spanish / italian confirm that usuario and PATRI in #ubuntu are trolls?09:47
Tm_Tusuario... sounds familiar09:49
Tm_T"user" ?09:50
Jordan_UI'm tired so I'd rather not op right now but I didn't want to just let that continue.09:50
Tm_TJordan_U: well done, would have done the same09:50
Jordan_UTm_T: Do you mind taking it from here? It's almost 2:00 AM and I'm too tired to op. Just didn't want to let that continue.09:51
Jordan_UThat was an autobleh 10 minute quiet, so unless I stop it they will be unquieted.09:52
Tm_TJordan_U: I'll keep an eye, thanks (:09:52
Jordan_UTm_T: Thanks.09:53
* Jordan_U goes to sleep.09:53
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sy`I don't remember how I got banned. >.<15:36
Picisy`: I'll go take a look then, one moment.15:37
Picisy`: Which channel are you trying to join?15:41
sy`The ubuntu-offtopic, I believe I remember why I was banned. Because I said "wtf".15:42
Picisy`: It looks someone asked you to watch your language, and all you could provide was a snarky response.15:46
sy`Sounds about right. I didn't really like how he approached me I suppose at the time.15:47
Picisy`: Do you understand that we have a policy regarding polite language and topic in our channels?15:48
sy`Yes I do, I just didn't realize that "wtf" was cryptic, so that is my fault.15:48
Picisy`: Okay, can I take that as an agreement that you'll mind your language in the future?15:49
sy`Yes and can I recieve the link to the policy please?15:49
Picisy`: Sure.15:49
Pici!guidelines | sy`15:49
ubottusy`: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:49
sy`Thank you.15:50
Picisy`: The ban is gone, have a nice day.15:50
sy`Thanks alot, and you too.15:50
Piciikonia: I removed one of your bans in #u-ot, after talking with the user.  It was rather old, from the beginning of December.15:51
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werhsup niggas16:46
werhim a true gangsta16:47
werhfuck freenode16:47
werhfuck u16:47
werhfuck everyone16:47
werhban me16:47
macotrue gangster? got a fedora and a nice wool suit?16:47
IdleOnepin striped of course16:47
PiciI have a headache.17:52
IdleOnetake two shots of tequila and fall down.17:53
mneptok"How long have you been following this guy?" the bellboy asked. "Not long enough, 'cause we got here too late."18:16
mneptok"Everybody wants another piece of pie today," he said, "You gotta watch the ones that always keep their hands clean."18:16
mneptokIT'S THE BIG HEAT!18:16
ubottuIn ubottu, khamer said: hyperlink is a thing you can click on that take you to places on the Internet!19:26
Pici!scope > khamer19:26
ikoniaPici: not a problem, thank you20:28
ikonia!info bombono20:56
ubottuPackage bombono does not exist in maverick20:56
gnomefreakikonia: bombono-dvd20:58
gnomefreak! bombono-dvd20:58
PiciI thought it was 'bonobo'20:59
ikoniaalready got it20:59
gnomefreakah ok20:59
* Pici was wrong20:59
gnomefreakbot isnt replying20:59
Picignomefreak: Thats because you didn't use !info20:59
gnomefreakoh nevermind i forgot info20:59
gnomefreakim thinking of a reason to get back in bed for the remander of the day possibily the remander of the week21:00
ikoniahow did master find is way into ubuntu if he's using snow leopard, and then start asking about macs, he must have made a decision to join the network and channel then start asking21:07
gnomefreakit seems that way21:08
gnomefreakmac doesnt come with a irc client nor is it set to any ubuntu channels21:08
BluesKajok , I'm here21:14
ikoniaBluesKaj: on moment21:14
ikoniakeodren: can we help you ?21:14
ikoniaBluesKaj: sorry about that21:15
ikoniaBluesKaj: if you have a complaint or issue to discuss, please do so21:15
ikoniait's better in here than smart comments in #ubuntu21:15
BluesKajwell ,it was merely a joke21:15
IdleOneBluesKaj: the thing is that those "funny" comments incite other users to start making funny comments21:16
ikoniait wasn't funny, it was insulting21:16
IdleOneif there is a real issue though you are always welcome to bring it up in here21:16
ikoniaBluesKaj: have you any idea of the history/private conversation I'd had with the user before that ?21:16
BluesKajare you accusing me of inciting ? well if that's the case , I'll refrain21:16
IdleOneyou can also see /msg ubottu !appeals to email the IRCC.21:17
IdleOneBluesKaj: I am not accusing you of anything. I am just pointing out that those types of comments invite the trolls to start up also21:17
ikoniaBluesKaj: not acusing you of inciting, just showing how smart mouth comments are a.) insulting b.) a leader for others to join in21:17
ikoniaBluesKaj: more so when you don't know the history or conversation had with that user21:18
BluesKajinteresting how it becomes anvissue so quickly when you guys comment on a comment , tho21:18
ikoniait's not21:18
ikoniayou made an comment that was insulting and suggestive in the channel with no history, I said if you have issue, join here to discuss it21:18
ikoniait's better to talk about an issue in here than provoke more discussion/comment sin #ubuntu21:19
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
BluesKajikonia , do you want me to leave , ubuntu , then I will ?...I don't need this21:20
ikonianot at all21:20
ikoniado you want to stop with the smart mouth insulting comments that you had no idea of the history on ?21:20
BluesKajwell, that's it for here21:20
ikoniahe persistantly refuses to follow the topics of the channels he's in21:21
ikoniahe's in #kubuntu-offtopic now doing support because he won't take it to #kubuntu21:21
ikoniathen when you ask him to you get attitude21:21
IdleOnesupport in -offtopic is one of those things I am on the fence about. If it is not disrupting the channel I don't see it as a problem.21:22
IdleOnebut yeah, I see your point also21:22
ikoniaas it currently stands the policy is no support in -offtopic, if I agree or not is not important, but that's the policy as I underatand it21:23
ikoniaplus I'm just using it as an example21:23
IdleOneI agree with you on that. We are here to support the policies.21:24
IdleOneWhat I meant by seeing your point was about the attitude thing21:24
gnomefreakproblem i have is that there is _nothing_ going on in #kubuntu so its not like you can get lost21:24
ikoniagnomefreak: all the more reason to take support there21:25
IdleOneI'm not in #k-ot but if it anything like #u-ot that is not the right place for support21:25
* gnomefreak agrees but if i say something i am likely to get into trouble, i am not in the best of moods21:26
ikoniait's not quite as bad,21:26
tsimpsonwe don't have an "absolutely no support in -ot" policy21:26
ikoniano but BluesKaj (as a current example) does nothing but support in -ot21:26
ikoniaand I'm only using the support in -ot as an example, not creating another issue21:26
tsimpsonwe have a general recommendation that support is better in the main channel, and people should move support chat to the support channel when asked (if it disrupts the -ot channel)21:27
gnomefreaksupport ok but it is best to keep ubuntu support in the support channels. for example if you have a win question -ot is ok with me but general ubuntu support should stay in support channels if possible21:27
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=== Pici` is now known as Pici

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