
reya276Hey does anyone know how to troubleshoot Bluetooth device issues00:11
mhall119itnet7: we were scheduled to have a team meeting last night12:14
mhall119looks like I wasn't the only one to have missed it12:15
mhall119itnet7: I added you space coast meetup to LD13:25
* mhall119 wanted to see an Ubuntu logo pin on Florida in the new events map13:25
calijameshi everyone15:47
calijamesim cali. nice to meet you15:48
calijamesi am new to irc or this chat thing15:48
calijamesi was browsing the channel list , the servers, there is a lot of them15:48
mhall119oh nevermind16:36
maxolasersquadUnfortunately our SLA does not guaruntee a 3 minutes response time.16:38
jck77good afternoon !18:45
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