
ChinnoDogsup peeps15:38
toggleschickens arse when it's eating15:39
ChinnoDoghi Dossy16:47
Dossyhi ChinnoDog :)16:47
ChinnoDogjust saying hi16:48
* andrew waits for dreamhost to update their one-click install to wordpress 3.116:54
=== jedijf is now known as yoda_van
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf
ChinnoDogjedijf: Whats new in the land of Breadman?20:42
andrewpleia2: http://www.newser.com/story/112726/san-francisco-expects-first-snow-in-35-years.html21:35
PennBotTitle: San Francisco Snow: City Might Get First Snowfall in 35 Years on Saturday (at www.newser.com)21:35
andrewSee! It *did* find you!21:35
andrewYou can run, but you can't hide!21:35
ChinnoDogI bet there are some nice sledding hills in SF21:36
pleia2andrew: I mentioned that in #plug this morning, I'm going to be in LA this weekend21:36
pleia2I will miss the potential snow :(21:47
andrewpleia2: 1) That would require me to remember what happened hours ago 2) Read/follow IRC conversations 3) hrm... must prevent you from leaving snow area... or hope it waits for your return21:51
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
TravelerIn class doing subnetting23:58

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