
stasnewz2000: ping10:56
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dpmhey all. Has there been any change in the wiki theme recently? I noticed this morning the theme is broken on Firefox 4 (the header is oddly displaced to the far left), and someone else just confirmed it16:29
vishthe wiki problem with FF4 is only with the new light theme, if we change the theme there is no problem with the header16:32
dakervish, dpm it's the new light theme16:43
dakerit's v2 :)16:43
vishdaker: started happening only today i think..16:43
dakerno 2 or 3 days ago i think16:44
vishdaker: v2 of what? ;p16:44
vish(more mess ;p)16:44
dakerv2 of the light theme16:44
dakervish, http://is.gd/zYiL2A16:44
vishdaker: yea, i was just kidding, with everyone complaining about it ;)16:44
dakerah ok16:45
vishdaker: you fixed it already?16:45
dakerfix what ?16:45
vishdaker: how come you dont have any breakage..? or is that an old screenshot?16:46
dakerno it's the actual theme :)16:46
dakervish, i am using FF 4.0b12pre16:47
dakervish, screenshot pls16:47
vishdaker: hmm, well chrome displays it like that.. but in FF4 is broken..16:47
* vish grabs Sshot16:47
vishdaker: http://i.imgur.com/3KgnF.png16:53
vishthats using FF 4.0b12pre from the mozilla team ppa16:54
* Turl has fx4 and hasn't got any breakage - looks like the picture16:54
Turlvish: lol, that looks like you're missing half of the css16:55
dakervish have you tried to clear the cache ?16:55
Turltry a full refresh, or clear the cache16:55
vishyea, i did think about clearing the cache.. was just lazy16:56
* vish clears now :)16:56
vish*now* its normal! :)16:57
vishdpm: clear the cache and see if that fixes it :)16:57
vishdaker: Turl: thanks..16:57
Turlubuntu servers do heavy caching, are you using different file names for the css and such? :p16:58
Turljust wondering16:58
vishnah, i dont do anything specific for the css16:58
Turlvish: are you developing the theme?16:58
vishnope. :)16:59
vishjust a user ;)16:59
vishand often will complain/whine if something breaks ;p16:59
dpmyeah, clearing the cache fixes it, but I'm wondering how many users know how to do it17:00
vishdaker: btw, how is the menubar, displayed as a button for you? for me it is "Minefield"17:08
vishnot the icon but text is used..17:09
dakerhmm ?17:10
vishdaker: check out the top right of my screenshot17:10
visherr, left.. :)17:11
dakeri dunno just installed FF from the ppa17:11
vishdaker: oh, or is that some app tab, something you got pinned there?17:12
dakerno it's "Minefield"17:12
vishdaker: what does your first tab do? (the one with the minefield icon)17:13
vishi think i just confused your first app tab with the minefield compact menu17:14
dakervish, http://is.gd/XDpcpZ17:15
vishdaker: i had never seen it :)17:15
vishnice! dint know about this about:home.. is this something new with FF4?17:16
dakeri dunno17:16
dakervish, just released that, it's a pinned tab (about:home)17:17
vishyea.. pretty neat though..17:17
dakerbut i don't use FF :)17:19
vishpff.. ;p17:19
dakeri am a Chromium fan17:19
vishi've got too used to some of the FF extensions,and i'm addicted now ;)17:20
knomemessages with no subject are rendered inaccessible in the web interface of mailman20:19
knomefor example, see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2010-December/thread.html#start20:19
knomeis this known, and if not, would you like a bug?20:20
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