
mr_gnuJonii: I don't have a swap since I have 8 gigs of ram. But that's my preference.00:00
mickster04mr_gnu: well if you wanna use hybernate that won't help any00:00
ActionParsnipJonii: you need swap for hibernate00:00
Noxes42ikonia: Could it possibly be the PCI slot itself? If I were to move the card to another slot, would that make a difference?00:00
Guest93163ok so i can ssh in but only as root00:00
mr_gnumickster04: I never hibernate lol.00:00
mickster04Jonii: but if you don't mind just using sleep, then you don't really need it :p00:00
Guest93163is that normal?00:00
mickster04mr_gnu: me neither00:00
geekbriJonii: the only harm it causes is not having that space available as normal storage.... :)00:00
ActionParsnipGuest93163: me neither00:01
Joniigeekbri, well, I do have more than enough space00:01
mickster04Guest93163: depends if you are doing root@server00:01
immyhow can i delete an encrypted partition created with disk utility?00:01
mickster04Jonii: in which case make a swap partition00:01
Guest93163i tried dave@server and got host terminated00:01
drcmr_gnu: but jonii is from .fi and it gets cold there in the winter00:01
mickster04Guest93163: is dave an account on the server?00:01
Geocan someone tell me a c++ help channel?00:02
sparky44i need to organize music on my walkman on ubuntu 10.10 whats the best to use00:02
ActionParsnipGeo: #c++ or #programming00:02
sparky44what program is best to use i mean00:02
mickster04sparky44: banshee and ryhtm box both have that ability i believe00:02
ActionParsnipsparky44: there is no best00:02
mickster04!best | sparky4400:02
neyhayYankDownUnder: It doesn't seem to want to mount.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/570835/00:02
ubottusparky44: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:02
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GeoActionPaesnip thx00:02
PhoenixSTFHow do I apply a patch to the lucid kernel? do i Have to recompile?00:02
mr_gnudrc: lol00:02
macoPhoenixSTF: yes00:03
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.00:03
YankDownUnderneyhay, What happens when you try to manually mount the /dev/sdb1 mate?00:03
JoniiAnd, help page says I should use ext3, but it's good to use ext4?00:04
mickster04Jonii: just use ext400:04
mickster04Jonii: that help page may be slighty behind...:p00:04
mickster04Jonii: ext4 is still relatively new00:04
functorHow do I blacklist the rt2860 mod(s) in 10.10 netbook in order to use the official one?00:04
functorit seems lsmod has a bunch of them00:05
mickster04!blacklist > functor00:05
ubottufunctor, please see my private message00:05
PhoenixSTFmaco: great how about upgrading lucid server kernel to 2.6.32-25, how do i do that?00:05
immyhow can i delete a "dm-X" device - n is an integer00:05
JoniiSo, I'm making root(that is, "/" as mount point), but why is it logical and not primary? Logical seems less worthy than primary, and my windows partitions are primary00:05
JoniiDoes this matter at all?00:06
sparky44mickster04 thanks and sorry for saying best meant had thoes capabilities00:06
immycan i just go into /dev and sudo rm?00:06
mickster04Jonii: don't worry bout it00:06
functormickster04: rather, "which ones" should i blacklist00:06
ActionParsnipfunctor: just add a new .conf file in /etc/modprobe.d with a .conf extension wuth the words:  blacklist modulename      in the file00:06
functori know how blackist works00:06
macoPhoenixSTF: -25 is no longer in the repos. it's old. bugfixes have pushed it up to -2800:06
functorthere is rt2800lib and sta, but the official one is different00:06
ActionParsnipfunctor: just blacklist what you don't want00:07
JoniiSo I select logical, and choose the amount of memory as installation program suggested, and use ext400:07
Guest93163does anyone know the default password for openssh00:07
macoPhoenixSTF: you could dig it up on launchpad.net if you /really/ want00:07
jribGuest93163: there isn't such a thing00:07
ActionParsnipGuest93163: there isn;t one00:07
mr_gnuJonii: You really only need to use logical if you are seperating your "/" partitions00:07
ActionParsnipGuest93163: you use YOUR account to connect00:07
mickster04Jonii: well you shouldn't need to select either logical or primary, it should have been chosen for you?00:07
rwwGuest93163: openssh uses your user account passwords for authentication00:07
Joniimickster04, yeah, it's autoselected as logical00:07
Guest93163then why if i try to login as root@server and i give the password i use for sudo it fails authentication00:07
=== Geo is now known as guest0000
KB1JWQrww: Or ssh keypairs.00:07
macoGuest93163: becauase that's your user's password, not root's00:08
macoGuest93163: root has no password00:08
macoGuest93163: use your username00:08
mickster04Guest93163: cos is shouldbe that sudo isn't an account on the server00:08
JoniiBut this seems a bit weird00:08
PhoenixSTFmaco: yes well i am talking about lucid server, im how can i upgrade the kernel on it? apt-get upgrade wont go above 2.6.32-2100:08
ActionParsnipGuest93163: there is no root pass, that's why. Login as your own user00:08
JoniiBut, I select logical, and it's all good, right?00:08
macoPhoenixSTF: do you not have the security or updates repositories enabled?00:08
mickster04Jonii: if that is what is defaulted yes00:08
macoPhoenixSTF: check your /etc/apt/sources.list00:08
PhoenixSTFmaco: never mixed on sources....00:08
neyhayYankDownUnder: tried both ext3 and 4  http://paste.ubuntu.com/570841/00:09
pareliare there any other way to do so new windows get centered other than using compiz?00:09
Guest93163geniuses the lot of ya00:09
jribpareli: you could use devilspie00:09
jrib!devilspie | pareli00:09
ubottupareli: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie00:09
PhoenixSTFmaco: i have all security updates and repositories enable, on apt-get upgrade is says some have been keeped back00:10
Guest93163thanks alot then fellas/lasses im off to play with me ssh terminal00:10
ActionParsnipGuest93163: the sooner you forget about root, the better dude00:10
Guest93163i dont know why i tried root00:10
Guest93163frustration i imagine00:10
macoPhoenixSTF: and lists the kernels specifically?00:10
ActionParsnipGuest93163: if you connect with:  ssh -X name@server   you can use X forwarded apps :)00:10
pareliubottu: so no other way than using 3rd party software?00:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:10
PhoenixSTFmaco: its syas linux generic pae00:11
mr_gnuIs the "auto-complete" feature to search the repos in apt-get a some what new feature/patch? I don't remember it in the past.00:11
Jonii"Make sure you've a root and swap partition and that your windows partition has a mount point so you can access it."00:11
Guest93163im using an android phone as the client so i dunno about that00:11
JoniiHow do I do this? Does doing this risk breaking my windows?00:11
macoPhoenixSTF: and if you run "sudo apt-get update" that doesnt change anything?00:11
PhoenixSTFmaco : The following packages have been kept back:00:11
PhoenixSTF  linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae00:11
Guest93163well im off to play anyway. thanks guys00:11
jribpareli: well presumably you're asking how to do in metacity since you specified wanting to avoid compiz, and metacity is meant to be a very straight-forward window manager.  So yes, you need to use something like devilspie00:11
ActionParsnippareli: http://jetpackweb.com/blog/2009/08/06/ubuntu-tip-force-new-windows-to-open-centered-on-the-desktop/00:12
JoniiLike, how do I make sure windows partition has a mount point?00:13
mr_gnuGood ol' windows, gotta love the dual boot. ^_~00:13
toastyjusticeI am trying to run a couple commands in the background using "at now", but nothing seems to be happening, nor is a job created, maybe I am doing something wrong?00:14
PhoenixSTFmaco : is it on backports?00:14
gr8Qanyone run playonlinux here00:15
jribtoastyjustice: we can only know if you tell us what you are doing00:15
jribgr8Q: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:15
JoniiWindows partition, mount point?00:15
ActionParsniptoastyjustice: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV   has an example of 'at' being used at the bottom00:15
toastyjusticeLike: at now; touch /tmp/test;00:15
nRydoes anyone know I can search if my system has a driver named: ds9490r00:15
toastyjusticeDoesn't create the file00:15
nRyI need to find out if Ubuntu ships with this driver and if so if I can safely remove it00:16
jribtoastyjustice: you run at now, you get a new line, you type "touch /tmp/test", you press enter, you press ctrl-d00:16
ActionParsnipnRy: try:  sudo modprobe ds9490r      if you get no error, it exists00:17
kj6lxumy organizations email group has huge treads that go back and forth. not every one wants so much email. is there a way to have temporary email groups people can sign up for so thay that the email tread ????00:17
parelican i turn off the capabilities to use mouse in a particular terminal?00:17
toastyjusticeJrib: Perfect, thanks! I knew it had to be the exit keystroke I was messing up00:17
jribpareli: no idea, but I'm curious as to why?00:18
entityHi guys. I wanna grow my ubuntu partition.00:18
jribtoastyjustice: at reads jobs from stdin (that's why it prompts you like that).  You could also do something like: echo touch /tmp/test | at now00:18
ActionParsnipentity: do it in live CD environment00:19
toastyjusticeOh yeah, that pipe uses the prior command as input, right?00:19
parelijrib: i have a transparent terminal in the upper left corner of my desktop, and for more desktop intergration i was thinking of turning of the usage of mouse in that terminal00:19
jribtoastyjustice: command1 | command2 sends stdout from command1 to stdin of command200:19
toastyjusticeGotcha, awesome.00:20
snowrichardjust got hooked up to hughes net satellite internet today00:20
nRyActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/96BuLHmJ00:20
entityAhh ActionParsnip. I remember you. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll get on that.00:20
jribpareli: so you'd want it to sort of pass through?  What do you want it to do when you right click on it?   Act like nothing happened, or act like you right clicked on the desktop?00:20
th0rpareli: depending on what is displayed in the terminal you might be better served to use something like conky00:21
ActionParsnipnRy: if you are root, you don't need sudo00:21
voglsterany experts on routing here?00:21
snowrichardvoip apps like paltalk or skype seem to have a little trouble with the audio streaming though00:21
ActionParsnipvoglster: in what sense00:22
nRyok, but does this mean the driver is not present?00:22
ActionParsnipnRy: you should also run:   mv /etc/modprobe.d/virtualgl /etc/modprobe.d/virtualgl.conf   to supress that message00:22
parelijrib: i want so nothing happens when i click on it, just so when mouseover theres no way to click on the terimnal, the only way i want to use it is by: alt&tab00:22
kj6lxumy organizations email group has huge treads that go back and forth. not every one wants so much email. is there a way to have temporary email groups people can sign up for so thay that the email tread ????00:22
avis-snow erle00:22
ActionParsnipnRy: but no the driver doesn't exist00:22
ActionParsnipvoglster: I can explain spanning tree and OSPF of you like but those are offtopic here00:23
voglsternetwork A attached to internet, network B attached to network A through an ubuntu linux box with 2 nics in it... network B the ubuntu linux box is set to ip_forward and i have internet access on netwrok B00:23
jribpareli: oh I see, you don't want the window to get selected then.  I don't know, but have you looked at options like tilda or yakuake instead?00:23
parelith0r: i am using conky, the terminal is not for displaying anything00:23
ActionParsnipvoglster: ok, what addressing does network B use?00:24
luquiHi, my computer thinks its battery is low when it's not.  Can i tell it not to take any action when it detects the battery is critically low?00:24
ActionParsnipvoglster: ok, just read it00:24
voglsterActionParsnip, /24
JoniiNow, when I install, this setup will remember that it's dual boot, and doesn't destroy my windows loader?00:24
ActionParsnip!ics | voglster00:24
ubottuvoglster: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:24
FirefisheI'm using ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  I currently have:  OpenOffice.org 3.2.1   –   OOO320m19 (Build:9505)  –   ooo-build, Ubuntu package 1:3.2.1-6ubuntu2~10.04.1  --  I've downloaded and uncompressed this file:  OOo_3.3.0_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz  --  What will happen if I run the `update' command from within the top-level directory?00:24
parelijrib: i'l check into that, right now im using xfce4-terminal as the desktop terminal, the terminal itself can be configured to be totaly transparent + noborders, and so on.00:25
voglsterActionParsnip, internet works fine, but noting in network B can access resources in network A00:25
ActionParsnipJonii: grub2 will overwrite the windows loader and will manage the dual boot for you entirely00:25
voglsterActionParsnip, but everything in network A can access network B resources.. http, ssh, rdp etc...00:25
ActionParsnipvoglster: can you ping the IP addresses in LAN A from LAN B00:25
JoniiActionParsnip, sounds good enough00:25
voglsterActionParsnip, and I can both ways00:25
voglsterActionParsnip, ping*00:25
ActionParsnipvoglster: and can you ping names?00:25
voglsterActionParsnip, yup.. dns works fine00:25
shigutsoI have a 1GB flashdrive with badblocks. Is there any Linux command to fix that? Or at least hide the badblocks?00:26
jason__guys, do i need a chromium apparmor profile? or it's ok the way as it is?00:26
ActionParsnipvoglster: ok, what resources areyou trying to access00:26
voglsterActionParsnip, http, ssh, anything really...00:26
ActionParsnipjason__: seems fine here00:26
ActionParsnipvoglster: are you using the local accounts when you SSH or do you have a domain controller?00:26
jason__ActionParnship, thx :-)00:27
voglsterActionParsnip, i can access those resources on network A's router from network B (i think but id need to verify) but i cannot get to a webserver located somewhere in network A00:27
voglsterActionParsnip, Local00:27
ActionParsnipvoglster: if you can ping the IP then you shouold be able to connect to the services on the system as the logical connection is present00:27
voglsterActionParsnip, my thoughts exactly ;-)00:28
parelijrib: by tilda and yakuka you mean drop-down terminal? for that i'm using guake-terminal00:28
voglsterActionParsnip, guessing its a firewall issue with network A's default gateway00:28
jribpareli: yeah00:28
nRy<ActionParsnip: is that message going to possibly cause any problems on the system?00:28
parelijrib: ok, thanks but il see00:28
ActionParsnipnRy: it means that the file with the bad name isn't being processed, so whatever you added in there isn't being used00:29
parelijrib: into the posibilities on writing your own script for the window not to be selected by mouse00:29
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
ActionParsnipvoglster: have you setup the forwarding of the ports used by the other protocols to go to the other LAN, kinda like an internal port forward00:30
voglsterActionParsnip, nope... in fact the ubuntu box has a blank firewall...00:30
voglsterActionParsnip, just accept all00:30
ActionParsnipvoglster: strange00:30
voglsterActionParsnip, exactly00:31
Jeruvyvoglster: its true, but you can quickly add a deny all rule and then add from there.00:31
ActionParsnipvoglster: maybe you need a rule to push packets  destined to a certain subnet mask down the relevant interface00:32
voglsterActionParsnip, then why is ping working? hehe00:32
ActionParsnipvoglster: not sure, maybe icmp is handled automagically00:32
Bing0Hi. Ubuntu 10.10.  What is the best way to share files between two Ubuntu machines?  I tried SSH but the overhead on the CPU is too high. This is LAN traffic so security isn't important for this.  Thanks!00:33
aeon-ltd!samba | Bing000:33
ubottuBing0: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:33
voglsterBing0, samba?00:33
avis-su do00:33
voglsterActionParsnip, i like that... automagically00:33
ActionParsnipBing0: samba is quick and dirty and will accommodate windows clients should you get any00:33
ActionParsnipvoglster: I'd look at the route table of the central PC to make sure it smells right.00:34
ActionParsnipBing0: its not the best way, as a best way doesn't exist00:34
ActionParsnipBing0: you could setup tftp and it will be quick :)00:35
voglster_ActionParsnip, will do00:35
haroldI need help with swap area. i am pretty novice at this. I have x64 version of maverick. 3gigs ram. do i need swap area?? I allocated free space on HDD of about 20 gigs to swap when i installed.00:35
nRy<ActionParsnip: ah! Thanks for the tip that sounds like it might be important since our system is based on VirtualGL00:36
haroldI need help with swap area. i am pretty novice at this. I have x64 version of maverick. 3gigs ram. do i need swap area?? I allocated free space on HDD of about 20 gigs to swap when i installed.00:36
voglster_ActionParsnip, only 2 routes:     *        U     0      0        0 eth1   *        U     0      0        0 eth0   plus a default00:36
ActionParsnipharold: if you want hibernate then you'll need swap, or if you expect to exhuast your RAM (Large image manipulation or video edittng will do that), You will need 3Gb RAM at least00:37
drcharold: conventional wisdom say swap = ram00:37
ActionParsnipvoglster_: can you pastebin that please, irc is killing the formatting00:37
voglster_harold, you dont "need" swap if you never go over 3 gigs of ram but thats a BAAAD thing.. if you EVER do... system will panic and lock00:38
haroldbut I allocated free space of HDD to swap. I have other partitions which are logical not primary. can i change swap area to them?? Like windows uses pagefile in other partitions???00:38
aeon-ltdharold: i suggest you keep 1gb of swap for scratch space, but if you use hibernate i'd allocate more00:38
davewhello world00:38
cruzjany yahoo for ubuntu00:38
WeThePeopleis it possible to hack a WinXp admin password from ubuntu?00:39
ActionParsnipcruzj: yahoo offer a tonne of services, which do you mean00:39
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: yes00:39
voglster_ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/EnDBUrDr00:39
cruzjyahoo native app for linux00:39
WeThePeopleActionParsnip, would you show me how?00:39
haroldbut I allocated free space of HDD to swap. I have other partitions which are logical not primary. can i change swap area to them?? Like windows uses pagefile in other partitions???00:39
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/resetwindowspassword/00:39
Bing0ActionParsnip, sorry for the delay.  I was aware of Samba but I probably won't need Windows machines.  Does Samba have much overhead(well versus SSH)?00:39
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: that's how "secure" your OS is00:39
ActionParsnipBing0: no, samba is pretty fast and light on CPU00:40
ActionParsnip!info chntpw00:40
ubottuchntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.6-2 (maverick), package size 49 kB, installed size 144 kB00:40
dostojhow can i make changes in configuration editor permanent? in detail: i want the button layout to be like this: close,minimize,maximize:menu. However, everytime I change my system theme, the buttons get reset to the "normal" order, where they appear on the right top of the title bar. I tried both set as default and set mandatory but both didnt help00:40
daniel_treehow long should it take to compile the linux kernel ???00:40
voglster_ActionParsnip, just for good measure... iptables -L00:40
haroldbut I allocated free space of HDD to swap. I have other partitions which are logical not primary. can i change swap area to them?? Like windows uses pagefile in other partitions???00:40
Bing0ActionParsnip, i did consider samba but figured i'd ask in here.  side-question.  When I click connect to server(from task bar) FTP is a choice.  is that as efficient as browsing for files?00:40
voglster_ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/aeHc44rV00:40
Bing0ActionParsnip, or should I just try it and see? :)00:40
ChogyDandaniel_tree: a long time, on the order of hours00:41
voglster_Bing0, other options could be nfs?00:41
haroldhelp here too please00:41
ActionParsnipBing0: sure, it uses 2 ports so is wasteful that way but ftp is light00:41
daniel_treelike 2 or 3 or more ?00:41
Bing0ok thanks00:41
ChogyDandaniel_tree: I guess it depends on how fast a cpu you have00:42
daniel_treeChogyDan, I fallow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild00:42
ActionParsnipvoglster_: I believe you need a route going the other way from the route output you said00:42
blackstaranyone know how can i enable lucid, and maverick to delete my tmp folder, at boot or shutdown, please?00:42
daniel_treeChogyDan, do u think is it necesary to do the last part "using the ubuntu kernel configuration ??00:43
haroldbut I allocated free space of HDD to swap. I have other partitions which are logical not primary. can i change swap area to them?? Like windows uses pagefile in other partitions???00:43
Jordan_USakuya: What problem are you having specifically with SP1 and grub?00:43
haroldguys swap area help please...00:43
ChogyDandaniel_tree: I guess not, what are you trying to do?00:43
WeThePeopleActionParsnip, do you think using knoppix will work instead of using 10.04 live cd00:44
daniel_treeChogyDan, I want to upgrade the kernel.. I have an annoing bug ..hope it will get fixed this way00:44
davewExplain in details how you would modify the system-level Bash configuration files to log the login / logout of every single user on your Linux box.00:45
ChogyDandaniel_tree: there is the mainline kernel ppa, you can get any kernel just without ubuntu patches00:45
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: aslong as you can get that package in, the ultimate boot cd has it too00:45
ActionParsnipblackstar: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_beginner_books/unofficial_ubuntu_starter_guide/index_168.html00:45
Jordan_UActionParsnip: To be fair, it's just as easy if not easier to reset your Ubuntu password if you have physical access.00:45
ActionParsnipblackstar: looks ok but I havent used it00:45
voglster_ActionParsnip, what do you mean?00:45
daniel_treeChogyDan, what ppa ??00:45
ChogyDandaniel_tree: mainline kernel00:45
ActionParsnipJordan_U: root pass is a little harder ;)00:46
daniel_treeChogyDan, can u give me some more details pls ?? i dont understand00:46
daniel_treeChogyDan, where can I get this ppa from ?00:47
Jordan_UActionParsnip: No, it's not. But this is getting offtopic.00:47
ActionParsnipJordan_U: aye00:47
ChogyDandaniel_tree: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/    download and install the ones you want00:47
bc81dostoj: i dont know of a way to make it permanent, so maybe create a script that you can execute to easily put them back00:48
blackstarthanks Action00:48
davewExplain in details how you would modify the system-level Bash configuration files to log the login / logout of every single user on your Linux box. can anyone answer this00:48
sasy360guys i'm trying to compile a software and it needs a package but it's packaged with a little different in title so it could not find it00:48
parelii cant't seem to open gconf-conf, isn't gconf-conf standard on gnome?00:49
SakuyaJordan_U:  this http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itproSP/thread/9083e953-f06c-4041-8977-115235359e2300:49
Zosohey does anyone know where to point me to a chat about LDAP/SAMBA00:49
allisonvollsasy360: what is the package?00:49
daniel_treeChogyDan, should I cancel compiling the kernel ??and try this ppa method ?? or would it take as long ?00:49
ActionParsnippareli: gconf-editor do you mean?00:49
Roman34Every 60 seconds (exactly) the sound goes mute if I use build in loudspeaker but never happens with headphones (works just fine) on Ubuntu 10.10, any clue?00:49
shcherbakpareli: gconf-editor ?00:49
WeThePeopleActionParsnip, LOL, this is so easy!!00:49
bc81dostoj: something like this: http://pastebin.com/mRwALAuV   (make executable, click it when you wan the button layout back)00:50
blackstarActionParsnip .. the files does not exist on lucid or maverick00:50
ChogyDandaniel_tree: the ppa would only take a few minutes, the other a few hours.  It is allot quicker.  You should be able to try and install some of the ppa kernels while the compile is running00:50
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: yeah, its good for helping folks who forget their admin pass :)00:50
sasy360allisonvoll: actually i'm on sabayon. trying to compile midori and it needs valac but it's packaged as vala00:50
dostojbc81, thanks, i will try that00:51
daniel_treeChogyDan, is it ok if I install the latest one v.26.38 -rc6 natty on 10.10 ?00:51
allisonvollsasy360: you can do # apt-cache search valac00:51
pareliActionParsnip: gconf-editor is that the gnome registry editor?00:51
ActionParsnipblackstar: it assumes server which runs syslogd00:52
pareliActionParsnip: that did the trick00:52
allisonvollsasy360: if you want to compile by hand, probably you will need the -dev package with contains librarys and headers files00:52
ActionParsnippareli: its the gnome settings editor, its similar to the windows registry but isnt nearly as sensitive00:52
blackstarok, how about and a desktop can  that be enable also?00:52
nRyactionparsnip: http://pastebin.com/sWUJu6vg00:53
daniel_treeChogyDan, only the image and the headers ?? or should I download all the files ???00:53
ActionParsnipblackstar: if you add the line to one of the stop commands in the system it will work, or make your own init.d script and have the shutdown stuff call it00:53
ChogyDandaniel_tree: yeah, image and headers00:54
ActionParsnipnRy: use tab to complete the filenames00:54
blackstarok cool00:54
tripelbabyI want to delete a lot and rewrite the rest to make all the files fit in snugly. I want to partition my HD, err repartition. Does this make sense? --- oops, doing Properties on my 1T drive does not reveal how full it is. I should Know How to find out. (I did places computer r-click on the drive)00:54
ChogyDandaniel_tree: image, headers, and headers_all00:54
Roman34Can I get some help please: Every 60 seconds (exactly) the sound goes mute if I use build in loudspeaker but never happens with headphones (works just fine) on Ubuntu 10.10, any clue?00:54
Jordan_USakuya: Interesting, thanks for the link. You can re-install grub from a liveCD/USB or even install grub to a CD/USB so that it doesn't need to be in the mbr if you'd like to try to work around the problem. It is truly surprising though.00:54
daniel_treeChogyDan, linux-headers-2.6.38-020638rc6_2.6.38-020638rc6.201102220910_all.deb this one  too ??00:55
Bing0tripelbaby, from cmd line, df -h00:56
StoqLivei'm using a usb stick...my PC got a kernel panic00:57
nRyActionParsnip: that seemed to work now00:57
nRywent back to command line00:57
StoqLiveanyone can help me?what should i do in this case00:57
mcnellisI'm trying to compile a program in 32bit mode on my 64 bit machine but I'm getting: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.5/libstdc++.so when searching for -lstdc++00:58
StoqLive8.244756 kernel panic not syncing00:58
stanman246is it possible to create multiple ssh keys?00:58
mcnellisI just installed libc6-dev-i386 package00:58
ActionParsnipnRy: cool00:58
StoqLivethe  procblem occur after try to install a app called basket no pad00:59
StoqLivenote pad00:59
StoqLiveso the apps  not start very much  and i got 8.244756 kernel panic not syncing01:00
sasy360damn i'm so noob on irc :( how can i reply?01:00
bc81Roman34: laptop or desktop?  battery or A/C power?01:00
ActionParsnipmcnellis: grab the 32bit deb for libstdc++6-4.4-dev  and extract it, then copy libstdc++.so to /usr/lib3201:00
allisonvollStoqLive: you try to select an prior kernel in grub menu?01:00
StoqLiveallisonvoll yes, i tried but all kernel show the same problem01:01
Roman34bc81.... laptop HP651001:01
StoqLiveallisonvoll i tried with nrecovery mode too01:01
mcnellisthanks for the tip ActionParsnip will try now01:01
Roman34both battery or power01:01
StoqLiveallisonvoll show me /script/local-bottom ...done01:01
mickster04sasy360: reply to what? usually you just type?01:02
StoqLiveallisonvoll /script/init-bottom ...done01:02
Paddy_NIHow do I install Joomla locally on this laptop, I have already installed "apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin php5" via apt and I have downloaded the "Joomla_1.6.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz" to my downloads folder... what must I do next?01:02
Paddy_NIThe read me makes little sense01:02
allisonvollStoqLive i suggest to enter in mono user mode, and them disable/remove the app module you had installed01:02
Roman34when i chnage and uncheck mute after exactly 60 seconds chages to mute if using default loudpeaker01:02
StoqLive/sbin/init : no such file or directory...after it 8.244756 kernel panic not syncing01:02
mcnellisshould I grab the .a too ActionParsnip ?01:02
mickster04Paddy_NI: you should learn to read the read me:p this is ubuntu help, not lamp or joomla?01:03
StoqLivewhat key i have to type to enter in this mode?01:03
ruffdogPaddy_NI, did you try dpkg -install [packagename] ?01:03
sasy360mickster04: i'm using xchat , i see you type nick name with : it is not a reply?01:03
StoqLiveor i can remove it using my usb stick or only inside system?01:03
Roman34bc81: when i change and uncheck mute after exactly 60 seconds changes to mute if using default loudspeaker01:03
allisonvollStoqLive you chose kernel with (single user mode) in grub menu01:03
Paddy_NImickster04: yeah your right I was not thinking lol, ask in the correct channel would help :)01:03
ActionParsnipmcnellis: if its required, yes01:04
mickster04sasy360: when i press tab it auto completes your nick and adds : at the end, it is unnecessary01:04
Paddy_NIruffdog: no I installed apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin php5 via apt01:04
Pete_Um does any one no how to connect a laptop to ps3 using a crossover cable?01:04
mickster04sasy360: just using someones nick is enough for it to be highlighted to them, no extra symbols needed01:04
danielthe theme restored to the default theme when I startup ...to restore it back I have to log out and log in again...any ideas how can I fix that ?01:04
Paddy_NIruffdog: and there is no joomla .deb afaik :)01:04
bc81Roman34: it happens when using a specific audio application, or no matter?01:04
sasy360mickster04: that worked, thanks :)01:05
mickster04Paddy_NI: i assume the apache install worked? (localhost in browser should show something)01:05
mickster04sasy360: yeah tab complete is awesome01:05
mickster04!tab > sasy36001:05
ubottusasy360, please see my private message01:05
Paddy_NImickster04: Yep it says it works01:05
StoqLiveok..edit the grub menu and put the "S " or the word single in the kernel line01:05
Roman34no matter.... the light of mute is on I push it and 60 secs later it comes back01:05
Paddy_NImickster04: but no content01:05
StoqLivei'll try now01:05
StoqLivei'll right back01:05
Roman34I'm not alone with this problem on forums and no solution for moment01:06
mickster04Paddy_NI: thats fine then, at least you have apache up and running01:06
allisonvollStoqLive: for every kernel version  in grub menu, there should be one with (single user)01:06
Paddy_NImickster04: oh, cool :)01:06
ruffdogPaddy_NI, yeah sorry.  *kicking himself* didn't fully read message.  I don't know the software you are talking about :(01:07
bc81Roman34: show me the forum thread please, out of curiosity.  did you file a bug on launchpad?01:07
Paddy_NIno worries mate I am going to ask in #joomla to see if anyone there fancies giving me a hand01:07
juabnjajaja ubuntu aca hablamos ingles01:07
mickster04Paddy_NI: http://www.joomla.org/about-joomla/getting-started.html01:08
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:08
travis_ok I need help, nevermind that I was running win7 with no problem but I need help.. I installed ubuntu 10.10 in an "along side" fashion and now I cant boot into ubuntu, i read something that said to install lilo which got me back to my windows partition, is there a way to make the dual boot work, I dont have a windows disk.. HELP!?!?01:08
mickster04Paddy_NI: i assume you have read http://downloads.joomlacode.org/docmanfileversion/1/7/4/17471/1.5_Installation_Manual_version_0.5.pdf01:08
tripelbabyI dont understand most of the results of df -h -- I understand this line > /dev/sdc5             884G   84G  756G  11% /  < the next ones (starting with none) tell me about /dev   /dev/shm  /var/run  /var/lock  and  /lib/init/rw      ---  I dont even know how to phrase a question. I know they are parts of the system. why are these parts noted in df -h ?01:09
mickster04immy: hey01:09
immyare any of you connected by tor sasl?01:09
immyor maybe if you were ud rather not say01:09
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:10
immyoops - ok so ive seen when some ppl join or quit freenode their hostname/ip is not shown01:10
sasy360allisonvoll: sorry i'm using sabayon. no one were available on their channel so i came here. can i symlink it or something? valac to vala?01:11
ice799"Package BLAH is not available, but is referred to by another package."01:11
ice799How do I find out which packages refer to BLAH ?01:11
drcimmy: /j #freenode and for a cloak01:11
bastidraZorimmy: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  also talk to those in #freenode01:11
mickster04indoctrinated: what is package blah?01:11
ice799mickster04: did you mean ice799?01:12
allisonvollsasy360: i can't tell because i'd know about vala01:12
travis_i need help with a dual boot issue01:12
mickster04ice799: yes01:13
mickster04indoctrinated: ignore me :p01:13
ice799mickster04: just any arbitrary package01:13
ice799given an arbitrary package how do i find out which packages refer to it01:13
mickster04ice799: it usually depends on the package01:13
strigoi66travis_: what seems to be the issue?01:13
bastidraZorindoctrinated: dpkg -L packagename or dpkg -S filename01:14
tripelbabyrelating to understanding (df -h output) I'd like to know how much of the drive err partition I can repartion off. I have a 1T drive and a partion of 750G and I've used 84G. How much can I take off for another partition. I think I want to keep things in NTFS. I want a partition for media, for photos, for backup of fotos.01:14
bastidraZorindoctrinated: -L will tell you what a package will install.. -S will tell you what package installed said file01:14
mickster04ice799: like bastidraZor said01:14
ice799bastidraZor: that isnt what i need01:15
ice799I need the reverse.01:15
ice799I need to know which packages refer to a specific package01:15
bastidraZorice799: apt-cache show packagename .. will show what packages are related to01:16
mickster04thanks bastidraZor01:16
arandWould rdepends be the thing to look at there?01:16
travis_strigoi66: have a win7 mochine, just installed ubuntu 10.10 in an "along side" install to dual boot.. recieved errors trying to boot into ubuntu after install, also into windows, read that i needed to install lilo from live cd to get back into windows, which i did... just want dual boot to work in the hopes that i can shitcan windows.. but need to dual boot for now.. thats it01:16
=== michael is now known as Guest29848
travis_strigoi66: hope that made sense01:17
bastidraZori assume "Provides: .... " would be01:18
ice799bastidraZor mickster04: i ended up grepping /var/lib/dpkg/available01:18
ice799and found it01:18
mickster04ice799: well done01:18
PaulNMHi, Is it possible to feed a service fingerprint from one nmap run into a newer version of nmap on another machine that doesn't have access to the scanned network?01:19
StoqLiveanyone can help me with a kernel panic01:19
StoqLivei can't start ina  single user mode01:20
mickster04arlander: 4201:20
bastidraZorice799: that shows the same information as apt-cache show01:20
arlanderhow to get outta here01:20
StoqLivethe error is /sbin/init :no such file or directory01:20
tripelbabyAll hard drive names start with "/dev" which simply means "device"  I did not know01:20
mickster04arlander: /quit ?01:20
StoqLive  kernel panic not syncing01:20
mickster04StoqLive: has it ever worked?01:21
mickster04StoqLive: or is this a fresh install?01:21
StoqLive8.244756 kernel panic not sycing01:21
StoqLivei tried the otherts kernel in my grub list01:21
mickster04has it ever worked, fresh install?01:21
StoqLivebut got the same error...i think the error occurs after try to install a app called basket9notepad)01:22
StoqLivebasket (notepad)...i don't if it is  problem..or after the update by canonical...01:22
mickster04StoqLive: what does that do?01:22
StoqLivemickster04 yes,it's01:22
StoqLivethe app is a note manager01:23
StoqLivebut run with kde envoroment but my enviroment was gnome01:23
mickster04uhuh, so how did you expect that to work? i mean it shouldn't cause a kernel panic but... and i assume all kernels reach kernel panic?01:24
StoqLiveafter the install and remove this app i saw that some libs are duplicated and triplicated at /usr/lib...i decide to remove some01:24
StoqLivemickster04 yes01:24
mickster04StoqLive: oh man, well done, sudo apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean would have been  better01:24
mickster04StoqLive: i think you may have quite broken your install...i mean kernel panics are beyond me, if you can boot a live cd and back up any data do...otherwise...i dunno what to suggest01:25
StoqLivemickter04  i tried it01:26
mickster04StoqLive: tried what?01:26
mickster04StoqLive: tried what?01:26
StoqLiveto clean the app installation,but when i try to remove the ubuntu software center don't work01:27
StoqLiveso i try to start by terminal,and there i saw the libs and the error like more libs than expected01:27
mickster04StoqLive: are you natively english speaking?01:27
mickster04explain what you mean by software centre not working01:28
teddybwhats the best thing to do when a software install freezes (at applying changes)01:28
mickster04how did it not work?01:28
StoqLivemickster04 no no,my native langua is brazilian portuguse...my english is it...bad,but i've only it for now01:28
mickster04StoqLive: no it's ok, there are channels for your native toungue?01:29
mickster04StoqLive: it may be easier for you to get help there?01:29
StoqLivestop answer01:29
mickster04StoqLive: purely for the sake of understanding01:29
leaveboystop answer01:29
mickster04teddyb: wait?01:29
mickster04teddyb: it might still be working?01:29
teddybits been over an hour01:30
teddyband its an install of wine01:30
StoqLiveno  no for an hour? a simple app?01:30
mickster04StoqLive: so you explain what didn't work when you tried uninstalling using softwrae centre?01:30
teddybi wanted to make sure it was frozen :)01:30
nejodeteddyb, what are you installing? some apps requiere you to accept a licence01:30
mickster04teddyb: uhm , well cancell it and try again, how are you installing it? software centre, synaptics or terminal? (or sumat else)01:30
StoqLiveso,the problem was after try to remove this app called "basket notepad"01:31
=== joelmich_ is now known as joelmichael
mickster04StoqLive: well did you install it using software centre?01:32
StoqLivethe system stop to work i did a reboot and got a kernel panic01:32
mickster04StoqLive: sounds like you have corrupted your system01:32
teddybmickster04 software center (i dont see a cancel option anywhere)01:32
mickster04StoqLive: it may have been writing to the hdd and you just forced a reboot01:32
teddyband nejode, wine1.201:32
mickster04teddyb: uhm. well try closing the software centre see what happens :p iunno really :/ system monitor might be able to tell you if the process is zombied?01:33
StoqLivedon't have a ideia to recover my system...the init process (pid 1) can't start01:33
nejodeteddyb, close the window and run the command "sudo apt-get -f install"01:33
mickster04StoqLive: get a live disk, mount the hdd back up your data, reinstall imo :p but i don't really know how to rescue an install01:34
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"01:34
sacarlsontravis_: you must have read a very old post if it told you to install lilo,  we have used grub2 for years,  how did you install lilo,  what did it change?01:34
mickster04StoqLive: see what ubottu wrote?01:34
teddybnejode E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:34
teddybnejode and i closed the window01:34
StoqLivemickster04 /sbin/init ? no such file or directory01:35
mickster04teddyb: wait a second for it to kill it properly01:35
StoqLivemickster04 8.244756 kernel panic not sycing01:35
DandyKoffinI can't scroll through spells on Diablo II running in WINE; how can I fix this?01:35
mickster04!rescue | StoqLive:01:35
ubottuStoqLive:: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"01:35
nejodeteddyb, do you have synaptic running too?01:35
DandyKoffinalso, sounds and cutscenes don'ts work01:35
mickster04DandyKoffin: ask #wine01:35
mickster04DandyKoffin: what does the wine appdb say about diablo201:36
DandyKoffinmickster04: what do you mean?01:36
mickster04DandyKoffin: you know what the wineappDB is right?01:36
DandyKoffinmickster04: no01:37
DandyKoffinbut I'll look it up01:37
GeekManhow do i install openoffice 3.001:37
GeekMannot 3.201:37
tripelbabyI have a 884 gig partition. I want to carve it up and have a separate /home  756G are free now. I'd like to plan now here and not whine later after making errors, losing stuff, etc.01:37
GeekMani cant find it in synpatic man01:37
teddybnejode no i dont, but software center isnt quitting the install when i close it01:37
ChogyDantripelbaby: why do you want to do that?01:37
mickster04DandyKoffin: ok, so yeah, look into the wine app DB and it'll tell you about compatibilty with lots of apps thru wine01:38
tripelbabygeekman http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml01:38
DandyKoffinmickster04: thanks01:38
mickster04tripelbaby: back up everything first :p01:38
tripelbabygeekman I googled it01:38
mickster04tripelbaby: that link is out of date01:38
tripelbabymickster I cant back up everything, no space to do that. Why not? Because I didnt partition it.01:38
mickster04tripelbaby: what is the fs atm01:39
nejodeteddyb, give me a minute01:39
=== les is now known as Guest80877
sacarlsonGeekMan: it might be posible to pin openoffice to an older version, normaly you pin when you already have or had it installed and want to keep it01:39
GeekMansacarlson ?01:39
wangbjhow to use this?01:40
mickster04GeekMan: any particular reason?01:40
GeekMani need an extention to work01:40
mickster04wangbj: press key; repeat step one;01:40
tripelbabymickster04 re geekman and softpedia link. wont the terminal instructions still work.01:40
sacarlsonGeekMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:40
ChogyDantripelbaby: if all you want is a separate /home, there is a new gui feature next release I believe that allows you to reinstall maintaining /home folder.01:40
GeekManwhat is pinning01:40
mickster04GeekMan: see if you can't type sudo apt-get install openoff[tab] and see if there is a 3.0 option listed01:41
rcmaehlWTF!? I got a kernel panic unplugging my usb headset01:41
nejodeteddyb, go to system>administration>system monitor01:41
GeekMani have 10.0401:41
teddybnejode yeah01:41
tripelbabychogydan I dont want to reinstall. I want to have things on a NTFS partition. also things are safer in separate partitions.01:41
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, you here01:41
Roastedhow do I make rhythmbox NOT pop up automatically when I plug in my sandisk player?01:41
mickster04tripelbaby: i think you can resize the partitions01:41
tripelbabyI also want to learn how things work internally and how much of my not-too-old reive is already written on mickster0401:42
nejodeteddyb, go to the precess tab01:42
rcmaehlIs that a bug or soemthing?01:42
ChogyDantripelbaby: not sure ntfs is good for /home01:42
teddybnejode yep01:42
nejodeteddyb, look for software-center. right click and kill process01:43
immyhi again01:43
mickster04tripelbaby: so what is the situation now, and how do you want it to be...explain in full pls01:43
tripelbabyChogyDan, I want ntfs for data. I was trying to simplify my question, which worked.. because the original question and the second and third try (yesterday and today) got no responses.01:43
GeekManmickster04 do i type [tab] or press it01:43
Gryphon4200I'm connecting to my Ubuntu server via Kitty (a Putty clone) and I'd like to use Midnight Commander which works fine but it's not being rendered correctly.01:43
tripelbabymickster04, ok just a minute.01:43
teddybthere isnt one01:43
nejodeteddyb, geeks will kill me for saying this: reboot01:44
GeekManmickster if i type out tab i get:: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:44
teddybwas thinking that would be a good way to do it01:44
DandyKoffinmickster04: Diablo II runs, but I can't scroll through spells01:44
immyi want to install drivers/scripts for my samsung scx-4521f printer. do you think I should try and install it via live CD first and once I find a method to get it printing and scanning boot up to my installation and install? i don't want to mess things up or add cruft01:44
teddybthanks for the help nejode01:45
WeThePeoplehow would i find out what the numbers and letters are of the mounted drive...e.g.493D9CB55373C3DD?01:45
immyi think you can browse in /dev01:45
RoastedIs there a reason why Rhythmbox doesn't detect all of my music on my mp3 player? Each time I plug it in, Rhythmbox "imports" a different number. It varies from, 0, 690, 665, 700, 890, 1100, etc. Yet the number NEVER changes....01:45
nejodeteddyb,  remember to run "sudo apt-get -f install" after reboot to fix the broken install01:45
Gryphon4200WeThePeople: Are you attempting to find out the /deb/???? stuff is?01:45
JeruvyWeThePeople: the uuid you mean?01:45
immyi think you can use df?01:46
immydf -h i think01:46
WeThePeopleJeruvy, yes i think01:46
GeekManbrowse deb yeah01:47
JeruvyWeThePeople: you can check your mount's for that (or the kernel..)01:47
RoastedIs there a reason why Rhythmbox doesn't detect all of my music on my mp3 player? Each time I plug it in, Rhythmbox "imports" a different number. It varies from, 0, 690, 665, 700, 890, 1100, etc. Yet the number NEVER changes....01:47
sacarlsonWeThePeople: try blkid01:47
endeavormaci'm trying to create a startup disk with the01:47
ruan /dev/disk/by-uuid01:47
ruango there01:47
endeavormacstartup disk creation tool. I am stuck on "Installing the bootloader"01:47
JeruvyRoasted: have you tried gmusicbrowser?01:47
Godslasteringi'm doing some rendering in blender, and it seems to not be using my GPU at all, any way to test if it is, and/or fix it?01:48
DandyKoffinthe Diablo II wineappDB doesn't have much01:48
WeThePeoplesacarlson, thankyou01:48
DandyKoffindidn't help01:48
RoastedJeruvy, no, but I'd REALLY like to stick with rhythmbox since it does a nice job of playlist handling with my Sansa...01:48
RoastedJeruvy, I just hate how right now, it picked up 461 songs when there's almost 1200 on here.01:48
drcRoasted: After watching this struggle for days :) ... maybe it's time to try #rhythmbox on irc.gnome.org ?01:48
mickster04DandyKoffin: well ask wine channel01:48
JeruvyRoasted: OK, Can't say I've had any luck with rythmbox  personally.01:48
GeekManRoasted where did you buy the songs01:48
GeekManif you did01:49
RoastedGeekMan, a lot of them were ripped01:49
theoshi guys :) do we have an m4b player in ubuntu? totem and vlc cant play it i guess01:49
g_0_0Roasted, so you got your fuze working?01:49
Roastedg_0_0, lol, are you kidding me? of course not.01:49
mickster04GeekMan: press it:D01:49
speedrunnerG55what is a goood irc client for ubuntu01:49
g_0_0Roasted, :)01:49
JeruvyRoasted: Gmusicbrowser handles my gvfs library without concern.01:49
mickster04speedrunnerG55: irssi01:49
Roastedg_0_0, I keep wnating to get rhythmbox working, since it's worked the best so far. It just doesn't detect all of my music right.01:49
ruanspeedrunnerG55: irssi/chatzilla/xchat01:49
theosspeedrunnerG55, xchat is what i use :)01:49
GeekManmickster04 if i press it it just completes the word openoffice thats it01:49
Gryphon4200What's the term type that mc needs to render correctly?01:49
g_0_0Roasted,  did you try the link I gave you yesterday?01:50
speedrunnerG55ok ill use xchat01:50
mickster04GeekMan: press it again then, and it'll give you a list of things that match01:50
RoastedJeruvy, I'm trying it now, but I'm still very curious about rhythmbox.01:50
trebuchetwhat if compression software were to use gpu's to perform calculations?01:50
tokinjoejust installed 10.10 on a virtual machine inside windows XP, having problems changing screen resolution, assuming i need to install the proper drivers? (intel 4 series chipset family)01:50
Roastedg_0_0, uh, what was in the link, the .is_audio_player file?01:50
g_0_0Roasted, yep but you had to edit it01:50
immyi guess i'll try installing my samsung scx-4521f printer via liveCD first01:50
xrdodrxDoes Ubuntu have fluid handwriting recognition like Windows 7?01:50
Roastedoh look! Rhythmbox has detected 482 songs this time, whereas 5 minutes ago it was 461. BUT... there's 1200 on here. Isn't that cute?01:50
Roastedg_0_0, yeah, tried it. didn't work.01:50
GeekManoh i didnt give it enough time i guess lol01:51
nejodetokinjoe, if you're using virtualbox you need to install "guest additions"01:51
Roastedno WONDER they're switching to Banshee in 11.0401:51
Roasted(oh snap)01:51
JeruvyRoasted: I personally gave up on rythmbox01:51
mickster04xrdodrx: i don't think either have it inbuilt?01:51
sacarlsonimmy: if you install anything in livecd when you reboot it won't be there01:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:51
Roastedtoo bad banshee shuts off when I open it01:51
Roasteddo I really have to boot up windows to manage my music? really?01:51
xrdodrxmickster04,  yes it does01:52
JeruvyRoasted: I would.01:52
immythats fine... i don't want to mess up my install or add cruft01:52
RoastedJeruvy, I refuse.01:52
RoastedI absolutely refuse.01:52
xrdodrx windows I mean01:52
sadistic_angeli use aqua lung of vlc01:52
JeruvyRoasted: good luck with that.01:52
GeekManmickster04 what exactly am i trying to find in this list of 500+ possibilites lol01:52
theosRoasted, you dont have to use windows now :)01:52
mickster04xrdodrx: well i dunno, i have never heard of it?01:52
hydesterhow do i know what user account a service uses?  i'm getting permission denied on a service (mongodb) trying to use a file owned by root.  troubleshooting01:52
GeekManooo 3.0 right01:52
Roastedtheos, actually yeah. I do.01:52
immyi just want to get a method that works for printing and scanning - so first thru livecd then once I get it working ill redo on my local install01:52
mickster04GeekMan: add 3 before pressing tab01:52
Roastedtheos, because I like to , you know, manage my music collection on my mp3 player.01:52
Roastedtheos, evidently all of the linux players fail to do so.01:52
drcRoasted: I'd try #rhythmbox on irc.gnome.org (the horse's mouth) ... after all this time, it can't hurt01:53
theosRoasted, why so? whats your problem in linux?01:53
JeruvyRoasted: gmusicbrowser is the only player that manages my library, rythmbox is crap.01:53
ruanthere still are more01:53
sacarlsonimmy: for that kind of thing I use virtualbox so I can try it and not break anything. in fact in ubuntu 8.04 I ran virtualbox to get my printer to work on a 64bit machine01:53
mickster04hydester: use sudo with that command01:53
xrdodrx Does anyone know of a handwriting recognition system for Ubuntu that does not require you to write01:54
speedrunnerG55what about smuxi?01:54
xrdodrxin boxes**?01:54
theosRoasted, almost all players in ubuntu can manage mp3 atleast. m4b is a problem i guess01:54
TeligardI was wondering if anyone has had issues where their floppy and hard drives go through a seek check about 20 times after logging in01:54
Roastedtheos, rhythmbox won't see all of my music. each time I plug in, it sees a different amount. 490, 482, 1100, 690, 800, 700, 665, it just sees random amounts and seems to skip over a lot of bands I have on there. Banshee works but shuts off at random times and its playlist support as of now sucks, exaile's playlists come up empty on my sansa when I unplug and all other players don't have the support I need.01:54
immythx for the tip sacarlson01:54
Teligardadditionally, I run into a similiar issue with the login audio01:54
Gryphon4200What's the term type that mc needs to render correctly?01:54
Teligard(it plays over itself several times)01:54
l1nuxmanI have a weird problem when I open rar files in archive manager. I have unrar installed and can list my .jpg files but when I try to extract some of them (some do work) they don't extract or can't really open them.01:55
ponbikiy access to the channels and then had my oline remved01:55
theosRoasted, maybe you have a bad install of ubuntu. or you messed it up someway?01:55
moesmickster04, Is there a command I can use in a terminal to list my optical drives01:55
g_0_0Roasted, have you tried songbird?01:55
Roastedtheos, does the same thing on my laptop.01:55
sacarlsonxrdodrx: take a look at ocr apps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR01:55
Roastedg_0_0, songbird died.01:55
GeekManmickster04 it wont work "sudo apt-get install openoffice3[tab] .... or openoff3[tab]01:55
mickster04moes: probably01:55
theosRoasted, which mp3 player?01:55
mickster04GeekMan: what happens?01:55
Roastedtheos, sandisk sansa fuze01:55
g_0_0Roasted, there are still unsupported releases as far as I'm aware01:55
TeligardI'm running 10.10 x64, kernel 2.6.35-26-generic01:55
GeekMannothing i get a beep01:55
Roastedg_0_0, I'm trying to get into that rhythmbox chat. Is it not preloaded in xchat??01:56
mickster04GeekMan: press tab a couple of times till it lists stuff?01:56
mickster04GeekMan: try openo[tab]01:56
TeligardIt started after allowing a system update that got stuck setting the kernel01:56
bastidraZorg_0_0: i thought songbird was dead.. have it been revived?01:56
ruanbrowse the sound&video section on ubuntu soft center.01:56
sacarlsonTeligard: sounds like you might have a irq conflict,  lets see your sudo lshw01:56
GeekMan3270-common  3dchess01:56
g_0_0Roasted, this looks like a pretty recent version to me -> http://developer.songbirdnest.com/builds/trunk/latest/01:56
Roastedyes, songbird died.01:56
Roastedthe linux songbird died.01:56
jaywalkerIm trying to set up a few hard drives on ubuntu server 10.04 (64 bit). I've got them mounted and recognized and all that, but each time i reboot the server they show up as different devices (ie sda1 swapped for sdb1) and then they mount in the wrong folders... how can i fix this?01:57
RoastedI think only windows is actively supported with it so far01:57
JeruvyRoasted: agreed.01:57
g_0_0roasted 19th feb - linux01:57
Roastedif it's back, it came back from the dead, but I'm positive they killed off the linux port.01:57
GeekManhold on01:57
xrdodrxsacarlson, That's not really what I'm talking about, that's more if you were to scan a document or something.01:57
g_0_0Roasted not supported but worth a try :)01:57
nejodejaywalker, use UUID's01:57
Roastedg_0_0, meh01:57
Teligardsacarlson: working on getting that for you01:57
mickster04GeekMan: iunno what the package is called sorry01:57
Teligardsacarlson: where do you want it posted?01:58
Roastedhow do I get into this irc chat for rhythmbox01:58
RoastedI only use freenode stuff01:58
sacarlsonxrdodrx: what do you want to write on a pad?01:58
ChardotHi, does anybody use BURG? I can't get it to show in 1680x1050 resolution..01:58
bastidraZorjaywalker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab   and yes using UUID's is best. sudo blkid   will give that to you01:58
sacarlson!paste | Teligard01:58
ubottuTeligard: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:58
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mickster04Chardot: it doesn't show all resolutions, only certain ones, go to the burg site for help i think?01:58
theosRoasted, the forums show that your player is officially supported by ubuntu.01:58
xrdodrxsacarlson,  I have a USB pen tablet01:59
Roastedtheos, that's what I thought oo.01:59
inohhow do you gain pemissions to a hidden file on a usb hdd when using ubuntu live?01:59
Roastedtheos, it works great if I just dump the files on the device.01:59
Roastedtheos, but rhythmbox doesnt detect all of the music. It picks and chooses what it wants to see.01:59
TeligardIt's taking a while to generate01:59
Roastedtheos, its so irritaing to be in and, oh wait, where's Pearl Jam at? That entire folder is just mysteriously gone.01:59
theosRoasted, maybe it chooses a specific format?01:59
Chardotmickster04: I was looking for help, and it seems that many of those in my situation were successful, they (somehow) get it01:59
sacarlsonxrdodrx: in any case I think it's still falls into ocr  caricter recognition,  I'm not sure we have anything like apple has01:59
Roastedtheos, whats the excuse for it picking it up next time?01:59
GeekManmickster04 i het things for openoffice.org2.002:00
Roastedtheos, it's not he SAME music each time. It';s different every single time I plug in.02:00
drcRoasted: PM?02:00
theosRoasted, lol thats a problem then02:00
xrdodrxsacarlson, I didn't even bring up apple lol02:00
Roastedtheos, I know :(02:00
Roasteddrc, ?02:00
Roastedhow in the world do I get on irc.gnome.org02:00
theosdo /server irc.gnome.org 666702:00
IdleOneRoasted: /server  irc.gnome.org02:00
Chardotmaybe someone here had the same problem and fixed it..02:01
theoslol we forgot to tell him to type that on a new server tab :/02:01
mickster04char this is ubuntu help, not burg help02:01
Teligardsacarlson: Still, apparently, generating for SCSI02:01
Roastedwell that was fun02:01
mickster04Chardot: ^^^^02:01
IdleOnetheos: I didn't forget :)02:01
Roastedcan I not be on irc.gnome.org and freenode at the same time?02:01
IdleOneRoasted: you using xchat?02:01
theosRoasted, yes you can :) use a new server tab02:01
RoastedIdleOne, sure am02:01
tripelbabywhat is this file I have XING.TAR02:02
theosgo to xchat>new>server tab02:02
IdleOneRoasted: click on Xchat in the menu and open a new serv tab02:02
Roastedtheos, ah I see there02:02
Roastedty theos + IdleOne02:02
WeThePeoplesacarlson, how do i mount a filesystem  in knoppix, same as 10,04?02:02
inohHi.  I have the following message: You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of ".xchat2".  How can I fix this?02:02
Chardotmickster04: ^^^^ <-- what? o_O02:02
sacarlsonWeThePeople: yes with mount in a term it's linux02:02
crazybrainHow to download object-dock for Ubuntu?02:02
theosanyone know how to play m4b files on ubuntu?02:03
mickster04Chardot: i wrote a message to you but didn't use the right niclk, rather than re-type it i tried pointing to it02:03
SirOmegaAh mm yeah, so I am completely lost when it comes to getting drivers on ubuntu. Can someone point me in the right direction please?02:03
mickster04SirOmega: what device isn't working?02:03
SirOmegaMy wireless card. Apparently i've been reading in Ubuntu 10.10 there are driver issues?02:04
tokinjoetrying to install guest additions onto virtual box, every tutorial i find gives the same instructions(click on devices-->install guest additions). cannot find devices anywhere?02:04
Chardotmickster04: yeah, thanks. I use Ubuntu.02:04
sacarlsonSirOmega: in most cases devices are plug and play,  what device might you need drivers for?02:04
mickster04Chardot: fine, but your problem isn't about ubuntu02:04
WeThePeoplesacarlson, how would i do it using the terminal?02:04
SirOmegaWell I've been trying to connect wirelessly to the internet in my house and it just can't seem to connect at all.02:04
mickster04SirOmega: tell us what the card is already02:04
Chardotmickster04: I appreciate your help.02:04
sacarlsonWeThePeople:  try man mount02:05
Teligardalso, how do I identify a host process?02:05
SirOmegaWell lets just say I also have no idea how to look that up >.<02:05
Teligard(there seems to be xvnc gone wild)02:05
g_0_0!wireless | SirOmega02:05
ubottuSirOmega: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:05
crazybrainHow to install object dock in Ubuntu 10.10?02:05
GeekMani wish libre office was on linux ppc02:05
mickster04crazybrain: what does their websoite say?02:05
sacarlsonSirOmega: show us what's seen with sudo iwconfig | pastebinit02:05
Teligardsacarlson: Still, apparently, generating for SCSI02:05
sacarlsonTeligard: sounds like you found your conflicting device02:06
Teligardsacarlson: I think that somehow the process hung02:06
mickster04crazybrain: you know thats for windows right?02:06
Vitasoysacarlson pastebinit command is a default command in 10.10? =p pretty neat02:06
sacarlsonTeligard: is scsi a build in thing?02:06
crazybrainmickster04: yeah i know02:07
Teligardsacarlson: I don't know02:07
mickster04crazybrain: there are native ubuntu docks available02:07
sacarlsonVitasoy: I'm not sure it is or not, if not install it02:07
crazybrainmickster04: such as?02:07
mjscrazybrain, cairo-dock gets my vote02:07
Teligardsacarlson: I's assuming it's identifying SATA as SCSI02:07
mickster04crazybrain: docky02:07
mickster04crazybrain: do a google search?02:08
crazybrainmickster04: i downloaded Cairo Dock02:08
crazybrainand untar the file02:08
sacarlsonTeligard: try reboot and try again,  if it fails again start to turn devices off in bios until it works02:08
crazybrainbut i dont know how to install it02:08
mickster04crazybrain: how about you use the softrware centre?02:08
crazybrainmickster04: can you gimme the link?02:09
Teligardsacarlson: ok02:09
mjscrazybrain, depending on the version that you're using, its in the repos...sudo apt-get install cairo-dock02:09
mickster04crazybrain: apps>software centre ?02:09
sasbazookahey a;;02:09
WeThePeoplesacarlson, the filesystem says its mounted when i right click, but it doe not show up on the desktop, is it still mounted? because i cannot access it using the terminal. so i can change the WinXP password. and i am typing in everything correct02:09
mickster04crazybrain: you haven't been using ubuntu long eh? :)02:09
mjscrazybrain, cairo-dock -O to run02:09
crazybrainthnxxx guys02:10
sacarlsonWeThePeople: if you just use the command mount alone it will display all the devices that are presently mounted and there location02:10
cyborg_jthello from christchurch02:10
sacarlsonWeThePeople: can you not cd /path/to/your/mount/  and see any files?02:11
mickster04cyborg_jt: win02:11
WeThePeoplesacarlson, nope02:11
WeThePeoplesacarlson, no such file02:11
mjscyborg_jt, christchurch...earthquake christchurch?02:11
mickster04mjs: check his whois02:11
crazybrainmickster04: I am using Ubuntu installed inside windows using WUBI in 7gb space02:11
cyborg_jtoi have no computer using old sever off inverter and txt based irc02:11
sacarlsonWeThePeople: no you can't cd to the directory?  no you can't see where it's mounted with mount?02:11
crazybrainis it cool02:11
mickster04crazybrain: ya02:12
Chardotsmarty comments don't help in a help channel..02:12
cyborg_jtwhat is a txt based web client?02:12
sacarlsonWeThePeople: you must find out if it's mounted before you go there02:12
pnunncyborg_jt: lynx02:12
mickster04cyborg_jt: lynx02:12
sacarlsonWeThePeople: and what command did you use to mount it?02:12
cyborg_jtsweet ty02:12
pnunncyborg_jt: Still getting shocks?02:12
sacarlsoncoffee time02:13
mjscrazybrain, VirtualBox works well, for what it's worth02:13
cyborg_jtlots big one before people still sacred02:13
mjsno doubt <<<<--ca, usa02:13
pnunncyborg_it: crazy man...02:13
WeThePeoplesacarlson, cd /media/"UUID"/Windows/System32/config/02:13
WeThePeoplesacarlson, its all correct, but no such file or Dir.02:14
mickster04WeThePeople: use tab to auto complete the path02:14
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:14
WeThePeoplesacarlson, does not work02:14
pnunncyborg_it: Been watching it on TV.. bloody amazing stuff. Take care there.02:14
mjsanyone here have experience with nch inventaria?02:14
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:15
stanman246guess that's a no no...02:16
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WeThePeoplesacarlson, all it comes up with is 's' when i do tab02:16
wangbjwhois wangbj02:17
mickster04WeThePeople: press tab again and it will list the options02:18
stanman246wangbj, that's you02:18
theosanyone know how to play m4b files on ubuntu?02:18
mickster04wangbj: also its /whois02:18
wangbjsorry ,i try to learn irc command ,^.^02:18
mickster04theos: no website help>/02:18
theoswangbj, put a / before irc commands02:18
stanman246WeThePeople, why not use mc to 'browse around'?02:18
stanman246sudo apt-get install mc02:19
n2iHi all!02:19
mickster04theos: apparently vlc will open them02:19
stanman246then in the terminal run mc (midnight commander)02:19
mickster04theos: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/m4b02:19
mickster04theos: that was my FIRST google result02:19
stanman246you can 'wander' around using your arrow keys and enter02:19
theosmickster04, vlc can open it but cant play02:19
mickster04theos: i typed "m4b file" into google02:19
n2iHow to I login to irc with empathy?02:20
mickster04theos: what's the difference?02:20
mickster04n2i: does empathy support irc?02:20
theosmickster04, lol cant play m4b files on vlc02:20
WeThePeoplewow mc is kick @ss02:20
n2imickster04: yep02:20
n2iubuntu 10.0402:20
mickster04n2i: then add account i guess02:20
n2iyes, i have a account02:21
stanman246WeThePeople, what was the problem?02:21
trentgHow do I tell if I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server or regular?02:21
n2ibut there is no place to choose/set server02:21
mickster04n2i: that'll probably be when you set up the irc account?02:21
Hipotokdoes anyone know if I can i use gconf-editor or some other tool create certain settings like show computer, home folder and trash automatically on newly created user accounts?02:22
WeThePeoplestanman246, i am trying to access my WinXp F.S. on knoppix to change the admin password02:22
raidotrentg: uname -a02:22
trentguname -a shows a -server kernel, does that mean I'm running server edition?02:22
n2ihmm, wait me a moment!02:22
raidotrentg: likelt02:22
mickster04Hipotok: what do you want to happen? how many users do you create?02:22
ubuntu_Having issues with my onboard ati radeon HD 4250, every time I install the proprietary driver I lose my full hd resolution??  My desktop gets black boarders02:22
raidotrentg: likely02:22
stanman246ah i see02:22
trentgraido, thanks02:22
mickster04ubuntu_: you do reboot right?02:23
kindarihey guys, migrating a windows server over to ubuntu. There is a raid card installed with two hard drives setup for raid 1, the card itself reports raid is just fine (pre ubuntu.) Not sure how ubuntu handles raid though. When doing "lshw -C disk" I see both of the disks in the array, trying to decide how I should go about mounting one.02:23
ubuntu_mickster04 yes02:23
raidotrentg: it is possible to install a server kernel on a desktop install but you would know it you did that02:23
MeXTuXI'm trying to use Ubuntu Live CD 10.10 on my laptop Sony VAIO VPCCW15FL but got a blank screen during boot time. This is what I get when I typed lspci -->01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 230M] (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])02:23
Hipotokmickster84: I want to customize i guess the default files that are used to create a new user to include computer, home folder and trash icons as well as add a few extra buttons to pannel02:23
Hipotokmickster84: basically clone my user settings to every new user that will be created in the future02:24
n2imickster04: http://www.imagesk.com/tl0Ty9On.png the add account dialog02:24
ubuntu_If I remove the driver than it goes back to normal but I lose all my graphic acceleration02:24
n2ihow to add | chooser | set server?02:24
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mickster04n2i: what happens when you try using that account?02:25
tripelbabymickster04, This is my explanation http://paste.ubuntu.com/570884/02:25
n2imickster04: I get error!02:26
n2i"Network error"02:26
mickster04n2i: what error? cannot find server n2i?02:26
n2iThere is no server to connect!02:27
SirOk why is that I cannot seem to connect wirelessly but my XP laptop can?02:27
n2imickster04: yep, i think so!02:27
mickster04tripelbaby: yeah ask again in the channel, i just wanted you to get an explaination together :p02:27
WeThePeoplesacarlson,  i got it i didnt need the UUID only 'sda1' in it place...lol thx for the help02:27
Hipotokmickster04: does what I am asking for make any sense?02:27
mickster04n2i: account shouldn't be n2i i think that's the server name? not sure tho02:27
ChogyDantripelbaby: how are things safer on separate partitions?02:28
n2ihmm, i will try02:28
wedwo-n2i, on the left where it says ADD, you have to add irc.freenode.net02:28
gsp2009ugh... I uninstalled compiz and emerald completely, and now I have no window controls. 10.10... anyone know a fix?02:28
mickster04Hipotok: i think so02:28
valsacarNeed some help, Ubuntu 10.10 32b on Compaq Presario CQ56, the function key is working in reverse (the fn function key)02:28
n2iwedwo-: maybe?02:28
n2ihttp://www.imagesk.com/wkf3nGpc.png error02:29
HeatMzzrcan someone tell me where i should install bootloader when trying to dualboot?02:29
mickster04valsacar: u have a fnctn lovck on02:29
wedwo-n2i, click on "new IRC account" and see if you can add it there02:29
valsacarHeatMzzr if you install Ubuntu second it will ask if you want dual boot, say yes and it does everything02:29
Teligardwell, it appears it was SATA that02:29
mickster04Hipotok: the first hdd, like sda, NOT sda1/202:29
troyounceshi everyone - I just installed linux yesterday02:29
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troyouncesfor the first time02:29
valsacarmickster04 I can't find any button that does that, so assuming it's some config option (does this from start up)02:29
mickster04HeatMzzr: : the first hdd, like sda, NOT sda1/202:30
Hipotokmickster04: I know how to ask this question in the windows world, just not sure what everything is called in gnome so I don't know what to search for on the internet. maybe you can help me by telling me where in ubuntu 10.10 does gnome store the files it uses to create a new desktop for a freshly created user?02:30
gsp2009and also I can't have focus on any other window...02:30
troyouncesi want to share some files from solaris and want to know what the difference is between cifs and nfs02:30
ChogyDantripelbaby: personally, I don't think it matters much how you partition with a drive that big.  If you want your data safe, I would argue for another drive02:30
raidoHeatMzzr: in the MBR02:30
troyouncesany reason to use one over the other?02:30
mickster04Hipotok: i dunno how to do what you02:30
mickster04're asking for02:30
Guest74512i just install ylmfos yesterday02:30
kindariIs it normal for both disks in hardware raid 1 to still show up in ubuntu? Which should I mount? (coming from windows server.)02:30
Teligardis there a way to use the SATA and soft-raid (onboard) for RAID support in 10.1002:30
SuperL4gmarienz: you holding up okay? you near the CHCH area?02:30
HeatMzzrvalsacar, tried to install already but got errors. trying to reinstall, wouldnt boot into ubuntu. now on iphone trying to fix. lol02:30
valsacarmickster04 Only thing that looks like it should (a little lock) just puts this in: l02:31
raidoTeligard: cifs is more configurable and secure, nfs is easier to implement and less to troubleshoot but has no real security02:31
Sirethernet controller is what my wireless card is correct or no?02:31
mickster04valsacar: well i dunno, i don't own that keyboard but that would be the problem, there is a lock key that you have [pressed02:32
raidotroyounces: cifs is more configurable and secure, nfs is easier to implement and less to troubleshoot but has no real security02:32
mickster04valsacar: press fn + that key?02:32
Hipotokmickster64: guessing by the silence noone else knows or I am not making sense with what I am saying, thx for your time02:32
valsacarmickster04 I pressed nothing, it ws this way from the moment I installed ubuntu02:32
mickster04valsacar: oh humm:(02:32
adub_it appears i only install some of apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment i cancelled at 28% how can i remove the 28% files download for the gnome-desktop-environment application??02:32
n2iwedwo-: i get this http://www.imagesk.com/Sw8Rotu1.png02:32
raidotroyounces: if you learn to use samba you will get more use out of having learned it over nfs02:32
mickster04adub_: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean02:33
troyouncesi already know how to use samba02:33
valsacarmickster04 hence I figure there's some config option (I would think under gconf-editor) to flip it, but I can't find anything02:33
adub_did autoremove it did not do anything this time02:33
troyouncesi'm using it to share files with my windows machines02:33
mickster04valsacar: bios mayb?02:33
wedwo-n2i, see if this helps: http://linuxcrunch.com/content/how-use-empathy-messenger02:33
adub_ill do autoclean02:33
troyouncesjust wanted to know if nfs buys me anything02:33
mickster04adub_: autoclean?02:33
mickster04adub_: ya02:33
SirSo I need help with my wireless card to get it to connect to my wireless network.02:33
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valsacarmickster04 didn't do it on the win7 that came installed... but I could look there as well02:34
adub_add-apt-repository ppa  i did this but forgot what i did to add the alsa live updates02:34
mickster04Captain_Awesome: yesah02:34
n2iwedwo-: i have use before, and then I update, and now I get it02:34
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mickster04valsacar: yeah02:34
mickster04Captain_Awesome: sorry wring nick02:34
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antoniusi'm having trouble with remote desktop viewing from my mac.  All the other computers in my house are working, except my ubuntu laptop...always getting "connection refused"02:34
adub_i need to figure out how to remove the alsa live updates in synaptic i had to revert back to old alsa drivers as it messed up02:34
adub_the sound was distorted i dont want to get the live alsa updates anymore02:35
n2ithis is add account dialog before02:35
travok. guys, tried to install ubuntu 10.10 alongside win7, after restart wouldnt boot into ubuntu or windows, read i needed to install lilo to get win back which i did and it worked.. want the dual boot to work but now just boots into win directly, no menu... HELP?02:35
n2itrav: you should try grub2?02:36
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travn2i: huh?02:36
lucaspearsonok go into windows and open the cd and install from the wubi (I think) it should take care of everything for you02:36
wedwo-n2i, sorry, I'm not understanding you. Are you saying you got it working or that you have already tried that without success?02:37
mickster04trav: i think you install grub onto the wrong part of the hdd....02:37
FreezingColdIs off topic chat allowed here?02:37
mickster04!ot | FreezingCold02:37
ubottuFreezingCold: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:37
Guest74512i want to make friends,anyone?02:37
[thor]n2i: fill in username and real name, even if they aren't true02:37
travmickster04: didnt choose to, original install wasnt fancy, did what ubuntu said02:37
lucaspearsonsure ill be your friend02:37
Guest74512i want to make friends,anyone?02:37
n2i[thor]: ] problem is there is no place to get | choose | set..server to connect :'(02:38
mickster04trav: when you use a livecd, can you still get the old data from windows ?02:38
Logan_WP!ot | Guest7451202:38
ubottuGuest74512: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:38
[thor]n2i: isn't it irc.freenode.net ?02:39
[thor]n2i: go to #ubuntu-offtopic02:39
travmickster: livecd right now and I can navigate all over, just dont know what to do\02:39
arrtyanyone go to cornell02:39
mickster04trav: well back up your data before anything else :p02:39
jrib!ot | arrty02:39
ubottuarrty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:39
antoniusi can't connect to my ubuntu laptop from other computer on LAN.  Connection refused...anyone have any ideas? tips? to send me in the right direction to solving this?02:39
arrtyyea oops wrong tab02:39
blueshift9msg NickServ identify aragorn102:40
mickster04bc81: oh burn :p02:40
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jribinteresting strategy02:40
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travmickster04: managed that or at least what i have to have02:40
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travmickster04: whats next my friend02:40
mickster04uhm install it again, make sure you don't remove it02:40
mickster04remove windows*02:40
gaelfxplayback in SMplayer with vdpau is pretty choppy, anyone have any tips or useful links to deal with the problem?02:41
Logan_WP!identify | blueshift902:41
ubottublueshift9: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.02:41
travmickster: does reinstall ever help? i read in the forum that there was a flaw with grub, i think thats it02:41
mickster04well i don't know what you did:/02:42
gsp2009Hey folks. Metacity isn't starting at log in. The fix of adding a startup application doesn't seem right. Is there a startup for metacity by default?02:42
mickster04trav: i think you could try fixing grub02:42
mickster04!grub2 > trav02:42
ubottutrav, please see my private message02:42
travmickster, I dont know much about this stuff, do you know how to fix it?02:43
gaelfxman, it seems like I'm the only one who ever experiences choppy playback in smplayer02:43
travmickster: have 10.10 installed, just cant boot into it02:43
mickster04trav: not from over here no, if i had access to your pc i would try and fix it, but seeing as i don't really know whats broken i can't help much02:43
mickster04trav: what happens?02:44
alisalaahIs there a way to do roaming profiles if I installed Ubuntu on all of my 5 computers at home, so that applications/settings/etc transfer between all, like logging into a Domain on Windows?02:44
gaelfxtrav: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:44
ecinx3when I wake my laptop from sleep it, the screen doesn't turn back on anymore02:44
travmickster: get a grub disk erro or something02:44
heavy_bulletshey guys i know is not a normal question but02:44
gaelfxalisalaah: sounds like you want to set up thin clients with a server02:45
RoastedWell it seems as if Rhythmbox devs aren't sure why Rhythmbox doesn't predictably pick up my music on my mp3 player. Besides Banshee are there any iTunes-like programs out there for Ubuntu?02:45
heavy_bulletsi need to install some free antivirus on a windows pc.. wich one u recommend me? i lost track of virus xD02:45
Logan_WP!windows | heavy_bullets02:45
ubottuheavy_bullets: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:45
gaelfxalisalaah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto02:45
mickster04trav: well thats not helpful ofr anyone here02:45
gaelfxheavy_bullets: MS Security Essentials or AVG02:45
jack_How do I set my root password or get root access to my ubuntu box?02:45
heavy_bulletsi'm afraid of going to a windows chat room02:45
heavy_bulletsthx galex02:46
Logan_WP!root | jack_02:46
ubottujack_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:46
jack_Logan_WP++ thank you sir02:46
bc81Roasted: tried exaile?02:46
sogeking99hey guys how do i get flash for chronium with ubuntu 10.1002:46
Logan_WPjack_: You're welcome.02:46
ecinx3heavy_bullets, if you already have the virus02:46
Roastedbc81, ya know, I did but I forget why I stopped using it. Does it do a good job handling portable media like ipods and such?02:46
ecinx3use malwarebytes and use the software gaelfx suggested02:47
heavy_bulletsecinx3: nah.. new instalation .. need it to avoid the virus xD02:47
bc81Roasted: i think there are plugins for that..in the configuratino menu02:47
heavy_bulletsbut thx02:47
alisalaahgaelfx, on a think client setup, what if i use the laptop outside of the house and bring it back to the house02:47
ChogyDansogeking99: same way as firefox02:47
mickster04heavy_bullets: has installed windows, the worst virus available, and he probably paid for it too :p02:47
alisalaahthen want to code more on Eclipse from my home comp02:47
jack_Logan_WP: what if i REALLY wanted to get root access...like... really bad02:47
alisalaahwill it update my home folder once it reconnects?02:47
mickster04jack_: sudo02:47
Roastedbc81, doesn't appear to be02:47
heavy_bulletsmickster84: i get it for free because of my university .. and no.. i don't have it .. my girlfriend has..02:48
jack_mickster04: -_-02:48
gaelfxalisalaah: no, that's not really what they're for, so maybe thin clients aren't the best way to do things02:48
iflemajack_: sudu (gksudo) <command>   OR   sudo -i   to open a root termianl02:48
mickster04heavy_bullets: your what now?02:48
Roastedbc81, half these plugins you cant even enable02:48
jack_iflema: -_-02:48
heavy_bulletsmickster84: wha?02:48
sacarlsonheavy_bullets: well if you didn't notice most people have to pay to go to school so that isn't free02:48
elocinag NickServ Identify n@n@02:48
alisalaahgaelfx, I was thinking of MS' roaming profiles type of thing where it can store config on server like your home folder and such02:48
alisalaahand your background etc is all sync'd02:49
mickster04heavy_bullets: i was making a joke about not know what a girlfriend was02:49
bc81Roasted: i see it has usb mass storage plugin02:49
heavy_bulletsmickster84: jajaj i get it02:49
Roastedbc81, yeah, I see that too02:49
gaelfxalisalaah: maybe something like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RoamingProfilesWithNetworkManager02:49
heavy_bulletssacarlson: true.. but if that was the case.. everyone on my college would have one copy and nos just my career...02:50
travmickster: hangon, gonna get info for you02:50
heavy_bulletsi really don't want to talk about microsoft xd02:50
ecinx3windows isn't a viurs02:50
bc81Roasted: you device show up in tools > device menu?02:50
ecinx3it's system software02:50
mickster04trav: i may not be able to help you, so ask the channel again, with the extra info02:50
Roastedbc81, no... I assume it should?02:50
heavy_bulletssorry for the topic xd02:50
mickster04ecinx3: a big fat virus :p02:50
sogeking99is anyone here?02:50
gaelfxalisalaah: I'll warn you though, I've never tried it and I have no idea how it works02:50
mickster04sogeking99: no02:51
neil__hey guys how do i get flash for chronium with ubuntu 10.1002:51
benjgvpsHello, I installed Ubuntu server 10.04, though within under a minute to five minutes, it hangs and I have to do a hard reset. Is there a Grub argument or something I could use to stop this?02:51
ecinx3mickster04, no it isn't02:51
gaelfxtrav: did you read the link about Grub2 I sent you?02:51
bc81Roasted: i recognized by the system, i assume it should.. maybe restart program02:51
Logan_WP!server | benjgvps02:51
ubottubenjgvps: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server02:51
ChogyDanneil__: same as firefox02:51
Roastedbc81, do you personally use exaile?02:51
bc81Roasted: beyond that, im out of suggestions :(02:51
bc81Roasted: i only use it to listen to librivox recordings02:52
ChogyDanneil__: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:52
bc81Roasted: rythmbox is my main squeeze02:52
Roastedrhythmbox is such a fail :(02:52
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gaelfxalisalaah: from looking at that article, it seems like there isn't a really simple way to do it, yet at least02:52
bc81Roasted: i thnk it's your media device that is not so good :P02:52
Roastedbc81, I talked to the rhythmbox developers about it.02:53
Roastedbc81, they simply "had no idea"02:53
heavy_bulletsokey guys.. gotta be going.. thx for the help :D02:53
Logan_WP!info flashplugin-installer | neil__02:53
ubottuneil__: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)02:53
heavy_bulletstake care02:53
Roastedbc81, when every other program finds all of my music each time, but rhythmbox doesn't, that kind of suggests its not the player, but the software. no wonder ubuntu ditched it for 11. :(02:53
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travgaelfx: yes some. seeing how im on a win7 machine, just downloaded ubuntu tonight and installed alongside windows using its settings, not my own...  I didnt do an advanced partition just the simple one, when i restarted and tried to go into ubuntu it wouldnt and got errors, would go into windows ok02:53
bc81Roasted: what is 11?02:53
Roastedbc81, ubuntu 11.0402:54
neil__thanks, do you know where .flv's are while loading them on sites? so i can save videos easy?02:54
Roastedits not default anymore02:54
bc81Roasted: you tried using a later version, like from a ppa?02:54
RoastedI asked about that02:54
Roastedthey didn;'t seem to think any recent updates since 10.10's repo version would make a difference02:54
Roastedso, screw it. I'm off to bigger and better programs :P02:54
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bc81Roasted: good luck, im getting tired of seeing you in here everyday!  :)02:55
travcan you guys look at ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1639198    I think it describes my problem just dont know the fix02:55
alisalaahgaelfx, yea in windows domain setup you have an Active Directory on a server with usernames, then any computer you login with user/pass and it downloads your home folder (background files etc), and some programs are installed so that everyone can get them etc... on logoff or occassionally it syncs home folder so you can log on to any computer or something like that02:55
Roastedbc81, I'm getting tired of being here every day.02:55
gaelfxtrav: then it certainly seems that reinstalling is the best option, I would say, since you were never able to successfully enter Ubuntu anyways. Did you use wubi to install?02:55
neil__i installed it but im getting a black screen on youtube02:56
bryant_Oh, so it's working?02:56
bryant_Can anyone see my messages?02:56
travgaelfx: ummm downloaded, burned iso, restarted with cd in the mochine and chose install alongside windows02:56
Logan_WPbryant_: Yes.02:56
mickster04bryant_: nope:p02:56
ruffdogI tried to install Ubuntu 10.10 in VMWare as a virtual machine.  I poped in a CD, ran the install direct from the CD and when it finished installing there was no GUI.  I tried startx but no good.  I tried apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (just in case) and still no go.  Any thoughts?02:57
travgaelfx: sounding dumb as shit im sure... have absolutely no idea what im doing lol02:57
bryant_OK, so I'm having issues with Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook edition.  I don't know where to go and I'm unsure what to do, is this the right place to ask these sorts of questions?02:57
gaelfxtrav: did you try to use it before you installed it?02:57
mickster04ruffdog: error messages?02:57
Logan_WP!ask | bryant_02:57
ubottubryant_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:57
gaelfxtrav: it's ok, everyone starts somewhere02:57
CooKieMonsterhow to get a copy of ubuntu for free ?02:57
gaelfxalisalaah: looks like someone might be working on it, but it's probably a ways off yet02:58
gaelfxalisalaah: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RoamingProfilesSync02:58
bryant_Well ubottu, I'm new to this and wasn't sure if people were able to see my texts or not.02:58
gaelfxCooKieMonster: download from ubuntu.com02:58
travgaelfx: used jaunty before so familiar enough to use synaptic and install crap but console stuff not so much02:58
neil__anyone know why?02:58
gaelfxbryant_: ubottu is a bot02:58
CooKieMonstergaelfx my donlwoad speed is slow02:59
gaelfxCooKieMonster: there is a way on the site you can request a free cd02:59
travgaelfx: ill try to install again i guess.. im in it on live cd if someone knows how to see mbr and what issues may eb02:59
bryant_Question: I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 netbook on my non-netbook laptop. :D  Should this matter?  Anywho, upon initial boot, nothing is appearing.  No panels, no icons, right click doesn't work.  However, they ARE present, as I'm able to hover over the panels/icons and receive a blank popup as if text should be there.02:59
gaelfxtrav: yeah, just reinstall, if the issue persists, we'll be here to ask you about it ;)03:00
ruffdogmickster04, no.  no error messages.  It brings me into a CLI interface (not terminal).  It looks like it boots up fine though.  I downloaded it direct from the ubuntu website.  Maybe I need to redownload?03:00
travgaelfx: im gonna be up all night arent i.... brb03:01
mickster04!md5 | ruffdog03:01
gaelfxtrav: maybe not as long as you think03:01
ubotturuffdog: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:01
alisalaahDifferent question, anyone install Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro, does the kernel's drivers allow two finger scrolling?03:01
sacarlsontrav: it looks very well writen,  I just wonder why they us lilo at that one step,  but it says it's tested,  I would chose not to install with wubi03:01
bryant_If anyone is interested, I managed to take a picture of it with my phone.  Can/should I post it here?03:01
oberthello i was trying to get the apps local path,like kate03:01
mickster04alisalaah: 2 finger scrolling worked on my asus 900 like years ago03:02
newtoarchI can not get my Firewall/iptables script to run. When I put in sudo ./script.sh it says command not found.03:02
alisalaahOr are there Bootcamp drivers for Ubuntu, made by community?03:02
Rodolfobryant_ upload it to imageshack and then send us the image link here03:02
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th0rnewtoarch: did you change the script to be executable?03:02
mickster04newtoarch: sudo sh ./script.sh03:02
bryant_I've done so already, let me just copy the link03:02
newtoarchthor: Thanks lol forgot once again.03:02
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages03:02
mickster04alisalaah: see above03:03
bryant_http://tinypic.com/r/snz9ty/7            ----  NOw my initial thought is surely this is display driver issue, huh?03:04
newtoarchThanks guys go it.03:04
bryant_Now I've tried two things.  1.) I saw something through a google search and tried the command "killall gnome-panel" but it said gnome-panel doesn't exist.  So I found something else, but can't remember the command, something like "sudo yada yada install ubuntu-netbook" which was supposedly suuposed to install any missing files or w/e.03:06
ruffdogmickster04, my MD5Hash is f9fc22d9028ee887701719b32ada8d43 and the one from the website is 59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a8.  So I guess I need to redownload?03:06
neil__do flash videos not go to tmp anymore03:08
obertoh yeah  wich appname03:08
bryant_So what do you guys think?  Anyone have any ideas?03:08
mickster04ruffdog: yes03:08
openbeesneil: same prob her03:08
ChogyDanneil__: someone was asking about that the other day.  Apparently the videos are unlinked right after creation03:09
bryant_Anyone know how to install the latest display driver for my computer with ubuntu?03:09
mickster04system>pref > hardware drivers ?03:10
mickster04bryant_: see above03:10
bryant_I'm on the netbook edition, where would I Find that mickster?03:10
bryant_I literally just booted into this and am having display issues, so things aren't appearing right.03:10
mickster04bryant_: oh, go to the applications thing, then type in hardware and it should filter out one with a green icon03:10
bryant_OK, brb.03:11
openbeesbrayant : just go to mickster way u will found03:11
mickster04bryant_: how did you run sudo apt-get install?03:11
mickster04pm_: tset03:11
=== pm_ is now known as WeThePeople
bryant_What do you mean mickster?03:11
mickster04bryant_: how did you run sudo apt-get install?03:12
mickster04!spam | WeThePeople03:12
alisalaahmickster04, how do i install 2 finger scrolling on my Asus ul50vt then? is there a simple sudo install or something?03:12
mickster04byryou said before you ran sudo apt-get install .....03:12
Roastedhow do I set it so rhythmbox does NOT pop up automatically when I plug in my mp3 player03:12
mickster04alisalaah: it is default03:12
alisalaahone article i found says to edit a conf file for a touchpad but how do i know if it works for my comp03:12
mickster04Roasted: uninstall it? :p03:12
bryant_Oh, I opened terminal.  Then I just copy-paste a command I found online.03:12
Roastedmickster04, I really dont want to nuke it just yet03:13
bryant_How do I specify who I'm writing to?03:13
mickster04alisalaah: as far as i am aware it is include by default03:13
alisalaahi dont have 2 finger scrolling like macbooks for vertical/horizontal now and im on ubuntu03:13
mickster04byrtype their nick, use tab complete03:13
bryant_<mickster04> test03:13
mickster04no < >'s03:13
bryant_mickster84's ?03:13
milamber!tab | bryant_03:13
mickster04just m[tab key press]03:13
ubottubryant_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:13
gaelfxwoohoo! 16g microsd just arrived!03:14
bryant_!tab | mickster84 test03:14
ubottumickster84 test: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:14
mickster04bryant_: tab complete my nick it's zero 4 not 8403:14
Logan_WPbryant_: this is how you do it03:15
Logan_WPtype mick, and then press your tab key03:15
bryant_mickster04 test03:15
mickster04alisalaah: verticle two finger motion does scroll maybe 3 fingered i can't remember03:15
mickster04bryant_: correct03:15
bryant_Really?  Oh!  Cool! mickster8403:15
fsyncubuntu has switched to shipping chrome-ium instead of firefox, is that right?03:15
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa03:16
mickster04fsync: i dunno, i doubt it?03:16
bryant_mickster04 ok ok!  Anyway, how do I install the hardware driver?  I was unable to find the hardware in the search03:16
gaelfxfsync: I've never heard anything about that03:16
fsynci don't really know, i just heard some vague something03:16
mickster04bryant_: uhm iunno then03:16
gaelfxfsync: but Chromium is available in the software center pretty readily03:16
fsyncso i'm trying to nail down what it actually is03:16
mickster04fsync: chromium is chrome, but it doesn't have flash built in :p n(not in my experince anyway)03:17
gaelfxfsync: I'm fairly certain that that would never happen03:17
gaelfxor at least not in the near future03:17
fsyncso what is the default web browser in 10.10 (which i don't have yet)?03:17
mickster04fsync: ff03:17
gaelfxif you want to see about what changes are coming up next, go to ubuntu.com/testing03:17
fsyncalrighty, thanks03:18
travmonsquid/adzapper hot topic beaten to death yet ?03:18
gaelfxI've no idea what either of those are03:19
mickster04yeah that didn't make much sens03:19
travmonthey auto broke apt03:19
travmondid not know they were installed in ubuntu03:20
gaelfxtravmon: those are not packages that come installed in ubuntu by default, you would have had to install them yourself, or by adding a PPA or something like that03:22
travmongaelfx:  really  :O03:22
travmonnot good03:23
gaelfxtravmon: indeed, I checked in Synaptic, they are available, but not by default03:23
gaelfxtravmon: my guess is that adzapper is the problem, have you tried purging it?03:23
travmongaelfx  they busted my girlfriends apt and i never installed them either03:24
travmongaelfx: no not yet03:25
gaelfxtravmon: did your gf install them? Like I said, it's possible that you added a ppa and didn't notice that they were part of it. Are there any PPAs on her system?03:25
gaelfxtravmon: go into Synaptic Package Manager and search for adzapper03:25
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travmongaelfx: she new and did add some ppa's03:25
gaelfxtravmon: well, there ya go. you probably want to find the offending one and remove it, probably just do a double check on the others too03:26
=== antonius_ is now known as antonius
bhagatsrhow can i setup a vpn betweebn two computers?03:27
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:28
travmongaelfx: i am going remote again in her box an see,    takes awhile since she is 2000 miles away on business atm03:28
gaelfxtravmon: are you remote desktop or ssh?03:28
valsacarso my new laptop is a bit odd, the fn keys are mapped in reverse (so I have to hit fn+alt+F2 to get the run command window)  Anyone know of an ubuntu setting to reverse this?03:28
AKuj1nand what OS03:28
mickster04AKuj1n: Ubuntu03:29
gaelfxvalsacar: if you find one, let me know, that sounds interesting03:29
travmongaelfx: vnc  not sure how to ssh outside my own lan yet03:29
valsacargaelfx it's quite irritating actually03:29
mickster04travmon: same thing ssh username@host03:30
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bhagatsrwhat will be gateway in vpn connections03:30
gaelfxvalsacar: I can imagine, yeah, I'm looking into it03:30
* gaelfx is always the bridesmaid, never the bride03:31
mickster04valsacar http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64302403:31
travmonThanks gaelfx  an mickster0403:31
mickster04travmon:  :p03:31
gaelfxtravmon: haha, don't say thanks until we've actually proven useful03:31
bhagatsri have one comp behind router and another behind a modem both use dynamic addresses can i setup vpn on those?03:32
mickster04!vpn | bhagatsr03:32
ubottubhagatsr: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:32
mickster04valsacar you may want to bring up the on screen keyboard see if you can't switch the fn lock with that?03:33
gaelfxbhagatsr: I'm pretty sure VPN is built-in in 10.10, so it shouldn't be a problem03:33
gaelfxmickster04: he's gone ftm03:33
mickster04gaelfx: oh damn :/03:33
bhagatsrgaelfx: so what should be the gateway address since other computer is behind router03:34
magpiiegood morning folks, any chance anyone could help me with soundcard drivers for an asus laptop running ubuntu 10.10 maverick?03:34
gaelfxbhagatsr: well, if memory serves, VPN operates on a certain port, so you need to set up the router to forward all traffic on that port to the computer that's running the VPN03:35
gaelfxbhagatsr: hang on, I'll find out which port03:35
soreauubo! audio | magpiie03:35
soreau! audio | magpiie03:35
ubottumagpiie: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:35
magpiieat least, i think its a driver issue, basically the sound works fine, but when i plug earphones in, i get sound both through the laptop speakers as well as the earphones, i have fiddled with sound preferences and nothing seems to resolve it03:36
mickster04magpiie: open up the volume preferences and see if you can't mute the speakers manually?03:37
soreaumagpiie: Try running 'aslamixer' in your terminal. Navigate with arrow keys and toggle mute with m03:37
alisalaahIs there any side effects if i change the only user's username and home folder?03:37
mickster04alisalaah: use system>admin>user and groups to change a users name03:38
magpiiei can mute the speakers manually in preferences but that way also mutes the earphones03:38
soreaualisalaah: Presumably they would be the same..03:38
mickster04alisalaah: that will make sure it works properky03:38
alisalaahbut that wont change the home folder's name will it?03:38
joljamI desperately need help with Adobe Connect. I cannot share my Ubuntu desktop with another person using Adobe connect.. I can see his desktop but I cannot share my desktop03:38
mickster04alisalaah: if you use the correct program yes?03:38
alisalaahi named it Home want to name it my name03:38
soreaumagpiie: What sound card is it as per lspci?03:38
alisalaahoh okay, i havent used ubuntu in awhile and i remember it being an old bug i think? or maybe not03:38
mickster04alisalaah: you renamed the home folder?03:39
WeThePeoplemy computer keeps selecting and deselecting the open window at a high rate of speed. anybody have any ideas03:39
alisalaahi changed a username and home folder stayed the old name03:39
alisalaahill try changing it in about 20 minutes here..03:39
mickster04alisalaah: how did you change the name?03:39
mickster04WeThePeople: maybe it is just flashing because it thinks it has a notification for you, have you tried selecting it and something else?03:40
mickster04WeThePeople: think the orange flashingin windows03:40
magpiiei am not sure tbh, i am new to ubuntu, how do i get the system info screen up?03:40
gaelfxbhagatsr: my bad, vpn actually isn't implemented by default, hang on03:40
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mickster04magpiie: apps >(top one)> system monitor03:40
mickster04!vpn | bhagatsr:03:40
ubottubhagatsr:: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:40
WeThePeoplemickster04: no its not that it does it with everything03:41
mickster04WeThePeople: ok03:41
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bhagatsrgaelfx:actually vpn s/w is installed in 10.10 by default ; i just want to know how to configure it for dynamic addresses. Do i need any special hardware for vpn?03:42
gaelfxbhagatsr: it's a little trashy and hard to follow, but I think this will get you started at least: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNServer/03:42
RoastedIf I downsize my Ubuntu partition which currently dual boots Ubuntu and Win 7 and install Linux Mint, will Linux Mint thereby take over boot responsibilities? Would I still be triple booting or would Mint only see Win 7?03:43
gaelfxbhagatsr: well, what I do with my network is I've got DHCP enabled, but I have address reservation set up by MAC address03:43
Xasejoin #ubuntuserver03:43
gaelfxbhagatsr: that way, my main box is always on the same IP in the LAN03:43
ruffdogxase: add a "/" before "join"03:44
magpiieok, the system monitor is only showing me processes and minimal system info like cpu and memory03:44
XaseYes I know ;)03:44
XaseI meant to type that.03:44
XaseThere's also a dash in there too03:44
gaelfxbhagatsr: then you can set up port forwarding, if necessary, though I think if you have upnp enabled, it shouldn't be an issue03:44
ruffdogxase: I thought that was the case.03:44
XaseThanks though ruffdog03:45
gaelfxbhagatsr: I know pptp is in by default, but I think you actually need to install some other software to get a real vpn running03:45
gaelfxbhagatsr: I don't really know that you need to set up a gateway or anything like that though03:47
WeThePeoplesacarlson: do you know why my windows are being selected and deselected at a high rate of speed?03:47
WeThePeoplesacarlson: all on there own03:47
sacarlsonWeThePeople: maybe someone has a vnc connection to you?03:48
gaelfxbhagatsr: I think the pptp only allows you to connect to a VPN, not create one03:48
WeThePeoplesacarlson: vnc?03:48
sacarlsonWeThePeople: do you have an ssh port open?03:48
bhagatsrgaelfx:ok, thanks03:49
WeThePeoplesacarlson: it does it with every window i open03:49
WeThePeoplesacarlson: no...idk03:49
XaseNo one's alive in ubuntu-server03:49
sacarlsonWeThePeople: maybe a keyboard problem03:49
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mickster04Xase: wait around03:50
gaelfxbhagatsr: a little dated, but should still work: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html03:50
crlcan81I'm trying to update 10.10, did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and when I have it install that and the dependencies related to them, it gives me a 404 not found error. Do I need to change my server for software sources AGAIN?03:50
sacarlsonWeThePeople: what changes did you make last when it started?03:50
bhagatsrgaelfx: i'll try to create one server at the pc with router and join it using my pc; then what addresses i'll need to know03:50
mickster04crlcan81: prolly not, why not use the UI to upgrade03:51
WeThePeoplesacarlson: i installed Lubuntu03:51
crlcan81I'm trying to teach myself terminal a little.03:51
crlcan81On the off chance I completely screw up, or have to run things from a command line, I want to know at least enough to try and repair it.03:51
crlcan81Though I'll always have my run from cd03:51
sacarlsonWeThePeople: try reboot and see if it continues03:52
mickster04crlcan81: ok, well ime dist upgrades aren't the easiest from terminal03:52
crlcan81I'm going to try it graphically again03:52
hypatiamickster04: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade the version03:52
BHXSpecterwas following a tutorial telling how to install gnome-shell on ubuntu so I could use a tron legacy theme I liked and it got to the reboot part....took me to the terminal login so I told it to remove gnome-shell and now dont know how to fix it....I get a lost graphics device error and taken to terminal login everytime lol03:52
WeThePeoplesacarlson: done that...yes it still continues...should i uninstall lubuntu and reinstall03:52
mickster04hypatia: well there we go then03:53
crlcan81gives me the same error, just different description.03:53
gaelfxbhagatsr: cheers, lemme know if it actually works. I need to set one up back in the States so I can actually access this thing people keep calling the "internet"03:53
crlcan81failed to download packages.03:53
hypatiacrlcan81: you get the same error when you changed servers?03:53
crlcan81no I haven't changed servers yet, I mean I got the same error graphically that I got via sudo03:54
crlcan81just described differently03:54
BHXSpecterif I type 'X' and hit enter I just get a flash on screen and then a black screen with nothing03:54
hypatiacrlcan81: oh, yeah, that makes sense, it's hitting the same servers :)03:54
sacarlsonWeThePeople: I've never heard anyone with this problem before,  can you try <ctl><alt>+f2  and do ps -A03:54
gaelfxwho wants to take bets on whether they'll mainline the apt-p2p service?03:54
crlcan81Time to see how bad I screwed up03:54
crlcan81Doesn't help I'm medicated.03:54
sacarlsonWeThePeople: then to return <ctl><alt> + f703:54
mickster04gaelfx: the what now?03:55
rockman125Is there anyway to repair corrupted files in /bin folder?03:55
mickster04rockman125: reinstall?03:55
mickster04!rescue | rockman12503:55
ubotturockman125: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"03:55
tucemiux!ot | gaelfx03:55
ubottugaelfx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:55
sacarlsonWeThePeople: I think it's a keyboard thing03:55
WeThePeoplesacarlson: i am using WinXP right now its to annoying to use ubuntu.....what does that do03:55
gaelfxmickster04: search synaptic for apt-p2p03:56
rockman125mickster will that affect my files or installed applications?03:56
sacarlsonWeThePeople: it switches to console out of graphic mode03:56
sacarlsonWeThePeople: the ps -A will display all the running processes03:56
crlcan81Don't know how I keep screwing things up so ever slightly03:56
mickster04rockman125: if they're broken then i don't see how it matters?03:56
WeThePeoplesacarlson: i will try that and get back with you....will you be in in 15 min?03:56
rockman125only /bin folder is broken not anything else03:57
hypatiacrlcan81: can you paste the errors you're getting to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?03:57
sacarlsonWeThePeople: my guess is you will see random text from some keyboard driver03:57
mickster04WeThePeople: have you tried unpluggin your keyboard to see if it still haooens :p03:57
rockman12515-20 files are corrupted there03:57
mickster04rockman125: well you back up first then run the rescue03:57
gaelfxcrlcan81: it's cause you're testing the limits of what you can do, it's not such a bad thing03:57
sacarlsonWeThePeople: I should be around03:57
mickster04rockman125: pretty straight forward03:57
rockman125ok mickster ty i will try03:57
gaelfxcrlcan81: my theory about linux is if you don't screw up the system at least twice a week, you're doing something wrong03:57
bhagatsrbye folks03:58
mickster04gaelfx: i like03:58
gaelfxmickster04: I know, right?03:58
mickster04gaelfx: yep:)03:58
MrCleanWithHairJag behöver en webbplats som pandora.com för svensk musik?03:58
crlcan81YAY GAELFX03:59
MrCleanWithHairgaelfx, yes03:59
gaelfx!sv | MrCleanWithHair03:59
ubottuMrCleanWithHair: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se03:59
gaelfxMrCleanWithHair: was that right?04:00
Travmickster04, gaelfx, just reinstalled. can tell you the error is kernel panic not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown block 0,0. any suggestions?04:00
grom358I've ODBC working from command line with isql. But its not working in apache.. has anyone here got ODBC working in php under apache?04:00
gaelfxcrlcan81: hey, how's it going? not so well I take it?04:00
MrCleanWithHairyes. ubuntu-se is crickets04:00
crlcan81and with the changes I make to my system constantly I rarely am on for more then a day or two before I'm restarting for some reason, usually a change that makes it prettier or easier for me to alter aspects of.04:00
arandMrCleanWithHair: And the request is offtopic here, I'm afraid.04:01
crlcan81no actually gaelfx, it's fine :P waiting on updates, once that's done I'm going to do a quick menu check to remove via sudo some entries.04:01
gaelfxTrav: it sounds like the partition manager made a mistake, you might need to do it by hand04:01
MrCleanWithHairarand, this channels so noisy anyway it doesnt really matter does it.04:01
gaelfxcrlcan81: hey, that doesn't sound too bad!04:01
crlcan81got some multiple programs that do the same thing, going to take out the ones I added that don't work or don't really alter anything at all, becuase it's for the earlier version of Ubuntu.04:01
arandMrCleanWithHair: It matter exactly bcause of that.04:01
jordan_hypatia, hey04:02
crlcan81since I want to alter splash screens and splash screen doesn't do that for me.04:02
crlcan81gotta restart for kernal update though.04:02
crlcan81once it's done :(04:03
hypatiahey jordan_ how is your ubuntu going04:03
hypatiagood luck crlcan8104:03
gaelfxcrlcan81: yeah, it's pretty tough to get around that one, but it actually is possible to update kernel without rebooting04:03
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crlcan81well that's just it, it's saying reboot necessary but it's still configuring via update manager.04:03
crlcan81like still installing04:03
crlcan81almost done but.. still. it said restart earlier then necessary.04:04
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c-unitcan somebody help me?04:04
grom358so I'm getting Data source name not found, and no default driver specified04:05
grom358works fine from command line.. not from php under apache04:05
albertc-unit, what is your problems04:05
grom358I've got the environment variables set according to phpinfo()04:06
sxndavecrlcan81 : Ive notice somthing similar before, I believe it changes the toolbar icon for restrat required directly after installing the package that requires the restart. the rest will just finish as normal. You can then restart when you are ready04:06
hypatiayeah definitely don't restart til it's done installing04:06
c-unita proble with conky i dont know if can make that q here04:06
crlcan81I realize that, just those are quick to act or aren't used to linux would get scared.04:06
gaelfxis apt-p2p pretty effective for increasing download speed?04:06
albertc-unit, what04:07
hypatiacrlcan81: yeah, that wording is kinda awkward04:07
coihi guys. does the graphical installer for 10.10 not provide a way to do full-disk encryption? or do i still need to use the alternate cd approach?04:07
sxndavefair point, never thought of it that way tbh04:07
hypatiac-unit: just ask your question :)04:07
hypatiacoi still need the alternate04:07
coithanks hypatia04:07
hypatiacoi: the graphical installer only does homedir encryption04:08
coihypatia, thanks :D thats what i thought/had04:08
hypatiai look forward to the day when FDE is in the main installer :)04:08
gaelfxhypatia: ah, I was gonna say I thought it did encrypt. Good to know04:08
gaelfxwhat's FDE?04:09
c-uniti tried to compile conky with alsa mixer support and everything seems to work but when i type conky -v theres np support enabled04:09
gaelfxd'oh, ignore04:09
gaelfxmy acronym recognition software is off today04:09
hypatiagaelfx: full disk encryption :)04:09
gaelfxanyone know the cure for choppy smplayer playback?04:10
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c-unitalso i run conky and i get the error that theres no dev/mixer04:10
WeThePeoplesacarlson, it doesnt seem to be doing it...when i ran the code everything was norm.04:11
coihypatia, does alt. encrypt everything? I dont want to reinstall to find out that it isnt fully enc'd04:11
sacarlsonWeThePeople: so it stoped when you returned?04:11
crlcan81yay all the unnecessary packages are removed, what exactly is knetattach?04:11
albertc-unit, i am sorry04:11
gaelfxyou know what would be pretty handy? if there was an easy way to share info about your system with someone trying to help, like they could search through what packages you have installed, system version and stuff like that04:11
WeThePeoplesacarlson, no it never started when i logged into Lubuntu04:12
crlcan81only one I have no clue if I need or not, the rest I removed I knew I'd not need as I had alternatives alaready installedes04:12
sacarlsonWeThePeople: <ctl><alt> +f7 should have returned you to graphics04:12
Jinxed-I'm trying to use openshot in ubuntu and it says I need blender 2.5 or later but when I installed it from the ubuntu software center it was version 2.4904:12
Jinxed-how do I get 2.504:12
Jinxed- or later04:12
hypatiacoi: the alt installer lets you do encrypted lvm, which encrypts everything except your kernel04:12
sacarlsonWeThePeople: oh so just the reboot fixed it04:12
gaelfxJinxed-: you should check out the PPA for blender04:12
Jinxed-gaelfx: how would i do that04:12
gaelfxJinxed-: just google ubuntu blender ppa04:13
coihypatia, thanks04:13
WeThePeoplesacarlson, the reboot fixed it this time, i am sure it will return04:13
hypatiacoi: you're welcome :)04:13
sacarlsonWeThePeople: ok but can't fix it if it aint broke04:13
coisucks how the iso is only torrent04:13
hypatiacoi: pick the "encrypted lvm" option04:13
FreezingColdI just bought a GoDaddy domain, how can I get it to go to my home server?04:13
hypatiacoi: there is an alternate iso for direct download04:13
hypatiacoi: you need to find the "releases" page tho04:13
joljamI am desperately in need of help. My colleague using a windows machine wants to see my ubuntu desktop. I googled and found that tighvnc was the software to use. However, after installing it and typing in my ip address which starts with 192.168..... my friend gets the message that the connection cannot be established04:14
coihypatia, ill check it out04:14
magpiieok, i deleted the dock bar at the bottom of my screen and now i don't know how to get it back, any help? sorry, I have only recently come over to ubuntu from microsh*te04:14
coihypatia, actually... im getting great dl speed with this :D04:14
gaelfxjoljam: well, if your friend is outside of your LAN, then it won't work that way04:14
intokWell crap, need the Tux n' Tosh icons from the Art Manager to tie my theme together but it seems to be dead04:14
gaelfxjoljam: use: http://www.whatismyip.com/04:15
hypatiacoi: awesome ;)04:15
gaelfxjoljam: alternatively, your router's page should tell you your global ip04:16
joljamgaelfx: thanks let me check04:16
duncan_joljam, are you guys on the same network, or are you trying this over the net?04:16
gaelfxjoljam: oh, another thing that might help is making sure that upnp is enabled on your router04:17
joljamgaelfx: I am bit ignorant on this: how can I go to my routers webpage04:18
miketomdoolhey is there a way to transfer your existing ubuntu installation to a flash drive?04:19
mikebotIs it possible that a USB install won't work if my screen resolution is a difficult setting?04:19
hypatiamiketomdool: you could make a bootable flash drive then move your /home over04:19
gaelfxjoljam: go to in your browser04:19
hypatiamiketomdool: that's probably the closest you can get to directly transferring it04:19
miketomdoolok thanks04:20
joljamgaelfx: thanks04:20
alisalaahhypatia, if i just copied my /home to another ubuntu and did nothing else would my user/pass work for login on it and everything?04:20
gaelfxjoljam: no prob04:20
sxndavemiketomdool: there is a tool for generating a distro from your current install, with or without custom applications and settings04:20
mikebotOr rather, if I know that a bootable USB drive works (tried it on another computer), and it doesn't work on my computer, is there a way to diagnose the problem?04:20
sxndavemiketomdool: once its doen you get an iso you can install to the bootaable media04:20
lahwranin the places menu in a default ubuntu install, if I add more than 8 bookmarks, it turns it into a submenu. is there a way to tell it to not do that? I have plenty of room on my screen.04:21
gaelfxjoljam: how's comcast's service for you?04:21
miketomdoolsome BIOS dont support boot from usb04:21
joljamgaelfx: its ok04:21
miketomdooli use a boot manager on a cd to get boot from usb to work04:21
gaelfxmiketomdool: that'd be pretty old BIOS04:21
crlcan81ok, now then..04:22
miketomdoolor a really sucky bios >.> (pheonex bios)04:22
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gaelfxmiketomdool: ah, yeah, that too :P04:22
gaelfxcrlcan81: everything hunky dory?04:22
sxndavemiketomdool: the package for making your own distro for live cds and flash drives is called Remaster04:23
crlcan81since the ubuntu 'splash screen' is using plymouth, or whatever it's called, is it necessary to have the 'splash screen' installed to alter it, or as it seems like since these are different programs trying to do the same thing, it's a waste of space?04:23
miketomdoolsxndave: thanks i will look for it04:23
crlcan81I'm talking about the menu entry splash screen04:23
sxndavemiketomdool: not sure if its in repos although i seem to remember it being, some info here http://maketecheasier.com/reconstructor-creating-your-own-ubuntu-distribution/2008/07/0504:24
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gaelfx!plymouth | crlcan8104:24
ubottucrlcan81: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »04:24
joljamgaelfx: I typed in in my browser but I got the message Problem loading page04:24
miketomdoolmikebot: i use http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html to boot usb for bios that dont support it04:24
gaelfxjoljam: did whatismyip not work for you?04:24
miketomdoolsxndave: thanks04:25
mikebotmiketomdool: Thanks, I'll try that... I also just found this: http://technomess.blogspot.com/2010/11/ubuntu-1010-and-lenovo-ideapad-s10-3.html04:25
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joljamgaelfx: i failed to realise that the IP address was given in the top itself for whatismyip04:26
gaelfxjoljam: haha, that's ok. so you found it?04:26
gaelfxwhat can I do about choppy playback with vdpau in smplayer?04:27
joljamgaelfx; is it necessary that I should be connected directly from the modem to the computer without any wireless routers in between04:28
alisalaahMy macbook says no Bluetooth adapters present..04:28
gaelfxjoljam: no, as long as you have upnp enabled on your router, it should be fine04:28
gaelfxjoljam: what does your machine say your ip is?04:29
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gaelfx(ugh, I gotta stop using stupid words for 'computer')04:29
intokgaelfx it's not a machine till it's vodka cooled04:30
gaelfxintok: I like how you think04:31
magpiiecan someone tell me how i get the dock on my monitor back? i deleted it to try a new addon and everytime i minimize a screen, it minimizes to the deleted dock04:31
Hexbomber_I have a total noob question on ubuntu. I am using full disk encryption and tried updating and fubar'd things. I want to copy over my home directory and back everything up to a new partition, but i can't mount the drive. Right now I am in a LiveCD and I have tried mounting it but I get the error "Unable to mount 250 GB LVM2 Physical Volume -- Not a mountable file system", can anyone suggest anything here.04:32
coz_magpiie,   dock  as in cairo dock  or awn  or are you talking about the panel at the bottom or top04:32
gaelfxmagpiie: if you still have the panel on top, you should be able to right-click and add a new panel04:32
coz_magpiie,   you want to right click >>"add to panel"   window list04:32
magpiielol thanks, sorted, proper noob here :P04:32
coz_magn3ts, cool04:32
gaelfxcoz_ magpiie not add to panel, new panel ;)04:32
crlcan81I've already got a plymouth chosen, that's why I asked if it was useless to keep the OLD splash screen program menu entry and package installed?04:33
gaelfxmagpiie: nah, that one can be a little tricky for anyone04:33
coz_gaelfx,  yes I realized that after typing :)04:33
crlcan81I have been using ubuntu since 8.0404:33
coz_crlcan81,  cool04:33
sxndavemagpiie: you will need to add the applets back how you want them if you do that, thisnks like the window list etc04:33
articulasBeen so ling since I used irc. Using Unbuntu is like skinny dipping.04:33
crlcan81I just SOMETIMES get the tutorials for 8.04 9.04 and whatnot because I just search 'blahblah ubuntu' not 'blah blah ubuntu 10.10'04:34
coz_articulas,  cool ,, refreshing  and sometimes a bit of shrinkage :)04:34
crlcan81I forget04:34
gaelfxcrlcan81: keep it04:34
crlcan81that's what I was wondering, since it's.. not actually doing anything04:34
crlcan81it changes nothing04:34
magpiiethanks, i managed to figure that bit out, not before panicing that it wasnt showing this window that i minimized to the new dock lol04:34
crlcan81my splash 'login' doesn't change either.04:34
Braber01I can't seem to be able to install gcc or g++ on a dumb termnial any idea why?04:35
coz_Braber01,  the current for your version of ubuntu should already be installed04:35
coz_Braber01,    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:35
sxndavemagpiie: you can reset completely back to default if you like but you will loose andy bits you've added to the top panel too. thats the way I usually do it since I don't keep much up there.04:35
hypatiaalisalaah: sorry to disappear - to answer your question, you'd need to add a user as well04:35
=== sud0 is now known as Glider
hypatiaalisalaah: and maybe reinstall some packages, depending on the system04:35
Braber01coz_ thank you04:35
ITGeekwhispererKernel panic - not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown block 0,0 thats the error not how bout one of you young folks that kickass in ubuntu help me out?04:36
magpiiethanks, i sorted it out now, no need to reset cheers04:36
coz_dustin_,  if you installed via apt it should update automatically04:36
coz_dustin_,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:37
Braber01I keep trying which gcc and which g++ and I get no result.04:38
Braber01and what was that second command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?04:38
magpiieok now back to my original problem, whenever i plug the earphones in, i get sound from both speakers and earphones, even after installing the alsamixer, any ideas?04:38
coz_Braber01,  yes   in terminal also   gcc --version04:38
articulasdo I need to run virus ware with unbuntu?04:39
Braber01coz_: I've tried the command to find out if it was installed, i.e "which" and it didn't return any locations.04:39
coz_articulas,  most likely no04:39
cybonixDustin did you try sudo apt-get upgrade flash?04:39
coz_Braber01,  and did  gcc --version have a readout?04:39
=== satya_ is now known as satya
Braber01/bin/sh: gcc: not found04:40
coz_Braber01,  ooooo04:40
coz_Braber01,  open synaptic package manager   ,,, hit the Search button type in gcc04:41
Braber01coz_ I can't I'm on a dumb terminal.04:41
coz_Braber01,  oo  you are not in GUI  desktop ?04:41
Braber01coz_: that's correct04:41
coz_Braber01,  can you get into DE04:42
ozzloywhen i hit suspend on my lenovo x200, the screen blanks, sleep light blinks, but the machine immediately wakes up again. how do i trouble shoot this? so far my google-fu has failed me04:42
coz_Braber01,    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:42
coz_Braber01,   un comment and line starting with   deb04:42
GittI've been out of the loop for some time, does anyone know if ubuntu can be installed on an intel mac ( 2010 ) model, without using bootcamp, or having to do some crazy patching process for grub?04:43
rockman125Hi, i don't have access to server physically , how do i run rescue there?04:43
sxndavemagpiie: it can usually be done manually from the sound preferences dialog. if you go to the soundpreferences item in the sound menu of the top panel and head to the 'output' tab you can select which ouput to use in the 'connector' dropdown menu04:43
coz_Braber01,   save it  ctrl+x   then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:43
cyberjunk502how to schedule broadband connection to connect at specific time04:43
dustin_coz_, still doin it04:43
coz_dustin_,  what ecactly is going on with flash on that system?04:44
cyberjunk502how to schedule broadband connection to connect at specific time04:44
cyberjunk502using pppoe04:44
magpiiei have done that, but for some reason, i either get no sound at all, or still sound out of both headphones and speakers, Its annoying becuase i bet it is something really simple too. I have even tried muting the speakers on output but all that does is mute both04:45
sxndavedo they appear as seperate devices in the hardware tab?04:45
magpiiei have analogue output and anologue headphones as the two options04:46
magpiiewhen i plug earphones in, it automatically mutes the speakers, when i choose headphones output, i cant hear anything until i unmute speakers, then i get sound from both earphone and speakers04:47
alisalaahIs there two versions of "Alt+Tab"? I just installed Ubuntu on wife's macbook and it looks different then on my Asus but I've never customized that?04:49
antonius_hi, i'm using 10.10, remote desktop WILL NOT WORK for my account.  Works for all other users, except my acc't.  They are desktop users, while I am admin..any ideas?04:49
dandaman1does anyone here use chrome?04:49
alisalaahdandaman1, i do04:50
dr_Willisalisalaah:  compiz has like 5 varmints of although tabbing04:50
alisalaahdr_Willis, ty ill look there..04:50
dandaman1alisalaah: do you have middle click scrolling? i can't figure out how to get it04:50
alisalaahdandaman1, im using touchpad atm so cant tell you04:50
kevin_sudo apt-get install gcc?04:50
dr_WillisSilly phone Irc is auto correcting again.04:51
crlcan81Wow that's some heavy backlighting04:51
crlcan81I love my mointor04:51
arandalisalaah: Also metacity/compiz has different appearance (compiz is used if accelerated graphics drivers are available)04:51
sxndavemagpiie: sorry, not sure where to go from there. I had a similar problem back in an older version but i have no idea how i fixed it.04:51
=== emma is now known as em
magpiiea 10 second shot of nerd rage sometimes does the trick, its just really really annoying the hell out of me, i am in the library studying and i cant listen to my music AHHHH04:52
magpiieironicly, i am studying conflict resolution rofl04:53
antonius_why does VNC work for some users but not others!!!!04:53
antonius_<----- always regrets using "newest" version04:53
antares_alguien que hable español?04:54
sxndavemagpiie: nice. tbh it would drive me around the bend too04:54
antares_¿Este es el IRC en español?04:54
antares_¿O existe otro?04:54
Starminn!es | antares04:54
ubottuantares: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:54
rakeshcan someone help me i have some trouble with executing a c program04:55
Starminnrakesh: Tried in #C?04:55
rakesho is that a channel04:56
rakeshbecause this seems to be a compiler issue?04:56
magpiieoh well, i will have to leave it for another week, my mate is a linux programmer but he isnt in town till after the weekend, i was trying to get this system sorted before he arrived, he has been banging on at me for the past 8 years about sacking microsoft and jioning the linux community, at least its only the sound i am ahving trouble with. pretty much got my head around everything else so far04:56
Starminnmagpile: Are you grateful for your friend's persistence?04:58
StarminnJust curious. Despite the issues, thus far how has it been?04:58
rockman125Hi, i don't have access to server physically , how do i run rescue there?04:59
sxndavemagpiie: glad to hear it. when I first moved over I had a lot of little niggly things like that. It was a real drag as it was easy to end up ina mess after reading countless forum posts and endless commands into the terminal.04:59
KaleidomorphSo far I'm enjoying my switch to Linux.05:00
thrillERboyI accidentally uninstalled few packages by sudo apt-get remove evolution*, now whenever I start ubuntu, theres an error GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet error while loading. How to fix this?05:00
magpiieaye, I had a few small issues like the sound one, basically i was trying to set the 3d desktop to spere and it wouldnt have any of it, 8 hours and 3 you tube videos later, bobs ya uncle, awesome 3d desktop, first thing i always do when installing an operating systme, pimp it up05:01
ben__What up?05:01
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ben__funny magpiie05:01
ben__my mate always says sky lol05:01
=== jofo is now known as JoFo
magpiieMy uncle always used to get me with it, guess it rubbed off onto me lol05:02
ben__lol :P05:02
kevin_thrillERboy: install evolution lol05:02
ben__im sync my keys how long does it take usually?05:03
thrillERboyI'm sure its not the evolution package ;) there are many other evolution packages, I don't know which one is it :/05:03
thrillERboycoz, I have already removed evolution without any problems05:03
kevin_try synaptics... install all the dependencies05:03
satyaerror in creating home directories for the ldap users. could not chdir to /etc/username05:04
SenjaiHey guys, does anyone know how to mount a remote filesystem?05:05
Senjaie.g. is there a way to mount my uni's filesystem onto a folder locally.05:05
DouglasKQuestion, how do you find which package contains a specific file?05:06
sxndaveSenjai: In nautilus, select 'File > conect to server...'. There are several options of how to do it. You will either need to have ssh access to the remote machine and use that account of ftp access to it.05:07
macoDouglasK: whats the file?05:07
DouglasKlibflashplayergc.so ..... the flash plugin that comes with Google Chrome.05:07
satyaerror in creating home directories for the ldap users. could not chdir to /etc/username05:07
macoDouglasK: oh if it came with chrome, then it was in the chrome package05:07
satyaerror in creating home directories for the ldap users. could not chdir to /home/username05:07
DouglasKmaco: so I would have thought.  I purged Chrome, reinstalled it, and the file is nowhere on my box.05:08
maco!find libflashplayergc.so05:08
Senjaisxndave, i have ssh access, is there a command line varient to do it though? I'm aware of the GUI version (perhaps I should have stated so)05:08
ubottuPackage/file libflashplayergc.so does not exist in maverick05:08
macoDouglasK: ^ its not from an ubuntu package05:08
Senjaisxndave, and I believe that the GUI version uses sftp, which my uni allows.05:09
DouglasKmaco: K.  I'll dig into the .deb from Google and see what's up.05:09
macoDouglasK: dpkg --contents foo.deb05:09
macoDouglasK: to get a list of files in the deb05:09
DouglasKmaco: thanks!05:09
navinany idea about cross compilation?05:10
sxndaveSenjai: I guess there is but I dont't know it unfortunately, and yeh it can use sftp or ftp in the nautilus method05:10
Senjaisxndave, yea... neither do I05:10
sxndaveSenjai: Im interested to know myself how to do it from the command line. It would be nice to be able to put a bash script together to mount my remote systems at startup05:10
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Senjaisxndave, sftp uses ssh protocol, ftp uses.. ftp protocol.05:11
Senjaisxndave, that's what I'm trying to do05:11
sxndaveSenjai: yes and you can choose to use either when connecting via nautilus. I would use sftp from the cli though in order to be able to authenticate using keys instead of putting the password in the script05:12
JeffCBR|awayHow do I access my CDROM drive?05:12
Senjaisxndave, I'd either prompt for a password on startup, or make it so the script cant be read by anyone except me05:13
SenjaiJeffCBR|away, using the mount command05:13
=== JeffCBR|away is now known as JeffCBR
svetlioHi all05:13
miketomdoolit might automatically mount it as /media/cdrom05:13
SenjaiJeffCBR, check the /media/cdrom if its there, if its not, type mount /dev/cdrom05:14
motionI would like some help recovering my dual-boot ability with grub2 -- it seems to have not been installed after i installed maverick 10.1005:14
ITGeekwhisperercan anyone help with a dual boot issue? just dl'd and installed ubuntu 10.10 (used the "install along side" method) .. when I restart and try the ubuntu it says.. Kernel panic -- not syncing VFS unable ti mount root fs on unknown block 0,0      could really use the help and some sleep05:14
jose-netoi need help05:14
Logan_WP!ask | jose-neto05:15
Senjai!ask jose-neto05:15
ubottujose-neto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:15
SenjaiLogan_WP perhaps you would know how to answer my previous question?05:15
jose-netoubottu,i nstalled ubuntu 11.0 but the bars and window borders are not showing05:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:15
SenjaiLogan_WP, you just joined so I'll repeate it05:15
jose-netoubottu  i nstalled ubuntu 11.0 but the bars and window borders are not showing05:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:16
IdleOne!11.04 | jose-neto05:16
ubottujose-neto: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:16
miketomdooljose-neto: ubottu cant respond to you05:16
motionwhat I have done this time, which is a bit different then most times when I've installed ubuntu is I've used one hard disk - 500mb, windows has half and linux has half, 250 - so linux being linux I've given it a 20gb SWAP and a 210gb EXT4 -- after installing ubuntu using the manual-partitioner via ubuntu installer it fails to boot through GRUB giving me no selection of OS, just booting into ubuntu05:16
SenjaiLogan_WP, do you know how to mount a remote filesystem locally? (The GUI does this via Places -> Connect To Server) I'm looking for the command line equivalent in order to set up a bash script05:17
jose-netoubotto  do you have any idea how can i downgrade it05:17
ITGeekwhisperercan anyone help with a dual boot issue? just dl'd and installed ubuntu 10.10 (used the "install along side" method) .. when I restart and try the ubuntu it says.. Kernel panic -- not syncing VFS unable ti mount root fs on unknown block 0,0      could really use the help and some sleep05:17
Senjai!ubottu | jose-neto05:17
ubottujose-neto: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:17
g_0_0!grub2 | motion05:17
ubottumotion: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:17
motiong_0_0,  would you be able to provide any guidance through the process of recovering this?05:18
sxndaveSenjai: check out the package 'sshfs'05:20
jose-netoubottu no one responds my message in #ubuntu+105:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:20
Senjaisxndave, it wants its own usergroup, It doesn't have to be done that way05:20
motionif I am running GRUB2, will the "grub-install -v" return this :grub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 ?05:20
kevin_ubottu hello05:20
Senjaisxndave, if Ubuntu can already do it via the GUI, there has to be a way to do it via the command line05:20
g_0_0motion, in terminal -> sudo update-grub   -- should do the trick05:20
Senjaisxndave, and I have no intention of creating a user in which the application has full rights to05:21
miketomdoolis there a command line program to watch videos?05:21
xanguamiketomdool: mplayer05:21
miketomdooloh wow cool05:21
bowentwo1 TB HD Windows 7 2 TB Ubuntu installation was a breeze but when i rebooted i went straight to windows can anyone help me fix it? i'm in live cd now not sure what to do next... thank you in advance for the help.05:21
sxndaveSenjai: I wouldnt either, but im inclined to think that that functionality is either part of nautilus or gnome as I could not do it in xubuntu without installing nautilus and fudging it to be the default file manager with a link05:22
BHXSpecteris there a way to restore gdm to the ubuntu installation from the live cd without reinstalling everything ?05:22
motiong_0_0, ...update-grub generated a grub.cfg but, all I see is that it has found only "linux img: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic", "initrd img: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic", and lastly memtest86+ img05:22
sxndaveBHXSpecter: just teh panels?05:22
Senjaisxndave, I can map network filesystems, but I cant mount remote filesystems that require authentication.05:23
motiong_0_0,  shouldnt there be a "/windows"  or something present?05:23
jose-netoSenjai i need heelp05:24
BHXSpectersxndave: well I was following a tutorial to install gnome-shell so I could get a tron legacy theme working and I rebooted when it told me to but suddenly  I got blank screen with errors about losing graphics/monitor/etc settings and sent to the console login so I booted up live cd hoping to fix without a full reinstall05:24
g_0_0motion, can you check in system->administration-> startup manager and see what options are listed under default operation system05:24
jose-netoSenjai Ubottu could not help me05:24
intokyay / nay? http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Icons/Tux-n-Tosh-Icons-Reloaded-52313.shtml05:24
Jeruvyjose-neto: feel free to wait, or you may ask your question again.05:25
Senjaijose-neto, it is just a bot. Don't ask it for help, ask the users here05:25
jose-netoJeruvy i installed ubuntu 11.0 but i cant navigate because the bars are not here05:26
olimones_ I have a problem installing asterisk 2.0 GUI on ubuntu server. It keeps looking for rights to write on gui folder. does any one can help?05:26
Senjai!ot | intok05:26
ubottuintok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:26
motiong_0_0, "menuentry 'ubuntu, with linux 2.6.35-22-generic", "recovery", "memtest86+", and "memtest86+, serial console"05:26
crlcan81ok, now then, my plymouth splash has been altered. What about my login screen?05:26
Senjaijose-neto, go to #ubuntu+105:26
crlcan81What program would I use to go about changing that?05:26
Senjaijose-neto, we don't support ubuntu 11 here05:26
crlcan81it's still beta?05:26
Senjai!11.04 | jose-neto05:26
ubottujose-neto: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:26
jose-netoSenjai i did but noone could help05:27
Senjaicrlcan81, till April 28th.05:27
Senjaijose-neto, then wait, and ask again later, or ask on the ubuntu forum05:27
BHXSpecterguess Ill have to tackle my issue tomorrow morning then cause the silence tells me it is harder than I had hoped lol05:27
sxndaveBHXSpecter: beyond my expertise I feel05:27
jose-netoSenjai the problem is that i need to navigate on this computer to back up my data05:28
sxndaveBHXSpecter: was just checking out some threads i had bookmarked05:28
SenjaiBHXSpecter, that seem like a complicated problem, for the super complex problems try the forums, and post logs.05:28
BHXSpecter*shrugs* may just do reinstall, make a day of re installing updates and apps again05:28
jose-netoif i could back up my data would be better05:28
Senjaijose-neto, have you tried booting into single user mode?05:28
ruffdogmickster04, wanted to let you know I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 desktop again.  Checked the hash, it was good.  Installed perfectly.  Tks for you help on that.05:28
g_0_0motion cat you pastebin /etc/default/grub05:29
jose-netoSenjai how do i do that05:29
sxndaveBHXSpecter: if you can boot the live CD you can recover the tuff from your home partition and restore it after the install05:29
motionubottu, pastebin\05:29
BHXSpecterIm heading off to bed, tired of fighting this tonight05:29
motionubottu, pastebin05:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:29
soreauCan anyone on maverick that is able to play dvd's pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l|egrep "totem|gstreamer|dvd"' please?05:29
Senjaijose-neto, do you know how to get into grub?05:29
jose-netoSenjai , no05:30
motiong_0_0, http://paste.ubuntu.com/570938/05:30
RPG-Master_I installed the Microsoft fonts, but now I don't want them. What's the best way of removing them without harming OpenOffice and other apps which use Arial by default?05:30
g_0_0motion, did you install windows after ubuntu?05:31
olimones_I have a problem installing asterisk 2.0 GUI on ubuntu server. It keeps looking for rights to write on gui folder. does any one can help?05:31
Senjaisoreau, http://pastebin.com/VMseW8tB05:31
motiong_0_0, nope05:31
crlcan81What's the name of the login screen after splash, GDM?05:32
soreauSenjai: Thanks :)05:32
kevin_RPG-Master_ sudo make remove?05:32
Senjaijose-neto, I do not have enough time to explain it all. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:32
crlcan81YAY RPGS05:32
GKAHi everyone. Here's my issue: Visual Effects reset on restart. I have tried many attempts to correct this. My alternative is to reconfigure my settings to equal to that of when I start Ubuntu from a live CD. I'm using 10.04. Any helpers?05:32
jose-netoSenjai , give me a minute05:32
RPG-Master_crlcan81: RPGs WOOT05:33
Starminnsoreau: For what it's worth, I got the same output as Senjai gave you05:33
motiong_0_0, ive run into a problem like this before which took forever to solve and i dont remember the steps, so to avoid this i had formatted completely after using ubuntu10 as standalone, but now due to compatibility issues I would like to dual-boot windows/linux and the grub doesnt seem to have co-operated with me05:33
SenjaiHi Starminn :)05:33
StarminnGoing to bed. See ya. :)05:33
Senjaiolimones_ do you know the folder?05:34
kevin_GKA: driver issue?05:34
DandyKoffinhey guys. no one in #winehq will help me with this. I can't use hotkeys for spells in diablo II. Anyone know how to fix it?05:35
Senjai!ot | Dand05:35
ubottuDand: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:35
g_0_0motion, do you have a raid?05:35
jose-netoSenjai ,and what else05:35
Senjaijose-neto, sorry I have to go, once your in recovery mode, you can copy all your files over to a seperate disk (I think thats what you wanted)05:35
jose-netobut how05:36
GKAkevin_: could be. I never used the proprietary driver when I installed 10.04 for the first time. I tried the fglrx fix, compiz, save settings, etc. Now I want to know what drivers are installed from the Live CD. Is there any way to get a list?05:37
Senjaijose-neto, have you logged into recovery mode05:37
motiong_0_0, no im not using raid... and you know what -- ive just been thinking, i think i may have installed ubuntu incorrectly -- ext4 is mounted at / and thats the only mount point along side 'swap' ....i just realised before formatting i had /, /home, /boot -- i beleive05:38
crlcan81How would I go about changing the login screen? what program would do the actual background and icon?05:39
soreauSenjai: Thanks, dvd playback works again now :)05:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:40
Senjaisoreau, good to hear :) anytime05:40
sxndavecrlcan81: you can change the icon set by editing the theme in 'system > preferences > appearence'05:41
motiong_0_0, http://paste.ubuntu.com/570941/05:41
Senjaicrlcan81, Im not exactly sure, but I think its a gnome thing. Look there first?05:41
Senjai!gnome, crlcan8105:41
Senjai!gnome | crlcan8105:41
ubottucrlcan81: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.05:41
Senjai!desktop > Senjai05:41
ubottuSenjai, please see my private message05:41
crlcan81I'm already in gnome silly :P05:41
Senjaiwow, ubottu sucks05:42
Senjaicrlcan81, what I wanted ubottu to do is point you to a GNOME configuration site05:42
bazhang!themes > crlcan8105:42
ubottucrlcan81, please see my private message05:42
SenjaiThank you bazhang :)05:43
g_0_0motion, sorry I'm on the phone perhaps somebody else could help you with your boot problem05:46
crlcan81I found part of the problem.05:47
motiong_0_0,  no problems, thanks anyhow.05:47
crlcan81For some reason administration has login screen, but not login window. screen lets me select users and whatnot, but not install themes. There's no theming access in it.05:47
bazhangcrlcan81, gdm2 is not terribly configurable05:48
crlcan81So basically the eyecandy help associated with GDM is out of date.05:48
log_15can you help me05:50
crlcan81only 'configuration' available I've found is if you do synaptic and search gdm theme, but that also pulls up splash and mouse during GDM.05:50
bazhanglog_15, ask a question05:50
=== Senjai is now known as Senjai|AFK
pr3zidenthello people ? can somebody tell me how to join 2 avi files i used cat file.avi file2.avi ? file3.avi and then mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy file3.avi -o file_final.avi but it still only plays the first video after cat ?05:51
pr3zidentcan somebody tell me how to cat the videos properly05:52
=== Senjai|AFK is now known as Senjai
bazhangcat file1 file2 >file305:52
pr3zidentthat was my first step05:52
pr3zidentbut it still only plays the first video05:52
=== Senjai is now known as Senjai|AFK
log_15instal file extensi tar.gz05:52
pr3zidenthuh ?05:53
bazhangpr3zident, explain what you are trying to do05:53
pr3zidenti'm trying to join 2 separate .avi videos together05:53
bazhangoh then that wont do it05:53
pr3zidentlike file.avi file2.avi > file3.avi like that05:54
pr3zidenti used the mencoder but still not a proper join05:54
log_15ada orang05:55
bazhang!id | log_1505:55
ubottulog_15: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:55
pr3zidentdoes any1 know how to properly join .avi files ?05:56
ValkyrieCan anyone test connection to my icecast server?05:57
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
Senjai|AFKpr3zident, after a quick google search i found this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-merge-2-avi-together-424988/ see if that helps you.05:58
pr3zidentthanx i will05:58
ValkyrieFor some reason, people can't connect to it directly.05:58
log_15ubottu : sepi05:58
Senjai|AFKValkyrie, i don't know what icecast is, but if I don't have to install anything I will05:58
ValkyrieSenjai|AFK: You don't. Just a browser thing05:59
ValkyrieHere, one sec. I'll /msg you the link05:59
Senjai|AFKValkyrie, tell me what you need05:59
RedFreakanyone here?05:59
bazhang!sound | RedFreak06:00
ubottuRedFreak: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:00
Senjai|AFKbazhang, ?06:01
bazhangSenjai|AFK, yes?06:01
Senjai|AFKbazhang, did RedFreak pm you a question or something/ Just curious about the !sound is all lol06:02
bazhangSenjai|AFK, no, I saw that he needed help with sound06:02
kevin_why does ubuntu use pulseaudio..?06:03
RedFreaki have already been through the soundtroublshooting link06:03
kevin_whats wrong with ALSA?06:03
PokeTehPenguinHi everyone, I seem to have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 and my laptop wireless card not being compatible with it... In using WUBI to dual boot Ubuntu and windows 7, I am using a Dell Inspiron 14R(N4010) and I got it to connect to wifi, but will not load pages, so I am going to do yet another fresh install and need some help to get my wireless working. Does anyone have the time to help me out to fix my wireless once WUBI installs06:06
PokeTehPenguinUbuntu yet again?06:06
log_15how to instal bt4 manual partioner>06:07
bazhangPokeTehPenguin, a wubi install? thats not a dual boot unless you have another install of Ubuntu06:07
bazhanglog_15, try in bt4 support channel #backtrack-linux06:07
PokeTehPenguinbazhang: Well I'm mistaken then, but can you help me with getting my wireless working on it?06:08
[biabia]what iTunes-like packages are there for ubuntu?06:08
bazhangPokeTehPenguin, what's the chipset06:08
PokeTehPenguinDWLAN Dell half mini card 1501 I believe06:08
bazhang[biabia], none. you can use banshee or rhythmbox to sync devices though06:08
PokeTehPenguinA broadcom in other words I guess06:09
bazhangPokeTehPenguin, paste.ubuntu.com the output of lspci06:09
bazhanglog_15, #backtrack-linux06:09
PokeTehPenguinOkay, I'll let this thing get Ubuntu again...06:09
PokeTehPenguinAlso, it gave an error when uninstalling from the control panel, something about ubuntu folder not being empty, but it acted as if it was uninstalled, so what went wrong?06:10
thauriswulfaQUESTION:how to use cambridge online dictionary with dictionary program in ubuntu06:11
PokeTehPenguin7 minutes left for downloading...06:12
drt84233Hello, I want all dns lookups for the domain name A to resolve to the ip of domain name B , how do I do this?06:12
PokeTehPenguinSorry for taking up your time bazhang... And thanks for helping me!06:13
drt84233teh actual issue is I have a really long dyndns.org hostname, I want to be able to type something shorter,06:13
log_15instal ubuntu 10.0406:14
th0rdrt84233: /etc/hosts maybe?06:14
bazhang!install > log_1506:15
ubottulog_15, please see my private message06:15
drt84233th0r: the ip is dynamic though, thats why im using dyndns06:15
alisalaahI have an Asus UL50VT and vanilla Maverick.. Why is my wireless so slow?  When I download on ethernet it will say 3-4mbps, on wireless i will always be around 100kbps06:16
immyhi again06:19
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drt84233alisalaah: noise probably06:19
PokeTehPenguinOka bazhang, just let me boot ubuntu paste the log of lspci and I'll report back06:19
drt84233alisalaah: you should try changing the channel the wireless is operating over06:20
nmvictorHow do I install firefox themes which are .jar files in ubuntu?06:20
alisalaahdrt84233, same laptop i switched to windows a second ago and experienced between 1-2mbps06:21
immyi have full disk encryption and id like to backup to an external usb hdd. i was wondering how i could move the data in its encrypted form to the hdd. i was going to encrypt the hdd but i realised that i would need another long password which ill probably have on keyring and likely to forget06:21
alisalaahand am aware of noise causes, mostly sure it is not just noise06:21
dravekxcan you put a group inside another group?06:22
blackl1ghtDoes somebody work at Canonical here?06:23
blackl1ghtThere was a campaign for the release of Ubuntu 10.10, it was a small picture saying "x" days to go for ubuntu release.06:24
immy10.10 has been out since october i think06:25
blackl1ghtWhere can I get it, I wanted the picture.06:25
blackl1ghtYes, It is out, but I wanted that particular gif or something, I do not know what technology.06:25
mickster04how do i get conky help, i get this error Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_clock_rings execution failed: /home/mike/.lua/scripts/clock_rings.lua:286: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'value' (a nil value)06:26
mickster04http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Conky+lua?content=139024 when using that condfig06:26
thechitowncubsmickster04: your script is broken06:27
thechitowncubslook on line 28606:27
mickster04thechitowncubs: well it kinda is, if you look at the screen shot on the link there are several small rings, but on mine it gets to 2 of 4 rigns and fails06:27
BlinkizHi. I have a supermicro moderboard here that I would like to know which type it is. I can not open the server and see the moderboard. Can I find out something with the help of linux?06:28
mickster04is where i saw it first06:28
mickster04and got the instructions from06:28
alisalaahEthernet speed tests at 39x19 mbps (i have 40x20)... Wireless averages to around 7x7 mbps (ranging from 5-10) on the same speedtests06:29
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.06:30
alisalaahin real download speeds that means i never go above 1mbps in downloads of the net06:30
mickster04Raj_Sagi: hello06:31
mickster04http://imagebin.org/139434 screeny06:31
PokeTehPenguin2Mind if I message you my results?06:32
tom67519I have a laptop with Ubuntu installed. When I plug the AC adapter in, the battery status says "fully charged" instead of "charging", even though it is only 25% charged06:33
tom67519How do I determine if this is a software or hardware issue?06:33
Raj_Sagibattery prob06:33
ruffdogtom67519, do you have windows also installed on the laptop?  I had a similar problem and I dual booted into my windows install and verified it was a problem with my battery.  Had to replace it.06:33
PokeTehPenguinCan anyone else help me with my wireless problem?06:33
tom67519ruffdog: Unfortunately I don't06:33
[biabia]in ubuntu software center i see adobe reader 9.  is there a way to get adobe reader X that wont wreck system06:34
CodeYetiWhere would be the correct place to put the jdk<version> directory produced by oracle's .bin file?06:34
gaelfx[biabia]: did you check for a PPA?06:35
[biabia]gaelfx: no, not sure how/what you mean06:35
gaelfx[biabia]: actually, I'm pretty sure there is no reader x for linux yet06:36
dravekxso, can you put a group inside a group?06:36
gaelfx[biabia]: if it's not on adobe's website, then I can't imagine that it actually exists06:36
dpiercemistakenly entered '-f' in the wrong position while editing update-rc.d. now my mistake is glaring in my face. which file do i edit to remove '-f' from being displayed in the list?06:36
gaelfxdravekx: not sure what the point of that would be. is there any reason you can't just make two separate groups?06:37
dhaneshhow can i check for bad sectors on hdd in ubuntu 10.10?06:37
PokeTehPenguinCould anyone help me with my wireless networking problem? I am using a Dell Inspiron 14R(N4010) and Ubuntu does not pick up my wireless card, I have the log of lspci if anyone can help get my wireless working...06:38
dpiercedhanesh: fsck06:38
gaelfxdhanesh: you can use Disk Utility06:38
CodeYetiShould I put the java JDK in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/lib or what?06:38
pikiniPokeTehPenguin, can you give me the log06:38
alisalaahIs there any way to make the Ubuntu splash come up as soon as computer is powered on or wakes from suspend without any of the text displaying? (this will prevent family nagging me that they think something is broken possibly)06:39
PokeTehPenguinSure, mind if I private message the link bikini?06:39
PokeTehPenguinAuto correct xP06:39
pikiniPokeTehPenguin, no problem06:39
FloodBot2PokeTehPenguin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:39
pikiniPokeTehPenguin, use http://paster.ubuntu.com06:39
pikiniPokeTehPenguin, and send me the link06:39
PokeTehPenguinThere, thanks!06:40
dhaneshgaelfx but how?06:40
immyim reading that dd can do a bitwise copy of files - if i want to transfer an image from my encrypted system to usb thumb will this do the trick: dd if=myfile.jpg of=/dev/sdc1 ?06:40
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immyi need to use sudo - but nothing shows up on the drive06:40
=== QuBit is now known as Guest99130
pikiniPokeTehPenguin, gimme the link06:40
PokeTehPenguinI private messaged you06:41
PokeTehPenguin2pikini, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/570953/06:41
pikiniPokeTehPenguin, got it06:41
alisalaahCodeYeti, i thought it was /usr/lib/jvm06:41
PokeTehPenguin2Sorry, using iPod and laptop at the same time06:41
gaelfxdhanesh: open Disk Utility, select the drive06:42
gaelfxdhanesh: if your drive has S.M.A.R.T. it should tell you right away if there are bad sectors or not06:42
CodeYetialisalaah, Is there some linux for idiots tutorial out there that would explain to me the meaning of this directory structure?06:42
gaelfxCodeYeti: everything starts at '/', you're on your own from there ;)06:43
alisalaahCodeYeti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/DirectoryStructure06:43
[biabia]everything starts with an e06:44
alisalaahCodeYeti, "/usr/lib for libraries which cannot be directly run but are essential for running other programs. Your package manager takes care of the things in /usr for you."06:44
ileahi all06:44
gaelfxdhanesh: did you figure it out?06:45
CodeYetialisalaah, Except for apparently installing the JDK06:45
ruffdogPokeTehPenguin, I realize pikini is helping you, but did you check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported to see if your card was supported?06:45
ileacan anyone tell me a good CAD program for drawing plans and for drawing the plan of a building and other things. I need for a profesor?06:46
alisalaahCodeYeti, try "apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre"06:46
gaelfxCodeYeti: are you installing from the package manager or did you download it and are trying to do it yourself?06:46
PokeTehPenguinruffdog: Let me see...06:46
dhanesh<gaelfx>yes but i want to scan the disc like norton disk checkup?06:46
alisalaahCodeYeti, you may need to add "sudo"06:47
darkthawtIf I backup my /opt/ directory, does that mean I don't have to reinstall applications that exist in it?06:47
gaelfxdhanesh: click on SMART Data and run a check of the surface for errors fromt here06:47
exitdescriptionhi ? is there a doc out there for ubuntu upgrades from jaunty to lucid without a graphical manager?06:47
th0rilea: qcad used to be in the repos I think06:47
gaelfxdarkthawt: why would you have to reinstall those applications?06:48
dhanesh<gaelfx> please wait06:48
ruffdogexitdescription, you want to update through terminal?06:48
exitdescriptionyeah ruffdog06:48
CodeYetigaelfx, I was trying to do it myself. Does the package manager version contain the lastest version immediately?06:48
alisalaahCodeYeti, many packages you can use "-current"06:48
gaelfxCodeYeti: no, it doesn't contain the latest version immediately, but you might be better off looking for a PPA06:48
ruffdogexitdescription, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765360 maybe that helps.06:48
=== QuBit is now known as QuB1t
gaelfx!ppa | CodeYeti06:49
ubottuCodeYeti: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.06:49
darkthawtgaelfx: wasn't sure, usually used the package manager do everything for me.06:49
gaelfxCodeYeti: chances are someone has already done what you want to do and has made it easier for others to do it as well, google for ubuntu jdk ppa06:49
ileafreecad is not so good i need a complex one to help me draw a full house plan including bath utilitis and other stuff06:49
syrinxwow its been so long since ive been on irc06:50
gaelfxdarkthawt: why are you worried about the applications in /opt?06:50
exitdescriptionthanks!i''ll check it out ruffdog06:50
Blou_AapFuchs, my pc doesnt crash overnight anymore thanks06:51
RollerDKi'm trying to register on a site but in register form there is a "challenge question" that i don't understand very well because english is not my mine languaje, can anyone help me please?06:51
Blou_Aapdisabled sleep06:51
CodeYetialisalaah, Sorry to keep bugging you, but how did you get that package name?06:52
gaelfxilea: you could search in Synaptic for CAD and see if anything looks halfway decent, but my inclination is to say that good CAD software is bought with real money06:52
mehdiis there any program that shows available INTERNET connection with their infos?06:52
KB1JWQRollerDK: Ask.06:52
alisalaahI had to install JDK 3 times in the last week06:52
sdollinsCould someone perhaps tell me what 4 dots rotating between red and white means on the screen after grub?06:52
alisalaahI am a J2EE dev at work and was moving to Ubuntu on a couple comps06:52
alisalaahthat got me running with jdk 1.606:52
gaelfxsdollins: sounds like a bad graphics driver06:53
darkthawtgaelfx: I've been using Maple that is installed in /opt and hate going through the installation process.06:53
rumpe1mehdi, "netstat tulpen"06:53
RollerDKnow the challenge question is "please type closeup without the close", any answer? :P06:53
rystraumtype up06:53
sdollinsgaelfx, it's a server if it matters..06:53
steven__Hello every one. I'm a newer .06:53
Jeruvysdollins: thats the hal/?? stage prior to loading user profiles.06:53
alisalaahRollerDK, "up"06:53
gaelfxdarkthawt: well, if you really want to keep something safe in case you ever need to reinstall, you should set up '/' and '/home' on separate partitions and install any apps like that into your '/home' directory06:54
thauriswulfasteven_:hi steven06:54
dhanesh<gaelfx> how can i check using terminal /06:54
sdollinsJeruvy, i'm not in the datacenter so i'm not exactly sure what it's doing. he just said it's doing that after grub06:54
gaelfxsdollins: oof, well, that's certainly not my area of expertise, you might wanna try to find someone with a better idea of what's going on with that06:54
RollerDKok, thanks It was literal meaning. I was trying to look up for meaning, thanks gyus :)06:54
sdollinsWe just moved drives into a new chassis.06:55
gaelfxdhanesh: fsck is probably the best06:55
Jeruvysdollins: thats normal.06:55
darkthawtgaelfx: I keep every my documents for /home, a partition that exists in home sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the tip.06:55
dhanesh<gaelfx> so what i want to do how?06:55
darkthawtgaelfx: all my documents*06:55
sdollinsJeruvy, so this is normal? how long should it take?06:55
mehdi@rumpel is that program belongs to germany?06:55
CodeYetialisalaah, the sun-java6-jdk package is unavailable. If it matters, I'm on 10.04 because I wanted to run in virtualbox without issues06:55
gaelfxdarkthawt: yeah, it's something that they really need to make an option on default installs. when you're setting up partitions, it's best to keep some things separate06:56
gaelfxdhanesh: you should type 'man fsck' and see what it can do06:56
darkthawtgaelfx: I manually partition my OS installation06:57
dhanesh<gaelfx> i saw  but i didnt understand06:57
gaelfxdhanesh: ok, you just want to check your disk for errors?06:58
dpiercedhanesh: 'sudo fsck --help'06:58
syrinxanyone  here?06:58
dpiercealternatively you can fsck.$ . where '$' is the filesystem of the drive06:59
gaelfxdhanesh: maybe we should start over, why do you want to check your disk for errors?06:59
dhanesh<gaelfx>yes bad sectors06:59
cwheelercan I install raid 5 using the ubuntu desktop dvd?06:59
dhaneshin windows it showd that had bad sectors06:59
sdollinscwheeler, software raid?07:00
Jeruvydhanesh: what does SMART tell you?07:00
rumpe1mehdi, no.. it's a usual cli command07:00
dhanesh<Jeruvy> 2 bad sectors07:01
cwheeleryes software raid07:01
mehdi@rumpel is that netstat?07:01
Jeruvydhanesh: you should fix them, then seek a new drive.07:01
ZummiG777Question: I have a dual monitor setup.  Is there a way to have individual backgrounds in each monitor?07:01
rumpe1mehdi, yes07:01
mehdi@rumpel well tanx and wat exactly Nmap do?07:02
immyso if i want to copy the encrypted data with dd i need to use low level /dev/sdx which has no directory structure - in other words all i can do is a low level copy07:02
gaelfxJeruvy: 2 bad sectors isn't really a big deal, nothing to buy a new drive over anyhow07:02
rumpe1mehdi, port scanning e.g.07:02
ruffdogZummiG777, check out http://crimm.me/2009/04/multiple-monitors-multiple-wallpapers-ubuntu-9-04.html  See if that helps07:03
ZummiG777Thanks ruffdog!07:03
cwheelersdollins: I want to install software raid 5 on my desktop system, I've used it before07:03
Jeruvygaelfx: Better to have a spare ready, than to find yourself without if the drive decides to go south quickly.07:03
sdollinsI think you'll need the text installer and you need a raid1 /boot partition07:04
=== Inumedia_ is now known as Inumedia
gaelfx!cn | peakone07:05
ubottupeakone: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:05
gaelfxJeruvy: I've got 11 bad sectors, been that way for months07:06
Jeruvygaelfx: sorry whats the question?07:07
=== Dementio is now known as Dementio_baby_aw
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=== Dementio_babywok is now known as Dem_babywoke
cwheelerthanks sdollins, I know about the /boot partition07:09
cwheelerI'm testing ram now07:09
gaelfxJeruvy: no question07:11
ruffdogZummiG777, also check out http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/170531-difficulty-getting-separate-backgrounds-dual-monitors.html07:12
Jeruvygaelfx: ah, well the drive could last for minutes or years.  Given the cost of drives I'd dump it.07:12
dravekxok, who asked me about the group inside group thing?07:13
dravekxinternet went down...07:13
gaelfxdravekx: it was kinda rhetorical, I was wondering why you would need that, why you wouldn't just make 2 separate groups07:14
wizzanyone know how to merge "undf"  file in ubuntu?07:15
dravekxgaelfx, i have 3 uses jailed in their home folders with public_html folders for web pages. I set up a group called www-group, and i set the permissions fo the folders as USER1:www-group. But now, I need to add www-data also because one of them said wordpress will not install correctly.07:16
dravekxI read somewhere that you shouldnt use www-data on every folder because it's a security risk, or evidently I don't have a clue what I'm doing. lol07:17
dravekxI made www-group because I need some users to have full access to all home directories.07:17
wizzanyone know how to merge "undf" file in ubuntu? "undf" is undefined format for media. i used VLC but it won't work.07:18
sdollinsWhat is the kernel package?07:18
gaelfxdravekx: hm, not sure about that07:18
gaelfx!cn | peakone07:18
ubottupeakone: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:18
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:07:19
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il07:19
gaelfxpeakone: 在这里我们都用英语,明白吗?07:19
mehdi@rump1 is netstat working offline?07:22
gaelfxso, since we have silence, I'll go for it: anyone know how to deal with choppy vdpau playback in smplayer ?07:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:27
wizzsorry. just testing, gaelfx07:28
wizzFire Truck07:28
gaelfxbetter, thank you :D07:28
nraicMy system has started freezing and I'm trying to figure out why. It can work ok for a few hours and then just freezes.07:29
louzerHow do I install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/screem on Ubuntu Maverick using Synaptic? In other words how do I add the repo for the said URL so I get all the dependencies?07:29
gaelfxapparently I need to get help during daylight hours in the western hemisphere07:29
syrinx@nraic is it overheating?07:29
nraicThe only thing I have changed is physically moved the machine to a new location and installed a wifi card.07:30
nraicsyrinx, I'm not sure but I don't think so. I have a really good case with great ventaltion.07:30
nraicsyrinx, is there a way to check? does ubuntu log any hardware temps?07:31
pw-toxic__how can i set up my raid to send emails if there are errors or problems?07:31
syrinxacpi -t07:31
syrinxlet me know the resutls07:31
nraicok I just need to install it first07:31
syrinxvery important systool07:32
syrinxacpi that is07:32
nraicit returns nothing07:32
syrinxwhats the temp?07:32
nraicI enter acpi -t into my terminal07:33
syrinxit should report something07:33
nraicit does nothing07:33
syrinxacpi -V07:33
nraicjust starts a new line07:33
nraicCooling 0: Processor 0 of 307:33
gaelfxlouzer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1523467&sa=X&ei=MLhkTcCSNIievQPNh8SrBg&ved=0CCMQrAIoADAA&usg=AFQjCNHkVwVCmZ87fm2fVehCljipZMguzQ07:33
syrinxare the fans even running?07:33
nraicsays that for 0: 1: 2: and 3:07:33
syrinxthey should report something back07:34
syrinxfor example for me, its says07:34
nraicI don't see why they would not be running07:34
syrinxthermal 0: ok, 50.0 degrees celcius07:34
syrinxdon't see anything like that?07:34
louzergaelfx: that link does not show any thread on ubuntu forums. It just shows the main page of ubuntu forums07:35
syrinxwanna set up a channel?07:35
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nraicI could check it in bios07:35
syrinxjoin #acpi07:35
Senjai|AFKsyrinx, acpi is not reliable for cooling devices..07:35
Sinisternew programs dont open on top they go to the task bar anyone know what i did or how i can fix ?07:36
gaelfxlouzer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147051207:36
gaelfxlouzer: for future reference, google is your friend07:36
louzergaelfx: I found the debian lenny package they said but 10.10 don't have the dependencies07:36
andreylosevcan I use gedit with separate windows instead of tabs?07:37
amitcan i use 64bit ubuntu on my pc as i have 4gb ram intel core 2 duo processor07:37
gaelfxlouzer: did you look for a ppa?07:43
gaelfxamit: yes, the RAM makes no difference, but the processor is 64-bit, so you should be fine07:43
louzergaelfx: Is this a ppa? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/screem07:43
amitgaelfx:how should i check that my processor is 64 bit07:43
Senjai|AFKamit, sysinfo in console07:43
gaelfxlouzer: no07:43
louzergaelfx: im googling for the ppa07:43
gaelfxamit: it's Core 2 Duo? then it's 64-bit07:43
rumpe1amit, lshw -class CPU"07:43
Senjai|AFKsyrinx, you still need help07:43
rumpe1amit, "lshw -class CPU" in terminal07:43
peakone /msg ChanServ help07:43
amitthanx all07:43
louzergaelfx: there is no ppa for screem according to ppa website search07:43
amiti have another question can screen resolution be fine on 64bit?07:43
louzergaelfx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=screem07:43
gaelfxlouzer: looks like you're SOL07:43
louzergaelfx: SOL?07:43
louzergaelfx: got it07:43
louzergaelfx: thanks to urban dict07:43
gaelfxamit: 64-bit won't change anything about your screen07:43
slinkhello. i'm running ubuntu lucid (10.04 LTS/server), and after doing an "apt-get upgrade", i get a "permission denied" on /dev/null from non-root users. i've tried adjusting /lib/udev/devices/null permissions to 666, along with /dev/null, but they keep changing back (even if i don't reboot)07:43
gaelfxlouzer: yeah, sorry about that, it was the first thing that came to mind :P07:43
amitgaelfx: can i use 64bit ubuntu on virtual box?07:43
Scarra3I can't seem to get my touchpad to work on ubuntu 10.1007:43
slinkdoes anyone have any suggestions? i've added a 40-permissions.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d, but i haven't seen how that works out yet07:43
gaelfxamit: I don't know, is there a support channel for virtual box you could ask in?07:43
amitok thanx07:43
Senjai|AFKgaelfx, this is a relevant question for this channel, amit, yes you should be able to07:43
gaelfxI wasn't trying to be snarky or anything, I just honestly didn't know07:51
Senjai|AFKamit, gaelfx, though gaelfx is correct, if there is a support medium (forums, irc, etc) for your software it would be best to use it07:51
Senjai|AFKgaelfx, sorry I misinterpreted your statement.07:51
Scarra3Can anyone help me07:51
gaelfx*it's ok07:51
slinkScarra3: what is the nature of your problem when trying to get it to work on your touchpad?07:51
gaelfxhow can I fix choppy vdpau playback in SMPlayer? VLC plays same video fine, but it heats up my CPU too much07:51
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:54
thauriswulfa1QUESTION:anybody know of a software to read a language (pronounce)07:54
edwardteachgaelfx, sounds like your pc is not cooling i would get that fixed if i was you !07:55
Flannelthauriswulfa1: festival07:56
rumpe1thauriswulfa1, espeak, festival08:05
gaelfxedwardteach: it's cooling fine, most CPUs would heat up when asked to deal with 1080p video08:05
happyaronIf I use vpn to access the internet, will DNS queries also be sent via VPN? (openvpn)08:05
slinkhappyaron: that depends08:05
slinkhappyaron: if the VPN modifies your resolv.conf file to use a DNS server on the remote network, it will. hwoever, if you are on an internal network (outside the VPN), and DNS queries go to a local server, then they won't08:05
edwardteachgaelfx,   a cpu should be able to manage any load, and not overheat!08:05
slinkhappyaron: hoever, if you are directly on the internet, or using a nameserver directly on the internet, and you setup a VPN, the queries will go over the VPN if your default route is set to the VPN08:05
happyaronslink: how to determine which way I am using?08:05
slinkhappyaron: may i message you?08:05
happyaronslink: okay, thanks08:05
c|onemandoes ubuntu desktop effects work in VirtualBox?08:05
dandaman1i have a samsung galaxy s and when i run ./adb logcat it says waiting for device as if it isn't detecting the phone even though i can access the phone's sdcard in the file explorer. I can't seem to find any linux drivers08:05
dandaman1can anyone help me troubleshoot this?08:05
thauriswulfa1Flannel: i found one, its gespeaker, its good it allows to record, support for different languages,but i'll sneak a look at festival too. thanx08:05
nraicthanks syrinx08:06
luna1988good night08:07
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sobersabrehi. I'm trying to use likewise 6. any people in here use it ?08:13
sobersabreI have problems using the AD users in local groups.08:13
azizLIGHTSoops lol08:28
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syrinxwhere is everyone?08:32
zambai'm here08:32
syrinxsup dude08:32
coz_wow is it that quiet here?  amazing08:32
syrinx-conpretty quiet08:33
KaleidomorphAll the coming and going. I think people are off grabbing something to snack on or drink, or perhaps waiting for the net to settle down.08:34
coz_Is it possible...some outside chance.. that everyone... new people also,,, have mastered the art of "ubuntu"  ?  :)08:34
mattcenHi all. Has anybody found the latest Firefox update for Lucid causes Firefox to consistently start in Offline mode, regardless of the user's profile setting? I have two Lucid systems, one does it, the other doesn't.08:34
syrinxlol probably08:34
Kaleidomorph3 splits already in the last little while.08:34
coz_Kaleidomorph,  that one I cant help with I am on 11.0408:34
syrinxive mastered ubuntu settings08:34
syrinxi guess08:34
castto master ubuntu is to master linux, gnu, and a few other things08:34
syrinx11.04 tho?08:34
syrinxis that even out?08:35
coz_syrinx,  no it is not08:35
syrinxdidnt think so08:35
syrinxim on 10.10.04?08:35
coz_syrinx,  in terminal     lsb_release -a08:35
syrinx10.10 mav08:36
syrinxthought that was the latest08:36
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coz_syrinx,  it is indeed :)08:36
syrinxunless your an insider?08:36
coz_syrinx, 11.04 is out there for testing08:36
syrinxthink you could help me out setting up a server?08:37
coz_syrinx, if you wish to listen in on some reports  or join in at some point you would have to go to the #ubuntu+1  channel08:37
syrinxim there08:38
castnc -p 80 -l|bash - # bam! shell server, setup08:38
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syrinxno one there08:38
chaojituzi1_did they have any one here08:40
coz_syrinx,  what is the issue?08:40
kiwilathamI am here.08:40
gmachine_24a very deep subject08:40
syrinxi have had ubuntu 10.10 for like 5 months now08:40
coz_chaojituzi1,  I think there may have been a server down or somethings  a  "net split"08:40
coz_syrinx,  ok08:40
syrinxexclusively, no dual book08:40
kiwilathamdo people still dual boot?08:41
coz_kiwilatham,  I do always08:41
gmachine_24kiwilatham, are you from en zed?08:41
syrinxand i love it, ivea learned alot of commands and inner workings if you will08:41
thauriswulfa1QUESTION:  i just intalled festival, but there's no link in menu?08:41
coz_syrinx,  understood08:41
coz_thauriswulfa1,  I believe festival is terminal accessed  but I would read more about it on the net08:42
syrinxi have an old machines downstairs that has 300gig of HSS space that I would like to install server on08:42
coz_syrinx,  sounds like a good plan08:42
coz_syrinx,  what is the issue?08:42
kiwilathamhmmm.  I just put my microshaft os on a Virtual Machine.  Virtual Box is pretty good.  Seems I hardly ever fire the thing up these days.  My linux does everything I need.08:42
syrinxbut im having a hard time gettin the network card to work08:42
thauriswulfa1coz_:there should have some gui?08:42
chaojituzi1i`m a new man08:42
gmachine_24wow that was a let down08:42
coz_syrinx,  ah ok08:42
coz_thauriswulfa1,   I dont think so but let me check for sure hold on08:43
syrinxso the install isn't easy08:43
syrinxbecause I can't connect08:43
kiwilathamare you sure the network card is actually working.  Physically I mean?08:43
mattcenAh it turns out that on the problematic system I was running (but not using) NetworkManager, which was "helpfully" informing Firefox that my system was "offline'. Disable/stop NetworkManager, and problem goes away. Hooray!08:43
MACscrgrrr, i dont get it, no matter what i select in ubuntu, its using my hdmi for sound output08:43
syrinxi believe it is...should i go down there and check?08:44
coz_thauriswulfa1,  festival is "text to speech"   it doesnt have an interface  ,, it will work with any application that needs test to speech...  you could open a terminal and type     man festival08:44
coz_syrinx,  what is on that system right now in terms of OS08:44
thauriswulfa1coz_ , thanx for help, i will try it08:44
syrinxits completely formatted to ext3 i believe08:45
syrinxnothing installed08:45
gmachine_24syrinx, nothing?08:45
coz_syrinx,  oh I see... did you test internet access with the live cd?08:45
syrinxno i didn't08:45
coz_syrinx,  that would be the first step08:46
syrinxlet me go try it08:46
gmachine_24syrinx, I might be vague, but don't you at least need the drivers?08:46
llutz_syrinx: how do you expect to connect to the "server" if nothing runs on it?08:46
syrinxmy problem is i have no idea how to get the drivers without an internet connection08:46
coz_syrinx,  test with an ubuntu desktop live cd08:47
gmachine_24syrinx, from a disc.......... or usb drive08:47
kiwilathamsyrinx: I was hoping we could see if it shows up in your OS at all.  IE: Is it enumerated in dmesg or lspci?  Is it a PCI card?08:47
coz_syrinx,  if that works you can download the minimal install cd   which is only  megs and at one point it will prompt you to install things including a server08:47
cast'a server' for what?08:48
coz_syrinx,  the minimal install cd is only 12 megs08:48
gmachine_24it's as good as cake and fewer calories08:48
gmachine_24so... did everyone see that an Egyptian gentleman named his daughter "Facebook"...? I think this is a hoax08:49
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syrinxsry, hadda move down there to work on this thing08:50
gmachine_24meanwhile, in tripoli08:50
kiwilathamok - see ya.  Srynx: Try lspci and see if you can see details of your PCI network card.  Also try searching through the output of dmesg for details of your card.  If it shows up there then we have a software issue.  These days it's hard to find a nic that is not supported in linux.08:50
chaojituzi1I want have a friend here ,08:51
rothsdadhey, I have a problem: I cannot launch any GUI program under su(root). I use kde. Anybody help me pls, thx!08:51
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coz_rothsdad,  use sudo  not su08:51
llutz_rothsdad: use kdesu or sux08:51
rothsdadsame problem08:52
llutz_sudo won't set DISPLAY and Xauthority08:52
rothsdadthis is the error message: http://code.bulix.org/dnsuuh-7944108:52
syrinxworking on it now08:53
syrinxsetting up the server now08:53
gmachine_24syrinx, cool08:53
chaojituzi1I am a new man of ubuntu08:53
mickster04rothsdad: why using zenmap?08:53
coz_chaojituzi1,   welcome08:53
chaojituzi1think you08:54
rothsdadmickster04: just an example, all GUI program have the problem08:54
rothsdadafter I type: sudo gimp then occur an error:"No protocol specified"08:55
Scarra3_My alps touchpad on my Sony vaio does seem to work in ubuntu 10.1008:55
llutz_rothsdad: set DISPLAY to a correct value08:55
rothsdadllutz_: how?08:56
zambawhat is the common error messages after doing an (unsuccessful) upgrade to squeeze?08:56
popeyrothsdad: why run gimp as root!?08:56
llutz_zamba: this is not #debian08:56
zambaoh, hehe :)08:56
rothsdadpopey: another example08:56
llutz_rothsdad: export DISPLAY=host:display08:56
immymy system uses full drive encryption and im seeking an appropriate backup solution. i have a small external drive that i'd like to make incremental backups to. i want my backups to be encrypted but I don't want another long passphrase - do you think i should use the same passphrase as my local encrypted disk?08:57
Scarra3_Any ideas why my touchpad doesn't work?08:57
castllutz_: will that be enough?08:57
llutz_rothsdad: better to use kdesu or sux when using GUI-apps08:57
mickster04Scarra3_: it doesn't like you?08:57
rishiI am looking for the -dbg package for hostapd in Ubuntu 10.04. A simple apt-get and apt-cache does not reveal it.08:57
gaelfxwhat can I do to fix choppy playback using vdpau in smplayer?08:57
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:57
rishiAny idea how I can locate it_08:57
coz_immy,   rsync maybe let me check08:57
rothsdadllutz_: kdesu: cannot connect to X server host:display08:58
bullgard[LAN] '~$ arp' shows on computer »T43« "Address=noname", "HWaddress=00:0a:e4:...". But that computer shows '~$ hostname; MD97600'. How to accomplish that on computer »T43« '~$ arp' will show  "Address=MD97600", "HWaddress=00:0a:e4:..."?08:58
llutz_rothsdad: you have to set it to YOUR machines values (usually "localhost:0")08:58
immythx coz08:59
immychecking it out now08:59
coz_immy,   there is this   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1681597    and  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorageOnHardy     and   http://www.debianadmin.com/backup-and-restore-your-ubuntu-system-using-sbackup.html08:59
Scarra3_mickster04: other people have had this problem I just can't seem to get it to work08:59
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:59
llutz_rothsdad: and you should check twice if it is really needed to run GUI-apps as root08:59
syrinx_still installing08:59
mickster04Scarra3_: did you try that link?09:00
navinubottu:will u plz help me in webkit's browser test09:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:00
Scarra3_mickster04: I've tried that it apparently isn't detected by ubuntu09:00
Scarra3_mickster04: and I've also read multiple threads on the subject09:00
mickster04Scarra3_: ok, well i can't help you myself, but if all that didn't work :/ is it turned off in bios perhaps?09:01
rockman125can you guys help me with this http://pastebin.com/fUSbMXTc09:03
MACscranyone know the pacmd command that well? The man page is worthless09:03
MACscrmy soundcard is using the wrong device for output09:03
MACscrcant seem to figure out why09:03
MACscrThe correct one is selected09:03
gmachine_24Has anyone tried installing Android to run on their Linux/Ubuntu desktop (or laptop)?09:04
Stormx2MACscr: just run it, then at the prompt type "help"09:05
MACscrgmachine_24: without an emulator, thats impossible09:05
castMACscr: no it's not.09:05
MACscrStormx2: ive tried that. Im confused by the term sink though09:05
MACscrcast: of course it is, you cant simply run a os on top of another os09:05
rockman125can you guys help me with this http://pastebin.com/fUSbMXTc ?09:06
MACscrwithout some sort of virtualization/emulation09:06
gmachine_24so is that a yes or a no?09:06
immythx coz09:06
gmachine_24"Download and install the Android SDK (Software Development Kit), which comes with an Android Emulator."09:08
gmachine_24happy now?09:08
mickster04gmachine_24: well do  it and tell #ubuntu-offtopic what happens09:09
gaelfxwhat can I do to fix choppy playback using vdpau in smplayer?09:09
coz_gaelfx,   are all codecs installed?  and also try vlc to see if you get the same results09:09
MACscrgmachine_24: you never said you wanted to install the sdk09:09
gaelfxcoz_: yeah, the codecs are installed, vlc runs it fine, but vlc doesn't use vdpau09:10
coz_gaelfx,  mm hold on let me check on t hat09:10
MACscri cant stand morons09:11
joeoshawai am playing wmv files using video player but i have to close and restart it after each video any idea why?09:11
gaelfxcoz_: thanks09:11
joeoshawaif i double click a second video i just get a black screen09:11
joeoshawait just started today09:13
coz_gaelfx,  apparenlty on this forum there are links to vlc  git  with vdpau patches   http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=53928&start=3009:13
coz_gaelfx,  also make sure the system is completely updated   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:14
p896gbmhi folks. i have a RAID question. i have an external 1TB usb harddrive which had been flaking out for a few weeks and stopped responding entirely, so i disassembled it and found two regular 512MB drives. i took them out and added them to my computer and both seem to work fine; no smart failures or anything. one of them contains the start of the filesystem; fsck says the filesystem size is twice the drive size. the other has no superblock.09:14
p896gbmsince this appears to be a simple raid array, my question is how do i assemble it so i can rescue the data?09:14
gaelfxcoz_: yes, the system is totally updated, but you don't understand, I didn't have this problem in 10.04 and I really would prefer not to use git just to get vlc working09:15
ikoniap896gbm: what technology is controlling the raid array09:15
bullgard[LAN] '~$ arp' shows on computer »T43« "Address=noname", "HWaddress=00:0a:e4:...". But that computer shows '~$ hostname; MD97600'. How to accomplish that on computer »T43« '~$ arp' will show  "Address=MD97600", "HWaddress=00:0a:e4:..."?09:15
ikoniabullgard: that is a networking question09:16
joeoshawastrange it stoped doing it09:16
coz_gaelfx,  mm  then I am not sure where to go from here... hold on let me check one more thing09:16
joeoshawathanks anyway09:16
MACscranyone know what "sink-inputs" means in pacmd? They mention the term sink many times09:16
joeoshawaodd i didn't do anything09:16
gaelfxcoz_: thanks again09:17
p896gbmikonia: no clue. it's just a very small circuit board that connected both drives. it has two sata ports, two hdd power connectors, a connector for a power adapter and a usb port, that's it09:17
ikoniap896gbm: is it mdadm based on a hardware raid solution ?09:17
coz_gaelfx,  no I couldnt find any other channel that could help with t his...although stay here and ask again ... others may have a solution that I do not...also you could ask in ##linux  ,,, its possible someone there may also have a solution09:17
p896gbmikonia: i have no clue. i tried assembling it with mdadm but i don't really know what i'm doing. i'm hoping it's just a raid-0 array but i don't know09:18
ikoniap896gbm: before touching it with mdadm you need to know the technology that the device was put together with09:18
greenIThi, does any1 know how to install javaME on ubuntu?09:18
p896gbmikonia: i assume the circuit board implemented a hardware raid array; the usb drive showed up as a single partition whenever you plugged it into a computer, no drivers needed09:18
ikoniap896gbm: if it's hardware array, then you'll need the hardware array to build it09:19
p896gbmikonia: ok. is there a way i can find that out? i thought i would first try assembling it as raid-0. it seems the most logical thing the hardware would do09:19
p896gbmikonia: why? isn't raid-0 a standard way of assembling drives? i should be able to emulate that with a software like mdadm, no?09:19
ikoniap896gbm: using mdadm to assemble it if it's a hardware controlled array will help09:19
beliveyourdreamis there a software for vector graphics with a command line like autocad ?09:19
ikoniap896gbm: sorry, typed that terrible09:19
p896gbmdo you know the commands to mdadm to assemble it? they have different uuids09:19
ikoniap896gbm: assembling a hardware array with mdadm will never happen09:20
greenIThow can i install javaME on ubuntu?09:20
ikoniap896gbm: because they are two different technologies that relay on their own software controlled methods that are different09:20
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p896gbmso? there's gotta be a way i can reassemble the filesystem on here. if i can figure out how it's striped, i could in theory create a 1gb file, copy all the chunks in, and then loopmount the file09:21
p896gbmi mean the data is all there, it's mountable *somehow*09:21
ikoniap896gbm: why does there have to be a way ?09:21
p896gbmi'm not sure why i need the hardware. the hardware is dead09:21
p896gbmikonia: there has to be a way because the drives are fine, it's the controller that died09:21
ikoniap896gbm: you need the hardware as it knows and understands (and builds and presents) the finished array09:21
ikoniap896gbm: yes, but the controller is what makes the raid array, if that is dead a different raid technology doesn't understand how it's built09:22
p896gbmikonia: yes i know that, that's why i figured i would start by assuming it's raid-009:22
p896gbmisn't raid-0 a standard? different controllers would mount it the same way, no?09:22
ikoniap896gbm: assuming it's raid-0 is pointless if you don't know how it's built09:22
ikoniap896gbm: raid 0 is a "standard" not an implimentation, different methods/controllers build and present it in different ways09:23
greenITi need javaME on my ubuntu machine... how can i install it?09:24
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p896gbmcan't i start by just guessing a few common ways it would assemble it? there's gotta be a few 'most common' ways the data is striped across the drives09:24
ikoniagreenIT: download it from Oracle and install it09:24
p896gbmif i can force mdadm to mount it with different striping parameters i can test each one to see if it's a valid filesystem09:24
ikoniap896gbm: no, you're not listening09:24
greenITikonia: isn't there only a version for windows?09:25
ikoniap896gbm: the raid array is built with a software chip on that hardware controller, other software components don't know how that software works09:25
ikoniagreenIT: contact Oracle and ask for support09:25
greenITikonia: ok, thx09:25
TalicomgreenIT: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13714909:25
p896gbmyeah i know ikonia, but i can *guess* how it works09:25
p896gbmthat's what i'm trying to do09:25
ikoniap896gbm: no "you" can't09:25
ikoniap896gbm: the software can't09:25
greenITyay, thx Talicom :)09:26
p896gbmi don't want the software to guess, *I* want to guess. i want to tell it different ways to stripe the data and test whether it's a valid filesystem09:26
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ikoniap896gbm: mdadm has no idea how LSI presents array, so asking mdadm to build an LSI controlled array is like asking a someone who doesn't speak English to write shakespear09:26
castMACscr: actually, you can09:26
ikoniap896gbm: it's not telling it how to stripe, guessing it's raid-0 is fine, but the layout of the disks and how it's assembled and intergrity depends on the device that built it09:27
ikoniap896gbm: you need the same tool that built it to re-assemble it09:27
MACscrcast: prove it? ive never seen such a thing without an emulator or virtualization09:27
MACscror a "container"09:27
MACscrbut that would mean they would have to share the same kernel, correct?09:28
castyip, sure09:28
castwhat kernel does android use again?09:28
castone wouldn't use chroot, but....i think you're getting my point09:29
p896gbmikonia: i'm not convinced of that. i'm sure it's simple, because it looks simple. i can even mount the first drive alone, and see the directory structure. this is a simple ext2 filesystem09:29
castfor what its worth, linux can run under linux as a process, aka UML09:29
[deXter]cast: depends on the android version. for instance mine is running
p896gbmikonia: if i fsck the first drive, it recognizes the ext2 filesystem and can even repair it. it says the filesystem is twice the size of the drive09:29
ikoniap896gbm: if you can mount the first drive, it probably isn't a raid disk09:29
cast[deXter]: right, so it uses linux :P09:30
ikoniap896gbm: if it was a raid device you wouldn't be able to mount the first disk unless it was raid 1 possibly09:30
wonderwal-hi which kernel does 10.10 server come with?09:30
castwith linux its pretty trivial to seperate OS instances with the likes of vserver and openvz,09:30
MACscrcast: yeah, i see your point. Im not a big fan of chroot setups09:30
llutz_wonderwal-: 2.6.35-2209:31
p896gbmikonia: ok. so it's probably not raid then. it's something simpler. do you think the controller just put the two drives back to back? maybe i should just cat the two devices together into a file and try loopmounting it09:31
castthough...back to the original question, i was more thinking it would be feasible to install android on a piece of similar hardware, such as an ARM laptop09:31
wonderwal-llutz_: whats the -22 for? theyre on
ikoniap896gbm: no, I don't think the second drive was but back to back as that would be raid 1 and I don't think there is any raid on it09:32
castikonia: that would not be raid 109:32
p896gbmikonia: well raid-1 would replicate the data, no? there's no replication here09:32
ikoniasorry raid 009:32
ikoniatypo, had raid 1 on the brain09:32
castikonia: that would not be raid 0, either, unless you set the strip size to the size of the disks09:32
p896gbmi thought raid-0 striped it for better speed09:32
ikoniacast: I agree it would not be raid 0, which is what I said09:33
p896gbmcast: do you know if i can tell mdadm, or some other tool, to mount it as a raid array with the strip size == the size of the disks?09:33
ikoniap896gbm: yes, but to make two disks presented as one file system would have to be done through some sort of raid or lvm09:33
castp896gbm: rather than catting the two devices together you could suggest using a dmsetup to create a virtual device that was the concat of the two drives09:33
MACscrgrrr, this audio thing is driving me crazy. Why the heck is ubuntu not switching my sound output back to the correct device. its showing that it switched, yet all apps still use hdmi09:33
ikoniap896gbm: 1.) there is no raid used on your disks 2.) you cannot tell mdadm to build arrays out of other raid technology disks/arrays09:33
p896gbmikonia: is there a linux tool to do that in software? or should i try telling my motherboard it's a raid array and booting from a livecd?09:33
ikoniap896gbm: its NOT a raid array09:34
MACscrhere is some of my pacmd output: http://pastebin.com/9pxHujxf. Any help is sincerely appreciated09:34
p896gbmcast: that would be great. so dmsetup will let me do that?09:34
p896gbmcast: k i will try that09:34
wonderwal-what is kernel 2.6.35-22 ?  is that with patches or something?09:34
castikonia: actually, you can, mdadm surprising supports non-mdadm native arrays...it won't support all the various HW and fake and soft raid formats, but i believe it supports a few09:34
ikoniacast: it never works09:35
ikoniacast: the main ones, LSI/3com/HPciss it never works due to the private region data not being accessible09:35
ikoniaor in an understan09:35
castthat private region is enforced by the raid controller :P if you have the raid controller, you'd use that for raid...09:36
ikoniacast: totally agree09:36
castit is annoying how some raid cards don't obviously have a way to just act as a normal sata/sas controller09:37
castp896gbm: dmsetup will, using linear mappings. the devicemapper is how cryptsetup/mdadm/lvm implement their functionality09:38
ikoniap896gbm: why do you think the 2 disks where used together09:38
ikoniap896gbm: what makes you believe that the 2 disks are somehow linked ?09:38
castp896gbm: actually, the first example in man dmsetup is joining two disks together :D09:38
ali___i added utf8 to my sda1 on the fstab09:38
ali___but now pc doesnt start09:38
bbalajiraohello all. How do I see the bookmarks stored in my UbuntuOne account09:39
ali___i m on the black scren with irssi09:39
castali___: oh, so do a mount -a and report back the error09:39
ali___i tried nano /etc/fstab but error says09:39
ali___file read-only bla bla09:39
ali___how can i delete this word on fstab09:39
ikoniaali___: then re-mount it read/write - blah blah blah09:39
ali___i also try use sudo and chmod09:39
YankDownUnderali___, "sudo nano /etc/fstab" => make a backup first.09:40
ikoniaYankDownUnder: it's read only, he can't09:40
=== bbalajirao is now known as heyboy
gaelfxwhat can I do to fix choppy playback using vdpau in smplayer?09:40
heyboyHello. I want to see what bookmarks are stored in UbuntuOne. How do I do it?09:40
heyboyMy account on UbuntuOne09:41
p896gbmcast: do you have much experience with the table format to dmsetup? the man page isn't super clear09:41
dustin_pms ,how do you commandline update09:41
p896gbmcast: nm gonna try a couple things09:42
usuario QUE ASE09:43
YankDownUnder!es | usuario09:43
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:43
MACscrhow do i know if pulseaudio or Alsa is being used?09:43
heyboythe UbuntuOne Dashboard page (displayed after logging in) shows tabs- Dashboard, Files, Notes, Contacts & Account.09:44
heyboynothing related to Bookmarks.09:44
Gnea!caps | PATRI09:44
ubottuPATRI: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:44
heyboyI am lost09:44
castp896gbm: theres some documentation in the linux tarball, too09:44
Jordan_U!es | PATRI09:45
ubottuPATRI: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:45
Gnea!it | PATRI09:45
ubottuPATRI: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:45
iqpiPATRI: este canal es en inglés, como pretendes que te hablen en español?09:45
usuario HAHAHA09:45
iqpiPATRI: además, no hace falta que GRITES09:45
usuario YO NO TI GRITYANDO09:45
p896gbmcast: the part i'm confused about is that each entry in the table wants me to specify the logical start/end sectors. how do i know how big a sector is? isn't this filesystem dependent?09:46
vadimkolchevhi everyone09:46
iqpiusuario: escribir en mayúsculas es gritar en un chat (to write with caps is the same as being shouthing)09:46
p896gbmcast: nevermind, it seems to imply 512 bytes is the sector size. gonna try it09:47
Gnea!caps | usuario09:48
ubottuusuario: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:48
MACscri thought this channel was english only09:48
Jordan_UMACscr: It is.09:48
Gneausuario, PATRI: we know you're the same person.09:48
MACscrthen someone shut that guy up09:48
gaelfx!es | usuario09:48
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:48
iqpiusuario: entrando en un canal en el que casi nadie te entiende a insultar, y encima escribiendo como niño de 5 años, demuestra que tu grado de madurez es de prenatal09:48
castp896gbm: you can blockdev --getbsz to see what it is09:48
Gneausuario: you'll type /join #ubuntu-es and do it now.09:49
llutz_iqpi: stop arguing with a troll09:49
gaelfxthat's a pretty good way to get blocked from the channel09:49
usuarioEL DE TU PUTA09:49
usuarioSO MARICOM09:49
oopepeHi, where is a good place to store my custom iptables script in ubuntu so that it gets loaded on server reboot? Im running ubuntu server 10.04. I dont want to use ufw.09:50
p896gbmcast: cool. the filesystem size (indicated when i fsck it) seems to imply that the number of sectors used is slightly less than the number on the drive. blockdev gives me 976773105, but if i work out half the filesystem size it's 976768032. i'll try it both ways09:50
MACscrhmm, could my pulseaudio be failing and alsa is being used instead? Seems none of my pulseaudio options are working09:50
MACscri cant even use the master volume controls (aka, they dont apply)09:51
Gneaoopepe: I just save it somewhere like this:  iptables-save > /etc/network/firewall  then call it at boottime in /etc/network/interfaces like this:  post=up iptables-restore < /etc/network/firewall09:51
Gneaoopepe: er, post-up09:51
YankDownUnderoopepe, You can use /etc/rc.local => put the contents of the script there, or call it from that script.09:51
oopepeGnea: Ok, thank you09:51
oopepeThank you09:51
GneaMACscr: the loss of pulseaudio can never be a bad thing09:51
casti like the interfaces idea :)09:52
MACscrGnea: isnt it what ubuntu uses by default? id prefer to stick with it09:52
iDopehi guys, I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and I want to connect to a Wireless network using 802.1X Authentication with WEP (Dynamic WEP). I only see WEP WPA Passhprase WPA2 personal in Wireless Authentication options when I try to set the security parameters in Network Manager. What do I need to install to get the 802.1x auth option available09:52
MACscrplus i dont like that none of my management software work09:52
MACscraka, sound contorls09:52
MACscrhow do i know which is being used?09:53
GneaMACscr: alsa is the driver that makes the sound hardware work - pulseaudio is nothing more than an application layer that attempts to form a mold around it. alsa has historically been better, is better, and will always be better than using a sound daemon. pulse works good for some hardware situations, though.09:53
TalicomI am dual booting with windows 7. how would i be able to mount the partition that my windows files are in on startup?09:54
erUSUL!ntfs | Talicom09:54
ubottuTalicom: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:54
GneaMACscr: you can easily control alsa (And have more fine-tuned control) by using alsamixer09:54
MACscrGnea: everything worked fine until a yesterday when i changed the default output to my hdmi temporarily09:54
llutz_oopepe: use iptables-save / -restore and place it in /etc/network/if-up.d  if-down.d09:54
MACscrnow i cant change it back09:54
GneaMACscr: aaah, so was that just for audio or video and audio or just video?09:55
MACscrGnea: well i have changed it back and it shows correctly and when i run tests within the ubuntu sound utility, it works correctly, but even after rebooting, every app uses my hdmi09:56
bullgardIs there a Ubuntu command to print the known hosts in the LAN?09:56
GneaMACscr: if you open the sound preferences, what do you have selected for your output?09:57
llutz_bullgard: you could use nmap -sP <network>09:57
MACscranalog stereo (aka, my headset)09:57
GneaMACscr: okay, keeping the pref window open, what other sound apps are you trying to use?09:57
yeahi m on blackscreen09:58
yeahbut it must be ali@ali-netbook but i m on ali@locakhost09:58
yeahso i cant change anything09:58
MACscrGnea: been using totem for testing. But even on boot, the ubuntu startup music is using hdmi09:58
fredrik_When I log in to my ubuntu there is something wrong with compiz and/or window manager. My awn dock is messed up and windows misses the frame. My solusion is to load "compiz fusion icon" and threw that "reload window manager". How can I resolve this?09:59
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
GneaMACscr: okay, would you please separately pastebin the output of the files contained in /etc/pulse/ ?10:00
YankDownUnderfredrik_, You can add the "fusion-icon" to your startup programs (SYSTEM => PREFERENCES => START UP APPLICATIONS)10:00
satyacould not create directories for the normal users10:00
satyaafter creating the users with useradd10:00
MACscrGnea: http://pastebin.com/qh326X4q10:01
satyacould not create directories for the normal users10:02
satyaafter creating the users with useradd10:02
GneaMACscr: I meant the contents of each file, please10:03
MACscrGnea: the files havent changed as you can see since last year. So obviously its not a change within those files10:03
MACscrthat caused the problem10:03
fredrik_YankDownUnder, Yes, I have done that now. But still. I have to do a reload everytime I start my computor. Why doesn't  compiz load correctly? Or most important. How can I make this happend automaticaly?10:04
GneaMACscr: what about in ~/.pulse/ ?10:04
YankDownUnderfredrik_, Make sure you have the settings correct for "fusion-icon" - as well, you could always use gconf-editor to change the window manager as well.10:05
terridhi all10:05
terridI'm having a problem trying to install APC on my local machine10:05
Gneaterrid: what do you mean by 'APC'?10:05
MACscrGnea: you need to see the contents of each of those files in .pulse?10:06
MACscrbrb, going to try something10:06
terridGnea: http://php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php10:06
GneaMACscr: yes, please. it's easy: sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:07
Gneaterrid: what's the problem?10:08
andreylosevare the floodbots going through a coup?10:09
YankDownUnderI think they're fighting.10:09
=== raya is now known as raia
andreylosevyeah, and FloodBot2 is the agessor10:10
=== raia is now known as Raia
fredrik_YankDownUnder, I just checked the "default window manager" with gconf-editor. It is set to "compiz" (exaclty like the attribute "current". Still.. everytime I log in to ubuntu the window manager doesn't load correctly10:10
YankDownUnderfredrik_, As well, did you setup "fusion-icon" to load in your startup-applications?10:10
fredrik_nope. Do I have to do that? Thought that this was just a "launchbar" for some compiz-applicaitons10:11
YankDownUnderfredrik_, Give it a go - and test it - lemme know how it goes mate. (Missus just got home)10:12
fredrik_ok.. I'll do that!10:12
MACscrGnea: deleting the .pulse audio folder and rebooting resolved the issue. woo hoo =P10:16
rockman125if i want to chroot on my file system i just need to do like this chroot and the folder where my / is mounted?10:16
Israfel-LaptopUBuntu seems to have the british spell checker enabled by default. How do I fix that?10:17
erUSULrockman125: from a livecd? i would bind mount /dev/, /sys/ and /proc/ before chrooting10:17
erUSULrockman125: i.e « sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mount/point/dev/ » and the ssame for the other two10:18
=== Dementio is now known as Dem|away
rockman125ah and then chroot?10:18
rockman125after mounting the other two also what would be the command to chroot10:19
erUSULrockman125: the command is « sudo chroot /mount/point/ »10:20
p896gbmcast: ok, so i figured out how to properly mount this thing. however the second device seems to be reporting its size as 160gb rather than 500gb. turns out maybe this drive is bad after all.10:20
GneaMACscr: oh, okay lol10:20
rockman125good i will do it ty erUSUL10:20
rockman125what does this error means >> Error unpacking rpm package net-tools-1.60-81.el5.x86_6410:20
rockman125error: unpacking of archive failed on file /bin/netstat: cpio: rename10:20
MACscrGnea: yeah, i gave up as i had been working on the issue for 45 mins and just said screw it, lets try this =P10:20
erUSULrockman125: dunno; ubuntu does not use rpm10:20
=== Freejack is now known as Guest3098
Israfel-LaptopAnyone else annoyed that the default spell checker is using the british english spelling?10:21
rockman125alright ty erUSUL for the commands :)10:21
castgiven the queen is from britain, no10:21
satyanewly created users, having the shell as /bin/sh. why is it happened?10:22
fredrik_YankDownUnder, Nope. It did not help. Compiz-fusion Icon starts but I still have to right-click on it and choose "reload window manager"10:24
satyain my /etc/passwd file, users have the shell /bin/sh. i created the users with useradd10:25
ylmfoswhat labs dos it need in osd lyrics?10:25
satyaif i su username, pwd= /10:26
ylmfosi can't run it10:26
Gneasatya: what's the problem?10:27
erUSULsatya: check /etc/adduser.conf10:28
bullgardIs there a Ubuntu command to print the known hosts in the LAN?10:28
Gneabullgard: well you could ping the broadcast and then look at the arp table10:29
fredrik_Anyone that knows how I can fix so I don't have to reload the window manager everytime I log in?10:29
[biabia]in ubuntu software center i downloaded the gmail app. when i open links in gmail, what program are they running in10:29
llutz_bullgard: you still could use nmap -sP <network>10:30
blagorodhi to all10:30
blagorodhows you?10:31
TheSargehow can I change the port the built in RDP server uses?10:31
bullgardGnea: What do you mean by "ping the broadcast"?10:32
Gneabullgard: get your broadcast address from ifconfig, then: sudo ping -b broadcast-ip10:33
p896gbmcast: do you know why fdisk might show the wrong size? my bios says the correct size, 500gb, and does not signal any SMART failure. fdisk seems to think it's 160 GB10:33
Gneabullgard: then look at the arp table: arp -a10:33
p896gbmcast: and when i try to mount with dmsetup it says the device is not big enough10:33
castp896gbm: what does blockdev think?10:33
Gneabullgard: nmap could work too, you might have false positives using both so they are good together10:34
castp896gbm: or the line in dmesg for that matter10:34
_Rixguys i have a question10:34
_Rixwill it blend10:34
Phlosten_Rix: always10:35
p896gbmblockdev says 160041885696 == 160 gb exactly (not 166, slightly less than a third), and dmesg says the same, 160gb10:35
FrEaKmAn_hi.. I have windows7 and ubuntu with dual boot.. today I started my PC and grub boot menu wont show up..10:35
p896gbmvery strange10:35
FrEaKmAn_before that menu there is a new message but I cant read it because it disappers really fast10:35
FrEaKmAn_any ideas how I could read it10:36
erUSULFrEaKmAn_: what is showing up instead?10:36
FrEaKmAn_erUSUL, nothing...10:36
FrEaKmAn_just that underscore blinks...10:36
TheSargeCan anyone tell me how I can change the port the built in RDP server uses please?10:36
erUSULFrEaKmAn_: so a black screen? you boot directly into ubuntu? into windows? the machine explodes?10:36
p896gbmcast: so both blockdev and dmesg say 160gb. what do you think? is the device just busted?10:36
FrEaKmAn_erUSUL, no. I dont boot into anything.. because grub menu doesnt show up10:37
castp896gbm: its an interesting way for a device to break wouldn't you say10:37
erUSULFrEaKmAn_: i would boot into a livecd to check that the disk is ok; mount partitions and see if everything is still there and finally reinstall grub10:37
erUSUL!grub2 | FrEaKmAn_10:37
ubottuFrEaKmAn_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:37
p896gbmcast: i agree, heh. i'm installing smartmontools10:37
castp896gbm: so whats written on the drives label? :P10:38
blagorodcan somebody tell me how to install 3g modem driver on ubuntu 10.04? HP pavilion dm3 101010:38
p896gbmcast: shit, i think i'm retarded. this isn't even the right device10:39
p896gbmcast: i have so many damn drives plugged into this computer now10:39
TheSargeNo one knows how to change the RDP port?10:39
FrEaKmAn_erUSUL, Im doing that right now.. everything mounts great.. btw are there any hd diagnostic tools in ubuntu?10:39
erUSULFrEaKmAn_: yu can use Admin>disk utilitie and check drive health ( is smart test )10:40
theos hi :) is there a way to use m4b files in ubuntu?10:41
p896gbmcast: ok i got it. it remapped it to sdb, not sde, which is why my fstab was all fucked when i booted with these drives in it. smartctl says it's fine, blockdev says it's 500gb, fdisk says there's no partition table (which is correct). this is promising10:41
gryffongreysudo make me a sandwich10:41
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castp896gbm: ahhh. linux device enumeration is often a PITA10:42
erUSULtheos: http://robert.penz.name/94/convert-m4b-to-ogg-on-linux/10:42
p896gbmcast: yeah. i switched up my fstab to use all uuids10:43
gryffongrey@theos - vlc10:43
FrEaKmAn_erUSUL, actually.. I cannot mount ubuntu partition..hm10:43
theoserUSUL, thanks :)10:43
b0tzHi, I accidently cleared my package cache using ubuntu tweak, I forgot I was supposed to make a APTonCD backup before I did that. when i reload the package cache in aptoncd it doesnt find anything. Can I make a cache again of all apt-installed packages for aptoncd?10:43
TheSargeDoes anyone know the default RDP port in Ubuntus RDP client?10:43
TheSargeor how to change it?10:43
erUSULFrEaKmAn_: check it with gparted 8 or directly with e2fsck in command line )10:43
castb0tz: i don't know what aptoncd is, but unlikely, the debs don't exist on your system now that the cache is cleared10:44
b0tzanyone have any ideas?10:44
b0tzYeah thats what i figured10:44
mah454who i can send file.gz with mail command ?10:44
b0tzBut I mean theres still installed versions10:44
castb0tz: there is no way to work backwards and create them from an installed set of packages10:44
b0tzso i was hoping i could just remake the cache10:44
TheSargewow big help here..10:44
b0tzAptonCD lets you 'burn' a iso of your currently cached apt installed stuff so you can do an easy restore of them10:44
b0tzThis sucks..10:45
erUSULTheSarge: try another rdp client?10:45
erUSUL!find rdp10:45
ubottuFound: freerdp-dbg, freerdp-x11, gnome-rdp, libfreerdp-dev, libfreerdp-plugins-standard, libfreerdp0, libmcardplugin, librrdp-perl, libtext-recordparser-perl, remmina-plugin-rdp (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=rdp&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all10:45
wildmanhello. I'm using 10.04 x86 here, and sometimes (cannot tell precisely when, it seems to be random), I get my USB pendrives mounted as read-only. if I disconnect them and reconnect them, they are mounted R/W again. Any ideas?10:45
erUSUL!info tsclient10:45
ubottutsclient (source: tsclient): front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.150-4ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 307 kB, installed size 592 kB10:45
castb0tz: that seems like a 1 line of sh, kind of program10:45
TheSargeerUSUL: why? I want to use the built in one, surely there is some config file to change the port?10:46
b0tzhow would I do that10:46
b0tzaptoncd makes it easy  anyways10:46
b0tzIm screwed now that I cant remake my cache though. ffs..10:46
castyou'd just burn /var/cache/apt/archives/ to cd/dvd10:47
erUSULTheSarge: maybe it accepts the common address format of  ip.of.machine.here:porthere10:47
wildmanforget it, I got my answer: the FAT FS is damaged :( thanks anyway :)10:47
blagoroddid somebody dance with 3g modem on ubuntu 10?10:48
gryffongreyyep used sprint 3g modem- pretty straight forward10:49
llutz_blagorod: works fine here with 10.10, aao 531h and internal Option-3G modem10:49
b0tzcast what shell command would give you a list of all the currently installed ones then? atleast can have a list of them10:49
TheSargeerUSUL: Its a server not a client...10:49
castdpkg --get-selections10:49
TheSargeerUSUL: You are not understanding.. I am trying to change the listen port of the server10:49
takuanwhen is this stupid fqdn issue with network-manager going to be resolved10:50
erUSULTheSarge: 11:43 < TheSarge> Does anyone know the default RDP port in Ubuntus RDP client? 11:43 < TheSarge> or how to change it?10:50
wildmanbye ppl, have a nice one10:51
blagorodllutz_: Ive ubuntu 10.0410:51
erUSULTheSarge: i should have added emphasys on *client* above10:51
takuanbecause of that my /etc/host file is not correct and openoffice.org takes 5 seconds extra to start up...10:51
b0tzcash: is there a wya to take install out of the whole list without going down each line? im not too good with awk..10:51
b0tzpretty much format it so its apt-get install :paste: able10:51
=== Freejack is now known as Guest56070
blagorodcan I get working 3g modem in ubuntu 10.04?10:52
TheSargeerUSUL: lol my bad10:52
llutz_blagorod: usb-device?10:52
blagorodnot, its internal\10:52
llutz_blagorod: mine is internal too, but still usb. use" lsusb "10:52
erUSULTheSarge: ubuntu uses vnc not rdp if i recall correctly10:52
llutz_blagorod: get the vendor/prod-id and do some googling with it10:53
mah454How i can attach file with mail command ?10:53
TheSargeerUSUL: Really? Its called remote Desktop...10:53
TheSargeerUSUL: Its rdp10:53
erUSULTheSarge: either way i really dunno if you can chenge the port sorry10:53
TheSargeerUSUL: Well it not connecting with the default.. you can change it. Just cant remember.10:54
Kirikohi guys! :)10:55
blagorodthanx has installed lsusb but thinking its useless package10:55
FloodBot1witek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:55
DJoneswitek: Please don't do that10:55
blagorodwitek: are you drank?10:55
llutz_blagorod: does it list your 3g-modem?10:55
witekno i am not a drunk10:55
blagorodwitek: are you a narkoman?10:56
toresbethe noun and adjectives are different things10:56
witeki am not a narkoman10:56
blagorodwitek: thats good10:56
Lintrequest devoice10:56
witekblagorod you are drunk ..?10:56
toresbeblagorod: Eto slovo ne sushchestvuet v angliĭskom yazyke :)10:57
takuananybody in here knows about fqdn and network-manager?10:57
blagorodllutz_: how can I check it?10:57
llutz_could someone please show witek the door?10:57
llutz_blagorod: use "lsusb" and watch output10:57
witekgawarisz pa ruski jazyk .?10:57
witek\blagorad .:-)10:57
DJones!pl | witek10:57
ubottuwitek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:57
KirikoI was trying to install the new Ubuntu 10.10 on my win xp sp3 as a dualboot, and i am having problems making the partition10:57
witekwhat problem ..?10:58
witekit is very simple10:58
Kirikoit wont make the partition at all10:58
blagorodwitek: da im a russian10:58
Lintwho's 'it'?10:58
witekhard drive i good.?10:58
Kirikoyes it is in good condition10:59
Lintalso software cannot 'will to do', they are inanimate10:59
witekok if hd is good condition10:59
Lintwhich software do you use and what is error?10:59
witekyou have use a cfdisk an made partition10:59
tittnhello can somebody help me get my vpn from my plesk panel working on ubuntu or have a guide or howto11:00
witekprobably table of patiton is fixed11:00
Kirikoi only used the default setup that ubuntu has11:00
ech0Asusi'm having an issue, my computer randomly freezes usually when playing a video fullscreen.. i'm thinkin somethin to do with the gfx driver. here is a pastbin of my lspci http://pastebin.com/jkm28TPR11:00
LintKiriko, and...11:00
witekuse fdisk or cfdisk11:00
tittni mean connection not install :p11:00
bullgardGnea: '~$ arp -a; fritz.fonwlan.box ( at 00:1c:4a:a:b:c [ether] on eth0'. May I conclude that there is only one known host in this LAN?11:01
blagorodllutz_: Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:01
blagorodBus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:01
blagorodBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:01
blagorodBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:01
blagorodBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:01
FloodBot1blagorod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:01
blagorodBus 002 Device 002: ID 03f0:241d Hewlett-Packard11:01
blagorodBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub11:01
Gneabullgard: well, as long as you run the command shortly after you run the ping command, it's possible11:01
blagorodabove is an output11:01
Gneablagorod: going to ask you to use http://paste.ubuntu.com, please11:02
rockman125has anyone faced key press issue while on kvm using java?11:02
kyois there someone can solve problem of iptux?!11:02
bullgardGnea: Yes, I have run the command shortly after the ping command.11:02
llutz_blagorod: google for "03f0:241d ubuntu" it should give you some info11:03
Kirikoim going to try doing the setup again and see if it works11:03
blagorodllutz_: this is an output of lsusb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571049/11:03
Gneabullgard: okay, so now try nmap11:03
Gneabullgard: etherape is good, too11:03
ech0Asusi have an on board video and pcie video adapter installed... should one be disabled some how and not seen in lspci?11:03
rockman125has anyone faced key press issue while on kvm using java?11:04
Gneaech0Asus: only if you don't intend to use both11:04
zwamkatCrew, what is the correct way to disable (by default) blanking/powersave on a console?11:04
Gnea!repeat | rockman12511:04
ubotturockman125: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:04
Gnearockman125: please wait at least 15 minutes before asking again. most of us keep timestamps.11:05
florhello, how can i set up an existing printer for printing via wlan modem?11:05
madsteinhey any one using arpon on a wifi network with 3 or more computers in it ?11:05
Gneaflor: what's a wlan modem?11:05
Gnea!ask | madstein11:06
ubottumadstein: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:06
madsteincable modem if u are conected tru a cable WLAN11:06
madsteingnea whats the idea?11:06
Gneamadstein: the idea is, don't ask if anyone has done this or that, just ask your question about the problem you're having and we'll try to help11:07
blagorodllutz:_ Ive working this11:07
blagorodllutz_: Ive working this modem when I load from live CD11:07
florGnea, its a wlan device that connects with dsl for internet access. it's got an additional function, printing via wlan: I plug the printer into the wlan-modem. and should be able to print, but i'm Not ;-)11:07
blagorodllutz_: can I copy that driver to my OS?11:08
Gneaflor: okay, well just to be clear here, it's just a dsl modem that allows computers to connect wirelessly to it?11:08
florGnea, yep, exactly.11:09
tittnanybody know good tool to connect to my plesk vpn from ubuntu im having problems setting it up with the tools available in software manager11:09
Gneaflor: ah okay, so if you plugged the printer in and if it has an IP, you should be able to set it up using the printing configuration tool11:09
Gnea!printer | flor11:09
ubottuflor: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:09
alp82i am searching a good uml editor11:09
Gneaflor: just make sure you tell it that you're looking for a network printer11:10
alp82doesnt matter if online or desktop or eclipse/netbeans plugin11:10
alp82it just has to have a nice user interface11:10
bullgardllutz_: I have cursorily read 'man nmap'. But I still do not know what to substitute for <network> in my case.11:11
florGnea, trying out something11:12
Back4More420where would I find the drivers for wireless card in this OS to copy and use with the linux I want to use?11:15
JoniiWubi installer left my windows booting thing with this annoying "select if you want to use ubuntu or windows", where ubuntu-choice doesn't work, and windows ubuntu uninstaller doesn't work. How do I destroy that manually?11:16
Jean1hi, I keep getting 'access denied' if i want to delete something in /var/www, I guess I have to use chown, but with what parameters ? Thanks11:16
Erdjubuntu spanish11:17
JoniiWubi uninstaller says something like "py<something> not found"11:17
bullgardBack4More420: Please specify your operating system and your wireless card so that people can help you.11:17
Back4More420I haxw ubumtu 10.411:17
Back4More42064 bit11:18
spidlaJonii, you probably need to restore your Windows master boot record11:18
florGnea, i've done the following: (1) duplicated my existing printer in -> system -> printers. (2) changed settings: device-uri  -> change -> network-printer -> lpd/lpr-host (3) entered as host: socket://<IP-address> (4) sEARCH for printers/printer queues. it didn't work11:18
GneaBack4More420: are you just trying to get wireless to work correctly in ubuntu?11:18
Joniispidla, ok, how? Also, where did wubi-installer put its stuff?11:18
MegaHerzHi all. How to create screencast on Ubuntu? Two apps which I found in Applications and then tried - failed to do anything. One creating gif's which I don't and another (Istanbul) - just hangs11:19
spidlaJonii, you can use Windows install CD to reach recovery console11:19
shal3rhttp://pastebin.com/mWuKXmzx - Any ideas how to fix that?11:19
spidlaJonii, there is an option to recover MBR11:19
Gneaflor: I see, what's the make/model of the printer?11:19
JoniiI don't have Windows install CD11:19
florGnea, it's a kyocera mita 1020 d11:19
Back4More420no I have it working in this version but want to get it working in the UE 2.811:19
Jean1hi, I keep getting 'access denied' if i want to delete something in /var/www, I guess I have to use chown, but with what parameters ? Thanks11:19
GneaBack4More420: what's UE?11:20
JoniiAlso, with dual boot ubuntu thing, wouldn't MBR-recovery destroy my ability to boot into Ubuntu?11:20
Back4More420ultimate eddition 2.811:20
spidlaJonii, which version of Windows do you have ?11:20
Joniispidla, Vista11:20
penalvchJean1: You could also try at the Terminal sudo rm (file)11:21
dr0idany difference between rm -f -r folder and rm -fr folder ?11:21
Back4More420if I can get the drivers from this OS I could then put them in the UE11:21
Jean1penalvch: I don't want to use sudo all the time11:21
spidlaJonii, I thought that you want to get back to Windows install only . Then the proble is probably in the GRUB loader configuration. Try to boot from Ubuntu live-cd and then you can access your Ubuntu partition and repair GRUB11:22
Joniispidla, hmm... GRUB is this Ubuntu-related OS-choice-manager-thing?11:23
Lintdr0id, not for rm11:23
spidlaJonii, well I assume you are using GRUB as you boot-loader ... it is a deafult one in Ubuntu11:23
dr0idLint: maybe some speed differencee ? :)11:23
p896gbmhey guys, if i use dmsetup to assemble a drive that has a partition table in it, how do i then mount one of the partitions?11:23
Lintdr0id, lol no11:23
JoniiIf it is, it works just fine. It's just that when I choose to start windows from it, Windows, before launching, asks if I want to launch Windows Vista or Ubuntu(this Wubi-installation of Ubuntu doesn't work)11:24
dr0idLint: I thought -fr would be faster than -f -r :)11:24
JoniiAnd I want to get rid of this Wubi-installation entirely11:24
GneaBack4More420: I think you'll want to ask in #ultimateedition11:25
spidlaJonii, ouch I understand... this may be the result of chainloading process used while booting Windows from GRUB11:25
Back4More420Thank You @Gnea11:25
=== nikhil_ is now known as nikhil_away
spidlathe second menu is probably installed in windows partition .. not in MBR where the GRIB lives11:26
Back4More420this is the OS I want drivers from, where are they stored?11:26
Gneaflor: can you print if you connect the printer directly?11:26
GneaBack4More420: they're not really 'stored' anywhere, it's part of the kernel usually, you'll need to identify your wifi card and which driver it's supposed to use and find a suitable package or driver in UE11:27
takuananybody in here knows about fqdn and network-manager?11:28
Back4More420Gnea, Thanks11:29
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!11:29
spidlaJonii, maybe PartitionMagic could help ?11:29
Jean1hi, I keep getting 'access denied' if i want to delete something in /var/www, I guess I have to use chown, but with what parameters ? I want to be able to delete from a filemanager or even from a samba share. Thanks11:29
MegaHerzWhat device should I use in an sound recording application if /dev/dsp doesn't work?11:30
GneaJean1: chown -R user.group dir/  will recursively change it11:30
spidlaJonii, or there might be some useful settings in your boot.ini in your Windows installation11:30
Joniispidla, if you know any keywords I could try googling, it'd help. Like, what's the name of that boot loader that let's me choose between Windows and Wubi.11:30
GneaJonii: wubi just uses NTLDR11:31
Jean1Gnea: chown -R jean.group /var/ww/* ? and what is 'group' ?11:31
Gnea!wubi | Jonii11:31
ubottuJonii: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe11:31
GneaJean1: whatever your group name is set to11:31
cecilioestas sonia11:32
ceciliot kero acer el amor ç11:32
Gnea!es | cecilio11:32
ubottucecilio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:32
spidlaJonii, well it seems that Wubi is really updating your boot.ini in Windows ! try to find those lines and edit them11:32
Jean1Gnea How do I know what my group name is, and will apache/php be able to do their stuff after that?11:32
GneaJean1: by using the id command, or just do something like this:  touch ~/test.file && ls -l test.file  to see what gid it uses11:33
Gnea!language | Jahon11:33
ubottuJahon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:33
Jean1Gnea thanks , gonna try11:33
bibic682hello, anyone please help ....need philips 7130 tv card set up properly....seems like a lotta hoops to jump thru11:34
florGnea, yes, that's working fine, printing directly.11:34
pirxhi! i have a situation where a software is making a lot of requests to an external API, and i would like to check for how long those sockets are open. it will take some time before i am able to add that to the loggaing of the application. any ideas? (e.g. how to check for how long sockets are open, to some certain IP, during say 1minute)11:34
spidlaJonii, there should be a list of available operating systems. There you can delete the Wubi lines and you can set your Vista installation as a default operating system. Second boot menu should disappear11:34
Gnea!tv | bibic68211:34
ubottubibic682: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out11:34
bibic682thanks all...will check it out11:35
Gneaflor: so what's preventing you from adding the new printer instead of copying the currently working printer?11:36
spidlaJonii, In your boot.init you should see something like this http://pastebin.com/3iFa8QmN11:36
florGnea, got it! i had to type in the ip address only without "socket://" in front of it. yeah!!! thanks for your support!!11:36
Jean1Gnea it worked, thanks, have a good day :)11:36
Gneaflor: oh, awesome :)11:36
spidlaJonii, the last line represents the modification made bu Wubi11:36
GneaJean1: cheers :)11:36
Joniispidla, windows Vista doesn't have boot.ini, but yeah, it seems wubiguide has good tutorial to how to remove it11:37
spidlaJonii, well I am Linux user :-) in Windows XP there was boot.ini11:37
goggle-eyed_beardo u have windows iso disks?11:37
spidlaJonii, well good luck11:38
florGnea, have a good day from me too! : ) bye, everybody!11:38
florGnea, ps: you gave me the idea to try a network-printer-conection. for windows, its differently...11:39
Gneaflor: ah yes, that is true - glad you figured it out11:39
=== martins is now known as Guest41809
shal3rhttp://pastebin.com/mWuKXmzx - Any ideas how to fix that?11:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:42
CASSANOneed shell, irssi screen q me11:43
=== nikhil_away is now known as nikhil_
navinhow can i customize the code of webkit..any help plz?11:45
sacarlsonshal3r: it apears your repository is out of service try another repository mirror site11:48
shal3rsacarlson, it's working - i can access it via web browser. Also i tried another repository  - same problem11:49
sacarlsonshal3r: try japan11:50
Gneashal3r: bad network connection? try again11:50
sacarlsonshal3r: unless your isp is mad at you11:50
shal3rGnea, sacarlson i tried again, this time with Japan - http://pastebin.com/xnn5yKRL11:51
Gneashal3r: what does your /etc/apt/sources.list file look like? and did you throw anything into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?11:52
bullgardOn my Maverick computer 'man arp' is dated 6-Mar-1999. On my Lucid computer 'man arp' is dated 01-Dec-2007. How come?11:52
shal3rok, sorry - it's really ISP which blocks http conections because of unpaid bill. thanks for your time11:53
Gneabullgard: *weird*! you're right.... wow11:53
sacarlsonshal3r: well as you can see it's not the same11:53
Gneashal3r: could you use an ftp mirror?11:54
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sacarlsonshal3r: there is a slight posibility it's an mtu thing11:55
sacarlsonshal3r: do you use wifi?11:56
scothostHi Folks11:56
erUSUL!cn | xinxin11:56
ubottuxinxin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk11:56
shal3rsacarlson, no no, it's just my ISP11:58
GeekManhow do i increase the maximum brightness on my notebook for some reason it is dimmer than usual11:58
sacarlsonshal3r: well try change mtu to 1492 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28907711:58
b0tzdoes anyone have an answer to this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155428012:00
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xinxin /join #ubuntu-cn12:04
=== nikhil_ is now known as nikhil_away
NeosanoHello guys, I'm sure it's a wrong place to ask, but how can I detect that there is some program running in fullscreen?12:07
fuzzybunny69yhey guys I am sure you get this a lot but how do you disable the login sound on the login screen(the annoying drum sound)?12:10
=== MindWarper_ is now known as MindWarper
Neosanofuzzybunny69y, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/disable-the-login-sound-on-ubuntu/12:11
GeekManis gdm simple-greeter like a message kinda deal where i have a message that i can have popup every time you login12:11
=== fernando is now known as Guest91744
NeosanoGeekMan, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59701112:14
NeosanoLol it's kinda fun googling other's questions and giving them the first link12:15
Neosanobut would someone answer my question, lol? :D12:15
halvorsHowto generate md5 checksum for my .deb package?12:15
fuzzybunny69yNeosano, sorry I tried that12:15
cdbs!lol | Neosano12:15
ubottuNeosano: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.12:15
fuzzybunny69yand it still doesn't work12:15
fuzzybunny69yI have set my sound scheme to no sunds12:15
fuzzybunny69ywent into the login screen prefs and unchecked the "play login sound"12:16
Neosanohalvors, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM12:16
fuzzybunny69yand it still plays the annoying drum sound12:16
Neosanocdbs, thanks a lot12:16
halvorsNeosano: Thanks :D12:16
london5634guys i need some help...i want to dual boot,i have recently decided to add a secondary hard drive with windows 7,how to i reinstall the grub again or anything else to dual boot12:16
GeekManNeosano maybe im thinking of a MOTD12:17
GeekManbut either way12:17
fuzzybunny69yoh and I have also unchecked Gnome login sound from the startup applications12:17
halvorsNeosano: But how do it for a folder?...12:18
Neosanohalvors, folder?12:18
halvorsI have to generate MD5 checksum for a package.12:18
halvorsFolder that contain. fIles.12:18
Neosanohalvors, what kind of a packed?12:18
Neosanoyou said it's deb, just do it for the .deb file12:19
halvorssource for that12:19
halvorsIt's not packed yet.12:19
halvorshave to include md5sum in package....12:19
Neosanooh :O12:19
halvorsNeosano: Know how to do that?12:20
Neosanohalvors, no, sorry12:20
fuzzybunny69yhey guys to disable the login sound you run this to disable the login sound you run this command "sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --type=bool --set /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds false"12:20
Neosanohalvors, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-create-md5sum-for-a-directory-689242/12:21
Neosanofuzzybunny69y, nice, thanks for replying a solution.12:22
=== mark_ is now known as markskilbeck
Sataurosok, who do I have to annoy to get some answers :D12:27
Gatekeeper-ZAola can someone help me pls...12:28
NeosanoGatekeeper-ZA, just ask the question12:29
halvorsgot it...12:29
NeosanoSatauros, just ask12:29
Neosanohalvors, ;)12:29
Sataurosand what if I have several ones :p12:29
NeosanoSatauros, just ask them one by one12:29
halvorsUsing this: http://ptspts.blogspot.com/2010/02/how-to-create-debianubuntu-package-deb.html12:29
Gatekeeper-ZAkk mmm i installed ubuntu 8.10 but sunaptics cant find packages.. i installed cause newer ubuntu does not support my display card.12:29
helghareebGatekeeper-ZA: can I help you?12:29
BHXSpecterI have my ubuntu drive separated into /swap, /, and /home somehow GDM got removed.....is there a way to use the live CD to reinstall GDM?12:30
helghareebGatekeeper-ZA: I have the same problem with my nvidia display12:30
Neosanohalvors, aha, good that you found it12:30
Sataurosfirst question, to set a time server in Ubuntu (10.04.2 LTS) server, i just have to edit / create the /etc/ntp.conf file, correct?12:30
helghareebI used additional drivers, however it keeps crashing12:30
bullgardGnea: Thank you for commenting.12:30
helghareebI recommend you using 10.10 edition, and don't force ubuntu using external drivers12:30
Gatekeeper-ZAyeah its an old ati now i know it works in 8.10 but cant seem to get the sources12:31
helghareebubuntu are experiementing 3D drivers in Unity ( 11.04) now. Hopefully it will be available soon12:31
helghareebmy advice as I told you: stick to the default now, and wait for the new release. Hopefully it will handle the issue12:31
Gatekeeper-ZAno the issue is i cant recive the sources list so synaptics cant let me add packages ets. it doesnt list12:32
helghareebaha, I c12:33
Gatekeeper-ZAFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-archive/dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found12:33
Gatekeeper-ZAyes lol12:33
NeosanoSatauros, can't you use gui for this? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/sync-your-system-clock-with-internet-time-servers-in-ubuntu/12:33
helghareeb:) sounds weired to me12:33
Gatekeeper-ZAthen i get at the end ailed to fetch http://mirror.in.th/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/universe/source/Sources.gz  301 Moved Permanently12:33
Gatekeeper-ZASome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:33
Gatekeeper-ZAhow would i add a working sources list.12:34
Gatekeeper-ZAfor  8.1012:34
SataurosNeosano, running Ubuntu server, no GUI available :)12:34
helghareebsounds a good start Gatekeeper12:34
NeosanoSatauros, ahaa12:34
Sataurosotherwise it would be piece of cake :p12:35
Gneabullgard: did you get it sorted?12:35
jribSatauros: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html12:35
NeosanoSatauros, here's a nice man https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime12:36
BlankVerseethtool eth0 shows12:36
BlankVerselink detected : yes12:36
Sataurosso I was doing the right thing :), thx, on to the next question12:37
BlankVersebut after a few minutes , it changes to know12:37
BlankVerseand my lan port light stops also12:37
BlankVerseis it a hardware problem?12:37
jrib!enter | BlankVerse12:37
ubottuBlankVerse: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:37
Sataurosthe ubuntu server I mentioned will be running drupal, so the system should be able to send emails using our mail relay servers12:38
bullgardGnea: I am struggeling on 2 fronts at the moment. I did not solve yet the question how to determine the known host computers in my LAN.12:38
Satauroshow do i configure this on the server?12:38
Sataurosi already figured out that i'll be needing sendmail :p, but then what?12:38
jribSatauros: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html12:39
ThaliusSatauros: I had the same problem. Ended up using Exim4.12:39
SataurosThalius, and that worked? (i'll be configuring a primary and secondairy mail relay, is this possible?)12:41
Sataurosjrib, the link you gave doesn't mention anything about sendmail, any other suggestions?12:42
ThaliusSatauros: You can try. It can easy be configured using exim-config.12:42
Satauroswithout GUI?12:42
jribSatauros: you can use postfix or exim.  If you really want to use sendmail, sure use that.  Each of these projects have their own irc channel for configuration questions12:43
Sataurosok, *searches for the sendmail irc channel :p*12:43
ThaliusSatauros: It has a commandline gui, really easy to config12:43
jribSatauros: out of curiousity, why do you want to use sendmail if you don't know how to configure it?12:44
CASSANOneed shell, irssi screen q me12:44
jrib!ot | CASSANO12:44
ubottuCASSANO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:44
CASSANObla bla bla12:44
Sataurosdue to lack of other options, jrib12:44
jribSatauros: but we just gave you two other options12:44
Sataurosmy boss told me to set the mail relay on the ubuntu server12:45
Sataurosso first option i noticed, sendmail12:45
jribSatauros: I've always used exim, mostly because sendmail is notorious for being difficult to configure :/12:45
Sataurosfirst come, first serve12:45
bfriany one help me find where my temp files are when i open a youtube page?12:45
Sataurosok, exim it is12:45
Sataurosyou've convinced me12:45
Sataurosi suppose a simple sudo apt-get install exim will do the trick?12:46
ThaliusSatauros: yes12:46
jribSatauros: might be exim4, check the link12:46
Sataurosi'll try right away12:46
ThaliusSatauros: exim4 indeed. After that use sudo exim4-config, youll get this: http://library.linode.com/web-applications/project-management/redmine/images/redmine-debian-5-exim-config-1.png12:47
Sataurosok installed  - i'm so happy it automatically uninstalled sendmail :D -12:47
bfriany one help me find where my temp files are when i open a youtube page?12:48
Sataurosdon't you mean sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config Thalius?12:49
jribbfri: /home/jrib/.mozilla/firefox/p26rxi5a.default/Cache ?12:49
jribbfri: or whatever your *.default directory is.12:49
Sataurosso that worked Thalius, now, in order to make this work (using our primary and secondairy mail relay), which option should i choose best?12:50
Satauros(yes i have entered n00b mode)12:50
ThaliusSatauros: Dont know tbh. Been some while since i configged it, and i only use 1 relay12:51
bfrijrib: i dont have that location you mentioned and i just up graded to 10.04 and my default directory no longer has them12:51
doodiehow do I join 2 empty partitions using gparted?12:52
jribbfri: you don't have ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache?12:52
ThaliusSatauros: I picked the internetsite option, since that matched my needs/requirements12:52
SataurosThalius, i suppose i should be choosing 'mail send by smarthost, no local mail'?12:53
Sataurosin my case12:53
ThaliusSatauros: would make sense since you dont want to host a mailserver on the same host, and only want to send out forgot-my-passwords mail12:53
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ThaliusSatauros: You can always check if the relay works by sending a mail from commandline.12:54
bfriany one help me find where my temp files are when i open a youtube page?12:55
jribbfri: can you answer my question?12:55
bfrijrib: no i dont have that directory12:57
jribbfri: type "about:cache" in your firefox and see what the directory for Disk cache device is12:57
Sataurosok, thx Thalius, in case of any problems i'll notify (today or tomorrow, probably tomorrow :p)12:58
elvissilvatem algum usuario brasileiro na rede?12:58
ThaliusSatauros: Yw. and goodluck :)12:58
jrib!br | elvissilva12:58
ubottuelvissilva: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:58
Sataurosnext question, to set my primary and secondary DNS, i suppose i only have to edit the /etc/resolv.conf file?12:58
bfrijrib: ok there it is i was trying to just go to that directory manually12:58
ThaliusSatauros: Yup. considering you dont have a daemon generating the config file12:59
Sataurosyes I read that the dhcp3 client reconfigures that resolv.conf file12:59
Sataurosbut i'll be using a static IP, so probably will remove the dhcp client, if possible13:00
bfriJrib: if i just start in the "/" directory and follow the path i get stopped at ".mozilla" why is that13:00
rams_panduhow can I install a dictionary in ubuntu?13:00
doodiehow do I join 2 empty partitions using gparted? Copy and PAste?13:00
ThaliusSatauros: No need to remove it, just set the /etc/network/interfaces to static and it wont be used13:00
jribbfri: show me what you are doing in pastebin, I do not understand what you said13:01
Thaliusdoodie: why not remove on partition and extend the other?13:01
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family13:02
bullgardGnea: [solved]13:02
Thaliusrams_pandu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46886113:02
SataurosThalius, I believe that are all the questions I have (today), thank you kindly for the support, and if I run in to any other problems, i'll visit once more :)13:03
Sataurosthx to jrib as well ;)13:03
ThaliusAny time.13:04
oxodesignhi i did pack a folder like this "tar -cvf tarFileName directory/" who do I unpack that file?13:04
jriboxodesign: tar xf filename13:05
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shane4ubuntuok, question, when I run: sudo service --status-all    I get a bunch of + and - and ?  beside the daemon, however what does that mean?13:08
BartHHHi there, Does someone know if it is possible with dual head seperate X to hide all the gnome stuff from the second monitor?13:10
Bohemian_CowWhat are you trying to accomplish BartHH?13:11
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BartHHI need to have 1 app running on my second screen without all the panels around it13:12
pilashello ubuntu world... been on linux since monday... the world is a happier place13:12
pilasneed help with linux partitions... simple questions... pleas pm13:12
Neosanopilas, just ask here13:13
AbhijiTpilas, ask here only. with all details on one line13:13
BartHHBohemian_Cow: do you know if it is even possible?13:13
NeosanoBartHH, it's linux, everything is possible13:13
MaslowKExcept being windows.13:14
pilasOk, so I am doing my first hard disk install on a 500GB ATA with one NTFS partition with my windows on. Ubuntu needs its own linux partition: Can I trust linux to do the partition without fucking up windows?13:14
BartHHI mean possible without creating ubuntu from scratch13:14
Bohemian_CowWell you could just manually set the length of the panel in question?13:14
Bohemian_CowIe not having it "Expand"13:15
BartHHthe panels are duplicates of the ones running on my main screen13:15
BartHHIf I change the settings, they change both13:15
Neosanopilas, oh wait, you have to resize ntfs partition first13:15
BartHHor mmm13:15
BartHHmaybe not13:15
BartHHwhere are all those panel settings saved?13:16
Neosanopilas, you can do it from GParted, I've done it several times successfully, but I'll recommend you to save data first13:16
pilastks neosano... im in the middle of saving it up13:16
Bohemian_CowDo you have Gnome-Configuration editor installed?13:16
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Bohemian_Cowaka gconf13:17
BartHHah yes found it in /apps/panel13:17
shane4ubuntuI linked ddclient into /etc/init.d/  is there an easy way to make sure it is running?  I ran sudo service --status-all and ddclient shows up as:  -  ddclient  does that mean it isn't running?13:17
Neosanopilas, so you have to run live cd, try ubuntu without installing, run GParted to resize ntfs partition.13:18
rams_panducan I access windows vista desktop from ubuntu10.04?13:18
MaslowKrams_pandu: Sure can.13:18
Neosanorams_pandu, desktop?13:18
Neosanoyou mean desktop folder?13:18
rams_panduMaslowK, can you tell me how?13:19
MaslowKDepends on what you mean by that13:19
jribshane4ubuntu: what do you mean, you linked it?  When you install ddclient it should automatically be there13:19
MaslowKIf you mean having both installed and being able to switch between them, you can do that.13:19
AbhijiTrams_pandu, use teamviewer13:19
shane4ubuntujrib hmm, mine wasn't at least I don't think it was, yes, I linked it.13:19
rams_panduNeosano, I mean i have many apps on windows, I want to access all of then from ubuntu. like start button, programs etc13:19
jribshane4ubuntu: how did you install it?  Surely, you used apt?13:19
shane4ubuntujrib: if it was in there it is possible that I linked over top of it, but I'm about 90% sure it wasn't running13:19
MaslowKOh, well.13:19
Neosanothat's a different thing..13:20
shane4ubuntujrib yep apt13:20
MaslowKNot really rams_pandu13:20
AbhijiTrams_pandu, is this vista and ubuntu installed on the same hard disk?13:20
jribshane4ubuntu: ddclient package includes /etc/init.d/ddclient13:20
Neosanorams_pandu, mostly no. though you can install windows on a virtual machine and use windows from linux.13:20
shane4ubuntujrib, it didn't seem to be running though, is there a way to check if it is running/configured correctly?13:20
rams_panduAbhijiT, yeah, both are installed on the same harddisk13:20
jribshane4ubuntu: furthermore, what exactly did you link?  /etc/init.d/ contains init scripts, it's not just links to executables13:21
AbhijiTrams_pandu, hmm then you cant access vista menus programs from ubuntu. you can only access files, folders, data, music, videos, etc13:21
shane4ubuntujrib: sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/ddclient /etc/init.d/13:21
jribshane4ubuntu: yeah, that's not correct13:21
shane4ubuntujrib, ok, should I remove the link and re-install ddclient?13:22
jribshane4ubuntu: yeah, purge and install again13:22
rams_panduAbhijiT, yeah, I know that. In my hard disk windows and ubuntu are installed in different partitions13:22
NeosanoDo you guys know how can I catch window events? I need to see if there's any window fullscreened.13:22
AbhijiTrams_pandu, still you cant13:22
jribshane4ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS walks you through the configuration13:22
shane4ubuntujrib, ok, thanks a bundle, let me give that a try, however is there a way to confirm it is running?  --status-all should show with a plus if it is running?13:22
rams_panduNeosano, thank you13:23
ufki installed debug version of flash 32 bit version on my firefox-bin (using amd64). the problem is that whenever a flash error occur a popup doesn't comes up with the proper error. i need to install flashbug to actually see in the firebug window the error. any ideas how to resolve the issue?13:23
rams_panduAbhijiT, thank you13:23
Attivismragazzi eccomi di nuovo13:24
jribshane4ubuntu: just do « ps -ef | grep ddclient » as service --status-all probably only works well for upstart type jobs13:24
jrib!it | Attivism13:24
ubottuAttivism: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:24
BluesKajHey folks13:24
shane4ubuntujrib ok, thanks!13:24
jacksonjeMy me menu and sound menu have vanished from the panel. How do I repair it?13:24
mikhasHi, when using launchpad PPA's, can I somehow configure on the website that a package is made available for Lucid *and* Maverick? Or do I really have to re-upload the package, even if only the debian changelog changes ...13:25
oliver_jacksonje: just rightclick -> add to panel.. and search what u don't have13:26
shane4ubuntujrib  hmmm,  seems I missed this important note last time I installed it:  * To run ddclient as a daemon, please set run_daemon to 'true' in /etc/default/ddclient13:26
AbhijiTmikhas, #launchpad13:26
mikhasoy, thanks13:27
VoitaHi u alll :) I have just mad an old computer come to life again with xubuntu.  Does anyone know how to make an application load on stratup with this dist?13:27
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NeosanoVoita, Xfce Menu | Settings | Autostarted Applications13:29
NeosanoVoita, I hope it works :)13:29
NeosanoVoita, though Lubuntu is a better choice for an old computer, imho13:29
Voitathx Neosano :) will check!13:29
Sataurosanother question, a quick one, to set the FQDN, is there an ubuntu help page for this?13:29
VoitaOh ok haveńt even heard of Lubuntu... :)13:30
NeosanoVoita, so did I13:30
NeosanoVoita, now I switched to it even on my powerful desktop13:31
oliver_Voita: u should be able to define the startup applications under     /home/yourusername/.config/autostart/13:31
NeosanoBilz, just ask13:31
Bilzi get an error when i run sudo apt-get update13:31
BilzW: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>13:31
Bilzand a couple of others13:31
Bilzwhere should i look for the problem13:31
FloodBot1Bilz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
Bilzthere's my problem13:32
Voitaok guys I cannot seem to find xfce. you know where to look?13:32
=== candrea is now known as Guest89707
SataurosHow do I set the fully qualified domain name for my server? (FQDN)13:34
PiciSatauros: Modify /etc/hostname  but make sure that the hostname itself matches the entry in /etc/hosts13:36
Voitafound tha autostart cataloge  but there is only file:///home/myname/.config/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop13:38
EmpoyLayawHello! Has anyone have an Android Froyo phone who can sync contacts with birthdays in Evolution?13:38
SataurosPici, could this work? http://paste.ubuntu.com/571107/13:39
jukEmpoyLayaw: #android ?13:39
shane4ubuntujrib: JFYI  it was on the page you sent me:  sudo service ddclient status  which I ran before but didn't report nothing because I had messed up the init.d thing, all is good now and running fine, thanks for the help.13:40
=== Molly is now known as Guest83757
=== gui_ is now known as kryl
Guest83757So, I got the "Window Selector" applet on my panel in Ubuntu 10.10 - one problem: i want to change a setting so it will show the names of all workspaces when I go to select a window.13:40
Guest83757Ubuntu is refusing to let me modify the applet's settings. What do I do?13:40
EmpoyLayawjuk, it doesn't seem to help because they'll point you to sync-ing with gmail account. what I want is to use Evolution mail to sync my phone contacts. Just as how you would sync a Windows mobile phone with Outlook. Not sure if that is possible in Ubuntu yet13:41
EmpoyLayawSo what I want to know if it is possible to use Ubuntu's preloaded Evolution to sync my Android Froyo phone13:41
acidhello ppl13:42
=== randyJ is now known as Guest49209
Guest83757Any ideas guys? How do I change the properties/setting for my Window Selector applet in Ubuntu 10.10?13:43
jukEmpoyLayaw: ah, dont know, i dont use myself evolution and android13:43
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acidproblem :-> while installing or removing i get this error "Package operation failed" anyone ?13:44
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EmpoyLayawjuk: yeah.... same here, until the day I got an android phone. Thanks!13:44
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Voitahmm Iḿ stuck here.... need to find startup applications in xubuntu13:45
super_eliteAny ideas guys? How do I change the properties/setting for my Window Selector applet in Ubuntu 10.10? It works in Xubuntu, so why won't it work in Ubuntu?13:45
jukEmpoyLayaw: yes, that's a reason a went for n90013:45
oliver_Voita: and whats in that file u found?13:46
Voitaoliver... file:///home/vikingrehab/.config/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop13:47
Voita it says [Desktop Entry] Hidden =False13:47
azizLIGHTSi got cli right now, but i want to use firefox or chrome to browse internet, whats the lightest gui for this purpose13:48
psycho_oreoseither lxde or xfce13:49
azizLIGHTSwhats the command to install the thing13:49
oliver_Voita: after what I read is that u also have a ~/Desktop/Autostart directory and there u can simply write a script which calls the programs you want13:49
sirlarkHi, I've got a pg_dump backup of a mediawiki installation, which have to restore on a new server due to hardware failure. It's a fresh ubuntu install, and I've copied over the original LocalSettings.php; I created originally named user (role) and database in postgresql, and ran the dump though psql. This has created all the tables in the mediawiki schema, and none in the public schema. In LocalSettings.php $wgDBmwschema = "mediawiki", a13:50
Voitaok oliver I will check for it. You have any idea what this script need to say?13:51
VoitaIḿ sorry oliver but I can seem to find a /desktop/autostart directory13:52
hvnsweetingVoita: ./config/autostart13:53
hvnsweetingyou should press ctrl + H to show hidden folder13:54
Voitaalright tnx hvnsweeting... feel a little stupid now :)13:54
oliver_Voita: well for me it's exactely that directory    hvnsweeting is saying13:54
s7rhello i am missing system-library-fopen13:54
s7rhow can i install it ?13:54
s7ri have a vps ubuntu 10.0413:55
s7rus=285966 Cannot open dh1024.pem for DH parameters: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory: error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file13:55
s7rWed Feb 23 13:50:21 2011 us=285977 Exiting13:55
FloodBot1s7r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:55
Voitathnx gyus I found the folder13:55
oliver_Voita: but the  file u told me confuses me13:55
jukVoita: dont be, that's why we all are here, well some of us13:55
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oliver_Voita: i have some    .desktop file in there13:55
Bilzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/571105/ <- final few lines of what i get one i run sudo apt-get update, any ideas?13:55
xtbgodHow do i make my ubuntu primary boot OS i got it installed with Win713:56
Voitawell I am listing hidden files but only have the previous file there?13:56
oliver_Voita: maybe u should just create for each program u wanna start  a separate  .desktop file13:57
BluesKajxtbgod, it shoiuld be the default boot OS if you installed it after windows13:57
oliver_Voita: one moment i give u an example13:58
Voitaok not my area of knowledge... any idea what to put in that file? I have an open office pres which I would like to start up automatically13:58
HowlerI am trying to set my domainname, so that sendmail will stop complaining. Do I need to set it to anything specific (like my ISPs' domain or anything), should I use my web domain name, or just make up a name for my local network?13:59
oliver_Voita: http://pastebin.com/i9djSsMN13:59
jukHowler: #postfix13:59
Voitathnx oliver Iḿ checking14:00
sipiorHowler: you really shouldn't just make up a name, no :-) do you really need sendmail?14:00
Voitaok so if I want to configure that script to start an openoffice pres. what do i type?14:01
sipiorHowler: if your dns provider has set an MX record for your domain, you can of course use the domain name you're paying for.14:01
Howlersipior: Of course I don't *need* it =). I'm using it for my redmine account to send emails about my projects.14:01
oliver_Voita: I'm not sure but just try to take only the top 3 lines and change  the exec command   my file is called  yakuake.desktop    urs should be called (the command to start ur wordpress)14:01
sandhuhi  pl tell how to download  you tube videos14:02
Voitaok I will play around for a while and see what happens :)14:02
HowlerMy question is more about what I should really set my local domain to be, so I can have a FQDN. sendmail is just the program that alerted me to the fact that I don't have it.14:02
mikebotIn UNR, is there a way to change the systray icons in the top-right corner?14:02
sandhuhi  pl tell how to download  you tube videos14:03
sandhuhi  pl tell how to download  you tube videos14:03
alisalaahsandhu, like flv to mp3 conversion?14:03
Godslasteringwhat is the proper way to change the system hostname?14:03
sipiorHowler: you could try using dynamic dns in conjunction with your preferred dns provider.14:04
SirgadoGodslastering: I guess edit /etc/hostname14:04
sandhuno  i wanna download  videos14:04
oliver_Voita: i would try      calling the file like        mypresentation.desktop     and change the command to     openoffice.org /path/to/your/presentation14:04
SirgadoGodslastering: or using GUI14:04
GodslasteringSirgado: is this permanent? and which GUI tool?14:04
supremecreated some vpn tunnel, connection to the server works, but i want that ALL traffic is routed through this connection, how should i set the route for this ?14:04
Voitatnx oliver.... will give it a try14:04
alisalaahsandhu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54784814:05
alisalaahforums/google had an easily searchable  topic, that looks liek what you want14:05
Howlersipior: Yeah, I have my domain name pointed at my IP address (and my router updates it, should it change).  What you're saying is that I should really make the machines on my local network use that as their domain?14:06
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 on a new 2010 model Macbook Pro :: Saying I have no bluetooth adapters, I want to setup with my magic mouse, is there a way to get it to work?  i checked forums and did bluez with no success.14:07
sipiorHowler: if your domain is already pointed there, yes. but if you don't expect the machines on your local network to be reached directly from the larger internet, there's no need for an fqdn. each machine with a fqdn should be listed in an authoritative name server. that's probably overkill for a home network.14:07
supremehmm anybody around who can tell me the route add command to route all traffic to ppp0 ?14:08
sipiorHowler: if your domain points to the internet side of your home router, you can use port forwarding to direct service requests from that external address to the appropriate internal machines, without involving the dns further.14:08
ashka`hello, I have a problem with a usb key14:09
elfranneanyone know how to remove the x first characters on all files in a folder ?14:11
Voitaoliver do I type the pathway under exec=?14:11
Howlersipior: Sure, I understand that. No reason for the outside world to reach any machine except my webserver. I just saw that sendmail kept complaining about not knowing its fqdn, and I didn't know that I should have one =). But, that makes sense, I really only need a fqdn for machines that can be seen by the outside world. That's why sendmail cares...because why would it be on a machine the outside world can't see.14:12
Howlersipior: Thanks for helping me understand.14:12
sipiorHowler: sure. are you really running sendmail, and not postfix? postfix is much easier to configure (and the machine itself doesn't need an fqdn, you simply have to tell the mailer what to use).14:13
sipiorHowler: you might also look into ssmtp, which probably fits better with your expected usage.14:13
erUSULelfranne: from the filename? or the file contents?14:14
elfranneerSUL filename14:14
sipiorHowler: you're just forwarding all delivery to your isp mail server as a relay, i assume?14:14
xtbgodHow do i make my ubuntu primary boot OS i got it installed with Win714:14
oliver_Voita: i found an xfce example of a .desktop file http://pastebin.com/dCpLdM3f14:14
oliver_Voita: yeah i would write it there if you want to start exactely that one presentation14:15
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randyJsupreme:  try route add default gw ppp014:16
Voitaok tnx oliver I will check that one too14:17
oliver_Voita: :D don't u have a xfce menu?14:17
Howlersipior: Yeah, it's just a forward. Redmine just uses the local mail server to email updates (when I change the status on one of my projects). I'm using sendmail, because that's what the tutorial used. It's working fine, just complains in my logs about not knowing it's fqdn14:17
Voitano only about xfce14:17
extra11ubuntu rocks14:17
VoitaI browse ny directories to find it14:17
extra11got cc compiling stuff now14:18
erUSULelfranne: sonmething like this should work --> for f in ./*; do mv -- "$f" "${f:3}"; done14:18
Bilzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/571105/ <- final few lines of what i get one i run sudo apt-get update, any ideas?14:18
erUSULelfranne: check first adding an echo -->  for  f in ./*; do echo mv -- "$f" "${f:3}"; done14:18
oliver_Voita: just drop that i guess u won't find anything14:19
elfranneerSUL  how many characters does it remove ?14:19
erUSULelfranne: btw 3 is the number of chars you want to get rid off14:19
elfranneerSUL thx a lot14:19
erUSUL!tab | elfranne14:19
ubottuelfranne: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:19
oliver_Voita: here another site which might help you -       https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xfce#Customizing_Startup_Applications              search for "startup applications"14:20
Voitano iḿ trying the previous one but it won run the script... says there is no such file or directory14:20
NeoSentientHi all :) Is there anyone lurking here with knowledge of wireless networking on ubuntu 10.10 (Running xubuntu distro based on 10.10)14:20
erUSULelfranne: oops sorry;  logic error.14:20
Cube``is it a problem to remove NetworkManager and use Wicd instead? my question is whether removing the package "NetworkManager" will cause any problems by itself14:21
erUSULelfranne: cd direrctory &&  for f in *; do echo mv -- "$f" "${f:3}"; done14:21
Cube``is it a problem to remove NetworkManager and use Wicd instead? my question is whether removing the package "NetworkManager" will cause any problems by itself14:22
skorvneed some help running kismet without sudo14:23
skorvkeeps telling me kismet_capture should be suid-root14:23
skorvbut i dont know hot to do it14:23
elfranneerUSUL: it does only show the new filenames does not actually rename them14:24
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 on a new 2010 model Macbook Pro :: Saying I have no bluetooth adapters, I want to setup with my magic mouse, is there a way to get it to work?  i checked forums and did bluez with no success.14:24
erUSULelfranne: with the echo it will not; just remove the echo when you checked that all looks sane14:24
Cube``is it a problem to remove NetworkManager and use Wicd instead? my question is whether removing the package "NetworkManager" will cause any problems by itself??14:24
elfranneerUSUL:  ah ok thx14:24
BluesKajCube``, that depends on your /etc/network/interface settings for ethernet , but if your prob is wifi , some have found success with it as I have with the ralink belkin usb wifi adapter14:24
sipiorskorv: "sudo chmod u+s kismet_capture". obviously not something you would do lightly.14:24
jribCube``: should be fine14:25
sipiorskorv: that assumes root owns the above-mentioned file, of course.14:25
skorvah... ok then14:25
skorvthat i know14:25
=== endeavormac is now known as rednovae
Cube``BluesKaj: well Networkmanager works perfectly, but i need something to connect to the internet when using a tiling WM14:25
jribCube``: erm, you can use network manager in a tiling wm.  You could still use the applet, or just use nmcli14:26
oliver_alisalaah: maybe u need to check if theres a new release of "Linux guest tools"14:27
Cube``jrib: i dont have a panel14:27
jribCube``: then see my second option14:27
Cube``ahh nmcli!14:27
skorvnow to find kismet files14:27
Cube``sounds nice14:27
Cube``jrib: how to install it? there is no package nmcli14:28
jribCube``: you already have it14:28
petesyHey if anyone wants to take a look at a small sh script that im having a little trouble with the cancel option it will be appreciated. http://pastebin.com/UyN6iRP214:29
jribpetesy: might try #bash14:30
petesyjrib, there not to fond of sh there lol14:30
jribpetesy: huh?14:31
petesyjrib, yea they freak14:31
jribpetesy: your script is a bash script14:31
BluesKajjrib, Cube`` it's cnetworkmanager14:31
jribBluesKaj: although cnetworkmanager also exists, nmcli is a way to interact with nm through the terminal and is part of nm by default in ubuntu14:32
petesyjrib, yea but because it says /bin/sh they hated me lol14:32
jribpetesy: your script says /bin/bash14:32
oliver_Voita:  check out the xubuntu channel #xubuntu14:32
petesyjrib, o sorry i must have not changed it back14:32
BluesKajjrib, ok i wasn't aware of that , is it the engine under /etc/network/interfaces ?14:33
jribBluesKaj: no, i believe it's just an interface to nm, with commands instead of clicking14:33
NeoSentientHi all :) My wireless has been running straight "out of the box" with fresh install, but I just noticed in my connection properties it is registering as 150mbps connection, the network is 300mbps, is this just a display error or do I need to configure something to utilise full speed wireless?14:33
BluesKajjrib, intersting , good to know14:33
gaelfxNeoSentient: It's probably an issue with the driver not being able to utilise the card fully. What kind of wifi card is it?14:35
NeoSentientI'm running 10.10 on a HP Pavilion Dv6 Laptop, the network cards installed are atheros for wifi and realtek for lan as far as I am aware14:36
ashishhi pl tell me about download from you tube14:37
ashishhow to download frm u tube14:38
compdocashish, there are videos on youtube abot how to d/l videos from youtube14:38
LjL!info youtube-dl | ashish14:39
ubottuashish: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.08.04-1 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 140 kB14:39
Jonii^So, I've finally switched over to Ubuntu. Now I need to figure out how the Linux works. Like, how to become a power user?14:39
greppy!sudo | Jonii^14:40
ubottuJonii^: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:40
ashishtell me pocudere14:40
Jonii^A power user as in "Knows how the system works, and is able to use it effectively to accomplish wide range of tasks"14:41
ashishway how to d/l14:41
LjLashish: "sudo apt-get install youtube-dl", then "youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/blah"14:41
Cube``BluesKaj: ahh ok14:41
=== king is now known as Guest93103
dustin_Jonii, i wish14:42
Cube``BluesKaj: nope, i dont see it14:42
steven__lu les filles :)14:42
lirakisi have been using compiz for a while now and i love it ... but i can not seem to find a plugin that allows me to maximize and minimize windows with a keybinding14:42
BluesKajCube``, see ?14:42
lirakisdoes any one know how to do this?14:42
jribJonii^: just use the system and explore things to understand how they work (read lots of documentation, setup a vm and break things, read source code).  The rute book is nice too.14:42
lirakisi have googled and am not able to find14:42
jrib!rute | Jonii^14:43
ubottuJonii^: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com14:43
Cube``BluesKaj: see what?14:43
ShogootHi guys. I got a old machine with newest Ubunto on. Its really amazing with one flaw i cannot get the wifi to work. I had a friend tell em to use ndiswrapper and followed a guide, but its not working for me. And when i do iwconfig it says lo no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions. Any clue on how to solve this problem of mine?14:43
jriblirakis: ask #compiz if there is a more integrated way, but you could use wmctrl14:43
BluesKajCube``, what don't you see?14:44
steven__do you have probleme ?14:44
Cube``BluesKaj: i do neither have cnetworkmanager, nor do i have nmcli14:44
jribCube``: what ubuntu version is this?14:44
Cube``jrib: 10.0414:44
BluesKajcnetworkmanager is in the repos, Cube``14:45
=== Glider is now known as sud0
Dr_Willis!find nmcli14:45
ubottuFile nmcli found in knm-runtime, network-manager, plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg14:45
Cube``BluesKaj: there is no sudo apt-get install cnetworkmanager14:45
jribCube``: BluesKaj and myself are saying things about maverick14:45
simonadameitI have a server with hardy and want to use a new git version on it, … its not in hardy backports, so what options do I have and which is best? (compiling myself, using some other repo, etc..)14:45
Cube``jrib: ah, that is 1010?14:45
jribCube``: yes14:45
Cube``ah i should upgrade14:46
erUSULsimonadameit: i would compile it myself.14:46
Bilzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/571105/ <- final few lines of what i get one i run sudo apt-get update, any ideas?14:46
=== shane is now known as JDM_SOHC
Jonii^Hey, I think there is a quick key combination that opens some sort of quick search window where you can type stuff and it searches for programs and such14:46
simonadameiterUSUL:  that requires installing all the develpment tools on the server, which I wanted to avoid, but maybe its best.14:47
Cube``Jonii^: either Alt+F2 or gnome do14:47
jribsimonadameit: look for a ppa or official repository from the git project14:47
erUSULsimonadameit: in that case why not compile it in your workstation or a vm?14:47
Jonii^Cube``, gnome?14:48
dustin_how do you command line uninstall all of mythtv( front,and backend)14:48
steven__en francais le tchat ?14:48
Cube``Jonii^: yes, but my goal is to use xmonad and still be able to connect to wpa2 wifi14:48
ps3_hey, is someone able to help me with with ps3vram swap??14:48
BluesKajjrib, no cnetworkmanager or nmcli on 10.04 ?14:48
Cube``steven__: cela serait #ubuntu-fr14:48
jribCube``: if you don't want to upgrade, use wicd-curses (that's what I did in 10.04)14:48
dustin_ps3_, whats that?14:49
dustin_how do you command line uninstall all of mythtv( front,and backend)14:49
ps3_its the ram on the ps3 linux14:49
B-r00tdustin_: sudo apt-get remove --purge mythtv*14:49
jribCube``: you can even run regular old wicd-client -n in xmonad too14:49
ps3_i think i changed the restrictions14:49
Dr_Willisdustin_:  determine the packages names.. watch out for it removeing stuff you might want to keep. the way apt/ubuntu uses meta-packages can make it annoying to remove things14:49
g[r]eekHi is there a flash animation program for ubuntu? I want to make a SWF flash animation14:50
g[r]eekDr_Willis, I'm guessing that's a no...?14:50
teolicyHi. I'm using 9.10, which has Python 2.6.4. I'd like to upgrade it to 2.6.6 (latest 2.6 release, and the version in 10.10). What's the 'correct' way to go about doing this?14:50
Dr_Willisive seen video -> flash video befor.. but i dont use the stuff14:50
ps3_sudo: /etc/sudoers.d/admin is mode 0644, should be 044014:51
Dr_Willisteolicy:  i would check the ppa's  or backports for updated versions14:51
ps3_how can i change from 0644 to 0440??14:51
g[r]eekok thanks14:51
jribps3_: why is it 644 instead of 440?  What exactly did you do to make it that way?14:51
dustin_Dr_Willis, i want it all gone14:51
gaelfxwhat can I do to fix choppy playback using vdpau in smplayer?14:52
Dr_Willisdustin_:  start removing then.. pay attention to anything else it may try to remove14:52
ps3_i think..... i changed it when changing eth1 to eth0... but that is a complete guess...14:52
^cheekyhello, iam trying to mount a nfs directory using this comand sudo mount -v /files but i get an internal error message back, in my NFS my export file has these two lines unchecked /files,no_root_squash,async) and /files,async). i also ran sudo exportfs -a  and then restarted the  nfs-kernal server. in the client side i have installed portmap and nfs-common and both are running but i14:52
^cheekystill get internal error14:52
=== Kramer is now known as Guest23084
jribps3_: what did you run?14:52
g[r]eekOh the other question I had, is it possible to get tabbed chat in Skype?14:52
roasted_ping drc14:52
ps3_sudo mkswap /dev/ps3vram14:52
=== Guest23084 is now known as COSMO
=== COSMO is now known as COSMO_
ps3_im running lxde ubuntu on my ps3.. apprantly it should be an easy swap of VRAM14:53
ps3_/dev/ps3vram: Device or resource busy14:54
ShogootHi guys. I got a old machine with newest Ubunto on. Its really amazing with one flaw i cannot get the wifi to work. I had a friend tell em to use ndiswrapper and followed a guide, but its not working for me. And when i do iwconfig it says lo no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions. Any clue on how to solve this problem of mine?14:54
Disturbed1Can anyone tell me how to login to a shell as linuxmce?14:54
teolicyDr_Willis: Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. I didn't find a PPA where someone already pre-pacakged and tested Python 2.6.6 for 9.10. By "backport" do you mean I should head to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/2.6.6-5ubuntu1, download 2.6.6 sources and patch them with the diff of 10.10, then install that?14:54
gaelfxShogoot: do you know what kind of card it is?14:54
shentinoDon't get sued by sony! :P14:54
jrib!wifi > Shogoot14:54
ubottuShogoot, please see my private message14:54
ps3_hahah.. dontworry, i think im safe from them :P14:55
=== ps3_ is now known as MaVrIcK
=== MaVrIcK is now known as Rickycoe
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:55
Rickycoeso you guys have any ideas on the reasons why im getting this damn 064414:56
WeThePeoplehow would i uninstall lubuntu-desktop14:57
ruanWeThePeople: sudo apt-get remove lubuntu-desktop?14:57
NeoSentientHmm I was just trying out the youtube-dl command line app but it responds with the error "unable to download video (format may not be available)" the format in question, I assume, is .FLV14:58
erUSUL!details | Rickycoe14:58
ubottuRickycoe: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:58
Bilzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/571105/ <- final few lines of what i get one i run sudo apt-get update, any ideas?14:59
Rickycoeim running lxde kubuntu.... need a vram swap14:59
ruanis there a way to open a link from irssi with lynx?14:59
gaelfxdoes apt-p2p also work with PPAs?15:00
=== Rickycoe is now known as Ps3_
calijameshi can anyone see me?15:00
ruancalijames: yes15:01
kaspharmi have 10.10 and compiz fusion - why when i disable compiz i gave nice animation of panel "sliding" from top, but with compiz panel just appering without that animation?15:01
calijamesok just checking.15:01
zambacalijames: i can even see what you're wearing15:01
calijamesi just installed ubuntu on my pc15:01
calijamesi cant really figure out the terminal yet. but i am trying15:01
simonadameithow can I check which package would provide a certain file?15:01
calijamesit's reall neat. i like it better than mac osx15:01
calijameswhere is everyone located?15:02
calijamesi am in florida15:02
calijamesi want to move though it kind of sucks15:02
ruanslightly offtopic.15:02
jribPs3_: stop changing your name please.  It's confusing.  And you never answered my question15:02
calijamesflorida has the weather, it's nice15:02
calijamespoland  .. i never been. how is it?15:02
jrib!ot | calijames15:03
ubottucalijames: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:03
Disturbed1am in florida as well calijames15:03
Ps3_im sorry, i keep getting the damn registered nicks15:03
calijameswell florida is ok, but, its just hard to make friends here15:03
randyJDisturbed1:  try sudo su - linuxmce15:03
calijameslike, you need a lot of money15:03
jribcalijames: this channel is dedicated to support.  You can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:03
Disturbed1Okay, thank you randyJ.15:03
calijameshow do i join a different channel?15:03
jribcalijames: /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:04
ruancalijames: /j #[channel]15:04
calijamesare there people in there?15:04
kaspharmis there channel with compiz support?15:04
jribkaspharm: #compiz15:04
=== 13WAA7M3T is now known as eniac_petrov
tcg_How do I register my nick?15:04
Reventlo1 /msg Nickserv help15:04
Reventlo1btw, read the man :)15:05
Disturbed1randyJ: terminal tells me Unknown id: linuxmce15:05
=== Reventlo1 is now known as reventlov
gaelfxin the apt-p2p package, the description says "The configuration is very simple, and only involves prepending 'localhost' and the port to your current sources.list lines (similarto other apt-proxy-like software)." Does this mean I have to do that manually for this to work, or does that mean the package will take care of it?15:06
skorvcant find kismet files in ubuntu 10.0415:06
skorvanyone has any idea where they are?15:07
ruanis it possible to view images in terminal or am i going too far?15:07
ActionParsnipinfo kismet15:07
jribruan: it's possible... see fbi15:07
adub__running xfce my wireless icon in the upper right has disappeared dunno why how can i get it back???15:07
randyJDisturbed1: so, linuxmce is not a user-id on your computer?15:07
gaelfxLaunchpad is sooooo slow in China15:07
Disturbed1i guess not.  i really don't know.  i'm still a noob at that, and at using terminal.15:08
skorvinfo kismet doesnt give me the path :P15:08
WeThePeoplewhat is an openbox session15:08
ruanterminal has an irc client and a browser, so it is quite good15:08
juk!kismet | scrooloose15:08
ruanif installed15:08
juk!kismet | skorv15:09
souterrainIs it preferable to use x86 or amd64 when installing ubuntu on macbook2,1?15:09
souterraini.e., are there any driver caveats to be concerned with using 64-bit?15:09
ActionParsnipsouterrain: how much ram do you have15:09
ruansouterrain: depends on the specifications15:09
souterrain2GB RAM15:09
ruansouterrain: 32bit then15:09
geekbrianybody know of good documentation for creating your own init scripts on ubuntu ?15:09
jribsouterrain: 64-bit installer for 10.10 won't work (see release notes), so if you want 64bit 10.10, use 10.04 and upgrade15:09
juksomebody removed it, was yesterday15:09
ActionParsnipsouterrain: then either is fine15:09
ActionParsnipgeekbri: bum can help15:10
jrib!upstart | geekbri15:10
ubottugeekbri: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:10
ruanso it's possible to see an image in terminal?15:10
geekbriyes i was trying to use init.d so as to make it easily usable on my debian boxes as well :)15:11
souterrainAny benefit from using 64-bit other than "zomg 64 bit!"15:11
gaelfxruan: you can watch movies in terminal using vlc, it's trippy and awesome15:11
ruangaelfx: wow15:11
geekbrisouterrain: double the amount of addressable space for the cpu ?15:11
jribgeekbri: then read /etc/init.d/skeleton15:11
geekbrijrib: thanks15:11
souterraingeekbri: yes, but only 2GB RAM...15:11
gaelfxruan: it's all ascii artish, but often the colors aren't wrong15:11
ActionParsnipsouterrain: if you do a lot of sound manipulation of video rendering it will help15:12
souterraingeekbri: 32-bit should go to... 4GB is it?15:12
ruani dont mind acii :D15:12
gaelfxgeekbri: double? you're kidding, right?15:12
shaullxhi, i can't mount my sd card, dmesg prints this: [ 2492.912847] usb-storage: device scan complete [ 2492.913465] scsi 17:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Motorola A853             0001 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 [ 2492.913855] sd 17:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0 [ 2492.917820] sd 17:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk15:12
ActionParsnipsouterrain: you can install PAE to access 64Gb RAM but each process will only be able to use 3.2Gb RAM15:12
WeThePeopleActionParsnip: i have deleted my admin pass for WinXP through knoppix using chntpw, but i still cant login into it, any ideas15:12
gaelfx!pb | shaullx15:12
ubottushaullx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:12
souterraingaelfx: hah, yeah, you're right15:12
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: did you set a blank pass?15:12
jribruan: you'll see the actual image with something like fbi15:12
shaullxit wasn't that long x.x15:12
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
WeThePeopleActionParsnip: yes15:12
Roasted__Has anybody used Wifi Radar? I'm using it to map out the MAC addresses of which access points are where in our buildings, but I noticed Wifi Radar is returning me a Mac address that isn't 100% to the sticker on the AP I'm looking at. It's off by 2 digits. Uhh??15:13
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: and did you let the chkdsk complete?15:13
souterrainActionParsnip: oh, the registers are also 64-bit, ok15:13
ActionParsnipRoasted__: nmap is good like that15:13
ActionParsnipsouterrain: ?15:13
Roasted__ActionParsnip, it'll handle what I need?15:13
ActionParsnipsouterrain: yes in the cpu the registers are 64bits long15:14
WeThePeopleActionParsnip: idk, i let the chntpw complete, but i didnt use chkdsk15:14
ActionParsnipRoasted__: if you are finding mac addresses, it should be fine15:14
souterrainActionParsnip: regarding your comment about video/audio editing, I imagine large registers would help in this regard15:14
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: usually windows panics and chkdsks after you use the app15:14
gaelfxis launchpad really slow for anyone else?15:14
souterrainBut ultimately I was concerned with certain hardware drivers being 32-bit only.15:14
paulinayeas you do mbi cos15:15
ActionParsnipsouterrain: yes, SQL servers also benefit too, anything data intensive benefits. Standard word processing and web browsing doesn't benefit much at ll15:15
gaelfxsouterrain: most drivers are built-in to the kernel, so I wouldn't worry about that so much15:15
WeThePeopleActionParsnip:  so should i run chkdsk in knoppix for the windows F.S.?15:15
ActionParsnipgaelfx: its the central point for hundreds of projects, so its usually busy and therefore, slow15:15
souterraingaelfx: the weird one is the internal Apple iSight15:16
gaelfxsouterrain: when the 64-bit kernel first came out, it was a mess getting anything to work, but nowadays, it's pretty awesome15:16
paulinaHola mi nombre es Paulina hablo español y un poco de inglés.15:16
AidenFirst time IRC, relatively new Linux user.  Suggested IRC sites?15:16
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: i'd make sure you reset the password ok15:16
erUSUL!es | paulina15:16
ubottupaulina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:16
paulinaya eske yo hablo español15:16
gaelfxwho do I give money to to set up a launchpad server in china?15:17
compdoc<- only speaks american15:17
gaelfx!es | paulina15:17
ubottupaulina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:17
erUSULpaulina: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter para entrar en el canal en español. en este canal solo se puede hablar inglés15:17
aeon-ltdAiden: uhh none, got a question about irc ask in freenode or your client's channel15:17
geekbriim sorry if my dumbing down of 64bit vs 32bit was too simple of an answer.  2^32 vs 2^64.  better?15:17
souterrainjrib: iirc, I installed xubuntu 10.10 x86_64 without issue... different installer I suppose?15:17
COSMO_mi sa ch enon ho capito come devo rinominare15:17
souterrain(different machine)15:17
AbhijiT!64 | geekbri15:18
ubottugeekbri: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.15:18
DJones!it | COSMO_15:18
ubottuCOSMO_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:18
gaelfxgeekbri: the acceptable response was "A butt-load more RAM to access"15:18
* gaelfx needs to start thinking before he types15:18
jribsouterrain: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/633983 is the relevant bug15:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 633983 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Can't boot Maverick beta amd64 live cd on macbook (EFI)" [High,Incomplete]15:18
paulinahola por favor yo hablo español no inglés.15:19
BajKto make a /usr/share/autostart not being triggered, is it enough to just rename it to .desktop_ ?15:19
Roasted__ActionParsnip, is zenmap what you were referring to? Isn't nmap an actual terminal app or command?15:19
paulinahello my name is paulina i love you.15:20
souterrainjrib: ah, specific to macbook EFI, ok, thanks for the warning.15:20
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
gaelfx!es > paulina15:20
ubottupaulina, please see my private message15:20
Okleyplease paulina15:20
juk!gui | Roasted__:15:20
ubottuRoasted__:: The graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)15:20
juk!cli | Roasted__:15:20
ubottuRoasted__:: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro15:20
juk!es | paulina15:20
ubottupaulina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:20
paulinawhats my no ingés hablo spain15:21
Roasted__juk, yes. I already knew that. Thank you so much!15:21
ruanindeed powerful.15:21
jukRoasted__: nice :)15:21
jukRoasted__: smarty :)15:21
Okleylets make small wonder babies paulina15:21
ActionParsnipRoasted__: nmap is a command line app to find stuff on networks15:22
erUSULpaulina: tienes que escribir "/join #ubuntu-es" sin las comillas y darle a enter en donde escribes normalmente para entrar en el canal en castellano.15:23
Roasted__ActionParsnip, well my goal is to walk into an area and based on signal strength determine exactly whcih access point is placed where based on mac address. How would nmap via terminal help in that case? Would it be able to tell me that info?15:23
BajKit, was sufficient :)15:24
paulinahello floo15:24
paulinai am yo15:24
Bilzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/571105/ <- final few lines of what i get one i run sudo apt-get update, any ideas?15:24
AbhijiThi paulina do you have ubuntu question?15:25
theoserUSUL, hi! i tried the way you suggested to convert m4b to ogg. but it didnt work for me. any other ways?15:25
DJonespaulina: This channel is for ubuntu support, if you have a support question please ask it in the channel in English, otherwise the channel isn't appropriate for general chat15:25
theospaulina, no hablo englise? :)15:26
paulinano no hablo ingel15:27
dtcrshr!es | paulina15:27
ubottupaulina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:27
Pici!es | paulina15:27
BluesKaj!es | paulina15:27
paulinano hablas tu ingles15:27
paulinammm lol15:27
mix22891i can't find the racly bin15:27
paulinahaber kien habla español15:27
BluesKajhehe , no hablas espanol15:27
bastidrazorthats like 5 !es triggers to someone who is obviously ignoring them.. funny15:27
gaelfxpaulina: Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:27
dtcrshrbastidrazor, probably trolling15:28
mix22891the trash kan15:28
dtcrshrwell, flamebait sucessful implemented15:28
paulinaq_a_z_steve, uien habla españpol15:28
gaelfxthere is a simple solution for trolling15:28
* BluesKaj shakes his head ...female trolls , a rare occurrence15:28
mix22891i can't find the trash kan15:28
dtcrshrthats a good one15:28
PiciLets get back to support folks.15:28
ActionParsnipRoasted__: not sure, the guys in #networking may know.I'd hang here too, others may be able to advise15:29
dtcrshrmix22891, the sortcut?15:29
adub__how do i determine a drives uuid ??15:29
gaelfxBluesKaj: how did you know she was a she?15:29
ruanmix22891: is the trash kan on the panel?15:29
Roasted__ActionParsnip, thanks bro15:29
Picimix22891: Are you looking for an icon, or the location of the trash on your drive?15:29
bastidrazoradub__: sudo blkid15:29
mix22891yes, anything15:29
theosyeah so talking about ubuntu, anyone has an idea how to play .m4b files?15:29
Pici!trash | mix2289115:29
ubottumix22891: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:29
BluesKajgaelfx, I guessed , by the name15:29
erUSUL!uuid > adub__15:29
ubottuadub__, please see my private message15:29
ruanmix22891: if it were missing, i'd add it to panel15:29
mix22891thank you!15:30
adub__thanks guys blkid did it15:30
=== gaelfx is now known as julie58
ActionParsniptheos: try totem15:30
julie58like this?15:30
theoslooks like we dont like apple? :( nobody uses m4b on ubuntu?15:30
=== julie58 is now known as gaelfx
ruani dislike apple :P15:30
souterrainjrib: so, upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 will not induce a non-bootable condition, it only affects the CD boot?15:30
mix22891hoooo...... I SO LOVE LINUXXXXXX15:30
theosActionParsnip, do i need some special codecs? or something? totem doesnt play15:30
ActionParsniptheos: or convert to something more useful: http://intuitivenipple.net/10/converting-mp3s-to-m4b-audiobooks-and-m4b-to-mp315:30
mix22891linux more fun then windows15:31
ActionParsniptheos: totem should offer to download what is needed15:31
gaelfxtheos: did you try vlc? or mplayer?15:31
Seanachaidhhelp? new to IRC kind of overwhelmed a bit, suggestions?15:31
ActionParsnipmix22891: depends on your definition of fun15:31
theosgaelfx, yes i tried them i think its encoded or something? lemme see the exact msg15:31
AbhijiTSeanachaidh, suggestioon for what?15:31
ActionParsnipSeanachaidh: what's your issue?15:32
Seanachaidhlearning a bit more about IRC... (I've been in IT for years, just new to this15:32
gaelfxtheos: well, if it has DRM, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to play it. You could always try using iTunes in Wine, if you're really that desparate for it15:32
ActionParsnipSeanachaidh: its just a chat room, like any other15:32
theosActionParsnip, i get this error in totem "The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported."15:32
PiciSeanachaidh: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, if you're looking for a social channel try #ubuntu-offtopic15:32
ruantheos: looks like DRM15:32
gaelfxSeanachaidh: try /help15:32
craigbass1976I want to install the horde mail client on my localhost so that it will check email on another server.  Is horde3 the package I'm after?15:32
mix22891the X CHAT !15:32
ruanim on irssi15:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:33
ActionParsniptheos: its what you get for subscribing to Apple's ruish15:33
theosi dont think windows can convert it too?15:34
gaelfx!zh | mengzaifengzhong15:34
ubottumengzaifengzhong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:34
mengzaifengzhongni hao15:34
ActionParsniptheos: can you convert the files ok?15:34
gaelfxI so called that15:34
ibadan{y}i'm so glad ubuntu is free15:34
mix22891how can i upload file's from the desktop to Ubuntu One ?15:35
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theosActionParsnip, i cant convert the files in ubuntu :(15:35
theosibadan{y}, ubuntu is not FREE. its open source15:35
mix22891for backuping15:35
ruan!cn | mengzaifengzhong15:35
ubottumengzaifengzhong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:35
theos!cn | mengzaifengzhong15:35
AbhijiTibadan{y}, http://www.ubuntu.com/how-can-it-be-free15:35
gaelfxmengzaifengzhong: 如果你要打中文,应该出 #ubuntu-cn15:36
ActionParsniptheos: the link I gave shows how you may be able to convert it, does it not work (did you try it?)15:36
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mengzaifengzhongthank you15:36
gaelfxno prob15:36
mix22891how can i upload file's from the desktop to Ubuntu One ? plesae15:36
ActionParsnipmix22891: sure, right click the file and it should have an ubuntuone entry15:36
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theosActionParsnip, yes i tried it in the morning. but it didnt work. it gave errors. looks like its the drm issue15:36
ActionParsniptheos: sounds about right15:36
mix22891<ActionParsnip> no ubuntu one on right click15:37
Dr_Willisthe 3 yr old was banging on the keyboard.. hope he dident flood.15:38
ActionParsnipmix22891: then use ubuntuone-client-gnome15:38
Dr_Willis,km,mvcvvkc clcx\vxcvcvccvvc15:38
mix22891i can't upload files from the ubuntu one clinet15:39
* compdoc spanks Dr_Willis15:39
mix22891no option 4 that15:39
Dr_Willisi turn around and hes back.. banging..15:39
reidari was trying to use the community/WifiDocs  the madwifi part is what i need but the site is all broekn links, etc, anyone that can redirect me to some working alternate site?15:39
ActionParsnipmix22891: install ubuntuone-client-gnome    and it should be ok15:39
mix22891apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome ?15:39
phox_Hi! I am running the latest version of Ubuntu, and have a second harddrive with windows installed on it. When I boot, how do I remove the windows alternative? I want the disk itself to not have an operating system, not just disable the alternative.15:39
jukDr_Willis: on spnish?15:39
ActionParsnipmix22891: prefix with sudo, yes15:40
mix22891install: missing destination file operand after `ubuntuone-client-gnome'15:41
* juk wondering how fast kids learn nowadays15:41
AbhijiTto bang?15:41
* juk whatever15:42
ActionParsnipmix22891: no idea man, i use dropbox instead. the ubuntuone-client-gnome should plug into nautilus etc15:42
amithielhello guys. Anyonw know a rumour of a kernel being made with support for "optimus" ? also known as: graphic card switching15:43
amithieldon't know if thats true15:43
WeThePeopleActionParsnip, ok, im in knoppix now. i have changed the password, how do i know if windoe F.S. has run chkdsk?15:43
erUSULamithiel: work is being done in it... but as everything with gaphics in linux ( and more so with the uncooperative nvidia ) progress is slow15:44
amithielcool =). i don't care if it takes 1 year. so, then the guyst at nouveau must be working on a driver too, right?15:44
amithielbtw, talking about asus with nvidia+intel15:45
WeThePeopleerUSUL, is using ATI better for linux OS15:45
xtbgodwhat do i have to do if i want to play .mov videos?15:45
AbhijiT!restricted | xtbgod15:45
ubottuxtbgod: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:45
gaelfxWeThePeople: most people would tell you know, and I would agree with them15:45
amithielintel hd works just fine and with lots of compiz effects, i don't have any complaint at all. but of course, it will be better when nvidia joins it15:45
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: when you boot windows it will automagically happen15:45
ActionParsnipxtbgod: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs from the medibuntu repo (I assume 32bit OS and Gnome desktop)15:46
mix22891<ActionParsnip> apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome15:46
mix22891 --work for me15:46
mix22891without sudo15:46
ActionParsnipmix22891: what is the output of: whoami15:47
ruanis it possible for a wine app to run a linux format?15:47
ActionParsnipmix22891: run the command then....15:47
mix22891i don't  know what is it15:47
mix22891at all15:47
Neosanoruan, what?? :O15:47
ActionParsnipruan: can you explain what "linux format" is?15:47
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gaelfxruan: you just boggled my mind15:47
ActionParsnipmix22891: its a terminal command15:47
xtbgodActionParsnip, thank you i'll try it15:48
ruani mean, for a lobby that works under windows to launch a game that works under linux15:48
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:48
ActionParsnipruan: so a wrapper to run linux games in windows?15:48
ruanActionParsnip: yes15:48
ActionParsnipruan: most linux games have windows ports, unlike windows devs whom neglect linux15:49
gaelfxActionParsnip: hear, hear15:49
ruanActionParsnip: the game is linux/windows, but i think it'll run better on linux15:49
ActionParsnipruan: deoends on how supported your hardware is and how the game is coded :)15:50
needhelpplisI got this old laptop with a sitecom wifi card (those big ass cards).   iwconfig shows - - - lo no wireless extensions. eth0  - - - no wireless extensions. Anyone that can help me get this right? In addition I have done a ndiswrapper guide without luck.15:50
Bomonucould someone tell me where the icons are stored in the file system?15:51
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: run: sudo lshw -C network    and you will see the chip used, you can find guides based on that15:51
jukBomonu: /usr/share/{icons,pixmaps}15:51
ntr0pyIs there an interface to tune HDD/FS-access? I need to get the disc access smoother on heavy disk load...15:52
needhelpplisActionParsnip, look at this please. its gibberish for me :) http://pastebin.com/4a5HuRS115:52
gaelfxmany, launchpad is really irking me today, I can't load a page or get repo infor or nothing15:53
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: is the device a USB device?15:53
needhelpplisActionParsnip, nope. a bigass card that can be removed15:53
needhelpplisActionParsnip, cardbus?15:54
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: oh PCMCIA ?15:54
needhelpplisActionParsnip, you know one of those large cards you put into the side of the laptop.15:55
Bomonujuk, thanks15:55
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: yeah, PCMCIA15:55
needhelpplisActionParsnip, yeah pcmcia seems right , google images15:55
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: try: lspci   see if it shows there15:55
needhelpplisrgr give me a sec15:56
Mike__hi. where i can find a mounted iso, in my file system ?15:56
gaelfxMike_ should show up under "Places"15:56
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Mike__but in file system ?15:57
needhelpplisActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/xZsZHhvA15:57
Mike__where i can acces with terminal15:57
jukMike__: mount | grep sr015:57
gaelfxMike_ oops, um, /mnt ?15:57
ruanpossibly in /mnt yeah15:57
Mike__gaelfx: not there.15:57
ruanwhere is the mount point?15:57
gaelfx /media?15:58
erUSULBomonu: /usr/share/pixmaps/15:58
jukMike__: ah iso then: mount | grep loop15:58
Mike__i looked there too15:58
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: ok, its this: SiteCom Europe BV Device 9780 (rev 01)    it will help find guides15:58
BomonuerUSUL, ty15:58
needhelpplisok ill start looking15:58
needhelpplisActionParsnip, ok ill start looking around. thanks so far :)15:59
gaelfxMike_ if it shows up in Places, did you try hovering your mouse over it? That shows the path for a lot of other things15:59
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: what is the output of: lsusb too, just for completeness15:59
Prolachow can I get into real console in ubuntu?16:00
needhelpplisActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/8z4DStFS16:00
gaelfxMike_ or go to "Computer" and right-click the mounted iso and select properties16:00
erUSULProlac: define real console16:00
Mike__gaelfx: hovering over it, shows only the name of te iso16:01
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edbianWhat is the command equivalent of system -> admin -> preferred applications ?16:01
gaelfxMike_ how about properties?16:01
Mike__gaelfx: Volume: <isoname>.iso16:01
ruanProlac: terminal or a fullscreen console?16:01
Prolacnot the pseudo one, the "real" one, the key combo which works on debian doesn't work on ubuntu for some reason16:01
ruanthe fullscreen terminal?16:01
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BHXSpecterIm on the live CD for Ubuntu 10.10 and have my drive separated to swap, /, /home and I finally got GDM recovered, but now it appears that I don't have gnome desktop....is there a way to recover the default desktop while under the live cd?16:01
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ruanctrl + alt F2, but remember: ctrl alt f7/f8 etc to exit16:02
gaelfxProlac: ctl+alt+f2?16:02
juk!recover | BHXSpecter16:02
ubottuBHXSpecter: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:02
needhelpplisActionParsnip, any additional info in there?16:02
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: ok, no help with lsusb16:02
PhoenixzAt the risk of asking for the obvious.. Is it normal that the shockwave flash plugin for chromium crashes just about ever 5 minutes while playing youtube videos? Specially when I close a completely unrelated tab, the @#$()* plugin crashes.. Is this some pre-alpha version or something?16:03
ActionParsnipPhoenixz: shockwave and flash are different16:04
Prolac@ ruan: yeah, thats not working, could it be because its vmware install?16:04
ruanProlac: possibly16:04
gaelfxdoes apt-p2p help with downloading ppas too? I can almost never get anything from launchpad16:05
ruanProlac: tried ctrl alt f1-f6?16:05
Scarra3_Hello anyone have an alps touchpad that they got to work on 10.1016:06
Prolac@ ruan: yeah :(16:06
ruani googled and found http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-switch-to-console-mode-for-ubuntu-vmware-guest/16:06
bullgard[Maverick] pstree shows that init spawns the process seahorse and the process seahorse-daemon. Does the process seahorse-daemon run on all Ubuntu computers, or what program does generate the process seahorse-daemon?16:07
ruanmay or may not work16:07
ruanbut worth a try.16:07
Nick12345hello, is anybody here who can tell me if its possible to receive data from a scanner with a c++ prog?16:07
Prolacthanks ruan16:07
ruannp, good luck16:07
gaelfxor here's a better question, is there something wrong with the rvm mplayer ppa? I can't seem to get the repo list at all16:07
edbianWhat is the command equivalent of system -> admin -> preferred applications ?16:08
BHXSpecterjuk thanks but I'm not doing data recover ....recover is a bad choice of words, I installed a gnome feature and told it to remove....to my surprise it removed all gnome desktop stuff, but I don't know how to tell it to install the desktop again to fix it16:09
Picigaelfx: Can you see the ppa on launchpad itself?16:09
peter634hi all  not so new to ubuntu 10.10 i got a problem i have removed the speaker from the top task bar by mistake how do i get it back ?16:09
gaelfxPici: I'm trying to do that now, but it's taking ages to load16:09
juk!ubuntu-desktop | BHXSpecter16:09
ubottuBHXSpecter: k/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.16:09
ruanpeter634: add to panel > indicator applet16:09
ruanright click16:09
Dr_WillisBHXSpecter:  try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:09
gaelfxI'm starting to fear that the Chinese government decided launchpad was some kind of threat to national security or young minds or something16:09
peter634thank you ruan16:10
jukBHXSpecter: sorry, for bad choise of words, use Dr_Willis command16:10
gaelfxhttps://launchpad.net/~rvm/+archive/smplayer maybe someone else will have more luck than I?16:10
delemiJust a general question. I encrypted a raid array for a dentists office today, he is running server v10 w/ all updates. He asked me if there was a destructive encryption in case some one tried to access it. Like a 3 tries system and then it corrupts the data. He has secure backup offsite. He is worried about patient records.16:10
Picigaelfx: Let me take a look16:11
Nick12345please tell me if its possible to receive data from a scanner using c++, with an API or sth like that16:11
Picigaelfx: Loaded here.  What release of Ubuntu are you using?16:11
PiciNick12345: Thats not within the scope of this channel, try ##C++, you'll need to register/identify to join though16:12
edbianNick12345, It is possible.  (more likely you'd wanna work in c)  essentially what you're talking about is writing the driver.16:12
edbianWhat is the command equivalent of system -> admin -> preferred applications ?16:12
docfxit Is there a way to have Show Join/part messages unchecked automatically in XChat when I connect to a channel?.16:12
Pici!register > Nick1234516:12
ubottuNick12345, please see my private message16:12
jukNick12345: /j #programming16:12
Picigaelfx: That ppa doesn't publish any Maverick packages.16:12
erUSULdelemi: dunno maybe there is some pam module to do something after failed login attemps...16:12
gaelfxPici: Thank you so much for clarifying that for me, I was about to go nucking futs16:13
ActionParsnipgaelfx: http://ppa.launchpad.net/rvm/smplayer/ubuntu/dists/16:14
drcdocfxit: you want the join/part messages to show or not show?16:14
ActionParsnipgaelfx: only up to lucid16:14
delemierusul: I understand his paranoia, he has the right idea. Especially since they digitized all patient records for use an tablets and easy mobility. I was just curious. What about possibly writing a script that erases the first 10 sectors on the HD, simular to what spinwrite use to do.16:15
docfxitdrc: I'd like them not to show.  So there would not be a check mark.16:15
needhelpplisActionParsnip, im so lost.... could you help me find a decent guide?im so bumdout16:16
drcdocfxit: /set irc_conf_mode 116:16
scarfaceIs it true that wubi.exe needs the desktop .iso file to do an installation?  Won't it read the files off the CD that you just burned?16:16
andreylosevdoes anyone use an eeepc from the 1000x series?16:16
docfxit /set irc_conf_mode 116:16
Mike__gaelfx:I have mounted the iso with mount command, and now everything is fine. Thanks for all!16:16
drcdocfxit: space in front?16:16
gaelfxMike_ no prob!16:16
ruanscarface: if it has been extracted or burned, it will read off the files16:16
docfxit  /set irc_conf_mode 116:16
usr13Firefox on my Ubuntu 10.04 system refuses to usr flashplayer and says: "The Adobe Flash plugin has crashed."  Anyone have an idea as to how to fix it? (Must be that my firefox is configured not to use it. That's all I can figure...)16:17
drcdocfxit: I meant you don't want a space...16:17
gaelfxI guess I have to use Nvidia vdpau ppa instead :S16:17
=== maco2 is now known as maco
usr13*refuses to USE16:17
craigbass1976Is there an ubuntu tutorial for installing horde3?  Everything I see in the forums either has no replies, or is old16:17
usr13not usr16:17
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docfxitdrc: That's great.  I removed the space.  Now will it not show every time I get out of xchat and get back in?16:18
scarfaceruan, I created a USB drive using unetbootin from the .iso.  Then plugged in the drive in Windows, ran Wubi, and it looks like it's downloading an iso rather than reading from the USB drive.16:18
bullgard[Maverick] pstree shows that init spawns the process seahorse and the process seahorse-daemon. Does the process seahorse-daemon run on all Ubuntu computers, or what program does generate the process seahorse-daemon?16:18
drcworks form me :)  you can do the same thing by editing the xchat.conf in your ~/.xchat2 folder16:19
gaelfxcraigbass1976: is that a windows game?16:19
craigbass1976gaelfx, no, web based email client16:19
usr13Anyone know how to get flashplayer to work? (On firefox 3.6.13)16:19
ruanusr13: did you install it yet?16:20
usr13ruan: Yes, several times.16:20
tyler_dhow do you get the core temp from terminal?16:21
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 :: How do I find out what is using port 8080 and kill it so i can get port 8080 free?16:21
needhelpplisActionParsnip, im so lost.... could you help me find a decent guide?im so bumdout...16:21
graytronsudo netstat -tlp ?16:21
ActionParsnipusr13: remove all flash plugins and then install flashplugin-nonfree16:22
graytronactually sudo netstat -tlpn16:22
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: I'd try ndisgtk16:22
docfxitdrc: That's great.  Thanks.  I'm looking for the folder now.16:22
usr13ActionParsnip: I tried that but will try again.16:22
ntr0pyuser13: if u want the newest (beta) x64 version install from ppa repos: https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash16:22
ActionParsnip!info horde3 | craigbass197616:22
ubottucraigbass1976: horde3 (source: horde3): horde web application framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.8+debian0-1 (maverick), package size 7524 kB, installed size 28672 kB16:22
usr13alisalaah: localhost:8080  # In the browser to see what is going on.16:23
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, any ideas on figuring how to run it?16:23
jukalisalaah: netstat --inet -ap16:23
jukalisalaah: netstat --inet -ap | grep 8016:23
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: http://www.dalouche.com/wordpress/2006/01/19/horde3-and-imp4-howto-under-ubuntudebian/16:23
ntr0py usr13: if u want the newest (beta) x64 version install from ppa repos: https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash16:23
usr13alisalaah: netstat -pantu16:24
usr13alisalaah: netstat -pantu |grep 808016:24
gaelfxcould someone tell me what the name of the ppa is that I want to add: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa16:24
jukusr13: nice :)16:24
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needhelpplisActionParsnip, program manager says its already a newer version installed16:24
ActionParsnipgaelfx: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa; sudo apt-get update   then install what you want16:25
gaelfxActionParsnip: thank you very much :D16:25
ActionParsnipneedhelpplis: then use it with the windows driver for the device16:25
docfxitdrc:  I can't find the folder anyplace.16:25
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ActionParsnipgaelfx: I got the thing to use with add-apt-repositor from the page, you can see it for yourself16:25
ActionParsnipgaelfx: its the same for ANY PPA you find16:25
drcdocfxit: open nautilus, CTRL H (to show the hidden, .FOO files), it should be there16:26
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=== nikhil_away is now known as nikhil_
gaelfxActionParsnip: I can't see it myself, cause it won't load here16:27
gaelfxsorry, I guess I kind of used you as a VPN of sorts16:27
ActionParsnipgaelfx: oh i see16:27
Calii need some help with evolution16:27
Califor some reason16:28
Caliit's collecting my email, and it's sending my email, but i can't receive any in my inbox16:28
gustavjoh1Hi! Where can I find help if I bought  a software in Ubuntu and it failed to install?16:28
jukgustavjoh1: in my nightmare16:28
gaelfxgustavjoh1: hopefully where ever you bought it from, what software is it?16:29
usr13ActionParsnip: Still getting error: "The Adobe Flash plugin has crashed".  Any other suggestions?16:29
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gustavjoh1Ubuntu software store (i'm not sure that's the english name for it)16:29
gustavjoh1Illumination Software Creator16:29
gaelfxaw, sheesh, they also don't have anything for maverick :S16:29
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:29
IdleOnegustavjoh1: what errors are you getting?16:30
lrbtyler_d: try acpi -t16:30
Dr_Willisive not even noticed whats in the comercial part of the software center.16:31
Dr_WillisI fear that someday it will get as cluttere3d with trivial $3 apps like my android market. :)16:31
gaelfxgustavjoh1: http://radicalbreeze.com/16:31
DulakMore choice is always better than less choice.  I say clutter it up!16:32
gaelfxlater folks16:32
fnordperfectHi! I've trouble resizing (growing) an ext4 filesystem. What is flex_bg flag, and is there a way to remove it?16:32
usr13ActionParsnip: I think I may have found the problem: Binary files /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so and /home/gayle/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so differ16:32
bullgardI did not call the program seahorse. Why does exist the process seahorse-daemon?16:32
alisalaahUbuntu Software Center?16:33
tyler_dlrb: no joy16:33
gustavjoh1Well the the Ubuntu Software center tells me again and again when I try to install Illumination that it "uppdating cache"16:33
juk!info seahorse16:33
ubottuseahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 645 kB, installed size 2636 kB16:33
usr13ActionParsnip: And the date  2007-06-19 on /home/gayle/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so indicates that it is the one that is too old and is what is being used now.16:34
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Zoxcare there prebuilt gallium drivers with opengl es 2 support for ubuntu?16:35
gustavjoh1And after a while a error message (that I'll soon post) said something like "can't download or reach server"16:35
berefeiraanyone use miredo? having trouble getting browser to use tunnel16:36
Dr_Willisbullgard:  seahorse is the keyring manager tool16:36
usr13ActionParsnip: Yep, that was it.  I preplaced /home/gayle/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so and that fixed it.  SO, that tells us that if the file exists there, it will use it.  I should delete that file.16:37
ActionParsnipusr13: good times :)16:37
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.16:38
blackshirtubottu: kde16:38
docfxitdrc: I opened nautilus <ctrl> H and did a search for xchat.conf.  It not found.16:38
WeThePeopleActionParsnip: the password change didnt work, do you know how to turn off the login page in WinXP using the terminal16:38
jukusr13: can you tell how did you fix flashplugin, just in case im going to do sins...16:39
Dr_Willisdocfxit:  if it exists it would be in the .xchat directory i belive16:39
WeThePeopleActionParsnip: i would like to auto login16:39
basyMy network adapter disappear form kernel, [ifconfig print only "lo" interface] What should i supose to do ? All happens after last update16:39
Dr_Willisbasy:  what sort of network card?16:39
coraxxhey all.  Here is a good question .... if you have some raw text you wish to print in Ubuntu (or really to convert to PostScript or PDF) ... and the text has about 160 chars. per line ....how does one do that from the command line (or otherwise) ?16:40
drcdocfxit: is a .xchat folder there (in your home directory)?16:40
usr13ActionParsnip: I also have it in /usr/share/ubufox/plugins/  (I wonder if it belongs there too?)  (I have deleted it from /home/gayle/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so and all still works fine, so I think that was a step in the right direction.)16:40
drcdocfxit: er... .xchat2 folder16:40
gustavjoh1IdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571218/16:40
basyDr_Willis: normal NIC was eth0 befor16:40
ntr0pyusr13: try "env XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 firefox" to start firefox16:40
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: not sure, try asking in ##windows16:40
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 :: How do I find out what is using port 8080 and kill it so i can get port 8080 free?16:40
Dr_Willisbasy:  check dmesg command see if any error messages show up. You may want to try rebooting and using an older kernel.16:41
alisalaahoh sorry16:41
alisalaahwas answered my internets a bit buggy16:41
basy<Dr_Willis: thanks16:41
usr13ActionParsnip: ntr0py Since the date on that file is today's date, that probably indicates that it is supposed to be there.16:41
nikhil_alisalaah: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-display-open-ports-owner.html16:41
docfxitdrc:  maybe I don't have the correct version of xchat.  The last version I had I was able to change the color of my user name by changing #3016:42
docfxitdrc: the only folder I have in home is ubuntu.16:42
pheonixmani have a written a code but while compiling it in gcc it gives me error of "undefined reference"16:42
pheonixmancan somebody help me16:42
IdleOnegustavjoh1: seems that site does not think you have access to the repository. how long ago did you buy the app?16:43
bullgardDr_Willis: I know that.But this does not answer the question which I have put.16:43
ActionParsnippheonixman: i'd ask in #c++16:43
pheonixmanActionParsnip, yup16:43
usr13ntr0py: "env XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 firefox"  didn't seem to report anything.  Was it supposed to?16:44
ActionParsnippheonixman: or ##programming16:44
gustavjoh1IdleOne: About half an hour16:44
ntr0pyusr13: my chromium dev did work with the newest x64 beta, but since you asked i tried and ff flash had no display on my box, starting via "env XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 firefox" solved it (its a compiz related issue it seams... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1031720616:44
IdleOnegustavjoh1: have you tried closing Software Center and opening it again?16:44
ActionParsnipntr0py: also, what does it do please16:44
drcdocfxit: Now I'm confused...is there something peculiar about your setup or installation I don't know about?16:44
asifhow can i install .exe file16:45
IdleOneasif: with WINE16:45
jukcrappy flash meesed up all over /usr/lib + /etc with symlinks16:45
IdleOneasif: what are you trying to install?16:45
brontoeeeasif, if you have wine installed then basically double-click should do16:45
WeThePeopleDr_Willis: is it ok if i pm you16:45
ntr0pyActionParsnip: it sets a temp environment with that variable and then launches ff16:45
asifinternet download manager (idm)16:45
ActionParsnipntr0py: cool, but what does the variable achieve?16:46
usr13ntr0py: My problem was that there was an old version of libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins16:46
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  i baby sitting.. so ima have to vanish at any time16:46
docfxitdrc: I found it in /home/ubuntu/.xchat2 but I don't have a file called xchat.conf16:46
ActionParsnipasif: there are loads of download managers for linux....16:46
asifsuch as.....16:46
ActionParsnipasif: uget, jdownloader16:47
Dr_Willisdocfxit:  thers proberly some save settings feature in the client tha tmay make one. or it just uses defauilts if that file dosent exist16:47
ntr0pyActionParsnip: Dunno just found it there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165843916:47
ActionParsnipasif: fatrat16:47
ActionParsnipntr0py: good enough :)16:47
jukit was just one stupid .so how comes so many symlinks16:47
coraxxhey all.  Here is a good question .... if you have some raw text you wish to print in Ubuntu (or really to convert to PostScript or PDF) ... and the text has about 160 chars. per line ....how does one do that from the command line (or otherwise) ?16:47
ActionParsnipasif: gwget16:47
asifafter re-start computer or log off doesn't resume downloads i've tried many download manager16:48
gustavjoh1IdleOne, tried restarting my computer as well and that didn't work16:48
ActionParsnipasif: multiget, kget, tucan16:48
sipiorcoraxx: check out "enscript"16:48
docfxitdrc:  Yes there is.  I'm running this from a thumb drive.  Maybe that would make a difference.16:49
coraxxsipior: thanx ...I'll do that right now ;-)16:49
IdleOnegustavjoh1: you may need to either contact the vendor of that Software (the company that makes it) or Canonical you can get contact info on www.canonical.com for the latter.16:49
drcdocfxit: er...silly me, ~ is YOUR home directory (/home/drc for me) not /home (I take it your login is ubuntu)16:50
IdleOnegustavjoh1: first open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update16:50
asifafter log on or re-start computer automatically remove incompleted downloads why?16:50
docfxitThat could be.  I haven't logged in.16:50
gustavjoh1IdleOne: Thanks for all help, I will try aging tomorrow and if that doesn't work I will get in contact whit either Canonical or Radicalbreeze, again thanks!16:51
usr13ActionParsnip: ntr0py:  It is also important to note that this system is pretty old, been upgraded for years, probably from Ubuntu 6.??  So and earlier install of flasplugin-nonfree probably just placed the file in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ (and it's not done that way anymore)16:51
rspacedf -h says 280 gigs are used, yet when I cd / and df -ch --max-depth=1 I can only find 29 gigs in use. How can I find the missing gigs?16:51
docfxitHow can I change the color of the entry when my user is in the text?16:51
IdleOnegustavjoh1: welcome. I am thinking the site may just be down for updates or something and it will work later.16:51
Dr_Willisdocfxit:  in what text?16:51
ntr0pyusr13: is it x86 or x64 arch?16:52
* juk pioner customers16:52
docfxitDr_Willis, When you include my user name I'd like to see the "docfxit: in what text?" in a different color.16:53
basy<Dr_Willis: i check dmesg, and there are some lines with "eth0" and its driver, but no error there, i looks as eth0 is loaded. ifconfig still shows only "lo" interface16:53
Dr_Willisdocfxit:  check youe irc clkient settings16:53
lowbobhi!  is it normal that, when i install programs in terminal, the download stops for a minute then resumes some seconds then stops for some minutes.......???16:53
Dr_Willislowbob:  it would depend on your connection/speeds.. i dont se ethat issue here16:54
* juk pioneer customers are sweet16:54
ntr0pyActionParsnip: Section 5.3 here: http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/RELNOTES5.html16:54
docfxitDr_Willis, I did.  In the last version of xchat I could change color #30.  This version doesn't have the numbers by the colors.16:54
docfxitDr_Willis, I think I need to figure out how to upgrade this version.16:55
lowbob@dr. willis: it takes ages to install bigger programs like kde etc. my connection is only 660kb/sec but VERY stable16:55
brontoeeewhat would be an mp4 cutter with preview? avidemux behaves...16:55
Dr_Willislowbob:  isps can have issues.. or the ubuntu servers.. hard to tell.16:56
Dr_Willislowbob:  try downloaing an iso from somwerhe with wget.16:56
rspaceDoes anyone know how I would find where my disk space is being used, it says I have used 280 GB in df, but when I use du to try and FIND the files/directories using so much space, I cannot find them. du -ch / gives me only 29G16:56
Dr_Willisdocfxit:  thers xchat and then theres xchat-gnome. the -gnome version is lacking a lot of features16:57
bastidrazorlowbob: or change your mirror.. System > Administration > Software Sources16:57
Asad2005I am having problem browsing. getting the following error "Access Denied (policy_denied)"16:57
lowbobDr_Willis: i thought its the fault of the linux servers but i wasnt shure, my located server is austria16:57
Asad2005I tired googling but all links will lead to same error16:58
docfxitDr_Willis, That's my problem.  I have xchat-gnome.16:58
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Dr_Willisdocfxit:  most people HATE xchat-gnome16:58
sipiorrspace: might be helpful if you pastebinned the output of those two commands.16:58
iksikis anyone using a powercom imperial ups with ubuntu?16:58
docfxitDr_Willis,  I'm in the same boat.16:58
tjc_hi all!i have a proble with youtube videos!they dont load!and i cant watch them!16:59
docfxitDr_Willis, How can get the other version?16:59
basynetworking is not working after last update :( i check dmesg, and there are some lines with "eth0" and its driver, but no error there, i looks as eth0 is loaded. ifconfig still shows only "lo" interface ?? Network management (GUI) is disabled .. what to do ?16:59
rspacesipior: Doing, one sec16:59
docfxitDr_Willis,  I found it.  I'll be right back.17:00
Guest14986sorry guys, first time using IRC.17:00
rspacehttp://pastebin.com/eyyUn8eJ <--- df -h shows 280 GB used, du -ch shows only 21G used. Help appreciated.17:01
rspace250 gb used rather, but I can only find 20 gigs of it with du17:01
rspaceso there is 200+ gigs of space somewhere on my disk I cannot find.17:02
asifhow can i use wired & dsl network together?how?17:02
brontoeeerspace, sudo find / -type f -size +100000k17:03
WeThePeopleDr_Willis: see pm17:03
anfegamehello guys! i am having a problem! when i am playing a game it seems like it wont register a third imput!!17:03
tjc_ hi all!i have a proble with youtube videos!they dont load!and i cant watch them!17:03
rspacebrontoeee: The files it finds are mysql-bin files in /var/log/mysql -- which is accounted for in the 20 GB17:03
brontoeeerspace, and http://risto.kurppa.fi/blog/2008/10/disk-space-analyzers/17:04
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  for xp questions see #windows17:04
sipiorrspace: try running the "du | sort -nr", preferably on each of the top-level directories individually.17:04
drcDr_Willis: Thanks, docfixit was really begining to confuse me...never thought about GNOME-xchat (hate it)17:04
Dr_Willisdrc:  ive never seen anyone that likes it17:04
anfegamecan anyone help me with this!!17:05
rspacesipior: Didn't help.17:05
brontoeeerspace, what would df -h return?17:05
sipiorrspace: but what was the output?17:05
rspacebrontoeee: df -h is in my pastebin, it says I have used 250 of 280 gb17:05
asifi want to use Wired & DSL network together-how?17:05
rspacesipior: The output was a lot of lines of files scrolling very fast17:05
rspacesipior: I used head to see the top most, and it was already accounted for17:06
sipiorrspace: that's a good sign.17:06
rspacein short, using du, I cannot find any files that I do not already know exist. Yet somehow, there are 250+ ! gigabytes! that are somewhere on the disk, that I cannot find17:06
brontoeeerspace, hmm, right, i do remember i had a case of borken trashcan once, but the files were found with find, so that was the solution...17:06
benccis it possible to mount skydrive in ubuntu?17:06
rspacewhen I do find or du, I do sometimes see a line that looks like this: find: /proc/13731/task/13731/fdinfo/5: No such file or directory17:07
sipiorrspace: can you show the summaries of du on each of the top-level directories?17:07
rspaceI am not sure if that matters17:07
Lindahi,when I run GNU sound editor mi computer restar17:07
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Lindabrings me to the log in screen17:07
jukok, this flash issue is gonna sabotage ubuntu, for sure guys, be ready17:07
asifi want to use Wired & DSL network together-how?17:07
rspacesipior: just "du" ?17:07
c-unitcan somebody please tell me how to enable alsa mixer in conky without having to install it from the package manager please17:07
Dr_Willisrspace:  thers scripts/cli and gui tools to show whats using space.. if you want to hit google.. i dont use them much.17:08
sipiorrspace: or "du -s"17:08
Dr_Willisc-unit:  clarify what you mean.17:08
rspacesipior: Ok I just did that for all high level dirs, nothing abnormal. Everything is consistent with what I would have if in fact 20ish gigs of space were really used.17:09
bullgardasif: You better specify more precisely what do you mean by "together". Note: A DSL network is a wired network.17:09
fjmattHello all..17:09
fjmattI've got a real simple question... can somebody help me?17:09
AbhijiTfjmatt, ask17:10
Dr_Willisfjmatt:  state the problem17:10
sipiorrspace: you might consider booting from a livecd or the like, and running fsck on the device in question.17:10
asifi want to use Wired & DSL network together-how?17:10
asifi want to use Wired & DSL network together-how?17:10
Lindacan some one explain to me why when i run GNU sound editor my computer restart17:10
fjmattI'm trying to run an ubuntu 10.10 livecd, and I can't figure out the login and password.17:10
asifi want to use Wired & DSL network together-how?17:10
FloodBot1asif: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
bullgardWhy does seajorse need a running process?17:10
c-unitwhen i install conky-all from the package manager it enables alsa mixer, but not the audacious support, ans i want both so i tried compiling it enabling audacious and alsa but when i run conky it gives me the error that thers no dev/mixer17:10
bullgardWhy does seahorse need a running process?17:10
Dr_Willisfjmatt:  it should auto login. or use 'ubuntu' and just hit return for the pass.17:11
Dr_Willisbullgard:  thats the name of the keyring manager tools i belive17:11
fjmattOK, that one worked... thank you Willis.17:11
bullgardDr_Willis: What is the name of the keyring manager tools?17:11
Dr_Willisbullgard:  err..'seahorse' is the name of the gui to the keyring manager17:12
Dr_Willistry running 'seahorse' from the clo17:12
bullgardDr_Willis: This does not answer the question which I have put.17:13
g_0_0!flash | tjc17:13
ubottutjc: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:13
bastidrazorbullgard: seahorse handles the saved passwords on your box. seahorse-daemon would need to be running this to work17:13
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g_0_0tjc_, you need to install flash to watch youtube videos, ctrl alt t - then in terminal type -> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:14
usr13Has network-manager been deprecated?17:14
o67pcEu to tendo um problema com o mono aqui17:14
bullgardbastidrazor: Why is there a need to use a running process to accomplish this simple task?17:14
Pici!br | o67pc17:14
ubottuo67pc: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:14
jukhey, im a nice guy now, all what i needed is to put /usr/lib/chromium-browser/libgcflashplayer.so from mozilla's one, we cool :)17:14
AbhijiTjuk, :D17:15
bastidrazorbullgard: a process needs to run for any task. is it really an issue?17:15
Picibullgard: Because I believe that it also acts as an ssh-agent17:15
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jukim not going to teract17:15
bullgard!NetworkManager | usr1317:15
ubottuusr13: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager17:15
bullgardbastidrazor: No. Most tasks do not need an always running process.17:16
usr13Has network-manager been deprecated?  Reson I asked, I did a 10.04 install for a girl a few weeks ago and found that it was not staying connected to the cable modem and so I had her install wicd and it seems to stay connected just fine now.17:16
macousr13: no, its not17:16
macousr13: if it was deprecated it wouldnt be installed by default17:16
bullgardPici: Ah! I will need to think longer about your answer. --  Thank you.17:16
IdleOneusr13: no it isn't deprecated. sometimes it doesn't do what we expect it to though.17:16
usr13bullgard: Thanks for that.  I was thinking that networkmanager was for wired and wireless ... 'er well I guess it may have changed.17:16
macousr13: it is for wired as well17:17
macousr13: that factoid should probably be changed, but i think it was just comparing NM to using /etc/network/interfaces17:17
usr13maco IdleOne well, wicd seems to work fine, so...17:18
macousr13: then go with it17:18
usr13maco: I did.  (As I just said)17:19
pilasok... stupid question... im usin mIRC and cant get the peter has joined... peter has quit messages...17:20
pilasout... they are annoying...17:20
lcbHi. is it possible to install Natty (from usb) without removing previous /home and other user directories/files? (after upgrading from 10.10 most of important services failed (network, desktop etc).17:20
khamerI've changed my root shell to something invalid; any ideas on how to fix it? I don't have access to sudo, though I do have the root pw and access to su17:20
BsimsI am having trouble with usb devices in kde... its autolaunching the gnome apps even though I told the device manager widget not to... I deleted .kde and that solves it, but then I can not arrange my icons on the taskbar the way I would like17:21
khamer(I did a chsh -s bash and didn't realize on ubuntu you need to put the full path to bash)17:21
WeThePeoplesacarlson, you here17:21
scarfaceThere is a "Search for Files" option under Places menu.  It lets you search for files that "Contains the text" that you specify, but the search isn't case-sensitive.  Is there a way to do a case-sensitive text search from this dialog?17:22
CrystalLinuxI have a problem with ubuntu, when I have 2 windows open it throws me out.17:22
nilesCrystalLinux: how so17:23
=== sss is now known as sss314
nileswhat happends to your windows17:23
bullgardCrystalLinux: You better describe more precisely what happens on your computer in order that people can help you here in this xhannel.17:23
CrystalLinuxsay I open XChat, then I open Firefox and I can't click anywhere.17:24
pilasI also have a problem with ubuntu: it doesnt cook, clean the house or iron my clothes... I want my money back... (Thanks for the advice, I will be back)17:24
khamerIs there a way to call sudo as a different user? as in, sudo from useraccount foo specifying username bar and the password for bar?17:24
nilesxserver problem? do you think?17:24
nileskhamer: gksudo17:24
khamerniles, its not a gui box17:24
brontoeeekhamer, su bar and then sudo ?17:25
nileskhamer: I do not know, sorry17:25
khamerbrontoeee, bar = root and I accidentally set root's shell to 'bash' instead of '/bin/bash' and I'm trying to fix it17:25
LetsGo67Hello!  I cannot render higher than 240p in PiTiVi.  Can someone help me, please?17:26
khamerbrontoeee, I was hoping I could do something like 'sudo -U root vim /etc/passwd' or such17:26
Somonwhat is the best download manager?17:26
juk!brainstorm | scarface:17:26
ubottuscarface:: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!17:26
brontoeeeSomon, wget17:26
sipiorkhamer: why not just "sudo vim /etc/passwd"?17:27
khamersipior, because the user accounts don't have access to sudo; only su17:27
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sipiorkhamer: that's unfortunate.17:27
Brisperkelemy friend typed "sudo apt-get install ekiga", his command line said this: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SBNBQmkW and froze, now when he tries to reboot it only tells something about "usb G15 blahblah" and it wont boot, what should we do?17:27
bullgardPici: No, I cannot accept your anwer. At the same time there is aprocess ssh-agent and a process sshd running.17:27
sipiorkhamer: bring the system down to single user mode and fix the file.17:27
nileskhamer: did you set this in .bash_profile of something like that?17:28
khamersipior, its a remote server...17:28
nileswhere is this set17:28
clawhey there my mouse does not work anymore (on a other maschine it works fine) got the following error in the syslog : Hub 2-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port2 disabeled17:28
khamerniles, no, I did chsh -s bash, because on other OSs chsh doesn't take a full path to the shell17:28
clawwhat can i do ?17:28
sipiorkhamer: well, isn't this your lucky day?17:28
sipiorkhamer: (i'm having a rather similar one...)17:28
Somonwhen i restart my computer then automatically remove incompleted downloads-why please help me.........17:28
nileskhamer: i do not know what chsh does so I am of no help here17:28
khamersipior, I was hoping su -s /bin/bash would work, but it doesn't....17:28
llutzbullgard: sorry for very late response, if you're still interested: nmap -sP <network>      where network is like ""   if you use 192.168.1.xxx ip-range with netmask
khamerniles, chsh just changes the shell, I think it's a glorified /etc/passwd editor17:29
bullgardBrisperkele: 1.) cite the complete error message here. 2.) Google for the precise error message in Launchpad.17:29
slb_hi all17:29
LetsGo67Hello! I cannot render higher than 240p in PiTiVi. Can someone help me, please?17:29
khamerI need to edit /etc/passwd with root not having a valid shell...17:29
tomasm-what's a standard and easy to install (zero setup?) pop/imap server for ubuntu?17:29
slb_ubuntu 10.10 here, wondering what's new and exciting in ubuntu?17:30
RoastedI want to check the MD5 of an ISO I downloaded. How do I check it?17:30
Somonhow can i install vlc from vlc.tar.gz?17:30
AbhijiTslb_, name and version17:30
guntberttomasm-: mail servers are never zero setup17:30
bullgardllutz: Yes indeed: I tried it in the mean time,  and it works great. --  Thank you very much for your help.17:30
kevin_Somon: try make17:30
sipiorkhamer: does "su -m" work?17:31
slb_10.10 Maverick17:31
tomasm-guntbert, i just want something i can install quickly to read my mail17:31
Brisperkelemy friend typed "sudo apt-get install ekiga", his command line said this: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SBNBQmkW and froze, now when he tries to reboot it only tells something about "sata link down, no init found try passing= init bootarg" and it wont boot, what should we do?17:31
* AbhijiT 's joke wasted17:31
LetsGo67Hello again! I cannot render higher than 240p in PiTiVi. Can someone help me, please?17:31
khamersipior, no, it doesn't, still get a "Cannot execute bash: No such file or directory"17:31
khamersipior, hm, I wonder if I cd bin?17:31
guntberttomasm-: you don't need a mail server to get/read your mail, a mail client is enough17:31
khamersipior, AH HA17:31
sipiorkhamer: might be worth a try.17:31
defsumHi all, need help getting direct Gigabit Ethernet connection between Ubuntu 10.10 PC <-> Macbook (late 2007). Both are set to manual ip (, both supports gigabit, cat.5e cable. Connection working well, but e.g. transmitting movie speed ~260Mbps max, which is too slow.17:31
khamersipior, VICTORY IS MINE17:31
sipiorkhamer: i guess that's good, then17:32
brontoeeetomasm-, reading mail and being a mail provider are two things17:32
llutzbullgard: but even that won't find hosts filtering ICMP. afaik there is no perfect solution to find all hosts in a network except using special switches or other expensive hardware17:32
tomasm-guntbert, brontoeee , no i mean serving mail from my new ubuntu server17:32
slb_Brisperkele, not an expert but looks line either a permissions problem or a input/output (cannot read files) error17:32
drcRoasted: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto17:33
Somon how can i install vlc from vlc.tar.gz?please help me.....17:33
LetsGo67Hello ladies and gentlemen! I cannot render higher than 240p in PiTiVi. Can someone help me, please?17:33
defsumUbuntu > ethtool eth0 shows: Speed 1000MB/s; Macbook Network utility manually set to 1000baseT17:33
gohanRoasted: md5sum file.iso17:33
Roastedgot it.17:33
guntberttomasm-: please join me in #ubuntu-server, the place is more quiet17:33
Brisperkelemy friend typed "sudo apt-get install ekiga", his command line said this: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SBNBQmkW and froze, now when he tries to reboot it only tells something about "sata link down, no init found try passing= init bootarg" and it wont boot, what should we do?17:33
Roastedthanks drc, gohan17:33
RoastedFor some reason I can't boot Kubuntu 10.10 on this Optiplex 740. I used CD, USB, MD5's match, etc.17:33
khamersipior, that was lucky :P17:33
khamersipior, thanks for the thoughts17:33
RoastedThese Optiplex 740's are such brats.17:34
Brisperkelemy friend typed "sudo apt-get install ekiga", his command line said this: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SBNBQmkW and froze, now when he tries to reboot it only tells something about "sata link down, no init found try passing= init bootarg" and it wont boot, what should we do?17:34
LetsGo67Hello professional Ubuntu users!  I have a very important announcement to make.  I cannot render higher than 240p in PiTiVi. Can someone help me, please?17:34
sipiorkhamer: sure. i'm curious why -m didn't work, as it is supposed to launch your own login shell (instead of the target's). still, glad you've got it fixed.17:34
bullgardBrisperkele: Your package system is not in order. First try to run update-manager until it does not throw any error. Then try again installing Empathy.17:34
drcRoasted: gohan had the short answer, but knowing you a bit, I thought you'd also want the long answer too17:34
brontoeeeLetsGo67, i'd use something like kdenlive instead17:34
ruan[ if exist file.dat (rm file.dat) ] what am i doing wrong? sh script17:34
jukLetsGo67: im flatered!17:35
bullgardBrisperkele: Your package system is not in order. First try to run update-manager until it does not throw any error. Then try again installing Ekiga.17:35
Brisperkelebullgard but the whole system wont boot17:35
Roasteddrc, I actually googled it and beat both of ya to the chase by a matter of nanoseconds. Xchat flashed up when I had received the MD5 ont he ISO. Guess I jumped the gun and asked too soon. :P17:35
LetsGo67Brontoeee: I already started all my hard work using PiTiVi.  It will only export 240p Theora.17:35
khamersipior, I think that su does a check to make sure that the target's shell is valid (probably executable) so that when someone sets a shell to /dev/null or such it blocks su17:35
LetsGo67juk: Glad you feel that way.  :)17:35
chrispercol2hi, how do I boot into console, not gui in 10.10? thanks17:35
bullgard!boot | Brisperkele17:35
ubottuBrisperkele: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:35
khamersipior, I think I'm just lucky that I set it to a relative path so I could trick it into working :P17:35
brontoeeeLetsGo67, that was a silly decision on your part, always check entire video workflow on small sample set17:35
slb_Brisperkele, i would start from scratch and reinstall17:35
drcRoasted: OK, next time I'll just say RTFM, it's faster :)17:35
sipiorkhamer: yes, an errant slash or whatever would've been a lot harder to deal with...17:36
Brisperkeleslb_ okay, is there a way to test the hard drive from a live-usb or something?17:36
Roasteddrc, I assume if I CD into the directory of /media/KubuntuCDIBurned and run md5sum I'd get the MD5 of that disc?17:36
BrisperkeleI mean to check that here are no hardware problems17:36
khamersipior, for sure17:36
Roasteddrc, or can I only get the MD5 after burning it? I remember K3B showing me the MD5 in the log after a burn sesison17:36
LetsGo67Brontoeee: Well that's how Ubuntu works, isn't it?17:36
sriramfinger #sriram17:36
sipiorkhamer: ah, i misread the man page. if the target's shell is "unusual", it will refuse to run (even though that's not the shell it would invoke anyway)17:36
sriramfinger sriram17:36
brontoeeeLetsGo67, huh?17:37
Roasteddrc, it's just sitting here with a flashing cursor after running md5sum within the CD dir, that's why I'm like, uhh?17:37
ruan[ if exist "file.dat" rm file.dat ] what am i doing wrong? sh script17:37
slb_Brisperkele, just try and install and if it works, hard drive must be ok, youc could also open computer and check cables17:37
alisalaahWhat is the correct way to uninstall a program I installed via an SH script (springsource tools STS, eclipse build)17:37
jukLetsGo67: did you try mencoder or ffmpeg?17:37
Brisperkelewell thats a shit advice, I mean if the hard drive has faulty sectors or something and it happens again, it doesnt really serve as a computer for him now does it?17:37
khamersipior, haha, "unusual"17:38
LetsGo67juk: How do I do that?17:38
LetsGo67Brontoeee: Glitchy apps.17:38
khamersipior, horray for the server being not broken17:38
slb_Brisperkele, it is also free advice, if you have better, then you don't need me17:38
sipiorkhamer: indeed17:38
bullgardllutz: In my (rather simple) case it worked. --  What do you mean by "special switches"? Hardware or software switches?17:38
llutzalisalaah: check the isntall-script for an "uninstall" option or check what it does when installing and revert it17:38
guntbert!language | Brisperkele17:38
ubottuBrisperkele: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:38
Brisperkeleslb_ true, shit advice is shit17:38
ruandoes anyone here know basic sh scripting?17:39
guntbertBrisperkele: mind your language please17:39
jukLetsGo67: you were you cant output more that 256p in pitivi?17:39
Brisperkeleshit shit shit17:39
llutzbullgard: manageable switches often have functions to list all connected hosts17:39
LetsGo67juk: Only the 240p setting works.  Anything smaller or larger or non-Theroa refuses to work.17:39
ruanif exist "file.dat" rm file.dat         what am i doing wrong?17:39
bullgardruan: There is an IRC channel #bash.17:40
ruanalright, but this is extremely basic17:40
Piciruan: So that makes it even more on-topic for that channel.17:41
Piciruan: They are very helpful there.17:41
bullgardllutz: Yes. Thank you for explaining.17:41
noeccDoes pinning php to 5.2 have any effect on future apache (mod-php) updates,17:41
ruanyeah but its the most basic and simple script ever17:41
Josef_Bhi all .. i want to control my ubuntu machine from a windows computer .. what is a good tools / app ?17:42
Piciruan: There are many things wrong with that script, they have links that can get you more accquanted with scripting.17:42
adamthehackhi all17:42
mehmanncan i install ubuntu 11.04 with  LUKS from the alternate cd ?17:42
RoastedIs there a command I can run in Linux to see if my processor is 64 bit? Or to see whether I have 32/64 bit Linux installed?17:42
obiyodaI"ve installed a new 8.04 lts server but it doesn't have a crontab command where would I get that from I can't find it in the repos17:42
LetsGo67Oh please help people this is overwhelming and 240p is way too small when I was filming in 720p it's not fair that Linux does not have great and wonderful and noble movie editing software such as Windows Movie Maker it is really not fair that the rich steal from the poor it makes me want to cry because I got these two 720p HD video cameras as gifts and I want to use them and I am just getting started but it does not work with PiTiVi so please17:42
LetsGo67help me make it work with PiTiVi.17:42
IdleOne!11.04 | mehmann17:43
ubottumehmann: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.17:43
brontoeeeLetsGo67, framework i guess, melt is not performing well17:43
mehmannill go there17:43
=== oln_ is now known as oln
LetsGo67Can people read my comment please?17:43
bullgardJosef_B: Try TeamViewer.17:43
juk!openvideoeditor | LetsGo6717:43
juk!info openvideoeditor17:44
ubottuPackage openvideoeditor does not exist in maverick17:44
=== xil1 is now known as xil
LetsGo67Juk: I already started all my hard work in PiTiVi.  :(17:44
PiciRoasted: uname -m will show your architecture, /proc/cpuinfo show information about your processor itself, but I'm not sure what there can be used to tell what arch it is capable of.17:44
obiyodaahh shoot don't have the cron package that was easy never mind17:44
RoastedPici, i686 is 64 bit right17:44
viddyno :i17:44
PiciRoasted: No.17:44
IdleOneRoasted: no17:44
RoastedI thought it was.17:44
Roastedis it 32 bit or am I totally off?17:45
LetsGo67Oh no my comment is going away!  No one will be able to read it!17:45
AzizLighthi everybody17:45
juk!info openmovieeditor | LetsGo6717:45
ubottuLetsGo67: openmovieeditor (source: openmovieeditor): a simple non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20080102-2.3build1 (maverick), package size 331 kB, installed size 868 kB17:45
patrunjelhi everywone, sorry for not being in the topic of the channel, but do you know any channel on algorithms? I have a Backtracking-related question :)17:45
mbeierlJosef_B: there is also the built in gnome desktop sharing which uses VNC.  You would run VNC on the windows side to connect to the ubuntu box.  Look under system -> preferences -> remote desktop17:45
c0nsensehello! how can i get percentage from use from CPU, Memory and Network using terminal, without X ... just % example: 40%CPU 70% memory 10%network..17:45
AzizLightdoes anybody know where does moc stores its default config file please?17:45
LetsGo67Juk: I can't afford to restart my work!17:45
c0nsenseany ideas?17:45
RoastedI'm trying to troubleshoot why I can't install Kubuntu 10.10 on this desktop. It locks up, yet all of my MD5's and disc checks match, with both CD and USB. This desktop has Ubuntu on it. So I began to wonder if I have 32b Ubuntu on here and the system doesn't support 64 bit. (The Kubuntu I have is 64bit)17:45
jukLetsGo67: ah17:45
jukLetsGo67: ok, im not sure how you doing it17:46
xildoes anyone know how Ubuntu handles wireless drivers? On Ubuntu my wireless card works just fine out of the box, but I'm on Arch now and I'm having problems. I'd like to install whatever driver Ubuntu uses17:46
kevin_LetsGo67: what's wrong with PiTiVi17:46
LetsGo67kevin_ Only exports 240p Theora.17:46
jukLetsGo67: i happend once converted flv chunks into avi17:46
c0nsensehello! how can i get percentage from use from CPU, Memory and Network using terminal, without X ... just % example: 40%CPU 70% memory 10%network..17:46
jukLetsGo67: can you perhaps pastebin the error message?17:47
MagicJI have a computer in a public area and want to "lock down" the desktop.  I tried setting it and the icons therein to 511 and even 111 assuming that this would give me what I wanted.  It sort of is, BUT, right click still allows the icons to be edited.  How do I lock this down17:47
sacarlsonRoasted: it's a safer bet to try the 32bit version17:47
LetsGo67juk: Freezes.17:47
nitroxidusHi. I wish to do Dual Monitor on Dual Workspace.How do i do that, I searched google. :)17:47
LetsGo67juk: I can click cancel.17:47
docfxitHow can I empty the trash in Ubuntu?17:47
jukLetsGo67: what are you doing?17:48
usr13what is the application for changing themes17:48
wedwo-Roasted, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags and if you have a flag "lm" then you have a 64bit cpu17:48
juk!trash | docfxit17:48
ubottudocfxit: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:48
nitroxidusi have hd 585017:48
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:48
c0nsensehello! how can i get percentage from use from CPU, Memory and Network using terminal, without X ... just % example: 40%CPU 70% memory 10%network..17:48
sacarlsonxil: it's open source it's in the kernel and also in the wpasuplicant17:48
kevin_LetsGo67: PiTiVi shows it can export 720p17:48
sipiorc0nsense: look, if no one is answering your question, just repeat it every ten minutes or so, preferably without drama.17:48
Piciwedwo-: thanks. /me notes17:48
LetsGo67kevin_ I will pastebin error.17:49
nitroxidusHi. I wish to do Dual Monitor on Dual Workspace.How do i do that, I have hd 5850. :)17:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:49
Pici!es | t_boz17:49
ubottut_boz: please see above17:49
Dr_Willisnitroxidus:  clarify what you mean.17:49
sacarlsonc0nsense: one application for mem and cpu usage is called top17:50
nitroxidusone monitor in one workspace the second one on the second workspace17:50
Dr_Willishtop is nicer then top in ways. :)17:50
Dr_Willisnitroxidus:  work spaces dont work that way.17:50
LetsGo67kevin_ juk ubottu brontoeee http://pastebin.com/z1TpgBb617:50
nitroxidusu sure17:50
Dr_Willisnitroxidus:  you could pin an app to be on 'all' workspaces so its always on monitor 2 if you wanted17:51
nitroxidusi could use compiy wall fucnstopn17:51
Asad2005what application to see my facebook message that i follow or like17:51
c0nsensesacarlson: just show cpu %17:51
Roastedwedwo-, I have "lm" listed within a LONG list of other things.17:51
c0nsensesacarlson: no memory.17:51
IdleOneAsad2005: gwibber17:51
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes17:51
Roastedwedwo-, fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce blah blah blah blah blah lm blah blah blah blah cx16 lahf_lm cmp_legacy etc....17:52
nitroxidusdoes xineram help in that problem17:52
Roastedwedwo-, is that 64b?17:52
brontoeeeLetsGo67, please dont pitivi me, i said KDENLIVE , lol17:52
sacarlsonc0nsense: no it has mem and cpu you must not read well17:52
wedwo-Roasted, then your cpu is 64bit17:52
guillermohello everybody.17:52
krycekhi, is there anyone here playing Wow on linux? - Ubuntu maverick 10.10 ? i need tips to improve the fps. thanks17:52
Roastedwedwo-, then I wonder why this dang system won't boot kubuntu but itll boot ubuntu....17:52
=== guillermo is now known as Guest72307
Dr_Willisnitroxidus:  xinerama lets you have 2 monitors  showing one very wide (or tall) desktop. thats  not  really related to the workspaces.17:52
Roastedwedwo-, I thought for sure it had to be a 32b vs 64b thing, since ubuntu on it is 32 and the kubuntu I have is 6417:52
LetsGo67brontoeee: The work is saved in PiTiVi format.17:52
bullgard!language | bremner17:53
ubottubremner: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:53
nitroxidusso it catn be done17:53
marekspi need help, i have additional hdd now, but there is XP installed. can i resize NTFS part without data loss or have to defragment it first?17:53
nitroxiduslike there is no waz17:53
krycekhi, is there anyone here playing Wow on linux? - Ubuntu maverick 10.10 ? i need tips to improve the fps. thanks17:53
nitroxidusto do it17:53
Dr_Willisnitroxidus:  workspaces dont work that way.. but you never said what you are actually trying to do..17:53
Dr_Willisnitroxidus:  you can have a seperate X display for each monitor. then they are indipendant.17:53
nitroxidushow do i do that17:54
IdleOnemareksp: defrag it first17:54
drcLetsGo67: you might try #pitivi17:54
wedwo-Roasted, it may be something simple like vga, but I'm no good at troubleshooting that stuff. Press F2 or F3 before booting to get alternative boot options17:54
Guest72307I'm trying to navigate with root privileges using nautilus, but i wish i could make this easy, with a symbolic link in the desktop. I'm trying to link mi XAMPP folder.17:54
marekspwill it prevent ANY data loss?17:54
trufoii installed once vim manually on ubuntu17:54
Dr_WillisGuest72307:   link it where?17:54
Dr_WillisGuest72307:  and from where..17:54
trufoibut now i want to install it from the ubuntu repositories17:54
nitroxidusand son on17:55
trufoihow can i remove the manual installed version of vim?17:55
nitroxidusso on17:55
IdleOnemareksp: can't hurt and you may want to backup any important data to make sure17:55
docfxitjuk, I tried entering !trash in terminal and it couldn't find it.  What do I do with that?17:55
brontoeeeLetsGo67, check what format is that and see if you can render that with something else...17:55
LetsGo67ONLY IN 240P when my Flip Video records in 720p!17:55
LetsGo67Brontoeee: Theora.17:55
jukLetsGo67: pastebin: lsb-release -a17:55
jukdocfxit: nice :)17:55
Dr_Willistrufoi:  if by manual, you mean by compiling the source, you could try 'sudo make uninstall' in the source directory17:55
=== CrystalLinux is now known as Guest5528
IdleOnemareksp: usually all goes off without a hitch but if you are concerned I suggest backups.17:55
wedwo-Roasted, I have a monitor that would only let me install 10.10 if I used vga=263 as a boot option17:55
Dr_Willisdocfxit:  !STUFF in here are bot triggers.17:55
sacarlsonc0nsense: as seen here:  23183 sacarlso  20   0  710m 568m 500m S   31 30.2  82:53.48 VirtualBox , that shows that virtualbox is using 30.2% of my mem17:55
Guest72307@Dr_Willis: in the deslkop, i wish a link to my XAMPP working folder, with priviledges, so i could create new folder there.17:55
trufoiDr_Willis: ok i'll give a try17:55
marekspthat's impossible for me - no space for backup, but thanks 4 everything anyways :)17:56
brontoeeeLetsGo67, no, check the project file, kdenlive is making melt xml for example17:56
Roastedwedwo-, hmm, thats strange17:56
Roastedwedwo-, these optiplex 740s have given me so much trouble over the years17:56
docfxitubottu, I tried finding trash in ~/.local/share and I couldn't find it.  I'm running 10.1017:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
LetsGo67brontoeee: Command not found.17:56
Roastedwedwo-, for example, I have to install BIOS 1.1.8 for PXE boot to work. 2.1.9 or any of the dozens of later versions fail tow ork.17:56
=== Guest5528 is now known as Amethyst
Dr_WillisGuest72307:   the link will have the same permissions as the original. your user can drag/drop a directory to their desktop to make a link there. click, drag, hold down alt key. make link... (i think)17:56
LetsGo67Brontoeee: It is the PiTiVi format.17:56
sipiormareksp: if you're worried about data loss from resizing, why wouldn't you have backups? you're worried, but not enough to protect yourself in any way?17:57
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:57
drcdocfxit: you just want to empty the Trash Can?  Did you try right clicking on it?17:57
sacarlsonc0nsense: for netwoking there is something similar called htop17:57
Guest72307Dr_Willis:  sure, the link is the easiest part. But i cannot create folder inside the one related. So... the folder has no permissions?17:57
usr13What is the name of the application to change desktop theme (in Ubuntu 10.04)?17:57
docfxitdrc, As soon as I find it I'd be happy to right click on it.17:57
Dr_WillisGuest72307:  the LINK is just a link to the original.. it still has teh originals permissions set.17:57
Dr_WillisGuest72307:  so you need to make the directory owned by your user, or use groups. or other wise set the permissions to all ow the user to access the dir.17:58
Dr_Willis!permissions | Guest7230717:58
ubottuGuest72307: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:58
marekspsipior: it's sentimental not work-like-important and i'm short of space :P17:58
diphthongso about 5 times out of 10, i have to reboot to get my wireless interface to work after Suspend my laptop.  how can i get around that?  is there some module i can unload?17:58
ubottuuse @whoami17:59
drcdocfxit: right mouse click on any panel, Add to Panel, scroll down to Trash, click on Trash, click on Add button17:59
Dr_Willisdiphthong:  sounds like it would be easiert o just not use suspend at all.17:59
MagicJhow do I set my desktop so that right click will not work17:59
Dr_Willisdiphthong:  some drivers/devices just dont like being suspended under linux17:59
LetsGo67diphth_ng Because that is Ubuntu.17:59
drcdocfxit: that will add a trash can to the panel...I'm assuming you "trashed" the Trash Can sometime earlier?17:59
drcdocfxit: usually it's on the bottom panel on the extereme right18:00
Guest72307Dr_Willis: thanks so much. Giving permissions makes this work.18:00
Dr_WillisMagicJ:  i recall that 'ubuntu-tweak' (not in the repos) had some gnome-lockdown features.  but its just setting the proper gconf variables.   I dont know what all it could do.18:00
docfxitdrc, That's great.  I like to accessorize18:01
MagicJDr_Willis: I can edit the gconf variable I suppose, if I know what it is18:01
docfxitdrc, Thanks.18:02
LetsGo67IF YOU LOVE 240P SAY 12321 ELSE SAY 32123!18:02
Dr_WillisMagicJ:  yes you could..18:02
IdleOneMagicJ: might want to try pessulus, it is a gnome lock down application.18:02
drcdocfxit: np18:02
Jonii^How do I change dns server in Ubuntu 10.4?18:02
sipiorLetsGo67: find somewhere else to play.18:02
IdleOneMagicJ: it is in the repos18:02
Dr_WillisJonii^:  network manager applet lets you do it. or you can edit /etc/resolv.conf I think. (but thats not the best way)18:02
Qornholiocan i run gamash in lucid?18:03
IdleOneLetsGo67: stop that now and also drop the caps. This channel is for support only.18:03
sacarlsonJonii: there is a file /etc/resolv.conf that points to your dns18:03
LetsGo67Does someone have Ubuntu for Android?18:03
Jonii^Dr_Willis, network manager applet doesn't seem to have anything remotely related to DNA18:03
docfxitNow I need to remove temporary packages.  Any idea how?18:03
MagicJDr_Willis - I see in gconf-editpr that there is a lockdown for gnome - but the options do not include the ability to disable right click - or for that matter, what I really want to do, which is, prevent the launchers from being changed18:03
Dr_WillisJonii^:  check the static ip settings..  i recall doing it befor.18:03
Jonii^But I don't know if poor translations are at fault18:03
Prolaccould newest version of ubunut run on 256 mb of ram?18:04
macoProlac: barely18:04
ZorlinProlac: barely but absolutely18:04
IdleOneProlac: it could but you won't be happy with it. try Lubuntu or Xubuntu18:04
Dr_WillisJonii^:  I have 2 wired network connections ive made.. one uses googles dns. other is dhcp.18:04
ZorlinProlac: consider... yeah, what IdleOne said18:04
TSHateryes try resolv.conf magicj18:04
LetsGo67Prolac: Sudo apt-get remove openoffice-org gnome shotwell ekiga...18:04
docfxitIt says I should run sudo apt-get clean to remove temporary packages.  When I run it nothing happens.18:05
mehmannokey,, can i install on LUKS with 10.04 or 10.10 from the alternate CD ?18:05
sacarlsonJonii: problem is if you run network manager and get an ip from dhcp then it will control what your dns server values are unless as dr_willis: points that network manager has a method of changeing it18:05
TSHateralso i recommend opendns.18:05
Prolacwhat about debian, would it run?18:05
Dr_Willissacarlson:  set a static ip. :_) actually i think teh static ip 'settings' have a way to set static just for the dns servers18:05
brontoeeeLetsGo67, guessing, but what happens if you type: melt /path/toyour/pitivi.project ?18:05
Dr_Willisi wonder if i just disconnected playing with network manager. :)18:06
[Xiru]My Empathy 2.32.1 stop worked with google talk. Does anybody know anything about it?18:06
Guest80998can anyone tell me how can one machine communicate with the other machines to which it is connected?..how can it send the resources available to other machine?18:06
sacarlsonDr_Willis: I don't use network manager so I'm not sure18:06
kdkdk1i am looking for help in installing drivers on ubuntu18:06
MagicJIdleOne - Pessulus does not have the lcokdown that I need and ubuntu-tweak does not appear to be in the distros18:06
TSHaterwhat kind of drivers18:06
jukGuest80998: #freenode register18:07
Dr_Willissacarlson:  its all in there.. :) im checking it now.18:07
kdkdk1drivers from a hw manufacturer18:07
TSHaterok, video, usb network??18:07
kdkdk1TSHater: ftp://tvb01-driver:tvb01-driver@sysfae.fic.com.tw18:07
IdleOneMagicJ: ubuntu-tweak is not a supported app. you will need to get it from the web18:07
kdkdk1TSHater:  it is a touch tablet18:07
Dr_WillisMagicJ:  i said it was not in the repos. :) it has its own ppa.18:07
sacarlsonDr_Willis: point it at Jonii^: also it's her question18:07
kdkdk1I have just installed 10.04, wifi and touch does not work18:08
Guest80998@juk..i din't get you..18:08
TSHaterkdkdk1: well what format is it in?18:08
sacarlsonkdkdk1: it touch some new wifi mode I didn't know about?18:09
juk!register | Guest8099818:09
ubottuGuest80998: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:09
kdkdk1TSHater:  wimax Release20101230-US211-AWB- MB1/17/11 11:49:00 PM18:09
kdkdk1WDM64bInstaller.zip1257 kB1/17/11 11:49:00 PM18:09
TSHaterno like a touch screen18:09
TSHaterlook like a windows driver???18:10
trufoiDr_Willis: thank you it worked!18:10
TSHaterlook up ndiswrapper18:10
kdkdk1sacarlson:  These are drivers for atouch tablet ftp://sysfae.fic.com.tw/18:10
kdkdk1oops Floodbot set my mode -o  am i visible18:12
jukkdkdk1: yes18:12
ibadan{y}root doesn't normally have sudo rights does it ?18:12
kdkdk1juk: thanks18:12
Mahjongghi, which vpn server?18:12
ByteEater_ nickserv18:12
dtcrshribadan{y}, rly?18:13
ByteEater_ghost byteeater 647118:13
kdkdk1TSHater:  I am not sure if they are windows drivers, but these are the drivers to be downloaded, I don't have windows18:13
dtcrshrusually root is the only entry in sudoers18:13
PiciByteEater_: Please change your password.18:13
uRockjust plugged in my MP3 player and Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't see it, but usually it does, what should I try to do to get the system to access it?18:13
ibadan{y}got to run and get some no-doz18:13
IdleOneMagicJ: Within gconf-editor ensure the "/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" option is unchecked.18:13
IdleOneMagicJ: that will disable right click menu18:14
kdkdk1sacarlson: can you please take a look?18:14
sacarlsonibadan{y}: ubuntu normaly has no root18:14
sacarlsonkdkdk1: it's ftp why not a http link?18:15
kdkdk1don't know the mfr sent me this link18:15
kdkdk1this is for drivers download18:15
kdkdk1it is from FiC18:15
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:15
sacarlsonkdkdk1: it's also touch screen that I never had so if I can't play with it won't touch it18:16
IdleOneMagicJ: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4402034&postcount=7 is where I got the info18:16
zach32how do you save a list of all the installed software from the software center i want to reinstall my ubuntu 10.1018:16
kdkdk1sacarlson: I don't have any valuable data, I have just installed 10.04, it is a tablet PC that I have bought to experiment18:16
uRockcan anyone help me mount my Sony MP3 player that is currently not mounting in Ubuntu 10.10?18:17
=== rednovae is now known as endeavor
kdkdk1sacarlson: the files are named Release20101230-US211-AWB- and WDMInstaller.zip for wimax and18:18
sacarlsonkdkdk1: well send me one to play with and I'll take a look at it18:19
Oerzach32, dpkg --get-selections > test.txt18:20
kdkdk1sacarlson: wish i could do it, but I could afford only one for now, as my hw development progresses to take the product to market and as I become rich, I will send you one18:20
robint91does someone know how to enable in Nautilus the normal "textbox" based pad instead of the button based18:20
zach32Oer thx18:20
sacarlsonkdkdk1: sorry I need payment in advance18:21
jukzach32: you can also check for cache in /var/cache/apt/18:21
aeon-ltdrobint91: press / ; iirc that changes it18:21
teolicyWhat is the "correct" way to make iptables rules persistent on 9.10?18:21
kdkdk1sacarlson: :)18:21
uRockteolicy, use GUFW18:21
robint91aeon-ltd, not for me18:22
teolicyuRock: I need a strictly command line utility, and it better be simple enough for me to read it's sources, or I'll write one.18:22
teolicyIt really shouldn't be more than a 40 line /etc/init.d script.18:22
nitroxidushow do i fix flash fullscreen dual monitors i have flash 10.218:22
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.18:22
Oerzach32, run 'dpkg –set-selections < test.txt' to set them back, do not forget to run 'sudo dselect'  after that18:23
kdkdk1Hi, need help in installing hardware drivers on 10.04 for wimax, touch and audio18:23
aeon-ltdrobint91: this may help http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/993-use-a-text-mode-location-bar-in-nautilus-230-by-default-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx18:23
uRockteolicy, there may be something in the above links by ubottu that can help.18:23
teolicyuRock: Aye, thank you.18:23
Arbitercan anybody can help me with SSH, I am trying to start a program on my windows based pc via ssh, but when I run the exe it starts the program but does not finish the command, simply waits til i manually terminate the command and then when I do, closes the program. How can I simply start the program and leave it18:23
robint91aeon-ltd, +118:23
aeon-ltdrobint91: it worked?18:24
nitroxidushow do i fix flash fullscreen dual monitors i have flash 10.218:24
robint91aeon-ltd, yep18:24
aeon-ltdrobint91: you're welcome18:24
amh345_hi guys, i have ubuntu server install. im trying to get my wireless working a- but i  ant recall how i did it before.  i remember that i had to setup wpa-supplicant.  does anyone happen to have a link for that?18:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:24
robint91aeon-ltd, not even had to restart nautilus18:24
sacarlsonArbiter: that's so offtopic but try putty18:24
juk!info wpa-supplicant18:25
ubottuPackage wpa-supplicant does not exist in maverick18:25
kdkdk1ubottu: need some help in installing multimedia and touch drivers18:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:25
teolicyufw doesn't say explicitly if it keeps the rules across reboots. Does anyone know if it takes care of that?18:25
chris_hello peopless18:25
juk!info wpasupplicant18:25
ubottuwpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.10-2 (maverick), package size 351 kB, installed size 896 kB18:25
chris_i got a geforce 210 and no hdmi sound, someone knows how to fix that?18:25
=== chris_ is now known as Guest65889
nitroxidushow do i fix flash fullscreen dual monitors to go out of focus , i have flash 10.218:26
uRockteolicy, all of the settings I have made via UFW have stayed in effect until I changed them18:26
teolicyuRock: Thanks.18:26
poobirdcan someone point me towards an Apache2 setup for meerkat18:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:27
AzizLightI just suspended a job with C-s which froze vim. What's the keyboard shortcut to resume jobs please?18:27
jukpoobird: /j {#apache,#mirkat}18:27
=== Guest65889 is now known as christus
=== Curtis is now known as Guest83497
amh345_juk: wpa-supplicant does not come packaged with 10.10?18:28
poobirdAziz its Ctrl+C18:28
llutzAzizLight: ctrl-q18:28
juk!info wpasupplicant | amh345_18:28
ubottuamh345_: wpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.10-2 (maverick), package size 351 kB, installed size 896 kB18:28
poobirdno.. control+C18:28
AzizLightllutz: thanks that did it18:28
llutzpoobird: drop it18:28
brontoeeeAzizLight, the 5th element?18:28
christianx1anis there a newbie channel18:28
xtbgodcontrol+C isn't Copy? xD18:28
poobirdnot in term18:29
Guest83497Can someone help me .. every time I try to install Ubuntu, the installer crashes. I've tried the 10.04 desktop release and the 10.10 and have similar problems with both18:29
amh345_ok, another question.  im trying to setup a a test server for the ec2 server im going to be getting.  is the ubuntu-server ec2 install any different than the standard server install?18:29
nitroxidushow do i fix flash fullscreen dual monitors i have flash 10.218:29
uRockcan anyone help me mount my Sony MP3 player that is currently not mounting in Ubuntu 10.10?18:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:29
joeoshawacan anyone help me with bombono it won't accept ntsc frame rate18:29
=== home is now known as WeThePeople
Guest83497can someone please help me? :|18:30
joeoshawawhen i set it as ntsc it still wants a 25 frame rate18:30
uRockhow depressing...18:31
sacarlsonGuest83497: you sure it crashes or just black screen?  did you try <ctl><alt> + f2?18:31
stianhjjoeoshawa, http://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/bombono/18:32
jukuRock: that's beaty of it enjoy18:32
Guest83497yes sacarlson .. im using the GUI installer .. i think it's called ubiquity .. i get to the time-zone selection screen which is step 2 and i click next and all I get is the circlular thinking icon and no progress whatsoever .. not even after waiting for hours!18:32
uRockjuk, no doubt18:33
stianhjGuest83497, have you tried the alternate installer?18:33
sacarlsonGuest83497: might be trying to get internet access at that point and fails.  try the alternate cd install18:34
Guest83497i have tried the alternate cd install18:34
revad1hi Can some one please take a look at some driver files and tell me from the file name if they will work on ubuntu and if so, the commands to install them?18:34
Guest83497i worked out today i have an i686 computer .. i don't know if that will affect the fact that i can only download i386 torrents from ubuntu.com but there arent any i686 torrents available?18:35
sacarlsonGuest83497: and at what point does the alternate cd fail?18:35
Guest83497when it tried to get the time zones working .. it just stops. it thinks for a little and then just continues doing sod all18:35
stianhjGuest83497, have you tried to look at error messages if you switch to ALT+F218:35
stianhjGuest83497, i386 version is the correct version for you18:35
sacarlsonGuest83497: i686 are still 32bit so your system will still run on i386 or i68618:36
=== douglas is now known as speedrunnerG66
Guest83497ok ill have a look and let you know .. i thought i'd let you know though that im trying to REINSTALL ubuntu .. i had a successful dedicated partition and dual boot set up and then for some reason, when i booted once, i kept getting error messages with something like 'initram' and 'dev loop' errors18:37
Guest83497it couldnt mount it or something .. ive no idea what's going on and it's really frustrating D: because i do genuinely like ubuntu but it's really getting me nowhere now!18:37
revad1need some help with drivers18:38
crlcan81I want to reinstall as well, not install over the top. I screwed up something in kernal and now when it boots gives me something like a can't find the disk error18:38
Kosy__Bon, j'ai fait le test, ça n'a pas marché, mais merci pour votre aide18:38
=== speedrunnerG55 is now known as speed-windows
=== speedrunnerG66 is now known as speedrunnerG55
sacarlsonGuest83497: did you use wubi on your original install, meaning did you install ubuntu from within windows ?18:38
dtcrshr!fr | Kosy__18:39
ubottuKosy__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:39
Guest83497i used wubi once i realised that the live-cd installer wasnt working and i seemed to get the same error18:39
crlcan81I installed via live cd, it wasn't till I tried to move my disk for the second time during a live CD run, thinking it was the fact I cancled during the first time, since i could have done a faster job.18:40
sacarlsonGuest83497: so I'm still unsure from that if your failure was from a wubi install or not18:40
stianhjGuest83497, do both 10.04 and 10.10 fail in the same places?18:41
IceGuest_75_I can't connect to my wireless internet via xubuntu on virtualbox.18:41
incohi all18:42
incoi need help with a new hardisk that i put in the pc18:42
joeoshawasacarlson, his error couldn't have been from wubi if he was getting the error booting off the live cd18:42
incoi cannot put correctly fstab line18:42
crlcan81*runs a gparted repair disk first*18:42
sacarlsonjoeoshawa: good point18:42
aeon-ltdinco: is it partitioned?18:43
joeoshawai would never use wubi tho18:43
incoi have a ext4 partition18:43
aeon-ltdinco: run 'blkid' get the uuid, the use that in fstab18:43
sacarlsonjoeoshawa: but I think he had a wubi install that failed and is attempting to fix it with a livecd18:43
WeThePeopleanybody know why the open windows are being selected and deselected and a high rate of speed all on its own, in any window i open18:43
incobut when i mount with18:43
incognome i cant write18:43
incoonly read18:43
joeoshawasacarlson, he said it was the other way around besides the live cd would not even see the wubi install18:44
aeon-ltdheh, no idea - i've never tampered with whole partition permissions18:44
incook thanks18:44
joeoshawaother then for the boot loader all linux distros ignore windows partitions on install18:44
WeThePeoplewhat does -u mean18:44
sacarlsonjoeoshawa: yes I think thats a total different problem, but he just said it crashes at time zone check,  I don't recall seeing anyone with this type of problem18:45
amh345_i've got the wrong keyboard configured for ubuntu server. ive got an international keyboard.  is there a way i can rerun the keyboard configuration i saw at startup?18:45
stianhjIceGuest_75, the xubuntu in virtualbox uses it's hosts internet connection via LAN connection18:45
joeoshawame either18:45
incoanybody with fstab experence18:45
TigerboyCannot seem to install ubuntu 10.10 on systems that I can install 10.04... they have relatively new video -- amd athlon 3200+ 32 bit cpus... any ideas ?18:45
sacarlsonjoeoshawa: they left anyway18:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:46
joeoshawaubuntu 10.04 had a major issue with my hdd but ubuntu 9.10 and 10.10 saw it fine18:46
joeoshawaso i can't use 10.0418:46
joeoshawayeah hopefully they figure it out18:46
jukthat's funny that people still do that18:46
dustinTigerboy, fresh install ,  cuz there is a bug when you upgrade18:46
TigerboyYes but it fails also18:47
amh345_anyone?  my / key has an "e" with an accent over it.  cant get to '/'18:47
jukamh345_: stick your head in a toilet :p18:48
crlcan81How does one go about reinstalling ubuntu, without losing any files on said disk? Or is the only way to reinstall to reformat the entire Ubuntu partition and start over?18:48
doodieI've already got UBUNTU10 and now want to install Ubuntustudio also. I want both. that's possible?18:48
joeoshawayou will have the reverse problem with the dell dimension 2400's18:48
TigerboyI was hoping there might be an alternate installer for 10.10.  I have tried every major 10.10 clone too all fail to install18:48
ChadsHi all trying to install wireless usb drivers.18:48
amh345_juk: didnt work ;)18:48
xdudelooking for assistance the network manager seems to dissappear from notification area?18:48
jukamh345_: oops :p18:48
ChadsFollowing a tut.18:48
joeoshawaTigerboy, what error do you get18:48
ChadsJust not working18:49
TigerboyThe installer fails reboot or just a black screen on some.18:49
Tigerboythat is after the install process begins18:49
joeoshawabtw if your in here and someone has a dell 2400 tell them to use ubuntu 10.1018:49
* juk dont really apreciate that beaty either18:49
Tigerboybut then when you put debian or 10.04 it's all swimming18:49
Wojownikrver irc.swiftirc.net18:49
sacarlsoncrlcan81: only way I could imagin that posible would be if you had /home in it's own partition and made sure that install didn't format it18:49
ChadsUsb wireless drivers anyone?18:50
joeoshawaTigerboy,  ubuntu 10.04 is a lts you are probably better off using it18:50
bonjoyee!studio | doodie18:50
ubottudoodie: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org18:50
TigerboyI see and just upgrade it really well18:50
Tigerboymaybe they will figure out the 10.10 installer issue in time for the next upgrade18:51
drt48242Hi, is there a way to change the contrast/brightness of my laptop through gnome or X18:51
joeoshawano i mean stick with 10.04 till the next LTS version and install a new one18:51
Tigerboyok got you thank you18:51
amh345_sweet merciful crap. who uses international keyboards nowadays?18:51
joeoshawathey will probably use a fixed installer in the new one file a bug report tho18:51
ignacioHi, I've been trying to get my laptop's touchpad to use imps protocol to enable scrolling, however I don't know which driver I should use in the xorg.conf file. Moreover, the settings I put there are overridden by udev as far as I can see in Xorg.0.log. Can anybody orient me? Thanks18:52
Tigerboyok will do18:52
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:53
BiPolahCan someone confirm that Minecraft works on Ubuntu following the latest update?18:53
Tigerboyanyone know of a good page on sound system for 10.10-- for systems that have HDMI/digital/analog and such cannot get headset working as of yet on some18:54
Oerjoeoshawa, the 10.04.2 installer is improved18:54
amh345_does anyone know how to run that keyboard detection series of prompts that i get at install?18:54
lmojzisIs there anybody who can help me installing 11.04? I have problem with ubiquity... I enter the installer, change my language and go to next screen... then it hangs, when I click next (on thah screen that say i am connected to internet, i am on AC power and gives me option to install proprietary SW) PLS18:54
joeoshawaOer, it doesn't work with my hdd18:54
lmojzis(daily, current018:54
xangua!natty | lmojzis18:54
ubottulmojzis: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.18:54
xdudedoes anyone know about the network manager?18:54
juk!anyone | xdude18:54
ubottuxdude: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:54
joeoshawaand there is a major problem with the whole os and dell dimension 2400's they won't run trust me18:55
amh345_or is there a laptop keyboard option that ignores international?  im running     sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup right now18:55
bytesaber_workdeleted .bash_history.     when i closed the xterm, and reopened it, i still had history saying "rm .bash_history"18:55
bytesaber_workhow do i truly delete history?18:55
joeoshawai installed ubuntu on two of them18:55
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:55
lmojzisxangua: yep, I know... So where can i get help on installing? I just can`t go pass that screen, everything else works good...18:55
bonjoyeebytesaber_work: logout and login again..18:56
MIDGAany suggested chat channels for new to liunx users?18:56
bytesaber_workbonjoyee, same result18:56
xdudeI have a problem with the networkmanager disappearing from the notification area18:56
joeoshawaone is #linux18:56
xdudeI'm running ubuntu 10.1018:56
lmojzisNow I trien upgrading before installing, hope it works...18:56
xanguaxdude: alt+f2 > nm-applet > enter18:56
Tigerboyubuntu 10.10 have specified the exact hardware model number but cannot seem to get sound over headset--complex audio pc with hdmi-digital-analog subsystems18:56
usr13xdude: Is this a laptop or desktop?18:56
xdudeIt also has happened on other machines18:56
bonjoyeebytesaber_work: do you see other commands as well or just the rm?18:56
MIDGAthanks joe18:56
jukxdude: run in terminal, see what happens18:56
xdudedesktop and laptop18:57
bytesaber_workthe rm and the exit18:57
xdudeit works in terminal18:57
usr13xdude: You might try switching to wicd18:57
xdudeon one laptop I have to go into the original administrator and set it back up18:57
jukxdude: i dont use myself, i have router and disabled nm18:57
bonjoyeebytesaber_work: thats logical...delete the .bash_history from gui..if you have it..18:57
joeoshawaTigerboy,  on board or sound card and what board (motherboard or soundcard18:57
TigerboyI think they are AC88818:58
xdudeon other machines soon as I log off and back on the icon dissapears again18:58
Tigerboyand hdmi through ati cards additionally18:58
joeoshawaTigerboy, what motherboard18:58
joeoshawathe model18:58
xdudewhere might I go to read about it18:58
usr13Wicd - Wired and Wireless Network Connection Manager18:58
bytesaber_workbonjoyee, from gui?18:58
xdudejuk I got computer iliterates to work with...   I need a fix18:59
Tigerboywell several they all are pc16 data bus which I have 2 ati cards on them ASUS and MSI18:59
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
xdudefor their machines and mine18:59
Tigerboyrunning crossfire18:59
bonjoyeebytesaber_work:do you have gnome? or other DE installed?18:59
usr13xdude:  apt-cache showpkg wicd18:59
bytesaber_workbonjoyee, gnome.  and using gnome-terminal18:59
jukxdude: iliterates? what is that?18:59
bytesaber_workdefault install18:59
Tigerboythe audio chip is AC888 which I have specified18:59
usr13xdude: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/19:00
xdudepeople that use their computers for email and such..  not much else..19:00
bonjoyeebytesaber_work: then delete the file from nautilus...press crtl+h to see it under your home folder..19:00
bytesaber_workbonjoyee, i think i see what you mean.   gnome-terminal is making a copy of the current commands and storing them as it exits19:00
xdudePeople are liking the ubuntu, but don't want to know about programming19:00
xdudety usr1319:00
xdudeand others19:00
bonjoyeebytesaber_work: exactly:)19:00
jukxdude: ah, you don't have to, that a beaty of it19:01
bytesaber_workxdude, heh heh.   ya in 1999 if you said "i use linux" it meant you knew computers.    Today it means nothing.19:01
xdudeI am going to look that stuff up bb later19:01
xdudesomeone has too19:01
xdudeif they take it to a shop, the shop install windows19:01
GeekyAdamhi all. soundoff time...lookin for a simple image viewer app that supports slideshows not in fullscreen mode.19:02
usr13xdude: sudo apt-get remove network-manager ; sudo apt-get install wicd19:02
jukxdude: well, you can apreciate what others have done then, donations...19:02
joeoshawaTigerboy, lshw in terminal19:02
joeoshawaTigerboy, sorry sudo lshw19:02
usr13xdude: ... and reboot, (or just log out and back in)19:02
g3orgehey all19:02
Tigerboyjoeoshawa done19:04
joeoshawawhat does it say19:04
=== poobird is now known as poobirds
amh345if i want to setup for ec2. should i be using the "install enterprise cloud" option?19:04
usr13xdude:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afVnO3p67Js  # Click on fullscreen at lower left so you can see better.19:04
Tigerboyjoeoshawa it says I need to increase the number of lines in my terminal window hold a sec please :)19:04
joeoshawano problem use pastebin please19:05
usr13xdude: Sorry, lower right, (not lower left).19:05
joeoshawaTigerboy, use pastebin please19:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:05
raven10.4 possible to disable the drive check? on every boot it hangs on because of any errors19:07
=== Amethyst is now known as CrystalLinux
aguitelraven, i think grub-customizer does it19:08
ActionParsnipraven: sounds like you need to fix your file system19:08
ravenActionParsnip, i fixed it several times19:09
zacktui'm set up for dual boot - i've temporarily removed my linux partitions (/, /home, swap) and left the /boot partition hoping that grub would be happy as long as it could find windows -- well, it's not -- i'd prefer to leave grub on rather than restoring the windows mbr -- can i edit grub so that it only boots windows?19:10
joeoshawaraven, sounds like your hard disk is crashing19:10
ActionParsnipraven: the system thinks it's bad. I suggest you grab the ultimate boot cd and test the drive using manufacturers tools. (do it overnight, it takes a while)19:10
joeoshawazach32, why wouldn't you have left it the way it was and just make windows the primary os19:11
joeoshawazach32, the top one19:12
joeoshawazach32, it would still load grub but after the timer windows would automatically boot19:12
xdudethanks usr13...   I am about to try it on the other machine...  thanks for the info, its looks interesting...19:13
sacarlsonraven: maybe it's time to use that disk for music or video files and boot from some other disk you have laying around19:14
Tigerboyjoeoshawa TMMscbMH19:15
xdudethanks usr13 this is going to be fun19:15
joeoshawazach32, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32966419:15
joeoshawaTigerboy, cool one sec19:15
joeoshawaTigerboy, are u sure i cannot find that motherboard19:17
Tigerboyyes 100%19:17
me__Hi. Can someone tell me how to prevent compiz from switching off when external monitor is being plugged in?19:17
Tigerboyi think msi plays with it's product numbers19:18
starsproutanyone know anything about external Seagate HD with NTFS partition errors? I can't write to it today all of a sudden19:18
joeoshawawho makes it? asus?19:18
TigerboyMSI of taiwan19:18
starsproutError mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).19:18
Prince7691does anyone know how to boot into recovery mode in ubuntu? in a single os system, all the guides ive seen are for dual boots..19:18
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starsproutPrince7691, you can use an Ubuntu boot disk?19:20
LinuxNoobi cant figure out ow to open my file19:20
Prince7691starsprout: i cant find mine Sl19:20
joeoshawaTigerboy, even on the msi site there is no motherboard model like that could you be a letter off19:20
Prince7691and cbf to redownload or anything19:20
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: what file?19:21
Prince7691any other suggestions?19:21
sacarlsonPrince7691: on boot if you hold shift you should see the grub menu to pick recovery or single and try that selection19:21
LinuxNoobpython-2.7.1.tgz i can open it, i dont know how to start it..19:21
Tigerboyno they use different numbers for the same board let me see what I can find19:21
Prince7691try cd'ing into the folder where you extracted it and typing ./make19:22
Prince7691or make19:22
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Prince7691or something19:22
LinuxNoobhow do u do that o_o19:22
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: tar zxvf python-2.7.1.tgz     will extract it. I don't suggest you mess with python, it can make things go horribly wrong if you screw it up19:22
joeoshawaTigerboy, could you pastebin the whole output?19:22
PiciLinuxNoob: python2.7 is in the Maverick repositories.19:22
ActionParsnip!info python19:22
Prince7691and ty sacarlson  leme walk over to my other comop19:22
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.6-2ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 168 kB, installed size 752 kB19:22
LinuxNoobno, im talking about python the prog language19:22
PiciLinuxNoob: Yes, so am I./19:22
Tigerboyjoeoshawa ms-7376 is the same thing as a msi k92a219:22
LinuxNoobah okay19:22
Tigerboyjoeoshawa msi k9a219:23
LinuxNoobi need to learn prog language :( and python looked great19:23
khamerLinuxNoob, if you're just trying to install it, use synaptic19:23
khamerLinuxNoob, but its probably already installed19:23
Pici!info python2.7 | LinuxNoob19:24
Tigerboyjoeoshawa it's a platinum socket am2+ allowing up to 4 ATI PCI Express 1619:24
ubottuLinuxNoob: python2.7 (source: python2.7): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.7). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7-6 (maverick), package size 2471 kB, installed size 9496 kB19:24
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:24
PiciLinuxNoob: python2.6 is installed by default on Ubuntu 10.1019:24
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto19:24
LinuxNoobwhere lol?19:24
TigerboyJoeoshawa on these we have 2 cards each headset audio works fine on windoze 7 but zero sound on ubunto 10.10 even when I specify headset and specify the ac888 model number19:25
PiciLinuxNoob: Its in your $PATH, the IDLE IDE is not installed by default though, you can choose to install that or any other IDE (or none at all) if you like.19:25
PiciLinuxNoob: I personally do all my python programming in nano.19:26
LinuxNoob=/ no idea what yall are talkin about, but i have to go to school.thanks.19:26
khamerPici, hahaha19:26
brontoeeePici, why nano?19:28
joeoshawaTigerboy, sound cards are ac888?19:28
khamerbrontoeee, don't you dare19:28
Tigerboyyes inboard19:28
Picibrontoeee: Because its the editor that I can use the fastest.  I'd like to find the time to learn vim and emacs as well.19:28
brontoeeePici, ok, why not gedit?19:29
joeoshawaTigerboy, onboard means part of the motherboard a sound card is an add on card19:29
khamerbrontoeee, real programmers use sed19:29
Jordan_UPici: vimtutor is good for learning vim.19:29
joeoshawaand is the headset usb or audio jack19:29
TigerboyJoeoshawa in this case it is all inboard19:29
joljamCould somebody help me with my issues in Adobe Connect Web Conferencing. I have an Ubuntu Linux machine and I am having problem sharing and uploading files from my machine using Adobe connect.19:29
Picibrontoeee: 1) I prefer the terminal, 2) I don't always have a desktop environment installed.  3) ask me more in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like.19:29
Tigerboyjoeoshawa the headset is audio jack based19:30
brontoeeePici, ok, thanks19:30
addikshi, is there a way to update the nvidia-driver over the package-management to a newer version than the one in 10.10?19:30
khamerJordan_U, iorlyV~A?19:30
joeoshawathen you cannot have two sound cards19:30
joeoshawayou mean ports?19:30
khamerJordan_U, er, iorly<Esc>V~A?19:30
Somonmusic player fast forward doesn't work why?19:30
Tigerboyjoeoshawa it has headset and mic ports in front which work fine in win 719:31
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Guest18283how can i connect ubuntu with micro controller19:31
Tigerboyjoeoshawa those are in addition to the analog ports in the back which are used for the speakers19:31
ActionParsnipaddiks: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates   has 270 beta driver. The 260 driver nearly ALL new nvidia chips19:32
Tigerboyjoeoshawa on win 7 they are sep so you can turn on the headset but the speakers off or both on19:32
joeoshawaok so you have sound just no headset19:32
Tigerboyjoeoshawa and you can turn on hdmi and digital also19:32
mikebotIf my system is set up to dual boot to windows and unr, if I format my entire hdd, if I try to install something on the blank hdd, will the grub thing be messed up?19:32
Tigerboyjoeoshawa onlything not working is the analog headset port in front19:32
Tigerboyjoeoshawa we are trying to get off of win 7 dual booting19:33
joeoshawak one sec your lucky actually none of my headset ports work in ubuntu lol19:33
ThinkT510mikebot: everything will be gone if you format your entire drive19:33
Tigerboyjoeoshawa well that's a major flaw hope I can figure this out19:34
fnkyspccdtHey guys, anyone know of common issues with Wubi on ubuntu 10.04.2 ?19:35
joeoshawayeah i am sure we can i just never bothered cause i have a headset jack on my speakers and i have a kinda complicated setup19:35
fnkyspccdtit installs from windows, reboots, and then i just get a blank screen, keyboard doesn't even respond to numblock19:35
fnkyspccdtand then monitor loses sync19:35
fnkyspccdtand i have to reset the pc19:35
joeoshawamy desktop is also my htpc19:35
mikebotThinkT510: OK, even the boot loader preferences or whatever? Because I remember that (year ago) if you had UBuntu installed and tried to install WIndows, the boot thing would be messed up... (or something like that...)19:35
joeoshawatwo sound cards19:35
joeoshawaone for media one for computer19:35
connyosisso...I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 (Since 10.10 and earlier wont work properly on this laptop) and after upgrading packages I get this weird problem where at boot the computer freezes and the screen slowly turns white and then slowly turns black.19:36
Tigerboyjoeoshawa that is nice. yes there are some nice add on sound cards out now.19:36
ThinkT510mikebot: installing windows after linux does overwrite the grub bootloader, but grub can be reinstalled19:36
Jordan_Ufnkyspccdt: I would recommend against using wubi.19:36
connyosishas my problem happened to anyone else? It's quite strange19:37
Tigerboyjoeoshawa sound system in board is: Realtek ALC88819:37
fnkyspccdtJordan_U, yeah i know, don't have the time/energy atm to partition with gparted atm19:37
mikebotThinkT510: OK, maybe you can help me with this... is it possible to clear my hdd, install ubuntu, and then install Win 7 after ubuntu to dual boot? Or is it always easier to install windows first?19:37
joeoshawadid you check your preferences and make sure the headset is not muted19:37
joeoshawaand alsa as well19:37
Tigerboyjoeoshawa yes I did and I made sure it was selected also19:37
ThinkT510mikebot: it is always best to install windows first, this is because windows assumes its the only thing being installed and always overwrites the boot loader19:38
jordan_sup all19:38
Tigerboyjoeoshawa they system does "know" that I have two sets of analog ports and does properly label the front ports as headset ports19:38
jordan_need help trying to install UrbanTerror on ubuntu19:38
mikebotThinkT510: do you know if usb bootable windows things come with a formatting tool? (I'm trying to format my whole system and then install the dual boot)19:39
joeoshawawhen you plug the headset in the front do the speakers mute?19:39
m4xxi want to have different dhcp clients pxe boot different images. my current set up is as follows: http://paste2.org/p/126422719:39
joeoshawai think your problem is in alsa19:39
m4xxis there a way to give that group a name19:39
Tigerboyjoeoshawa no they are on a separate line19:39
m4xxand change the conditional to use that group name19:39
jordan_Has anyone successfully installed the UrbanTerror game on ubuntu?19:39
ThinkT510mikebot: i tend to use a livecd and gparted to do my partitioning (including wiping the entire drive), i tend to use partedmagic livcd19:40
mikebotThinkT510: But how do you install windows first?19:40
joeoshawaalsa has a seperate control for each jack and your front ports volume would be completely off by default19:40
erUSULjordan_: yes; long ago. maybe still works ;P19:40
mikebotThinkT510: Or, you don't install windows at all?19:40
ThinkT510mikebot: you need a windows install disk19:40
jordan_mikebot, cant u insert the windows disk first and boot of the cd drive19:40
mikebotjordan_: no CDROM drive19:41
mikebotjordan_: But also I need to format my computer somehow.19:41
mikebotThinkT510: Does that have a program that can format my hdd?19:41
jordan_mikebot, do u have a seperate machine19:41
Tigerboyjoeoshawa what is the best way to control alsa19:41
jordan_mikebot, if so place into an external case and format19:41
bl4ckcombTigerboy ^19:41
ThinkT510!gparted | mikebot19:41
ubottumikebot: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:41
mikebotjordan_: Doesn't that void my warranty? Also, I don't have the tools to do that19:42
joeoshawathank you noisewaterphd19:42
mikebotjordan_: Is it not possible to, like, insert a windows usb, format the whole hdd, then install windows to a blank disc?19:42
joeoshawaTigerboy, in command line type alsamixer19:42
mikebotThinkT510: But I need to format the whole thing, including the ubuntu partition19:42
jordan_mikebot, which warranty are you referring to? in any case I wouldnt imagine why you void any warranties19:42
TigerboyJoeoshawa not muted but vol was down as it is on all the channels19:42
joeoshawathats your problem19:43
loki28anybody know much about uucp?19:43
mikebotjordan_: Lenovo... I thought it was voided if the hdd is removed19:43
joeoshawaturn it up19:43
joeoshawaall the way19:43
ThinkT510mikebot: you can boot partedmagic from the usb to format your harddisk19:43
jordan_mikebot, is it a custom build pc or prebuilt (dell, hp, etc) type pc19:43
jordan_ah, no19:43
Tigerboythe one that says headphone is 00 with no up ability then it has several fronts19:43
jordan_mikebot, there should be screws on the underside of the laptop that will release the hdd19:43
joeoshawapulseaudio works off alsa so no volume in alsa no volume in pulse19:44
Tigerboyjoeoshawa it does state the chip realtek alc888 correctly19:44
mikebotjordan_: I know that I /can/ remove it, but in any event, I don't have tools to format it once it is out19:44
joeoshawaturn the volume up and you should be all set then19:44
mikebotThinkT510: So I can use the ubuntu usb to format my whole drive, then I can remove the usb, install windows, then install ubuntu?19:44
jordan_mikebot, your not tearing  a part the hdd, your just removing it, so no warranty should be voided, unless for some reason they stuck a "void if removed" sticker across it19:44
Tigerboyjoeoshawa ok good to know but on the "headphone" it will not go up19:44
jordan_mikebot , ah gotcha19:44
joeoshawayou can play with the settings to get it just right19:44
ThinkT510mikebot: yes, but you need a way to install windows from usb19:45
jordan_mikebot so ur trying to do it without opening the hdd bay19:45
joeoshawayour pressing the up arrow on the keyboard19:45
ThinkT510mikebot: do you have a usb external cd drive?19:45
mikebotThinkT510: OK, I think that I can make a usb19:45
mikebotThinkT510: My school does19:45
joeoshawai know dumb question but i gotta ask19:45
jordan_yeah was about to ask if u had a usb optical drive19:45
Tigerboyyes just stuck at 0019:46
ThinkT510mikebot: i'd make sure you can boot from the usb cd drive before you format anything19:46
MoshahHi, Dos anyone know where I have to go for Lubuntu specific help please?19:46
jordan_mikebot, it was a headache to make a bootable usb drive for winxp19:46
Jordan_UMoshah: #lubuntu19:46
jordan_maybe i just sucked at it19:46
joeoshawahrmm anyone with experience with alsa can help here19:46
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joeoshawatry space bar first19:47
jordan_mikebot, does the machine actually run?19:47
mikebotThinkT510: jordan_: OK, so how about this: if I have ubuntu on a usb and win7 on a cd (with a usb cdrom drive), I can format the hdd fully with ubuntu, install windows from cd, then install ubuntu on top?19:47
jordan_mikebot, or is it dead for now19:47
Tigerboyjoeoshawa all respond to uparrow except headphone, s/pdifs(no spdifs plugged in)19:47
mikebotjordan_: I'm on it now.. dual booted it, but the ubuntu install ruined the windows one19:47
mikebotjordan_: the windows has to be reinstalled19:47
mikebotjordan_: when I boot into windows there is some error with memory or something19:48
Logan_!lubuntu | Moshah19:48
ubottuMoshah: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:48
jordan_mikebot i would install windows first via its gui, then add the ubuntu19:48
joeoshawais your headset plugged in19:48
ThinkT510mikebot: thats the way i'd do it, but before you format make sure you can boot from the usb cd drive19:48
oxisudo ./ddrescue -v /dev/disk1 /dev/stdout | 7za a -t7z -mx9 /lacie.img.7z -si19:48
oxiddrescue: output file is not seekable19:48
mikebotThinkT510: OK, I'll do that, thank you.19:48
oxican anyone help?19:48
ThinkT510mikebot: np19:48
oxiI was excited to try ddrescue as many claim it's "better" than dd and now I find that it's junk19:48
mikebotThinkT510: (It's a netbook, so I imagine the os they sent with it can be installed like that)19:48
jordan_mikebot , yeah exactly, def make sure u can boot off a usb drive (wether its optical or hdd or thumbdrive)19:48
mikebotjordan_: OK, thanks19:49
oxiI don't have the space to create an uncompressed snashot19:49
erUSULoxi: checked man page for alternatives to writte in stdout?19:49
mikebotThinkT510: jordan_ : I must be off, thanks a lot for the help. Have a good day!19:49
Tigerboyjoeoshawa yes19:49
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
jordan_mikebot you to bro, you are welcome19:49
oxierUSUL: yep - haven't found anyhting yet :-(19:50
joeoshawai am not great at pulse19:50
joeoshawaor alsa19:50
jordan_now back to my original question,lol, can anyone help me install the UrbanTerror game for Ubuntu19:50
Tigerboyjoeoshawa at least i'm making progress I think I might need a reboot but I will look up on the net19:50
LunganHave just installed Ubuntu Netbook remix, how do i share folders? If i go in nautilus and rightklick on the folder theres no alternate that says "share" ?19:50
Lungan"Sharing options"19:51
joeoshawacool keep trying it seems to be set up you just need to figure out the alsa19:51
sandertjeI just had skype taking up 100% CPU power on both my cores (1.8Ghz each). IS that normal?19:51
Tigerboyjoeoshawa exactly thanks for your help19:51
sandertjewhile it was running stationary19:51
joeoshawano problem wish i could help more19:52
grapzAfter doing a fresh install of 10.10, the theme doesn't get applied to my Gnome panel bars (top and bottom panel). I've had this before, but I can't remeber what I did to fix it.19:53
jordan_can anyone assist me in installing UrbanTerror, im fairly new to linux( last week) and am not sure how to fully19:53
sacarlsonLungan: I guess you need to install  apt-get install nautilus-share samba samba-common19:53
ibadan{y}there is no root so adding sudo to root is bad ?19:53
erUSULjordan_: last time i did it you only have to extrac it somewhere ( your home is ok ) then give executable permissions to the apropiate binary ( 32 or 64 bits  and run it ( making a launcher or from cli )19:54
ThinkT510!sudo | ibadan{y}19:54
ubottuibadan{y}: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:54
jordan_erUSUL, cool, what does that mean,lol19:55
=== Moniker is now known as Guest45422
mastrohi, i need a suggestion... my mother has a very old laptop (still a pentium 4) running ubuntu feisty.. pettry slow :) i'm not updating it since at least 2 years.. probably more.... now I'd like to give here wireless.. i have an edimax wireless stick (probably i'll have to compile driver), which tool can i install to make it easy for her to switch between wireless and ethernet? She's not a tecniciant :)19:56
aliveriusis sysv-rc-conf ok now with upstart?19:56
erUSULjordan_: you download it as zip archive ( otr tar.gz they are equivalent ) you extract somwhere you like and double click on the executable after giving executable permission to it.19:56
jordan_erUSUL, i dont get the second part , about giving executable permissions19:56
erUSULjordan_: right click on the file choose properties- Permissions19:56
joeoshawawow yeah with my dual sound card setup it would be way to complicated to get the headset jack working19:56
mastrooh.. better if i don't have to install anything requiring dependences... i don't want to update it19:57
jordan_erUSUL, i have it extracted but see no exe19:57
Rob235whats a good program to convert wav to mp319:57
erUSULjordan_: but i think that playdeb packages UT for even more easy install19:57
joeoshawai already have three programs handling audio19:57
joeoshawasorry 419:57
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erUSULjordan_: ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 for 64 bits or ioUrbanTerror.i386 for 32 bits19:58
Jordan_URob235: "lame".19:58
loki28can anybody help with uucp19:58
jordan_ER, what do i do with ioUrbanTerror.x86_6419:58
Guest45422Question about dual-booting. I don't want to modify my BIOS. If I install linux onto its own harddrive, and keep windows on a separate harddrive. I can just use my BIOS settings to choose which harddrive to boot from right? I don't want to use the GRUB thingy19:59
jordan_enter it in the terminal?19:59
erUSULloki28: unix to unix copy ??? in 2011 ?19:59
Rob235oh i didnt know you could do that, thanks19:59
loki28backwards compatibility thing19:59
elenapHello everyone, I am using openoffice 3.2 running on ubuntu 9.04 and I am facing the following problem. I pasted calc objects in a writer file, saved and closed the file successfully. However, when I opened the file again, the objects would not show. Instead of each object, there is an icon showing a plug and a code name "Object 32". Is there any solution to this problem?20:00
ThinkT510Guest45422: yes, you can prioritize which harddrive gets booted first in most bios' today20:00
jordan_erUSUL, what do i do with the ioUrbanTerror.x86_6420:00
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:00
erUSULjordan_: right click on it20:00
ActionParsnip!eol | elenap20:00
ubottuelenap: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:00
joeoshawajordan_, make it executable in preferences20:01
jordan_oh i thought it was a cmd20:01
Godslasteringwhat port does IPSec use? (what ports do i need to forward)? i'm trying to set up l2tp/ipsec20:01
jordan_where is it at?20:01
joeoshawajordan_,  then double click it20:01
elenapubottu: I am stuck with this version due to hardware issues...20:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:01
erUSULjordan_: go to Properties||Permissions tab. click on the checkbox to make it executable20:01
joeoshawajordan_, in urbanterror directory20:01
iinamei need help in making a touch screen and wimax work20:01
joeoshawasorry for stepping on toes20:02
jordan_erUSUL, k from scratch all ive done was dl'ed and extracted the two zipped files into a single main folder20:02
ActionParsnipyou an install urbanterror from playdeb repo20:02
jordan_playdeb-repo, would that be simpler20:03
erUSULjordan_: maybe you prefer this http://www.playdeb.net/software/Urban%20Terror20:03
__osh____I tried starting ubuntu 10.10 with the -xforcevesa option but it still loaded radeon and failed to start X. How do I prevent the live-cd from loading radeon-driver?20:03
joeoshawaActionParsnip, good idea20:03
tuzloI know this is probably off topic. I deleted a windows partition on an external drive are there tools in Ubuntu to recover it?20:03
ThinkT510elenap: what kind of hardware issues?20:03
iinamecan someone help me by identifying if certain files are linux driver files20:03
__osh____iiname: try the command 'file'20:04
Jordan_Utuzlo: Yes, depending on how you deleted it testdisk might be able to recover it.20:04
__osh____iiname: it should tell you what file it is.20:04
jordan_erUSUL, was running then at the end said it couldnt find the files20:04
erUSUL!undelete | tuzlo20:04
ubottutuzlo: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:04
iiname__osh____,  there are driver files sent by the hw manufacturer20:04
elenapThinkT510: my graphics card won't work with ubuntu 9.10, 10.4 or 10.1020:05
tuzloJordan_U, I deleted it with a windows boot disxk by accident, didnt format or do anything else besides unplug20:05
joeoshawaurban terror can be installed from the software center i believe20:05
__osh____elenap: same problem here.20:05
ThinkT510elenap: what graphics card do you have?20:05
ActionParsnip!find urban20:05
ubottuFile urban found in assaultcube-data, doc-iana, doc-rfc-misc, fortunes-pl, gozerbot-plugins, kdebase-runtime-data, kppp, luola-levels, openclipart-png, openclipart-svg (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=urban&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any20:05
Jordan_Utuzlo: "unplug"?20:05
elenapThinkT510: an old ATI radeon20:05
__osh____iiname: what's the question again?20:05
tuzloit was a USB drive20:05
jordan_i tried the software center, it doesnt appear20:05
sudipta<elenap>use the drivers20:05
tuzloJordan_U,  it was a USB drive20:05
iiname__osh____, ftp://sysfae.fic.com.tw/  drivers for wimax, touch and audio ?  for a tablet pc20:06
elenapsudipta: I have tried the drivers but had no luck20:06
Jordan_Utuzlo: Ok, please explain in more detail what exactly happened.20:06
silverlightninghi ActionParsnip, how are you tonight20:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:07
__osh____sudipta: is there a way to force VESA during live-cd boot? I tried -xforcevesa but that didn't work.20:07
tuzloJordan_U,  I was installing Windows on another computer and accidently deleted all partitions, one happened to be the external HD I had plugged in at the time20:07
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: not bad man, illin20:07
sudipta<elenap>I myself have nvidia and it works perfect20:07
silverlightninggood to hear20:07
sudipta<__osh____>i dont know tha...sorry :)20:07
__osh____iiname: what do you want to do with them?20:07
tuzloJordan_U, so far I have done nothing else to it other than unplug the USB cable20:07
jordan_erUSUL, , i get a msg saying "could not find package 'urbanterror'"20:07
silverlightninghas anybody had problem with booting up to a white screen?20:07
iiname__osh____,  have 10.04 installaed in that tablet, wifi does not work, touch does not work20:08
Jordan_Utuzlo: Testdisk can almost certainly recover it if only the partition table was modified.20:08
jordan_erUSUL,  when i use that link and click install20:08
erUSULjordan_: :/ and making the file executable has not worked either?20:08
joeoshawa!find terror20:08
__osh____sudipta: no worries.20:08
ubottuFile terror found in empathy-common, fbbdoc, fp-docs, gambas2-doc, gnuplot-doc, kadu-themes, kde-icons-mono, kolab-webadmin, kvirc-data, lam4-dev (and 51 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=terror&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any20:08
tuzloJordan_U, alright thanks for the info20:08
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: you ok?20:08
iiname__osh____,  so need to install that drivers and test the tablet for wifi, then install touch files20:08
rummage8can we ask questions in here or is it better to do in a forum... (sorry n00b)20:08
Jordan_Utuzlo: You're welcome.20:08
jordan_erUSUL,  from scratch how do i do that again20:08
__osh____iiname: try modprobe or insmod on the files you have. If they are .so files.20:08
palhmbshi - I'm wondering why there is no downgrade for sun-java6-jdk? -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+publishinghistory20:08
silverlightningactionparsnip, well so so really, but under the circumstances all right20:08
silverlightning;- )20:08
erUSULjordan_: go to Properties||Permissions tab. click on the checkbox to make it executable20:09
palhmbslooks to me like it got deleted... is that normal?20:09
erUSULjordan_: ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 for 64 bits or ioUrbanTerror.i386 for 32 bits20:09
jordan_erUSUL,  proporties where20:09
iiname__osh____,  have the files on a usb now, will try the commands now20:09
erUSULjordan_: right click on the file20:09
jordan_the zipped file20:09
xlemminghi, does anyone have any experience with nslcd/nss-ldap and having it authenticate using the machine account keytab in activedirectory?20:09
LunganWhy doesn't I have any "sharing options" if i rightklick on folders in Ubuntu Netbook remix?20:10
silverlightningI am the only one who boots up to a white sceen?20:10
george__hey everyone20:10
palhmbsif I have upgraded to 6.24-1build0.10.10.1  and JAVA compilation is not quite working for my projects -- then logically I need to downgrade20:10
jordan_erUSUL,  right click to go to the proprties of the ZIPPED file?20:10
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: try the nomodeset boot option?20:11
palhmbsI guess I'll have to downgrade using a local package / download an older JDK from sun manually?20:11
__osh____silverlightning: I get dropped into a shell. Not much better. I want to boot to VESA and work from there on my livecd, but -xforcevesa doesnt seem to work. I'm hoping someone here knows how to get X working.20:11
silverlightningactionparsnip, that would work with lubuntu too?20:11
erUSULjordan_: no in the extracted files you will see "ioUrbanTerror.x86_64" for 64 bits or "ioUrbanTerror.i386" for 32 bits20:11
george__does anyone know a good sight where I can find a good woman?20:11
macogeorge__: off topic here20:11
silverlightningactionparsnip, never heard of that20:12
tuzloJordan_U, that testdisk seems to be locked when installing20:12
jordan_erUSUL,  in the zip theres two pk3 files/folders20:12
erUSULjordan_: what files did you dwonloaded?20:12
LjLmaco: so "woman" too?20:12
jordan_erUSUL,  i unzipped these to a urbanterror regular folder20:12
iiname__osh____,  have problem with modprobe command20:12
silverlightningosh, I know some who dual boot with other linux distros find that grub4dos is better?20:12
__osh____george__: +1 for the humour of asking a irc-channel of geeks for how to meet woman. Good form.20:12
ThinkT510!nomodeset >> ThinkT51020:12
macoLjL: hilight? no, that was just Quassel's chat view20:12
jordan_UrbanTerror411_update.zip,guess i didnt get the right one20:12
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: possibly20:12
LjLah :)20:12
__osh____iiname: what problem?20:13
erUSULjordan_: is a single zip file http://www.urbanterror.info/docs/texts/110/#1.220:13
joeoshawajordan_, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/11/install-popular-linux-games-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/20:13
palhmbsmaco, is downgrading broken on sun-java6-jdk?20:13
silverlightninggrub4dos, is in package manager?, but for booting?20:13
joeoshawatells you how to add it to the software center20:13
macopalhmbs: uh, downgrading is in general not supported...20:13
SUFLEXHow can i change(set) default gnome folders name for every new created user?20:14
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macopalhmbs: but i mean, if its just one package, purging the current one then using dpkg -i --force-downgrade foo.deb     should work20:14
palhmbsmaco, so I can't apt-get install sun-java6-jdk=6.22-0ubuntu1~10.10 ??20:14
__osh____silverlightning: not sure what you mean by that.20:14
macopalhmbs: i think you need to remove the currently installed one first20:14
iiname__osh____,  on the terminal i am in the directory, and tried the command with file name as insmod WDMInstaller.zip  error: insmod: error inserting 'WDMInstaller.zip': -1 Operation not permitted20:14
iiname 20:14
jordan_kinda wondering wth it was that i dl'ed, was it just an upgrade file20:14
rethusi have shortly gnome installed, now xfce. but if i start xfce, during startup the desktop wallpaper still show for 3 seconds the old gnome wallpaper... and siwtch then to the actual paper.20:14
SUFLEXi mean Desktop Downloads and etc20:15
silverlightningactionparsnip, however, is white screen a fault in grub or lubuntu startup?20:15
rethushow can i remove all old gnomestugg20:15
ActionParsnipjordan_: cd; wget http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb; rm ./playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install urbanterror20:15
palhmbsright great - so purge first then use force-downgrade, thanks!20:15
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: it sounds like a driver thing, do you use nvidia gpu?20:15
ChogyDan!purexfce | rethus (maybe this)20:15
ubotturethus (maybe this): If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »20:15
erUSULjordan_: if you are doing a fresh install you do not need the update20:15
rethusChogyDan: i still have done this, but there seems to be old configs20:16
silverlightning<__osh____> me neither unfortunately, I was given the suggestion to try grub4dos, and I really cannot figure out the difference to lubuntus grub220:16
jordan_erUSUL,  i am currently dl'ing the full zip file u sent20:16
__osh____iiname: you can't use insmod on zip-files. only on drivername.so files. Unzip the file. Look inside. Look for the driver and try to insmod that. And I'm not really sure that will work either.20:16
__osh____iiname: are you sure you got linux drivers?20:16
iiname__osh____,  will try20:16
bullgard'~$ sudo nmap -sP ...' returns the MAC adddress of a neighboring host computer followed by "(USI))". What does "(USI)" mean?20:17
__osh____Got to reboot so I can get back to the graphics and google for my error.20:17
silverlightningI have a package called libvdpau1 Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (libraries)? actionparsnip?20:18
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: lspci | grep vga     will tell you what it is20:19
jordan_man, its a 1 gb file20:19
jordan_has anyone played the urbanterror game, is it worth playing?20:19
iinamehi i have .cat  .ins and .sys file as part of the files in a folder for drivers sent by a manufacturer, will these files help me install the drivers in ubuntu?20:19
anthony_experienced user.  trying out live cd 10.10 on old machine (192 Mb RAM, processor probably not much greater than pentium III).  it gets to the background image, displays parts of the top bar (logout button, volume icon) and also shows working mouse, but doesn't get any further.  intermittent HDD and optical activity.  md5 verified ISO image (burned and re-ripped). does this sound like a memory issue to anyone?20:19
palhmbsmaco, so dpkg -r might work best in this case... hopefully20:20
joeoshawaubuntu 10.10 is karmic correct?20:20
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101020:20
silverlightningactionparsnip, in terminal? I get nothing there?20:20
jordan_anyone have an opinion of the UrbanTerror game?20:21
jordan_wondering if its even worth the DL?20:21
ThinkT510anthony_: i think it is a memory problem, i think the minimum is 256mb20:21
silverlightningactionparsnip, are you all happy with your ubuntu? I am still working to get in running smooth, with lubuntu20:21
anthony_ThinkT510, thanks.  is that minimum for install of live CD?20:22
anthony_ThinkT510, sorry, install *or* live CD20:22
jordan_erUSUL, have you played the UrbanTerror before?20:23
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: never had a hitch since Gutsy, Linux in general just works on all my hardware as I buy it so I KNOW it will work20:23
maheanuuWhat is the Ubuntu Noobies Channel?20:23
erUSULjordan_: yes20:23
craigbass1976I need to copy a table out of a pdf and paste into a spreadsheet.  I've gotten the adobe reader and hightlighted with ctrl+alt pressed (so that blocks of text are selected) but it's still not pasting into a spreadsheet.  Actually, even just highlighting one row doesn't work; when I paste, it20:23
jordan_erUSUL, whatd you think20:23
ThinkT510anthony_: i think it's for both, let me check20:23
craigbass1976s a column20:23
jordan_pretty good game or kinda lame20:23
silverlightningactionparsnip, lucky you !!20:23
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: no, smart me.20:23
palhmbsmaco, is there not a apt-get / aptitude way to force downgrade?20:23
macopalhmbs: no20:23
silverlightningyes, very clever you :- )20:24
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: I don'tbu whats new or what is cheap.I buy what works20:24
erUSULjordan_: very fun. it is quak3 based so graphics by today standars are crappy but that does not make it less fun20:24
drcanthony_: Try this "The minimum system requirements for Lubuntu 10.10 are described by Mario Behling as "comparable to Pentium II or Celeron systems with a 128 Mb RAM configuration, which may yield a slow yet usable system with lubuntu"20:24
bullgardanthony_: To me this does not be caused by a faulty RAM.20:24
ThinkT510anthony_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes#System%20Requirements20:24
silverlightningactionparsnip, I shall have to do something similar I feel20:24
jordan_erUSUL, ah, gotcha20:24
palhmbsso --- just to clarify, I dpkg -r sun-java-jdk -- then dpkg -i --force-downgrade sun-java-jdk ??20:24
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: as Linux is accepted, it will be easier to hit what works20:24
bullgardanthony_: To me this does not seem be caused by a faulty RAM.20:24
maheanuuI am looking for the newbie channel as the more I work the loster I get.....20:24
jordan_erUSUL, you know of any nice looking cpu monitors for a widget20:25
silverlightningactionparsnip, unfortunately I knew nothing when I bought this computer, and I was sort of given a bad deal by the seller20:25
palhmbsmaco, so --- just to clarify, I dpkg -r sun-java-jdk -- then dpkg -i --force-downgrade sun-java-jdk ??20:25
erUSULjordan_: nope sorry20:25
macopalhmbs: id add --purge to the dpkg -r20:25
jordan_erUSUL,  i just installed ubuntu yest and would like to be able to monitor the cpu and northbridge etc20:25
silverlightningactionparsnip, yes I think there are a few models here and there with Ubuntu/ linux preinstalled, they have to be working20:26
jordan_erUSUL,  ah ok20:26
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.20:26
palhmbsmaco, do I need the actual package deb name?20:26
jordan_checking those out now obottu20:26
palhmbsmaco, let me rephrase that, do I need the actual .deb file... ?20:26
macopalhmbs: for dpkg -r, no. for dpkg -i, yes20:26
Amithielguys, i know this is a highly debated conversation but.. ubuntu 32 vs 64 bits. how can i convince a friend that 64 is already stable and he will get much more advantages? any good reading? also, i got some doubts because i saw a benchmark on a site and in the results the 32 bits gets more perfomance. can't understand why...20:27
ActionParsnipAmithiel: the 64bit apps are as supported and stable as 32bit20:27
bullgardAmithiel: You cannot.20:27
Amithielright, but is it possible that 32 bits gets more performance than 64?20:28
bullgardAmithiel: Yes.20:28
Amithielsorry for my poor english20:28
ActionParsnipAmithiel: for desktop normal use, the advantages are isignificant, for 3d rendering and other data intensive activities will benefit20:28
BluesKajAmithiel, if yoyr friend has over 4G ram then he might some benefit from 64 bit totherwise it's negliglable20:28
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
ActionParsnipAmithiel: *insignificant20:28
sogeking99hey guys on ubuntu 10.10 when i go into hibernate or close my laptop i get just a blank screen and must restart20:28
Amithielhum. i am 4 gb of ram. am i gaining some advantage?20:29
BluesKajer negligible20:29
anthony_drc, bullgard, ThinkT510 thanks very much for your help.  will look at xubuntu instead.  I want to grab files off it initially then look at doing a minimal install when backed up.  in your experience how does hardware support differ between ubuntu and xubuntu?  is there much of a difference?20:29
BluesKajAmithiel, perhaps20:29
ActionParsnipAmithiel: you can use pae with 32bit and get access to up to 64Gb but each process can only access 3.2Gb RAM20:29
jordan_Ubottu, i went to the site how do i install the lm_sensor20:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:29
palhmbsmaco, right - so I can use apt-get to download just the package - but not install it with apt, then run dpkg -i --force-downgrade sun-java-jdk_blah_.deb?20:30
bullgardanthony_: Not much difference, but a small diffference.20:30
Amithieloh...now i understand20:30
ThinkT510anthony_: exactly the same support, just different desktop environment, i prefer xfce myself20:30
jordan_hmm, i thought that was a reg person20:30
jordan_that sux20:30
macopalhmbs: yeah20:30
palhmbsmaco,  sorry for picking on you - thanks, you've been a great help!20:30
drcanthony_: ifxubuntu is still not working well (although the specs say 192 meg RAM), I'd look at lubuntu20:30
silverlightningthis is what I get running; sudo lspci, the whole sudo lspci | grep vga doesn't give anything http://pastebin.com/S2LKZE3p20:31
ActionParsnipAmithiel: if you have more than 4Gb RAM then I'd always go 64Bit, at 4Gb you are in the middle so you need to analyse what your system is for and make the choice based on that20:31
jordan_currently i installed 4 gb ram and ran the 64bit20:31
ActionParsnipAmithiel: the 64bit OS will mean you can upgrade RAM easier as the RAM is seen as one lump20:31
Amithieli'm desktop normal user. not video editing or something. but i have 64bit version20:31
jordan_i figured i got 64 bit hardware, why not run it to its potential20:32
raidooops, wrong keyboard20:32
ActionParsnipAmithiel: then there is no noticable speed difference betwen the 32bit and 64bit OS for you but your RAM will be seen as 4Gb rather than 3.2Gb and then the extra bit used by PAE20:33
gui_ça va ?20:33
craigbass1976I need to copy a table out of a pdf and paste into a spreadsheet.  I've gotten the adobe reader and hightlighted with ctrl+alt pressed (so that blocks of text are selected) but it's still not pasting into a spreadsheet.  Actually, even just highlighting one row doesn't work; when I paste, it's a column20:33
ActionParsnipAmithiel: some 3rd party companys don't support 64bit, so you may need to run 32bit to accommodate20:33
MahjonggCould anyone help me with setting up a bridge on my system for openvpn? I am having trouble deciding on the IP numbers to use.20:33
anthony_drc, ThinkT510, bullgard that's what I wanted to hear.  thanks for the help. need to stop the woman using my T60 and treating the USB ports like crap - girlfriends eh! if you do php I'm on #yii most days.  take it easy20:33
Amithielthanks a lot for the info guys. i aprecciate :)20:33
CrystalLinuxAnyone know any good Linux distros that aren't ISOs?20:34
ikoniaCrystalLinux: please don't ask in here20:34
ikonia!topic | CrystalLinux20:34
ubottuCrystalLinux: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:34
gui_can somebody help me ... i want install the driver of my ATI on my brand new ubuntu netbook 10.1020:34
jordan_gui, does it come up in the hardware or additional hardware link20:35
unoobI need help upgrading 10.04 to 10.10. Every time I try using the Update Manager I always get this error: http://pastebin.com/aPHBR1hT. I'm on a fresh install with no unusual packages installed, so what gives?20:35
joeoshawai am trying to install bombono 1.0.1 from source in ubuntu 10.10  using scons but i am getting this error Can't find library libdvdread!20:35
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:35
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!20:35
drt3933Hi, I just rm'd a file that i really want to get back, any suggestions/ideas20:35
ikoniadrt3933: let it go20:35
ChogyDanunoob: how long has this been happening?20:36
ThinkT510CrystalLinux: you can install ubuntu from a usb drive if you don't want to use a cd iso20:36
joeoshawai checked synaptic and libdvdread4 is installed20:36
drt3933it was just now, i think it should still be on the harddisk20:36
drcdrt3933: It's dead, JIm20:36
drt3933no please dont say that20:36
CrystalLinuxI haven't got a USB20:36
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jordan_guess gui didnt want help20:36
ChogyDanCrystalLinux: what do you have?20:36
gui_wait :p20:36
gui_sorry :D20:36
drcCrystalLinux: CD?20:36
unoobChogyDan: I just freshly installed today, but it has been happening ever since I originally installed 10.0420:36
jordan_there yee is20:36
drt3933ok, ikonia drc , il try to let it go lol20:37
gui_i tried to install with an other tuto ... but on package couldn't be install ...20:37
xlemmingCrystalLinux:  you can also boot to ubuntu using wubi to install it from inside windows:  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer20:37
jordan_gui, does it the driver appear when u go to system > admin > additional hw20:37
ChogyDanunoob: hmm, Im not sure which is the relevant log file.  Maybe you could run do-release-upgrade to get a better error msg?20:37
joeoshawawubi causes major problems20:38
gui_hmm i would but it doesnt appear there ...20:38
xlemmingCrytalLinux:  outside of wubi, a usb stick, an iso, or PXE booting the computer you're probably out of luck20:38
unoobChogyDan: that gives me the exact same error, and it rolls back the upgrade either way20:38
jordan_gui, i got two htpc's which im using the integrated ati video card and the driver was there20:38
ChogyDanunoob: well, Im looking for a more detailed error20:38
xlemmingjoeoshawa:  what kind of wubi issues have you run in to?20:38
joeoshawai don't use windows at all so none20:38
jordan_matter of fact im on one of them right now20:38
joeoshawabut lots of others come in here with major issues20:39
xlemmingso not speaking from personal experience or observation then20:39
joeoshawaand it always ends with them installing it separate or just off the live cd20:39
jordan_gui, it was worth a shot, i am new myself, i just installed ubuntu about 3 days ago20:39
gui_i install with a usb stick20:40
joeoshawaevery time i come in here there is at least one person with wubi problems20:40
jordan_me too20:40
joeoshawatoday was no exception20:40
gui_but i didnt see the left menu ...20:40
silverlightningactionparsnip, could it be this one:  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]20:40
gui_and some time the graphic bugs20:41
glassresistoris there a way to save or backup a printer in ubuntu?  we have a network printer at my office and it has some finicky settings, we have it working on one laptop, and i'd like to save those settings and load them onto other ubuntu laptops20:41
jordan_gui, are you running a liveCD or are you running it off the usb iso20:41
guntbert!enter | gui_20:41
ubottugui_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:41
glassresistorthey are all the same ubuntu version and the same laptop model20:41
gui_i have a ati mobility VG V5200020:41
gui_something like that20:41
xlemmingi think its just another option, and perhaps not an issue within wubi itself20:41
Senjai!bot abuse | guntbert20:41
ubottuguntbert: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:41
gui_but i install it20:42
gui_and try 3h ...20:42
guntbertSenjai: excuse me?20:42
[poisonborz]hola... I'm trying to log in remotely to my ubuntu box, but whenever I try to connect, a box comes up on the remote machine asking for password. I researched and found out it's a keyring issue, but no tutorial helped me... (like this: http://tinyurl.com/655sg26)20:42
GeekyAdamanyone here have experience using feh (image viewer)?20:42
jordan_gui, so when u first inserted the usb and booted off it, did u run the "try ubuntu" or install ubuntu option20:42
silverlightningthanks actionparsnip 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M],20:43
KgbwilfIf I have a command that requires sudo. How can I make it work without sudo?20:43
gui_i install it all was good and without troubles ....20:43
joeoshawaanyone with a cd burner or dvd burner can burn a copy of ubuntu20:43
ThinkT510!sudo | Kgbwilf20:43
ubottuKgbwilf: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:43
gui_the issue is my graphic card i think ...20:43
joeoshawaregardless of the os20:44
ikoniaKgbwilf: you don't, that's why it requires sudo20:44
h0nd0sudo -i20:44
jordan_gui, gotcha20:44
ikoniaKgbwilf: what command do you want to run ?20:44
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jordan_gui, if its not in the additional hardware window, than im just as stuck on it as u r20:45
jordan_gui, :D20:45
unoobChogyDan: this is the complete error I get when I try upgrading from either terminal or the gui: http://pastebin.com/gqAvnwTd20:45
ChogyDanunoob: you should check some of the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade20:46
ChogyDanunoob: maybe you could pastebin main.log?20:48
silverlightningmy hardware is not supported20:49
unoobChogyDan: this is the complete main.log http://pastebin.com/rFvATchp20:49
GeekyAdamim trying to use feh to watch a windowed (not fullscreen) slideshow of a folder of images. but every time the slideshow transitions to the next image it goes fullscreen automatically. as if i clicked the maximize button every time it transitioned. any ideas how to stop that?20:50
silverlightningwhat to do with a RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] VGA, that is not listed as supported by ubuntu?20:50
AndroUseranyone here20:50
ChogyDanunoob: well that isn't it, maybe term.log20:50
caciAndroUser: nope20:51
AndroUseris anyone getting this message20:51
caciAndroUser: nope20:51
AndroUserirc newb alert20:51
unoobAndroUser: just ask your question20:51
macoAndroUser: nope, cant see a thing you're saying20:51
ThinkT510!hello | AndroUser20:51
AndroUserhow do I change my nick20:51
aliveriusi have an old celeron here and i would like to check the cpu freq but the appropriate files dont appear in /sys20:51
macoAndroUser: /nick newnick20:52
erUSUL!nick | AndroUser20:52
ubottuAndroUser: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.20:52
aliveriuswhat module am i missing?20:52
ActionParsnipaliverius: cat /proc/cpuinfo | less20:52
unoobChogyDan: the term.log is empty20:52
=== AndroUser is now known as droiduser
Naeblisi need help. my xubuntu hard disk is filling up automatically. I'm not downloading anything i'm aware of!20:53
droiduserdid it work20:53
ChogyDanunoob: apt.log?20:53
droidusercan anyone recommend any irc chat channels20:53
Naeblisat 0.96 GB now!20:53
ActionParsnipNaeblis: try:  du -h /var | tail     what is output?20:53
andrew2uub studio 10.10 and 9.04... I often disconnect the network cable from the computer when I'm not using the net. The problem is when I reconnect, ubuntu studio takes really long to see it or establish connection. I have to wait several minutes or restart with the network cable. Linux mint sees it right away. Why is that?20:53
droiduseris there an Android channel20:54
silverlightningactionparsnip, there's 10 idia-glx packages to choos from, will they possible muck up my system?20:54
ActionParsnipNaeblis: sorry; du -h /var | tail -n 120:54
ikoniadroiduser: no idea, ask in #freenode20:54
Pici!alis > droiduser20:54
ubottudroiduser, please see my private message20:54
unoobChogyDan: http://pastebin.com/AqYKCdW620:54
droiduserhow do I see private messages20:54
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: not sure dude, sorry20:54
droiduserI'm a newb, k20:54
droiduseralso I'm on android20:54
jordan_anybody know a nice looking system mon that i can run similarly like a widget?20:55
GeekyAdamdroiduser: depends which way you're viewing irc20:55
ActionParsnipNaeblis: sudo du -h /var | tail -n 1      will be neater :)20:55
droiduserso its not classic mirc or anything20:55
aliveriusActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/hXJz5QLR20:55
droiduserits just an Android market app20:55
GeekyAdamdroiduser: whats the app?20:55
ikoniadroiduser: it's also offtopic for this channel, (geekyadam you too)20:55
Picidroiduser: How are we at #ubuntu supposed to know how your random android IRC app works?20:55
Naeblisyeah I did sudo. it says  1.4 G /var20:55
GeekyAdamikonia: just tryin to help man.20:55
* GeekyAdam frowns at ikonia.20:56
ActionParsnipaliverius: ok so its a 2.8Ghz CPU20:56
bencchow can I delete a user and a group without getting a warning: group 'something' has no more members20:56
ChogyDanunoob: have you ever installed updated xorg packages?20:56
droiduserhow do I check pms20:56
NaeblisActionParsnip : 1.4G/var20:56
Picidroiduser: We don't know.20:56
ikoniadroiduser: ask in #freenode20:56
aliveriusActionParsnip: i want to be able to edit and read the files in /sys/devices/system/cpu20:56
ActionParsnipNaeblis: ok thats quite a lot, run: sudo apt-get clean   then re-run20:56
jordan_anybody know a nice looking system mon that i can run similarly like a widget?20:56
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Mahjongghi, could anyone help me with setting up a bridge on my system for openvpn? I am having trouble deciding on the IP numbers to use.20:57
unoobChogyDan: the only thing I have done on this system since a fresh install is doing an update of what Ubuntu says should be updated, so no I don't believe so20:57
ActionParsnipbencc: you could remove the group first.20:57
=== g3orge|away is now known as g3orge
NaeblisActionParsnip did it. nothing happened20:57
xlemmingaliverius:  you need to load one of the cpufreq kernel modules to get the scaling bits working20:58
droiduserhow do I join freenode20:58
ikonia!info bombono-dvd20:58
ubottubombono-dvd (source: bombono-dvd): DVD authoring program with nice and clean GUI. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 740 kB, installed size 1900 kB20:58
benccActionParsnip: I thought I can't remove the primary group of a user20:58
ikoniadroiduser: /join #freenode20:58
aliveriusxlemming: which would it be in my case?20:58
aliveriusxlemming: http://pastebin.com/hXJz5QLR20:58
NaeblisActionParsnip: its still filling up. 0.94 GB now!20:59
ActionParsnipNaeblis: cd /var;  sudo du -h *     what are the biggest ones, or ones that stand out as huge?20:59
ChogyDanunoob: did you post history.log yet?20:59
andrew2uubuntu 10.10 ; can I get another volume control that doesn't have the mail indicator for gnome task bar, whatever it's called. The new one has volume /  mail and it's listed as the Indicator applet.20:59
jordan_I want to get a nice looking cpu mon similar to a widget? possibly even show the temps of the northbridge? anybody got any ideas21:00
xlemmingaliverius:  probably speedstep-lib is what I have on 10.0421:00
unoobChogyDan: would that be in the same directory? no such file exists21:00
andrew2uI just need a volume control on the bar, not volume and mail. The Volum/mail panel item is too wide.21:00
ikoniajordan_: try to wait a little longer before repeating the question please21:01
ActionParsnipNaeblis: try: cd /var; sudo du -h * | sort -n -r | head -n 1021:01
ChogyDanunoob: I dunno then, that's all the files right?21:01
jordan_gotcha, think i asked initially about 7 minutes ago, didnt think anyone saw so i rephrased it21:01
ActionParsnipNaeblis: also, what is the output of:  du -h ~/.xsession-errors21:01
unoobChogyDan: yes... so should I just download a 10.10 ISO and install that?21:02
NaeblisActionParsnip: for the first command, log/gdm has 506M21:02
masterhello everyone I am pretty good on computers but I just got one that can burn DVDs and I am a noob with that can anyone help me and answer a few questions for me really quick?21:02
ChogyDanunoob: sure, if that works for you21:02
jordan_master, is it ur first pc with a burner21:03
unoobChogyDan: not the ideal situation I was hoping for, but it'll work. thank you for trying.21:03
NaeblisActionParsnip: I think this is it. now, log/gdm is 513 M21:03
ikoniajordan_: you asked it 1 minute apart and 4 minutes apart21:03
masterno i know how to do cds never did dvds21:03
jordan_lol, my bad , seemed longer with no replies21:03
jordan_master, what do u need21:04
NaeblisActionParsnip: for the error command: 56K/home/manish/.xsession-errors21:04
ActionParsnipNaeblis: run it in a bit and see if its grown21:04
ActionParsnipNaeblis: least its not that then :)21:04
jordan_ikonia, did u really go back and check the times21:04
ikoniajordan_: it is on my screen21:04
masteri got a new mac and i have movies in AVI format but I want to burn them to DVD I have toast titanium 10 but when I burn them they look really really bad21:04
ActionParsnipNaeblis: you get the idea though. go hunting with that command :D21:04
NaeblisActionParsnip: still growing, 517M now21:04
ikoniamaster: what OS are you using ont he mac ?21:04
sorayahi guys,can i install ubuntu on a MAC iBook G421:04
masternow i know other people that used to give me avi to dvd and they looked clear21:05
ikoniasoraya: you need the PPC port21:05
* BluesKaj thinks master probly needs libdvdcss221:05
masterim using snow leopard21:05
jordan_ikonia, really, i dont see times on mine21:05
ikoniamaster: ok, this is Ubuntu support, not mac support21:05
ActionParsnipNaeblis: looks like you have the culprit21:05
sorayaikonia, whats that ?21:05
ikoniamaster: try ##apple21:05
masteri heard toast ten was the best21:05
ikoniasoraya: it's the ubuntu version made for hte Power PC21:05
BluesKaj!mac | master21:05
ubottumaster: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:05
NaeblisI'm panicking here21:05
sorayaikonia, where can i get it ?21:05
ikonia!PPC | soraya21:05
ubottusoraya: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ21:05
amh345is it possible to have a mouse in terminal?  or even some way to copy things returned from terminal?  i'm tired of writing down my psk key21:05
jordan_ikonia, how do u see times on ur window21:06
ikoniaamh345: gdm21:06
ikoniajordan_: it's just part of my client21:06
guntbertamh345: use <ctrl><shift> C to copy...21:06
amh345ikonia: i have no desktop21:06
ikoniaamh345: oops, I meant gpm21:06
jordan_amh, yeah, highlight whatever and right click hit copy or paste21:06
jordan_ctrl c and v wont work in the terminal right21:06
guntbertamh345: then my suggestion won't work, sorry21:06
amh345you guys no what i mean right? like leyts say i return an error and i want to copy that error and paste it here.21:07
jordan_right clicking and manually clicking copy and paste will work though21:07
ikoniaamh345: gpm21:07
amh345ok, gpm it is.21:07
NaeblisActionParsnip: what do I do now? Also, I downloaded an app called F.lux. Could it have to do something with it?21:07
jordan_amh, yeh highlight the error with the mouse, then right click the highlight, then choose copy21:07
amh345ikonia: thans]21:08
IdleOnejordan_: the shortcut to copy/paste in terminal are ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v21:08
guntbert!es | andres_21:08
ubottuandres_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:08
jordan_ah the shift is needed21:08
jordan_cool didnt know that21:08
jordan_IdleOne, thnx for the tip, i just installed ubuntu 2 days ago and initially tried ctrl c no no avail so resorted to right clicking21:09
scottnychow do i make a folder writable, want to add files to /var/www for lamp use21:09
ikoniascottnyc: change the owner with chown or the permissions with chmod21:09
amh345woohoo i have mouse.  thanks guys21:09
h0nd0you can run the <command> &> error.txt and then copy and paste to here or a pastebin21:09
scottnycikonia not speaking my language lol im new to this21:09
scottnycwhat can i write in terminal21:10
scottnycto make that happen21:10
GeekyAdamjust fyi if anyones wondering about using feh (image viewer) in windowed mode, the parameter to pass is -g640x480 (change to whatever window size you want to use.21:10
ikoniascottnyc: if you are going to be running a lamp server I think you need to look into https://help.ubuntu.com and learn the basics of how linux/ubuntu works21:11
ikoniaGeekyAdam: no-one was wondering21:11
NaeblisActionParsnip: still there?21:11
GeekyAdamikonia: ur very grumpy today :/21:11
* GeekyAdam runs away to avoid ikonia's evil stare.21:12
BluesKajikonia, chases another one away21:12
scottnychow do i change permissions with chmod, trying to make a folder writable to add files to for lamp, (/var/www) new to linux for mac21:12
ikoniaBluesKaj: if you have something to say please join #ubuntu-ops and say it21:12
jordan_poor guy!21:12
jordan_yeh why so cold?21:13
BluesKajikonia, why ? I'm not an op ..and you'd probly kick me :)21:13
jordan_think he was just trying to help ppl out21:13
ikoniaBluesKaj: not at all, I'm asking you to do it21:13
IdleOneBluesKaj: If you have an issue with how one of the ops does things please feel free and welcome to join #ubuntu-ops and let us know.21:14
IdleOneBluesKaj: otherwise please keep the offtopic commentary to yourself21:14
BluesKajIdleOne, it's not serious ...was making a funny21:15
jordan_thuoght i got booted21:16
YBinnenwegGuys I need some help with my other harddisk. Rightnow I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on 1 harddisk, but I have another one, which I would like to install windows 7 on, because of itunes and some other stuff. Now the windows installation won't let me install it, so my question is, if there is any disk recovery tool for ubuntu, which can scan my other harddisk, and fix bad sectors, or just fix the whole drive up.21:16
mihoNvidia GT8600 trouble21:17
mihonvidia driver (recomented) install21:17
silverlightningis ubuntu radically different when it comes to drivers and hardware compared to fedora, slackware, ..21:17
mihonot found nvidia21:17
YBinnenwegguys anyone of you knows a disc recovery tool?21:18
YBinnenwegwell not recovery21:18
usr13YBinnenweg: If you can tell the system to boot to the other drive, you have a chance.21:18
YBinnenwegit doesn't matter21:18
YBinnenwegi got all the data21:18
YBinnenwegi just want to scan it for bad sectors from this ubuntu 10.10 installation21:19
mihoxorg.conf default start21:19
usr13YBinnenweg: MS-Windows installs are for the first disk only.  Linux you can install on any of the others, but MS-Windows only installs and boots from first drive.21:19
YBinnenwegso i gotta dismount all my other drives and retry to install?21:20
YBinnenwegi mean hardware dismount21:20
YBinnenwegtake the power out of my other drives21:20
usr13YBinnenweg: fsck /dev/sdb  # Or what ever.21:20
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
shutzYBinnenweg, why would you do that? :/21:20
usr13YBinnenweg: fsck -y /dev/sdb  # To scan and fix.21:20
PrimdalAre there different PATH variables for my standard user and sudo?21:21
b0otDoes ubuntu allow you to watch silverlight videos?21:21
usr13YBinnenweg: But do NOT try and do it on a drive that is mounted.21:21
YBinnenwegi won21:21
jo-erlendb0ot: yes, but not with drm.21:21
usr13YBinnenweg: And it would be the partition, not the drive. i.e.  fsck /dev/sdb121:21
usr13YBinnenweg: man fsdk for more details.21:22
YBinnenwegokay :)21:22
YBinnenwegbut i got it i think21:22
YBinnenwegdrive is unmounted21:22
usr13YBinnenweg: sudo fdisk -y  #To look at drive designations.21:23
YBinnenwegThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem.21:23
usr13YBinnenweg: sudo fdisk -l  #Not y.21:23
usr13YBinnenweg: fsck -t (filesystem-type-here)  /dev/sdb1  # To scan and fix.21:24
YBinnenwegso that will be21:24
YBinnenwegfsck -t ntfs  /dev/sdb121:24
usr13YBinnenweg: fsck is really just to check and repair linux file systems.21:25
YBinnenwegso i gotta reformat it into a linux partition?21:25
b0otjo-erlend, Is there a way just to record silverlight videos?21:25
jordan_I want to get a nice looking cpu mon similar to a widget? possibly even show the temps of the northbridge? anybody got any idea21:26
usr13YBinnenweg: But if you read the man file, you'll see that there is fsck.msdos and fsck.vfat etc...21:26
=== hades_ is now known as Guest74101
brontoeeejordan_, possibly script something with conky?21:27
jordan_whats conky21:27
jordan_brontoeee, is that a widget manager21:28
brontoeeejordan_, nope, check about here http://conky.sourceforge.net/, should be in repos21:28
khamerjordan_, it just displays text on your desktop21:28
Primdaleverytime i try to use a command as sudo it says command not found21:28
ben_What up?21:29
usr13Primdal: What command?21:29
Primdalfor example "sudo: cd: command not found"21:29
ben_Anyone up for starting a forum?21:29
jordan_ah i was lookin for a nice gui lookin one21:29
ben_i have full hosting privilages21:29
usr13Primdal: Leave off the colin :21:29
jordan_like the ones in win721:29
YBinnenwegthis is what it tells me in all cases: "Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb"21:29
Primdalusr13: the command i used was sudo cd root/21:29
ben_Anyone want to help start a forum?21:30
Primdalusr13: no :21:30
khamerPricey, cd is not a command21:30
khamerer Primdal,21:30
khamerPrimdal, cd is a builtin21:30
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
khamerPrimdal, "sudo cd root/" doesn't even make any sense21:30
Primdalkhamer: yeah, i know. It freaks me out21:30
usr13Primdal: You do not need to use sudo to cd to root21:30
YBinnenwegusr13: this is the message i get: "Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb"21:30
DrupalJimI just created some scripts to backup my sql dumps via duplicity. All the dumps are then sent to my cloudfiles account for backup purposes. I understand tehre is a command to restore backups...but what if i wanted to extract the difftar.gz's on my windows machine...how would i go about doing that?21:31
khamerPrimdal, ?21:31
usr13Primdal: leave off the sudo, just:  cd /root21:31
jordan_you guys have any sys mon tools similar to the widgets in win7?21:31
Primdalusr13: Well when i tried cd /root/ it told me permission denied21:31
khamerPrimdal, that's true, sudo isn't going to fix that21:31
mihoGT8600 fail 8(21:31
brontoeeeben_, forums are so 2004, now you need to install a 'social network'21:31
BluesKajjordan_, I just use the monitor in kmenu/apps/system21:32
usr13Primdal: Someting wrong with your sistem.21:32
Primdalkhamer: ok, but i still dont understand the command not found part21:32
khamerPrimdal you either need to specify what you want to do there (sudo ls /root") or switch you user to root (sudo -s)21:32
jordan_ah, i seen that one, i was looking for a desktop slimline one21:32
usr13YBinnenweg: sudo fdisk -l #To see what you have.  And as I said, partition not drive.21:32
khamerPrimdal, cd isn't a command; its not in /bin, /usr/bin, or any of those; it's a builtin command to the shell21:32
BluesKajjordan_, you can add it to the panel21:32
khamerPrimdal, do "which cd"21:33
Primdal$ which cd21:33
Primdalno output21:33
YBinnenwegusr13: "/dev/sdb1               1       14946   120053713+   7  HPFS/NTFS"21:33
khamerPrimdal, exactly, there's no executable called 'cd'; it's built-in to bash21:33
khamerPrimdal, same as fc and bg and others21:33
usr13YBinnenweg: Whell there you go.21:33
jordan_BluesKaj, how do i do that21:34
khamerPrimdal, sudo takes an executable as an argument; not shell built-ins21:34
BluesKajjordan_, right click on the app , choose add to panel21:34
=== erUSUL_ is now known as Guest5625
YBinnenwegusr13: when i try to check it i get these errors21:34
khamerPrimdal, sudo really says "run this application as root", except, there's no application 'cd'21:34
Primdalkhamer: ok. ty. So I tried $ which tlmgr and get and a path, but when i try $ sudo which tlmgr there is no output21:35
YBinnenwegusr13: "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2"21:35
YBinnenwegusr13: "fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found"21:35
usr13!paste | YBinnenweg21:35
ubottuYBinnenweg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:35
YBinnenwegthnx :)21:35
jordan_no temperatures in there?21:35
usr13YBinnenweg: fsck is for linux file systems.21:35
YBinnenwegwhat is for ntfs?21:35
khamerPrimdal, most likely, your root's path isn't the same as your path, so the root account doesn' know how to find tlmgr21:36
YBinnenwegusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571371/21:36
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:36
ilessthan3ubuntui have an intel & nvidia card in my laptop, how do i see which module is currently in use? lspci / lsmod ??21:36
usr13YBinnenweg: NTFS (New Technology File System)21:36
khamerPrimdal, because 99% of the time "which foobar" and "sudo which foobar" will show the same thing21:36
Primdalkhamer: Yeah, i thought it might be something like that. So that was why i wanted to change $PATH in /root21:36
usr13YBinnenweg: It's Microsoft's way of saying it's a New and improved file system.21:37
Primdalkhamer: that is where sudos PATH var is, right?21:37
YBinnenwegbut I need to fix it somehow :S21:37
Wipsterhey I am running a make script and its doing an rm command however my harddrive light is fully on but no processes seem to be running, in the system monitor the rm process is sitting there with sync_page and sync_buffer states... swap usage is 0 and memory is only 13%21:37
YBinnenwegscan it21:37
khamerPrimdal, believe so21:38
usr13YBinnenweg: fsck is not for checking NTFS file system.21:38
YBinnenwegis there a command for checking NTFS file system?21:38
ThinkT510!ntfs-3g >> ThinkT51021:38
Primdalkhamer: but i need to get to /root then. How do i do that?21:39
BluesKajogotta go bbl, I'm forgetting that I'm on kde , gotta load gnome if I'm gonna give help here :P21:39
LastmerlinI need some help with setting up a wlan connection21:39
ikoniaYBinnenweg: best to do it from windows21:39
LastmerlinI already fought my way through driver installation etc21:39
usr13YBinnenweg: chkdsk21:39
Lastmerlinnow I can chose the device in networkmanager21:39
YBinnenwegi don't have a windows rightnow :S21:39
Lastmerlingo to *add wireless connection*21:39
Lastmerlinscan for devices, it detects my easybox instantly21:40
Lastmerlinwith 99% signal21:40
Lastmerlinenter wpa key, and press add21:40
Lastmerlineverything seems fine..21:40
Lastmerlin... except that the box for wireless connections stays empty21:40
khamerPrimdal, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/257616/sudo-changes-path-why it's not in /root21:40
Lastmerlinno error message, nothing :(21:40
usr13YBinnenweg: I suggest you install Linux on the second drive and MS Windows on the first drive.21:40
Lastmerlinchecked /var/log/deamon.log, because I found that networkmanager writes its log there21:41
Lastmerlinnothing useful in there21:41
khamerPrimdal, but you (your user account) cannot cd into /root, as it's not allowed to; you either need to use sudo to ls/edit a file in there without cd-ing into hte directory, or you need to 'become' root with a command like 'sudo -s'21:41
YBinnenwegcan i also rightnow shut the power down of my linux drive, so my computer only sees the windows drive, install windows and after that mess with the bootloader?21:41
Lastmerlinany proposals what commands to run to get more information ?21:41
usr13YBinnenweg: And ust have a blank, un-partitioned drive to start with.21:41
Lastmerlinsomething that either works or prints some error message what went wrong ?21:41
Primdalkhamer: Ok. Thanks a lot. I will test the solution in the link21:42
shutzYBinnenweg, so you have windows installed to that drive?21:42
YBinnenwegnot anymore21:42
YBinnenwegit had aids or something21:42
YBinnenwegit would only boot in safemode21:42
usr13YBinnenweg: Disconnecting the power to the first drive will not help you.21:42
YBinnenwegand i needed a reinstall anyway21:42
shutzwell, you can do a chkdsk in safemode21:42
YBinnenwegchkdsk: command not found21:42
shutzon your windows drive...21:43
usr13YBinnenweg: Unless you intend to just switch drives each time.  In which case, I suggest getting a set of removable drive trays.21:43
shutzif there's windows on it ofc...21:43
YBinnenwegthere is no windows on21:43
YBinnenwegit has been formatted 5 times by now21:43
usr13YBinnenweg: The ideal situation for a dual boot system is to have MS Windows installed on the first drive and Linux on the second.21:44
YBinnenwegi can switch the drives21:44
YBinnenwegthat doesn't matter21:44
YBinnenwegi can just change the bootorder21:45
YBinnenwegit's 2 harddisks éh21:45
usr13YBinnenweg: Wouldn't you rather have a dual boot system?21:45
YBinnenwegi do21:45
YBinnenwegbut i can edit the windows bootloader21:45
amh345_im setting up my wireless.  i see everything there under wlan0 when i run iwconfig.. but i cant update or ping anything.21:45
amh345_is there a way i can see where it's failing?21:45
YBinnenwegto make it dualboot windows and ubuntu21:45
taptapirhi is there a t1.micro ami for ubuntu 10.10?21:46
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shutzthere's no windows on your HDD, you don't have a windows CD, how would you change your boot.ini ? :/21:46
usr13amh345_: iwconfig  should tell you if the essid is correct.21:46
=== g3orge is now known as g3orge|away
PjstaabCan anyone help me with getting a python module named osgeo.gdal21:46
amh345_usr13: it is correct. but i defined it manually in /etc/networking21:47
concon_Nickserv dead?21:47
Primdalkhamer: The workaround for sudos path worked for me. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day21:47
amh345_usr13: but im grabbing an access point, signal strength is showing.. all that stuff21:47
usr13amh345_: You defined the essid in /etc/networking ?21:47
usr13amh345_: What is the device name?21:48
amh345_usr13: sorry /interfaces21:48
joeoshawaif i log a bug for the bombono program in ubuntu will it still get fixed being that it is not a ubuntu specific issue21:48
konaya__Does anyone know how the default Ubuntu start-up sound is licensed?21:48
usr13amh345_: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file21:49
konaya__I've googled, but can't seem to find an answer.21:49
usr13amh345_: You are going about it in the wrong way.  What is the device name?  What do you see when you issue command  iwconfig  with no arguments?21:49
EliasAmaralf (a b) (c d) -> f (a b) $ c d. is there a way to remove the () from (a b) too?21:50
EliasAmaralwrong channel21:50
shutzYBinnenweg,  why don't you use a bootable disk like ultimate boot CD or something to check for bad sectors?21:50
usr13amh345_: pastebin the output of iwconfig21:51
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ThinkT510wow, bad netsplit21:52
shutzmore splits please! :(21:52
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Lastmerlin@ usr13: can you have a look at my issue as well ? its very similiar (setup wlan)21:52
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joeoshawaif anyone is using bombono don't make ntsc dvds with it21:53
usr13amh345_:  iwconfig | pastebinit21:53
joeoshawathey won't work properly21:53
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newiinamecan someone tell me what packages to install in 10.04 to make a touch screen work in a tablet21:57
_ghosti have no idea what im doing21:58
konaya__Does anyone know how the default Ubuntu start-up sound is licensed?21:58
konaya__Is it open sourced?21:59
amh345_alright. server 10.10..   my wireless (wlan0) appears to at *least* grab the signal.. but pinging and updates yield no results..21:59
konaya__If so, where do I find the sheet music for it?21:59
usr13amh345_: sudo dhclient wlan021:59
amh345_usr13: thanks ! :)22:00
usr13amh345_: NP22:00
amh345_i need to right that down22:00
usr13amh345_: sudo apt-get install wicd22:00
amh345_whats that?22:00
_ghosti just installed backtrack linux, are they gonna back trace me noww?22:01
usr13amh345_: Wired and Wireless Network Connection Manager22:01
amh345_usr13: for terminal?22:01
Provenzanohi. I have problem need some help plz. On boot I only see "grub rescue>" and cant get past it! I have a eee pc with ubuntu and windows 7 on it22:01
usr13amh345_: That is, if you want a pointy clicky way to do these things.22:01
amh345_usrim trying to get familiar with just commandline.. but i'll install that just in case :)22:02
usr13amh345_: Open terminal, type: sudo apt-get install wicd   # Hit enter.  Once the application is installed, reboot or just log out and back in again.22:02
nejodenewiiname, http://www.bytetips.com/touchscreen-support-ubuntu/22:03
usr13amh345_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afVnO3p67Js22:03
amh345_my connection keeps dropping. crap22:03
newiinamenejode, THANKS22:04
Provenzanohi. I have problem need some help plz. On boot I only see "grub rescue>" and cant get past it! I have a eee pc with ubuntu and windows 7 on it I get a "error: no such partition". can someone help me?22:04
usr13amh345_: sudo dhclient wlan0 ; sudo apt-get install wicd22:04
usr13amh345_: sudo dhclient wlan0 ; sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo reboot22:04
nejodeProvenzano, more info please... new install? what version of ubuntu? etc, etc22:04
amh345_i have to run this udo dhclient wlan0 each time i want to ping/update/install22:04
amh345_usr13: wicd is installing now22:05
newiinamenejode, doing it now,  but what is utouch ???22:05
amh345_shit. it just crapped out again.22:05
usr13amh345_: sudo dhclient wlan0 ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager ; sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo reboot22:05
Provenzanonejode latest version of ubuntu, i got the error after messing up I guess my windows partition, I really dont know what happened!22:05
usr13amh345_: Very good, that will probably fix it for you.22:05
nejodeProvenzano, can you boot a live version of ubuntu with a flash drive?22:07
[biabia]ok i used google chrome before, thought i would try chromium.  why on earth is chromium so much slower22:07
ProvenzanoI can try. and what I should do next? can I put jeOs so I dont need to download a large file or should I get the files from a ubuntu cd?22:08
amh345_im throwing tmp_transmit: tpm_Send errors midway through my install.22:09
sogeking99hey guys is it possible to share my folders on windows 7 with my laptop which uses ubuntu22:09
nejodeProvenzano, you need to boot into a live environment so you can fis grub22:09
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nejode...maybe nickserv is overloaded...22:13
ychhhhello everyone22:14
newiinamenejode, installed it, rebooting, thanks22:14
induzgood afternoon22:15
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ychhhmay i ask a question22:15
induzhow can i determine how many GB is avilable  to use on Lucid??22:15
SoftarPaulI'm having problems with my emailnotification22:15
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induzI had 80 Gb hd out of which  Lucid is installed as it grows kinda22:16
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induznow i want to know how much is left on my HDD??22:16
SoftarPaulIt can't read my Hotmail22:16
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ychhha friend of mine installed ubuntu 10.10 and wants to change his screen-resolution from 1600 to 1024. but the screen stays black.22:17
ychhhdoes anyone knows why?22:18
iflemainduz: terninal = df -h  or applications/accessories has a disk usage app22:18
immyyesterday i booted up I launched a terminal by custom shortcut (super + T)... not sure if I mis-keyed but when i moved the mouse after the that, the desktop got bigger and moved around... weird22:18
Pumpkin-induz: df (most likely with -h to get some human readable units)22:18
nejodeinduz, "df -h"22:18
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ychhha friend of mine installed ubuntu 10.10 and wants to change his screen-resolution from 1600 to 1024. but the screen stays black.22:20
ychhhdoes anyone knows why?22:20
induzok I got it from both-GUI and command line22:21
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* Pumpkin- is getting very very confused by the Debian/Ubuntu exim configuration method. Anyone got a clue where I configure what interfaces I want exim to listen on ?22:24
michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC 0.6.4 at Ubuntu 10.04?22:24
immyhi pumpkin22:24
Oer!package lbrc22:25
Vinocan somebody help me with this? http://pastebin.com/T5qMBLaJ22:25
Vinocan't install a package because of some strange errors22:25
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Vinofirst some stuff about "files list for package missing" and then "fork failed: cannoy allocate memory"22:26
immyanyone know why the values in df -h don't add up? i have one logical partition of 60G - it says 60G total, 8.6G used and 48G remaining22:26
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michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC 0.6.4 at Ubuntu 10.04?22:26
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Vinowhat the hell is going on with all these renames?22:28
macoVino: they're not renames, they're mostly joins and parts22:28
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macoVino: i think its actually netsplits22:28
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macogiven the number22:28
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jmwpcThe same thing is happening in #pidgin, presumably other channels22:29
ychhhand away :-)22:29
Vino* PleXuS is now known as 50UAAA7OY <-- this is a netsplit?22:29
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mgolischthat happens if some of the servers loose connection to the rest of the network22:29
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mgolischall users on those servers will leave the channel and come back if they connect back again22:29
Vinowell... with all this joins and parts i don't know how anybody can hold a conversation. is there somewhere quieter i can get help?22:29
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mgolischjust disable the join/part spam in your client22:30
mgolischits annoying anyways22:30
ilessthan3ubuntuhow do i determine my wifi chipset?? lsmod / lspci ? dmesg|grep something??? help22:30
macoVino: sure we can. and at the same time, they chat on their separate servers...  (personally, i have joins/parts set to a dimmer purple colour so they're out of the way of the text, which is black)22:30
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Pumpkin-immy: I think it might be related to "reserved disk space" for root. Google around for tune2fs and the like.22:30
Vinofair enough...22:30
Vinowould someone look at this for me then? http://pastebin.com/T5qMBLaJ22:31
immythx pumpkin22:31
Vinoi can't install the unzip package because of some strange errors22:31
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macoimmy: probably also some rounding and that fun base-2 versus base-10 gigabyte/gibibyte stuff22:31
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macoVino: i'd try "sudo dpkg -P unzip" first22:32
Pumpkin-maco: indeed. I wish the entire industry had just picked one and gone with it a LONG time ago. Sadly we have marketing22:32
Vinoerm, now it says "package is in a bad or inconsistent state, you should reinstall it before attempting removal"22:33
Vinousually stuff like this is a full hard drive, but i'm at 15%, this is a new install22:34
macoVino: well since clearly *that* isnt gonna happen, purging is the only way to get it gone-gone22:34
Vinoabout a month or two ago22:34
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macoVino: the -P22:34
macoVino: try adding  --force-remove-reinstreq22:34
Pumpkin-you might need some --force stuff22:34
immythx maco22:34
Vinothat seems to have removed it22:35
Vinoso what now, reinstall again?22:35
macoVino: yeah22:35
Vinookay it didn't give me the same error as before: "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)"22:35
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Vinowhat kind of thing would cause this?22:36
macoVino: thats all the info it gave?22:36
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Vinoalso i can't figure out how to shut these joins and parts up in my client, and it's driving me crazy22:37
brontoeeeePirat, either read the man or dump the sox file on hd and do mediainfo file.wav on that, then read oggenc man to see what kind of wav types it may eat22:37
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Vinothat's the only error, i can pastebin the whole thing if you want22:37
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ods15Hi - I have a really stupid question - how do I disable a specific keyboard shortcut in gnome-terminal?22:38
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macoVino: /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS22:38
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ods15I'm in the "keyboard shortcuts" menu, and i can figure out how to change the shortcut to something else, but i don't see how i can disable it entirely...22:38
Vinoi tried installing "zip" instead and it went back to the fork failed error22:39
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macoVino: try adding -D20 to get debugging info?22:39
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macoods15: backspace or delet?22:39
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macoods15: back when it had an option to change by mousing over the menu option and clicking a button, that was what cleared it22:40
macoods15: by "it" i mean gnome had that option22:40
maco(i imagine its still in gconf-editor somewhere...)22:40
ods15maco, ah, yes, "backspace" did it :)22:40
Vinoto apt-get?22:40
ePiratwhat happens22:40
Vinoapt-get doesn't recognize -D22:40
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macoVino: no, to dpkg. the deb is in /var/cache/apt/archives22:41
macoePirat: netsplits22:41
Vinoi'm running "apt-get install zip"22:41
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macoVino: apt-get finished downloading though, right? so the deb is in /var/cache/apt/archives and you can dpkg -i -D20 zip*.deb22:41
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Vinowhat should i be running?22:42
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Vinosorry for being such a noob, i'm more of a programmer than a sysadmin22:43
induzany good .wav to mp3 encoder on Lucid22:43
alisalaahI have an HDMI port on my Asus laptop and Ubuntu isn't detecting the TV when I plug it in..22:43
Raydiationwhy is there no network-manager for console?22:43
Vinoyeah it did finish downloading22:43
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Raydiationwpa_supplicant is a pita22:43
Vinooh okay22:43
erUSULinduz: graphic? sound-converter22:43
rwwRaydiation: cnetworkmanager in newer versions of Ubuntu22:43
Raydiationrww: ty22:44
induzsound converter is crashing22:44
SlartHello! I was wondering if it's possible to make rsync copy files from one local dir to another and not care about files that exist with the correct size and modification time.. just doing the standard rsync copy writes everything again if I break and restart the process22:44
rwwmight just be maverick. I forget.22:44
tuzloJordan_U, you still here?22:44
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Slartit's possible that rsync just isn't the right tool to use.. any other ideas on what to try?22:44
ilessthan3ubuntuso whats up with 10.10 grub2, it looks like its from 199322:44
Vinothank god the joins stopped22:44
induzerUSUL, something like MAX on apple22:44
michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC 0.6.4 at Ubuntu 10.04?22:44
induzI dont know why sound-conveter is crashing22:45
bc81Slart: i think you want the --ignore-existing switch22:45
erUSULinduz: i've never used an apple machine.22:45
erUSUL!info winff | induz22:45
ubottuinduz: winff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1416 kB, installed size 4496 kB22:45
jmwpcVino: I just found the plugin in Pidgin that hides the joins/leaves :)22:45
Vinoi'm using xchat for windows22:45
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, it does? Do elaborate.22:45
Slartbc81: I tried that.. it just skips files that already exist.. although they are too small (since I aborted the transfer)22:46
tuzloI am tryint to install testdisk using the Ubuntu Software center and for the last hour it has been hung up in the applying changes. Ideas on how to get this package installed22:46
ilessthan3ubuntukonaya__, i just that it wouldnt be text, i remember a more fancy one22:46
ilessthan3ubuntui just thought*22:46
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, because I can't recall that grub even existed back in 1993.22:46
Raydiationrww:  does this work for wpa enterprise and tls too?22:46
ilessthan3ubuntukonaya__, lol, ya i know...i was exaggerating22:47
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 :: I have an HDMI port on my Asus laptop and Ubuntu isn't detecting the TV when I plug it in..22:47
rwwRaydiation: no idea, I just use it for WPA Personal22:47
rwwwell, WPA222:47
Raydiationrww: hm ok ty22:48
Raydiationbecause kde has issues22:48
Vinowhat's another small utility i can install so i can see if it's just zip that's the problem?22:48
bc81Slart: you could try -c (skip based on checksum, i imagine...though, i'm not really an rsync guru)22:48
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, I know :) seriously, though. I kinda prefer when it is text-only. Graphics when your video mode isn't the native resolution for your screen looks terrible.22:48
ilessthan3ubuntualisalaah, reboot with the hdmi plugged in22:48
konaya__alisalaah, System -> Preferences -> Monitors. Reboot shouldn't be necessary.22:49
induzerUSUL, winFf is working now22:49
ilessthan3ubuntui used to have my aspire one triple booted with backtrack n osx22:49
konaya__alisalaah, what graphics chipset are you on btw?22:49
ilessthan3ubuntui couldve sworn i used grub with graphic icons22:49
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, I don't buy graphic icons, but graphic backgrounds I recall seeing. Looks terrible IMO :)22:50
Slartbc81: mm.. I've been eyeing that switch aswell.. but I was kind of expecting rsync to do the size/mod-time comparison by default (since there is a special switch to start using checksums).. but perhaps I'm expecting to much from little rsync.. anyways.. thanks for your time, I'll try the checksumming and see if it does what I want22:50
ilessthan3ubuntukonaya__, on that topic dmesg says i have intel /nvidia cards in this laptop, how do i determine which is in use?22:50
ilessthan3ubuntulsmod or22:50
bc81Slart: there's always grsync, it might be a little easier to deal with22:51
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, do you have two graphics adapters in your laptop then? Spec wise?22:51
blundakatWhen I run "additional Drivers" in lubuntu Nothing appears in the list, does this mean the proprietary drivers are not compatible with my graphics card? typing lspci shows my Graphics card to be Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M22:51
Slartbc81: ah.. didn't think of that.. I'll give it a try22:51
ilessthan3ubuntukonaya__, yes i do have them both in this laptop22:51
Lasse1hey dudes i havin problems22:52
konaya__blundakat, that chipset (ATI RS200) is not supported by the proprietary driver, but it should work fine with the free one.22:52
Lasse1i cant mount my .iso file22:52
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, interesting. Why? :P22:52
ruffdogLasse1, please state your problem.  The more specifics the better.22:52
konaya__Lasse1, what happens when you try?22:52
alisalaahoh sorry for caps22:52
ilessthan3ubuntukonaya__, intel to save battery, the nvidia to game, i can switch between the two with win7, i just want nvidia to work in ubuntu22:53
konaya__alisalaah, wierd. What graphics chipset do you have?22:53
Lasse1its says:    Error, could not mount image.  Solution: Try converting the image to ISO or extract the content to a folder from the upper menu "Image Conversion." NOTE: it is NOT possible to mount multi-sector images. For more information, please visit official website: http://www.acetoneteam.org22:53
blundakatkonaya, I was hoping to get 3D support running games etc22:53
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michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC 0.6.4 at Ubuntu 10.04?22:53
tuzloI am tryint to install testdisk using the Ubuntu Software center and for the last hour it has been hung up in the applying changes. Ideas on how to get this package installed22:53
cyborg_jthello, i have no gui for this server, what do i need to apt-get to install one?22:53
bc81tuzlo: do you have open synaptic?22:53
Lasse1konaya_:    Error, could not mount image.  Solution: Try converting the image to ISO or extract the content to a folder from the upper menu "Image Conversion." NOTE: it is NOT possible to mount multi-sector images. For more information, please visit official website: http://www.acetoneteam.org22:53
konaya__ilessthan3ubuntu, I dunno, really. Haven't had the scenario before. Could probably help you if I was there.22:54
alisalaahAsus UL50VT, I know I did a command line to install the nVidia drivers since the hdmi didnt work without it and i read about the probs with it, but even with nVidia drivers not working let me grab the chipset model22:54
tuzlobc81, just Ubuntu software center, should I use synaptic instead?22:54
konaya__Lasse1, have you tried mounting it via the command line?22:54
alisalaahSysinfo crashes when i open it ffs22:54
bc81tuzlo: no, just asking because USC will hang if another package manageris open22:54
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tuzlobc81, no no other one is open22:55
Lasse1konaya_: do know what i should do?22:55
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bc81tuzlo: maybe it's process is hang?  system >> admin >> system monitor > processes22:56
gsirvingI installed LAMP, but only root has write permissions for /var/wwwI tried sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www22:56
mickster04gsirving: chown22:56
alisalaahI have the NVIDIA GeForce G210M with 512mb22:56
Vinomaybe it's because i'm on a smaller amazon instance and it's running out of memory?22:56
ilessthan3ubuntuim using a g21822:56
brandon420anyone use Privoxy?22:57
tuzlobc81, which process am I looking for?22:57
Slartbc81: ahh.. found out why it didn't work.. I'm not preserving the modification timestamp when copying files so the files in the DEST-dir have a different timestamp.. that means rsync thinks they are different from the the source and needs to be copied again.. there is a switch --size-only that basically tells rsync to just look at file sizes and not timestamps.. it's working now22:57
triggerhi, is there a command line program to paste logs, config files, etc ?22:57
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ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:57
bc81Lasse1: what iso file, how are you trying to mount it?  try using gmount-iso22:57
triggererUSUL: thx22:57
bc81tuzlo: update manager, synaptic, gnome-terminal etc22:58
michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC 0.6.4 at Ubuntu 10.04?22:58
bc81Slart: good to know, thanks :)22:58
nillerzis there a channel for programmers?22:58
Neosanohello guys, I have problem with Azureus, man says that I have to replace Azureus2.jar file, but where can I find it?22:58
Lasse1bc81: Enterprise 2007.iso and im trying to mount it with "acetoneISO"22:59
tuzlobc81, ok, done, now how do I get this package to install properly?22:59
alisalaahkonaya__, GeForce G210M is what I have any idea on how to get my HDMI working :P22:59
bc81tuzlo: you can try from a terminal: sudo apt-get install <package>22:59
Vinookay i think it will fix it if i add some swap23:00
Vinohow do i add some swap?23:00
tuzlosays another process is using dpkg, but I killed them23:00
NeosanoVino, you have to resize your partition, try GParted23:00
konaya__alisalaah, I'm not sure. Have you tried the nVidia Control Panel?23:00
NeosanoVino, well, it's if there's no free space23:00
Vinoi what23:00
tuzlobc81,  says another process is using dpkg, but I killed them23:01
ilessthan3ubuntunvidia-xconfig as root23:01
Vino"free -m" says i only have 17 free megabytes of memory23:01
Lasse1bc81: have u find of something?23:01
brandon420anyone use Privoxy? i keep getting a 502 error23:01
bc81tuzlo: ok, good work :)23:01
Vinoi have to repartition to add swap?23:01
michaelxqanyone knows how to install LBRC 0.6.4 at Ubuntu 10.04?23:01
NeosanoVino, oh, there's a possibility to add a swap file23:01
bc81Lasse1: no, i'm afraid not.  you try burning it to a cd?23:01
tuzlobc81,  cant find anoything using dpkg, but still it wont install23:01
NeosanoVino, google "ubuntu swap file"23:02
Lasse1bc81: dont got any cd's23:02
alisalaahi just installed nvidia-settings and nvtv23:02
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:02
84XAAABLZLasse1: sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>    .you don't need an outside application to mount an iso. mount can do it23:02
alisalaahkonaya__, and its still not helping23:02
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bc81tuzlo: hmm...i would probably log out/in to be sure23:02
gsirvingThank you mickster04, that worked.23:02
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cyborg_jtwhat is the most smallest gui i can install?23:03
Lasse184xaaablz: whats mount point?23:03
Vinookay faq reading time for me then thank you23:03
ilessthan3ubuntuVino, i dont use swap23:03
ilessthan3ubuntuyou can maybe just resize your partition23:03
ilessthan3ubuntubut best to use swap if you dont have RAM23:03
Vinoi'm on an amazong ec223:03
bastidraZorLasse1: create one.. for it to display on your desktop create it in /media... sudo mkdir /media/iso  ::now your mountpoint would be /media/iso23:03
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tuzlobc81,  but will logging out and back in killl the process psaux|grep dpkg gives me a runing process trying to install testdisk still23:03
Neosanoilessthan3ubuntu, what about hibernation -_-23:04
erUSULcyborg_jt: a simple window manager like openbox fluxbox or windowmaker23:04
ilessthan3ubuntuNeosano, hmmmm, sacrificed for osx partition? i have too many paritions23:04
bastidraZorubottu: tell Neosano about google23:04
ubottuNeosano, please see my private message23:04
bc81tuzlo: see, you are more advanced than me :)  just suggesting what i would try at this point23:05
Lasse1bastidrazor: shall i put "/media... sudo mkdir /media/iso" in terminal?23:05
aminhi how could i find what is the SSH tunnel port in my server23:05
bastidraZorLasse1: yes, sudo mkdir /media/iso23:05
ilessthan3ubuntussh port 2223:05
ilessthan3ubuntuque no?23:05
tuzlohow the frig do I kill a process that is being run by root?23:05
erUSULtuzlo: with sudo kill $PID23:06
tuzlotried kill -9 PID#23:06
erUSULnever use -9 with kill23:06
tuzloerUSUL, doesnt work23:07
erUSULtuzlo: maybe it is an unkillable process23:07
ohsixtuzlo: is it a zombie? what's the contents of /proc/<pid of undead process>/wchan?23:07
aminI waant to set ssh tunnel to my server but I do not know to which port my server accept this kind of connection23:07
tuzlo14517  0.0  0.8  32384 27848 pts/2    Ds+  15:06   0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 17 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/testdisk_6.11-1_i386.deb23:07
ohsixtuzlo: it's blocked on disk io23:08
erUSULtuzlo: what does this say ? « ps -o command,state PID »23:08
ohsixtuzlo: look at dmesg, something bad might have happened23:08
erUSULtuzlo: yep; ohsix is right23:09
Lasse1bastidrazor: so for me its: "sudo mount -o loop Enterprise 2007.iso /media/iso"???23:09
aminI waant to set ssh tunnel to my server but I do not know to which port my server accept this kind of connection23:09
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:09
bc81tuzlo: amin ilessthan3ubuntu already said port 22, no?23:10
bc81tuzlo: ignore that plz23:10
tuzlousr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 1 D23:10
bastidraZorLasse1: no, you will need to use the full path of the iso location and escape the space.. for example if the file is in your downloads folder use ~/downloads/Enterprise\ 2007.iso23:10
ohsixbastidraZor: default has a big D23:11
aminbc81: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4 Protocol mismatch.23:11
amintuzlo: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4 Protocol mismatch.23:11
sorayaHi i get [errno5] input/output error wile installing on Mac iBook G423:11
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bastidraZorohsix: true.. i have a symlink23:11
tuzloamin, what?23:11
Lasse1bastidrazor: can u make the full command-line for me?23:11
Vinoi know this isn't an ubuntu question, but: how does swapoff handle things if memory is in use on the swap?23:12
bastidraZorLasse1: where is the located?23:12
Lasse1bastidrazor: my iso file is in downloads23:12
bastidraZorVino: dumps all the swapped stuff to RAM23:12
sorayaThis is often due to a faulty Cd/DVD disk or drive-But both are fine23:12
erUSULVino: tells the kernel to read it back23:12
Vinohow does it do that without the applications throwing a fit?23:12
konaya__Vino, real fun stuff happens, try it ;)23:12
bastidraZorLasse1: sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/Enterprise\ 2007.iso /media/iso23:12
erUSULVino: the plaication does nt know anything about the tricks the kernel pays with memory23:13
immyhi again23:13
immywhere is syslog?23:13
cyborg_jthow do i install xsever?23:13
Vinooh this is what memory mapping is, now that i think about it?23:13
cyborg_jtimmy: /var/log23:13
aminilessthan3ubuntu:SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4 Protocol mismatch.23:13
afathi I have just installed ubuntu and I only get a cursor on my screen! What should I do?23:14
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erUSULVino: an aplication in any modern OS with virtual memory (linux) thniks all the ram is his to take23:14
cyborg_jti am trying to run fluxbox, says it cant connect to xserver23:14
cyborg_jti am running server version23:14
ohsixerUSUL: apps on operating systems without think the same :O23:14
Vinowell, maybe not "think" because they actually do have all the ram23:15
erUSULok; ok. bad wording ;P bear with me not native speaker XXDD23:15
ohsixVino: if it can't drop the disk caches and other ephemeral memory enough to hold the swap contents when its turned off, turning it off will fail23:15
Vinointeresting. thank you23:15
afathi I have just installed ubuntu and I only get a cursor on my screen! What should I do?23:15
afatI'm new to this....23:16
bc81afat: first thing i would do is verify the integrity of the media (cd,iso etc)23:16
erUSULVino: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_memory23:17
Vinoso what are some ways then that I can reduce the amount of memory my server uses?23:17
VinoerUSUL, yes thank you i'm familiar with it, i just hadn't connected the dots until now :)23:17
bc81!verify | afat23:17
ubottuafat: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:17
afatSo, my ISO might be wrong!?23:18
afatI downloaded it from,23:18
afatlatest version too!23:18
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cyborg_jthow do i install xsever?23:19
nillerzvery carefully23:19
nillerzbecause if you mess up23:19
erUSULcyborg_jt: already installed by default23:19
nillerzyou break everything!!! :O23:19
cyborg_jtfluxbox can not connect to xserver23:20
tuzloohsix, can I pastebin dmesg?23:20
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cyborg_jtsounds like my firewall is blocking things23:20
ilessthan3ubuntummm fluxbox23:20
erUSULcyborg_jt: how are you launching it?23:20
LuckySMack_Workit it feasable to move an ubuntu installation from a HDD to a SSD? The system has only been installed for about a week.Its installed on my primary HDD but i just got a 32gb SSD and want to move the ubuntu install to that new drive. How hard would that be without re-installing the system?23:20
ilessthan3ubuntuuh reinstall dude23:21
ilessthan3ubuntuesp if youve only had it for a week23:21
cyborg_jtjust fluxbox, atm running ircII, im in christchurch, no power running old server off batteries23:21
Vinois it normal for mysql to take 240 megabytes of memory?23:21
erUSULLuckySMack_Work: shouldn't be too hard. it all depends on your proficiency with linux i guess23:21
CarlFKLuckySMack_Work:  http://clonezilla.org/23:21
LuckySMack_Workyea i still have all the .debs in the cache dir. so i could just copy those over so i dont have to re-download them23:21
erUSULLuckySMack_Work: well you only need the debs in case of a reinstall afaics23:22
LuckySMack_Workim decent with linux but no pro. I was thinking/hoping it might be as simple as booting to a live cd and moving the files and re-installing grub23:22
CarlFKLuckySMack_Work:  http://clonezilla.org/ <-live cd23:23
gorgonzola_anyone knows why flash suddenly disappeared from both chrome and firefox?23:23
tuzloohsix, here's the dmesg, I cant see nothing wrong with it. http://pastebin.com/dGkGtZ8s23:23
CarlFKLuckySMack_Work: and you don't need to mess with grub23:23
LuckySMack_WorkerUSUL, yea but if i totally reinstall the OS i can copy those over to an external and install the os and move them back. so that wont be that bad as i wouldnt have to re-download.23:23
erUSULLuckySMack_Work: that should work. i've done it in the past. you have to tweak /etc/fstab to reflect the changes in uuids23:23
LuckySMack_WorkCarlFK, thanks. looking23:24
erUSUL!aptoncd | LuckySMack_Work23:24
ubottuLuckySMack_Work: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline23:24
cbf_evening folkd23:25
cbf_evening folks*23:25
LuckySMack_Workyea ive seen and used apton cd before. but its kinda just as easy to move the debs. lol23:25
bc81hi cbf_23:25
cbf_have a question regarding ndiswrapper23:25
cbf_hey bc81. having a couple of problems123:25
ohsixtuzlo: cat /proc/14517/wchan23:26
ohsixlove it23:26
cbf_is anybody familiar with ndiswrapper? i have installed a driver and can't get it working.....23:27
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LuckySMack_WorkCarlFK, ah so that will modify grub to reflect that I moved the os?23:28
CarlFKLuckySMack_Work: moved the os to where?23:30
Reallycoolmost of the Fn+F(x) combos don't work on my EeePC, is there a way to map them manually?23:30
LuckySMack_Workif I use that to move the ubuntu install from the HDD to the newer SSD23:31
craigbass1976has anyone ever extracted a table from a pdf with pdftk?23:32
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eksithey all23:33
eksitanyone who can help me out with a mounting issue?23:33
ruffdogeksit, please state your issue and we'll see what we can do about it.23:33
Guest53943got real problems with network im showing windows share network and workgroup my machine is on workgroup and all the rest of my net work is on my network how do i include my macine on my network and get it off workgroup?23:33
eksit>ruffdog :  im installing Need for speed on my linux machine with wine, i got the cd 1 mounted and now it asks for cd2, how do i properly mount cd2 for it to recognize it ?23:34
Camaratai setup the nvidia drivers23:35
Camaratai setup the nvidia drivers; now my laptop won't boot23:35
Camaratawell it boots to terminal23:35
evilsushitype startx23:35
Camaratathat didnt work23:35
ruffdogeksit, do you need both CDs?  It seems like you cold remove CD1 and put CD2 in it's place.23:35
Camaratastartx; failed23:35
evilsushiwe need more information than it didn't work.23:35
eksitthe thing is , i got the .iso on my computer23:35
ilessthan3ubuntujust mount cd2 while the install is asking for cd223:35
eksitive mounted the iso in /media/iso23:36
eksitthen it asked for cd223:36
eksiti mounted it in /media/iso223:36
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eksitdoesnt seem like the instal knows it is there23:36
ilessthan3ubuntuwhy didnt you mount it to /media/iso23:36
CamarataUBUNTU 10.10 -- i did "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings && nvtv"; rebooted my Asus UL50VT with nVidia G210M; and it went to terminal; startx did not work23:36
eksiti got the .iso on my pc, its not a real CD23:36
ilessthan3ubuntuCamarata, is your normal boot taking you to tty1 ?23:37
ruffdogeksit, umount your ISO with CD1 and remount ISO with CD223:37
Camaratailessthan3ubuntu: unsure23:37
eksiti tried umount in terminal23:37
eksitbut since the instal is running it wont let me23:37
CarlFKLuckySMack_Work: it will clone the partition table and IDs and everything, so the nothing will really notice the move.. .execp.. it won't work if your  SSD is smaller than your HD.  (i think_23:38
ilessthan3ubuntuCamarata, i have nvidia 218 and that happend to me23:38
ilessthan3ubuntulet me find what i did23:38
aykuti have a problems with my Brodcom BCM2035 bluetooth dongle23:38
cbf_i am looking to uninstall an alternate driver23:38
cbf_just wondering what the command would be23:38
ilessthan3ubuntuCamarata, I did,  sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old23:39
aykutcan anybody help me ?23:39
ilessthan3ubuntuthe, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xerver-xorg23:39
ilessthan3ubuntuthen, shutdown -r now23:39
Camaratai also had a problem getting irsii to start from command line23:39
Camarataone sec ill write that down23:39
ilessthan3ubuntui use xchat23:39
Camaratathat works from terminal?23:40
tuzlothank god I remember debian from 6 years ago23:40
ilessthan3ubuntuthere is a type, its -phigh xserver-xorg23:40
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ilessthan3ubuntui used it in recovery mode to fix the gui in normal mode23:40
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nillerzwho wants to help me make a linux?23:40
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ilessthan3ubuntubrb, gotta go play ping pong for a few, PM me23:41
daniel__anyone can configure nfs file sharing on ubuntu ?23:42
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nillerzWhat do you do if your joystick isn't supported by the joystick driver in ubuntu?23:44
nillerzDoes anyone know?23:45
ruffdognillerz, you have to be more specific with your question.  What joystick, do you get an error msg? Did you try to google and see if anyone had the same problem you are having and fixed it?23:46
nillerzNope, nobody has. I have been at this for a week or so. Googled like nuts.23:47
nillerzIt's the MacAlly iShock II23:47
nickmoecknillerz: write a driver for it :) And then, open-source it and hope that you can get it into the ubuntu repos23:47
nillerzSee, I'd love to but no one wants to help. I wouldn't know where to start.23:47
kj6lxuim using ubuntu 10.10.  when i go to places and click home ubuntu opens my media player. how do i get this to stop ?????23:47
aykutcan anybody help me about my bluetooth dongle ?23:48
antihc3got a funny one.  I have a latitude E6510.  It has intel video.  When i boot i see the screen flicker and hear the login x sound.    It stays that way until i plugin an external monitor then the screen shows up.   Any suggestions23:48
nickmoecknillerz: another option would be to bug the company that makes the joystick23:48
nillerzinput-events from the package input-utils gives me a bunch of cool stuff, but actually getting it recognized as a joystick in the first place is a, I dunno, pregnant dog.23:48
nillerzthey don't even make Windows drivers, I doubt they could be aresed to make Linux ones.23:48
nickmoeckfunny thing, I just googled that model along with "linux" and your post on ubuntuforums came up23:49
nillerzBut I think Ican get it working! I can read the output of the device and it's pretty legible for machine standards23:49
sorayai need support installing ubuntu on MAC,,can someone reffer me to a page23:49
jnrghowdy ! I wonder : wha tapplication (if any) can I use to hear my voice as I speak in a mic (wireless mic well detected, the record function works)23:49
sorayais a  iBook G423:50
sorayaim gettin an errorno5 diring installatioon23:50
nillerzSo, apparently most joysticks use the same driver for ubuntu23:50
nillerzit's called, originally enough, "joystick".23:50
jnrgI'm on Maverick, I can see the mic as I tap it in the sound pref but it does'nt echo out23:50
nillerzbut MY joystick is being recognized as a generic USB device23:51
nickmoecknillerz: you might have some success talking to the authors of that driver. It might just be a matter of you sending them the information about the output of the device23:51
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nillerzNOT, as a joystick.23:51
Guest78276hi .. i have a problem  with a script on init.d23:51
nillerzThe joystick drier would probably work fine if the joystick was mounting as a joystic23:52
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Guest78276it make mi impossible to reboot and shutdown the pc23:52
nillerzthere is nothing on js023:52
tetsuo---Hello, how safe is it, stability wise, to use the latest kernel instead of the older one thats installed/updated by default ?23:52
nickmoecknillerz: the joystick driver is what determines whether it's displayed as a joystick or something else. if the joystick driver doesnt recognize the device, its not going to say its a joystick23:52
nickmoeckand hence, js0 won't be created23:53
kj6lxu when i go to places and click home ubuntu opens my media player. how do i get this to stop ?????23:53
nillerzI'm assuming Joystick is an open-source program, right?23:53
Guest78276the script in a sh script with a infinite loop that check some parametres every 10 s23:54
nickmoecknillerz: yes, joystick is open source23:54
konaya__kj6lxu, when did this start?23:54
konaya__Also, which media player?23:54
nillerzI'm going to see if I can read the source, and, even though it will probably be in a foreign language to me (I do php mostly) I could attempt to figure it out23:54
aykutHEELP !! my bluetooth is killing me !!1!123:54
nillerzHere I go again on my own!23:54
imancwhat does *~ mean ?23:54
nickmoecknillerz: it's a great way to learn a new language :)23:54
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Nevyn1aykut have you tried ubuntu netbook remix?23:55
konaya__aykut, stay calm, try to reach the rf kill switch, and dial 911.23:55
sorayadoes anyone knows a page for linux installation on MAC iBook G423:55
nillerza new language of which I will promptly forget. :c23:55
Guest78276how i can do exit the loop when i rebbot the oc?23:55
nickmoecknillerz: you can grab the source of the driver by running "apt-get source xserver-xorg-input-joystick"23:55
kj6lxukonaya_: last week but i have had 10.10 installed on this system for 2months23:55
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geekahedron_aykut: find a dentist?23:55
nillerzwhere would it download it to?23:56
konayakj6lxu, weird. Does it happen when you click on other folders in Places or just the Home folder?23:56
nickmoecknillerz: I assume whatever directory you're in, or /var/cache/apt or something like that23:56
Nevyn1aykut, seriously, what kindof Bluetooth? internal or external23:56
digirakhi folks I seem to be having problems with my linker23:56
aykutNevyn1: external23:56
digirakany idea what I could do?23:56
kj6lxukonaya: all folders exept network23:56
aykutBus 002 Device 003: ID 0a5c:2035 Broadcom Corp. BCM2035 Bluetooth23:56
voidmageI copied my /var directory to a new drive and the permissions are all kinds of borked. everything's owned by root:root instead of the system users that need it. is there an easy way to fix this?23:57
aykutits damned23:57
nillerzI just downloaded it the old-fashioned way from some college-kids site.23:57
konayakj6lxu, also, which media player is it?23:57
ccchi boy, i have a problem with my touchpad, after an upgrade it not work23:57
mylistohey everyone23:57
ActionParsnipccc: what make and model laptop?23:58
nickmoecknillerz: you're better off downloading it from the Ubuntu repos, in case there are any changes from the version you downloaded that are specific to ubuntu23:58
Nevyn1aykut, okay, externals are pretty much all covered with the netbook remix package. Just grab it, install, and you find that it works well. Have not met a device yet which  does not support it.23:58
cccActionParsnip, asus av623:58
ActionParsnipccc: why didn't you add that to your first question, it's pretty important wouldn't you say?23:58
kj6lxukonaya: mplayer but when i uninstall it totiom opens23:58
mylistoI just updated a bunch of packages via the update manager - When I started firefox I got the message about updating flash player, yada yada - Now flash videos dont work....23:58
mylistoWhat can I do?23:58
aykuthmm netbook remix23:58
aykutok i try23:59
nillerzI don't see how it matters much, it's only going to be for my particular controller anyway, I'll just share what I did and they can put it into the main version or whatever when they see fit.23:59
ActionParsnipccc: do you mean an asus v6?23:59
Nevyn1aykut, have it running on my 24 inch desktop, and it does etremely well. even the lil missus is happy with it.23:59
digirakActionParsnip: could you help me with my linker23:59
cccnono, aA600023:59

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