
=== surreal7z_ is now known as surreal7z
ochosimicahg: after testing it a bit the plugin still seems a bit shaky, not sure when it will be stable00:11
ochosimicahg: is there any other way we can include it?00:12
micahgochosi: ping06:11
ochosimicahg: pong08:49
micahgochosi: so, Debian's having trouble with the fact the gmusicbrowser is a development version08:49
ochosihm, right.08:50
ochosi"having trouble" means they won't accept it?08:50
micahgochosi: you said before it you've tested it well, do you think it would be ok to release with it + your patches?08:50
ochosimicahg: for debian or for ubuntu?08:51
micahgochosi: Ubuntu08:51
micahgI can have Debian upload to experimental08:51
ochosimicahg: no problem08:51
ochosimicahg: the main reason why i wanted debian to have upstream is because i don't want to piss off the main developer by superseding his version with my patches08:52
ochosimicahg: that wouldn't be very nice08:52
ochosimicahg: as long as it's "only" ubuntu i think it's ok08:52
micahgochosi: I just asked for it in experimental08:53
ochosimicahg: ok08:55
ochosimicahg: if it were only about ubuntu you could simpy take the packages from my ppa08:57
micahgochosi: well, I'd like Debian to benefit as well08:59
ochosimicahg: sure, i'm fine with that08:59
ochosimicahg: just sayin... :)08:59
charlie-tcaGood morning14:14
ochosihi charlie-tca 16:05
charlie-tcaHello, ochosi 16:06
charlie-tcaDid we get Gmusicbrowser uploaded ?16:06
charlie-tcaochosi: I don't how or why, but my cursor is working in natty16:11
charlie-tcaNow if only xfwm4 would start when I log in16:11
charlie-tcamicahg, cody-somerville : need to consider testing armel images for Xubuntu?16:15
charlie-tcaI did add it to tomorrows meeting agenda16:15
ochosicharlie-tca: micahg is working on uploading gmusicbrowser16:29
ochosicharlie-tca: i already talked to mr_pouit about patching it later for xubuntu16:29
ochosicharlie-tca: good to hear your cursor is working. btw i think the fact that the mouse-cursor disappears on touchpad-tap is a serious design flaw and an accessibility-problem16:30
charlie-tcaI don't know anything about a touchpad issue16:34
charlie-tcaIs that Xfce, or Ubuntu?16:34
ochosii guess it's an xorg setting by ubuntu or something16:34
ochosibut i don't know16:34
ochosithe mousecursor disappears upon keyboard activity16:34
charlie-tcaI will try to investigate it then16:34
ochosiand somehow it seems that touchpad-tapping is counted as that kind of activity16:34
ochosisomething like "button pressed"16:34
charlie-tcaMine doesn't disappear, but I don't have a touchpad, either16:34
micahgcharlie-tca: I've been trying to upgrade my arm machine to natty without success, I'll have to dig further, were you thinking USB image test?16:35
charlie-tcamicahg: I am looking at natty alpha3 image tests and further 16:35
charlie-tcaWe don't have any armel images at this time, that I know. But before we do have any, we need to have testers committed16:36
micahgcharlie-tca: how long does image testing take?16:37
charlie-tcathree days, depending on whether or not there are problems. 16:37
charlie-tcaActually, it takes a full install of several type partitioning , so it depends on how long each installation takes to run16:38
charlie-tcaOne of my systems takes an hour to run an installation, for whole disk, guided partitions, manual partitions, it is a minimum of 3-1/2 hours16:39
charlie-tcaSometimes it means downloading or syncing the images 4-5 times a day, and trying the installs each time16:41
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, I'll get back to you16:42
ochosimicahg: hey, i have a quick packaging question16:44
ochosimicahg: maybe you know that i wanted a few upstream projects (among them the elementary icons) to do a release before tomorrows freeze, so that everything would be up-to-date16:44
ochosimicahg: do you think it would still be possible to upload the newer version of the icon theme if it were released today?16:45
ochosimicahg: possibly there'd follow a bugfix release till mid-march or something16:45
micahgochosi: icon theme I don't think is bound by feature freeze16:46
micahgunless it's got a feature related to it16:47
ochosimicahg: the "feature" would be being as xfce-complete as possible16:47
ochosiso i guess that could also be counted as bugfix16:47
charlie-tcaI can file a bug report if you want it16:48
ochosihm, you know most things i worked on wrt the icon theme already went upstream16:48
micahgochosi: yeah, I don't think that's an issue for tonight, should be complete by UI freeze though16:48
ochosibut since there hasn't been a new release since then i would have to backport all that to the elementaryXubuntu icon theme16:48
ochosimicahg: ok, i'll let them know that UI freeze is what counts, thanks for your info/help!16:49
ochosig2g now, see you around!16:51
ochosicharlie-tca: btw, i think i won't be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow, i'll try to instruct someone else to take my place16:51
ochosicharlie-tca: i'll probably make a list or something16:52
charlie-tcamicahg: Can you take a look at bug 699843 please?22:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 699843 in pidgin-facebookchat (Ubuntu Lucid) "package pidgin-facebookchat (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/16/facebook.png', which is also in package pidgin-data 1:2.7.9-1ubuntu0 pidgin1.10.04" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69984322:39
micahgcharlie-tca: yeah, I'll have to look a little later, I already talked to pitti that it's on my list somewhere22:41
charlie-tcaokay. thanks22:41
charlie-tcaTime to apply for UDS in May - http://2tu.us/2yt222:42
* cody-somerville booked his flight on Monday. :) 22:48
charlie-tcabut cody-somerville knows he gets sponsored :-)22:51
cody-somervilleI was I got 'sponsored' to go. Its more fun that way. Going because one has to for work detracts from the experience (but is still fun none the less for the most part)22:52
charlie-tcathis is true, too22:52
charlie-tcaI am hoping I get to go to to this one... The last uds was so energizing, it is amazing.22:53
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* micahg needs to book his flight...22:56
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