
nothingmanhi, all03:20
mgariepygood morning everyone13:02
mhall119good afternoon17:15
mhall119anyone around?17:15
highvoltagemhall119: hey18:02
mhall119highvoltage: hiya18:13
mhall119wanted to share some good newas18:14
mhall119as of March 14th, I will be working for Canonical as a web develoer18:14
highvoltagemhall119: congratulations!18:14
highvoltagemhall119: someone else in the channel is joining Canonical too, I'm not sure how public that is yet though :)18:15
mhall119ah, nice18:15
* mhall119 waits to hear who18:15
mhall119I'd ask in what capacity, but that would probably give it away18:16
highvoltageyou'll get that answer from someone in a private window :)18:16
mhall119I did18:19
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