
=== Kiall|AFK is now known as Kiall
ivacaucan anybody help me with a strange issue on image-store-proxy?  it seems to be corrupting the credentials zip file at /var/lib/image-store-proxy/eucalyptus/admin-credentials.zip01:20
ivacauI have 2 hardware servers, A contains clc, walrus, cc and sc, and B contains NC.  Both are running Ubuntu 10.4.2 LTS, fully updated.  I was trying to install an image using the UEC web front end, when an error of 'Proxy failed to retrieve Eucalyptus credentials' was returned01:33
ivacauafter further investigation, I arrived at a conclusion that image-store-proxy was corrupting the credentials zip file as per my previous post.  on generating a new credentials zip file and manually moving it to the right location, after attempting a download again, I found that the file was truncated to a length of 231 bytes.  Really strange behaviour01:35
HugoKuohttp://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/     all image under release folder is useless , plz never use them02:49
HugoKuoand anybody know which Maverick desktop version is ok on UEC ?02:49
flaccidwhy are they useless?02:50
HugoKuowhile I use them02:50
HugoKuoWalrus would not transfer them to each nodes for caching02:51
flaccidif you think its a legit bug, you can submit bugs on launchpad02:51
HugoKuofor example Lucis server   http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/current/     is ok02:52
HugoKuobut http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/  will make you carzy02:52
flacciddetail the exact problem in the bug report02:53
HugoKuook ~ I 'll do it thanks flaccid ...02:53
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HugoKuodoes anyone can not see SC option in WebGUI ?     installed from binary package Eucalyptus 2.0   on Ubuntu Maverick server x_6403:53
HugoKuosome module lost right ?03:53
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superxgla good news : whirr 0.4.0 will release soon , and it will support eucalyptus :)08:12
kim0superxgl: thanks for the info :)08:19
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superxgli have a question, if i stop the frontend, then the instances stop too,isn't it ?09:17
superxglcan i keep the instance running ?09:17
kim0I wouldn't think instances would stop if frontend dies .. (just guessing)09:28
superxglkim0: because yesterday,  i restarted my frontend computer,  after that i start the cloud again, then "euca-describe-instance", it shows nothing.09:31
superxglmy instances disappeared..09:32
superxgli don't know why?09:32
kim0superxgl: but did you try pinging the instance itself (internal ip) ?09:35
superxglkim0: i didn't, but "euca-describe-availability-zones verbose" also shows that the instances dies..09:36
superxgli am sure the instances stopped.09:37
kim0it could be that the cloud just doesn't know they exist coz you restarted the controllers .. but then I don't really know09:38
superxgli try " xm list" in the NC, it did not shows the domU09:43
superxglthen i think it is really dies..09:43
TeTeTsuperxgl: the instances won't stop when the front-end stops, it's best practice to first terminate them09:46
TeTeTsuperxgl: as stopping the front-end will remove any forwarding rules to the public ip addresses of your instances, they will basically be unreachable from then on. Or rather, should only be reachable on the private IP09:47
superxglTeTeT: tnx . i won't do that again :)  but i still don't know why they really disappear, as "xm list" also not show the domU09:50
TeTeTsuperxgl: ah, no idea about xen, I only use UEC with kvm. Maybe it's different there09:52
superxglTeTeT: ok. tnx:) don't know is there anyone ever run into this problem  like me :)09:54
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superxgli also have another problem11:40
superxgli start two instances, each one has 512M ram, when i do scp ,copy a file from one VM to another VM, it takes me a long time to do that...11:41
superxglanyone here has any idea ?11:41
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