
robert_ancellStevenK, can you sync glib-networking and libsoup2.4 from debian experimental?  Do you need bugs (we have no Ubuntu changes, we just need to keep syncing until stable release)00:06
StevenKrobert_ancell: Again? :-)00:08
robert_ancellStevenK, yeah, GNOME keeps making releases!00:09
robert_ancellthey have a schedule and everything00:09
cnd`Riddell, are you on?00:30
cnd`I think a net split has screwed things up on me00:30
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NCommander@pilot out01:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
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bjfi'm thinking now is not a good time to get today's updates: an apt-get dist-upgrade says that "The following packages will be REMOVED: ubuntu-desktop"03:03
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broderjcastro: i don't need to worry if i submitted my uds sponsorship app before jono's post, do i?04:23
micahg@pilot in05:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: micahg
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micahgcan we upload from a UDD branch without an upstream tag?06:05
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janimodoko_, him what exactly should I check after eglibc build finishes?07:23
doko_janimo: just installation and desktop start, I'll look at the test results too07:23
pittikees: argh, then what I have seen must have been the .91 result07:23
janimodoko_, for the packages listed in that PPA?07:24
doko_janimo: just eglibc07:24
janimoahuman, ok07:25
janimoahuman, ok07:25
* janimo hits xchat autocompletion07:25
dholbachgood morning07:32
RAOFAnyone have touchpad problems since the most recent Xserver/synaptics upgrade?07:32
RAOFIf so, we want you!07:33
htorque_RAOF, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169400707:34
bryce_htorque_, awesome07:35
RAOFBah.  They haven't tried rolling back to the previous synaptics. :)07:36
htorque_just doing updates, maybe i'm hit too07:36
RAOFThat would be helpful; I don't have access to any systems which are broken.07:40
htorque_RAOF, :( touchpad's working fine here07:42
bryce_RAOF, can you attach a downgrade script on bug #724051?07:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 724051 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu4 breaks touchpad " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72405107:42
bryce_RAOF, then I guess reassign the bug to cnd - will you be around when he gets up?07:42
RAOFI can be around, yes.07:43
bryce_alright, I'll check in on things in my morning07:43
RAOFI'll do so.07:44
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didrocksgood morning07:53
RAOFHey didrocks.  How's your touchpad? :)07:54
didrocksRAOF: hum, alive, why? ;)07:55
RAOFOh, I'm just looking for someone who can reproduce bug #724051 :)07:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 724051 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu4 breaks touchpad " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72405107:56
RAOFIt doesn't affect any of the hardware any of us X maintainers have access too.07:56
didrocksRAOF: not sure I'm on that version because of nvidia :)07:56
RAOFMan up and install nouveau! :P07:56
didrocksRAOF: I prefer to keep what we install to our users :)07:57
didrocksand not triggers new bugs07:57
RAOFEh.  Supported 3D drivers are for the weak!07:58
pittiapw: yes, apparently language-selector was gratuitously renamed to l-s-gnome in 0.14, and the seeds weren't updated, and there is no transitional package iether08:06
* pitti cleans up behind that08:07
pittiRiddell: ^ (that sponsored l-s was pretty broken..)08:09
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micahg@pilot out08:21
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
cdbsmicahg: :o08:24
cdbsmicahg: nice job!08:24
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apwpitti, thanks for hoovering up08:50
jamespagedoko_, asac, didrocks: do any of you have time to look at a long standing MIR for me?08:53
didrocksjamespage: not from me, sorry :/ I finished a last MIR round yesterday but I won't be available at all today for that. Maybe ask mterry when he's here08:54
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jamespagedidrocks: I'll pester mterry when he appears then unless doko_ or asac can help me out :-)08:58
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tkamppeterpitti, hi09:26
pittihey tkamppeter, how are you?09:28
tkamppeterpitti, fine. Did you solve the problem of the automatic printer driver download not working with proxies completely?09:30
pittitkamppeter: I think so; I responded to the mail with some further questions, but didn't get a response09:36
* pitti digs out the old mail09:36
tkamppeterpitti, I have digged it out, too. Yuji Saito from Avasys never responded.09:37
tkamppeterpitti, I have sent a reminder now.09:38
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mdzseb128, my nautilus crasher bug 724202 is retraced now, and the stack has image_notify_cb rather than theme_changed_cb as in bug 721915. are you sure it's the same?10:03
ubottuBug 724202 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/724202 is private10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721915 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu) "gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72191510:03
didrocksseb128: pitti: I think that we should rename the compiz-fusion package to compiz as upstream has this name since 0.9. Is there a process for blacklisting sync from debian as they still have the old source package name?10:06
seb128mdz, no, seems different, the other bug you pointed was a duplicate10:06
pittididrocks: yes, add it to /srv/launchpad.net/dak/sync-blacklist.txt10:06
pittididrocks: that is a bzr dir, so please commit the change as well10:07
seb128mdz, I wish the retracers were working but gdb 6.8 produce broken stacktrace and gdb 7.2 is broken in the fakechroot environment10:07
didrockspitti: excellent, thanks :)10:07
seb128didrocks, see 5.2 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration10:07
mdzseb128, also, the "usr_lib_nautilus" info from the apport hook is hard to read because there's no whitespace between the items. would you like a trivial patch for that?10:07
mdze.g. usr_lib_nautilus: nautilus 1: 1.5.4-0ubuntu1ubuntuone-client-gnome 1.5.4-0ubuntu1file-roller 2.32.1-0ubuntu3evince 2.32.0-0ubuntu10seahorse-plugins 2.30.1-3ubuntu2brasero 2.32.1-0ubuntu2deja-dup 17.90-0ubuntu3ubuntuone-client-gnome 1.5.4-0ubuntu1deja-dup 17.90-0ubuntu3deja-dup 17.90-0ubuntu3gnome-disk-utility 2.32.1-0ubuntu4nautilus-share 0.7.2-14ubuntu1totem 2.32.0-0ubuntu9nautilus-sendto 2.32.0-0ubuntu1quick10:07
mdzly-ubuntu-template 11.03.1-0ubuntu210:07
mdzI think putting newlines in there would be good10:07
didrocksseb128: yeah, I read this, I was thinking about "official process" like sending an email or opening a bug :)10:08
pittididrocks: I don't quite understand -- our compiz source package is already called compiz, not compiz-fusion?10:09
seb128mdz, that would be better indeed, I think they used to have space or new lines, I'm wondering if anything changed from the apport side, any patch would be welcome ;-)10:09
didrockspitti: the main and other plugins10:09
didrockspitti: those are multiple source packages10:09
didrockspitti: compiz-fusion-plugins-main for instance10:10
seb128mdz, do you still have the .crash for this nautilus crash?10:10
seb128mdz, #526743 has http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39673544/usr_lib_nautilus.txt10:13
mdzseb128, yes I do10:13
seb128mdz, i.e the list used to be a file and not inlined, not sure what changed10:13
mdzseb128, apport automatically inlines it if it is <5 lines or so10:13
seb128mdz, well, the source_nautilus.py didn't change and it used to have new lines, anyway that's a detail10:14
mdzseb128, that's very weird, looking at the hook I do not see how it could have newlines10:15
mdzif it did, it would probably be a bug in hookutils.package_versions10:15
siretartdo we have plans to remove qt3 from natty?10:15
seb128mdz, can you install libdbusmenu-gtk3-dbgsym libdbusmenu-glib3-dbgsym and get a stacktrace from using gdb on the crashdump or use apport-retrace locally?10:15
seb128mdz, right10:15
bdrungraphink: re http://www.raphink.info/2011/02/version-number-suggests-ubuntu-changes.html - the correct way to deal with it is to run update-maintainer once you modified the changelog10:16
mdzseb128, I can apport-retrace locally, sure10:16
siretartI'm getting bugged about a package that uses qt3, which is supposed to be removed from unstable 'in the next 3 months'10:16
seb128mdz, the retracers are screwed, they still run gdb 6.8 because 7.2 is borked under fakechroot or something and 6.8 has issues in natty now10:16
seb128pitti tried to debug it without success10:16
pittito be precise, gdb 7.2 was just as broken locally with core dumps10:16
seb128you picked a broken example10:16
pittinone of the three bugs I tried it with had any difference in the retracer chroot vs. local gdb 7.210:16
pittiseb128: maybe, I could have been unlucky10:17
seb128I can give you way to try easily on a running process10:17
seb1286.8 doesn't work here10:17
pittiI checked strace on 7.2 in the retracer chroots, there were no obvious errors which looked like being fakechroot bugs10:17
seb128where 7.2 does10:17
mdzwhy does apport-retrace give me so many warnings about unavailable -dbg and -dbgsym packages? they should be available10:17
pittiseb128: I didn't try that, just gdb program core10:17
pittimdz: the -dbg ones are bad warnings and fixed in trunk; -dbgsym> do you have ddebs.u.c. apt source?10:18
seb128pitti, let me see if we have some apport-failed-retracing bugs with an i386 dump on launchpad today10:18
seb128so I can try that as well10:18
mdzdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/nautilus-dbg_1%3a2.32.2.1-0ubuntu6_amd64.deb (--unpack):10:21
mdz trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libnautilus-extension.so.1.2.0', which is also in package libnautilus-extension1-dbgsym 1:
seb128that could explain broke retracings as well10:22
seb128pitti, is installing the -dbg a new thing?10:22
pittinot really, they use -u --no-pkg10:22
pittiseb128: adding -dbg is a relatively new thing, it was contributed by someone who said it'd improve things10:23
pittimdz: for local retraces you might try removing line 426 in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apport/packaging_impl.py10:23
pittii. e.10:23
pitti                    dependency_versions[pkg+'-dbg'] = dependency_versions[pkg]10:23
raphinkbdrung, like I said, the maintainer is a canonical employee10:24
raphinkbdrung, so I'm not sure updating the maintainer is the best option10:24
bdrungraphink: that's not a reason to not change the maintainer10:24
varunthackerhas the ideas list for GSOC 2011 from Ubuntu been released yet?10:27
pittiseb128: just to make sure we could of course remove -dbg package installation from the retracers as well10:27
pittiseb128: (sorry, currently working on somethign else)10:28
seb128pitti, well it seems likely the crash mdz just had will break the installation and the retracing10:28
seb128not sure what we win from using the dbg when everything has a dbgsym10:28
mdzseb128, I have a patch for the apport hook for you. email, bug report or bzr?10:29
pittiseb128: it was added becuase a lot of dbgsym are missing10:29
seb128mdz, either work, what is easier for you10:29
pittiseb128: it's slightly better in trunk now10:29
seb128mdz, or just commit and push if you worked on a checkou10:29
seb128pitti, well it seems obviously broken if it install conflicting dbg and dbgsym binaries, I would turn it off until someone debug it10:30
mdzseb128, emailed10:30
seb128mdz, thanks10:30
mdzthere was also a weird issue where attach_gconf was called but not imported10:30
mdzsomething else must have imported it, because it seemed to work10:31
mdzpitti, sorry, missed your earlier question: yes, I do have the ddebs source10:32
mdzdeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ natty main restricted universe multiverse10:32
raphinkbdrung, nxvl is still the official maintainer (unless you want to change that nxvl )10:32
mdzbut I get e.g. WARNING: package libxcb1-dbgsym not available10:33
raphinkbdrung, afaik, the Maintainer field is not supposed to be changed at every upload10:33
mdzpitti, and removing line 426 helped a lot, thanks10:33
bdrungraphink: but on every merge10:34
raphinkit's not a merge10:34
mdzseb128, I have a gdb session for my nautilus crash now10:34
pittimdz: that's actually correct, libxcb1-dbgsym is missing from http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/libx/libxcb/10:34
pitti(meh - want soyuz ddeb support enabled..)10:34
seb128pitti, it's not?10:35
mdzseb128, backtrace in http://paste.ubuntu.com/571641/10:35
pittiseb128: that yes, but 1.7-2 is current10:35
seb128oh right10:35
pittithe udeb dbgsym made it for some strange reason10:35
seb128mdz, hum, it's not better than the retracer one10:36
mdzseb128, stack frame #2 has the same address as the data= parameter to the callback10:38
mdzthat doesn't seem right10:38
mdz#1  0x00007f16efdcba9e in image_notify_cb (widget=0x2718810,10:38
mdz    pspec=<value optimised out>, data=0x2026120)10:38
mdz#2  0x0000000002026120 in ?? ()10:38
mdzI'm not surprised it can't find any debug symbols for the stack :-)10:39
mdzI don't know what's wrong with #4 though, that one looks like a shared library10:40
seb128mdz, thanks for trying locally, so it's a different issue from the retracer one10:40
seb128mdz, the ProcMaps has no mapping for it though10:40
seb128"7f16e0000000-7f16e02d9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 010:40
seb1287f16e02d9000-7f16e4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 "10:40
pittiseb128: indeed gdb 7.2 works just fine if I run it against a "synthetic" core file in the retracer chroot; so perhaps 7.2 is more sensitive to missing dbg symbols than 6.8, so that it produces much worse results on incomplete dbgsyms?10:41
seb128pitti, could be10:42
seb128should we just upgrade the version in the retracer and see how it goes?10:42
pittiwe could, sure10:42
pittiseb128: FTR, I'm commenting out the pinning in /etc/apt/preferences10:43
seb128pitti, ok thanks10:43
pittiit'll get even worse, though10:44
seb128pitti, why?10:45
pittias I said, all retraces I tried got worse with 7.210:45
pittibut let's try this for a few days and review how they look nw10:46
seb128pitti, you can take https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/719156 as an i386 example10:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 719156 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::GpuRenderStates::SubmitChangeStates()" [Undecided,New]10:50
seb128pitti, gdb on the dump locally produce a better stacktrace10:50
pittiah, good; trying10:50
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/571646/10:51
seb128pitti, is what I get on my natty box with the dump from this bug10:51
* pitti runs that in the retracer10:51
seb128pitti, compared to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/64377347/Stacktrace.txt10:52
seb128which is what the retracer got10:52
pittilooks better now10:56
pittistill a lot of "No symbol table info available.", but at least I get a similar stack to your's10:57
pittiseb128: ^ ok, so let's run with that for a bit and cross fingers :)10:59
seb128pitti, ok!11:05
seb128pitti, do you need to keep the bug as an example or can I retag it need-i386-retrace?11:05
pittiseb128: you can re-tag it11:06
pittiseb128: in fact, let's do that and see what the fully automatic mode makes of it11:06
seb128let's see how it goes11:06
seb128pitti, right11:06
seb128pitti, the retracers are on?11:06
seb128pitti, next cronjob is in 1 minute iirc11:06
PetrHHI'd like to release my app as version 1.0.0 alpha111:11
PetrHHand create my own repository11:11
PetrHHHow apt recognize new version of my app, after I relase 1.0.0 alpha 2?11:12
PetrHHYes, I'll put version in changes file but I'm afraid if it will work.11:13
raphinkPetrHH, apt bases itself on version number11:13
raphinkyou can use dpkg --compare-versions $v1 lt $v2 && echo y || echo n11:13
raphinkto see which version dpkg/apt consider higher11:13
raphinkPetrHH, as far as versionning an alpha1 program, you sould use 1.0.0~alpha1 as the version, because ~ will make sure that 1.0.0~alpha1 come before 1.0.011:14
raphinkso the package will be upgraded when 1.0.0 is out11:14
PetrHHraphink, Thank you for explanation11:15
PetrHHand will be upgrade also after I release alpha2 or beta1?11:15
raphinkyes PetrHH11:16
PetrHHGreat! Thanks a lot.11:16
raphink1.0.0~alpha1 < 1.0.0~alpha2 < 1.0.0~beta1 < 1.0.0~rc1 < 1.0.0~rc2 < 1.0.011:16
raphinkthanks to the alphabetical order in which a < b < r11:17
PetrHHit is great11:17
PetrHHso I'll use ~11:17
PetrHHDo you know any good how to create own Ubuntu repository?11:17
raphinkand the first package version will be 1.0.0~alpha1-0ubuntu111:18
raphinkif you use a PPA and you plan to get your package in Ubuntu one day, the version will be something like11:18
raphink-0ubuntu indicates that it's the first version in Ubuntu, not based on a Debian version (hence the -0)11:18
raphinkand ~ppa1 makes it a private PPA version that comes before the official one, so if ever your package ends up in Ubuntu officially, the official version will replace the PPA one11:19
PetrHHI don't know how to use ppa. I'm already registered but my program needs CVS version of IDE to be build. So I must wait till new version will be released and added to Ubuntu repository. Because of this, I'd like to create own repo, first.11:20
raphinka PPA is a personal repository, that's what you want I think11:20
raphinkif you have an account on Launchpad, just go to your page and activate your PPA11:20
raphinkit's much (much) easier than setting up your own local repository11:20
PetrHHCan I use packages from external repository?11:25
raphinkwhat kind of external repositories?11:26
PetrHHMy development enviroment is there11:26
PetrHHSVN version of it11:26
raphinkPPAs can depend on official repositories as well as other PPAs11:26
PetrHHhopefully it is also in ppa :-)11:28
mdzpitti, are you going to remove the -dbg thing or keep it?11:28
pittimdz: it's already much better in trunk11:29
pittimdz: in the retracer chroots it increases the chance of getting debug symbols, as long as ddebs.u.c. i still separate and unreliable, so I'd actually like to keep it11:29
pittimdz: I could only enable it if --no-pkg is given, though11:29
pittithat should DTRT on local retraces11:29
ricotzwho is the current friendly archive-admin for NEW package reviews?11:30
mdzpitti, --no-pkg isn't on the man page; does that just unpack the debs without dpkg?11:30
pittimdz: yes11:30
ograricotz, look at the wiki11:30
pittimdz: it's actually kind of deliberate11:30
pittimdz: you shoudl never ever use that option on a real system11:30
pittiit's going to mess up everything11:31
pittimdz:  --help has it11:31
pittimdz: committed to trunk11:32
ricotzogra, thanks, which specific page would that be?11:32
mdzpitti, if it only unpacks things in /usr/lib/debug, that doesn't sound so bad11:33
pittimdz: no, that applies to all packages11:33
pittimdz: I get too much breakage with using dpkg in fakechroots, and it's also taking too much time11:34
ograricotz, ArchiveAdministration11:34
mdzpitti, even with --force-unsafe-io?11:34
pittiand as the entire chroot is just wiped after retracing, I don't care about the packaging system11:34
pittimdz: it's due to all the maintainer scripts, preinsts, etc., not so much due to I/O (which is slow either way)11:34
cjwatsonpitti: could you please push the final commit(s) in udev 166-0ubuntu1?11:35
mdzah, right11:35
mdzI keep forgetting that the retracer has to install regular packages as well, not only the -dbgsyms11:35
ricotzogra, ty11:35
pitticjwatson: done, sorry11:35
cjwatsonthanks.  it's broken d-i and I wanted to investigate11:35
PetrHHraphink, So it is not. I must wait till Carlos Laviola update his ppa to new version and developers release it. Two dayes a go, the created brach in svn for new release but still no official release4 info on their website.11:35
Riddelljanimo: you fixed the python-qt on ARM issue?!11:36
pitticjwatson: you mean the last upload? 165-0ubuntu2 still worked?11:36
cjwatsonnot certain11:36
cjwatsonthink so though11:36
pittiinteresting, the diff is tiny11:36
cjwatsonI think I know what it is11:36
janimoRiddell, with the new uploaded package it works locally.11:37
cjwatsona bunch of the _id tools moved to be guarded by --enable-extras11:37
janimoRiddell, unfortunatly it does not build on buildd and I am not sure why11:37
cjwatsonI'll figure it out and fix it up11:37
pitticjwatson: ah, we do need the extras in the udev?11:37
pittiok, thanks11:37
janimoRiddell, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65061885/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-armel.python-qt4_4.8.3-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:37
janimoRiddell, the pyqt4 issue was fixed a while ago but the fix dropped recently hence the current FTBFS list11:38
cjwatsonpitti: yes, some of them but not all11:38
pittiseb128: arh, lp borkage in i386 retracer again11:41
seb128pitti, :-(11:41
seb128pitti, like the same issue than the other day?11:41
* pitti cleans cache and restarts11:41
seb128how did you solve it the other day? cleaned .launchpadlib?11:41
seb128why would the cache breaks it this way...?11:41
pittiERROR: connecting to Launchpad failed: ValueError11:42
pittithat seems to be the new launchpadlib now11:42
cjwatsonpitti: (d-i has been broken for other reasons for a bit, hence me only noticing this now)11:45
cjwatsongosh, over a week ...11:45
pittiseb128: ah, this gets a "504: Gateway Time-out" now with the new launchpadlib; I guess this is talking to a new server now and needs un-firewalling11:48
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittiseb128: this stuff all seems to have conspired against us.. :(11:49
pittibah, works under strace, I guess it really was transient11:50
pittiseb128: above crash got retraced, see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65063086/Stacktrace.txt11:58
Riddelljanimo: hmm, some general qt issue there it looks like, I'll investigate12:01
janimoRiddell, it is strange as it seems to me those package versions are installable on natty/arm12:05
elmowhat does stuff in brackets in a seed mean?12:12
elmoand if something is in brackets on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.natty/desktop - can I assume it's on the natty (ubuntu) live CD?12:12
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
cjwatsonelmo: germinate(1) should document all the syntax12:18
cjwatsonelmo: if you mean (), that turns into Recommends in metapackages12:18
seb128pitti, quite better :-)12:19
cjwatsonyou can assume that it's intended to be on the live CD, but not that it actually is - you need to check the .manifest and .list files on cdimage for that12:19
cjwatsonpitti: so remind me how I build a working udev source package out of bzr?  it's complaining about stuff under test/ - I've hit this in the past but forget how I handled it12:19
elmocjwatson: ah, thanks I was reading SeedManagement on the wiki - didn't think to RTFM12:20
pitticjwatson: dpkg-buildpackage -S works12:20
pitticjwatson: it seems that debuild -S ignores the tar-ignore options in debian/source/options12:21
pitticjwatson: (or diff-ignore)12:21
elmowhat the heck is amd64+mac ?12:21
cjwatsonpitti: ah, thanks12:23
cjwatsonelmo: the amd64 CD built without UEFI support so that Macs can boot it12:23
cjwatson(and some other machines - it's a slight misnomer)12:23
Riddelljanimo: the qt install issue is just waiting for this to compile on arm https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx1112:31
ricotzRiddell, hello :), could you accept the libbluray binaries?12:32
Riddellricotz: is there a pressing need?12:34
ricotzRiddell, i was hoping siretart wants to update mplayer to use12:36
janimoRiddell, if so the buildd errors are surely misleading.12:36
Riddelljanimo: soyuz being confused by build-depend issues isn't rare :)12:37
janimoRiddell, good to know. First time I see this though :)12:38
ricotzRiddell, and since you have the insights after reviewing it, might be useful you would also do this12:38
zygahi, where can I find some documentation about the purpose of debian/package.doc-base?12:38
cjwatsonzyga: man dh_installdocs12:41
cjwatsonand man install-docs12:41
zygacjwatson, I read the first one, I'm still not familiar with what doc-base is12:41
zygacjwatson, is it some debian global documentation registry?12:42
mdzpitti, I committed a couple of tiny improvements to hookutils in apport trunk; should I be documenting things like that in NEWS?12:42
cjwatsonzyga: yes, pretty much12:42
pittimdz: I usually do that along with the actual patch, and then have a script "newscommit" which works like debcommit for NEWS12:42
cjwatsonapt-cache show doc-base12:42
zygacjwatson, how does one use it in practice?12:42
mdzpitti, oh, neat12:42
pittimdz: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/newscommit FYI12:43
cjwatsonzyga: it doesn't sound like you've read the doc-base documentation - could you do that, and then come back if it's still unclear?12:43
zygasure, let me find it12:43
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pittimdz: as long as you use standard (LP: #xxxx) syntax, it also tags the bugs appropriately12:43
mdzI see12:44
rniamohi, under natty i have segfault with gnome : http://pastebin.com/3Nt2v0Ee12:49
seb128rniamo, try getting a stacktrace https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace12:50
rniamoseb128: how can i do to debug, it is gdm12:52
seb128rniamo, what is gdm? the log you copied is a gnome-panel crash12:52
zygacjwatson, okay I think I got it now, thanks12:53
rniamoseb128: in fact when i start each time i open a gnome window it crash12:54
zygacjwatson, how can I check that the documentation is properly registered with doc-base? yelp did not manage to find my package12:54
rniamohere is the stacktrace i can have: http://pastebin.com/uYMvgBRg12:55
* ogra glares at a buildlog12:57
ogrageeez, world is broken !12:57
cjwatsonzyga: you can use 'install-docs -s <document-id>'12:57
rniamoseb128: http://pastebin.com/uYMvgBRg i had this12:57
ograis there something wrong on a very low level ? or am i insane ?12:57
zygacjwatson, so it shows some output, should that convince me that everything is okay?12:58
seb128rniamo, seems similar to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/71067812:58
ubottuError: Bug 710678 is private12:58
rniamoseb128: yes i can't access this page even being loggued13:00
seb128rniamo, try again13:01
cjwatsonzyga: probably.  you could try dwww or something13:02
rniamoseb128: it seems to work, thanks13:03
mdeslaur@pilot in13:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
=== Charles_1UDITH is now known as Charles_JUDITH
zygahow can I test that my package will build on lucid + maverick + natty using pbuilder? do I need to sudo pbuilder --create --distribution=$foo and then sudo pbuilder --build *.dsc ?13:12
raphinkzyga, you can use pbuilder-dist with multiple configurations13:13
raphinkthat will work as a wrapper so you can have several pbuilders on the same machine and run each of them on the source13:13
raphinksee man pbuilder-dist13:14
mterrydoko_, what's the story with twm then?  You don't like pulling in all of metacity's dependencies?13:14
zygaraphink, how can I purge existing pbuilder data safely?13:15
zygapbuilder --clean?13:15
raphinkzyga, pbuilder clean13:15
doko_mterry: it's sometimes broken, and pulls the whole world with libcanberra13:16
mdzpitti, I'm still surprised how many package hooks don't use the convenience functions in hookutils, and reimplement things like checking the versions of related packages, even attaching files and running commands13:23
mdzthere is also some good stuff in package hooks which should be factored out into hookutils13:24
ograsomeone should blog about it ;)13:25
ogra(no, i'm not volunteering :) )13:25
mdzI just noticed that the example in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport/DeveloperHowTo didn't use hookutils, so I fixed that13:26
cndcdbs, are you still around?13:27
cndI'm wanting to tackle the trackpad bug13:27
raphinkogra, a blog entry on hooks would be great13:28
mdzraphink, I don't know what there is to blog about which isn't already in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0909/ApportPkgHooks and DeveloperHowTo13:32
raphinkmaybe just a blog post to let people know that this page exists :-)13:32
mdzJFo, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/614421 fixed/obsolete?13:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 614421 in apport (Ubuntu) "linux package hook needs updating" [Medium,Triaged]13:35
mdzraphink, sounds more like a dent :-)13:36
raphinkmdz dents are probably read by less people than planet13:38
mdzraphink, perhaps so13:38
jamespagemterry: any chance you could review bug 676904 for me? As FF is nearly here I'd like to get it sorted one way or the other.13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676904 in jansi-native (Ubuntu) "[MIR] jansi" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67690413:55
mterryjamespage, yeah, I'm in the middle of it13:56
jamespagemterry: just noticed - thanks!13:56
zygahow can I emulate a PPA environment with pbuilder, I want to build a package that depends on a more recent version of a package (than available in ubuntu) that I keep in my ppa. I'd like to test this setup before actually uploading to a ppa14:04
cody-somervillezyga, You can create a pbuilder chroot that has your PPA in the sources.list.14:07
m4n1shzyga: login to your chroot image14:10
zygacody-somerville, is there some --option for that or just do that manually?14:10
m4n1shpbuilder --login --save-after-exec14:12
m4n1shpbuilder --login --save-after-login14:12
siretartRiddell: do we have plans to remove qt3 from natty? I'm being bugged about a package that uses qt3, which is supposed to be removed from unstable 'in the next 3 months'14:12
cdbscnd: back14:12
Riddellsiretart: Qt 3 is part of LSB, so I think it depends if we care about LSB14:13
cdbscnd: I did a half-revert upload to my PPA as a test, which used the new ABI for building, and except for that, it was the same as -0ubuntu314:13
cndcdbs, can you perform the steps I just posted to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/72405114:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 724051 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu4 breaks touchpad " [High,Confirmed]14:13
siretartRiddell: do you have a reference at hand?14:13
Riddellsiretart: reference to what?14:14
siretartto 'Qt 3 is part of LSB'14:15
Riddellgoogle for LSB?14:15
cdbscnd: okay, doing14:15
cndRiddell, hey, did you get my email?14:15
Riddellcnd: yep, qt didn't compile with the libxi from the PPA last night but it seems to be compiling fine with the libxi in the archive now so I'll upload that once it's done here14:16
cndRiddell, great!14:16
cndthanks cdbs!14:16
cdbscnd: followed, mailed to bug (will take some time for comment and attachments to come up in LP as I posted through email)14:26
cndcdbs, thanks!14:27
cndcdbs, I can reproduce the issue now, thanks!14:31
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vilajames_w`: thanks for the reviews ! The code is now running on jubany14:44
vilajames_w`: there are a bunch of outstanding jobs due to a os.environ difference between my test env and jubany which led to massive failures on first restart. Fixed now.14:45
james_w`vila, great, thanks for the branches14:45
james_w`and the tests!14:45
vilajames_w`: my pleasure, just mentioning the new deployment so if you see something unusual you had the right context14:46
vilajames_w`: hmm, I wonder if the bad restart caused all previous failures to be overridden...14:48
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mdzjhunt, any guesses what could cause bug 710983?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710983 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.17.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71098315:06
mdz(upstart related)15:07
kklimondapitti: did tor get an SRU exception?15:08
pittikklimonda: oh, is that back in teh archive?15:08
pittiso it is15:09
pittiin dapper, hardy, and natty15:09
pittiseems we didn't remove it hard enough then15:09
pittikklimonda: it did get an SRU exception back then, when someone said he'd take care of updates and testing15:09
kklimondaI think it was removed after hardy15:10
jhuntmdz: this is a duplicate of bug 707971 (I've just marked it as such).15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707971 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "package apport 1.17.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: invoke-rc.d: initscript apport, action "start" failed." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70797115:11
kklimondapitti: ah, I guess I've asked the wrong question then, I do remember the original discussion about it but it was some time since then.15:13
kklimondapitti: afair there were two issues - lack of manpower dedicated to tor, and the issue of how trusted our uploads are? my memory is getting fuzy here, but I remember talking about keys, and getting the debian maintainer on board.15:14
mdzjhunt, oh, thanks15:15
pittikklimonda: mainly because tor releases constantly need to be kept up to date in stable releases, even across major versions15:15
pittikklimonda: and as there is nobody who looks after that, we felt that it's better to not ship it at all15:16
pittiI'm not sure how it landed back in natty15:16
cjwatsonsomebody promised to do it15:16
kklimondaah, I've found the bug: bug 68918815:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 689188 in tor (Ubuntu Natty) "Unblock Tor auto-syncing from Debian" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68918815:16
kklimondaalso bug 697407 - so something is happening. :)15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 697407 in tor (Ubuntu) "Please update Tor in older versions of Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69740715:17
cndhi all, we've broken some synaptics trackpads: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/utouch-frame/+bug/72405115:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 724051 in utouch-frame (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu4 breaks touchpad " [High,New]15:18
cndwe're looking for a sponsor to upload a fix15:18
cndneed a core-dev15:18
kklimondaJacob is apparently a core developer of tor15:18
kklimondabut he doesn't have upload rights to tor in Ubuntu, so we still need either developer interested in tor, or someone who can help Jacob get PPU for tor.15:19
apwi assume we are aware that unity is in a heap _again_15:24
didrocksapw: downgrade gsettings-desktop-schemas, the new version add a Breaks:15:31
rydberghi, a tiny tiny bugfix to a huge huge problem we managed to introduce yesterday: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/utouch-frame/+bug/72405115:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 724051 in utouch-frame (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu4 breaks touchpad " [High,New]15:32
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mdzcjwatson, is bug 712677 by design? (apport dialog not being triggered during "install Ubuntu" session)15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 712677 in apport (Ubuntu) "Does not report crashes during "Install Ubuntu" installs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71267715:33
mdzjhunt, is bug 723670 a dupe of that one as well?15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 723670 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.18-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72367015:34
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apwdidrocks, i assume that'll stop anyone who is still ok from getting fooked ?15:35
didrocksapw: the breaks: will avoid apt-get upgrade yeah15:36
apwdidrocks, will downgrade and see if that resolves me15:37
apwi hate unity15:37
didrocksapw: keep me updated15:37
didrocksthat really help the conversation, but I have more than 15 packages still to upload, so I won't raise it…15:37
cjwatsonmdz: ev would know for sure, but I don't believe it is.  that would be a ubiquity bug15:37
evdefinitely not by design15:38
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jhuntmdz: yes, I think it is (the description text is possibly misleading).15:44
apwdidrocks, as you can probablaly tell from the delay its not much better after the downgrade15:45
apwdidrocks, i had a blank screen on login with about a dozen crash things15:45
apwdidrocks, i had unity and compiz still alive, but had to unity --reset on VT1 to get anythihng working15:45
apwdidrocks, and i now have doubled indicators15:46
* apw calls that fali15:46
didrocksapw: I'm not sure about the indicator, ask tedg15:46
didrocksapw: weird that you had to reset to get unity working though, as you just downgraded an unrelated package15:47
apwat least i have indicators now after the --reset15:47
* apw will try a afull reboot ... like it was windows15:47
cndcody-somerville, is the process for creating a new package set documented somewhere?15:47
cndI'm interested in creating one for the utouch packages15:48
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apwdidrocks, seems like applyiing the 7Rs to it seemed to work, must be some other interaction with the glib downgrade which survived logout15:51
didrocksapw: maybe some gsettings, right15:52
cody-somervillecnd, I believe the lp API is used to manage them. However, I think you'll need a member of the TB to set it up.15:53
cody-somervillecnd, with approval from the DMB15:53
apwdidrocks, unity seems to hate me15:54
cndcody-somerville, that's the technical "how to create a package set", but I need to know what the process is for asking the DMB or TB :)15:55
cnddo I add it to the agenda myself?15:55
cndmake a wiki application page?15:55
cody-somervillecnd, Ah. Yes.15:55
didrocksapw: well, the changes will be way less draster after today's upload, so it should be better15:55
cody-somervillecnd, And yes (doesn't need to be anything too formal, just describing what you want).15:55
cndcody-somerville, to be sure I understood you right, I should make a wiki page for the application, and I should add it to the agenda?15:56
cody-somervillecnd, Aye.15:56
apwdidrocks, heh heres hoping15:56
cndcody-somerville, ok, thanks!15:56
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mdzmvo, around?16:05
mvohey mdz16:06
mdzmvo, I'm wondering whether it's more correct to fix bug 573594 (and others like it) in apt or in package_hook16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573594 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport files bugs for dpkg: Exec format error messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57359416:06
mdzcurrently we check for some cases in each place16:06
mdzit actually seems like what we want is a global bugpattern16:06
mdzwhich would be much easier to maintain than all of this code16:07
mvomdz: indeed, the package_hook has various advantages, its more logical to put it there than in apt and its also python so the string parsing/maniplution is easier16:07
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rydberganyone wants to sponsor a one-liner with great bug heat? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/utouch-frame/+bug/72405116:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 724051 in utouch-frame (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu4 breaks touchpad " [High,New]16:08
mdzmvo, the advantage of doing it in apt is that it can look up the translated string16:08
mdzand it doesn't bother the user with a useless crash report16:08
mvomdz: we should be able do that with dgettext("apt", msg)  too16:08
mvomdz: but yeah, the bothering the user is a problem16:09
mdzmvo, ah yes, true16:09
mdzharder in a bugpattern :-)16:09
mvomdz: this is the advantage of the bugpattern, right? that will filter it out before it reaches the user?16:09
mvomdz: indeed :)16:09
mdzmvo, no, the bugpattern is actually the latest check16:09
mdzapt → package_hook → apport → bugpatterns16:10
kklimondapitti: if tor already has an SRU exception, would it be possible to update hardy package to the current stable, as per upstream request? I'm pretty sure anyone interested in tor at this point is already using it from the upstream repository, this update would help us assess the amount of work future updates would take. I can work on that, as I use tor semi-regulary (whenever I put my tin-foil tat16:10
kklimonda on).16:10
mdzthe experience for the user should be pretty much the same for package_hook and a bugpattern16:10
mdzsorry, I actually meant general-hooks/ubuntu.py, not package_hook16:11
pittikklimonda: not only possible, but desirable; actually doing that was part of the deal from the start :)16:11
mvomdz: what about adding a apport_apt_filter? so that apt calls a external filter before passing it on to apport?16:11
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kklimondapitti: the only problem I see right now is that tor's developers advise users not to use packages that were not signed by people who are mentioned on https://www.torproject.org/docs/verifying-signatures.html.en - debian maintainer is on this list, but no one from Ubuntu is.. and this is one of the issues mentioned in the bug 41365716:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413657 in tor (Ubuntu) "Please sync tor (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41365716:12
mdzmvo, I'd probably suggest adding that functionality to apport instead, so that other packages can benefit16:12
mdzthe "silently throw away this crash report" feature16:13
mvomdz: sounds good, a generic pre-report filter16:13
mdzmvo, then we could add a bugpattern scan to general-hooks/ubuntu.py16:13
mdzif we wanted to16:13
* mvo nods16:14
mdzpitti, what would you think of having a global bugpattern list in addition to the per-package ones?16:14
pittimdz: sounds fine to me; shouldn't be too hard to implement16:15
pittimdz: in fact, we could also only use a global list16:15
pittiwhen I started this, I wasn't sure how big our list would actually get, and wanted to minimize XML parsing16:16
pittibut it turns out that we don't actually have hundreds of entries, and a lot of them are necessary only temporarily16:16
pittiso the rules could additionally match on "Package" and all be in one file16:16
pitti(and we should remove the ones whose bugs were fixed long ago)16:16
mdzpitti, 273 by my count ;-)16:17
pittimdz: right, bug I suppose 250 can be dropped now :)16:17
mdzif the package match is always listed first, it should be very inexpensive16:18
pittiwe need to keep the per-package ones around (on people) for stables, but they aren't that relevant (mostly for packagage upgrade failures, not so much for crashes)16:19
Chipzzkklimonda: I fail to see your issue?16:19
Chipzzkklimonda: I quote from the page: "To verify the signature of the package you downloaded, you will need to download the ".asc" file as well."16:19
Chipzzbut that assumes you *download* something from their site, which you don't since you're installing with apt?16:20
kklimondaChipzz: what I mean is that neither source nor binary package in Ubuntu is going to be signed by one of the keys listed on this website.16:20
Chipzzkklimonda: and what I'm saying is that matters exactly zarroo16:21
Chipzzsince the packages are signed by the ubuntu archive keyring16:21
Chipzzor rather16:21
Chipzzthey have their checksum in a file which is signed16:22
ScottKkklimonda: I think the final resolution on TOR was that ubuntu-archive signature was good enough.16:22
ScottKWe'd need them to update their web site to say so though.16:22
highvoltageif there's an archive admin on duty today, it would be really nice if they could look at the 4 schooltool packages in NEW, they have FFe's filed already and are in good shape and shouldn't take too much time16:23
kklimondaChipzz: what I'm saying is that it matters to people who use tor, that the signature on the package isn't listed on the page. At least that has been one of concerns that were raised during the discussion. I haven't seen the part of the discussion when it has been decided that the ubuntu-archive key is enough, if it is then it's great - we just have to make them update their website . )16:26
Chipzzkklimonda: for one, your comment seems to be misleading16:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 413657 in tor (Ubuntu) "Please sync tor (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released]16:28
Chipzzyou talk about signed packages16:28
Chipzzwhich is incorrect16:28
kklimondaChipzz: it's not mine :)16:28
ChipzzOh I was assuming that comment was yours16:28
Chipzzbut you make the same mistake16:29
ChipzzI can't see how the signature on the *package* matters16:29
Chipzzthe package would be the .deb you download and extract, and which is signed by the ubuntu archive. But this .deb is cleaned out when you do apt-get clean, so it matters not16:29
ScottKhighvoltage: As long as they are uploaded before FF, they don't have to be accepted by FF to get in.16:30
Chipzzwhat I *can* see mattering is the signature of the *executable*16:30
Chipzzwhich is a different thing altogether16:30
kklimondaChipzz: by signature on package, I mean signature confirming that the downloaded package has been uploaded by someone trusted.16:31
kklimondaChipzz: it obviously doesn't mean the executable hasn't been tampered with.16:31
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
cjwatsonChipzz: .debs are not signed directly by the Ubuntu archive16:31
cjwatsonthe signature on .debs is via the Packages and Release files16:32
Chipzzcjwatson: that's what I said above:16:32
kklimonda(but the source packages are signed, and they can be downloaded, and verified)16:32
Chipzz17:21 < Chipzz> or rather16:32
Chipzz17:22 < Chipzz> they have their checksum in a file which is signed16:32
GunnarHjdoko_: Hi Matthias, any chance that you can help fixing bug 710151?16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710151 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Language selector reminds user about missing language support for OpenOffice.org instead of LibreOffice" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71015116:32
cjwatsonfair enough.  you didn't say it very clearly just now. :)16:32
Chipzzcjwatson: I was "shortening" it for the sake of the discussion16:33
Chipzzcjwatson: I could have repeated that, but than I might just as well have used the complete terminology in the first place ;)16:33
cjwatsonI think just saying "indirectly signed" would be good in future to avoid confusion16:34
cjwatsonsince there *is* a technology for signing .debs directly, it's just not generally used by distributions because signing the archive is more convenient16:34
highvoltagecjwatson: who should I give a poke to let them know that live USB disks doesn't add the repositories on the disks when booting? (LP: #723357)16:34
Chipzzkklimonda: and what I mean is that "it matters to people who use tor, that the signature on the package isn't listed on the page" is completely irrelevant16:34
cjwatsonhighvoltage: I don't know16:35
Chipzzkklimonda: since apt-get does the downloading and verifying FOR you16:35
cjwatsonhighvoltage: I mean I suppose me, but you've already poked me16:35
kklimondaChipzz: but there is nothing preventing someone from tampering with tor before uploading it to archive.16:35
Chipzzkklimonda: ideally, users do not even look at the .deb16:35
cjwatsonand I'm not sure I'm going to have time to investigate it16:35
Chipzzkklimonda: yes there is.16:36
highvoltagecjwatson: yeah stgraber said I should poke you, but I think you already have too much stuff to do16:36
Chipzzkklimonda: ppl are supposed to be trustworthy before they can upload16:36
Chipzzkklimonda: in debian you have a keyring, the NM process, and lots of other measures to assure that16:37
kklimondaChipzz: "are supposed to be" being a key - but we don't check if people are who they say they are before giving them upload rights. I know the argument is academic one, but people who use tor are not exactly people who thrust others easily.16:37
Chipzzkklimonda: in ubuntu you have similar infrastructure/rules to achieve sth similar16:38
Chipzzkklimonda: well when you start using that argument, I stop this discussion16:38
Chipzzbecause by that reasoning every package in ubuntu is untrustable16:38
kklimondaChipzz: I don't even think it is the issue, but I don't know if it has been addressed.16:38
ScottKChipzz: One major difference is that in Ubuntu there's no process tie the uploader to a real identity.16:38
cjwatsonthe entire purpose of tor is to be ultra-paranoid and to trust virtually nobody16:38
cjwatsonit's hardly surprising that many of its users might have stronger trust requirements than we provide16:39
Chipzzand if you assume that every package is untrustable, you might as well format your harddisk16:39
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cjwatsonbut indeed, Ubuntu doesn't require web-of-trust before upload rights16:40
Chipzzisn't that an inherent problem with ubuntu then?16:40
cjwatsonso "in ubuntu you have similar infrastructure/rules" does gloss over quite a bit16:40
cjwatsonarguably; of course there are reasons for it16:40
macoi know one person who wouldnt be a motu if keysigning was required. she lives on the opposite side of russia from the DDs16:41
Chipzzone solution would be to upload tor to main/restricted then, since the number of ppl who can upload to main is much smaller, and the ppl who can upload can be trusted16:43
Chipzzbut, that of course creates another set of problems16:43
Chipzzlike someone with main upload rights having to maintain (or at least upload) the package16:43
ScottKIt could also be in an exclusive packageset that only select people could upload.16:43
kklimondathe best solution would be to work with Jacob, who has said that he's interested in maintaining tor for Ubuntu, to get PPU rights.16:44
mdzpitti, the apport unit tests are blowing up on me because there's a /bin/cat process running (child of zeitgeist-daemon)16:44
cjwatsonI don't think we'd be willing to support it in main16:44
ChipzzScottK: that's possible?16:44
kklimondaor even what ScottK has said16:44
cjwatsonit's theoretically possible16:44
ScottKI think so.16:44
cjwatsonit's never been ussed16:44
ChipzzI guess I'm not up-to-speed with launchpad features16:44
cjwatsonand it does present its own problems16:44
ScottKcjwatson's the expert though.16:44
pittimdz: yeah, I sometimes have that as well, and just killall cat16:44
macopitti: how cruel! :P16:45
pittiI know, it's an useless use of cat!16:45
mdzpitti, I wonder if it does anything important16:45
mdzI don't see an invocation of cat in the zeitgeist source16:45
pittimdz: it doesn't always exist, I wonder if it's a leaked process somehow16:45
Chipzzpitti: no, it's a usefull use of cat, since now you can kill (the) cat to fix it ;)16:46
mdzthis is one of those days where you need to enforce a stack size limit16:46
mdzif you keep looking for the next bug, you never get to the bottom16:46
cjwatsona system I use once developed a one-bit error in /bin/cat16:48
cjwatsonit's amazing how much stuff kept on working anyway16:48
SpamapSanybody having iphone tethering working in natty? I'm told it works fine in maverick but my natty box just refuses to work. :-/16:48
cjwatsone.g. the entire news server and clients continued to work fine16:48
ioncjwatson: We really need a checksumming filesystem à la btrfs, zfs.16:49
mdzcjwatson, I bet an awful lot of stuff goes wrong if you try to boot :-)16:49
cjwatsonprobably ...16:49
cjwatsonthat box isn't rebooted often :)16:49
ionI wonder if one can already trust btrfs with her data?16:50
mdzpitti, I killed it, and now it's a zombie and the test suite still fails :-)16:50
mdzhave to kill the whole of zeitgeist16:50
pittimdz: it's a cat, you need to kill it 9 times :)16:50
mdzpitti, I did!16:50
cjwatsonof course checksumming filesystems have their own problems; they mean that we need to use a different approach instead of /boot/grub/grubenv16:50
mdzisn't that what kill -9 does?16:51
ioncat should be patched to count the number of SIGTERMs and die on the ninth one.16:51
ionmdz: :-D16:51
cjwatson(we don't really want to implement writing to the checksum tree in the boot loader)16:51
pittimdz: good point! but you also need --disable-schroedinger, otherwise it's still alive if you don't run ps aux and look at it16:51
ari-tczew@pilot in16:51
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: mdeslaur, ari-tczew
* ari-tczew gets syncs for universe.16:52
Chipzzpitti: you'ld say killing it with kill -9 would be equivalent to killing it 9 times :)16:52
ioncjwatson: Perhaps a filesystem could support an ioctl (or something) to create files saying “no checksum for the data, please – i don’t care about potential corruption here”.16:53
cjwatsonwe're going to use the reserved boot loader area in btrfs instead16:54
mdzpitti, I used ps to look, and the result was indeterminate (the zombie is neither alive nor dead)16:54
cjwatsonit leaves 64KB at the start16:54
ioncjwatson: Ah16:54
kklimondaat what hour does freeze start?16:55
cjwatson1800 UTC16:55
ari-tczewso about hours left16:55
cjwatson19:12 <skaet_> all, just to be clear feature freeze will be at 1800 UTC Feb 24th for Natty,  after that please follow the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess if something needs to get uploaded.16:57
pittimdz: FYI, you can catch multiple exceptions with "except (IOError, ValueError):16:58
mdzpitti, ah, thanks. shall I fix that or have you done it already?16:58
cjwatsonpitti: could you please review bug 721622?  you removed the package16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721622 in Ubuntu "Sync greasemonkey 0.9.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72162216:58
pittimdz: haven't touched any code, just noticed your question fly by in the MP16:59
pitticjwatson: looking16:59
mdzpitti, I thought specifying a tuple to except would invoke the old "<type>, <variable>" style16:59
pittimdz: no, "excecpt (E1, E2, E3) as e:" works fine even in Python 317:00
pittimdz: comma doesn't work any more, right (it's "as" now)17:00
pitticjwatson: can I close it as wontfix?17:02
cjwatsonpitti: up to you17:03
mdzpitti, fixed and pushed17:03
pittiwill do that then with a coment17:03
cjwatsonI'm just working through the sync queue and noticed that that one seemed off17:04
mdeslaur@pilot out17:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: ari-tczew
bdrungcjwatson: all xul extension were removed (too high maintaince cost)17:06
cjwatsonbdrung: I know17:08
cjwatsonthat's why it struck me as odd, so I asked pitti because he did the removal17:08
cjwatsonin this case17:08
micahgcjwatson: we didn't publicize it, so people might still think they can request them :)17:09
pitticjwatson: just to ensure that I'm not missing anything -- in https://merges.ubuntu.com/a/avahi/avahi_0.6.28-2ubuntu2.patch we can really drop our delta in the init.d scripts, as we use upstart anyway, right?17:09
pitticjwatson: (asking you because you did the last merge)17:09
cjwatsonpitti: I guess so, though those diffs ought to go to Debian17:10
vilajames_w`: weird, it seems that too many packages were requeued, but on the other hand I see a fair number of successful imports...17:12
vilajames_w`: are they false positives ?17:12
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tseliotcjwatson: if I wanted to blacklist all ati cards (so as to unset gfxpayload=keep) I should use this expression, right? v00001002d*sv*sd*bc03sc*i*17:13
cjwatsonthat looks plausible though I haven't checked the details17:14
cjwatsonthat's only in the fglrx packaging, right?17:14
tseliotcjwatson: yep17:14
james_w`vila, hmm, yeah, looks like everything got requeued?17:14
vilajames_w`: not everything, but ~500017:15
james_w`vila, well, everything that had failed17:15
vilaha, depends on what failure wre' re talking about :-/ There was ~500 packages with known failures17:15
james_w`right, but there are only a few with known failures now, which is why I think that17:17
vilajames_w`: AIUI, running import_package.py for a successfully imported package is harmless right ?17:18
james_w`vila, yeah17:18
vilajames_w`: so I'm only concerned about the newly created branches here17:18
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vilajames_w`: either we failed to trigger an import earlier or we are creating bogus branches17:18
pittiev: saw your ubiquity upload, did the jockey --no-dbus thing work for you then?17:19
vilajames_w`: I suspect the former but why would that be the case ?17:19
james_w`vila, do you have an example?17:19
james_w`I'm not sure what you are referring to with "newly created branches"17:19
vilajames_w`: the ones mentioned in the log with a leading:  INFO - Success17:20
vilajames_w`: avscan a couple of minutes ago17:20
vilajames_w`: or https://code.launchpad.net/+recently-registered-branches for a more accurate source17:22
pittimdz: I guess the displayed fiff at https://code.launchpad.net/~mdz/apport/504340-kernel-threads/+merge/51149 is outdated now? (werid, usually LP shows a "updating diff.." yellow box)17:23
james_w`vila, yeah, looks to me like all failures were requeued, and we are just seeing some failures that were fixed17:23
james_w`vila, so they are now importing ok17:24
mdzpitti, latest revno is 185817:24
james_w`vila, it's a shame we don't have historical information on failures though17:24
vilajames_w`: cool, thanks for confirming :)17:24
james_w`well, we do to some extent, one second17:24
pittimdz: right, it got that, but it still shows the open() outside of the try:17:24
vilajames_w`: a bit can be extracted from the logs, but may be the db has more ?17:24
mdzpitti, it also doesn't show the test17:25
james_w`the db doesn't17:25
james_w`AssertionError: Can't find the needed upstream part for version 3.2.2-openssl-1build1~feisty117:25
james_w`that was avscan17:25
james_w`so we fixed that error at some point17:25
mdzpitti, it's missing all 3 subsequent revs17:25
mdzpitti, do I need to tell LP to update the merge proposal manually somehow?17:25
vilajames_w`: from the explanations file ?17:25
bdrungcjwatson: ~7 new sync requests were acked17:26
pittimdz: no, it should notice by itself17:26
james_w`vila, from logs/avscan17:26
pittimdz: *shrug*, I'll just merge locally and check the diff17:26
vilajames_w`: !17:26
mdzI can't believe that https://code.launchpad.net/~mdz/apport/504340-kernel-threads doesn't offer a link to show (and download) a diff...17:27
cjwatsonbdrung: cutting it fine? :)17:28
pittimdz: it does, at the top of the displayed diff17:28
pitti-> Download diff  [x] Show line numbers17:28
pittimdz: ^17:28
james_w`vila, do you know what causes: AssertionError: repository.user_url 'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/gtk-vnc/natty-201102220618/' does not match URL from server response ('bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/gtk-vnc/natty/' + '') ?17:28
cjwatsonmdz: it's in the merge proposal, link text "Ready for review"17:29
pittimdz: anyway, looks fine now, thanks! Please go ahead and merge into trunk17:29
pittimdz: (updated MP)17:29
bdrungcjwatson: yes. :)17:29
pittiKeybuk: hello, how are you?17:30
mdzpitti, cjwatson, I was pointing to the page for the branch itself17:30
cjwatsonbdrung: amazingly quick turnaround on bug 721995 ...17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721995 in love (Ubuntu) "Please sync love 0.7.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72199517:30
pittiKeybuk: what was the reason again why we moved dbus-daemon from /usr into / ?17:30
pittimdz: ah17:30
mdzLP knows it has a parent branch elsewhere in LP, so a diff seems like a natural thing to want, e.g. if someone from upstream comes by looking for it17:30
bdrungcjwatson: i checked https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sponsors for remaining syncs ;)17:30
pittiKeybuk: it's quite a large delta to Debian, keeps breaking stuff at every merge, and as it needs /usr/share/dbus-1/ anyway17:31
pitti... it won't work without /usr17:31
mdzpitti, done17:32
Keybukpitti: hey, not too bad thanks, you?17:32
Keybukpitti: because Upstart depends on dbus?17:32
pittiKeybuk: pretty good, thanks!17:32
KeybukI mean, you can make /sbin/init a symlink to /usr/sbin/init if you like ;-)17:32
Keybukbut GOOD LUCK WITH THAT :p17:32
Keybukplus mountall depends on dbus, and mountall mounts /usr17:32
Keybuka better question is why Debian hasn't moved D-Bus to /17:33
Keybuksince that's the recommended practice upstream17:33
pittiKeybuk: mbiebl says that it won't work without /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/ anyway, so he kept it in /usr17:33
Keybukand would then match Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE, etc.17:33
Keybukit works just fine17:33
KeybukD-Bus reparses that directory when it's available17:33
Keybukyou just can't do activation until /usr is mounted17:33
ari-tczewcjwatson: do you will do all syncs until 30 minutes?17:33
Keybukbut then you likely don't need to for the things outside /usr17:34
vilajames_w`: sorry, got interrupted, no, never saw that one17:34
KeybukI've actually *shock* tested the NFS /usr case ;-)17:34
vilajames_w`: but user_url is supposed to gives user-readble URLs :-.17:34
james_w`vila, it's cropped up a few times, seemingly after 2.3 on the client, or maybe after a change on LP17:34
pittiKeybuk: ok, good to know; thanks for the heads-up!17:35
mbieblKeybuk: hi, what about /var/lib/dbus/machine-id?17:36
pittiKeybuk: another question, would it be possible to commit the 5 upstart patches upstream? took some effort to port them even to a new microrelease17:36
Keybukpitti: which 5 upstart patches?17:36
Keybukhave they been sent to upstart-devel ?17:36
Keybukmbiebl: we don't suppose NFS /var - I don't think anyone does17:36
pittiKeybuk: in dbus, for upstart service activation17:36
Keybuksuppose? support!17:36
mbieblbut a separate /var you support?17:36
Keybukpitti: oh, there is a bug open and discussion happening on the dbus mailing list17:36
KeybukI've sent a few variants of those packages17:37
pittiah, cool17:37
Keybukmbiebl: yes, dbus is started on local-filesytems in ubuntu17:37
Keybukit's in / to support a networked /usr, networking in ubuntu needs NFS17:37
mbieblKeybuk: but upstart works just fine without a running dbus17:38
Keybukargh, patches not packages17:38
Keybukmbiebl: no, it works "mostly fine"17:38
mbieblwhat's broken besides unprivileged user access?17:38
bdrungjamespage: you are working on the groovy sync? the clock ticks. ~ 20 mins till FF17:39
Keybukmbiebl: that is what's broken17:39
Keybukplus obviously receiving signals (plymouth uses them)17:39
Keybukthough I'm not sure whether colin did that via a direct connection or not, you'd have to ask him17:39
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Keybuksorry, I don't get the "this all works, can I change it and break it?" attitude17:40
mbieblhm, what?17:40
Keybukwell, boot works in Ubuntu right now17:40
Keybukwith dbus-daemon in /17:41
Keybukmoving it to /usr seems to be "let's break things for the hell of it" :-)17:41
Keybukespecially since Debian is afaik the only distro with dbus-daemon in /usr17:41
jamespagebdrung: yep  -  sync needed a patch for ubuntu as well - zul reviewing now17:41
cjwatsonplymouth uses an ordinary connection to the system bu17:41
Keybukcjwatson: that's what I thought17:41
pittiKeybuk: I think Fedora also has NM in /, to support networked /usr better17:41
cjwatsonit might be worth changing that17:42
Keybukpitti: we did for a while17:42
cjwatsonbut the direct-connection stuff looked kind of private to upstart IIRC17:42
Keybukbut I put it back in /usr since networked /usr was mostly covered by /e/n/i17:42
Keybukthe way our configuration stuff worked17:42
Keybukcjwatson: no, you did it right - direct-connection is supposed to be for things in upstart's tarball only17:42
mdzpitti, my branch was --fixes lp:blah, will that propagate into trunk or do I need to do something to make sure the bug gets closed?17:42
cjwatsonoh good17:42
cjwatson(I suppose I could have made it upstart-plymouth-bridge instead, but ...)17:43
pittimdz: it won't be propagated through merges unfortunately17:43
pittimdz: but the ubuntu task will get closed via debian/changelog once that hits the ubuntu branch and get uploaded17:43
Keybukpitti: the only reason for having NM in / was if you wanted to do an NFS /usr on WiFi17:43
Keybukoh, on WPA WiFi17:44
pittiKeybuk: that sounds a little on the crazy side to me..17:44
cjwatsonah, that's right, I made plymouth-upstart-bridge be 'start on started dbus'17:44
Keybukpitti: crazy wasn't the problem, it was the "so where do the keys come from, then?" that was the problem :)17:44
* cjwatson had a brief moment of self-doubt there :)17:44
Keybukcjwatson: rofl17:44
Keybukcjwatson: I never doubted you for a moment17:44
mbieblpitti: NM is still in /usr on F1417:45
mbieblunless they changed it in rawhid17:45
cjwatsonobviously my code is at all times perfect.  er, or something.17:46
ograoh, das Keybuk !17:46
ogragood to see you around :)17:47
mbieblKeybuk: fwiw, I wasn't telling pitti to move dbus-daemon back to /usr in Ubuntu, I was just telling him why it was still on /usr in Debian17:47
mbieblKeybuk: so, if dbus-daemon is started after local-filesystems17:47
mbieblhow do you communicate with plymouth before?17:48
mbieble.g. fsck progress bar etc17:48
Keybukfsck progress bar is done by plymouth's own native communication17:48
Keybukthe upstart->plymouth is done via dbus17:48
mbieblcjwatson: what does plymouth communicate with upstart then?17:48
cjwatsonjob changes17:49
Keybukmbiebl: "apache started"17:49
mbieblwhy does plymouth need to know that?17:49
cjwatsonmbiebl: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/plymouth/2010-November/000464.html17:49
cjwatson(and thread, spread over a few months of the archives)17:49
cjwatsonbecause otherwise even a non-"quiet" boot doesn't tell you anything about services starting17:49
cjwatsonupstart doesn't print anything on the console when a job starts17:50
cjwatsonthis lets us show useful progress again17:50
mbieblok, but all those services will start after remote_fs anyway in Debian17:50
cjwatsonit's not exactly identical to the output from init scripts, but it should make server people feel a bit more at home17:50
mbieblso it doesn't really make a gread difference if dbus-daemon is started after local_fs or remote_fs17:51
cjwatsondepends what you're trying to debug17:51
cjwatsonit might well be very useful to you to see that your server is hanging at boot in "Mounting remote filesystems"17:52
mbieblKeybuk: when did you last try starting dbus without /usr being available?17:54
mbiebldoes it install an inotify watch in / or how does it work?17:54
Keybukmbiebl: each time you attempt to activate an interface, if it hasn't got an interfaces list, it goes to walk that directory17:55
Keybukif the directory doesn't exist yet, the activation fails, but it'll try again next time17:55
Keybukif the directory exists, then I believe it does use an inotify watch rather than reload each time17:55
Keybukas to when17:56
Keybukprobably 2 years ago17:56
Keybukwhen we made the change17:56
mdzpitti, I'm seeing an intermittent test failure in report.py (readelf: Error: core: Failed to read file's magic number), ever seen that before?17:58
ari-tczew10 minutes requires, don't close :D17:59
pittimdz: I think I did, once in about 10 times; but I never took the time to track it down17:59
Davieydoko_, around?  Could really do with some ld help17:59
Keybukmbiebl: doesn't systemd also use dbus? :)18:00
doko_Daviey: what about?18:00
mdzpitti, ok, I didn't think I broke that but just checking :-)18:01
mdzpitti, what do you think is a good name for the package-independent bug pattern file? ANY.xml?18:02
jamespageany chance somone can sponsor bug 661230 for FF (yeah I know) - zul was sponsoring but has gone offline with connection issues.18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661230 in groovy (Ubuntu) "Sync groovy 1.7.4-1 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66123018:02
pittimdz: I think I'd just use patterns.xml and obsolete the per-package ones18:02
mbieblKeybuk: sure it does :-)18:03
mdzpitti, if we eliminate the per-package ones, we can just use the URL from crashdb.conf verbatim18:03
mdzinstead of as a base18:03
mdzpitti, is anyone other than Ubuntu using bugpatterns?18:04
pittimdz: I don't think so; we are pretty much the only disto using apport at all18:05
=== sforshee is now known as sforshee-lunch
keescjwatson: say... isc-dhcp doesn't mention apparmor in the merge changelog and half of the apparmor logic got dropped.18:10
cjwatson:set ignorecase18:12
cjwatson    - Add enforcing AppArmor profile for DHCP client and server.18:12
cjwatson  * Drop preinst code to set AppArmor to complain mode on upgrades from very18:12
cjwatson    old Ubuntu releases, predating the last LTS.18:12
keesweird, I wonder how the symlink got lost18:12
mbieblKeybuk: fwiw, I didn't know about the plymouth<->upstart interaction via dbus18:12
cjwatsonif I missed something, sorry, and feel free to put it back :)18:12
keescjwatson: yup, I will. thanks!18:13
mbiebland before shuffling stuff around from /usr to / I need a good reason why it's necessary18:13
Keybukmbiebl: of course, we can hope that dbus-daemon goes away soon enough18:13
mbieblAF_DBUS ftw18:14
Keybukno, multicast AF_UNIX118:14
mbieblyeah, I know about that : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2010-September/013531.html18:16
vilajames_w`: sorry, got *massively* interrupted18:16
keescjwatson: actually, sorry, it's there (isc-dhcp-client.links), but dpkg seems to have ignored it. anyway, I'll track it down and fix it.18:16
vilajames_w`: so, regarding the wierd URLs, that only bell it ringing is 'fallouts from +branch handling', but that's rather ancient now so...18:17
pittigood night everyone!18:17
vilajames_w`: .. pretty unlikely18:17
keescjwatson: ah! dh_link is missing from rules. easy fix18:18
vilag'night pitti !18:18
cjwatsonkees: ah, righto, that would have been easy to miss18:18
cjwatsonsilly non-dh(1) packages18:18
keeshehe :)18:18
james_w`vila, ok, we'll see if any appear again, and we can debug18:19
vilajames_w`: in other news: more packages flirting with > 400M and up to 700M, that's also something we want to monitor for robustness and also to drive memory optimizations on the bzr side18:19
vilajames_w`: yup18:20
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: ari-tczew
james_w`vila, ok, thanks for keeping an eye on that18:20
cdbsskaet_: heh, your announcement refers to natty as lucid18:20
cdbsskaet_: the announcement about the feature freeze18:21
cjwatsonheh, I didn't notice when moderating that ...18:21
vilajames_w`: thank to you, I appreciate your support18:21
Davieydoko_, bug 72447018:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 724470 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu) "apache2: symbol lookup error: /etc/eucalyptus/axis2/services/EucalyptusNC/libEucalyptusNC.so: undefined symbol: rampart_print_security_processed_results_set" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72447018:22
cdbscjwatson: :o You moderate -announce?18:23
doko_Daviey: did you apply the existing patch?18:23
Davieydoko_, to axis2c?18:23
cjwatsoncdbs: -devel-announce, yes18:23
doko_Daviey: which package does /usr/lib/axis2/services/EucalyptusNC/libEucalyptusNC.so belong to?18:24
Davieydoko_, binary package eucalyptus-nc, source package eucalyptus18:24
doko_Daviey: then fix eucalyptus ;-P18:25
Davieydoko_, Easy to say :)18:25
doko_it's not about ld, it's about searching the patch in the launchpad ...18:25
Davieydoko_, I'm not quite sure why it's compiling seemingly ok, but not ld correctly18:25
proticjwatson: bug 723482, we answered your questions.18:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 723482 in mountall (Ubuntu) "system hangs on boot after updates from 2011-02-22" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72348218:25
Davieydoko_, searching the patch?18:26
cjwatsonproti: yep, thanks, I'm going to have to set up a test environment, which is blocked on getting the server CDs working again, ...18:26
protiGood luck with this one.18:26
cjwatson(in progress)18:26
doko_Daviey: ahh, there was a new upload ... well, it looks like object files are placed before libraries when linking a library. dpkg-shlibdeps should have given warnings about unresolved symbols18:27
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proticjwatson: ok thanks. I you need testers, My machine is dead and 2 others at works.18:28
protiIf you need*18:28
doko_Daviey: gcc -shared generated/*.o server-marshal.o handlers.o  -L/usr/lib/axis2/lib -lcap -lz -lrt -lpthread -lneethi -lmod_rampart -lm -laxutil -laxis2_parser -lguththila -laxis2_http_sender -laxis2_http_receiver -laxis2_http_common -laxis2_engine -laxis2_axiom -L/usr/lib/axis2/modules/rampart -L/usr/lib/axis2/lib   ../util/misc.o ../util/euca_auth.o ./gl-client-marshal-adb.o -o libEucalyptusGL.so -lssl -lcrypto18:30
doko_Daviey: that's not the only one18:31
Davieydoko_, i tried http://pb.daviey.com/U2O6/raw/18:32
Daviey( see i have dupes)18:33
doko_dupes don't matter18:33
doko_in this order18:34
Davieyyeah, but that didn't work18:34
doko_Daviey: of course it doesn't work18:35
Davieydoko_, ok, let me try your entry18:36
doko_there's no lib after the .c file which can used to resolve *any* symbol18:36
Davieydoko_, that makes sense!18:37
doko_Daviey: http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking18:38
Davieydoko_, perfect!  thanks18:40
doko_Daviey: again, this is not the only lib ...18:40
skaet_cbs, drat - missed one.18:40
skaet_cdbs,  thanks for flagging.  yup s/lucid/natty/.  (sigh,  thought I caught them all :P )18:42
cdbsskaet_: well, you missed more than one18:43
Davieydoko_, yeah, i assume you mean the other libs with a build.sh file?18:43
cdbsskaet_: looks like you ran s/lucid/natty but not s/Lucid/natty18:43
cdbsubuntu-bug announcement :D18:43
cdbsahh, nautilus needs a rebuild18:44
doko_Daviey: I just pasted one line from the build logs, search for '-shared'18:44
* cdbs confirms nautilus' fate18:44
skaet_cdbs,  yup and did a manual scan too...   /me shakes head and figures its time for lunch.18:45
Davieydoko_, Okay, great - how did you identify the other libs that need -l'ing?  I got my list from running ldd on the lucid binary, is that the best way?18:45
doko_<doko_> Daviey: I just pasted one line from the build logs, search for '-shared'18:45
Davieydoko_, ok, thanks18:46
kklimondakirkland: hmm.. I have a really interesting problem, I've used ecryptfs-migrate-home to encrypt my home directory, but I don't have the $HOME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase which I should probably backup. I can still login, and all my data is fine.18:49
mdeslaurbarry: does this make sense: bug #72449418:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 724494 in python-launchpadlib (Ubuntu) "[natty] python-launchpadlib needs Depends on python-keyring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72449418:53
mdeslaurbarry: can I just add the depends an upload it?18:53
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barrymdeslaur: yep.  i was actually trying to test that fix in my ppa, but i'm certain it will fix the problem19:00
barrymdeslaur: thanks!19:00
mdeslaurbarry: np!19:00
barrymdeslaur: i'm actually having more problems getting python-keyring built for maverick so leonardr can test it ;)  not your problem tho!19:01
mdeslaurbarry: what's "maverick"? :)19:01
barrymdeslaur: exactly :)19:01
mdeslaurbarry: why isn't it building for maverick?19:15
mdeslaurbarry: (now you've got me curious :) )19:15
ari-tczew@pilot out19:17
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
barrymdeslaur: when i build it in my mav schroot it keeps wanting to pull in sysvinit as a dependency.  but obviously that's not in maverick19:19
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barrymdeslaur: i probably won't matter for natty, but in my ppa test i added Depends: python-keyring (>= 0.5.1)19:20
mdeslaurbarry: that's exactly what I put19:21
barrymdeslaur: beauty.  thanks19:21
mdeslaurbarry: hmm...that sounds like a sbuild issue that got resolved a while ago (sysvinit)19:22
barrymdeslaur: maybe i should blow away my mav chroot and rebuild it.  i do keep it up to date19:22
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till_hello, got a quick debhelper question19:32
till_anyone about?19:32
ScottK!ask | till_19:33
ubottutill_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:33
till_so, i have a piece of software, i run ./configure && make and then usually copy a single file after 'make' to finalize the install. i debianized the configure and make part, trying to figure out how to tell my package to 'cp' to the designated path/location.19:35
ScottKtill_: man dh_install probably has your answer.19:39
bryce_ev, any chance you're about?19:40
bryce_ev, ok well if/when you're back to within working hours, here's the skinny19:40
bryce_ev, for the past month or so we've been fielding some X crash issues that people using livecd have been reporting to us.  The crashes are caused by an out of memory situation.  The X crashes themselves are just trivial null pointer derefs and easy to fix but the core issue is the OOM situation19:42
bryce_ev, unfortunately pinning that down is proving to be much more challenging.  However, we *suspect* it is an X client app rather than X itself which is leaking memory massively19:46
bryce_ev, best guess at this point is maybe it's the installer, since people see the issue only while in livecd environment and usually (always?) while the installer is in use19:46
bryce_ev, but we're unsure how we can debug this further, and hope you can give us some tips on how to debug ubiquity or other bits that you think could possibly be involved19:46
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bryce_ev, for reference, the first reported bug in the sequence was bug #705078, from mid-Jan.  Suggesting that perhaps the issue arose around the timeframe of ubiquity 2.5.619:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705078 in xf86-video-intel "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70507819:46
till_ScottK: would i override the dh_install target in my rules?19:51
ScottKtill_: That or make a {packagename}.install file.19:52
hallynanyone else having trouble with apt-cacher-ng in natty?20:02
hallynit keeps hanging for me, both with libvirt guests and schroots20:02
ScottKhallyn: Caching any Debian releases?20:06
hallyndon't think so20:06
till_ScottK: any idea how long an initial release of a package takes to build on launchpad?20:08
ScottKIt varies considerably.  For PPAs, you can ask in #launchpad for help.20:09
till_ScottK: ok, will do20:11
hallynScottK: then again, i did have trouble with it before, but now i have just as much trouble without apt-cacher20:17
hallynis anyone else having trouble with us.archive.ubuntu.com?20:17
ScottKI asked about Debian because they recently added sha-512 to their release files and lots of packages didn't handle it well.  It's being/been reverted.20:17
hallynScottK: well i left the default .conf file, but /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng doesn't have any debian.org subdirs20:19
ScottKOK. So that's not it.20:20
hallynThu Feb 24 14:15:18 2011|/var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/uburep/dists/natty-updates/Release20:20
hallynThu Feb 24 14:16:40 2011|Warning, disconnected during package download20:20
ionI’ve built the apt-cacher-ng package from natty on my karmic box and it segfaults every once in a while. Haven’t got around to investigating it, since i’ll upgrade the box anyway soon and that may fix the problem.20:23
hallyni've turned it off and pointed everything at us.archive.ubuntu.com directly.  still hanging20:25
janimoScottK, retried the build myself now20:37
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ScottKJust imagine i replied to that on this channel and not #ubuntu-arm.20:38
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ScottKlamont: Running 2.8.1-1 on my test server.  Seems all good here.20:41
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FjodorHi all. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/650539?comments=all is reported as fixed, but it isn't for me. Does anyone else see that, and how and what can I do to diagnose?21:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 650539 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Maverick) "SRU: Launching a Qt app crashes X when using Xinerama" [High,Fix released]21:07
barrymdeslaur: nope, rebuilding my maverick chroots did not help :(21:09
mdeslaurbarry: got a build log somewhere I can see?21:10
barrymdeslaur: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/571920/21:15
mdeslaurbarry: how are you calling sbuild, and are you running natty?21:18
mdeslaurbarry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sbuild/+bug/68493121:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 684931 in sbuild (Ubuntu) "cannot build stable release packages due to ESSENTIAL dep phase" [Critical,Fix released]21:19
barrymdeslaur: that's the bug that's hitting me.  my build host is maverick.  i've already installed a locally backported sbuild to pick up the (nice!) feature of keeping the session alive when the build fails.  i guess i'll build natty's current sbuild for maverick (in my ppa :) for my maverick build machine21:22
barryor well, i could just remove sysvinit locally21:22
mdeslaurbarry: cool21:23
barrymdeslaur: thanks for the bugclue :)21:23
bryce_kirkland, you around today?21:59
bryce_are any archive admins around?  I've got a package stuck in NEW I think22:05
ScottKWhat package?22:07
bryce_ScottK, wayland22:08
ScottKYes.  It's in binary New.22:09
bryce_ScottK, ok, what needs to happen to get it moved along?22:09
ScottKIt'll still get in since it was uploaded before FF.22:09
ScottKIt needs an archive admin with more time than I have right now to review and accept it.22:09
bryce_I see22:10
ScottKAlso, it's generally preferable to wait until it's built on all archs (but not required).22:10
bryce_the only arch remaining is powerpc, and it's been nearly 24 hrs22:11
ScottKIt's way behind.  It's mostly needing an archive admin with time.  Not sure who's day this is.  There's a list somewhere.22:12
micahgbryce_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Archive days22:13
* StevenK quietly rescores wayland on powerpc22:13
bryce_ScottK, would it help if I just removed powerpc as an arch and reuploaded?22:13
ScottKbryce_: No.  I'd look up who's day it is and ask them to review it.22:13
bryce_hi StevenK, thanks22:14
micahgbryce_: with the rescore, it'll probably be ready by morning and jdstrand is the AA on duty tomorrow22:15
StevenKIt amused me that the rescore took its estimated start time of 23 hours and changed to 23 minutes22:16
jdstrandbryce_: what do you need?22:17
bryce_jdstrand, trying to get wayland in the archive22:17
seb128bdrung_, what was that nautilus upload?22:18
bryce_jdstrand, so far I've spoken about it to slangasek, riddell, dustin kirkland, stevek just rescored it moments ago, and now I have your ear :-)22:18
jdstrandbryce_: unlike the others, I will help you ;)22:18
jdstrandoh, snap!22:18
bryce_heh, all have been helpful, I think I'm working on building a straight flush.  Just need to get cjwatson ;-)22:19
bryce_jdstrand, the source package has been reviewed by riddell and kirkland and approved by dustin kirkland, but I gather the binaries need reviewed/approved separately?22:20
StevenKYes, but binary NEW is much easier22:20
bryce_jdstrand, amd64, i386, and armel packages have built, ppc is still TBD, but wayland only works on amd64 and i386 so lack of ppc is pretty irrelevant I figure22:21
jdstrandbryce_: yes. I am doing it. Riddell and kirkland are the real heroes here22:21
bryce_ok cool22:21
bryce_if it helps, I've tested the package (via ppa) on 4 different boxes with 2 gfx card architectures22:21
bryce_I have one more box which has never had wayland or its deps installed, primed to test a clean install from the archive22:22
RAOFGak!  Is dhclient broken?22:24
keesRAOF: yes, fixing22:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 724556 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "[Natty] isc-dhcp update breaks network connection" [Undecided,New]22:25
jdstrandbryce_: accepted. ppc will float in when it does. I even filed the first bug! :)22:26
bryce_jdstrand, yay thanks!22:28
bryce_heh, man pages22:29
bryce_jdstrand, ok thanks for the lintian, I forgot to doublecheck that22:29
jdstrandbryce_: well, yeah, that's the noise. there was a library one in there too though22:29
jdstrandbryce_: anyhoo, I'll leave that in your able hands :)22:30
bryce_jdstrand, thanks on it22:32
jdstrandsure, np22:32
bdrung_seb128: sorry for not checking the vcs field22:35
seb128bdrung_, I've fixed the vcs now22:35
seb128bdrung_, but please before uploading desktop packages next time check with #ubuntu-desktop, for one thing there is no recent gio upload so the rebuild doesn't make sense, and you screwed the vcs22:36
bdrung_gvfs instead of gio?22:36
seb128bdrung_, no, not since week or the week before22:38
seb128since this week or...22:38
chrisccoulson_is this for nautilus?22:39
chrisccoulson_i did suggest in #ubuntu-desktop that we should try and figure out what actually broke. did that not happen?22:39
seb128no, people did a random no change rebuild update without considering the vcs or the change in there22:40
chrisccoulson_hmmmm, that's not very good :(22:40
seb128not it's not, well I rebased and did a new upload now, it still doesn't explain what was broken and why22:41
chrisccoulson_yeah, we should figure that out, especially if it's just a rebuild which fixes it...22:41
seb128chrisccoulson_, do you think it could be libdbusmenu?22:41
chrisccoulson_hmmm, i'm not sure. i don't think we've made any ABI breaking changes there22:41
seb128chrisccoulson_, well I noticed the bug while testing rodrigo's patch today and I don't think I upgrade this box this week out of getting the new libdbusmenu to do some valgrinding22:42
chrisccoulson_but doing a random rebuild definitely isn't a very scientific way of approaching it :(22:42
chrisccoulson_i guess it could be that. i can have a look later and try and figure out what broke22:43
seb128so I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with it22:43
seb128chrisccoulson_, if you want to I will not stop you ;-)22:43
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RoAkSoAx.wub 1923:00
cndRiddell, where are we at with the qt package?23:24
Riddellcnd: just about to upload it now23:25
cndRiddell, cool :)23:26
Riddellsorry for the delay, the builder I was using to test ran out of disk space and I had to learn about eleastic cloud volume things23:26
cndthanks a bunch!23:26
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Keybukkees: given that the kernel community seem unhappy with your plan to make debugfs root-only, are you going to revert the mountall patch?23:57
keesKeybuk: nope23:58
keesKeybuk: they're wrong23:59
keesKeybuk: all the interfaces in there are designed to be used by the root user.23:59
Keybuk/sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices isn't23:59
Keybukthat's intended for all users23:59
keesthen it should move23:59

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