
werhsup motherfuckers03:26
werhfuck u03:26
werhfuck u03:26
werhfuck u03:26
werhfuck u03:26
werhfuck u03:26
werhfuck u03:26
werhfuck u03:26
elkygangsta guy again?03:28
elkyhes in freenode. he really wants to sabotage that connection...03:29
IdleOnehe is in #xubuntu now03:33
elkyyeah, #f finally muted him03:33
* rww ponders a "times robinetd has called someone a troll" counter04:56
h00krww: don't hurt yourself on that one04:57
tonyyarussoAm I supposed to be caring about the LP group expiration notices?06:19
* tonyyarusso can't remember how those were working06:19
elkytonyyarusso, they work in that you extend yourself if you're still around and caring enough to stay on the team.06:24
elkyIt's just a way of us figuring out who has disappeared.06:24
elkySo if you don't do 'em, you've disappeared.06:25
tonyyarussoelky: Okay, so I am actually supposed to click extend.  Last time I got a slew of LP e-mails I'm pretty sure it was followed up by someone says "hehe, ignore that - just me spamming y'all!"06:25
elkyPossibly when the groups were reorganised or something.06:26
elkyor when jussi forgot to set it so we could renew.06:26
tonyyarussoAll right, taken care of.06:27
elkyBesides, if you think *you* are getting spammed, pity my inbox.06:32
Tm_Tuh, how did I see all my expiring launchpad groups again?07:18
elkyHeh, robinetd is whinging about being banned from offtopic for a chloroform joke in a channel on oftc because someone joked about chloroform.07:37
rwwI note that he was /removed for that, not banned :\07:40
elkyIs he actually banned, or in self-exile?07:42
rwwhe just enjoys nickchanging07:43
elkyAh what is he currently?07:43
elkyI wondered why moose seemed familiar. That explains it07:44
cdbs-ot operator work is more difficult than #ubuntu07:44
rwwThe part where moose calls everyone who talks in -ot a troll didn't tip you off?07:44
DruleI've been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic07:45
Druleif anyone would care to unban me07:45
elkyrww, that's not really unique.07:45
elkyDrule, why were you banned?07:45
Drule -MemoServ- Memo 1 - Sent by Pici, Feb 16 23:42:47 201107:45
Drule -MemoServ- Hi.  Your connection appears to be unstable, so I've temporarily banned you from #ubuntu-offtopic.   Please visit #ubuntu-ops when things calm down for the ban to be removed.07:45
DruleI'm there now but I'm at work07:45
rwwDrule: I removed that ban a few days ago when I noticed your connection had stabilized.07:46
rwwyou should be all set.07:46
DruleAlright. Thanks pal.07:46
rwwelky: you have a point.07:46
cdbsPeople go too offtopic on -ot07:46
elkycdbs, are you only now noticing this?07:47
cdbselky: /me doesn't idle on -ot07:48
cdbsah, now I am :)07:48
* rww ponders moose07:49
rwwhe's learning, but in a suboptimal way. i don't know whether to be pleased or not.07:49
cdbshe's talking too much about ops on the channel07:50
elky<3 ikonia07:50
rwwthis should be interesting.07:50
cdbsikonia: wha?07:51
elkycdbs, he was baiting me.07:51
rwwoh, so it was you he was talking about. i was wondering.07:51
elkyhe knows he was baiting me. he could have PM'd and not baited me. He's quite well aware07:51
elkyrww, i got up him on the other channel for mocking the chloroform implications.07:52
ikoniaenough, it's a social channel, people shouldn't have to be monitored, he knew enough to say "it's wrong so I won't say it as a certain op is watching me" then he should have known enough not to say anything07:53
ikoniahe's been banned many times, people have spoke to him many times, he knows the rules07:54
ikoniafed up of watching him push them07:54
elkyit's not like they never PM each other with channel breaking stuff all the time.07:54
ikoniaparticipate in the channel and WANT to participate in the channel, orl eave07:54
elkyHas he gone crying to the 'wah i don't want to follow rules' club yet?07:56
gnomefreakyes ;)08:03
rwwI don't think they've been introduced, in fact.08:04
jussiJust a reminder people, we are logged in here, so lets be careful on what we say about people.08:04
ikoniajussi: what was that in reponse to ?08:04
ikoniawhat comment needed a warning08:04
ikonia(what did we saw that was possible unacceptable)08:05
jussiikonia: no comment, just the way the discussion seemed to be heading.08:05
gnomefreakwere logged in here again or still?08:05
ikoniacan you explain please I just saw a user being a problem being discussed rationally08:05
jussignomefreak: still.08:05
* gnomefreak wasnt sure what i said yes to but that is fine for me08:06
ikoniamoose is accusing me or log watching in other channels and punshing him in -ot for it. I have no idea what other channels he's in, as he's not in any that I'm in08:08
jussiikonia: when we start talking about channels with names other than what they are, it can quickly go down hill.  I just wanted to remind people that we are logged and lets make sure we are keeping things sane.08:10
rwwthe 'wah i don't want to follow rules' club is a fairly accurate description of ##club-ubuntu08:10
elkyjussi, it is the basis of the founding of that channel.08:11
rwwand if it isn't, then i'm misusing it.08:11
ikoniajussi: ok, I see what you where refering to. I believe you are wrong, but I understand what you are saying08:11
jussiAnd I didnt say that it was wrong to say that, just that if we continue the discussion, it could quickly deteriorate - so lets be careful.08:11
Madpilotdoes our IRC team control of the Ubuntu namespace on Freenode not extend to ##club-ubuntu, if it becomes an issue and breeding ground of trollishness?08:12
elkyYou could have affixed it with "now now children" and not changed the tone one bit.08:12
jussiMadpilot: no08:12
ikoniajussi: just a heads up, we are not 10 years old and don't need reminders08:12
rwwokay. in future, i think all the ops know that channel is logged and act accordingly, even newbs like me.08:12
elkyMadpilot, the ## makes it not. The trademark policy explicitly forbids the wordmark's use in that configuration though08:12
Madpilotelky, the Ubuntu Trademark Policy?08:13
* rww rolls off to sleep08:13
elkyMadpilot, the very same.08:13
Madpilotbit of a blunt instrument to chase trolls with...08:14
elkyMadpilot, it's a last resort, which is why it hasn't really been bothered with yet.08:14
elkyhe is also reading the channel logs and thanks to jussi is now in the previously unmentioned channel. Thanks.08:16
elkyOr so he pings me on another network to inform me.08:17
ikoniahe's not08:17
jussirww: thats clearly not true, or else we wouldnt have had the complaints we have had in the past.  The fact is, in this channel, there are sometimes things we say, that ARE baiting the trolls, that are not helpful to calming the situations. We as operators and leaders in the community, especially in this channel, are expected to be of a  higher standard, we are expected to not bait, or respond to being baited.08:18
elkyjussi, I'm at a loss as to how you expect us to know what we're dealing with if you forbid us from discussing it for fear that discussing it is going to be claimed as baiting.08:19
elkyWe don't name the channel explicitly because we don't particularly appreciate "disgruntled people" forming little armies. Which they do in that channel.08:20
jussielky: I never said you couldnt discuss it!!! I just mentioned to be careful the discussion didnt got downhill.08:20
tsimpsonelky: the logs only refresh once an hour, nothing said < 1 hour ago can be read08:21
MadpilotThe Channel That Shall Not Be Named?08:21
elkytsimpson, they really run it as a :00 cron? lols08:22
tsimpsonand jussi didn't say the name of the aforementioned channel either08:23
elkytsimpson, no, he just baited (ha!) someone else in to doing so.08:24
tsimpsonI don't see how08:24
elkyThen I suggest you re-read.08:24
tsimpsonno, I see the context, I just don't see baiting08:25
Madpilotfolks, the Channel That Shall Not Be Named is not exactly hard to find. A simple channel search for "ubuntu" brings it up. Chill.08:25
Madpilotin fact, assuming a simple alphabetical sort, it comes up well before all our official channels...08:26
Madpilotwhether it's named in our logs here or not seems gloriously irrelevant.08:26
elkytsimpson, I don't see the baiting in describing the channel, either.08:26
elkyMadpilot, not everyone is so... lacking alternative vocation... that they read every line of the logs. The fewer people who stumble on that channel in casual glancing, the happier I'll be.08:27
Madpilotright, so we won't say Voldemort's name. No worries.08:30
MadpilotSo are Freenode staff aware that ##club-ubuntu is basically -troll-ubuntu-ops?08:35
help--mecan someone unban webchat from #ubuntu09:15
help--me>>>>>> *!*@gateway/web/*09:15
Tm_Thelp--me: cannot be done, but we have an automated system which grants exceptions09:17
help--mewhy did u quiet all webchat users09:17
help--menow i cant chat09:17
help--meok now i can09:18
gnomefreaki guess we have had issues with webchat users09:19
Tm_Tunsurprisingly, it has been abused, yes09:20
gnomefreakmakes sense09:20
ikoniaI must have missed that one, I thought it let people in now ?09:22
elkyikonia, it does.09:22
elkyi just tested09:22
ikoniaoh, did help--me just abuse it ?09:22
elkyno, PEBCAK i think09:22
gnomefreakim watching him just in case. but i dont think he is going to be able to fix it09:23
elkyThis is my surprised face.09:25
gnomefreakhes done for now.09:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from amarin)09:26
elkygnomefreak, though I'm pretty sure http://snipplr.com/view/846/set-default-editor-in-linux/ was what he was wanting to do.09:29
elkyWhich happens to be the second google result for 'set default editor linux'09:30
gnomefreakelky: ah i didnt relize that was an option in .bashrc09:30
elkyYou never stop learning with linux.09:30
gnomefreakthat is so very true09:31
Tm_Thmm, considering that IIRC nano is default editor in Ubuntu...09:32
gnomefreakTm_T: it is or at least was in maverick09:32
elkyTm_T, well yes, if it hasn't been changed on you. Remember he said he didn't have root.09:59
Tm_TI actually suspect that he wasn't running on Ubuntu, not that it really matters10:00
elkyYeah. I'm going to guess it was a kid in a classroom looking at vi going whaaaaathelldoido?!10:03
bazhangI got the launchpad notifications as well; was renewing in #ubuntu+1 simply not necessary?10:19
elkyWhy wouldn't it be?10:20
elkyIf you don't, we'll assume you no longer want the job.10:20
bazhangmy understanding was that ops in #ubuntu or other 'core channels' got ops there as well10:21
elkySince when?10:22
bazhangsince I was granted ops there; that was my recollection, at least10:23
elkyEither way, renew it or we'll assume you've quit and take your access for that channel :P10:38
bazhangoh, I did.10:38
bazhang#ubuntu and #xubuntu10:39
ikonia@mark #pm moose moose trying to bait me in a pm asking to discuss his ban then starts making comments about getting songs remastered for myself and elky, trying to be insulting and stupid, this guy should be dropped and forgot about12:26
ubottuError: Not in that channel12:27
ikonia@mark #ubuntu moose moose trying to bait me in a pm asking to discuss his ban then starts making comments about getting songs remastered for myself and elky, trying to be insulting and stupid, this guy should be dropped and forgot about12:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:27
bazhangjust @mark should do12:27
ikoniareall y?12:27
ikonia@mark moose moose trying to bait me in a pm asking to discuss his ban then starts making comments about getting songs remastered for myself and elky, trying to be insulting and stupid, this guy should be dropped and forgot about12:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:27
bazhangsince he's not doing it in a channel12:27
ikoniaahhh cool12:27
ikoniathank you12:27
ikoniahe's made that comment then put me on +g so ignoring requests, I just think it's best to forget about him rather than keep wasting time when he wants to cause a problem/be stupid12:28
gordjust wondering, whats the logic in the expiration of membership in the ops launchpad team? you only get 7 days notice, if your on holiday for a week you could easily miss that13:18
Picigord: We had a lot of people on the access lists who hadn't been active on IRC or even in Ubuntu for some time.13:19
PiciAs well as documenting elsewhere who had access where, it made it easy to ensure that only interested people were going to keep their access.13:19
gordmakes sense, but the 7 day warning has me worried13:29
gordnot sure if you can change that in lp13:29
ikoniajust make sure you do'nt holidy13:29
PiciMe either. But I'm sure that the nice folks on the IRCC would be understanding if your membership lapsed while you were indisposed.13:30
ikonia15:15 < Pici> Cradam: Then you can explain to them otherwise.15:17
rwwYou can't change it in LP. My LoCo had this discussion when we moved to expiring memberships; there's a bug for that somewhere.15:22
rwwand @mark without a channel defaults to the current channel, or errors in PM.15:23
rwwjussi: Your argument only makes sense if those complaints are actually valid, and not "trolls" trolling. If we all sat around and ate tea and cupcakes and talked nicely 102% of the time in here, some people would /still/ find something to latch onto and whine about.15:30
gordrww, you basically just described my life :P15:32
IdleOneGood morning everybody.15:33
IdleOneSpecial o/ to the log readers15:34
rwwand while I agree we need a private channel, the concept of having special CC logging to make us accountable or whatever on technology that has the ability to trivially make unlogged, unaccountable side-channels or PMs that defeat said logging seems odd. But if doing that will make someone more comfortable with it, whatevs.15:35
* rww sets mode rww -soapbox15:35
IdleOneGo tell it on the mountain15:36
Tm_Thi all15:43
jribola Tm_T15:45
AmaranthWell, we could always just make _this_ channel's log only accessible to IRCC or CC if you really want a channel like that.15:45
AmaranthBecause if you have a channel like that everyone will stop talking in here15:46
jribwell this channel would be to resolve disputes with users15:46
AmaranthIf the user doesn't like the resolution they need to appeal to one of the groups that would be able to see the logs15:47
AmaranthSo that doesn't really make a difference15:47
Tm_Tpublic logs are our ammunition too15:48
jribAmaranth: I'd say there's some benefit from everyone being able to see how disputes are resolved by ops15:48
AmaranthTransparency is going away either way if you have a backchannel15:48
Tm_TAmaranth: which is why we have to be very careful about it, wether we have it at all and for what use15:49
Tm_Tit's quite rare occasion when I find public logs an issue15:49
ikoniawe tend to make our own issue out of them15:50
IdleOnethe use would be to warn the rest of the ops who are not part of the core ops team/channels that there is a troll looking to break our balls.15:50
Tm_Tand in those cases, the freenode staff is needed too15:50
IdleOnesorry for that15:50
* Tm_T huggles IdleOne15:50
IdleOneThe logs of this channel have been used to harass more then one of us, if not every single one of us in here.15:51
Tm_TI know15:51
AmaranthSo in about an hour another channel I'm in is going to have some pinging me about what we're talking about now15:52
ikoniaAmaranth: I had it today from moose/robert15:52
ikoniaAmaranth: an hour after he was banned pm'd me quoting logs at me from cdbs asking me to explain his comments15:52
ikoniatotally out of context but using it as a reason to show a vendetta?15:52
Tm_TIdleOne: I haven't got any harrassment from the logs, but perhaps that has to do with my shrunk activity15:52
ikoniathat is a direct quote15:53
ikonia10:26 <moose> I was waiting for logs to refresh and got distracted15:53
ikoniaso he could use the channels conversation at the time15:53
Tm_Tikonia: and if you do not do anything you need to regret, it shouldn't be a problem (there are exceptions ofcourse)15:53
ikoniaTm_T: "shouldn't" is the problem15:54
Tm_TI know15:54
Tm_Tthere is no easy solution15:54
IdleOneTm_T: perhaps. I have been harassed and stalked because of channel logs. just a few days ago someone I believed to be a friend sent me a msg and it turned out he was trolling for a well know troll/stalker/complete mental case.15:54
ikoniasee IdleOne's comment of "mental case" will now be used at a later date15:55
ikoniadespite the fact he's just explaining the situation15:55
ikonia"see you called me mental, you have a vendetta against me"15:55
ikoniadespite the fact that the person may have been banned 100+ times15:55
Tm_TIdleOne: I might have had similar cases, but usually my PM:s end up relatively peacefully so cannot say...15:55
Tm_Tikonia: have you seen me using such terms? (;15:56
IdleOneI don't have a vendetta against anybody but when you threaten me and my family over a ban on IRC that happens 2 months ago. I see that as clear sign of mental problems.15:56
Amaranthbtw, random thought, I find it amusing we swear in the development channels15:56
AmaranthI guess we've graduated though :)15:57
Tm_TAmaranth: I don't (:15:57
AmaranthPeople say 'damn', 'shit', and 'wtf' all the time though15:57
Tm_Terr, I don't swear, but I find it somewhat amusing too15:57
ikoniaAmaranth: I don't find that funny15:57
ikoniaAmaranth: I know what you're saying but those channels are supposed to follow the same code15:57
jussiHrm, interesting backlog15:58
Tm_Tikonia: I agree on that15:58
Amaranthikonia: But they don't because we don't have the ability to enforce it :P15:58
IdleOnejussi: my vote for a new coordination channel is +1 and I promise to follow the guidelines and CoC even more so then I do in the logged channels15:58
jussibe nice if some of you posted to the list though...15:58
Amaranthikonia: And we'd probably get ourselves booted from the channels if we really tried15:58
popeyjussi: +115:59
popeythere's a swathe of people who won't see this entire conversation15:59
AmaranthI used to want to post to mailing lists15:59
Tm_TI will try to throw some thoughts about this later today16:00
AmaranthSure, I'll see about tossing something on there16:00
Tm_TI wish I had more time to think and work on these things ):16:02
* popey hands Tm_T back the last 40 mins of their life spent discussing it here. Use some of that?16:05
Tm_Tnot enough, but thanks (:16:12
mneptokan -ops-defocus channel is a very good idea, IMO. with no public logging, but logs for the CC only (to ensure real business is not discussed in "private").17:15
mneptokthe IRCC and CC can make one that they know about with rules, or await the inevitable creation of such a channel "off-the-grid"17:16
mneptok(which would be really bad)17:16
IdleOne-irc-helpers needs a purpose for existing17:21
IdleOnewhatever the channel name is the channel is needed17:21
kEnumerationEThe truth of the dilapidated rape. I love you girl. Cassie, I still smell the beach . I remember when we could chat on Guild Wars, and every whisper from you staggered my man-nipples .17:27
kEnumerationESome may call that flower power, but I know from the bottom of our feet that the sand blankets were no lie.17:27
kEnumerationEWe live in a plastic ring with mobius ocean. The sight of your body evokes the memory of fishing hooks being ripped impromptu out of the tops of my fingers.17:27
kEnumerationEWe had a pet duck you and I. In the world beyond ours, where civilization was crumbled. The one we lived in on Guild Wars. But the tenseness eventually killed our pet duck. And we buried your hair and my testicles with it.17:27
kEnumerationETo think with my dick now, I can't ignore the ray intersections in the cracks the sidewalks from the head of my pepe. They went everywhere and even jumped into the gaps of earth that led nowhere.17:27
kEnumerationEHow much more passionate can I be for you? We tried everything, even peeing in each other's mouths. Nothing would wake us from the dream. But we got over it and sadly know how much it kills us that we aren't living together.17:27
kEnumerationEFeed your boob's children. The nest, which we would pull the my weener rope out from the nucleus of the eggs. To Toss it in to the sadly Roman Colosseum .17:27
kEnumerationEAnd everynight for five years we would awake and let the blue jays carry us by our ears to release us on the powerlines as we slid around the globe to meet yet another day.17:27
kEnumerationEI love you Cassie, and if we can be together just once more we can lay naked side by side, and have a giant boulder fall from the sky and crush our bodies.17:27
kEnumerationESuch love, such care. If only I could come to your state across the country. I miss u.17:27
kEnumerationEXoXo from a lonely, roasted, marshmallow bone17:27
IdleOnehe is hitting several ubuntu channels17:30
ikoniawhat a delight17:30
knomeitalian delight17:30
rwwIdleOne: if the channel is needed, how come y'all had such a hard time figuring out a reason or purpose why it's needed ;P18:26
ikoniathank you Pici didn't know about that one18:27
Piciman hier is actually pretty informative18:27
rwwjussi: would be nice if my mail client were set up as well as my IRC client, but I mailed the list anyway ;)18:43
ikoniaPici: I checked this earlier and he wasn't trying to use wubi20:21
ikoniahe wanted to install onto NTFS20:21
* Pici headdesks20:21
ikoniaI know20:22
ikoniaaman - why do I know that nick ?20:25
PiciI have a coworker named Aman20:25
ikoniaI don't think that's the reason.20:26
PiciOh :(20:26
ikoniawhy can people not respond to questions with an answer,20:27
ikonia"what host are you doing this from" "root level" ????20:27
ikoniaI'll share a console with you and we can do a test20:34
ikoniawhat the devil is that20:35
rwwwelcome back, log readers!20:35
rwwikonia: ubuntulog's altnick20:35
Piciits lo1 not lol20:36
jribikonia: i will not take that bet, no20:37
ikoniajrib: wimp.....20:37
jribikonia: but maybe later we can find out20:37
ikoniaI'll still do a session share if you want to have a play20:37
ikoniaor you can just test it on your own20:37
jribsure, though I'm stepping out for a few hours20:37
ikoniaI'm not doing it tonight, I'm not in the mood20:37
ikoniainfact, I may call it an evening20:37
PiciI wish I could.  I need to go to a stupid class after I leave work.20:40
ikoniaI thought tor was banned ?21:10
ubottufreenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.21:10
rwwand it's not banned on #ubuntu, presumably because the shiny new sasl thing doesn't get abused as much.,21:11
ikoniaPricey: when did you leave staff ?21:11
* rww hasn't seen any instances of abuse, actually21:11
ikoniarww: reasonable, if it's not abused why ban it21:11
gnomefreakhe still wears the staff cloak21:12
gnomefreakor at least one of them21:12
rwwgnomefreak: "staff-emeritus" means they left ;)21:12
gnomefreakoh oops21:13
gnomefreaki would have thought they would want "staff" removed from cloak21:13
ikonianah, you still have your school badges and stuff like that21:14
ikoniait's nice to see they where once part of the staff team, like an old club21:14
jussigetting that cloak depends how you leave staff ;)21:20
ikoniait's nice21:20
ikoniaDaviey: if you want to raise it on the mail lists, I'll be happy to chip in too21:30
Davieyikonia, No, i'm quite ok with it.21:31
ikoniaI'll raise it with the council21:31
DavieyIt's ubuntu userspace, and that is what i'm happy to support21:31
DavieyIf a kernel issue happens, then i'll wash my hands.21:31
ikoniaI know, the kernel won't matter in this but it's the line of no-mofidied distro support21:32
ikoniaif I'm wrong on it I'll apologise but thats what I've always been told21:33
rwwWhere is this?21:33
Davieyikonia, If i see something userspace that is causing the issue, then i agree.. it's not something I/We have time for21:33
ikoniaDaviey: if I agree with it or not I'm just trying to get the policy clarified now21:34
DavieyBut simply because it's not a ubuntu kernel is no a "get out" and way to block someone from support IMO.21:34
ikoniathere are a ton of things I don't agree with21:34
ikoniaDaviey: actually if the policy of not supporting custom builds is correct, then we don't support it is the right stance21:34
ikoniaeven if I agree with it or not21:34
Davieyikonia, Well - i am happy to help him, and i'm not going to turn him away.21:34
ikoniait depends if you want to follow the policy (assuming I'm right of course) or not21:35
KB1JWQikonia: Again, this isn't #centos.  In some ways that attitude has become that channel's pervasive problem-- and I don't think the issue in question is related to the kernel in any case.21:35
KB1JWQikonia: So effectively what you're doing is looking for a reason not to answer a valid question.21:35
ikoniaKB1JWQ: if I'm wrong, I'm happy to help him21:35
DavieyKB1JWQ, Without pointing fingers at other channels, that was my thought.21:36
ikoniabut as I understood it the policy isn't custom ubuntu builds21:36
ikoniaif I'm wrong on that, I'm happy to help21:36
KB1JWQDaviey: I've been in that channel for years, I earned the right to point fingers. :-p21:36
ikoniaif I agree with it or not is a differnt matter, but I'm trying to follow the polies laid down if I agree or not with them21:36
KB1JWQikonia: Yeah, but realize that there are official EC2 builds-- that runs on god knows what kernel, and it changes.21:36
Davieyikonia, and again, please provide a link to where that policy was formed.21:37
ikoniaKB1JWQ: yuip they are official releases21:37
ikoniaDaviey: we both know there are holes in what's documented, that's why I'll raise it with the council for clarification21:37
ikoniaDaviey: if I'm wrong I'll be happy to support them going forward21:37
Davieyikonia, and until such time, it's ok to help.21:37
ikoniaI can only go with what I've been told21:37
KB1JWQikonia: You just represented this as the policy to an end user though,21:37
ikoniaok - then I'll get clarification now and won't mention it until then21:38
ikoniaI can only go with what I've been told21:38
rwwand what we've been telling users in #ubuntu for years21:39
rwwwhich I understand doesn't reflect on #ubuntu-server necessarily, but *shrug*21:39
ikoniaI'm mailing the council now so we'll get it clarfied21:39
ikoniaif it's wrong then it needs to be correct as I'm pushing the wrong policy21:40
DavieyIt's never been a concern in -server previously, and i would be sad if it was made so.21:40
ikoniawell, I believe the -server channel falls under the same IRC policies as the rest so it will be for all or none21:40
Davieyikonia, No.. #ubuntu's traffic problem makes it a different scenario to -server.21:41
ikoniano it doesn't21:42
DavieyI disagree.21:42
ikoniaif you disagree or not doesn't matter, the ubuntu name space channel falls under the same rules as I undertand it21:42
ikoniathere is a ton of stuff I don't agree with21:42
Davieyikonia, If you don't feel comfortable helping server users running a different kernel... that is fine.. but please don't block those that are happy to help.21:43
ikoniathat's not what I'm saying21:43
ikoniaI'm happy to help21:43
Davieyikonia, Equally -devel is treated differently to #ubuntu.... why is that?21:43
ikoniahowever if the policy is not to then I'm not going to21:43
ikoniaDaviey: it shouldn't be21:43
Davieyikonia, Okay, please make sure you !ohmy and ban developers for not following policy.21:44
ikoniaDaviey: that's been raised already,21:44
ikoniaand not by me21:44
ikoniaI'm not writing the policy here, I'm just trying to support the people who do if I agree with it or not21:44
Davieyikonia, As i said... if you want to abide by, what i can only see as a fictional policy, feel free.  But please do not hinder those that are trying to help.. It causes a distraction.21:45
ikoniahence why I'm writing a mail now to get clarification, as if I'm wrong I don't want to push out the wrong message21:45
DavieyBut you *have* been pushing a wrong message, by trying to enforce what is a non-policy!21:46
ikoniaoh right21:46
ikoniaso I'm wrong, is that a fact ?21:46
DavieyUntil such time that the council confirm, or you find documented proof - it is wrong.21:46
ikoniain that case I can talk about centos21:46
ikoniaas until that's written down or confirmed, that is acceptable ?21:47
DavieyThat isn't related to the ubuntu server seed, is it?21:47
ikoniaplease show me in the policy guidelines where it says I can't talk about centos21:47
ikoniathere are many holes in the written documents as I'm saying (that doesn't mean I'm right) but please don't call it fictional or wrong as it make it appear your suggesting I've made it up21:47
Davieyikonia, Ubuntu server do not, generally, work on the kernel.. We largely only care about user space.21:47
ikoniaDaviey: show me the policy that says we support all ubuntu user space derivatives21:48
ikoniaDaviey: how do you know what else has been modified, he has root login21:48
DavieySo if someone is talking about ubuntu server user space, that is all we care about.21:48
DavieyUnless the kernel becomes a concern.21:48
ikoniaDaviey: where is that set as a guidelines21:48
ikoniaDaviey: so do you support mint ?21:48
ikoniain #ubuntu-server ?21:48
DavieyDoes that use the ubuntu server seed?21:49
ikoniait's based on ubuntu21:49
ikoniaeven runs the same kernel21:49
DavieyOh, i didn't know that.  You are certain they germinate their package set based on ubuntu server seed?21:50
ikoniaI believe so21:50
ikoniaagain, I could be wrong21:50
* Daviey suspects you are.21:50
rwwMint has a server edition?21:50
ikoniarww: I thought there was a server kernel for it in their repo ?21:50
ikoniaI'm only using it as example though of a derivative21:51
rwwikonia: you might want to check what "seed" means :\21:51
ikoniagive me the correct definition21:52
rwwsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement21:52
Davieyikonia, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement21:52
DavieyThe packages in the server seed are the core of what we support, but additionally we recognise that there are more than just the main packages... which is why we have more packages we watch out for.21:54
Daviey^^ Not a full list.21:54
ikoniasorry had email open21:56
ikoniaDaviey: who says "we support" ?21:58
ikoniaDaviey: (just reading through it all now)21:58
ikoniait's a good read that I can't see anything that says we offer support to anything built of these22:00
ikonia(still reading though)22:00
Davieyikonia, Server developers and the community around it.22:00
ikoniaDaviey: where does it say that ?22:00
ikoniapage 404's22:01
DavieyI'm attempting to hilight the launchpad team..22:01
ikoniaahh sorry22:01
ikoniathat team doesn't have a page that says we support distros built of these packages22:01
ikonianot trying to be an arse, but that's the logic your using for saying what I've been told is wrong22:02
DavieyNo, but equally - i don't claim to offer support for kernelspace for 'other' distro's...22:02
ikoniaif #ubuntu-server has an exception, then that's fine, as I've said I'm not saying I'm right, hence why I've asked for the council to clarify22:03
DavieyThis is ubuntu server userspace we are discussing22:03
Davieyokay, great.22:03
ikoniaDaviey: how do you know what else was changed on that box ?22:03
ikoniaas part of that vps's re-spin/modifications22:03
Davieyikonia, when we are talking about cp'ing files from one place to another, i really don't care what else has been changed.22:03
DavieyEqually, if someone has dirtied their box using non-offical PPA's which are unrelated to the issue being discussed, it's irrelevant22:04
ikoniaI'll leave it there and see what the council comes back with22:04
ikoniaif I'm wrong, I'll be more than happy to offer support for these products, I have no personal issue with it22:04
rwwderivatives support in #ubuntu would be interesting, in a non-positive-but-i'm-curious sense.22:06
ikoniastupid emails just bounced22:06
ikoniagot the right address this time22:07
jribIf there's a dedicated channel that can better address a person's issue I point them there.  And if there isn't and I can offer some advice despite it not being an ubuntu issue I try to do so.  That's always been my attitude towards this issue23:06
* jrib is proud of his < 1 hour lag23:07

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