
mhall119good evening00:24
mhall119well, I turned in my 2 weeks resignation today00:26
itnet7_+1 mhall119 !!00:35
itnet7_I hope it all works out! (I have no doubts it will!!)00:35
MichelleQit's been a crazy week around these parts.00:35
itnet7_MichelleQ: I'm sure00:35
itnet7_I wish I could be saying the same thing as mhall119 @ 19:26:1700:35
itnet7_but I am stuck... for now00:36
MichelleQaaw, soon, hopefully00:36
itnet7_It got infinitely worse today00:36
MichelleQoh, that sucks00:36
itnet7_Well, I can at least take comfort that it Can't get worse...00:38
itnet7_I am really happy for you mhall119 ! I know that you will do great with them, and they need great people! So it's definitely win-win00:38
RoAkSoAxitnet7_: sponsorship are open00:39
itnet7_Thanks RoAkSoAx !00:40
RoAkSoAxits all over the blogs :P00:40
* MichelleQ isn't going to make it to Budapest.00:41
itnet7_MichelleQ: it would be really tough I think with the kids and traveling, and passports, and all00:42
MichelleQyeah, and I'm just not ready to leave them for a week *that* far away. 00:42
itnet7_Yeah... I know what you mean.00:43
MichelleQBut UDS-October is SO on my schedule.  :-D00:44
itnet7_Definitely, I am so glad it's going to be here again!00:44
MichelleQme too.  I'm already plotting.00:44
MichelleQitnet7_: when are y'all going to come geocaching this direction?  00:48
itnet7_MichelleQ: I would like to try and come over this weekend if possible, but it depends on work00:48
itnet7_Do you have plans already for this weekend?00:50
itnet7_You guys could come over this way, and camp at Wickham Park!00:50
itnet7_Not sure how great of camping facilities they have but... 00:50
MichelleQSaturday I've got to get new tires on my truck, mid-day.  Sunday, we're going to meet Buddy from Dinosaur Train.00:50
MichelleQHhm... for camping... we could come your way the weekend of the 19th.00:51
itnet7_Let me see how the campground is I will check on the 19th for availability00:52
itnet7_do you guys usually stay the weekend when you camp?00:52
MichelleQyes. 00:52
itnet7_do you bring the pets?00:52
MichelleQWe'll come over Friday, stay thru Sunday. 00:52
MichelleQBlake will come yes00:52
itnet7_Okay, let me check it out and see if they're booked00:52
itnet7_Michelle, pm?00:54
Goldenweathers beautiful in palm beach gardens hows it in your neck of the state?03:44
itnet7_Golden: not bad!03:50
=== itnet7_ is now known as itnet7
Goldennice.. wish there was snow .. been a decade since I've seen any..04:04
Teabagdadhi all13:21
Teabagdadi am running macbuntu13:21
Teabagdadlove it13:21
Teabagdadanyone here?13:22
munz_werkmornin Teabagdad 13:23
Teabagdadanyone know if there is a pandora app for uubuntu13:23
Teabagdadok well what is the purpose of this room13:24
munz_werkhave you tried google?13:24
Teabagdadill try again13:24
munz_werkthe purpose is to help others, you sound kinda ungrateful13:25
Teabagdadno, just had coffee13:25
Teabagdadi am thinking of business plans.13:26
Teabagdadappoligies ok13:26
munz_werkno worries just walked into a mess @ work :(13:26
Teabagdadat least u have a job13:27
munz_werk:) yes13:27
munz_werkthere seems to be a way13:28
munz_werkinstall adobe air13:28
Teabagdadforget it lol13:28
Teabagdadi did to much linux work in the last 2 days lol13:28
munz_werkthen a pandora app written in adobe air13:28
Teabagdadi need to go look for a job13:28
Teabagdadu running ubuntu?13:28
munz_werkyes, yes13:28
munz_werklink if interested http://linuxappfinder.com/package/pandora-radio13:28
Teabagdadwhere u at in fla?13:30
Teabagdadim in boca13:30
munz_werkno prob13:30
munz_werkim in daytona beach13:30
Teabagdadhard sand13:30
Teabagdadhow is life there13:30
Teabagdadur age? i am 2613:30
munz_werklife is dirty, lol, bikes, nascar and old people13:31
munz_werk31 male13:31
munz_werki run ubuntu 99% of the time, only when i have to test windows infrastructure i use ubuntu13:31
munz_werki've switched 3 people over this year so far13:33
munz_werkmornin reya276 13:34
reya276Morning Everyone13:35
munz_werkmornin mhall119 13:41
mhall119anyone want to hold a global jam session between Tampa and Orlando on April 1st?13:47
mhall119zoopster cjohnston ^^13:47
zoopsterare you fooling us mhall119?13:47
zoopsterand if anyone is around Daytona Beach (or west of there)  today...I could use your help.13:48
munz_werkwhats up zoopster?13:48
mhall119zoopster: not my choice of start day :(13:49
mhall119zoopster: tiemonster is in Deland, it's about 30 minutes away13:49
tiemonsterwhat did I do?13:50
mhall119cjohnston: do you work that day?13:50
munz_werkwhats up? im in db, workin but whats up zoopster?13:50
mhall119cjohnston: cool13:50
mhall119cjohnston: want to pick a place with coffee and wifi?13:51
tiemonsterwhat's going on13:51
cjohnstonthat sounds good.. or are you asking me to pick it13:51
mhall119cjohnston: asking you to pick, unless you want to drive to Lakeland13:51
cjohnstoni was thinking 1213 ww rd sounds good13:52
zoopsterI am working with a team to launch a camera payload along with the launch of Discovery to capture images of the liftoff from near space....need some help tracking it on the way down so we don't lose it if anyone might be available late this afternoon in a 50 mile radius west of Daytona13:52
mhall119cjohnston: what's that, your station?13:52
mhall119oh wait, walt williams13:52
mhall119I'd have to check with Michelle, but that's probably okay13:53
munz_werkwhat time and what needs to be done?13:53
cjohnstonmhall119 thinks to himself, "that number sounds really familiar"13:53
* mhall119 wasn't thinking at all13:53
cjohnstonsounds interesting zoopster 13:53
* mhall119 needs more coffee13:53
mhall119zoopster: do you have like a 360 degree camera or someting?13:54
zoopstermhall119: we have 6 cameras13:54
zoopsterall HD13:54
mhall119wow, nice13:54
cjohnstonhow are you tracking it13:56
zoopsterwe have 3 different tracking mechanisms.14:00
munz_werkzoopster, how far west of daytona would you need someone to be, and what would you need done? visual tracking?14:04
tiemonsterzoopster: can I chat with you when you have a chance?14:09
zoopstersure...I'm signing off for now...if you wan to chat call me 813.335.3206 - munz_werk tiemonster14:31
reya276hey is there a way to reset your default icons?15:20
maxolasersquadreya276: You can change your icon theme at System->Preferences->Appearance15:33
reya276oh I know that but I meant like how you could reset the main panels15:33
reya276I figured there would be a way to make the icons revert to the defaults too15:34
mhall119cjohnston: I'm thinking we make ours a summit-hacking jam15:47
mhall119try and get done whatever we want to have ready for UDS-O15:48
=== roaksoax__ is now known as andreserl
cjohnstonhow about an hof16:09
cjohnstonmhall119: ^16:09
mhall119if we have summit done before then, sure17:00
mhall119btw, someone way looking at getting started on hof, did he get in touch with you?17:00
mhall119missed it by about 45 minutes17:54
mhall119unless you're in California already17:55
tiemonstermhall119: what would be a good Django app to benchmark a python application server?17:58
mhall119I'm not sure exactly18:10
* mhall119 doesn't know of any heavy django apps18:10
mhall119tiemonster: maybe https://github.com/jacobian/djangobench ?18:13
tiemonsterlet me clarify18:14
tiemonsterwhat is a commonly used Django application that would be good to show performance differences between deployments?18:14
mhall119that I don't know18:15
mhall119but that benchmark is for django itself, so it should be useful for showing one deployment being faster than another18:15
tiemonsterI was thinking of Pinax or something like that18:18
mhall119that probably won't tell you much unless you get a bunch of people using it18:19
tiemonsterthat's what siege is for18:19
mhall119btw, did you get to open source your reporting app?18:20
tiemonsterapt-cache show siege18:20
tiemonstermhall119: we're rebuilding the functionality on Pentaho BI18:20
mhall119oh, was it Java or Django?18:20
tiemonsterit never got into a usable enough state to use on Django18:20
tiemonstera lot of raw SQL and the like18:20
tiemonsterthe problem is that almost every BI vendor in the world uses Java18:21
tiemonsterwriting it on Python meant rewriting a lot of functionality18:21
tiemonsterplus now we need a succession plan for when I graduate18:25
tiemonsterbecause as soon as I have that piece of paper, I'm looking for a higher-paying job ;-)18:26
mhall119Moffitt is hiring18:31
tiemonstertoo far away18:32
mhall119I know18:32
* mhall119 likes that nasa tv on their website uses gstreamer plugin18:37
mhall119instead of flash18:37
mhall11910% CPU unsage instead of 80%18:38
tiemonsterI know, right?18:39
maxolasersquadIf anyone wants to give me some python help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571853/18:43
maxolasersquadWhen get_connections is called, it returns a list of identical objects.18:43
maxolasersquadI think that when connection is appended, it is a reference, so when it is modified on the next itteration, the object I just put in my list is modified as well.18:44
tiemonsterare you making an instance on line 23?18:44
tiemonsteryou might want to make an instance on each iteration if you're expecting different results18:45
maxolasersquadI want to return back a list of connection objects18:45
mhall119maxolasersquad: that's exactly what's happening18:45
mhall119you're modifying the same instance, and adding additional references to it18:45
maxolasersquadThat's what I figured.  What's the best way to do what I am trying to acomplish?18:46
mhall119either call connection = Connection() inside the for loop18:46
mhall119or use the copy module to make a copy of it18:46
mhall119making a  new instance would probably by cheaper18:46
mhall119since you're not setting or keeping anything outside the loop18:46
mhall119unless there's a high cost of initialization, just make new instances18:47
maxolasersquadSo if I do connection = Connection() in my loop, it will create a new instance of connection, and not destroy the version in my list?18:47
mhall119and, given than your Connection object is just a simple object, there won't be18:47
mhall119maxolasersquad: correct18:48
maxolasersquadCool, thanks.18:48
mhall119because 'connection' is just a name used to reference the variable within the loop18:48
tiemonsterI win18:48
mhall119maxolasersquad: any reason you're using a Connection object instead of just a dict?18:50
maxolasersquadmhall119: Probably because I'm not "thinking python" yet, I guess.18:50
maxolasersquadtiemonster: Congratulations, I think.18:51
maxolasersquadI'm thinking about how I would do it in PHP and then writing it in Python.18:51
tiemonstermaxolasersquad: "thinking Python" will ruin you for life. You'll never be able to program Java with joy again.18:51
mhall119but so true18:54
mhall119it ruins PHP even more18:55
mhall119it ruins PHP even more19:06
mhall119gah, wrong window19:06
dantalizingtiemonster: have yall had a chance to test performance of pentaho yet?19:34
tiemonsterdantalizing: it's all relative19:35
tiemonstera majority of the performance problems are solved by using MySQL :-)19:35
tiemonsteror anything better than HSQLDB19:35
dantalizingwho is this for?19:36
mhall119I thought hsqldb was supposed to be fairly fast19:37
tiemonstermhall119: well apparently it isn't19:37
tiemonsterOLAP flew when we hooked it up to MySQL instead of HSQLDB19:38
tiemonsterdantalizing: who is what for?19:38
dantalizingwhich company19:38
dantalizingwhere do you work19:38
mhall119maybe I'm thinking of H219:38
dantalizingcool taht yall are using pentaho19:38
dantalizingevery database says they're fast19:39
* mhall119 needs to learn Hungarian19:39
mhall119but I can't quite figure out how to use Parley19:39
=== Mootbot-UK_ is now known as Mootbot-UK
dantalizingeverytime i see a picture of ryan dahl, i think of govatent21:30
DammitJimis it crazy to have a calendar on a montor running 24/7?21:32
DammitJimmy wife claims she doesn't update her google calendar because she hates the fact that she can't see the whole month properly on her 10" netbook21:33
dantalizingmake the fonts smaller21:34
DammitJimdoesn't work21:34
dantalizingzoom out21:34
DammitJimthis netbook's 1024x564 is just too low resolution21:34
DammitJimyou can't read it when you zoom out21:34
dantalizingif i can read it on my phone, you can read it on your netbook21:35
DammitJimdantalizing, it's not me... it's my wife LOL21:36
dantalizingsame thing21:36
DammitJimis the atom dual core n550 that much faster than the atom n455?21:36
dantalizingsend her to calendar.google.com/m21:37
reya276hey I'm looking at my system monitor and there is a process called "heart" what is that for?21:37
dantalizingreya276: thats a relic from when your computer went to oz21:37
reya276also what is "adb" when I hover over it I get "adb-fork-server server". What it that?21:40
DammitJimandroid development b21:41
dantalizingwhere 'b' stands for 'biach'21:41
reya276ah ok21:41
reya276how can I stop that from being started?21:41
maxolasersquadreya276: Stop starting it.21:43
maxolasersquadWhat do you get from which ls21:43
dantalizingyou laugh but he's right21:43
dantalizingadb doesnt start on its own unless you tell it to21:44
reya276man I got 8GB of DDR3 RAM yet my system had to resort on using the swap21:44
maxolasersquadreya276: Err, which heart21:45
reya276Firefox crashed and that was it, from then on my system was performing like crap which it has not done that ever21:45
reya276I just hope canonical is not adding bloat to Ubuntu21:45
reya276could the firefox crash have caused my graphics driver to malfunction and thus make the overall system performance run like crap21:46
maxolasersquadreya276: No, but a seperate issue could possible cause both to happen.21:50
maxolasersquadOr, the two incidences could be non-related, except in proximity of time from which they happened.21:50
dantalizingor the whole perception of running like crap could be wrong22:02
=== mscahill is now known as tiemonster

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