
Travelernow the break ends01:40
ChinnoDogpleia2: What kind of deranged person shoots a sea lion?!02:16
pleia2a mean one :(02:19
ChinnoDogIf only we had the technology to read minds, we could ask the sea lion what the guy looked like so we could go kick his ass.02:22
JonathanDMorning PA>11:18
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!13:08
JonathanDHowdy SamuraiAlba13:20
SamuraiAlbaNi hao13:23
andrewPennBot: ping16:42
pleia2btw: http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/02/24/banshee-in-natty-to-ship-multiple-stores-and-contribute-to-gnome-foundation/19:23
PennBotTitle: Banshee In Natty To Ship Multiple Stores And Contribute To GNOME Foundation (at ubuntu-news.org)19:23
ssweenythere's been some hubbub on the internets about that19:39
ssweenyi can understand canonical wanting a cut but i'm not to thrilled with the amount19:40
pleia2this is the follow-up/compromise to all the hubbub19:42
ssweenyprops to them for offering 25% of U1MS19:42
ssweenybut 75% feels like too much19:42
ssweenyesp since the U1 revenue won't be nearly as much19:43
ssweenyeven a 50-50 split wouldn't seem so bad19:43
ssweenyit would be nice to see some actual numbers though19:44
ChinnoDoguh.. yes, you with the plumage?21:06
mutantturkey_why do all the jokes revolve around me and my turkeyhood21:06
ChinnoDogbecause it is fun21:07
mutantturkey_I think you're barking up the wrong tree.21:08
ChinnoDogSo, what is the question?21:22
mutantturkey_Why don't you sniff someone elses butt? ChinnoDog21:23
ChinnoDogBanshee runs in Windows?21:52
ChinnoDogSo it does.21:56
ssweenyit does now22:00
ChinnoDogIt looks nicer in Ubuntu. And, a lot of spiffy plugins are missing.22:08

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