
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
inetprogood morning04:00
superflygoooooood morning! :-D04:48
superflyyo kbmonkey04:58
kbmonkeyhi superfly !05:04
kbmonkeywow I dont believe I got this network going again :) 05:05
superflywell, glad you did :-)05:08
kbmonkeyI like my daily fortune :)05:18
kbmonkeyQ:How many IBM CPU's does it take to do a logical right shift?05:18
kbmonkeyA:33. 1 to hold the bits and 32 to push the regis05:18
nlsthznMorning all05:29
kbmonkeyhi nlsthzn 05:31
nlsthznHow are you kbmonkey?05:32
kbmonkeyim good nlsthzn, yourself?05:32
nlsthznHalf awake and fine thx05:32
kbmonkeya little sore from training but okay :)05:32
nlsthznsounds like hectic training05:34
kbmonkeyonly a little, it a good sign tho05:41
=== deegee_1 is now known as deegee_
Kilosmorning superfly and all ya other peeps06:53
superflyhi Kilos07:00
* nlsthzn waves07:15
rossouwapanybody got experience with kvm virtualisation?08:08
cocooncrashMaaz: version09:21
Maazcocooncrash: I am version 0.1.109:21
Symmetriaso like, I know that Im used to, crazy fast connections because of the TENET network...09:23
Symmetriabut after the connection Im sitting on right now09:23
Symmetriaheh, those are no longer crazy fast09:23
* Symmetria is wired into a 100 gigabit internet circuit :P09:23
Owkkuriwhere are you Symmetria?09:25
SymmetriaHong Kong 09:25
Symmetriaat a conference09:25
marcogSymmetria: you realise we all hate you right now? ;)09:26
Symmetriamarcog lol dont worry, I'll give you my new inflight viewing collection when I get back and you can love me again :P09:27
marcogwe will only accept UHDV09:28
Symmetriamarcog haha, what do you think most networking conference delegates do on a 100G internet link?09:29
marcogseed UHDV movies/series for the rest of the world?09:31
Symmetriamarcog more like, download *.internet till notebook/ipad/whatever other device they have with storage is full09:32
Symmetriaand dont bother to seed shit :P09:33
froztbyteand then ship the HDs back09:33
marcogSymmetria: you see why we hate you guys? you need to *seed* :)09:33
queeryMaaz, coffee on10:07
* Maaz flips the salt-timer10:07
MaazCoffee's ready for queery!10:11
queerythank you maaz10:11
nlsthznhey, imageshack has failed me yet again... and I am looking for a better alternative for sharing photos online, suggestions?12:54
Owkkuriimgur's basic, but works12:59
Owkkurifroztbyte likes smugmug12:59
froztbytesmugmug's teh pretty!12:59
froztbyteit's not really just for random images, though12:59
nlsthznI see imgur does not keep the files, they can be deleted after time... hmmm...13:00
OwkkuriI've got a photobucket account i think13:02
* Owkkuri digs13:02
nlsthznsmugsmug looks cool... but also never heard of them...13:03
nlsthznVhata: seems flicker and picasa the big players now... thanks13:16
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 14:19
nlsthznHi Mr. Kilos14:19
nlsthznSA looking good in CWC thus far :)14:19
Kilosso far14:20
Kilosi think i have solved the bug in my P414:20
KilosI am sure it was in the cpu cache14:21
Kilosthats why i could only load windows on here14:21
nlsthzncool... so now you can rock Ubuntu?14:22
Kilosyeah my karmic is working kiff now14:23
Kilosno more errors or closing apps on its own14:23
Kilosbut still needed to reinstall all the python and gnome and gconfig2 from synaptic to get properly updated14:24
Kilosapt-get update and upgrade and dist-upgrade left out lots14:25
Kilosso its coffee time14:25
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:25
* Maaz flips the salt-timer14:25
nlsthznwell, if it works. it works :)14:26
KilosMaaz, with cremora14:26
MaazAh! At last someone with taste14:26
KilosMaaz, and milk14:26
MaazNow you're talking14:26
nlsthznkubuntu 10.04 is so far the most stable distro I have used... and so far everything I have tried works14:26
Kilosmy maverick was also lekker before the bug hit me but now data to min to install again14:27
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:29
KilosMaaz, thank you kind bot14:29
MaazKilos: not at all14:29
Kilosi even ordered a new maverick cd in case it was the cd that was faulty14:31
nlsthznwell... I think I will stick with the Lynx for now :)14:32
Kilosthey were both lekker but maverick needs more installing on your own14:33
Kilosim not sure anymore but gedit and aptitude and some other apps had to be installed after14:34
Kilosand it always wanted to use the software centre14:35
Kilosnot gedit gdebi14:35
Kilosdunno if you get that in kubuntu14:36
Kilosanyone know how inetpro is doing. aint seen him inna while14:38
nlsthznnope, can't say I even noticed that in ubuntu 10.10 when I was trying it14:40
Kilosyou use cli mostly14:44
nlsthznI do enjoy apt-get... it has super cow powers :)14:46
nlsthznbut no, I am a gui type guy14:46
Kilosme too14:46
nuvolaridoes anyone know if it's possible to aquire a das keyboard in ZA?14:54
nuvolarimirrag oom Kilos14:54
Kilosnuvolari, hoe gaan dit seun14:54
Kiloslank laas gesels14:54
nuvolariek oorleef oom, dis wat tel :P14:55
nuvolarien met oom?14:55
Kilosgoed dankie als werk weer14:55
nuvolariKilos: dis goed oom! Oom klets nou meer op IRC as ek! haha15:03
Kilosya baie en dis sleg15:05
nuvolariwhokom oom?15:10
Kilosjy was altyd bedrywig hier15:11
kbmonkeyevening all16:36
nlsthznhey kbmonkey16:43
kbmonkeyI have an interesting problem16:47
kbmonkeycopying files into a samba share, sets the file owner to 'nobody'16:48
kbmonkeyso logged on to that local pc where the shares are hosted, my user cannot access those files16:48
froztbyteyour samba server is set to use the user 'nobody'16:50
froztbytechange that and it's not a problem anymore16:50
froztbyte(or you can add your user to the same group as samba runs in as well, I guess)16:51
kbmonkeyI thought so froztbyte, I can't find where though. I checked /etc/samba/smb.conf :)16:51
kbmonkeyAh it may be the inherit owner global option, let me add and see..16:53
kbmonkeyno wait.. then the owner will still be the samba user.16:53
SymmetriaUllo :P16:58
Symmetriaheh, its been years since I got to have an all out argument with someone on an email list16:59
SymmetriaIm having fun16:59
kbmonkeygood idea froztbyte, but there is no 'nobody' group.17:02
kbmonkeyunless I can set the default file creation mask for samba shares...17:03
Symmetriafroztbyte are you watching afrinic list?17:03
Symmetriaman, honestly17:22
Symmetriaamericans need to get the hell off our continent and stop trying to dictate whats best for africa17:22
Symmetriacause they dont know shit 17:22
Symmetriaand they are only trying to enrich themselves 17:22

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