
ActionParsnipccc: ok when people ask for information, please give the RIGHT information00:00
ActionParsnipdigirak: whats a linker?00:01
digirakActionParsnip: compiler linker00:01
ActionParsnipdigirak: I don't compile dude00:01
cccActionParsnip, A600000:01
konayakj6lxu, could you give me line 4 of the file /usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop?00:01
aykutNevyn1: i have lcd tv with hdmi. i have i7, i have a looot of ram but i cant have a hdd00:01
aykutboot ubuntu on my usb stick00:01
digirakActionParsnip: sorry buddy can you tell me who could help me in case you know00:01
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ActionParsnipccc: do you have a shortcut combo to disable and enable the touchpad at all?00:03
[Adam|Miner]_My machine is only booting into a CLI, how can I get out?00:03
Nevyn1awww..... sounds nice, aykut. Just try, it has a kind of natural feel to it, a bit like the IPAD or Android interfaces. Plus, if you got the hardware but no money for a decent sized stick, you need to rethink your prioritys.00:03
konaya[Adam|Miner]_, try logging in via the CLI and then type startx00:04
konayaWhat happens?00:04
Nevyn1 [Adam|Miner]_, might I suggest StartX?00:04
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cccActionParsnip, ok excuse me, the model is A6V :P00:04
ActionParsnipccc: you sure this time. I don't appreciate the runaround!00:05
nillerzSo I found a good chunk of code specific to PSX controllers. This thing is most similar to PSX controllers.00:05
konayakj6lxu, still alive?00:05
cccActionParsnip, i don't know the combo to enable and disable the touchpad00:05
Reallycoolmost of the Fn+F(x) combos don't work on my EeePC, is there a way to map them manually?00:05
sorayado i need to use terminal to install Ubuntu PPC on MAC00:05
nillerzits output is in bytes... so... here goes.00:05
kj6lxukonaya: TryExec=nautilus00:05
[Adam|Miner]_startx just shows a bunch of commands, then has a fatal server error "could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock"00:05
jrib !ppc | soraya00:05
ubottusoraya: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:05
ActionParsnipccc: ok cool, can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsmod    Thanks00:05
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konayakj6lxu, alright. What happens if you open a new terminal, type nautilus, and press enter?00:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:06
[Adam|Miner]_ack, need to leave, gonna have to try later :(00:06
itaylor57Interesting 10.10 64 bit icon on the far right (shutdown/restart icon) changed several days ago then reset and is now wrong, anyone else having this problem?00:07
ActionParsnipccc: try: sudo modprobe -rv psmouse; sudo modprobe -v psmouse proto=imps         if you see 'psmouse' listed00:07
cccActionParnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/571429/00:08
kj6lxukonaya: it opens but when i go in to a sub folder there is a ubuntu one disabled notice at the top00:08
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digirakping anyone here knows something about linkers?00:09
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itaylor57digirak: what are you compiling?00:09
konayakj6lxu, should be an unrelated problem, not sure. Could you give me line 1 of the file .gtk-bookmarks in your home folder? I think I know what the problem could be, just need to find where exactly we change it back.00:10
kj6lxukonaya: file:///home/sydmarty/Documents00:11
Nevyn1interesting.... solved problems draw joins like shit draws flies.00:11
amh345my wireless connection in ubuntu server is continuously dropping and i have no clue why.  it seems like after 10 seconds or so of being connected.. i get bounced. is there a way to figure out why?00:12
cccActionParsnip: good, now the touchpad work. But it work to next reboot?00:12
konayakj6lxu, run gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/file/command00:12
konayakj6lxu, What does it say?00:12
digirakitaylor57: I am compiling c-code to read from a file00:12
Nevyn1 amh345 , my first guess would be getting a logfile from all incoming and outgoing traffic. Though I do not know how to do it.....00:13
sougataamh345, are you sure no one is sharing your ip ?00:13
* Nevyn1 is ashamed00:14
kj6lxu:konaya it does not reconize the command    "   run    "00:14
kj6lxukonaya: it does not reconize the command    "   run    "00:14
amh345sougata: good question on the ip deal. imma check00:14
itaylor57digirak: so you are getting unresolved symbols00:14
tetsuo---Does anyone know why empathy opens an extra icon? why doesnt it simply use the existing mail icon?00:14
konayakj6lxu, that might be because the word "run" wasn't part of the command.  :)00:14
digirakitaylor57: no i am getting this 0x001a47fd in __isoc99_fscanf () from /lib/libc.so.600:14
digirakitaylor57: segfault00:15
konayakj6lxu, just gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/file/command00:15
kj6lxukonaya: sorry about the bone head move and it prints out       No value set for `/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/file/command'00:16
konayakj6lxu, no worries :) Hm. I'll privmsg three commands to you (don't want to spam the channel), hold on a sec.00:17
itaylor57digirak: probably off topic here you might try ##c00:18
spenzaaplikasi internet00:18
konayakj6lxu, There you go. These might work, not sure. Quite frankly, I'm a bit confused as to what it might be, but that might override the problem if we're lucky.00:18
digirakitaylor57: alright sounds good00:19
konayaReminds me of Windows, which tended to get all kinds of association problems.00:19
konayaOr tends. Dunno. Haven't used the crud for many years now :)00:20
konayakj6lxu, did they work?00:20
antihc3ok even if i go to another console or power saver kicks in i can not get the screen to come back until i connect via VGA to and external monitor00:21
itaylor57Interesting 10.10 64 bit icon on the far right (shutdown/restart icon) changed several days ago then reset and is now wrong, anyone else having this problem? just trying to fix or find out why00:21
konayaSweet, it worked! :)00:21
antihc3itaylor57, i do not have that problem but i just installed and updated fully00:21
konayaThere should be a Swedish Ubuntu paid support line. I would so file a job application.00:22
IsmAvatarHey guys, can I get help getting sound working again on my 10.10? I don't really know what sound driver it's using, but there's nothing coming out of my speakers00:23
itaylor57!sound | IsmAvatar00:23
ubottuIsmAvatar: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:23
konayaIsmAvatar, what did you do immediately before the symptoms started showing?00:24
IsmAvatarkonaya: I haven't touched this thing in a year. It's probably halfway between installing OSS or something like that.00:24
konayaIsmAvatar, so you haven't installed any updates lately or anything?00:25
IsmAvatarkonaya: actually I have. I upgraded it from 9.10 to 10.04 and then to 10.10 just this week. But at the start of the week, sound wasn't working, and after the upgrades, it's no better and no worse.00:26
konayaIsmAvatar, what happens if you run alsamixer in a terminal?00:26
konaya(Also, what could be worse than "not working?"=00:26
IsmAvatarkonaya: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory00:27
konayaI suppose "not working and caught fire"00:27
IsmAvatarand I've seen worse than not working00:27
ruijiangood morning00:27
IsmAvatarfor instance, I've had my sound driver problems crash programs00:27
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konayaSound problems is not my forte, but we'll try some more things.00:27
drewdbpismavatar:you have the option to reinstall 10.10 through cd00:28
IsmAvatardrewdbp: aware. And I'll certainly do that if nothing else works.00:28
drewdbpdid u installed it via netinst?00:28
IsmAvatarI installed it originally via CD, back in the days of 8.04. I've upgraded using the standard Update Manager "Upgrade Now" button.00:29
konayaIsmAvatar, actually, that might be your best option all-round. There's a lot of crust lying around, and a system likes a reinstall now and again regardless of operating system.00:29
konayaThat's why having a separate /home-partition is so convenient :)00:30
konayaBut if you want to try fixing it without reinstalling, I'd suggest opening synaptic and reinstalling everything with the name "alsa" in it.00:31
IsmAvatarkonaya: I could be wrong, but usually installed programs don't reside in /home. Most of the hastle of a reinstall would not be backing up data (there is virtually none), but just installing all the stuff I had again. And it seems like it's hardly worth the hastle for something as simple as the sound driver not working.00:31
konayaIsmAvatar, true, installed programs usually don't reside in /home. But you could get a listing of all installed packages and simply reinstall them again. Would take a quarter hour or so, but it would be mostly automated. Hm. There should be a migration mechanism for that. Wishlist item.00:33
IsmAvatarshould I get alsa-oss?00:34
konayaIsmAvatar, shouldn't have any bearing right now.00:34
amh345my ips arent conflicting... and im still dropping connect from wireless.00:34
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immywhich folders other than ~ should i backup? config files? root?00:35
IsmAvatarimmy: most config files are hidden in ~00:35
konayaIsmAvatar, ah damned... I kinda need to go, it's 01:30 over here and I have work in the morning :( I hope someone else here will step in and help you, or that you find your solution regardless.00:35
IsmAvatarkonaya: it's alright. It's a pretty generic problem, so I'm sure I'll find help.00:36
IsmAvatarthanks for your help so far00:36
immyi was browsing through ~ just now and realised that many of the .folders hold config info00:36
konayaNo worries :)00:36
konayaimmy, that's usually what they're for.00:36
IsmAvatarimmy: that's what I meant by 'hidden'00:37
konayaAnyways, 'ta!00:37
immyya they don't list by default00:37
IsmAvatarlinux usually starts a filename with . (dot) to indicate hidden.00:37
immyoh i see00:37
zer0rezwow, why did ubuntu go w/ empathy as the default client?! can't handle joining the support irc channel, freaking out on my gtalk account.00:37
IsmAvatarit eliminates the need for an extra file descriptor bit00:38
immyi see00:38
teageis that . (dot), is that a linux thing or is it a unix thing?00:38
teagejust wondering00:38
zer0rezanyone setup a "new" aluminum apple wireless/bt keyboard w/ 10.10?00:38
IsmAvatarteage: not sure, but the concept of hidden files seems like mostly a linux thing.00:38
IsmAvataralthough there is a difference between ls and ls -a00:39
immyso there's really nothing in root i need to worry about backing up?00:39
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immyalso, is it possible to save a list of the packages i have installed?00:39
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IsmAvatarimmy: not usually. Not unless you're doing some hacking. Most of the stuff in there is just program data which will be repopulated when you install the programs again.00:40
IsmAvatarsorry, that was for the root backup00:40
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immyya i got that00:40
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IsmAvatarsomeone else will have to help you get a listing of installed packages.00:40
immyno worries and thx00:41
immyfound something: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html00:42
Oerzer0rez,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/12502/how-do-i-get-the-apple-wireless-keyboard-working-in-10-1000:42
caseinpointdoes anybody know if there is a VNC server that allows for a NAT 2 NAT service for Ubuntu?00:42
zer0rezOer: thanks reading now00:43
caseinpointI have a static IP and I'd like to have a server run on my ubuntu system that would allow me to connect to a client even if I wasn't at home where my ubuntu server was.00:43
teagecan anyone tell me why my mouse acts very sloppy under maverick yet works half decent on lucid? using toshiba a135 s4487 laptop. could not find much info online. been a pain.00:44
zer0rezOer: ah i did have this one open, just was hoping there was a "simpler" solution, i'll do this in a bit thanks00:44
immyi'm using google chrome which is installed in /opt... i don't see any config folder for chrome in ~ i wonder where the bookmarks and other config info is stored...00:45
aeon-ltdteage: sensitivity or lag?00:45
aeon-ltdteage: running compiz?00:45
pipegeekwhere, if anywhere are there mirrors of old, unsupported ubuntu releases?  I'm specifically looking for a kernel from intrepid00:45
teageaeon-ltd, i move the pointer and when i stop, pointer goes that extra mile if you know what i mean00:46
xanguaimmy: how about..... ~/.chome ¿¿00:46
teageno compiz aeon-ltd00:46
pipegeekah, found it00:46
aeon-ltdteage: whats system monitor like?00:46
immynope - its in ~/.config/google-chrome00:46
brandomDoes anyone here know of a tool that will validate the integrity of files after an installation?  e.g. verify that files have not changed since apt-get/dpkg put them there?00:47
amh345im getting 85% packet loss and i dont know why00:48
amh345can anyone offer some pointers?00:48
martin_does anyone of you use canto?00:49
brandomamh345: I don't know much about wifi, but if you are in an area with lots of other ppl you might be sharing channels and increasing each other's noise.  But, this isn't #wifi so I'll stop.00:50
amh345brandom: that's not it. its a config issue.  gautenteed00:50
amh345i *had* this working like a charm before i reformatted. now it's all mangled00:51
DocfxitI started an update to Ubuntu 10.10 many hours ago.  I looks like it has been frozen for hours.  Should I just power it off with the power button.  I can move the mouse but can't click on anything.00:51
immyi had that happen to me - it is the window manager thingy00:51
nit-witDocfxit, crtl-alt-prtc reisub  is a soft restart00:52
immyso when the window freezes like that you do a soft restart - happened to me once before... what happens to whatever you were working on? i guess it depends on the programme right?00:53
Docfxitnit-wit, is prtc the same as print screen?00:53
nit-witDocfxit, yeh00:54
joejc18ubuntu one seems to suck if i cancel now do i get my $1 back?00:54
shentinojoejc18:  Could you be more specific with "suck"?00:54
nit-witDocfxit, if you sub an a o for the b it is off rather then reboot00:54
Docfxitnit-wit, That doesn't do anything.00:55
nit-witDocfxit, how an=bout crtl-alt-f2 to a tty00:55
joejc18it doesnt seem to be syncing and if it is its going to be forever AND i cant sync my whole music library00:55
tyler_dtrying to reset cheese webcam settings ---> problem is that its stuck in black and white mode00:55
IsmAvatarHey guys, can I get help getting sound working again on my 10.10? I don't really know what sound driver it's using, but there's nothing coming out of my speakers. Already tried the troubleshooting guide.00:56
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Madpilotjoejc, #ubuntuone might be able to help, but "suck" is kind of a vague bug report...00:56
immyism did you take a look in syslog for error messages?00:57
Docfxitnit-wit, I don't know what you mean: "if you sub an a o for the b it is off rather then reboot"00:57
shentinothat's my point.  suck is a bit vague00:57
IsmAvatarimmy: syslog?00:57
joejc18i dont care about bugs i care about my 1 month free trail not being free and not getting what i paid for00:57
immyya its in ummm... /var/log00:57
nit-witDocfxit, the reisub=reboot reisuo=off  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reisub00:57
Madpilotjoejc18, #ubuntuone and ask there.00:58
immyyou might see something regarding your audio00:58
immymy syslog has many entries: wpa_supplicant - failed to initiate ap scan00:59
IsmAvatarimmy: http://pastebin.com/B7J3pRun not seeing any one in particular about audio except maybe soundon.log00:59
immyi generally have my wireless adapter disabled - why is it trying to scan for wireless when my wireless is disabled?00:59
Docfxitnit-wit, I tried crtl-alt-f2 , it didn't do anything.   I don't know what this means: to a tty00:59
sabboomore like chill pill!01:00
IsmAvatarimmy: soundon.log doesn't seem to be listing any errors, although I see a couple of references to oss_ich001:00
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nit-witDocfxit, tty is the command line out of the desktop, i would just do a hard shutdown  guess, it should be okay, hard to say though not knowing the actual update/upgrade.01:01
kamalmvi have a wireless modem with a pc  os-ubuntu.....how can i connect a lan through wireless to a laptop with windows 7??????01:02
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Skeeter-Could anyone help me to install grub on a LVM01:02
Docfxitnit-wit, I can't get to a command line.  I guess I'll try a hard shutdown and see what happens.01:02
immyu need to open up syslog - open it with gedit or in cli less01:02
sabbooSkeeter-, don't mean to sound stupid but LVM?01:03
sabboomust mean something special01:03
psusiSkeeter-, ask a more specific question ;)01:04
Docfxitnit-wit, Thanks for your help.01:04
IsmAvatarimmy: ah. Well, not seeing anything relevant in syslog. A couple network things, but nothing sound-related.01:04
Neptuneshi im stuck in ctrl+alt+f1 mode how do i return to normal mode01:04
IsmAvatarNeptunes: Ctrl+Alt+F601:04
sabbooDocfxit, http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=grub+lvm&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-801:04
IsmAvataror Alt+F601:04
afatheyyy heellppp geeks!!!i am trying to install my ubuntu 10.10 from my usb in shellf..what is the command that i need to use to it to start installing?01:04
Skeeter-psusi: sec i got friend that just logged in01:05
sabbooDocfxit, you want to install grub on a raid?01:05
Neptunestty6 comes then01:05
IsmAvatarNeptunes: sorry, I meant F701:05
IsmAvatarCtrl+alt+f7 or Alt+f701:05
Docfxitsabalaba, I don't have a raid.01:06
Neptunesstill nothing01:06
sabbooDocfxit, that is only possible when the raid is hardware (like a real serer) not software like Linux allows on desktops01:06
afatheyyy heellppp geeks!!!i am trying to install my ubuntu 10.10 from my usb in shellf..what is the command that i need to use to it to start installing?01:06
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IsmAvatarNeptunes: then it sounds like your xserver might have called it quits. Number 7 is where the XServer normally is01:06
lillecarlctrl atl f7 is defaul for graphicat user inteface01:06
lillecarlelse you can use f101:06
lillecarllog in with your user01:06
lillecarlthen type startx01:06
Docfxitsabalaba, I'm running Ubuntu from a thumb drive.01:07
jordan_annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Im back01:07
lillecarlDocfxit, read what i said01:07
Neptunesok thanks01:07
jordan_can anyone help me with installing the UrbanTerror game, i just finished dl'ing it?01:07
lillecarljordan_, what os is it for?01:07
shentinoThere are some funky looking nicknames in the alphabetical head end of the list here01:07
amh345iwconfig shows im connected to my wireless.  but why would i be having crazy packet loss?01:07
nit-witDocfxit, how big is the thumb and how is it loaded01:07
lillecarlwhat format where on the file you downloaded?01:08
Chilaquilesis there any way to free the memory on ubuntu? sometimes I don have anything running and I have a lot of memory usage01:08
jordan_lillecarl, what do u mean?01:08
Picishentino: Nothing to worry about, just some unresolved nicks due to netsplits and whatnot.01:08
lillecarlChilaquiles, http://linuxatemyram.com01:08
teddybhow do i go about forcing software center /  update manager to install / update untrusted packages?01:08
lillecarljordan_, the game you downloaded01:08
lillecarldid you use http or apt-get/aptitude?01:09
IsmAvatarCan anyone help me get my sound working again? I think it's halfway between Alsa and OSS or somesuch.01:09
jribteddyb: from where?  A ppa?01:09
sabboosabalaba, did he mean that for me?01:09
teddybjrib yep01:09
Docfxitlillecarl, Thanks,  I get an error "x: user not authorized to run the x server, aborting.01:09
jribteddyb: go to the PPA's website and add the key01:09
IsmAvatarDocfxit: sudo01:09
jordan_lillecarl, i downloaded it straight from the urban terror site01:09
teddybk thanks jrib01:09
Chilaquileslillecarl: the problem is that sometimes I can't hybernate my laptop because it says that there's not enough memory01:10
lillecarlDocfxit, log in with root instead on f2 if you wanna start the xserver then :)01:10
Chilaquilesthe problem is that sometimes I can't hybernate my laptop because it says that there's not enough memory01:10
ChilaquilesAnd I have 1.5G in memory!!01:10
rmd_Soo..... dd if=desktop.iso of=/dev/sdb results in a usb stick that isn't bootable...01:10
lillecarlChilaquiles how much swap space do you have?01:10
rmd_How can I make it bootable?01:10
buttkingjordan_: as far as I know, the UT download arleady has a built binary, all you have to do is run it01:10
Docfxitnit-wit, The thumb is 16gb.  It has 4gb persistant partition.01:10
jordan_buttking,  k, lemme check01:10
buttkingdid it come as a package, like a rar that you had to extract?01:11
Chilaquileslillecarl:  1.5G in SWAP01:11
jordan_buttking, dumb question here, where or what is the binary01:11
lillecarlyou should have the double of what your ram is, well whatever01:11
IShadowedthe network list isn't appearing in the above toolbar as another user is signed in too on this computer, and they have it. How can I run it on mine, now? Because having to switch back and forth just to reset a connection is really annoying01:11
lillecarlrun the command free -m and tell me what it said in a private01:12
buttkingthe binary will have a filename like ioUrbanTerror.i386 or ioUrbanTerror.x86_6401:12
Docfxitlillecarl, It said Server is already active for display 001:12
teddybjrib, i think this is it http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xD6B6DB186A68F637 ? what extension do i save it as?01:12
olimonesI am usuing ubuntu server. I want to install Asterisk GUI on it. Does anyone know how to solve an interfece cycling problem?01:12
jordan_buttking,  Could not display "/home/jordan/Downloads/UrbanTerror/ioUrbanTerror.i386".01:12
jordan_thats what i get when i double click it01:12
jribteddyb: no, just read the instructions on the ppa page for adding the key, you are doing too much work01:12
lillecarlDocfxit, hmm i dont rember the command for closing a x session but.....01:12
Docfxitlillecarl, I goes on to say01:13
buttkingfirst, you'll need to change the permissions on the file.  I'd open up a terminal and go to the UT folder01:13
Chilaquileslillecarl:  why the heck I can't hybernate my computer because it says there's not enough memory! and I have 1.5G in swap01:13
buttkingand type "chmod +x ioUrbanTerror.i386"01:13
afatheyyy heellppp geeks!!!i am trying to install my ubuntu 10.10 from my usb in shellf..what is the command that i need to use to it to start installing?01:13
jordan_buttking,  u mean the q3ut4 folder01:13
jordan_thats one of the two folders that came in the dl01:13
Docfxitlillecarl, "If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.x0-lock and start again.01:13
jrib!install | afat01:13
ubottuafat: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:13
lillecarlChilaquiles, prolyl because you got alot loaded in memory and swap, and when you hibernate i think everyting in your ram is saved in swap01:14
buttkingwhere ever ioUrbanTerror.i386 is located01:14
lillecarlDocfxit, well thats gay, gimme a sec01:14
josheee12hey guys.  i have an ATI card and i'm on 10.10 (x64).  i'm trying to enable the Extra effects in appearnce, but i can only enable None.  i get the error that "Compositioning is not available" or something of the likes.01:14
lillecarlyou wanted to get into a gui again right or how was it xD?01:14
Docfxitlillecarl, How can I tell if it's running?01:14
Chilaquileslillecarl: so how can I hybernate then?01:14
zrutyCan I check/repair NTFS filesystems in linux?01:14
DrManhattanjosheee12, gotta install yourself some proprietary ATI drivers01:14
lillecarlChilaquiles, you could try to increase your swap using gparted01:14
lillecarlsudo gparted01:15
Chilaquileslillecarl: but I thought you guys say that 1.5 is fine01:15
josheee12DrManhattan: they are indeed installed.  only happening after they are, no less01:15
lillecarlwell i recommend 50% more then your ram is :P01:15
jordan_buttking,  k i cd'ed to the urbanterror folder01:15
jordan_buttking,  then what01:15
mickster04!who | lillecarl01:15
ubottulillecarl: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:15
Chilaquileslillecarl: are you sure that's gonna solve the problem?01:15
buttkingk, type "chmod +x ioUrbanTerror.i386"01:15
buttkingthen, type "./ioUrbanTerror.i386"01:16
buttkingand it should run01:16
jordan_k, one sec01:16
josheee12DrManhattan: I NEED MAH COMPIZ CUBE!01:16
lillecarlsry ubottu01:16
lillecarlits a bot xD01:16
lillecarlChilaquiles, its worth a try atleast or are you low on disk space?01:17
mickster04josheee12: have you restarted since installing them, and have you looked at the options available in the ati config?01:17
lillecarlChilaquiles, try this to01:17
teddybjrib so like sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader ? if thats right im gonna have to do it at home, college proxy seems to be blocking it01:17
Chilaquilesit seems like ubuntu is not very good handling hibernation or suspention very well yert01:17
jordan_k, it ran01:17
jordan_cool thnx01:17
josheee12restarted at least 10 times total.  and i coldn't find anything related.01:17
buttkingno problem01:17
jordan_next time though, how can i run it outside of the terminal01:17
lillecarlChilaquiles, run "top" in a commandline and see wich apps take most memory01:18
jribteddyb: sure, that will add a ppa and add the key.  But if you already have the ppa added to your sources.list, you only need to add the key01:18
lillecarlthen "killall APPNAME"01:18
buttkingI'm not positive, that's just how I always ran it01:18
teddyboh cool, thanks jrib01:18
jordan_oh via the terminal01:18
jordan_from the looks of it, no one plays it, the servers were empty01:18
buttkingI generally keep a terminal open, so it was never a problem to type "cd ~/UrbanTerror && ./ioUrbanTerror.i386"01:19
jordan_either that or i didnt sync up well with the servers01:19
Chilaquileslillecarl: but as I said before, sometimes Im not running many programs (like 2) and it says that I don't have enough memory!!01:19
mickster04josheee12: try running "monitors" in admin or preferences (whichever it is) and if there is a special ati tool it will say...01:19
lillecarlChilaquiles, then you got stuff that should be in the swap in the memory01:19
jordan_buttking,  u have any thoughts on a good looking sys mon'ing widget01:20
Chilaquileslillecarl: ok so how you clear that?01:20
jordan_like i wanna mon north bridge temps01:20
jordan_cpu usage01:20
buttkingcheck out gkrellm01:20
lillecarlChilaquiles, please talk in a private, easier01:20
jordan_all on a clean widget01:20
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jordan_is that in software center or synaptic01:21
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:21
buttkingyeah, it should be01:21
bastidraZorjordan_: conky does well with some tweaking.. cairo-dock can put some widgets up too01:21
Docfxitlillecarl, Why do I need to run startx.  I booted up to my desktop.  Can't I just continue the updates that I started before?01:21
alisalaahi cant get my 2 usb to dvi adapters working in Ubuntu is there anyone who could help?01:21
josheee12DrManhattan: when i try to open monitors, it says RANDR extension not available01:21
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jordan_also , is there a way to verify my usb 3.0 ports are working correctly to the usb 3 speeds01:22
jordan_my thumb drive comes up but i was curious if its being picked up at usb 3 or 3 speeds01:22
olimonesSo, no one knows about asterisk-GUI?01:23
kamalmv i have a wireless modem with a pc  os-ubuntu.....how can i connect a lan through wireless to a laptop with windows 7??????01:23
jordan_Oli``, nope01:23
mickster04olimones: clearly not01:23
tyler_dtrying to reset cheese webcam settings ---> problem is that its stuck in black and white mode01:23
josheee12DrManhattan: apparently it's related to my usage of Xinerama.  any ideas of an alternative?  i guess i could save up for an Eyefinity-compatible card01:23
buttkingthe easiest way to check would probably just be to transfer a file to a thumb drive and watch the speed01:23
olimoneswhy clearly not? it runs on Ubuntu?01:23
jordan_anybody here have usb 3.0 running correctly01:23
mickster04tyler_d: how did you put it into black and white mode?01:24
mickster04olimones: your question wasn't that, it was whether anyone knew anything about it, seeing as they haven't responded to your question,its fair to say, that atm, no-one here knows how to solve your problem?01:24
lillecarlDocfxit, never mind i misunderstood you :/01:25
mickster04jordan_: get a file on it of a certain size, then copy off to it using your 3.0 ports and your 2.0 ports and see if there is any difference in speed01:25
mickster04jordan_: make it a big file01:25
Chilaquilesubuntu really sucks01:25
buttkingit's pretty rad01:26
Docfxitlillecarl, np01:26
Chilaquilesit frozes my computer, and I didn't have that problem01:26
jordan_Mickster, good point01:26
syrinxchilaquiles be trollin01:26
Docfxitlillecarl,  Should I continue trying to run the update?01:26
mickster04jordan_: yeah, also do you need special 3.0 compatible usb thumb drives for the extra speed? i dunno but 3.0 is backward compatible so wouldn't complain01:26
Skeeter-psusi: u still there?01:27
lillecarlDocfxit, did you use the update manager and you shut the pc down or what?01:27
Chilaquileswhy do you say im trolling?01:27
Docfxitlillecarl, Yes01:27
Chilaquilessyrinx: because I say that ubuntu sux?01:27
jordan_yeh i got a 32gb thumbdrive01:28
Docfxitlillecarl, I was using the Update Manager, It froze and then I did a hard shutdown.01:28
mickster04jordan_: according to some research i did (my friend) you can get specific usb3 thumb drives01:28
jordan_and it does go backwards compat. which is what made me wonder which spd it was running at on my ubuntu01:28
Skeeter-Could anyone help me to install grub on a LVM, i just installed ubuntu. During the installation, it was unable to install grub propely. Now i need to install it myself and i cant figure out how to make it happen01:28
lillecarlDocfxit, hmm gimme a sec ill google a bit :)01:29
jordan_mickster04, , what do u mean by specific01:29
mickster04jordan_: as in there are usb thuimb drives that can only go as fast as 2.0 anyway so the 3.0 port won't help much01:29
jordan_mickster04,  like usb 3 only or usb 3,2,1 friendly01:29
Docfxitlillecarl, Thank you for helping.01:29
jordan_ah, yeah the one i got is an ADATA N00501:29
bc81tyler_d: you could try gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/cheese01:29
jordan_usb 3.0 thumb drive01:30
lillecarlDocfxit, try apt-get install --fix-broken01:30
jordan_plus i have an external 3.0 case01:30
lillecarlsudo *01:30
lillecarlthen update01:30
mickster04jordan_: like the thumb drive will have to be made with the 3.0 spec, else your port can't use the faster speeds and will go at 2.0 speeds01:30
JeffCBRI'm bored... what should I play with?01:30
=== spark_ is now known as GothSpark
jordan_yeh, it is, it ran at 3.0 spds on xp and win701:31
Docfxitlillecarl, It ran.  everything was zero.  Looks like it's ok.01:31
jordan_mickster04,  heres another dumb question , in windows i normally go to "my computer" to view my drives like usb drives, where do i go in ubuntu01:32
tyler_dbc81: no joy.... still like the saturation is all borked... would really like to know where the config file is for cheese so I could just blow it away01:32
jordan_found it01:33
bc81tyler_d: you ran that command when cheese was closed? that's where all the config info is located as far as i can tell01:33
lillecarlDocfxit, then update manager again ;)01:33
jordan_i put the usb drive in the wrong pc, i popped it in my server by accident then i loked over and put it in my htpc01:33
jigynethow do i make a .exe executable in xubuntu?01:33
xangua!wine | jigynet01:33
ubottujigynet: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:33
jordan_jigynet,  wine maybe, im shootin in the dark tho01:34
tyler_dbc81: yup yup... I found .gconf/apps/cheese/%gconf.xml as well... but no reference to contrast or such01:34
bc81jigynet: you can chmod +x <file>01:34
jigyneti've got wine, i told it to use it...01:34
jordan_jigynet,  im having a lil trouble getting the wine installed though so dont take my word for it01:34
bc81tyler_d: look in gconf-editor >> /apps/cheese  the config info is there01:35
GothSparkok  any one knows how fix the no screen problem on ubuntu  I installed the Nvidia drivers for an 310M from ubuntu but when I restart it do not find my screen so I am stuck on the consol I tryed startx but no result ... noscreen found  unable to connect to Xserver what I should do I have two card on it... an hd intel and an 310M that I want to use01:35
Docfxitlillecarl, How can I uncheck all updates so I can select only a few at a time.01:35
jordan_56 Mb a seconds over usb is good enough for usb 3 right?01:36
GothSparkedit I am using a laptop from Asus01:36
Docfxitlillecarl, There are 290 updates selected.01:36
bc81Docfxit: if you use synaptic you will have more control over this01:36
plwertwhat would you recommend as a simple console application that can load space/comma separated files, display them as columns and sort the rows by some column?01:36
Docfxitbc81, How do I run synaptic?01:36
bc81Docfxit: system >> administration >> synaptic package manager01:37
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bc81Docfxit: click reload, then you can sort all marked pakages, & choose the ones you want (ctrl/shift+click)01:38
jordan_sweet my usb 3 drive is running at 3.0 speeds01:38
jordan_varified it by sending a 1 Gb folder01:38
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jigynetcd isnt changeing directories?01:38
Docfxitbc81, I received an error "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root.  Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file"01:39
jordan_where would i go to run conky01:39
jordan_i installed it via the software center01:39
lillecarlDocfxit, idk, usually i just have a few :P01:39
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GothSparkjordan you want to try it , usualy you have to type conky in the terminal01:40
bc81Docfxit: your /tmp folder might be full http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82144301:40
jordan_GothSpark,  k, backkkkkkkkkkkkkk to the terminal, lol01:40
bc81jordan_: alt+f2 conky &01:40
jordan_k it just popped up01:41
jordan_cant i manipulate it like change the opacity and what not01:41
bc81jordan_: yes, edit ~/.conkyrc01:41
bc81!info conky01:42
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 31 kB, installed size 68 kB01:42
antihc3anyone know if there is a work around for the dell , Intel video problem ,  Screen is black until external monitor is plugged in01:42
jordan_Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"01:42
jordan_that was the error i got running the "edit ~/.conkyrc" cmd01:43
TheCheckanyone know if a good ip VPN proxy for ubuntu that i can google that is free?01:43
bc81jordan_: gedit ~/.conkyrc01:43
=== drew is now known as buttking
gaelfxcoolwind: hear ya01:44
jordan_bc81, ah i guess i need to enter text cmds to it as opposed to a gui01:44
gaelfxWhat can I do for choppy playback in smplayer using vdpau?01:44
jordan_damn microsoft for making me  a lazy pc user01:44
robot682I am getting the following error  "error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6:"  when trying to install Qlogic QLA4010C ISCSI drivers01:44
robot682I would really appreciate some help01:45
rmd_ok.. so, can I get a little help writing this ubuntu image to a usb drive? I've tried dd. I've tried the instructions on the wiki.. and I keep running into problems. Last time it finally booted from the usb, but the screen was blank.01:45
bc81jordan_: there are some ready made configs all over the net..the ubuntu forums has a huge thread dedicated to them01:45
jordan_cool, will check them out01:45
jordan_maybe even modify it myself01:45
jordan_we'll see,lol01:45
coolwindany one know how to disabled "who joined or left the room" message?01:46
TheChecki dont know cool01:46
TheCheckno clue01:46
bc81jordan_: yea, it's not so bad.  the syntax is super easy to learn01:46
jigynetlol why is terminal's cd command case sensitive?01:46
coolwindThanks TheCheck01:46
simcop2387is ther a guide for switching to root on raid (dmraid) after the fact?01:46
gaelfxis there any ppa for smplayer that actually supports maverick?01:46
bc81jordan_: and the best part is, when you make a small change to the config file...ctrl+s and it will show you the changes right away01:46
jordan_yeh, that i like01:47
robot682I am getting the following error  "error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6:"  when trying to install Qlogic QLA4010C ISCSI drivers  and would really like some help.  It's for a school project.01:47
bc81jigynet: as far as i know, all linux terminal commands are lowercase01:47
jordan_i dont like that apply and wait crap M$ got me used to01:47
bc81or case-sensitive01:47
auro1i just chmod'd alot of stuff 0777 by mistake01:47
auro1is this bad?01:47
auro1i was trying to chmod the current folder 077701:47
auro1but instead i was actually running it against /01:48
auro1so... is that bad?01:48
gaelfx!enter > auro101:48
ubottuauro1, please see my private message01:48
immyim using grsync gui to configure backups - it has an option to run a command before backup begins and halt if the command fails. Since I will schedule this to run automatically i want to make sure the removal hdd is connected - is there a command i can use to make sure /media/backup exists?01:48
jigynetyea, but if the file has caps and directories..so u gotta type it exactly, very annoying01:48
JeffCBR!enter > JeffCBR01:48
ubottuJeffCBR, please see my private message01:48
jigynetand chmodding can be bad.. depnding on te commnd or actions given01:49
itaylor57jigynet: you can use tab completion for that01:49
jason_guys, i downloaded icons for libreoffice. but i don't want to change global icon theme, i only want to replace current libreoffice icons with new ones. which folder do i go to?01:49
Madpilotjigynet, you know about tab-complete to help with file/directory name completion, right?01:49
jigynetoh yea forgot01:49
JeffCBRauro1: You did this as root?01:49
auro1JeffCBR: yep... <.<01:49
JeffCBRHow old is your installation?01:49
auro1JeffCBR: sudo chmod 777 / -v -R01:49
auro1i just finished setting it up01:49
auro1(shit. sorry. did the enter-thing again)01:50
Madpilotjigynet, /long/complex/~directory/SillyCamelCaseFileName.complex could be as simple as four characters and four TAB key presses :)01:50
robot682I am getting the following error  "error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6:" when I try to run a .bin installer.  Can anyone please advise me as to how to fix this?01:50
JeffCBRWell, I don't know of a way to reset your files to their proper permissions... I'd suggest starting over.01:50
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Madpilotauro1, if it's a brand-new install, nuke it and start over. Simplest "fix".01:50
auro1its not really "brand new"01:50
JeffCBRI'm no expert, though. There may be a way.01:50
auro1but pretty new01:50
auro1like a month or something01:51
jigynetissue the commands again or their other switchs..01:51
itaylor57robot682: what bin file were you running01:51
JeffCBRBut, yeah, if your install is pretty new, that's probably your best bet.01:51
auro1Is it dangerous if I ignore it?01:51
Madpilotauro1, seriously, mind the Enter key. This channel is too busy to have one sentence take up six lines.01:51
bc81jason usually /usr/share/icons is a good place to start (can't give you the exact dir, as i don't have it installed)01:51
auro1Madpilot: Real sorry. Thanks for pointing it out.01:51
bc81jason_: see above01:51
jordan_anybody setup Wine successfully01:51
jigynetauro i think u made those files unrestrcited or removed root status?01:52
JeffCBRauro1: There are files that are read-only to root for a reason.01:52
jason_does anybody know the folder where libreoffice icons are located?01:52
Madpilotauro1, depending on what exactly you chmodded to 777 in /, stuff could well randomly stop working...01:52
jason_bc81, above?01:52
shmupgot a question on swap. i know it's recommended in ubuntu's wiki to create swap = to the amount of physicam memory.01:52
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shmupif i have 8GB, is this really practical?01:52
auro1Madpilot: JeffCBR: i think it only got somewhee in /var/01:52
bc81jason_: "usually /usr/share/icons is a good place to start (can't give you the exact dir, as i don't have it installed)"01:52
jigynetyes shmup01:53
jason_bc81, ah. thk u -)01:53
gaelfxif I install the latest smplayer by hand, will I have to uninstall it if I want to add a ppa later when it's available?01:53
shmupjigynet: can you explain why? not asking for paragraphs of reasons just..01:53
auro1i killed it as soon as i realised something was wrong. I guess i should really take a backup and nuke it tomorrow...01:53
shmupjigynet: i don't really understand. if i have 4GB of physical memory and 4GB of swap, and that's enough. i'd assume if i have 8GB of memory, 4GB of swap would be enough, too.01:53
rmd_ok.. so, can I get a little help writing this ubuntu image to a usb drive? I've tried dd. I've tried the instructions on the wiki.. and I keep running into problems. Last time it finally booted from the usb, but the screen was blank.01:53
jigynetshmup, if u mutli task u could easily use all 8gb of physical raam01:53
Madpilotauro1, backups are a good idea regardless. Which reminds me, I should burn some new backup DVDs. Months of unbacked-up photos and graphics...01:54
shmupjigynet: why not make 20GB of swap then? i mean..01:54
JeffCBRshmup: If you haev 8GB of memory, what are you using a swap for?01:54
auro1Madpilot: Damn thats not good :D01:54
shmupJeffCBR: i didn't think i'd even need to, that's kind of why i'm here..01:54
jigynetplus swap can be used when ram can not be addressed01:54
shmupJeffCBR: i was just reading a dual boot guide, to make sure i did it right. never dual booted win/ubuntu.01:54
itaylor57shmup: it would only matter if you hibernate01:54
xanguathere is already a smplayer ppa i believe gaelfx01:55
DroasHalp... I need an edit undo for rm /media/partitionName/* ._.01:55
bc812 GiB of swap should be fine for most uses01:55
gaelfxxangua: not for maverick, unless you found one that I didn't01:55
jigynetshmup, right, if u have the hd space, and plan to be cpu intense, media/games.. doubling the swap can gain speed etc01:55
jordan_in my  Applications > system tools i have a q4wine.......when i run it i have to configure it (just installed it a minute ago) anybody know how to set it up?????????01:55
jigynetso far nothing has been negative for extreamly large swaps01:56
gaelfxxangua: rvm only supports lucid or earlier, same with nvidia vdpau team01:56
jigynetunless its a laptop01:56
shmupjigynet: ah all right. well, i don't plan on gaming much at all. 8GB is actually an overkill, but it was $70 so i thought why not.01:56
shmupjigynet: it is a laptop01:56
JeffCBRIt's crazy overkill...01:56
shmupjigynet: this is mainly for coding01:56
shmupyeah, but nothing wrong with it right?01:56
JeffCBRWell, I've never heard of someone having too much ram. ;)01:57
JeffCBRI have 512 MB. :D01:57
joejc18if i put a symlink to my Music folder in ubunty one folder will it share my music folder?01:57
shmuprofl yeah, i thought you were gonna introduce me to some crazy theory01:57
shmupthat i've never heard of01:57
jigynetkeep the swap 4gb-8gb, using the hd excessivly on a laptop can heat things up alot01:57
shmupi'm gonna set up 2GB of swap. if i'm using over 10GB of memory on this, that is just insane and..01:57
shmupk 4GB then ;p01:57
mickster04what if you have 16GB RAM?01:57
shmupi'm gonna swap this hdd out anyways when intel comes out with the new ssd's this year!01:57
jordan_i got 128GB ram01:58
jordan_lol :D01:58
joejc18imo swap is useless if you have good ram01:58
jigynethow did you use 10 gigs?01:58
jordan_naw just 4 gb01:58
mickster04jordan_: you...really can't :O01:58
JeffCBRshmup: Personally, I'd try things without a swap. Watson doesn't have a swap. :D01:58
^MikeHi, I'm getting the following error when attempting to apt-get upgrade. "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?" How can I fix this?01:58
gaelfxshmup: it sounds like you have a lot of money. do you need an assistant?01:58
mickster04^Mike: sudo that command01:58
JeffCBRRam is cheap.01:58
auro1im using a whopping 4 kb of swap space with 4gb ram01:58
jigynetswap is always useful01:58
mickster04^Mike: sudo apt-get update01:58
jordan_in my  Applications > system tools i have a q4wine.......when i run it i have to configure it (just installed it a minute ago) anybody know how to set it up?????????01:58
JeffCBRI remember when ram cost $1 per megabyte.01:59
jordan_JeffCBR, ouch 4 gb then would be $4000 +01:59
JeffCBRSo, your ram should have cost you around 4 grand.01:59
MadpilotJeffCBR, likewise. Also, kids should get off our respective lawns, right?01:59
jigynetlol i seen ddr @ $180 for 1 gig...01:59
JeffCBRMadpilot: Right?!01:59
JeffCBRDamn kids and their cheap ram.02:00
shmupa friend tells me if i plan on hibernating just go with 8GB02:00
JeffCBRI told a kid to get off my lawn and he threw a 2 gig dimm at me.02:00
shmupbut i've never been into hibernating laptops02:00
gaelfxshmup: pretty sure that if you hibernate, you still need swap02:00
Nitrohaxjeff, but cheap ram and then you put those cheap sticky heat sinks on them makes them look cool02:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:00
jordan_anybody good with setting up q4wine02:00
jigynetwhen it turns off w2hen u walk away thats sleep/hibernate02:00
KB1JWQ!anybody | jordan_02:01
ubottujordan_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:01
gaelfxshmup: the whole point is that when you hibernate, it powers down things like RAM02:01
JeffCBRNitrohax: My two machines are about 5 years and 10 years behind the hardware curve respectively.02:01
eossHello, I just switched from win7 to ubuntu on my main computer, I am getting choppy play back on flash videos ...not in fullscreen but when its NOT in fullscreen02:01
jordan_lol, that seemed rather useless02:01
eossits freezing the rest of my computer and very choppy02:01
jordan_i aske dmy question pretty clearly i thought02:01
GothSparkook any one knows about the black screen issue after installing Nvidia drivers on laptops I have that issue but have seen no answer any where02:01
syrinxeoss: installed all the codecs?02:01
NitrohaxJeffCBR, I just upgraded from a 6 year old computer. still not seeing much difference in the speed and stuff02:01
jigynetwhen a pc hibernates it uses ram and swap and hd02:01
jigynetmostly ram02:01
shmupgaelfx: thats what i thought i said, or meant to02:01
shmupgaelfx: if you hibernate you DO need swap02:02
shmupand he recommended 8GB of it02:02
shmupfor my setup02:02
Nitrohaxopenoffice site is down that's really upsetting02:02
gaelfxjordan_ the point is that you need to tell us what you're actually having troubles with when installing wine, not just asking for "anyone" who can setup wine02:02
Madpilotubottu, tell shmup about enter02:02
ubottushmup, please see my private message02:02
mjnGothSpark, you mean a black border around the screen?02:02
hack-1anyone know if I can load firefox through wine to watch my netflix account? they say I need a windows system or mac02:02
gaelfxNitrohax: maybe for oracle, but not for me02:02
jigynetyea if u have 8gb of software open you'll need that to store that data02:02
JeffCBRNitrohax: Yeah... if I played more video games, I'd probably be pressed to upgrade. I saw a video card at the shop the other day that I think could house a small family.02:02
jordan_well i am having trouble right off the start from the first config pg02:02
eosssyrinx, i dont think so how i install all of them?02:03
mjnhack-1, you need to install a virtual machine02:03
NitrohaxJeffCBR, LOL. I found a 1gig 9400 gt card for $40. works for me02:03
auro1Can anyone recommend a good backup program for ubuntu that can do "incremental" and full backups ?02:03
hack-1ok thank you02:03
jigynethack-1, they waNT u in windows..02:03
jordan_if noone was familiar i didnt want to waste anybodys time with where i was stuck at if it wouldnt make any sense to them02:03
gaelfxjordan_ what specific trouble are you having with the config page?02:03
JeffCBRNitrohax: If I told you the cards in my machines, you'd laugh.02:03
hack-1yes windows or mac02:03
Nitrohaxgaelfx, i tried goign to the site the last couple days. no connections for it02:03
Madpilotubottu, tell auro1 about backup02:03
ubottuauro1, please see my private message02:03
jordan_ummm, it ask for stuff that i dont know about, like a wine libs02:04
hack-1I am a noob but love learning02:04
jigynetvirtual machine is wine?02:04
jordan_i am new to linux as of 2-3 days ago so im not familiar with a lot fo the terminalogy02:04
NitrohaxJeffCBR, if you aren't using high end graphics then you don't really need them. I got them just to take the load off the MoBi02:04
NitrohaxMoBo even02:04
gaelfxNitrohax: well, I just loaded it and I'm in China. Are you living in a horribly oppressive country at the moment?02:04
bc81jigynet: they are 2 different things02:04
Nitrohaxgaelfx, no, where did you d/l it from02:04
mjnjigynet, wine is a windows emulator...virtual machine runs the entire os02:05
bc81!info virtualbox02:05
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in maverick02:05
auro1i don't really want system backup. I want to be able to do backups of specific folders at specified intervals. For example, do incremental backup every day and full backup every week. Then put the backups into my dropbox folder for an example02:05
Nitrohaxgaelfx, haven't been riots in detroit for a couple decades but that can all change son02:05
JeffCBRI access this machine exclusively through ssh. The video card (GeForce MX4000 64MB) is in there just so it'll boot.02:05
jigynetnitro have u tried isitdownforme .com?02:05
mjnvirtual is still avail on the oracle site02:05
hack-1can I install firefox in wine?02:05
Nitrohaxjigynet, not yet. oen sec02:05
GothSparkmjn I mean that I end up to the consol screen  o gui are loaded cause X can't  detect a screen to display02:05
NitrohaxJeffCBR, if it works it works02:05
gaelfxNitrohax: I didn't try downloading it, sorry. I thought you meant the website02:06
mjnGothSpark, unfortunately, i don't think i can help you with that02:06
bc81hack-1: iff you already have wine installed, just download the firefox.exe installer and run it02:06
JeffCBRI'd put a stick of gum in there, if it would boot.02:06
hack-1thank you @bc8102:06
Nitrohaxgaelfx, I can get to the oracle site, but //openoffice.org site doesn't seem to want to load.02:06
mickster04hack-1: yes but why?02:07
jigynetthat will by pass netflix requireing windows?02:07
punkmexicis there a monitor app for ubuntu that allows me to set my monitor to 1024 resolution (without seeing black stuff) 16:1002:07
bc81hack-1: but you should probably just use virtualbox for the netflix (no guarantee ff in wine will work)02:07
jordan_k, the first start up window when i click q4wine ask for 4 things, 3 of which are already filled in, the fourth is a wine libs : which i dont know what they want me to put there02:07
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:07
GothSparkmjn I think it is the drivers for mobile card but ... i'm not sure a friend of mine got the same exact problem with an update on mint02:07
hack-1I'm gonna try it , then the VBox if it does'nt work02:07
* Capt_Blackwood is away: I'm happily doing something. So if you could please sod off.02:08
shmupgimme your opinion on root now, please. i'm thinking 10-15GB.02:08
gaelfxNitrohax: ok, I can download it. did you try different mirrors?02:08
mjnhack-1, ff in wine, still won't let you view netflix...02:08
gaelfx!away > Capt_Blackwood02:08
ubottuCapt_Blackwood, please see my private message02:08
Nitrohaxgaelfx, it won't even let me get into the site to download it. i'm looking for alternate ways02:08
mjnstill picks up a non windows/mac operating system..02:08
punkmexicis there a monitor app for ubuntu that allows me to set my monitor to 1024 resolution (without seeing black stuff) 16:10 i can only do that with 1200 resolution but i cant with 800 or 102402:08
JeffCBRIf anyone is envious of my graphics processing capability, my card is available on eBay for $10. :D02:08
jordan_gaelfx, k, the first start up window when i click q4wine ask for 4 things, 3 of which are already filled in, the fourth is a wine libs : which i dont know what they want me to put there02:08
gaelfxNitrohax: wow, maybe DF took over your ISP?02:08
Nitrohaxthis is what I get Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.02:09
JayroHi,  how would I change the color of  my panels (top and bottom of the screen) without changing anything else?02:09
bc81shmup: how much total HDD space do you have02:09
mickster04hack-1: mjn why doesn't netflix work in ubuntu???02:09
gaelfxjordan_ how did you install wine?02:09
jigynetlol, i've had issues with openoffice.org in the past as well..dunno waht fixed it..was having ddos and dns hijacks at the time..i reset my router and cleared cache02:09
Nitrohaxgaelfx, I know comcast is the anti christ but i don't think they were getting into the software side of things yet02:09
jordan_gaelfx, via the software center02:09
aeon-ltdJayro: right click has some options02:09
Jayromickster: netflix need microsofts silver light to run02:09
mjnopenoffice is accessible to me..02:10
gaelfxjordan_ and what are you trying to do with it?02:10
mickster04Jayro: thanks, how far is moonlight coming?02:10
Nitrohaxmoonlight doesn't work with netflix.02:10
mickster04Nitrohax: also thanks02:10
hack-1I don't know it just sends me to a page telling me my OS is not supported and gives a list of OS's @mixter8402:10
jigynetcomcast is one of many isp's who are 80% of their network is owned by a security corp02:10
jordan_originally a while ago i was trying to run an exe from the urbanterror game which i alraedy got help with running a different way a while ago02:10
Jayromickster: moonlight does not have the DRM stack needed for netflix02:10
jordan_but i already installed the wine02:10
Nitrohaxit's some stupid license thing between the movie and tv people. they are afraid they will copy and stuff. The hated hollywood people02:10
mjnmickster04, can't say that i know, just know that the only way i've gotten it to work is through VM02:10
mickster04!tab | hack-102:11
ubottuhack-1: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:11
=== phisher2 is now known as phisher1
jordan_i went to go run it so i can see how it works but havent got it to start yet02:11
jigynetand when comcast is asked about this they deny it02:11
mickster04Jayro: see the !tab message02:11
mickster04!tab > Jayro02:11
ubottuJayro, please see my private message02:11
shmupbc81: sorry, 320. 60GB for windows. 40GB for /home, 8GB swap, thinking 15-20GB for /root.02:11
mjnjigynet, course they do...robber barons and pirates02:11
shmupbc81: the rest will be for storage, for both OS's02:11
Jayromickster04, OH NICE.02:11
gaelfxNitrohax: http://download.openoffice.org/contribute.html?download=mirrorbrain&files/stable/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_Win_x86_install-wJRE_en-US.exe does this work for you?02:11
bc81shmup: go with 20 if you can spare it..room to grow is always good :)02:12
mickster04Jayro: very02:12
jigynetverizon charges $20 more for all their services =c02:12
shmupbc81: sounds good then. i can definitely spare it. :P02:12
mickster04mjn: that's not cool :(02:12
Jayromickster04, thats soooo convinient. I cant belive i didnt know that before02:12
Nitrohaxgaelfx, same thing. i got it to load with ubuntu but windows isn't doing anything02:12
jigynetand its not better..using them for about 4 mos now02:12
mickster04Jayro: tsk :D02:12
Nitrohaxand i'm trying to do this stupid windows BS machine for a friend. I hate windows02:13
mjnmickster04, er, seriously...how so, in order to avoid in the future?02:13
gaelfxNitrohax: well, that site says they are in "read-only mode" for a few days, whatever that means02:13
gaelfxNitrohax: why not use LibreOffice?02:13
Nitrohaxgaelfx, I think it might mean windows is on the way out. I hope. LOL02:13
mickster04MSHughes: what are you talking about? i was talking about netflix?02:13
gaelfxNitrohax: haha, dare to dream02:13
mickster04mjn: what are you talking about? i was talking about netflix?02:14
jigynetwas thinking about fios, but customer service and costs not staying what they should be, and not being accurate is making me think twwice.02:14
mickster04MSHughes: sorry wrong nick02:14
Nitrohaxgaelfx, the windows theme should be dare to be stupid02:14
jigynetyea i hope windows is out too02:14
gaelfxjordan_ you don't run wine, you install windows programs with it and then run them02:14
mjnmickster04, oh sorry, i thought you were referring to the comcast opine02:14
gaelfxNitrohax: a la Weird Al?02:14
Nitrohaxgaelfx, that's right02:15
* gaelfx approves02:15
jordan_gaelfx, it seems more a headache then a fix for now, and being i dont NEED it at the moment i will revoke my question about it02:15
NitrohaxI think I have a solution.. one sec02:16
JayroDoes anyone know how i can install themes i get from here? http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity?page=202:16
mjnjigynet, opine: to hold or express an opinion02:16
gaelfxjordan_ in my experience, it's been pretty decent for running windows programs, have you tried installing any with it?02:16
mickster04Jayro: system > pref >appearances02:16
azmodeusquasi piango! alla fine ci sono riuscito! ç_ç buonasera a tutti02:16
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:17
gaelfxazmodeus: french?02:17
jordan_gaelfx,  no initially i was going to run the urbanterror game via wine but another person helped me get urbanterror running via the terminal02:17
Jayromickster04, yeah, i goto install, but there is no theme files in the extracted folder02:17
azmodeusohhh.. I'm sorry! ^^02:17
gaelfx!fr > azmodeus02:17
ubottuazmodeus, please see my private message02:17
jordan_so that was all i had to work with wine at the moment02:17
azmodeusI was sure that was the italian channel... :P02:17
mickster04Jayro: then mayb you are downloading the wrong type?02:17
Jayronvm... i just dont exract it..02:17
azmodeusI see.. forgot -it02:17
gaelfxoops! apologies02:17
azmodeussorry! :P see ya all... bye02:18
mickster04Jayro:  :p02:18
gaelfx!it > azmodeus02:18
ubottuazmodeus, please see my private message02:18
Nitrohaxi'm going to try ti thru the java installer. LOL02:18
mickster04gaelfx: ooh a little slow there :p02:18
oldskoolpulsarwhats ubuntu like with software updates to lamp stack compared to say debian02:18
gaelfxmickster04: actually, at first I thought it was french because of the curly c's :/02:18
oldskoolpulsarim setting up ubuntu in a lxc container02:18
azmodeuswhat the-... thanks ubottu! ^^ see ya02:19
mickster04gaelfx: ah yes02:19
gaelfxoldskoolpulsar: well, I would guess that the lamp stack on ubuntu is comparatively a little out of date02:19
oldskoolpulsardebian is terribly out of date!02:19
oldskoolpulsariv noticed02:19
mjngaelfx, lamp stack?02:20
oldskoolpulsarapache php mysql02:20
MindWarperoldmanst1n:  you can use testing02:20
Nitrohaxnope. oh well i guess he's SOL on the windows openoffice stuff.02:20
mickster04oldskoolpulsar: i'm sure there are ppa's available or at least sources available for more up-to-date versions02:20
BitEncrypthow do i set up the terminal as root or superuser02:20
oldskoolpulsarlol me?02:20
MindWarperisnt it libre ofice ?02:20
gaelfxNitrohax: seriously, hav eyou considered libreoffice?02:21
mickster04BitEncrypt: you don't, you use sudo infront of the command to run it with sudo privilages e.g. sudo apt-get update02:21
Nitrohaxgaelfx, haven't heard of that one. some thing?02:21
itaylor57!root | BitEncrypt02:21
ubottuBitEncrypt: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:21
mickster04libre office is buggier than OOo02:21
gaelfxNitrohax: oh, it's all the good people from openoffice before oracle02:21
rick_hello, is the "Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub" of lsusb a pure software driver ?02:22
Nitrohaxgaelfx, oh ok. let me check that one out02:22
oldskoolpulsaropenoffice just eats up all resources as quickly as it possibly can02:22
itaylor57BitEncrypt: if you have to use sudo -i in terminal02:22
rick_I mean if it is loaded no matter if a usb device exist or not02:22
mickster04itaylor57: whats the difference between that and sudo su02:22
mickster04jordan_: ?02:22
jordan_just jacked up my conky02:22
oldskoolpulsarubottu, lol02:22
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.02:22
gaelfxmickster04: really? on windows even?02:22
oldskoolpulsarwhat about the spoon?02:22
alisalaahUbuntu 10:10 -- Really need help getting two usb to dvi adapters (displaylink) working, Jaton Video 101USB-D... I've tried one tutorial online and it's driving me crazy... i really need help02:23
jordan_i was asking for help earlier to help configure it and was directed to read a site, tried some things now its jacked up02:23
gaelfxoldskoolpulsar: ubottu is a bot02:23
mjnBitEncrypt, you can use su to elevate to root for that terminal session, or you can modify your sudoers file if you need to run sudo in script without having to enter password02:23
oldskoolpulsarlol how i get the bot to tell me about the spoon02:23
mickster04gaelfx: well it's newer so of course it'll be buggier :p02:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:23
oldskoolpulsar!bot spoon02:23
jordan_mickster04, this is the msg i got Conky: /home/jordan/.conkyrc: 1: no such configuration: '${color'02:23
mickster04oldskoolpulsar: see that info02:23
jordan_Conky: /home/jordan/.conkyrc: 2: no such configuration: '${execi'02:23
jordan_Conky: missing text block in configuration; exiting02:23
jordan_***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** :02:23
jordan_This program is calling the Imlib call:02:23
FloodBot3jordan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:23
gaelfxmickster04: based on the same as oo02:24
itaylor57mickster04: I am just providing the unbuntu way02:24
mickster04gaelfx: but it's not02:24
MindWarperubottu, imo02:24
oldskoolpulsaryeah it doesnt like spoon02:24
gaelfx!enter jordan_02:24
mickster04itaylor57: ok02:24
gaelfx!enter > jordan_02:24
ubottujordan_, please see my private message02:24
mickster04!msgthebot > oldskoolpulsar02:24
ubottuoldskoolpulsar, please see my private message02:24
Nitrohaxofftopic, got to love zombieland. LMAO02:25
bc81jordan_: pastebin your conkyrc02:25
jordan_mickster04,  i posted the msg i got if that clarifies anything to you with the problem with conky i have02:25
gsp2009hello all02:26
mickster04jordan_: paste bin it nxtr time02:26
jordan_bc81, i dont even know what or how to use pastebin02:26
mickster04jordan_: it's not hard :p02:26
bc81!paste | jordan_02:26
ubottujordan_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:26
jordan_seems like a lot of confusing steps, i just wont post anything big02:26
jordan_either that or save it for a pm02:27
gsp2009so, once I completely removed compiz... everything started acting up regarding my displays. I am getting ghosting through the desktop onto my browser and apps... anyone see this before. in this particular case, google and I have not been friends.02:27
mickster04jordan_: no, you just paste it there, click ok, then paste us the web link02:27
hack-1ok so you know the firefox in wine let me find out that you need silverlight to watch netflix so I installed it but it's not working. gonna try virtual box02:27
mickster04hack-1: unlucky02:27
Nitrohaxhack-1, you need to keep it in VB. it's how i get it to work02:28
hydroziihow can i assign my computer a static IP in ubuntu?02:28
hack-1lol had to try it was the easy way lol02:28
Nitrohaxit's just sad they stupid stuf like that02:28
mickster04hydrozii: isn't that a routert setting?02:28
itaylor57mickster04: doing sudo su will not initialize the environment, the -i to sudo does setup the environemnt reading profile and other files02:28
jordan_mickster04,  did u even get the msg i posted about it a minute ago before the flood incident02:29
mickster04jordan_: nope02:29
gsp2009hydrozii: sytem-preferences-network connections02:29
sacarlsonhydrozii: might see this http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=230502:29
hydroziiwhats that in lxfce?02:29
mickster04jordan_: as in i got it but i don't 'get' it, I dunno what to do about it02:29
hydroziisacarlson that looks really helpful thanks02:30
jordan_mickster04, ohhhhh thought u meant u didnt see it02:30
mickster04jordan_: sorry02:30
hack-1is there a good thread on installing and running VB02:30
jordan_its cool02:30
mickster04jordan_: we kinda got it, but it doesn't make any sense to me, i don't really get conky :p02:30
mickster04!vb | hack-1:02:30
jordan_anybody good with conky?02:30
mickster04hack-1: probably google has02:31
Nitrohaxoh i think i found out the openoffice.org site problem.02:31
bc81jordan_: paste your config if you need some help02:31
jordan_bc81, what config02:32
Jezzz_I cloned my disk from an 80GB drive to a 1TB drive.  Ubuntu now sees a 77GB ext4 partition and (2) 3.1GB partitions.  how do I expand the 77GB partition to fill the rest of the disk?02:32
Nitrohaxthey are fixing site vuln. until then it's f*ed on the windows side of things02:32
jordan_where do i get it02:32
gsp2009jordan, I may be able to help02:32
jordan_cool i wil pm u gsp200902:32
gsp2009jordan_ homedir/,conkyrc02:32
eossHello, I just switched from win7 to ubuntu on my main computer, I am getting choppy play back on flash videos ...not in fullscreen but when its NOT in fullscreen02:32
Nitrohaxeoss, did you install display drivers?02:32
mickster04Jezzz_: try gparted? it's included in 10.1002:33
gsp2009jordan_ go ahead.. pm away02:33
BitEncrypti ran sudo -i apt-get install lubuntu-desktop.....it said 'unable to fetch some archives' how do i update and/or fix using --fix-missing  ?02:33
Jayrognome themes are sick :)02:33
Jezzz_mickster04, have not tried.  I'm a noob, so I didn't know about it.  Just run from terminal?02:33
gaelfxgparted is only on the livecd/usb02:33
eossNitrohax, i just installed flash02:33
nillerzsudo apt-get --fix-missing02:33
mickster04Jezzz_: system > admin > gparted02:34
Nitrohaxeoss, but have you installed pritary drivers like the video driver?02:34
mickster04gaelfx: oh ok02:34
mickster04gaelfx: what can Jezzz_ use instead?02:34
mickster04Jezzz_: apparently gparted is only on the live disk, you can install it thru the software centre02:34
Jezzz_mickster04, trying now02:35
gaelfxmickster04: he can instlal gparted from software center ;)02:35
Nitrohaxyeah gparted doesn't get installed when you install from the cd for some reason. same thing with the wireless driver stuff too. which kinda causes a problem02:35
nillerzI'm editing a PSX-controller driver to work with my PSX-esque controller02:35
nillerzI'm not good at c.02:35
Nitrohaxbut you shoul dbe able to put the disc back in while running ubuntu and install those from the disc02:35
nillerzI'm wondering exactly how the original Joystick program has it's drivers set up.02:36
Jezzz_mickster04, gaelfx, Nitrohax  -- thanks.  This looks like it will do the trick.02:36
Jayroeverytime i unpug my netbook after a charge,  or just to go somewhere i get a popup that says "battery critically low" but its full charge? its not the battery.02:36
Nitrohaxno prob02:36
punkmexicin ubuntu when i put 1024x768 resolution i see black bars can someone help02:36
eossNitrohax, no I haven't done anything with my drivers02:36
Nitrohaxeoss, that might fix it then.02:36
Jezzz_except, it looks like it wants me to unmount before I extend02:36
mickster04Jayro: i think thats a gnome thing :/ it goes away after a second02:36
Jezzz_I guess I need to boot to live cd first?02:36
Nitrohaxeoss, yo uknow how to have it search for drivers?02:37
mickster04Jezzz_: yeah live cd if its the main partition02:37
Jayromickster04,  it dosnt go away until i tell it too :(02:37
securetuxHi, i have a problem with ubuntu graphics, i think its Compiz that stop working, I dont see half of the screen and compiz is not working, How can i know whata happening?02:37
eossnitrohax no i only installed drivers in windows before02:37
Nitrohaxeoss, yeah i got your pm02:37
mickster04Jayro: how do you tell it to?02:38
gaelfxsecuretux: what do you mean when you say "I don't see half the screen"?02:38
Jayromickster04,  press "cancell" so it dosnt go to standby mode02:38
gaelfxsecuretux: is your monitor set at the wrong resolution?02:38
Nitrohaxeoss, you need to goto system>admin>hardware drivers it will install there02:39
securetuxYeap, in the right side of the screen is black, all the keyboard configs have been lost, and compiz is not working i think02:39
bc81Jayro: gconftool-2 --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/notify/low_capacity --type bool false02:39
Nitrohaxeoss, also remeber to install restricted extras from the software site02:39
Jayrothanks bc8102:39
Nitrohaxeoss, did you get that one?02:40
gaelfxsecuretux: whoa, whoa, half of the screen is black? did you check that the cable is properly plugged in?02:40
securetuxgaelfx, no, today was working everything ok. :( its a laptop. I think it was the last package update02:41
nillerzHey can anyone help me with some driver issues?02:41
Nitrohaxsecuretux, roll back on the video driver?02:41
mickster04securetux: ctrl+alt+f2, does the text reach across the whole screen if you type alot?02:41
gaelfxsecuretux: try rebooting and hold the shift key, grub should come up and you can select the previous kernel image to boot from02:41
bc81!anyone | nillerz02:42
ubottunillerz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:42
gaelfx(it is shift key to get the grub menu nowadays, right?)02:42
Nitrohaxgaelfx, yes02:42
Jayroso now that i have ubuntu looking nice,. I have a picture i want to be my background in terminal. But its too big, but ifi resize it , itll be too small if i drag the window bigger. Does anyone know how to make terminal stretch a backgroud image to fit? or a terminal replacement that can do that?02:42
nillerz!shutup | bc8102:42
eossok Nitrohax rerstarting i will be back02:42
Nitrohaxeoss, ok02:42
KB1JWQnillerz: Please keep it civil.02:42
securetuxmickster04, yes it does, I can see the clock or the shutdown button, but not the desktop for eg.02:42
gaelfxyou would think this was an LotR fanclubirc the way we get so many trolls in here02:43
xtbgodIf i gave password to one partition of my pendrive using the Disk Utility how i'm able to open it on Win OS ?02:43
bc81nillerz: no need to be rude.  i must have missed your original question while i was away02:43
mickster04securetux: ok02:43
securetuxI have Docky installed also in that side of the screen, i can see the bar02:43
JunK-Yright after ati driver 11.2, my linux is freezing, since theres no menu for grub, how can I boot in single mode?02:43
nillerznobody likes dismissive ubottu go-tos.02:43
nillerzThey are universally annoying.02:43
securetuxI'll show you a print02:43
gaelfxJunK-Y: hold shift key when you boot, grub menu should show up02:43
JunK-Ygaelfx: i'll try, thanks02:44
Jayroso now that i have ubuntu looking nice,. I have a picture i want to be my background in terminal. But its too big, but ifi resize it , itll be too small if i drag the window bigger. Does anyone know how to make terminal stretch a backgroud image to fit? or a terminal replacement that can do that?02:44
bc81nillerz: get over it, those factoids are there for a reason02:44
securetuxI cannot take a print =/ all keyboard config are not working02:44
Axlinsecuretux: ah, docky. this happens to me sometimes, too. usually a simple "compiz --replace" in the run dialog (alt+f2) fixes it. it's caused generally by compositing being disabled02:44
dvez43i have a quick question about wireless cards02:44
dvez43if anyone has time02:44
bigbangwhen i try to run compiz on my  terminal i get following error02:44
bigbangXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:44
NitrohaxJayro, edit it in gimp02:44
bigbangXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:44
ublenderI have a large number of files in my home folder and nowhere to transfer them to. I want to reinstall ubuntu without moving these files? Is this possible? For example if I were to run the ubuntu instal disk and choose the manual partition for my current '/' as the new destination, would it all work out, leaving my home folder?02:44
FloodBot1bigbang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
bigbangXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:44
nillerzbc81, to add beaurocracy to a community that doesn't need it02:45
securetuxAxlin, hey! that could be! i 'll try that thanks02:45
bc81!ot | nillerz02:45
ubottunillerz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:45
JayroNitrohax, but i need it to stretch to the terminal whatever the size of the terminal is02:45
dvez43my wireless card stopped working today02:45
dvez43i need some assistance02:45
Nitrohaxoh you just want it was a back ground in terminal?02:45
securetuxCouldn't find a perfect decorator match; trying all decorators --> Found no decorator to start02:45
dvez43im on a thinkpad laptop02:45
JayroNitrohax,  yes02:45
nillerznow you're just being obnoxious. Anyway, does anyone know the method that the program Joystick uses to identify non-USB controllers?02:45
gaelfxdvez43: what kind of card and also did you instlal any updates recently?02:45
ChogyDanublender: I believe so.  I think next release they are going to fix the GUI to make it more obvious.  Just setup your partitions and _don't_ set any to be formatted.02:45
dvez43just installed a couple new updates02:46
securetuxAxlin, well, i still dont see the screen but now keyboard configs work fine!02:46
dvez43wireless-n intel pro02:46
gaelfx!tab | dvez4302:46
ubottudvez43: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:46
OvermindDL1Does anyone know of any good software for a high-end Android touchphone for controlling an Ubuntu computer over, say, wifi, using a remote keyboard/mouse/etc...?02:46
eossNitrohax, still choppy02:46
NitrohaxJayro, I just resized and tweaked it for a bit so it still fit into the temrinal02:46
gaelfxdvez43: which updates, do you remember?02:46
ublenderChogyDan: thanks, that's awesome. i sure hope it works, because if my files vanish, i might cry.02:46
mickster04OvermindDL1: find an android forum or channel...02:46
=== eledesmar_ is now known as eledesmar
bigbangwhen i try to run compiz i get following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/571483/02:46
Axlinsecuretux: no decorators? can you access the compiz control panel?02:46
Nitrohaxeoss, after installing the grphics drivers and restricted-extras?02:47
dvez43im not to sure actually, i just did it like 20 minutes ago, and now the wireless card isnt working02:47
ChogyDanublender: well, you _should_ have a backup anyway  :p02:47
dvez43is there any way to reinstall the driver?02:47
securetuxAxlin, now, its gonne =/02:47
JayroNitrohax,  but i drag terminals to make them bigger and stuff all the time. Is there another terminal replacement that can make an image stretch to fit whatever size i have the terminal?02:47
eossNitrohax, i ran additional driver and the proprietary driver for my graphics card is now installed02:47
NitrohaxJayro, let me look at soemthing02:47
JayroNitrohax,  thanks. lemme know02:48
Nitrohaxeoss, what are you trying to view that is choppy?02:48
NitrohaxJayro, checking to see what i have.02:48
gaelfxdvez43: can you pastebin "iwconfig", assuming it isn't empty?02:48
eossNitrohax, regular youtube videos02:48
Nitrohaxdid you install the latest java?02:48
dvez43says no wireless extensions02:48
ublenderChogyDan: when i get a spare tb hdd, i will :P02:48
dvez43under lo02:48
eossNitrohax, yep02:48
securetuxAxlin, there where some package missing, i'll try rebooting X02:48
Nitrohaxok one sec02:48
dvez43and eth0 no wireless extensions02:48
Guest94239so can i have a full disk encrypted install with alternate02:49
theperfecttacoafter updating to maverick my bootloader is malfunctioning - comp goes into grub-recovery at startup. has anyone had a similar experience?02:49
Axlinsecuretux: do you mean that you don't have ccsm installed?02:49
Guest94239or is the boot still unencrypted _02:49
gaelfxdvez43: ok, is there a switch for your wireless? if so, is it turned on?02:49
dvez43nope, its turned on02:49
dvez43first think i checked02:49
bigbangwhen i try to run compiz on my terminal i get following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/571483/02:49
bc81dvez43: have any blocks?  run >> rfkill list02:50
gaelfxdvez43: could you pastebin "lspci"?02:50
Nitrohaxeoss, not sure what's going on with the chop. I haevn't gotten it.02:50
=== FrankLv_ is now known as FrankLv
gaelfx!pb > dvez4302:51
ubottudvez43, please see my private message02:51
securetuxAxlin, still the same. I think i should reinstall compiz02:51
NitrohaxJayro, looks like you are just going to have to tweak the one that came with sorry.02:52
eossNitrohax,  =[ thanks anyway02:52
Axlinsecuretux: well compiz barking that it couldn't find a window manager. in ccsm (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager if you don't have it) has a plug in where you specify the window manager compiz should use02:52
rmd_can I dd the ubuntu .iso to a usb drive and boot from that? Will that work?02:52
Nitrohaxeoss, is your net conection you think?02:52
JayroNitrohax,  what about terminal replacements that have that feature?02:52
nillerz0x41 < What kind of hardware identifier is that?02:52
syrinx@rmd yea if you bios lets you boot from usb, sure.02:53
Nitrohaxjayro, you can look in the software center or the net for those, but i didn't really see antyhign that would do what you are asking02:53
rmd_syrinx: So the .iso is bootable?02:53
eossNitrohax, ok figured out something, when i go in 1080p but dont enlarge the video then it does it02:53
Jayrodo KDE terminals work for gnome?02:53
Jayrowith all the same commands and stuff?02:53
securetuxAxlin, i've changed de visual effects of ubuntu, there where set as "None" now i selected Extra. The windows issue was resolved. but still its working strange02:53
nillerzJayro, yup02:53
Nitrohaxeoss, it's a conversion error then.02:53
Jayronillerz, thanks02:53
syrinxrmd: you'd have to use the startup disk creator02:53
dvez43hmm it shows my network controller02:53
gaelfxdvez43: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1693370 it looks like a known issue, but I'm not sure if there's a way to deal with it02:54
rmd_syrinx: ... What does the disk creator do? I'm not using Ubuntu.02:54
nillerzJayro, they're all just terminal emulators, emulating the same terminal.02:54
Axlinsecuretux: so to make sure i'm on the same page, your windows do have borders and the screen isn't half-black?02:54
eossNitrohax, because when i run them in 240p there isnt a problem02:54
syrinxcreates the boot files; whats the specific circumstance?02:54
securetuxAxlin, yeap! :)02:54
Jayronillerz, awesome! thank you02:54
gaelfxrmd_: what disk creator are you talking about? if it's the USB startup disk creator, that creates a liveusb version of ubuntu on a thumb drive02:55
securetuxAxlin, ok now i have compiz config button !02:55
dvez43i dont understand, it was working earlier today?02:55
rmd_syrinx: I'm on Archlinux right now.02:55
Nitrohaxeoss, sound like you might need to change your resolution or upgrade a card.02:55
nillerzJayro, you wanna be real 1337? alt, F2, then run X-term02:55
NitrohaxYou aren't trying to run this in vbox are you eoss?02:55
lumoshi, i have a seta hardrive, when i try and install it doesnt recognise my hardrive02:55
nillerzpackage xterm02:55
gaelfxdvez43: hang on, I'm looking at the info I sent you02:55
eossNitrohax, no not vbox02:55
Nitrohaxeoss, ok, what kind of CPu are you using?02:56
Jayronillerz, im guess thats the real terminal that all the emulators control?02:56
gaelfxdvez43: is your router set to n-only mode?02:56
eossNitrohax, when i enlarge the video in 1080p it runs smooth, only when its high setting and in the normal size video02:56
dvez43connecting to a college network02:56
eossnitro amd6402:56
dvez43never had problems02:56
syrinxnot familiar rmd, im sure theres some type of startup disk creator for arch tho02:56
dvez43its a public wireless02:56
rmd_gaelfx: Right. But, specifically, what does the application do? I mean, I can copy or write files to the usb drive, but does it install a boot loader, anything like that?02:56
Nitrohaxeoss, oh ok, it's a backwards problem. Sounds like it's workign to hard to change the size of the video02:56
gaelfxdvez43: hm, ok, I'm looking at another thing right now02:56
syrinx@rmd yes, exactly02:57
syrinxmakes the drive bootable02:57
gaelfxrmd_: yeah, it installs a bootloader and whatnot, but you need an Ubuntu disk image to create it02:57
eossNitrohax, how can i fix that?02:57
rmd_syrinx: OK. So what bootloader? grub? How does it do it? Syslinux?02:57
Nitrohaxeoss, i'm looking up solutions right now. one sec02:57
syrinx@rmd thats probably a question better suited for gaelfx02:57
rmd_gaelfx: I know that. But if I write the image to the usb drive using dd, it doesn't work.02:57
dvez43so here is something interesting02:58
syrinxbecause theres nothing to boot02:58
syrinxcant just boot an iso02:58
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:58
syrinxhave to extract it and whatnot02:58
gaelfxrmd_: yeah, you can't just copy the thing over, the disk creator does a bunch of magic making sure that everything is copied bit-for-bit02:58
dvez43in the etc/mobprob.d/intel-5300-iwlagn-disable11n.conf02:58
dvez43shows options iwlagn 11n_disable=102:59
gaelfxrmd_: and there is a special filesystem it uses, called squashfs that needs to be set up properly for everything to work02:59
rmd_gaelfx: OK. So. Imagine I don't have a disk creator. Is there a set of instructions for how to install the .iso to a usb drive and make it bootable?02:59
nillerzJayro, nah xterm is still just another emulator02:59
Jayronillerz, hahah there is so many of them02:59
gaelfxrmd_: yes, the communty help documentation has an article on it02:59
dvez43and yes, download the iso to usb program from the ubuntu website.02:59
=== e8newallm is now known as E8newallm
syrinx@rmd, could you try to get a package called usb-creator?03:00
gaelfxdvez43: well, from what I've read, it can't use N anyways, so I don't think that's the problem, but you're more than welcome to try flipping the bit to get it to work. just remember how to undo what you've done03:00
rmd_the instructions I found on the community site got the usb drive to book, but it was a black screen.03:00
syrinxits made to do just what you want to do03:00
Jayronillerz, well konsole sucks... moving on....03:00
* rmd_ facepalsm03:00
nillerzpress ctrl F103:00
nillerzthen later, press ctrl F03:00
* rmd_ facepalms, even03:00
nillerz*ctrl f703:00
gaelfxrmd_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169337003:00
nillerzmake sure you know how to get back03:01
nillerzxterm is the 1337est.03:01
nillerzonly use xterm03:01
nillerzits the quickest to type...03:01
gaelfxrmd_: ah, well, that might be a graphical issue, it might be an issue with the usb stick you're using or it could be a wholly different problem that I've never heard of :P03:01
rmd_gaelfx: Centrino Wireless..?03:01
securetuxAxlin, i cannot enable the visual effects now. I think i should remove everything and install it from scratch. Do you know how i can do it?03:01
Jayronillerz, but i use terminal ALOT and want it to look nice :303:02
gaelfxrmd_ ooops, sorry03:02
gaelfxrmd_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:02
Axlinsecuretux: does it give you an error?03:03
gaelfxrmd_: when it booted, did you at least see the menu giving you the options about how to use the USB?03:03
nillerzJayro, I do too, but I want to look like a h4xor.03:03
dave324hi guys. when booting from the alt. cd and setting guided encryption for my disks, i see that the installer has created many logical partitions. are these needed? or can i just use primaries for FDE?03:04
Jonii^Hey, what's up with Firefox youtube-videos going "blank", like the flash-part becomes grayish brown and totally stops working until you refresh the page?03:04
JunK-Ygaelfx: it worked, many thanks03:04
Jayroi have an awesome background that says : "Unix, Where there is a shell, there is a way" that i want to put in my terminal :)03:04
nillerzand I'm more likely to alt-f2 and just type "xterm" than I am to move my mouse ALL THE WAY to the Applications menu...03:04
Jayronillerz ^^03:04
gaelfxJunK-Y: no prob, glad to hear it :D03:04
Jonii^Like, I've used Ubuntu for a bit longer than a day now, and it has happened more than 5 times now03:04
Jayronillerz, use hotkeys lol03:04
nillerzblack background, green text. Nothing says "I will never get laid" more than that.03:05
securetuxAxlin, no, the screen just starts blinking a lot, and then a error that says it couldnt been activated the desktop effects. Docky says it needs composition but it always said that (even when everything was working fine)03:05
creativeembassyCan someone help me figure out how to get an ethernet port working on an old Thinkpad A21p?03:05
dave324hypatia, you there?03:05
creativeembassyTrying to google for solutions, and finding nothing03:05
rmd_gaelfx: No. It was just black. I'll try following the instructions again, and get back to you.03:05
creativeembassyoh, never mind, wifey needs me for a few minutes03:05
creativeembassyI'll ask again in a bit03:05
gaelfxrmd_: ok, sorry about not being more helpful03:06
Axlinsecuretux: and just to be sure, you have your video card drivers installed?03:06
sacarlsondav324 what are primaries and FDE?03:06
Jonii^If anyone knows, please tell. If the bug has a name of sorts, it'd be good to know so I could google it03:06
gaelfxFDE is full disk encryption03:06
rmd_gaelfx: Not your fault. I'm not really sure why you all have created an .iso that isn't bootable. *every*one else has :-/03:07
securetuxAxlin, yes, i have ATI catalys control center. But they worked fine without them also03:07
gaelfxprimaries are partitions that are not logical03:07
hypatiadave324: hola03:07
dave324hypatia,  when booting from the alt. cd and setting guided encryption for my disks, i see that the installer has created many logical partitions. are these needed? or can i just use primaries for FDE?03:08
dave324little copy action :P03:08
babaluhello any good mp3 manager software for ubuntu anyone?03:08
gaelfxrmd_: how is your display connected to your computer?03:08
gaelfxbabalu: a lot of people like Exaile03:08
rmd_gaelfx: It's a laptop. When I say black screen, I should have said blank screen. Blinking cursor.03:09
bc81babalu: rhythmbox for me03:09
dave324hypatia, i think i need the logical volumes right?03:09
babaluits in software center?03:09
dave324im reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1205372 hydrozii03:09
bc81yes, and yes03:09
syrinxbabalu: amarok is nice03:09
dave324syrinx, banshee ftw03:09
dave324babalu, try banshee03:10
gaelfxrmd_: it sounds like the image didn't get written correctly. you might try using unetbootin03:10
Axlinsecuretux: hm. what happens when you run compiz from the terminal?03:10
hypatiadave324: for encryption?03:10
Axlinsecuretux: just open one up and type "compiz"03:10
sacarlsondave324: you can use LUKS with normal partitions also I found,  with System>diskutility they have a cool tool to set it up03:10
dave324hypatia, yes03:10
Jayronillerz, i found this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55492228/03457-Added-background-image-scaling-.patch03:10
dave324sacarlson, im using the alternate cd installer03:11
Jayrosupposed to add the feature i want to gnome-terminal03:11
gaelfxrmd_: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ if that doesn't work, then I would have to say there is probably something wrong with the flash drive you're using03:11
hypatiadave324: you want LVM with encryption, guided03:11
Jayrowhat do you think nillerz?03:11
hypatiadave324: (if yuo want to use the whole drive)03:11
rmd_There's nothing wrong with this drive. :-/03:11
rmd_I'll try unetbootin, then.03:11
securetuxAxlin, it starts blinking again, Docky doesnt work, the keyboard config is lost and the screen looks weired again03:11
dave324hypatia, yes i do03:11
rmd_Oh right. I downloaded that.03:11
* rmd_ wanders off03:11
Axlinsecuretux: does it give you any output in the terminal?03:11
sacarlsondave324: yes I've used that to setup a FDE as you call it also I found a good link for it that worked for me.  the method I used in that case was not encyrypt /boot dir03:12
securetuxAxlin, no03:12
hypatiadave324: then pick guided + lvm + encrypted03:12
Jonii^Like, why doesn't flash work :<03:12
rmd_"libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file..." odd I have libpng installed.03:12
nillerzJayro, that looks like... a lot of code.03:12
Jonii^What's the name of the bug, what is causing it, and how to fight it?03:12
Axlinsecuretux: well if you do "metacity --replace" does the screen at least stop blinking?03:13
Jayronillerz, i know x] lol03:13
dave324hypatia, guided doesnt allow me to specify the enc algo?03:13
securetuxAxlin, the screen starts blinking just for a seconds, then it stops when i run compiz03:13
hypatiadave324: the defaults are fine unless you really know what you're doing.  i see the instructions you're going with, i wouldn't bother doing a separate  /home03:13
securetuxAxlin, with metacity --replace it all works fine but without visual effects03:14
hypatiadave324: it's lvm so you can change things around later if you need to03:14
sacarlsondave324: this is what I used as my reference in FDE install using alternate cd as install method http://joernfranz.wordpress.com/2011/01/20/installing-ubuntu-10-10-with-full-disk-encryption/03:14
dave324does guided encrypt swap as well?03:14
hypatiadave324: yup03:14
dave324sacarlson, i was looking for that03:14
sacarlsondave324: I would like to know if you just install without /boot unencrypted how that works also03:15
dave324wouldnt work03:15
br10ta10I want to create a system with three flavors of Linux. Do I make five partitions (1 shared swap, 1 shared /boot, and then 1 for each of the three OS flavors)?03:16
ruffdogCan you have Windows dual boot with Ubuntu if you use Ubuntu disk encryption?03:16
gaelfxruffdog: should be able to03:16
gaelfxruffdog: I thought the encryption only applied to the partitions of ubuntu03:17
Axlinsecuretux: hm. well i'm finding online that a lot of people simply have weird issues with compiz + ATI cards. it's related to drivers, generally. do you know the model of your card? i'll see if i can find anything related to it specifically03:17
eossanything Nitrohax ?03:17
securetuxAxlin, Yep, its ATI Mobility Radeon HD 425003:17
securetuxthank you very much03:17
ruffdoggaelfx, good point.  I think you're right.03:18
Axlinsecuretux: in the meantime, try this in the terminal: glxinfo | grep rendering03:19
george__anyone know morse code?03:19
securetuxAxlin, the thing is that it was working fine, maybe i touch something i shouldnt or deleted something03:19
Axlinsecuretux: it should output with "direct rendering: yes"03:19
mickster04!ot | george__03:20
ubottugeorge__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:20
securetuxAxlin, glxinfo is not installed, Ill install it03:20
Jonii^So, why does flash not-work, what's the name of the bug, the cause, and all that?03:20
securetuxAxlin, Rendering Yes ! :)03:21
gaelfxJonii^: Adobe03:21
ChogyDanJonii^: chromium?03:21
Axlinok, well at least we have that :P03:21
sacarlsonruffdog: yes you can, the ubuntu encrypted partitions are totaly separate from your windows unencrypted partitions03:21
Axlini'll keep looking03:21
mickster04Jonii^: it does work?03:21
itaylor57Jonii^: my flash works fine03:21
jeremybthere used to be ami IDs (for amazon ec2) listed on some official ubuntu web page, can't find it now03:21
jeremybanyone know where they might be?03:21
gaelfxwhat's an ami ID?03:22
alisalaahi was afk and my buffer lost what someone said to help me03:22
alisalaahUbuntu 10:10 -- Really need help getting two usb to dvi adapters (displaylink) working, Jaton Video 101USB-D... I've tried one tutorial online and it's driving me crazy... i really need help03:22
immyim using grsync and it has an option to add a command before it runs rsync. i entered cd /media/backup but it always reports 'error launching command' but i know the command executes successfully in cli03:22
=== jon_athon is now known as Eros
Jonii^I have used Ubuntu for a day now, and(I'm using Firefox) flash plugins like youtube videos have just turned into grayish-brown blank space03:22
Jonii^That are totally unresponsive, and only site refresh helps03:23
syrinx@Jonii, update flash?03:23
immyive also tried mount /dev/sdb1 but even when the external hdd is not connected grsync continues03:23
ruffdogsacarlson, thanks for that info.  Very useful.03:23
westyanyone alive?03:23
Axlinsecuretux: would you happen to know which version of catalyst you have installed?03:24
syrinxalive and kickin03:24
* gaelfx snickers03:24
jeremybgaelfx: see "(for amazon ec2)". it's amazon's primary key for boot images, ubuntu makes their own official images03:24
Jonii^Restricted extras -package has outdated flash? And does flash being outdated cause this sort of problems on a range of flash applets, some of which were created back in 200503:24
westyalien creates a .deb from an .rpm but the files doesnt excist ??? help03:24
gaelfxjeremyb: interesting03:25
sacarlsonwesty: alien doesn't exist or rpm ?03:25
jeremybgaelfx: i seem to be looking for http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/03:25
westythey both exist03:25
securetuxAxlin OpenGL Version: 3.3.10237 Compatibility Profile Context , 2D driver version 8.78.30 Catalyst™ Control Center Version 2.1303:25
westyits the .dev that was generated doesnt exist03:26
itaylor57!alien | westy03:26
ubottuwesty: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)03:26
Axlinsecuretux: well about a week ago AMD released the latest version of their catalyst display driver, version 11.2. it's sounding to me like your best bet is to try installing that03:27
westyits mysql cummunity server03:27
=== skinny is now known as playbeasy
Axlinsecuretux: at amd.com, they have a driver download page at the top right where you can find your card. they'll have the linux driver available there. it's an automated .run installer03:28
westythe guide shows its fine and i need that package installed for 2 lousy files03:28
gaelfxwesty: is this guide infallible?03:28
securetuxAxlin, i'll look for it, thanks03:28
Axlinsecuretux: in case you don't know how to open .runs, here's this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage03:29
securetuxAxlin, should i remove the last version?03:29
westythe guide is for a server03:29
westyit works03:29
Axlinyeah. wouldn't be a bad idea :)03:29
dave324weird how /boot is ext2 by default03:30
Axlinsecuretux: i have to head out now for dinner. i have my fingers crossed for ya :)03:30
elmo_hey all. Im doing some research into finding a good VPS host for ubuntu, I thought I might stop by here and see if anyone has any hosts they would recommend?03:30
sacarlsonwesty: if all you need is a mysql server to run the are packages already avalable to install them.  what is in the mysql package they have?03:30
westytwo files ill tell ya03:31
westy1 sec03:31
securetuxAxlin, thank you ! :)03:31
securetuxHave a good meal03:31
playbeasyelmo Linode.com is pretty cool03:31
elmo_playbeasy: thanks very much :)03:31
playbeasynp, I've been using them for a while, they're great03:31
elmo_any issues with downtime or bad support?03:32
westyusr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.12      usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3  i need those files03:32
playbeasyNot for me. I've never had any downtime with them so far. Their support is usually really fast as well.03:32
playbeasyI even like them on facebook ;-)03:33
playbeasynever dealt with a better company03:33
westyi have a download of those files in a rar format but they fail everytime unraring them03:33
elmo_hehe, their site is in cold fusion. I wont hold that against them though ;)03:33
sacarlsonwesty: did you try sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common ; that will install what you need03:34
Dragynbanehey, I'm helping a buddy over the phone install Ubuntu on his 5-7 year old Laptop, when he goes and enters everything to install, after the file copy, he gets a bunch of errors03:34
sacarlsonwesty: if you don't need the server then skip mysql-server03:34
westyi need the server ;-(03:34
playbeasyheh, nice. Never even noticed. They're xen domains.03:35
gaelfxDragynbane: what kind of errors?03:35
elmo_oh neat, xen is a pretty solid vps system03:35
andresmhis there a command to push the output into the clipboard (i'm on gnome/compiz)03:35
westysacar i already have those installed from yesterday03:35
Dragynbanehe's not there yet on the retry.03:35
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sacarlsonwesty: well my first installs and configures the server and the client03:35
Dragynbanei'll post them as i get them03:36
sacarlsonwesty: then your done03:36
westyi dont have those files ill show you the error on pastebin03:36
elmo_I've had a good experience with a company called a2hosting, but they only support ubuntu 7, so I decided to look elsewhere03:36
eossHello I have an issue with Tor, vidalia is saying that tor exited unexpectedly. the log shows that tor may be already running , how can i get tor to only run when i tell it to in vidalia?03:36
westy./Connector: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:37
westysee its not there03:37
sacarlsonwesty: what method did you use to install mysql?03:37
sacarlsonwesty: please show me the apt-get line you used at install  time03:38
westyapt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server phpmyadmin03:38
Goldenanyone a pro with mdadm? have two arrays on a new server 10.10 install I can get the arrays setup but the mdadm.conf file never gets populated.. been googling for about 7 hours now with no really helpful results.03:39
westyalso have mysql things for kpackage installed03:39
sacarlsonwesty: I don't see mysql-common in that list03:39
westyits there ill show you03:39
westymysql-client is already the newest version.03:39
westymysql-common is already the newest version.03:39
westymysql-server is already the newest version.03:39
FloodBot2westy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
gwzHey, I was having issues with ubuntu installation, using wubi and getting "no root filesystem defined" :s03:40
sacarlsonwesty: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:40
westy10.1 kde03:40
gwzalso, C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub seems to be empty03:40
jordan_hypatia, heyyyyyyy03:41
mickster04gwz: does the wubi installer give you a screen in which to define the size of the ubuntu partition, i haven't used wubi before...03:41
Jezzzxxxok.. i rebooted into live cd but still can't resize the partition03:41
gwzmickster04: yes03:41
gaelfxJezzzxxx: what does it say when you try?03:41
djhash_westy: did you try installing the dev packages of mysql?03:41
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: gparted shows a ton of free space, but it shows the max as the current size.03:42
westydjhash_: i dont think i have but ill check03:42
sacarlsonwesty: well I don't know how that could happen,  I would try --purge mysql-server mysql-common mysql-client  myphpadmin  and reinstall03:42
Jezzzxxxgaelfx:  I think these two swap/logical partitions are messing me up.  they still show locked03:42
gaelfxJezzzxxx: you have two swap partitions?03:42
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: well.. no.  one is a 3.1GB swap partition and one is a 3.1GB extended partition03:43
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: "container for logical partitions" and "swap partition"03:43
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: erm.. "Swap Space"03:43
Jezzzxxxgaelfx:  each is 3.1 gb03:43
gaelfxJezzzxxx: oh, no, that's how it's supposed to be03:44
sacarlsonwesty:  also maybe you have some ppa in your repository?  lets see your /etc/apt/source.list  pastebinit to us03:44
Jezzzxxxgaelfx:  if I resize in gparted, it shows the max size is limited to what it already is03:44
gaelfxJezzzxxx: a logical partition just allows you to have more than four partitions, so that's normal03:44
gaelfxJezzzxxx: are you sure that the drive isn't mounted?03:45
Goldenmdadm help anyone?03:45
gaelfxJezzzxxx: if the drive is mounted, you can't change anything in it03:45
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: the primary partition (dev/sda1) is not mounted.  but it appears as though the other two are03:45
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: how do I unmount the swap and logical?03:46
gaelfxJezzzxxx: no, you shouldn't need to do that03:46
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: oh... i just right clicked and chose "swap off"03:46
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: that removed the lock icon from those partitions03:46
gaelfxJezzzxxx: are you trying to make sda1 bigger or smaller?03:47
folkloreif I forgot my login info03:47
folkloreanyway to get in ubuntu?03:47
Jezzzxxxgaelfx:  bigger.  it is currently 77GB.  I would like to make it 1000GB03:47
gaelfxfolklore: brute force pasword guessing03:47
folklorebesides that03:47
gaelfxJezzzxxx: and does gparted show that you have any unallocated space on this hard drive?03:48
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: yes.  857.01GB03:48
itaylor57folklore: yes there is03:48
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: so I would like my new partition to fill the remaining space .. ~900MB03:48
itaylor57folklore: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword03:49
gaelfxJezzzxxx: also, I should tell you that it's better to have more than one partition for your system03:49
sacarlsonwesty: when I look for your file on my system this is what I find  /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.1603:49
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: oh.  why is that?03:50
gaelfxJezzzxxx: lemme guess, the first thing is sda1, then the logical partition, then a bunch of free space?03:50
amancan anyone tell me which file executes first after login in?03:50
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: exactly03:50
gaelfxJezzzxxx: if you mount '/' and '/home' on two separate partitions, then you can reinstall the system and keep all of your home folder files intact03:51
gaelfxJezzzxxx: ok, delete the logical partition, if you can03:51
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: that is way beyond my noobish skills :)03:51
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: ok... deleting the logical part03:51
gaelfxJezzzxxx: it's actually pretty easy, what you're doing now is all you have to know how to do to do it03:51
Jezzzxxxgaelfx:  logical deleted03:51
moy1989buenas disculpen las molestias pero alguien me podria decir como bloquear un equipo para que no tenga salida a internet con iptables?03:52
gaelfxok, now create a new swap partition at the END of the drive03:52
EphrasCould I ask how exactly do binaries work?03:52
gaelfx!es | moy198903:52
ubottumoy1989: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:52
EphrasI've always been under the impression that a program compiled on a machine will only work on that machine.03:52
gaelfxEphras: binaries are like files full of 1010101 that run straight through the processor03:52
amangaelfx, can u tell me which file executes first after logging into the system????03:52
westyi have that libmysqlclient.so.1603:52
gaelfxaman: sorry I don't know03:53
EphrasSo they don't contain any information unique to the machine?03:53
amangaelfx, its ok no problm03:53
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: should I keep it at 3.1GB and what volume name?03:53
sacarlsonwesty: why does your mysql client not link to that?03:53
itaylor57Ephras: it depends on the executable03:53
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: also, how do I create it at the END?03:53
andresmhis there an command line program I can use to create a PDF out of a couple of jpegs?03:53
itaylor57Ephras: and whether it uses static or shared libs03:53
westyto the servers cuz it cant my that libmysqlclient.so.1203:53
gaelfxJezzzxxx: no volume name should be needed, you can make it whatever size you want, but I suggest at least twice the size of your physical RAM03:53
westycant find***03:54
sacarlsonwesty:  you must be running the wrong bin file03:54
langbeyondhello world03:54
EphrasSo like say I compiled the GIMP on my computer - would the executable work on another machine?03:54
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: ok. i'll keep it at 3.1 - but it doesn't want to go to the END03:54
EphrasOr does it depend on compilation options?03:54
gaelfxJezzzxxx: hm, really? maybe you should just wait to make the swap and first extend sda103:55
sacarlsonwesty: my guess is you some how installed some mysql bin from ?  and are trying to run that instead of the standard ubuntu version03:55
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: ok. will I need to leave space for the logical partition also?03:56
Goldenanyone care to sidebar with me on mdadm config and getting my arrays back?03:56
gaelfxJezzzxxx: see, not so hard to figure it out? That's exactly right03:56
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: when I right click the primary parition, the resize option is no longer there.  in fact, the right click menu is gone.03:56
pfifoIm going to make a pot of coffee, anyone want a cup?03:57
westyi dont think i did the server has a bin file that has all the info for connections03:57
gaelfxJezzzxxx: hm, that's odd. maybe you need to restart gparted03:57
Goldenfresh beans .. i'm in03:57
Jezzzxxxgaelfx:  my fault.  somehow I was in disk manager instead of gparted03:58
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: ok... this looks like it will let me make a partition at the end03:58
gaelfxJezzzxxx: haha, that's ok, no worries03:58
gaelfxJezzzxxx: perfect, even easier :D03:59
sacarlsonwesty:  what does this display mysql -V03:59
EphrasHmm I think I've found the answer... thanks for your help gaelfx and itaylor57 :o03:59
westyysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.49, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.103:59
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: ok, not it isn't aparent to me how to make a swap partition.  my options are primary and extended.03:59
gaelfxJezzzxxx: extended, if my memory serves03:59
westyi can log into mysql view the databases and the tables just fine its when starting the severs it cant find that file04:00
westyif i knew why unrar fails to unrar the file that i have those files in i can easly finish this04:00
sabboobefore i waste a lot of time, how do i tell whether my ubuntu is 32bit or 64bit?04:00
gaelfxsabboo: I think it's uname -l04:01
sacarlsonwesty: how do you start the server?04:01
amangaelfx, i got the answer buddy :)04:01
westyill paste bin th ecmd04:01
gaelfxaman: ah, goood, what is it?04:01
westythe cmd**04:01
amangaelfx, after logging in, the first file that is executed is the user's shell :))04:02
gaelfxsabboo: oops, uname -r04:02
gaelfxuname -a04:02
gaelfxaman: ah, haha, shoulda known!04:03
amangaelfx, yeah, how dumb is me.....:P04:03
gaelfxaman: hey, I didn't know either04:03
sabboogaelfx, nope, it doesn't tell me 32but or 64bit one way or another04:03
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
amangaelfx, then how much dumb we 2 are....:P :D04:03
pfifosabboo look for a directory like thi /usr/lib6404:04
gaelfxsabboo: if uname -a says x86, then it's 32, if x86_64, it's 6404:04
itaylor57sabboo: uname -,04:04
sacarlsonwesty: well your mysql server is started auto at boot time,  I'm not sure what your script is suposed to do04:04
gaelfxaman: haha, exactly ;)04:04
itaylor57sabboo: uname -m04:04
gaelfxJezzzxxx: is everything ok?04:04
westyscript is to start the servers instead of going into each dir and doing it manually04:04
westyall 4 servers04:05
westyat once04:05
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: i think so.  I created the logical and swap at end.  now i'm resizing my original.04:05
sacarlsonwesty: you only need one server that can run many data bases04:05
gaelfxJezzzxxx: beautiful, sounds like you don't need any more help :P04:05
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: it wants to leave 1mb unallocated.  can I get rid of that?04:05
westythe client depends on those 4 servers :-(04:06
sabboogaelfx, nope no 32 bit or 64 bit anywhere04:06
westyand im not about to figure out how to read korean lol04:06
GaMeBoYHello, I just bought an ASUS Eee PC T101MT and I trying to figure out which of the netbook/lightweight linux distros I should put on it. I am leaning towards ubuntu netbook edition. Does this have good touch screen support out of the box? Oh, and does it work well with pen/stylus writing on resistive screens?04:06
sacarlsonwesty: your script or tar package must be attempting to run some binary mysql that you don't have the libs for04:06
pfifosabboo, then it must be 48bit04:07
eosshow do i stop a process from starting when ubuntu starts up?04:07
GaMeBoYOh and I saw that there's an ubuntu-eeepc channel, but it's pretty empty04:07
itaylor57sabboo: uname -m will show you04:07
Goldenhow would i have mdadm write my current raid setup to mdadm.conf? it's a bit of an annoyance to go in and re engineer it every reboot04:07
miketomdooleoss: you can use boot up manager (package bum)04:08
eosssudo apt-get install bum ?04:08
pfifoGaMeBoY, inho the netbook remix is harder to use than the desktop version04:08
gaelfxJezzzxxx: what's 1mb in 1tb?04:08
sabbooitaylor57, it just says i68604:08
sacarlsonwesty: look inside the scripts and change the mysql-server they use to point at the ubuntu version04:08
gaelfxJezzzxxx: I'd leave it04:08
=== Carnavour is now known as carnavour
itaylor57that is 32 bit what distro are you running?04:09
gaelfxsabboo: then that's 32 bit04:09
westyahh i bet thats what it is cuz its using an older version!!!??? lol idk hopefully04:09
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sabboothanks, guys04:09
Jezzzxxxgaelfx: ok.  it's still resizing.  tyvm for the help04:10
sabboothe celeron duo is 64 bit right?04:10
GaMeBoYpfifo: really? interesting, how so?04:10
boldfilterim trying to add my SuSE partition to my ubuntu grub04:10
sacarlsonwesty: if you want a dirty fix just symbolic link it to what they want  ln -s04:10
gaelfxJezzzxxx: no prob, hope it works out well for ya04:11
eossis there a way to use my gui to start bum, ill forget i have bum if i dont see it04:11
eossnevermind i see it04:12
westyi tried doing that from the libmysqlclient.so.16 but it didnt work lol04:12
mcscharlieoh i hear ya04:12
miketomdooleoss: is bum doing the trick for you?04:12
gaelfxsabboo: most duo processors are04:12
eossyep, thanks miketomdool04:13
itaylor57sabboo: cat /prod/cpuinfo04:13
DocfxitWhy are all changes and softwar installs are lost when I re-boot Ubuntu 10.10.04:13
miketomdoolyw =P04:13
pfifoGaMeBoY, well first off let me say that desktop and remix are identical when it comes to packages. So in my opinion the packages that come preinstalled with desktop are more suitable for a computer system.04:13
Docfxitsoftwar = software04:13
bbbbsomeone can help me about sharing internet pc via bluetooth?04:13
itaylor57sabboo: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:13
sacarlsonwesty: I guess you have to point you symbolic link at the bin files not the libs04:14
pfifoGaMeBoY, if you have previous experience with desktop you might find remix to be burdensome when it comes to finding things and doing tasks04:14
GaMeBoYpfifo: oh ok i see. well is remix more lightweight and faster? as in, is it definitely the better choice for low-performing computers or is there not that much of a difference?04:16
gaelfxGaMeBoY: no difference04:16
dr_WillisLubuntu is gotten quite good for low end machines. But i guess it all depends on your exacgt needs04:16
rmd_There's no official Tor package in Ubuntu?04:16
pfifoGaMeBoY, there is no difference04:16
gaelfxGaMeBoY: linux in general is designed to be lightweight and perform better on lower-specced machines04:17
dr_Willisrmd_ not any more.. not been one for some time04:17
DisasteRgrub2 gfxmenu is working on maverick ?04:17
rmd_dr_Willis: ... odd.04:17
* rmd_ looks for a PPA04:17
dr_Willisrmd_ there are wiki pages that tell how to setup tor04:17
dr_Willisrmd_ tor homepage is where to start. and the wiki04:17
Himem-Syshey peeps cant get ubuntu to see my netgear wga111 any ideas?04:17
BitEncrypti installed lubuntu-desktop but i cannot select it when i log out04:17
dr_Willisnot odd at all realy. theres no one wanting to maintain tor for ubuntu. so its gone.04:18
gaelfxrmd_: I take it you got the liveusb to work?04:18
nit-witBitEncrypt, you choose it at the login gui04:18
rmd_gaelfx: yeah. I had to use unetbootin. Annoying, but such is life. I'm more baffled by the lack of a Tor package..04:19
Himem-Sysguess thats the 1st step04:19
BitEncryptnit-wit, i know its not there to select04:19
GaMeBoYpfifo, gaelfx: that make sense. thanks for the tips!04:19
miketomdoolcan you get into xterm BitEncryption?04:19
gaelfxrmd_: yeah, it's strange that they don't make one anymore04:19
gaelfxGaMeBoY: no problem, hope you enjoy your linux experience :D04:19
rmd_Also, I told the install process to download updates as it installed the software.. it obviously didn't do that, as I booted into 226 new updates.04:19
dr_Willisgdm may need to be restarted for  Lubuntu to show in the menus'04:19
nit-witBitEncrypt, not in the popup, how did you install04:19
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BitEncryptmiketomdool,  idk nvr tried04:20
miketomdoolI think dr_Willis is right04:20
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Goldengot my arrays up and mounted can see data now .. next question is about persistent device naming. looking at fdisk -l .. what was sda is now sdd .. i would like it to be sda for organizational purposes .. as well as the other 6 drives maintaining a consistant position. so that I can write an mdadm.conf and and modify the fstab to mount them the same with each infrequent reboot.04:20
BitEncryptnit-wit, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop04:20
GaMeBoYgaelfx: thanks! i'm not totally new to linux though. i've used ubuntu 8.10 (or 04, i forget which one, it was intrepid ibex), pclinuxos, debian, and currently using fedora 1204:21
r0z4Hi some tool for encrypt the disk?04:21
nit-witBitEncrypt, yeah if you aven't rebooted I would try that as suggested by the dr_Willis04:21
dr_Willisor try a 'sudo service gdm restart' (or ldm if you are using ldm)04:21
pfifoGolden, dont use /dev/sda use /dev/disk/by-uuid/04:21
westysacarlson: it showing on this guide that i need to give root permission 777 to all the files see it can read and write to them correctly, how can i do that?04:21
dr_Willisthat WILL restart you rX session04:22
gaelfxGaMeBoY: ah, gotcha, sorry for the stupid assumption!04:22
amitwhen i ooen terminal it shows bash 4.1$04:22
GaMeBoYgaelfx: no worries at all!04:23
GaMeBoYi'm gonna take off. cya guys, take care!04:23
dr_Willisamit perhaps your .bashrc or .profile got removed/deleted/messed up.04:23
amitdr_willis: how to recover it04:24
dr_Willisamit see if thy exist for starters04:24
dr_Williscould be you rprompt is just messed up.04:24
dr_Williscat .bashrc  and see if its there04:24
amitdr_willis:plz explain sir "starters'04:24
Goldenpfifo: i see that uuids are set in fstab atm but just for the boot/system/swap disk however it did move from being sda at install to sdd now that I've rebooted and added the other 6 drives and initialized the arrays on them etc.. will that continue to happen? if it does how to i get my arrays back again without going into a bunch of unfun cli stuff?04:25
amitdr_willis: cat .bashrc  says no such file or directory04:25
pfifoGolden, it is impossible to predict what device node a disk will be assigned be the kernel. However the UUID of a filesystem will always remain the same04:26
dr_Willisamit see if theres a .profile also.  could be you deleted the files04:26
Goldenalso how do i get the uuids of the disks that are not showing up in the fstab04:27
amitdr_willis: it also says no such file or directory04:27
pfifoGolden, blkid04:27
hhhzzzarnNeed help with faster vnc viewing, suggestions.04:27
dr_Willisamit see if they exist in /etc/skel/ if so copythem to your users home.04:27
Goldenwrong kbd04:27
dr_Willishhhzzzarn use lightweight window manager. not a full desktop.   use lower res screen, use lower # of colors.04:28
dr_Willisor check out freenx04:28
amitdr_willis; i opened vi /etc/skel but it is empty04:29
BitEncryptdr_Willis,  i did sudo servive gdm restart didnt work all that shows up is failsafe gnome....gnome....xterm....is it possible to update lubuntu from gdm04:29
rmd_How do I restart privoxy... ?04:29
hhhzzzarndr_Willis: xfce4, vncserver :1 -geometry 640x480 color depth: 8? or 16? rgb?04:29
dr_Willisamit skel is a Directory.. not a file..look for files (hidden) in the directory04:29
dr_Willis8 would be faster hhhzzarn04:29
dr_Willisbut look ugly.04:29
Goldenok have a good tut that explins about fstab what everything is in it .. I'm finding the man pages hard to follow04:30
dr_Willishhhzzzrn and just a single window manager. not a desktop would be faster still04:30
hhhzzzarndr_Willis, the program I am running is very graphic.04:30
amitdr_willis: how to see m confused04:30
pfifoGolden, try viewing the man pages online in a webbrowser04:30
dr_Willisamit use your file manager to look in the directory like you would any other dierctory.04:30
dr_Willisamit be siure to have it show hidden files04:31
hhhzzzarndr_Willis: single window manager? sudo apt-get install xfce4    NOT  sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop04:31
amitdr_willis:but i cannot go to any directory through command04:31
dr_Willishhhzzrn xfce is a 'desktop'  it uses the 'xfwm' window manager04:31
hhhzzzarndr willis: suggestion then?04:31
dr_Willisamit i would have to guess you are doing it wrong..   cd /etc/skel    then ls -al04:32
Goldenok thx pfifo .. hoping i don't bork my fstab or mdadm.conf is all .. trying to recover from a borked system due to extended power outage .. wish i added a few extra batteries to my ups now..04:32
BitEncryptdr_Willis,  see above comment plz04:32
dr_Willishhhzzarn for fastest vnc  speeds. i tend to just use jwm.04:32
amitdr_willis:it says total 004:32
hhhzzzarndr_willis: I start with ubuntu 10.04 server? what gui should i install?04:32
folklorewhat would cause bash to say no such file or directory when running a program with ,/filename ? ls clearly shows it in the current dir04:33
daksai3_how do i register?04:33
dr_Willisdddzzarn you could just install jwm. if yu want.04:33
SwedeMikefolklore: missing libraries. Try "ldd <filename>"04:33
amitdr_willis: ya there is many hidden files04:33
folklorethanks swedemike04:33
Starminndaksai3: Registering what?04:33
daksai3_my nickname and stuff04:33
dr_Willisamit anything begining with a . is hiden. see if the same files are in your home dir now04:33
folkloreswedemike it showed some libs04:33
SwedeMikedr_Willis: ./ isn't the same as .04:34
Goldenpfifo: for a lack of knowledge .. is uuid == to /dev/sdaX ? or is it a hardware id that will not change? if it's hwid i can see why that would be optimal to use..04:34
Jonii^Ok, flash is a lost cause. Next, how to make Ubuntu store less data about how I use it, like, "last used documents" thing?04:34
daksai3_someone please help register my nickname04:34
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:34
pfifogolden it is almost hardware level04:35
amitdr_willis:ya there is hidden files but .bashrc .bash_profile is missing from home directory04:35
=== greyblue10 is now known as greyblue9
BitEncryptwhat is the best way to install lubuntu04:35
folkloreswedemike are the libs it listed just what's required by it04:35
folkloreor what's missing?04:35
dr_Willisamit then you deleted them. copy them from /etc/skel to your home dir if they are missing04:35
SwedeMikefolklore: what's required, it'll show what's missing if anything is missing.04:35
rmd_the default ubuntu system monitor seems to be a bit wonky04:35
dr_WillisLubunbtu has its own cd/iso files you can use bitencrypt04:35
rmd_It says I'm using 20% cpu.. top says about 6%...04:36
dr_Willisor sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop04:36
Goldenpfifo, cool thank you .. one more ? if i may .. when setting up my mdadm.conf can I use the uuids to define which drives go in which arrays?04:36
dr_Willisrnd_ check with htop04:36
rmd_dr_Willis: Same04:37
rmd_Same with top, that is04:37
pfifoGolden, the uuid files are actuall just symlinks to the actual device, they work interchangable but the uuid of  a partition will not change04:37
SwedeMikeGolden: mdadm should detects component drives if you give it the array uuid.04:37
amitdr_willis: i copy using this cp -r /etc/skel/. /home/String                 String is directory04:38
amitdr_willis: but not recovered04:38
rmd_dr_Willis: Never mind. Figured it out.04:38
dr_Willisamit copy the files to the root of your users Home directory04:38
rmd_dr_Willis: The system monitor is using that much of my cpu. top and htop, of course, use a fraction of that.04:38
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folklore!help pastebin04:39
amitdr_willis: ya i  use this command through root04:39
dr_Willisrnd_  i was thinking tha talso.. but i never use the sstem monitor04:39
dr_Willisamit theres NO need to be doing this as root04:39
dr_Williscp /etc/skel/.WHATEVEAR /home/yourusername/04:39
amitdr_willis; but not being root it says permisson denied04:39
folkloreany tell me what's wrong with that04:39
dr_Willisamit if your user cant copy stuf to their OWN home direcoty. you got deeper issues04:39
folkloreis compiles fine but says file doesnt exist when I try and run it04:40
amitdr_willis: ugo permisson is 75504:40
dr_Willisamit you would need root rights to copy TO /etc/skel   but not to copy to your own home04:40
gaelfxis anyone using MOTU Media Team's ppa for mplayer? is it safe?04:40
dr_Willisamit im thinking you are doing somting backwards.. just use your file manager and drag/drop the files to your home dir04:40
Goldenok thanks guys .. i'll keep doing some reading .. i have gotten to the point where my arrays are on and mounted with data available..04:41
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
rattyIs there a way to see what is happening behind the scenes whenever you boot up the ubuntu liveCD?04:43
amitdr_willis;drwxr-xr-x this is the permisson touser04:43
miketomdoolctrl+alt+F4 i think04:43
dr_Willisamit can you create files in your home directry? if so then your permissions should be ok.04:44
rattyHmmmm,... not doing anything04:44
miketomdooltry all the F's04:44
rattymust be keyboard04:44
rattyalready tried all the F's04:44
miketomdooltry esc04:44
dr_Willislive cd has some console logs on some of the displays. but im not eure what all it logs.04:44
rattyit is like it is just stuck04:44
dr_Willisratty what  is the video card? some have issues with the consoles04:45
rattylike geforce 404:45
dr_Willisnvidia - has issues here..04:45
rattyyeah that would explain it04:45
Jonii^So, how do I make Ubuntu more like Amnesia?04:46
rattydang, oh well04:46
dr_Willisit can often switch to the console. but it Looks like its still on X. so it seems stuck. you mayhave to do alt-ctrl-f7 to get back to the actual X dispolay04:46
Jonii^Like, forgetting about what sort of stuff the user does?04:46
linuxpusherratty, open terminal sudo showkeys will show if key press sucessful04:46
rattylinuxpusher, I can't open terminal is the issue04:46
rattyI can't get to console04:47
sacarlsonis there a partition encryption method that uses an online key so if a system is stolen that you could just shutdown the keyserver for it to prevent access?04:47
rattyjust stuck on the screen, the ctrl+alt+f's combos not working to reach console again04:47
miketomdoolratty on the end of the boot line of the live cd at the very begining add a "3" to the end of the boot parameter and it will go into text mode04:47
dr_Willisratty you may want to boot the live cd - using the nomodeset option. (hit space when you see a man icon at biuttom of boot screen, then hit F6)04:47
dr_Willisratty if you are stuck on  the x display and it seems locked.. try each F key. and move mouse. one may getyou back.04:48
pfifois ther e a way i can get my video card and cpu to generate lots of exccess heat on those cold winter nights?04:48
dr_Willisi hope this all gets worked out better in 11.0404:48
dr_Willispfifo run a benchmark tool04:49
Jonii^<sacarlson> is there a partition encryption method that uses an online key so if a system is stolen that you could just shutdown the keyserver for it to prevent access? <- That would be equivalent of just copy-paste the pw to decrypt the system from a web server04:49
dr_Willisthey have usb-powered heated blankets.04:49
amitdr_willis; i checked all is right now but still there is that problem04:49
rattydr_Willis, Thanks, this is sufficent enough04:50
gaelfxwhat's an easy command to find out which version of a package is installed? (terminal)04:50
pfifodr_Willis, do i have to install linux drivers for the vidoe card to benchmark it?04:50
rattygaelfx, you should be able to run the program and do -v in console04:50
rattyor -V04:50
miketomdooldr_Willis is on FIRE!!! hes answering a lot of questions xD04:50
pfifobut he always does04:51
miketomdooloh... ok =P04:51
pfifoive had atleast 3 stumpers that only he knew04:51
Jonii^Oh, and, if someone knows why flash doesn't work, or how to make ubuntu not record what I'm doing with this OS, please tell04:51
pfifoJonii^, all depends on what your trying to hide ;)04:52
Jonii^pfifo, as much as possible04:52
gaelfxratty: doesn't work for smplayer04:52
dr_Williswhat is scary.. is im ircing from my Cellphone.. using the pc as a keyboard...04:52
miketomdoolso you dont want it to create logs Jonii^04:53
dr_Willisjust got that working earlier today04:53
sacarlsonJonii^: yes that might be about it but an encrypted link to the webserver so nothing else could get the key or could even use it if they did04:53
Jonii^Like, how to turn of as much automated, invisible recording about my activities as possible04:53
Jonii^sacarlson, of course they could use it if they did04:53
dr_WillisI my have to leave at any time. if i get a real job from the boss to go do :)04:53
Jonii^All they'd need to do would be to use that key to decrypt the system, or, face that the netserver still exists04:54
pfifodr_Willis, can you get me a job?04:54
rattygaelfx, 1 sec04:54
sacarlsonJonii^: well with handshaking between the webserver as the client would send a random number to the server and the server would send an encrypted password for the client to decrypt and use as it's key04:54
amithow to make any encrypted password decrypt through terminal using command?04:54
pfifoamit, i bieleve your looking for 'gpg' no I cant explain it to you cause I dont use it often, youll have to ask google04:55
Jonii^sacarlson, again, that sort of activity by netserver would be easy to reproduce by third party, if they just knew the key04:55
amitas for making encrypted password we use this                        echo "mypassword" | makepasswd --clearfrom=- --crypt-md5 |awk '{ print $204:55
amitso is there any command like this to make decrypt04:56
pfifoamit, there is no way to "decrypt the password"04:56
Jonii^All that stands between those thiefes and your data is the strength of encryption and the fact that they don't know your password.04:56
rattygaelfx, dpkg --list | grep smplayer04:56
gaelfxratty: thanks!04:56
sacarlsonJonii^: well now you would have to break into two different physical sites to steel the informtion or at least that is the goal04:56
rattygaelfx, Cheers!04:57
Jonii^Netserver would make the login easier, but it would make your data a lot less protected04:57
amit pfifo:    as we can make encrypted password using this    echo "mypassword" | makepasswd --clearfrom=- --crypt-md5 |awk '{ print $2}'     so i think there may be some to decrypt04:57
Jonii^sacarlson, if you just input the password manually when you login, there wouldn't be any physical site where they could steal the information about your pw04:57
pfifoamit, MD5 is a NON-REVERSIBLE hash algorithm04:58
amitpfifo: oh sorry and thanx i mismind it04:58
sacarlsonJonii^: true but if the system needs to be rebooted I would prefer that it would come up without a human to enter a password04:58
Goldenheres one .. having those 6 drives dedicated to raid only would i want to add them to fstab or just to mdadm.conf via uuid.. my thoughts are assemble array via mdadm.conf and add uuids of the /dev/mdX devices to fstab because i woul not need to mount those disks until they are a coherent array .. mounting them individually would probably cause the array assembley to fails because they wouldbe in use right?04:58
Jonii^sacarlson, yeah. For that, I think there could be encryption systems where you could store your password on a usb stick, and just plug that stick in to open the encryption04:59
Jonii^Not sure though. I'm kinda searching for that sort of system myself, too05:00
dr_Willisive seen articals oin doing that jonii^ never tried it05:00
pfifosacarlson, Jonii^ yes, gpg supports that exact functionality05:00
amitis there any way to use 64bit OS on virtual box using 32 bit hardware?05:00
sacarlsonJonii^: yes I've seen the usb stick method I was just thinking why not just keep the usbstick online05:00
dr_Willisbye all - bbl.05:01
pfifoamit, yep, you just have to find a virtual machine that is designed for running 64bit software05:01
sacarlsonJonii^: and if your supper peranoid why not have a human and or usbstick and an online key?05:02
amitpfifo: ok i'll try05:02
gaelfxI just added motumedia's mplayer ppa to my repos, but apt-get upgrade held the package back, is there any way to figure out why it held it back?05:02
pfifoJonii^, dont use biometrecs, if they are desprate to get your data you could lose a finger or an eye ;)05:02
amitthanx all05:03
sacarlsonJonii^: as you have at a bank with a safety deposit box 2 or more keys and your name and or signature must match05:03
Jonii^Because of the additional security problems it creates and difficulty of setting such system up(especially in a reliable manner), my strong guess would be that you'd need to build that sort of web decrypt -service from scratch05:03
jordan_need help with conky! trying to change the color of the cpubar05:04
sacarlsonJonii^: well that's why I had hopes someone had already done it with a working model, but I guess I could05:05
Jonii^Is it possible to use both usb encryption key _and_ a password?05:05
pfifosacarlson, I have done full disk encryption with losetup in my gentoo days, it was a major headache.05:05
jordan_hypatia, you back yet05:06
sacarlsonJonii^:  standard aea encryption needs two keys anyway05:06
hd1hmm.... is there a ppa containing squirrel-sql?05:06
Jonii^sacarlson, but usually programs ask you only for one pw, right?05:06
sacarlsonpfifo: well I just setup a full disk encryption system in less than 2 hours in ubuntu with the present 10.10, so that's not as hard anymore05:07
punkmexicanyone  knowss how to ged rid of black sides on my screen ? when i put 1024 resolution i got that05:07
gaelfxhd1: methinks google would know05:07
jordan_anybody here tinker with Conky before? would def be helpful!05:07
sacarlsonJonii^: yes the other password is normaly a random number05:07
tucemiuxpunkmexic, must be a setting on your monitor, try the settings on your monitor, turn it on and off05:07
punkmexicis a laptop tucemiux05:08
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Jonii^But is there a program that would allow me to encrypt my entire disk and use two different keys, one from usb and one human inputted?05:09
tucemiuxpunkmexic, ahhhh in that case it must be the resolution, did you install the drivers for your video card?05:09
Goldenpunkmexic, lookup your manufacturers site and look at the native suppoted resolutions for your display .. those will be the only ones that will properly fill out your screen05:09
Nacht_can someone help with this? I use an onboard nvidia 6 series gpu and when I installed the current drivers for 10.10 I could only log in terminal. When I run startx I get the error "(EE) NVIDIA (0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device. Any ideas? Tried looking for the log, but can't find the thing...05:10
sacarlsonJonii^: well it would require some custom work but yes you could05:10
punkmexictucemiux, i didnt install drivers05:11
punkmexictucemiux, how do i install them05:11
Jonii^sacarlson, any tutorial on that?05:11
folklorewhat libraries do I need to install for C05:11
tucemiuxpunkmexic,  system-->administration-->Additional drivers05:11
punkmexiconly works with nvidia05:12
punkmexicbut not with intel tucemiux05:12
sacarlsonJonii^: on the fde?05:12
Jonii^sacarlson, what's fde?05:12
Jonii^Oh, full disk encryption05:13
Jonii^Yeah, full disk05:13
tucemiuxpunkmexic, what type of laptop do you have and what video card does it have?05:13
sacarlsonJonii^: full disk encryption http://joernfranz.wordpress.com/2011/01/20/installing-ubuntu-10-10-with-full-disk-encryption/05:13
punkmexichp pavilion dv100005:13
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punkmexicintel video card tucemiux05:13
sacarlsonJonii^: I was going to modify this method to add the online key server05:14
tucemiuxpunkmexic, if you want people to help you youre going to have to answer their questions, good luck!05:14
LinuxNoobsup guys, quick question, what kinda notepad do you guys use when ur programing05:15
debarshihello Anabasis05:15
=== debarshi is now known as Guest35732
Nacht_anyone up to helping a dude whose ubuntu 10.10 install is stuck in command line due to nvidia driver errors?05:15
Guest35732Who are you?05:15
kmqatHey, I just got a new netbook, Acer AO522, with one of the new AMD APUs and the Natty alpha and daily builds both crash at boot. How can I tell if this is a known problem or if I can somehow be helpful in testing? Have not been successful searching the bug DB.05:15
LinuxNoobnacht after the purple screen asking you what language, hit more options, select nomodeset, and then install like normal05:15
gaelfx!natty | kmqat05:16
ubottukmqat: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:16
Nacht_... no language prompt. already installed,05:16
jordan_anyone know how to display the cpu temp(s) in conky05:16
kmqatgaelfx: I'm not trying to use it in a production system.05:17
Guest35732Hey, Do you think ubuntu is better than other linux systems?05:17
hegelhey i just set up a 10.10 server box. i can ssh to it locally and ping it from outside the LAN, but when i try to ssh from the ouside it times out while trying to connect. any ideas?05:17
gaelfxkmqat: the point of that was to show you that you should ask in ubuntu+1, not here. this irc is for current releases05:17
Guest35732use nmap hegel05:17
kmqatgaelfx: OK, thanks.05:17
gaelfxkmqat: no prob05:18
Guest35732who are you gael fx05:18
sacarlsonNacht_: just rename your /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file and reboot05:18
hegeluse nmap to do what?05:18
* gaelfx is gaelfx05:18
Nacht_How wold I do that from command line...?05:18
aminanybody knows how to set ssh tunnel?05:18
tucemiuxhegel, i know why, you want to send me a PM?05:18
Guest35732Use nmap tp map the network hegel05:18
ECARTGood morning friends! does anyone know how I use no-ip modem routed?05:19
ECARTGood morning friends! does anyone know how I use no-ip modem routed?05:19
Guest35732What do you mean ecart?05:19
sacarlsonamin: this looks like a good link to do that http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html05:20
ECARTI'm trying to use apache but the modem is routed so it can not05:20
amitmy file manager is not opening ?05:22
aminsacarlson: BY the help of gSTM at port 22 serverside 8080 local side and proxy of firefox set to 8080 I get protocol mismatch05:22
Nacht_scarlson, how would I rename xorg.conf from command line?05:22
amitonly seeing starting file manager ...... but it is not opening?05:22
westyhow can i give root 777 permission to a folder and all its files inside it?05:23
Jonii^Hmm... Full disk encryption is difficult05:23
Jonii^I'd really wanna have some sort of usb stick -thing to make it easier, typing +20 character pw every time you boot a computer is a major hassle05:23
debarshi_Westy, Hightlight the folder and go to the permissions tab. change permisions to read and write.05:24
amitdebarshi: can u plz tell with command?05:24
westyits inside the root folder though?05:24
pipegeekJonii^: how often do you boot your computer?05:25
sacarlsonJonii^: what's difficult?  only thing different is at boot you enter your password,  but true don't even want to do that05:25
Jonii^pipeep, that depends heavily on how do I manage to achieve full disk encryption05:25
debarshi_Hmm.. Let me think on that amit and westy. After all, i'm just a 12 year old computer geek.05:25
ECARTGood morning friends! does anyone know how I use no-ip modem routed?05:26
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debarshi_Sorry, Ecart. I wish I could help you there. But I can't.05:26
JDM_SOHCWhat's a good DVD burning software for Ubuntu?05:26
JDM_SOHCBrasero keeps giving me an error while trying to burn an .avi to dvd..??05:27
sacarlsonamin: can you login ssh to your server without the tunnel part?05:27
Jonii^Oh, right. pipegeek, not pipeep05:27
amitdebarshi:go for special permisson an try05:27
pipegeekJonii^: http://laffers.net/howtos/install-kubuntu-10-10-with-full-disk-encryption/05:27
amitu will get this05:28
Jonii^pipeep, I thought I'd just use truecrypt to encrypt my disk05:28
debarshi_Westy, now that you mention it, there is a sudo command for the folder.05:28
Nacht_Any Idea how I could get my x11 to load after the current nvidia drivers have forced me to run my comp entirely from console?05:28
JDM_SOHCNo input on DVD software?05:28
pipegeekJonii^: that works too05:28
Jonii^pipegeek, not pipeep. Sorry05:28
=== pipegeek is now known as pippeep
westysacarlson. i got those files in my usr/lib finally but i still get that error saying it cant find that file :( i think its the persmission i need to give it05:28
Goldentruecrypt has been offering multifacet encryption for a while now..05:29
amitdebashri: use sgid suid or sticky bit and find which one helps u05:29
jordan_hey , dumb question, swap is like a huge temp file right05:29
aminsacarlson ssh -D port usr@x.x.x.x  yes05:29
jordan_similar to ram05:29
Goldenlike password and token05:29
amin sacarlson: ssh -D port usr@x.x.x.x  yes05:29
sacarlsonJonii^: if you just want to encypt your disk without FDE the System>admin>disk utility  makes it easy to setup LUKS encrypted partition05:29
debarshi_Hey I love using ither linux systems too. What about you westy?05:30
folklorehow do I check if im runnin 32bit ubuntuj05:30
Goldenpassword and keyfile05:30
Jonii^Golden, I don't find anything about this using google05:31
macofolklore: uname -m05:31
jordan_is the swap file like a big temp file similar to ram?05:31
voidmageI have a new hard drive and added it to fstab, b ut it still shows up in nautilus's sidebar. how do i remove it?05:31
tucemiuxfolklore, uname -a05:31
jordan_like ram, meaning once powered down its released05:31
sacarlsonJonii^: but if you want the usb thing I found this also https://mknowles.com.au/wordpress/2009/01/31/ubuntu-hardy-usb-key-two-factor-authentication-2fa/05:31
tucemiuxdidnt know about -m o_O05:31
jordan_guess i'' generalize it more, anybody know what the SWAP file is05:32
Nacht_just searched for xorg.conf and came up empty. Anyone have any ideas on how to get the gui worknig after the nvidia drivers have rendered my nvidia 6 series gpu useless?05:33
Goldenhttp://www.truecrypt.org/docs/?s=version-history  <-- may be the page that sheds some light but it appears to only be on key files .. working on my mdadm.conf and fstab though so can't do the digging i did in the past atm ..05:33
folkloreLinux ubuntu 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux05:34
folkloremight be why nothings working right05:34
folklorethe i686 stuff05:34
tucemiuxNacht_, yeah there should be a thread somewhere either in the forums or on the web, did your machine get hosed after an update?05:34
Goldenforgot it's multifactor authentication too05:35
Nacht_tucemiux, searched the forums already and tried the advice I could find. didn't work. And no, my machine was hosed form a fresh cd install...05:36
Jonii^sacarlson, that tutorial seems to be for someone who is only about to install ubuntu05:36
tucemiuxNacht_,  what version of ubuntu youre trying and what type of machine you have: brand/model05:36
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 -- Port 8080 required by STS TC Server is already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).05:37
alisalaahBut netstat -pandu | grep :8080 shows nothing05:37
alisalaahand ive rebooted05:37
jordan_What does the SWAP file do??????///05:37
sacarlsonJonii^: well the line of interest to me is this one sudo cryptsetup -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 luksFormat ${CRYPTDISK} /dev/shm/master.key05:37
Jonii^I'd need to find out what is luks05:38
alisalaahjordan_, http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/8208-all-about-linux-swap-space05:38
Nacht_tucemiux, using 10.10 with an HP media center m8100n. The thing ran 9.10 like a champ before I had to install XP for business...05:38
sacarlsonJonii^: so you just put that master.key file in your usb as they show you to setup a disk that will auto mount when that key is present05:39
sacarlsonJonii^: mind you I havn't played with this part yet05:40
jordan_alisalaah,  sooooooooooo it partitions off a portion of the hdd05:40
tucemiuxNacht_, seems like it's a known issue, what video card do you have?05:40
nillerzThe joystick I have doesn't get recognized and put at /dev/input/js005:40
blahI just installed a new stick of memory in a netbook and i can't start windows or ubuntu off a live usb05:41
nillerzIs there any way to make it js0?05:41
jordan_alisalaah, lol whats the difference between a swap file and swap partition05:41
Nacht_tucemiux, using an nvidia geforce 6100 SE nforce 43005:41
jordan_alisalaah, if the swap partition houses the swap file and swap file only then whats the point of a swap file05:41
Nacht_tucemix, it's listed in the supported products under the driver listing on the nvidia website05:41
jordan_i was really only asking cause conky has it as a guage on its bar and i got to thinking why do i care how much swap is avaiable!!!05:42
tucemiuxNacht_, you can get into a terminal?05:42
nillerzSo my joystick is being assigned a generic usb driver05:42
Nacht_tucemiux, in the terminal on the offending machine now.05:43
ssmootI'm trying to automate the mysql-server install. I can use debconf-set-selections to do so and it works fine if I pass a password. I want the standard blank password though, and I can't figure out how to pass "blank" to debconf-set-selections. Any advice?05:43
tucemiuxNacht_,  try reconfiguring x05:43
alisalaahyou need a partition to house a file05:43
jordan_whats a house file05:44
alisalaahbut the file can only be as big as its partition05:44
Nacht_tucemiux, i'm not exactly a terminal wizard... what command would I use to do that.05:44
alisalaahjordan_,  a partition is a designation of space on th hdd, a file is a file.. that lives within it's partition.05:44
jordan_i guess the gist of the question would be why would i need to monitor it05:44
amitca ni upgrade my 32bit os to 64 bit05:44
tucemiuxNacht_, basically -- youre going to reconfigure X so that you have a GUI -- then you install the nVidia drivers: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/05:44
dhirenHi guys, I tried adding a gnome applet but due to some error it wasn't showing up, however when I look into the gconf-editor I see there are several nodes for this particular applet, but there is no way for me to delete those keys from within gconf-editor, can someone tell me some alternate way of doing the same ?05:45
alisalaahjordan_, your OS should monitor it, it will use RAM + SWAP = Virtual Memory05:45
jordan_alisalaah, like i have a 2.5GB swap i think05:45
Nacht_tucemiux, thanks I'll try that05:45
tucemiuxNacht_, no problem, good night!05:45
alisalaahjordan_, if you have 2GB RAM + 2.5GB SWAP = 4.5GB of active memory for processing tasks and such05:45
ssmootI can fix it by setting the password to "password" and then running: mysqladmin -u root --password=password password '', but that just seems silly...05:45
jordan_on the conky monitoring tool it displays the swap usage, was wondering how important is it for me to know that info05:45
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jordan_ive got 4 gb of real ram05:46
amiti am using ubuntu  of 32 bit.is there any metod to upgrade it to 64 bit05:46
jordan_alisalaah, so my 4gb ram +2.5Gb swap gives me 6.5 ish GB of virtual memory05:47
alisalaahjordan_,  if you run out of Virtual Memory it can crash or at least be very sluggish, because there will be no "cachable memory" to support the software that is running. You can increase the VM by increasing SWAP... i doubt Ubuntu will crash easily but the performance would dive05:47
Nacht_tucemiux, just tried it. No response. The on screen prompts that should have showed up didn't. Kinda strange...05:47
jordan_alisalaah, think im good up to that part, just wondering how important is it for me to know its state05:47
blahwhen i try to run ubuntu off the live usb the purple screen shows up and then the screen goes black05:47
alisalaahjordan_, i know i will never use my 1TB HDD so i made ~24GB SWAP file05:48
blahi just installed new memory. the same thing happens in windows (i am able to boot into safe mode, however)05:48
gwzHey, I seem to be having a problem "no root filesystem defined" when using wubi, anyone have any idea?05:48
alisalaahbut i will be doing a lot of server stuff on this computer, as well as developing and compiling on it... compiling can eat some memory so05:48
jordan_alisalaah,  my htpc is running off a 32GB ssd05:48
alisalaahi just figured.. i have 1000 GB i'll probably use 200-300 so why not exaggerate the SWAP file05:48
alisalaahill never use that much05:49
alisalaahbut the possibility of me using 980gb on my hdd is next to none05:49
jordan_alisalaah, really I filled up my first 2 TB drive05:49
jordan_i have a second still to go05:49
alisalaahso i exaggerated with the swap to make sure i have tons of VM for compiling server data and crunching a couple gb of stuff05:49
Jonii^But, now I'd need to find out what's killing flash on my ubuntu05:50
usr13_Jonii^: What's happening?05:50
tucemiuxNacht_,  you mean you tried reconfiguring X?? Or you cant get into a terminal?05:50
jordan_alisalaah, is 2.5GB swap much?05:50
sabbooI should have asked this in here before. I have a linksys pci card and cant do ubuntu. Where can I find a list of cards that ubuntu will be able to use from a fresh install?05:50
alisalaahjordan_, should be sufficient with 4gb ram05:50
Jonii^Like, is this common? I'm listening music from youtube, I close a firefox tab window, and then all the youtube tabs have their video disappear05:50
alisalaahjordan_, i have 4gb ram and ive never used my swap memory yet that i know of... but i havent pushed my comp yet05:51
Nacht_tucemiux, tried to reconfigure x.05:51
jordan_alisalaah, speaking of servers, i have ubuntu on my server as well, it has a 64GB SSD though, what do u think i should make its swap05:51
alisalaahyou only use SWAP (usually) when RAM is full... well i should say you only use noticable amounts iirc... though i could be wrong on that05:51
Jonii^It turns into gray-brownish blank rectangle that is completely inresponsive. Only thing I can then do is manually refresh every firefox tab that had something flash-related open05:51
sabbooand what is that blasted virtual machine emulator called?05:51
alisalaahI'm not a pro linux guru but I've always atleast equaled my swap to my ram05:51
alisalaahwell usually i exactly equal the two05:52
alisalaahso 4gb + 4gb etc05:52
alisalaah2.5 should be adequate tho05:52
jordan_food for thought05:52
alisalaahespecially since Linux doesnt use much ram at idle05:52
jordan_i guess ill keep the lil swap monitoring on my conky utility05:52
cryptodiraanyone gotten a CanoScan 5000F scanner operational under 10.04 amd/64 ?05:52
Nacht_Ok. Tried to reinstall nvidia driver, tried to reconfigure x, tried to search forum... Any ideas on how to get past t he dreaded "Failed to initialize nvidia graphics device" error in 10.10?05:52
jordan_what cpu u have in ur server05:52
usr13_Jonii^: 64 bit or 32?05:53
alisalaahjordan_, http://ask.slashdot.org/story/08/10/01/221246/How-Big-Should-My-Swap-Partition-Be05:53
Jonii^usr13_, 6405:53
jordan_alisalaah, what cpu do u have in ur server05:53
usr13_Jonii^: Adobe Flash Player version ?05:53
Jonii^usr13_, yes05:54
jordan_am reading the link05:54
=== adamruffolo is now known as ruffdog
usr13_Jonii^: If you run firefox from a terminal, you should get some feedback that will give you some clues as to what is going on...05:54
Jonii^firefox... from a terminal?05:55
Jonii^Like, what does that mean?05:56
usr13_Jonii^: Yea start firefox from a terminal and there will be various messages in the terminal window that tell you what is happening if something significant happens, (such as flash player crashing or encountering difficulties starting or stopping).05:56
alisalaahjordan_, my server is not a real server, i use it to QA sites and code i develop... so it can compile/build a 1GB site or whatever and use some RAM but i just have a core 2 duo05:56
MadpilotJonii^, open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal, type "firefox" w/o quotes, and hit enter05:57
jordan_ah ok05:57
jordan_i just use mine to offload file storage05:57
jordan_plus any other task i can throw at it05:57
usr13_Madpilot: Thank you... :)05:57
Goldenbeen reading this stuff and it's not making sense to me .. I have the raid devices /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 they have 4 and 2 drives respectively .. what i'm seeing for mdadm.conf man page is that if you want the conf to have specific devices in it they need to be specified as /dev/sdX# or /dev/sd* etc... i don't want to include the boot disk in a array (it's and 8GB USB stick).. but with /dev/sdX changing on each boot i can't be sure th05:57
Goldenat it will be excluded if I name specific /dev/sdX# in the mdadm.conf05:57
bajk-tragbarhey, what do I need to do to enable "Device Power Saving"? If I run powertop on my notebook, it consumes like 14W and then it says "Suggestion: Enable Device Power Saving Managment by pressing the P key" and then mostly it goes down to 9W05:57
Jonii^But, the terminal is looking entirely normal. How could firefox send anything to that terminal?05:57
bajk-tragbarI am using the 2.6.38-4 kernel of the kerel ppa05:57
Madpilotusr13_, assume nothing :)05:58
=== ruffdog is now known as heron_Marked
jordan_alisalaah, you know of anything that output the load of another pc05:58
jordan_alisalaah, like in your case have your laptop monitor the load of your server pc05:58
MadpilotJonii^, after you start firefox in the terminal by typing "firefox" you'll get output to the terminal while firfox starts (or tries to start)05:58
Jonii^Madpilot, no, I didn't05:59
Jonii^firefox just started, nothing more06:00
jordan_alisalaah, I read on the link u sent me that it might not be as good of an idea to establish a swap or as high of of a swap with SSD hard drives06:00
MadpilotJonii^, keep it running, try the Youtube/close tab thing you get the flash error doing, and see if anything gets output to terminal by way of an error msg06:00
Goldenis there a way to lock in what /dev/sdX a paticular drive gets?06:00
jordan_as it may lessen the life span of the ssd06:00
jordan_with its writes and what not06:00
=== heron_Marked is now known as ruffdog
Jonii^Well, flash crashed, terminal has only two lines06:02
Jonii^jphanski@jphanski-desktop:~$ firefox06:02
blahdoes anyone ever have the live usb fail on them?06:02
usr13_Golden: You can but would have to override plugdev and make a fstab entry for it.06:02
Anom01yhey, how do I get java plugin installed for firefox ?06:03
usr13_Golden: What exactly are you trying to accomplish?06:03
usr13_Anom01y: Should already be installed (by default).06:03
Anom01yhmm usr13_ this doesnt work for me, does it for you ?06:04
Anom01y^ tells me I need java06:04
=== jet4fire_ is now known as Jet4Fire
Goldenusr13_,  I wan't to get my arrays back online after rebooting without having to mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde1 .. and then mount /dev/md0 /mnt/FastRaid5 .. each time06:05
usr13_Anom01y: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml06:06
AlestanOkay, so I'm stumped.  I've got a server with a 32 GiB hard drive, df reports 100% use with 140 MiB available space.  'du -h --max-dept=1 /' reports 19 GiB used.  I've cleaned the apt cache and the recycle bin.  Any thoughts on where the missing space went?06:06
usr13_!java | Anom01y06:06
ubottuAnom01y: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.06:06
GoldenI am having issues where after a reboot some drives have moved from sda to sdd and others moved to sda and the like06:06
Juzzy`Hi Guys, I'm having issues with sharing ntfs drives over my network, I can access them on my ubuntu desktop, in terminal and open/delete with full permissions. However when I try and access the folders within my samba share on my windows desktop, I get a permission denied06:07
ohsixGolden: use the UUID's, and you really shouldn't have to do anything manual anyways06:07
Goldenso putting them into mdadm.conf as /dev/sda1 etc.. should cause problems if for some freaky reason my disks move around again..06:07
Goldenohsix, i'm using server .. just want to get it configured and let it run til the hw dies06:08
ohsixGolden: them changing isn't freaky, its expected wjen stuff is started at the same time that the order will differ06:08
ohsixudev should be putting them all together for your06:09
JeffCBRI've looked through a couple links about byobu. I need to use F2 in a program, but byobu uses it to make a new window. Is there a way around this other than changing byobu's keys?06:09
Goldenso is it possible to use the uuids of the raid members in the mdadm.conf? everything i've seen in the man pages doesn't seem to make that an option06:10
Josiahmazinghaving difficulty setting my default text editor to sublime text, can anyone please help? So far I've created a sublime.desktop file and placed it in /usr/share/applications, modified /usr/share/applications/defaults.list to set text/plain=sublime.desktop, performed update-alternatives --install ... and update-alternatives --config gnome-text-editor, yet .txt files in Nautilus are still opening in gedit06:11
Goldenor is there some magic in mdadm that will have it ignore the disks that don't belong?06:12
Goldenlike if I wildcard the conf like such  ARRAY /dev/md0 devices=/dev/hd*06:13
Goldenor will it try to pick all disks and then fail to load an array06:13
=== se7en is now known as SE7EN
=== SE7EN is now known as SE7EN-LOCSTA
JosiahmazingI've been working on this for a few hours and tried all sorts of google searches, but still cannot find a way to successfully change my default text editor...06:14
JeffCBROoh! I just found out about Ctrl-a S and Ctrl-a | in byobu. Very nice.06:14
usr13_JeffCBR: You mean Ctrl-a Ctrl-c Ctrl-v06:16
usr13_JeffCBR: byobu?06:16
=== sparr|2 is now known as sparr
Juzzy`Anyone able to help with permissions issue when sharing ntfs drives over samba?06:16
usr13_Juzzy`: What seems to be the problem?06:16
JeffCBRusr13_: Ctrl-s S splits the screen horizontally and Ctrl-a | splits it vertically.06:17
JeffCBRBut, now I've opened too many windows!06:17
usr13_JeffCBR: OH... ok..06:17
auroIn /etc/init.d/rc06:17
Juzzy`usr13_ I've mounted (using ntfsmount) 2 drives, ntfs ones, i can browse and access them on the machine but when sharing them across samba I can't access them on my windows PC06:17
JeffCBRHi, auro. How's your chmod?06:17
=== Kaleidomorph is now known as Kaleido|Away
auroIn /etc/init.d/rc i am looking at "CONCURRENCY" - it is currently set to "none" - options are "none", "startpar", "makefile". Wich one should i choose?06:18
auroJeffCBR: : I nuked my install06:18
vish!away > Kaleido|Away06:18
ubottuKaleido|Away, please see my private message06:18
westywhats the cmd to give permission to a certain file/folder for a folder inside root for root?06:18
JeffCBRauro: Probably the best route. Hope reinstallation was easy.06:18
auroJeffCBR: nope, because my motherboard was acting up. but i solved it. :)06:18
yuskhanzabhello, how can i revome completely the wasp theme that i was installed in my theme manager06:18
usr13_westy: chown06:19
JeffCBRwesty: root doesn't need permission. What are you looking to do?06:19
westyi need permission06:19
westyyou wanna see?06:19
westyroot@LC-SERVER:/LCServer/LastChaos# ./start.sh06:19
westybash: ./start.sh: Permission denied06:19
westyi need permission06:19
usr13_!pastebin | westy06:19
ubottuwesty: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:19
Goldenohsix, when i run blkid I can see that the uuids of member disks are identical .. is it as simple as adding that uuid to mdadm.conf as such  ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=3aaa0122:29827cfa:5331ad66:ca76737106:19
JeffCBRjust use sudo06:19
westysudo then the cmd?06:19
usr13_westy: sh start.sh06:20
JeffCBRsudo command06:20
westybut im root?06:20
JeffCBRAre you?06:20
yuskhanzabis anyone can help me06:20
usr13_westy: ls -l  # see if the executible bit is set.  If not do chmod +x file.sh06:20
Juzzy`usr13_ any idea on the issue?06:20
Goldenwesty, that one has gotten me before .. rather annoying06:21
JeffCBROk, how do I close split screens in byobu? I made too many!06:21
Anom01yI am running ubuntu 9.10 when should I upgrade ?06:21
Anom01ysucks because  nvidia drivers break when I upgrade06:22
auroAnom01y: now? :)06:22
Anom01yfor my card06:22
aurojust reinstall them??06:22
usr13_Juzzy`: You may need to use sudo but don't know your particular situation.  You might pastebin what your looking at.06:22
auroWhat card are you using?06:22
Anom01ynah there is none anymore06:22
SE7EN-LOCSTAhi folks06:22
Anom01ynVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200]06:22
Anom01yauro, ^06:22
Anom01yits an AGP card06:23
westywill that work for folders too usr13?06:23
Anom01yw/ 256 mb ram06:23
yuskhanzabi need help here how to remove my wasp theme that i installed before06:23
Anom01yI don't need any more than that06:23
Juzzy`usr13_ http://pastebin.com/UghLC2sV06:23
Anom01yyeah its a good card, find it pretty lame how I can't use it anymore06:24
Anom01yor am I mistaken ?06:24
usr13_Anom01y: Do you know about the nvidia tools?  i.e.06:24
Anom01yyeah I remember I tried upgrading like 1 year ago06:25
aurohm.. according to random ubuntu sites, you just need to install the glx/urrent drivers06:25
Anom01yto 10.0406:25
Anom01yand my vid card wouldn't take it06:25
Anom01yer Ubuntu 10.04 wouldn't take the video card I have06:25
auromaybe try 10.10 ?06:25
Anom01yyeah maybe..06:25
Anom01yI tried 10.10 on another comp. and can't get the vid card to work on that one either06:25
voidmageI have a new hard drive mounted internally. It has an entry in /etc/fstab, but still shows up in the nautilus sidebar and on my desktop as if it's an external hard drive. What can I do to get rid of it from the nautilus sidebar?06:25
usr13_Anom01y: nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig nvidia-switch etc..06:25
Anom01yusr13_, yeah nvidia is starting to become the next ATI06:26
auroAnom01y: How?06:26
auroAnom01y: Never had issues with nvidia... but then again i'm on a pretty new card-.06:27
auroIn /etc/init.d/rc i am looking at "CONCURRENCY" - it is currently set to "none" - options are "none", "startpar", "makefile". Wich one should i choose?06:27
Anom01yyeah well, I might just do away with the gui altogether if it comes down to it06:27
usr13_Anom01y: Well, when you upgrade to a new kernel, yes some thinga may be left behind and you just have to figure out the easiest way to deal with it and recover what you had.06:28
kevincsdjoin #rails06:28
xiaofandh12I want to know how to install googleearth06:29
Josiahmazingnevermind, finally got it!06:29
Anom01yusr13_, well there is no way with closed source drivers06:29
usr13_Anom01y: But if you dont really need 3D, you can just use the open source driver and none of this will be necessary.06:29
Anom01yusr13_, they either work or they don't06:29
Anom01yusr13_, well its a hog on the cpu,06:29
usr13_Anom01y: Yep it is.06:29
Anom01yyeah totally gay06:29
Anom01yI am going to stick with 9.10 as long as possible06:30
voidmageanyone at all?06:30
voidmageanyone at all?06:30
voidmageI have a new hard drive mounted internally. It has an entry in /etc/fstab, but still shows up in the nautilus sidebar and on my desktop as if it's an external hard drive. What can I do to get rid of it from the nautilus sidebar?06:30
FloodBot2voidmage: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
Anom01ywhat happens when 9.10 stops being supported ?06:30
Anom01ydo you HAVE to upgrade ?06:30
=== jay is now known as Guest12931
Anom01ybasically I have a time limit on the software driving this computer06:31
Goldenok so i added that line to mdadm and did mdadm --assemble --scan and it put my two arrays online but each of them missing a disk .. 4disk raid five was upped with 3 and 2 disk raid 1 was upped with one . then i stopped them and restarted each one manually naming each component and they upped with all drives .. seeing that each disk in a set shared the same uuid gave me the idea to use that uuid in the conf .. any idead why each set wo06:31
Goldenuld miss a disk?06:31
Anom01yits a conspiracy damn it06:31
iamaregee2hey how can i update python 2.6 to 2.7 in ubuntu06:31
Anom01yneed to talk to Linus about this06:31
iamaregee2sudo apt-update python ???06:31
Anom01yI wonder what video card he uses06:32
Goldenbelieve it may be sudo apt-get update python06:33
thrillERboyIf I want to file a bug in software center where to do it? I'm not sure its bug or feature request.06:33
g_prakashif (!((ULONG_PTR)str >> 16)) what is the meaning of it?06:33
Alestansudo apt-get update python might work, because python is the meta package, and I think it points to python2.7 now, if not try sudo apt-get install python2.7.06:34
AlestanI think that ubuntu 10.04 is still stuck with 2.606:34
thrillERboyI was installing gimpshop, I accidentally deleted gimpshop .deb package, and installation was interrupted, So, If a file is in use, users shouldn't be able to delete it, Atleast, not without an alert box atleast06:35
Anom01yusr13_, do you know of any computers that are and will be supported by drivers that work 100% with the hardware, forever.. ?06:35
blag(for google to index for other people): using gtk_widget_show_all() instead of gtk_widget_show() made GtkTable resizing actually show.06:35
g_prakashif (!((ULONG_PTR)str >> 16))06:35
Anom01yor am I required to buy the latest and greatest hardware every couple of years.. ?06:36
g_prakashif (!((ULONG_PTR)str >> 16))           What is the meaning of that statement?06:36
g_prakashconst char *str; if (!((ULONG_PTR)str >> 16)) {....}          What is the meaning of statements?06:38
Anom01yhere's a question06:40
Anom01yactually nm06:40
ohsixg_prakash: it checks if str shifted 16 bits to the right is nonzero06:41
=== NinjaJeff is now known as JeffCBR
navinHow to send a mail from UBuntu 9.0.4 host ,any help06:42
navinkindone:How to send a mail from UBuntu 9.0.4 host06:43
JeffCBRIt seems that while screen remember my windows, it forgets my screen splits when I log off?06:43
JeffCBRHow do I fix that?06:43
navinpiercedwater:How to send a mail from UBuntu 9.0.4 host06:43
nixjri believe my filesystem/hard drive has some sort of corruption, apparently my "proc" directory is 128tb, i dont even have that much space06:43
piercedwaternavin: ?06:44
usr13_Anom01y: Upgrades are not manditory.  If you have a kernel that is doing what you need it to do and you don't want to change it, you really don't have to.  So, yes, you can make your system do what you want.  Yes it can be static.06:44
navin piercedwater: i want to send a mail with the help of terminal in ubuntu..06:45
ohsixnixjr: sounds like a broken program, proc is a virtual filesystem without a size06:45
piercedwaternavin: My guess would be sendmail. But I dont know for sure06:45
=== deegee_1 is now known as deegee_
navinpiercedwater:thanks dear06:46
piercedwaternavin: my pleasure06:46
usr13_navin: mail user@yahoo.com06:46
navinusr13_:how can i send a mail using terminal in ubuntu 9.0406:47
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
nixjrohsix, im trying to determine the source of my low diskspace on / , ignoreing /proc, and my other mounted drives, the numbers just dont see to be adding up, do you know a good way of detminely whats eating my space?06:48
Alestannavin you need an MTA installed06:48
navinusr13_:is there no need to install any package?06:48
ohsixnixjr: ncdu?06:49
Alestannixjr I'd start with baobab.06:49
navinAlestan:i installed mailutils06:49
nixjrohsix, im talking in the order of 50gb over the last 2 or 3 days, and its continueing to go down, i have 1.5gb free atm06:49
AlestanAlso run du -h --max-dept=1 / and see what you get06:49
ohsixAnom01y: there are 3 nvidia driver generations kept around specifically for old cards06:50
usr13_navin: Just a sec.. let me check06:50
coz_nixjr,  you could also check how much space is used with  df -l   although this will only tell you what is used and what is not06:50
navinAlestanhow i install MTA?06:50
usr13_navin: I think you need mailx06:51
Goldenanyone know why mdadm would start my arrays minus one drive on each when running mdadm --assemble --scan ?? all drives in each group share a uuid respectively06:51
Alestannavin: MTA is a mail transport agent, looks like there is one included in mail utils.  I personally use mutt.06:51
AlestanYou also need a mail relay that will accept your outgoing message, which is a little trickier,06:52
oliver_narvin: check out telnet06:52
vadimkiselev<aan> hi06:52
biodothackthere should be a disk usage program in the system tools or admin/pref menus it breakes down what uses how much space06:52
Goldenand i used the uuid as such in the mdadm.conf ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=blah-too-much-write06:52
usr13_navin: sudo apt-get install bsd-mailx06:53
nixjrAlestan, whne using that du -h --max-dept=1 /i got a wall of permission denied errors for proc, and a handful of other locations06:53
Tempus_Fugithello all06:53
nixjris that normal06:53
minerva0x80so uhh.... I was trying to access and anon irc...06:53
navinusr13_:then next?06:54
Tempus_Fugitgot a really good deal on a 1.5 TB seagate external at wally world......can anyone instruct me how to perform a system backup to an external drive via usb06:54
j3r1ch0to everybody: favorite distro?06:55
usr13_navin: mail user@server.com06:55
usr13_navin: man mail06:55
nixjrohsix, i just installed ncdu, neat program :)06:55
usr13_navin: NP06:56
Alestannixjr run it as root if you can.06:56
lightahoi, does someone here know trac well ?06:56
Tempus_Fugitj3r1ch0: havent tried many used to like mandrake, before mandriva but now ubuntu is my fav cuz its not so mainstream as redhat yet still has plenty of support and educational opportunities to be a part of the community06:56
Alestanbaobab needs to run as root too06:56
Tempus_FugitAnyone help me perform my first backup to an external drive?06:57
j3r1ch0tempus: i'll check out mandrake/mandriva. i love the feel of a fresh os. haha06:57
Tempus_Fugitj3r1ch0: ok let me know if you like it06:58
j3r1ch0tempus: you trying to back up an ubuntu comp?06:59
AlestanTempus_Fugit are you backing up just important files?  Or are you after a disk image.06:59
oliver_Tempus_Fugit:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/backup06:59
Tempus_Fugitwell I have a dual boot ....need to back it all up so i can make this strictly ubuntu i never boot into windows at all anymore06:59
AlestanI would suggest a disk image then, look at what oliver suggested, but personally I use clonezilla for backups.07:00
Tempus_FugitAlestan:  just a system backup in case of crash and i need to restore at a later point07:00
usr13_Tempus_Fugit: tar -czf docs.tgz Documents/07:00
Tempus_FugitAlestan: ok looking now07:01
AlestanAt that rate, you should be able to backup home and pull a list of installed packages07:01
Tempus_Fugitwith which command ....should i use back in time??07:01
AlestanIn standard Ubuntu I'm not sure the best way to get a package list.07:02
Tempus_Fugitthinking about switching to Ubuntu Studio.....not sure if it will change much but it looks pretty cool07:03
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:03
oliver_Tempus_Fugit: Use google :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26136607:03
MACscrhow can i view hard drive usage through the cli? i was trying du -h, but unfortunately it shows all directories instead of just listing the parent level folders (though obviously it should include the total storage for its children)07:03
ubottutrac is an open source, enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Look here for a Trac How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTracHowto07:03
usr13_Alestan: dpkg -L07:03
j3r1ch0i tempus: could try dantz retrospect express?07:03
auroubottu: tell auro about backup07:03
ubottuauro, please see my private message07:03
hateballMACscr: df07:04
MACscrhateball: that just shows partitions, not directories, right?07:04
hateballMACscr: err... du -sh07:04
nixjrAlestan, these two readings dont seem to be adding up, one is your command, the other is gparted screenshot http://paste.ubuntu.com/571562/  http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/4683/70219482.jpg07:04
nixjrAlestan, ignoreing /mnt, the others dont add upto anywhere near 69gb07:06
hateballMACscr: you can also use --max-depth=N, maybe I didnt quite understand what you wanted to achieve07:07
j3r1ch0woohoo! more people! once again i'll ask everbody: favorite distro?07:07
rwwj3r1ch0: hrm, you're in #ubuntu. /I wonder/07:07
rwwprobably Debian.07:07
j3r1ch0rww: lulzzz07:08
* JeffCBR raises an eyebrow.07:08
thamsCONKY problem: Can't get rss function working. Returns a "curl: no data from server" error. Any ideas?07:08
auroubottu: tell JeffCBR about pie07:08
MACscrhateball: lets say my / has 20 directories in it. I just want to list those 20 directories and the total storage used within them (it should list the storage total of its children as well, but obviously i dont need a list of those directory names). Does that make sense?07:08
usr13_Alestan: ls  /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list07:09
JeffCBR23:09 <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pie07:09
hateballMACscr: du -sh /*07:09
j3r1ch03.14159265358979323846... wait. wrong pi.07:10
Alestannixjr i'm actually fighting the same issue right now on a server, where du shows far less space used than df.  run baobab as root and see what it says07:10
JeffCBRVery sad, ubottu.07:10
usr13_MACscr: du -sk * | sort -n  <will list by file sizes, largest last>07:11
usr13_MACscr: ls -lS |grep ^d   <will show directories sorted by size>07:11
MACscrlol, it looks like /var/mail/root was the culprit. 8.2gb. wth07:11
zeleftikamanybody have experience with command-line BOINC on Ubuntu? #boinc is absolutely no help (been trying to get help there for 3 days)07:12
Alestanyou have a cronjob?07:12
trevorwhy does libreoffice 3.3 from the ppa look like win 95 when i have the default ambiance theme installed?07:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:13
nixjrAlestan, i deselected all other devices in the preferences except the /, baobab is showing it as 93% full07:14
j3r1ch0zele I use terminal and guake terminal for commands. guake = <307:14
Alestanand if you expand / do the numbers add up properly?  If so, I'd chase down your growing files with it.07:15
nixjrAlestan, just realsied it can be sxpanded when i scan, runign scan now07:15
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zeleftikamJeffCBR≥ well i didn't know if it was appropriate to ask questions about software that runs on Ubuntu rather than Ubuntu itself here, so i thought i'd try to check before throwing something out that might be off topic...07:15
nixjrnope they dont add up at all07:16
Alestanwhat version of ubuntu?07:16
MACscrAlestan: its probably the firewall script07:17
Alestaninteresting, i'm having the problem with 8.0407:17
Alestanzeleftikam people aren't likely to get mad at you for asking for specific application help, but you're also not extremely likely to get an answer, unless it is an application lots of people use.07:18
voidmageany ideas why my internal hard drive is showing up in nautilus like it's an external hard drive, complete with eject icon?07:19
AlestanMACscr what's probably the firewall script?07:19
Alestanvoidmage because it isn't the primary drive maybe?07:19
MACscrmy issue with the /var/mail/root being large07:19
zeleftikamso anyway, I can't get a BOINC client on 10.10 command-line to get work from a project manager (bam.boincstats.com) it connects to it, but no work is given to the client07:19
Alestanah, that makes sense07:19
Alestanthe eject icon is actually just an unmount icon.07:20
usr13_MACscr: You just need to delete your email07:20
aurosomething makes sense?07:20
Polar_b_bearI just followed the steps off the www.ubuntu.com for installing 10.10 server via usb, and I get an error straight up telling me "cannot find kernel vesa menu.c32". wtf have I done wrong?07:20
voidmageAlestan: I have three hard drives, swapped a smaller one out for a larger one today. Before none of them showed up like that, now the new one does.07:20
=== amh345_ is now known as amh345
MACscrusr13_: of course. I need to figure out whats causing the problem in the first place though. Which im investigating now07:20
voidmageit's because the mountpoint is under $home07:21
nixjrAlestan, heres a SS incase youre curious, note the "used: 67.9 GB" and the total / size "8.6 GB" http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/2830/baobab.jpg07:21
voidmagethat's stupid07:21
Alestannixjr do you have postgres installed by any chance?07:21
usr13_MACscr: Read some of the last emails and see...07:21
ghm33not sure if this is a pidgin question: i wanna stop those upper right corner messages whenever a contact logs in their IM. how?07:22
MACscrusr13_: yeah, i know that. I wasnt asking for help on that. Was just explaining why i was looking for the commands to find out the total storage of the parent directories in /. Which i figured out. Thanks though07:22
usr13_MACscr: But if this is a Ubuntu system, why do you have /var/mail/root ?07:22
greppyghm33: not sure of the exact spot, I'm not on my desktop atm, but it should be a setting in pidgin preferences.07:22
ghm33greppy: tried everything really. even in preferences > broadcast preferences, cant find the freaking thing07:23
nixjrAlestan, forgive my very newbish comments, i dont belive i have it installed but according to synaptic i do have somehting called libpq507:23
greppyghm33: doh, sorry, I can't double check it right now :(07:23
Alestannope, not the same, I'm just looking a bit to see if there is something in common between your system and mine, since we both have mysteriously vanishing disk space.07:24
usr13_MACscr: To my way of thinking, /var/mail/root should not even exist on a Ubuntu system.  Right?07:25
dimmortalghm33: libnotifypopups plugin07:25
nixjrAlestan, its gone down about 50mb since i started talking to you lol07:25
AlestanYup, I've lost 20.07:25
AlestanI think if you grab the mail processing packages from the debian repositories it might create /var/mail/.07:26
Alestanshrike: 'If you delete a file, you don't actually get the space back until all the programs using it close it...'07:26
ghm33i unchecked it. thank you! dimmortal07:26
dimmortalnp :)07:26
Alestananyone know how to check space used by open files?07:26
amh345hi guys. my wireless keeps disconnecting and i cant figure out why.  ubuntu server 10.10.  i also just installed ubuntu-desktop as i read this sometimes helps.... no dice :(07:27
usr13_Alestan: Open files?07:27
Alestanif you open a file for editing, and then delete it from the disk without closing it, you don't get the space back until your editor closes.07:28
amh345it's perpetually connecting and disconnecting..  and moving very very slow.07:28
AlestanI am wondering if that has something to do with it.07:28
Alestannixjr you might try rebooting and see what the disk space used says07:29
nixjrAlestan, how long has your system been up? i ask because i wonder if that mysterious figure of 128tb for /proc is related, my system has been up 28 days07:30
voidmagethere we go, moved the mount point to /mnt instead of under $HOME07:30
voidmagemuch better, and won't accidentally unmount it07:30
Alestanmine's been up 2 days, but it is a data intensive psql server (handles several gigs a day)07:30
semajhello everyone07:31
sainiX11/xlib.h not found problem07:31
AlestanI'm running a program for ext3 filesystems to clear up files that are using more blocks than needed to see if that helps07:31
heron_Markedamh345, what's your setup?07:31
Alestanwhen that finishes I'll reboot.07:31
amh345heron_Marked: 10.10 server.  just installed ubuntu-dekstop hoping it would help. same result as terminal though.   connections are made and dropped. huge packet loss.  what else.  wpa2.. ive got wpa_supplicant configured... although im not sure it's totally correct.07:32
semajanyone know how to enter a secure (work) network to check e-mail from home?07:32
sainiX11/Xutil not found07:32
ugmghi , i have slow internet , can i update my Userver offline by downloading all the package07:33
amh345heron_Marked: also, it's a sony vaio laptop.  i had this working perfectly the otherday.. then i did a reformat and havent been able to get it working since.07:33
heron_Markedamh345, did you check to ensure your wireless card is on the list of compatible cards.07:34
ugmgany suggestion  !!!!!!07:34
nixjrAlestan, i hate resorting to a restart >.<07:34
amh345heron_Marked: i havent checked. but it does work.07:34
amitmy file manager is not opening?07:34
sainiX11/Xlib.h not found problem07:34
semajumug: have you restarted the router?07:34
amithow to recover this problem?07:34
Alestanwhat filesystem are you using?07:35
usr13_amit run it from terminal07:35
heron_Markedamh345, are you sure it's your card?  How's the access point?07:35
ugmgcan i do offline update to my ubuntu server by downloading update cd or all the package without apt-get update used07:36
usr13_amit run it from terminal and see what it says.07:36
amitdon't understood run from terminal?07:36
amh345heron_Marked: iwconfig shows the macaddress for the router.07:36
heron_Markedamh345, you can try shutting down your networking card and booting it back up again "/etc/init.d/networking stop | start" and "/etc/init.d/wicd start | stop07:37
usr13_ugmg: You are still going to have to download a lot of files either way so I don't see how you would save any time.07:37
amh345heron_Marked: link quality is only 47/70.. but that shouldnt make this kind of diference07:37
Alestannixjr if you're running an ext4 filesystem you might try a defrag, if you're running ext3 i've got a shake program you could try07:37
usr13_amit: Open a terminal and type   nautilus  and hit enter.07:38
Alestani'm running it now and it is failing to access all sorts of files,07:38
nixjrAlestan, i didnt think modern filesystems needed defragging07:38
usr13_Alestan: defrag?07:38
nixjri must say ive nevre done it07:38
ugmgusr13_, i wont to do that because i have a proble with apt-get-update aptitude update they give strange error like i can't fetching from us.archiv....... or old index file07:38
semajamit: go to accessories and then terminal. Enter the command nautilus07:39
amitusr13: oh u meant thi ok this says07:39
amh345heron_Marked: sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop returned the following.. "postconf: fatal: .etc.postfix/main.cfg no suck file dir along with RTNETLINK answers :No such process and SIODELRT :no such process07:39
amitusr13:error while sending meaasge07:39
ugmgusr13_, when i run apt,aptitude give that error07:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:40
usr13_ugmg: I think aptitude has been deprecated07:40
amitusr13:message directory didn't recive reply07:40
Alestanusr13_ normally they don't, but once in a while things can go amiss.07:40
mickster04hey guys, i think installing vlc gives me this error 403 http://paste.ubuntu.com/571574/07:40
AlestanI believe ext4 has defrag support.07:40
mickster04i dunno why it's forbidden tho:/07:40
ugmgusr13_, let me paste the error  wait sec07:40
heron_Markedamh345, can you try "/etc/init.d/networking restart"07:41
usr13_Alestan: But those things, (if there are any), get taken care of when rebooting.  I don't think there is a "defrag" application.  There's fsck  but no defrag.  (or not that I know of anyway).07:42
nixjrim not sure howto defrag but i did just try fsck, but ti wanred me to close the program since my / is mounted07:42
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.07:42
Alestane4defrag is a program that can do it.07:43
usr13_mickster04: Thank you.07:43
mickster04why bother defraggin ext4?07:43
amh345heron_Marked: /restart/ gave the same errors as before.. but also adding ssh stop/waiting and ssh start/running, process 6029    then ssh/stop/start shows again with process 6114    and wireless is still dropping in and out.07:43
heron_Markedamh345, you're getting an error.  I don't know what that means.  A similar problem had the solution to do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix" and that apparently fixed it.  You want to give that a try?07:43
Alestan(you generally only need to defrag ext3/ext4 filesystems when they are 95% full or more.07:43
heron_Markedamh345, I got that from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151951907:43
sainiX11/Xlib.h not found problem07:43
nixjrim just following Alestan's lead, havnt heard any other suggestions yet07:43
AlestanHeh, if someone else has a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it.07:45
mickster04Alestan: why defrag the ext4?07:45
usr13_Alestan: Not sure where you got this defrag info but when a system is full, it would be sure enough out of the question.  Something like that would have needed to be done way before that happens.07:45
amh345heron_Marked: same error re: postfix.    i tihnk im jsut going to reinstall this thing. this is too much.  but i have a question.  is there a way i can backup the pkgs i've downloaded so i dont have to download them again?  wpa_supplicant  and ubuntu-desktop are what i'd like to throw on a key07:45
usr13_Alestan: What you need to do is free up disk space. Right?07:46
AlestanThe problem is that both nixjr and I each have a computer that is losing disk space into the never-never.07:46
Alestanbaobab and du for me claim that the 30 GB disk has 19 gig used07:46
heron_Markedamh345, I don't know of something direct.  Someone mentioned a program called "Remaster" or similar earlier, but I don't know if that would do it or not.07:46
Alestanbaobab and df both claim the disk is 99% full.07:47
AlestanWhere did the other 11 and a half gig go?07:47
usr13_Alestan: You need to do some detective work.07:47
amitno ans?07:47
Alestanand the blocks free showed by df is going down semi steadily.07:47
nixjrusr13_, the "used 67.9gb" and "8.6 gb" seem contradictory http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/2830/baobab.jpg07:47
usr13_Alestan: sudo fdisk -l ; du -sk * | sort -n  <will list by file sizes, largest last>07:48
heron_Marked 07:48
usr13_ls -lS |grep ^d   <will show directories sorted by size>07:48
AlestanI have been doing some detective work, the latest bit being running a defrag, which promptly said it couldn't access a whole long list of files.07:48
usr13_Alestan: What type of filesystem?  vfat or what?07:48
hemu_help needed, having issues with installation07:49
nixjrext4 here07:49
jeffmrneed a little help07:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:49
Alestanhome is 170 MiB boot 35, lib 286, user 1.69 gig and var 16.8 gig.07:49
hemu_amit can help me?07:49
jeffmrI installed an ubuntu distro and am stuck with a grub prompt07:49
Alestantotal comes to ~19 gig07:50
jeffmranyone know how to boot from here?07:50
Alestanstill missing 10+ gig07:50
jeffmrboot doesn't work and kernel isn't a command07:50
amithemu: just ask if anyone know u will be helped07:50
Alestannixjr's baobab output is available here: http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/2830/baobab.jpg07:50
mickster04jeffmr: did you check the md5 hash of the ISO you downloaded, mayb it was duff?07:50
jeffmrits a new distro and it crashed the first time I ran it07:50
jeffmrbut I think the disk is ok07:51
mickster04hey, I can't install vlc, I get a 403 forbidden on one package, paste here http://paste.ubuntu.com/571574/07:51
Alestannote the difference between the size listed for / and the used GiB under total filesystem capacity.07:51
mickster04anybody no of why this might even have happened?!07:51
hemu_I cant install ubuntu on laptop07:51
mickster04hemu_: well try using a disk?07:52
jeffmrits bodhi linux07:52
amithemu: plz elobrate ur question07:52
mickster04jeffmr: try the md5 hash and check, and what is it?07:52
heron_Markedjeffmr, I had a similar problem earlier.  I found that the MD5 hashsum was off and the ISO I downloaded was missing files.  I re-downloaded, verified the MD5 was good and then reinstalled and it worked perfectly.07:52
jeffmrhow do I check the hash?07:53
hemu_amit, i just get ubuntu screen after that screen goes off .. i guess its display problem07:53
mickster04!md5 | jeffmr07:53
MacstheyjustsuckIs there any way I can set an alarm to go off (even when my computer is asleep and at the login screen because of it) that would play my music at 5 AM?07:53
ubottujeffmr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:53
usr13_Alestan:  I think that something like 5% is reserved to keep us from completely running out.07:53
amithemu: which model u r using07:53
hemu_amit: am using Sony Vaio VPCCW15FG07:53
AlestanYes, but not 30%...07:54
hemu_mickster04 yes i am using disk07:54
mickster04!details | hemu_07:54
ubottuhemu_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:54
mickster04hemu_: are you sure the disk is good?07:54
jeffmrmd5sum command not found07:55
hemu_mickster04 yes, i have install ubuntu on desktop with same disk07:55
jeffmrI'm not sure if it matters but this is bodhi based on ubuntu07:55
AlestanIt should have ~1.5 gig reserved for emergency.07:55
mickster04jeffmr: well maybe there is a bidhi forum/channel?07:55
mickster04jeffmr: sudo apt-get install md5sum07:55
jeffmrI went there07:55
jeffmreveryone's asleep07:55
amh345have you guys ever used rightscale.com?07:55
ugmgusr13_, http://i54.tinypic.com/vyuyhl.png07:56
jeffmrI'm on mac os x07:56
jeffmrthere isn't apt-get07:56
mickster04jeffmr: well there are instructions on how to md5 in mac i thikn07:56
jeffmrI'll look right07:57
hemu_I have a problem with installing ubuntu 10.10. When I am trying to install Unbuntu 10.10 screen goes off.07:57
amithemu:CTRL+ALT+F1  try this and tell what next07:57
mickster04jeffmr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM on Mac OS X and next time, actually read the help you are given....07:57
amithemu: tell does anything happen or not/07:57
jeffmrpiss off07:57
jeffmryou fuckin read it07:58
mickster04jeffmr: if you are gonna get lazy about reading the help you are given then we might just get lazy giving you help07:58
amithemu; also  check everything's ok in your xorg.conf file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)07:58
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.07:58
nixjrAlestan, ill give that reboot a try07:58
Alestanif it works let me know.07:58
mickster04jeffmr: i did, it gives you THREE different ways to md5sum on mac07:58
ugmg ruijian u also http://i54.tinypic.com/vyuyhl.png07:58
mickster04jeffmr: if you wanna get cocky go solve your own problems07:59
=== noobuntu is now known as dreamtraveler
jeffmrtheres a lot of text scrolling here07:59
jeffmrmy highlight isn't easy to read07:59
jeffmrand there are better ways of saying it08:00
ugmgall invie to see this error http://i54.tinypic.com/vyuyhl.png08:00
jeffmrpeople make mistakes so don't talk down to them when you know they are trying08:00
ugmg" invite "08:00
mickster04jeffmr: well maybe you should actually try and get your problem solved when you are given the clearrest instructions possible08:00
ikoniajeffmr: control the language please.08:00
JeffCBRNo one is talking down to you, jeffmr.08:01
hemu_amit i am new with linux08:01
ikoniajeffmr: what's the issue you're seeing ?08:01
jeffmrthe language is english there isn't any abuse there, I'm correcting other abuse08:01
mickster04jeffmr: and clearly you aren't trying otherwise you wouldn't have asked that ridiculous question about the command not being there08:01
ikoniajeffmr: please don't swear in the channel, is that clear enough ?08:01
usr13_ugmg: Do you have a network problem?08:01
ikoniajeffmr: now, what's the ubuntu issue you're having ?08:01
jeffmrwhen have I sworn08:01
jeffmryou can read right?08:01
amithemu: go to http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f64/ubuntu-loads-then-goes-to-blank-screen-bahhh-107839.html08:01
ikoniajeffmr: <quote> 07:58 < jeffmr> you fuckin read it08:01
jeffmrthat was a long time ago08:02
hemu_amit ok thanx, i will check with that08:02
jeffmrI got a reprimand for that and haven't since08:02
ikoniajeffmr: now please don't do it again08:02
ikoniajeffmr: 2 minutes ago, stop it now, and lets resolve the problem08:02
jeffmrfuck off08:02
ikoniajeffmr: what's the ubuntu issue you have ?08:02
=== redhot is now known as scriptwarlock
ikoniaok guys, enough with the faces, lets return to Ubuntu support discussion please.08:03
mickster04has anyone ever managed to resolve getting 403 errors when trying to install something, in my case it's vlc08:03
ikoniamickster04: what repo are you trying to install it from ?08:03
mickster04ikonia: default repo08:03
JeffCBRThat guy gives Jeffs a bad name.08:03
* JeffCBR hides in the corner.08:04
mickster04JeffCBR: unlucky08:04
=== Ileden_ is now known as Ileden
ikoniamickster04: ok, looks like that repo has a permissions problem08:04
usr13_mickster04: 403 error from who or what?08:04
ikoniamickster04: I'll report that to the ubuntu mirrors team08:04
ikoniamickster04: very odd08:04
mickster04usr13_: see my link08:04
mickster04ikonia: so i can only wait :(08:04
scriptwarlockgood day everybody...08:04
mickster04i was trying to watch a dvd but the default media player doesn08:04
mickster04't wanna play ball08:04
bagjuioceiam need wireless halp08:04
ikoniamickster04: you could change your repo to the other ones to see if it's repo wide, or if it's just that repo08:05
bagjuiocefor internet08:05
usr13_mickster04: Did you try --fix-missing08:06
mickster04ikonia: i have changed it to the main server, will see if that helps08:06
mickster04usr13_: yeah i appended that to the update, upgrade and install calls i made08:06
manusclehi everyones!08:06
usr13_mickster04: What command did you use?08:06
mickster04manuscle: hello:D08:06
ikoniamickster04: worth a try that way we know if it's just the nz repo or the whole network that's been populated with a file with the wrong permissions08:06
MacstheyjustsuckDoes Ubuntu have the equivalent of the volume mixer in Windows?08:06
bagjuiocehow i can instal intel wireless2200bg drivers ubuntu 10.100008:06
mickster04usr13_: sudo apt-get update (or upgrade) --fix-missing08:07
mickster04usr13_: and i also did sudo apt=get install vlc --fix-missing08:07
scriptwarlockMacstheyjustsuck, yes08:07
mickster04Macstheyjustsuck: you mean EQ or just volume control08:07
AlestanMacstheyjustsuck yes, several.  I use alsamixer which is a command line one,08:07
manuscleexcuse my english ;-)08:07
coraxxhey all.  Here is a very specific question (hope you like those) ... when using 'sed' to replace text with some other text in a text-stream, how does one replace a text with nothing (not a space, just nothing) ?08:07
silverlightningmacstheyjustsuck, yes, not exactly the same but there are packages for mixers08:07
rwwcoraxx: sed 's/magic//'08:07
MacstheyjustsuckMichealH: I don't know what EQ is, but I want to be able to lower the volume in some programs while maintaining the volume in others.08:07
usr13_mickster04: Yes, the error is from the server itself "You don't have permission to access /ubuntu/pool/universe/libc/libcdio/libiso9660-7_0.81-4_amd64.deb on this server"08:07
manusclei have a small problem since i upgraded from 10.04 to 10.1008:07
mickster04Macstheyjustsuck: definitely08:08
Macstheyjustsuckmickster04: How do I do that?08:08
usr13_mickster04: So, not much we can do about that...08:08
mickster04usr13_: ok just reloading now for main server08:08
MacstheyjustsuckOh wow nevermind08:08
mickster04Macstheyjustsuck: there is a vloume icon in the top panel, like a speaker with waves coming off it08:08
MacstheyjustsuckSound preferences08:08
MacstheyjustsuckSorry guys08:08
usr13_mickster04: What is it that you are doing?08:08
mickster04Macstheyjustsuck: yeah08:08
bagjuiocehow i can instal intel wireless2200bg drivers ubuntu 10.10??08:08
coraxxrww: lol, of course...thank you :-D08:08
MacstheyjustsuckI'm a 'tard08:08
FloodBot2Macstheyjustsuck: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
silverlightningyou have approved all license agreements and restricted packages?08:08
steven__FM 2011 on ubuntu ?08:08
=== bbalajirao is now known as heyboy
silverlightningmickster04 i Mean08:08
mickster04usr13_: i changed the repos from the NZ ones to the Main ones need to reload everything in synaptics :D08:09
mickster04Macstheyjustsuck: indeed all good :D08:09
heyboyHow do I see which bookmarks are stored in my UbuntuOne account?08:09
bagjuiocehow i can instal intel wireless2200bg drivers ubuntu 10.10??08:09
MadpilotMacstheyjustsuck, the Sound Prefs stuff is persistent, too. Tweak an apps sound and next time you start it the prefs should still be there.08:09
scriptwarlockMacstheyjustsuck, you can use the alsamixer to lower some and adjust some try it in the terminal08:09
mickster04heyboy: #ubuntuone i think08:09
manusclewhen i shutdom the computer, the lines like "stopping apache OK, stopping Bind OK" etc.... appears strangely08:09
g_prakashstatic inline int interlocked_xchg_add( int *dest, int incr )08:09
g_prakash    int ret;08:09
g_prakash    __asm__ __volatile__( "lock; xaddl %0,(%1)"                          : "=r" (ret) : "r" (dest), "0" (incr) : "memory" );    return ret;}   what is the task of this function?08:09
Madpilotscriptwarlock, there's a GUI in Sound Prefs these days08:09
FloodBot2g_prakash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
manuscleone over the other08:10
sainiX11/xlib.h not found problem08:10
Lasse1hey guys08:10
kurrentoh hai guys08:10
mickster04Lasse1: hullo:D08:10
Lasse1i having problems with space on my disk08:10
mickster04kurrent: ditto08:10
silverlightningI am searching for something on booting trouble, I boot up into a white screen?08:10
Lasse1do u know any disk-cleaner/ command for cleanin disk???08:10
mickster04Lasse1: deleete some stuff :p08:10
bagjuiocecan anyone help me with my wireless card?!08:10
scriptwarlockMadpilot, yes we know but alsamixer does more than the gui...08:10
=== share is now known as Guest40236
Alestanheh, i use alsamixer because it lets me mute sound before I login, to avoid the login crap when I'm in class.08:11
g_prakashstatic inline int interlocked_xchg_add( int *dest, int incr )08:11
g_prakash    int ret;08:12
g_prakash    __asm__ __volatile__( "lock; xaddl %0,(%1)"    : "=r" (ret) : "r" (dest), "0" (incr) : "memory" );    return ret;}        what is the task of this function08:12
FloodBot2g_prakash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
nixjrAlestan, hey, positive news, after reboot i miraculously have 60gb extra free08:12
mickster04!paste | g_prakash:08:12
ubottug_prakash:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:12
Lasse1bagjuioce: go to system, then administration and then additional drivers08:12
bagjuiocehow do you install the drivers for the intel wireless 2200bg card?08:12
bagjuiocei tried but it doesnt work08:12
bagjuiocenothing shows up08:12
Lasse1what computer do u have?08:12
JeffCBRg_prakash: Try #c, maybe?08:13
bagjuiocecompaq nw824008:13
powerman-asdfhi. is it possible to dynamically change screen resolution (to lower one), using xrandr or something else, in such a way, to be able to scroll viewport using mouse? I did that some years ago using Virtual/ViewPort in xorg.conf and switching modes using Ctrl-Alt-+. The question is, is it possible to do same now dynamically, without editing xorg.conf?08:13
bagjuiocefuckin piece of shiate08:13
ikoniabagjuioce: controll the language08:13
silverlightninghei Skaperen08:13
scriptwarlockawtz here we go again08:13
JeffCBRikonia: Busy tonight!08:14
ikoniabagjuioce: we can try to help, but please try to be polite/non-offensive words08:14
bagjuioceya sorry bout that08:14
gaelfxsmplayer is driving me nuts with choppy playback! anyone know what to do about it?08:14
silverlightninganyone who ever has booted up to a white screen?08:14
mickster04ikonia: i think it may have been the NZ repos, i used synaptics to install it this time though i doubt that would make a difference08:14
ikoniamickster04: that's great, I'll report it to the mirrors team,08:14
nixjrarihfilho, ask away08:15
mickster04bagjuioce: have you done an md5hash on the iso you burned?08:15
ikoniamickster04: thanks for checking08:15
nixjrarihfilho, aussie aussie aussie?08:15
bagjuiocei dont think so08:15
silverlightningjoin ##linux08:15
bagjuiocei just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.1008:15
ikoniasilverlightning: don't forget the /join not join08:15
JeffCBRsilverlightning: You, first. :P08:15
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.08:16
Madpilotarihfilho, ^08:16
steven__falar portugues meo08:16
silverlightningthanks ikonia08:16
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:16
arihfilhooi aquem me diz como funciona esse chat08:16
zap0where do i find what port  apache2  is using for incoming connections?08:17
mickster04zap0: port 80 by default08:17
JeffCBRApproximately howm uch diskspace would be required to add xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop?08:17
usr13_mickster04: apt-get update  #Should resynchronize the package index files from their sources08:17
mickster04usr13_: yeah it didn't08:18
sainiX11/Xlib problem08:18
ikoniaJeffCBR: a good question, I think the desktop package takes up abot 800 meg each roughly, smaller for xubuntu08:18
usr13_mickster04: Yes, the error is from the server itself "You don't have permission to access /ubuntu/pool/universe/libc/libcdio/libiso9660-7_0.81-4_amd64.deb on this server"netstat -pantu08:18
usr13_zap0: netstat -pantu08:19
coraxxrww: ok then... here is another tiny challenge ... everything seems to work ..except there a a couple of places in the document where the string is not replaced ... I'm assuming its in all instances where the string occur more than one time in one line ...and only one replaced is done per line ...by default....<--- if that's true...how do I make it take all replacement into account ?08:19
usr13_mickster04: Sorry, accidentally sent that last line08:19
usr13_zap0: But by default it should be listening on 8008:20
usr13_zap0: Why are you asking?  What problem are you having?08:20
mickster04uatis ok :D08:20
Lasse1can u help me mount a iso file? location downloads name of file enterprise200708:20
mickster04usr13_: tis ok*08:21
zap0figure that out; onto next problem.  thanks.08:21
ndxtghi guys! what is the latest version of Ubuntu that uses grub instead of grub2?  thanks08:21
mickster04Lasse1: double click it mayb?08:21
coraxxLasse1: who are you asking ?08:21
Lasse1all :D08:21
mickster04ndxtg: you can uninstall grub23 and install grub08:21
ndxtgmickster04: oh really? that's great, thank you :D08:21
mickster04ndxtg: investigate it08:22
coraxxLasse1: OIC :-) ...well there is a tool called gmountiso which is good for that ...simply create a folder where you want the .iso file mounted...and use gmountiso, to mount it on that location.08:22
Lasse1coraxx: i wont to do it trough terminal08:22
scriptwarlockLasse1, theres is what we call archive mounter in ubuntu if you right click the iso file08:23
Lasse1coraxx: do u know how to do his??08:23
Alestannixjr okay, I'd try running a fsck read only and see what it finds for filesystem errors08:23
silverlightningso nobody every had trouble with booting up to a white screen ?08:23
coraxxLasse1: yes  .... mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk   ... you may have to provide the format for the iso file08:24
AlestanI just got to running that and it found lots of missing empty space.08:24
mickster04ndxtg: not sure why'd you want to tho:/08:24
coraxxLasse1: where '/mnt/disk' is your folder, where your pointing point is ...and 'disk1.iso' is your iso-file.08:26
ikoniasilverlightning: what video card do you have ?08:26
ndxtgmickster04: I'm gonna build a commercial software system based on ubuntu and I just like to reduce the unnecessary stuffs to make sure everything is fine08:26
silverlightningikonia, the bad one08:26
coraxxLasse1: *pointing= mounting point08:26
ikoniasilverlightning: which one ?08:26
Lasse1coraxx: so disk is my mount point?08:27
silverlightningikonia, that is the vga controller?08:27
ikoniasilverlightning: it's a VGA controller yes08:28
mickster04ndxtg: not sure using grub is a sensible choice concidering the whole support issues you will account soon08:28
ikoniasilverlightning: you must know what video card you have if you call it the bad one08:28
coraxxLasse1: '/mnt/disk' is an example of a mounting point ...you could also place it in the /media/ -folder ...commonly used in Ubuntu08:28
silverlightningRadeon RC410 something08:28
silverlightning i am trying to find exact08:29
mickster04ndxtg: considering*08:29
ikoniasilverlightning: ok, that's not helpful, however the fact that it is an ATI card does explain why you are seeing these problems08:29
zeleftikamhelp: http://pastebin.com/wjBEURp308:29
ikoniasilverlightning: when you see the white screen, is that on an system that's already installed or when running from the livecd ?08:29
nixjrAlestan, i cant because its / and its mounted08:29
ndxtgmickster04: oh... im familiar with grub and no idea/no time to learn grub2 so... just try to utilise everything :)08:29
silverlightningikonia, fully installed system lubuntu08:29
ikoniazeleftikam: your system has been mounted read only, reboot and see if it fsck's it and mounts it read/write08:30
Lasse1coraxx: so example, mount -o loop enterprise2007.iso /mnt/media/?08:30
zeleftikamikonia≥ it's a rackspace slice08:30
ikoniasilverlightning: you may need to try to force it to use the low quality "vesa" Xorg video drivers08:30
mickster04ndxtg: that is a fair arguement08:30
silverlightningI have tried to load all ATI drivers I can find,08:30
zeleftikamikonia≥ i tried rebooting08:30
AlestanThat's why I suggested read only.08:30
silverlightningI see08:30
ikoniazeleftikam: can you show me the output of "uname -" please on that machine08:30
zeleftikamikonia≥ uname: extra operand `-'08:31
ikoniazeleftikam: uname -a  (sorry)08:31
silverlightningikonia, I have no idea what drivers and changes I have done08:31
zeleftikamLinux development #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:31
Alestannixjr running it with -n will prevent it from making changes, so it won't break anything.08:31
ikoniasilverlightning: then I would suggest a clean install to go back to a normal known version08:31
silverlightningI see08:31
AlestanIf it finds errors then you tell it to flag the filesystem as dirty and reboot.08:31
Alestan(make a backup first)08:31
ikoniazeleftikam: ok, so it's a modified version of ubuntu, you need to contact rackspace to ask them for support as they may have locked /var for a reason08:31
zeleftikamikonia≥ i mess around with /var/www/ all the time08:32
silverlightningikonia, it looks like the booting process is normal, except for the white screen08:32
ikoniazeleftikam: it's "their" version of the distro so they will have to support it08:32
ikoniazeleftikam: ok, it's their version of the distro, they will have to support it08:32
zeleftikamand have used aptitude to install and remove things before08:32
coraxxLasse1: no ... Step 1:  Choose a folder where you want to create a subfolder, that will become your mounting-point (usualle EITHER a) /mnt/ or b)  /media/ ... Step 2: Create a subfolder in your selected folder .... Step 3: Mount the iso file to the full path of your newly created subfolder08:32
ikoniasilverlightning: that doesn't change what I've said08:32
Lasse1coraxx: i dont understand sry08:33
coraxxLasse1: which step ?08:33
zeleftikamikonia≥ it doesn't even work if i login as root :/08:33
ikoniazeleftikam: what part of "it's their distribution, they support it" am I not making clear ?08:33
Lasse1coraxx: can u make the full command-line for me? my iso.file is in downloads, name enterprise200708:34
amitcan ii use 64bit os as m using processor core2 duo08:34
ikoniaamit: sure can08:34
amitikonia: plz explain how to is there is no problem08:34
coraxxLasse1: no :-) ...listen up ... Step 1: make a choice ...so you have to make a choice... either a or b ...let's start with that08:34
ikoniaamit: it's a 64bit cpu, so you can use a 64bit version of ubuntu08:34
amitikonia: core 2 duo is 64 bit08:35
Lasse1coraxx: where shall i make the subfolder? where i wont it?08:35
amitikonia: m using 32bit os now08:35
Lasse1coraxx: want08:35
ikoniaamit: yes08:36
mickster04amit: that's ok the bigger number is usually backward compatible08:36
Us3r_UnfriendlyAnyone know a way to add sound effects to cli??08:36
coraxxLasse1: you can make it wherever you want ...however as a convention, usually mounting-points are created in either /mnt/  or  /media/08:36
daroluamit: yes core 2 duo is 64-bit, read wikipedia article if you like; you can run both 32-bit or 64-bit OS, 64-bit would take full advante of your hardware.08:36
amitthanx all08:37
zeleftikamikonia≥ i know you don't care and would rather be an asshole than help but here is what it says on the console: http://pastebin.com/8xhjeZCw08:37
Us3r_UnfriendlyI would think it would be adding a variable08:37
Lasse1coraxx: now i have maked a subfolder at home/media08:37
amitcan i use both 32 bit and 64 bit os in dual boot08:37
Raj007Why would you want to do that amit?08:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: i don't see why not...if your hardware supports it08:38
nixjramit, i believe so, in dual boot they wont know about each other08:38
Raj007question - What's the terminal command i can give to log out of my X session ?08:38
Raj007Not CTRL-ALT-Backspace , i need to configure my cairo-dock08:38
ikoniaRaj007: you can't log out of your X session from the terminal, you can kill your whole xession though08:38
amitas i want to rum redhat of 64bit with my ubuntu 32bit08:38
coraxxLasse1: ok ...unusual... but ok ... the you have an .iso file and a mounting-point ...so, now you mount....using the command line I gave you (replacing it with your info of course)08:39
daroluamit: yes you can have a double head system with 32 and 64 bits08:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: if you did a dual boot, it you choose one of them, then the other one is just seen as a partition not being used.  sudo fdisk -l    will show the unused partition08:39
amitdaroula: thanx08:39
ikoniaamit: running dual linux distribtuions with ubuntu using grub2 is not an easy task due to the way it works and conflicts with other distros' grubs08:39
Lasse1Coraxx: can u make it for me?08:39
ikoniaamit: I would strongly advise you to keep both distros on seperate physical disks08:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: ikonia is right...learn how to reinstall grub before trying this08:40
Us3r_Unfriendly*grub 208:40
Raj007ikonia : Ok kill the session with a command? Which would be?08:40
coraxxLasse1: then you would need to send me the absolute path to your enterprise2007.iso file08:40
ikoniaRaj007: ps -ef | grep grep X then kill -11 the pid of the X session08:40
amitcan u plz give me some link where can i learn grub?08:40
nixjrikonia, im only a noob but would "init 3" log out X?08:40
ikonianixjr: no, not in ubuntu as X runs at run level 208:40
nixjroh k sorry08:40
daroluamit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:41
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: the easy way is sudo top or sudo killall X (and hit tab a couple of times)08:41
ikoniaRaj007: or you can stop the gdm process which will shut down X all together08:41
ikonianixjr: it would work on other systems, eg: redhat08:41
castwhat would stopping gdm do?08:41
Raj007ikonia: argg that won't help. See i'm trying to configure cairo-dock. I removed all the panels and want to be able to "click" (runs a command) to logout08:41
daroluamit: also search the ubuntu forums, there is a fantastic post there08:41
ikoniaRaj007: you can't do that08:41
ikoniaRaj007: the log out button is what that is for08:41
ikoniaRaj007: you just click the "log out" button and it will do that08:41
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: stopping gdm is a great way to generate a new Xorg.conf...well back in the old days08:42
amarinhello i need help08:42
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: gdm should kill X08:42
coraxxLasse1: sudo mount -o loop /home/lasse/Downloads/enterprise2007.iso /home/media08:42
ikoniaUs3r_Unfriendly: stopping gdm does not generate an xorg.conf08:42
=== oxodesign_ is now known as oxodesign
amarinsomebody help me? I have problem with setting DNS to update ip.08:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyikonia: nope but in order to create it you have to kill gdm in order to kill X as well.  Other wise after killing X, gdm will restart X08:43
Raj007ikonia: yeah but i don't have that button anymore - removed the panels. argg08:43
castUs3r_Unfriendly: sounds like a rather annoying bug!08:43
ikoniaamit: in what way08:43
ikoniaRaj007: ahhh, I see what you're saying now08:43
coraxxLasse1: you forgot to send an '/' at the begging of the path...I added that ...paths a case sensitive...you wrote 'downloads', but assuming you meant 'Downloads' (capital D)08:43
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: why are you trying to kill Gdm?08:43
daroluamarin: just ask, if someone knows the answer, that one will answer08:43
Raj007ikonia, I just want to go back to the login screen (GDM)08:43
ikoniaUs3r_Unfriendly: see what you where suggesting08:43
Raj007so killall X will be good to log out ?08:44
castUs3r_Unfriendly: i'm not, i don't have gdm installed on any of my systems :)08:44
amarinok hold up08:44
Raj007Going to give it a try.08:44
daroluRaj007: you can always reboot from a terminal or enable the control+alt+backspace to restart X08:45
amarinhow do i make ubuntu clean my temp thats not my question but08:45
ardchoilleRaj007: If  you're wanting a command to logout, look at man gnome-session-save08:45
nixjrupon running update manager i see a large number fo the updates are under a section titled "Other Updates(LP-PPA-lucid-bleed)" what does that mean?08:45
Raj007ok cool thanks archoille08:46
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: sorry i miss understood08:46
darolunixjr: means you have non-critical upgrades ready08:46
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:46
amarinthat is my first question.08:46
castamarin: unless you can get root, you won't be able to do much at all likely08:46
amarinroot takes ages to download08:46
daroluamarin: chroot08:46
castyou could boot off a live cd08:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: killing gdm will too bring you to a gnome log in screen.  I don't think this is a proper way of achieve the task08:46
amarinoh yup08:46
castand thus have root :>08:47
amarini have a live server cd08:47
amarinthen what do i do.08:47
amarini can get root off my server cd08:47
amarinit has a option to fix an install with root08:47
nixjrdarolu, more specifically, what does the "LP-PPA-lucid-bleed" part mean?08:47
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly, Yeah i want exactly that.08:47
amarini dont know how to use root08:47
FloodBot2amarin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
amarinis there a bunch of simple commands08:47
amitdarolu: should i firstly  Upgrading to GRUB 2 from GRUB08:47
amarinhow do i use that?08:47
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly, out of my current session, back to login screen, like what the logout button in panel emulates.08:47
ardchoille!sudo | amarin08:47
ubottuamarin: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: do what the other guy suggested...it's more proper08:47
darolunixjr: that's a repo you added, PPA are personal repositories08:47
daroluamit: if you are using Ubuntu 9.10 or newer you already have Grub208:48
Lasse1coraxx: it doesnt work08:48
amarini can unmount  with sudo08:48
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: yes08:48
amarinand fix bad sectors?08:48
amarinthanks mate08:48
nowarninglabelIs there any troubleshooting guide for figuring out why display_errors won't turn off? I'm running 10.04 and PHP5, and have set the php.ini values, restarted Apache, and then tried a dozen other things, but errors are still being displayed08:48
FloodBot2amarin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
coraxxLasse1: is enterprise2007.iso correct ...or is does it contains uppercase letters as well ?08:48
ardchoilleRaj007: gnome-session-save --logout-dialog08:48
Us3r_Unfriendlywho's a cli guy here???08:48
* cast sits, at the CLI most of the time08:49
amarinso my question is now. How do i use sudo to check for bad sectors once i unmount the drive?08:49
Alestanheh, cli is so much faster than the gui...08:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:49
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: you know a variable for sound effects in bash??08:49
amarinok ubottu sorry mate08:49
amitdarolu: m using 10.10 and i checked my grub version  it says grub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu308:49
castUs3r_Unfriendly: as in the terminal bell?08:49
Raj007Hah what do you know "gnome-session-save --logout" woot.08:49
Alestanunmount the drive then sudo fsck --help,08:49
Raj007thanks to whoever suggested reading the man page for that.08:49
Alestanthat will spit out the detailed instructions.08:49
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: no, like say for example Die Hard 4 or any hacker movie08:50
ikoniaRaj007: great find, I've made a note of that too08:50
maxagazdoes someone know how to convert this command "vlc http://mylogin:mypasswd@myip:myport/nphMotionJpeg?Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard" into a vlc/vlm script ?08:50
amarin sudo unmount -a? will that unmount the drive that linux is installed onto?08:50
Us3r_Unfriendlycast: i'm good with cli, but haven't ever got my machine to sound like the ones in the movies08:50
ndxtgLasse1: http://codepad.org/WXy2y21E type 3 steps into command line, please make sure your iso file is correct as in the path08:50
daroluamit: yes you have Grub2, what they mean is, if you install other Linux distro Grub2 may not work properly as not all distros use Grub2; I -suppose- you shouldn't have any problem at all with two Ubuntu versions (32bit and 64bit)08:50
AlestanI would specify the drive in question08:50
ikoniadarolu: mp. that's not what I mean08:50
cast...no? didn't know bash did sound beyond a bell, i suppose you could get it to via cunning PS* variables and the like calling external programs08:51
Alestanit should be something like /dev/sdb1 or /media/hd2 or something that way.08:51
Alestanso umount /dev/sdb108:51
ikoniaamit: it's complex to explain, but two distros' cannot share the same grub2 config due to how ubuntu has designed it's config,08:51
daroluikonia: OK, sorry maybe you want to explain aming your point08:51
ikoniaamit: so there will always be a fight08:51
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: you can't unmount the partition your running from08:51
Raj007ok this leads to another problem of mine. I don't mind if you guys don't know. I deleted all my panels, but when i log back in both panels reappear (and i delete it everytime i log in). Anyway to stop that from happening?08:51
amitdarolu: can i install the second distro side by side08:51
ikoniaamit: this never used to be a problem with grub and a shared /boot, but now grub2 uses /etc on the host computer which the other host cannot access, it is a problem08:51
Alestan(umount -a might unmount your /sys and other tmpfses08:51
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: ok so how do i force fsck to FIX bad sectors at the next boot. Is that possible08:52
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin:        sudo fdisk -l && sudo mount -l        will give you more info on your partitions.  sudo unmount /dev/sdf!       ! = the number of your partition08:52
arvind_khadriamarin, bad sectors can't be fixed08:52
daroluUs3r_Unfriendly: I guess you can try using a cli audio player?08:52
amitshould i install second one side by side or seperate?08:53
Us3r_Unfriendlydarolu: no I have mplayer for that08:53
arvind_khadriamit, you cant have two OS in one root FS.  You need to install it separately.08:54
daroluUs3r_Unfriendly: I'm now curious, what do you mean then? I may need to watch Die Hard 4 now :p08:54
=== jeremy is now known as Guest92267
IchGuckLiveHi all im in trouble !! for some reaseon i lost this File ->/home/sammel/Videos/DVD_sammlung_Gcstar.gcs is there any chance to recover it ?08:54
Us3r_Unfriendlydarolu: no i'm trying to get more sound effects from a bash shell...like you would see in the movies.  I'm pretty sure I'd have to make a variable to achieve this08:54
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: I can block them off though aye?08:54
_jesse_!undelete | IchGuckLive08:54
ubottuIchGuckLive: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel08:54
_jesse_IchGuckLive: not likely, but you can try :)08:55
IchGuckLivethat sounds bad08:55
zap0how do i set an IP from the command line?08:56
nixjrwhen i run the package manager is downloads all the packages first, then bengins installing them, is it possible to have it installing the first one as soon as its downloaded, and continuing downlaoing the rest while the first installs?08:56
AlestanIchGuckLive most important thing is make sure *nothing* writes to the partition before you try to recover the file08:56
amarincheck this out!!!!! http://paste.ubuntu.com/571592/08:56
amarinmy drive is fux08:56
ardchoillenixjr: no, the reason is some packages require other packages in order to functions (called dependencies)08:56
Alestanso you can't even install an undelete program without hosing it.  Hopefully /home is on its own partition and you can unmount it, doing so now would be a good idea.08:57
Slartnixjr: I've never seen any settings or switches for doing that.. not saying it's impossible though.. there might be some tricky way08:57
AlestanThen go through the tutorials and see if you can recover it.08:57
amarinim undeleting my hardrive08:57
nixjrit just seemed more efficent to install one rather then sitting and waiting for the other downloads to complete, i didnt htink abotu those dependencies things though08:58
Alestannixjr if you download them by hand, you can sudo dpkg -i --force <package name> and it will install it.08:58
AlestanBut it won't work until the dependencies are installed, and can easily break all sorts of stuff.08:58
amarinDisk /dev/dm-1 doesn't contain a valid partition table08:58
IchGuckLiveAlestan: thanks08:58
amarinwhat does that  mean08:58
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: i haven't had a drive ever with bad sectors. Is this what your looking for:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pavKauR86o  ?08:58
ardchoillenixjr: If package A requires packahe B to function, then package A cannot be normally installed until package B is installed first. And then package B might require package C.08:58
Alestancertainly don't try to run package a until package b is installed,08:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: dm-1 is a virtual machine partition, correct?08:59
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: Thanks mate it might just be08:59
Alestanbut I have used that method to force downgrades before.08:59
IchGuckLivei will stop recovering and move to the backup 100 movies back08:59
amarinis it? i wasnt sure. that doesn't matter then aye? I have no virtual machines08:59
nixjrardchoille, it usualy only takes <10mins to download them all anywya, so i guess it wouldnt save a whole lot of time08:59
JeffCBRSomething has turned off my function keys!09:00
amarinits not the video I want09:00
ardchoillenixjr: Right, and if you try to get around the dependency requirements, you could end up in what is known as "dependency hell", and is not a fun place to be09:00
AlestanI had 2 packages that depended on each other that I needed to downgrade and I couldn't get it to work one at a time, so I did the dpkg -i the first one, which reported as being broken, then the second which fixed both.09:00
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amarinus3r_Unfriendly. I cant unmount the filesystem from this program09:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: i've seen in a virtual machine display /dev/dm as partitions inside a virtual environment, that's why i ask09:00
amarinwhat does that mean09:00
Alestan(a good place to backup the systems first)09:00
gaelfx6 megs a 200 bytes a second, quick, someone do the math!09:01
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: what exactly is the problem your experiencing?  That way i can better help you.  I'm not quite sure what the problem is exactly09:01
Alestangaelfx sounds like you've got high speed internet there, well, faster than mine anyway :)09:02
nixjrgaelfx, 8.7h i believe09:02
* Alestan has successfully managed to browse the internet pulling a whopping 70 bytes/second thank you lynx09:02
Raj007gaelfx: your modem must be on flames right now.09:02
gaelfxAlestan: ppas are always too slow for my impatience :S09:02
amarinus3r_Unfriendly: can you please read this http://paste.ubuntu.com/571592/ how do I unmount and use fsck to check for bad sectors using sudo09:02
nixjrgaelfx, funny you shoudl mentioning thta, im using a ppa for the first time ever just now, its going at about 15kbs ... 45mins remaining09:03
gaelfxyeah, well, in China it's slower. pretty sure they don't have a mirror here09:03
Alestananyway, time for me to go to bed, got a 3 hour lab in 7 hours.09:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyI only backup my music lol...    find ~/ -iname "*.mp3" -exec cp -v "{}" /mnt/BACKUPDRIVE/Music ";"        that's how I back up09:04
nixjrgaelfx, theres usualy a Taiwanese mirror for things, kinda close09:04
gaelfxnixjr: and just as firewalled, if not more09:04
greppyUs3r_Unfriendly: ever thought of using rsync instead?09:04
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Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: nope09:05
amarinwtf? amarin@ubuntu:~$ sudo unmount /dev/sda109:05
amarinsudo: unmount: command not found09:05
amarin -What does this mean?????09:05
hkBstamarin: it's umount09:05
greppyamarin: umount, not unmount09:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: use "umount"  not     "unmount"09:05
Tm_T!ohmy | amarin09:05
ubottuamarin: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:05
amarinoh true thanks09:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: and are you running off of sda1?  It won't let you unmount if your already booted into it09:06
greppyUs3r_Unfriendly: rsync will only copy files that are new/changed... cp -v will move everything again.09:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: sudo df -ah ~/09:07
Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: true09:07
Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: i'm old school.  i've been using find for a long time09:07
Lasse1Hi guys !09:07
jhattarahas anyone used rsync in batch mode ?09:07
joe6hello, when I reboot and go to the recovery mode, it says /sys and /proc are not found.09:08
joe6Any suggestions on how I can get past that error message?09:08
Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: and also there are more updated files i want over the old, and i do understand rsync can achieve this, but i'm acustomed to find09:08
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amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571593/09:08
amarinDevice is mounted and no online capability in fsck tool for file system09:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: are you running off a live cd on usb??09:09
amarinthats what happen when I try to check for errors09:09
amarinrunning of ubuntu linux server09:09
amarinyou should connect to my computer09:10
gaelfx!enter > amarin09:10
ubottuamarin, please see my private message09:10
amarinwhats gaelfx09:10
auro1This is probably really stupid, but is theree a simple way to make ubuntu use a lot of ram09:11
auro1without opening gimp 600 times?09:11
amarinwheres private messages09:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyauro1: i'm lost on your question.  what do you mean?09:11
auro1Us3r_Unfriendly: I want to use up alot of ram09:11
gaelfxauro1: try playing a few 1080p videos with vlc09:11
amarinus3r_Unfriendly: im running off ubuntu server lin09:12
auro1good idea.09:12
DJonesamarin: You should see another tab in your IRC client open which will be a private message from ubottu09:12
auro1Where do i get 1080p video from?09:12
Lasse1ndxtg: it doesnt work!09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: more info please.  are you on machine with server installed on it, not in a virtual machine correct??09:12
gaelfxauro1: er, gosh, I'd imagine there are a few places you can get em, depends what you're into09:12
amarinyes im not in a virtual machine09:12
auro1haha... birds? :D09:13
amarinim on a machine with 10.10 server.09:13
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ddarkyauro1: Run a loop script that will execute gimp instead of doing it manually, I guess.09:13
auro1you suggesting torrenting something random?09:13
amarinhow do i print out my specs09:13
amarinof the machine09:13
ddarkyamarin: i like hardinfo.09:14
greppyUs3r_Unfriendly: *nod* just a suggestion.  I end up using rsync because it takes way less time for lots of files :)09:14
Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: thanks09:14
amarininstalling hardinfo.09:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: so your running a server with no X running and your trying to repair bad blocks on the drive, correct?09:15
amarincorrect. by X you mean gnome? im in gnome.09:15
doodiehow to install older version of wine?09:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: by X, i mean Xserver...your gui to your os09:16
ddarkyamarin: If you're in Gnome, Gnome is in X, so you're in Gnome in X. :)09:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: i mean if X isn't running you'd see a tty screen (a completely black screen with a command line)09:16
amarinyup im in gnome09:17
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: well i wouldn't say tty but just a command line09:17
gaelfxI'm scared, this actually is looking like it'll take 8 hours :/09:17
ddarkymore likely a command prompt. :)09:18
amarinok hit this us3r_Unfriendly and co http://paste.ubuntu.com/571596/09:18
amarinus3r_Unfriendly: what is tty? what do you mean09:18
amarini like tty is that when you push ctrl f7 or something09:19
amarinctrl alt09:19
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: type this in a terminal:      lsb_release -a09:19
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: are you sure your running a server?09:19
help--meHow can I change default editor without root permissions?09:20
help--meI want to change it for my user09:21
amarinus3r_Unfriendly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571598/09:21
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: No im not running a server.09:21
KSHawkEyeHello, I have several packages compiled and installed to a prefix. I need to remove one of the packages, but since I installed them to a prefix (not /local) I'm wondering if there is any way to do this easy. I wish there was some way so that apt-get could find the packages, or some "make remove" but I'm pretty sure there isn't.09:21
ddarkyKSHawkEye: "make uninstall" maybe?09:21
gaelfxhelp--me: what do you mean by editor?09:21
help--megaelfx: from vim to nano09:22
castKSHawkEye: there is sometimes a make uninstall, but if there's ntohing else under the prefix you could do a rm -r $PREFIX09:22
auro1ubottu: tell me about apple09:22
ubottuauro1, please see my private message09:22
amiti have only 2 partitions dev/sda1 and dev/sda2 as i using dev/sda2 as extended. now i want to make a 3rd primary partion . how to do this as dev/sda2 using all space except that of sda1 30gb09:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: why did we get into you running a server??09:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit: ...or was that somebody else?09:22
KSHawkEyeI just want to remove a single package, but the problem is its mixed in with other packages, how does the make unistall work? Where do I run it from?09:23
gaelfxhelp--me: if you can change it without being root, then I don't know how, and my inclination is to say that you can't09:23
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: You asked me if I was running a server. I just want to unmount the filesystem and make fsck block all the bad sectors on the drive09:23
castKSHawkEye: you need to have kept the extracted source directory you did the make install from generally09:23
amarini only know a little bit about linux09:23
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin:    sudo fsck -p         should do it09:24
castKSHawkEye: programs like stow solve this issue, but you have to use them from the beginning for them to be effectiv09:24
gaelfxhelp--me: you could try right-clicking the type of file you want to open and go to the "opens-with" tab and change that09:24
KSHawkEyecast: I built out of the source dir09:24
gnomefreakhelp--me: ive been arouund linux for a long time and i have yet heard of a way to change editor without root09:24
gaelfxhelp--me: it's supposed to work across all files of that type09:24
castKSHawkEye: then go back to that dir and run the make uninstall, if it supports it09:24
help--megaelfx: im using a shell09:24
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin:    sudo fsck.ext4  -p         if your running on a ext409:24
help--meok gnomefreak09:24
ardchoilleI can attest to that, gnomefreak is an old salt :)09:25
gnomefreakardchoille: :)09:25
KSHawkEyecast: the problem is I don't have that dir anymore... I see there is a .pc under pkgconfig for each package, can i do anything with those?09:25
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: is ext four default on ubuntu09:26
ardchoilleKSHawkEye: you can redownload the source, do a make and then try to do a sudo make uninstall09:26
amarinamarin@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck -p09:26
amarinfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.209:26
amarin/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root is mounted.09:26
gaelfx!enter | amarin09:26
ubottuamarin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:26
ardchoilleKSHawkEye: But there is no guarantee that will work. You need to check the repos first, then compile from source only as a stand by option09:26
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: for me yes...I believe you can choose ext 3 and 4 but i'm not 100% sure on this.  Any help guys on this question?09:27
ikoniaUs3r_Unfriendly: what's the question ?09:27
KSHawkEyeardchoille: Thank you, is there anything I should do in the future to avoid this?09:28
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: sudo mount -l    will should you where your partition is mounted to, along with if it's a ext3 or 409:28
trippyneed help getting a webcam to work..09:29
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ikoniaUs3r_Unfriendly: what was the question ?09:29
gaelfxI don;t think you need sudo09:29
ardchoilleKSHawkEye: always check the repos first before compiling.. there is a good chance the app you want is already compiled and all you need to do is download it.09:29
gaelfxjust mount -l should show you the location and fs type09:29
scriptwarlocktrippy, whats wrong with your webcam09:30
ardchoilleKSHawkEye: other than that, always keep a copy of sources from which you compile09:30
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: Ok so how do i now unmount the filesystem and put it into memory so i can check the whole drive?09:30
Us3r_Unfriendlythnx on the imput09:30
Tristan3199usi need help with a webcam issue09:31
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: because i cant check it mounted09:31
Raj007is there a way to change my mousewheel scroll settings ? currently it's like 12 lines and is too much. Using Ubuntu 10.10 atm.09:31
scriptwarlockTristan3199us, go ahead ask09:31
Tristan3199ushow do i set up the hardware to recognize it, im still pretty new to linux in general so its probably something simple09:31
scriptwarlockTristan3199us, is it a usb webcam?09:31
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: i would try this off a live cd environment, then you can see your partition and check it from there.  Or try the fsck...perhaps from grubs repair console09:32
elkyRaj007, System > Preferences > Mouse is of no use?09:32
Raj007Tristan3199us: this helped me.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam09:32
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: OR is this something I need to handle within root; if so then how do I use root to do this because I have no idea of root commands. I can get into root off my ubuntu server cd. It has a option to fix kernels and boots you into root.09:32
Raj007elky: no such settings there for mouse wheel.09:32
Tristan3199usi usually use ubuntu, but its messed up, so im using BackTrack R4 on my other partition.. Backtrack doesnt seem to have drivers so.... what do i do09:32
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: can grubs do that09:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: i never would say run as root...everyone here will tell you sudo is a better way of handleing this.   I don't think it would work through grub's rescue console but from a live cd, yes09:33
Raj007elky: do you have settings in your mouse preferences for the mouse wheel? Maybe mine is broken :D Such a basic setting.09:33
elkyRaj007, no I don't, I thought there was though.09:34
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: I wish to use sudo but I have no idea how to unmount the filesystem when I am in Gnome.09:34
elkyRaj007, I may be remembering a kde option or something09:34
Us3r_UnfriendlyTristan3199us: apt-cache search kernel09:34
AzizLighthi everybody09:34
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: Is it even possible to unmount whilst your are in the filesystem? I thought that you could.09:34
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: if your running off the partition your trying to unmount...it won't work09:35
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: Sorry I meant running the filesystem09:35
Raj007elky: It's definately there in Windows09:35
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lillecarlyou need to boot with a live cd to skip the mounting of them09:35
AzizLighthow can I get the source of a package with aptitude (the equivalent of apt-get source)09:35
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: Where would you go from here. I have puppy linux on a cd but I dont think that it can fix a drive with bad sectors09:35
lillecarlsince your operating system depends on your system partition you cannot unmout it09:35
elkyRaj007, i haven't used windows for 6 years or so, so I'm unlikely to be remembering it from there.09:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: use the live cd to use fsck -p to a partition09:36
lillecarlamarin, get knoppix ;) much cuter then a puppy xD09:36
Ros_coeif you used LVM you could do all kinds of fun things without interrupting your operating system, like pull the drive out! but sadly LVM is too hard for many :(09:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyelky: your lucky, I have 7 as my girlfriend's partition,  I wish I only had Linux -only- on my drive09:37
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: do you think this will do it: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=20740909:38
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: J/K J/K  !! =-> I call shenanigans, Linux users don't have girlfriends.09:38
amarinlillecarl: I cant burn any cds at the moment09:38
lillecarlthen use puppy :P09:38
lillecarlwell whatever, im going to school ciao :)09:39
elkyRaj007, is the issue just in firefox or also in, say, openoffice?09:39
amarinlilecarl: ok09:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: this linux guy has a girlfriend and she hates linux :(  perhaps it wasn't meant to be.   but to amarin, that should work09:39
Raj007elky: i fixed firefox, i meant general scrolling, say in xchat, nautilus, documents etc.09:39
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Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: Why not just VM like i do?09:40
amarinyup e2fsck doesn't do ext3. I wonder if fsck is on puppy linux09:40
FishFaceRaj007, Is it wireless?09:40
amarinit should be aye?09:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyf a vm09:40
Raj007FishFace: yes.09:40
h3r0hi friend09:40
h3r0i just want to ask about netstat in linux09:41
amarinhi cr33p09:41
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CyberCr33p_do I run apt-get install server09:41
CyberCr33p_to install apache/mysql/php ?09:41
FishFaceRaj007, here is what I do. I dual boot Windows and Ubuntu. Do you?09:41
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: my girlfriend won't want to use a virtual machine to just use her "Windows".09:41
amarinuse sudo apt-get09:41
elkyRaj007, perchance is it a MS Wireless Mobile Mouse 6000.?09:41
CyberCr33p_yes but does the "server" contains them ?09:41
Guest69591can i have netstat in linux that show me fresh list every 10 sec?09:42
ddarkyCyberCr33p_: No. You can install them individually or use !lamp09:42
gaelfxCyberCr33p_: no, you want to install a LAMP stack, right?09:42
ddarky!lamp | CyberCr33p_09:42
ubottuCyberCr33p_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:42
KonnieHello folks. I'm in need of a bit of help in installing Ubuntu on my lappy. Anyone willing to lend some hints? "]09:42
Raj007FishFace: MS Wireless Optical (close)09:42
amarinok im gunna boot into puppy linux09:42
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: what issues you having?09:42
FishFaceRaj007, if you dual boot from Windows to Ubuntu, unplug the mouse while in Ubuntu and it will scroll normally. Yes, that is the mouse I have. The 6000 model.09:42
elkyRaj007, because it's the one mouse model that's popping up with people having this problem.09:43
ddarkyKonnie: Ask away. Download DesktopCD. Burn it. Reboot. Test drive. You like it? Install.09:43
elkyRaj007, i'm just testing something, please hold09:43
Raj007FishFace: No mine is MS Wireless Optical 2.00 (part of Wireless Desktop 3000)09:43
Raj007Well the scroll speed is insance, jumps half a page hah.09:44
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Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: Out of all the distros out there, I believe Ubuntu has to be one of the highest on the install list over other distros.  Unless you want to compile your own kernel :p09:44
Raj007good thing firefox could be fixed though.09:44
FishFaceRaj007, the solution I have is if I am in Windows, then boot to Ubuntu, the mouse scrolls way too much. Unplug the mouse and plug back in. You will be ok.09:44
KonnieWell, I'm using a temporary laptop which is... fairly ancient and slowly dying. So much that Windows XP is frustratingly slow on it. I figured Ubuntu would be a good alternative what with the speed and all. So what would be the best version of Ubuntu to maximise speed for me?09:44
mintux 09:44
Raj007FishFace: Ahh lemme try that.09:44
=== old is now known as SixtyFold
mintuxikonia: hi love09:45
ddarkyKonnie: Try Puppy (imo). Any -desktop metapackages is silly for ancient hardwares.09:45
KonnieAnd also, my processor is apparently not an x86-64 one. The installation says i need an i686(ithink) version.09:45
Raj007FishFace: HOLY MOTHER OF ....09:45
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: for the slowness on windows try "advanced system care"...should repair registry; defrag hdd; delete other tmp files; etc. making it faster.09:45
Raj007FishFace: Thank you, that is the oddest fix i've ever seen.09:46
FishFaceRaj007, isn't that crazy??09:46
KonnieThe system is after several formats... That's as much care as any system can be given isn't it? :p09:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: but i would recommend using a lighter version of ubuntu like lubuntu etc09:46
elkyFishFace, oooh, of course. Raj007 not unlikely really. i used to have a KVM port that messed with it.09:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: what version of firefox you using?09:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: i am running the 4 beta and I got to says I like it!09:47
Raj007elky: Ahh never knew. I never would've imagined either.09:47
FishFaceelky, Yep. Some believe the MS transmitter/receiver holds some kind of windows settings. All I know is that it works :)09:47
elkyRaj007, you could also try installing gpointing-device-settings if you want to try fine-tuning. It doesn't seem to be affecting my stuff, but it might yours.09:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: especially a feature i haven't used before in previous editions like the web console :p09:48
elkyFishFace, it was mere usb I had issues with, but the KVM was probably playing with it still09:48
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: I'm still on 3.6.13 stable. But i have tried Chrome 10.x.xxx Beta and i have to say this is the browser i'm gonna use. It's just too darn fast.09:48
scriptwarlockTristan3199us, so this is about the hardware for bt?09:48
KonnieWill lubuntu be compatible with a non x86-64 processor?09:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: might have to check that out.  i've been also using links lol09:48
Ros_coeKonnie: debian sure is09:49
ddarkyKonnie: Yes. You can just use anything on either processor.09:49
KonnieIm generally just looking for the lightest thing out there, that is at least sort of windows-esque so I don't have to re-learn the whole thing from scratch.09:50
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: yes, i believe that's why they made the version, leaning more towards older machines09:50
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly, Links? Hah. But if you use Google Chrome, get the BETA version. 10 is incredibly fast and i don't know if GPU rendering is helping it be fast(i dunno if it works) but i have it enabled and pre-rendering enabled. This is a beauty.09:50
Us3r_Unfriendlyxbuntu looks light too but lubuntu is probably lighter, anyone else agree?09:50
* scriptwarlock late in responding..09:50
DeadPandaUs3r_Unfriendly, agreed; Crunchbang is also rather light, but not too beginner friendly09:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: might check that out, but i need a addon for a webconsole.  does chrome have that by chance?09:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyDeadPanda: crunchbang also doesn't use gnome09:51
Ros_coeoh. i was thinking SPARC/ARM/POWERPC etc....09:51
KonnieAlright then, lubuntu it is. Cheers. : ] Anything I should be aware of before I start installing it?09:52
KonnieIve never done anything Linux before.09:52
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: I don't know, try checking online.09:52
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: prepair for a smile on your face09:52
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: sounds good09:52
DeadPandaKonnie, backup your data, blah blah09:53
DeadPandaKonnie, other than that it should be fairly smooth; if the pc's old the hardware's probably well supported by now09:53
ddarkyKonnie: if you insist ultimate minimalism, start off with 12MB iso. You end up with nothing. Install openbox + chromium. That should get you your Internet.09:53
ddarkyAlong with few packages such as xorg.09:53
DeadPandaKonnie, how much memory/processing power does this machine have?09:53
aminplease help if I install Nginx via repository where the "nginx config" file and "pid file" would be located09:54
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: i first started on saybyon and I hated linux, cuz i thought that was linux when i first tried it.  you might go distro hopping till you find the one you like.  but nowadays it's ubuntu / arch / fedora / gentoo as the main contenders, then you go from there to what window manager and desktop environment you want to use...might take a while to find what your looking for09:54
KonnieDeadPanda: I've got about 500mb of ram, and about a 1.5Ghz Intel Pentium M... This is off the top of my head from what I peeked at a while back.09:55
Us3r_Unfriendlycrunchbang is ubuntu with openbox...09:55
ddarkyKonnie: What is your purpose for this crappy machine?09:55
zambadoes something equivalent of /etc/skel exist for gnome/X sessions?09:56
Us3r_Unfriendlyenlightment is nice though, and pretty...that's what i use on arch.  But I'm always on Ubuntu now a days09:56
KonnieThat being said, it does not perform like it should. I'm almost certain that half of it has burned to death by now. The purpose... Internet, taking notes, writing, writing, writing.09:56
tristan3100can anyone help me make my camera on my laptop function09:56
Us3r_Unfriendlytristan3100: how so?09:56
JenniferB2how do I install a vnc server on an ubuntu server ( gnome-core and others already installed )09:57
JenniferB2what one should I install ?09:57
KonnieUs3r_Unfriendly: Ill start off with lUbuntu and go from there. I won't be using this for more than a month or two hopefully.09:57
ardchoilleKonnie: I would suggest lubuntu or maybe xubuntu. You may even get by with Ubuntu and a light window manager such as openbox09:57
ddarkyKonnie: 12MB-Mini.iso + xorg + openbox + tint2 + chromium + $YOUR_CHOICE_OF_WORD_PROCESSOR09:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: i'd say lubuntu would be too you liking...but also use light apps as well09:57
tristan3100if i use cheese for example i see colored squares instad09:57
DeadPandaJenniferB2, you might already have one; look in System->Preferences->Remote Desktop09:57
scriptwarlocktristan3100, what could be the problem?09:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyKonnie: lubuntu is what your looking for09:57
tristan3100im using a weird version and the camera function isnt working09:58
Us3r_Unfriendlyssh ftw09:58
JenniferB2DeadPanda: I don't have ubuntu desktop environment.. that's where I want to go :)09:58
DeadPandaah ;) two seconds09:58
tristan3100im using a laptop on skype and they cant see me09:58
JenniferB2I only have the command line :)09:58
Us3r_UnfriendlyJenniferB2: and your not happy with that?09:58
scriptwarlocktristan3100, type lsusb in the terminal to begin with09:59
sy`ddarky: mini.iso + emacs + kernel = desktop :)09:59
JenniferB2Us3r_Unfriendly: well.. I want to use some server gui tools .. so I need a vnc server i think09:59
Us3r_Unfriendlysy`: vi ftw09:59
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: ^_~09:59
ddarkysy`: If you're using emacs, you must had forgotten to install git09:59
DeadPandaJenniferB2, "vino" is the default server in Ubuntu Desktop10:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyddarky: i have both but not with git10:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyddarky: vi is my fav10:00
ardchoilleemacs is a nice OS, perhaps someone will write a good text editor for it someday10:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyardchoille: i was talking about emacs as in text editor10:01
DeadPandaardchoille, because nobody here has ever heard that joke before10:01
sy`ardchoille: You are incorrect, Emacs is the tool in which God constructs the Universe. :)10:01
tristan3100anybody know how to add a camera10:01
ardchoilleDeadPanda: yeah, it's an old joke10:01
Us3r_Unfriendlyit's about to be a vi -vs- emacs battle up in here10:01
tristan3100anyone familar with backtrack, i need to set up a camera on a laptop but have no idea where to start10:01
JenniferB2DeadPanda: I installed that.. but couldn't find out how to start it or set it up using teh command line.. all guides talked about settings > ...10:02
ddarkytristan3100: You're in wrong channel. Ho ho.10:02
Us3r_Unfriendlytristan3100: i do but this is not the channel for backtrack help10:02
scriptwarlocktristan3100, visit #backtrack-linux if its what you need10:02
sy`I program in CL and Clojure so... Emacs > Vim. :)10:02
sy`Vim is nice though, keybinding wise.10:02
DeadPandaJenniferB2, vino's tied closely to user sessions, it might not be what you're after10:02
Us3r_Unfriendlysy`: i believe you still can use vim for that10:02
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sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: You can, but it's not as integrated.10:03
tristan3100scriptwarlock: nobody there.. please help...10:03
DeadPandaJenniferB2, there's tightvncserver, I know the client's high quality, but I've never configured the server before on Linux; might want to check the wiki10:04
scriptwarlocktristan3100, your using backtrack?10:04
ddarkytristan3100: Install cheese. That should work out of the box. Otherwise, I would assume you got a half-incompatible camera.10:04
Us3r_Unfriendlyemacs isn't for me.  I'm a vim lover.  and i've used both but i like vim more.  it a matter of personal opinion on this case.  it's like saying what distro is better.  alot of ppl will get upset10:04
tristan3100scriptwarlock: yes10:05
tristan3100ddarky: i tried.. all i see is colored squares10:05
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: I agree, but I have remapped my movement keys to vim's hjkl. ^_^10:05
andruha1123would anyone be willing to help me out with linux in general? I'm learning linux and im confused on how to do some stuff10:06
Us3r_Unfriendlysy`: i never use those keys lol10:06
ddarkytristan3100: Try a different webcam. Borrow it from a friend or something. And if that works well, there you go. Iirc, it should be plug-n-play.10:06
amarinpuppylinux doesn't support the type of partition i have10:06
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: Arrow user?10:06
sy`andruha1123: Like what?10:06
Us3r_Unfriendlysy`: i am, and i know that's not the proper way but hey, that's me10:06
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: How easy would it be to use root?10:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: easy for me...10:07
andruha1123sy, like how do i do this: "Print out your environment settings. Which variable may be used to store the CPU type of your machine?"10:07
tristan3100says cannot send to channel #backtrack-linux10:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: first you have to address you root account with a password10:07
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: su passwd?10:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: sudo passwd        in a terminal will work10:07
tristan3100anyone feel like helping anyways..10:07
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: You should try to force yourself by disabling the arrow keys. Takes a while but I assume it would benefit you as I believe Vim's HJKL are faster.10:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: then in a terminal:         su -             to log in, and use your new password10:08
amarinpassword updated successfully10:08
amaringot root10:08
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: be careful where you step as root10:08
sy`andruha1123: Maybe I read wrong, in bash?10:08
amarinyup how do i do it as root?10:08
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Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: ...as what as root?10:08
amarincheck the filesystem for bad sectors10:09
amarinoh wait i cant do it i cant unmount10:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin:        fsck -p10:09
andruha1123sy, says I to work in Shell environment10:09
amarinis it the same in root as console?10:09
amarinits not10:09
scriptwarlocktristan3100, lsusb10:09
amarini can get root off my server cd.10:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyumount /dev/andthepartition10:09
amarinpartition is the filesystem?10:10
tryagainplsshello everyone xD. Can I get some help using xchat?10:10
amarinok go to unmount?10:10
Us3r_Unfriendlywell the filestructure is on the partition10:10
samitheberbertryagainplss: what kind of help do you need?10:10
Us3r_Unfriendly<--------wee-chat and irssi, no xchat10:11
amarinso ok10:11
tryagainplsswell.. I need help setting up a LAN server wherein everyone in my network can go chat with each other10:11
amarinHow do i do this from a bash screen10:11
amarinuse fsck -p10:11
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: ERC inside Emacs. ^__^10:11
amarinfrom bash10:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: are you on the live cd...and please don't troll10:11
amarinno not a live cd.10:11
amarinoh sorry yes10:12
amarini can get bash from my cd.10:12
amarinso how do i use bash.10:12
amarinto do fsck -p10:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: use a live cd...if you need to run fsck with a unmounted partition, this method will not work10:12
ddarkytryagainplss: Install pidgin for all machines. Use bonjour.10:13
andruha1123can someone tell what I'm suppose to do for this exercise (im learning linux): "Print out your environment settings. Which variable may be used to store the CPU type of your machine?"10:13
amarinus3r_Unfriendly: I need to use bash I have no live cd that will work but I can get into a bash console.10:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: ....on a running partition that your already on.  you need to use the live cd if it's asking your to unmount the drive your trying to repair10:13
overcluckerandruha1123: type set10:13
tryagainplssddarky: oh okay..10:13
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: I know what about grub.10:13
amarinis it easy to do with grub10:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: try it....            fsck -p10:14
Us3r_Unfriendlywhat's the output10:14
samitheberbertryagainplss: I'm not sure if XChat can provide IRC-server, but there are some other software, which do that10:14
andruha1123overclucker, is that it? what about for the second part of the question10:14
amarinamarin@ubuntu:~$ fsck -p10:14
amarinfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.210:14
amarin/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root is mounted.10:14
amarinWARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***10:14
amarincause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.10:14
FloodBot1amarin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:14
amarinDo you really want to continue (y/n)?10:14
ardchoillesamitheberber: xchat is a client, it doesn't provide an irc server10:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: sudo lshw10:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: sudo dmidecode10:15
overcluckerandruha1123: scroll through the envoronment cariables exposed by set, and find your answer10:15
samitheberberardchoille: yeah, I thought so10:15
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, thank you, will try that10:15
samitheberbertryagainplss: like ardchoille told, you can't do that with XChat10:16
amaringrubs hardout10:16
Us3r_Unfriendlytryagainplss: what are you trying to do in xchat?10:16
sacarlsonamarin: sounds like it might be an encrypted luks partition10:16
tryagainplsswell... not exactly xchat10:16
amarinits encrypted10:16
tryagainplssbut what I need is a type of irc server wherein everyone in my network can chat with each other10:16
tryagainplssfor a lan party10:16
ardchoilletryagainplss: you might look into dancer ircd10:17
Us3r_Unfriendlytryagainplss: make your own on a server10:17
amarinthis is my question now: can I use terminal to force fsck -p at boot. Wont that fix my bad sectors and the filesystem wont be mounted?10:17
Pumpkin-tryagainplss: I'm not sure if any ircd's are pacakged for ubuntu, but plenty exist and the ones I'm familiar with at least are easy enough to build.10:17
tryagainplssmake your own on a server. yes that is what im trying to do. but dont konw how to10:17
Us3r_Unfriendly /join "your own channel"10:17
ardchoilletryagainplss: dancer-ircd is in the repos10:18
amarinif I could force fsck -p at boot that would work correct?10:18
ardchoilletryagainplss: or you could have them all join #tryagainplss here on freenode :)10:18
amarinbut....I dont know what forces it at boot.10:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: nope your partition should mount at boot10:18
Jordan_U!fsck | amarin10:19
ubottuamarin: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:19
amarinUs3r_Unfriendly: can I buy linux on a usb stick via the internetz?10:19
bazhang!cn | hlinuxer10:20
ubottuhlinuxer: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk10:20
amarinJordan_U but i need to force it to do -p is that possible?10:20
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: or you could use unetbootin, ubuntu.iso, and a flashdrive and save some $10:20
amarinus3r_friendly: ! gold!!!10:20
amarinnever thought of that10:20
amarinthanks matey10:20
amarinyou just solved my problem10:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyhere's a question, has anyone made a bootable windows flashdrive off a LINUX system??10:21
tryagainplssI see,10:21
tryagainplssthanks everyone10:21
bazhangUs3r_Unfriendly, try in ##windows10:22
DeadPandaUs3r_Unfriendly, it's super possible10:22
DeadPandaUs3r_Unfriendly, most of the tools you use to achieve it in Windows are ported from Linux anyway10:22
folklorethere a command to resolve a hostname in linux?10:22
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, can't you just boot windows with vmware in linux? (im a newb to linux, so this might be stupid)10:22
amarincan somebody recommend me a program that I can boot off a usb that will fix my bad sectors on my hdd10:22
sacarlsonUs3r_Unfriendly: I have had persistent linux systems on usb flash and I have had windows run in virtualbox on windows so I know that I could run windows from usb form linux10:22
Pumpkin-folklore: "host"10:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: that is my solution, but i'm looking for a cli way of doing it, creating a mbr and cp -r everything over10:23
doodiewhere are soundfont (SF2) files located ?10:23
ddarkyamarin: Great idea scenario. Back up your hard drive. Get another hard drive.10:24
sacarlsonUs3r_Unfriendly: there are methods on the pendrive site you might want to see10:24
Us3r_Unfriendlyi've actually made a windows 7 bootable flashdrive from a virtual machine of 7 and with some windows program, but personally I hate windows.  That's why I asked.  I would like to achieve this goal from a Linux/unix system10:25
balouhi, i'm using Ubuntu Jaunty,  and have installed miramar (thunderbird 3.3) , but all email that get sent from outlook turn attachments into winmail.dat files10:25
Us3r_Unfriendly...a linux/unix system, alone...no windows10:25
baloui've tried to find a solution that works online, but failed ... does anyone have this working in mirimar  (i know this is probably more a thunderbird question than ubuntu)10:25
Jordan_U!eol | balou10:25
ubottubalou: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:25
amarinddarky: I cant afford another hdd.10:25
ddarkyddarky: Every HDD have a life expectancy. Nothing lasts forever.10:26
ddarkyWhy did I just tab myself? ._.10:26
amarinddarky: I dont know10:26
ddarkyamarin: That message was for you.10:26
amarinddarky: Yes, thank you.10:26
ardchoilleddarky: you must be using my keyboard :)10:26
Us3r_Unfriendlymy girlfriend actually did could last christmas, she bought me a external hdd that she saw in one of her girly megazines.10:26
ddarkyardchoille: :)10:26
amarinddarky: What can i run from a usb that will fix bad sectors on a encrypted hdd10:27
Us3r_Unfriendly*not could/ good10:27
amarinI dont wish to use linux.10:27
amarinunless I have to.10:27
Bohemian_CowI think you might be in the wrong channel then Amarin ;)10:28
amarinbohemian_Cow: your right10:28
scriptwarlockamarin, go buy usb stick and put ubuntu on it in that way you dont need a hard disk anymore10:28
andruha1123how do i disable the popup asking me for the password everytime i leave my computer for few minutes? its really annoying10:28
ddarkyamarin: You should try asking in #lvm since you're using encrypted hdd -- The chance is that it may be using lvm and they may give better suggestions. Really, just get another hard drive. We're not talking about a Ferrari here.10:28
coraxxamarin: you have to :-)10:28
Us3r_Unfriendlyamarin: you should give a chance.  I hated linux when i first began, but i like it now.  especially with all the stuff i can do with it.  here's my desktop:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHg5E3nh6Rs&hd=110:29
Bohemian_CowA Mac might be able to read the LVM info if you have acces to one10:29
andruha1123yeah, hard drives are sooo cheap now-a-days10:29
Bohemian_Cowwith the right software of course10:29
scriptwarlockandruha1123, maybe you activated the screensaver10:29
amarinwhat version of linux would fix a lvm10:29
amarinlogical volume manager hardrive10:29
amarinencrypted or something.10:30
andruha1123scriptwarlock, lol that was obvious10:30
Bohemian_Cowif its an encrypted volume you dont have the password to, just give up10:30
amarini have the password10:30
Raj007andruha1123: Just go to Settings-> Screensaver and uncheck the box "Lock screen...."10:30
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: ok ... I just gotta have that 'digital globe' as a background ...and be able to rotate the windows :-) ... will you share how/where you got it :) ?10:30
amarinwhat versions10:31
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: I stole it from a russian website10:31
amarinof linux a new version downloaded form linux.com will correct.10:31
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: cool :-)10:31
baloucan anyone recommend a good winmail.dat reader for ubuntu10:31
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: can i see what coraxx is talking about ? :)10:31
varunthackerhas the ideas list for GSOC 2011 from Ubuntu been released yet?10:31
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: that will teach 'em10:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHg5E3nh6Rs&hd=110:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: it's what i'm running off of10:31
Bohemian_CowAmarin checkout: www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk10:32
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: congratulations you just bought yourself a whole lot of questions from me on how to customize mine.10:32
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: seriously ...I did see the rotate window effect as something you could setup manually in compiz or somethin' .... but how did you do it ...was it simple....did you have to install suplemental packages ?10:33
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: yeah i usually get that alot after i show ppl that video10:33
Bohemian_CowTestDisk helped me out on a old FAT32 drive might work for you too10:33
Bohemian_CowSince LVM is supported in it10:33
amarinBohemian_Cow: Can test disk fix bad sectors?10:33
Bohemian_CowWell it can help get your stuff off it10:33
amarinBohemian_Cow: Sorry I meant block off bad sectors.10:33
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: compiz yes, video wallpaper is a script at boot i wrote with mplayer and "xwinwrap"10:33
Bohemian_Cowso you can repartition it10:33
Bohemian_Cowof bad blocks10:34
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: first question - How the background?10:34
Bohemian_CowBad blocks is a whole other issue10:34
Raj007err wallpaper even.10:34
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: a .avi; xwinwrap; mplayer10:34
amarinBohemian_Cow: unsure of what you mean. I wish to do something similar to fsck -p10:34
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: command:    xwinwrap -ni -o 0.5 -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet -nosound -loop 0 /home/eric/Downloads/Startup Wallpaper/digital_world.wmv10:35
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: will that way (if i look it up) allow me to place icons on the desktop (i doubt it, so asking)10:35
sacarlsonamarin: in ubuntu a luks encrypted disk is opened easily with System>admin>disk utility, with that you can mount an encrypted disk with a gui10:35
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: nope and yes...the -o 0.5 makes it transparent, ableing me to click on icons10:35
Bohemian_Cowis your LVM setoup spread over several disks?10:35
sacarlsonamarin: sorry in your case decrypt and mount10:36
amarinsacarlson: Will a new version of ubuntu support lvm?10:36
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: if at 1.0 then nope10:36
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sacarlsonamarin: even older will back to 8.0410:36
ddarkyamarin: Definitely.10:36
amarincool thanks10:36
amarinwhat im gunna do is10:36
amarinmake  a usb of the latest ubuntu. Boot into that usb and use that to fsck -p the drive i am currently mounted on.10:37
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: ah ok10:37
amarinthat should do it.10:37
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: I also had to install compiz experimental plugins that you don't usually get to use.  Xwinwrap is running mplayer as my background10:37
sacarlsonamarin: if the disk is good just see if it mounts with what I said above10:37
andruha1123:( why is linux so hard to understand? so confusing!! (I have to work in terminal)10:37
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: I see no use of this (other than OMG Cool factor) but how do you rotate the windows in a circle and so forth?10:38
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: this workstation I'm using now is using the experimental compiz too ...the unstable one ...it works fine tho.10:38
amarinsacarlson: The disk is mounted i wish to block off any bad sectors.10:38
erUSULandruha1123: all powerfull things are somewhat complex :)10:38
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: ditto on Raj007's question10:38
sacarlsonamarin: if it has bad sectors just copy what you can and reformat10:38
Bohemian_Cow@ Andry: when you get over the first scare of using a console youll find  that its often a whole lot easier to fix stuff10:38
amarinsacarlson: Done that twice.10:38
scriptwarlockandruha1123, linux is not windows10:38
amarinsacarlson: Is it even worth blocking off bad sectors?10:39
andruha1123erUSUL, i just wish there were some instruction on how to do these exercises I have to do.. it just tell me to do it10:39
sacarlsonamarin: then time to use it as a music video disk or trash it10:39
amarinsacarlson: ok10:39
amarinsacarlson: I have another question can you help me10:39
andruha1123scriptwarlock, i never said it was windows :P10:39
erUSULandruha1123: bash programming?10:39
ardchoilleerUSUL: that's probably the best statement I've seen in this channel in a long while10:39
ddarkyandruha1123: Your brain have been warped from using too much Windows. Everything in life have a learning curve. Once you get over that learning curve, everything will be trickling down the river beautifully.10:39
erUSULandruha1123: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide10:39
scriptwarlockandruha1123, things are diffrent here than windows10:39
sacarlsonamarin: that would be dependent on the subject10:39
erUSULardchoille: :)10:40
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: your right on that, no purpose other than i get laid from my desktop.  your going to have to install ccsm and "extra plugins" from the repos10:40
andruha1123erUSUL, yeah, its just the beginning of class.. but we are getting there10:40
amarinI need to make ubuntu update opendns with my ip address10:40
sacarlsonamarin: it would require more detail than DNS10:40
coraxxddarky: how very delightfulle poetically put :-)10:40
amarini am on dynamic ip10:40
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: already done, which setting is that? and how to activate it?10:40
andruha1123ddarky, yeah.. wish i could just download "how to use linux" into my brain...10:40
Us3r_Unfriendlythe spinning part?10:40
mk0hello people. Is it possible to make aliases for "run command (alt-f2)" launcher like aliases for shell to start long commands like e.g. "/home/tabor/.local/bin/opera-ragnarok-labs"?10:41
ddarkyandruha1123: It is no difference than "How to raise my kid right"10:41
sacarlsonamarin: then use something like noip2  to setup a noip.com dns and cname your real site to that if you have one10:41
Bohemian_CowHell to chat from work I am running a SSH tunnel to my home pc and running irssi to chat. Linux: enabling me to slack of at work on a locked down windows PC.10:41
andruha1123i mean, linux is pretty easy to use if you are using the graphic interface.. but have to work with terminal (i understand that if i learn this, it will work pretty much the same on most distros)10:42
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: enable having atleast 4 desktops screens on your machine.  then go to ccsm and enable the desktop cube, rotate cube, 3d windows and cube reflection and deformation10:42
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Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: coraxx:   then tweak it to your liking10:43
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: oh i already got that. that wasn't my question.10:43
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: Each application, you're able to rotate app's window in a circle.10:43
amarinsacarlson: thanks10:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: that's the experimental plugins10:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: how good is your git?10:43
Bohemian_Cow@ Andru: Thats one of the major points of learning the console yes10:43
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: I already have a setting-manager installed for compiz ...however I can't find anything in regards to spinning window ...do you know where it is and what the plugin is called ?10:44
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: Using Linux after 10 years. No idea of git. But learning.10:44
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: sudo apt-get install ccsm compiz-fusion-plugins-extra10:44
Raj007ack make that 12 years gosh it's been that long :D10:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyi've been straight 2 or 3 years without windows now10:45
amarinhow many years experience do you need to work for ubuntu10:45
Us3r_Unfriendlythank god for vista10:45
amarinof linux10:45
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: already did that ..then what ?10:45
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: Lol yeah that was a disaster, i went back to XP back then.10:45
amarindo you get qualifications for linux10:45
amarinubuntu linux10:45
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: enable having atleast 4 desktops screens on your machine.  then go to ccsm and enable the desktop cube, rotate cube, 3d windows and cube reflection and deformation10:45
andruha1123vista was fun! my new laptop could barely run it...10:46
sacarlsonamarin: look in the freelance sites if you can do the job your hired10:46
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: that's for the spinning world thing10:46
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: i guess what are you trying to get with the compiz part?10:46
Bohemian_CowVista was a heap of troubles for me. Win7 however is running miles better on my gaming machine10:46
ddarkyandruha1123: Wait until Windows 8 come out! Norton Antivirus will be embedded in! Whoot! :P10:46
eddy85still like ubuntu\10:47
MaslowKandruha1123: Try windows 98 :P10:47
Bohemian_CowEmbedded Norton *shivers*10:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:47
eddy8598 sucks10:47
quuphey, I just booted up but now it's like I have no theme at all, it looks very early 90s everything10:47
MaslowKddarky: Seriously?10:47
MaslowKAt the norton bit10:47
Raj007Bohemian_Cow: I agree, Windows 7 is just so darn good and stable.10:47
Us3r_Unfriendlymore cow bell Bohemian_Cow10:47
coraxxUs3r_Unfriendly: the spinning part ....how do I activate it...maybe its already on ?10:47
andruha1123ddarky, lol...10:47
bazhanglets get back to Ubuntu support please10:47
eddy85windows 7 still uses to many resources10:47
=== Bohemian_Cow is now known as Bohemian_Cowbell
Raj007I can see why Us3r_Unfriendly's girlfriend won't move away from it :D10:47
ddarkyMaslowK: No. But they ought to.10:47
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: like the spinning terminal or the spinning desktops?10:48
Us3r_Unfriendlycoraxx: they're 2 different compiz plugins for that stuff10:48
shomonwhat is the best way to have an ssh server on my machine? is it enough to just download openssh-server?10:48
andruha1123MaslowK, i used to have win98.. it was great!10:48
Raj007coraxx: CTRL-ALT move mouse left right10:48
bazhang!ot > andruha112310:48
ddarkyshomon: "sudo apt-get install ssh"10:48
ubottuandruha1123, please see my private message10:48
erUSULshomon: yes10:48
Raj007coraxx: err while holding the left button.10:48
erUSUL!sshd | shomon10:49
ubottushomon: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)10:49
MaslowKMe too, twas the first os I used extensively @ andruha112310:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyactually Raj007 and coraxx, i couldn't get my girlfriend hooked with compiz like i do with everyone else, she thinks it's more complicated10:49
sacarlsonshomon: I would just apt-get install ssh  but also change the listen port of the server to something other than 2210:49
* MaslowK wonders if ubuntu 10.10 would play nicer with his wireless than 10.04 ;/10:49
Us3r_UnfriendlySSH ftw!!10:49
eddy85whats up ppl10:49
MaslowKUs3r_Unfriendly: How is compiz complicated? :|10:50
Raj007Us3r_Unfriendly: well i know many people just hate the CLI, and no matter what bells and whistles (compiz etc) you have, truth is, if you're going to use Linux, you NEED to use CLI (very hard not to) unlike Win710:50
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MaslowKLast time I used it (back on version 8.something) it required next to no configuration10:50
=== SirNeo is now known as aaaaa
Bohemian_CowbellCompiz is abit to flashy for my tastes too10:50
sacarlsonMaslowK: if it's working don't mess with it10:50
=== aaaaa is now known as SirNeo
MaslowKsacarlson: Thats the problem, it isnt working at all.10:51
shomonthanks sacarlson10:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyMaslowK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHg5E3nh6Rs&hd=110:51
MaslowKI couldnt manage to get either the linux driver for my chipset or the windows driver with ndiswrapper going10:51
sacarlsonMaslowK: well I do notice that my 10.10 is working better than 10.04 for my ralink not sure why10:51
shomonthanks erUSUL too!10:51
MaslowKSo, assuming I did everything right, I'm hoping its something they maybe fixed in 10.1010:52
DeleriusAnyone recommend a good USB DVB-S2 card?10:52
MaslowKI'd try 10.10 myself but A) No blank CDs and B) No USB boot support10:52
sacarlsonMaslowK: I was able to try it in virtualbox by the way10:52
=== Guest44470 is now known as sxndave
MaslowKEh, I imagine the environment would be different doing it that way10:52
MaslowKOr something10:52
andruha1123how do i create a simple script in shell? and how do I give it permission? Do I use chmod?10:52
MaslowKIm just talking out my arse now though. lol.10:53
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: I agree with you completely, hell, now on my desktop i have 2 integrated shells on my background as well10:53
sogeking99hey guys whats this really annoying 'keyring' thats asking for default password everytime i try to connect to my network?10:53
linux_loverheloo every one10:53
linux_loveri need a help10:53
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: yes10:53
icerootsogeking99: keyring is managing your other passwords like wifi-access with a master-password10:53
sacarlsonMaslowK: you don't need to install anything with usb or cd with virtualbox I just point to the iso and install it10:53
iceroot!details | linux_lover10:53
ubottulinux_lover: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:53
linux_loveri want to run awindows program using10:53
linux_loverbuti get an executable bit error10:54
MaslowKlinux_lover: Which one?10:54
lahwranI have 50K files in a directory and would like to rename them sequentially; however, a for i in * does not cut it as bash cannot handle that many arguments. anyone know a solution?10:54
linux_loverplzz help10:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: nano:    #!/binbash           then:             sudo chmod +x ./yourfile10:54
MaslowKOh, thats beyond me10:54
amarinSetting up noip2 (2.1.9-3) ...10:54
icerootlinux_lover: chmod +x yourwindowsfile.exe10:54
amarinAuto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.10:54
amarinNo hosts are available for this user.10:54
amarinGo to www.no-ip.com and create some!10:54
amarinConfiguration file can NOT be created.10:54
FloodBot1amarin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:54
Us3r_Unfriendly* #!/bin/bash   whoops10:54
MaslowKsacarlson: wouldnt the "network device" ubuntu sees be different than what you actually have when using virtualbox?10:54
syrinxlinux_lover: thats not a valid question10:54
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, what does "nano:    #!/binbash" do?10:54
linux_loverthanx icerooot10:54
iceroot!tab | linux_lover10:55
ubottulinux_lover: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:55
sacarlsonamarin: you need to setup an account with noip.com and modify the noip2 config file with the new account info10:55
MaslowKAlthough I guess I could just do wubi and try it on that, ive heard wubi has issues of some sort though.10:55
sogeking99oh, can i disable it?10:55
amarinsacarlson: I have but I got that error message10:55
amarinit wont create a read copy of the noip config10:55
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: nano is a cli text editor then you'd start a script with:   #!/bin/bash          ...then you would write your script, then make it executable10:55
sxndaveMaslowK: slower disk IO I beleive10:55
MaslowKsxndave: That wouldnt bother me10:55
MaslowKJust wouldnt want to install it then have it be the reason my wireless doesnt work10:56
sxndaveMaslowK: though I usually use vmware player under windows and perfromance is generally pretty good.10:56
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: but i think you should jump off the deep end and try vim or emacs...it'll pay off in the long run10:56
* MaslowK shrugs10:56
MaslowKIm poor10:56
sacarlsonMaslowK: no you give virtualbox permision to access the real hardware device in my case a usb wifi device10:56
sxndaveMaslowK: its free ;)10:56
Us3r_UnfriendlyMaslowK: i have a girlfriend and i too am poor10:56
MaslowKvmware is?10:56
MaslowKlol Us3r_Unfriendly10:56
MaslowKThat tends to happen10:56
sxndaveMaslowK: 'vmware player' is10:56
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, thanks, thats what was recommended which is better vim or emacs?10:57
gaelfx!vmware | MaslowK10:57
ubottuMaslowK: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware10:57
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: seriously that question is like asking what god you love more10:57
MaslowKThink I'll just try wubi and see what happens.10:57
sxndavegood poin gaelfx10:57
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, lol ok.. makes sense10:57
MaslowKNow to make space, I have like, 400mb available atm :P10:57
sy`andruha1123: VIM for sysadmin, Emacs for development. But Us3r_Unfriendly is right, hard question to answer.10:57
llutzandruha1123: emacs is fine, it just lacks a good editor :)10:57
sxndaveI will have to learn my way rounf that bot sometime10:57
MaslowKAnd choose between KDE and gnome10:58
gaelfxsxndave: I can't really take credit for it though10:58
sogeking99can i diablwe keyring10:58
Raj007andruha1123: stick with nano while you're still learning.10:58
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: both are great text editors that use commands and such10:58
Raj007andruha1123: it's easier for beginners.10:58
Us3r_Unfriendlywell if your learning you should just use gedit10:58
andruha1123Raj007, i think i will do that until i know what im doing...10:58
gaelfxMaslowK: you could just use a livecd/usb, the try-it-before-you-buy it method10:58
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, gotcha10:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyvim and emacs is like going to heaven and kissing god10:59
MaslowKThat would mean either getting a blank disc or waiting for one to come in the mail =/10:59
linux_loverntfs volume are not mounting in ubuntu10:59
gaelfxI think if you plan on learning to use something, it's best to use the actual thing, not something easier10:59
MaslowKUnfortunately I'm impatient10:59
linux_loverplz help10:59
linux_loverntfs volume are not mounting in ubuntu10:59
gaelfxMaslowK: you can make a liveusb as well10:59
linux_loverplz help ntfs volume are not mounting in ubuntu11:00
Us3r_Unfriendlynano is like calling a ex girlfriend and hanging out11:00
greppyfrom a user standpoint, the default keybindings for nano will translate to emacs easier than going to (n)vi(m)11:00
Us3r_Unfriendlya bad ex11:00
gaelfx!unetbootin | MaslowK11:00
ubottuMaslowK: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:00
MaslowKgaelfx: This mobo is lame, doesnt support booting from USB11:00
Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: true11:00
MaslowKThink its from somewhere around um11:00
sy`If you are a ninja, use Vim. If you are a pirate, use Emacs.11:00
gaelfxMaslowK: is it what, ten years old? or phoenix bios?11:00
MaslowKIve already looked into it.11:00
Us3r_Unfriendlybut you should just use gedit.........way easier11:00
sxndaveMaslowK: someone was in here yesterday who gets around that by using a bootmanager on cd. can't remember what it was called but there muyst be a few around11:00
linux_lovericeroot plzz help bro11:00
MaslowKAnd yeah, phoenix bios11:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyit's like using notepad in windows11:01
Raj007sy`: what if i'm a ninja pirate?11:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyRaj007: no way, you too?11:01
MaslowKI'm just gonna try wubi and see what happens me thinks11:01
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, dude, notepad is the best.. i use it for everything :D11:01
sy`Raj007: Then use Emacs with viper-mode11:01
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: and i use vim11:01
linux_lovercannot mount ntfs volume on ubuntu11:01
andruha1123well, i use notepad++...11:01
MaslowKUs3r_Unfriendly: I always thought nano was easy enough to use11:01
Raj007sy`: ack !11:01
Us3r_Unfriendlybut isn't gedit even easier, especially if your coming from windows?11:01
gaelfxnah, if you really wanna confuse people about what you're writing, you should right binary files that tell the cpu tp right a certain character or string to a particular address in memory11:02
Us3r_Unfriendlythere's no command prompt text editor that i ever used in windows11:02
Raj007yeah it is.11:02
MaslowKI still prefer nano, if only because it keeps the text editing in the same window that I'm browsing to said files in the first place from11:02
* gaelfx used hookt-awn-fawnics11:02
linux_loverplzz someone helpppp11:02
MaslowKI guess if you're really computer inept11:02
greppyUs3r_Unfriendly: <ot>I've written HTML in dos edit :) on an 8088 :) </ot>11:03
MaslowKBut in that case you shouldnt be using linux at all11:03
MaslowKimo ymmv11:03
linux_lovermaslowk plz help11:03
Us3r_Unfriendlygreppy: can you run commands outside of emacs?11:03
Us3r_Unfriendly...from inside emacs?11:03
MaslowKlinux_lover: I don't know what the problem is, my ntfs partitions have always mounted manually upon installation11:03
sy`If you want to be hardcore, use Emacs. If you want to just set up a config and just get straight to developing, then Vim.11:03
greppyUs3r_Unfriendly: yes.  you can even have a shell in a buffer, or a web browser, or an IRC client.  I've even used vi inside a shell running in an emacs buffer.11:04
sy`<--- Using irc client inside Emacs right now.11:04
MaslowKMy 'nix experience is limited to compiling software from source and using live cd's to access protected windows files11:04
scriptwarlocklinux_lover, whats the problem?11:04
shomonI've never touched the firewall on this computer since installing 10.04. to open an ssh port, do I jsut run "allow 22"?11:05
dr0idis mkdir the best way to create a directory ? :)11:05
andruha1123would this be a SIMPLE script? echo "Hello $USER" ( i just need anything that would run and print something out11:05
shomonI mean with ufw of course11:05
navnis there any ubuntu version with ltsp11:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: yes11:05
navni want ubuntu cd with ltsp11:06
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, does it have to have a certain extension to run? like a .sh or something?11:06
shomonandruha1123: did you give it executable permissions?11:06
sy`shomon: I think sudo ufw allow 2211:06
shomonthanks sy`11:06
navnubuntu with ltsp  cd i want11:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: well echo only displays text and your variable user is the user your logged in as.  if you also want to run commands you'll need to write more to your script.  usually people write it to a .sh file11:07
shomonso like that it will automagically just keep the port open each reboot?11:07
andruha1123shomon, would I do this: chmod 5 filename?11:07
david__I have a question about conky, anyone familiar?11:07
shomonif it's for yoru own use chmod 777 is fine11:07
MaslowK"Of course, many will feel that when average users start using their (kde) desktop environment they will no longer be “cool,”" <--- I dont get people like this =/11:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: have you checked out "Metalx1000" on youtube.  He's top notch on your trying to do11:08
=== CyberCr33p_ is now known as CyberCr33p
sy`shomon: It should. Check "man ufw" for reference.11:08
Raj007I'm just Learning crap by lurking here and reading. :)11:08
amarinwhat is going on here: amarin@ubuntu:~$ noip2 -S11:08
amarinCan't locate configuration file /var/lib/noip2/noip2.conf. (Try -c). Ending!11:08
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, thanks, but im not trying to write anything really, just learning how to do simple stuff in terminal and stuff11:08
amarinbut I have configured it?11:08
sy`Raj007: Emacs user?11:08
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, thanks, will check him out!11:08
david__esing, hi11:08
esinghow can I make hidden files/folders in my home folder all the time not visible_11:08
Raj007sy`: used to but i haven't touched for 12+ years.11:08
esinghi daiv__11:08
shomonthanks again sy`11:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: and that's why i recomend watching him.  a ton of terminal videos on good to know stuff...including vim :p11:09
sy`shomon: np :)11:09
dr0idls won't show all the hidden files, is there some way to show the hidden files with ls and without using --all ? :P11:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: ls -A11:09
amarinnoip2==problem amarin@ubuntu:~$ noip2 -S11:09
amarinCan't locate configuration file /var/lib/noip2/noip2.conf. (Try -c). Ending!11:09
david__Raj007, put a "." as the first char in the filename/folder name11:09
dr0idohh, it's ok :P11:09
PeterNLor ls -a11:09
andruha1123wow 814 vids!11:09
AbhijiT_ls -all dr0id11:09
sy`Raj007: Oh, I was going to provide you a Lispish link so you can stop lurking. lol11:09
sacarlsonamarin: did you read the man noip2?  did you try sudo noip2 -C11:09
PeterNLor ls .*11:09
MaslowKesing: If you're trying to do that to keep someone else who uses the computer from seeing your stuff11:09
MaslowKJust create a separate user account for them11:09
Us3r_UnfriendlyPeterNL: ls -a includes . ..11:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyls -A doesn't11:10
PeterNLUs3r_Unfriendly: yep11:10
Raj007sy`: lol, no haven't touched Linux since 1999.11:10
Raj007or any *nix11:10
sy`Raj007: ouch lol11:10
esingls -A does the opposite .11:10
Us3r_Unfriendlyso list your current directory and your the parent directory11:10
sy`LadKiwi: hi11:10
esingMaslowk No I do this for me , because it troules11:10
MaslowKIt what?11:11
esingMaslowk troubles me to find my folder because of the many hidden files11:11
esingMaslowk I only want to see my download folder desktop etc11:11
LadKiwiI would like to run a command on a distant computer. The execution time is long I would like the calculation continue after I closed my connection11:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: what's the folder called?11:11
LadKiwihow can I do ?11:11
PeterNLLadKiwi: use screen11:11
Raj007sy`: well you can help me since i'm laid off now, good link to re-learn emacs (i'm not really a  n00blet)11:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: like ~/    ?11:11
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen11:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: or another directory you created called home?11:11
amarinnoip2 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss11:12
Us3r_Unfriendlycd ~/ && ls -a11:12
esingin that folder I see all hidden files/folder11:12
amarinsacarlson: Yes i've used noip2 -C three times now11:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: from nautilus you see all the hidden folders?11:12
esingnow it worked11:12
PeterNLMy wifi is not working. I have a rt2571WF which uses the rt73usb driver. When I do iwlist wlan0 scan it says this: "Failed to read scan data : resource temporarily unavailable" and dmesg had a lot of these: http://pastebin.com/7fYDSUnr. I do have the firmware installed. The same thing happens on two different squeeze installs.11:12
sacarlsonLadKiwi: you can ssh in and use yourcommand &  so it runs in the background11:12
Raj007esing: In the folder window, go to menu EDIT-> Preferences and check "Show hidden files"11:12
amarinsacarlson: no ip2 -C says that it has done everything correctly then it doesnt work11:12
sacarlsonamarin: I don't see sudo in that line11:13
amarini used sudo11:13
amarinit prints this11:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: lol i don't know exactly how you found the fix but okay good11:13
esingthanks buddy11:13
sacarlsonamarin: I assume you failed to create an account did you verify your account at noip.com is active?11:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: on what part?  I'm confused11:13
esingls -a worked11:14
amarinsacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571653/11:14
sacarlsonamarin: sounds good to me11:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyesing: ls:  will show you unhidden folders     ls -a:   will show you everything.     ls -Ralh:  is like using tree11:15
sy`Raj007: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/index.html --  http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html -- http://www.psg.com/~dlamkins/sl/contents.html -- http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/ss-toc2.html -- http://clojure.org --11:15
sacarlsonamarin: so does the file exist at /var/??11:15
amarinsarcarlson: its ok i fixed it. Thanks though11:15
Raj007sy`: woah thanks, lemme bookmark them.11:15
Hans_Henriki wish to put up a SOCKS5 proxy, and make it run on port 21; how can i do that?11:15
amarinsacarlson: So how do i make this update opendns, is that in opendns webpage?11:15
sy`Raj007: I have maybe 500+ bookmarks lol. So I quickly grabbed some.11:16
sacarlsonamarin: opendns is just a world dns so your noip.com site will be seen there also11:16
Us3r_Unfriendlylooks like your going to the darkside with emacs lol11:16
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: lol11:16
amarinsacarlson: so opendns is automatic with noip.com site?11:16
Us3r_Unfriendlymaybe one day i too might permently go to emacs...but i'm having too much fun with vim11:17
sacarlsonamarin: yes noip.com is also a world site they all link together11:17
Us3r_Unfriendlyhow about joe's editor?  I haven't used that before11:17
Raj007sy`: i didn't even know of clojure until now.11:18
sy`Raj007: It's built off the Java jvm. :)11:18
amarinsacarlson: Thats really trippy got anything i can read up on that11:18
Us3r_Unfriendlytonight was probably the first time no one has told me to get on subject in here11:18
sy`Raj007: You can use vim for it of course but it will obviously benefit more in an emacs environment.11:18
sacarlsonamarin: if you have a site the you own dns site you pay for you can also link that to your noip.com with cname through the registra dns server11:19
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: never too late >.<11:19
Us3r_Unfriendlysy`: i do use both, i just use vim all the time11:19
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: I just prefer the VIM key bindings. Much faster imho.11:20
sacarlsonamarin: I'm not sure what you want to know about dns,  if you want details on how you can become your own dns server you might research bind911:20
sy`for cursor movement11:20
Us3r_Unfriendlysy`: it did look cool when the kid in "The Social Network" movie was using emacs11:20
amarinsacarlson: How do i make noip2 update all the time. It says it only updates my ip for 60 days11:20
amarinsacarlson: I just wish for opendns to block porn11:20
andruha1123how do i get help on commands in terminal?  what do i type after the command? is it something like "help" or "h"?11:20
sy`Us3r_Unfriendly: lol11:21
erUSULandruha1123: "man command"11:21
amarinsacarlson: but i have a dynamic ip, but im all good now it says its working and you said that they are connected on the internetz11:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyandruha1123: man "command name"  or  "command" --help11:21
nibblerandruha1123, man command. or just tab-tab to get list of available commands11:21
sacarlsonamarin: I think that's 60 days of no activity as long as you use it then it will stay11:21
erUSULandruha1123: althought many progrmans may have a -h or --help option too11:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyboom helped11:21
sy`Raj007: You can use Clojure on Google App Engine also. It's well supported by Ubuntu.11:21
andruha1123haha, this is so much better than google :D11:21
sy`So you can create a test application for free if you wanted to.11:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyyou had like 20 guys hit you with the same answer, need help with taxes?11:22
amarinsacarlson: cool its just funny so how does opendns and no-ip work together wouldn't open dns have to authenticate the no-ip request for them to pass my ip address along to opendns?11:22
erUSULandruha1123: for a start see the man of  man « man man » :)11:23
amarinsacarlson: and how does opendns know that my ip is at no-ip11:23
andruha1123haha manual for a manual...11:23
Raj007sy`: ahh i see.11:23
sacarlsonamarin:  same way opendns knows where google.com is ,  it's just a big linked data base11:23
Us3r_Unfriendlyi like "man" because of the key bindings, much like "less" or like vim key bindings11:24
amarinsacarlson: can you link me to something to read about on that topic. im not sure what to google but im interested.11:24
amarinsacarlson: thanks for that, you've been really helpful i've been trying to get this for days.11:24
sacarlsonamarin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System11:24
Us3r_UnfriendlyWell i had fun guys, but time for me to hit the hay11:24
Us3r_Unfriendlysee you guys later11:25
erUSULUs3r_Unfriendly: well that's because you are using less to view the pages...11:25
Raj007alright good night Us3r_Unfriendly11:25
andruha1123Us3r_Unfriendly, thanks for helping me! and have a good night :)11:25
Raj007lol good morning from where i'm from :) 3:30 AM11:25
birdinatuxwest coast11:26
sy`Raj007: Also, since Lisp loves math.. here you go --> http://www.khanacademy.org/11:26
andruha1123well.. its still dark outside.. so its night to me :P11:26
sy`5:26am here :)11:26
Us3r_UnfriendlyerUSUL: less -i /etc/sudoers    is "like" how the man pages work with it's key bindings, check it out11:26
Raj007no left coast !11:26
andruha1123sy we are in the same timzone..11:26
sy`andruha1123: Howdy partner! Yehaw!11:26
andruha1123lol im in chicago!... no cowboys here...11:27
erUSULUs3r_Unfriendly: man uses less ( or any pager you tell it ) to display the pages. is not "man uses the same keybindings as less" is "man uses less"11:27
birdinatuxeverytime i tell someone I'm from texas they say "howdy"11:27
sogeking99hey guys, how can i mount an iso?11:27
sy`::spits tobacoo:: Let's round up these cattle and fix their Ubuntu problems yall!11:27
Us3r_Unfriendlytu-chey erUSUL11:27
sy`birdinatux: ::tips hat::11:28
andruha1123sy lmao...11:28
Us3r_UnfriendlyerUSUL: much of what i was trying to say11:28
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sy`Funny thing, I've problem seen more Gnus than I have seen cows in the last... 3 years?11:28
andruha1123you must have a good router to have internet in the middle of the field!11:28
sy`wow spell check11:28
=== Us3r_Unfriendly is now known as michelle-is-stil
birdinatuxLmao, if only we could eat the guns? haha11:29
sy`andruha1123: Yeah, I have my router attached to a cow.11:29
paulina my name is paulin11:29
sy`hello paulin11:29
Raj007<=- is from SFO . Goooo Giants ! can't wait for the season to start.11:29
sy`How may the Ubuntu Cowboys assist you?11:29
paulinahello is whats you name11:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:29
andruha1123sy, powered by cow gas? Thats kinda like recycling!11:30
andruha1123sorry ubottu11:30
=== paperpie is now known as drt28424
Cain crlcan8111:30
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crlcan81dang it11:30
birdinatuxscolded :( lol11:30
crlcan81hate when it does that11:30
sy`Hey, does ubuntu have a gui application for kickstart?11:30
Raj007question - So, Ubuntu is now "The" mainstream distro (for regular home users not business)?11:31
MaslowKRaj007: As far as I can tell.11:31
sy`Raj007: From what I am seeing, they are trying to become more enterprise now also.11:31
MaslowKEvery source I've checked cites ubuntu as THE distro for home users, while several years back it was more "up in the air"11:31
drt28424Hello, I have some music files ending in .mp3 that I want to burn to an audio cd, but brasero says the file types are not supported11:31
sogeking99what program can i get to mount iso?11:31
drt28424sy`: system-config-kickstart  ?11:32
MaslowKMore between ubuntu, mandriva and fedora iirc11:32
MaslowKFedora is nice too11:32
sy`drt28424: It looked like a cheap Fedora clone. >.<11:32
birdinatuxOn your Ubuntu desktop machine, install the package system-config-kickstart using11:32
birdinatuxyour favourite tool. You will then find the tool in Applications->System Tools->Kickstart.11:32
MaslowKdrt28424: Install restricted drivers I imagine11:32
erUSUL!codecs | drt2842411:32
ubottudrt28424: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:32
drt28424file says this :  Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2,   8 kbps, 22.05 kHz, JntStereo11:32
paulinais my name is paulina ok is no inglihs am spain11:32
MaslowKOr that.11:32
paulinahola hay alguien ¿?11:32
FloodBot1paulina: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
erUSULdrt28424: install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:32
drt28424erUSUL: ok, trying that now..11:33
MaslowKpaulina: Im sure its fine, a name is just a label :)11:33
MaslowKMost of us do speak english though11:33
vish!es > paulina11:33
Raj007A little off-topic, what should be my next distro after i've "re-learned" Linux? I installed this so it would be easier for me to learn.11:34
Raj007well re-learned as in, gained a little proficiency11:34
tony_I speak Chinese11:34
Raj007or Ubuntu is "the one"11:34
MaslowKsogeking99: Sec11:34
vishsogeking99: you should be able to right click and mount the iso11:34
MaslowKEr, okay11:34
Bohemian_CowRaj007 try another of the major distros like CentOS11:34
MaslowKI dont remember that being an option by default @ vish11:34
sy`Raj007: They are all pretty much the same, I just think it depends on what you plan on using it for or the philosophies behind the distro.11:34
andruha1123i speak Ukrainian :O11:34
redboxRaj007: You decide. Maybe Gentoo? That'll throw you right back to Ubuntu.11:34
MaslowKThough last time I used ubuntu was a while ago11:35
vishsogeking99: its "archive mounter"11:35
Bohemian_CowCentOS is also good if you ever end up having to use RHEL11:35
vishMaslowK: iirc, archive mounter is installed by default11:35
MaslowKYeah, I mean available through a context menu11:35
MaslowKI could be wrong tho11:35
sy`Raj007: Arch, Fedora, or RHEL are the only ones I recommend.11:35
Raj007Mostly dev work only. c/c++/html/Java11:35
MaslowKredbox: Should've said DSL :P11:35
vishMaslowK: once it is installed you have it in the context menu11:35
birdinatuxsogeking99: sudo apt-get install gmountiso11:36
vishMaslowK: "Open with Archive mounter" option11:36
Raj007Noone recommended Debian :) heh11:36
sy`Raj007: lol11:36
Raj007But yeah i did hear about Arch, i got to take a look into it :)11:36
sy`Raj007: Arch is more "hardcore" by default.11:37
Bohemian_CowArch is great on older machines11:37
Raj007that's what i want :)11:37
Bohemian_Cowits very lightweight11:37
redbox!iso | sogeking9911:37
ubottusogeking99: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:37
sy`Raj007: I agree with Bohemian_Cow but it's good on newer systems also.11:37
Raj007No harm in VM'ing it and trying Fedora/Arch.11:37
sogeking99what mount point?11:38
Raj007ofcourse in a month or so :)11:38
vishsogeking99: when you right click on the iso, do you have the option  "Open with Archive mounter"  ?11:38
MaslowKsogeking99: Wherever you want basically.11:38
booze2goi encountered a weird phenomenon - i've installed ubuntu 10.10 via wubi and everthing was fast and great. now i gave ubuntu one of my harddrives and installed it from scratch. now the thing is it's not as responsive as the wubi version. any idea why?11:38
Bohemian_Cowsogeking: mount point is the folder where you wish to mount the iso image ie /mnt/isoimage11:38
sacarlsonRaj007: if your a c++ programer you might like gento http://www.gentoo.org/11:38
MaslowKI used to do something like /media/iso111:39
redboxsogeking99: You pick. We usually create an empty directory in "/media/Wolf" or such then mount it from there.11:39
sogeking99ok thanks11:39
sogeking99i tried right click mount, nothing seemed to happen11:39
drt28424!codecs > drt28424   thanks erUSUL11:40
ubottudrt28424, please see my private message11:40
Raj007sacarlson: will look into that too.11:41
erUSULdrt28424: no problem11:41
vishsogeking99: the iso will get mounted and you will be able to browse the iso just like any other folder,11:41
sy`Raj007: I used Arch for 2 years. I love it just I am a little tired of configuring and want to focus more on lisp. Ubuntu is good for the lazy folks. lol11:41
sogeking99where will it be mounted? never asked me11:41
vishsogeking99: do you see the new entry on the left pane , with the iso name ?11:41
Raj007Now i have a genuine question - I have a quad core and i'm a cpu cycle freak. I like to monitor my CPU/Ethernet all the time. What is a good widget application that will show me all four core performances like the one's Windows 7 have?11:41
Raj007I want to be able to monitor each core individually.11:42
sy`Raj007: I assume that would already be in the system monitor in ubuntu.11:42
sy`or top...11:42
vishsogeking99: it wont ask where, it will just mount it.. no need to specify where, when you are using the right-click option11:43
Raj007sy`: it just shows avg cpu use, not each core. I was thinking graphical. htop = good but it's on CLI11:43
Raj007like widgets on the desktop11:43
sogeking99and it should then appear in places?11:43
Raj007yeah like Windows 711:43
Raj007gadgets even11:43
andruha1123stupid question.. why doesn't a file run when i type its name in the terminal (its there, i checked with ls)11:44
vishsogeking99: yea, it will appear in places11:44
Raj007andruha1123: type ./filename11:44
wickywow, a lot of nicks in here. any one had a problem in 10.10 where images set as desktop background get oriented incorrectly?11:44
andruha1123Raj007, wow.. must be late that i forgot that11:44
vishsogeking99: below the "Network"11:44
many_questionsI have a ubuntu CD (10.04) that was modified to use a especial (Local) repository... I can't install using this CD right now... but I would like to know what repository(s) is set on it...11:44
sacarlsonRaj007: it's probly not what you want but to monitor my network I use cacti ,  cacti will also monitor mem usage and a few other things on my local system but I also use it to monitor remote system usage11:45
Raj007sacarlson: any recommendation is good, let me look into it.11:45
sogeking99strange, not there11:45
Raj007sacarlson: you were right, that's not what i need but a very useful tool indeed for remote system monitoring.11:47
sacarlsonRaj007: ya it's graphics are cool you can zoom in and out from 5 minits to 2 years ago11:47
andruha1123why does it tell me that permission is denied when I did this: "chmod 744 filename"11:47
Raj007lol that's nice.11:48
vishsogeking99: what option did you select from right click menu?11:48
redboxsacarlson: How do you use it? :)11:48
sogeking99open with archive mounter11:48
redboxsacarlson: Nevermind. Found a wiki.11:48
sacarlsonRaj007: I use it to monitor network bandwidth at different points on my net so I can tell what is using what bandwidth and how long something didn't work11:48
vishsogeking99: then look in PLaces > "Computer"11:49
sacarlsonredbox:  opps not sure what you wanted11:49
vishsogeking99: if it does not appear even there, then either the iso might be broken or something else is wrong with that iso11:50
Raj007andruha1123: you don't have permission to change that file. you're not the owner/group of that file. Try sudo the command?11:50
sogeking99oh right11:50
andruha1123Raj007, i did.. and i just created that file11:50
vishsogeking99: found it ?11:50
sogeking99no, not there11:51
Raj007andruha1123: well something with the permission is wrong on that file. Just sudo chmod11:52
vishsogeking99: hmm, then the iso might be broken..11:52
andruha1123Raj007, here is what I typed: sudo chmod 744 testfile11:52
many_questionshow could I change the "apt" repository on the Ubuntu instalation CD?11:53
sogeking99its my diablo iso, i used it on windows like11:53
Raj007andruha1123: and doesn't work?11:53
andruha1123then when i type ./testfile it tell me that permission is denied11:53
andruha1123Raj007, nothing happens when i hit enter.. i dunno11:53
Raj007andruha1123, ls -al filename?11:53
andruha1123cannot acces filename error comes up11:54
sogeking99oh isom worked11:54
sogeking99so my archive mounter is broken?11:54
Raj007andruha1123: no replace filename with your file name11:54
sacarlsonmany_questions: this sounds like a tool that might help you http://uck.sourceforge.net/11:54
=== SirNeo is now known as sirneo
sy`once I figure out how to use this kickstart, all will be good11:55
andruha1123Raj007, lol sorry, i thought you type 'testfile' which is the actual filename. I get rwxrwx 111:55
Raj007andruha1123: sorry need to go, asleep @ keyboard :)11:57
Raj007g'night all.11:57
pfifogood morning11:59
MaslowKSup dawg.12:00
Satauroshi ya'll, quick question, how do I verify that my ubuntu server is correctly sync'ing with my time server, using ntpd?12:00
pfifonot me, good thing for coffee12:00
MaslowKcheater00: CHEATERS GO TO HELL12:00
pfifoSatauros, check and see if it has a log12:01
MaslowKpfifo: Better than booze at 4am eh?12:01
dr0idhow do you get the current working dir ?12:01
pfifodr0id, pwd12:01
pfifoits 7am here MaslowK12:02
dr0idit's 26pm here12:02
Sataurospfifo, this log, should it be in /var/log/ntpstats ?12:02
MaslowKpfifo: Exactly :P12:02
pfifoSatauros, Im not sure if it makes a log, but if it does it will be in /var/log... it may also log to syslogd12:03
many_questionssacarlson: I take a look at uck... and its pretty cool... but not what im looking for... I whants to know where in a cd (iso) of ubuntu I can find the list of repository.... (like the source.list)...12:03
sogeking99ah man it not worked, asked for install disk but thats what i mounted12:03
sacarlsonSatauros: well for one you could verify that ntpd is running with ps -A  | grep ntpd12:03
Pumpkin-Satauros: You want some output from ntpq. From memory it is ntpq -pn, but I'm not 100% sure.12:04
Sataurosit is running :)12:04
MaslowKsogeking99: When installing it or when trying to play the game after installation?12:04
Sataurosntpd -q gives me some results at least12:04
sogeking99when install12:04
sogeking99i right clicked setup and chose 'open with wine program loader'12:04
Sataurosif that last mentioned command provides output, should I assume that the time sync'ing works properly?12:05
MichaelHello, is anyone familiar with tar (the partition backup and restoration program) ?12:05
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jribGuest952: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:05
sacarlsonmany_questions: I guess it's not in it's standard location on a livecd at /etc/apt/source.list12:05
MaslowKsogeking99: Not sure then, thats unusual :|12:07
MaslowKCould just be that game, or maybe the version of the installer pressed to that particular disc12:07
MaslowKIt getting to the point where it specifically asks for a particular disc gets me.12:08
Sataurosthx for the help, i'll check it out :)12:08
sogeking99its an iso i made from my original disk,12:08
MaslowKI guess I could only really suggest acquiring a different copy of the game (be creative) and trying that.12:09
p896gbmis there a generic gamedev channel somewhere? some place people hang out who are making games?12:09
sogeking99ok thanks12:09
MaslowKUnless its a copy protection issue, in which case maybe try ripping the disc with a different app?12:09
MaslowKI usually use dvddecryptor in windows.12:10
abhinav_singhCan I install 64 bit Ubuntu 10.10 on my 32 bit machine?12:11
jribabhinav_singh: no...12:11
SixtyFoldhence 64 bit12:11
abhinav_singhwell how to find weather my processor is 32 bit or 64 bit?12:11
griphownOpa, alguém ai conseguiu usar compiz ou o unity 3d com uma [SiS] 771/671 ?12:12
sogeking99didn't think it would be an issue with such an old game12:12
pfifowell technically you could put the files on your hard drive, but none of the programs would run12:12
LjL!pt | griphown12:12
ubottugriphown: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:12
griphownHi, anyone know if i can use compiz or unity 3d with [SiS] 771/671 ?12:13
bazhanggriphown, ask in #compiz , my recollection is that you cannot12:13
jribabhinav_singh: you can see if the "lm" flag is in /proc/cpuinfo12:14
MaslowKsogeking99: Depends on what you're using to rip the disc I imagine12:14
abhinav_singhyes jrib12:15
jribabhinav_singh: if it is, then you have a 64bit capable cpu12:15
abhinav_singhokay jrib12:15
MaslowKI still havent tried diablo 1/2, the whole point-and-click control deal bothers me12:15
sogeking99great for lan12:16
karma_policei am re-installing ubuntu but want to keep my home folder... i remember setting it up as a separate partition when i first installed it.. how do i proceed with the installer in order to keep it?12:16
jribkarma_police: setup /home as a separate partition, point it to your existing partition, check "do not format"12:16
bazhang!home | karma_police12:16
ubottukarma_police: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome12:16
MaslowKCtrl+X then CTRL+V12:17
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karma_policedo ok.. thats what i was wondering... i have to set it as home.. as long as i do not format it then al my data from the previous install will be there?12:18
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MaslowKkarma_police: Honestly I would just cut the directories/files in your Home folder to a secure location on a different partition, then copy them to the new Home directory after installing.12:18
MaslowKSeems easy enough.12:18
MaslowKOr at least, in Windows it is. ;/12:19
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Odaymwhat is a good python IDE? other than having access to the python shell on bash12:19
jribkarma_police: you should always have backups of course, but what I described will work12:20
karma_policei have it all backed up on a 2 tb hdd.. i was just experimenting.. i always come here before i do anything too drastic12:20
jribOdaym: http://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments12:21
Odaymhi jrib12:22
Odaymlet me rephrase12:22
Odaymwhat is a good python IDE that you know of?12:23
jribOdaym: I use vim.  Use what works for you.  Try the ones on that list12:23
Odaymvim does that?12:23
ymonirhello , how to know if some one is hacking my unbunt12:29
icerootymonir: by understanding how the systems works and how to read logfiles and so on12:29
ymoniriceroot - is there possibility that some one can see my desktop Via Network if he is using XP or Apple  and hack my Ubuntu ?12:31
shutzymonir: that's possible...12:31
ymonirShutz : can you tell me how to avoid it -step by step ?12:31
shutzremote control in your own network is always possible...12:31
YBinnenwegHi guys, when I try to acces my home folder of ubuntu with windows 7 it gives me 2 files "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" & "README" and "README12:32
ryokeaymonir: keep updated with latest packages and don't click on suspicious links12:32
YBinnenweg "README" sais"THIS DIRECTORY HAS BEEN UNMOUNTED TO PROTECT YOUR DATA.  From the graphical desktop, click on:  "Access Your Private Data"  or  From the command line, run:  ecryptfs-mount-private"12:32
YBinnenwegnow how can i acces my home folder of ubuntu from windows?12:32
Cradamhi my machine isnt letting me boot ubuntu from usb, it keeps coming up menu.c32: nota com32r image. i used universal installer12:32
jribYBinnenweg: it's encrypted12:32
YBinnenweghow can i decrypt it?12:33
jribYBinnenweg: I'm not sure that's easily done on windows12:33
YBinnenwegi can also acces the ubuntu ;)12:33
YBinnenwegbut rightnow i'm on the windows12:33
jribYBinnenweg: right, well when you log-in on ubuntu it will be automatically decrypted12:33
jrib!encrypted | YBinnenweg12:33
ubottuYBinnenweg: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory12:33
elFidelhi - is de.archive.ubuntu known to be slow as **** since several weeks?12:33
elFidelseems like running update/upgrade is taking ages on several boxes i have here12:34
YBinnenwegokay... but I need to acces it from my windows comp. because I need my music on windows to sync it via itunes with my iphone12:34
BlackhexHello everyone. What can be wrong and how can I fix that I have no devices in "Sound Preferences" at "Hardware" tab in Gnome althoung sounds are working?12:34
Cradamlol at how noone is willing to help with this major problem12:34
Cradammy machine isnt letting me boot ubuntu from usb, it keeps coming up menu.c32: nota com32r image. i used universal installer12:35
ymonirryokea: i  updated every new latest packages  - but i want to know how to check is some one is monitoring me - and also i want to block all the gates which allows any one to monitor or see what iam doing on my desktop12:35
bazhangelFidel, try a different mirror12:35
ikoniaymonir: monitoring is disabled by deffault12:35
shutzYBinnenweg: is there any possibility on windows to read unix-based file-systems?12:35
ikoniaymonir: they would have to set up software on your machine to do that12:36
YBinnenwega program called ext2fsd12:36
ikoniaymonir: so don't worry about it12:36
elFidelbazhang: yes i know that might do the trick - but somehow i am just wondering as it seems that .de mirror is just permanently slow12:36
jribYBinnenweg: like I said, I don't think that will be easy.  You can read the details of the setup at the link I gave you12:36
ryokeaymonir: turn off remote desktop. system -> preferences -> remote desktop. that would be a step in the right direction, also look into setting up a firewall12:36
elFidelwhich is most likely not supposed to be like that ;)12:36
shutzYBinnenweg: thanks, I was looking for something like that :p12:36
adachi. Is tehre a free pastebin that I can install on my server?12:36
YBinnenweghaha okay :P12:36
YBinnenwegwell remember12:36
MaslowKymonir: Basically dont install things from websites you dont recognize.12:36
ikoniaadac: pastebin is opensource, google for the code12:36
YBinnenwegyou can't acces your home folder -.-12:36
bazhangelFidel, doubtful it's permanent, my local mirror was completely down a couple of days ago and is fine now12:36
MaslowKThat should keep you safe enough in linux.12:36
z6t6c7u8iCIAO A TUTTI !!!!!12:36
shutzindeed :/12:37
YBinnenwegthats what i need :P12:37
YBinnenwegi don't want to have 2 times 13 gigs of music xD12:37
jribYBinnenweg: so don't encrypt your music12:37
ymonirthanks for you all12:37
YBinnenwegi didn't encrypt anything..12:37
ryokeaymonir: no prob12:37
MaslowKHere's a question; say I have two hard disks; windows and its bootloader are installed on one, and one is used for storage. If I go and install Wubi on the storage disk, will it still add the proper boot entry?12:37
YBinnenwegi only have a password on my account12:38
jribYBinnenweg: I am telling you that you did, your home is encrypted12:38
YBinnenwegnothing more12:38
elFidelbazhang: k thanks for the response12:38
ymonirabout setting up a firewall - is it from software center12:38
BlackhexThe same problem is in Kubuntu it has somehting to do with PulseAudio. Somehow alsa is fine with detecting the device but the PulseAudio don't. Anyone?12:38
adacikonia, http://pastebin.com/ you mean this one right?12:38
ryokeaymonir: yea, there is one you can use that works pretty well called firestarter12:38
YBinnenwegwell... maybe some ghost did it.. cause i just installed ubuntu, installed pidgin and some other mess, and i never enabled any kind of encryption in the settings :S12:38
YBinnenwegalso not durning the installation12:39
shutzYBinnenweg: and your music is in your /home/ folder?12:39
jribYBinnenweg: at install there is an option to encrypt your home directory12:39
ymonirand is there really - some back doors for ubuntu - or viruses ?12:39
YBinnenwegyep it is12:39
bazhangymonir, nope12:39
FloodBot1YBinnenweg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
shutzan easy way is to copy it to an external hdd or usb-stick :p12:39
Lint01ymonir, most often server software like proxies or spambots12:40
jribYBinnenweg: what you described earlier indicates that your home is encrypted, you can refuse to believe it, but that won't really change much :)12:40
YBinnenwegi know12:40
YBinnenwegi believe it's encrypted12:40
ymonirthanks - thanks alooottt12:40
ryokeaymonir: generally? no, but security vulnerabilities pop up from time to time that could be exploited. ubuntu is kept up to date security wise pretty well so as long as you keep updating your system, you will be fine12:40
YBinnenwegi just don't know how i did it lol :P i never enabled anything, and is there some kind of option to disable the encryption in ubuntu?12:40
jribYBinnenweg: just create some directory like /shared and move your music there (do this in ubuntu)12:40
YBinnenwegwell i'll reboot in ubuntu12:41
YBinnenwegand i'll be back :P12:41
YBinnenwegif you don't mind (A)12:41
FloodBot1YBinnenweg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:41
shutzgood luck12:41
jribYBinnenweg: the link I gave you tells you how to disable it altogether if you prefer12:41
auro1i bricked my windows bootloader12:41
ymonirthank you ryokea :)12:41
auro1it just hangs then goes back to the grub loader12:41
YBinnenweginstall grub bootloader from ubuntu12:41
auro1i am uisng the grub one12:42
auro1and its doing fine12:42
YBinnenweggrub can automatically search for windows 812:42
ryokeaymonir: no prob12:42
YBinnenwegwindows 7*12:42
Pumpkin-can I safely assume everything else in a normal startup has actually started before stuff in /etc/rc.local gets executed on system boot. I'm not sure how asynchronous the upstart boot process is.12:42
YBinnenwegaww lol12:42
YBinnenwegwhy did you tell it then xD12:42
auro1Yeah but the thing is, when i click on "Windows 7"12:42
sarthorHI, How to check what version of shorewall i am using ? Command line ?12:42
auro1it goes to a black window with a _ flashing12:42
auro1for 5-10 seconds12:42
avinashhmHi , can we unbind the alt key [ or meta ] key in gnome terminal .. i saw the profile preferences .nothing catch .. any hints ?12:42
ryokeaPumpkin-: i think rc.local is run when you log in12:42
auro1then goes back to the grub menu12:42
YBinnenwegmaybe it's not the right device?12:42
YBinnenwegi mean12:43
biaI'm having trouble with updating the android development plugins for Eclipse on Ubuntu. The status is stuck at: "Update: (3%)". Any ideas?12:43
YBinnenwegthat grub is not pointed to the right place where the windows installation is12:43
auro1i can check.. it should say /dev/sda1...12:43
auro1can i do something12:43
Pumpkin-ryokea: that contradicts what it says in its own comments. "# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel."12:43
auro1when i am in the grub loader?12:43
YBinnenwegas far as i know not..12:43
YBinnenwegi remember12:43
YBinnenweglast night12:43
ryokeaPumpkin-: my bad, it is run before all other scripts right before the login prompt appears12:43
YBinnenwegi did a command something like "grub-update"12:43
YBinnenwegand it added windows 7 to my grub bootloader12:44
YBinnenwegit just rebuilds the whole bootloader12:44
jribYBinnenweg: stop pressing enter please12:44
auro1How would I use it ?12:44
jribPumpkin-: what do you want to accomplish?12:44
YBinnenwegopen terminal -> grub-update12:44
auro1not there12:44
auro1asks me to install either grub or grub2 package12:44
auro1wich one do i choose?12:44
ryokeaPumpkin-: correction again, it is run after all other scripts before logon prompt *cant type today*12:45
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ikoniaauro1: grub2 is the current default, use it unless you have a reason not to12:45
YBinnenweguhmm.. i accually have no idea whats the difference between those once12:45
auro1ikonia: Thanks12:45
auro1a funny error popped up12:46
auro1when installing grub212:46
YBinnenwegand then it should rebuild some linux related files.. and after that when it's done, you can try reboot12:46
YBinnenweglet me get on ubuntu :P brb ;)12:46
ikoniaauro1: where did you tell it to install ?12:47
auro1ikonia: ubuntu or grub?12:48
ikoniaauro1: grub12:48
auro1ikonia: default, didn't mess with it. The error comes from me running "sudo apt-get install grub2"12:48
ikoniaauro1: why are you doing that ?12:48
ikoniaauro1: the installer should have done it for you12:48
auro1YBinnenweg suggested it12:48
ikoniaauro1: you shouldn't have to run sudo apt-get install grub2 as it should already be installed ?12:49
auro1well it wasn't available apparently. :S12:49
YBinnenwegi just said grub-update12:49
ikoniaauro1: why ?12:49
ikoniaauro1: what? ??12:49
ikoniaauro1: languagfe12:49
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:49
auro1well there was no such thing as grub-update12:49
auro1so i guess i just screwed myself over even more12:49
ikoniaauro1: update-grub12:49
ikoniaauro1: what version of ubuntu are you using ?12:49
ikoniaauro1: ok, so grub2 should already be installed and working12:50
auro1Ok this time it didn't explode. Pastebinning12:50
ikoniaauro1: so what's the issue that is causing you to mess with it12:50
auro1but its not saying anything new12:50
Pumpkin-jrib: I initially want to get some host to host ipsec sessions to start. OpenSwan is invoked fine at boot time by /etc/init.d/ipsec, but it doesn't acutally seem to bother doing IKE until I bring it up with ipsec auto --up blah.12:50
auro1When I go into grub and try to load "Windows 7"12:50
Satisfiedanybody know of a gui runlevel editor for ubuntu ?12:50
auro1It gives me a blinking __ for 5-10 seconds12:51
auro1then goes back to GRUB12:51
tristan3199usmy camera doesnt work on my laptop,, can anyone tell me why there are no devices in /proc/bus/usb12:51
ikoniaauro1: ok, so that's something you don't have to re-install grub for12:51
Dr_WillisSatisfied:  ubuntu uses upstart. not sysv. so the runlevel stuf is not really that used.12:51
Dr_WillisSatisfied:  whjat are you trying to change exactly.12:51
Pumpkin-(its not a major problem as I have iptables blocking non-ESP traffic to the hosts, but I need to get this running for a proof of concept now rather than work out whats broken with openswan. I'll get back to that bit later).12:51
auro1ikonia: oh okay, i'm just a random newb, i don't know much about linux12:51
ikoniaauro1: that's ok, everyone is new at some point, just try to slow down before rushing into making changes12:51
amarinquestion: can linux pass a virus to a mac machine12:51
auro1ikonia: Yeah...12:52
avinashhmHi in gnome terminal, can we unbind Alt or Meta key with menu bar ?12:52
ikoniaauro1: I'll get the bot that will send you a link12:52
ikonia!grub2 > auro112:52
ubottuauro1, please see my private message12:52
ikoniaauro1: depends on the virus12:52
auro1ikonia: it found the correct "partition"? (dev/sda112:52
ikoniaauro1: ok, test it12:52
auro1be back12:52
SatisfiedDr_Willis, thanks... first time I've heard of this upstart so I'll be doing a little reading for now12:53
jribPumpkin-: I'm not familiar with these tools.  However my suggestion is you just write your own init script and make it run after openswan.  Though, I believe the sysv-init scripts will still be run in order even if upstart is taking care of it (so /etc/rc.local should work too).  And actually, I'd be surprised if there isn't some openswan conf file you can modify to setup this up in a more "proper" way, so12:54
jribyou might try #openswan12:54
Pumpkin-jrib: yeah, I will do, but for now rc.local SHOULD work, so I'm going with it. I'll work out whats wrong with the proper method later :)12:55
Pumpkin-when I don't have to worry about management shouting at me for being late.12:56
auro1im back12:58
auro1it was acting exactly the same12:58
auro1no change (no thanks to me)12:58
FloodBot1auro1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
sam__I have a bunch of folders within /home what is the comand to emtpy all of the files within them into home, and then delete the empty folders? So: files in home/a  home/b all end up in /home ?12:58
Pumpkin-sam__: some contoxion using find. But are you really sure you want to put everyones home directories in /home directly. Sounds a bit mad.13:00
auro1got ideas?13:00
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auro1ikonia: no change :(13:00
Guest85918hello, i need some help on natty and kernelproblems, can i get some directions here?13:00
sam__Pumpkin-, just an example. Not really my /home13:01
vish!ask | Guest8591813:01
ubottuGuest85918: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:01
vishGuest85918: btw, for natty problems you should ask in #ubuntu+113:02
sam__anyone got any pointers on find / cp for me?13:02
MaslowKWould it be out of line for me to say the !ask command is pointless?13:02
jribMaslowK: well it's not pointless...13:03
MaslowKI mean seriously, how hard is it to just go "*user: Ask away"13:03
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jribMaslowK: it gets tedious after a while.  That's why it's better to inform people that we prefer they just ask the question.  In the future, we don't have to keep saying "ask away" a million times13:04
vishMaslowK: that does not ensure that the user will not repeat it again13:04
* MaslowK shrugs13:04
shomonloads of channels have that stuff in the topic even13:04
auro1My windows install is bricked. It is windows 7. I can get into GRUB and i can see a windows 7 entry. It is also located on teh correct partition. When i enter it, it hangs with a flashing ___ in the top left corner for 5 seconds then goes back to grub. Any ideas!?13:05
llutz_shomon: nobody really reads/respects the topic13:05
MaslowKI just know from having helped moderate a few support channels in my time how easy it is to just go "insert trigger here"13:05
vishauro1: ##windows for windows problems13:05
auro1i dont think its windows13:05
auro1its related to grub loading windows in a dualboot with ubuntu13:05
shomonyeah I just meant it's quite a normal thing on irc help channels to tell people how to ask13:06
auro1but i'll crosspost it13:06
Dr_Williscompare your windows endtry in the grub.cfg with other peoples entries13:06
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auro1Dr_Willis: Where do i find "other peoples entries" ?13:06
Dr_Willisforums ir           | is to just go "insert trigger here"13:06
Dr_Willis .         vish | auro1: ##windows for windows problems13:06
Dr_Willis .   oops miosspasted13:07
Dr_Willisforums or google for example entries.13:07
Pumpkin-sam__: something like find * -type d -exec echo mv {}/* . \; -exec echo rmdir {} \;13:08
Pumpkin-check thats what you want, then remove the echos to actually do it13:08
Dr_Willissam__:  google for find examples and ussage. theres lots of them13:11
auro1i think i may have found something13:11
auro1a "windows boot repair" thingy13:12
Dr_Willis           | is to just go "insert trigger here"13:12
Dr_Willis .         vish | auro1: ##windows for windows problems13:12
Dr_Willis .             | is to just go "insert trigger here"13:12
Dr_Willis .         vish | auro1: ##windows for windows problems13:12
Dr_Willis .             | is to just go "insert trigger here"13:12
FloodBot1Dr_Willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:12
Dr_Willis .         vish | auro1: ##windows for windows problems13:12
vishDr_Willis: lol!13:12
turneralexhey fellas.13:12
=== Guest85918 is now known as noah
turneralexcould anyone here help me with a little php? ##php seems to be full :(13:13
LjLDr_Willis: scriptfail :P13:13
auro1turneralex: sure13:13
auro1maybe you can help me with wiindows being an idiot?13:13
LjLturneralex: it's not full, you need to be registered and identified to join it13:13
LjL!register > turneralex    (turneralex, see the private message from ubottu)13:13
vishturneralex: if its not related to ubuntu support, then only needs to be asked in ##php13:13
turneralexahh yes, sorry new to xchat - forgot to ident13:13
auro1!register > turneralex13:14
ubottuturneralex, please see my private message13:14
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shomonhow do I make my internal hostname visible across a lan? so people can access a website on myhostname.domain ?13:16
shomonis it apache, or do I set that somewhere else?13:17
llutz_shomon: setup a dns-server13:17
shomonno, I doubt that. It's already got an internal IP address13:17
shomonof the 192.168.*.* type13:17
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Dr_Willisshomon:  use one of the dyndns services and port forwarding on your router13:18
shomonI don't want it to be visible across the net13:18
llutz_Dr_Willis: dyndns to access across a lan?13:18
shomonI doubt it could anyway without some port forwarding on the router13:18
llutz_shomon: setup a dns-server INSIDE your LAN13:18
shomonah, I'll look up how to do that13:19
Dr_Willis'across a lan' is a little vague13:19
BIGBAMBU<-- cesk0 has quit (Client closed connection)13:19
BIGBAMBU--> cesk0 (~cesk0@Azzurra=2E2742EA.32-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #programmazione13:19
BIGBAMBU<-- ishu has quit (Client closed connection)13:19
BIGBAMBU--> ishu (~irc@Azzurra-3CD9F6CB.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #Programmazione13:19
BIGBAMBU--- Iroquis` is now known as Gomez13:19
FloodBot1BIGBAMBU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:19
BIGBAMBU* Loaded log from Wed Feb 23 23:44:23 201113:19
shomoninternally... like an intranet thing13:19
Dr_WillisIf you mean by hostname ON a lan..   set up /etc/hosts is one way13:19
shomonpeople can access my site from it's IP address13:19
shomonbut I set it up as having the hostname13:19
shomonok.. I'll look at that13:20
Dr_Willisshomon:  from the internet you mean?13:20
llutz_nobody wants to keep /etc/hosts actual in a LAN with more than 2 hsots13:20
shomonDr_Willis: no, just internally in my network13:20
Dr_Willisllutz_:  i got 4 here. :) home lan.13:20
llutz_Dr_Willis: you have too much time13:20
Dr_Willisshomon:  hosts file would be the quick and dirty way13:20
Dr_Willisllutz_:  they are all static ip's so the hosts file rarely changes.13:20
llutz_dnsmasq, 2 minutes, done13:20
shomonthey'd add it to their host file?13:20
dubeyi am trying to install apache2 using apt-get but getting this error : http://pastebin.com/tHGtXbpk13:21
grabarzfor god sake. how can i speed up mouse scroll?13:21
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paranoid_ndroidhello, where can I see the times at which the system was booted?13:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:26
llutz_paranoid_ndroid: "last reboot"13:27
bullgardparanoid_ndroid: in /var/log/syslog13:28
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* qaisi where can I find snort logs?13:31
Piciparanoid_ndroid, llutz_: "last reboot" is incorrect here.  "who -b" reports the correct date.13:31
dubeyany help ?13:32
* qaisi <where can I find snort logs?>13:33
qaisiwhere can I find Snort logs?13:33
stianhjdubey, why not use a lamp stack like xampp? or install using tasksel?13:34
llutz_Pici: in what situation does the result differ?13:34
Picillutz_: It looks like wtmp doesnt go back far enough on my server to include that data.  "wtmp begins Tue Feb  1 07:57:12 2011", But boot occured in October 2010.13:35
Picistianhj: We don't support xampp here, and tasksel will include the same packages that he is trying to isntall with apt-get.13:35
pentarexhey guys can someone help me with some runscript13:36
NoOovaHow get list of files older than 3 days?13:36
llutz_Pici: in that case, "uptime"13:36
sporedihow do i install desktop on ubuntu 10.04 (it was working fine but in process to free some disk space i mess the gui )13:37
sporedii am using server13:37
PiciNoOova: find . -ctime +3   should work. (or mtime for modification date).13:38
egolosthmmm.. I'm planing to switch os from centos to ubuntu server this weekend. I wan't to preserve my lvm/raid5 setup. which ubuntu cd should i use? ubuntu server or alternate?13:39
jribNoOova: make sure you understand exactly what ctime is (it's not creation time)13:39
Picijrib: I'm not sure I know what the difference is actually.13:40
jribegolost: alternate installs the desktop version of ubuntu, so if you want server use the server install13:40
egolostjrib: ok... thx.13:41
jribPici: from memory, ctime is modifications to the file or inode (things like permissions and owner)13:41
what__the_hellSIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill13:41
what__the_hellwhen I try to sudo ifconfig wlan0 up13:41
what__the_hell0: phy0: Wireless LAN13:42
what__the_hellSoft blocked: no13:42
llutz_what__the_hell: sudo rfkill wlan0 unblock13:42
what__the_hellHard blocked: yes13:42
jribPici: man 2 stat  seems to describe it13:42
usr13_what__the_hell: What exactly are you trying to do?13:42
what__the_hellllutz_: that command is not right13:43
what__the_hellyou mean unblock wlan0?13:43
llutz_what__the_hell: or that way round. but since your device is hard-blocked, i doubt it will work13:43
usr13_what__the_hell: Keep your questions / statements on one line, it will be easier to understand you.13:43
what__the_hellllutz_: well this started happening after update13:44
usr13_what__the_hell: What exactly is happening?13:44
llutz_what__the_hell: updating what?13:44
what__the_hellllutz_: sudo apt-get upgrade13:45
what__the_hellhello maite13:45
what__the_hellno need to pm13:46
usr13_what__the_hell: Are you dropping your wireless connection?  Is that the problem?13:46
what__the_hellusr13_: after i sudo ifconfig wlan0 down I cant put it up13:46
what__the_hellit worked before13:46
usr13_what__the_hell: What exactly are you trying to do?13:46
nickknockhi there all ...13:47
what__the_hellusing macchanger13:47
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vizyon9hi all13:47
what__the_hellhi to me13:47
xtbgodHow do i make my genius eye 312 webcam work on my ubuntu 10.10?13:47
vizyon9we are newby to ubuntu and have a problem abaut sending faxes throuh windows server  server13:47
what__the_hellusr13_: sudo rfkill event13:47
what__the_hell1298555256.817302: idx 0 type 1 op 0 soft 0 hard 113:47
vizyon9windows 2003 server13:47
tmusDoubleclicking folders on my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop takes forever to open the folder...? Known problem?13:48
cammy_is there any way to create a file that looks like a file to all applications, but the data recieved by the application is controlled by another application?13:48
cammy_idk if that made sense13:48
cammy_like a 'streaming file'13:48
Guest15776how to change nickname13:48
usr13_what__the_hell: If you are having trouble controlling your network connection, I suggest installing wicd.13:49
vizyon9guys won't you help me13:49
llutz_cammy_: you want a fifo or a socket?13:49
what__the_hellusr13_: yeah ill try13:49
=== Guest15776 is now known as tyo__
usr13_what__the_hell: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo reboot  #or just log out and back in again13:49
cammy_llutz_: do they just look like files to applications?13:49
arand_what__the_hell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1610829 & http://www.geekmind.net/2011/01/linux-wifi-operation-not-possible-due.html13:49
arand_usr13_: what__the_hell: That likely has nothing to do with this issue13:50
what__the_hellarand_: already read :)13:50
usr13_what__the_hell: In other words, you have to log out and back in again for the interface to start working.13:50
usr13_arand_: What issue?13:50
llutz_cammy_: depends on the apps13:50
what__the_hellusr13_: and need to uninstall network manager.13:50
arand_what__the_hell: And "rfkill unblock wifi" doesn#t help in your case then?13:51
usr13_what__the_hell: Yes13:51
eugbuntuAny pidgin users having trouble connecting to facebook chat? was working great up until today. Now it wont connect and states undefined condition13:51
vizyon9guys how can i send a fax from my pc via fax server on the windows server13:51
cammy_llutz: I need to send a file using X-Sendfile: using lighttpd, but theres not actually a file to send, its dynamically-created data13:51
usr13_what__the_hell: sudo apt-get remove network-manager ; sudo apt-get install wicd13:51
what__the_hellusr13_: yes ..13:52
ikoniavizyon9: ask the guys in ##windows13:52
hassananyone can help ?13:52
usr13_vizyon9: Do you have a modem and phone line connected to your PC?13:52
vizyon9i tried gfax but it didn't worked13:52
tyo__hey guys any experience with virtualbox using usb wlan?13:52
what__the_hellusr13_: it's just that everything was working correctly before...13:52
ikoniavizyon9: ooh you mean from your ubuntu machine to the windows fax server ?13:52
usr13_what__the_hell: Yes, I know.  I've run into this before.13:52
llutz_cammy_: do some googling about "fifo" or "named pipe", maybe it is what you need13:53
vizyon9usr13_: there is on the server13:53
what__the_hellusr13_: btw first i should install wicd because then i have no internets13:53
dubeystianhj: Yes i know about this But want to resolve this issue13:53
tyo__if im using usb wlan and i have wlan on laptop? can im using ad-hoc between host and guest... host ubuntu13:53
ikoniavizyon9: what format/protocol does the windows fax server talk to the clients on ?13:53
vizyon9ikonia: server is running no problem on it but we have just installed ubuntu for client but we cant send faxes13:53
usr13_what__the_hell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afVnO3p67Js13:53
Dr_Willistyo__:  ive had issues in the past with gettting adhoc working with some network cards :(13:54
hassananyone can help about natty xserver?13:54
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.13:54
joaobmatiashi, i burned a image of UNE with unetbootin and when i put on the netbook it appears : no init found. try passing init=bootarg, does anyone knows how to solve this? thanks13:54
usr13_what__the_hell: Actually, you can controll the interface with iwconfig and iwlist13:54
what__the_hellwill be natty LTS?13:54
cammy_llutz_: Does data thats sent but no process recieves it get buffered or lost?13:54
Dr_Willistyo__:  you want to use a USB wireless dongle, with virtualbox?  shall i ask why?13:54
Dr_Williswhat__the_hell:  no its not lts13:54
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:54
vizyon9ikonia: tcp/ip13:54
llutz_cammy_: it gets buffered iirc13:54
vizyon9its an ordinay network13:55
what__the_hellDr_Willis: im asking if it will be13:55
vizyon9at a small company13:55
what__the_hellDr_Willis: when  will new LTS version come out13:55
ikoniavizyon9: ok, but what format is it expecting to get the faxes in, eg: how does the client talk to the server from windows machines, ?13:55
hirogenhi some guy might join the channel as i advised him to come here to resolve his query since its linix based, anyway im having to hold his hand since he's worried you guyz might be abusive13:55
usr13_what__the_hell: sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning ; sudo dhclient wlan0  # Where wlan0 is the wireless device.13:55
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hirogenfluter is the guy13:55
rmd_hirogen: Worried people in here might be abusive?13:55
tyo__Dr_willes : since i not have a  2 computer im using virtualbox for learning... i want to learn wireless13:55
cammy_llutz_: thanks13:55
usr13_what__the_hell: Or  iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys  #Where wlan0 is the wifi device and linksys is the essid of wifi router.13:56
shomonhow do I find out what is running on a specific port?13:56
bibic682hello, can anyone accurately explain how to get the philips saa 7130  (SBT-TVFM)tuner card installed properly, so tvtime or similar can work?..Don't send me to any site...been there, done that, won't work  :)13:56
vizyon9ikonia: would you show me a way to how can search it on the net13:56
ikoniavizyon9: err, google is a common cause13:56
usr13_shomon: netstat -pantu13:56
ikoniavizyon9: common method I mean13:56
rmd_shomon: You can netstat, or download a graphical app.13:57
shomonthanks even...13:57
ikoniavizyon9: however what client are you using on your windows clients to talk to the windows server ?13:57
hirogenrmd the pussy hasnt joined yet13:57
hirogenlater lads13:57
hirogenanyway i will hang here soon as i need to learn ubuntu and become more technical13:57
rmd_hirogen: you're... interesting.13:57
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hirogenyep im irc legend13:58
gaurav_helphow can i see my wget downlaod progress in new windows for file while downlaoding13:58
usr13_what__the_hell: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/13:58
ikoniahirogen: stop13:58
vizyon9ikonia: like what13:58
shomonmaybe it's a different problem. I just restarted apache, and it said something is already on port 80...13:58
what__the_hellusr13_: I know. I have used it before I just didnt remember to try it :P13:58
tyo__Dr_Willis: so my laptop have wlan and im using virtualbox and attach some usb wlan... im try but no result... so i ask it is posible or not if im connect between host and guest (ad0hoc)13:58
ikoniavizyon9: what is the client you are using on the windows machine to talk to the windows fax sxerver13:58
rmd_shomon: running another server?13:58
what__the_hellusr13_: im using a vbox13:58
usr13_what__the_hell: o13:58
shomonwell I don't think I ran another server rmd_  but something is there...13:59
shomonand I can't access localhost:8013:59
what__the_hellusr13_: vm with usb support macchanger etc13:59
rmd_shomon: Did you look through the information provided by netstat?13:59
scribawfHow do I clean up Grub2 loader?13:59
vizyon9ikonia: we were directly connect it via ip adress of server13:59
rmd_You can also try a  simple netstat -a14:00
what__the_hellusr13_: wicd doesnt have vpn support thats why i use network manager14:00
ikoniavizyon9: using what client14:00
pentarexguys I have a problem with that script http://pastebin.com/bFsNsDEj it says input its too long in line 6... can someone help me14:01
shomonrmd_: I couldn't find localhost:80 or my_ip:8014:01
what__the_hellusr13_: doesnt work14:01
shomonthe error it gives is (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
shomonno listening sockets available, shutting down14:01
ikoniapentarex: looks like the classpath is too long14:01
vizyon9ikonia: whay you mean with client, now we are using ubuntu as a client14:02
Dr_Willistyo__:  no idea. i can think of other things to spend time learning then foighting with vbox and a usb thang. :)14:02
usr13_what__the_hell: What doesn't work?14:02
what__the_hellusr13_: it's a problem with kernel or something.14:02
what__the_hellusr13_: ifconfig wlan0 up14:02
vizyon9and trying to connect fax server to send faxes14:02
vizyon9ikonia: i didn't understand what you mean14:02
usr13_what__the_hell: What does iwconfig say?14:02
llutz_shomon: "sudo lsof -i :80"14:02
rmd_shomon: Can you pastebin the output from "netstat -a"14:02
tyo__Dr_Willis : ok, then. thanks :)14:02
ikoniavizyon9: how hard is this to grasp. When you are not using an ubuntu machien to connect, what do you connect to the Windows Fax Server with14:02
what__the_hellusr13_: dunno im gonna restore vm snapshot14:02
shomonsure rmd_  just a sec14:03
vizyon9ikonia: xp14:03
ikoniavizyon9: ok, on XP what client do you use to connect to the windows fax server14:03
what__the_hell*XP (xp looks like a smile)14:03
pentarexikonia: yeah what advice can you give me..... make some variables than to add this variable to another variable like config1=/usr/..... then config2=$config1 + /usr/....14:03
jhonnyboyxchat isn't showing me the username panel, any idea where this setting can be found?14:03
llutz_jhonnyboy: ctrl-f714:04
Dr_Willisjhonnyboy:  check the side it maybe dragged to the side so far its just hidden14:04
ikoniapentarex: I don't know to be honest, I've never seen a variable be too long, and I've used LONG ones in the past14:04
pentarexikonia: hmmm did you saw thats a runscript14:04
pentarexikonia: its not /bin/bash14:04
ikoniapentarex: ahh, no I missed that14:04
vizyon9ikonia: ok thank you ikonia for your interest but i ll carry on to search14:04
ikoniapentarex: in that case, no idea14:04
ikoniavizyon9: ????? answer the question14:05
shomonrmd_: http://pastebin.com/57Pyhshn14:05
rmd_shomon: You have *a lot* going on there.14:06
rmd_What's this "Orbit"?14:06
what__the_helleh imah install 10.0414:06
rmd_or Orbit Ale?14:06
shomonprobably chat stuff... I'll turn that off...14:06
rmd_No no14:07
jbwiv_guys, is there a way to add bash aliases to gnome-session, so that gnome will call those when using "Run Application" instead of the actual app? For example, if I wanted to define "alias rdesktop='rdesktop -g 1500x900'"?14:07
Dr_Willisjbwiv_:  just make a  simple 2 line script.. would be the easiest way14:07
rmd_Anyway, from looking at this I don't know what to say.14:08
jbwiv_Dr_Willis, yeah, but I believe there's a file in gnome that you can add this to. I just can't remember what it's called....14:08
Dr_Willisthe users ~/bin/ is added to the default path if it exists. Im not sure if its at the front of the back of the path14:08
Dr_Willisjbwiv_:  alias's would be shell specific.. so ive never sen that done that way14:08
rmd_Whats in your /etc/hosts?14:08
usr13_what__the_hell: What are  you running now?14:09
jbwiv_Dr_Willis, I'd hate to create a script for every alias I want defined. I have around 50. this also applies to environment variables you'd like to export into the gnome session14:09
shomonlooks like apache was listening too hard... I took out a listen and it started fine!14:09
shomonthanks anyway though rmd_14:09
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rmd_Well hell. There you go then.14:09
jbwiv_so how would you export environment variables into the gnome shell upon login? Say I want to modify gnome's default path, or to set JAVA_HOME, or something else?14:10
jribjbwiv_: use ~/.profile14:10
jribjbwiv_: ~/.xprofile used to work too and be X-specific but not sure if that's still the case14:11
jbwiv_jrib, ok, so ~/.profile is the key. perfect. thanks!14:11
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.14:13
JuJuBeeI have an iPod and am very frustrated with the lack of playlist support. So much so I am considering replacing it. What mp3 device plays well with linux as far as being able to sync playlists along with music?14:13
jribJuJuBee: my sansa has worked great for me14:14
usr13_shomon: netstat -pantu |grep 80   #To cut down the size of the output and you can more easily see what you want.14:14
JuJuBeejrib: what software do you use on linux?14:15
jribJuJuBee: I just copy files directly onto it14:15
JuJuBeejrib what about playlists?  I keep many playlists on my laptop...14:16
jribJuJuBee: I copy those too14:16
JuJuBeeI see, and that works fine?  Why does amarok have such difficult time with playlists then?14:16
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jribJuJuBee: I don't know.  I like to keep things simple14:17
JuJuBeeI would also...14:17
JuJuBeeThanks for the suggestion.14:17
pentarexikonia: can you tell me how I can make start script in /etc/init.d/ when I type /etc/init.d/script start to start /etc/init.d/stop to stop and etc...14:17
shomonthanks usr13_14:18
shomonI had done that here, but because he'd asked for the whole thing I sent it14:18
ikoniapentarex: it's just a set of functions from a case statment14:18
jribJuJuBee: if you want to use it in mtp mode instead of msc mode, that's probably possible too (just google "rhythmbox sansa clip" maybe to see experiences others have had), but I've never bothered14:18
shomonanyway all better now :)14:18
usr13_shomon: very good.14:18
pentarexikonia: can you give me some tutorial14:18
ikoniapentarex: plenty on the next14:18
JuJuBeejrib downside... sansa not so large capacity... I have over 40GB music I like to take with me...14:19
pentarexnext=net* ?14:19
jribJuJuBee: ah yes, then these players are not what you want14:19
ikoniaoops net, sorry pentarex14:19
ikoniapentarex: also look at what's already there as an example14:19
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jribJuJuBee: you can usually search the ubuntu forums for a player model to get an idea of how well it works.  I'd definitely recommend getting something that can act as a storage device when you ask it too though14:21
usr13_pentarex: Here is an example:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/571743/14:22
d1gitalI have some sort of link called /chroot that contains links to everything on / (except /chroot, fortunately).  If i delete anything from /chroot, the original file is deleted as well.  The really strange part is that these "links" take up just as much space on the filesystem as the originals, effectively cutting the capacity in half.  What am I dealing with here, and how do I remove it?14:22
ikoniad1gital: who set this up ?14:23
pentarexusr13_: ah this is easy tutorial ty14:23
MoosefanHey guys, total noob here. I have a RAID5-device in NTFS. Now, I'd like to mount this device permanently, and found the NTFS Config Tool after looking over the support pages, only it doesn't wanna fire up. Anyone got any ideas?14:24
jribd1gital, ikonia: maybe mount --bind? (first guess)14:24
usr13_pentarex: NP14:24
ikoniajrib: not sure, hence why I'm curious to who's set this up14:24
d1gitalikonia: I did, at some point, but I don't remember how or why.  I think It was to create a 32-bit chroot, but it seems like that wouldn't work since it points to 64bit binaries.14:24
usr13_d1gital: What does ls -l  say about these "links"?14:24
ikoniad1gital: if you did it, you can't remember why and you're not using it, don't worry about it14:25
ProvenzanoI can't run my ubuntu. when I run my pc, it says there are no partitions. I try to use a live cd, however my ubuntu partition has been desappeared. what can I do?14:25
d1gitalusr13_: they look just like regular files.  the inodes are same as the originals, but they still take up space14:25
d1gitalikonia:  I can't delete them without breaking the system, and my space is cut in half.14:26
d1gitaljrib:  That's it.  I found entries of type "bind" in /etc/fstab14:26
jribsurprises me that that affects your free space14:27
usr13_Provenzano: Boot to a liveCD and see what is there, (or not there as the case may be).14:27
d1gitaljrib: me too.. maybe i'm mistaken.  I'll re-run baobab.14:28
Provenzanousr13_ windows partition are there. however ubuntu no. can I recover it?14:28
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usr13_ls -l /chroot | pastebinit14:29
Robert17Hello, i have a question about dsl, but i think some of you can help me out, i have dsl on a usb pendrive, but it loads the OS from the pendrive into the memory, and i want that it runs every thing from the pendrive so it doesnt load the whole os in the memory14:30
pentarexusr13_: -bash: /etc/init.d/devices2: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory    :X14:30
abhinav_singhi already have ubuntu -32 bit installed in my machine..i already have 3 partition ..details are here...http://pastebin.com/nBcK26rj .i want to install a fresh copy of ubuntu 64 bit.. which partition should i use?14:31
Provenzanousr13_ : ls : cannot access /chroot no such file or directorie14:31
llutz_pentarex: recode ibmpc:lat1   <scriptname>14:31
usr13_Provenzano: df | pastebinit14:31
pentarexllutz_: what ?14:32
High_Priestabhinav_singh, you want to replace 32bit with 64bit?14:32
Pumpkin-pentarex: you have copied that from a windows machine and the line endings are wrong. You need to sort out the ^M's that you will find all over the file. You can do this with sed, tr, recode, dos2unix or some other stuff.14:32
usr13_Provenzano: I thought you just said they were in /chroot ?14:32
Robert17Hello, i have a question about dsl, but i think some of you can help me out, i have dsl on a usb pendrive, but it loads the OS from the pendrive into the memory, and i want that it runs every thing from the pendrive so it doesnt load the whole os in the memory14:32
pentarexPumpkin-: yes14:32
compdocProvenzano, do you have the live cd booted right now?14:32
pentarexhow i can recode it ?14:32
ZoffixHey, I'm on Maverick and I need to install python-dev, but when I try, it tells me `python` version 2.6.6-2ubuntu1 is required but 2.6.6-2ubuntu2 is only available. How would I go about this problem?14:32
llutz_pentarex: recode ibmpc:lat1   <scriptname>14:32
Provenzanousr13_ where can I see /chroot? I'm a little noob14:33
Provenzanocompdoc yes14:33
pentarexllutz_: I dont have recode app in ubuntu14:33
abhinav_singhHigh_Priest no i want to install fresh copy of 64 bit14:33
llutz_pentarex: install it14:33
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jribRobert17: #damnsmalllinux14:33
Dr_WillisRobert17:  by 'dsl' you mean dam-small-linux mini disrto?14:33
usr13_Provenzano: Sorry, I confused  you with another.      But if I were  you, I'd boot to a liveCD and see what is there, (or not there as the case may be).14:33
compdocProvenzano, select System>Administration>Disk Utility, and select your drive in the list14:34
iinamehello I installed chase douglas multitouch on a tablet yesterday, touch still does not work, should I try utouch-gesturetest_1.0.4-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz14:34
VP1may u pl tell me a good PHP chat room name?14:34
pentarexllutz_: recode: /etc/init.d/devices2 failed: Ambiguous output in step `CR-LF..data'14:34
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ikoniapentarex: try #bash14:35
abhinav_singhhelp me guys14:35
Provenzanousr13_ and compdoc, on disk utility my ubuntu partition has been marked as free. swap appear correctly14:35
compdocProvenzano, do you see the Smart data button? click that and see if there any reallocated sectors14:35
High_Priestabhinav_singh, you need a new / partition... looking at your partitions I'd take a part of /dev/sda6 or sda7 for this new /14:36
OerVP1 try channel ##PHP or #phpbb14:36
ikoniaabhinav_singh: I would suggest you not try to have the two versions installed at the same time14:36
ikoniaabhinav_singh: use one or the other if you can14:37
Provenzanocompdocreallocated sector count is 014:37
MoosefanTrying to permamount an NTFS RAID5-array, but the NTFS Config Tool doesn't wanna work. Anyone got any ideas?14:37
abhinav_singhi also dnt want to install the two version at same time...i am okay with 32 bit..but i have to use mongodb and that dnt work fine with 32 bits so i am in dilemma ikonia14:37
ikoniaMoosefan: how was the raid5 device made ?14:38
Moosefanhardware raid14:38
Dr_WillisMoosefan:  make a /etc/fstab entry by hand. the ntfs-3g docs/homepage gives examples.. ive no idea how raid afects that14:38
compdocProvenzano, why do you think you lost the partition? that doesnt happen for no reason14:38
ikoniaMoosefan: what type of hardware raid, motherboard fake raid or a true hardware raid controller ?14:38
Moosefanno problem with it at all, it's just that sometimes when I boot I can't mount it14:38
Moosefanmotherboard wannabe-hardware14:38
ikoniaMoosefan: that may be part of the problem then....you're lucky it assembles at all, it can sometimes assemble the array post ubuntu boot though so it doesn't get mounted14:39
compdocProvenzano, reallocated sector = 0 is a good sign theres no problems with the drive14:39
Provenzanocompdoc my brother for mistake started using windows recovery partition. and after it, he reboot pc, without recover anything14:39
MoosefanIt wont't mount the drive beause it contains/ends up in /dev/somewhere-that-apparently-stops-it-from-being-mounted14:39
ikoniaMoosefan: /dev is where it should be14:39
VP1I'm new to PHP; when called FROM A  form submit using action,  my browser tries to download the PHP script than executing it; pl help14:39
MoosefanI reboot and try again a few times, and eventually it'll work14:39
ikoniaVP1: try in ##php14:39
Moosefanaye, but sometimes the drive (or one of the drives in the array) becomes busy14:40
ikoniaVP1: PHP scripting support is in the channel ##php14:40
Moosefanand so, I can't mount it14:40
usr13_Provenzano: Was this  previously a dual boot system?14:40
ikoniaMoosefan: I wonder if it's just slow assembling it as it's fakeraid and ubuntu is getting there faster14:40
erUSUL!lamp | VP1 the wiki about lamp setup has a troubleshootin section14:40
ubottuVP1 the wiki about lamp setup has a troubleshootin section: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:40
Provenzanoyes usr13_14:40
usr13_Provenzano: Does MS Windows boot now?14:40
ikoniaerUSUL: well spotted, my mistake14:40
MoosefanWell, the array always shows up, no problem there14:40
erUSULikonia: no problem ;)14:41
abhinav_singhikonia brother you are there..what problem i will face if i have both of them at same time14:41
iinamehello, is there someone familiar with the utouch package?14:41
Provenzanousr13_ grub is not working. it says there are no partitions, and I can't start OS14:41
ikoniaMoosefan: yes as that's the device file14:41
VP1ikonia: OK but nobody is replying there; may I expect the help here?14:41
ikoniaabhinav_singh: the boot loader will not like having two ubuntu installs to manage14:41
usr13_Provenzano: Can you boot to MS Windows?14:41
ikoniaVP1: it was my mistake, check out the link erUSUL gave you14:41
Provenzanousr13_ no, cause grub open first14:41
abhinav_singhokay so what would you suggest ikonia14:42
MoosefanMight be that it's slow, haven't relly tested that. Anyway, it would still be nice to have it automounted, since i acess it from a windows comp and use it as a network drive, mostly14:42
usr13_Provenzano: I suggest you  boot to a liveCD and see what is there, (or not there as the case may be).14:42
usr13_Provenzano: Do you have a linux CD?14:42
ProvenzanoI did it usr13_ what I should do now?14:42
MoosefanAnyway, Imma try to wait a while next time it won't mount, and see if waiting fixes it14:43
ProvenzanoI boot with ubuntu live cd14:43
usr13_Provenzano: sudo fdisk -l14:43
ikoniaMoosefan: try putting it in /etc/fstab however if it is a speed issue I can't see that working14:43
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usr13_Provenzano: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit14:43
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Provenzanousr13_ pastebinit is not installed14:44
MoosefanM'kay, imma try out the slow-theory first tho. Thanks alot!14:44
usr13_!pastebin | Provenzano14:44
ubottuProvenzano: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:44
le0n2sanyone know if can i do "System Monitor" from ubuntu using php pages?14:44
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usr13_Provenzano: Use http://paste.ubuntu.com if you can not use pastebinit14:45
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rmd_OK. This is insanity.14:45
rmd_How do I tell the system to stop automounting crap so that I can format this USB stick?14:46
DeadPandarmd_, use Disk Utility to unmount the volume (not the drive)14:46
FloodBot1Robert17: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:46
Robert17oo sorry14:46
DeadPandarmd_, it's the button beneath the the volume selector14:46
usr13_rmd_: umount it14:46
sogeking99hey guys, how do i stop a frozen fullscreen  application? i tried playing egoboo and it froze and i had to force shutdown14:46
Robert17soryy ..14:46
usr13_rmd_: umount /dev/sd??14:46
rmd_usr13_: umount.. that would work in any OTHER situation. But Ubuntu has decided that that crap just doesn't work.14:47
deuteriumi tried to create a link to a web page on the desktop using chromium on ubuntu 10.10. instead, it downloads a html dump of the page and puts it on the desktop. any workaround?14:47
rmd_It isn't silly enough, I guess.14:47
zek152Is it common for the proprietary ATI driver to actually slow down video playback quality?14:47
usr13_rmd_: sudo umount /dev/sd??14:47
ikoniazek152: has been known14:47
Provenzanousr13_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/571757/14:48
rmd_Using disk utility, everything is fine.14:48
Dr_Willisi use 'sudo umount /dev/XXX' all the time.. works fine.. Unless you got somthing accessing the fs.14:48
rmd_It's just counter intuitive to get this to do what I want from the command line.14:48
rmd_Dr_Willis: It kept giving me errors about not finding the volume, etc. I couldn't just umount it and remount it where I wanted.14:48
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Dr_Willissogeking99:  one way would be go to the console and use the killal command.14:48
rmd_Disk utility is working fine...14:48
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Dr_Willissounds like ya did typos.. but whatever worked14:49
inohhi everyone14:49
Dr_Willisor kill14:50
inohwhats the most recommended dvd buring suite for someone who has no idea what they are doing?14:50
usr13_Provenzano: You are correct in thinking he deleted your Linux partition.  Looks like all that's left is the 2G swap partition.14:50
Dr_Willisinoh:  clarify what you mean by burning..14:50
Dr_Willisinoh:  and what you want to do with the dvd's14:50
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Provenzanoreinstal ubuntu is the only solution?14:51
Dr_Willisinoh:  the normal linux/unix way is to use programs for seperate taks to do what you want. theres often not 'all in one' mega suits for stuff.14:51
usr13_Provenzano: Not much left to do but re-install.14:51
Cradamhi do i need anything before i can run 3d games?my graphics card is intel14:51
Provenzanousr13_ ok. thanks ;)14:51
Dr_WillisCradam:  in most cases intel should work out of the box.14:51
inohconverting, authoring, and burning to watch videos14:52
Dr_WillisCradam:  some intel chipsets have 'issues'14:52
Dr_Willisinoh:  to convert a video file to a 'dvd video iso' image - i use Devede. theres others.14:52
Cradamgreat so i dont need to get anything before i can run armagetron :D14:52
Dr_Willisinoh:  thats not really a 'burning'  tool. its a converting tool.14:52
inohi have avidemux for joining and splitting.  osalt point me towards k3b for the rest14:52
Dr_Willisinoh:  i then use whatever i want to burn the actual iso to disk14:52
Dr_WillisI dont think k3b does video->dvd+menus feautres. (or at least ive never noticed the fequtres in k3b)14:53
inohok Devede.14:55
yuskhanzabhello, i need help here.. what is the usb modem connection name? like wired connection name etc0 and wireless connection name eth1.. so what is the eth for usb modem connection?14:55
yuskhanzabim using digi broadband internet14:56
Dougwisermaybe wlan014:56
inohUbuntu Software Center just told me I have to remove portions of Ffmpeg to install Devede14:56
inohis this wise?14:57
yuskhanzabDougwiser, wlan0?14:57
Dougwiserfinstead of eth014:57
yuskhanzabok ill try in my conky script14:57
BoulderDave2i accidently removed a directory in jetty and now when i try to uninstall/reinstall with apt-get, it says there is 1 package not fully installed or removed... and i get errors when installing/uninstalling... tried purging, autoremove, cleaning... not having any luck :(14:58
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rmd_... How do I turn off these popup notifications from Pidgin? I don't see it in the Pidgin options.14:58
rmd_It's a plugin14:58
arand_BoulderDave2: Try creating the empty directory where the old one was?14:59
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b00bisthey fellas, i'm getting this error in for "apt-get update": http://pastebin.com/6tJyCeC715:01
BoulderDave2arand_, i did that too.. still no luck15:02
vadimkolchevdid anyone install Eternal lands mmorpg?? have wrong and weird textures of hero, can anyone help me fix it?15:02
yuskhanzabDougwiser, i think its not wlan015:02
ikoniab00bist: delete the file  http://pastebin.com/6tJyCeC715:03
Dr_Willisinoh:  whe4re did the ffmpeg you have come from?15:03
ikoniab00bist: the list file sorry15:03
Dr_Willisinoh:  ivce seen wher using some ppa versions of ffmpeg. can cause conflicts with other programs in the repos.15:03
BoulderDave2arand_, ah i think i finally got it :)15:03
yuskhanzabis there anyone know what is the broadband usb connection name? like wired connection name eth0, wireless connection name eth1.. what is the broadband usb connection name?15:05
llutz_yuskhanzab: check "dmesg"15:05
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ROKO__any ideas15:07
b00bistikonia: thanks a lot :)15:07
FloodBot1ROKO__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
Jonii^write dmseg to the terminal, yuskhanzab15:07
llutz_dmesg (1)            - print or control the kernel ring buffer15:07
ldiamondI just copied a hard drive over to another 1TB drive. I now want to compare both drives (byte level comparison). What can I use15:08
frxstremis there any way to control the mouse in Ubuntu without having a physical mouse connected?15:09
iinamehi i have difficulty installing ginn15:09
Dr_Willisfrxstrem:  theres some sort of numpad-mouse feature. but ive never used it15:09
Dr_Willisoops :_) sticky key.15:09
dscastrohow can i set gamma correctly ?15:09
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Jonii^ROKO__, did you read the help page that opened from the "executable bit" link?15:10
iinameDr_Willis, can you help me install utouch please?15:10
Dr_Willisiiname:  no idea what utouch is.15:10
ROKO__yes so ?15:10
JTS000IDI was wondering if it's possible to deal with dual screens in a Shell script. Like saying push this program to Screen 2 or 3 and leave this program on Screen 1.15:10
JTS000IDAny guidance, pointing to resources would be really appreciated.15:10
Jonii^Did it help?15:10
Oerfrxstrem, yes, open the keyboard menu, section mouse keys ( numpad control )15:10
Dr_WillisJTS000ID:  yes. but you may need to do some work. I seem to recall 'devilspie' and some other tools to do that15:11
JTS000IDDr_Willis, I assume it can be done entirely in a script.15:11
iinameDr_Willis, https://answers.launchpad.net/utouch/+question/14431415:11
frxstremOer: I figured it out, but thanks anyway :)15:11
jhonnyboyAnyone using xchat client?15:12
jinkUsed to, long ago.15:13
jwhisnantquestion, 10.10 maverick upgraded from lucid netbook remix - I would like to use the desktop theme from 10.0415:13
Oerjhonnyboy, yes15:13
jwhisnanttrying to find the theme and how to install it, but havent found it, any pointers ?15:13
rockerz71Id like to change the icon for Dropbox in the Places menu.  I have it using the icon I want in my home dir and on the desktop,  but can't figure out how to change it in the places menu.  Any advice?15:14
aeon-ltdis there a fsck like tool specifically for FAT?15:14
llutz_aeon-ltd: fsck.vfat15:15
aeon-ltdllutz_: thanks15:15
bethdo97I attempted to load ubuntu 10.10 usng the Wubi on my windows 7.0 system and it seems to have failed on the nstall. When I reboot it only goes to the terminal log-in screen and wll not complete loading the ubuntu desktop.  Also on boot up after by passing the bios selection screen a black screen with failed bootloader in upper left corner appears and stays for a couple seconds then a bootload screen comes up asking ubuntu or Windows15:15
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bethdo97again select Ubuntu and then it boots to the termial login; What went wrong and how do I fix it?15:16
Dr_Willisbethdo97:  whats your video card?15:17
bethdo97Intell Hd graphics15:17
bethdo97The live CD boots to the desktop without any graphics issues15:18
Dr_Willisif you have networking, you may want to try a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'15:18
Dr_Willispersonally - i dont reccomend wubi..15:18
Dr_Willisyou could try 'startx' from a terminal also.15:19
Inspiraijaye and maybe sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop15:19
Inspiraijaif its failed on install15:19
Magizianhowdy folks.15:20
aeon-ltdmount something not in fstab or mtab with mount?15:20
=== UNBELIEVABLE is now known as Mister_jibs
llutz_aeon-ltd: sudo mount /dev/foo /media/blah          make sure /media/blah exists before15:21
bethdo97Should I uninstall the Wubi App and try installing along side my Windows 7 installation using the Live CD?15:21
Dr_Willisaeon-ltd:  sudo mount /dev/xxx /media/xxx15:21
Dr_Willismount ussage 101 :)15:22
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:22
MagizianI'm looking for a programmer with experience in porting NT pascal and delphi source to linux..15:22
aeon-ltdDr_Willis, llutz_ : thanks15:22
llutz_could someone correct that factoid? mount attaches filesystems not devices15:23
bethdo97Dr_Willis: Is it sudo startx or just startx at the terminal prompt?15:23
Dr_Willissudo would run it as the root user....15:23
iiro_any advice what to do when Ubuntu crashes at boot-up at the point where it is trying to switch to graphics mode (my guess)?15:24
aeon-ltddamn it was write protected anyways, anyway to clear this without gparted or mounting it? - this is a usb stick15:25
Dr_Willisiiro_:  and your video card is?15:25
iiro_tried 10.10 and 10.04 (64-bit)15:25
sacarlsonMagizian: before you port maybe tell us what the application does to see how close it it to what we already have15:25
jiffeseem to be having a problem with apache restarting sometimes15:25
Dr_Willisaeon-ltd:  what filesystem?15:25
iiro_nvidia something, just a sec...15:25
Dr_Willisiiro_:  try the nomodeset option, untill you get the nvidia drivers installed.15:25
aeon-ltdDr_Willis: fat15:25
jiffelooks like certain processes get stuck15:25
Dr_Willisaeon-ltd:  you  may need to mount it with specific options.15:26
bethdo97How can I fix the Botloader issues that are coming up?  I assume there are too many entries in the MBR.  Is there a way to edit it to fix that problem?15:26
Magizianiiro... yeah, click the button and login without Xservice.. then fix the problem.15:26
aeon-ltdDr_Willis: i used '-o rw' , it couldn't do it15:26
Dr_Willisaeon-ltd:  you may need to set the uid/owner15:27
llutz_aeon-ltd: use gid/uid/umask15:27
jordan_whats hattening everybody, good morning15:27
Lass1when i shall boot ubuntu what shall i use NTFS or FAT3215:27
Lass1i use windows 715:27
aeon-ltdDr_Willis, llutz_ : trying now15:27
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jordan_can somebody walk me through the steps on how to remote access my pc's15:27
Dr_WillisLass1:  ubuntu uses ext2/3/4 not windows filesystmes15:27
tw4nAny advise on how to make a dv  camera behave like a device (webcam) so it will show up in /dev/videoX15:27
jrib!ssh | jordan_15:27
ubottujordan_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:27
MagizianI use WMHT OS Zx86     os.hopto.org15:28
Dr_Willisjordan_:  depends on your network setup and what you want to do remotely15:28
Lass1i need to use something that windows can see15:28
ddihi again15:28
Dr_WillisLass1:  over lan? or internet?15:28
jordan_Dr_Willis, I would like to be able to act as if i am at the machine but remotely15:28
MagizianWMHT does windows, unix, linux and mac software faster than their native os's...15:28
jordan_Dr_Willis, but at the least I would like to be abelt to mainly send the shutdown cmd if possible15:29
High_PriestLass1, you can use both.. you can write to fat32 with native kernel support, and to ntfs via ntfs-3g15:29
High_Priestjordan_, you will be fine with ssh15:29
Dr_Willisjordan_:  you can easially ssh into a linux box and do lots of things...15:29
PiciMagizian: This doesn't really sound related to Ubuntu then.  You may want to try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##programming then15:29
jordan_Dr_Willis,  is that any different than vnc15:29
Dr_Willisjordan_:  ssh ? radically differnt then vnc15:30
jordan_I read some articles about vnc but got nothing to work15:30
bethdo97How do you edit the master boot record to eeliminate obsolete entries and gett the system to boot with out errors and loading multiple boot loaders15:30
Dr_Willisvnc is for local lan ussage. or to be ssh tunnled.15:30
Magizianer I came here to find a programmer with experience in porting pascal and delphi source to ubuntu..15:30
jordan_Dr_Willis, is it better?15:30
Dr_Willisjordan_:  better dosent figture in to it... its a differnt kind of tool.15:30
High_Priestjordan_, that depends on what exactly you need..15:30
Dr_Willislike compareing a band saw to a  router table. :)15:31
iiro_nomodeset seems to  do the trick, thanks!15:31
Magizianbut it looks like just users in here not programmers.15:31
bethdo97How do you edit the master boot record to eeliminate obsolete entries and gett the system to boot with out errors and loading multiple boot loaders15:31
Dr_Willisiiro_:  i have do use that on all my nvidia systems15:31
sacarlsonMagizian: sounds like spam15:31
jordan_High_Priest, lol, now Im kinda confused as to what i need, i have multiple machines (Desktop, server, two HTPC's) that I would like to remote into and control as if i was in front of it15:31
iiro_that really sucks15:31
Dr_Willisiiro_:  i tweak my live-usb setups to always use the option by default.15:32
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tw4nGot my Firewire camera working as a capture device but can't figure out how to make it a v4l device. Any help getting it into /dev/videoX would be great.15:32
Dr_Willisiiro_:  theres some sort of kernel/dkms issue with the nvidia cards/drivers that causes the problem.15:32
=== Estiqaatsi is now known as e-DIO-t
asiekierkasacarlson it's not spam, i googled it15:32
High_Priestjordan_, if terminal access is enough for you, you are fine with ssh, if you need X, there are various options including vnc15:32
iiro_I see15:32
asiekierkait sounds like a lame project15:32
asiekierkathat will never go beyond ideas15:32
erUSULbethdo97: the question makes little sense. the MBR is a very tiny part of a disk and tipicaly contains only the part of the ntldr ( windows) or part of grub15:32
asiekierkabecause, well15:33
jordan_High_Priest, whats X , a gui interface?15:33
MrMintanetHow can I test to see if my audio is working?  I do not have any sound coming out of my speakers, and they used to work.  I do not have the volume control in my top panel anymore...  :(15:33
High_Priestjordan_, yes15:33
asiekierkahow much would you rate WinDoze Magizia 2009 HyperTurbo OS 8 without seeing it15:33
jordan_High_Priest, for either option would I be able to fully see what is happening on the other end15:33
sacarlsonasiekierka: how is it related to ubuntu?15:33
llutz_asiekierka: so it is spam and OffTopic here15:33
asiekierkai believe it's based on ubuntu15:34
phaedraltrying to just wipe a usb stick formerly encrypted with truecrypt; don't know passwords anymore, just want to destroy data, format fresh; problem is, doesn't in "Places -> Computer"15:34
Dr_Willisphaedral:  use command line tools.  fdisk the device, repartiton, reformat15:34
sacarlsonasiekierka: so is debian and many other distro15:34
spiepWorld of Warcraft 4 ever :)15:34
phaedralDr_Willis: ah15:34
llutz_sacarlson: debian based on ubuntu? what did you smoke this morning?15:34
Dr_Willisphaedral:  actually gparted can proberly handle it all..15:35
High_Priestjordan_, what do you mean by "fully see what is happening" ? with ssh you could see whatever you want as if you were logged in locally on the box itself.. same for vnc but in gui15:35
sacarlsonllutz_:  true they came first but it's still not related15:35
MrMintanetHow can I test to see if my audio is working?  I do not have any sound coming out of my speakers, and they used to work.  I do not have the volume control in my top panel anymore...  :(15:35
jordan_High_Priest, basically meaning the stuff that your seeing exactly on your screen and how you control ur pc, thats what i want to do for all my pc's!15:35
yuskhanzabDougwiser, i cant find any clue about my usb modem connection name using dmseg15:35
phaedralfdisk gives me the willies; will try gparted; thanks!15:36
jordan_High_Priest, remotely15:36
Dougwiserwhich usb modem is it15:36
jordan_High_Priest, like in windows i mainly used logmein15:36
Dr_Willisjordan_:  vnc can have a dozen + virtual desktops in addation to showing the 'currently visible desktop'15:36
yuskhanzabim using digi internet, modem model huawei 155015:36
jordan_which allowed me to interface to the pc15:36
Dr_Willisjordan_:  you may want to check out Teamviewer15:36
jordan_Dr_Willis, ah ok, will check it out now15:37
High_Priestteamviewer is nice and can be used on dynamic IPs15:37
Dr_Willisjordan_: you really should spend the time to learn ssh. ssh is just TOO handy to not learn15:37
High_Priesthowever, couldn't be run automatically on boot last time I checked15:37
asiekierkaapparently that magiziguy is serious15:37
asiekierkabut i scared him off15:37
asiekierkawith actual knowledge15:37
High_PriestDr_Willis, how does one learn ssh? rephrase your statement please to "you should learn CLI"15:38
yuskhanzabis there any clue you have Dougwiser ?15:38
Dr_Willisasiekierka:  :)15:38
jordan_Dr_Willis, I'll take a shot at that ssh, where do i start15:38
Dr_WillisHigh_Priest:  books...15:38
jordan_like the basics15:38
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:38
asiekierka16:34 <Magizian> do you have experience in porting NT pascal and delphi to nix?15:38
DougwiserI was looking for ubuntu support i have the same problem with a linksys WUSB54G15:38
High_Priesthe doesn't need to know about secure shell protocol itself, he should rather learn command line interface :)15:38
phaedralgparted to the rescue; many thanks again15:38
Dougwiserthe manufactures only support winders15:39
Dr_Willishe was asking about remnote access specifically.15:39
dom__Hi, I wanna install mysql with rubygems with command 'gem install mysql'. The installation gave me some error messages like 'No definition for time_set_second15:39
dom__No definition for time_set_neg15:39
dom__No definition for time_set_second_part15:39
dom__No definition for time_equal15:39
dom__No definition for error_errno15:39
FloodBot1dom__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
dom__No definition for error_sqlstate'. Please tell me what i need to do. My ubuntu is 10.0415:39
Dr_Willisphaedral:  yep. gparted live cd. is a must have in your toolbox.15:39
jordan_you guys ever use logmein for windows, that exactly what i want to do in linux15:39
jiffegrrr, apparently someone thought it was a good idea to remove /usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt from libsnmp-base in ubuntu 10.1015:39
Dr_Willisjordan_:  never heard of it.15:39
jordan_dont know if that helps clarify what i was lookin for15:40
Dr_Willisjordan_:  teamviewer did work nicely when i used it.15:40
MrMintanetHow can I test to see if my audio is working?  I do not have any sound coming out of my speakers, and they used to work.  I do not have the volume control in my top panel anymore...  :(15:40
jordan_is that in the synaptic15:40
jordan_or software center15:40
Dougwiseryuskhanzab: looks like you may up against the same problem that device is detected as a flash drive in order to install the drivers in the other o/s15:40
Dr_Willisteamviuewer has its own web site last i checked. Not in any repos.15:40
Dr_Willisbut there may be ppa's15:40
jordan_Im about 4 days new into linux15:40
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High_Priestjordan_, teamviewer will do what you want on linux and windows.. and it's free15:41
dom__Can somebody guide me or give the the link on how to do 'gem install mysql' in ubuntu 10.04?15:41
Dr_Willisjordan_:  start with the ubuntu manual. work you rway up. :) gnome does hafve a desktop-shareing feature. but its local lan only i hink15:41
jordan_High_Priest, sayyyyyyyyyyywhat, free, free stuff is the best stuff,lol15:41
sacarlsondom__: funny I wrote a lot of ruby code and never tried to access mysql with it, I wonder if there is a apt-get for it15:42
jordan_Dr_Willis, Im fine with just local15:42
redboxDr_Willis: LogMeIn is for suckers who shell $69.95 per computer just to VNC their babies.15:42
DougwiserI use the ubuntu rpd client15:42
jordan_redbox, They offer a free version15:42
jordan_redbox, its just a little more limiting15:42
Dougwiserrdp client15:42
yuskhanzabnevermind Dougwiser , ill try find for my self, anyway thx15:42
CarlFKredbox: dosn't if offer a relay so that no on needs to mess with firewalls (mainly forwarding into NAT)15:42
redboxjordan_: you can use ssh for free and they do far great job. :)15:43
jordan_I tried starting with the default RDP, didnt get anywhere yet though15:43
dom__it gave me this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571776/15:43
DougwiserI'm going to buy a different USB adapter for that yuskhanzab15:43
yuskhanzabive already connected to the internet using it..15:44
yuskhanzabjust wanna know what is the usb modem connection name?15:44
yuskhanzablike eth0, eth1 or??15:44
Dr_Willisjordan_:  then any vnc viuewer and the gnome vnc deskop0 feautre will wok15:45
jordan_dl'ing the Teamviewer x6415:45
jordan_how do i start with that though15:45
jordan_the vnc stuff15:45
jrib!vnc | jordan_15:45
ubottujordan_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX15:45
jordan_Dr_Willis, off of 10.10 do i need any additional packages etc15:45
High_PriestfreeNX is a bitch to configure/run15:46
ddihi guys is there a way to connect two monitors to a single ubuntu machine and display one workspace on monitor1 and workspace2 on monitor215:46
compdocI guess FreeNX is more secure than vnc15:46
jordan_High_Priest, i like bitches but i dont want my software to act like one,lol15:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:46
redboxI like my dog.15:46
jordan_yeh my dogs are pretty cool15:47
High_Priestddi, yes but might depend on the graphic card you have15:47
ThinkT510yuskhanzab: type iwconfig in a terminal, that should show you the network interfaces available15:47
redboxddi: Enable Nvidia if you haven't done that. There should be configuration for it in Preferences/System.15:47
Lass11now im installing ubuntu on a NTFS disc, can windows se that disc when i will run ubuntu??15:47
dom__Hi, im trying to do 'gem install mysql' on ubuntu 10.04 and it gives me this error messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571776/. Can anyone guide me on how to install mysql with gem?15:47
pw-toxici want to create a new partition on a 2TB drive, but i have heard about a sector size issue15:47
ddiHigh_Priest Redbox thanks15:47
ikoniaLass11: don't do that15:47
pw-toxiccan someone tell me more about this?15:47
Dr_Willisjordan_:  i would stick with the suff included in ubuntu.15:47
ikoniaLass11: installing ubuntu onto NTFS is a very bad idea15:47
Lass11ikinia: why not?15:48
Dr_Willispw-toxic:  gparted automatically handles it i belive.15:48
High_Priestcan you even install / on ntfs? I don't think so15:48
jordan_Dr_Willis, crap I just went to the teamviewer site and dled it and installed it15:48
Dr_WillisHigh_Priest:  i dont think so15:48
pw-toxicDr_Willis, yeah but i wanna create a raid1 so i have to work with with this manually15:48
compdocpw-toxic, its a 4k sector drive? most new ones are. you have to concern yourself with alignment15:48
Dr_Willisjordan_:  we asked earlier if iut was a lan-lan connection or over the internet. :)15:48
CarlFKpw-toxic: i just formated a 2T a few days ago - no probem.15:48
redbox!dualmonitor | ddi15:48
ubottuddi: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:48
High_PriestLass11, probably it will split your ntfs partition and will use one part as root partition and will format it with linux filesystem15:48
ddican i simply plug in a second graphics card and then display separate workspaces on each monitor. how to do it15:48
pw-toxiccompdoc, how do i know what sectorsize i have?15:48
jordan_oh, i thought u asked another user that question, my bad15:48
jordan_Dr_Willis, its def withing the lan15:49
compdocpw-toxic, what model drive?15:49
jordan_two htpc's are wireless, everything else wired15:49
ikoniaLass11: ntfs is not a supported file system for your root OS, it has many issues, eg: can't support the linux permisisons15:49
pw-toxiccompdoc, hitachi 2TB15:49
redboxddi: It all depends on your graphic card. Yeah, you could do that. Shut down. Plug the graphic card in. Plug the monitor in. Some graphic card (like mine) can handle two plugs in one card.15:49
ddiredbox: ok15:49
ddiredbox: what then15:49
Corey-needhelphi i have a Dell m5030 and its running ubuntu 10.10, i have to add "linux acpi = off" to the grub thing, or else it won't boot, is there anyway to fix that? i want my battery percentage back15:50
High_Priestddi, redbox, it also depends on the motherboard. not all mobos will support 2 graphic cards - at least to run at the same time15:50
ddii hope it is not that complicated like i decided to cluster two machines to improve squids performance. i turned out reinstalling ubuntu....15:50
MrMintanetHow can I test to see if my audio is working?  I do not have any sound coming out of my speakers, and they used to work.  I do not have the volume control in my top panel anymore...  :(15:50
Dr_Willisjordan_:  the normal vnc stuff in gnome should work fine in most cases15:51
redboxddi: Check Preferences/System. Ensure that you have enabled all restricted/additional drivers. Then look in Monitor or Nvidia (if Nvidia). I'm going to bed. It's not too difficult to be honest.15:51
ddiHigh_Priest thanks i think you are also right15:51
compdocpw-toxic, alignment is easy to do - the latest gparted does it automatically. you just leave 1meg of free space before the first partition15:51
High_PriestMrMintanet, try playing an mp3 at first15:51
redboxMrMintanet: Try "alsamixer"15:51
pw-toxiccompdoc, but i will work with fdisk and mdadm since i want to create a mdadm raid1 software raid15:51
yuskhanzabThinkT510, ok iv found the name of the connection.. its name "lo" thank you15:52
ddiHigh_Priest how do i set one work space on one monitor and workspcace2 on second monitor15:52
jordan_Dr_Willis, ah ok, cool then, How do i start that process, not trying to be lazy, i read a bunch of forums this morning and got nowhere then i came in here for help15:52
High_Priestddi, 2 monitors are usually done via 1 graphic card which can do this15:52
High_Priestddi, if your graphic card can connect 2 monitors, then connect them, next step would be to configure X server to send appropriate output15:53
jordan_Corey-needhelp, suo corey15:53
ddiHigh_Priest and how do you achieve that with one graphics card15:53
semitoneshello :)15:53
zs1otbanyone have any idea why Kino freezes up, after 12 seconds when capturing video from  the Firewire port?15:53
High_Priestddi, what does it have in the back? hdmi? vga output? how many?15:53
gaelfxddi: I believe you can set that up using the "Display" settings15:53
gaelfxddi in preferences15:53
compdocpw-toxic, google 4K-sector drives and Linux15:53
High_Priestddi, also, nvidia chip based cards have a nice GUI utility to do it15:54
zs1otbanyone have any idea why Kino freezes up, after 12 seconds when capturing video from  the Firewire port?15:54
Corey-needhelpjordan_, hi i have a Dell m5030 and its running ubuntu 10.10, i have to add "linux acpi = off" to the grub thing, or else it won't boot, is there anyway to fix that? i want my battery percentage back15:54
jordan_Dr_Willis, with RDP /vnc  etc.. client i get as being the connecting pc, is server the same as host or the connecting TO pc15:55
ddiin preferences even if i detect two monitors.how do i setup workspaces on each monitor. i could not find any option there15:55
jordan_Corey-needhelp, ah thats wayyy over my head, im new to linux now for about 4 days15:55
ddiHigh_Priest my vga card is built in and only has a single monitor port15:55
gaelfxddi hang on15:56
sivamohanmy web cam is very slow15:57
sivamohanwat sud i do15:57
sivamohanto increase the speed15:57
zs1otbanyone have any idea why Kino freezes up, after 12 seconds when capturing video from  the Firewire port?15:57
KB1JWQCorey-needhelp: Any way to fix what, exactly?  Re-enabling ACPI?15:57
High_Priestddi, I don't think you can accomplish what you want with what you have right now15:57
gaelfxddi preferences -> monitors15:57
Corey-needhelpyes KB1JWQ, i kinda need to see my battery percentage (laptop)15:58
gaelfxddi do you know what kind of graphics card you have?15:58
ddiHigh_Priest yeah but i have another video card handy i can plug that in my box15:58
sivamohanno i dont know15:58
High_Priestddi, what output that other card has? how many?15:58
gaelfxddi that might make it more difficult15:58
wolterhi, i don't know why I have two icons for my storage partition on the nautilus computer "place" of which only one works, help?15:58
zs1otbanybody knows something about Kino and 10.04?15:59
ddiit has one output15:59
ddimore difficult? (&^&*%%#@(15:59
High_Priestddi, same thing...doesn't change anything16:00
High_Priestddi, you need a vga card which is cappable of connecting 2 monitors16:00
High_Priestand even when you get that16:00
High_Priestit seems it's somewhat tricky to achieve different workspaces on different monitors16:00
gaelfxddi what kind of cards are they?16:00
High_Priestddi, check http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html and http://superuser.com/questions/29834/fedora-dual-monitor-one-workspace-per-monitor16:01
sivamohaniam using ubuntu10.1016:01
High_Priestbefore you invest in new hardware :)16:01
sivamohanand my  webcam is slow16:01
ddione is an nvidia card with a big fan and heat sink on top of it16:01
sivamohanin gmail16:01
ddiok will do now\16:01
zs1otbis there really nobody in here who knows anything about Kino and video capturing in 10.04?16:02
High_Priestddi, rather check second page first16:02
tonsofpcsWhat do I need to do for read/write access to HFS+ volumes with Maverick?16:02
tonsofpcs? hfs+16:02
High_Priestsivamohan, has it been slow before? in gmail?16:02
jordan_anybody, in remote desktop stuff, is server the same as saying the host pc16:02
ikoniajordan_: it's the thing you are connecting to16:03
sivamohanwhen using in windows it was good16:03
sivamohanafter installing ubuntu16:03
ddigaelfx they are i think nvidia cards but the one in my pc is not16:03
High_Priestsivamohan, have you tried any other application except gmail?16:03
sivamohanit became slow16:03
High_Priestsivamohan, and do you still have windows (dual boot) or not?16:03
sssHow can I make that GRUB menu is always showed by default?16:04
ZenGuyplease help.. full screen flash with dual monitors doesn't work on my 10.4 install. .. I copied my /home folder to my new install and I purged flash and just reinstalled with no change16:04
sivamohanno i have only ubuntu10.10 now16:04
gaelfxddi I'm thinking this might not be the best thing to pursue right now for you16:05
ddiwhat should i do then16:05
High_Priestsivamohan, have you tried any other application? also, that might be related to kernel module you are using..16:05
AbismoNegro____how could we have a mac style duck on ubuntu16:06
gaelfxddi maybe I can say it better, what I mean is I'm not the best person to be asking about that. It might be possible, but I frankly don't know either way16:06
sivamohanidont know about kernal16:06
=== peregrinator_six is now known as dial_up_br
sivamohani using only ubuntu16:06
ZenGuyhow can I get full screen flash to work on dual monitors with the latest flash version on ubuntu 10.4?16:07
sssHow can I GRUB menu be shown by default?16:07
ddii think i should just plug in the second card and see if my desktop is extended to both monitors as suggested in the link posted above16:07
ddigaelfx thanks for not wasting my time catch you later/16:07
gaelfxddi sorry16:07
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
Tetsuo55hello, why does ubuntu have 3 icons for empathy messenger?16:08
gaelfxddi but it's always possible someone might know what to do16:08
gaelfxdang, laggy16:08
sivamohanthe videos are fast in youtube.the only problem that comes is wen i use gmail video chat live and full screen it16:08
ThinkT510sss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring%20GRUB%20216:09
syrinxim in need of some apache help, i have a shell running in the basement that i want to use to serve.16:10
syrinxit works locally, but not outside16:10
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llutz_syrinx: apachehelp #httpd16:13
ZenGuyhow can I get full screen flash to work on dual monitors with the latest flash version on ubuntu 10.4?16:14
jacobvateHey everybody, I have an ubuntu installed with the option "Install inside windows", and accidently I remove the grub by apt-get remove, so I still have the windows bootloader to choose between ubuntu and windows 7, but when i choose ubuntu i got this message: No wubildr. so is there a way to reinstall the grub, than you16:14
jordan_before i started installing a bunch of random things regarding SSH, I read some forums and watched a few video tut's, SSH seems terminal based, I dont want to remote just via the termianl I want to see the exact screen from the host pc (which is all on a lan)16:14
jribjordan_: vnc16:14
ZenGuyjordan_: check out teamviewer or X forwarding16:15
iSkinI'm having an issue with package liferea-data exiting with 'error code 1'. I've done 'apt update && apt upgrade' with no luck. Anyone know a good way to fix or troubleshoot this?16:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:15
ZenGuyx forwarding with vnc?16:15
sivamohanr u der16:15
sivamohanplease some one reply me16:16
sivamohanplease some one reply me16:17
ZenGuysivamohan: video is fast? does that mean it plays back faster than normal? Slow? does that mean it's choppy or playsback sloweer than usual? ...hat broser are you using16:17
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sacarlsonjordan_ you can share files over ssh with a gui if that's what you need otherwise you might want vnc16:17
ruiserraHi, I have a problem, my ubuntu doesn't start ip address. If I open the Shell and write "/etc/init.d/networking restart", my system obtains ip. What do I need to do this in startup?16:17
ZenGuyjordan_: share files over "ssh" via a gui could be achived with "\sshfs"16:18
sivamohanwhen i used call video chat with my frnds in gmail it was slow and also when i full screen my video it becoming slow why?16:19
gaelfxjordan_  TightVNC is good for windows, if need be16:19
CrAnxHI on my Ubuntu the opengl is not working really fast what can i do16:19
ZenGuyruiserra: you might need to look for starting the script in startuop applications16:19
jimrHi there, ultra newb here, just got ubunto 10.10, ready tp play around with it on my nearly dead old lappy before commiting (but pretty sure im going to comitting), trouble is, no wireless access to my router, absolutley no idea how to fix it. Any help <316:19
AbhijiT!wifi | jimr16:20
ubottujimr: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:20
sacarlsonjordan_: ya file share ssh is cool with nautilus just Places>Connect to server>service type ssh>server ip16:20
ZenGuysivamohan: check the falsh settings and make sure hardware acceleration is enabled16:20
jimr(AbhijiT): *thumbs up* See you.16:21
jordan_cool will try that16:21
overcluckersacarlson: why not just sftp?16:21
selenahi jordan_16:21
sacarlsonoverclucker: I don't know I just like to drag and drop or cut and paste16:21
sivamohanhow to check the falsh settings16:21
Saikhey everyone how can I report a core kernel bug?16:21
pw-toxiccompdoccan someone tell me how long it takes to create an 2TB ext4 partition using mkfs.ext4?16:21
gaelfxjordan_ if you want to swap files with windows, WinSCP is handy as well, works with ssh too16:22
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:22
sivamohanand what is hard acceleration16:22
sivamohani dont know anything iam new user to ubuntu16:23
ZenGuysivamohan: right-cleck a flash video and select "settings" you should see the hardware accelareation option16:23
sivamohanhelp me out of this problem16:23
vishSaik:  $ ubuntu-bug linux16:23
sacarlsonI would like to setup an encrypted partition that would get it's key from an on-line Internet source so that if it was physically stolen that the on-line key could be turned off and data would be safe.  Does such a documented method exist using a luks encrypted partitions or other?16:24
jacobvateHello, I have an ubuntu installed with the option "Install inside windows", and accidently I removed the grub by apt-get remove, so I still have the windows bootloader to choose between ubuntu and windows 7, but when i choose ubuntu i got this message: No wubildr. so is there a way to reinstall the grub, thank you in advance16:24
sivamohanmeen in cheese webcam?16:24
tacotronhi uys.. im trying to install gnu-scheme on my 64bit ubuntu.. im having issues. ive been able to configure and make it, but when i run make instlal, it complains that it cant stat lib/*.com?16:24
sivamohanin cheese web cam i solved it16:24
sivamohanbut in gmail web cam it slow16:25
selenahelp me my hard disk crash it's to 1gb samsung Ido'nt know to occur16:25
sivamohanin cheese i solve by edit the prefrences16:25
tacotronjacobvate: if you have a live ubuntu disc.. you may be able to get it to reinstall grub16:25
Saikvish, ThinkT510: there's a problem with that idea.. several actually.   1: I can't get online because of it. 2: it's n a different kernal that I'm using right now (so note that I DO know it's a regression, and not a fluke)16:26
sacarlsonselena: cashed?  like won't boot won't mount?16:26
sivamohanscreen i changed screen resolution16:26
selenacrash excuse me16:26
sivamohanbut when in gmail video chat it is slow16:26
sacarlsonselena: no my mistake crashed,  what won't it do?16:27
sivamohani did not find any setting16:27
vishSaik: OK, have you filed a bug in launchpad, thats the only way some developer might look at it16:27
vish!bug > Saik16:27
ubottuSaik, please see my private message16:27
gaelfx!enter > sivamohan16:27
ubottusivamohan, please see my private message16:27
Saikvish: not yet. I'll do that now if I can remember my launchpad account lol)16:28
sivamohanwhere is flash video16:28
vishSaik: cool! or create a new one.. it FREE! ;)16:28
sivamohanwhere is it16:28
sivamohanprivate message16:29
Saiklol well, or keep trying to figure it out again :P16:29
felonquestion, im new to ubuntu and when i was on windows playing games i could hit the windows button on my keyboard and it would take me to desktop real quick while leaving the game open, that button dont work with ubuntu...any suggestions?16:29
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sivamohanin cheese i find out  flash16:30
sivamohanbut i not anable16:30
vishsivamohan: cheese and flash?16:30
sivamohanto do16:30
vishsivamohan: cheese does not record video as flash16:30
Amanda__Hi :)16:31
tw4nIs it possible to use a Canon7D DSLR as a liveview device and control through webcam programs?16:31
sivamohanwhen i full screen it iam the video is very slow16:31
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vish!who | sivamohan16:31
ubottusivamohan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:31
overcluckerfelon: alt+F1 ?16:32
felonhmm ill try it real quick thx16:32
sacarlsonsivamohan: when I changed my video driver to nvidia propriatary it fixed that slow video play for me16:32
Yvemathsivamohan: that depends on the graphic card you've, frame rate you've selected and the web cam you own.16:33
kevin__sivamohan: a16:33
djhashi have a usb thumb drive with hfs+ filesystem. Can I backup the usb onto a file so I can restore it later? I plan on formatting it to fat32.. but I was to make sure I can get it back to where it was.. I use it as a bootable usb drive.16:34
ZenGuyhow can I get full screen flash to work on dual monitors with the latest flash version on ubuntu 10.4?16:34
AbhijiTgnaruag, :-o16:34
llutz_djhash: sudo ddif=/dev/sdX of=imagefile.img bs=4k           would create an image independen from used filesystem16:34
AbhijiTgnaruag, what are you doing here???? :P :P :D16:34
sivamohanif it is depende on graphic card it should work in slow in windows also but it is working good in windows16:34
sivamohanand how do change frame rat16:35
llutz_djhash: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=imagefile.img bs=4k     sry, typo16:35
djhashllutz_: then reverse the if and of to get it back onto the drive?16:35
llutz_djhash: thats it16:35
djhashok.. thanks16:35
ZenGuyllutz: whats bs=4k for?16:35
llutz_djhash: just make sure to use the device, not a partition16:35
felonoverclucker: nope16:35
llutz_djhash: blocksize, speeds it up a bit16:35
felondo i need to bind something?16:35
gnaruagAbhijiT, hey16:36
AbhijiTgnaruag, :D16:36
overcluckerfelon: you want gnome-menu to open or am i wrong?16:36
felonyour right16:36
djhashllutz_: thanks16:36
felonalt +f1 dosent work16:36
overcluckerfelon: you might need to set a binding16:37
syrinxanyone have any idea where the best apache channel is?16:37
feloni wouldnt know the first place to start16:37
syrinxfreenode right?16:37
syrinxi was just there and no one could send a message16:37
syrinxkinda wierd :-/16:38
overcluckerfelon: menu > system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts16:38
KB1JWQsyrinx: Identify to services first.16:38
vishfelon: otherwise, you can add the custom key, using System » Preferences » Keyboard Shortcuts16:38
KB1JWQfreenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup (Please make sure you check your email to complete registration) syrinx16:38
AbhijiTsyrinx, #httpd16:38
llutz_!register | syrinx16:38
ubottusyrinx: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:38
edwinkcwI wonder if there is any IRC talking image processing?16:38
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llutz_syrinx: make sure your nick is registered and you're identified16:38
Dr_Willisedwinkcw:  perhspa #gimp may know16:38
syrinxlet me try to register16:39
gnaruagAbhijiT, i am trying to figure out something16:39
AbhijiTgnaruag, :-o16:39
AbhijiTgnaruag, ask!16:39
sacarlsondjhash: hfs+ is mountable on linux so you should have no problem moving the files to a local ubuntu disk location16:40
tonsofpcswhat do I need to do to read and write HFS+?  Right now I can only read it.  (Maverick)16:40
edwinkcwDr_Willis: Thanks16:40
vishfelon: check what is set for the "Show panel's main menu" in keyboard shortcuts, if it is set to Alt+F1 and it is not working , you can change it to a different keycombo16:40
dexter1hey someone help me ?16:41
AbhijiTdexter1, ask16:41
vish!helpme > dexter116:41
ubottudexter1, please see my private message16:41
djhashsacarlson: but what about formatting it to fat32.. will i be able to format it back to hfs+ and make it bootable again?16:41
sacarlsontonsofpcs: what did you do to mount it?16:41
sivamohanzenguy,when i full screen my video chat in gmail it is slow why?16:41
gnaruagits hard to install php-fpm in ubuntu16:41
ZenGuysivamohan: hat version of flash are you running?16:41
tonsofpcssacarlson: just plugged it in (USB).  I have hfsplus packages installed buy I guess I may be missing some?16:41
sacarlsondjhash: bootable for an apple system?  I'm not sure16:41
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:42
dexter1After upgrading from lenny to squeeze , i lost my Realtek NIC , i tried mod probe and some other stuff and it didn`t work16:42
Saikwheres that boot list?16:42
Saik(I forgot)16:42
sivamohanzenguy, idont know hat version of flash16:42
jribdexter1: you are in #ubuntu16:43
sacarlsontonsofpcs: maybe it a priv thing who owns the files?16:43
ZenGuysivamohan: what version of ubuntu are you running?16:43
vishdexter1: you should probably ask the debian folk about that.16:43
jribgnaruag: php5-fpm is in the repositories16:43
ZenGuysivamohan:  64-bit?16:43
tonsofpcssacarlson: nah, it tells me that the filesystem is RO16:43
tonsofpcsbut in mount it shows rw mount options16:44
sivamohanzenguy, idont know16:44
jordan_selena, hey16:44
sivamohanzenguy,but it may be3216:44
syrinxnice, thanks everyone16:44
syrinxworking great now16:44
ZenGuysivamohan: run the command "uname -a" ithout the quotes16:44
sacarlsontonsofpcs: well maybe try mount it as read/write as a sudo user16:44
kantxxhey all.. is it possible to disable vga console?16:45
sacarlsontonsofpcs: I'm not sure how well supported that files format is on linux16:45
antlongis the gui from netbook available through apt-get?16:45
djhashsacarlson: it's a chameleon bootloader, i should be able to do it simply in ubuntu.. right?16:45
sacarlsondjhash: I'm not an apple guy so I don't know16:45
jordan_question real quick regarding the vnc stuff for remote desktop'ing, how do you access the vnc stuff - is it via the terminal only16:46
sivamohanzenguy, 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux16:46
sivamohan 16:46
evilsushiO.o full disk encryption w/ lvm on ubuntu 10.10 is slick =)16:46
sivamohanzenguy, is the output i got16:46
gnaruagjrib,  i tried many times , it didnt worked . I will try it again , i was playing with nginx so it supports php via php-fpm , right ?16:47
Saikwher can I find theboot list? or does anyoneknow the latest kerel in 10.10?16:47
jribjordan_: no.  vnc gives you a graphical display16:47
sacarlsonjordan_: no there is a gui to connect to vnc  from Applications>Internet>remote desktop viewer16:47
jribgnaruag: I have no idea.  All I know is that installing php5-fpm should be easy; just install the package16:47
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
sivamohanzenguy ,the output i got after  running that command on terminal is 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux16:47
ZenGuysivamohan: you are using a 32-bit OS16:47
AbhijiTjrib, gnaruag there is no search result for php5-fpm in my lucid software center16:48
ZenGuysivamohan: did you check the hardware acceleration option like I mentioned before16:48
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10: I cant get telepathy stream engine16:48
alisalaahE: Unable to locate package telepathy-stream-engine16:48
ZenGuyhow can I get full screen flash to work on dual monitors with the latest flash version on ubuntu 10.4?16:48
yannis__what ?16:49
sivamohanzenguy,i dont know how to check the accelration16:49
sivamohanplz tell me16:49
_david_I have a question about the language panel.16:49
AbhijiThi yannis_ do you have ubuntu question?16:49
yannis_no, thanks16:49
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ZenGuysivamohan: ok, open your browser and go to a youtube video.. right-click the video and select "settings" in the settings you should be able to see the hardware acceleration options16:49
=== Andorin is now known as Guest22330
_david_How do I show which keyboard layout is currently being used in the panel?  A day ago it was there, but now it is not.16:50
vparkpl help me register16:50
llutz_!register | vpark16:50
ubottuvpark: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:50
jordan_ah ok i see it now, thnx, for now16:50
jordan_im sure ill be back with more questions16:50
jordan_and heres the next question,lol, how can i get around the allow or refuse requirement. if i need to be at the machine to allow the connection than it defeats  my need for remote access since id have to be at the machine to allow the remote16:50
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sivamohanzenguy,it is enable16:51
edwinkcwit seems that GIMP IRC is not a good place to talk about the theory of image processing16:51
ZenGuysivamohan: ok give me a sec16:52
sacarlsonjordan_ there are a seletion bottons to defeat the asking of allow or even to be seen connecting16:52
vparkmsg nickserv identify vpark sanatanVishal16:53
jordan_found it, thnx SACAR16:53
llutz_vpark: prepend a / and chose a different password now16:53
_david_How can I display the name of the keyboard layout in the panel in Ubuntu 10.1016:53
sacarlsonI would like to setup an encrypted partition that would get it's key from an on-line Internet source is that posible?16:54
kilroyHi all16:54
Jonii^Ubuntu has some sort of safe way of putting up the full disk encryption on it's own?16:54
BluesKajvpark, type that into the server textbox not here     '/msg nickserv identify vpark sanatanVishal'16:54
jordan_next question, i have successfully remoted into my pc, it doesnt seem to be doing anything such as moving the mouse or windows16:54
Jonii^Does anyone know if there are any reasons to use either Ubuntu own thing or Truecrypt to encrypt the disk?16:54
d1gitalI've noticed a lot of similarities between the Temples of Syrinx from Rush's 2112 and Google.16:55
jordan_I have the " allow other users to control your desktop" enabled16:55
vparkllutz_: how to change my password16:55
llutz_vpark: /msg nickserv help16:56
Yannis14type passwd16:56
sacarlsonjordan_ and what is it you are remoteing into?  window?  ubuntu?  what version?16:56
llutz_Yannis14: nickserv password, not user16:56
llutz_vpark: /msg nickserv help16:56
jordan_sacarlson, both are ubuntu 10.10 machines16:56
Saikwher can I find theboot list? or does anyoneknow the latest kerel in 10.10?16:57
jordan_sacarlson, one is my server the other is my htpc16:57
sacarlsonjordan_ then it should work, not sure what the problem might be16:57
d1gitallol @ "Type passwd"  "passwd"16:57
kilroyI just purchased 3 HP Proliant DL580 G2 servers. Each with 4x 3.0 Xeon's. The cpu's are pre-VT. What would be the best VM manager to use in Ubuntu Server? VMWare? VirtualBox?16:57
Jonii^Oh, wait, truecrypt doesn't allow full disk encryption on Ubuntu?16:58
jordan_sacarlson, trying it now both ways, htpc to serv and serv to htpc16:58
badbytehi i have a zotac board and wanted to install nvidia16:58
badbytei cannont get a resolution bigger than 860x64016:59
jordan_ah ok, man its seems laggy16:59
jordan_i can manipulate the server from the htpc16:59
jordan_but it is laggy, like a horrible delay16:59
ZenGuysivamohan: sudo apt-get remove -y –purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree16:59
Jonii^And lemme guess, Ubuntu also doesn't allow you to encrypt the disk without reinstalling the whole thing?16:59
sacarlsonjordan_ server?  they are both running x11 servers or I should say the desktop version aren't they?17:00
Jonii^Like, this is awful :/17:00
jordan_weird cause their connected via gbit connections17:00
jordan_sacarlson, ah they are both just using the reg ubuntu 64, i use it as a server in a sense17:00
jordan_sacarlson, i dont know what the x11 is really17:00
badbytei wanted to know where can i add a higher resolution in the settings?17:00
ThinkT510badbyte: have you installed the nvdia driver yet?17:01
vparkjordan_: help me register17:01
sacarlsonjordan_ X11 is what drives the graphics we see in desktop edition,  servers don't run it,  they just have text consoles17:01
sivamohanzenguy,the output i got is Reading package lists... Done17:02
sivamohanBuilding dependency tree17:02
sivamohanReading state information... Done17:02
sivamohanE: Unable to locate package –purge17:02
FloodBot1sivamohan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:02
Saikwhere can I find the boot list? or does anyone know the latest kerel in 10.10?17:02
llutz_!register | vpark read this, follow this17:02
ubottuvpark read this, follow this: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:02
tittn_when will ubuntu fix my internal microphone of my asus laptop ?17:02
jordan_vpark, help you register what17:02
ZenGuysivamohan: did you copy and paste all the commands in the terminal?17:02
overcluckervpark: /msg nickserver register password email@address17:02
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ZenGuysivamohan: run all the commands their suppose to run one after the other17:02
overcluckervpark: /msg nickserv password email@addr17:03
ZenGuyhow can I get full screen flash to work on dual monitors with the latest flash version on ubuntu 10.4?17:03
llutz_vpark: "Registration help available by typing /join #freenode"17:03
jordan_sacarlson, ah i guess since im not running an official server distro of ubuntu ( i am using the reg desktop distro) that i have x1117:03
sacarlsonjordan_ lag can also depend on the systems power to render images17:03
jordan_sacarlson, how can i verify x1117:03
xbmcHi All. Having trouble getting my sound to work.17:03
xbmcSomeone help?17:03
jordan_sacarlson, ah the server pc has a nvidia 9400gt with 1gb mem17:03
jordan_sacarlson, I would assume the power is there17:04
vparkllutz_: accidently I've displayed my password, what should i do now?17:04
llutz_vpark: "Registration help available by typing /join #freenode"17:04
sacarlsonjordan_ if you can see a photo on your screen or run a browser then you are running X1117:04
llutz_vpark: what part of that don't you understand?17:04
vparkno no trying now17:04
vparkfor that17:05
jordan_sacarlson,  ah then yeh, it is installed, i can see the server desktop and go through files and whatnot, its laggy though17:05
uniqueif i want to setup an alias so when someone types "test" on the shell it reads a txt file... alias test='more /etc/test' <== where do i add that line?17:05
sivamohanzenguy,i run that cmd..and some thing is being exectued..continuesly17:05
llutz_unique: don't use "test" as an alias, its a command17:05
ZenGuyyeah just wait till it's done and go to your browser anbd see if it works properly sivamohan17:06
uniquellutz_: no that was just an example...17:06
sivamohanzenguy ok17:06
llutz_unique: use ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile17:06
ruanwhat does the test command do?17:06
llutz_unique: bad example ;)17:06
sacarlsonjordan_ ya I've never seen vnc work like  realtime it lags even on my lan with 100meg/sec17:06
uniquellutz_ but for ALL users to be able to17:06
llutz_unique: /etc/profile17:06
jordan_sacarlson, ah ok, yeh im using two 1000 ports with a 16 port gbit switch17:07
ZenGuysivamohan: was 10.10 a clean install or did you upgrade from 10.4?17:07
jordan_and its got at least a 1.5 to 2 second delay17:07
ajenghow to upgrade to 10.1017:07
sacarlsonjordan_ closer to realtime is quicksynergy but that is only good if both the screens of the two or more computers can be seen from where you sit17:08
xbmcSound problem. Anyone offering to help me?17:08
jordan_sacarlson, ah ok, food for thought i guess17:08
ajengxbmc : what the problem17:08
jordan_sacarlson,  at the least i wanted to remote the pc's so i can power down my server when im done using it via my htpc17:09
demalojust a quick question - does cpu load in % depend on the actual speed that cpu is running? i mean if my system monitor says 10% in idle at 1,20 Ghz and 10% with running severa programs at 2,67 Ghz, thats not the same 10% since it's 10% of 1,20 Ghz and 10% of 2,67 Ghz, meaning 10% != 10% here, right?17:09
overcluckerjordan_: you just want to power it down?17:09
sivamohanzenguy,some delay is there in video17:09
sacarlsonjordan_ well to shutdown would be quicker with ssh but your choice17:09
xbmcI cant get any sound out of the machine. Newly installed Ubuntu system.17:10
jordan_sacarlson, overclucker , yeh , to shutdown remotely at the elast17:10
ZenGuysivamohan: have you updated your system recently? you may need to uodate to a newer kernel? what are the specs of you pc?17:10
zozo__i need some help pls17:10
overcluckerjordan_: with ssh: sudo shutdown -hP now17:11
sacarlsonjordan_ you can just login with ssh and halt17:11
ajengmay be you get mute mode..17:11
xbmcI've checked all the basics.17:11
Daevol^Why does firefox do this?17:11
JG[Mad]Can someone give me an idea of where I can get a copy of the uboutu source? Specifically LogToIrc17:11
ZenGuyzozo__: you must state your question?17:11
sacarlsonjordan_ or better like overclucker says17:11
jordan_sacarlson, overclucker , ah ok, with ssh what do i need17:11
zozo__could somone help with laptop install?17:11
jordan_i was wondering about sending the halt cmd remotely17:11
ZenGuyzozo__: are you installing with usb or cd?17:12
jordan_zozo what did u need17:12
zozo__with cd17:12
ZenGuyjordan_: you can do that over ssh17:12
sacarlsonjordan_ I'm old school we still use halt17:12
xbmcI cant get my wireless USB stick to work nor can I get the sound to work.17:12
ZenGuyzozo__: will you dual boot?17:12
JG[Mad]Can someone give me an idea of where I can get a copy of the uboutu source? Specifically LogToIrc Plugin Source.17:12
_david_How can I display the name of the keyboard layout in the panel in Ubuntu 10.1017:12
zozo__i just bought dell inspiron, deleted fat32 partition with gparted17:12
jordan_ZenGuy, sacarlson well im fine with the old school halt, i am familiar with it17:12
zozo__i cant install os now17:13
ajenghave you check system testing ?17:13
jordan_zozo__, which inspiron , i got the 152017:13
xbmcYes via each speaker.17:13
zozo__i got m501017:13
Lint01_david_, via keyboard properties? it's automatic now17:13
ajengdoes it work17:14
jordan_zozo__, really, i wouldnt have thought the hdd state ( meaning partitions) would matter if your going to install linux over the whole hdd17:14
sivamohanzenguy,40gb harddisk 512+256mb ram17:14
Daevol:( --> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13495464/Gorram_Border.png17:14
xbmcIt is strange in that it is showing HDMI sound and analogue. My graphics card has a HDMI output to the TV but I dont think it does HDMI pass through. Although I have tried both the analague and the hdmi.17:14
e01how can i make custom taxonomies working with custom post types with rewrite, because now with rewrite=false they are working17:14
zozo__is somthing needed for dell in the hdd?17:14
jordan_zozo__, does it allow you to change your partitions in the install setup17:14
ZenGuywhats you cpu speed?17:14
e01ops wrong channel, sorry :)17:14
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:14
JG[Mad]Can someone give me an idea of where I can get a copy of the uboutu source? Specifically LogToIrc Plugin Source.17:14
llutz_JG[Mad]: apt-get source <packagename>17:15
jordan_zozo__, no, my dell runs just fine, i even took out the original hdd and installed a 128GB SSD17:15
Saikwhere can I find the boot list? or does anyone know the latest kernel in 10.10?17:15
JG[Mad]llutz: How do I go that?17:15
ZenGuysivamohan: cpu speed should read in ghz..but don;t worry17:15
zozo__jordan: there is a dell utility partition is it necessary?17:15
ajengdid ubuntu sound appear17:15
JG[Mad]llutz_: How do I do that? Where do I put that?17:15
syrinx@zozo, not really17:15
llutz_JG[Mad]: dunno what LogToIrc is, find the package it is in, geet the source using command shown above17:16
jordan_thats either just their restore partition , or the partition to use the dvd player without booting the pc media17:16
zozo__so do you think i should format all hdd?17:16
sivamohanzenguy,ok thanks17:16
jordan_zozo__, Id format the whole drive17:16
BitEncrypti downloaded Lubuntu, do i need to do anything to the iso before i burn it to cd17:16
JG[Mad]Is there a source for the Ubottu bot?17:16
sivamohanfor the information17:16
zozo__ok i try it17:16
Pici!botclone | JG[Mad]17:16
ubottuJG[Mad]: $nick uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)17:16
drczozo__: The DellUtility Partition is not necessary, but as it usually less thean 100mb, I leave it...it has come in handy diagnosing hardware problems17:16
jordan_zozo__, the other stuff isnt really needed17:17
syrinx@BitEncrypt, no, just burn it17:17
jordan_zozo__, can u watch movies and stuff on ur pc without having to boot up the entire pc17:17
syrinxor make a liveCD17:17
amitcan i install an ubuntu to an extended logical partition17:17
sivamohanzenguy,how to see my cpu speed17:17
llutz_amit: you can17:17
BitEncryptsyrinx, burning it to cd will allow me to do what in iso format17:18
zozo__i left the dell ut. partition, and have the ather for ext4, swap etc. but ubuntu installation stops. black display17:18
demalodoes cpu load in % depend on the actual speed that cpu is running? i mean if my system monitor says 10% in idle at 1,20 Ghz and 10% with running severa programs at 2,67 Ghz, thats not the same 10% since it's 10% of 1,20 Ghz and 10% of 2,67 Ghz, meaning 10% != 10% here, right?17:18
amitllutz: is that doesnot give problem as i have fedora installed already?17:18
llutz_amit: no worries, just make sure to know where to write grub17:18
BitEncryptsyrinx, i would like to install it17:18
xbmcAny give me a walk through with my sound problems?17:18
_david_Lint01, How do I get to keyboard properties?  I've already set up two languages and can switch between them, but the names don't show up and I can't right click on the icon. Դավիթ17:19
amitlltuz: i have no much idea about grub plz elobrate17:19
zozo__gparted live cd boots properly but ubuntu does net17:19
jordan_zozo__, are you leaving the original dell partition on the drive or formatting the entire drive and installing ubuntu on the whole thing17:19
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lotusAnyone have experience with Play On Linux?  Particularly changing the wine implementation that games run on?17:19
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llutz_amit: grub is the bootmanager, it has to be written somewhere (mbr or partition). so if your fedora has written grub into mbr and ubuntu overwrites it, be preapared to some confusion17:20
zozo__do you think i could save the dell utility partition before formatting whole drive? how could i do it?17:20
pfifo!sound | xbmc17:20
ubottuxbmc: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:20
sivamohanzenguy, how to convert movies or pdf files17:21
amithow to open pdf file from terminal17:21
llutz_amit: 2nd thing: if ubuntu recreates an existing swap-partition, the UUID will change which might get an error when booting your fedora again17:21
aeon-ltdamit: don't think thats possible, you'd need a gui reader17:21
Lint01_david_, in layout properties dialog should be a checkbox17:22
BitEncryptpici, burning Lubuntu to cd, will that allow me to boot from that cd17:22
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amitllutz: should i to install it on primary  rather than logiacl?17:22
jordan_zozo__, does ur laptop allow u to watch movies and view pics and whatnot without booting the entire pc17:23
llutz_amit: doesn't matter17:23
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 -- Does anyone know how to get DIsplayLink compatible USB to DVI adapters working in Ubuntu Maverick?17:23
amitok thanx17:23
amitllutz: thanx17:23
bethdo97I attempted to install using Wubi and when that didn't work I uninstalled the Wubi install and tried to start the live disc which bootedd to te desktop but networking was no working.  I had one person advise to hard wire my netbook but since I don't have an ethernet card in my netbook so wireless is all I have.  How can  get this working17:23
ruanhow do i update clamtk antivirus? its reporting that its outdated and when i press check for updates it doesnt give me an update button, just lists updates17:23
zozo__jordan_: i dont know i just bought is, i need to try17:23
jordan_zozo__, cause on that partition is either the dell recovery crap for M$ or the software for the media player thing17:24
Guest5191I have Eucalyptus 1.6.2 installed on ubuntu 10.04 using source installation with kvm. Currently I have ten nodes in my cloud in a single cluster architecture.17:24
Guest5191I am trying to run Hadoop in a cloud environment. So I will launch hadoop instances on the cloud. Now there is huge data on each Hadoop node so I am planning to use volumes as of now to store that data of each instance i.e Hadoop node. But since volumes are stored at Storage controllers so this means that there is continuous movement of data (lots of GBs) in cloud network from SC to node and also the response time of work done on17:24
Guest5191Hadoop instances will be slow due to time taken by data to travel in the network.17:24
Guest5191I will really appreciate any sort of support on this.17:24
jordan_zozo__, either they both are pretty usless, and would format the whole drive, how big is your HDD17:24
ThinkT510!livecd | BitEncrypt17:24
ubottuBitEncrypt: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.17:24
zozo__jordan_: so not drivers?17:25
bethdo97Is there a way to download the stuff for networking and for the missing video srivers everyone says is one ofthe problems with the wubi instal failure17:25
astra-xso if i modprobe uinput17:25
zozo__jordan_: its 250 GB17:25
astra-xwhy does /dev/ not populate it?17:25
pfifobethdo97, yes you can download the needed packages and put them on a CD or usb stick and install them offline17:25
jordan_zozo__, if it did you would have the button to launch the software on the keyboard( think it looks like a house for the icon on my button)17:25
jordan_zozo__,  even if drivers were on there they would be usless to u17:26
BitEncryptWhat is a good program to burn a iso image with17:26
edwinkcwajaxterm question, I set the ajaxterm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AjaxTerm. It works greats and works on SSL also. However, my svn server is dead since my svn use https protocol also. How can I solve this problem?17:26
zozo__ok i try it17:26
jordan_zozo__, im pretty sure its jsut the dell recovery crap which again in your case( and everybody here) is useless because were all using linux not windows17:26
ThinkT510BitEncrypt: if you are on linux try brasero17:27
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:27
Guest5191can anyone help me17:27
bethdo97pfifo: How do I figure out what packages I would need to get the wireless internet and video workig correctly17:27
BluesKaj!ask | Guest519117:28
ubottuGuest5191: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:28
pfifobethdo97, by searching google17:28
Guest5191I have Eucalyptus 1.6.2 installed on ubuntu 10.04 using source installation with kvm. Currently I have ten nodes in my cloud in a single cluster architecture.17:28
Dr_Willisbethdo97:  focus on wireless.. then use netork to get video drivers.17:28
_david_Lint01, Do you mind opening it up and seeing if you can't find the setting?  I can't find it anywhere17:28
Guest5191I have Eucalyptus 1.6.2 installed on ubuntu 10.04 using source installation with kvm. Currently I have ten nodes in my cloud in a single cluster architecture.17:28
Guest5191I am trying to run Hadoop in a cloud environment. So I will launch hadoop instances on the cloud. Now there is huge data on each Hadoop node so I am planning to use volumes as of now to store that data of each instance i.e Hadoop node. But since volumes are stored at Storage controllers so this means that there is continuous movement of data (lots of GBs) in cloud network from SC to node and also the response time of work done on17:28
Guest5191Hadoop instances will be slow due to time taken by data to travel in the network.17:28
FloodBot1Guest5191: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
jordan_zozo__, trying to google the images for your laptop so i can see it real quick17:28
kEnumerationEThe truth of the dilapidated rape. I love you girl. Cassie, I still smell the beach . I remember when we could chat on Guild Wars, and every whisper from you staggered my man-nipples .17:28
kEnumerationESome may call that flower power, but I know from the bottom of our feet that the sand blankets were no lie.17:28
kEnumerationEWe live in a plastic ring with mobius ocean. The sight of your body evokes the memory of fishing hooks being ripped impromptu out of the tops of my fingers.17:28
kEnumerationEWe had a pet duck you and I. In the world beyond ours, where civilization was crumbled. The one we lived in on Guild Wars. But the tenseness eventually killed our pet duck. And we buried your hair and my testicles with it.17:28
kEnumerationETo think with my dick now, I can't ignore the ray intersections in the cracks the sidewalks from the head of my pepe. They went everywhere and even jumped into the gaps of earth that led nowhere.17:28
FloodBot1kEnumerationE: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
ruanhow do i update clamtk antivirus? its reporting that its outdated and when i press check for updates it doesnt give me an update button, just lists updates.. can't update17:29
Lint01_david_, sorry, I'm on XFCE right now17:29
zozo__jordan_ can u see it?17:29
_david_Lint01, Thanks anyway!!17:30
Dr_Willisruan:  the 'client/front end' may be out dated. you can do 'sudo freshclam' and update the definitions. which is the critical part17:30
jordan_not yet still googling17:30
Dr_Willisruan:  clamtk is a front end to the clamav command line tools.17:30
_david_What IRC client are you guys using?  I'm using xchat, but I'd like for messages that include my nick to be in a different tab then the main windows.  Know such a program?17:30
jordan_found what i have17:30
overcluckerruan: that sounds like a frontend to clamav17:30
gfarmerok, here's a good one: how can I un-remove a file from an ext3 drive?17:30
Dr_Willis_david_:  try the full xchat. not xchat-gnome.17:31
waterloo2005I find tp_smapi.ko in /lib/modules . But in /etc/modules file , there is 'tp-smapi' .   What is it on earth '_' or '-' ? thx17:31
jordan_zozo__, its called Easy Media Access and this is what the dell site describes it as:17:31
Dr_Willis_david_:  if someone msg's you it normally does make  new tab.17:31
jordan_Easy Media Access17:31
jordan_With Dell MediaDirect, you can have fast, easy one-button access to movies, music, photos, & Microsoft Office content without starting Windows!17:31
ruanoverclucker: yeah its a gui for clamav17:31
pfifoDr_Willis, are you a C programmer?17:31
Dr_Willisjordan_:  that sounds like software ive seen on laptops that never works very well. :) my HP had similer stuf.17:31
jordan_zozo__, heres my laptop http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfh/notebooks/inspnnb_152x/pd.aspx?refid=inspnnb_152x&cs=22&s=dfh as a reference17:31
Dr_Willispfifo:  nope17:32
jordan_Dr_Willis, yeh which is wy i was tellin him its useless17:32
jordan_Dr_Willis, it was a useless thing dell added17:32
_david_Dr_Willis, I think it would show up in a new tab is someone / msg'd me, but not just mentioned my name in chat.17:32
overcluckerruan: try sudo freshclam17:32
ruanoverclucker: i did that, it seems to have updated17:32
Dr_Willis_david_:  new tabs for every time someone says your nick would get annoying17:33
jordan_zozo__, u see the images of my keyboard on the link i sent17:33
hhhzzzarnNeed help: I LOCKED myself from my vps, root password denied over ssh.17:33
ruanhow do i upgrade to clamav 0.97?17:33
Dr_Willishhhzzzarn:  and how are we supposed to help that17:33
zozo__jordan_: if its a media stuff its not totally useless: i would keep it. but something dosent work so i need to format17:33
jordan_zozo__, if so the key that has an icon on it is the button that laucnhes the media utility without bootin windows17:33
Dr_Willisruan:  you need to worry about the virus definitions.. the other parts can be out of date. its not as criotical17:33
ruanDr_Willis: ok17:34
jordan_zozo__, u installing via usb drive or cdrom17:34
hhhzzzarnDr_willis: I was following official ubuntu guide on freenx. At one point it says uncomment this: AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys217:34
zozo__jordan_: do you think i can intsall that stuff later or should is make a backup?17:34
zozo__jordan_: cd rom17:35
jordan_zozo__, well there wouldnt be anything to install later, it is independant of an OS17:35
hhhzzzarnI will reinstall my os again17:35
jordan_zozo__, ah, i installed my ubuntu via usb drive17:35
gfarmerany tips on recovering a file that has been deleted?17:36
zozo__jordan_: but i would try to format whole disk, but to keep that media stuff17:36
jordan_zozo__, all i did was boot from whatever your linux is on( your case the cdrom) and I chose the install as opposed to the try linux17:36
hhhzzzarngfarmer: use photorec.17:36
cjohnstonIs there a wubi 10.04.2?17:36
Jonii^Hey, Ubuntu + Full disk encryption?17:36
overcluckerhhhzzzarn: if a ssh key doesn't match it asks for a password17:36
StSapphQuestion which may or may not be applicable here. I'm running an Ubuntu server, and it is no longer responding to pings or attempts to connect via SSH, but Apache running on it still serves pages without issue. Any clue what could be causing this?17:36
cjohnstonStSapph: might want to try #ubuntu-server17:37
jordan_zozo__, then in that case if ur trying to keep that stuff( waste) leave that partition alone and install ubuntu over your reg windows partition17:37
hhhzzzarnoverclucker: I will just just reinstall os.17:37
Jonii^What do I do, and does it help?17:37
evilsushiso I switched to the nvidia drivers and now when I boot it has crappy resolution on the boot splash17:37
Dr_WillisJonii^:  seen that cause issues for some people in here.. :) be sure you understand how it works17:37
hhhzzzarngfarmer: Seach photorec17:37
Dr_WillisJonii^:  i suggest learning ubuntu basics first.17:37
StSapphcjohnston: Thanks, will do.17:37
evilsushiDo I need to set the boot resolution or something?17:37
gfarmerit's not in the repositories?17:37
jeandbjr t t   le  monde17:37
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  plymouth and nvidia hate each other.. there are some sites with possible plymouyth fix's17:38
jordan_zozo__,  before that though let me se eif your laptop even has the media garbage17:38
Jonii^Dr_Willis, what are the basics? Where to learn those?17:38
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  i just disable plymouth17:38
Dr_Willis!manual | Jonii^17:38
ubottuJonii^: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:38
jordan_zozo__, is this your laptop http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfh/notebooks/inspnnb_152x/pd.aspx?refid=inspnnb_152x&cs=22&s=dfh17:38
hhhzzzarngfarmer: Download testdisk, testdisk and photorec same package i believe.17:38
overcluckerhhhzzzarn: if you have physical access to reinstall, just boot a live cd and remove the key file17:39
hhhzzzarnoverclucker: it is vps.17:39
hhhzzzarnthank you anyways.17:39
Jonii^Also, why does Flash keep crashing?17:39
overcluckerah, oh well17:39
zozo__jordan_ no thats not17:39
jordan_can u send me the link for your laptop17:39
hhhzzzarngfarmer: testdisk and photrec works through command.17:39
mathias56Hi, what is best ubuntu installation for a blender render server?17:39
Dr_WillisJonii^:  because adobe dosnet like to put much effort into linux. :(17:40
jordan_that link said it was a m501017:40
evilsushiDr_Willis: not sure what that is, kernel module?17:40
overcluckerhhhzzzarn: at least you don't have to install it yourself . ..17:40
gfarmerhhhzzzarn: ok, I'll try it out17:40
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  its just a program that starts  when system boots.17:40
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »17:40
mathias56I am guessing desktop so that blender will install correct?17:40
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  you can disable it via editing /etc/default/grub and change the 'nosplash quiet' to '' (ie delete the 2 words)17:41
hhhzzzarnI might come back for help for installing freenx.17:41
zozo__jordan_ mine is tomething like this: http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfh/notebooks/inspiron-15-amd-m5030/pd.aspx?refid=inspiron-15-amd-m5030&s=dfh&cs=2217:41
Dr_Willishhhzzzarn:  i found the freenx wiki page rather confuseing17:41
evilsushiDr_Willis: I still would like to change my console resolution, its using 800x600 or something stupid17:41
evilsushiDr_Willis: crazy big text17:41
hhhzzzarnhhhzzzarn: me too.17:41
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  replace 'quiet splash' with 'text' and it will also disable the framebuffer i think17:41
evilsushiDr_Willis: I know grub had a vga=ask flag, but seems depreciated in grub217:42
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  i never noticed the fonts big on my consoles.17:42
jordan_zozo__,  doesnt look like yours came with the garbage media thing anyway17:42
aliveriuson other distros i do `init 3` to stop the X session. how do i do that with ubuntu?17:42
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  it is no longer valid. the grub2 docs/wiki pages give other ways tpo tweak the res17:42
jordan_zozo__, so i'd delete the whole drive17:42
Dr_Willisaliverius:  stop the gdm service -> sudo service gdm stop17:42
jordan_zozo__, and install ubuntu over all 250 GB17:42
llutz_aliverius: sudo service gdm stop17:42
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
partycat2012Hello all17:43
frojndHi there.17:43
jordan_partycat2012, hello17:43
evilsushiDr_Willis: I'll look into it, I am not sure if plymouth calls dm-crypt for the encryption password during the splash.. I'll have to RTFM17:43
frojndI have this strange feeling that my hardware is failing just don't know which one...17:43
frojndFor example not on 5 days server becomes unstable17:43
senorpedrois the following possible: ssh access only to 2 users, BUT: user1 shall be allowed only with keys, user2 with pw and key?17:43
Dr_Willisevilsushi:  i dint use those crypt stuff. so not sure.17:43
frojndfirst I can't ssh to it17:43
drcjordan_ zozo__ : think about it before you wipe the DellUtilities partition17:43
moegreenwhats a good program for data recovery for fat32 drives?17:43
evilsushimoegreen: partition magic is a live bootable has tons of tools17:44
frojndthen I can't use keyboard on it... just unstable, but I don't know how to test the hardware...17:44
popeymoegreen: photorec17:44
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
evilsushimoegreen: im not sure if its called partiion magic or parted magic17:44
Amithielguys, since i only use google chrome, is it safe completely removing firefox from ubuntu 10.10? or will my system become instable in some way?17:44
jordan_drc, that was my recommendation cause if hes switching over to use ubuntu like i did then he prob could care less about dropping the windows crap on the partition17:44
ikoniaAmithiel: it's really small, is it worth removing it17:44
evilsushimoegreen: check distrowatch.org17:44
jordan_drc, right?17:45
Dr_WillisAmithiel:  i would just leave firfox.. just in case.17:45
tfittsif I have 2 network cards in my computer how do I figure out which one it is using to try to connect to the internet17:45
hhhzzzarnmoegreen: Definitely photorec and testdisk.17:45
ikoniaAmithiel: it's linked into the desktop, you can remove it, but is it really worth it17:45
overcluckersenorpedro: assign a key when you creat it with ssh-keygen17:45
ikoniatfitts: only one will have an IP address17:45
evilsushitfitts: unplug one of the ethernet cables from a nic?17:45
hhhzzzarntestdisk did me magic.17:45
Amithielhum, i see. tks guys, guess i'll leave it alone :)17:45
moegreencool...looks like photorec is working17:45
tfittsok, one is connected directly to my modem and has a public ip address, the other is connected to my local network through the router.17:45
evilsushitfitts: ifconfig --help17:46
drcjordan_: the DellUtilities partition has software that runs on it's own...I HAVE used it to diagnose hardware problems (with and without Dell Tech support...the less said about them the better).17:46
jordan_drc, zozo__ the only thing that should be on that partition is the dell MICROSOFT recovery info, which zozo is nolonger looking to use anyway, so why not get rid of it17:46
Dr_Willist 3.0, powered by ClamAV is a fast, fully featured Windows desktop Anti-Virus (AV) solution that utilizes the power of advanced cloud based detection techniques and the strength of the time tested ClamAV engine. This unique combination of technologies allows for a highly effective approach to today.s fast moving malware threats.17:46
Dr_Willis    * Real-time detection17:46
Dr_Willis    * Scheduled scanning17:46
Dr_Willis    * Intelligent Scanning . Fast and configurable smart scans17:46
FloodBot1Dr_Willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
Dr_Willis    * Custom Detection . Using the de facto standard ClamAV signature language17:46
drcjordan_: I don't really care what he does, I just want you/hime to realize what the DellUtilities partition is and about it's future use17:46
Guest5191Good night guys17:47
jordan_drc, well guess zozo should take it as a grain of salt, i removed the entire drive and place a 128GB SSD in its place17:47
seeekergood morning from australia.. anyone got experience with alsa-base? cant get front panel audio working with ALC88817:47
_david_For anyone else who finds the language not listed here is the solution I've found to the bug:17:47
jordan_drc, so not only did i chuck the dell stuff, i chucked the entire drive17:47
drcjordan_: I thought we were talking about the DellUtilities partiton not the Recovery partition?17:48
jordan_my laptop runs fine17:48
jordan_drc,  i was mainly saying to throw out the dell recovery partition17:48
zozo__jordan_, drc : do you think i could save that partition image before deleting whole hdd?17:48
V-illeAny suggestions for a comic book reader? For cbz? Can evince read them?17:49
jordan_drc,  as in if he wanted to fix windows he could restore his laptop17:49
noianoI have created a new user using the adduser command but when logging in using gnome I only get a graphic terminal :( why??17:49
jordan_zozo__, not to my knowledge17:49
Dr_WillisV-ille:  thers one or 2 in the repos. and yes the pdf readers can normally read them17:49
drcjordan_: ah...my bad, probably my fault for coming and going (puppies have to pee :)17:49
jordan_drc, lol, i hear ya, i got to big a$$ puppies17:49
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
jordan_drc,  they pee like fire hydrants17:49
drcjordan_: I concur...Recovery partition is a waste of space :)17:49
V-illeDr_Willis: I can see 4 or 5 in the repo, but any recommendations are heartily welcomed :)17:49
gfarmerhhhzzzarn: so I'm trying to recover a *.tex file, will it find it?17:50
Dr_WillisV-ille:  try them all.17:50
trismV-ille: I like comix, but it hasn't been updated in a while17:50
hhhzzzarngfarmer: Wheny i used testdisk, I was trying to recovers folders which got reformatted.17:50
zozo__drc what is that utility partition?17:50
hhhzzzarngfarmer: so a simple file should be very easy17:50
V-illeDr_Willis: that's the usual way, although I may stop trying if one of them feels comfortable :P17:51
jordan_zozo__, so yeh, ur laptop doesnt have what i was referring to earlier about the media software, so i would take all the HDD and boot ubuntu17:51
pigdudehow do i change name of logged in user? usermod -l newname currentname # doesn't work because the user is logged in17:51
hhhzzzarngfarmer: let me start my testdisk. so i can help you along.17:51
pigdudecan you only change login name of a user who has absolutely no running processes??17:51
zozo__jordan_, maybe system self chack?17:52
aliveriusDr_Willis: llutz_ thanks17:52
jordan_lookin at ur laptop info real quick17:52
hhhzzzarngfarmer: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step17:52
jordan_trying to see what dell crammed into its hdd17:53
ikoniazozo__: this is getting old now17:53
gfarmerhhhzzzarn: ok thanks17:53
ikoniazozo__: you have a choice, layout the disk as you see fit, it's up to you what you delete,17:53
V-illeAre there any plans/upstream changes to bluetooth applets? The stock one doesn't seem to have complete functionality, and I get weird hangs with blueman sometimes17:53
jordan_zozo__, again i took out the whole drive and put a diff one in and my laptop runs fine17:53
ikoniazozo__: if you think you have something worth keeping on a partition, keep it, if not partition the disk as best works for you17:53
jordan_zozo__, im still lookin at ur laptop btw17:53
alix10hey gyts17:54
_david_what is the best music player for using an iPod and grabbing podcasts?17:54
alix10?? anyone here that can help me with backtrack?17:54
ikoniaalix10: the guys in #backtrack-linux can17:54
alix10ok thanks17:54
Moronican someone tell me how to implement libprint-fprint?17:54
jordan_zozo__, ill pm u17:54
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zozo__ikonia: yes i tried to partition the rest of disk but something does not work, ubuntu stops installation, thats why i am thinking of deleting all17:56
jordan_zozo__, u get my PM17:56
ikoniazozo__: define "stops" what happens17:56
Dr_Williszozo__:  Ive seen new windows machines with 4 primary partitons setup. which makes it hard to install ubuntu on them17:56
endeavori have ubuntu maverick running, and i can ssh into it. However, after 3-4 minutes, ssh just dies, and the machine no longer responds to pings. I am at a loss17:58
ikoniaendeavor: ssh dies because it sounds like your network is dropping17:58
ilessthan3ubuntuhey channel17:58
gfarmerhhhzzzarn: so the file extension doesn't matter for grabbing a txt file?17:58
ikoniaendeavor: can you see the machine's console or is it at a remote location17:58
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hhhzzzarngfarmer: I am a newbie, but when I used testdisk, not photorec. I recovered whole folders which included all types of files.17:59
hhhzzzarngfarmer: brb have to do something.17:59
gfarmerhhhzzzarn: ok, thanks for the help17:59
endeavorikonia: i'm bringing it up now18:00
ikoniaendeavor: the most common cause for that behaviour is a kernel panic18:00
zozo__ikonia: i mean stops: black screen18:01
ikoniazozo__: why do you think that's a partition issue ?18:01
Jonii^Bwah, Ubuntu help files only have a article about file system encryption, which, as far as I know, leaves file names, directory structure and file sizes all visible18:02
ikoniaJonii^: no it doesn't18:02
ikoniaJonii^: file system encyption encyptes the whole file system18:02
zozo__ikonia because it vas preinstalled with dos and i deleted it and now it dos not work18:03
doomroboHow do I use utouch-gesturetest18:03
ikoniazozo__: now what doesn't work ?18:03
alisalaahUbuntu 10.10 -- Does anyone know how to get DIsplayLink compatible USB to DVI adapters working in Ubuntu Maverick?18:03
senorpedroi get the message warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale when using bash auto-completition. how can i fix that?18:03
Jonii^ikonia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_encryption#Disk_encryption_vs._filesystem-level_encryption18:03
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Jonii^"Unlike disk encryption, filesystem-level encryption does not typically encrypt filesystem metadata, such as the directory structure, file names, modification timestamps or sizes."18:04
zozo__ikonia: installing ubuntu, but gparted boots properly18:04
ikoniaJonii^: yes, "meta data"18:04
hhhzzzarngfarmer: which part are you at?18:05
Jonii^ikonia, yes. So it's only halfway there.18:05
ikoniaJonii^: it's not18:05
Jonii^ikonia, how so? Attacker being able to see filenames, filesizes, directories and modification timestamps is alone quite huge breach. Full-disk encryption would protect against that, file system encryption would not18:07
ikoniaJonii^: he can only see that if the system is running and breaches an unencyrpted for runtime use file system18:07
ikoniaJonii^: do what you want, but the gonverments are normally happy with file system encyrption,18:07
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ikoniaJonii^: encypt a file system, take out the disk, put it in another machine, try to mount it, you won't see the filenames, directories or permissions, you'll see nothing18:08
Jonii^I'm having trouble parsing the sentence "if the system is running and breaches an unencyrpted for runtime use file system"18:08
sshcIf I've set up multiple users, is it possible to configure ubuntu to automatically log in to one?18:08
ikoniaJonii^: don't worry about it, do what you feel you need to do to be safe18:08
Dr_Willissshc:  yes18:08
Hedgehog456hello, i've burned ubuntu onto a cd, but when i try to boot it, it says about an error and starting a new desktop session, and then crashes18:11
ikoniaHedgehog456: write down the error and let us know what it is18:11
hhhzzzarnhedgehog546: did you image burner verify files?18:11
Hedgehog456No, why?18:11
Jonii^ikonia, "In other words, if files are stored with identifying file names, anyone who has access to the physical disk can know which documents are stored on the disk, although not the contents of the documents."18:11
Jonii^Wikipedia seems to be disagreeing with you18:12
hhhzzzarnhedgehog546: To check if you exactly copied the image to the cd.18:12
ikoniaJonii^: no, that's not what I said18:12
ikoniaJonii^: test it, encypt a file system, try to mount and read data from it18:12
Hedgehog456should i reburn then and verify?18:12
Hedgehog456and do it at a very low speed?18:12
hhhzzzarnhedgehog546: Yes incase, it will save alot of trouble.18:12
Jonii^ikonia, wikipedia claims that is possible18:12
ikoniaJonii^: try it18:12
hhhzzzarnhedgehog546: which burner are you using?18:12
Hedgehog456RecordNow and InfraRecorder18:13
hhhzzzarninfra is good. just check to verify at the end.18:13
Hedgehog456the box is greyed out18:13
hhhzzzarnhedge: are you on windows?18:14
Hedgehog456yes :(18:14
hhhzzzarnwindows 7?18:14
Jonii^ikonia, would take days of effort to do that. Either I find out data structure, and thus file system encryption was way too weak for me, or I don't manage to extract data, which proves nothing as I'm computer newbie with very low understanding of how to start extracting that sort of information18:14
Hedgehog456windows xp18:14
AnabasisHello, I have a few question about installing from a .tar.bz2 or tarballs in general, I'm stuck at the './configure' part, it tells me 'No such file or directory' & I'm not sure what to do...18:15
hhhzzzarnbecause if you have windows 7, it could burn by default too.18:15
ikoniaJonii^: so why don't you trust what I'm saying, you won't be able to read the file system information, such as file names unless you unencypt it18:15
Dr_WillisAnabasis:  be sure you are in the extracted arvhives directory . see3 if there is a configfure file18:15
ikoniaAnabasis: what are you trying to install ?18:15
macoAnabasis: is there an autogen file and a configure.in?18:15
Jonii^So, both ways, I have used few days to do something rather pointless. Rather than start with that, I'd like to hear why your explanation and wikipedia conflict like that18:15
macoAnabasis: "./configure && make && sudo make install" isn't universal18:15
ikoniaJonii^: do what you want18:15
hhhzzzarnhedge: try to find out, you can try another image burner program.18:15
macoAnabasis: or maybe there's a CMakeLists.txt? or a setup.py? or scons?18:16
Jonii^Wikipedia claims physical access to the disk is enough to find out information about directory structure, you claim it's not, with no explanation as to why there is such an obvious conflict18:16
AnabasisUhhh... Wow... lots of people trying to help...18:16
Hedgehog456should i do the burning at 0.4x?18:16
AnabasisI am in the extracted file.18:16
ikoniaJonii^: it's nothing to do with ubuntu, we've already gone offtopic discussing it, do what you feel you need to18:16
Dr_WillisHedgehog456:  4x peryhaps..18:16
ikoniaAnabasis: what are you trying to install ?18:16
AnabasisGoogle said about looking for intall helps which I don't see.18:16
AnabasisI am trying to install Celtx.18:16
Anabasis& I don't see an autogen or the other thing either.18:17
Anabasis& if you haven't worked it out yet, Yes I am still new to Linux...18:17
ikoniaAnabasis: one moment, just having a quick read on it18:17
macoJonii^: ecryptfs DOES encrypt metadata and filenames. this was added in the middle of an ubuntu release's development and the developer sent out a notice warning everyone that if they were on the old version they'd need to do x, y, and z to get upgrade to the new way. this was at least a year ago18:18
AnabasisOkay, thank you.18:18
AnabasisAm I correct in what I am doing in that you untar it, then cd to that directory & just type './configure' ? Or is there something else before & or after?18:19
ikoniaAnabasis: please just wait18:19
macoJonii^: if i run    ls -a /home/.ecryptfs/maco/.Private      i get filenames such as:  ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWaxYSZm95XJ6URKmg6kZGC8bTzHdES9DyfY3jAviVZVkG6UK9teRt9otE--18:20
AnabasisSorry, wasn't meaning to rush you, just wanted to know as a generality.18:20
macoJonii^: so its not just encrypting individual files, it's encrypting everything18:20
ikoniaAnabasis: generally, yes that is wrong to blindly do that18:20
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Jonii^So its basically just as safe as full disk encryption?18:21
macoJonii^: yep18:21
ikoniaAnabasis: it's precompiled18:22
ikoniaAnabasis: you just unpack the tar file, cd into it and you should see the libraries and files you need to run it18:22
ashishhi, I am using an additional library in C program. When I run it, the functions give an error of undefined reference. The obvious solution is to link the library and then run it . But I dont know how to do that. Please help. I am a novice user . Thanks18:23
detox2crim_: loves dudes18:23
ikoniadetox2: stop it18:23
crim_stop spying on me18:23
ikoniacrim_: you too18:23
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DocfxitHow can I get Ubuntu 10.10 to use persistence?18:23
sznitzelnHi! I am pretty new to linux and currently running Debian Squeeze. I'm considering to dualboot with Ubuntu aswell, so I have two questions:18:23
ikoniaDocfxit: in what way18:23
AnabasisOkay I have found it...18:24
sznitzeln1) I have a radeon HD6850 graphics card and i need catalyst 11.1 , can i have that on ubuntu?18:24
AnabasisNot what I was expecting...18:24
ibrahimi need a program which control the power like the one in windows 7 ?18:24
Docfxitikonia, I installed Ubuntu on a thumb drive.  I have a file created called casper-rw.  I'd like Ubuntu to use it.18:24
sznitzeln2) if i install ubuntu, what additional partitions do you recommend? now I have root, home, swap for debian18:25
AnabasisWhere is the Linux equivalent of 'program files'?18:25
ikoniaDocfxit: there is a factoid for that.18:25
hhhzzzarnibrahim: power?18:25
ikoniaAnabasis: there isn't one18:25
hhhzzzarnibrahim: do you have laptop?18:25
ikoniasznitzeln: be warned due to how grub2 works with ubuntu, I would suggest keeping them on totally seperate hard disks18:25
Docfxitikonia, What is a factoid?18:25
ikoniaDocfxit: let me see if I can find the factoid18:25
hhhzzzarnznetziln: i have root home and swap. no more.18:25
Anabasisikonia , where do things which are installed run from?18:25
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence18:25
AnabasisSomewhere in Home?18:26
sznitzelnhhhzzzarn, but do you dualboot?18:26
sznitzelnikonia, thx for warning...18:26
ikoniaDocfxit: there you go18:26
ikonia!persistence | Docfxit18:26
ubottuDocfxit: please see above18:26
hhhzzzarnsznitzen: with windows, yes18:26
dios_miosznitzeln, you dont really need seperate partitions, only if you think you would reformat and would want to keep personal files.. etc18:26
ikoniaAnabasis: lots of different locations18:26
AnabasisLol okay...18:26
hhhzzzarnibrahim: wait18:26
dios_miosznitzeln, you need seperate partition at least for swap though18:26
ilessthan3ubuntui dont use SWAP18:26
ilessthan3ubuntunot needed if you got the memory18:26
ilessthan3ubuntuand im dual booted18:26
brockI am having trouble with eucalyptus uec install, anyone that has knowlege would be helpfull thank you18:26
sznitzelndios_mio, doesnt the ubuntu and debian files get mixed up then?18:26
kinjais this where ii would come if i had a question about running ubuntu server?18:27
Hedgehog456is 0.4x a good speed to burn a ubuntu live CD on InfraRecorder?18:27
hhhzzzarnibrahim: go to system > Preferences > power mangagement18:27
Pici!filesystem | Anabasis this may be informative18:27
ubottuAnabasis this may be informative: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier18:27
ikoniakinja: here or #ubuntu-server18:27
dios_miosznitzeln, well obviously you need a blank partition to install ubuntu on... but you do not need more than one to put everything in18:27
ilessthan3ubuntuid use a swap but my drive already has too many partitions18:27
AnabasisIkonia, what would be a good or standard procedure for installation from .tars in the future? In that would it be best to move the tart home & untar there?18:27
sznitzelndios_mio, ok, so i have a separate /home folder?18:28
macoAnabasis: home or /tmp18:28
ikoniaAnabasis: each one is different, my advice is "don't use them" if you have to read the documentation first18:28
macoAnabasis: but keeping in mind that /tmp is emptied on reboot18:28
dios_miosznitzeln, debian has seperate partitions for /home and /root etc, but this is just tradition, not a necessity18:28
hhhzzzarnsznitzel, you home folders should be different.18:28
Docfxitikonia, Thanks for your help18:28
AnabasisDidn't know that Maco, thank you.18:28
Hedgehog456is 0.4x a good speed to burn a ubuntu live CD on InfraRecorder?18:28
hhhzzzarnsznitzel: best thing to have two saperate sets of partitions.18:28
AnabasisMaco that is what you generally do?18:28
macoAnabasis: as far as how to install from them... it varies project to project. with experience you'll learn how different build systems work18:28
Docfxitubottu, Thank you for the link.  I will read through it.18:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:29
AnabasisIkonia why is that your advise?18:29
hhhzzzarnsnitzel: don't mix them.18:29
macoAnabasis: because uninstalling what's been installed from tarballs is annoying18:29
kinjaoh ok, well I have a live disk for 32bit server abd=nd as it gets through the installation process it gets to ab point where itll say "checking hardware and the bar will get to arounf 90% and the screen goes blue and i guess it stops18:29
ikoniaAnabasis: because unless you really know and understand what you are doing you can break your system18:29
ikoniaAnabasis: more often than not the package will already be pre-built and packaged for use in ubuntu18:29
ikoniaAnabasis: if you open the software package manager and search for software you'll normally find everything you want18:29
kinjaand I was wondering if thats because my hardware isnt up to date enough18:29
macoAnabasis: oh and that too... since you might replace something you already have with a newer incompatible version....18:29
pwillmanExcuse me, which is better for ubuntu... Ext3 or 4?18:30
sznitzelnok i see18:30
ibrahimhhhzzzarn:i know that but i need smth which decrease the use of the processor and the ram which decrease the power consumed not decreaser the brightness18:30
AnabasisI can see me breaking a few things in future...18:30
rwwpwillman: either will work fine. ext4 is somewhat faster.18:30
macopwillman: either is fine. use 3 if you want to something well-tested by age. 4 if you want speed or have an SSD18:30
AnabasisLots of food for thought, thank you both for you assistance, it's greatly appreciated.18:30
sznitzelncan someone also explain, what is a good method for reinstalling linux? should i reformat root, keep home and then install all programs and packages all over again?18:30
pwillmanMaco, ext4 can be runned from raid hdd?18:31
sznitzelnor is it better to keep an image of root and restore the root partition?18:31
Nisstyresznitzeln, why on earth would you want to reinstall?18:31
macopwillman: believe so18:31
sznitzelnNisstyre, hopefully i wont have to... but if i mess up my ssytem som day18:31
MacstheyjustsuckOk, when I had 10.4, everything was peachy, tutorials on how to get things worked always, I never had any trouble, ever since getting Maverick, all I've had was one problem after another. The most recent one is, I can't update because I get the message "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. ", and I get it when I want to install pretty much anything.18:31
hhhzzzarnibrahim: sorry i can not help with that detailed. I would not know of any myself. After all, I am new too.18:32
macosznitzeln: dpkg --get-selections  and dpkg --set-selections are your friends for reinstalling stuff18:32
sznitzelnim used to windows where you should really reinstall every 3 years or so... maybe thats not necessary with linux18:32
pwillmanmaco, alright thx for info18:32
sznitzelnmaco, thx!18:32
Anabasis3 years?18:32
AnabasisWow that's a long time...18:32
sznitzelnmaybe much shorter18:32
jmwpc3 years seems, optimistic18:32
Nisstyresznitzeln, you don't need to reinstall it ever18:32
macosznitzeln: ubuntu can be reinstalled to the same partition and not erase /home if you tell it not to format, but i dont think most other distros' installers are that way, so if you intend to switch distros, a separate /home could be useful18:32
ibrahimhhhzzzarn: thank you18:32
AnabasisFor me it could be as little as a month lol18:32
MacstheyjustsuckYou shouldn't re-install it ever, there's no need18:32
sznitzelni hate reinstalling stuff...18:32
MacstheyjustsuckUnless you fail extremely hard at using computers18:32
Hedgehog456is 0.4x a good speed to burn a ubuntu live CD on InfraRecorder?18:32
RaynesWhen I sent a file to an Ubuntu powered computer via bluetooth, where does Ubuntu store this file?18:32
dios_miosznitzeln, well in ubuntu we format and reinstall every 6 months, because they put out a new version of ubuntu every 6 months LOL18:32
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:33
xanguaJust add the keys of the repositories you added Macstheyjustsuck18:33
PiciHedgehog456: thats fine.18:33
ilessthan3ubuntuacronis!!! badass18:33
Hedgehog456is it better than, say 2x?18:33
macoMacstheyjustsuck: i can think of a reason someone VERY goood with computers could need to reinstall18:33
sznitzelndios_mio, yeah, well i can live with it if theres a good method of doing it18:33
Macstheyjustsuckmaco: What's that?18:33
macoMacstheyjustsuck: like because they're alpha testing a new release and got a broken syslinux18:33
sznitzelnmy windows reinstallations were very painful18:33
Nisstyredios_mio, that's incorrect. You don't need to reinstall it to upgrade your packages18:33
macoMacstheyjustsuck: or a broken libc618:33
Jonii^This ecryptfs sounds a bit too good to be true. It encrypts everything so that linux access control decides who can open an encrypted file, reliably, so that no third party can do anything unless they have linux access to that file, which again can't be faked because the system is encrypted?18:33
Macstheyjustsuckmaco: I'm talking about an OS like Windows 7 XD18:33
dios_mioNisstyre, sure i know, but some (like me) just format lol18:33
macoMacstheyjustsuck: i believe it was 8.04 where libc6 broke around beta18:33
jmwpcWindows 7 is solid enough that it can go a couple of year, at least until you upgrade your hardware which will cause it to think that it's being pirated, driving you to linux.... this never needing reinstallation.18:34
Macstheyjustsuckmaco: Not a beta, beta OS' are understandable18:34
hhhzzzarnhedgehog546: 0.4x?18:34
jmwpc(this -> thus)18:34
Hedgehog456is 0.4x a better live cd burning speed than 2x?18:34
* Assid moved to linux primarily cause i wanted to do less with my pc18:34
Macstheyjustsuckxangua: How would I do that? I fail at Ubuntu.18:34
macoJonii^: it decrypts everything when you login. your login password is used to encrypt the encryption password. /after/ it's been unencrypted by your login, THEN the linux ACLs take over because at that point, it's viewed by the OS as a normal filesystem18:35
Assidless is more18:35
Assidalthough i wish opengl apps and compiz would play nice18:35
hhhzzzarnhedgehog: i was burning greater then 2x. but 2x is fine. too can you verify it now?18:35
hhhzzzarn0.4x is just slow.18:35
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Hedgehog456i can try recordnow18:36
Hedgehog456on this pc]18:36
Guest72270does any one know how to share internet between windows 7 and ubuntu using wifi18:36
Guest72270 does any one know how to share internet between windows 7 and ubuntu using wifi18:36
Jonii^maco, oh, right, so, access controls are not absolute18:36
ibrahim_can any body help me in making a power controler which  help me in controlling the laptop'spower consumption because the processor's fan gets verry hot air ??18:36
secretary_linuxGuest72270: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:37
macoJonii^: while its encrypted, nobody sees anything. so if some other user has access to your ~/Music but you're not logged in, they see nothing18:37
sznitzelnthanks for you help, i have to go ... :/18:37
macoJonii^: because until you decrypt it by logging in, there isn't a ~/Music18:37
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hhhzzzarnibrahim: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6554418:38
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wildc4rdevenin' all18:39
ilessthan3ubuntuhigh = hi18:40
ilessthan3ubuntuwhile youre high18:41
hhhzzzarnwell i have to get back to cooking....18:41
Petskullhey- I wrote a game that uses files from it's own folder, when I make hard links or symlinks to the desktop, it looks for the files on the desktop instead of in it's own dir.  How do I make a shortcut to the desktop that allows my game to find it's files?18:41
webPragmatistwhats it mean when my dpkg --get-seelctions says "deinstall"18:41
elijah__is unity going to replace nautilus?18:41
xanguaelijah__: unity is a shell for gnome, nautilus a file browser18:42
Dr_WillisPetskull:  a hard link is identical to the original file. same data 2 differnt names..18:42
Jonii^Hmm... Nope, I don't understand fs encryption18:42
Petskullthat's the problem18:43
elijah__@xangua I know, is ubuntu going to integrate a new file manager though? i am planning top buiold one18:43
derangohey ppl, I've got a weird prob on a Toshiba Satellite pro . the usb disc loads well, boots into the OS, but after install in first login nothing happens18:43
Petskullit'll look for it's reference files on the deskto18:43
derangoI  see the blurry colorful background, hear the tribal drums, but nothing more18:43
Dr_WillisPetskull:  sounds like the program may be looking for data in  the directory its ran from,  not a absoulet path.18:43
derangoany ideas what to do? tried with 2 different usb sticks18:44
ibrahim_can any body help me in making a power controler which  help me in controlling the laptop'spower consumption because the processor's fan gets verry hot air ??18:44
PetskullDr_Willis, it's set to look for the files relative to its position18:44
hhhzzzarnibrahim: maybe this will help18:44
PetskullDr_Willis, any way to set it's 'from' dir to be the original one?18:44
Dr_WillisPetskull:  launch the thing from a script that cd;s to the prope rdir first perhaps...18:45
clarity1hi. how can i increase mouse wheel speed, please?18:45
hhhzzzarnibrahim: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6554418:45
xanguaclarity1: system>preferences>mouse18:45
clarity1xangua: nothing about mouse wheel / scroll speed18:45
ilessthan3ubuntuoh you fancy.18:45
Guest1100101hello - have a problem with nautilus: it wont remember the "Arrange items->Manually"  (previously worked fine)18:45
nm5tfderango: what distro R U trying???18:46
brockanyone install the UEC with eucalyptus?18:46
chaos2358OK I have an ipod nano "wifes" and I am trying to find an itunes alternative for ubuntu 10.10. I did some research and found that the "Banshee" media player is the way to go but it doesn't work. neither does rythym box. They both show the ipod in devices and will let you see the files" songs on it" and even will give the option to sync libraries but it never actually syncs nor will it allow me to remove music from the ipod. Any ide18:46
chaos2358as people?18:46
brockubuntu enterprise cloud18:46
afathello guys i really need some help...i want to install ubuntu 10.10 desktop from my stick .and i want to install it by double clicking it in my computer(windows xp)..now my question is this will it replace the windows?(i dont want it to replace it).And will it reboot to finish the installation?18:46
derangonm5tf: the latest official release18:46
erUSUL!ipod | chaos235818:46
ubottuchaos2358: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:46
chaos2358erUSUL,  thank you.18:47
usr13_afat: Better off to use a CD18:47
derangonm5tf: 10.1018:47
usr13_afat: And boot from it.18:47
PetskullDr_Willis- I got it; I did just that18:47
nm5tfderango: is this the 1st distro you have tried-I assume you are trying 10.10??18:47
PetskullDr_Willis- a shell script that cd's to the dir and then executes the exe18:48
Assidim missing the network connection icon18:48
Assidi cant start my vpn's etc18:49
derangonm5tf: on this laptop yeah. one more info of interest: on first install it could log in, but after installing updates this problem occured18:49
Assidhow do i re-add thatr to the panel18:49
sshcDr_Willis: How?18:49
derangonm5tf: now after reinstalling the sys - new partitions, etc - the problem arises immediately18:49
afatUSr13:boot from it ?oh my god man when i boot from it..it will only show the mouse on the screen with a background behind...and when i press alt+1 the operating system will pause for ever(i think run out of memory)..thats why i think better in the windows will do something else...or what do you recommend me yet..18:50
Starminnclarity1: If anybody finds anything I'd be very pleased but to my knowledge nothing like that exists. Something that may interest you, however, is that in Firefox and Chromium (I haven't tried it in others honestly, but I'd assume the same) if you click in Button3 (i.e. press in the scroll wheel or push 1&2 simoultaneaoulsy on a laptop) then you can just drag-scroll.18:50
homer_Can anyone please guide. I am trying to share a wireless adhoc connection from windows718:50
brock/etc/init.d/networking restart18:50
nm5tfderango: you may want to look here to see if anyone else has same prob   http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33318:50
usr13_afat: What type of PC is it?  (what processor speed and amount of memory etc...)18:51
Assidanyone know why i cant see the networkmanager applet ?18:51
derangonm5tf: I will, thanks18:51
zs1otbanybody present who knows something about Kino and how it is setup?18:51
mikebtoDoes anyone know how I can use the ubuntu live drive to format my hdd when ubuntu is already installed on a partition? (The live drive is giving me problems because of that...)18:51
badbytehi peeps, i have a zotach ion board and can only set a resolution of 640x860 maximum18:51
badbyteafter installing the nvidia-xonfig18:52
nm5tfderango: I am always leery of upgrades-unless it's to a LTS distro18:52
badbytewho can i change that?18:52
mikebtobrock: hi18:52
usr13_mikebto: If you reformat, you wipe out the system that is there.18:52
ashishhi, I am using an additional library in C program. When I run it, the functions give an error of undefined reference. The obvious solution is to link the library and then run it . But I dont know how to do that. Please help. I am a novice user . Thanks18:52
zs1otbanybody present who knows something about Kino and why it freezes up after 12 seconds of recording/capturing18:53
chaos2358ok thank you to erUSUL for the help I have another question though. I am on a site telling me how to get it working however the link to the nessecary .deb packages is dead. It DOES however name the two packages i need to install. how can i downloaad them "having their full names" without the link?18:53
afatahh..its a (intel single core 1.5 ghz procesor,and only 175 mb memory) i am too much cheap to buy a fancy pc since i am only writing..and i am a fan of ubuntu man18:53
mikebtousr13_: Right, I want to18:53
afatusr13: ahh..its a (intel single core 1.5 ghz procesor,and only 175 mb memory) i am too much cheap to buy a fancy pc since i am only writing..and i am a fan of ubuntu man18:53
erUSULchaos2358: search for them in synaptic or the ubuntu software center18:53
derangonm5tf: yeah, thats a good lesson indeed18:54
Guest1100101can someone help?  have a problem with nautilus: it wont remember the "Arrange items->Manually"  (previously worked fine)18:54
erUSULchaos2358: do not use the full name including .deb18:54
chaos2358erUSUL,  wouldn't i need to have the respective repositories for that to work? "just wondering"18:54
drczs1otb: you might try irc.gnome.org #kino.18:54
nm5tfderango: the last couple of upgrades I have had probs with DVD/CD playback-seems like the always leave something out-the Forums are a great place to get help18:55
erUSULchaos2358: may be the case that the debs where there for older versions of ubuntu18:55
zs1otbdrc thanks i'll try18:55
clarity1hi. how can i increase mouse wheel speed, please?18:55
erUSULchaos2358: and that newer versions have it included18:55
chaos2358erUSUL,  ok great i'm giving it a shot now.18:55
NicolasXalguien habla español?18:56
crispy_chunksI have found a possible bug. I don't know if its working as intended or not. I edited fstab and put in a line for swap like this: "UUID=XxxXXxx swap" However the correct format would be: "UUID=XxXxxXxx swap swap". Now when I boot i get told that the swap cant be mounted and asked if i want to fix it manually. I press M under the boot screen and it drops me to a root(!) shell. Working as intended?18:56
clarity1NicolasX: holaaaaaaa18:56
drc!es | NicolasX18:56
ubottuNicolasX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:56
gorgonzola_Anyone knows why flash stopped working here, aven after reinstalling flashplugin-nonfre and flashplugin64-nonfree?18:57
badbytehi i need some help with a graphics driver18:57
afatusr13: ahh..its a (intel single core 1.5 ghz procesor,and only 175 mb memory) i am too much cheap to buy a fancy pc since i am only writing..and i am a fan of ubuntu man18:57
erUSULchaos2358: what are those packages?18:57
badbytecan someone help18:57
erUSUL!find ipheth18:57
ubottuFound: ipheth-dkms, ipheth-utils18:57
Hedgehog456is 0.4x a better speed to burn a ubuntu live cd than 2x?18:57
erUSUL!info ipheth-utils18:57
chaos2358libgpod2_0.5.3+actually0.6.0-0.1_i386.deb erUSUL18:57
ubottuipheth-utils (source: ipheth): USB tethering driver for the iPhone [support utilities]. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-1ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB18:57
afatusr13: ahh..its a (intel single core 1.5 ghz procesor,and only 175 mb memory) i am too much cheap to buy a fancy pc since i am only writing..and i am a fan of ubuntu man18:58
erUSUL!find libgpod18:58
ubottuFound: libgpod-cil, libgpod-cil-dev, libgpod-common, libgpod-dev, libgpod-doc18:58
erUSULchaos2358: ^18:58
chaos2358SO SEARCH THE ABOVE? erUSUL18:58
erUSUL!info libgpod-dev18:58
ubottulibgpod-dev (source: libgpod): development files for libgpod. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.95-1 (maverick), package size 243 kB, installed size 660 kB18:58
chaos2358sorry for the caps18:58
erUSULchaos2358: what wiki page are you following ?18:58
chaos2358its about halfway down18:59
drcafat: ubuntu requires 256mg, xubuntu requires 192mb and lubuntu requires 128mb (irrc), so I'd try lubuntu18:59
chaos2358erUSUL,  strike that, second paragraph18:59
zozo__could someone help with partitioning?19:00
drczozo__: back again?...what's the problem this time?19:00
erUSULchaos2358: the post is old... and as you can see the libraries you need are inthe repositories. just install them ( if they are not installed alrady )19:01
chaos2358erUSUL,  sent you the portion i am following in private19:01
nm5tf!partition | zozo19:01
ubottuzozo: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:01
erUSULchaos2358: try with RB banshee and gtkpod19:01
zozo__i deleted whole hdd but nothing success19:01
afatdrc:Thanks dudu19:01
homer_i am totally new to ubuntu...can some one please help me to share an internet connection through wifi from a windows 7 system ???19:01
chaos2358erUsul ok so how do i install them? i am confused. I doubt they are already installed because it won't let me add or remove tracks19:02
paoneking_i am new to ubuntu19:02
zozo__drc: can u help me?19:02
paoneking_can any tell me how to uninstall wireless driver19:02
erUSULchaos2358: i read it; but is a 3 years old post. chances are that nothing of it is longer needed19:02
UbuntuWantaBehello everyone19:02
erUSULchaos2358: i.e. banshee and/or Rythmbox or/and gtkpod should just work19:03
chaos2358erUSUL,  ok so i'm still at a loss as the media player will recognize the ipdo and even show the tracks that are on it but none will allow me to ad or remove tracks19:03
UbuntuWantaBeI have unbuntu 8.4 disc, if I install that will it upgrade to the 10.10 ver?19:03
erUSULchaos2358: tried gtkpod ?19:04
Dr_WillisUbuntuWantaBe:  you may be much better off just getting a 10.10 cd.19:04
Assidthis is stupid19:04
Assidi cant get network manager19:04
chaos2358as well as banshee and rythymbox19:04
UbuntuWantaBeoh ok19:04
UbuntuWantaBedidn`t want to wait 2 weeks19:04
moeserUSUL, I want to burn an ISO I have downloaded to 10.04...Which burner should I use ??19:04
erUSULmoes: i just righ click on the iso and choose burn to disk19:05
AsstyxDr_Willis, why so? just because its the easiest way?19:05
moeserUSUL, Thanks19:05
tucemiuxwhy not?19:05
tucemiuxAssid, you mean youre trying to connect wirelessly?19:05
chaos2358erUSUL,  banshee even gives sync options to auto sync the library and pics or do it manually etc but when i attempt to actually sync the progress bar moves telling me it is syncing the songs but they never actually show up on the ipod19:05
xanguawhy 2 weeks UbuntuWantaBe ¿19:05
crim_Hi, I am trying to configure samaba on my server and am getting multiple errors in the configuration file when I try to load samba, it is giving me a problem with the workgroup field, i have the correct workgroup in the config, any ideas why this wont work?19:05
AsstyxUbuntuWantaBe, you can download the cd image19:06
UbuntuWantaBeI DL 10.10 to a portable hd can I run it off that ?19:06
erUSULchaos2358: this is what the wiki says « All these apps can import music to your iPod, move music files onto and off (but generally not sync in quite the way iTunes does it your iPod, create playlists, and much more. »19:06
erUSULcrim_: maybe missing quotes or some other syntax error19:07
homer_how to share an internet connection wirelessly from windows 719:07
homer_can anyone help19:07
badbyteguys i need help19:07
chaos2358erUSUL,  tried the drag and drop method as well it says they move but never show up19:07
homer_i am completey new19:07
homer_no idea19:07
homer_and want to share a net connection19:07
AsstyxUbuntuWantaBe, dont realy know, but if you can boot from an usbstick so it should not be a problem19:07
erUSULchaos2358: :/ well this is all i canhelp. i do not own an ipod myself, sorry19:07
sy`Hey guys, what's the difference between Ubuntu DVD and the regular live cd?19:09
Dr_WillisAsstyx:  upgradeing will download all the stuf . so you are still downloading a whold cd+ worht of stuff to install.19:10
AsstyxDr_Willis, i was joking ;)19:11
Dr_WillisUbuntuWantaBe:  you can install ubuntu to a usb hard drive. you just need to be carefull at the end. and be sure the installe ris installing grub to the portable drive.19:11
Dr_WillisUbuntuWantaBe:  then theres 'persistant live install' you can do to flash drives.19:11
g3orgenothing sy` it's just for testing purposes19:12
sy`g3orge: ok19:12
=== g3orge is now known as g3orge|away
ZarroBoogssy`: The DVD contains the translation packs as well as more of the repositories, so you can use those to install instead of installing from the http repos.19:13
Guest1100101hi, can help anyone? have a problem with nautilus: it wont remember the "Arrange items->Manually"  per folder settings (worked fine before)19:14
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sy`ZarroBoogs: Thanks for the extra info.19:14
deadpigeonwhy would firefox and all other browsers start displaying websites improperly? it almost looks as if it's a CSS issue, ie: there is no page styles19:15
deadpigeonno matter what i've tried reinstalling, uninstalling, can not fix this issue without reformating.19:15
jmwpcdeadpigeon: maybe a plugin (like adblock) is blocking all css files?19:16
deadpigeonjmwpc: no plugins like that... just some recent installation of some w32 codecs and perhaps a plugin for mplayer.19:16
Dr_WillisGuest1100101:  its possible that som eof the setting/dirs in your home have the wrong owner. so it cant save the settings there. check your home dir. make sure nothing is accidently owned by root.19:17
terryGuest1100101: Before what?19:17
Dr_Willisdeadpigeon:  as a test try making a new user. see if it affects them? (faster then reinstalling)19:17
deadpigeonDr_Willis: That is a good idea. I will have to try once I get back home.19:18
badbytei have only 2 screen resolutions to choose. where can i add more?19:21
Teabagdadhi guys19:21
Starminnbadbyte: Are you in System->Preferences->Monitors?19:21
terrybadbyte: xrandr  #To see ]19:22
kantxxlo all19:22
kantxxanyone know how to exclude abosolute paths using rsync?19:22
badbyteStarminn: 1 sec19:22
Starminnterry: (GUI solution first.)19:22
kantxxi wanna exclude /proc and not /home/user/proc19:22
Guest1100101<Dr_Willis>nop, all folders are owned by me19:22
rob0917If I wanted to remove pulseaudio in ubuntu 10.10 ,how would I proceed?19:22
NCS_Onewhere can I find a script to print a directory structure including files?19:23
Guest1100101terry: I ran out of space, but now the partition has enough free space....19:24
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eitriHi. I've just installed ubuntu server on a old computer, given it reserved an ip address on the Dlink dir-655, but I cannot access or even ping the internet from my server. Can someone help me with this?19:25
badbyteStarminn: System->Preferences->Monitors cant help me because, it tells me that the installed graphics driver does not support the necessary extentions to use this tool. And then asks me if i want to use the vendor's tool instead19:25
gronxgłupie pytanei linuxowego nobka :)19:26
Mike1which VoIP-program do you recommend? Since Skype is kinda bad under linux and not free etc. …19:26
Starminnbadbyte: Interesting. Well, you could go with terry's method, then. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html19:26
badbyteStarminn: which is in the endeffect nvidia-xonfig that doesnt help me at all19:26
gronxuruchamiam grę lineage przez wine19:26
jmwpcNCS_One: ls -lR19:26
lukusMike1, ekiga is okay19:26
badbyteStarminn: ok ill tryp19:26
gronxrobię wszystko według opisu winetrick itp19:26
enochhi all19:27
gronxprzypuszczam że specyficzny rodzaj karty graficznej uniemożliwia mi uruchomienie19:27
Mike1lukus: anything less Gnome-dependend? I’m using KDE19:27
enochim on an eeepc 1015pd, what is better ubuntu 10.10 netbook i386 or amd64?19:27
gronxktoś gra w lineage?19:27
badbyteStarminn: xrand failed19:28
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:28
Mike1enoch: does it even support 64bit? o.O19:28
StarminnMike1: Shouldn't you be in #kubuntu then?19:28
enochmikel: sure19:28
Starminnbadbyte: Not sure then. See if terry's still around.19:28
Mike1enoch: well, with 1GB of RAM I would stick to 32bit because it needs less memory19:29
enochmikel: model name: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N455   @ 1.66GHz19:29
sam_ukI am adding files to calibre using this command. [ calibredb add -r . ] how would I automatically delete the original file after it has been processed?19:29
enochi have this cpu and 2gb of ddr3 ram19:29
Mike1Starminn: okay19:29
NCS_Onejmwpc: thanks, forgot to mention like a tree :(19:29
enochdo u think i can get better performances using the 64bit version?19:29
Mike1enoch: throw a coin then ;)19:29
Mike1enoch: depends on what you want to do with it19:30
enochmikel i have to use this netbook for a standard use, and some website coding19:30
till_can anyone point me to a channel were package maintainers hang out? i have some questions about the process19:30
Mike1enoch: but unless you want to do some fancy calculation or multimedia stuff you won’t notice much difference anyway19:30
badbyteterry: you there?19:30
enochbut at moment my left-bar is not realy fluid19:31
enochis it normal?19:31
sam_ukhow do you script deleting original file once an operation has been carried out on it?19:31
jordan_anyone help me repair my compiz, i cant get my desktop effects like the wobble to come back19:32
Mike1enoch: I’ve heard bad things about Unity (the graphical interface of the 10.10 netbook edition)19:32
enochso, no way to speed it up?19:32
Mike1enoch: it’s still quite unstable and slow and all that afaik19:33
Starminnsam_uk: It would depend on the language I assume, but basically you'd say "if(operationcompleted){rm /path/to/file}"19:33
enochit goes not bad but can be better19:33
rwwenoch: sure, rewriting it to not use mutter. which is what they're doing for 11.04.19:33
Starminnsam_uk: Translate that to the language you're using, of course.19:33
sam_ukStarminn, in bash,19:33
enochoh nice19:33
=== CraHan_ is now known as CraHan
enochand to use a normal gnome interface?19:34
enochi could use docky2 as bar, that is realy nice19:34
izinucsMike1: unity is still under development..19:34
Mike1izinucs: i know, which is why I wrote „still“ ;)19:34
Starminnsam_uk: To delete files you just use the "rm" command.19:35
Starminnsam_uk: "man rm" to see everything about it19:35
jordan_can anyone help me get my compiz or desktop effects back to running normal19:35
sam_ukStarminn, it is the conditional <if> bit I am struggling with.19:35
Starminnsam_uk: If it has to be part of a single file, here's how you use "if" statements in bash19:36
Starminnsam_uk: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/chap_07.html19:36
Starminnjordan_: What all is happening?19:37
Starminnsam_uk: I've only run individual bash commands so I've never used 'if' in bash -- only in other languages. I can try to find you resource, but again I've never personally done it.19:37
yaaanghelp - i can't kill a dpkg process, it refuses to die19:38
sam_ukOK no worries will google more19:38
Picisam_uk: #bash should be able to help you out with that.19:38
yaaanghelp - i can't kill a dpkg process, it refuses to die. tried sudo kill -9 pid, but it's still there.19:38
jordan_Starminn, I was trying to get rid of the border on my conky, si i tried one method that i read in a forum which was to disable compiz19:38
=== Jare_ is now known as Jare
jordan_Starminn, i dont know how to disable it so like a dumb dumb i uninstalled it it fixed the border prob but took away all my desktop effects so i reinstalled compiz, now no desktops work19:39
Starminnjordan_: Have you tried restarting it?19:39
jordan_restart what, my machine19:39
Starminnjordan_: No, just compiz. "compiz --replace"19:40
yaaanghelp - anybody know what's up with this? i can't sudo kill -9 a dpkg process; it won't die. it's from a sudo aptitude full-upgrade, installing google-chrome. /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 46 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/google-chrome-unstable_11.0.672.2-r75134_amd64.deb19:40
tripelbabyhelp I dont know how to find the printer queue, and I looked ..19:40
jordan_Starminn, entered that in a terminal and still no effects19:40
tripelbabyub 10.0419:40
Starminnyaaang: Hate to point out the obvious, but usually a system restart kills any rogue processes I have.19:41
yaaangStarminn: last time this happened, the system wouldn't shut down19:41
yaaangStarminn: yes, it happened to me once before, and never before that. it would just stay there. of course i can just power cycle my box, but i don't want to keep dealing with this shit.19:41
tripelbabycontrol center printing printer queue (good thing I installed control center) hey hhhzzzarn what's up?19:42
yaaang(last time that's what i did, power cycle the box)19:46
hhhzzzarntripelbaby:  system > administration > printing > "printer" > "View print qeue"19:46
jordan_Starminn, u get my pm of the error msg19:46
tripelbabyis there a way hhhzzzarn that I can put that on the panel?19:46
Starminn!private | jodran_19:46
ubottujodran_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:46
tripelbabyhhhzzzarn, I just missed that on the menu. alphabet fail on my part19:46
Starminnjordan_: ^^^ (typo'd you)19:46
hhhzzzarntripel: would not know.19:46
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MrGandoHey guys, how can I know if my DVD drive supports reading dual layer discs ?19:46
hhhzzzarntripel: Missed what?19:46
jordan_Starminn, just pm'ed the error code really, was only 6 lines but didnt want to catch flak for posting in main window19:46
Starminnjordan_: That's why I said to use http://paste.ubuntu.com19:46
jordan_never used before so am not too familiar with it19:46
lolzermy PIKLAb crashes and i searched the internet and it said that the new version solves the problems ... how can i update it??19:46
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jordan_Starminn, is this what u need http://paste.ubuntu.com/571879/19:46
Starminnjordan_: There you go. :) I'm saying to post it here because I have ot leave soon.19:46
hhhzzzarnNeed help installing freenx from here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX19:46
tirsitoFor Alls19:46
Starminnjordan_: So it looks like you just need to install compizconfig-backend-gconf19:47
tirsitoWhat are you doing now?19:47
hhhzzzarntristo, who you talking you?19:48
Starminnjordan_: Try that.19:48
jordan_Starminn, how do i do that ----  wget install comp....19:48
Starminnjordan_: "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-backend-gconf"19:48
jordan_Starminn, ah i was close....lol19:48
UbuntuWantaBeIf I load ubuntu will I still be able to use itunes anynone know?19:48
jordan_Starminn, its done19:48
jordan_Starminn, now what do i do19:49
Starminnjordan_: Pretty sure that wget is for downloading via HTTP (from web addresses)19:49
tirsitoDo not Know19:49
Starminnjordan_: Try "compiz --replace" again19:49
hhhzzzarnubuntuwantabe, you can.19:49
Starminnhhhzzzarn: What version?19:49
UbuntuWantaBeoh ok thaks19:49
jordan_Starminn, nope still nothing, think i need to reboot pc?19:49
StarminnUbuntuWantaBe: I don't think so. Not on Ubuntu, anyway.19:50
gwzhey, I was having trouble during installation, ubuntu is showing all the partitions wrong, claims I have 5 different partitions when I only have 1 + boot partition for win719:50
Starminnjordan_: What did it say?19:50
hhhzzzarnstarmin: ubuntu 10.04 for freenx?19:50
UbuntuWantaBewhoa I am getting 2 different answers19:50
jordan_Starminn, here u go , this was what i got back http://paste.ubuntu.com/571883/19:50
UbuntuWantaBeI don`t know anything about this subject19:50
Starminnhhhzzzarn: That's remote desktop, not locally running.19:51
UbuntuWantaBeso does anyone know for sure19:51
hhhzzzarnhhhzzzarn: yes. i am trying to install on my vps.19:51
UbuntuWantaBeI love my ipod and need itunes to run it19:51
hhhzzzarnubuntuwantabe: you can install windows itunes using wine.19:51
splnetWhich version of latex do I need to install to create dvi files? 'latex file.tex' creates file.pdf now19:51
fanthomasgwz: where is it showing exactly?19:51
UbuntuWantaBeoh ok19:51
photofroggywindows screwed up grub and stuff19:52
gwzfanthomas: installation menu when you need to select your partition19:52
Starminnjordan_: "metacity --replace"?19:52
photofroggyas a temporary fix I installed lilo so that I could actually boot into windows19:52
hhhzzzarnubununtuwantabe: search "install itunes ubuntu" in google.19:52
Lint01splnet, see latex switches19:52
photofroggytrying to fix grub but getting errors on pretty much every step19:52
jordan_Starminn, unknown option19:52
Nattgew_UbuntuWantaBe: you really only need it for like firmware updates, music and all can be done with other apps19:52
jordan_i forget the e19:53
hhhzzzarnstarmin: i will continue with freenx guide. i will post when i run into error. mostly command not found.19:53
habermann24is there java6 for ubuntu on a powerpc??19:53
UbuntuWantaBeso I can get music with unbuntu apps19:53
splnetLint01: can you expound on that?19:53
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:53
StarminnUbuntuWantaBe: Yes19:53
UbuntuWantaBethat is totlly cool19:53
Starminnjordan_: Alright so what's up now?19:54
UbuntuWantaBeso I won`t need itunes anymore?19:54
jordan_Starminn, still no efefcts19:54
fanthomasgwz: does it show 5 different options? can you paste them here? are you installing it on a notebook? some notebooks have some extra restoring partitions19:54
MrGandoI'm having a problem. I have a Dual Layer DVD that I burned on my mac, however when I insert it in my ubuntu box, nothing happens, as if the drive wasn't holding any media. Is there a way to force the drive to check for media or something ?19:54
Nattgew_UbuntuWantaBe: only for updating the firmware19:54
jordan_no msg either19:54
jordan_Starminn, just flashed my screen then nothing19:54
Adomhi all. using ubuntu desktop 10.10. i access a network share via navigating nautilus (so the share gets auto-mounted in ~/.gvfs) and can use feh (image viewer) fine on an image file in the share. however, when i mount the smb share via fstab (using sudo mount -a, mounted in /mnt) feh doesnt work. any ideas why?19:54
gwzfanthomas: it shows I think my PAST partitions (macos formatted, etc etc) , I am 100% sure I only have 2 right now19:54
photofroggyI'm having trouble installing grub19:55
Starminn!grub | photofroggy19:55
ubottuphotofroggy: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:55
MrGandoany ideas ? :)19:55
Nattgew_Adom: does it give an error?19:58
menguhi. does anyone have any idea why i'm getting this error: "errno 30: read-only file system: /target/var/lib/apt-xapian-index/index.1/postlist.baseA" when i try to install ubuntu 10.0419:58
Starminnjordan_: Hmm... Well I wish I could help more but I really must leave, sadly.19:58
jordan_Starminn, :(19:58
jordan_its cool19:58
hhhzzzarnmengu, you new?19:58
Nattgew_MrGando: going to the drive in the Computer location might, or opening and closing the drive...19:58
Lint01splnet, I don't ahve latex at hand19:58
Adomstupid irc connection :/19:58
jordan_anybody help me get my desktop effects back to running19:58
Starminnjordan_: I would suggest just trying a system reboot, then if it's not working still run "compiz --replace" and post your results in here (or paste them, etc.) and see what others can do.19:58
jordan_Starminn, ah ok19:58
Starminnjordan_: Assuming it gives errors, that is.19:58
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donvito2when ubuntu-server runs i got SSL sertificate error than FAIL19:58
MrGandoNattgew_: Yeah I tried that , :( , I know my drive supports dual layer dvds so I don't really know what's going on here19:58
AdomNattgew_: u get that last response?19:58
donvito2it says i need to do something in apache/conf19:58
Nattgew_Adom: no19:58
menguhhhzzzarn: yep19:58
juniourcan i know the ascii value by terminal19:58
Adomim getting some lag using irssi :(((19:58
arandmengu: Whuch way are you installing, and what stage does this error happen?19:58
menguarand: when copying files and i'm installing from iso, dvd19:59
fanthomasgwz: hmm... no idea how to help, need to see at least the list of pratititons (may be from fdisk?...)19:59
MrGandoI'm using ubuntu server btw19:59
gwzfanthomas: I am going to try reinstalling, doesn't help that I have b43 wifi drivers19:59
gwzthanks though19:59
Adomok. back.19:59
arandmengu: So it's just the guided graphical install? ..hmmm20:00
AdomNattgew_: did you get my response about the feh WARNING?20:00
Nattgew_Adom: no, try again20:00
juniourcan i print the ascii value by terminal is there any commmand20:00
AdomNattgew_: feh just says "feh WARNING: couldn't open sample.gif"20:00
menguarand: yep20:01
arandjuniour: You can at least see the hex values by going "echo abc | xxd"20:01
Nattgew_Adom: is that different from what it says if the file doesn't exist?20:01
AdomNattgew_: ill find out...20:01
Picijuniour: od or 'man ascii' may be helpful, depending on what you want to do.20:01
AdomNattgew_: negative. inexistent file gives "...does not exist" error so its not that.20:02
jordan_can anyone help me get my desktop effects back to running, I just rebooted and ran the "compiz --replace" and got this msg http://paste.ubuntu.com/571889/20:02
arandmengu: I'm not sure what could be causing it... I guess you could try reformatting the partition, or use the alternate install CD instead..20:02
Nattgew_Adom: it's the same file that only works if mounted from Nautilus, right?20:02
AdomNattgew_: correct20:02
fanthomaswho is using Skype with AppArmor?20:03
AdomNattgew_: also, just fyi, ls -l shows EXACT same for both fstab-mounted, and auto-nautilus-mounted20:03
Lass1why cant i install UBUNTU!!!20:03
fanthomaswhat's the best (most paranoid) config of apparmor?20:03
menguthanks arand20:03
Lass1i install ubuntu but when i reboot i cant see "ubuntu"20:03
ohsixfanthomas: the best is obviously not turning on your computer; then they'll never get you20:04
jordan_ohsix, lol20:04
Lass1 installed ubuntu but when i reboot i cant see "ubuntu"20:04
fanthomasohsix: I know, but still I would like to stay in touch with some people who are using skype20:04
Pici!details | Lass120:04
ubottuLass1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:04
fanthomasohsix: and haven't found a decent VoIP replacement20:06
photofroggyseems like windows completely wiped my Ubuntu partition.. is that even possible?20:06
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nhaphotofroggy: perhaps it simply overwrote the boot loader?20:06
jordan_unbuntu 10.10 64bit default runs off gnome right20:06
photofroggynha: That's what I thought, but I can't find the partition as a drive when using the LiveCD20:06
Lass1Pici: i just installed ubuntu, so now i dual booted my computer, so i got win7 and ubuntu, but when i reboot i cant see ubuntu therefore i cant use ubuntu what shall i do? my disc is format fat3220:06
Nattgew_Adom: if you've tried mounting a few times, maybe feh has a problem with the smb mount... haven't found anything specific about it, though20:06
photofroggynha: If I have found it there are no files on here...20:06
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: do you see the partitions in disk manager?20:06
hazzaruxevening, everybody!20:06
arandmengu: It may be that your disk is failing... Or there are bad sectors in the place you are installing...20:07
photofroggyActionParsnip: Where's disk manager?20:07
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: right click my computer -> manage20:07
menguarand: have any idea how can fix the bad sectors with the live cd?20:07
AdomNattgew_: yeah it looked all on feh to me as well...was just wondering if its something else because i want feh to work for this :/20:07
Nattgew_Lass1: by can't see ubuntu, do you mean it doesn't show in the boot menu or doesn't load right?20:07
photofroggyActionParsnip: I'm on the LiveCD20:07
* ActionParsnip thinks its good to know BOTH OSes really well20:07
photofroggyActionParsnip: not windows20:07
jordan_can anyone help me get my desktop effects back to running, I just rebooted and ran the "compiz --replace" and got this msg http://paste.ubuntu.com/571889/20:07
AdomNattgew_: seems like it should be possible somehow if feh can use nautilus-mounted share but not fstab-mounted share20:08
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: then if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    do you see the NTFS partition and the Linux partitions on the disk?20:08
Lass1nattgew: i know ho to see boot menu but i cant see it, when i start my computer i press F12 then boot menu comes but i  can see it20:08
Nattgew_Adom: I did find a guide that used feh and it had you sync the files locally before using feh, not sure if it's because feh won't work20:08
Adomcan anyone tell me differences between a auto-nautilus-mounted share (in ~/.gvfs) and an fstab mounted share?20:08
photofroggyActionParsnip: yes20:08
AdomNattgew_: i guess thats an option, but id like to avoid copying the files to the local machine if possible20:09
photofroggyActionParsnip: pretty sure it's sda520:09
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: then as nha says, you probably just overwrote the bootloader. You can use the LiveCD to reinstate the loader20:09
arandmengu: I think that when the filesystem is created it ahould automatically mark those sectors as "don't use this" but otherwise there are vendor tools to do that but they tend to require a whole disk reformat... I have no idea if bad block could cause your problem though...20:09
hhhzzzarnneed help installing freenx: sudo nxsetup --install >> nxsetup: command not found20:09
photofroggyActionParsnip: every guide I have found hasn't been helpful so far...20:09
arandmengu: s/ahould/should/20:09
hhhzzzarnfrom: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:09
Nattgew_Lass1: so it just loads windows and doesn't ask?20:10
photofroggyActionParsnip: how could I mount that particular partition?20:10
Nattgew_Adom: it may be related to how you're mounting it in fstab, the options you're using20:10
hhhzzzarnNeed help installing freenx from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX: # sudo nxsetup --install > nxsetup: command not found.20:10
photofroggyActionParsnip: if it is sda5 then it's empty.20:10
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin720:10
Lass1nattgew: yeah20:11
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: if that is your swap partition, it will most likely be20:11
ActionParsnip!freenx | hhhzzzarn20:11
ubottuhhhzzzarn: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:11
Nattgew_Lass1: did you install from a CD?20:11
photofroggyActionParsnip: well in that case how do I even find which partition holds the data then?20:11
Lass1Nattgew: from Windows installer20:11
jordan_can anyone help me get my desktop effects back to running, I just rebooted and ran the "compiz --replace" and got this msg http://paste.ubuntu.com/571889/20:12
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: mount them and see20:12
Nattgew_hhhzzzarn: the command in the guide is sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup --install with the full path20:12
AdomNattgew_: good point...gonna pastebin the fstab line in a sec20:13
=== Nattgew_ is now known as Nattgew
AdomNattgew_: i should note that i open nautilus windows at both mount points (~/.gvfs and /mnt) and both open the images inside fine20:13
brunotis there someone knowing scripts ?20:13
ActionParsnipjordan_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/55899820:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 558998 in compiz (Ubuntu) "[lucid] compiz-gnome broken because of metacity update" [Undecided,Fix released]20:14
ActionParsnipbrunot: can you expand your question and requirements20:14
madmax_xhello world20:14
photofroggyActionParsnip: How can I mount them? Disk Utility doesn't give me the option20:14
hhhzzzarnWhat does it mean with file names are colored green in ubuntu putty? and what does it mean if it is white?20:14
brunotActionParsnip: I am "renting" a web hosting, it runs linux, but does not allow me to set cron20:15
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: use the places menu20:15
madmax_xim trying to get 2 video cards set up in ubuntu 10.04...both are ati, the 2nd shows up in lspci but not in the ati control panel...anyone ever done this before?20:15
erUSULhhhzzzarn: green they are executable20:15
hhhzzzarnchmod + nxsetup20:15
hhhzzzarnwrong place20:15
photofroggyActionParsnip: None of the partitions there contain any of the data that was on Ubuntu20:16
jordan_ActionParsnip, i checked out the link but what is it trying to say, i should uninstall compiz20:16
ActionParsnipbrunot: you can use gnome-schedule to cron as user (or:  gksudo gnome-scedule    to cron as root)20:16
brunotActionParsnip: there is just some kind of scheduler, so I wrote a little c++ prog which basically sleeps the expected time20:16
MrGandoOk, when I even try to load a blank dual layer dvd with my drive it seems to spin for a few seconds but nothing happens afterwards :( , any ideas ?20:16
photofroggyActionParsnip: theres Filesystem, Ubuntu, and HP_TOOLS20:16
ActionParsnipjordan_: there is a section about moving the config folders for compiz to get vanilla ones20:16
brunotActionParsnip: and checks whether there are several instances of the c++ prog20:16
photofroggyActionParsnip: Ubuntu is empty20:16
ActionParsnipphotofroggy: mount them and see20:16
erUSULbrunot: you mean that you reimplemented sleep ( the command ) ?20:16
photofroggyActionParsnip: I've already looked!20:16
NattgewAdom: by that you mean that nautilus can see them both fine?20:16
Lass1can some help me?  installed ubuntu but when i reboot i cant see "ubuntu" in my boot-menu aka it doesnt shows when i start my computer20:16
brunotActionParsnip: my problem: if I launch this prog through a shell script -launched by the scheduler, the script will not end20:17
AdomNattgew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571896 (altered for security)20:17
AdomNattgew: yeah20:17
jordan_ActionParsnip, what vanilla ones, whats that mean20:17
hhhzzzarnfreenx problem solved.20:17
ActionParsnipbrunot: you can run:  ps -ef | grep nameofapp  | wc -l    to get how many are running20:17
brunotActionParsnip: on the host, there is no mmi, only ssh connexion20:17
hhhzzzarnby myself./20:17
ActionParsnipjordan_: if config folders for an app don't exist, you will get the default ones20:17
Lass1can some help me?  installed ubuntu but when i reboot i cant see "ubuntu" in my boot-menu20:17
brunoteruUSUL: I did not reimplement :) just called it from my C++ prog20:18
erUSULLass1: what do you see?20:18
ActionParsnipLass1: boot to liveCD and reinstate grub220:18
ikoniaLass1: are you doing a dual boot ?20:18
AdomNattgew: yeah Nautilus can see them fine, and when double clicked they open is image previewer fine. both shares.20:18
AdomNattgew: by "both shares" i mean "both mounts"20:18
Lass1iknoia: y im dual booting win7 and ubuntu20:18
brunotActionParsnip: a ps-ef only shows me the instances of my prog I launched, I don't see the one(s) launched by the server's scheduler20:18
ikoniaLass1: did you install ubuntu on NTFS as I told you not to ?20:19
ActionParsnipbrunot: ps -ef    shows processes from ALL users20:19
brunotActionParsnip: nope not here20:19
Lass1ikonia: i istalled it on Fat3220:19
brunottournoid@ssh1:~/bruno$ ps -ef20:20
brunotUID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD20:20
brunottournoid 18029 17950  0 21:05 ?        00:00:00 sshd: tournoid@pts/120:20
brunottournoid 18030 18029  0 21:05 pts/1    00:00:00 -ovh_ssh20:20
brunottournoid 24724 18030  0 21:19 pts/1    00:00:00 ps -ef20:20
FloodBot2brunot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:20
ikoniaLass1: I told you not to do that20:20
ikoniaLass1: I told you it would cause you problems20:20
cylixwhat is the location of the perl module Carp::Heavy on ubuntu 10.04?20:20
ActionParsnipbrunot: read: man ps     it says: To see every process on the system using standard syntax: ps -e, ps -ef, ps -eF, ps -ely20:20
Lass1ikonia: what formation shall i use then?20:20
ikoniaLass1: a Linux supported file system20:20
cylixAlso how do I re install it.20:20
NattgewAdom: not sure why the fstab isn't working, but since gvfs works you could try mounting the drive with gvfs-mount instead20:20
PiciLass1: Are you using wubi?20:20
ikoniaLass1: they are available in the installer20:21
=== 45PABT23W is now known as Aikar
AdomNattgew: im unfamiliar with gvfs-mount, is it loadable on boot like fstab?20:21
brunotActionParsnip: I see the result I get when I do the ps -ef on the host, and there are ONLY the few processes from my ssh connexion20:21
NattgewAdom: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=42713 you can run the command at startup or whenever20:22
jordan_ActionParsnip, still reading through the forum nothing, will try the method at the last post20:22
gwzHey, got a picture of the problem I am having, http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8633/screenshotvvv.png one shows correct partitions, other does not20:22
brunotActionParsnip: did you see the result of the ps -ef I pasted here ? (it told me I was muted because flooding)20:22
Lass1ikonia: can u tell me these formation-types?20:22
ActionParsnipjordan_: the guys in #compiz may know a trick or two20:22
ikonia!install | Lass120:22
ubottuLass1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:22
Lass1Pici: what wubi???20:22
macobrunot: use the pastebin. paste.ubuntu.com20:22
PiciLass1: Nevermind.20:22
ikoniaLass1: I suggest you read those documents on how to install ubuntu20:22
jordan_k will give them a shot20:22
DoinkleHi.  Ubuntu 10.10.  I am trying to config SSH server to run on a non-default port.  So I stop the service with "/etc/init.d/ssh stop" and edit "/etc/ssh/sshd_config".  I edit the port # to what I want and restart with "/etc/init.d/ssh start".  If I try to connect "ssh doinkle@loclhost -p 9999 it doesn't work but if I connect "ssh doinkle@localhost" it does.  What am I doing wrong?20:23
brunotmaco: http://paste.ubuntu.com/571899/ - I think it is the link to the result20:23
ikoniaDoinkle: localhost is not on the network20:23
ikoniaDoinkle: you are probably being blocked by a firewall20:23
jribDoinkle: also use "service" not "/etc/init.d/"20:24
ikoniaDoinkle: what is the exact command you are using to connect to your machien on the network20:24
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jordan_ActionParsnip, lol seems pretty dead over there20:24
Doinklejrib, i tried service but it didnt recognize ssh.. was service ssh stop wrong?20:24
macoActionParsnip: see what brunot linked. i dont know what you two were debugging20:24
Doinkleikonia, ssh doinkle@localhost -p 999920:24
Lass1ikonia: i cant see theese formation20:24
drizthi how do obtain GPG key used to sign the repository from ppa?20:24
jribDoinkle: service ssh stop, yes20:24
ikoniaDoinkle: where are you doing that from20:24
Doinklejrib, oh ok :)20:25
Guest58984anyone knows how do i create a pdf file with images?20:25
ikoniaLass1: read the whole document on how to install so you understand how to install20:25
Doinkleikonia, root level20:25
ActionParsnipmaco: process for the ssh session isn't showing in ps -ef20:25
WXZafter months of schelooping20:25
ikoniaDoinkle: root level ???20:25
WXZI finally found out how to get nm-applet to show up, wow20:25
Doinkledo i need to be in reg userspace ikonia .. i know i know. im not scared of root20:25
WXZActionParsnip: YESSSSSSSs20:25
ikoniaDoinkle: ping the hostname you are trying to use, what does it come back with ?20:25
Doinklei intend to not access with root level just testing first20:26
macodrizt: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys keyserver.ubuntu.com   <KEYID goes here>    (the keyid is on the ppa's webpage20:26
brunotmaco: I am renting a shared hosting web server. I can't use a crontab (no permissions), the server only allows some scheduler20:26
ActionParsnipwxz: huh?20:26
BluesKajWXZ, willing to share your fix ?20:26
Doinkleikonia, 64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms20:26
driztmaco: thank you!20:26
macoActionParsnip: while ssh'd in?20:26
WXZgksudo /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf20:26
ikoniaDoinkle: no, I mean what's the command you are using when you don't use localhost as a host20:26
ActionParsnipmaco: not sure, still should show stuff though afaik20:26
brunotmaco: and not at the exact time & frequency I want my "signals", so I wrote a little c++ prog which basically sleeps the right amount of time20:27
WXZchange managed=false to managed-true20:27
Doinklejrib and ikonia: if i PM my ip/port do either of you mind trying a connect to determine if it is working across the public net?20:27
NattgewGuest58984:  convert -define pdf:use-trimbox=true *.jpg images.pdf20:27
Doinkleikonia, ah.. ssh doinkle@xx.xx.xx.xx -p 999920:27
ikoniaDoinkle: I won't connect to you but if you pm me your IP that may help work it out20:27
macobrunot: sounds like a kludge on top of a mess20:27
WXZmanaged=true, sorry, typo20:27
brunotmaco: then wakes up to do its stuff and sleeps again until the next time. It detects if there is a "more recent" instance of itself running and shuts down in that case20:27
jordan_ActionParsnip, forum was no good , i dont understand the last method20:27
Doinkleikonia, i dont need a successful login but you can at least tell me if you can see that port.. thats good enough :)20:27
ActionParsnipGuest58984: imagemagick20:37
brunotmaco: the script is basically going in the right directory and launching "test &"20:37
ActionParsnipGuest58984: imagemagick is awesome!20:37
macobrunot: try "exec test"20:37
Guest58984ActionParsnip: thanks. done that. but can i say to him to make them on a single page ?20:37
macobrunot: exec spawns it off as a separate process allowing the shell to close20:37
macoi think20:37
ActionParsnipGuest58984: it can stitch images together20:37
Guest58984ActionParsnip: how ? i don't know the command20:37
ActionParsnipGuest58984: hunt round the web and you wil find examples20:37
Guest58984ActionParsnip: what should i search for ?20:37
ravingmaco, I thought exec replaced the shell's process image20:38
brunotmaco: just "exec test" or "exec test &"20:38
macoraving: hrmmm not really sure how it works under the hood. i just remember if you have a shell script, it doesnt move on to the next command til the previous exits, so you have to exec to make it run stuff parallel20:39
ActionParsnipGuest58984: imageshack combine images20:39
FjodorHi all. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/650539?comments=all is reported as fixed, but it isn't for me. Does anyone else see that?20:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 650539 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Maverick) "SRU: Launching a Qt app crashes X when using Xinerama" [High,Fix released]20:39
brunotmaco: I thought the "&" at the end of the command was meant for this20:39
ravingmaco, well I know in the C world it works like this (http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/environ.html)20:40
ravingI'm trying to find the open group's standard for sh to see what the semantics are for that20:40
macobrunot: but the shell still has to stay open. if you background a process and close the shell, the process ends. (unless you use "nohup" which intercepts SIGHUP)20:40
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macobrunot: im just throwing ideas out there for what may make a difference in behaviour20:40
brunotmaco: I searched some stuff on the net today, I kind of found about the same, nohup, screen ..20:41
brunotmaco: did not test yet20:41
mouseI'm having trouble with chmod.  It's not making the files unexecutable.20:41
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Scythiumdo this20:42
Scythiumchmod 777 arquive.z20:42
guntbertScythium: don't recommend 777 without proper warning20:43
eurythmiamouse, if you want to remove executable permissions use "a-x" (i.e.: chmod a-x file)20:43
Scythiumguntbert this is just for test. Because if this doesn't work... he'll need change (chgrp) os file.20:44
Scythiummouse... can you do a ls -thals end send the result of this arquive for US?20:44
eurythmiamouse, assuming yopu want to remove *all* execute permissions20:44
gwzHey, got a picture of the problem I am having, http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8633/screenshotvvv.png one shows correct partitions, other does not20:45
mouseeurythmia, I just did that with -R for the directory I want to remove executable permissions and everything in there is still executable.20:45
madmax_xim trying to get 2 video cards set up in ubuntu 10.04...both are ati, the 2nd shows up in lspci but not in the ati control panel...anyone ever done this before?20:45
sc30317hey all, I have a ubuntu 10.10 host and windows XP guest.  I am trying to remote desktop connect from WinXP to Ubuntu, what program should I try and use for this?  I tried RealVNC and it didn't work20:46
eurythmiamouse, do you have permissions for the directory?20:46
mouseeurythmia, Yeah I have sudo permissions.20:46
Scythiummouse... Do U want apply this permissions Recursively?20:46
mouseScythium, Yeah to everything in that directory.20:47
BajKhow do I set the cursor theme that is being used at kdm? update-alternatives doesn'T work since I manually installed that theme (openzone black)20:47
Scythiumtry do this:20:48
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:48
Scythiumchmod 600 -R /directory20:48
ScythiumSOrry ubottu! rs20:48
PiciScythium: that will remove more than just the execute bits...20:49
navaladiHello All, I am using libfaketime and a small shell script program. my programs crashes with libfaketime. I knew, because system time is different from my console time tweaked by libfaketime. Any hint to fix this?20:49
ScythiumPici I know... But first...20:49
navaladiAnd I get segmentation fault error20:49
ScythiumWe'll try do the change... after... we adapt the change. Thats my point.20:49
mouseI just did sudo chmod a-x to a specific file and nothing has changed.20:50
ScythiumThis is like a VPN configuration.20:50
navaladiI found the problem using strace , the error is ,20:50
navaladiwait4(-1, [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], WNOHANG, {ru_utime={3, 552222}, ru_stime={0, 284017}, ...}) = 305420:50
dehumanscythium: that doesn't make any sense20:51
ScythiumFirst we configure the VPN with pre-shared keys... nest... we configure with strenght crypto keys and etc...20:51
seblabeli have a problem here with ffmpeg and the x264 encoder20:51
dehumanunrelated to chmod20:51
seblabelsince i'm on lucid, encoding with it is very slow20:51
bc81hi, i'm looking for an app or script to monitor my internet connectivity..something that can run 24/7 and alert me (sound/email/OSD etc) if and when the connection goes out.20:52
disappearedngHey when I shut down my computer can't shut down properly anything wrong you see? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/344062/20:52
seblabeldo someone as the same problem with ffmpeg on lucid lynx ?20:53
=== WXZ1 is now known as WXZ
dehumanmouse: why dont you paste this somewhere, an ls -l of the file, then chmod a-x, then ls -l of file again20:54
dehumancause thats just crazy20:54
tedp11I have 0 snd_hda_intel and it's working now with kernel Linux bt #1 SMP.  But how do I save this sound module or driver so i can install on newer kernel?20:54
mouseI have these files on a separate hard drive and I have fstab to mount it at boot.  Could this be a problem with fstab?20:55
mousedehuman, Alright give me a second.20:55
bc81i was thinking of writing a script that pings "www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp" and plays a sound if nothing is returned, but don't know how to formulate that into bash20:55
pocchahello, is there a way to use excel + vba on ubuntu?20:55
dehumanmouse: what filesystem?20:55
mousedehuman, ntfs20:55
Fjodormouse: What filesystem is on that partition?20:55
seblabelbc81: you can use wget --spider20:55
dehumanmouse: there is your problem20:55
mousedehuman, Can't change mode bits on ntfs?20:56
Fjodormouse: Google ntfs-3g and look at the documentation20:56
bc81seblabel: cool, now i'm a step closer..but really, i have very little bash knowledge and wouldn't know what to do with that20:57
dehumanmouse: gotta pass options at mount time20:57
dehumanwhat fjodor said20:57
Picibc81: #bash might be able to suggest something.20:57
bc81ok, i'll check20:57
dehumanits in the docs, man mount.ntfs will have same info20:57
seblabelbc81: you can use the #? value given by the wget --spider20:58
seblabellike : wget --spider http://yourthing && echo "website ok"20:58
mousedehuman, Is this something I would have to do in fstab?20:58
seblabelor like : wget --spider http://yourthing && echo "website ok" >> logfile20:58
bc81seblabel: that looks good, what about this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/651182-post8.html20:59
bc81seblabel: basically i'd want it to check anywhere from every 3 to 5 minutes21:00
bc81and play a sound (with aplay) if not connected21:01
gman01hey all. just finished a fresh install on a new HP laptop and no networking. the enable networking is blacked out. any Idea?21:01
seblabelbc81: you can use a cron job yes21:01
bc81seblabel: ok, i'll try it, thanks21:02
KB1JWQgman01: Does the machine detect the networking devices?21:02
seblabelbc81: i didn't know a lot on cron but you can find doc easyly21:02
brunotmaco: thanks for your help, I will try the different things21:02
frgoghi. how can i add new panel in ubuntu desktop 10.10?21:02
seblabelbc81: can you explain the aim of you script21:02
bc81seblabel: sure, run in the background 24/7 and check if internet is connected.  if not, play a sound21:03
seblabelok, i can try too make one21:03
Nattgewdisappearedng: there's not anything in that log that I can see that would affect shutdown21:03
disappearedngNattgew: aside from /var/log/messages, where else can I look?21:04
seblabelbc81: do you have some time ?21:04
bc81seblabel: nice!  thank you, i'll keep trying things over here too21:04
bc81seblabel: yes, i have all day today :)21:04
disappearedngNattgew: what happened was ubuntu shutdown screen, then I see something about rabbitmq server, then the ubuntu shutdown screen just keep going in loop21:04
seblabelbc81: here is almost time to go to bed, but i try to do it now21:05
bc81seblabel: don't worry too much about it, i really appreciate the help21:05
tr43nddoes anyone know where ubuntu store update ?21:05
seblabelbc81: no problemo21:05
Nattgewdisappearedng: messages should have pretty much everything, but you could check in the other logs to see if there's anything from when you tried to shut down.21:06
gman01KB1JWQ, eth0 only21:06
KB1JWQgman01: So get it working over eth0 and go from there.21:08
gman01KB1JWQ, Onlt wireless around here now, I va no access to cabel.21:09
=== walterheck__ is now known as walterheck
dvdaI have a question about security: I have apache on my computer and lately I see connection attempts to it from which try to connect to different servers http://paste.ubuntu.com/571919/ . What could that be caused by?21:14
seblabelbc81: wget --spider "http://www.google.com" || aplay -q "/.../.../file.mp3"21:14
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seblabeland use a cron on this21:14
desaiuchromium stopped scrolling downward with my mouse wheel a few days ago :(21:15
ikoniadvda: that is your own host, ignore it21:15
desaiu...for wikipedia pages21:15
desaiuany idea why?21:15
LunganHow do I activate file sharing on ubuntu netbook remix? If I rightclick on folder theres no "sharing options" ?21:15
desaiuneither does the down arrow work21:15
bc81seblabel: i was looking at the double pipe too.  thank you so much!21:15
seblabelbc81: don't you want something more verbose, like a logfile ?21:16
Nocturnal_I have UbuntuStudio, I am needing to know of a good radio broadcating software, one I can use for streaming music on a shoutcast server.21:16
InphernalHi all, I need some help finding a media player like iTunes for Ubuntu. I've gone through a bunch and they're all too bloated with random features. I want something like iTunes where i just see my library and press play. Any suggestions?21:16
seblabelbc81: why would your connection stopped ?21:16
bc81seblabel: sure, this is a good starting point.  i was also going to add a check to see if my (dynamic) ip changes21:16
dvdaikonia, but yeah, still, I hope it's not some bad software of something. I didn't use to have that before like 3 days ago21:17
desaiuNocturnal_: i think vlc has this capability21:17
seblabelInphernal: moc21:17
bc81seblabel: well, we have bad weather here, and lines are constantly going in and out21:17
ikoniaInphernal: rhythem box ?21:17
ikoniadvda: it's not21:17
hhhzzzarnNeed help with ubuntu-server gui installation. No folders yet created at /root/21:17
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seblabelbc81: ok21:17
seblabelbc81: maybe you can add some feature on your script21:17
desaiuNocturnal_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48860221:17
dehumannocturnal: kind of related - there is some rastafarian live linux project for old hardware to do radio stuff21:17
ikoniahhhzzzarn: nothing will go in /root21:17
ikoniahhhzzzarn: that is for the root user, that you can't use as it's locked21:18
dehumanpirate radio whatever, its http://dynebolic.org/21:18
seblabelbc81: let me send you something21:18
dehumankind of lulz cause its rastafarian linux21:18
bc81seblabel: yes, that is a good starting point.  ok21:18
hhhzzzarnikonia: in ubuntu-server that is where home folder is21:18
ikoniahhhzzzarn: no it's not21:18
ikoniahhhzzzarn: lets take this to ubuntu-server21:18
desaiuhow do you save everything about your chromium setup, its bookmarks, addons, history, etc. and then delete all the configs from your system and reinstall it?21:18
desaiui think that might solve my issue21:19
desaiu...and then i would like to restore it21:19
desaiuwith my original bookmarks, addons, history, etc.21:19
Ampelbeindesaiu: chromium saves its information in ~/.config/chromium21:21
ActionParsnipdesaiu: the settings are stored in ~/.config/chromium21:21
dehumanmouse: yes tw21:21
ActionParsnipdesaiu: you wil probably find the issue is a setting in your browser, but reinstalling may help21:21
jamesstanleyI use empathy for facebook chat and when I receive a message there is always a several-second delay between the message appearing in the chat box on the facebook website and the message appearing in empathy. Anyone know a likely cause?21:22
mouseWould this be a good fstab entry? /dev/sdb1 /media/Swiss ntfs-3g defaults,uid=1000,noatime 0 021:22
ActionParsnipmouse: i'd add    rw,users21:23
mouseSo it would be? /dev/sdb1 /media/Swiss ntfs-3g rw,users,defaults,uid=1000,noatime 0 021:24
CaneToaddoes the X server on ubuntu support dynamically loadable modules?21:24
darastrixanyone there21:26
ikonia1400+ people21:26
safirewhat package is nmap in?21:27
ikoniasafire: nmap21:27
FjodorHi all. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/650539?comments=all is reported as fixed, but it isn't for me. Does anyone else see that?21:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 650539 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Maverick) "SRU: Launching a Qt app crashes X when using Xinerama" [High,Fix released]21:27
matthewspcanswer me21:28
rmd_I seem to be missing manpages for basic applications, like bg, fg, etc. What package contains those documents?21:28
Raydiation1will resizing in windows work with install?21:28
Raydiation1or does linux need a partition which isnt fragmented?21:28
Fjodormatthewspc: Just ask the question. No need to introduce yourself :-)21:28
FloodBot2matthewspc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:28
sysdocIs there a Linux app that can read a windows dump file?21:28
tr43ndsorrt, anybody know where linux store updates after download?21:29
LunganWhy doesn't subfolders become shared if I share folders?21:31
desaiuActionParsnip and Ampelbein, by removing the smoothscroll addon, everything was returned to normal21:31
Fjodortr43nd: /var/cache/apt/archives21:31
Fjodortr43nd: Np :-)21:32
arandrmd it may be "bash"21:32
openickhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1694450  I need some help in installing the tar.gz file for which all dependencies have already been installed as deb packages.21:33
LunganIf I have a folder which i whanna share, and theres 20 subfolders, which also have 20 subfolders. How do I share everything without need to make "sharing options" for every single one?21:34
arandrmd_: It seems to be in the manpage of bash indeed.21:34
mpzni'm having some trouble with my battery, when i updated from ubuntu 9.10 to ubuntu 10.04, my battery won't charge. it's stuck at 24%, and i can only run my laptop with the AC adapter connected21:34
ActionParsnipdesaiu: I see, yeah addons can cause issues and removing them is a good call before drastic measures21:35
mpznnow i've tried to install xubuntu 10.10 and it still won't work21:35
StarminnLungan: I know nothing about file sharing, but if you choose to share the grandparent directory will it not recursively apply it downwards?21:35
mpzncan someone please help me?21:35
openickAfter a very long list of packages and dependencies, the las tfile to be installed are  utouch_1.1.dsc and21:35
Starminnmpzn: Support for Xubuntu may be found in #xubuntu21:35
mpznStarminn, ah ok, thanks21:35
ActionParsnipmpzn: what is your issue?21:35
LunganStarminn, Nope, it just apply on the current folder. But then the subfolders aren't shared on the network21:35
seblabelmpzn: what is wrong ?21:36
mpznActionParsnip, issue? i can't run my laptop only with battery, if i do.. the computer turns off instantly21:36
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ActionParsnipmpzn: what make / model ?21:36
mpznActionParsnip, acer travelmate 837121:37
mpznbattery AC09D7021:37
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seblabelmpzn: what OS did you have on it before ?21:38
LunganStarminn, I solved it, i rightklick on the domainfolder and then I click in permissions "apply permissions to enclosed files"21:38
StarminnLungan: There ya go! :) Glad you solved it.21:38
ActionParsnipmpzn: have you logged a bug with acpi21:38
ActionParsnipmpzn: have you tried booting with the bootoption: acpi=off21:39
=== openick is now known as openick1
mpznseblabel, win vista > ubuntu 9.10 > ubuntu 10.04 > xubuntu 10.10.. and the problem started when i updated too 10.0421:39
mpznActionParsnip, hm, i don't know.. i'm new too this.. where can i see that?21:39
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boota2Hello, i'm trying to mount sshfs via fstab on boot and i get "And error occured while mounting /my/folder".21:39
boota2If i press Enter and do "mount fstab" all works fine.21:40
LunganStarminn, Yeah! Just installed ubuntu netbook, had som trouble getting filesharing to work since everything in netbook remix weren't already set up21:40
boota2I think network is down when ubuntu tries to mount filesystems.21:40
boota2And ideas how to fix?21:40
openickonehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1694450  I need some help in installing the tar.gz file for which all dependencies have already been installed as deb packages.21:40
seblabelmpzn: so the problem starded with ubuntu 10.04 ?21:40
mpznseblabel, exactly21:40
openickonehi can some one tell me the commands in a sequence for installign tar.gz21:41
ActionParsnipmpzn: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub     add the boot option in the quotes with:    quiet splash      save the new file, close gedit and run:   sudo update-grub   reboot to test21:41
boota2Hey, help of someone knowing what on whish runlevel starts.21:41
aeon-ltdopenickone: you don't install tar.gz, if you downloaded the source then you compile it21:42
boota2*is neede21:42
aeon-ltd!compile | openickone21:42
ubottuopenickone: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:42
mpznActionParsnip, ok, i will try that.. i'll come back if it don't work21:42
mpznActionParsnip, what is quiet splash?21:42
mouseDoes anyone know the name of the virtualbox feature where you don't have to click inside the window to capture the mouse and when you move the pointer to the edge of the screen will automatically decapture it?21:43
ActionParsnipmpzn: they are 2 boot options used so plymouth shows its face and gives the boot splash21:43
usuario_do you speak spanish?21:43
boota2mouse: install vmware services21:43
openickoneaeon-ltd,   the packages are utouch_1.1.dsc21:43
mouseboota2, Thank you.21:43
usuario_whana suck a bitch21:43
boota2mouse: sorry, virtualbox integration service21:43
ActionParsnip!info utouch21:43
ubottuutouch (source: utouch): A meta-package to install gesture libraries and tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB21:44
gwzcan anyone help? http://www1.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169458021:44
mpznActionParsnip, i don't understand, i typed the first command in the terminal, something flashed on the screen but nothing came up21:44
boota2onece again21:44
ActionParsnipopenickone: its in the repos....21:44
boota2I need help of someone who know how /etc/rc scripts work in ubuntu.21:44
openickoneActionParsnip, but i didn't find it in synoptic 10.0421:44
boota2And why trying to mount sshfs on boot fails.21:44
ActionParsnipmpzn: do you use oh you are on xubuntu aren't you. run: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/leafpad /usr/bin/gedit         then rerun21:45
Starminnmouse: Umm... Mouse integration or pointer interation I think? I don't remember the exact phrasing but ti was something like "Mouse integration" or something similar.21:45
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ActionParsnipopenickone: its in the universe repo, enable that21:45
Starminnmouse: If you'll give me a few moments I can check.21:45
teenboydo you know lazarus?21:45
SuddenlyI have my desktop PC (vista) routing its interwebs through my laptop (running Ubuntu Netbook), since the desktop does not have a wireless card. I want to run a VNC server on my desktop; however, the IP address never works. My laptop's address is 192.168.1.x, whereas my desktop's is 10.42.43.x. How do I make this work? Thanks in advance.21:45
mpznActionParsnip, yeah xubuntu21:45
guntbert!here | gwz21:46
ubottugwz: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com21:46
mpznActionParsnip, so.. i run: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/leafpad /usr/bin/gedit.. and then reboot?21:46
ActionParsnipmpzn: xubuntu uses leafpad instead of gedit, the command will make the gedit command run leafpad for you :)21:46
hhhzzzarnCan anyone tell me what username and login do i use to connect? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX21:46
ActionParsnipmpzn: no, no need to reboot. This isnt windows21:46
boota2And once more, why can't I automatically mount sshfs via fstab on boot?21:46
Starminnmouse: Just ran a VM. It's "mouse pointer integration" is the feature name.21:46
ActionParsniphhhzzzarn: your system username and pass21:46
gwzguntbert: I have like 3 times but here it is again21:46
freddy_Hi, I just installed ubuntu and I'm trying to connect to the wireless, I don't see the network-manager applet in the systray21:46
freddy_the wifi card is working because iwlist wlan0 scanning show a list of available networks21:47
ActionParsnipmpzn: you can now run the first command I gave and you will open the file and be able to edit it21:47
gwzguntbert: gparted during installation is messing up my partitions, it displays I have 5 of them wheN I only have 221:47
mouseStarminn, Thank you.21:47
gwzdue to this, I am unable to install ubuntu21:47
openickoneActionParsnip, universe is enabled, but the software center says sorry, utouch is not available for this type of computers i38621:47
mpznActionParsnip, i'm confused now.. can u please write step by step what i should do?21:47
freddy_any ideas?21:48
spidERSqualcuno parla italiano?21:48
ActionParsnipSuddenly: your vista system will have a based address which it is using to connect to the laptop with21:48
hhhzzzarnactionpars: i tried root and my pass, could not connect.21:48
Suddenlythank you action21:48
guntbertgwz: did you boot with the gparted CD to see how your HD is set up? or: how does the live system see it?21:48
guntbert!it | spidERS21:49
ubottuspidERS: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:49
Suddenlyhow would I find that? I tried ipconfig in cmd21:49
ActionParsnipmpzn: run the command which started with: ln -s     to make the link, then run:      gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub      which is the first command I gave, like I said21:49
gwzguntbert: yes21:49
guntbertFuelCell: don't test here21:49
openickoneActionParsnip, universe is enabled, but http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner source and "source code" are disabled21:49
ActionParsnipSuddenly: it must have a 192 based IP or the laptop wouldn't get any connections21:49
Luis_Hi just a quick question, i've been having a great deal of trouble getting ubuntu to run and behave alright on my home server (just making the switch from windows) and i finnally got it to log in without problems but now that i was creating the shares i've done and re-done everything i know how including followed a few different how-tos online but the shares just aren't accessible by other machines, its driving me up the wal21:50
Luis_ls, any ideas why they wont show on other computers?21:50
ActionParsnipopenickone: thats the partner repo, I'd enable that, it's dead handy21:50
guntbertgwz: and what were those results? the expected ones?21:50
gwzguntbert: they all show my partitions wrong21:51
Suddenlythanks action :)21:51
ActionParsnipLuis_: are you running the server OS or do you have a GUI with mouse/21:51
guntbertgwz: what system is running now?21:51
openickoneenabling it, but the software center  hangs a bit at update 94% ActionParsnip, i have actually gone through the long process of installing almost all dependencies, the only file is the21:51
guntbert!tab | Suddenly21:51
ubottuSuddenly: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:51
Luis_ActionParsnip, i tried the server but unfortunatly don't know enough to set it up so i'm just using a normal desktop ubuntu install21:51
gwzguntbert: windows, it doesn't help that I am unable to use wifi on ubuntu21:52
eitriHi. I'm looking for a bittorrent client that runs in terminal(no GUI), and that is easy to use. Any sugestions?21:52
openickoneActionParsnip,  updating cache has been hanging everytime I tried to add a new repository21:52
ActionParsnipLuis_: ok then you should be able to use nautilus to share folders. If you tried that I can send you my smb.conf file as an example for you to use21:53
richthegeekI forgot the password to a keychain - can I reset it?21:53
SuddenlyActionParsnip: I have tried all the variations of the ipconfig cmd line, still coming up with my 10.42.43.x address. Any suggestions?21:54
Adomis there a way to use gvfs-mount without the workgroup, username, and password prompts? i.e. in a script?21:54
guntbertgwz: well - if you want to diagnose the partition issue you should boot into some live linux, start an irc client, pastebin the output of   sudo fdisk -l  and put your question to the channel again (along with the link to the pastebin)21:54
silverlightninganyone experienced with XChat?21:55
gwzok wait like 10 mins21:55
TophSilkoBilko,,, i use it21:56
guntbertgwz: I may not be awake by then but others will take up21:56
silverlightningso XChat isn't very popular?21:56
silverlightninghi toph21:56
xtbgodAm i able to run .exe's that aren't listed at the Wine's database?21:56
tacomasterdoes ettercap have a irc channel?21:56
Tophhey silverlightning21:56
secretary_linuxxtbgod: you can try21:56
ChrisSc1hi all21:56
Luis_ActionParsnip, i have used nautilus but that didn't seem to do anything so (using a guide) i've manually set up smb via terminal, i really can't get my head around it, if nautilus "uses" the samba packages why is it that if i set it up via terninal and do nothing with nautilus it will show all shares as being disabled and vice verca, if i set my shares up in nautilus, samba's options will remain unchanged21:56
stanman246silverlightning, i'm using xchat21:56
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: why is popularity ever a factor?21:57
freddy_please I need help, I need to be able to connect to the wireless but the network-manager-applet isnt showing! (this is a fresh install)21:57
cbrinke1hello all, I would like to make a .deb of the output from "dpkg-reconfigure locales" to speed up the deployment of a large number of servers... how do I know what files need to be included?21:57
mpznActionParsnip, in grub, where it says "quiet splash", should i replace it with "acpi=off" ?21:57
silverlightningToph, stanman246, I have trouble connecting to servers not on the list, I am in lubuntu21:57
xtbgodsilverlightning, i also use XChat21:57
ActionParsnipmpzn: no, just add the option within the quotes to add the extra option21:57
cbrinke1I had already achieved this with the locales in karmic, however I am upgrading to lucid and it does not work anymore... :(21:57
ChrisSc1how can i change the refresh rate of my monitor via putty? Currently the Screen is blank, so no chance to use a gui21:57
openickoneaeon-ltd, i ran a tar -xvf command, utouch tar.gz file expanded, but the folder does not seem to contain souurce files21:58
silverlightningactionparsnip, as a barometer of stuff that works21:58
mpznActionParsnip, so it will say "quiet splash, acpi=off" ?21:58
mpznis that correct?21:58
Tophsilverlightning,,, well, i have a terrible time connecting to undenet, yet i connect well to feenode and dalnet21:58
openickoneaeon-ltd,  tar -xvf utouch_1.1.tar.gz21:58
FloodBot2openickone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
ActionParsnipsilverlightning: hardly21:59
Tophsilverlightning,,, one issue i have with Xchat is that it doesn't come with a list of servers21:59
silverlightningI am trying to connect to  maya.2012info.ca21:59
ActionParsnipmpzn: without the comma, yes21:59
garrettHey everyone21:59
mpznActionParsnip, ok, thanks21:59
Luis_ActionParsnip, currently i have a share set up the same both via termina/samba and nautilus and i managed to get the client computer to see the server, the client browses the server but doesnt see the shared folder, so i created a test folder on the server using the client but i can't see said foler on the server (using the server to "look in itself")21:59
K2FMGTrying to install Ubuntu on a Dell with Inspirion 64 processer, 2Gb ram. It gets to a point and hangs. I've tried Ubuntu 64, 32 and netbook. All the same.21:59
ActionParsnipLuis_: what OS is the client?22:00
aeon-ltdopenickone: no idea, if it doesn't contain source to build then you can't compile it22:00
gwz_guntbert: what command did you want me to run again?22:00
K2FMGWindows 7 Home edition22:00
mpznActionParsnip, i couldn't open the grub file from the terminal, so i went thru the file manager and opened it manually, but i can't save the changes22:00
guntbertgwz: sudo fdisk -l                 that gives a list of all partitions on all disks, send it to a pastebin22:01
ActionParsnipmpzn: that's why the command was prefixed with gksudo22:01
Luis_ActionParsnip, ubuntu as well, i've tryed using my iPad to connect to it and that just prompts me for the password, once insterted just refuses connection despite all details being 100% right22:01
ActionParsnipmpzn: what is the name of the file manager in Xubuntu??22:01
silverlightningI have managed to muck up Chromium, it crashes instantly on opening22:01
openickoneaeon-ltd,  don't know what to do22:01
ActionParsnipLuis_: try pressing ALT+F2 and run:  smb://hostname/sharename22:01
mpznActionParsnip, thunar22:01
ActionParsnipmpzn: ok, try: gksudo thunar22:02
Luis_ActionParsnip, on the server i take it?22:02
ActionParsnipLuis_: no, the client22:02
openickoneaeon-ltd,  thanks.22:02
openickoneActionParsnip,  thanks, will log in after a while to continue trying22:03
gwz_guntbert: fdisk shows the partitions properly22:03
Ubuntu-Userany jailbreaking utility in ubuntu?22:03
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=== Discovery is now known as Logan_WP
shoplifterHi, I am getting the message "ould not demultiplex stream" when palying mkv. Anyone knows what this is?22:03
joernchenare there any security implications on files in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ being user-writeable?22:04
silverlightningtoph, weird when I connect really fast in chatzilla?22:04
Luis_ActionParsnip, of course sorry, otherwise it wouldn't be "hostname", just tryed it and it says it doesn't exist22:04
silverlightningreally werid22:04
guntbertgwz: now start gparted, check what it is seeing, compare the two views - if they differ please pastebin the text output and send a screenshot of gparted to a picturebin22:05
Ubuntu-UserI want to jailbreak my iphone22:05
ActionParsnipLuis_: its the name of the server22:05
silverlightningxtbgod can you connect to maya.2012info.ca ?22:06
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Luis_ActionParsnip, i know, i've just had a thought, when i'm messing around with these settings do i need to restart everytime so that they're "published" on the network as such, or become active somehow or other?22:07
guntbert!screenshot | gwz22:07
ubottugwz: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.22:07
xamanuHi, i just installed Ubuntu on my new Thinkpad T510. Everything is fine. But when I want to connect a second monitor the screen is moved to the left and on the right side I can see parts of the first monitor. Even the mouse is kind of placed badly. The same space of displacement the mouse is clicking more left. Has anybody an idea or would be so kind and give me a hint how to debug this? Thank you22:07
silverlightningxtbgod or projectavalon.2012info.ca  ?22:07
gwz_guntbert: http://pastebin.com/RkppWgtK and http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/5690/screenshothc.png22:07
silverlightninghi torel22:08
ActionParsnipLuis_: could try: sudo service smbd stop; sudo service smbd start22:09
joernchennoone on polkit?22:09
guntbertgwz: ouch, the warning from fdisk doesn't look nice22:09
BajKwhat kind of file format does xsetroot -bitmap expect? bmp? xpm?22:10
gwz_guntbert: I am using gdisk too and its showing me old partitions..22:10
ActionParsnipLuis_: I personally use smb.conf in server. It's quite simple.I also use smbpasswd toset samba paswords which I tell my clients to remember22:11
guntbertgwz: please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table, I have no idea how you could get such a partition table22:12
Luis_ActionParsnip, i was just having a nose around in smb.conf now, i can't see anything wrong but then again i can only unserstand what about 70-80% of it does22:12
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
InphernalHey all, so on system startup, after picking Ubuntu in GRUB, I get these command line errors, along the lines of "[drm:init_ring_common] *ERROR* render ring head not reset to zero". What is this? The message will come up mulitiple times and then boot normally22:13
guntbertgwz: according to the wiki gdisk understands GPT...22:13
Luis_ActionParsnip, so once you've set things up through terminal using smb, you dont really need to do the same through nautilus, in fact you can leave sharing thgough nautilus set as disable? is this correct?22:14
ActionParsnipLuis_: pretty much yeah22:14
gwz_yes guntbert I am not sure however on how to fix this22:14
Luis_ActionParsnip, can i take you up on that offer to have a look at your smb.conf file to see if i'm missing anything?22:15
ActionParsnipLuis_: http://pastebin.com/6ZpgtSm4   my smb.conf  (you only need the bottom 2 parts which define my shares)22:15
thelonecabbageis the grub menu intentionally suppressed in 10.10?22:15
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ndxtgI need to create a bootable USB version of Ubuntu but without any app comes with (such as OO, Games...) is there any suggestion?22:16
xtbgodI'm not able to run installer's .exe using Wine22:16
lickalot_had anyone here configured ipv6 using tunnel broker?22:16
arandthelonecabbage: If you do not have a second operating system it is, since a few release ago I think...22:16
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thelonecabbagearand: is there a way to force it on?22:16
arandthelonecabbage: hold shift I think.22:17
guntbertgwz: neither am I -- sorry -- but I'd be rather careful :-)22:17
Luis_ActionParsnip, when you browse your network on a ubuntu machine, are the shares you create on another ubuntu machine suposed to come up in "windows network" or just show up as random computers22:17
thelonecabbagearand: ahh...22:17
Adomi know that to run a command in the background you can use & ("./myscript &") but is there something i can put in my script to do that automatically without the &?22:17
thelonecabbageone other question.. is hyperthreading still optional in the kernel, where you can turn it on with ht=on or do I need to rebuild the kernel?22:17
blzjoin #remote-exploit22:17
ActionParsnipLuis_: i use the "connect to" in nautilus and I set the hostname and share22:18
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mpznActionParsnip, now i've tried what u said.. and still i can't run my laptop on only batterypower22:19
mpznjust with the ac adapter connected22:19
guntbertgwz: sorry that I couldn't really help - but I'm definitely off to bed22:19
mustangg_g'day. Would like to know if sata hd's can safely have the multicount param enabled.22:19
lickalot_are there any special packages/libs i need for ipv6?22:20
Luis_ActionParsnip, ok fare enough but even that what do you class a ubuntu share created unter samba as, webdav? (shouldn't be as that's HTTP) "windows Share"?22:20
InphernalHey all, so on system startup, after picking Ubuntu in GRUB, I get these command line errors, along the lines of "[drm:init_ring_common] *ERROR* render ring head not reset to zero". What is this? The message will come up mulitiple times and then boot normally22:20
d4n1sHow do I compile a .cpp source code in ubuntu?22:21
LjL!compile > d4n1s    (d4n1s, see the private message from ubottu)22:21
ActionParsnipLuis_: windows share22:21
mouse!compile > mouse22:21
ActionParsnipd4n1s: install build-essential and you can run:   gcc filname.cpp22:21
ubottumouse, please see my private message22:21
WALoeIIIhow can I download a maverick source package on lucid?22:21
d4n1sactioparnip and than how do I run it?22:22
LjLWALoeIII: one dirty way is to add the maverick repository to /etc/apt/sources.list temporarily, issue an apt-get update, then apt-get source the package and remove the repository...22:22
d4n1sHow do I run it?22:22
WALoeIIILjL I like dirty, thanks22:22
xanguano, you don't WALoeIII LjL22:23
WALoeIIILjL I thought there was some switch I can provide to apt-get but I can't find it, its hard to google for this with all the noise22:23
xanguasource of what WALoeIII ¿22:23
mustangg_does the hdparm multicount parameter apply equally to sata as well as pata hd's?22:23
xanguait it's a source, donwload it from the program site22:23
d4n1sHow do I run the compiled program??????????22:23
LjLWALoeIII: i don't think there is, because apt cannot know where the maverick repository is in the first place if you don't provide it. of course, you could also always get the package from a web browser manually, but a source package is made of three files, so that could be annoying22:23
LjLxangua: why?22:23
LjLxangua: what's wrong with getting a source package?22:24
WALoeIIImaybe it was from a ppa in the past22:24
Luis_ActionParsnip, by bottom 2 parts on that sample file you sent me you meant line 337 to the end, right? the parts labeled "downloads" and "usb" as 2 examples of how a share looks in smb.conf right?22:24
d4n1sI am tired22:24
d4n1sI wanna go sleep22:24
d4n1stell me?>22:24
FloodBot2d4n1s: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:24
LjL!tab | d4n1s if you highlight the correct user, the chances they'll answer you are higher22:25
ubottud4n1s if you highlight the correct user, the chances they'll answer you are higher: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:25
mpzn I have some problem with my laptop. I updated from ubuntu 9.10 > ubuntu 10.04. And after the update my laptop won't run on batterypower. I must have the AC adapter connected to run the laptop. what should i do to make it work on batterypower?22:25
LjLd4n1s: anyway, "./a.out" if you provide nothing to the compiler22:25
macod4n1s: type its name if its in your path. if not then type the full path to it22:25
ActionParsnipLuis_: yes those are the share names I have, the access names I have given and the blocked names for security :)22:25
moused4n1s, If you're talking about a C++ source file then you can use G++ to compile it from the terminal.22:27
Luis_ActionParsnip, blocked names for security , you mean "[]" as they're uncommon caracters to use or was there another meaning that i missed?22:27
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blzis there an official channel for discussion of exploits?22:27
mustangg_is it reasonable to think that if hdparm reports back multicount params for a sata drive, then the drive should accept a different setting?22:27
macoblz: you mean exploits you think you found that you want to warn the ubuntu security team about?22:27
blzmaco:  no, exploits in general22:28
macoblz: not in the ubuntu namespace. ask alis (the bot that searches channel names & topics)22:28
WALoeIIILjL: your idea worked perfectly22:28
blzmaco:  ok thx22:29
WALoeIIIthere is a way to do this with one line, but this works well enough22:29
LjLWALoeIII: what is the way?22:29
WALoeIIII don't know22:29
WALoeIIII've done it before22:29
WALoeIIIbut it was like 8 months ago22:29
WALoeIIIand its out of my bash history22:29
FloodBot2WALoeIII: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:29
ActionParsnipLuis_: no in the brackets are the share names22:30
macoLjL, WALoeIII: its not annoying to get a source package from a webpage if you know about dget.   dget http://example.com/path/to/file.dsc       and itll download all the pieces22:30
ActionParsnipLuis_: invalid users = root bin daemon nobody      are the blocked names whom are not allowed to access my shares22:31
mustangg_is it reasonable to think that if hdparm reports back multicount params for a sata drive, then the drive should accept a different setting?22:31
LjLmaco: ah that's nice22:31
WALoeIIIthat may have been exactly what I did22:31
pk___i updated my computer22:31
pk___but now when i start it22:32
pk___there is a "starting file manager "22:32
pk___shown infinitely22:32
mouseJust to clarify metacity --replace will safely close compiz?22:32
Luis_ActionParsnip, what's a WINS server? just out of curiosity, i've read on wiki but doesnt make much sence to me, that's all disabled could that be having an effect?22:32
pk___please help my computer is pretty useless now22:32
ActionParsnippk___: ease up on the enter key, you can type VERY long lines as I am doing to highlight the fact and you will not scroll the channel like you just did22:33
ActionParsnipLuis_: if you don't have one then it's not important22:33
bloindhello, does someone know if it is possible to make networkmanager survive use log outs? eg. when i log out of GNOME the applet stops running so i am disconnected. how can i prevent that?22:33
ActionParsnipLuis_: You will know if you have one22:33
Luis_ActionParsnip, still can't access anything it just doesnt make any sence, i've just uninstalled and reinstalled Samba and all checks out according to your smb.conf file and the ubuntu guide on how to do it22:33
bloindi mean user, not use22:33
Luis_ActionParsnip, fare answer, makes sence!22:34
ActionParsnipLuis_: once you update the smb.conf file you will need to restart the sambe service22:34
ActionParsnipLuis_: sudo service smbd stop; sudo service smbd start22:34
Luis_ActionParsnip, thank you was just gonna ask you for the syntax22:35
bloinddoesnt anyone know?!22:35
pk___can i downgrade again?22:35
Logan_WP!please | bloind22:36
ubottubloind: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude22:36
ActionParsnipbloind: you can use /etc/network/interfaces if its a desktop PC.22:36
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bloindActionParsnip: from the networkmanager gui?22:36
macoActionParsnip: i use it on laptops...22:36
Luis_ActionParsnip, this error also keeps poping up "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered"22:36
macobloind: no, /etc/network/interfaces is what people used before network manager existed. and also when NM crashes and/or otherwise misbehaves22:37
ActionParsnipbloind: its a config file, any interface you define with the file will NOT be configurable with GUI apps like network manager22:37
Luis_ActionParsnip, just restarted the service, and after trying to connect using the client machine that's all i got22:37
ActionParsnipmaco: not great for users who like an easy life22:37
ActionParsnipLuis_: could try a server reboot22:37
macoActionParsnip: there was a time when it was a LOT easier than rebooting 5 times to make NM behave...22:37
pk___starting file manager  .... is it the "nautilus"  which it is trying to start?22:37
bloindok, thank you both22:37
ActionParsnipbloind: wicd has a curses based frontend you can use in terminal once you kill the DE22:37
ActionParsnipmaco: indeed :)22:38
waza-ariHey all. im searching for a software to capture video (eg from a capture box) and with jack support (since i want to record from multiple audio sources). Jack is running fine so far, but im currently searching for a good capture box and for an appropiate software. any suggestions?22:38
bloindwell your solutions might be valid, but i was only interested in getting a yes/no answer. and the answer is no... the proposed solutions are workarounds in my eyes22:39
kim0Help please. network-manager is refusing to start for me with message "main(): failed to start the DHCP manager: no usable DHCP client could be found.." .. Any ideas ?22:39
bloindbut thank you22:39
mouseToday I found a dell optiplex gx260 in the neighborhood dumpster.  Is there anywhere I can go to check how compatible it is with linux?22:41
Luis_ActionParsnip, no luck server restart didn't work...22:41
AudibleI'm running a problem with some textures from opening web pages are getting stuck on screen, using nvidia gfx22:41
Starminnmouse: Just look at its specs http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/opgx260/en/ug/specs.htm and cross-reference those with Linux requirements.22:42
cosgrovebwindows 7 has disappeared from grub.. can anyone help me with menu.lst? the output of fdisk -l is here http://pastebin.com/p18t3rta22:42
todd_dsmhey all, I'm just getting started with Ubuntu and confused about default .bash* files in the home directory.22:42
todd_dsmI type alias and I get 2 of them by default.22:43
Starminnmouse: The link I gave is for the whole range of hardware so the specifics you'll have to look at your system yourself, plus whoever had it last may have added something in it to change all that, but the link I gave should give you at least a vague idea.22:43
valemouse: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/opgx260/en/index.htm you might take a look here, and let me say LOL XD22:43
todd_dsmusually they are stored in .bashrc or somewhere but I can't find them.22:43
todd_dsmwhere is the proper place to find them and create more?22:43
cosgrovebno one? :(22:44
Adomtodd_dsm: the alias command shows a list of any aliases currently in effect. aliases are usually stored in either .bashrc or .bash_aliases22:44
Adomtodd_dsm: short and simple if you want to add more aliases, put them in .bash_aliases (you might have to create it)22:44
todd_dsmAdom: that's what I was looking for, but these files are not listed with ls -al22:44
todd_dsmAdom: will that get sourced in on login ?22:45
cosgrovebis title MS Windows 7 root (hd0, 0) savedefault makeactive chainloader +1 correct ?22:45
Adomtodd_dsm: by default in ubuntu there is no .bash_aliases file but .bashrc still looks for one, so if you create it, it will source it on login22:45
todd_dsmthat's the strange thing, I don't have a .bashrc either.22:45
Adomtodd_dsm: its also good practice to leave .bashrc alone if possible, hence the reason to put user-defined aliases in .bash_aliases22:46
waza-ariHey, is there any video capture software with jack support?22:46
Adomtodd_dsm: make sure you're in your home folder, then do ls -al again22:46
cosgrovebany thought on my bootloader question?22:46
Luis_ActionParsnip, well thank you for all your help but i've had enough today, i'll probably be around tomorrow for another stab at it22:46
todd_dsmAdom: I'm in the home folder - nothing; the only .bashrc I show is /etc/.bashrc.22:47
Adomtodd_dsm: pastebin your output pls22:47
pk___i did a apt-get remove nautilus now as soon as i start my computer, i get grub terminal ..please help22:47
cgcardonahello - how can I figure out where phpmyadmin is installed on my ubuntu?22:48
Adomcgcardona: you could try "find / -iname phpmyadmin 2>/dev/null" but it might take a while22:48
Adomcgcardona: not sure where the default location is22:48
waza-aricgcardona, if you mean the package version, just try dpkg -l | grep phpmyadmin22:49
entityrebornHaving a bit of an issue on a strange setup.22:49
waza-aricgcardona, if you installed it manually, just try /usr/share/phpmyadmin or something in /var/www22:49
entityrebornLaptop, internal LCD removed completely, using external monitor and the display is squished into the top left corner, an no options to change resolution22:50
entityrebornsquished meaning instead of being in the center of the screen, at a low res, it's starting at the first pixel22:50
todd_dsmAdom: this is what I'm looking at:   http://pastebin.com/HLnempwR22:50
entityrebornAlso, the display is "Unknown"22:51
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Adomtodd_dsm: that is weird. you said you're running ubuntu?22:52
todd_dsmit's linux mint - it's an ubuntu derivative22:53
entityrebornany takers on my issue?22:53
Logan_WP!please | entityreborn22:54
ubottuentityreborn: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude22:54
Starminn!mint | todd_dsm22:54
ubottutodd_dsm: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:54
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todd_dsmd'oh! - ok, thanks guys22:54
Starminntodd_dsm: :) Not a problem.22:54
Adomtodd_dsm: i see. im not familiar with linux mint, i only have experience with ubuntu's .bashrc and aliases. sorry keep asking here though im sure someone can help.22:54
bc81entityreborn: no idea..have you rebooted with the external display connected?22:55
entityrebornbc81, yes22:55
entityrebornworks 100% under windows, tho that doesn't account for much.22:55
bc81entityreborn: same issue in a livecd environment?22:55
entityrebornWhile installing I had thought it was a liveCD bug, but it continued into the installed OS as well22:56
todd_dsmI'll use the spotchat channel; that should go a little further for me. Thanks again22:56
guillaume_fuck everybody22:56
entityrebornMy card us a 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)22:56
entityreborner, chipset22:57
bc81entityreborn: what about the key combo, my laptop it's [fn]+F422:57
entityrebornuh, sec22:57
entityrebornthat combo does nothing for me right now22:57
entityrebornit's Fn-F5 here22:57
geekbriim trying to create an .htaccess file in /usr/share/phpmyadmin to password protect it. but it doesn't seem to be doing anything at all.  Any suggestions?22:58
bc81entityreborn: you tried some different resolution modes?  e.g. "xrandr -s 1024x768"22:59
entityrebornDoes absolutely nothing22:59
entityrebornAs I mentioned, the internal LCD is completely disconnected and gone.23:00
trippshello. All the sudden, starting today, rdesktop is making my laptop really slow, laggy and in some cases completely unresponsive for periods of time. I'm not mapping any local sound or drives. Also nautilus spikes in CPU usage. Anyone see this?23:00
entityrebornSystem>Prefs>Monitors also says Montior:Unknown23:00
entityrebornRefresh Rate there says 0Hz, only 1024x768 is selectable in the Rez dropdown,23:01
entityrebornTho it looks like 800x6-whatever to me.23:01
ChogyDan1entityreborn: can you autodetect the monitor?23:02
alabamahitHey everyone. I keep getting an error on bootup. Note this doesn't make the computer not boot it boots fine.. but every time i get an errror saying ubuntu can't update this file /home/username/.ICEauthority    I have googled this, and tried all the 'chrown' and 'chmod' options. and the error is still there...i might have messed up also, i didn't backup the file, and someone posted to just removve it and it would make a new one. so i ahve deleted the23:02
entityrebornChogyDan1, how so?23:02
bc81entityreborn: try  xrandr --output VGA1 --auto (assuming its a vga connection)23:03
entityrebornIt is a VGA23:03
entityrebornxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default23:04
entityrebornwarning: output VGA1 not found; ignoring23:04
Logan_WP!enter | entityreborn23:04
ubottuentityreborn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:04
bc81you tested the monitor on another setup?23:04
qrunnerwhat is the right command to show the display width and heigh? not the current terminal, but the display...i'm sure xrandr can somehow do that...?23:04
entityrebornbc81, I connected another monitor earlier with the same result.23:04
[TK]D-FenderHello all, HD/MB question I could use some info on.  Got a MB with SATA in IDE mode and am looking to flip to AHCI.  1 boot drive, 1 multi-partitioned extra, and a fresh & empty Linux RAID pair.  Total of 4 drives, all initially set up while on this MB's IDE mode.  Will flipping to AHCI cause any issues with the grub & Ubuntu 10.10 x64 drive I boot off of or hinder standard access to my data...23:04
[TK]D-Fender...on the 2nd drive?23:04
gwz_anyone know which firmware to use for 0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01)23:05
cyfui have a simple problem, im trying to make /mnt/share permissions open to all but chmod 777 is not working23:06
entityreborncyfu, did you use sudo?23:06
cyfuim doing it under root but its not applying23:06
ActionParsnipcyfu: what file system are you mounting?23:06
ActionParsnipcyfu: then the accessesare already stored in the files23:07
ActionParsnip*accesses are23:07
qrunnerxdpyinfo fyi23:07
cache_surplusquestion about backup.  i am trying to find what is the best backup solution for my home dir to a USB drive 1 terabyte.  what i would like is for a cron like job backup daily while i am using this laptop. I would also like a solution for backup to a remote server in my network. could someone with experience doing so, help me for a bit?  i have used backup simple backup prior, but i am a bit confused about how the data is store23:07
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: could use rsync23:07
jribcache_surplus: do you want incremental backups or just a single copy?23:07
cyfuwait my mistake its fat3223:08
cache_surplusis rsync best? its a cmd line prog right?23:08
cache_surplusyes, jrib i would like incremental23:08
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: there is no best23:08
jribcache_surplus: I'd recommend rsnapshot.  Another good option is rdiff-backup.  See ubottu for more choices23:08
jrib!backup > cache_surplus23:08
ubottucache_surplus, please see my private message23:08
ActionParsnipcyfu: then set the uid and options at mount and it will be fine23:08
cache_surplusgot it, jrib. anyone else? thanks23:08
bc81cache_surplus: also grsync if you like a GUI23:09
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: you can use grsync to find the rsync command you can then cron ;)23:09
cache_surplusActionParsnip: ok23:09
entityrebornbc81, anyway, I have no clue.23:10
cache_surplusso cron will run the rsync process, correct23:10
cache_surplusill read those in a moment jrib23:10
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: it can run any command you want23:11
cache_surplusso has anyone used simplebackup... it seems like it works, just not sure how the back is stored, is it a snapshot or actual files,,, a list? dunno23:11
ryuureiHi there. I have been working on installing openbox over Gnome and I just finished writing my menu.xml. I need to know how to replace the default right-click menu with the one I did up for openbox?23:11
cache_surplusActionParsnip: i understand23:11
bc81entityreborn: i'm tapped out too..when you removed the LCD, was it as simple as unplugging a connector?23:11
entityrebornbc81, two, the main data interface and the ballast connection for the backlight23:12
bc81cache_surplus: i have used it before...but be careful backing up to a FAT(32) drive, if you have files over 4GB it will fail silently, and you will lose your data23:12
bc81cache_surplus: i learned that the hard way23:12
cache_surplusbc81: thanks for the heads up23:12
bc81!es | t_boz23:12
ubottut_boz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:12
ActionParsnipryuurei: the guys in #lubuntu may know23:13
cache_surplusi believe this usb drive is ntfs formated... how can i tell?23:13
ryuureiThanks action.23:13
bc81cache_surplus: mount will tell you23:13
cyfuI modified the fstab file to reflect a fat 32 usb drive as /mnt/share but the permissions are still stuck on super user23:14
cache_surplussays fuseblk23:14
jribcache_surplus: paste your fstab line23:14
pk___i am trying to apt-get install kde23:14
cache_surplus/dev/sdb1 on /media/SonyBook type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)23:14
pk___but it says package kde not available..please help23:14
cache_surplusi believe this os is on ext423:14
jribcyfu: paste your fstab line23:14
cache_surplusbut usb drive, fuseblk23:14
cyfu/dev/sdb1  /mnt/share  vfat  rw,auto  0 023:15
cache_surplusok, im gonna go read up a bit, thanks guys23:15
jribcyfu: there's nothing about permissions there23:16
cyfujrib what should I add23:16
jrib!vfat | cyfu23:16
ubottucyfu: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:16
ActionParsnippk___: install kde-core23:16
jribcyfu: there's a table on the wiki page that will help you23:16
cyfuokay thank you jrib23:17
pk___unable to locate package kde-core23:17
Logan_WP!info kde-core | pk___23:18
ubottupk___: Package kde-core does not exist in maverick23:18
RaiscanI have several problems trying to install ubuntu (specifically from usb). 1. It picks the right monitor to display the boot menu to, then the wrong one once it loads the video driver.23:18
Raiscani.e it picks an unconnected usb port23:18
pk___Logan_WP: then?23:18
bc81entityreborn: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit ~/.config/monitors.xml23:19
Bop_hello , how to install mp3 codec in ubuntu ?23:19
=== g3orge|away is now known as g3orge
Logan_WPpk___: apparently, you can use kde-plasma-desktop instead23:19
ActionParsnippk___: if you install kubuntu-desktop    it'll install kde for you23:19
xanguaBop_: install restricted extras23:19
Bop_xangua, can u show command ?23:19
ActionParsnipBop_: install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:19
jrib!away > g3orge23:19
ubottug3orge, please see my private message23:19
bc81entityreborn: i'm tapped out, just throwing some darts at the board (so you can ignore me if you want)23:20
ActionParsnipBop_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:20
ryuureiHey guys. It seems no one is active on lubuntu who can help. Any of you have any ideas for me at all?23:20
Bop_ActionParsnip, thanks23:20
jribryuurei: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:20
entityrebornbc81, i'll get youy the pastebin :P23:20
pk___Logan_WP: i want to install the minimum23:20
pk___cant i repair my gnome?23:20
ryuureiThe lubuntu chanel?23:20
jribryuurei: here, ask your question here23:20
ActionParsnipryuurei: #lubuntu23:20
RaiscanI'm guessing noone knows what I'm talking about :)23:21
ryuureiAction, I was in lubuntu. they don't have an answer.23:21
jribRaiscan: just ask your question23:21
entityrebornbc81, ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/XwwER7Nq23:21
Raiscanjrib: I did23:21
entityrebornActionParsnip, I linked you as well, as you may be able to help.23:21
pk___i would prefer removing my gnome and reinstalling it23:21
Raiscanwell, I sort of reported a problem23:21
ActionParsnippk___: apparently libkdecore gives a minimal kde23:21
Raiscanalso, it hangs on the purple ubuntu loading screen23:22
entityrebornBasically, on a laptop, no internal LCD, and the monitor's display is messed.23:22
jribRaiscan: you should repeat it after a reasonable amount of time instead of saying things like "guess no one can help me" (because for example I have no clue what your question is)23:22
ryuureiHow do I change Gnome's right click menu to the one defined by openbox's menu.xml?23:22
natrixnatrix89If i'm having problems booting windows. Is it a good idea installing grub? does anyone know where to find a tutorial for installing grub?23:22
entityrebornonly shows 800x600 but hugged up to the top and left23:22
jribryuurei: probably just stop nautilus from controlling your desktop23:22
Raiscanvery well. I don't want to spam though...23:22
pareliHey, can anyone check this code: http://codepad.org/qKQgIzEm theres something wrong since i get different invalid syntax23:23
RaiscanI have several problems trying to install ubuntu (specifically from usb). 1. It picks the right monitor to display the boot menu to, then the wrong one once it loads the video driver. this is on a GTX29523:23
ryuureijrib: I can just killall x-nautilus-desktop then?23:23
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:23
jribRaiscan: like I said, wait a reasonable amount of time.   Things like "guess no one can help me", "can you guys help me" is more like spam imo because people have no idea what you are asking23:23
jribryuurei: no, it will probably come back23:23
ryuureijrib: Any recommendations, then?23:23
bc81entityreborn: change both clone and primary to "yes" then reboot..take it of leave it :)23:23
Theluxerhello ppl =), well i have a problem my sound card is VT1708S VIA and i instaled ubuntu 10.10 and everything works fine but my sound is not working well. when i turn into 5.1 its like trashy23:23
Theluxeri really dont know what to do23:24
Raiscanjrib: very well.23:24
jribryuurei: remove nautilus from your session (there used to be a way to do this in gui, but you may have to mess with gconf)23:25
entityrebornbc81, will try23:25
bc81good luck23:25
ryuureijrib: Aright, I'll look into it.23:25
BiPolahIs there anyway to allow APT to do two things at once?23:26
gnewbjrib: Is that a conky script, the nautalis gconf thing?23:26
jribryuurei: in gconf-editor, unchecking /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop  should be sufficient23:26
jribBiPolah: depends on the two things :)23:27
pk___ActionParsnip: i updated my ubuntu, then it was showing "starting file manager" infinitely, then i opened a terminal  did apt-get remove nautilus then i did apt-get install nautilus, it automatically logged out..now as soon as i login it shows a black screen and then login prompt23:27
ryuureijrib: Awesome. Thanks a lot, man.23:27
RaiscanOkay, I'll leave the display issue to the nouveau guys, since I think it's their issue. My other problem is the USB installer hangs on the purple ubuntu screen. the loading bar keeps on truckin', but nothing happens for a good 10 minutes.23:27
BiPolahjrib: Namely installing one program and updating others simultaneously23:27
jribBiPolah: sure you can use the syntax: apt-get install -packagetoremove1 -packagetoremove2 ... packagetoinstall1 packagetoinstall2 ...  I think23:28
ActionParsnippk___: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop    maybe23:28
jribBiPolah: I may be misremembering, may need to have the '-' at the end (check the mane page)23:28
jribargh, "man" page23:28
icerootin 10.10 (gnome) the screen is getting grey, as it seems it is because the load is high. is this guess correct? or for what is the grey screen?23:29
qrunneri can remember that there is a method to have the kernel source code (or any other text) as animated background/wallpaper (scrolling from the bottom of the screen to the top) - is anybody familiar with that?23:29
=== X_ is now known as x7x
BiPolahJrib: That would run them one after the other, would it not? I want to run them both at the same time. As an example, I'm installing a program right now (35MB) which if I cancel I would have to restart the download, but I also want do apt-get upgrade to upgrade existing installed programs23:29
entityrebornErm, nope23:30
bc81BiPolah: you can sudo apt-get install <package(s)>  ; sudo apt-get update23:30
jribBiPolah: then you can only do that by rewriting apt23:30
BiPolahIceroot: I believe that means the application is malfunctioning23:30
bc81oh nevermind, BiPolah23:30
ActionParsnipTheluxer: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh23:30
jribiceroot: your guess is correct23:30
icerootbc81: apt-get update is NOT updating the system, just updating the package-list coming from the Package-files23:31
icerootjrib: any way to disbale this strange feature?23:31
bc81iceroot: i misread what he said23:31
entityrebornActionParsnip, would you have any opinion on the problem I'm having? Laptop, No internal LCD, Ubuntu cn't change the resolution, "Monitor: Unknown" in the prefs, the displayed area is hugged to the top left, looks to be 800x60023:31
jribiceroot: it's some compiz plugin.  Use ccsm I guess.  Ask #compiz if you need the exact name23:31
RaiscanAnyone know why my 10.10 usb installer isn't progressing past the ubuntu purple screen of doom? :)23:31
ActionParsnipentityreborn: what video chip?23:31
icerootjrib: ah ok, if it is compiz i know where to look, wasnt sure what is handling that feature23:32
xanguaiceroot: apt-get upgrade23:32
entityrebornintel, let me get the specifics23:32
BiPolahRaiscan: Corrupt copy perhaps23:32
ActionParsnipRaiscan: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?23:32
icerootxangua: i know23:32
pk___ActionParsnip: yes it worked, but now again starting file maager forever23:32
BiPolahIceroot: Upgrade is what you want to update existing packages23:32
ActionParsnippk___: log in as a different user. Is it the same?23:32
entityrebornActionParsnip, Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics23:32
icerootBiPolah: i dont want to upgrade/update is was answering a question23:32
ActionParsnipentityreborn: what is the output of: lsb_release -d   please23:33
pk___ActionParsnip: this is the only user23:33
RaiscanActionParsnip: I have downloaded it twice onto two different computers and created the usb install from two different computers also23:33
ActionParsnipRaiscan: doesn't matter at all, did you MD5 test the ISOs/23:33
RaiscanActionParsnip: but to answer your question, no.23:33
ActionParsnippk___: Makes another.......23:33
entityrebornActionParsnip, Ubuntu 10.1023:33
ActionParsnipRaiscan: then how do you know the image was good?23:33
ActionParsnipTheluxer: is the system a branded pc or laptop?23:34
Theluxerdesktop pc23:34
RaiscanActionParsnip: I do not. All I know is it's downloaded from the official ubuntu servers. I'll check the MD5 now.23:34
chris1hey, can someone tell me how can I compare 2 kernels ? a test tool would be nice23:34
ActionParsnipTheluxer: does it have a make or model?23:34
ActionParsnipRaiscan: cool23:35
ActionParsnipTheluxer: want to give me it or am I expected to guess?23:35
entityrebornRaiscan, did you torrent or download with your browser?23:35
Theluxermotherboard ASUS M4A78T-E23:35
ActionParsnipTheluxer: so its a home build?23:35
Raiscanentityreborn: browser download23:35
ActionParsnipTheluxer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34794223:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 347942 in linux (Ubuntu) "No sound with Asus M4A78T-E mobo onboard audio" [Undecided,Expired]23:36
entityrebornYeah, I usually torrent, faster and no need to MD523:36
hack-1what does this mean  GPG error: http://deb.playonlinux.com lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E0F72778C467618623:36
pk___ActionParsnip: happens with only that user23:36
Theluxerso there is nothing i can do?23:36
ActionParsniphack-1: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com E0F72778C467618623:36
Theluxerit must be a way23:36
pk___ActionParsnip: but i need that user23:37
chris1does anyone know a kernel compare tool?23:37
RaiscanI'm trying to find the MD5 sum I should be comparing to, could I request some assistance? :) 10.10 amd64 desktop23:37
ActionParsnippk___: then at least you know its settings and not the app23:37
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.23:37
[TK]D-FenderHello all, HD/MB question I could use some info on.  Got a MB with SATA in IDE mode and am looking to flip to AHCI.  1 boot drive, 1 multi-partitioned extra, and a fresh & empty Linux RAID pair.  Total of 4 drives, all initially set up while on this MB's IDE mode.  Will flipping to AHCI cause any issues with the grub & Ubuntu 10.10 x64 drive I boot off of or hinder standard access to my data...23:37
[TK]D-Fender...on the 2nd drive?23:38
ActionParsnippk___: then you could try renaming the settings folders for nautilus and / or gnome to default the settings23:38
ActionParsnipTheluxer: there may be fixes and suggestions in the bug flow, try reading it all23:38
Theluxerhow can i remove voip driver?23:38
Theluxer maybe thats it23:38
jribhack-1: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html gives you their instructions for grabbing their gpg key.  However, I have no idea if playonlinux is a good repository or not; use at your own risk23:38
webPragmatistanyone have a decent method on how to chroot a ssh user into their home dir?23:39
Raiscanentityreborn & ActionParsnip: the hash matches.23:40
entityrebornActionParsnip, any ideas?23:40
hack-1@jrib Thank you, what would you recomend?23:41
ActionParsnipRaiscan: ok then try removing the boot options: quiet splash    from the boot so you can watch the boot, you may also try adding: nomodeset     instead23:41
terrapinhi, im on maverick an i receive this error on boot. what can i do?  " ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 15380 "23:42
entityrebornAlso, it's probably worthwhile to admit hat I haven't upgraded my packages yet.23:42
entityrebornOn a slow as hades internet connection.23:42
=== jay is now known as Guest49004
RaiscanActionParsnip: that's quite hard, because of an issue with nouveau I can either choose to view the boot menu, or X. not both :)23:42
bc81entityreborn: have you tried booting with the external both connected, and disconnected?  what about testing on an older/different distro liveCCD?23:42
entityrebornbc81, I don't have another liveCD23:43
RaiscanI guess there's a file I can modify on the flash drive itself?23:43
entityrebornOh, maybe I do. I'll check. Also, without the external connected, I'll be blind, but I'll try it23:43
terrapin ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 15380 ?23:43
ActionParsnipRaiscan: then you will need the nomodeset bootoption or you can use: nouveau.blacklist=123:43
chetnickdoes ubuntu have "noatime" enabled for / in /etc/fstab by default?23:45
Theluxeri just cant23:46
Theluxeri readed that maybe the INDEPENDENT HP23:46
terrapin ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 1538023:47
RaiscanActionParsnip: I assume boot options are whitespace seperated?23:47
ActionParsnipchetnick: not by default23:47
ActionParsnipRaiscan: you can use spaces23:48
chetnickActionParsnip: thanks.23:48
trenchi wonder who that made the lastest kernel for maverick23:48
RaiscanActionParsnip: okay. Gimme a few, I need to reimage my usb drive23:48
Theluxerok i got the sound wokk but its is trashy23:48
Starminnterrapin: Linux != Ubuntu23:48
Theluxerlike bad quality sound23:48
trenchterrapin: don't think he made the ubuntu package :P23:48
Theluxerreally bad23:49
RaiscanI'm a bit worried actually because Fedora 14 does a similar thing23:49
trench|Setting up linux-image-2.6.35-27-generic (2.6.35-27.48) ...23:49
trench|Running depmod.23:49
ActionParsniptrench: shows the kernel team here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam23:49
trenchUsage: /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs [OPTION]... -o outfile [version]23:49
terrapin ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 15380 ??????????23:49
trenchget an error :P23:49
trenchActionParsnip: you upgraded to the latest kernel yet?23:50
trenchor anyone else for that mater23:50
ActionParsniptrench: the one in the maverick repo, yes23:50
cynamoonhi everybody23:51
terrapintrench Linux approves all final Linux kernels23:51
terrapinanyone help?23:51
trenchlinux-image-2.6.35-27-generic (2.6.35-27.48) this?23:51
terrapin ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 1538023:52
trenchterrapin: I have been using Linux since 93 so I kind of know :P23:52
pk___ActionParsnip: ok everything is fine now but it shows one folder empty23:52
terrapintrench, want a trophy?23:52
ActionParsniptrench: I'm on 35-25 here23:52
pk___i never deleted its content , i am sure23:52
terrapintrench, want a trophy?23:52
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:53
bc81or something like that23:53
trenchterrapin: have a job, that demand me of linux knowledge so thinks that should be okey ;)23:53
terrapinone more time i ask, please anyome.  ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 1538023:53
trenchterrapin: tried google with the error?23:53
ActionParsnipterrapin: have you fsck'd your partition?23:53
terrapinnever herd of that ActionParsnip23:54
Starminntrench: Yeah, I've been Googling it here too and it's got some pretty useless results.23:54
terrapinhow do i run it ActionParsnip23:54
ActionParsnipterrapin: its like chkdsk in windows, boot to a live cd and test23:54
bc81terrapin: sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot23:54
terrapinty guys23:55
IRChatter I set up a cron tab in root (sudo crontab -e) as the following 5 * * * root rm -rf /home/myUsername/.local/share/Trash. Any help?23:55
RaiscanActionParsnip: I can't see quiet but I replaced splash with nomodeset23:56
geirhaIRChatter: You are missing a field23:56
IRChattergeirha: What field? 0.o23:56
ActionParsnipIRChatter: 2 questions,  why is the word root there? and why does it need force?23:56
Raiscanthe last message is [ 34.068684] end_request: I/O error on device fd0, logical block 023:56
ActionParsnipIRChatter: i'd also change it to /home/myUsername/.local/share/Trash/*23:57
DaZwhy bother setting up a cron, if you can just shift+delete it, so it doesn't go to the trash :f23:57
IRChatterOh, sudo used to be there. I'm not sure why I forced it, wow.23:57
Raiscanand Buffer I/O error on on device fd0, logical block 023:57
Raiscanthis repeats.23:57
IRChatterDaZ: I'm lazy23:57
bc81IRChatter: not sure if needed, but i would go with ...Trash/*23:57
geirhaIRChatter: Ah, yes, you are mixing crontab -e with /etc/crontab's syntax23:57
bc81oops, what he said 10 minutes before me :S23:57
ActionParsnipRaiscan: ok i've had a question on thin in launchpad (I was proud of this one).you need the bootoption:   floppy.blacklist=123:57
geirhaIRChatter: But there are 5 time fields in both. /etc/crontab has another (sixth) field, a username.23:58
IRChattergeirha: But sudo didn't work23:58
Raiscanokay so I need to blacklist nouveau and floppy :)23:58
ActionParsnipRaiscan: once you get installed, add it in /etc/default/grub so it gets added to kernels in the future and run:  sudo update-grub so it gets added to the current kernels23:58
xtracI have two harddrives23:58
xtracand one has ubuntu on it23:58
xtracI want to install windows xp on the second23:59
xtracbut I cant do it using the conventional way of using the xp cd23:59
xtracI need another way to do it23:59
bc81!enter | xtrac23:59
ubottuxtrac: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:59
DaZwhy you can't? :x23:59
xtracit just gives me this bogus error23:59
ActionParsnipxtrac: run your windows CD installer and tell it to install to the other drive...23:59
xtracI have tried everything to fix it23:59
xtracI cant run the cd installer23:59

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