[07:54] thorwil: got access now, will read it soonish :) [07:55] thorwil: btw, just browsed and thats some massive effort you put into it :) [08:16] heh, the first comment was exactly what i thought , it seemed so similar to the gap one ;p [15:03] hey guys === zniavre__ is now known as zniavre [20:58] Hi guys. Is there a list of colors used in the new light themes somwhere? [21:00] miloshadzic: if you open the gtkrc you can see the color specified [21:01] but no, there isnt a list per-se [21:01] I was hoping that there was an official list, something akin to the "Tango palette". Thanks anyway :) [21:06] Hmm, I can't find the aubergine anywhere :( [21:06] miloshadzic: there is no aubergine in the themes.. [21:09] Yes, I know. To clarify my previous question: I'm looking for colors used in ubuntu. I realize that I have clarified nothing with that sentence. There was a post on OMGUbuntu to create new themes for GEdit that would match Ambiance and Radiance, I'm trying to help out [21:10] Link to post: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/02/help-ubuntu-11-04-by-making-an-ambiance-theme-for-gedit/ [21:13] ah! [21:14] miloshadzic: you have the hex colors in the brand guidelines [21:15] miloshadzic: see the link in topic.. [21:16] Thanks, that exactly what I needed :) [21:16] :)