=== cypher is now known as czajkowski [11:31] Aloha [11:32] morning czajkowski [11:32] happy election day all! [11:32] * tdr112 is going to vote in an hour or so [11:33] i'm going after work [11:33] still registered to vote at my mammy's [11:34] * ebel shall be voting based on the parties social policies. [11:34] So essentially, labour. :P [11:34] slashtom: is this your first time voting in Ireland ? [11:36] yep [11:37] * slashtom may vote Sinn Féin - got to keep the brits out! [11:38] :o [11:40] :) [11:40] ;) [11:46] poor czajkowski no voting for her [11:46] :( [11:47] the funny thing is, i'm entitled to vote in british elections too [11:47] I am too [11:47] Tis a shame [11:47] the funny this is because I'm not in Limerick today I cant vote [11:47] they should let people vote from abroad, the UK does it [11:49] however i don't use that right [11:49] why not ? [11:49] i don't live in UK, I don't want to live in UK, so why should I vote in UK? [11:52] you may want to at some point [11:52] maybe, but i would rather not [11:52] :) [11:53] fair enough [11:53] i dont think people should vote if they are not living in the county [11:53] tdr112: tell that to the 50K people who have had to leave and not by choice [11:53] tdr112: 100 counteries world wide let people not living there vote [11:54] some countries (eg. USA) tax their ex-pats [11:54] I find it annoying I've lived in ireland for 31 years and not able to vote in this election yet slashtom is there over a year and is, no offence [11:54] czajkowski: they had a choice [11:54] tdr112: no they didn, many of my mates are in construction those who left got work those who've stayed are on the dole. [11:55] czajkowski: that's only an irish/british thing [11:55] Most FF voters are older. Most people who emigrate are young. Ergo prevent postal votes and you increase FF's share of the vote! [11:56] czajkowski: it is there choice to leave and try and find a job or a better live , they could have stayed , did some training/ school/ moving job type [11:57] tdr112: so thats kinda annoying to hear, seeing as I tried to find a job for 7 months and did a course and still no work, others I know have stayed tried to do courses on fas and fas arent even handing out the certs. [11:58] i thought fás was a joke [11:59] most of the people my company hired last year are immigrants [11:59] we struggle to find the local talent [11:59] slashtom: you're an imigrant [11:59] aye [11:59] i counted myself [12:00] what i find is annoying is after the state , ireland has provided all thexe people free college course , that they just get up and leave cause a brain drain [12:03] The state values the old more than the young. More benefit cuts for the young, much less for the old. [12:03] ebel: thats true , the old have a lot of power [12:04] cf. state pension vs. jobseekers allowance for <25sz [12:06] that's mostly cause elderly people vote more, right? [12:08] I would support compulsary voting, and a none-of-the-above option [12:10] ebel: na , i would not like that [12:43] if there were cumpulsory voting they would have to have voting which allowed more college students to vote. like voting on sundays when students are at home rather than at college. [12:45] yeah, the current 'election on a weekday' disproportionally affects young people. [12:45] saturday voting for all. [12:45] sunday would be better [12:46] Another option: no compulsary voting, but rather than using the votes cast, use the number of people who could have voted. [12:46] e.g. if there's a 4 seater constituancy, and 50% turn out, then only 2 seats are elected. [12:46] many people aren't registered to vote. [12:47] TDs would then be incentivised to increase the turn out as much as possible. [12:55] the only flaw with that is that tds would have to pass a law which would require them to work harder. what are the odds? :-) [17:53] have a good weekend all [19:41] evening all === ShaneM_ is now known as ShaneM [20:22] belated hu [20:23] whoops, belated hi [23:27] Hey where do the latin translator meet? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+lang/la [23:28] mailing list? [23:28] Because there doesn't seem to be an irc room [23:28] czajkowski: You know where I could check? [23:32] well latn is spoken by lots of people [23:32] it's an old language [23:32] so not sure tbh [23:42] czajkowski: I know someone who wants to help do some translations [23:42] But they don't know where to find info. [23:46] mail david plannela directly [23:46] he leads the translations team [23:46] https://launchpad.net/~dpm [23:46] ok! :) [23:46] Thanks