
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
eugenesanHi all, I am experiencing data loss on USB storage devices while entering S3, can qemu/kgdb help here?06:29
jj-afkeugenesan: what kid of data loss?,  What fs is on the usb storage, did you sync and unmount before suspend, ...06:37
eugenesanjj-afk: Looks like data not committed to filesyste, ext4 loose journal, for example06:39
eugenesanjj-afk: I am talking about root filesystem on USB06:40
jj-afkAh Bug #70679506:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 706795 in linux "[All releases] Suspending with rootfs on USB, causes silent corruptions, kernel panic on mount attempt, data loss and leaving system unbootable." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70679506:41
eugenesanIndeed, this is the bug06:41
jj-afkso it is possible that using a vm to test on will help06:42
jj-afkit will depend some what on where the bug is and how good the vm's usb emulation/pass through is06:43
jj-afkit certainly can't hurt to try replicating it on a vm06:43
eugenesanjj-afk: yes, I'll just wanted to check if someone already have tried.06:44
jj-afkhowever, I will note that suspend/resume with an external dev mounted generally causes the fs to be unmounted06:44
jj-afkand treated as if they are ejected and then reinserted06:45
jj-afkunplugged/plugged ..06:45
jj-afkit might help if you set USB persist06:46
eugenesanWell with rootfs this different. No mount/umount events. I suspect USB-host get's reset/sleep too soon, before data got actually written06:46
jj-afkyes, and this can be device specific06:47
jj-afkit will depend on the devices driver and the device firmware, ...06:47
eugenesando you mean USB dongle specific or specific for USB-MassStorage in general?06:48
jj-afkboth really, or the interplay between them06:48
eugenesanactually bug is persistent on variety of USB hosts and USB dongle, and correct for all Linux versions and flavors.06:50
jj-afkbasically a bug in the device, the device firmware, the computers firmware, the usb mass storage layer, or even the fs could do it06:50
jj-afkcorrect for all Linux versions and flavors?06:50
jj-afkso the variety of devices would point to the machine or the OS06:51
eugenesanI think this case is just not treated in code, since with SATA it's almost same data path but working.06:51
jj-afkby all linux versions do you mean all other versions?06:51
eugenesanI mean, issue reconstruct easily on every HW and any Linux version, and I tried many...06:52
jj-afkeugenesan: ah okay thanks for clarifying06:53
jj-afkso yeah that would point to something in the usb code not handling this correctly06:54
jj-afkhave you tried with other filesystems06:54
eugenesanI even suspect, in past, there were similar reports regarding SD and SATA...06:55
eugenesanYes, they all affected06:55
jj-afkeugenesan: okay, well I know I have run some linux devices with the root OS on an sd card that could successfully suspend resume.06:56
jj-afkI will take a shot at replicating06:56
jj-afkbut yes I have heard of root on SD cards being corrupted by suspend/resume before06:56
* jj-afk is going to finish reading your bug now06:57
=== smb` is now known as smb
TeTeTfollowing up on yesterdays query on the video switch key upon lid open on a Thinkpad, I know built a kernel where I've commented out all KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE in acpi/video.c, but the event is still generated. The customer tells me that there is no such event generated when a RHEL4 desktop is installed on the T6110:10
TeTeTI grepped for KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE in the source tree,  but didn't find anything that looks like it would be used10:11
TeTeTstrangely with sudo input-events 5 I know get a KEY_UNKNOWN (0xf0) pressed and released, instead of 0xe3 as yesterday10:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
amitkcking: something for your bedtime hacking: https://lwn.net/Articles/429812/ :)11:43
ckingamitk, sounds all too familiar11:44
ckingI downloaded the image yesterday, but got sidetracked11:44
amitk* Run Intel's power management reference code to override your BIOS's configuration.  This includes writing the ACPI tables for P-states and C-states, replacing those normally provided by your BIOS.11:45
amitkwow ^^11:45
ckingfunny how that seems to admit that ACPI has failed to deliver11:45
TeTeTfound it, I commented the acpi_bus_generate_proc_event(...) call as well, then there is no longer a keypress event generated, even not an unknown one11:59
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
hertonapw, just a heads up, the guy which reported that race with framebuffer tested the patch, https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/2/24/44213:22
hertonshould be good to go to repost it13:22
smbherton, apw is not around today (only by luck)14:33
hertonsmb, thanks for informing, I'll check with him again later then14:38
smbherton, He took the day off today. Later would need to be Monday14:39
hertonhmm, then perhaps I should CC him again on lkml, he wasn't kept on all messages on the thread, as its his patch he will need to repost14:41
smbherton, Keeping him on cc definitely is good14:41
hertonI added him on CC on my replies to the thread, but some of the replies were not on the messages he was on CC I think14:42
smbYeah, I am not sure he will keep track of the thread when not on cc. He gets enough mail to loose track even for the ones written directly to him14:44
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JFo<-lunch and errands bbiab16:16
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
hggdhJFo: bug 725089 <- SRU testing16:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 725089 in linux "QRT test-kernel-security causes kernel panic on EC2 AMD64 image" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72508916:41
smbhm, trying to do something with tsc...16:44
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
smbhggdh, Is that the first try with ec2 from regression testing or was there a previous run that was ok?16:45
hggdhsmb: to my knowledge -- which is quite fragmented -- the first. i386 passes, BTW16:47
smbhggdh, Ok, thanks16:49
bjfsmb, what's the right way to bump the abi in dapper, it doesn't seem to be the same rules as later kernels (just changing the abi in the changelog)17:07
smbbjf, There is a bumpabi target that you run17:07
bjfsmb, AH!17:08
smbbjf, And also be careful that Dapper (as Hardy) needs the control files and stuff stored in git with the update17:09
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
keesbjf: if you're bumping dapper's abi, can you try to get it and the -meta package using the same ABI number? right now they're off by one.17:29
bjfkees, will try17:29
keesbjf: cool; thanks17:30
keesI'm not sure if the linux-source-2.6.15 package or the meta needs to be bumped twice.17:30
keeslet me look17:30
smbkees, They use the same abi number. I guess what you want is the same upload number17:30
keessmb: no, they're not the same abi in the package name (yes, all the deps are correct, but it's goofy)17:31
keeslinux-source-2.6.15 | 2.6.15-55.9317:31
keeslinux-meta |
keesnote 55 vs 5617:31
keesbjf: so, linux-source-2.6.15 needs to go to -57 instead of -56, and then the meta can go to .5717:31
keesand then I can drop these special-cases for dapper I've got in the archive kernel ABI checker :)17:32
smbOh, right. Well actually there is no abi number in the meta package17:32
bjfkees, ok, i just went to 5617:32
smbJust that abi number and upload number are close 17:32
keessmb: I don't know what you mean by "upload number"17:33
keesbjf: can you move linux-source-2.6.15 to 57?17:33
bjfkees, will attempt to do so17:33
smbkees, For the meta package  the 56 is the uplload number17:33
bjfkees, :-)17:33
keessmb: heh, okay, well, for every other kernel package, upload number == ABI number.17:33
smbkees, For the linux kernel package 2.6.15-56.93 the 56 is the abi number and the 93 is the upload number17:34
keesbjf: cool; thanks17:34
keessmb: uhmm...17:34
smbkees, It probably serves just the mental sanity17:34
keeslinux | 2.6.35-25.4417:34
keeslinux-meta |
keesthat's maverick17:34
smbUsually we only need a new meta package when the abi bumps17:34
keesthe meta's upload number is .32 not .25. .25 is the Abi17:34
smbbut it could also be for a different reason17:35
keessmb: the problem, I guess, was that dapper lacked an ABI number17:35
keessmb: so I guess I'm hoping to align dapper's upload number with the ABI, since for all the other releases, there is both ABI and upload number in the meta version17:35
smbkees, I am rather hoping to be in June soon and not to have to care about Dapper any longer. :)17:36
smbOtherwise, yes we probably added a meta number to avoid further confusion later17:36
keessmb: yes! I'm going to throw a party for dapper eol17:37
* smb wished he could be there to join. :)17:37
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bjfsmb, are you looking at bug #725089 ?18:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 725089 in linux "QRT test-kernel-security causes kernel panic on EC2 AMD64 image" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72508918:59
bjfogasawara, hi :-)19:00
jjohansenogasawara: hey19:02
jjohansenbjf: I started looking at that yesterday19:02
bjfjjohansen, ah19:03
jjohansenbjf: there is also a lucid issue that is different, hrmm not sure what its bug number is19:04
bjfjjohansen, it's still unassigned and no additional comments so wasn't sure19:04
jjohansenbjf: ah, yeah I actually got the info before the bug was opened19:04
jjohansenI'll assign it to my self19:04
* ogasawara waves19:05
bjfogasawara, o/19:05
bjfjjohansen, the lucid issue is with lucid-ec2 ?19:06
ogasawarawtf, the kid starts crying right when I start typing19:06
sconklinogasawara: o/19:06
vanhoofogasawara: hi :D19:06
vanhoofogasawara: its a sign 19:06
jjohansenbjf: yep, its a failure in the qrt mem mapping checks19:06
bjfogasawara, are you traveling to uds ?19:06
ogasawarabjf: I think so, wayne and I were discussing it yesterday19:07
jjohansenbjf: hrmm just a sec, or was that on hardy19:07
bjfogasawara, wayne was saying "no NO! pleeeeese don't go"19:07
ogasawarabjf: heh, a little :)19:07
ogasawarabjf: we figured kai will be about 5mo at the time and a little more settled and better able to survive a week without me19:09
jjohansenogasawara: you could always bring him :)19:09
ogasawarajjohansen: you guys would probably kill me on the flight over19:09
bjfogasawara, ah you new parents and your little fantasies 19:09
jjohansenogasawara: hehe not me, and think of the excellent excuse you would have to miss the config review19:10
ogasawarajjohansen: heh having a kid was all part of my giant scheme just to get out of the config review :)19:10
ogasawarabjf: I think I'm more worried about wayne surviving the week19:11
jjohansenbjf: so the memory thing is lucid not the hardy issue19:11
jjohansenogasawara: hah, I knew it19:11
bjfogasawara, hehe i can imagine19:11
jjohansenogasawara: and well worth it :)19:12
* ogasawara will drop back in later ..19:14
=== herton_away is now known as herton
keessmb: so "upload" number should be used instead "revision"? should https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/KernelPackageVersioning be updated?20:17
bjfjjohansen, just to be perfectly clear, there is a lucid issue that you know about ?20:36
jjohansenbjf: yes, though I am not sure whether it is a regression20:37
bjfjjohansen, do you have a bug # ?20:37
jjohansenlet me check if hggdh opened a bug for it20:37
jjohansenbjf: I don't see one, I'll coordinate with hggdh and make sure there is one, and get the information attached and then let you know what it is20:41
bjfjjohansen, thanks20:41
hggdhI did open a bug, jjohansen 20:44
hggdhjjohansen: bug 72508920:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 725089 in linux "QRT test-kernel-security causes kernel panic on EC2 AMD64 image" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72508920:44
jjohansenhggdh: I figured you probably did but my lp foo is weak20:44
jjohansenbjf: ^20:44
jjohansenhggdh: thanks20:44
jjohansenerr wait20:45
jjohansenhggdh: not that one20:45
jjohansenhggdh: the failed qrt memory test on lucid20:45
hggdhjjohansen: yeah, sorry. No, no bug yet, I will open one20:45
lamontis umask visible under proc/$pid??21:16
sforsheelamont, not that I can find21:34
lamontyeah - I resorted to gdb21:35
hggdhjjohansen: you are talking about http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-sru/home/ubuntu/sru-kernel-test/lucid-2.6.32-313.25-ec2/m1.small-i386/qrt-kernel-security.txt21:55
jjohansenhggdh: yep, thanks21:56
jjohansenbjf ^21:56
hggdhjjohansen: so you want a bug on that?21:56
jjohansenhggdh: yeah, that is doesn't pass the mem test is disturbing and I'll look into it21:57
hggdhjjohansen: opening one now. It will be manually opened (no apport collection)21:57
jjohansenhggdh: thats okay, and thanks21:58
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cndkamal, thanks for the endorsement :)22:21
kamalcnd: my pleasure :)22:22
JFok, I'm starving. See you guys Monday :)22:41
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