
AtomicSparkHow well liked is lighttpd by the ServerTeam?00:02
RoyKI guess that's a matter of taste00:03
lirakisthis is a offhand question ....00:03
RoyKlighty works well in all setups I've tested00:04
lirakisi have a laptop at work that i share my public key out to servers so i can ssh in00:04
lirakisid like to do use the same keys from my work laptop on my home laptop00:04
AtomicSparkRoyK: Just curious on how much attention the packages get from the server team.00:04
lirakisso i can ssh from home without having to bring my laptop home00:04
lirakisive tried just copying the keys from my work laptop's .ssh/id_rsa.*  to my home laptop00:04
RoyKAtomicSpark: does it really matter so long as lighty or whatever works?00:05
lirakisbut i get "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key" when i try to ssh from my home laptop00:05
lirakisany one have any tips on how to get this to work so that i dont need to manage 2 sets of keys on every server?00:06
AtomicSparkRoyK: Well, it would be nice if other things came with lighty support. When I come across things like phppgadmin doesn't have a supplied config file for lighttpd, I'll probably write my own and submit it to the package maintainer.00:07
AtomicSparklirakis: that should have worked. see if they're listed in seahorse.00:08
RoyKAtomicSpark: good idea - it might be that not so many are using lighty for that sort of things00:08
AtomicSparklirakis: make sure the permissions for id_rsa are 600.00:08
lirakishmm never heard of seahorse00:08
lirakisill do some searching00:08
RoyKAtomicSpark: but then, I've used lighty for a number of projects and it hasn't really failed me so far00:08
AtomicSparklirakis: It's gnome's keyring frontend thingy that ships with Ubuntu.00:08
lirakisAtomicSpark, hmmm00:08
AtomicSparkAccessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys00:09
AtomicSparkYou can also use it to create ssh keys and configure them on other servers (asks for users password and scp's it over)00:09
AtomicSparkIts very handy. Also manages *all* of your passwords and can create gpg keys.00:09
AtomicSparkDoes Server Team have anything to do with the server docs?00:10
lirakisAtomicSpark, ah thanks i was trying to find how to get to it00:12
lirakis... hmm not sure how i can import a id_rsa and id_rsa.pub ... it doesnt seem to recognize them00:14
Patrickdkyou import the id_rsa, not the pub00:14
lirakisid_rsa: Invalid file format00:15
lirakisis what it gives me when i try to import it00:15
AtomicSparklirakis: Like I said, check the permissions on id_rsa. Did you export it? What did you use to create the file on your other computer?00:16
lirakisAtomicSpark, i didnt "export it" .. i just copied it from the home directory on my other laptop00:16
lirakisill check the perms00:16
lirakisit is 60000:17
AtomicSparklirakis: Correct user, etc?00:17
AtomicSparkStrange it can't read it.00:17
lirakisand its the same username on both machines00:17
AtomicSparklirakis: import only works for gpg.00:18
AtomicSparkI just tried it, it didn't even recognise the file type.00:18
AtomicSparkI had to "show all files" for my keys to appear in the browser.00:18
lirakisAtomicSpark, yeah same00:18
AtomicSparklirakis: They should be under My Personal Keys.00:18
AtomicSparkThey should automatically get important if they're in your .ssh with correct permissions.00:18
lirakisyeah thats where im trying to import it to00:18
lirakisi have them in a subfolder in .ssh00:18
AtomicSparkIs there a key listed with a lil console icon?00:19
AtomicSparkIs there anything in that tab? :<00:19
lirakisAtomicSpark, i have my current key in there00:19
lirakisfor my home laptop00:19
lirakis... and i want to add another key (from my work laptop) to this machine ... so that i can get into my work servers00:20
lirakisis that .. some thing that i should be able to do?00:20
AtomicSparklirakis: Some people say you should have a key per client and just keep adding them to your authorized_keys file. This way if one computer is compromised, you can just remove that key.00:20
lirakisAtomicSpark, yeah i know .. i just dont want to manage 2 keys for my user on every server ...00:22
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AtomicSparkRecommend me things. So I have postgres installed. Mostly vanilla settings. root user doesn't exist, postgres user hasn't been set a password (afaik). I added my user with password but only createdb and newrole permissions since offical docs said superuser was bad. However, I can't seem to run commands on other databases (to view contents), which makes sense.01:49
EtienneGkirkland, hey there!  have you had the opportunity to look after bug #534629?  ehw and myself did some work to test and make all related bugs SRU-worthy.  If there is anything still missing, we would be glad to oblige.01:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 534629 in likewise-open "AssumeDefaultDomain does not work" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53462901:49
EtienneGkirkland, if you think you might not have time to look after that one, we'll see if can get somebody else to sponsor it01:50
AtomicSparkSo like, should I make myself a superuser? Should I configure root so I can sudo stuffs (but no password so I can't log in). phppgadmin blocks root/postgres by default (many things do). So maybe I should just make myself superuser. But then I don't have to sudo myself into breaking things which is slightly scary too. :<01:50
AtomicSparkAlso, all my databases seem to only have permisisons on them for postgres even though I added my own database with createdb -O myuser myuser.01:50
nertildoes exist a command in ubuntu server01:51
nertilthat can fix serveral problems01:51
nertilor clean unwanted files in there01:51
nertillike sudo apt-get autoremove01:51
nertilor etc01:51
twbAtomicSpark: create a superuser and a normal user; only use the former when you actually need its privileges01:52
AtomicSparktwb: Hmm. Thats a good compromise.02:08
twbIt's the same best practice as you're already using in the unix side of things02:08
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AtomicSparktwb: You know, I'm being silly. I can just keep using the postgres user (sudo -u postgres) to do adminy work.02:25
AtomicSparkOh nevermind, that still wont let me admin via phppgadmin. I'll just create a separate admin account later.02:36
twbIMO you shouldn't be using a web interface to perform administrative tasks.  Period.02:36
overriderCan ubuntu(s grub) made boot from a raid6 array?03:29
phunyguyhello, maybe I am putting the wrong thing into google... but how do you run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit host? It comes working standard on desktop versions of ubuntu, what packae(s) am I missing?03:30
AtomicSparkoverrider: I assume hardware raid. If you make a logical volume on it (most raid software does this) Ubuntu only sees it as one volume and doesnt care what raid you use. So yes, grups should work.03:30
overriderAtomicSpark: software raid6 made using mdadm03:31
AtomicSparkphunyguy: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs03:31
phunyguyhah, thanks03:31
AtomicSparkoverrider: I don't know what that is :<03:31
phunyguyhah thats a funny screenname - aziz LIGHTS!03:32
phunyguylove that movie!~03:33
phunyguyanyway, bbiab, thanks!03:33
twboverrider: grub2 can boot from raid5, at least, but I *strongly* recommend you leave /boot outside the RAID5/6 array (i.e. make /boot a separate RAID1 array)04:02
overridertwb: So basically create a /boot (and maybe / and /swap) partition on two disks using raid1, install the system there. Then after installation setup the rest of the space and extra disks as a big /data partition using raid6?05:03
twboverrider: uh, no, RAID1 all the disks for /boot05:06
overriderall 8 disks hmm05:07
overriderHmm its still unclear - with 6 or 8 Drives, and id like to set them up as a raid6, should i make my /boot a raid1 (yes), but how to do it across all drives? Or put /boot on the first two and configure the other 6 as spares?06:08
WinstonSmithhi ^_^ i have a server on which i would like to install freenx and a rudimentary xfce. how would i proceed to achieve the latter? something like sudo apt-get install xfce4? or is there a way to get just the x-windows system and xfce with no clutter ?06:30
overriderOk fun, just created a raid1 partition using 6 Drives - i thought it needs exactly 206:37
[biabia]about to attempt install, first time.  in ubuntu server 10.04 if i choose to install kde desktop i found this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community//InstallingKDE   I am wondering if I need to install any other repos first07:22
[biabia]for example as on this page:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62171607:23
_ruben[biabia]: server + kde = desktop != server09:11
jibeljamespage, for info, the server (and alternate) images are uninstallable this morning. I filed bug 72482209:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 724822 in debian-installer "d-i installer fails for server/alternate i386/amd64: Corrupted deb files on iso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72482209:12
jamespagejibel: oh great :-(09:16
[biabia]ruben how do i browser interface configure my router with no gui09:19
overriderwhen setting up raid1 (on sda1 and sdb1) and raid6 (on sda2,sdb2,sdc2,sdd2,sde2) together - do the partitions need to be starting and ending at the same sectors to work properly?09:25
_rubenoverrider: nope09:41
_ruben[biabia]: i have no idea what you just said09:41
[biabia]my router is linksys wrt160n.  the configuration is via browser09:44
[biabia]if i dont install a gui, i wouldnt have a way to access it09:45
stbainGreetings all. Recently updated from 8LTS to 10LTS on one of my servers, but not my cron.daily and cron.hourly jobs don't run09:51
stbainDoes anyone have a link to a known case of how to fix that?09:51
TeTeT[biabia]: did you try w3m? It's a decent text based browser, maybe it offers enough functionality to control the unit09:53
[biabia]hmm no, ill have to try it tetet thanks09:54
overriderIs "sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb" still a valid way to have sdb have the exact same partitioning scheme as sda?10:06
stbainAnyone have any information on why an 8LTS to 10LTS would cause the cron.daily and cron.hourly jobs to stop working completely?10:25
stbainsorry, that's 8LTS to 10LTS upgrade10:26
[biabia]My server install keeps hanging at the "wiping swap space for security" screen at 21% completion. Any ideas why?10:49
azizLIGHTSi just installed 10.04.2 LTS how come i cant ssh to it?13:13
azizLIGHTSconnection refused13:13
popeyazizLIGHTS: install openssh-server on it?13:13
popeyazizLIGHTS: we don't ship with ssh enabled by default13:13
azizLIGHTSok lol that makes sense13:14
azizLIGHTS2nd step on http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10070780&postcount=4 .... why do i need this and how would this even work with a windows client connecting to a ubuntu server13:22
popeyazizLIGHTS: are you setting this up for remote access to a desktop gui?13:30
azizLIGHTSim going to use x2go, but jo-erlend told me not to install gnome just install x2go-server and chrome13:31
azizLIGHTS*going to use chrome13:31
azizLIGHTSand x2goclient on my windows computer13:32
popeythe reason for it is to improve performance / compression of the desktop image as its sent from server to you13:32
azizLIGHTSyes but how can i installed it on a windows computer, even possible?13:32
azizLIGHTSeasy for ubuntu server, but it says both computers need it13:32
azizLIGHTS2nd post13:32
azizLIGHTShm ok13:33
azizLIGHTShow much performance boost is libjpeg-turbo13:33
azizLIGHTSthat i will be missing13:33
popeyno idea, never used it13:33
popeyI suspect it's significant13:33
popeyotherwise the cloud guys wouldn't mention it :)13:33
azizLIGHTSno necessary? i get like 30kB/s download speed and 15kB/s upload speed13:34
popeynot necessary, but might help performance, you dont want the GUI to lag13:34
azizLIGHTSshould i ask in ##windows?13:35
azizLIGHTSabout step 213:35
jo-erlendazizLIGHTS: what's up?13:36
azizLIGHTSjo-erlend: hi sorry for hilight, didnt mean to wake u13:36
jo-erlendI've never used that libjpeg-turbo for anything.13:38
azizLIGHTSwell maybe i might hneed it, my connection speed isnt so hot13:38
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azizLIGHTS30kB/s down and 15kB/s up, i just finished downloading that iso for vmware13:38
jo-erlend... vmware? What has that got to do with this?13:39
azizLIGHTSthe one i started yesterday13:39
azizLIGHTSlol nothing just telling my connection speeds and how slow it took for one iso13:39
jo-erlendazizLIGHTS: you mean to tell me that all this time, you haven't had an available ubuntu machine to play with? :)13:40
azizLIGHTSi have the ec2 one but i dont want to exerpment on that because it will charge me $ for something i dontunderstand13:40
* patdk-wk remembers installing and setting up nx in ec2 with ubuntu in <2min13:41
benceri would like to update the ebox page on the serverguide for natty13:41
patdk-wkso lots of playtime in that hour left13:41
azizLIGHTSpatdk-wk: second day now for me13:41
bencerwhere is the source for that guide and how should proceed?13:41
bencerthat thing :)13:41
jo-erlendazizLIGHTS: they will charge you for something you don't understand? That sounds suspicious.13:42
jo-erlendbencer: join #Ubuntu-docs13:42
jo-erlendor -doc, I don't remember.13:42
bencerthx jo-erlend13:42
azizLIGHTSthe ec2 free trial for 1 year is free but if you do more than what is free you get chaged automatically, (they have my cc #)13:42
azizLIGHTSi owe them $0.14 for traffic charges13:43
jo-erlendazizLIGHTS: free trial for one year?13:43
jo-erlendazizLIGHTS: how did you get that?13:43
* patdk-wk never did the free trial13:43
azizLIGHTSits free for new aws customers13:43
patdk-wkjo-erlend, it's something new13:43
azizLIGHTSbasically free 24/7 micro instance13:43
azizLIGHTSfor a year13:44
patdk-wkfor me, I really don't mind just paying $0.04 or so for an hour of usage13:44
jo-erlendthat's nice. I've been curious about how ubuntu stuff works on there, but because of the lag, it hasn't been interesting enough to pay for :)13:44
patdk-wklag? where are you?13:44
patdk-wkThe only lag I noticed was when I was using the asian servers13:45
patdk-wkI live next to the east us site, and ireland one was speedy to me13:45
patdk-wkhaven't done one at the west coast though13:45
azizLIGHTSwheres the asian servers?13:47
azizLIGHTSim connecting from middle east to US-east region13:47
azizLIGHTSi see some lag soimetimes13:47
jo-erlendheh.. Complicated stuff.13:55
azizLIGHTShave to be careful or they will charge me more $13:59
azizLIGHTSso its better with local virtulal machine13:59
azizLIGHTSthat why it took me this long :(13:59
compdocyou went vm?14:00
asherawelanI have a wireless network with 30 users, I want to make sure that each user receives a minimum bandwidth - if I use member:tc qdisc will i need to create a class for each user and then a filter for each user for each class? I'm unsure that if I put all users in one class that they are all using the same bandwidth allowance.14:08
compdochow many access points?14:08
_spt_Hello folks, Is there a web gui I could use for my ubuntu server 10.10  - webmin? any good?14:39
ivokscongratulations everyone ;)14:43
compdocty - I worked hard for that14:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #725018 in openssh (main) "package openssh-server 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72501814:46
greppy_spt_: I think there is one.. ehcp or something like that...14:47
_spt_greppy : thanks,14:50
hhhzzzarnInstalling x2go: gpg: keyserver timed out                       gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error14:53
hhhzzzarnAlso, how do I copy from putty ssh in ubuntu?14:54
hhhzzzarnCan anyone help?14:55
patdk-wknever used putty, so nope14:55
hhhzzzarnnot about putty.14:56
jo-erlendhhhzzzarn: copy from putty ssh in ubuntu? I don't understand.14:56
hhhzzzarnInstalling x2go: following here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/x2go-open-source-terminal-server-project-alternative-to-freenx.html14:56
hhhzzzarnor here http://www.x2go.org/fileadmin/doc/installation_x2go_ubuntu_en.html#4.Installing%20X2goserver-Home%20%28Ubuntu%20Edition%29|outline14:56
hhhzzzarnInstalling x2go: gpg: keyserver timed out gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error14:56
patdk-wkI don't see x2go in the ubuntu repo's14:57
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:57
hhhzzzarnGood morning.14:57
hhhzzzarnGuess, I will have to take this #ubuntu14:58
asherawelanAny tc experts here?15:02
ikoniatc ?15:03
geekbrianybody here expierenced with phpmyadmin on ubuntu?  I'm trying to figure out how to configure it to admin 2 different DB servers but the config files aren't the same as when i've installed this manually.  I could use help fnding where to put my DB configs.15:03
ikoniageekbri: don't use it, but you could do a "find" for the config files you normally use to see if they are on the system15:04
geekbriikonia: ok, i just figured it might be a bad idea to just plow the default way they had the files setup.... so it's probably safe to just overwrite the config.inc.php they use?15:05
ikoniasorry, I wasn't saying do what you normally do, I was saying look for the file names you normally use, they must just be in a different location15:06
geekbriwell they have some strange setup going on that i'm just not used to.  I found the config.in.php in /etc/phpmyadmin and then there is also config-db.php which is generated by /etc/dbconfig-common which is used by the installer15:07
geekbrihowever, I see how to add 1 DB to it. i don't see how i would add a second.15:07
geekbrimaybe i just cant.15:07
ikoniageekbri: I know what you mean, some of the layouts can be confusing if you're used to a "stock" layout15:12
hallynDaviey: hey, setting up eucalyptus on maverick - is it ok to use virbr0 as its bridge?15:22
Davieyhallyn, Hmm.. do you have the docs to hand?15:24
hallynyeah, i'm looking through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall15:25
Davieyhallyn, normally we use br015:25
hallyni'm using wireless though, so can't put wlan0 on br015:25
DavieyI've never tried to use virbr0, it might work... but not something i've experimented with15:25
hallynall right, well, trying it, will see :)15:25
Davieyhallyn, Let me know how it turns out :)15:26
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Davieyhallyn, if you get a functional cloud.. would you be able to test a package... jamespage is working on one of the depends, 'groovy, for a late natty merge... and it would be a valid test to know if it works on maverick15:39
DavieyEuca is currently too broken in natty to make it a useful test, and it would help highlight potential breakage.15:40
Roasted_Does anybody know if it's possible to make Ubuntu connect to a wireless network BEFORE logging in?15:42
DavieyRoasted_, on server?15:47
asherawelanif my tc filter class has a rate set  to 100bps, and set to handle traffic tagged with 5 - does that mean that every connection --set-mark connection from iptables gets 100bps, or collectively all traffic with mark 5 shares 100bps?15:49
hallynDaviey: still trying.  it doesn't want to start any instances.  I think my nc (which is all on teh same host :) is not working right15:52
DavieyOoooo... same host stuff is always traumatic15:53
Davieyhallyn, not right now, but can you add your thoughts to bug 590201 please?15:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 590201 in qemu-kvm "OpenSolaris (previously working) no longer boots: kernel panics early" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59020115:53
hallynDaviey: say wha?15:53
Davieyhallyn, Are you aware if upstream are know it's an issue?15:55
Davieyheard anything about a potential resolution?15:55
DavieySpamapS, Do you have any thoughts on bug #580319?15:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 580319 in dhcp3 "dhcp3-server launches before upstart brings all interface, thus failing to start" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58031915:55
hallynDaviey: i've never heard of that bug15:55
Davieyhallyn, Hmm.. I wonder if it's an issue with kvm in other distro's aswell15:56
Davieyor.. an issue with OpenSolaris.. but that would seem odd!15:57
SpamapSDaviey: reading15:59
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: werent you in a conference >P?16:00
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: its 10 minutes away from home.. I'll be there soon. :)16:02
hallynDaviey: all right, i guess i'll just have to play with opensolaris under kvm, is all.  i've never tried it.16:03
Roasted_Daviey, client side, but it seems as if I "available to all users" in network manager does the job that I need.16:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #725065 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72506516:07
DavieySpamapS, thanks16:07
Davieyhallyn, I haven't touched OpenSolaris for about 2 years.. :/16:10
DavieyRoasted_, yeah... we don't have that avaliable to servers :)16:10
Roasted_well, servers kind of scream /etc/network/interfaces to me :P16:11
Roasted_Daviey, do you have any experience adding Ubuntu clients to a Windows domain network?16:11
DavieyRoasted_, I do... but can't commit to helping atm - in a meeting16:12
Roasted_Daviey, no sweat. Perhaps I could pick your brain at a later time?16:12
SpamapSDaviey: thats a sticky one!16:13
* SpamapS thats what he/she said16:13
Roasted_why did I laugh out loud at that just now?16:14
DavieyRoasted_, sure16:14
ewookbad bad humor?16:14
DavieySpamapS, heh16:14
Roasted_sounds good Daviey. appreciate it. enjoy the meeting.16:14
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: cool!16:21
jamespagehas anyone done anything/know of any packages the spin up and database and use it for testing during the package build process?16:22
phunyguyRoasted_, do you need assistance with that?16:23
Roasted_assistance with what? domain integration on Ubuntu?16:24
RoAkSoAxjamespage: you mean while building a package, it spins up a database for testing purposes or something like that?16:24
phunyguyRoasted_, yes16:24
jamespageRoAkSoAx: just like that - I have a database pooling library that needs a postgresql instance to test against16:24
Roasted_phunyguy, well, it'd be nice. My boss is tinkering with the idea of introducing it on the small scale to the district to save costs.16:25
Roasted_I tinker with linux the most out of the group so I began to wonder how I could integrate LDAP domain accounts to it, because we would need domain account support for this to fly16:25
phunyguyRoasted_ check out likewise-open16:25
phunyguyit even comes with a gui.16:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #725079 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72507916:25
phunyguyheres the issue though.... if clients access network shares from another linux server that is on the domain as well, the UIDs and GIDs probably wont match if that server doesnt use likewise-open as well16:26
Roasted_phunyguy, never heard of it...16:26
phunyguyits good software16:26
Roasted_I see its in the software center too16:26
hallynhm, i'm getting errors from sc16:27
Roasted_phunyguy, do I need anything in particular set up? I know I need samba...16:27
phunyguyyou dont need anything16:27
Roasted_And here's a road block16:27
SpamapSDaviey: I commented on that bug. IMO its an issue w/ rc-sysinit letting services start w/o networking configured..16:27
phunyguyit pulls in what you need16:27
hallyni just had to complain on the public internetz, and now it works16:27
Roasted_Default Kerberos version 5 realm16:27
Roasted_what do I use?16:27
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping16:27
phunyguyit uses its own software suite to integrate16:27
phunyguylike i said though, if you have a linux fileserver (OpenFiler for instance) - the UIDs and GIDs between users wont match, and you will need a way of getting them to match up or it wont work.16:28
* SpamapS heads off to SCALE16:29
DavieySpamapS, Hmm.. tell me it's an upstart issue so we can jump on James :)16:29
MacRohardhi. I am wondering what is required to get http://packages.debian.org/sid/bitcoin-cli added to ubuntu?16:29
phunyguyso if thats the case, stick with winbind and may the force be with you16:29
Roasted_phunyguy, were on a windows network16:29
SpamapSDaviey: added upstart task already. :)16:29
Roasted_think that'd be an issue?16:29
Roasted_secondly, what if I DID have openfiler. I can only imagine the UID and GID BS would drive me nuts. What would be the work around?16:30
phunyguyits not at all, until you try to share files from a linux server, even 99% windows, some places always have 1.16:30
Roasted_phunyguy, I'm just trying to understand "what if" here.16:30
Roasted_"what if" we had openfiler.16:30
phunyguyRoasted_ unfortunately that is beyond the scope of my knowledge, i gave up on it, but you would need an app of some sort to do UID and GID mapping on the openfiler box.16:31
Roasted_phunyguy, I see. So it sounds like there could be a workaround.16:31
phunyguythe likewise UIDs that it uses arent the AD SIDs16:31
phunyguythey are proprietary, and thats what it sends as its UID to openfiler16:31
phunyguyopenfiler uses winbind which has a completely different set of numbers16:32
DavieySpamapS, awesome16:32
phunyguythe good news is, likewise open clients connecting to each other will see the same numbers16:32
phunyguyand anything going out to AD will work as well16:33
phunyguythe computer accounts even come up with Ubuntu listed in the OS box in the account properties16:33
Roasted_phunyguy, so I have likewise open installed.16:38
Roasted_and I'm almost sitting here like, okay, waht next?16:38
Roasted_lol... so where do I go from here? Can I test a domain account or am I not that far yet?16:39
Roasted_phunyguy, sigh. Getting an error when I try to join domain. Lsass Error. DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET.16:58
webPragmatistwhat are reasons why my updates aren't showing when i login?16:58
webPragmatisti ran apt-get autoremove and aptitude update16:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #725119 in backuppc (main) "untarring tar archive form backuppc "Skipping to next header"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72511917:21
nimrod10how would you go by debugging a filesystem that turns read-only on errors ? There is nothing relevant in the /var/log logs17:25
webPragmatisthow do i know what cron.hourly user?17:26
nimrod10it randomly happens, if I listen to music, if I watch a movie, if I do some other type of job17:26
webPragmatistthe script is run as17:26
hallynDaviey: regarding that opensolaris bug, it installed and then booted fine for me on natty, at least17:36
phunyguyRoasted_, try different domain naim formats, i had that same issue, it was just trial and error for me, i can't help past this.  Good luck!17:41
phunyguyoff to south carolina for the weekend!17:41
Roasted_I'm off to denver for the weekend in a few hours :P17:42
kirklandRoAkSoAx: pong17:44
smoserjdstrand, around ?17:51
Davieyhallyn, well that is great news!17:51
DavieyMacRohard, grr.. didn't know it had been uploaded to Debian.. i started packaging it recently, but iirc the it required a very new version of Qt?17:52
smoserkirkland, you around ?17:55
smoserzul, ?17:55
smoseri'm in need of someone to upload a new package for me : bug 725127 has the info (FFE is approved by skaet and cjwatson)17:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 725127 in ubuntu "FFE: add 'cloud-initramfs-tools' package and cloud-utils update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72512717:56
Davieysmoser, Is that your ovf tool?17:59
smoserwell, it rewrites the partition table to acount for a disk that grew larger18:00
lynxmansmoser: zul is out today18:03
smoseryeah. i know.18:04
MacRohardDaviey, it's the cli version18:04
MacRohardDaviey, no gui dependencies18:06
MacRohardDaviey, i think msot people will be happy with the cli.. people are making different frontends for it anyway..18:06
jdstrandsmoser: yeah18:06
MacRohardDaviey, it was wxwidgets that was the issue18:06
MacRohardDaviey, 'cause noone packaged the latest wxwidgets.. i think that's still an issue, but not for the cli.18:07
* zul is around now18:07
zulsmoser: i can do it18:07
smoserjdstrand, you or zul can fight over which one of you does my dirty work18:09
zulwhee! death match18:09
* lynxman takes out the official dueling sabres18:09
* zul shanks jdstrand in the gut18:09
zuljdstrand: are you doing it? :)18:10
smoseroh, to make it a better match, i'll add incentive.  I will purchase 1 of https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Beer_in_Hungary to the winner.18:12
* RoAkSoAx thinks that we really need to apply for upload rights to the ubuntu server package set18:12
lynxmanoooh, beer18:14
renoWhat is the best web server software that can be run on ubuntu desktop 10.1018:17
jdstrandzul go for it18:17
jdstrandthat was supposed to have a ':'18:17
zulsmoser: bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu-on-ec2/cloud-utils and bzr branch lp:~smoser/+junk/cloud-initramfs-tools right?18:21
smoseryou can just get the signed source on people.canonical.18:22
zulooh that works :)18:22
* patdk-wk wonders if the bot knows best18:24
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:24
zulsmoser: done18:28
zuli should start a beer count spreadsheet18:28
smoserand now, i ask for my archive admin friends (jdstarnd and kirkland) to help once it builds.18:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #725170 in euca2ools "euca-authorize requires source-subnet to function" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72517018:51
RoAkSoAxzul: now that you are sponsoring, could you please take care of bug #722770 please? :)18:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 722770 in openipmi "openipmi: change lock file path since /var/lock/subsys/ does not exist" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72277018:58
zulRoAkSoAx: yeah as soon as finish what im working on18:58
RoAkSoAxzul: sure thingy :) Thanks!18:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #402718 in ipvsadm (main) "Please upgrade ipvsadm from 1.24 to 1.25" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40271819:07
zulRoAkSoAx: done19:17
RoAkSoAxzul: thanks! ;)19:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #725183 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72518319:21
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/skcD9Gt8 .. any idea why I can ping all the 192.168.0.X ips except .239 from a different subnet ? from same subnet I can ping all the ips in pastebin19:34
axisyswhy would  .239 will fail to respond19:34
jmarsden|workaxisys: Can you ping it from the server itself?  Do you have any packet filtering/firewalling on the server?19:35
RoAkSoAxzul: this is a weird FTBFS :S http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/572321/19:35
zulRoAkSoAx: file a bug ill get to it when i can19:36
axisysjmarsden|work: i can ping it from server itself and another server on same subnet..19:36
axisysjmarsden|work: 22                         LIMIT       Anywhere19:36
axisys443/tcp                    ALLOW       Anywhere19:36
axisys80/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere19:37
RoAkSoAxzul: will do ;)19:37
axisysthats all for ufw status19:37
axisysjmarsden|work: ^19:37
jmarsden|workaxisys: Can you ping .239 from the gateway router that joins the subnets concerned?19:40
jmarsden|workaxisys: Also, you might want to try   sudo ufw disable     on the server and retest, just in case... I see no ufw rule for ICMP traffic... so if ufw is in default deny, it should be blocking incoming pings, as far as I know.19:41
axisysjmarsden|work: to make the issue little bit more fun... if I take the IP from this host (lucid) and give it to another host (solaris) as a virtual IP, I can ping it fine from different subnet19:41
axisysjmarsden|work: disabled ufw and still not able to ping19:42
axisysreally odd problem19:43
jmarsden|workcheck arp tables, maybe?19:43
jdstrandufw allows ping btw (/etc/ufw/before.rules)19:43
RoAkSoAxzul: btw.. is there any particular reason why it is failing?19:43
zulRoAkSoAx; havent looked at it yet19:44
RoAkSoAxzul: oh ok: dpkg-deb: control directory has bad permissions 700 (must be >=0755 and <=0775)19:44
jmarsden|workjdstrand: Ah, OK.  Then IMO it should show that in its status output, seems misleading otherwise...19:46
axisysjmarsden|work: on the client?19:48
jmarsden|workaxisys: well, on both if they are in the same subnet, and on the router and the server if not.19:49
jmarsden|workif client is in a different subnet, it had *better* be sending the pings to its gateway router...19:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #725197 in openipmi (main) "[FTBFS] openipmi 2.0.18-0ubuntu2 FTBFS" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72519719:51
=== pickscrape_ is now known as pickscrape
pickscrapeHi, some time ago I installed ubuntu server 10.10 on a raid5 array (sdb, sdc, sdd) on a machine that had an existing server install on sda. I've kept sda in place because I've been mounting it to get files from it, and also because that's where grub is.20:00
pickscrapeNow I'm wanting to move grub away so I can remove the old drive, but I'm having a bit of trouble.20:00
pickscrapeFrom what I've found, what I want to do is run grub-install /dev/sdb, but this gives me a stream of "Discarding improperly nested partition" errors, followed by "This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible"20:00
pickscrapeAnd then "error: embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume."20:01
pickscrapeI have the three drives partitioned so that I have a small raid1 array for /boot and the rest for the raid5 array, which I've used for LVM20:01
pickscrapeIdeally grub would install on all three drives in the array in case the first one fails, but for now I'm just trying to cut the attachment to the old drive, and would appreciate some pointers on what I need to do20:02
axisysjmarsden|work: arp -a is the command to see arp table ?20:12
nert1lim installing ubuntu server , at partition disks what i need to set?20:16
nert1lit will be ok if i choose Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM20:16
jmarsden|workaxisys: Yes20:16
lifelessSpamapS: so where did we get to. Right - solandra isn't packaged?20:16
axisysjmarsden|work: hmm... arp -a only shows the ip of the client20:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #725209 in bind9 (main) "bind9 not honoring function of /var/cache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72520920:16
jmarsden|workaxisys: ping the default gateway from the client, then arp -a again (or arp -na which avoid dns reverse lookups)20:17
axisysjmarsden|work: the client is on natted IP block20:18
jmarsden|workRight, so ping the router that does its NAT... or am I not understanding your network setup?20:19
nert1lim installing ubuntu server , at partition disks what i need to set?20:19
nert1lit will be ok if i choose Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM20:19
=== nert1l is now known as nertil
nertilwhat LVM is actually20:19
axisysclient (10.10.x.y) -- some wierd router / proxy -->
jmarsden|worknertil: That will work.  Logical volume management.20:22
axisys10.10.x.y -- cloud/vpn/blah -- router -- switch1 --> host eth0  works fine20:22
axisys10.10.x.y -- cloud/vpn/blah -- router -- switch2 --> host2 eth0  does not work20:22
axisystraceroute drops after router20:23
jmarsden|workaxisys: I'm at work, can't really spend more time on this with you, but "some wierd router / proxy" sounds like a possible place to look at -- if you have admin rights on that, log into the device and use its troubleshooting tools to check what it can see and how it is routing your traffic.20:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #725226 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72522620:26
RoAkSoAxzul: could you also take care of bug #64820220:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 648202 in vsftpd "vsftpd started even if not in standalone mode" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64820220:39
zulRoAkSoAx: im just about to leave for the weekend can you add ubuntu-sponsors20:40
RoAkSoAxzul: sure thing ;) Have a good weekend20:40
SpamapSlifeless: right, solandra or lucandra are both unpackaged21:08
mathiazSpamapS: hi!21:08
SpamapSmathiaz: howdy!21:08
lifelessSpamapS: does a solandra war run happilyagainst a package cassandra?21:08
mathiazSpamapS: I think we already discussed that - is there a document/debhelper for packaging pear modules?21:09
SpamapSlifeless: dunno, I haven't played with it at all21:09
lifelessit needs more google juice too :(21:09
SpamapSmathiaz: Yes we discussed it. No there's no debhelper for it.21:09
mathiazSpamapS: cool - thanks21:09
SpamapSmathiaz: should be relatively easy to write a dh_pear ... and just import all of pear. :)21:10
raubvogelspamassassin question: if I make a change to v310.pre, would an upgrade respect my changes or just overwrite the file with gusto?21:11
jmarsden|workraubvogel: I am not sure, but I suggest you put your changes in local.cf instead... don't mess with the .pre files21:12
mathiazSpamapS: is there an example of dh_* I can base my work on?21:12
mathiazSpamapS: hm... http://pear-package.alioth.debian.org/21:13
mathiazSpamapS: may be helpful^^?21:13
SpamapSmaybe I was mistaken. :)21:13
SpamapSnice.. make-pear-pkg21:13
raubvogel jmarsden|work, on the spamassassin list they told me to have plugins loaded before rules. that's why I am feeling confuzed21:14
jmarsden|workraubvogel: I am not a deep spamassasin expert, but I do use it.  I've always just edited local.cf and it has done what I needed.21:15
lifelessSpamapS: solandra is in the lucandra wiki... not confusing at all21:17
SpamapSlifeless: right.. seems they're one and the same now. :)21:18
lifelesshttps://github.com/tjake/Lucandra/wiki/Architecture  -  one war21:18
* lifeless hates on wars21:19
SpamapSwhat is it good for?21:21
SpamapSabsolutely NOTHIN21:24
SpamapSsay it again21:24
* SpamapS goes back to paying attention to talks21:24
lifelesswhat is it good for?21:25
lifelessSpamapS: you're at a conference?21:25
lifelessSpamapS: http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/cloud-grid/cassandra-london-meetup covers the differences21:40
=== ahmad is now known as asadeddin
adacIs it normal that /var/log/messages is completely empty?21:56
airtonixI'm running gitolite on my lan-server and i have several keys in it's config for several users including myself and the assumed gitadmin user, however I'm not sure how to ssh to the machine from my local machine using the gitadmin keyfile21:56
guntbertadac: no, but look into /var/log/syslog21:56
adacguntbert, is everything that is normally in messages also in syslog?21:57
jmarsden|workairtonix: You may want the -i option to ssh to choose an identity file?21:57
airtonixjmarsden|work: thanks21:57
adacguntbert, I'm using a openvz ubuntu server image.... so therefore sothing might is cofigured wrong21:57
[biabia]i dont know how to ask this quite but, now that i have installed ubuntu server i am not sure what to do with it.  i selected to install dns, lamp, openssh, samba, and vm21:59
guntbertadac: look around /var/log (and my syslog has more than my messages)21:59
jmarsden|work[biabia]: Noone else can tell you what you want to do with your server :)22:00
[biabia]jmarsden, as a learning experience i would like to try to use the packages i installed but not quite sure what they do/how22:01
guntbert!serverguide | [biabia] start here22:01
ubottu[biabia] start here: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/22:01
jmarsden|work[biabia]: Decide what you want to learn, there are >1000 packages on your server right now.  Read the Server Guide to get started...22:01
[biabia]okie!! thanks jmarsden and guntbert  :)22:02
asadeddinHey all! I have a stupid question I guess about network authen.22:09
asadeddinI'm looking to make an Ubuntu server to file and printer share22:09
asadeddinand network authenticate22:09
asadeddinWould you recommend Samba + LDAP for this?22:10
asadeddinanyone going to take a shot at this? :P22:11
jmarsden|workasadeddin: samba will work for Windows-style SMB file and printer sharing.  What you use for authentication depends on how many users, existing infrastructure, etc.22:13
asadeddinI see22:13
jmarsden|workasadeddin: Have you read through the Server Guide about installing samba (and about network auth for that matter)?22:13
asadeddinWell not a big number of users. Just 8 - 10, and I want to make Fat clients22:14
asadeddinI'm skimming through it as we speak, but I'm a little confused as to what's the difference between LDAP and openLDAP22:14
jmarsden|workThen LDAP may be overkill.  Just read the server guide and install samba, and do not mess with LDAP at all yet.22:14
asadeddinoh I see... so will Samba be able to do the network auth? I will def. give it a good read22:15
jmarsden|workasadeddin: What exactly do you mean by "network auth"... read the Guide.  Add users to the server as needed.  use smbpasswd to set their SMB (Samba) passwords.22:16
asadeddinI mean, Fat Clients.22:18
asadeddin<jmarsden|work>: I'm looking for users to login to their computers through the network, and the network will load their files and save them back to the server22:20
asadeddinmaybe that's a better explanation22:21
jmarsden|workFor that you probably need to set up samba as a PDC, and then have the client machines use Windows-style network auth against that.  I still don't think you *need* LDAP.22:22
asadeddinso what would handle the windows-style network auth?22:24
thesheff17asadeddin: jmarsden is right...the login/pass is passed back to the samba server....set it with smbpasswd like he said.22:24
asadeddini see22:24
asadeddinso I would be able to do the windows-style network auth through Samba?22:24
thesheff17if auth fails you will be prompted like usual22:24
asadeddinaha! Thanks! I will investigate more into this.22:25
asadeddinThanks all! i appreciate your patience ;)22:25
jmarsden|workYou're welcome.22:26
asadeddinalso one more thing22:26
asadeddinwill other users be able to use another computer? like if i was on A computer, and wanted to login to computer B, will it be the samething. Like a floating user?22:27
thesheff17yea whatever username/pass you login into the windows box with will be sent to the samba server.22:28
jmarsden|workasadeddin: You can set up what Windows calls "roaming profiles", yes.22:28
asadeddinAnyways, thanks again!22:28
hydroziiwhats the command to add dependencies in ubuntu server? and which dependency has java?22:29
thesheff17hydrozii: do you want java? I'm not sure I understand the question?22:30
hydroziiyes i want java22:30
thesheff17hydrozii: there are two versions....a free version and the one that comes from sun22:30
hydroziiim a complete noob at this22:30
thesheff17well both are free22:30
hydroziiopen jdk runtime 6?22:31
hydroziithats the one id like22:31
jmarsden|workhydrozii: sudo apt-get install openjdk-jre22:32
hydroziido i need the repository that it comes from?22:32
szpuniu just need to unhash pratner repo in sources.lst22:33
hydroziiso then.. nano sources.lst ?22:33
szpuniand u have sun-java-jre packages22:33
szpunivim sources.lst and /paretner22:34
hydroziimy sources.lst is empty is that right?22:34
thesheff17for the openjdk-jre I don't think you need any changes to source.list...for the sun version22:34
szpuniit will find you hashed line22:34
szpunifor repo22:34
thesheff17yes you need unhash the line22:34
szpuniunhash it and apt-get update22:34
jmarsden|workhydrozii: Why is your /etc/apt/sources.list file empty??  How did that happen?22:35
szpunithen apt-cache search sun-java ;)22:35
jmarsden|workszpuni: No, he asked for openjdk.22:35
jmarsden|workopenjdk is not Sun22:35
szpuniwell it's in default repo then22:35
hydrozii.list not .lst apparently22:35
hydroziii got it now :)22:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #725312 in dovecot (main) "package dovecot-common 1:1.2.9-1ubuntu6.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72531222:36
hydroziishould i add the extras repository while im at it?22:39
jmarsden|workNot unless you need it.22:40
hydroziiit still can't find openjdk-jre22:41
nertilovhow to install build essential from cdrom?22:44
hydroziii figured it out :) its actuall called openjdk-6-jre-headless22:44
geekbriso if i have nginx and apache2 running on the same server because i need apache2 for phpmyadmin... how would i go about getting nginx to serve mysite.com as https and also apache2 server its phpmyadmin as https22:46
hydroziiwget -O minecraft_server.jar http://minecraft.net/download/minecraft_server.jar22:56
hydroziishould this download minecraft_server.jar for me?22:56
shaggy2mey anyone know of a good free virus scanner for macs?23:04
air^shaggy2: what's the point of that? (and how does it relate to ubuntu-server?) :)23:07
hydroziiwhen i use wget the connection keeps timing out... is that my fault or is the server im trying to download from overloaded?23:07
SpamapShydrozii: thats not really something one can infer from a timeout23:10
shaggy2air^: it was just a question. I was in this channel and thought maybe someone here might use a mac and might know the answer23:11
hydroziiso what can i do? just wait?23:12
air^shaggy2: I use mac. No need for a virus scanner.23:12
SpamapShydrozii: well you can try a different site, and see if it doesn't timeout. If it doesn't.. then its probably their problem.23:13
shaggy2air^: I have a customer that booked a job for birus removal on a mac. I know nothing about macs but told the call center that I would give it ago23:18
mathiazSpamapS: ha - dh-make-pear from dh-make-php23:23
mathiazSpamapS: !23:23
SpamapSmathiaz: yeah, nice tool23:23
nimrod10how would you go by debugging a filesystem that turns read-only on errors ? There is nothing relevant in the /var/log logs23:24
SpamapSnimrod10: should be stuff in dmesg23:25
nimrod10SpamapS, I haven't seen anything yet but I'll keep an eye on it. Just finished running smartctl -t long and ... nothing :(23:26
shaunoshaggy2: it is OT, there's a compatible clamav at clamxav.com.  however I'm only aware or 2 or 3 trojans that are currently threats in the wild, so it may be easier just to google them and build a list of suspect files to look for23:28
hydroziiwhat should the /etc/network/interfaces file say if i want a local static IP?23:37
thesheff17hydrozii: just search google for ubuntu static ip23:38
nertilovhow to install build essential from cdrom?23:38
hydroziialright sorry its just that previous attempts haven't worked23:38
nertilovis it possible to install build-essential23:38
thesheff17nertilov: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31923:38
nertilovtill i install ubuntu server?23:38
thesheff17from primary network interface down23:38
thesheff17also don't forget to restart the networking23:39
nertilovi dont have internet23:39
nertilovi need to install it from cdrom23:39
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
thesheff17nertilov: I'm not sure it is on the cd-rom...I would search for it....if it isn't just install it on another machine search for the deb and burn it to cd.23:40
thesheff17dpkg -i build-essential_11.4build1_amd64.deb23:41
nertilovi dont have internet23:41
nertilovso i need it23:41
nertilovwere should i download it23:41
nertilovand through usb stick put it on my ubuntu23:41
genii-aroundnertilov: packages.ubuntu.com23:42
nertilov7.10 kb???23:46
jpdsnertilov: It's only a meta-package which depends on the actual packages which has the compilers and stuff.23:46
nertilovso i need to download that23:47
nertilov7.10 kb23:47
jpds...and the packages that it depends on.23:48
shaunoif you have an ubuntu machine which does have internet, you might want to look into apt-zip to automate sneakernet.  that way you can still let apt worry about dependencies for you23:48
hydroziiafter typing ifconfig which numbers are the default gateways and dns servers?23:49
hydroziii don't see them anywhere23:49
jpdshydrozii: Gateways: route -n , DNS: cat /etc/resolv.conf23:49
nertilovwhy i can not install it from cd?23:50
shaunonertilov: look into apt-cdrom (should already be installed in base). can't promise bulid-essential is on the disks, but that's how you'd try23:54
nertilovis it possible23:58
nertilovto install package till i install base installation server?23:58
nertilovlooks like i need to do brigde from my laptop to my ubuntu23:59

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