
erichammondAre the CD sleeve final designs ready to print?01:17
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale9x edited01:19
DarkwingDuckDo we know if anyone is bringing blank DVDs?02:01
seidosso is everybody ready for SCaLE?03:39
* seidos checks the date03:39
DarkwingDuckI'm driving up EARLY tomorrow morning.03:48
seidosah, from San Diego?  i'm going to wake up when i wake up03:52
DarkwingDuckI'm going to enjoy Ubucon03:57
DarkwingDuckand speak too03:57
seidosi'm going to...er...i dunno, walk around03:58
iheartubuntuyo seidos04:43
iheartubuntuwazzup. will see you tomorrow?04:43
iheartubuntuor sat/04:43
seidosyeah, tomorrow04:45
seidosthat's the plan04:45
seidoshoping to see you there04:46
seidosare you going to wear an ubuntu t-shirt or something?04:46
seidosi'll be wearing blue, and a gray t-shirt04:46
seidosiheartubuntu: ^04:47
iheartubuntui will be wearing clothes04:52
iheartubuntuno idea what04:52
iheartubuntui'll head to ubucon as soon as i register probably04:53
iheartubuntuu have a cell?04:53
seidosoh yeah, i got a cell phone04:54
seidosoh noes!  it's logged04:54
* seidos tries to hit the erase button04:54
seidosah well04:54
seidosi knew i should have pm'ed you iheartubuntu04:55
seidosi'm used to lame phone calls, not a problem04:55
iheartubuntui wouldnt worry. unless the feds are after you. of which they have already been following your linux exploits :)04:56
seidosyeah, i'm not worried04:59
seidosit will in all likelihood get lost in the vast ocean of information on the internet04:59
seidosiheartubuntu: btw, i realize csula was tonight.  i figured SCaLE was tomorrow, so CSULA would have to happen another day05:13
iheartubuntuwill be there next week05:13
seidosand every week thereafter?05:16
seidosif i can manage not to be too bad a cheap skate, it'll happen at some point05:28
seidosa dollar saved is a dollar earned, willful waste makes woeful want, etc. etc.05:28
seidosgoing to SCaLE is something, where's the love?05:29
* DarkwingDuck streaches05:46
DarkwingDuckOkay... I think I'm ready...05:46
seidosright on05:49
jdeslip_androidAnyone else at the Hilton?05:50
seidosnot i05:58
seidosis there a party?05:58
seidosi could drive over and sleep in my car ;)05:58
jdeslip_androidim just hanging out in bar currently.05:58
jdeslip_androidare you in la seidos?05:59
seidosah, bar06:01
seidosdid you come down yourself jdeslip_android ?06:01
seidosorder a cranberry juice :>06:01
jdeslip_androidwith girlfriend06:06
DarkwingDuckHey jdeslip_android06:08
DarkwingDuckHey jono06:08
DarkwingDuckjono: once I get SCALE out I'm going to corner you... promise.06:08
jdeslip_androidI see a buch of linux peeps at the bar with their macs :/06:09
DarkwingDuckMacs. PFFFFFT06:10
DarkwingDuckIf I had a room tonight I'd drive up tonight.06:10
seidosbuy them previously owned, i sold mine06:10
DarkwingDuckI'm very happy with my laptop right now.06:10
jdeslip_androidthe new macbook air is pretty sexy06:11
DarkwingDuckAye... But I love my Lenovo W70006:12
seidosmacs are nice, they would be nicer if you could buy them without the OS06:13
DarkwingDuckIBM/Lenovo ThinkPads have not failed me yet.06:14
jdeslip_androidseidos +106:15
seidosyou aren't going to find anybody criticizing Lenovo thinkpads here06:17
* crashsystems <3 his new thinkpad x20106:18
crashsystemsnah, just laptop06:20
seidosoh wait, i'll make things exciting06:20
seidosLenovo's suck06:20
crashsystemsbest laptop I've ever owned06:21
DarkwingDuckI had an X41(tablet) before this one.06:21
DarkwingDuckI'll spend the extra for them form now on.06:22
seidosmy macbook was pretty nice, but i sold it.  seemed silly to pay all that money and then struggle installing ubuntu on it06:22
crashsystemsfor the tablet? I've never been fond of tablet PC type designs, though uTouch looks like it will be interesting.06:22
DarkwingDuckI don't know why I'm downloading UbuntuStudio... I'm not sure if there are going to be blank DVDs at the booth or not.06:22
seidosthough, i didn't know at the time that linus has a mac06:22
DarkwingDuckcrashsystems: I've used Kubuntu on the ideapad with multitouch06:23
crashsystemsis linus running OSX?06:23
seidosi think i heard fedora last06:26
seidosthat was in a 2008 interview06:26
iheartubuntuok, dont laugh. i could have done better, but just ran out of time... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQM3P57TtAw07:04
seidosneat, what did you use to make it?07:15
iheartubuntuopenshot and gimp07:16
seidoshmmm, openshot, haven't heard of it07:17
seidosi've been looking for a video editor07:17
seidosi tried pitiki or something...but that didn't work out07:17
iheartubuntuopenshot is pretty nice07:18
seidosi want to create a puppet show07:18
seidosbut i need to buy a puppet07:18
seidosthere was a puppet at Borders but it was like $2007:18
iheartubuntumakesock puppets ")07:20
seidosit won't work the same07:20
seidossock puppets aren't cute enough07:20
seidosi'll figure something out07:21
seidosi'm off to bed07:23
iheartubuntume too nite07:25
=== sn9 is now known as Guest58449
=== Guest58449 is now known as sn9
sn9hmm, everyone is idle...14:29
sn9only an hour and a half until the doors open14:30
jdeslip We are in LA-A17:04
* kdub wishes /me was at scale today17:14
kdubalthough i'm pumped for leigh honeywell's hackerspace talk tomorrow17:15
jmgallowayanyone in here good with java?18:02
erichammondIs the final CD sleeve design ready for download and printing?20:57

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