
_marx_jack_: u still a dog?01:41
jack_im always a dog02:01
_marx_well just don't go right to left on the spelling02:02
jack_i have no idea what you're talking about haha02:03
_marx_dog = god02:03
_marx_one of those words02:03
_marx_but i meant on #ubuntu02:04
jack_ah gotcha02:05
jack_i haven't been in there for a couple of days02:05
jack_whenever i join i always end up getting shit from one of the mods :<02:06
_marx_well stuff happens02:07
_marx_the volume there is just overwhelming i don't know how one can actually help someone in #ubuntu02:08
jack_i'd rather hang out in #fedora. the mods are jerks but they dont kick/ban me ever heh02:08
jack_people often starting PMing me02:08
jack_which is fine for me, but i feel it wont help other people if they have the same questions02:08
_marx_heh, i got kicked from fedora w/a different nick02:09
jack_haha why is that?02:09
=== jack_ is now known as JackWat
=== JackWat is now known as jack_
_marx_silly client posted away messages02:09
_marx_i learned02:09
jack_oh nice02:09
jack_my gf is wearing a 'ubuntu guru' shirt tonight >_<02:10
_marx_ah cool02:11
_marx_and a miss02:11
_marx_anything else?02:11
_marx_lobbed that one in did ya02:12
_marx_text humor02:13
_marx_like the radio days in some ways02:13
jack_my father in law is crazy02:14
jack_he went with kelsey to the verizon store and had them switch my company name to HIS company name02:15
jack_for the discount02:15
jack_but... i didn't get any better of a discount -_-02:15
* _marx_ step son works for verizon for 10+years02:17
_marx_not crazy about my plan either02:17
jack_haha nice02:18
jack_verizon is crazy expensive. i pay almost $200 for 2 smartphones02:18
jack_my buddy pays like $100 for 2 with sprint02:18
jack_however, he never has service02:18
_marx_well half for two dumb phones here02:18
_marx_i haven't been able to find what i hear02:19
jack_what's that?02:19
_marx_once i check the fine print it usually nets out the same02:19
jack_why are there no mods in this channel btw?02:21
jack_things are going to go out of control one day.  people are going to be teaching how to set root passwords and uttering profanities all over the place!02:21
lubotu1Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!02:22
_marx_you mean me?02:22
jack_damn you lubotu102:22
_marx_there are two other op's02:23
jack_how did you get op?02:23
_marx_by owning the channel02:23
_marx_a few years ago i took it over02:24
_marx_i suppose02:25
_marx_i was newly unemployed at the time02:25
jack_dude. wtf at my memory usage02:26
jack_jack@jack-desktop:~$ free -m02:26
jack_             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached02:26
jack_Mem:          2009       1947         62          0         28        28002:26
jack_-/+ buffers/cache:       1637        37102:26
jack_Swap:         2859       1017       184202:26
_marx_top w/M02:26
jack_that i had opened (and closed) a few days ago02:26
_marx_how long did the gentoo compile take?02:27
jack_well, i was running in a VM and it had pretty poor performance02:27
jack_i got gentoo running after a few hours02:27
jack_but i tired to compile GNOME and it's dependencie (all 334 packages)02:27
jack_took over 24 hours02:27
_marx_24+ was last i saw02:27
jack_i didn't put a time on it02:27
jack_yeah. i went ot bed and it was still compiling. i got up in the AM and it was done02:28
jack_however, xserver would not start02:28
jack_i think there is an issue with my machine though. all my VMs are really slugish02:28
_marx_vm driver02:28
jack_maybe oracle just screwed up vbox02:28
jack_im trying to get kvm working but its even worse. i think i need to check to see if have the virtualization support02:28
_marx_well freebsd doesn't have vbox drivers02:29
_marx_at least what i've tried here02:29
jack_i just killed java and it spawned a new process02:30
_marx_check ownership02:30
_marx_of process02:30
jack_i killed it already02:31
_marx_what started it?02:31
jack_i think it was actually the parent that i just overlooked02:31
jack_it was ksar that i was using a few days ago to check system stats02:31
_marx_java has been breaking my brain on a test/leaning server02:32
jack_stupid memory hog02:33
jack_load average: 5.21, 5.09, 5.1902:33
jack_17770 /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate     376 D02:34
jack_24600 /usr/bin/python /usr/share/  3532 D02:34
_marx_what os02:34
_marx_that's update manager running02:35
_marx_or the tail end of it02:35
jack_which one?02:35
jack_jack@jack-desktop:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release02:35
jack_DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS"02:35
_marx_that's the hog02:35
jack_i thought that was the updatedb package for locate02:35
jack_jack     28602     1  0 Feb19 ?        01:16:45 [Picasa2.exe] <defunct>02:36
jack_i just need to reboot and get rid of this crap02:36
_marx_did you run it manually?02:36
_marx_update manager02:36
jack_i dont even see it runnig anywhere02:36
jack_stupid crap02:36
_marx_yeah and i can't find the right terminal window02:37
jack_i just closed ATLEAST 16 terminal windows02:38
jack_i open a new one everytime i wanna do something and never close the last02:38
_marx_you know the gui ones have tabs but i never seem to use that02:39
jack_i use it every now and again02:41
jack_but then i cant remember where i put certain things02:41
jack_so i just login again02:41
_marx_why is it some servers allow me to stay logged in forever and some drop in ten minutes or so02:44
jack_i think there is a timeout you can set on some servers02:48
_marx_funny, i have one of BugeyeD flickr pics as my desktop background02:48
jack_haha nice02:48
jack_when im connected to my home machine from work i get 'broken pipe' after like 10mins of inactivity02:49
_marx_that's what i get too02:49
* _marx_ lusts after decent laptop more than er your random p0rn site02:51
_marx_i worked in darryl hunts office a month ago02:51
BugeyeD_marx_: which photo?02:53
* _marx_ lost BugeyeD 02:54
BugeyeD20:44 < _marx_> funny, i have one of BugeyeD flickr pics as my desktop background02:55
_marx_the backyard snow pic02:55
BugeyeDthe trees were beautiful. i took a lot of pictures.03:00
_marx_yeah, i had too many open with the fancy see transparent bg, killed all those, the ones left were grey on black03:09
_marx_oh, missed a post03:09
_marx_you know having root access is like smelling the air just after a thunderstorm03:14
_marx_not having it is like "aw...shxxx"03:14
_marx_log that03:22
lubotu1rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync03:22
lubotu1Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:22
_marx_contest: cutest phrase combining rsync and tar03:23
_marx_regular spoke english phrase, not code03:25
jack_why dont they tell you about the tar command when you type tar?03:26
lubotu1#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:26
lubotu1Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:26
lubotu1Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:26
lubotu1Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:27
_marx_ well i'm lost a bit there jack_ i don't really see the point03:37
jack_of the tar command?03:37
_marx_no the flood03:38
_marx_tar i dig03:38
_marx_grok even03:38
_marx_oh my, hum,23:22

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