
wrstorias: cyberanger is :)00:00
* cyberanger grabs wrst and drags him into another room for a moment, don't mind the screaming folks00:01
* cyberanger kids00:02
cyberangerorias: what's the issue00:02
wrstha ha well cyberanger just stating the truth you are good with iptables :)00:02
* cyberanger sees why netritious disconnects, oh well, I love IRC too much00:03
wrstha ha00:06
wrstgreetings vychune00:06
oriasthanks cyberanger00:06
vychunei now have a mac mini00:06
oriaswell setting up iptables for the first time and i think i blocked all outgoing traffic :)00:07
oriascan i run my iptables rules by ya?00:07
oriashow's the mac mini?00:07
cyberangerand I do like helping, just sometimes helping myself too ;-)00:08
oriasnp take your time00:08
cyberangerorias: if it's alot of rules, pastebin it00:08
oriasthe great google is speaking in toungues today, so its not as helpful00:08
cyberangerdon't mind looking00:08
oriasjust 500:08
cyberangerpm works too, 5 isn't alot00:09
cyberangerI think I';ve got 30 lines00:09
cyberangerand should actually have more00:09
cyberangerI was more giving wrst a hard time00:09
* wrst is used to being given a hard time00:10
vychunethis mac is so god i forgot i had this open00:16
vychune lol00:16
vychunegood even lol00:16
vychunewhats everyone else up to?00:28
cyberangeryou name it, it's probally on my list00:28
vychuneweb design?00:29
cyberangerminor, yeah :-/00:30
vychuneno sirens for you guys?01:17
chibihogoshinoeh ?01:38
chibihogoshinosirens ?01:38
wrsteveryone ok after the weather last night?12:54
cyberangerI'll tell you when I'm sure it's over13:13
cyberangerbut so fare so good13:13
wrstthe wind is still blowing here cyberanger, but looks like that's about all that happened to us13:28
cyberangerwe had alot of rain13:35
cyberangerand with the ridgeline, wind is worse13:35
cyberangerit's not over and the cloud cover hasn't shifted enough either13:36
=== xTEMPLARx_ is now known as xTEMPLARx
xTEMPLARxmawnin, all14:33
cyberangerhey xTEMPLARx14:42
wrsthe xTEMPLARx14:58
xTEMPLARxhowdy senor wrst14:59
wrsthow are you doing xTEMPLARx?14:59
xTEMPLARxnot too awful15:00
xTEMPLARxhow's wrst today?15:00
wrstgood, i'm still here and didn't blow away :)15:01
xTEMPLARxthe storm woke me up last night15:01
xTEMPLARxbut I didn't see any damage on our house15:01
xTEMPLARxI didn't think to go around back and check the crawlspace hatches tho15:01
wrstwe had cushions on our front porch to blow off but luckily they were so water logged the 300MPH winds couldn't pick them up :)15:29
cyberangerwrst: exaggerate much?16:03
xTEMPLARxwrst we only had two empty trash cans get blown over16:03
cyberangerI think it stressed one of the window frames16:05
cyberangerhand't checked further, expect more16:05
cyberangerwrst: glad you didn't have issues16:06
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: and you got luckly with trash cans16:07
xTEMPLARxwell, thats all I noticed this morning... I didn't do a complete walkaround to inspect :)16:10
cyberangersame, but I think it wasn't over at the time (sky still suggests more, but not as it did)16:11
wrstthat is very cool chibihogoshino16:17
chibihogoshinoi like how it can manage the cpu speed too16:18
wrstyeah be nice if they would use that in natty16:18
chibihogoshinoi wonder how it will work on xfce16:18
wrst? i don't know :)16:22
chibihogoshinohmm.. i have the xfce power manager running and this at the same time16:39
chibihogoshino does the power manager control the cpu fan ?16:42
cyberangerif there is an ACPI setting, I suspect so16:44
xTEMPLARxhey wrst17:10
xTEMPLARxdid starspot ever get his KDE working again?17:10
wrstI don't know i was wondering about that this mornign17:11
xTEMPLARxi hope so17:11
xTEMPLARxi mean its not that painful to reinstall, but its gotta be something simple17:11
wrstyeah he needs a little patience :)17:11
xTEMPLARxi had a bunch of packages on this box hosed up to the point that the system wouldn't allow updates or dist-upgrades to take place17:11
xTEMPLARxi was getting close to wiping and reinstalling, but I finally figured it out and am glad I did17:12
xTEMPLARxits not hard to re-do, but I invariably miss something and since this is my work box, I don't need any more downtime than I have to have17:12
cyberangerwhat's wrong with it17:14
cyberangerhate to see him reinstall if it's too minor, he might want to try sudo adduser Svpernova09-test17:15
cyberangerthen login under that account17:15
cyberangerthen it's clear if it's a config file under $HOME17:16
xTEMPLARxproblem is he can't log in17:19
xTEMPLARxat the grub level, he can use his keyboard and touchpad (compaq laptop)17:20
xTEMPLARxbut once it goes GUI on him, the KB and touchpad are dead and nonresponsive17:20
xTEMPLARxcan't even ctrl-alt-F2 to terminal17:20
xTEMPLARxhad him trying a few things to see if it could get past that, but nothing seemed to work.  He could boot from the LiveCD and it worked fine17:21
xTEMPLARxnot sure if he installed Kubuntu or regular and then added KDE17:21
cyberangercan he boot into grub's recovery mode?17:21
xTEMPLARxanother clue:  it had been working for about 10 months and then developed this problem17:21
xTEMPLARxrecovery mode worked, but honestly I didn't have much for him to try at that point17:21
xTEMPLARxit was wrst and I helpin the poor guy17:22
xTEMPLARxand I know a lot of stuff, but I had no clue on this one17:22
xTEMPLARxthere's no xorg to play with anymore17:22
xTEMPLARxxorg.conf that is17:22
wrsti don't know much and didn't disappoint in my expectations of myself :)17:22
xTEMPLARxI tried to get him to watch the boot process rather than go splash so maybe we could see any errors that way17:23
xTEMPLARxbut to no avail17:23
xTEMPLARxI don't recall if he was able to get that to work or not17:23
cyberangerwell, that's not much a clue without some extra knowledge, after all, I could have a friend over 10 months later issue sudo rf -Rf /*17:23
xTEMPLARxbrb rebooting to install new CPU17:23
cyberangerand fry my system (well, technically, no, but that's cause I lock down too damn well for that)17:23
cyberangerxorg conf makes sense, I think that's been shifted around a bit17:24
cyberangerhe can boot into recovery mode, can he hit the network?17:25
* cyberanger is so glad he created a local mirror, it's saved my but on a few projects this week17:27
XpistosMorning all17:32
cyberangerXpistos: hey Xpistos17:33
xTEMPLARxwewt back17:34
xTEMPLARxmorning Xpistos17:34
Xpistoshey wrst17:34
xTEMPLARxwent from a single core 2.4 ghz (or so) to a dual core 3.4ghz17:34
xTEMPLARxthat works17:34
xTEMPLARxnoticeable diff17:34
xTEMPLARxer 2.66ghz was the old17:34
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: woah17:42
cyberangerwrst: you tried, sometimes that's all you can do17:43
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: I think we should compare computers sometime, perhaps behind the really really dark alley next to the kwick-e-mart17:44
* cyberanger hopes somebody gets that joke17:45
cyberangerI'll stand near the el barto graffiti17:45
XpistosHey is there a way I can download a list of the software installed and then upload it to a new installation?17:57
XpistosI have a lot of software installed and it takes a while to reinstall17:58
cyberangeryou want a list of packages you have installed, and you want to install every package on the new one?17:59
cyberangerit can be done, but defeats the purpose of a clean install somewhat18:00
cyberangerXpistos: is that right? ^^18:00
Xpistosdon't worry about it then18:00
cyberangerXpistos: that's easy, dpkg --get-selections18:02
Xpistosbut I can upload it in natty18:02
Xpistosi can't upload it in natty18:02
cyberangeractually, a little cleanup wouldn't hurt18:02
cyberangerupload it?18:02
XpistosI will just make a note and do eveything in a script from the terminal18:03
cyberangerdpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep -v deinstall | cut -f118:03
Xpistosbesides i don't get how to keep the config files so I redo everything18:03
cyberangerand you can upload that to pastebin, and that's helpful18:03
cyberangerany non-default configs, yeah18:04
cyberangerbut that might not be alot18:04
cyberangeror at least having a package list will help when you need a tool you had18:04
Xpistoswhat am I uploading18:04
cyberangerthat list, if I understood your issue in uploading18:05
cyberanger13:02:29        Xpistos | i can't upload it in natty18:05
cyberangerdpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep -v deinstall | cut -f1  | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us18:05
xTEMPLARxcyberanger: lol.. this machine isn't much to look at...its a basic intel desktop mobo that caps out at a whopping 2gb of ram18:05
xTEMPLARxso i've been sneaking parts from defunct machines around the office trying to boost it up any way that I can18:06
xTEMPLARxits got a good video card in it, and now a better cpu18:06
xTEMPLARxits definitely faster than it was18:06
xTEMPLARxbut not nearly as fast as my home machine with the quad-core18:06
cyberangerXpistos: that's the exact line I use, grabs all the packages, strips out any extra info, and sends it to sprunge.us, a pastebin site18:06
cyberangerall without xorg18:07
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: so, capps out at double my desktop, 1.4 my processer on that rig too, and it's not integrated graphics, hrm18:07
xTEMPLARxcyberanger: is that a full-blown desktop machine, or a mini-lappy?18:09
cyberangeremachines t522418:12
cyberangernetworking has been upgraded, built to (poorly attempt to) run (very flawed software called) vista18:13
cyberangerfirst thing I did was reach into my box o'cds, down the road I've turned it into a server/router, with minimal desktop, as purely a backup, for if my main desktops and laptops fail18:14
cyberangernow has three nic's and holds an ubuntu mirror, dns and ntp server, and my main testing righ18:15
XpistosStupid windows mail18:19
Xpistos"My Email Doesn't work!" No idiot your Outlook doesn't work. Your emial is fine18:19
cyberangerXpistos: that's your package list, now on the new install, wget sprunge.us/JMaK && cat JMaK | xargs sudo apt-get -y install18:23
cyberangeroh, and I'd run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade BEFORE that, it helps18:23
cyberangeras for WinMail, I'm ducking behind the "This is a Linux Channel disclaimer" unless he's trying to convert over to linux18:24
* cyberanger has had his own WinDOS thrils today18:25
cyberangerWindows makes me want to "Accidentally Discharge" my weapon into a few computers18:27
XpistosI am trying this package thing to see if it works18:32
Xpistoshow long will it stay at sprunge18:32
Xpistoswait gotta go lunch18:32
cyberangerhehe, darn timing18:38
cyberangerwrapped my head too far into 4sq hacking18:38
cyberangerXpistos: hard to say, I can hold onto a copy on my server for you if you'd like18:39
cyberangerjust to be sure18:39
xTEMPLARxcyberanger: sounds like you've found a great purpose for the box19:02
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: yeah, it's got enough power to get me to the moon, just like appolo 1319:03
vychunei dont get it?19:13
cyberangerI just hope it'd fair better than Appolo 13, there was an issue in the Oxygen system19:19
cyberangerand the computing power was a watch and calculator19:20
XpistosI's back19:37
cyberanger13:39:20     cyberanger | Xpistos: hard to say, I can hold onto a copy on my server for you if you'd like                                      ?19:37
cyberanger13:39:26     cyberanger | just to be sure19:37
Xpistoscyberanger: Nah don't worry about that19:40
XpistosI am making ready for when 11.04 is ready19:40
XpistosI am going from 10.04 to 11.0419:40
cyberangergotta goto 10.10 too19:45
Xpistosfresh install19:46
XpistosI never upgrade19:46
cyberangerah, have at it19:48
cyberangerand you've got a few months19:48
cyberangerabout two19:49
cyberangersomebody did something stupid, medical chopper20:22
chibihogoshinocyberanger: you know how to install HughesNet ?21:05
chibihogoshinohttp://knoxville.craigslist.org/trd/2233980020.html  ^^21:06
cyberangerchibihogoshino: yeah, well, did (doesn't change that much, but training would have to be redone offically)21:08
cyberangeryeah, but it might be enough for them21:09
chibihogoshinoi like the email address .. heh21:09
chibihogoshinohmm.. i just looked at the price.. 130 per job..21:11
chibihogoshinowith county diving that wouldnt be much after gas.21:12
cyberangeryeah, and huntsville, al contact info21:12
cyberangerit's off21:12
cyberangerunless they cover gas and milage too21:12
cyberangerwhich I doubt21:13
cyberangerwell, milage I don't but gas21:13
cyberangerhuntsville contact info, work is north and east21:14
cyberangerI'm south (cleveland) and south and east (maryville)21:14
cyberangerkinda odd distance for them21:15
chibihogoshinoblue could be covering the other stuff21:15
cyberangeras in wildblue?21:16
cyberangerdoubtful, distrobution isn't that way21:16
cyberangerand some dealers sell and install both21:17
cyberangerthey're competitors, like comcast and charter, only location doesn't matter (for the 48)21:17
cyberangeralaska can't use wildblue, and hughesnet's older systems can be used in canada, alough your not supposed to21:18
cyberangerfor the most part it's like dish and directv21:19
chibihogoshinothey need to improve latency21:19
cyberangerwell, there's limits to what they do21:20
cyberangerpay more for idirect, less users per satellite, very high cost21:20
cyberangerand bear in mind the distance between nodes21:21
cyberangeryour house, up, and down to the noc, then fiber lines to whereever21:21
cyberangerbetween the inherent latency of satellite, and their user satellite ratio ( which is why costs are low, but service standards too)21:22
cyberangeronly so much they can do (and I can do it, but they don't offically)21:22
cyberangerfor example, squid proxy as much as you can, insure updates happen through it, and only during the download peroid21:23
cyberangerrun dns locally (which they make annoyingly hard, understandably for most people)21:23
chibihogoshinobrb.. school but got in a wreck at the corner21:24
chibihogoshinoschool bus driver dont know how to drive21:27
cyberangersounds like it21:28
cyberangergranted, the kids don't help all the time21:28
chibihogoshinono kids on the buss21:29
chibihogoshinoand the buss had a stop sign21:30
chibihogoshinomy brother was walking to the front door when it happened21:30
chibihogoshinoi used to develop film for cota columbus ohio transit authority ..21:32
chibihogoshinobus drivers cant drive21:33
cyberangerohio and tennessee, agreed21:34
cyberangerpennslyvania seemed to do better21:34
chibihogoshinoi know its hard to see sometimes but when you have a bus cut a car in half smashed in between a lamp post .. i would think that would be kinda hard to do.21:36
chibihogoshinodebian is dyeing ?21:37
cyberangerreally? debian dieing21:38
chibihogoshinobut then, what id ubuntu going to do if they are not around anymore to set the foundation ... mmmmmm21:39
cyberangerread further21:41
cyberangerit's the usual flame war crud that happens from time to time21:42
chibihogoshinoah.. yeah21:43
chibihogoshinoi want a dark fiber network21:46
* cyberanger hands chibihogoshino some fiber optic cable, power not included21:47
cyberangerthere, dark fiber ;-)21:47
chibihogoshinoit would be cool to have it ran in a house21:48
* cyberanger hands chibihogoshino a couple of hooks21:49
chibihogoshinothis plane keeps flying over the area really low21:51
cyberangerwhat kind, where at?21:55
chibihogoshinoill get a pic21:55
chibihogoshinowhats the photo past bin ?22:02
chibihogoshinon/m found it22:02
cyberangerthere's a few22:03
chibihogoshinonot not22:04
chibihogoshinoabove my house22:07
cyberangerdarn, can't make out the emblem or a partial tail number22:07
cyberangerwell, was hoping for more, odd for a low level flight like that in a populated area22:08
chibihogoshinonow a helicopter22:08
cyberangerultralight trike is common, but populated like knoxville no way22:08
cyberangerand that's not a helio or trike, but a cessna or similar22:08
chibihogoshinoit was doing that last week too22:10
chibihogoshinoi just didnt think about taking a pic22:10
cyberangerair sampling perhaps, but that doesn't feel right for that plane22:11
cyberangerare you oak ridge, or lenior city, downtown....22:11
chibihogoshino10 min from download22:11
chibihogoshinoi was thinking last week it could be new survey maps22:16
cyberangerpossible, it's within approach for tys and dkx22:23
cyberangerso they'd want some reason like that to justify flight level22:23
cyberangertoss in the usual homeland security bit, I'd rule out tourism22:24
cyberangerseems low for survey maps, but again, approach might dictate that22:24
chibihogoshinotraffic ?  do they still use them for that ?22:28
cyberangerthought that was an ohio thing22:34
cyberangerthey might, but not that obivious22:36
chibihogoshinowhy would it matter if it was obvious ?22:40
cyberangertoo lowo low22:41
chibihogoshinofor traffic ?22:42
cyberangerif you can read the tail numbers yeah22:45
cyberangerand they're usually rual interstate22:45
cyberangerstraight line, predictable flight path, thus easier to submit a flight plan22:46
chibihogoshinothey flew strait over twice and then around a few times ..22:50
chibihogoshinocould of been another accident.. life flight landed not far from here22:51
chibihogoshinothat has to be hot23:32

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