
efpc2003i use xubuntu 8.04.4 : how to... set up flash... i can not see videos on youtube, midori web browser02:12
efpc2003firefox works fine but is too heavy02:13
efpc2003pentium III 550Mhz02:13
* mpzn is away: gone02:31
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irchatterHow do I create a cron process to periodically remove the trash? What I have thus far fails to work :0 5 * * * * rm -rf /home/.local/share/Trash/*03:59
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meth[phone]anyone know what i can run to figure out why i can't do an upgrade ? something with my pkg db is messed up08:01
xubuntu005hi! I'm here looking for some help12:04
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:04
xubuntu005i installed xubuntu, it finished correctly, but when i restarted my computer instead of a boot menu the windows started, when i started the boot menu manually the xubuntu wasnt there12:06
xubuntu005any idea?12:07
TheSheepyou started boot menu manually?12:07
xubuntu005with F812:08
TheSheepthat's windows boot menu12:08
TheSheepof course xubuntu won't be there12:08
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:08
xubuntu005i see12:08
TheSheepxubuntu005: try that 'restore grub' link12:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:09
brouschOK, Xubuntu is awesome. I installed it on my HP Compaq tc1100 tablet and the touchscreen and stylus worked ootb. I've never had that happen with any other distro12:42
littlegirlHey there, is there a way to add the Recent Documents interface from the Places menu into the Xfce Menu?17:37
littlegirlHey there, is there a way to add the Recent Documents interface from the Places menu into the Xfce Menu?18:02
LucyIntheSkyHow can I make window manager buttons bigger (IE the whole bar)18:04
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, right click places and its in the properties18:05
charlie-tcaLucyIntheSky: the title bar across the top?18:06
LucyIntheSkycharlie-tca, yea xfwm418:06
LucyIntheSkyits tiny and the DPI setting didn't make it any bigger. im on a 37" tv....18:06
charlie-tcaThe only way I know is applications -> Settings -> Settings Manger -> window manager18:07
charlie-tcagrow the title font bigger18:07
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: Thanks! That must be something recent, though, because I don't see it in the properties in 10.04. I'll grab the most recent one and see. (:18:07
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, yea im on 10.1018:08
brouschcharlie-tca: that doesn't seem to make the menu bar taller18:08
LucyIntheSkycharlie-tca, yea that only changes the font18:08
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: Will grab it. (:18:08
knomethere is no way to make the buttons larger, except modify the xfwm4 theme18:09
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, im glad you asked because I never bothered to look at that either it will come in handy.18:09
brouschLucyIntheSky: in the past i have changed the theme to do those kinds of things: make menu taller, make the scroll bar wider18:09
LucyIntheSkybrousch, yea I found one that is a bit bigger but still the buttons are tiny from this distance on this display.. the DPI setting in xfce settings made everything else perfect except the WM for some reason..18:09
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: Heh, cool! I've used it for years with KDE. The current Kubuntu makes my computer run like molasses, though, so I'm checking into Xubuntu. (:18:10
charlie-tcaLucyIntheSky: if you grow the title font 2 or 4 points at a time, the buttons grow with the title size18:10
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, ive always heard kde was slow, never used it though 10.10 xfce is lightning I am on a very good machine with an ssd though ;-)18:10
knomethe buttons are still pixmap, so the button images do not become larger18:11
LucyIntheSkycharlie-tca, hrm ok. let me try again.18:11
knomecharlie-tca, am i correct?18:11
charlie-tcaThey grow for me in 10.04 with the window title font growing bigger18:11
LucyIntheSkyyes I think you are correct they are pixmap... but let me try anyway18:11
charlie-tcaThey are resizing to match the font size18:11
knomei know they are pixmap. i drew some of them ;]18:11
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: Mine isn't top of the line, but I have decent hardware. I was shocked at how badly Kubuntu ran. Right now I'm using Debian and have Xubuntu in a VM, and am considering making it my operating system. Debian doesn't hold my hand enough, and it's behind the times on software compared to Ubuntu. (:18:11
charlie-tcabut a large jump in the font size failed to work18:11
charlie-tcacould be theme related, too. I use Defcon-IV for the window manager18:13
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, yea. never used debian but I did have to get some packages from debian ironically because ubuntu still doesn't support multi-processor video decoding for some reason.. which is the whole point of this machine.18:13
LucyIntheSkyor the packages on ubuntu don't support it I should say.18:13
LucyIntheSkyincreasing the font size does NOT work on 10.1018:13
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: I've found that not all Ubuntu debs can be run inside Debian. It's like they both store stuff in different places and have different default software. Debian is okay, but I think newcomers to Linux would have a much easier time with Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu. (:18:14
knomeLucyIntheSky, as i said, the only way is to edit the theme18:15
LucyIntheSkyknome, do you know how I would go about doing that, would I have to make new images?18:15
littlegirlOne big example is that sources.list does not get set up for you automatically in Debian the way it does in Ubuntu. It took me a while to realize that. (:18:15
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, yea (X)ubuntu is great.18:15
knomeLucyIntheSky, yeah, new images18:15
LucyIntheSkyknome, im not much of a photo maker/editor :-(18:16
knomeLucyIntheSky, it shouldn't be *too hard* with that style18:17
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, if you do upgrade anything get the intel x25-v 40gb ssd for like $97 make more of a difference than anything else probably unless your on a very old machine.18:17
charlie-tcahm, knome knows a lot more about the themes than I do...18:17
knomecharlie-tca, no wonder really x)18:17
* charlie-tca knows the answer! knome wrote themes for xubuntu18:18
* knome hides18:18
LucyIntheSkyso if I open the pixmaps for a current theme and resize will that work.?18:18
LucyIntheSky0r will they look like crap18:18
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: My machine is about two years old, so I'm not in the market for new stuff quite yet, but maybe in another year. (:18:18
knomeLucyIntheSky, they won't look very good if you just plainly resize them, but stretching them so that they don't look too bad is doable quite easily18:19
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, thats my point pretty much, in a year. buy an ssd that will be cheaper by then it will make more of a difference than a new machine. you probably have a core 2 duo or something if it's intel and thats fast enough.18:19
LucyIntheSkyknome, thanks Ill have to look in to that at some point.18:20
* charlie-tca going hide again. He is tired of being wrong now.18:20
knomeLucyIntheSky, no problem18:20
LucyIntheSkyim glad we are in xubuntu in ubuntu they yell at you for offtopic even if it's friendly.18:21
littlegirlLucyIntheSky: I've got an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Windsor 2.4GHz 2 x 512KB L2 Cache Socket AM2 89W Dual-Core Processor. Hopefully that's good enough. (:18:21
LucyIntheSkylittlegirl, im not a fan of amd my self, but thats not bad at all.18:21
knomelittlegirl, LucyIntheSky: by the way, there is #xubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion :)18:22
LucyIntheSkylol. ok18:22
littlegirlFor image resizing, I look for smooth scale, which fills in the image for you with multiple colors to make enlarging images look a bit smoother. (:18:22
littlegirlknome: This is non-support? The reason for discussing it was that Kubuntu doesn't run well on the hardware, so Xubuntu is being tried out.18:22
knomelittlegirl, sorry, i might be a bit unfocused. that one last line looked like spec comparing though ;)18:23
LucyIntheSkyheres the last thing I'll say, my core 2 duo machine ran much better than my i7 when it had the ssd in it lol.18:23
Sysiknome: tech talk isn't yet bad offtopic (but slightly)18:24
LucyIntheSkyhey its all about computers right. so its all ontopic18:24
Sysiuntil somebody has a question about xubuntu18:25
LucyIntheSkyid be more than willing to help them lol ;-) thats how we all started talking18:25
littlegirlI'll try not to discuss hardware when talking about operating systems from now on. (:18:25
LucyIntheSkysounds hard to do ;-p18:25
LucyIntheSkywhere can I get a theme with huge buttons any ideas?18:26
knomeLucyIntheSky, littlegirl: no problem really, just go ahead ;)18:26
LucyIntheSkynp to you either knome ;-D18:27
ochosiLucyIntheSky: huge buttons in gtk or xfwm?18:28
LucyIntheSkyxfwm I believe.18:28
ochosixfwm is pretty simple, just modify a theme18:28
ochosiyou can find them in /usr/share/themes18:29
LucyIntheSkyyea let me look @ the one im using and make a backup. real quick.18:29
LucyIntheSkylol 'piranha'18:29
LucyIntheSkywhat do I want to do to it in gimp?18:31
ochosiyeah, just start by upscaling all the important parts and then rename it to "Whale"18:31
* knome laughs18:32
LucyIntheSkyI scaled it to 2x as big it looks ok18:32
Ya___hello guys19:43
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:12
=== kai_62656_ is now known as kai_62656
brouschxubuntu does not seem to recognize my monitor. settings->display only offers me 800x600, but the monitor supports 1440x90021:28
brouschdo i have to modify the xorg.conf to fix that?21:28
Sysitry arandr21:30
brouschah, installing the nvidia-96 driver seems to have opened the other resolutions21:42
Sysiwith restricted driver you should propably use nvidias own thingy21:44
brouschi enabled all of the repos and installed the one from there21:44
brouschi think that's how i'd been running it in gnome ubuntu too21:45
asadeddin_Hey all, I need some help.21:52
asadeddin_I am looking to move some of the computers at the office from XP to Xubuntu21:53
asadeddin_but I fear that the GUI might confuse a lot of people, thus I've been looking at Linux Mint as it's closer to XP than Xubuntu21:53
asadeddin_what do you guys think?21:53
Sysiusers get confused because menu is in different corner?21:54
asadeddin_well, because of the two tool bars21:54
Sysii hope you won't have bigger problems than that21:54
asadeddin_one on the top and the other on the bottom21:54
Sysiiirc there says "Menu" or "Applications"21:55
asadeddin_like Linux Mint has both combined, I guess I can do that in Xubuntu with a little customizing21:55
asadeddin_I hope so too21:55
Sysidepending on what level you need to do it21:56
Sysichanging settings is very easy, changing global settings bit harder and making custom installation pretty difficult21:56
asadeddin_i need to ask as well, I've been reading that although Xubuntu is supposed to be resourcec light, it actually isn't as it seems to be and might be heavier21:56
asadeddin_yeah I guess I'll just make some settings after each installation is done21:57
asadeddin_what do you think about Xubuntu's performace21:57
asadeddin_I've got 512mb ram to play with21:57
Sysiubuntu works better on less ram than gnome21:57
asadeddin_only using Oo and Firefox21:57
asadeddin_do you mean Xubuntu?21:58
Sysi512 is quite enough for xubuntu21:58
asadeddin_glad to hear that21:58
asadeddin_do you think my move will work in the office/21:58
asadeddin_I'm quite tired of microsoft and their stupid requirements21:58
Sysiif you have even a bit open-minded users21:59
Sysiwe have xubuntu at school, not much problems21:59
asadeddin_right... Well now for the more difficult question. I'm looking to do them as fat clients, as in Network Login for users22:00
asadeddin_would you know any good reasource on the subject matter22:00
Sysiif you want global user accounts you need to deal with PAM and LDAP and propably NFS or Samba22:02
asadeddin_I see.... I 'm looking to make an Ubuntu Server with Xubuntu clients connected to it for File & Printer sharing. Also for fat client22:02
asadeddin_Samba is probably best for the first two22:03
asadeddin_LDAP for Fat client?22:03
SysiNFS is better for linux-linux file sharing22:04
SysiLDAP is like database for user accounts22:05
asadeddin_what about openLDAP?22:05
asadeddin_what's the difference?22:05
Sysisame thing propably22:05
asadeddin_I know a lot of these questions I can google, but you seem to be doing a pretty good job of answering them X)22:05
Sysii'm not actual sysadmin, never set up that kind of system but we have it at school and i somewhat know how it works22:06
asadeddin_ok i see22:07
Sysii do am part of sysadmin group22:07
asadeddin_maybe i should check out the ubuntu server22:07
asadeddin_but anyways, i would rather setup and use Samba just incase I ever want to add an XP machine22:07
asadeddin_so I guess Samba + LDAP = Happiness?22:08
asadeddin_I found this in case you might ever need it: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-authentication.html22:08
Sysiyou can have both for file sharing22:09
Sysipersonally i've never used samba, it may work as well22:10
asadeddin_i see22:10
asadeddin_well thanks a lot22:11
knomefor what i know, samba works okay.22:12
asadeddin_i've heard good things about Samba22:12
asadeddin_and it's overall functionality22:12
asadeddin_also a lot of tutorials seem to include it22:13
knomeit's okay if you *must* connect to windows network. if you don't need to, then it's useless22:13
asadeddin_well, I might need to, it's not a total conversion to Linux, there might be still some pcs on there22:15
asadeddin_interestingly enough, I'm chatting on the Ubuntu-server channel22:16
asadeddin_and someone is saying LDAP might be overkill for the whole thing22:16
asadeddin_I have yet to understand why from him22:16
asadeddin_Ok... so if you wanted to know22:25
asadeddin_Samba might be able to do this as well: the login/pass is passed back to the samba server....set it with smbpasswd like he said.22:26

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