
hajourwas charlie-cta here yesterday?05:44
hajourhaven't seen him from Thursday 05:44
hajourzkriesse,  can i talk to you in pm?10:52
zkriessehajour: Of course...you never have to ask10:53
hajourok thank you10:53
Pendulumhajour: I'm really sorry for not getting back to you on Wednesday, I've had the flu and am still not really up to anyway12:17
hajournp Pendulum 12:25
hajourAlanBell,  are you also on the meeting on 17:00 UTC?14:12
AlanBellum, what meeting hajour?14:14
hajourspeechcontrol devs14:18
AlanBellI wasn't really planning to be, but I will try to if you would like me there. What channel is it in?14:19
hajourwhat i have understand it is in speechcontrol devs15:30
AlanBellsorry, not sure what exact channel name that is16:00
AlanBellI have lost track a bit of where all those channels went16:00
erkan^who have / use with a zoomtext ?17:31
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
erkan^:s nothing answer on my question :(20:23
AlanBellerkan^: sorry, what was the question?20:25
erkan^<erkan^> who have / use with a zoomtext ?20:25
AlanBellI don't understand the question20:32
erkan^do you know "zoomtext"? 20:33
AlanBell!info zoomtext20:34
AlanBellwhere did that bot go?20:34
AlanBell< lubotu3> Package zoomtext does not exist in maverick20:35
JanCerkan^: do you mean a device or software to magnify text?20:35
erkan^!info zoom20:35
erkan^yeah JanC 20:35
AlanBellI know about the compiz zoom plugin20:35
JanCis it a device or software ?20:35
AlanBelland I zoom in and out of most applications with ctrl+mousewheel20:35
erkan^magnify text AlanBell 20:35
JanCah, the orca thing20:36
AlanBellyeah, orca has a magnifiying thing20:36
erkan^i was tried with orca, but it is not easy20:36
AlanBellI think the compiz one is nicer though20:36
erkan^with a magnify text20:36
erkan^and not good too20:37
erkan^I had send a bugs for orca too20:38
JanCfor me it's Win+scrollwheel, but I might have changed the default20:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 718157 in gnome-orca "Traceback on cli orca" [Undecided,New]20:39
erkan^yep dat is right, ubot2 (-:20:39
AlanBellwow, just tried the orca magnifier20:39
AlanBellnot nice on a high resolution screen at all20:39
erkan^a colleague for me said that he is very happy with a magnifier text for Mac OS X. I have seen, that is good too. but I want try same configure on Ubuntu, AlanBell 20:40
AlanBellI would say that the compiz zoom is the better way to do it as that is hardware accellerated20:41
AlanBellit follows the mouse pointer, but does not follow text as you type it20:42
erkan^compizconfig ?20:44
erkan^Oh yessssssss !!!20:45
erkan^I see20:45
erkan^I have choosed : Magnifer for CompizConfig, than i tried with Mouse + WinSys20:45
erkan^thank you very much, JanC !!!20:45
erkan^that is VERY COOLLLLLLL20:46
erkan^I tell to my colleague now20:46
AlanBellthere is a bug somewhere asking it to follow the text cursor when typing20:53
* erkan^ is very happy :-D20:54
erkan^easy with ZoomText (Maginifiy)20:54
erkan^you are right that is problem--> that doesn't follow text )-: AlanBell 20:58
erkan^I can not found, AlanBell  :S21:19
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie

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