
UndiFineDgn jens00:01
nitin007hello everyone00:23
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AJH101Hi I have an error in Citrix: You have not chosen to trust "Thawte Premium Server CA", the issuer of the servers security certificate (SSL error 61). Can anyone help?06:51
AJH101I have checked the web but the solutions are beyond me! :-(06:55
bioterroron no06:55
AJH101lol not good eh!06:55
bioterroryou need to copy  *.crt ja *.cer -files to /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/06:56
bioterrorja = and ;D06:56
AJH101forgive me - where do i find those?!06:56
bioterror/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/ do you have there?06:58
MK`Hey guys, I started using Ubuntu this week after years of Windows06:59
MK`The stability is foreign D:06:59
Cheri703anything in particular MK` ?06:59
MK`Was wondering if there are any specific pitfalls to avoid, or any extremely useful programs you guys can recommend06:59
Cheri703I'm a fan of tomboy notes / gnote (same program essentially)07:00
Cheri703also gimp, inkscape, etc :)07:00
MK`Inkscape I have, Gimp I haven't tried yet. Is Gimp the best raster graphics program you guys know of?07:00
AJH101bioterror: i have lots of files there - copy them all accross?07:01
bioterrorAJH101, do you have .crt and .cer ?07:01
Cheri703as far as I know07:01
MK`I had another question but I forgot it, hm07:02
AJH101bioterrror: i have 6 crt files in the 1st location. Lots of crt files in the 2nd. No cer files07:03
bioterrorAJH101, cp /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/* /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/07:04
AJH101biosrore - copy all of them?07:04
AJH101bioterrror: copy all of them?07:05
bioterrorAJH101, disk space is technically free, go on07:05
AJH101bioterror: permission denied07:08
bioterroruse the sudo07:09
MK`oh, question: in the UI for like, file properties it shows 1 kb as 1024 b, but in the system programs it shows 1 kb as 1000 b. Is there a way for me to set Ubuntu to use the latter one consistently?07:16
AJH101bioterror: i can now log into work from within ubuntu. Thanks (i think!). Is there an equivalent of shift/F" to minimize the citrix window?07:16
bioterrorAJH101, I cant remember :D07:17
AJH101ok thanks - anyone else?07:17
bioterrorAJH101, what do you think, does the MK` use citrix as a beginner? :)07:19
bioterrorAJH101, most of the guys doesnt even know what's citrix07:19
AJH101i only know that it allows me to work from home (ie at the weekends!)07:20
MK`I don't know what citrix is07:20
bioterrormk, you're a one lucky guy! ;)07:21
AJH101bioterror: do you know of another forum to try perhaps?07:21
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NRWlionhey Daniel010812:48
duanedesignOmega-: connection trouble?13:07
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rokyronnieHi there14:33
NRWlionhey AbhijiT14:38
AbhijiTNRWlion, do i know you?14:38
NRWlionAbhijiT, the possibility is very small because i am in the process to become a teammember14:39
NRWlionso i think you might not know me ;)14:39
AbhijiTwelcome to whatever the team you are talking about! NRWlion :p14:40
* NRWlion is focussing on wiki documentation14:40
NRWlionbut right now i am focussing on my Real Life project called Homepage :D14:41
bethdo97In doing an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 on a wubi install do I want to keep or replace the customized configuration file '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades'14:52
bethdo97In doing an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 on a wubi install do I want to keep or replace the customized configuration file '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades' I have blocked the grub-common packages and grub-pc in the package manager.  I wasn't sure how to answer this question.14:56
NRWlionhey bethdo97 i am not able to answer that question either. but i would try my luck in14:59
NRWlionthere you might get an answer perhaps14:59
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tomfromdelmontecan i get some advice for an ubuntu noob?19:04
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.19:05
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:05
tomfromdelmontetechnically i didnt ask if i coould ask a question, i asked if i could get advice19:06
tomfromdelmontewhich could be the same as... am i in the right place19:06
charlie-tcaum, use the live cd19:06
charlie-tcaext4 is good19:06
charlie-tcaI like Xubuntu better19:06
charlie-tcaanything else ?19:07
paultagtomfromdelmonte: yeah :)19:07
paultagtomfromdelmonte: we're not the typical mean linux folk19:07
tomfromdelmonteok ive just installed ubuntu server, never really used linux and server edition is command line only by default19:07
paultagtomfromdelmonte: most of us are pretty young and you know, nice19:07
tomfromdelmonteanyway, when i issue a command that genenerates more than a page of output i cant scroll up to see the beginning19:08
* charlie-tca is pretty old, but not too mean19:08
tomfromdelmontesuch as dpkg -l19:08
paultagtomfromdelmonte: dpkg -l | less19:08
tomfromdelmontedo i have to do that for every command ?19:08
paultagtomfromdelmonte: that will let you go up and down, as well as "quit" the "scroll" mode19:08
tomfromdelmontethats a PITA19:08
charlie-tcaand use the spacebar to page the screen19:08
paultagtomfromdelmonte: it's really not :) -- if it's a server, you may use ssh from a desktop box that stores scrollback19:09
tomfromdelmontecould i make it like that by default?19:09
charlie-tcayou could assign it as an alias, for the command19:09
tomfromdelmontei dont know how to use ssh19:09
paultagtomfromdelmonte: the issue is that the TTY mode is literally writing to your graphics card19:09
tomfromdelmonteis that cuz there is no gui by default?19:10
paultagtomfromdelmonte: so nothing in that mode really stores scrollback. You have to use something to buffer it. ssh is your best best19:10
paultagtomfromdelmonte: not really, it's how TTYs work :)19:10
holsteinthe lack of GUI is a feature19:10
paultag+1 holstein19:10
paultagtomfromdelmonte: sudo apt-get install ssh, then ssh user@<the ip>19:11
holsteini set up a server here19:11
holsteini ssh into it19:11
charlie-tcabut it is still a difficult feature for new people to learn19:11
paultagtomfromdelmonte: then you can access the machine through gnome-terminal19:11
holsteinits command line only19:11
paultagcharlie-tca: servers are not basic19:11
holsteinand it was a learning experience for me19:11
holsteinto learn how to do what i need to do from the command line19:11
paultaghell, I have two. Both in states I've never been in :)19:11
paultagholstein: see, I was using GNU/Linux back when you had to manually configure xorg on the CLI before you had X19:11
szczurtomfromdelmonte, try using Shift+PageUp/PageDown19:12
holsteinmostly how you are tomfromdelmonte19:12
holsteincoming in here or somewhere and asking19:12
holsteinor google19:12
holsteinpaultag: hehe :)19:12
paultagszczur: hotdam!19:12
paultagszczur: I never knew about that. Well done!19:12
tomfromdelmontei spend half my life on google19:12
tomfromdelmontei would rather ask someone who knows19:12
tomfromdelmontei tried to install off a bootable usb.. gets into the install and then starts trying to read off the cd rom19:13
szczurpaultag, no problems :)19:13
tomfromdelmonteim lucky the server iso was less than 700mb19:13
tomfromdelmontethe server only has a cdrom drive19:13
paultagszczur: no, no problems, but well done! It's not often I learn such base stuff like that. Thanks!19:13
holsteintomfromdelmonte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuServerFlashDriveInstaller19:14
holstein^^ i found that via google19:14
tomfromdelmonteok so im interested in this ssh thing19:14
tomfromdelmonteis that not included by default?19:15
szczurtomfromdelmonte, client is included by default, so you can connect to other servers19:15
szczuryou have to install the server if you want it on your machine19:16
tomfromdelmontethe ssh server19:16
tomfromdelmontei see19:16
szczurit allows you to do terminal work remotely19:16
holsteinyeah, you'll want to have a monitor hooked up for a minute19:16
tomfromdelmonteand what that lets people do is get a shell on the machine right?19:16
tomfromdelmontei have a monitor hooked up right now and im sat next to the server19:16
holsteinsure, so you can look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH19:17
holsteinand then, you can get it running headless19:17
szczurtomfromdelmonte, yeah, it allows you to do stuff even if you're not sitting next to the pc19:17
holsteinand put it in a closet or something19:17
holsteinmine is running in the crawl space :)19:17
tomfromdelmonteoh my god~!~!~~19:19
tomfromdelmontewhat a fantastic idea19:19
tomfromdelmontewhy didnt i think of that19:19
tomfromdelmontemine is in the ''guest bedroom''19:19
tomfromdelmontemy wife keeps complaining its too noisy19:19
tomfromdelmontei should stick it up in the attic19:19
tomfromdelmonterun some cat 5 u pthere19:19
tomfromdelmontei honestly didnt consider that19:20
tomfromdelmonteok so...19:20
tomfromdelmontesudo apt-get install ssh19:21
tomfromdelmonteshouldnt it be sudo apt-get install open-ssh server19:22
holsteintomfromdelmonte: for me19:23
holsteini read that page19:23
holsteinand several others19:23
holsteinfor a while19:23
holsteinand then, i set up an ssh server in virtual box19:23
holsteinto learn more about it19:23
tomfromdelmontewhat did u run in virtualbox|?19:24
tomfromdelmonteubuntu server 10.10?19:24
holsteinwell, ubuntuserver = ubuntu19:24
holsteinthe repositories are all the same19:24
holsteinyou can install an ssh server on any of them19:24
holsteinim just a little paranoid that way though19:25
holsteini like to test19:25
tomfromdelmonteo so i did sudo apt-get install openssh-server19:25
holsteinand make sure i know whats up19:25
tomfromdelmonteand it did some stuff19:25
tomfromdelmontebut where doesw it install it to?19:25
holsteinif you're behind a firewall19:25
holsteingo for it19:25
tomfromdelmontewhich i a,m19:25
holsteinyou really just have to try it19:25
holsteinand develope a question19:25
holsteinand go from there :)19:25
charlie-tcatomfromdelmonte: /etc/ssh is where the configuration files will be placed. ssh_config is for ssh clients and sshd_config is for ssh server19:28
tomfromdelmonteyep awesome, i just saw that and im in the directory now19:28
tomfromdelmonteso i can ssh into this from a windows machine then?19:28
tomfromdelmonteor will it only work with open-ssh clients?19:29
NRWlionok guys gotta go back to my RL. C u folks tomorrow evening after my shift. bye!19:54
NRWlionwb seidos and bye19:56
tomfromdelmontei can ssh into my server20:48
tomfromdelmonteit works20:48
* holstein high-fives tomfromdelmonte 20:48
bioterrornice to know20:48
tomfromdelmontethat is sweet as fk20:48
holsteinfor sure20:49
tomfromdelmontei cant believe it was as easy as that20:49
tomfromdelmonteliterally i just did apt get20:49
tomfromdelmontethen i used putty from my windows laptop and it actually logged me into the server20:49
holsteinyeah, putty is nice20:49
bioterroropenssh-client is even more nice20:50
holsteintrue :)20:50
tomfromdelmontei have a ubuntu laptop downstairs that should have the client on it20:50
bioterrortomfromdelmonte, when you get more into these kind of groups, you will understand more about ssh keys and stuff :D20:50
tomfromdelmonteso would i be right in saying that all ssh is encrytped and cant be packet sniffed?20:50
bioterrortomfromdelmonte, yes20:51
tomfromdelmontebioterror, yeah i think so too20:51
tomfromdelmontei understand the basics of assymetric encryption20:51
tomfromdelmonteand PKI20:52
bioterrortomfromdelmonte, if you employer has a firewall that blocks certain pages, you can make your homebox work as a proxy, make ssh-tunnel and and round that firewall settings, and all they see is some traffic in a port 2220:52
holsteinbioterror: is there setup server-side for that?20:53
tomfromdelmontebut doesnt ssh consume more bandwidth due to the encryption?20:53
bioterroractually you can compress the traffic20:53
tomfromdelmonteis ssh vulnerable to brute forcing?20:54
tomfromdelmontei mean the login20:54
bioterrorevery day someone is knocking your port20:54
tomfromdelmonteso if u knew a username on a machine u could run a brute force attack against the password20:54
tomfromdelmontewell this server, i wantr to run kippo on it (which emulates an ssh server) which is a honeypot20:55
bioterrorthere's tools20:55
tomfromdelmonteand see who tries to attack it20:55
bioterroror denyhosts20:55
tomfromdelmontewhat is denyhosts20:55
holsteinssh keys20:56
tomfromdelmonteoh brilliant20:56
holsteinpasswordless logins20:56
tomfromdelmontethat looks pretty interesting20:57
tomfromdelmonteso where do i view the ssh login attempt logs?20:57
holsteingood question20:57
bioterrorFeb 26 13:28:10 graniitti sshd[6502]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root20:59
bioterrorlooks something like that20:59
tomfromdelmonteyes, that log seems to show everything ive done all evening21:00
tomfromdelmontethere isnt a log that just contains ssh logins is there?21:00
tomfromdelmonteor would u have to grep for it21:01
bioterrortomfromdelmonte, you can grep it21:03
lordjjHello, can someone tell me hoe to use cpufrqutils?21:12
bioterrorwhat you want to do21:12
lordjjI was told it can help me manage my laptop power21:12
bioterroryes and no21:12
bioterrorit can throttle your CPU21:13
lordjjsince battery is only lasting around 2 hours, while on windows it lasts 421:13
lordjjWell I did sudo apt-get cpufrequtils21:13
lordjjAnd now how do I access it?21:13
bioterrorwhat if you say cpufreq-info21:14
bioterrorin terminal21:14
bioterrorI would suggest to use "ondemand" as a governor21:15
lordjjWell I got some info21:15
bioterror!paste | lordjj21:15
ubot2lordjj: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:15
bioterrorwhat if you way21:16
bioterrorwatch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo21:16
bioterroryou have it as it should be now21:17
lordjjWell, why does my battery last half it's time as it does on Windows XP?21:18
bioterrordo you have different display brightness?21:19
lordjjWell not that significantly21:20
lordjjAnd even when I decrease brightness, it never seems to last over 2 hours21:21
bioterrorhope cpufrequtils helps21:21
lordjjSo you're saying I don't need to play with my CPU frequencies?21:22
lordjjWell how do I control cpufrequtils?21:23
lordjjTerminal commands?21:23
bioterrorI've never configured it much on ubuntu21:24
bioterrorI have it on my arch installation21:24
lordjjIs there such an app with a GUI?21:24
bioterrorI have cpu scaling without cpufrequtils on lubuntu21:25
bioterrorgotta wonder this :D21:26
lordjjWell I have a question about PlayOnLinux21:26
lordjjI have Wine 1.2.2 installed21:26
lordjjWhat will PlayOnLinux add?21:27
bioterrorI dunno21:28
bioterrorI dont play games21:28
lordjjhm, ok21:28
bioterrorif I play, it's something like mame, raptor: call of the shadows under dosbox21:28
szczurlordjj, you're using gnome?21:40
szczuryou can add applet to your panels21:40
szczurthat you can easily change the frequency of your CPU21:40
lordjjOh thanks, didn't know21:41
lordjjWas that there already or is it from cpufrequtils?21:41
szczurit's called cpu frequency scaling monitor21:41
szczuradd as many as you need for your cpu;s21:41
szczurand configure them , by rightclicking on them and changing the cpu that current aplet is controling21:42
lordjjI see21:42
lordjjwhat's the difference between the options21:43
lordjjConservative; OnDemand; Powersave21:43
lordjjPerformance obviously is max, right?21:43
szczurOndemand will give the max performance of the CPU when it's needed21:43
szczurfor example watching youtube21:44
szczurpowersave switches the cpu to lowest frequency and doesn't change it like ondemand do21:45
szczurdon't know about conservative21:45
bioterrorondemand is the best option21:45
bioterrorjust like with car ;)21:45
lordjjWell the CPUs where already at their lowest; 1.20 GHz, I don't understand why the battery still lasts half the windows time21:45
bioterrorconsumes less gasoline when you reach the certain speed as fast as possible21:46
lordjjWhat about "conservative"?21:48
bioterrorActivate the conservative governor to save a little extra power by letting the CPU stay longer at each frequency step before changing:21:51
szczurconservative is like the ondemand, but ondemand bumps to maximum performance automatically and conservative goest to the next frequency, so it is more "fluid"21:52
szczurnot onlu 100% and lowest setting, but also the levels between them21:53
bioterrorwith ondemand your cpu is turbocharged :D21:53
johnny77can a format fix a "corrupted" hard rive?21:53
bioterrorjohnny77, how is it corrupted?21:54
johnny77bioterror: not exactly sure. Here is what is does. It boots, shows starting windows splash screen, flips to a blue screen, reboots.21:55
bioterroras I have ondemand, it scales between the frequences21:56
johnny77bioterror: We took it somewhere and they said it was corrupted and I needed a new one.21:56
bioterror800 -> 1500 -> 2100 -> 2700 -> 1500 -> 2100 -> 80021:56
Cheri703johnny77: not sure any of it will help, but check out ubuntu rescue remix, has lots of utilities to aid recovery21:56
bioterrorjohnny77, if the filesystem is just messed up, format it :D21:56
johnny77why would they tell me I needed a new one, if all I had to do was format? It's an old one we don't even use... thought I might play around with a ubuntu minimal install.21:57
Cheri703johnny77: where did you take it?21:58
johnny77Cheri703: some local computer store.21:59
johnny77seidos: if that is directed to me, yes.21:59
Cheri703johnny77: I'd say just toss it in a computer and try to install ubuntu, see what you get21:59
johnny77Cheri703: It's in an old computer.22:00
szczurthen install lubuntu :)22:00
Cheri703ok, then try installing...have you done that yet?22:00
szczur*ba dum tsss*22:00
johnny77never even tried because I thought it needed a new HD.22:01
seidosjohnny77: if you have bad sectors, you should get a warning in ubuntu22:06
seidosi had a bad drive and i got bad sector errors22:07
seidosnot sure if that will help, just filling up the emptiness22:07
Cheri703johnny77: you could connect it to another computer and run checks/repairs on it22:22
kristian-aalborghi all22:41
kristian-aalborghttp://www.qavimator.org/ <--- anybody running this?22:41
JackyAlcineHow you reconfigure an installed package?22:41
bioterrorsudo dpkg-reconfigure package22:44
bioterrorand I fixed my auth.log \o/22:46
JackyAlcineWhat logs to that file?22:46
bioterrorcron doesnt puke stuff into it22:46
bioterrortook 1.5h of googling :D22:47
johnny77is this what I need to download install a CLI? -  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate22:58
yofelthe alternate image is the CLI installer, yes22:59
johnny77yofel: ty22:59
yofelor what do you exactly look for?22:59
yofelsince your quesiton is a bit unclear23:00
MK`Is there a GUI for shred available?23:01
johnny77yofel: I have an old low-resource computer I want to try to install some form of Ubuntu. I want to start with a CLI to be sure it will install.23:09
yofelok, then use the alternate image, right23:09
jalittl3I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on an external HDD.  I have it configured perfectly for my computer. I have installed the proprietary ATI graphics driver because it works much better on my system and runs much cooler. However, my intention for installing it on an external was to be able to plug it into any computer and boot. How would I be able to select between configurations in GRUB? And how do I set up each configuration (graphics d23:20
jalittl3river)?  I wish to choose between the ATI driver and the generic, open-source driver.  Your help would be greatly appreciated!23:20
holsteinmight take a little tweaking for 10.1023:23
holsteinjalittl3: ^23:23
jalittl3Thank you! I'll look through this and see if I can get it set up. If not, I'm sure I'll be back with more questions.  Thanks again!23:24
holsteingood luck :)23:24

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