
hallyn(that didn't sound encouraging)01:11
psusianyone got any advice on where to start debugging ubiquity hanging while detecting disks?01:46
psusihrm... or better yet, how to revert to the previous version... was changed yesterday for a new partman... sounds like a good candidate01:47
skaet_all, known affected packages have been rebuilt now,  and the buildds have been turned on.02:02
skaet_For those interested,  the list of packages can be found at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/572428/ .02:08
Chipzzskaet_: what exactly was the cause?02:09
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skaet_Chipzz,  sudo on the builders was updated earlier today, and it had different default behaviour, so some of the packages created had the wrong permissions.02:49
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hallynskaet_: thx for the heads-up03:10
skaet_hallyn, you're welcome.03:10
psusiev, yesterday you enabled reuse/* in partmant-auto.  This seems to cause it to hang when detecting partitions in ubiquity on the daily live cd.  filed bug #72540803:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725408 in partman-auto (Ubuntu) "installer hangs detecting existing partitions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72540803:47
microcaigtk-window-decorator sigfault at /usr/lib/libdecoration.so.005:49
* microcai emerald also segfault at /usr/lib/libdecoration.so.0 05:51
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ohsixis there anything that can be done by the kernel to keep harddrive temperatures down, or really by anything? i've had 2 drives basically get the bits annealed right out of them in my ubuntu laptop07:01
hyperairtry airing them out a bit07:03
hyperairwhat's their temperatures like?07:03
cdbsjdstrand: ping07:03
cdbsjdstrand: according to DDs the info on repacks of tarballs should go to the Comment: field in DEP-5 debian/copyright07:03
cdbsjdstrand: and you rejected dmedia, even though it contained the info:07:04
cdbsComment: Upstream's sources was repacked to remove unnecessary test files dmedia/tests/data/* from the tarball.07:04
ohsixhyperair: well iv'e done everything that could be done about airflow, right now i have to monitor it and inject emergency air with something if it gets over 55c07:04
cdbs^^ taken from debian/copyright07:04
hyperairohsix: but i've never had any hard disk overheating issues before. what machine is that?07:05
ohsixthe drive sez it can do 60c but i've already lost some stuff from random stuff becoming unreadable, on a drive that's only been on for 200 hours; one that replaced a drive doing the same thing07:05
ohsixcompaq cq6007:05
hyperairthat sucks =\07:05
hyperairi'd take the laptop back to the manufacturer, and complain really07:06
ohsixtry smartctl -l scttemp on your harddrive07:06
hyperairaround 4307:06
hyperairdoesn't get higher than that07:07
hyperairand there's no airflow around my hard disk07:07
ohsixwhat model?07:09
ohsixand does smartctl -t long make the temperature go up07:09
hyperairlenovo y41007:11
ohsixnah, of the harddrive07:12
hyperairthis is a two year laptop that has gone through some serious I/O thrashing before without overheating the hard drive07:12
hyperairthe first was a scorpio blue07:12
hyperairthe second was a hitachi something or other07:12
hyperairand this one is another wd hard drive07:12
hyperairit seems the compaq cq60 is prone to frying hard drives07:13
ohsixheard wd 2.5 drives were cool drives07:13
hyperairwell i didn't notice any difference between that and the hitachi07:13
hyperairand i've got the sensors-applet stuck on my panel, so i see my hard disk temp all the time07:14
MTecknologyI wish I could get output from acpi -t07:15
ohsixthe drive i have now keeps going up in temp, if slowly; but that doesn't bode well if it's doing nothing07:15
MTecknologyit just returns nothing on this laptop :(07:15
cdbsHello all, this is my scenario:07:16
ohsixwhere did you see that the cq60 has harddrive problems?07:16
cdbsI uploaded a new package before FF, and it got reviewed yesterday07:16
cdbsand it got rejected, saying there was no documentation on why the package was repacked07:16
cdbsinfact, there WAS clear documentation, which I guess the AA mistakenly missed07:17
cdbsso, I need to re-upload, do I need an FFe (I guess yes)07:17
ohsixthe awesome part is the previous overheated drive bricked the whole thing during a bios update07:17
ohsixhyperair: but anyways; i'm looking for stuff to do that can be automated, like having the drive accessed less when the temperature is too high; so i don't have to do it manually07:23
ohsixhyperair: this is the type of stuff i'm looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/572512/07:25
ohsixUGH haha, hddtemp returns "drive is sleeping" when it's spun down09:18
ohsixreading the temp doesn't wake it up; and the point of me letting it spin down is to moderate the temperature, ufhg09:18
ohsixugh apparently hitachi has a vendor specific command to read the temperature without a spinup; but generally reading smart data means the drive accessing the task file, so a spinup; can't have both09:33
ohsixhyperair: are you still here? what do you get for hdparm -M and -B?09:38
ohsixhyperair: apparently the bios can set it, or it can be left entirely alone09:39
ohsixbut with both of them set to default even an idling disk will get very hot09:40
ohsixheh hdparm.conf can only use /dev/sd? and /dev/hd? paths; the device order changes though so you either have global settings or none10:04
ohsixhyperair: gotta go,  but if you could check -B & -M i'd be interested, they should be set to fast & no spindown, since its' set by a script in the hdparm package, and it's a dep of ubuntu-standard10:08
YokoZarwhy is libgnomevfs2-0 in libs but libgnomevfs2-bin in universe/libs when they come from the same source package?  (Maverick)10:51
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wgrantI've taken most of the distro build farm down again, since it seems the problems of 12 hours ago are not entirely resolved.11:41
wgrantNormal PPAs are unaffected, but distro and non-virtual PPA builds will be queued until this is sorted out.11:41
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artfwoI fixed a bug in libappindicator in my own bazaar branch. what's the procedure for review and inclusion? should I set the status to "fix committed", unassing myself or whever else?13:09
artfwois there a wiki page about submitting code patches?13:10
artfwobug 72491713:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 724917 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "Importing appindicator from python crashes with ImportError on undefined symbol" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72491713:10
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cjwatsonartfwo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess13:34
artfwocjwatson, I've already proposed a branch merge according to the guide. Now I'd like to know if there's anything like MOTU bug workflow in the upstream projects (changing the bug status to "confirmed" and unassigning yourself, when ready for sponsoring)13:39
cjwatsonI don't know how much it matters.  I wouldn't recommend using Fix Committed though - to me, that means that it's committed in the branch that developers upload from.13:42
gaurav_pawaskarHi guys, has anyone written MD5 algorithm?14:18
m4n1shgaurav_pawaskar: which language?14:19
m4n1shframework etc?14:19
gaurav_pawaskarm4n1sh: not language as such. I just need a little clarification14:20
m4n1shgaurav_pawaskar: I don't think everyone writes their own MD5 implementation14:20
cjwatsonI would recommend against reimplementing basic algorithms like MD5.  You're better off using a standard implementation14:20
m4n1shlibcrypt contains it's implementation AFAIK14:20
gaurav_pawaskarActually I do not need final output of MD514:20
gaurav_pawaskari need some intermediate data.14:21
m4n1shgaurav_pawaskar: #openssl people can help better14:21
m4n1shI think14:21
gaurav_pawaskarokey I will try there. Thanks alot m4n1sh14:21
m4n1shgaurav_pawaskar: just ask them that you need to get the intermediate results14:22
m4n1shso how to do it14:22
m4n1shinstead of asking "has anyone re-implemented it"?14:22
gaurav_pawaskaryes sure.14:22
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jdstrandcdbs: no, you don't need an FFe. I responded in the email15:15
jdstrandcdbs: I apologize for missing the info. odd, cause I looked for it...15:15
hjdHi. I stumbled across bug 709633, which is a package request for a package which was in Ubuntu earlier, but was removed from Debian (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=547514). Should this be handled like normal package requests?15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 709633 in luxrender (Ubuntu) "luxrender needs packaging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70963315:17
ari-tczewhjd: what do you want to achieve? re-pack into Ubuntu?15:24
hjdari-tczew: I'm not sure. Sorry. I just stumbled across the bug report (not familiar with the software) and noticed it had been in Ubuntu earlier. So I wondered if that means if it should be treated like regular needs-packaging bugs or not. I first asked in #ubuntu-bugs, but it was suggested I could try to ask here.15:30
hjdBasically I thought about adding "needs-packaging" to the title and tag it, but I wasn't sure if it should be treated differently as it has been included before...15:32
cdbsjdstrand: re-uploaded15:39
cdbsno problem15:39
ari-tczewhjd: it was removed parallel from Debian and Ubuntu15:42
ari-tczewRM: luxrender -- RoM; RC-buggy; NPOASR15:42
ari-tczewhjd: if you want bring bag this package, you have to open a new bug against Debian and Ubuntu. however, if luxrender was removed in the past due to RC bugs, we preffer to get it from Debian, so if you want to maintain this package, feel free to do it in Debian.15:44
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hjdari-tczew: I see. I left a comment on the bugreport in case anyone else stumbles across it.16:07
gaurav_pawaskarIs there any channel for c++ help?16:17
GunnarHjSkottK: Ping?18:18
GunnarHjScottK: Ping?18:19
ScottKGunnarHj: Pong.18:25
GunnarHjScottK: Hello! Do you have a minute to talk about bug 719815?18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 719815 in maverick-backports "Please backport gdm and language-selector to Lucid and Maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71981518:27
ScottKGunnarHj: Sure.18:28
GunnarHjScottK: Have you read the latest comments on the bug?18:28
ScottKLooking now.18:28
ScottKGunnarHj: I'm still looking for someone like pitti or seb128 to review and say the changes are appropriate.  pitti is correct that we prefer unchanged backports, but things can be adjusted if they need to be.18:30
ScottKPersonally I'm concerned that we want to be very careful with something as central as gmd.18:31
GunnarHjScott: I have checked, and using the Natty packages without adjustments is not possible due to dependency issues etc.18:32
ScottKRight.  Adjustments when needed are fine.18:33
GunnarHjScott: What I did so far is that I started with the last Lucid respective Maverick package and added some of the Natty revisions. To me it that appears to be the most convenient way in this case.18:33
ScottKWhy is this not suitable for SRU (since that's where you started)?18:36
GunnarHjScottK: Well, you can see Martin's comment at the bottom of bug 553162.18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553162 in Ubuntu Translations "Set $LANGUAGE if the user picks a different locale in gdm, so that language-selector and gdm stop disagreeing" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55316218:37
GunnarHjScottK: It appears to me that the SRU policy is very restrictive.18:38
ScottKIt is, by design.18:38
ScottKGunnarHj: What's the confusion when using ssh?18:39
GunnarHjScottK: If LC_MESSAGES is set, without that variable is set to the same value on the remote machine, translations don't work as expected.18:40
ScottKAnd we didn't set it before?18:41
GunnarHjScottK: No. Which is one of the reasons that caused bug 553162.18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553162 in Ubuntu Translations "Set $LANGUAGE if the user picks a different locale in gdm, so that language-selector and gdm stop disagreeing" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55316218:42
ScottKI think that what you propose is reasonable for a backport, but because this is essentially updating the Lucid/Maverick pacakges and not a normal backport, I want someone from ubuntu-desktop to review and concur with the changes.18:43
ScottKGunnarHj: These changes are in Natty already?18:43
ScottK(that's also a requirement)18:44
GunnarHjScottK: Yes, it's all in Natty already. I'm confident that Martin is ready to approve it as soon as he gets the time needed.18:45
ScottKOK.  Ping me again when he does.18:45
GunnarHjScottK: I'll do. But, as I wrote on the bug, I will add some more of the Natty revisions first. No reason to limit it to "bug fixes" when we are talking about backports, right?18:47
ricotzScottK, hello18:58
ScottKHello ricotz.18:58
ricotzScottK, do you have time to review a new package in the natty queue?18:58
ScottKUnlikely today.18:59
ricotzScottK, it was reviewed by 3 motus already18:59
ricotzScottK, ok18:59
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RenfieldIs this an appropriate channel in which to ask questions about creating a package?20:49
penguin42Renfield: I think there is a #ubuntu-packaging20:50
RenfieldYes there is. Thanks!20:51
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Ampelbeinis by chance anyone from ubuntu-sru here and willing to look at bug 709194 to see if everything is ok?23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 709194 in vsftpd (Ubuntu) "SRU: vsftp 2.2.2-3ubuntu7" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70919423:28
ari-tczewAmpelbein: subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. now sponsors handle SRUs first, upload it and pitti looks on it in queue23:59

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