
=== daker_ is now known as daker
c7phello all :D19:56
ChrisWoollardHello Godbyk19:58
c7phow are you faring ChrisWoollard, godbyk  ?19:58
ChrisWoollardI am fairing well.19:59
godbykI'm doing pretty well.19:59
c7pi'm glad to hear that :)19:59
c7p"hear" ...20:00
ChrisWoollardIsn't it meeting day?20:04
ChrisWoollardWhat's the plan? Start, Wait?20:05
godbykI was hoping that someone other than the three of us would show up, too. :)20:05
patrickdickeyHi everyone. Sorry I'm late.20:05
ChrisWoollardHands up if you are here for the meetung20:05
* patrickdickey hands up20:06
godbykCool.  Good enough for me!20:06
MootBotMeeting started at 14:06. The chair is godbyk.20:06
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:06
c7phere we go agenda: http://typewith.me/ToAmust0XX20:06
godbyk[TOPIC] Improving the Ubuntu Manual website20:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Improving the Ubuntu Manual website20:07
godbykc7p: Do you want to discuss this topic?20:07
c7pyes i think on this part we should discuss about the website20:08
godbykI should phrase that a bit differently: c7p, would you like to lead the discussion on this topic? :)20:08
c7pand propose ideas for the improvement of it, technical i think we are ok but regarding the content im not so sure20:08
godbykWe do have a test site up at http://test.ubuntu-manual.org/ that humphreybc and daker worked on before humphreybc left.20:09
ChrisWoollardhave you looked at.... Yes that20:09
c7pah ok i give some ideas first you follow :P20:09
patrickdickeyI've checked out the test site.20:09
c7pfirst the getting invlolved pages should be updated. me and patrickdickey have done the author, editor part20:10
c7pthe designer, and programmet section should be updated also, we have to be more specific regarding what we need from volunteers i think20:11
c7pwhat do you think on that ? if you agree we may add this to todo list for site20:12
godbykI think that it's probably a good idea to list some of the general types of tasks that each role takes on (to give an idea of what skills are required), and also to list some specific things that need to be done.20:13
godbykIt should be easy for someone to stumble across our project, decide they'd like to help, and find a niche to fill.20:14
ChrisWoollardWho has responsibility for the website now?20:14
c7pdaker is the maintainer and developer right ?20:14
godbykChrisWoollard: I don't think anyone's ever really had responsibility for the website.  I think daker's been designing it and managing the updates as people make suggestions.20:14
semioticroboticThe new site is impressive.  While I think the content needs work, I think the design is solid20:15
ChrisWoollardShould we make the test site live?20:15
c7pso is there anyone here who wants to try writing something more on these website pages ?20:15
patrickdickeyI had mentioned in an email to c7p (IIRC) about maybe creating three sub-tabs on the "Authors page". One for each method of gettting started (command line, script, or Ground Control).  Would that be a possibility?20:16
dakeryes it's possible20:16
semioticroboticis installing Tex Live integral to becoming a writer or editor?  I can honestly say that I've never installed it, yet work on dozens of edits and additions to the manual20:18
godbyksemioticrobotic: It's required to build the PDF.  As long as you don't break the build, I'll never know. :-)20:19
ChrisWoollardUsually eithe  godbyk or maybe check all edits to make sure20:19
semioticroboticgodbyk: Right, but I rarely, if ever, build the pdf myself.  :)  I just push, pull, make edits to the text files, and let the designers do their thing20:19
c7pany other ideas regarding site ?20:20
ChrisWoollardnot from me20:21
c7pi don't see much interest on this topic, should we go on ?20:21
godbykOkay. We can always revisit it in a later meeting, too.20:22
patrickdickeyI would say "yes" to making the test site live. We can always update it as we get things done.20:22
godbyk[TOPIC] Ideas for improving the manual20:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Ideas for improving the manual20:22
semioticroboticwhat ideas are on the table?20:22
c7pas i say on pad Addition of one or two page with Linux alternative applications20:23
semioticroboticah!  yes.  I was wondering where these pages would fit in the manual's current structure20:23
c7pno big deal20:24
c7pyes they can be placed on appendix,20:24
patrickdickeyDepending on how big of a section, either an appendix or maybe a final chapter?20:24
c7pas a getting started book i think we should provide the reader this information20:24
godbykIf we're just covering the top few applications/questions when transitioning from Windows or Mac OS X to Ubuntu, then we can probably include it.20:25
semioticroboticI agree20:25
godbykIf it gets out of hand, though, it's probably better to create a separate PDF.20:25
c7pgodbyk: or maybe we can add the list in a page on website and simply add the link to the manual20:26
semioticroboticTo keep the pages contained, we'll probably want to generate a strict list of commonly used applications, then solicit suggestions for one or two alternatives20:27
c7psemioticrobotic: good idea20:28
godbykSo someone would need to research the top n applications that people use in Windows and Mac OS X and then suggest sensible replacements under Ubuntu.20:28
patrickdickey+1 semioticrobotic20:28
godbykNow the big question: Is anyone here willing to take on that responsibility?20:28
c7pi can do it20:29
c7pno big deal there are thousands good lists out there :P20:29
semioticroboticc7p: feel free to post your preliminary work to a pad so we can help you (if yo'd like)20:29
ChrisWoollardIt should be clear and consise20:29
c7psemioticrobotic: sure i will post it to the list20:30
c7pChrisWoollard: yes20:30
godbyk[ACTION] c7p will research the most frequently used applications in Windows and Mac OS X and will suggest suitable replacements under Ubuntu.20:30
MootBotACTION received:  c7p will research the most frequently used applications in Windows and Mac OS X and will suggest suitable replacements under Ubuntu.20:30
godbykc7p: Now it's official! :)20:30
semioticroboticJust to clear: we're not writing new copy/content to describe the Ubuntu equivalents, right?  Just generating a table of alternative?20:30
godbykIt should be more than a mere table, I think.20:30
semioticroboticah, okay20:30
godbykThere should probably be a brief description of the alternative and how it differs from the original application.20:31
godbykAnd pointers to more information should be provided.20:31
semioticroboticgodbyk: Gotcha20:31
semioticroboticThen "Learning More" might be a decent place for the list20:31
c7pgodbyk: you're in my mind or maybe i'm in yours haha20:31
godbykIs there anything else for this topic or should we move on?20:32
godbyk[TOPIC] Feedback on project leader and editor in chief roles20:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Feedback on project leader and editor in chief roles20:32
MootBotLINK received:  http://typewith.me/GY2L5yJCUF20:32
godbykChrisWoollard: Would you like to lead the discussion on this topic?20:33
ChrisWoollardOkay then.20:33
ChrisWoollardThe about link lists the descriptions for each role.20:33
ChrisWoollardI have editted them. Is there anything missing?20:34
ChrisWoollardOr do you think we are happy with them?20:34
semioticroboticjust reading them now ... seem well-rounded enough to me20:34
ChrisWoollardAre we ready to advertise? Where should we advertise? Does anybody have suggestions for who may be appropriate?20:35
ChrisWoollardDoes annybody want one of the roles?20:35
c7pthe list is ok i think20:35
semioticroboticI'd contact a few podcasts, actually ... maybe the Ubuntu UK podcast or Full Circle podcast20:36
semioticroboticask them to perhaps announce the call for participants as a news item20:36
ChrisWoollardHello popey20:36
popeywe're recording the first uupc of season 4 on tuesday20:36
semioticroboticI figured that would rouse popey20:36
popeyplease let us know any announcements before then via email to podcast@ubuntu-uk.org :D20:36
godbykThanks, popey!20:37
c7pbefore that we have to be sure that there is work to be done and have it on todo list at least20:37
godbykWe'll also need to establish a process in case we have more than one person volunteer for a role.20:37
ChrisWoollardReally. I think we need those posts whatever20:37
ChrisWoollardSo, what actions do we have before tuesday?20:39
godbykWe need a contact point for applicants.20:39
c7ptask/todo list: http://typewith.me/6vGZcVmzIx20:40
godbykA process for interviewing and deciding who gets each role.20:40
semioticroboticdo we have a general email address for the project?20:40
semioticroboticwho monitors that?20:40
godbykAll that typical hiring process stuff.20:40
c7pgodbyk: can we make a form for this ?20:40
semioticroboticyes, all that fun stuff20:40
ChrisWoollardif not, I don't mind being a contact point20:40
godbykc7p: We could create a form, yeah.  But we'll need more than that.20:41
ChrisWoollardFull CV and a test?20:41
godbykChrisWoollard: We could have a single contact point or have them email the list or have them email the editors list or create a new email address <jobs@ubuntu-manual.org>, for example.20:41
ChrisWoollardWho controls mail accounts?20:42
semioticroboticso in other words, we've got options!20:42
godbykI can create email accounts.20:42
godbykChrisWoollard: If you can't, I'll make it so you can. :-)20:42
godbykI don't think a full CV is required, but I'm certainly interested in all the relevant experience they have.20:43
semioticroboticyes ... requiring a full CV might discourage some folks20:43
ChrisWoollardInterview notes http://typewith.me/pTIqM5oVnP20:44
semioticroboticWhen interested folks inquire, where do we send them?  Will the descriptions be posted anywhere?20:46
ChrisWoollardThe descriptions should be posted to the mailing list.20:47
godbykI think we can broadcast the descriptions, but it would be nice to have a web page to point them at.  The web page would contain the descriptions of the roles and tell them how to apply.20:47
ChrisWoollardMaybe I could wiki fi the descriptions20:47
semioticroboticright...if the announcement will be broadcast, it should contain a link for more inforamtion.  I can't imagine a news item that contains everything we have on that pad :)20:48
ChrisWoollardSo if we point them at a wiki page that contains everything. Unless somebody can add something to ubuntu-manual.org?20:49
godbykWe can add stuff to ubuntu-manual.org, too.20:49
c7pi prefer website20:50
semioticroboticwebsite is good ... keeps everythign central20:50
ChrisWoollardThat is dependant on who can edit it.20:50
godbykI think there's a UM website admins group or something like that.20:50
godbykThe website is in bzr.20:51
ChrisWoollardhow do updates get published?20:51
semioticroboticyikes ... gotta run, friends.  sorry I can't stay longer.  If anyone needs help writing or editing a radio spot (I have experience with this), feel free to email me to collaborate.20:51
godbykChrisWoollard: I run a bzr pull.  (It used to pull periodically on its own, but I may or may not have that disabled at the moment. I'll have to check.)20:51
c7psemioticrobotic ok see you :)20:52
godbyksemioticrobotic: Okay. Thanks for helping out today.20:52
ChrisWoollardOkay, that is a start.20:52
semioticroboticI'll catch the rest of the meeting in the minutes.  Take care.  \o20:52
ChrisWoollardI can write the descriptions / Interview requirements up if somebody can webify it and put it on the website?20:53
godbykChrisWoollard: Sure. I can do that.20:54
ChrisWoollardLovely, After the meeting I will prepare it and send it to you20:54
godbykChrisWoollard: If you want me to create an @ubuntu-manual.org email address, I can.  We can set up that address to forward to one or more other addresses, as well.20:55
godbyk[ACTION] ChrisWoollard will mark up the job descriptions and application process20:55
MootBotACTION received:  ChrisWoollard will mark up the job descriptions and application process20:55
ChrisWoollardjobs@ubuntu-manual.org would be good20:55
godbyk[ACTION] godbyk will post it to the ubuntu-manual.org site.20:55
MootBotACTION received:  godbyk will post it to the ubuntu-manual.org site.20:55
godbyk[ACTION] godbyk will create a jobs@ubuntu-manual.org email address to receive job applications20:56
MootBotACTION received:  godbyk will create a jobs@ubuntu-manual.org email address to receive job applications20:56
ChrisWoollardAfter it is on the site I will post details to popey20:56
godbyk[ACTION] ChrisWoollard will send the application details to popey20:57
MootBotACTION received:  ChrisWoollard will send the application details to popey20:57
c7pwhat else ?20:58
godbykOkay. Is there anything else we need to discuss on this topic?20:58
ChrisWoollardI don't think so.20:58
c7pso do I20:58
godbyk[TOPIC] Quickshot feedback20:58
MootBotNew Topic:  Quickshot feedback20:58
godbykI spoke with jenkins on IRC earlier this week for a few minutes.20:59
godbykBoth he and flan have been really busy with work lately and haven't had any time for Quickshot.20:59
godbykjenkins said that they would welcome help from other developers etc.20:59
ChrisWoollardShould we write a description for a quickshot developer?21:00
godbykWe'll need to create a list of the required screenshots for the Maverick edition so that the Quickshot server can be updated.21:00
c7pChrisWoollard: i think we should21:00
godbykI asked jenkins if he or flan could come up with a to do list that we could hand any new developers, but I haven't heard anything back on that yet.21:01
c7pcheck this http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13165&p=131608&21:01
godbykI'm not familiar enough with the status of Quickshot to know what's needed at the moment.21:01
godbykQuickshot itself is written in Python.21:01
c7pjenkins sent it to me or to ML (i don't rember) when i requested more information for quickshot programmers21:02
c7pdoes it help or not ?21:04
godbykA bit. It gives a nice overview of what they've worked on for the current version of Quickshot.21:04
godbykThe biggest issue I see is that I don't know what we'd tell any new QS developers if they showed up.21:05
godbykI don't know what needs to be done.21:05
c7pso we should ask more details from them so we can ensure that if any volunteers show up will be able to help21:06
godbykYes.  Unfortunately, I've done that and haven't gotten a response yet.21:07
c7pbefore that i don't think that the programmer for quickshot should be added to list for volunteers21:07
ChrisWoollardEven a brain dump would be more helpful than nothing21:07
godbykAgreed. On both counts.21:08
c7pChrisWoollard: sure but if we disappoint people with enthusiasm we harm project longterm21:08
godbykAt this point, I guess the only action item then is to continue to harass the Quickshot developers?21:09
c7pi guess so21:09
godbyk[ACTION] Continue to harass the Quickshot developers for a to do list and a list of skills required to continue development21:09
MootBotACTION received:  Continue to harass the Quickshot developers for a to do list and a list of skills required to continue development21:10
godbyk[TOPIC] Supporting the ePub format21:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Supporting the ePub format21:10
godbykWe've had a few requests for the manual in ePub format.21:10
ChrisWoollardIt was a question from the mailing list21:10
godbykConverting from LaTeX to anything other than PDF isn't terribly easy.21:11
godbykIf we want to support more formats (ePub, HTML, etc.), then I would recommend using docbook or some other source format.21:11
ChrisWoollardGodbyk, I e-mailed Dinda asking where I could find the docbook stuff they were working on so i could have a look21:11
ChrisWoollardI have not had a response yet.21:11
godbykThen converting that format to the various output formats (HTML, ePub, LaTeX -> PDF, etc.).21:12
godbykChrisWoollard: I haven't heard anything from anyone, either.21:12
godbykChrisWoollard: The toolchain she used for the earlier Ubuntu book used Apache FOP instead of LaTeX to generate PDFs.21:12
ChrisWoollardI will continue to ask.21:12
ChrisWoollardWhen I see her in irc on monday21:13
godbykDoes anyone have any thoughts or opinions on supporting other (non-PDF) output formats (such as HTML, ePub, etc.)?21:13
ChrisWoollardPersonally I would prefer to have docbook + latex21:13
godbykOr any thoughts on switching the source format to Docbook (or anything else)?21:13
ChrisWoollardI think it a good idea in an age of Kindles etc21:13
godbykThe idea appeals to me as well.21:14
ChrisWoollardIt is a lot of work21:14
c7pgodbyk i have a tool in mind if you are interested, i haven't tested though21:14
ChrisWoollardPlease share?21:14
* c7p just a moment to find the link 21:14
godbykI *think* that using docbook may simplify the translation process a bit, too, as it removes the po4a requirement.21:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/installing.html21:15
godbykI've seen pandoc, but haven't used it much yet, either.21:15
c7psorry check the about page21:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/21:15
godbykI don't think it'd take to long to actually convert our LaTeX source to Docbook (once we've established a style guide on which tags to use).21:16
godbykIs this something we'd be interested in doing for the Natty edition?21:17
c7pgodbyk: if you have time to handle it i think we should support it for Natty21:18
godbykOkay. I'll look into it a bit more then.21:18
godbyk[ACTION] godbyk to look into using Docbook as the source format21:18
MootBotACTION received:  godbyk to look into using Docbook as the source format21:18
godbyk[TOPIC] Translations21:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Translations21:18
godbykc7p: Your turn to lead the discussion again.21:18
c7ptranslations is a pain ...21:19
c7pthere is so much confusion among translators and also disappointment21:19
c7pall thiese happens because the content that is currently under development is available for translation21:20
godbykI thought that we used to only open up the frozen strings for translation.  Is that not true?21:21
c7pfor those who don't know if an editor or author remove a letter or add something to a paragraph the whole translation of it is lost21:21
c7pfrozen strings are the lucid e1 and e2 ?21:22
godbykYes. I think only e1 and e2 are frozen.21:22
ChrisWoollardboth should be frozen21:22
c7pyes but look https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/maverick/+translations here you can see that the maverick is available for translation21:23
godbykThat's odd.  We don't even have a .pot file in the maverick branch.21:24
ChrisWoollardI thought you deliveratly didn't do that21:24
c7pi don't know what happening :P but we should remove the option for translating maverick21:25
godbykYeah, that's odd. We'll have to look into that.21:25
c7pand under development editions also21:25
godbykThe translation import settings look different, too.  We didn't used to allow automatic importing of the translations because it caused problems.21:26
godbykIt'd be nice if we had a translations manager role, too.  To help deal with all the little translation problems that crop up.21:27
godbyk(That is, someone who knows a lot more about the translation process than me!)21:27
c7p:/ that's strange21:27
godbykBut I think we'll have to save that discussion for our next meeting.21:28
c7p:P i can take this role but until Summer i don't have much free time21:28
godbykI need to head out in a few minutes.  Do we have anything else on the agenda?21:28
ChrisWoollardPromotion Group?21:28
c7palthough there should be a post to ML for the role to see other candidates21:28
ChrisWoollardShall we defer that?21:28
godbykAh, yes.21:28
godbyk[TOPIC] Promotion group21:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Promotion group21:29
c7pah promotion group21:29
c7pwe need some people to work on promotion group21:29
c7pthis group would have to make the project known21:29
c7pthrough social media etc.21:29
godbykIn the past, I think that humpreybc handled most of the promotion (Facebook, Twitter, OMG, blogging, etc.).21:29
ChrisWoollardDo you mean "promoting the group" i.e. The manual Project?21:30
godbykI think that promoting the project is something that everyone can help with.21:30
c7pChrisWoollard: yes sorry i wasn't clear on that21:30
godbykHowever, we do probably need two or three people to help keep the Facebook page, Twittter feed, etc. up to date.21:30
ChrisWoollardwe have a twitter feed?21:31
c7pthat's should be the group's purpose21:31
godbykChrisWoollard: We do!21:31
godbykChrisWoollard: http://twitter.com/#!/TheUbuntuManual21:31
godbykAmusingly, the last thing posted to the Twitter feed was notice of Ben's abdication.21:32
ChrisWoollardOh yes, Apparently I am already a follower21:32
c7pgodbyk: do you know the passwords for these accounts ?21:32
ChrisWoollardWho was the account details?21:32
godbykI think I have them in an email someplace.21:33
ChrisWoollardI am too show again.21:33
c7pso we need people for managing our projects social network feeds21:34
godbykI'm not seeing the passwords in my email right off, but I'm sure he sent them.  I'll poke around some more later. If I can't find them, I'll email Ben.21:35
godbykIt sounds like we have a lot of roles to fill here and that there's a lot of work to be done.21:36
ChrisWoollardI don't mind having a go at that.21:36
godbykI'd recommend that we focus on finding an editor in chief and a project leader (though I don't like the name of that position as much) during the next few weeks.21:36
ChrisWoollardIt can't be that hard to post more than we do at the moment21:36
godbykThen we can start filling in some of these other roles as we ramp up work on releasing the maverick edition and start on the natty edition.21:37
ChrisWoollardOkay, fair enough21:37
godbykChrisWoollard: I'll forward you the account info when I find it.21:37
godbykJust in case I get hit by a bus or something.21:37
ChrisWoollardI hope not.21:38
godbyk[ACTION] Any other business21:38
MootBotACTION received:  Any other business21:38
godbykIs there any other business that we need to attend to in this meeting?21:38
ChrisWoollardThere are no erathquakes in your part of the world are there?21:38
ChrisWoollardJust this21:38
ChrisWoollardInfo Only - The style guide is now here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-of-style so can be used with other projects (e.g. The Ubuntu Developer Manual).21:38
godbykI would suggest that we try to establish another meeting about two weeks from now to see how the hiring process is going and to touch base on some of these other issues.21:38
godbykNo earthquakes here. Just tornadoes.  But they won't be around for another few months. :)21:39
ChrisWoollardTwo weeks is good.21:39
godbykAh, good.21:39
godbykWe'll need to update the style guide as we move forward, too.21:39
ChrisWoollardIf you want I can do the next meeting organising21:40
c7pI have to say something regarding "improvement of manual"21:40
godbykSounds like a plan.21:40
godbykc7p: Go ahead.21:40
c7pwe were having a discussion for making the book smaller ages ago :P21:40
c7pand it was on todo list for maverick but nevermind we are planing for natty21:41
ChrisWoollardThat was to get us on the relases cd21:41
ChrisWoollardI don't think we are anywhere near that at the moment21:42
c7pyou are right21:42
ChrisWoollardI would defer that until we have our house in order21:42
ChrisWoollardand proved we can deliver21:42
godbykAs far as getting on the CD, I think that generating a docbook (or mallard) version would be a better option there because it'll integrate into the regular help system.21:42
godbykAnd yes, I think that we should demonstrate we can generate releases regularly and on time before we worry about the CDs.21:43
godbyk(We're typically not releasing until after the ISOs are generated anyway.)21:43
godbykAny other final thoughts?21:44
c7pcan we have a program for downloading UM on ubuntu official repos ?21:44
ChrisWoollardWe probably need to get it packaged21:45
godbykc7p: We'll have to explore that again.  I know others have looked in the past, but there were some issues. (I don't recall the details now.)21:45
ChrisWoollardBefore anybody vanished can ve have a look at the minutes and make any appropriate changes21:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://typewith.me/ToAmust0XX21:46
godbykChrisWoollard: I can take a look at it in about an hour. I have to run off to another meeting now.21:46
godbykWhat I've seen so far looks good, though.21:46
c7pit's ok21:47
godbykI hereby declare this meeting of the Ubuntu Manual Project adjourned!21:47
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:47.21:47
c7plist of all projects pads: http://typewith.me/OzNMJ6gyKk21:47
godbykCan we specify the pad URL names when we create new pads (like we did with the UK pads)?  Makes it a little easier to track.21:48
ChrisWoollardWe could just use pad.ubuntu-uk.org21:48
godbykI'm not that picky, really.21:49
c7pi can't specify them :/ idk where you are given the option21:49
ChrisWoollardwiith pad.ubuntu-uk.org you can just type your own name after the /21:50
c7pwe forgot   **ACTION meeting in two weeks , i add it to pad21:51
ChrisWoollarde.g http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/MyTestpad21:51
c7pChrisWoollard: your right -_- how stupid am i ....21:51
ChrisWoollardok, thanks21:51
* ChrisWoollard pretends not to have noticed anything.21:51
c7pnice to talking with you guys, i g2g21:56
c7pi will create a poll for next meeting and i will send you the link21:56
c7pcya have a nice day21:57
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie

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