
elkytonyyarusso, your face is a stupid island :P00:00
elkybazhang, lolcatz i remember from #defocus, which is never a good thing.00:02
bazhangelky, thats lolcat , someone else00:02
elkysure about that? Not seeming all that different00:03
bazhangyep. that was my first reaction, they were both active00:04
bazhangthe original "lolcat" makes zero sense00:04
rwwniko: you're about to get a bunch of highlights04:07
rwweveryone else: floodbot bans older than a week old are getting cleaned out in a few minutes04:07
Madpilotin #u?04:07
Madpilotmoderately quiet there, so not a bad time to do it.04:08
rwwfyi, unless someone comes up with a better plan, this is going to be a weekly occurance from now on. Floodbots have a lot of bans, and nobody reviews them, so...04:14
Madpilotuntil we get some way to auto-expire bans, sounds like a plan.04:15
rwwthrowing eir in there and autoexpiring them would be <304:16
MadpilotI'd love to be able to set, say, a 48hr or 7 day or whatever auto-expire on a ban04:16
rwwditto. I know we're all about the "come in -ops and have talking time before removal" here, but 90% of the bans I set get removed because I don't want to be the king of the banlist and the users probably aren't coming back, not because the users drop by here.04:17
tonyyarussorww: +abillion from me.04:18
tonyyarussoautoexpiry would make me very happy.04:18
tonyyarussorww: I'd like to be able to say "Assume my bans are for 24 hours unless instructed otherwise."04:19
tonyyarussoWhether "instructed otherwise" means shorter or longer.04:19
tonyyarussoIt'd be awesome if each operator could define their own default as well, since some people ban for smaller things, but remove them sooner, while others only bother banning for extremes, that then deserve long periods.04:20
Madpilotthat'd be useful04:21
Madpilot...and my banlist has it's second-ever occupant. root-tard or whatever it calls itself just attempted PM spam.04:22
rww(btw, if anyone isn't subscribed to the IRCC agenda page, this is a topic for their next meeting)04:22
rwwMadpilot: yeah, known troll, banned from all the core channels by IRC Council.04:23
rwwMadpilot: current resident of the club04:23
Madpilotyeah, I recognized the nick from mailing list discussion. How soon can we get Freenode to shut them down, anyway?04:24
Madpilotrunning a channel dedicated solely to trolling another namespace's ops has to violate Freenode's ToS in some way? I hope?04:24
tonyyarussoI think the only way for *us* to do anything about it would be if Canonical's legal department got involved, but I'd concur with the amazement that Freenode hasn't decided to boot them all on their own.04:25
Madpilotspecifically, http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#offtopic "These channels should not be used as platforms for flaming and trolling."04:45
Madpilotfurther, "You may not register such a channel on freenode without accepting these policies."04:45
Madpilotand in another section, further down, "We expect all members of the community to treat other community members with respect and reserve the right to terminate anyones access to our services should they be found to be in breach of policy. "04:47
MadpilotSo, yeah.04:47
MadpilotDear Freenode, please follow your own policies and do the obvious.04:47
bazhangcodereaper, hi05:10
bazhangnothing via bansearch that I can see05:23
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bazhangCptUnderpants, hello05:48
CptUnderpantsdo you handel techianl issues06:07
bazhang#ubuntu for that. this is for channel issues06:08
CptUnderpantssorry bout this06:08
bazhangno worries06:08
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=== CptUnderpantsche is now known as coderepaer
rwwMadpilot: 7% of lines in #ubuntu-offtopic are AtomicSpark O_O06:29
Madpilotrww, over what time period?06:29
rwwsince Jan 1st06:29
MadpilotLord Dog06:29
Madpilotdude's going to get RSI just from -offtopic06:29
rww( http://rww.name/pisg/ubuntu-offtopic-lines.html )06:30
rwwnah. He's been like this on and off for years. He'll get bored eventually and be quieter for a few months :\06:30
Madpilot65,000 words for AtomicSpark, and the next highest wordcount was 39,000? am I reading that Big Numbers section right?06:32
rwwI note that he also has almost twice as many lines as the second highest person06:32
rwwwhich... I would care more if he spent the whole time talking about flashlights.06:33
* Madpilot notes that certain ops are kind of in those proverbial glass houses when it comes to odd stats in -offtopic... :)06:34
rwwI ran the numbers. If I don't talk in -ot until around May, I'll be out of the top 25 :<06:35
Madpilotbest of luck with that06:35
Madpilotof course, it's your stats app. "tweaks" could be applied...06:36
tonyyarussoIf we assume that AtomicSpark spends 8 hours sleeping, eating, and otherwise indisposed, he has spoken a line in -ot every 5 waking minutes of the year so far.06:36
rwwMadpilot: that would be unethical :(06:36
Madpilotwe could mute you until May sometime, then :)06:37
rwwMadpilot: I did consider that, yes ;)06:38
Madpilotactually, would +q stick to an op? +b doesn't, afaik06:38
rww+q and +b don't stick if you're currently opped in the channel, and +b can be defeated with /msg chanserv invite06:38
rwwbut if I were addicted enough to need +q'ing, I'd just remove the +q :P06:38
Madpilotwell, yes. hmm.06:39
rwwalso, if talking too much in a channel is bad, +qing me in here would seem to be smarter >.> <.< >.<06:40
MadpilotTZ is GMT/Zulu on your stats page, I take it?06:41
Madpilotrww, your #ubuntu stats page is trying to claim there isn't a /topic there...06:48
rwwMadpilot: the topic hasn't been set since before Jan 1st.06:50
rwwwas last set in December06:50
Madpilotah, so.06:50
Madpilotyour stats scraper only notices topics when they change, then06:51
MadpilotI see a few of our trolls get their 15 seconds of fame... mostly in the "potty mouth" category...06:59
elkyI clearly don't talk enough rubbish.07:11
elkyThe damned bot has more lines than me!07:11
tonyyarussoelky: indeed - you should rubbish mre.07:13
rwwubottu: tell AtomicSpark about enter07:21
tonyyarussoubottu: tell AtomicSpark about getting a hobby07:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:21
Madpilottonyyarusso, the trouble is he thinks he has one...07:32
rwwthe hobby is us :(07:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, tensorpudding said: ubottu random is truly random and not biased towards ubuntu09:34
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Niglop appears to be abusive - 4)11:54
bazhangsniffle seems less than helpful12:42
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bazhangcdbs, you may be confusing apt with aptitude16:03
cdbsbazhang: I am not16:03
cdbsbazhang: check out the man page, please16:03
bazhanghe's on 8.0416:03
bazhangno need16:03
cdbsbazhang: I hope I was clear16:05
cdbsbazhang: the manpage clearly states the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt-get install16:05
cdbsbazhang: Look at it PLEASE!16:05
bazhang8.04 does not have that version16:05
cdbsbazhang: he's using 10.04, not 8.0416:06
cdbsokay, I g2g, bye16:07
bazhang<MrGando> Oh I'm wrong I'm in 8.04 server16:08
bazhang<MrGando> Any ideas about how can I get apt-get 0.8.1 running16:09
bazhang info apt hardy16:10
bazhang<ubottu> apt (source: apt): Advanced front-end for dpkg. In component main, is important. Version 0.7.9ubuntu17.2 (hardy), package size 1612 kB, installed size 5200 kB16:10
bazhangikonia, actually most torrent client support magnet links such as transmission17:44
ikoniareally, documetnation must be old, does ktorrent support it ?17:44
bazhangnot sure, not used it in ages17:44
ikoniait does from ktorrent 417:45
bazhanghttp://ktorrent.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Does_KTorrent_support_magnet_links.3F yep since 4.017:45
ikonia@mark #ubuntu UBXUER use of bad language and a real name of "Fucking Jew Face"18:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:18
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=== badzhang is now known as bazhang
bazhangis it wrong to wonder what laptop he was going to toss?23:55

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