=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk [09:55] hi, gnome pkg get auto exceptions for feature freeze right? === Guest61593 is now known as ogra === ogra is now known as Guest99902 === Guest99902 is now known as ogra_ [18:26] Did anyone re-invoke DealingWithCrisis after wgrant discovered more corrupted builds? [18:26] cjwatson, skaet_: ^^^ ? [18:27] It's not clear to me it's being addressed (it may be, dunno). [18:28] it's not a crisis (the impact is fairly low, according to wgrant), but the buildds for affected arches are on manual until sysadmins reappear from plane flights etc. [18:29] the build queues were empty when we went onto manual, so I don't think this should be too huge a problem [18:31] OK. [18:32] I guess my major concer was there was an "it's over" email sent and with no followup when it wasn't. [18:32] concer/concern [18:33] Also any idea of the timeline for correction? We were looking at doing a qt4-x11 upload this weekend to get ready for Alpha 3. [18:33] you should upload. I'm hoping today - the conjecture is that some of the buildd processes just weren't restarted with the fixed umask [18:34] wgrant turned them all off just to be safe. [18:50] OK. We're waiting on a local armel test build to make sure, so sometime today ... [19:11] ScottK: so speaking of qt4-x11, I think there's a general agreement that the package should switch from opengl to gles2 on armel; this would require a freeze exception, and will break a certain number of opengl-using reverse-dependencies as detailed in bug #707794 (on armel only); if I were to push a patch for that, would that be of interest for alpha3? [19:11] Launchpad bug 707794 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "libqt4-opengl on armel should be compiled with OpenGL ES 2.x support (affects: 1) (heat: 119)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/707794 [19:13] slangasek: I think python-qt4 gets entangled with opengl too. That could have a number of knock on impacts as well. [19:13] I think we want to switch, but I'm slightly nervous about do we fully understand the impacts. [19:15] if I manage to quantify that risk? [19:16] And it's not insane, yes. Would you please join us in #kubuntu-devel as we're coordinating the next qt4-x11 upload there. [19:16] (only three reverse-deps to python-qt4-gl in the archive, fwiw) [19:17] Right, but it also means changes to python-qt4 for armel to build it there. [19:18] does it? That surprises me [19:19] python-qt4 only build-depends on libqt4-opengl-dev, not directly on any of the mesa libraries, and switching to gles2 isn't supposed to break ABI for qt4-opengl [19:19] OK. [19:19] So maybe it's fine then. [19:20] I can certainly check it out here [19:20] just to be sure [22:23] 10:55 < bigon> hi, gnome pkg get auto exceptions for feature freeze right?